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Addition to Henry J. Cadbury papers
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Henry Cadbury (1883-1974), son of Joel and Anna Kaign Cadbury and a descendant of John Bartram, was a Quaker and member of Twelfth Street Monthly Meeting in Philadelphia. He received a B.A. from Haverford College in classics and philosophy in 1903 where he served as editor-in-chief of the Haverfordian in his senior year, was involved in the YMCA, tennis club, student newspaper, music club and student government. He was elected to Phi Beta Kappa and graduated with honors. He received an M.A. in 1904 and Ph.D. from Harvard University in 1914. His doctoral dissertation done under George Foot Moore and James Hardy Ropes was "The Style and Literary Method of Luke." In expanded form this was published as The Making of Luke-Acts (1927). He taught Latin and history at Westtown School, 1905-08 and Greek and biblical literature at Haverford, 1910-19. In his early years at Harvard (1919-1920 and 1921-22), Cadbury was part of the English department, respectively as Assistant and as Instructor. From 1921-26 he served as Assistant Professor of New Testament.
"The alternative to war is not inaction and cowardice; it is the irresistible and constructive power of goodwill," a quote from Cadbury, illustrates an important tenet of his philosophy. In the summer of 1920, he inspected the Friends' feeding centers in Germany for a million German children. Together with Kirsopp Lake, Cadbury produced volumes IV and V of The Acts of the Apostles (1933) devoted to commentary and intricate interrelated notes. Cadbury continued to publish "Lexical Notes on Luke-Acts" throughout his life, which in 1955 was published in The Book of Acts in History.
In 1926, when the union of Andover and Harvard came to a close, Cadbury accepted a professorship in biblical literature at Bryn Mawr College which he held until 1934 when he returned to Harvard as Hollis Professor of Divinity and a "voting member" of the Department of Classics. Cadbury's Lowell lectures were published as The Peril of Modernizing Jesus (1937) the Shafer lectures at Yale became Jesus: What Manner of Man (1947). Beginning in 1930, Cadbury prepared the American Revised Version of the Bible of 1946 along with Dr. Robert Pfeiffer and Dean Willard Sperry.
In 1954, after his retirement from Harvard, Cadbury agreed to spend two years living and lecturing at Pendle Hill, the adult Quaker study center in Wallingford, Pa. Cadbury was an historian and editor of the Quaker tradition, writing on, editing or re-editing the "literary remains" of those such as George Fox, Robert Barclay, William Edmundson, William Penn, John Woolman, John Hepburn, Cyrus Pringle and many other Quakers, both European and American.
From 1938, Cadbury served as Director of the Andover Harvard Library. Cadbury wrote on the topics of peace, social justice and the state within a Quaker context. He was a founder (in 1917) and chair of the American Friends Service Committee from 1928-1934 and 1944-60 and honorary chair, 1960-1974. His acceptance speech for the Nobel Prize, in the name of the American Friends Service Committee in 1947 was "Quakers and Peace."
Cadbury was a member and officer in a wide range of societies and bodies: the American Association of University Professors (AAUP), Quaker and other historical societies, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS); American Philosophia Society (APS). He was secretary of the American Schools for Oriental Research, a founder of the Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas; secretary and president of the Society for Biblical Research.
Married to Lydia Brown Cadbury in 1916, they both ran the Backlog Camp for Friends and friends. Together they were prominent in the "consolidation" (reunification?) of Cambridge Friends Meeting. Henry Cadbury was the author of 10 books, the last three published when he was 88 years old. He received an honorary degree from Haverford in 1933, and served as chair of the Board of Trustees at Bryn Mawr College for 22 years. He helped establish relief activities in France, Germany, Russia, Poland, Serbia, Hungary and Austria during WW I. In his latter years, he maintained a close relationship with Haverford College. Beginning in 1954 until 1963, HJC taught Quakerism at Haverford. In 1963 he gave the Mary Farnum Brown Library Lectures which were published under the title The Eclipse of the Historical Jesus. He received six honorary degrees.
(Information from obituary notices and articles about Henry Cadbury)
This collection of materials by and about Henry Cadbury (1883-1974) contains information about his extended family, including the Cadbury, Head, Kaign, Shinn, Warder families consisting of charts and notes. Biographically, there is information on his academic degrees and awards and miscellaneous materials, such as his passports, his certificate of identity as Relief Commissioner for the American Friends Service Committee, ca. 1920, and biographical sketches of him as well as memorial minutes at the time of his death.
The correspondence series opens with letters written by Cadbury as a youth beginning in 1892, then as a college and graduate student and newly-minted teacher to his family. A number of letters were written while he was on vacation in Switzerland in 1912. A significant group of letters are from his time as Relief Commissioner for the A.F.S.C. in Germany in 1920, reporting on the work and AFSC personnel involved in relief operations, as well as on people he met. By this time, his letters were also directed to his wife of four years, Lydia Caroline Brown Cadbury. The period of his letter writing jumps to 1940 and then spans until his death in 1974. The section of correspondence containing letters written to Henry Cadbury is arranged alphabetically and includes a group of very full letters from Lydia Cadbury, as well as by a number of people at Haverford College on library issues and from Pres. John Coleman wishing to celebrate his 93rd birthday at the college. While there are many other letter writers, some names include: Anna Brinton, Howard Brinton, John Nickalls, Norman Penney and Douglas Steere.
There is a small group of diaries (1896-1898), notes on topics of interest to Cadbury and text for a few speeches he made between 1944-1974, and the text of lectures he gave at Pendle Hill, an adult study center in Wallingford, Pa. in 1954. The greatest part of this collection includes writings by Henry Cadbury, including annotated galleys and page proofs for "The Book of Acts in History," his "History of Quakers in Jamaica" and "Negro Membership in the Society of Friends," "New Light from Old Scrolls" from his work on the Dead Sea scrolls and others.
Another series is devoted to materials collected by Margaret Hope Bacon toward her biography of Henry Cadbury, "Let This Life Speak."
Another series consists of photographs, primarily of Cadbury from youth to old age, as well as of members of his family, and groups of which he as a part, such as Westtown School and Haverford College, and a sizable number taken during his vacation in Switzerland in 1912. There are also photographs of other Cadbury family members, as well as members of the Balderston, Brown, Canby, Carter, Gibbins, Roudolph, Shinn, Shipley, Troth and Winterbottom families.
The collection concludes with an alphabetized list of writers of letters of sympathy on the death of Henry Cadbury to Lydia Cadbury in 1974-75.
Accession #s 3122, 3727, 4616, 5111, 5705
Processing history is unknown. Reboxed and finding aid updated in April 2022 by Sakina Gulamhusein.
- Cadbury, Henry J. (Henry Joel), 1883-1974
- Cadbury, Lydia Caroline Brown, 1889-1978
- Cadbury family
- Shinn family
- Coleman, John Royston
- Brinton, Anna Cox
- Brinton, Howard Haines, 1884-1973
- Nickalls, John L.
- Penney, Norman
- Steere, Douglas V. (Douglas Van), 1901-1995
- Brown family
- Carter family
- Gibbins family
- Shipley family
- American Friends Service Committee
- Harvard University
- Haverford College -- History
- Pendle Hill (School: Wallingford, Pa.)
- Haverford College
- Westtown Boarding School
- Food relief -- Germany
- Society of Friends -- War relief and reconstruction
- Society of Friends -- Jamaica
- Society of Friends -- West Indies
- Passports
- Vacations -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia -- 19th century
- Quakers -- Switzerland
- Quakers -- Germany
- International relief -- Germany
- International relief
- International relief -- Europe
- Academic writing
- Publisher
- Haverford College Quaker & Special Collections
- Access Restrictions
The collection is open for research use.
- Use Restrictions
Standard Federal Copyright Laws Apply (U.S. Title 17).
Collection Inventory
Photographs and text on receipt by HJC of the honorary degree of Doctor of Humane Letters at Earlham College, June 11, 1967. Signed by Pres. Landrum Bolling. 1 album
Including:Haverford College grades, 1899? Award of Doctor of Divinity at Glasgow University, 1937, Program, Order of Ceremony, Letters, Luncheon and program Certificate of Distinguished Service for preparation of Revised Standard Version Bible from National Council of Churches, 1957 Award of Merit from William Penn Charter School Alumni Society, 1957 Doctor of Humane Letters from Howard University, 1959 6/15, Commencement program, Citation, Trustee dinner and program, Photograph of HJC with W. Stuart Nelson Honorary board membership from South Jersey Peace Center, 1969 Pins
Materials include: Cadbury, Head, Kaign, Shinn, Warder family charts, including notes on the Cadbury family tree and 17th century English Cadburys Pedigrees Chronologies of events Reflections, letters, obituaries on the death of Emma Cadbury
Passports; courses HJC took at Harvard; information on the Cadbury family in England; HJC's notes on the manifestations of his depression; list of honorary degrees HJC received; courses in the graduate program in religion at Temple University, 1963-66 when HJC taught there; HJC birth certificate Reminiscence by Morton Enslin on the last class taught by HJC at Pendle Hill; Joy in Living / HJC; BMC memorial minute for HJC prepared by J. Edgar Rhoads; Biographical sketch of HJC by EBB; memorial minute by the Revised Standard Version Bible Committee; memorial minute by Friends Histor ical Association; memorial minute by Edmund Spaeth of Bryn Mawr College and other memorials or obituaries Certificate of identity for HJC as Relie f Commissioner for the American Friends Service Committee, n.d. signed by Clarence Pickett et al; living expenses calculated by HJC for the year 1916-17; royalties for 3 HJC books, 1969-73; request by Haverford College for HJC papers in Quaker Life, Dec., 1974; Business cards for HJC and LCC; radio program on "Christianity and Politics," including HJC, n.d.; two short biographica l sketches of HJC by Barrow Cadbury and E.M. Cadbury; birthday greetings for HJC from Central Philadelphia Monthly Meeting written as a short play about the many hats HJC wears; greetings to HJC from attendees at Sigtuna, Sweden in 1974
A history by Caroline Nicholson Jacob [1965?] of the Jacob Family in England, Ireland and America. 54 p.
These letters are to his family and include four from Haverford College. In one of these two, he mentions Rufus Jones speaking of spiritual hunger and a cricket game; in another, of playing tennis with W[illiam] P[yle] Philips
These letters were written while at Harvard Graduate School and are to his family. The leaves are numbered consecutively to 108. HJC reports from his first lecture on philosophy by Dr. Palmer, and further with descriptions of classes, coursework and buildings, as well as sports (tennis, cricket, club swinging), music (mandolin), attending religious services, writing his thesis (Sophocles and Matthew Arnold) friends and entertainment and daily life. A few papers have been laid in. In between leaves 36 and 37, e.g., is a letter announcing the award of first prize to HJC in the New Testament Greek examination Highlights include: To Emma. Cambridge [MA], 1904 2/21. [has been offered a position in the University School, Chicago, to teach Classics and ancient history with an annual salary of $1200, but HJC will not apply for it at once and refers to potential job offer from William Wickersham at Westtown]
These are letters to his family, beginning with his first days in Chicago to take up his new teaching position at University Latin School, giving specifics about classes and his own work for them, describing the appearance of his boarding house rooms and the various people who live in them; also attending Meeting, Bible class, daily life, playing tennis and football, Friends and friends. In September of 1905, his letters describe his teaching duties at Westtown, as well as his spare time. The letters show his diligence as a teacher, as well as his thoughtfulness as a family member and commitment as a Quaker. Highlights include: To family. Chicago, IL, 1904 10/2. [description of day and courses he teaches, and further description of the house in which he is living, as well as playing tennis with Guy] To family. Chicago, IL, 1904 11/27. [trip to St. Louis and sights taken in] To family. Chicago, IL, 1905 2/5. [although a student has criticized his teaching, HJC believes he can learn from it] To family. Chicago IL, 1905 3/12. [believes he could handle a job at Westtown, with a load lighter than the one he currently has, but wonders whether he could "overmaster its narrowing influence"; refers to death of John W. Rowntree] with this letter is one from William Wichersham offering HJC a job teaching Latin, possibly French, at Westtown while another teacher is on leave, and a follow-up letter explaining further his duties; HJC did accept the job
The 1912 letters were written to family, including Rufus Jones, while on a trip to Switzerland where HJC vacationed in the Alps. Highlights include: To Mother. Valais, Switzerland. 1912 9/12. [while waiting for weather to clear, looks back and reflects on his visit to Jordans and Kendal in England and the latter's significance to Quakerism where he met Violet Hodgkin and Neave Brayshaw]
These are letters primarily from Germany to report on the work and AFSC personnel involved in relief operations, as well as people he met (including Rufus Jones and Wilbur Thomas); trip to London to attend the All-Friends Conference and give a talk and then to Jordans for Young Friends Conference in August 1920. At least in part, they are written as a diary and meant to be retained To Lydia. On board SS Rotterdam, 1920 6/10. [after conversation with Wilbur Thomas and Rufus Jones, believes he is being sent to Germany to bring back understanding of what is being done and what should be done in German relief work. Hoover intends to give Friends relief work in Austria and Poland and Germany to aid 1.5 million children] To Lydia. Berlin, 1920 6/30. [reports on various people involved in relief work] To Lydia. Leipzig, 1920 7/13. [in a discussion with a lecturer, Peters, who theorizes that the Germans will solve the world's economic problems and will rule the world, given that the West has no more power; as well, Germany needs Quakerism]
In the summer of 1940, HJC spent that August with AFSC and he wrote frequently to his daughter, Elizabeth, and to Lydia, on various family events. In the section of n.d. letters are a number of letters from HJC to editors of Friends periodicals on a variety of Quaker topics. Some letters are also written by LCC. Highlights include: To Elizabeth [Jones]. Cambridge, 1947 12/20. [refers to and describes trip to Oslo and events relating to award of Nobel Prize to AFSC, noting that representatives of Russia were not present] To Arthur Mekeel. Cambridge, Mass., n. y.]12/17 and 5/22. [comments re Mekeel's dissertation on Quakers and the American Revolution] To Elizabeth. On board S.S. Deutschland, n.y. 6/1. [en route to Glasgow via England] To Rachel King. Cambridge, Mass., n.y. 6/8. [asks for King's opinion on the extent of the meaning of the light within, and whether it was protective of others'] To Keiser. Haverford, Pa., n.y. 2/3. [re Lincoln's Quaker ancestry] To editor of Quaker Life. N.p., n.d. [re Quakerism in Jamaica]
These are primarily Christmas/New Year's greetings across years, but also notices of events held at their home, including a social event to meet Anna J. Haines
A number of the letters written by Cadbury family members were written to HJC when he was in England and Portugal in Jan. and Feb., 1941 Letter writers include: A Caroline Allinson, Paul Allen, AFSC (Louis Schneider), Andover Theological Seminary (John Ratner), B Joshua L. Bailey Jr., Amos Bilder, Gregor Berstein, John Bleibe?, Beatrice Borchardt, Boxton University (Jane Newhall), Day Bradley, William Braithwaite, Wilbert Braxton, A. Neave Brayshaw, Anna Brinton, Howard Brinton, Anna H. Brown, Bryn Mawr College (Marty Pine, Phyllis Lachs, Mary Patterson) C Allis Cadbury?, Anna K. Cadbury, Ben Cadbury, Chris Cadbury, Elizabeth Cadbury, Emma Cadbury, Joel Cadbury, Lucy Cadbury, Lydia Cadbury, Paul Cadbury, William A. Cadbury, Clarissa Cooper, Samuel Cooper, Wilmer Cooper, Herman Cope Highlights include: AFSC (Louis Schneider) to LCC. Philadelphia, Pa., 1974 11/5. [re minute of appreciation for HJC] Andover Theological Seminary (John Ratner, acting pres.). Cambridge, MA, 1919 3/5. [invites HJC to come to Andover as New Testament lecturer for 1919-20 Bailey, Joshua L. Jr. 1974 9/10. [re scion of Treaty elm at Haverford College] Berstein, Gregor. N.p., n.d. [gratitude for sponsorship by Cadburys of his relatives to come to USA] Brinton, Anna. Wallingford, Pa., [1957]. [praise for HJC's Swarthmore Lecture, but with certain suggestions] Brinton, Howard.. [Wallingford, Pa., 1957]. [praise for HJC's Swarthmore Lecture, but with certain suggestions] Bryn Mawr College (Marty Pine, Phyllis Lachs). Bryn Mawr, Pa., 1973. 2 items. [re Constance Collier, the first HJC Fellow at BMC] Cadbury, Anna K. 1879 and 1915. 2 items. (the first letter is to her brother). [re death of Mary Anna Brown; pictures of LLC] Cadbury, Elizabeth. 1941 1/24. [attending last movie made in free France; HJC remark about Kitty Foyle; lots of home news and her own take on various issues] Cadbury, Emma. 1941. 2 items. [has seen Rufus Jones; Douglas Steere returning to Haverford to take up some of Thomas Kelly's teaching load; lots of news about AFSC-related people] Cadbury, Lydia. 1940-1941, 1972 and n.d. ca. 20 items. [very full letters written to HJC while he was in Lisbon, England, Bermuda and other places with a great deal of personal news, many Quakers mentioned, committee meetings and many opinions; also: 1/12/1940: article in Sat. Eve. Post about occupied Norway and about other published articles; 12/14/1940: attending FOR meeting; 1/14/1940: Burton Fowler, who is not a Friend, is made head of Germantown Friends School and will probably take it into war; [1941]: Quarterly Meeting having contingents of evangelicals and non-evangelicals; 2.19/1941: attends All-Florida Quaker picnic; These is an undated postcard when daughter Winifred was a baby, and in 1972 postcard accepting birthday wishes when Winifred was 46 and referring to a speech by HJC at Harvard] Cadbury, Lucy to Cousins . Wales, 1941 5/26. [in addition to description of her husband's heart attack and slow recovery, she mentions that American Friends may not fully understand how the Nazis are depriving people of their freedom and creating suffering] Cadbury, William A. Birmingham [Eng.], 1943 and n.d. 5 items. [7/5/1942: HJC illness and sending family booklets;1943: distribution of family letters and work on Cadbury genealogy; reference to William Warder Cadbury in China] Cooper, Clarissa and Samuel. 1971-1972 2 items. [on Quaker perspective regarding insurance] Cooper, Wilmer. 1971 12/29. [Wilburite Friends testimony on insurance] Cope, Herman C. 1932 2/25. [on the matter of opening Westtown School to nonFriends]
Letter writers include: D W. D. Danes, Joel Disher, E Helen Eckhardt, J. Passmore Elkinton, Leif Eng-Olofsson, Episcopal Theological (J.T. Addison), Eldon Epp, F The Friend (Hubert Peet), Friends Book Centre, Friends Council on Education (Abby Waring), Friends Intelligencer (Sue Yerkes), Friends Journal (Mildred Purnell, Jim Lenhart), Friends United Press (Earl Prignitz), G George School (Natalie Burrows), Olive Goodbody, Gordon Divinity School (Roger Nicole), Robert Grant, H Diana Hardman, Harvard U. Press (Thos. J. Wilson), M. Harvey, Haverford College (John R. Coleman, Thomas Drake and Edwin Bronner), J. Russell Hayes, Muriel Hicks, William W. Hinshaw, J Orasmyn Junket, Piet Kappers, John Knox, Homer Jack, Barbara Jacobson, Meredith Johnson, Rufus Jones, K David K-, Sarah Knight, Highlights include: Disher, Joel. San Jose, Cal., 1962 10/18. [believes Thomas Denham is key figure in the making of Benjamin Franklin] Elkinton, J. Passmore. Philadelphia, 1947 2/27. [recalls the moment when Americans through the AFSC became a part of relief work in China through the Friends Ambulance Unit] Eng-Olofsson, Leif. Lund, Sweden, 1953 8/10. [his doctoral thesis is critical of the doctrine of the Inner Light, but more that early Quakers were more based on theories of their time Episcopal Theological School (J.T. Addison). Cambridge Ma, 1926 2/13. [vote of the faculty extending thanks to HJC for help over the last two years] Friends Council on Education (Abby Waring). 1974 3/23. [asks if she may come to interview HJC for making available to other schools interested in exploring Quakerism. There are 5 Quakers whom they will interview for this project] Friends Journal (Jim Lenhart). 1974 9/? [HJCwrites about his article on George Fox and women's liberation] Goodbody, Olive. N. p., n.d. [interested that HJC wants to publish account of Joseph Gill's visits to America and her research issue] Grant, Robert. Randolph, NH, 1954 9/10. [gratitude for HJC's teaching and for his published work, esp. Luke-Acts] Hardman, H. Diana. Washington, D.C. [re Holdsworth's Gulielma] Harvard University Press (Thomas Wilson). Cambridge, Ma., 1955 4/4. [encloses copy of HJC's report on the Bundy manuscript for him to prepare a review of the book] Harvey, Margaret. Essex, [Eng], [1956-7?] [importance of HJC's lecture to the understanding of present-day Quakerism in England; did HJC suffer a loss of faith when he had his "breakdown?"] Haverford College (Thomas Drake, Edwin Bronner, John Coleman). 1960-66. ca. 20 items. [various library issues, including thanks to HJC for gifts of books, answering his queries Haverford College (John R. Coleman). Haverford, Pa., 1973 9/8. [Haverford regards HJC as one of its favorite living graduates and would like to celebrate his 90th birthday in the Quaker Collection of the college with a talk by him about his years as a student and instructor at the college] Hayes, J. Russell. Swarthmore, Pa., ?/2/15. [re Anthony Benezet] Hinshaw, William Wade. Washington, D.C., n.d. [re Meetings in N.C., Va., Md. And elsewhere] Jack, Homer A. London, n.y. 8/17. [proposed peace conference will be held because of the crisis in Berlin, and hopes HJC can attend] Jacobson, Barbara. New Hope, PA., n.y. 9/18. [invites HJC to speak to their meeting, Wrightstown] Jones, Rufus. Haverford, Pa., n.y. 5/18. [corrects HJC on his article on "Equestrian Quakerism" (which appeared as one of HJC's "Now and Then" columns) in which HJC states Robert Spence etchings never show Goerge Fox on horseback, but indeed there is one] Junket, Orasmyn. 1821 8/25. [copy of handwritten will] Knight, Sarah. Somerton, Pa., 1916 2/18. Note and 2 photos of people who "tramped" around Haverford, Pa. in 1915.
Note: Two items at the end of the S-Z section are a fragment with no name and firstname only letter Letter writers include: L P. Laithwaite, Mary Layman, Joseph Lippincott M G. H. MacGregor, Macmillan (Ellen Shippen), Edward Manice, Arnold Marsh, David McCord, W.B. McDaniel, Millicent McIntosh, Stephen Meader, Arthur Mekeel, Nan Michels, Maurice Mook, J. Floyd Moore, Russell Mortimer, N Nancy and Gerard Negelspach, John L. Nickalls O Mike Owen P Theodore Paullin, Norman Penney, Phila. Yearly Meeting (Mary Ogilvie), Bertram and Irene Pickard R Religion in Life (Jean Hager), Isabel Ross S George Selleck, Roberta Selleck, Krister Sheedahl, Shirley Showalter, Timothy Shrout, Susanna Smedley, Willard Sperry, Krister Stendahl, Warren Smith, Edward Snyder, Edmund Spaeth, Willman Spawn, Willard Sperry, Douglas Steere, Alfred Stefferud, Edith Stratton? T Taber, William, Christopher Taylor, Marshall Taylor, H. St. J. Thackeray, Fred Tolles U U.S. War Dept. (A.S. Dewees, O.R. Davis), University of Wyoming (Gene Gressley) V Vaux, Mrs., Vermont American Corp (Lee Thomas) W Walter Whitehill, Janet Whitney, Alice Whittelsey X Xerox Corp (Richard Wood) Y Robert Yarnall Highlights include: Laithwaite, P. Lichfield [Eng]. [response to query by HJC on the Lichfield Cathedral] Lippincott, Joseph. Rancocas, N.J. [sends along postcards with Quaker printing, including postmark with Quaker dating] MacGregor, G.H. Glasgow [Scotland], 1957 1/3. [neo-Biblicism vs. radical historical criticism] Macmillan Co. (Ellen Shippen). 1937. 4 items. [re publication of HJC's The Peril of Modernizing Jesus] Manice, Edward. New Have, Conn. [re William Edmondson] Marsh, Arnold. [on Penn portraits and his own publication] fragment McCord, David. 1956 11/7. [hopes to persuade Robert Frost to write something about J.H. Whittier] McDaniel, W.B. Philadelphia, 1971 11/8. [response to HJC's request for information on Friends' opposition to life insurance] Mook, Maurice. Williamsport, PA 1972 1/12. [Amish attitude toward insurance] Mortimer, Russell. Leeds, 1974 7/20. [re meeting of Friends' Historical Society and Yearly Meeting] Negelspach, Nancy and Gerard. Montblanc, 1974 9/19. [Domingo Ricart has been coming to their Meetings] Nickalls, John L. 1941-1948. 5 items. [meaningful time with HJC at Woodbrooke; pacifism and war; policy, politics and diplomacy with attention to the war with Germany; answers to some queries by HJC; work on George Fox's Journal] Paullin, Theodore. Washington, Conn., n.y. [re HJC's lecture at the International Service Seminar] Penney, Norman. England, n.d. 4 items. [various questions or issues relating to publications, including on his biography of Deborah Darby] Selleck, Roberta. N.p., n.d. [has met regularly with Friends in Helsinki, and mentions specific members of the Meeting] Shrout, Thomas. Columbia, Mis., 1955 10/5. [on his research] Smedley, Susanna. Westtown, Pa., [1948?] [about a poem about Ann Carlisle] Smith, Warren S. Lemont, Pa., 1963 11/19. [indication that (George Bernard?) Shaw read George Fox's journal] Spaeth, Edmund B. Philadelphia, 1971 2/16. [resignation by HJC from board of trustees at Bryn Mawr College announced, and asks if HJC wants to become an emeritus trustee] Spawn, Willman. N.p., n.d. [has written about the Log Cabin on the grounds of Friends Select School to Friends Journal and encloses copy of his text] Sperry, Willard. Tamworth, N.H., [ca. 1946] and n.d. 3 items. [1946:refers to HJC's role in the American Revised Version of the Bible and that Seelye will be leaving the working group; n.d.: thinks HJC's work on synoptic gospels is excellent and other critique of his work, perhaps on The Peril of Modernizing Jesus (1937)] Steere, Douglas. N.p., [1954?] (fragment) [interest in Mary Knowles; has just taken the chairmanship of the board at Pendle Hill and hopes for HJC's help to students interested in Quaker history] Stefferud, Alfred. Buckinghamshire, Eng., 1974 9/26. [mentions revision of the booklet on the history of Jordans] HJC's essay on Jordans for his "Letter from the Past" accompanies Taber, William Barnesville, Ohio. 1971 12/17. [on the Quaker attitude toward insurance] Taylor, Christopher. Birmingham, Eng., 1955 12/4. [on the proposed work on the History of Friends in China] [Taylor, C. Marshall. N.Y., 1950-1054. 2 items.. [on John G. Whittier and the introduction of music at Moses Brown School in Providence R.I.] Tolles, Fred. Swarthmore, PA., n.d. [comments on HJC's Woolman manuscript] U.S. War Dept. 1918. 2 post cards allowing HJC's status as a C.O. University of Wyoming (Gene Gressley). Laramie WY, 1973-74. 2 items. [hopes HJC will deposit his papers of their university since they are attempting to collect on religion and diversity; understands why HJC will deposit his papers at Haverford College] Vaux, (Mrs.). Bryn Mawr, Pa., n.d. [family has only loaned the George Fox portrait by Peale and a silver signet which George Vaux Jr. bought from the family in England which had owned it since George Fox's time] Whitney, Janet. 1965. 7 items. [an exchange with HJC in which Whitney asks HJC if he could do his research in fields other than John Woolman about whom she is writing, since he has opportunities she does not have]
These are letters of congratulation to HJC at the time of his retirement from AFSC in 1960
Many of the letters refer to HJC's interest in the history of Quakers who settled in the West Indies, especially (here) Jamaica); others have questions of their own by the Quakers of Jamaica. Letter writers include: A Charles M. Andrews, Am. Philosophical Soc. (L. Eisenhart), American Friends Board of Missions (Wendell Farr); B Mary Baker, Bartlett Tours (E. Dixon), Waldron Belknap; C Phyllis Canes; E Helen Eckhardt; F Friends Educational Council, Friends Historical Society (Russell Mortimer); G Isabel Grubb; H Harvard University (Dorothy Conklin, Jerome Greene); I Institute of Jamaica (C. Bernard Lewis); K Kingston and St. Andrew Corp. (B. South); L A.K. Lopez; M Jeannette Marks; N John Nickalls, Arthur Nock, Geoffrey Nuttall; P Mary Patterson, Phila. Yearly Meeting (Eleanor Melson); S Eustace Shi-stone, O. Seierstad, Milton Shoemaker, Soc. For the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts (E. Rendall); T Fred Tolles; U University Press Oxford (C. Batey) Highlights include: American Philosophical Society (L. P. Eisenhart). 1954. (7 items). [relating to research grant requested by HJC from APS] American Friends Board of Missions (Wendell Farr). Jamaica, 1946 11/5. [mentions opening of the Kingston Friends Center] Andrews, Charles M. East Dover VT, 1940 9/25. [question concerning Quaker membership of Jonathan Dickinson] Harvard University (Jerome Greene). Cambridge, Mass., 1942 4/28. [Harvard grants HJC $650 for research on early history of Quakerism in Jamaica] Patterson, Mary. Swarthmore, Pa., 1956 2/21. [genealogical information relating to Quakers who came to Barbados] Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (Eleanor Melson). Philadelphia, 1955 2/3. [materials to be found in keeping of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting relating to Friends in the West Indies]
These letters are on the topic of HJC's books and papers meant for the Haverford College Library, as well as an appraisal of them
Three-five days entered per page. Some entries relating to family events, e.g. deaths.
Included here are: Notebook, untitled, containing HJC's notes on a variety of books on Christianity, beginning with Albert Schweitzer's The Mysticism of Paul the Apostle, 1921. The latest book thus analyzed was written in 1949. The notebook, thus, dates from 1949 or later.
A list of items held at the Arch Street Meetinghouse, n.d., compiled by HJC Milhouse family name Notebook, untitled, containing HJC's notes on a variety of topics, including locations of sources HJC notes and photostats of originals re General Court of Elections held in Boston in 1774? Miscellaneous notes by HJC, including on Quaker and other religious groups' attitudes toward insurance; Litchfield Cathedral and George Fox; Westtown; Mark Swanner; Thomas Richardson et al
Here are documents either referring to speeches HJC would make, or the actual text of his speeches. Included here are: Notice of HJC talk before the Friends Historical Association, 1944 Speaking engagements for HJC, 1954-55
21 typed lectures
Manuscript in HJC's hand, ca. 1955. Microfilmed in 1966.
5 notebooks of information gathered while in Jamaica A view of conditions in Jamaica in 1687: typescript and manuscript Letter describing the project on Quakerism in Jamaica toward application for research grant from American Philosophical Society
Materials here include: commercial maps, typed transcripts of 18th century letters, typed transcripts of 18th century Council Minutes (W. Indies), printed minutes of Jamaica Yearly Meeting, 1954 paper by Isaiah Campbell on Friends in Jamaica
Information from: The Gleaner, a West Indies newspaper, letters to HJC, notes by HJC, Photostatic copy of "Account of the Late Earthquake in Jamaica," June 7, 1692 / by Rev. Divine. London, 1693.
A letter from Olive Rodger to HJC in 1970 introduces Lillie, an early convinced Friend on St. Croix, as well as a 1750 epistle copied by HJC and Photostats of some early documents
The article was originally published as a result of HJC's course at Pendle Hill on the social testimonies of the Society of Friends offered by HJC in 1934 and republished in "The Journal of Negro History" in 1936. Laid in are various notes in the author's hand and other related items. A second copy, the author's copy, is interleaved and marked and with notes. The letters and other materials noted above all relate to the subject. There is also a photograph of William Allen, an African American minister in the Society of Friends which accompanies a biographical sketch of Allen by Fred Ryon.
Included are a number of articles for HJC's column in Friends Journal for "Letters from the Past" in manuscript and typescript
Editio Princeps of Fox's Journal. + inserts. Both manuscript and typescript, Notes by HJC and in another hand, Plans for a new edition of George Fox's Journal
Here are copies of lists of itinerant America Quaker ministers of the 18th century, with an accompanying introduction by HJC in manuscript form.
Includes: "New Light from Old Scrolls" / by HJC. [ca. 1955?] typescript and manuscript, HJC's notes on the discovery of the manuscript Dead Sea scrolls, Letters to HJC in 1954-55 from Millar Burrow, Frank Cross, Theodor Gaster, Duncan Howlett (including article by Howlett) , James Muhlenberg, Arthur Nock, Charles Park, Harry Scholefield on Dead Sea Scrolls topic Clippings
Book reviews and other materials relating to Perils of Modernizing Jesus, ca. 1937 • HJC's John Woolman in England, 1772 HJC's George Fox's Book of Miracles, The Beginnings of Quakerism by William Charles Braithwaite with revisions by HJC, The Second Period of Quakerism by William C. Braithwaite, 2nd ed. prepared by HJC Jesus: What Manner of Man
Jesus and the First Three Gospels, William Penn: Politics and Conscience, The Epistle to the Romans
The Book of Acts in History was the published in 1955, the result of HJC's longterm work on "Lexical Notes on Luke-Acts" Chapters 1-6. Note: Annotated typescript including notes
Annotated typescript and manuscript, 1 chapter per folder, including notes
Includes notes, instructions, individual book pages, notes for various chapters, site photographs, "citizenship"
Letters relate to publication or specific topics in Book of Acts in History. Letter writers include: W. Albright, A. and C. Black, Ltd., Oscar Broneer, Robert Broughton, Arthur Bryant, Eric Bishop, Clarendon Press, Dittmann?, G., Estes, George, Blanche Fisher, Mason Hammond, Harper & Bros. (Eugene Exman), John Kent, Macmillan, David Magia, Arthur Nock, Homer Thompson
These include both personal and professional events. List of people at wedding anniversary, Guest list for Cadbury Christmas part, 1927 Cadbury family New Year's party, 1934 University of Glasgow Commemoration day, 1937 Harriet Barrow funeral notice, 1940 Funeral and memorial services for HJC, 1974 Donors to the HJC memorial fund, 1974, and resulted in books donated to the Earlham College School of Religion library Anna Haines, relief worker in Russia at the home of HJC and LCC, n.d.
HJC and LCC visited a number of Meetings where members signed their names in an album
In 1968-9, Cadbury Hill in Somerset, England was excavated. Included here are a description of the history and geography of the area, letters, clippings and photographs of the resulting artifacts.
Fellowship of Reconciliation poster, ca. 1943, with appeal for peace, including state of Pope Pius XII Agreement between HJC and Wilmer Cooper and H. Barbour about biblical books for Earlham, 1974 Materials from the Confederacy from Richmond, VA.: money; partially printed notices for enslaved people imprisoned in Confederate states, Notes referring to "Russians and the Religion of Silence," attached to information about William Penn in Ireland, Notes re early Friends' attitude toward the Bible; author may not be HJC, ca. 1969 Lincoln's family tree Smith family genealogy Information on the Edward Cadbury lectureship in theology, ca. 1955 Miscellaneous. 1 folder (ca. 25 items)
National Council of Churches, Communism Charges, HJC Statement regarding foreign relation activities
Margaret Hope Bacon's biography of HJC, Let This Life Speak, was published by the University of Pennsylvania Press in 1987. Collected here are letters in response to Bacon's queries on facets of HJC's life as well as letters from readers and the publisher of Bacon's biography, including comments prior to publication. Many of the letters are from family or colleagues. Some of the letter writers include members of the staffs of institutions where HJC taught or contributed or was well-known.
Margaret Hope Bacon's biography of HJC, Let This Life Speak, was published by the University of Pennsylvania Press in 1987. Collected here are letters in response to Bacon's queries on facets of HJC's life as well as letters from readers and the publisher of Bacon's biography, including comments prior to publication. Many of the letters are from family or colleagues. Some of the letter writers include members of the staffs of institutions where HJC taught or contributed or was well-known.
Portrait of HJC by Pott + Foltz? Slightly colored Portrait of HJC by Pott + Foltz? Portrait of HJC by Pott + Foltz? Portrait of HJC by Pott + Foltz? Copy of photo of HJC as a young boy Portrait of HJC by Pott + Foltz? Portrait of HJC by Pott + Foltz? HJC as a baby by Husted Copy of photo of HJC as a young boy Copy of photo of HJC c. 1893 HJC as a young boy HJC as a young boy HJC and others HJC and 7 others HJC and two maids HJC in Miss Tousley's kindergarten, by Starr. HJC and family
HJC with group HJC with 1905-1906 basketball team HJC as a tennis player HJC with two young men HJC with cricket team HJC with large group of boys Large group of girls HJC with group of boys Girls in uniforms, with a basketball HJC and group of young men and women HJC with group of young boys Large group of girls HJC with group of young boys
HJC in Haverford College sitting room, 1911 HJC's room at Haverford College, 1911 HJC's room at Haverford College, 1911 HJC in graduation robes, 1914 Slightly colored photo of HJC in graduation robes, 1914 HJC with kitchen items HJC canoeing Portrait of HJC as a young man, by B___ and Messina Portrait of HJC as a young man, by B___ and Messina Portrait of HJC as a young man, by B___ and Messina Portrait of HJC as a young man, by B___ and Messina Portrait of HJC as a young man, by B___ and Messina Portrait of HJC as a young man, by B___ and Messina Portrait of HJC as a young man, by B___ and Messina Portrait of HJC as a young man, by B___ and Messina HJC outside a house, summer 1914 HJC with unknown woman
Negative of HJC and another man Large photo of HJC at Swarthmore, 1942 Small photo of HJC at Swarthmore, 1942 Large portrait of HJC by Bachrach Slide as commencement speaker at Westtown, 1937 Envelope: Nevis, 1941 (West Indies). ""Hotel Royal"". Locals and Henry J. and Lydia Cadbury Quaker vaults near St Philips Churchyard Quaker tombs near St Philips Church Quaker tomb near St Philips Looking down into Quaker tombs near St Philips, Barbados James St. with E____ House on left--possible site of old Quaker property Site of old Quaker Meeting house Old Mill Grave Stone--Quaker burial ground, Nevis Site of so called Quaker ground at Jessops Village, Nevis Deciphering inscription on stone of 167-. Nevis: Quaker Burying Ground Supposed site of Quaker Meeting House, Nevis Quakers Road, Bridgetown Quaker Burial Ground near Gour____ House, Barbados
Slide: Henry and Lydia Cadbury, Golden Wedding Celebration Color photo of HJC and LCC at 50th Wedding Anniversary HJC and E.C.? at wedding of John Carter Brown? and Deborah Brown?, 1960 Color photo of HJC at Race St Meeting, 1973. By Nancy Negelspach Newspaper clipping: HJC at Bryn Mawr College Commencement, June 1961. With J. Edgar Rhoads, Dean Marshall, Pres McBride, Miranda Marvin, and Gretchen Clemson.
HJC with birthday cake HJC with birthday cake (duplicate) HJC with birthday cake HJC speaking at podium
Christmas Cards Cadbury family, 1929-30 Cadbury family at Back Log Camp, 1935-36 Cadbury family, 1945-46 Wedding pictures of Henry J. and Lydia C. Cadbury, June 1916 HJC and LCC with large group at their wedding HJC and LCC with large group at their wedding, with list of people HJC and LCC at their wedding Cadbury Family at the wedding Cadbury Family at the wedding HJC and LCC with their children HJC and LCC with Elizabeth, Christopher, Warder, Winifred, 1929 HJC and LCC with Elizabeth, 1920 LCC with Christopher, 1921 HJC and LCC with Christopher, 1928 HJC and LCC with their children at Back Log Camp, 1963 Large photo: HJC and LCC with Elizabeth HJC and LCC with their children. By Roland Reid, Salem, MA. Children of HJC and LCC Children of HJC and LCC, August 1926 Smaller copy of Children of HJC and LCC, August 1926 Warder, Chris, and Winifred Cadbury, 1933 Elizabeth and Winifred Cadbury at 3 College Circle, Haverford PA,1927 Elizabeth Cadbury, 1939 Winifred and Christopher, Summer 1931 Winifred, Summer 1931 HJC and LCC and children with others HJC and family 1952: Warder, ___ Musgrave, Martin Beer, HJC, Chris, Eliz. Musgrave, Winifred Beer, LCC, Mary Foster Cadbury, Dorothea Musgrave HJC, LCC, Elizabeth, Chris, Warder, Winifred, with others, 1931/2, by Rudi Boeck Christopher Cadbury and Family Christopher and Mary Cadbury on their wedding day, 1950 Christopher and Mary Cadbury and daughter, 1959 Elizabeth Cadbury and Family Elizabeth Cadbury, 1921 Elizabeth Cadbury, 1931 Elizabeth Cadbury, 1935 Elizabeth Cadbury, 1939 Elizabeth Cadbury Musgrave, 1950 Dorothea Musgrave Dorothea and Tony Musgrave, 1958 Family of Martin Beer and Winifred Cadbury Beer Beer children Carol, Michelle, Christine, Janet Beer, 1957 Carol, Michelle, Christine, Janet Beer, 1964 Carol, Michelle, Christine, Janet Beer, 1960 Michelle and Carol Beer, 1957 Michelle Beer, 1954 Michelle Beer, 1954 Beer children with others Beer children with Mary Hoxie Jones Beer children with Winifred Beer and Emma C. Other Beer family Anne and Otto Beer (father and step-mother of Martin Beer) Family of Warder Cadbury Warder and Julia Cadbury on their wedding day, 1965
HJC as a young man HJC with other young men and women HJC with others---Study group on the Seporalin? Table at Memorial Dining Room, Howard 1903-4 Large photo of HJC and other young men, by Gilbert and Bacon (Placed in Oversized Box) HJC and sports team (Placed in Oversized Box)HJC and a large group of people Enlarged photo--HJC speaking to faculty and staff Smaller photo--HJC speaking to faculty and staff HJC speaking to faculty and staff HJC speaking to faculty and staff HJC speaking to faculty and staff HJC speaking to faculty and staff (duplicate) HJC speaking to faculty and staff HJC and a small number of others HJC with Thomas E. Drake (former Haverford College Quaker Collection curator), by Ted Hetzel Large photo--HJC with Edwin B. Bronner (Curator of Quaker Collection) HJC with Haverford President John Coleman HJC with Haverford President John Coleman (duplicate) HJC with Bronner, Coleman, and others HJC with Bronner, Coleman, and others (duplicate) HJC with three others HJC with three others (duplicate) Envelope: other duplicates
note: one placed as Oversize 744 Millbrook Rd, Haverford PA Willow Grove on Maurice River House in Bricksboro Wood cutter's cabin Back Log Camp, 13th Lake, NY
Spiez on Lake Thun Daubensee Wildstrubel Valais Alps seen from the Gemmi Pass (7640 ft) Valais Alps and Rhone Valley in clouds Descending the Gemmi to Leukerbad Pack mules and drivers on Gemmi Pass Pack mule and driver on Gemmi Boy with sledge (Gemmi) Street in Leukerbad Leaving Leukerbad Saas Grund and Saas-Thal from Café Bellevue Saas Fee from meadows above The Fee Glacier from above Saas Fee On the Lange Fluh Skirting the Mittaghorn Brittania Hut on the Allalin Pass Brittania Hut The Mischabelhörner from the Brittania Hut before sunrise On Allalin Pass Rimpfischehhorn and Strahlhorn from Allalin Pass Weissmies in clouds from Allalin Pass At base of Allalinhorn on Allalin Pass Looking west from summit of Allalin Pass (11,713 ft) Weisshorn from Mellichenthal (descending from Allalin Pass) Weisshorn from Mellichenthal Weisshorn from above Täsch Rimpfischehhorn and Strahlhorn from Staffel Alp Rimpfischehhorn and Strahlhorn from Zmutt Matterhorn from Zmutt Matterhorn from Staffel Alp Looking southeast from Schwarzsee Matterhorn from Schawrzsee Matterhorn from Riffelberg (sunset) Matterhorn from Riffelberg (sunrise) Clouds in the Valley of the Visp from Riffelberg Weisshorn, Zermatt, Riffelhaus Matterhorn and train on Gornergratbahn View from the Gornergrat (10, 290 ft) Monte Rosa Breithorn Lyskamm Seracs on the Mellichen Glacier Gandegg Hut near Theodule Pass (10,005 ft) Matterhorn in cloud from Gandegg Hut From Theodule Pass looking north Breithorn from Breithorn Plateau On Breithorn Summit (13,685 ft) Looking east from Breithorn summit From Breithorn summit From Breithorn From Breithorn From Breithorn From the Breithorn plateau Barn near Randa Top of Dom looking east (14,942 ft) Top of Dom looking north Top of Dom looking south Top of Dom looking southwest From the Dom From the Dom looking west Lunch on the snow slope of Dom Benedict and Ambrose Supersaro Festi Hut (9630 ft) Weisshorn from Festi Hut Sunset on the "Mauretania" Pennsylvania Railroad Station
Mt. Washington and Quebec, undated. Album Longfellow's birthplace. Portland, ME. Looking up Crawford Notch Crawford Notch from Mt Willard Mt. Jackson from Mt Willard Looking at Mt Washington from Mt Willard Views on Route: Crawfords to Summit of Mt Washington Mt Washington and Lake of the Clouds Dinner at the foot of Mt Washington Tip-top House, Mt Washington. Altitude 6201 feet A nail in the shoe, coming down Mt Washington Chateau Frontenac, Dufferty Terrace Monk on ramparts, Parliament Building, St Louis Gate On the citadel--Kodaks forbidden Quebec and harbor taken from tower of Parliament Building Convent of the Ursulines Old Quebec houses, Ste Famille St Sous le Cap St, Caleches, Lower Town, Quebec Three sisters by city wall Champlain St Champlain Street, under the heights St Lawrence River and Wolfe Cove from Spencer Wood Sillery, Quebec: Calechè by Old Church Sillery, Quebec: Old Lumber Coves Falls of Montmorency Ste Anne de Beapré: Peasants' fields of hay along river Ste Anne de Beapré: The Church and gardens Pointe Bleue, Lake St John, Quebec: Hudson Bay Post Est. 1676 and Birch Canoe made by Native Americans Ouiatchouan Falls, Lake St John, Quebec: The falls Ouiatchouan Falls, Lake St John, Quebec: The river from top of the falls Grand Discharge, Lake St John, Quebec: Old French Oven Grand Discharge, Lake St John, Quebec: The Head of the Grand Discharge Views on the Saguenay: 4 uncaptioned photos On the Saguenay River Trinity Three successive views of Trinity and Eternity (3 photos) Tadousac, Quebec: The oldest church in Canada Tadousac, Quebec: Crossing the carry to Shallow Lake The Adirondacks: Camp at Shallow Lake The Adirondacks: View over Racquette Lake from West Mountain
Gibbins family William Gibbins, by EB Mouril?, 1900 Thomas Gibbins, by Elliott and Fry, 1907 Richard C. and Caroline Gibbins, by Perry Hyman, 1917 Emma Gibbins, Alice Clibborn, Bessie Carter and unknown Shipley family Anna Shipley, by Schemboche Anna Shipley, by F. Gutekunst Agnes Shipley, 1890 Hannah Shipley?, by Maurice Stadtfeld S.R. Shipley, by F. Gutekunst Shinn Family Earl Shinn, by E. Desmaisons James T. Shinn Emma Shinn, by Phillips Cadbury Family Postcard to Mr. Cadbury, from/with photo of K.P. Yang R.I. Cadbury, by Warren Caroline Cadbury Large, slightly colored photo: Elizabeth Cadbury, by Marshall, 1921 1918 Christmas card from Richard T. Cadbury: Reprints of portraits of ancestors John Warder and Ann Head (m. 1786) Cadbury, by F. Gutekunst Troth Family Samuel H. Troth, by Draper and Husted Roudolph Family Harriet Roudolph and unknown, by Broadbent and Phillips Brown Family Charlotte Brown, by Broadbent and Phillips, 1873 Winterbottom Family Dr Henry Winterbottom, by Bell Carter Family John Carter, by F. Gutekunst Canby and Balderston Families C. Canby and MaryAnna Balderston Others History class--Earlham R.S.? by Charles O. Fredricks and Co. Unknown small boy Photo postcard, signed by: Margaret S. Thorp, Raymond Whitwell, Harriet Newman, James Douglas, Ethel Crawshaw, Sylvie F. ____?
Women playing board game Group outside Group outside Group of girls, 1866, by Draper and Husted Group photo, by Gilbert Cope, 1891 Wedding of HJC and Lydia Cadbury Unknown group photo Unknown woman Unknown elderly woman Young woman, Christmas 1927 Entrance to Lindon?, 1890
These are almost exclusively letters of sympathy to LCC on the death of HJC, arranged alphabetically, and sent in 1974-75. By creating this index, one can glean the vast number of HJC's friends and acquaintances. Letter writers include: A: M. Akiyama, Albany Monthly Meeting, Aleanor Aldrich, Rebecca and Horace Alexander, Marie Allen, Alice Ambler, Marjorie Anderson, Virginia Apsey, W.R. Augur, B: Edith Bacon, Anne Baer, Barbara and Bill Baker?, Ralph Barbour, Robin Barbour, Arthur Barnett, William Barton, Kathryn Bassett, Will Beardslee, John and Frannie Beer, Colin Bell, Nina Bell, Joan Bendroth, Maud Bey, Seelyi Bixler, Elizabeth Blackburn, G. Laurence Blauvelt, Nico Bloemberger, Nora Booth, Terry Borton, Mia Boynton, Elizabeth Boeke, A. W. Braithwaite, H.M. Braun, Anne Bringhurst, Belinda Brittain, Anne and Edwin Bronner, Heidi Brooks, Robert Broughton, F.W. Brown, S. Brown, T.S. Brown, Helen Buckler, Sallie Bucknell, Barbara Budka, Grace Binder, Edward Burrows
Letter writers include: C: Bartram Cadbury, Henry Joel Cadbury "Backlog Camp Alumni," Lawrence and Joyce Cadbury, Barbara and George Cadbury, Betty Boeke-Cadbury, Elizabeth Cadbury, Evelyn Cadbury, Horace Cadbury, Jack and Tessa Cadbury, John Cadbury, Joseph Cadbury, Mary Cadbury, Michael Cadbury, Paul Cadbury, Peggy Cadbury, William and Charlotte Cadbury, Cambridge Friends Meeting, Kenneth Carroll, Mary Cary, Elizabeth Chalmers, Margaret R. Chappell, V. Claiborne, Harold and Eve Clapp, Bronson Clark, Rebecca T. Clark, Charles Clement, John Coleman, Olive Comber, Fred Cooper, Dick and Eleanor Crampton, Barbara Crawford, Maurice Creasey, Caroline Cunningham, Barbara and John Curtis D: Nina Dana, Howard and Doris Darnell, Clifford and Anne Deathe, Dover Friends Meeting, Constance Drake, - Duguid, Esther and Arthur Dunham, Evelyn Dutton, Helen Dwigin, E: Bill Eckerson, Pat Eichmann, Russell and Teresa Elkinton, Errol Elliott, Bill Emerson, Morton Enslin F: Harold and Edith Fassnidge, Fellowship of Reconciliation, Frances Ferris, Phyllis and Jack Fields, David Firth, Elizabeth Fleisher, Emma Forsythe, Jane Foster, William and Millicent Foster, Elfrida Vipont Foulds, Anna France, Molly Francis, J. William Frost, Gertrude Fuchs, John Fust G: Emily Gibbes, Kathleen Gill, Berti Gideon, F. Wilbur Gingrich, Marion Glaser, John and Hilda Grauman, Robert Grant, E.U. Green, Edith Greene, Robert Guararaldi, Patty and Jack Gummere
H: Shirley and Harold Hadley, Bernie and Elizabeth Haines, Rosemary Haklisch, Cameron and Margaret Hall, Jim Hart, Elen Hullwrench?, Fred Horsham, Bruce Hawkins, Ted Hetzel, Trude Heinshammer, Barbara Heizman, Ethel Hibbert, Priscilla Hickman, Catherine Hickinbotham?, John and Enid Hobart, Olive Hitson, Grimsley Hobbs, Sewell Hodge, Lewis and Lois Hoskins, Harriet Hoyle, Trudy Hubben, Mary Hulme I: Yukio Irie, Dorothy Irvine J: Alfred Jacob, Caroline Jacob, Martha Jamison, Japan Yearly Meeting, Elizabeth Marsh Jensen, Dick Johns?, Evelyn Johnson, Georgia Johnson, Mathilde Johnson, Barbara Jones, Margaret Jones, Renate Justin K: Mabel and William Kantor, Priscilla and James Keene, Arlene Kelly, Muhammad Kenyatta, Josephine Kerr, Sam and Elizabeth Koch, Margaret Kleinberg, Gerald Knoff, Elizabeth Knowlton, Takeshi abd Masa Kobori, Amy Kirkjian, John Knox, Walter Kring, Paul Kuntz, L: Corinne and Richard Lambert, Kit Lambe, B.G. Lawson, Joseph Levine, Adelaide LeCount, Susan and Skip Lipschitz, Jo Little, William and Ella Llewellyn, Stella Lockwood
M: Luther Macnair, Ruth Magee, William and Margaret Maier, Ruth and Robert Maris, Albert and May Martin, Ellen Martin, Paul Martin, Bill Matchetts, Mildred Maur, Herbert May, Katharine McBride, Billie McKinney, Margaret McNeill, Mary McPherson, Florence Meredent, Mary McWhirter, Merion Meeting, Bruce Metzger, Mary Middleton, Edward Milligan, Meather Mori, Beatrice Monk, Mary Morrison, Charlie Moule, Esther Muirhead, Eleanor Murphy, Paul and Helen Murphy, Dorothea Murray, Winifred Murray N: Elsinore Nesson, Janette Newhall, John Nickalls, Chula Nicholson, Henry Niles, Dennis Nineham, John Nowelsby, George Nunn, Geoffrey Nuttall O: Mary Oliver, Ruth O'Neill, Dorothy Orton P: Dana Paine, Katherine Parsons, Mary Patterson, Ellen and Ted Paullin, George Peck, Helen and Connie Perisho, Ruth Pineo, Alex and Jeanette Purdy, Viola Purvis
R: Winifred Rawlin, Helene and Esther Raymond, Bea Reiner, Ellen Reisner, Edward Rhoads, Esther Rhoads, Jonathan Rhoads, Teresa Rhoads, Virginia Rich, Ned and Alberta Richie, Jane Rittenhouse, Elizabeth Roberts, Jennifer Robson, Mary Rogers, W. Rollins, Ada Rose, Ben and Dorothy Runyon S: Loren Sadler, Frances Sandmel?, Betty and Roger Scattergood, Henry Scattergood, Ann Schabacker, Esther and Herbert Sesman, George Selleck, Dorothy Shipley, Tom and Mildred Shrout, Bob and Anne Solenberger, Madge Stables, Eva Stanley, Ruth Steele, Edna Steer, Lise Stein, Krister Stendahl, Tim Sterrett, Frances Stokes, Gertrude Stokes, Lydia Stokes, Lotte Strauss, Helen Sundbey, Toni Swalgen, Bruce and Jane Symonds
T: Blanche Tache, Christopher Taylor, Leigh Taylor, Michael and Iris Taylor, Kitty Taylor, Polly Test, Barbara Thacher, Stephen Thiermann, Amelia Thomas, Marion Thrall, Esther Todd, Toronto Monthly Meeting, Betty Tritle, Ann Trentman, Marie Turner, Norris and Gwenyth Tuttle, Peter Tuttle U: William Ufford V: Ruth Vail, Elizabeth Vining, Von Staden, Ernest Votaw W: Jane Watkins, Susan and Kenneth Webb, Dorothy Weed, Margaret Welch, Wellesley in Philadelphia, Helen Wentworth, Jane Weston, Elizabeth Whitson, Olive Whitson, Mary Whittlesey, Wilfred Wickersham, Helga Wiedig, George Williams, Margaret Williams, Olive Williams, Emily Wilson, Harriet Wittenborg, Harris Wofford, Jim Wood, Eleanor Wood, Mildred and David Wyman Y: Anne Yarrow, Elizabeth Yarnall, Sarah Yarnall Z: Milton and Sandy Zimmerman Unknown A few letters from unknown letter writers
Address book given (probably) to Lydia and Henry Cadbury from Cambridge Friends Meeting, 1954