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Deeds of Gift of the Office of the Treasurer
Held at: Historical Medical Library of The College of Physicians of Philadelphia [Contact Us]19 S. 22nd Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103
This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the Historical Medical Library of The College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.
Overview and metadata sections
The Office of the Treasurer of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia was established in the 1787 constitution and bylaws. The treasurer's original duties were to receive all College funds and pay all bills. In 1834, an annual financial report became a require•ent of the office.
The 1882 by-laws give custody to the treasurer of all papers regarding College finances. By 1900, the custody of all the College's funds and securities and the ability to invest all permanent funds (under the direction of the Committee on Finance) had become the treasurer's chief responsibilities. In 1914, the custody of all real estate not currently occupied by the College also became an added duty, and the treasurer was to keep the accounts of the Office of the Secretary and all committees (with the exception of the Committee on the Mutter Museum) as well as pay all bills and receive any funds from the coamittees. The treasurer became an ex officio member of the College's Committee on Finance in 1925, The 1935 by-laws state that the treasurer is also to keep all deeds of gift, deeds of trust, and articles of agreeaent between donors and the College.
This is currently [1991] an active office.
The collection contains notarized deeds of gift which were filed and preserved by the treasurer, 1924-1953, for items presented to the College of Physicians of Philadelphia for the Mutter Museum or College Collections, Deeds for items falling under the provisions of the Mutter Trust specify this condition. Occasional inforaation on provenance and some related letters are included.
1. Addison, W. H. F. American Association of Anatoaists Medal, [n.d.] 1939 Feb. 7 (1 item)
2. American Laryngological Association [through Louis H. Clerf] Henry L. Wagner Collection of bones, aicroscopic slides and lantern slides on the histology of the ear and anatomical transparencies of head sections 1949 Aug. 1 (1 item)
3. Aehkenaz, David M. Combination stethoscope and clinical thermometer (for Mutter Museum) 1941 Mar. 31 (1 item)
4. Bicentennial Committee on the University of Pennsylvania [through John B, Thayer, Director] Collection of eight medals struck to commemorate the Bicentennial of the University of Pennsylvania 1940 Oct. 28 (1 item)
5. Biddle, Mrs. Charles Medicine chest formerly belonging to John Correy Saith 1946 Sept. 30 (1 item)
6. Biddle, Renee D. Oil portrait of Benjaain Rush, attributed to Benjamin West 1943 Apr. 7 (1 item)
7. Bonney, Charles W. Set of lithotomy instruaents (5), consisting of two lithotrites, two sounds, and one perineam lithotome with two blades (for Mutter Museum) 1942 Feb. 25 (1 item)
8. Bonsall, Walter, Jr. Skull from the New Hebrides (for Mutter Museum) [194-] (1 item)
9. Bradley, William N. Bronzed plaster bust of Dr. Henry Beates, by Samuel Murray, 1912 1943 Apr. 3 (1 item)
10. Brooks, Mrs. Frances R. Oil portrait of Philip Syng Physick, by Inaan 1946 May 23 ( 1 item)
11. Bullitt, Orville H, Gold-headed cane formerly belonging to Samuel D. Gross, 1880 1946 Oct. 2 (1 item)
12. Chamberlain, W. E. Case of cupping instruments; a scarificator; spirit lamp; and seven cupping glasses; also nineteen separate cupping glasses, (for Mutter Museum) 1941 Nov. 28 ( 1 item)
13. Chance, Burton Mounted and framed engraved portrait of the Chevalier Taylor, by R. Cooper after W. De Nunc 1938 Nov. 29 (1 item)
14. Cloud, J. H. Huaan ovum showing chorial villi and skull of fetus at term (for Mutter Museum) 1946 Sept. 27 (1 item)
15. Corson, Edward F. Corson Collection of British war medals 1942 Sept. 25 (with additions made 1944, 1945, and 1946) (1 item)
16. Cryer, Martha G. Dr. Matthew H. Cryer's Anatomical Collection (for Mutter Museum) 1939 Jan. 9 (1 item)
17. Currie, Elfrieda W. Four autographed photographs of Drs. Andral, Velpeau, Larrey, and Louis 1938 Oct, 3 (1 item) 18. Elliott, Jabez H. Medal of the Canadian National Exhibition, 1923 1940 May 6 (1 item)
19. Emlen, John Thoapson Oil portrait of Saauel Emlen, by Thomas Sully 1945 (1 item)
20. Fisher, Charles Perry Badge of Richard Jaaes Dunglison as Treasurer of the American Medical Association 1936 July 23 (1 item) 21. Fox, Herbert Facsimile of the original van Leeuwenhoek aicroscope 1935 Nov. 26 (1 item) 22. Fox, Herbert Medal of the Third International Congress for Microbiology, 1939 1939 Oct. 18 (1 item)
23. Fox, Mrs. Herbert Edwin Opie aicroscope, 1876 [incoaplete]; tissue slides of the original Hodgkin's disease; and photostats of these Hodgkin's disease sections [194-] Oct. 1 (1 item)
24. Frazer, John Pap boat 1939 Dec. 18 [Includes ALS Philadelphia, Pa., to E. B. Krumbhaar, Philadelphia, Pa., 1939 Nov. 17] (3 items)
25. Girvin, Helene Photograph of John H. Girvin 1939 Feb. 6 (1 item)
26. Glentworth, Henry R., and Glentworth, Marguerite L. Oil portrait of Plunket Fleeson Glentworth, by Gilbert Stuart 1948 July 14 (1 item)
27. Glentworth, Marguerite L. Oil portrait of George Glentworth, by Albert Rosenthal, after Charles Willson Peale 1948 July 19 (1 item)
28. Gottlieb, Philip M. Clinical thermometer, 1886 1950 Oct. 28 (1 item)
29. [Gould, George M.?] Cane 1939 Oct. (2 items)
30. Hart, Charles D. Carved head of an executed Chinaman; physician's honorary sword from Kyoto, Japan; piece of crude opium bottled by Dr. Meigs, 1853; photograph of Ling Chee execution, (for Mutter Museum) 1940 Dec. 11 (1 item)
31. Heller, Edwin A. Circumcision set with astringent and haemostatic powders, formerly belonging to Dr. Henry Heller (for Mutter Museum) 1942 Dec. 2 (1 item)
32. Henry, Josephine
Fleischl's haemoglobinometer
[1946 June 11] (1 item)
33. Hewson, William, on behalf of the children of Addinell Hewson Oil portrait of Thomas Tickell Hewson, by Sully 1941 Dec. 23 (1 item)
34. Hinsdale, Guy Ophthamoscope given to Dr. Hinsdale by Dr. William Osler and used by them both 1942 Nov, 11 (1 item)
35. Hirst, Mrs. Barton Cooke Barton Cooke Hirst Collection 1942 Nov. 18 (2 items)
36. Hodge, Edward B.
One pair of wooden vaginal retractors
[193-) (1 item)
37. Hodge, Edward B. Office scales and pocket case belonging to Hugh Lenox Hodge (for Mutter Museum) 1945 Feb. 3 (1 item) 38. Holcomb, R. C. Three-month fetus (cleared specimen) 1945 Jan. 2 (1 item)
39. Jackson, Chevalier Chevalier Jackson Collection of foreign bodies removed from the air and food passages of human beings, together with the records; data, photographs, and photographic slides pertaining thereto (for Mutter Museum) 1924 Mar. 31 (1 item)
40. Jackson, Chevalier Philadelphia Award, including casket, medal, and scroll 1926-1927 Mar. 15 (2 items) 41. Jackson, Chevalier One pair of French amputating knives (for Mutter Museum), ca. 1840 1938 Apr. 12 (1 item) 42. Krumbhaar, E. B. Models of Pithecanthropus and Piltdown bones 1933 Dec. 27 (1 item)
43. Krumbhaar, E. B. Casts of skull cap and femur of Pithecanthropus erectus and of skull fragments, mandible, and tooth of Eoanthropus dawsoni (Piltdown Man) 1935 July 10 (1 item)
44. Krumbhaar, E. B. Fifty-six medical medals and badges 1936 Mar. 13 ( 1 i tem)
45. Krumbhaar, E. B., for J. H. Elliott One package of samples of Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, bearing U.S. Revenue stamp of 1866 and Canadian stamp of 1909 1936 Sept. 15 (1 item)
46. Krumbhaar, E. B. Harvard Tercentenary aerial medal and marshall's badge 1936 Oct. 5 (1 item)
47. Krumbhaar, E. B.
18th century scalpel in case, [17--]
1937 Jan. 28 (1 item)
48. Krumbhaar, E. B.
Henry VIII Golden Angel Touchpiece
1937 Jan. 29 ( 1 item)
49. Krumbhaar, E. B. Token on an old French pharmacy in Lima 1938 Mar. 15 (1 item)
50. Krumbhaar, E. B.
Pierre and Marie Curie bronze medal
1939 Mar. 31 (1 item)
51. Krumbhaar, E. B.
Two St. Leonard votive offerings
[1939?] May 19 (1 item)
52. Krumbhaar, E. B.
Pap spoon
1939 Nov. 30 (1 item)
53. Krumbhaar, E. B.
Caste of Sinanthropus pekinensis
[193-] (1 item)
54. Krumbhaar, E. B. Pennsylvania Hospital Collection of World War Injuries and Bones 1941 Dec, [3?] (1 item)
55. Krumbhaar, E. B. Surgeon's box with surgical instruments [194-] (1 item)
56. Krumbhaar, E. B. Colored drawings of trench foot, mustard gas, and operations, prepared by Col. Caird, 1916-1917 [194-] (1 item)
57. Lakin, H. Pearce Trial case of lenses foraerly belonging to Dr. Edward Jackson 1945 Oct. 2 (1 item)
58. Lewis, Mabel Potter Syringe formerly belonging to Howard w. Lewis (for Mutter Museum), ca. 1851-1881 1941 Oct. 29 (1 item)
59. Loeb, Ludwig Bronzed plaster bust of Dupuytren; bronzed plaster bust of Hippocrates; case of craniotoay instruments, 1940 Apr. 22 (1 item)
60. Leopold, Simon S. Hyrtl Preparations of the pathology of the eye 1939 Jan. 26 (1 item)
61. Leopold, Simon s.
Three boxes of microscopic slides
[193-] (1 item)
62. Ludlow, Mrs. Ellen H. Miscellaneous collection of surgical instruments belonging to David Hunt Ludlow and his father, J. R. Ludlow (for Mutter Museum) 1947 Oct. 23 (1 item)
63. Macfarlan, Douglas Collection of hearing aids (for Mutter Museum) 1941 Dec. 11 (1 item)
64. Macfarlan, Douglas Inhalator, nasal cautery and snare, tonsil guillotine, and early dental elevator (for Mutter Museum) 1942 Mar. 18 (1 item)
65. Macfarlan, Douglas
Symballophone [ca. 1942 Apr. 28] (1 item)
66. Macfarlan, Douglas Refractometer-pulse recorder (for Mutter Museum) 1942 Nov. 28 (1 item)
67. Macfarlan, Douglas Collection of foreign bodies removed from the ear canals (194-] (1 item)
68. Manson, Clara
American Red Cross blood donor's pin
[194-) (1 item)
69. Mendelson, Walter Bronze plaque of William H. Welch and bronze medal of A. Jacoby
1937 Jan. 26 (1 item)
70. Miller, T. Grier Two pewter syringes 1943 Nov. 1 (1 item)
71. Morgan, A. C. Stethoscope of John Wilson Johnston
1939 Jan. 4 (1 item)
72. Morris, Elliston J. Collection of instruments 1941 May 7 (1 i tem)
73. Muller, George P. Silhouette and miniature oil portrait of Benjamin Rush 1939 Nov. 30
74. Murray, Jane K. Bust of William W. Keen, by Samuel Murray 1942 June 29 ( 1 item)
75. Murray, Mrs. Samuel Plaster bust of James Tyson and two of James C. Wilson 1944 ( 1 item)
76. Mynders, Anthony P. Hearing-aid exhibit (194-) (1 item)
77. Norris, Mrs. William Fisher
Color drawing of George W. Norris
1939 Nov. 2 (1 item)
78. Owen, Hubley R.
Case of instruments from Germany, ca. 1919
1940 Apr. 30 (2 items)
79. Packard, Francis R. Set of cupping instruments and one surgical knife (for Mutter Museum) 1936 Jan. 7 (1 item)
80. Packard, Francis R. Oil portrait of Francis R. Packard, by Justin Pardi (194-) Apr. 30 (1 item)
81. Pepper, 0. H. Perry Two medals commeaorating fifty years of service, 1939 1939 May 29 ( 1 item)
82. Pepper, o. H. Perry Pap boat
(194-] (1 item)
83. Pfahler, George E.
Bust of William Konrad Roentgen
1943 Mar. 9 (1 item)
84. Philadelphia Roentgen Ray Society
Portrait of Charles Lester Leonard
1937 Apr. 14 ( 1 item)
85. Philadelphia Roentgen Ray Society
Portrait of Willis Fastnacht Manges
1937 Apr. 14 (1 item)
86. Piersol, George Morris
Five medals, 1769-1926 1935 Apr. 22 (2 items)
87. Pleasants, Henry Microscope and specimen slides belonging to Dr. William E. Horner (for Mutter Museum)
1946 Dec. 5 (1 item)
88. Randall, Alexander Instrument case containing cupping set and small lancet 1939 Dec. 19 (2 items) 89. Robertson, William Egbert Five plaster sections of the thorax and abdomen and the skulls of nine rodents; two white-tailed jackrabbits; three grey squirrels; three muskrats, one red squirrel (for Mutter Museum) 1941 Feb. 28 (1 item) 90. Rosenberger, Randle C. Vaccination outfit 1943 Dec. 30 (1 item)
91. Schnabel, Truaan G. William Shippen's chest of old medicines (for Mutter Museum) [194-] (1 item)
92. Section on Ophthalmology of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia (through Benjaain D. Parish) Oil portrait of Dr. [Jacob?] Solis-Cohen 1939 Feb. 4 (1 item)
93. Section on Ophthalaology of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia Oil portrait of Dr. William Zentaayer, by Daniel Garber 1940 Oct. 28 (2 items)
94. Sheaff, Philip Atlee Silver loving cup formerly presented to Washington L. Atlee 1942 Feb. 19 (1 item)
95. Skillern, Samuel R. Three face sections showing sinus abnormalities found by R.H. and S. R. Skillern while sectioning one hundred heads, 1909 1953 ( 1 item)
96. Solis-Cohen, Myer Stethoscope in three parts (for Mutter Museum) 1941 Apr. 1 (1 item)
97. Sommer, G. N. J. One scarificator, two spring lancets, one small metal container (for Mutter Museum), 1945 Apr. 24 (1 item)
98. Sommer, G. N. J. Set of three angiotribes (for Mutter Museum) 1946 May 23 (1 item)
99. Sommer, G. N. J.
Four medals
[194-] May 14 (1 item)
100. Stewart, Thomas S.
Leonard induction coil and five X-ray tubes, 1898-1946 (1 item)
101. Super, Carrie Medicine spoon invented by Miss Leidy Super (for Mutter Museum), ca. 1890 1944 Jan. 28 (1 item) 102. Sutherland, Allan Instruments used by Elias Kitchin during the Civil War, ca. 1865 1935 July 17 (1 item)
103. Talley, James E. MacKenzie Ink polygraph 1938 Aug. 9 ( 1 item)
104. Talley, James E. Photographs of Sir Thomas Lewis, Dr. James MacKenzie, and Dr. s. Weir Mitchell and assistants in his clinic 1938 Aug. 9 (1 item)
105. Thorington, J. Monroe One St. Leonard votive offering of cattle 1937 May 19 (1 item)
106. Trenner, Simon One candle holder, 1893?; one ear trumpet, 1913?; one thumb lancet; plate used in electrophoresis; watch made in London, 1869?; and Holman life slide, 1893? (for Mutter Museum) 1943 May 3 (1 item)
107. Tunis, Mrs. Richard Seal of the Gynecean Hospital, from the estate of Phillipus W. Miller 1941 Mar. 5 (1 item)
108. Weisgerber, Miss L. I. Oil portrait of C. E. deM. Sajous, by Charles L. Sasportas (for Mutter Museum) 1942 Mar. 5 (1 item)
109. Westfield, Mrs. Peggy Apothecaries' scales and dissecting case 1943 May 10 (1 item)
110. Williams, Mrs. Horace J. Struyken-Schaefer monochord, formerly belonging to Dr. Horace J. Willia11s (for Mutter Museum) 1950 Dec. 28 (1 item)
111. Wood, George B. Oil portrait of George B. Wood (1797-1879) 1948 May 26 (1 item)
112. Zentmayer, William Collection of thirty-three American Medical Association badges 1942 ( 1 item)
113. Zentmayer, William Collection of thirty-five medical badges and buttons and one Morton's ophthalmoscope 1945 Feb. 3 (1 item)
The source of this collection of deeds of gift is unknown. It was processed and catalogued in 1991.
- Publisher
- Historical Medical Library of The College of Physicians of Philadelphia