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Records of the Chairman of the Committee on the Mütter Museum


Held at: Historical Medical Library of The College of Physicians of Philadelphia [Contact Us]19 S. 22nd Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103

This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the Historical Medical Library of The College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.

Overview and metadata sections

The Committee on the Mütter Museum of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia was first appointed in January 1863. It was charged with the general supervision of the anatomical and pathological museum established by the articles of agreement made between the College and Thomas D. Mütter in 1858 and1859. The chairman of the committee was to report annually on the condition of the museum and semi-annually on its financial situation. It was to also receive the income from the Mütter Trust and make disbursements to the museum's curator and the Mütter lecturers.

In 1886, the duties of the College's Committee on Lectures, which chose and supervised the Mütter lecturers, devolved on the Committee on the Mütter Museum. In 1935, the College formed a Committee on College Collections to care for, exhibit, and loan any objects received by the College which were not covered by the trust. The officers of this committee were identical to the officers of the Committee on the Mütter Museum and the two bodies met consecutively. In 1990, the Committee on the Mütter Museum became inactive, and general oversight of the museum was assumed by the College's Committee on Program.

The collection contains the correspondence and financial files of chairmen of the Committee of the Mütter Museum of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia from 1926 to 1970. The collection documents the acquisitions and oversight of the Museum and College Collections. The bulk of the collection derives from the tenures of George P. Muller and J. Parsons Schaeffer, but material from subsequent chairmen, Oscar V. Batson, Richard Philip Custer, A. Reynolds Crane, Nicholas Padis, Clark E. Brown, Fred B. Rogers, and William I. Gefter, is also included.

In addition to general correspondence, the chairman's files include reports of the museum curators to the chairman and reports of the chairman to College Council; insurance information; letters of College legal counsel, Joseph Carson, concerning the establishment of the College Collections; copies of minutes of the Committee on the Mütter Museum, Committee on College Collections, and Council; correspondence concerning the annual Thomas Dent Mütter Lecture; and notices of Committee, College, and Council meetings. Information on accessions to the Mütter Museum and College Collections can be derived from correspondence with donors; reports of the curators; minutes of the Mütter Museum and College Collections committees; and minutes of Council.

Principal correspondents include Ella N. Wade, Curator of the Mütter Museum; Chevalier Jackson; and the Mütter lecturers, particularly Charles H. Frazier and Harris P. Mosher.

The collection also includes financial records of the Committee on the Mütter Museum, including account statements, bills, cancelled checks, investment account statements, receipts, and the annual and semi-annual financial reports filed by the Committee with Council.

The Records of the Chairman of the Committee on the Mütter Museum were originally housed in fourteen letter box files, each generally containing one or two years' worth of material. Within each box, material was filed alphabetically by subject. Each chairman imposed slight variants on the subject arrangement. Financial records from each year were filed separately with each box. The chronological divisions and subject arrangement have been retained and, where necessary, reconstructed.

Organized into four series: I. Records of George P. Muller, 1926-1933; II. Records of J. Parsons Schaeffer, 1927-1944; III. Records of J. Parsons Schaeffer, Oscar V. Batson and Richard Philip Custer, 1943-1953; and IV. Records of later chairmen, 1956-1970.

Arranged chronologically, then alphabetically by subject within each subseries.

The Records of the Chairman of the Committee on the Mütter Museum were transferred to the Historical Collection of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia by Gretchen Worden, Director of the Mütter Museum, on August 29, 1991. The collection was processed and catalogued in 1992.

The Records of the Chairman of the Committee on the Mütter Museum were originally housed in fourteen letter box files, each generally containing one or two years' worth of material. Within each box, material was filed alphabetically by subject. Each chairman imposed slight variants on the subject arrangement. Financial records from each year were filed separately within each box. The chronological divisions and subject arrangement have been retained and, where necessary, reconstructed.

The creation of the electronic guide for this collection was made possible through generous funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, administered through the Council on Library and Information Resources' "Cataloging Hidden Special Collections and Archives" Project.

Finding aid entered into the Archivists' Toolkit by Garrett Boos.

Historical Medical Library of The College of Physicians of Philadelphia
Finding Aid Date
The creation of the electronic guide for this collection was made possible through generous funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, administered through the Council on Library and Information Resources' "Cataloging Hidden Special Collections and Archives" Project. Finding aid entered into the Archivists' Toolkit by Garrett Boos.
Access Restrictions

This collection is open for research use.

Use Restrictions

Copyright restrictions may apply. Please contact the Archives with requests for copying and for authorization to publish, quote or reproduce the material.

Collection Inventory

Reports of curator [monthly], 1927.
1 Folder 1
Correspondence: General, 1927-1928.
1 Folder 2
Correspondence: Construction of cases, 1927.
1 Folder 3
Financial: Correspondence, 1927.
1 Folder 4
Financial: Account Statements [monthly], 1926-1927.
1 Folder 5
Financial: Bills and receipts, 1927.
1 Folder 6
Financial: Cancelled checks (numbers 508-606), 1926-1928.
1 Folder 7-9
Miscellaneous: Specifications for electric lighting, 1927.
1 Folder 10
Correspondence and report, 1930.
1 Folder 11
Account statements [monthly], 1928-1930.
1 Folder 12
Bills, receipts, and cancelled checks (numbers 661-703), 1930.
1 Folder 13
Insurance policies, 1930.
1 Folder 14
Correspondence, 1931.
1 Folder 15
Account statements [monthly], 1930-1931.
1 Folder 16
Bills, receipts, and cancelled checks (numbers 706-740), 1931.
1 Folder 17
Correspondence, 1933.
1 Folder 18
Financial: Correspondence, 1932-1933.
1 Folder 19
Financial: Account Statements [monthly], 1932-1933.
1 Folder 20
Financial: Bills, receipts, and cancelled checks (numbers 779-816), 1933.
1 Folder 21

Carson letters, 1933-1934.
1 Folder 22
Chairmanship, 1936.
1 Folder 23
Cleaning, 1934-1936.
1 Folder 24
Collections, 1934-1936.
1 Folder 25
Financial correspondence, 1934-1936.
1 Folder 26
Lecture: general, 1932-1933.
2 Folder 1
Lecture: general, 1934.
2 Folder 2
Lecture: correspondence with Charles H. Frazier, 1934.
2 Folder 3
Lecture: general, 1935.
2 Folder 4
Lecture: correspondence with Harris P. Mosher, 1935.
2 Folder 5
Lecture: correspondence in regards to dinner, 1935.
2 Folder 6
Lecture: placard, 1935.
2 Folder 7
Library, 1936.
2 Folder 8
Minutes: Committee on College Collections, 1935? January 25-1936 November 20.
2 Folder 9
Minutes: Committee on the Mütter Museum, 1932 January 29-1936 November 20.
2 Folder 10
Minutes: Council, 1935 February 26-1936 November 24.
2 Folder 11
Miscellaneous, 1931-1936.
2 Folder 12
Notices, 1932-1936.
2 Folder 13
Portraits [American Surgical Association], 1934.
2 Folder 14
Privileges, Library, 1934-1936.
2 Folder 15
Reports: Committee on College Collections, 1935-1936.
2 Folder 16
Reports: Committee on Mütter Museum, 1934-1936.
2 Folder 17
Resignation of Dr. Schenck, 1936.
2 Folder 18
Specimens: removal, 1934.
2 Folder 19
Specimens: summary, 1935-1936.
2 Folder 20
Financial records (numbers 817-866), 1934.
2 Folder 21-24
Financial records (numbers 867-913), 1935.
3 Folder 1-4
Financial records (numbers 914-940), 1936.
3 Folder 5-8
Chairmanship, 1937.
3 Folder 9
Financial: Correspondence, 1936-1937.
3 Folder 10
Financial: Statements [annual and semi-annual], 1932-1937.
3 Folder 11
Investment account statements [annual], 1927-1937.
3 Folder 12
Lecture, 1936.
3 Folder 13
Library: General, 1935-1937.
3 Folder 14
Library: "Fugitive leaves from the Library", 1936-1937.
3 Folder 15
Library: "A selected list of publications recently added to the Library of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia", 1936-1937.
3 Folder 16
Minutes: Committee on College Collections, 1936 December 22-1937 November 19.
3 Folder 17
Minutes: Committee on the Mütter Museum, 1936 December 22-1937 November 19.
3 Folder 18
Minutes: Council, 1936 December 29-1937 October 26.
3 Folder 19
Miscellaneous, 1936-1937.
3 Folder 20
Notices, 1936-1937.
3 Folder 21
Sesquicentennial [of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia], 1937.
3 Folder 22
Chairmanship, 1938.
4 Folder 1
Financial: Correspondence, 1937-1938.
4 Folder 2
Investment account report [annual], 1938.
4 Folder 3
Lecture, 1937-1938.
4 Folder 4
Library: "Fugitive leaves from the Library", 1937-1938.
4 Folder 5
Library: "A selected list of publications recently added to the Library of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia", 1937-1938.
4 Folder 6
Minutes: Committee on College Collections, 1937 December 23-1938 November 25.
4 Folder 7
Minutes: Committee on Mütter Museum, 1937 December 23-1938 November 25.
4 Folder 8
Minutes: Council, 1937 November 23-1938 September 27.
4 Folder 9
Notices, 1937-1938.
4 Folder 10
Miscellaneous: General file, 1938.
4 Folder 11
Miscellaneous: Correspondence with Chevalier Jackson, 1937-1938.
4 Folder 12
Miscellaneous: Society of Clinical Surgery gavel, 1937-1938.
4 Folder 13
Reports, 1937-1938.
4 Folder 14
Specimens, Destruction, 1937-1938.
4 Folder 15
Financial records (numbers 941-944), 1936.
4 Folder 16
Financial records (numbers 945-987), 1937.
4 Folder 17-20
Financial records (numbers 988-1021), 1938.
4 Folder 21-24
By-laws: Rules of Council, circa 1940.
4 Folder 25
Carson letter, 1937; 1939.
4 Folder 26
College Collections, 1939-1940.
5 Folder 1
Council, 1939-1940.
5 Folder 2
Financial: Correspondence, 1939-1940.
5 Folder 3
Financial: Statements [annual and semi-annual], 1938-1940.
5 Folder 4
Lecture: Mütter, 1940.
5 Folder 5
Lecture: General Public, 1940.
5 Folder 6
Library: "A selected list of publications recently added to the Library of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia", 1939-1940.
5 Folder 7
Minutes: Committee on College Collections, 1939 November 24-1940 October 24.
5 Folder 8
Minutes: Committee on the Mütter Museum, 1939 November 24-1940 October 24.
5 Folder 9
Minutes: Council, 1939 December 26-1940 November26.
5 Folder 10
Notices, 1939-1940.
5 Folder 11
Publications, 1939-1940.
5 Folder 12
Reports: Committee on College Collections, 1939.
5 Folder 13
Reports: Committee on Mütter Museum, 1939.
5 Folder 14
Financial records (numbers 1022-1026), 1938.
5 Folder 15
Financial records (numbers 1027-1069), 1939.
5 Folder 16-19
Financial records (numbers 1070-1115).
5 Folder 20-23
By-laws, 1941?.
5 Folder 24
Carson letters, 936; 1941.
5 Folder 25
College Collections, 1941.
5 Folder 26
Council, 1940-1941.
6 Folder 1
Financial: Correspondence, 1939-1941.
6 Folder 2
Financial: Statements [annual and semi-annual], 1940-1941.
6 Folder 3
Lecture: 1940, 1940-1941.
6 Folder 4
Lecture: 1941, 1941.
6 Folder 5
Library: "A selected list of publication recently added to the Library of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia", 1940-1941.
6 Folder 6
Minutes: Committee on College Collections, 1940 November 22-1941 November 17.
6 Folder 7
Minutes: Committee on the Mütter Museum, 1940? November 22-1941 November 17.
6 Folder 8
Minutes: Council, 1940 December 17-1941 October 28.
6 Folder 9
Notices, 1940-1941.
6 Folder 10
Reports: Committee on College Collections, 1940.
6 Folder 11
Reports: Committee on the Mütter Museum, 1940.
6 Folder 12
Financial records (numbers 1116-1122), 1940.
6 Folder 13
Financial records (numbers 1123-1169).
6 Folder 14-17
Financial records (numbers 1175-1218), 1942.
6 Folder 19-22
College Collections, 1942.
6 Folder 18
Council, 1942.
6 Folder 19
Financial statement [annual], 1942.
6 Folder 20
Investment account statements [annual], 1941.
6 Folder 21
Library: Letter, circa 1942.
6 Folder 22
Library: "A selected list of publications recently added to the Library of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia", 1941-1942.
6 Folder 23
Minutes: Committee on College Collections, 1941 December 22-1942 November 20.
6 Folder 24
Minutes: Committee on the Mütter Museum, 1941 December 22-1942 November 20.
6 Folder 25
Minutes: Council, 1941 December 30-1942 October 27.
7 Folder 1
Notices, 1941-1942.
7 Folder 2
Publications, 1942.
7 Folder 3
Reports: Committee on College Collections, 1941.
7 Folder 4
Reports: Committee on the Mütter Museum, 1941.
7 Folder 5
Financial records (numbers 1170-1174), 1941.
7 Folder 6
Financial records (numbers 1175-1218), 1942.
7 Folder 7-10
Association of Military Surgeons of the United States, 1943.
7 Folder 11
By-laws, 1933; 1935.
7 Folder 12
College Collections, 1943.
7 Folder 13
Council, 1943.
7 Folder 14
Deed of gift form, [193-].
7 Folder 15
Financial Correspondence, 1941-1943.
7 Folder 16
Financial Statements [annual and semi-annual], 1941-1943.
7 Folder 17
Insurance, 1934-1943.
7 Folder 18
Investment account statement [annual], 1943.
7 Folder 19
Lecture, 1942.
7 Folder 20
Lecture, 1943.
7 Folder 21
Library: "A selected list of publications recently added to the Library of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia", 1942-1943.
7 Folder 22
Minutes: Committee on College Collections, 1942 December 21-1943 November 17.
7 Folder 23
Minutes: Committee on the Mütter Museum, 1942 December 21-1943 November 17.
7 Folder 24
Minutes: Council, 1942 November 24-1943 December 28.
7 Folder 25
Notices, 1942-1943.
7 Folder 26
Reports: Committee on College Collections, 1942; 1943.
7 Folder 27
Reports: Committee on the Mütter Museum, 1942; 1943.
7 Folder 28
Wade letter, 1943.
7 Folder 29
Financial records (numbers 1219-1223), 1942.
8 Folder 1
Financial records (numbers 1224-1263), 1943.
8 Folder 2-5
College Collections, 1944.
8 Folder 6
Council, 1944.
8 Folder 7
Financial Correspondence, 1944.
8 Folder 8
Financial Statements [annual and semi-annual], 1944.
8 Folder 9
Investment account statement [annual], 1944.
8 Folder 10
Lecture, 1944.
8 Folder 11
Library: "A selected list of publications recently added to the library of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia", 1943-1944.
8 Folder 12
Library: Philadelphia County Medical Society Library, 1943.
8 Folder 13
Minute: Committee on College Collections, 1943 December 22-1944 October 20.
8 Folder 14
Minutes: Committee on the Mütter Museum, 1943 December 22-1944 October 20.
8 Folder 15
Minutes: Council, 1943 November 23-1944 October 24.
8 Folder 16
Notices, 1943-1944.
8 Folder 17
Personal, 1944.
8 Folder 18
Publications, 1944.
8 Folder 19
Financial records (numbers 1264-1267), 1943.
8 Folder 20
Financial records (numbers 1268-1311), 1944.
8 Folder 21-24

Appropriations, 1944-1951.
8 Folder 25
Correspondence, 1945-1946.
8 Folder 26
Council: Minutes and notices of meetings, 1945 February 27-1946 March 26.
8 Folder 27
Council Committee on College Collections reports [monthly], 1944-1952.
8 Folder 28
Council: Committee on Mütter Museum reports [monthly], 1944-1949.
9 Folder 1
Financial statements [annual and semi-annual], 1943-1950.
9 Folder 2
Library: "A selected list of publications recently added to the Library of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia", 1945.
9 Folder 3
Minutes: Committee on College Collections, 1944 November 24-1952 October 24.
9 Folder 4
Minutes: Committee on the Mütter Museum, 1944 November 24-1952 October 24.
9 Folder 5
Notices, 1944-1952.
9 Folder 6
Pennsylvania Company for Insurance on Lives and Granting Annuities, 1944-1946.
9 Folder 7
Petty cash, 1946.
9 Folder 8
Reports: Committee on College Collections [annual], 1944-1949.
9 Folder 9
Reports: Committee on the Mütter Museum [annual], 1944-1953.
9 Folder 10
Financial records (numbers 1312-1315), 1944.
9 Folder 11
Financial records (numbers 1316-1357), 1945.
9 Folder 12-16
Financial records (numbers 1358-1401), 1946.
9 Folder 17-21
Financial records (numbers 1402-1441), 1947.
9 Folder 22-25

Council: Committee on College Collection reports [monthly], 1965-1969.
9 Folder 26
Council: Committee on the Mütter Museum reports [monthly], 1968-1969.
10 Folder 1
Internal Revenue Service, 1956-1957.
10 Folder 2
Minutes: Committee on College Collections, 1968 January 2-1970 October 7.
10 Folder 3
Minutes: Committee on the Mütter Museum, 1968 January 2-[1970] September 9.
10 Folder 4
Financial records: (numbers 2179-2230), 1966.
10 Folder 5-7
Financial records (numbers 2231-2254), 1967.
10 Folder 8
Social Security deductions, 1956-1958.
10 Folder 9
Bills and quarterly reports, 1966-1967.
10 Folder 10

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