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Katharine Elizabeth McBride papers


Held at: Bryn Mawr College [Contact Us]Bryn Mawr College Library, 101 N. Merion Avenue, Bryn Mawr 19010

This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the Bryn Mawr College. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.

Overview and metadata sections

Katharine Elizabeth McBride was born in Philadelphia in 1904. She received her B.A., M.A., and PhD in psychology from Bryn Mawr College in 1925, 1927, and 1932, respectively. She joined the Bryn Mawr faculty in 1935 in the fields of education and psychology. From 1940 to 1942 she was dean at Radcliffe College. In 1942 she became president of Bryn Mawr College, a position she held for twenty-eight years.

McBride presided over a period of expansion at Bryn Mawr. Enrollment grew, particularly at the graduate level, and the curriculum was enlarged. The college's physical plan also grew during her administration with the construction or acquisition of many new buildings.

McBride also participated in many national, state and local organizations concerned with education policy. She served on the Pennsylvania State Board of Education from 1963 to 1967. She was also a trustee of seven educational facilities, including the University of Pennsylvania and Radcliffe. She died in 1976.

The Katharine Elizabeth McBride was the fourth president of Bryn Mawr College. The bulk of the papers consist of material from McBride's time as president, primarily her office files.

The papers comprises three series. Series I: Office Files consists of files from her administration as president of Bryn Mawr College, organized alphabetically by subject. Series II: contains correspondence created during her administration as president of Bryn Mawr College. Those with whom she corresponded frequently have separate named files; the remainder of the correspondence if filed alphabetically in general files. Series III: consists of personal papers including awards, speeches, notes on travel, and miscellaneous biographical material.

Materials were transfered to the College Archives from the office of the president of Bryn Mawr College.

Bryn Mawr College
Finding Aid Author
Lorett Treese Melissa Torquato
Access Restrictions

The Katharine Elizabeth McBride papers are the physical property of the Special Collections Department, Bryn Mawr College Library. Literary rights, including copyright, belong to the authors or their legal heirs or assigns.

This collection is open for research. Records containing personal or confidential student information may be used at the discretion of the president of the college.

Collection Inventory

Physical Description

49 cartons

General "A" Miscellaneous.
Box 1
Academic Council.
Box 1
Academic Council-Freedom (2 Folders).
Box 1
Academic Council-Pamphlet, Committee on the.
Box 1
Academic Council-Rules for Undergradaute Work 1947.
Box 1
Academic Council-Tenure.
Box 1
Academy for Educational Development.
Box 1
Accelerated Programs.
Box 1
Box 1
Admissions Committee Minutes.
Box 1
Admissions Committee Minutes, 1951-Katharine E. McBride's Notes.
Box 1
Advising and Counseling (Study on Advising and Counseling in Women's colleges-made by Mills College.).
Box 1
Agnes Irwin School.
Box 1
A.I.E.S.C. International Association of Students in Ec. and Com. Ser.
Box 1
Air Force.
Box 1
Alcohol on Campus.
Box 1
Alexander Hamilton Bicentennial Commission on Education.
Box 1
Alliance 1952-1956-1965.
Box 1
Alliance, Second American Revolutin-1964. (Civil Rights).
Box 1
All Pennsylvania College Alumni Association.
Box 1
Alumnae Association 1965-1968.
Box 1
Alumnae Association-General.
Box 1
Alumnae Day - June 4, 1960, 1960.
Box 2
Alumnae Association-Academic Committee of Alumnae Association.
Box 2
Alumnae Association .
Box 2
Alumnae Association-Association Awards, American Alumnae Council and ACPRA.
Box 2
Alumnae Bequests Committees.
Box 2
Alumnae Bequests Committees-Bulletin.
Box 2
Financial Agreements with Alumnae Association-1958.
Box 2
Bryn Mawr Club of New Haven March 26, (No Year).
Box 2
Alumnae Clubs and Groups 1953-1955.
Box 2
Bryn Mawr Club Boston, April 2, 1970.
Box 2
Alumnae Clubs and groups 1947 + 1955 - 1957+1957.
Box 2
Alumnae Directors.
Box 2
Central Pennsylvania, Spring 1965.
Box 2
Boston Dinner, Spring 1965, 1967.
Box 2
Alumane Committee on Jobs.
Box 2
Alumnae Council November 14-16, 1968.
Box 2
Alumnae Council.
Box 2
Alumane Fund.
Box 2
Alumane Fund-for Books for the Sorbonne.
Box 2
Alumnae Fund-Reunion Gifts.
Box 2
Alumane Fund-Study 1960-1961.
Box 2
Alumane Fund-Association (Scholarship and Loan Fund Committee).
Box 2
Alumnae Fund-Study.
Box 2
Alumane Fund-Weekends.
Box 2
Alumnae Fund-Vocational Committee.
Box 2
Alumnae Fund-Advisory Center, Inc.
Box 2
Alumnae Fund-Advisory Center, Inc. (Women's Placement Bureau).
Box 2
Alumnae Fund-Necrology.
Box 2
Alumnae Fund-in India.
Box 2
Alumnae Fund-Protest on Vietnam War.
Box 2
Alumnae Register-1959.
Box 2
Alumnae Reunions.
Box 2A
Alumnae Reunions 1969.
Box 2A
Alumnae Reunions June 1968.
Box 2A
Alumnae Reunions 1967.
Box 2A
Alumnae Reunions 1966.
Box 2A
Alumnae Reunions 1965.
Box 2A
Alumnae Reunions Katharine E. McBride's planned Letter to the Class of 1925.
Box 2A
Alumnae Reunions 1964.
Box 2A
Alumnae Reunions 1963.
Box 2A
Alumnae Reunions 1962.
Box 2A
Alumnae Reunions 1961.
Box 2A
Alumnae Reunions 1960.
Box 2A
American Academy in Rome (School of Classical Studies of American Academy in Rome).
Box 3
American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Box 3
American Association of Political and Social Sciences.
Box 3
American Association for the Advancement of Science of Emeriti.
Box 3
American Association for the Advancement of Science of University Professors.
Box 3
American Association for the Advancement of Science of University Women.
Box 3
American Chemical Society.
Box 3
American College Public Relations Association.
Box 3
American Council for Emigres in the Professions.
Box 3
American Council of Learned Societies.
Box 3
American Council on Education (General File 3 Folders).
Box 3
American Council on Education Academic Intern. Miss Jacqueline Sterner.
Box 3
American Council on Education Academic Internship Program 1965-.
Box 3
American Council on Education-Annual Meeting October 8,9, 1959, 1960.
Box 4
American Council on Education-Commission on Federal Relations (2 Folders).
Box 4
American Council on Education-Conference on Proposals for Federal Assistance in Constructing College Buildings.
Box 4
American Council on Education-Relationship of Federal Government to Higher Education (2 Folders).
Box 4
American Council on Education-Office of Statistical Information and Research.
Box 4
American Council on Education-Questionaires.
Box 4
American Friends Service Committee-Institutional Service Units.
Box 4
American Friends Service Committee-1954.
Box 4
American Management Association.
Box 4
American Philosophical Association.
Box 4
American Philological Association and Archaeological Institute of America.
Box 4
American Psychological Association.
Box 4
American Research Institute in Turkey.
Box 4
American School of Slassical Studies in Athens.
Box 4
American-Soviet Friendship.
Box 4
American University Filed Staff Reports.
Box 4
Box 4
Anti-Vivisection Society.
Box 4
Applebee Barn.
Box 4
Appointment Comittee (Old File).
Box 4
Appointment Committee-up to 1944.
Box 4
Apointment Committee-1950-1952.
Box 4
Appointment Committee-1954-1955.
Box 4
Appointment Committee-1955-1956.
Box 4
Appointment Committee-1957-1958.
Box 4
Appointment Committee-1958-1959.
Box 4
Appointment Committee-1959-1960.
Box 4
Appointment Committee-1960-1961.
Box 5
Appointment Committee-1963-1964.
Box 5
Appointment Committee-1964-1965.
Box 5
Appointment Committee-1966-1967.
Box 5
Appointments, Katharine E. McBride's Confidential Folder 1963-1964, 1964-1965, 1965-1966.
Box 5
Aptheker Appointment.
Box 5
Aptheker Appointment-Alumnae or Alumnae Related: For.
Box 5
Aptheker Appointment-Alumnae College Related: Against.
Box 5
Aptheker Appointment-Parents.
Box 5
Aptheker Appointment-Replies.
Box 5
Aptheker Appointment-Unanswered.
Box 5
Aptheker, Herbert (1970-1971).
Box 5
Archaeological "Dig" at Emali.
Box 5
Archaeological "Dig" in Turkey.
Box 5
Archaeological "Dig" in Tuscany.
Box 5
Archaeological Institute of America.
Box 5
Architects, etc.
Box 5
Box 5
Art and Archaeology in Various Colleges.
Box 5
Arts Owned by the College.
Box 5
Arts Forum.
Box 5
Assembly, Opening.
Box 5
Assembly, Opening 1942 through 1958.
Box 5
Assembly, Opening September 25, 1962, 1963, 1964.
Box 5
Association of American Colleges.
Box 5
Association of Governing Boards.
Box 5
Association of Greek Alumni of American Universities.
Box 5
Association of Liberal Arts Colleges.
Box 5
Atomic Energy and Radiation.
Box 5
Audio-Visual Education.
Box 5
Austrian College.
Box 6
Box 6
Avignon, #II.
Box 6
Baccalaureate Sermon.
Box 6
Baldwin School.
Box 6
Barnes Foundation and Arboretum.
Box 6
Batten House.
Box 6
Biology Building-Billing.
Box 6
Biology Building-Opening of.
Box 6
Biology Building-Corrrespondence with U.S.P.H.S.
Box 6
Biology Building.
Box 6
Black Arts Restival 1968 January 5,6,7.
Box 6
Black Students and Alumnae.
Box 6
Blue Route.
Box 6
Board of Directors-Bylaws.
Box 6
Board of Directors-Building and Grounds Committee up to 1952.
Box 6
Board of Directors-Committe on Religious Life.
Box 6
Board of Directors-Committees.
Box 6
Board of Directors-Consultative Committee of the Board.
Box 6
Board of Directors-Executive Committee Meetings.
Box 6
Board. Finance Committee 1967.
Box 7
Board. Finance Committee 1966.
Box 7
Board. Finance Committee 1965.
Box 7
Board. Finance Committee 1964.
Box 7
Board. Finance Committee 1963.
Box 7
Board. Finance Committee 1962.
Box 7
Board. Finance Committee 1961.
Box 7
Board. Finance Committee 1960.
Box 7
Board. Finance Committee 1959.
Box 7
Board. Finance Committee 1958.
Box 7
Board. Finance Committee 1957.
Box 7
Board. Finance Committee 1942-1956.
Box 7
Board. (Investments) Statement of Investments.
Box 7
Board. March 11, 1963 to September 3, 1965.
Box 7
Board. (Investments) Sub-committee on Investments 1962-1967.
Box 7
Board. Nominating Committee of the Board.
Box 7
Board. Standing Committee of the Board.
Box 7
Book reviews by Miss McBride-also Articles.
Box 7
Box 7
Booklets re Bryn Mawr College.
Box 7
Brookings Institution.
Box 7
Bryn Mawr Civic Association.
Box 7
Bryn Mawr Fire Company.
Box 7
Bryn Mawr Hospital Women's Board.
Box 7
Bryn Mawr in Wales.
Box 8
Bryn Mawr in Review.
Box 8
Budget, Comptrollers' Report.
Box 8
Budget Working Material. Statement of Comparative Income and Expenditures of 10 Women's Colleges. Franke, Hannon, and Withey.
Box 8
Budget 1976-1968.
Box 8
Budget 1966-1967.
Box 8
Budget 1965-1966.
Box 8
Budget 1964-1965.
Box 8
Budget 1963-1964.
Box 8
Budget 1962-1963.
Box 8
Budget 1960-1961-1962.
Box 8
Budget 1959-1960.
Box 8
Budget 1957-1958, 1958-1959.
Box 8
Budget 1956-1957.
Box 8
Budget 1955-1956.
Box 8
Budget 1952-1953, 1953-1954, 1954-1955.
Box 8
Budget 1951-1952.
Box 8
Budget 1950-1951.
Box 8
Budget 1949-1950.
Box 8
Budget 1945-1946, 1946-1947, 1947-1948, 1948-1949.
Box 8
Budget 1944-1945.
Box 8
Budget 1943-1944.
Box 8
Bulletin Forum.
Box 8
Box 8
Campaign Dinner November 4, 1946.
Box 8
Caps and Gowns.
Box 8
Career Forum.
Box 8
Carnegie Commission on hte Future of Higher Education.
Box 8
Carnegie Corporation of New York (2 Folders).
Box 9
Carnegie Corporation of New York Exploratory Committee on Assessing the Progress of Education-1966.
Box 9
Carnegie Corporation of New York Exploratory Committee on Assessing the Progress of Education-1965.
Box 9
Carnegie Corporation of New York Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching 1963.
Box 9
Carnegie Corporation of New York Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching 1959-1962.
Box 9
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
Box 9
Centro de Hispanicos en Madrid.
Box 9
Chair-Helburn, Theresa (Proposal for a).
Box 9
Chair-Jones, Rufus M., Chair of Philosophy and Religion.
Box 9
Box 9
Chapel 1943-1949, 1951-1957 (2 Folders).
Box 9
Chinese Scholarship Committee.
Box 9
Box 9
Church and Freedom Celebration held at Christ Church.
Box 9
Box 9
Box 9
Citizenship Clearinghouse.
Box 9
Citizenship and International Relations Chair.
Box 9
Civil Defense (3 Folders).
Box 9
Civilian Defense, Office of.
Box 10
Cleveland Alumnae Group Lecture Course for 1944.
Box 10
Cloister Fountain (Given by the Classof 1901).
Box 10
Coal Saving. Coal Strike-November-December 1946 (Possible Ways of Saving on Coal).
Box 10
College Art Association of America.
Box 10
College Board Review.
Box 10
College Bound Corporation.
Box 10
College Bowl.
Box 10
College Debt 1941-1942.
Box 10
College Calendar.
Box 10
College Council.
Box 10
College Entrance Examination Board.
Box 10
College Inn Financial Studies and Comparisons.
Box 10
College Inn General Material.
Box 10
College Inn Lawrence E. Brown and Co. Annual Audits.
Box 10
College Inn June 1954-June 1964.
Box 10
College Inn July 1950-June 1954.
Box 10
College Inn October 1945-June 1950.
Box 10
College News.
Box 10
College Presidents Informal Group.
Box 10
Colloquium March 11, 1969.
Box 10
Commencements, Inaugurations, etc. .
Box 10
Commission for Independent Colleges and Universities in Pennsylvania.
Box 10
Commission on College Physics (2 Folders).
Box 10
Commission on Human Resources.
Box 10
Commission on Science and Technology.
Box 10
Committee on a Friends College.
Box 10
Box 10
Community Music Groups.
Box 10
Box 10
Comptroller's Office, Memos to 1966-1969.
Box 10
Box 10
Commencement. General.
Box 10A
Commencement. 1969.
Box 10A
Commencement. 1968.
Box 10A
Commencement. 1967.
Box 10A
Commencement. 1966.
Box 10A
Commencement. 1964-1965.
Box 10A
Commencement and Baccalaureate 1960-1963.
Box 10A
Commencement and Baccalaureate 1957-1959.
Box 10A
Commencement and Baccalaureate 1952-1956.
Box 10A
Commencement and Baccalaureate 1947-1951.
Box 10A
Commencement and Baccalaureate 1943, 1944, 1945, 1946.
Box 10A
Committees. 1963-1969.
Box 10B
Committees. 1969-1970.
Box 10B
Committees. 1969-1971.
Box 10B
Committees. 1971-1972.
Box 10B
Committees. Committee on Graduate Awards.
Box 10B
Committees. Curriculum Committee.
Box 10B
Committees. Resources.
Box 10B
Computer Equipment.
Box 11
Conference on Women in the Defense Decade 1951.
Box 11
Confidential Correspondence.
Box 11
Congratulatory Letters, 1960-1961.
Box 11
Congressional Investigations.
Box 11
Construction Company Inquiries.
Box 11
Contemporary Club.
Box 11
Cooperative Program in Education.
Box 11
Coordination of the Sciences at Bryn Mawr College.
Box 11
Costs and Fees.
Box 11
Costs and Fees Committee on 1952-1957.
Box 11
Costs and Fees Committee on 1946-1947, 1949-1950.
Box 11
Costs and Fees Committee on 1950-1951, 1951-1952.
Box 11
Council of American Graduate Schools.
Box 11
Council for Financial Aid to Education 1962.
Box 11
Council for Financial Aid to Education 1955-1961.
Box 11
Council for Social Work Education, February 3, 1961.
Box 11
Cum Laude Society.
Box 11
Curriculum Committee.
Box 11
Curriculum Committee 1963-1968.
Box 11
Special Curriculum Committee.
Box 11
Curriculum Committee 1962-1963.
Box 12
Curriculum Committee in 1961-1962. Advanced placement study.
Box 12
Curriculum Committee 1958-.
Box 12
Curriculum Committee 1954-1957.
Box 12
Curriculum Committee 1953-1954.
Box 12
Curriculum Committee 1949-1952.
Box 12
Curriculum Committee up to 1948.
Box 12
Dalton Shop.
Box 12
Danforth Foundation.
Box 12
Dean of the College.
Box 12
Committee to Select a New Dean, 1969.
Box 12
Committee to Select a New Dean, 1946 Dorothy Nepper Marshall.
Box 12
Dean of the College-Appointment of a New Dean 1946.
Box 12
Box 12
Deanery-Alumnae House.
Box 12
Deanery History and Policies.
Box 12
Deanery Minutes etc.
Box 12
Deanery Committee 1952-1957.
Box 12
Deanery Management Committee.
Box 13
Debate Groups Students.
Box 13
Decorating 1965.
Box 13
de Laguna Lectureship.
Box 13
Denbigh Alterations.
Box 13
Departments General.
Box 13
Box 13
Box 13
Box 13
Departments-Child Study Institute (2 Folders).
Box 13
Departments-Classical Archaeology.
Box 13
Box 13
Box 13
Box 13
Box 13
Box 13
Box 13
Box 13
Box 13
Departments-History of Art.
Box 13
Box 13
Box 13
Departments-Medieval Studies.
Box 13
Box 13
Departments-Phebe Anna Thorne (2 Folders).
Box 13
Television (2 Folders).
Box 37
Ten Colleges.
Box 37
Ten Million for Bryn Mawr College.
Box 37
Tenure-Columbia University Study.
Box 37
Theatre Workshop (Mrs. Otis Skinner).
Box 37
Think Magazine.
Box 37
Thomas, M.C. Award Eudora Welty.
Box 37
Thomas, M.C. Award Mrs. Roosevelt and Miss Anne L. Strauss.
Box 37
Thomas, M.C. Essay Prize.
Box 37
Thomas, M.C. Sarget Portrait.
Box 37
Thorne, Phebe Anna-Endowment Fund.
Box 37
Three College-Asian Studies (2 Folders).
Box 37
Three College-Cooperation-Bond Study.
Box 37
Three College-Cooperation-General Study.
Box 37
Three College-Cooperation-Newton Study.
Box 37
Three College-Cooperation-Nash.
Box 37
Three College-Cooperation-Pittsburgh Council of Higher Education.
Box 37
Three College-Cooperation-Carnegie Corporation.
Box 37
Three College-Cooperation-Together with the University of Pennsylvania.
Box 37
Three College-Chicago, 1951.
Box 37
Three College-China Seminar.
Box 37
Three College-Faculty Exchange.
Box 37
Three College-Foundation Appeals.
Box 37
Three College-Buschbeck, Ernest.
Box 37
Three College-Financial Matters, Purchasing.
Box 37
Three College-History of Art.
Box 37
Three College-Library Cooperation.
Box 37
Three College-Holdings in Libraries.
Box 37
Three College-Indian Seminar.
Box 37
Three College-Institutional Service Units.
Box 37
Three College-International Institute.
Box 37
Departments-Phebe Ann Thorne School 1927-1940.
Box 14
Box 14
Departments-Physical Education.
Box 14
Box 14
Departments-Political Science.
Box 14
Box 14
Department of Social Work New Director for School of Social Work 1968.
Box 14
Department of Social Work Evaluation 1968.
Box 14
Department of Social Work Anniversary October 22, and 23, 1965.
Box 14
Department of Social Work 1959-1963.
Box 14
Department of Social Work Scholarship Committee.
Box 14
Department of Social Work Advisory Committee on Community Resources.
Box 14
Box 14
Box 14
Departments-Spanish Department Fund.
Box 14
Box 14
Distinguished Daughters of Pennsylvania.
Box 14
Donnelly, Lucy Martin. Bust of (Gift of Miss Edith Finch).
Box 14
Drama Groups.
Box 14
Box 14
Earnshaw Property (2 Folders).
Box 14
East House.
Box 14
Eastern Association of College and University Business Officers.
Box 14
Economic Survey-Mr. Seymour Harris.
Box 14
Education, Office of (U.S.).
Box 14
Educational Television.
Box 14
Educational Testing Service.
Box 14
Employees (Maids and Porters).
Box 14
Box 14
Box 14
Entertaining-Fall Tea.
Box 14
Entertaining-Spring Teas.
Box 14
Erdman Hall (2 Folders).
Box 14A
Erdman Hall-Job Meeting Notices.
Box 14A
Excluded Students, 1942-1945.
Box 14A
Excluded Students, 1945-1956.
Box 14A
Box 14A
Faculty Activities 1953-1954.
Box 14A
Faculty Adjustments (as a Result of Miliarty Leaves Government, and other absences.
Box 14A
Faculty-(New) Appointments and Promotions.
Box 14A
Faculty-(New) Appointments, Leaves, Promotions, Teaching at other Institutions.
Box 14A
Faculty-Appointments and Salaries 1941-1945.
Box 14A
Faculty-Committee to Study Chairmanships of Departments.
Box 14A
Faculty-Coeducation Committee 1971.
Box 14A
Faculty-Committee on Education of Secondary School Teachers.
Box 14A
Faculty-Committees, Committee on.
Box 14A
Faculty-Committee on the Size of the College.
Box 14A
Faculty-Committee on Tuition for Faculty Children.
Box 14A
Faculty-Copies of letters from Secretary .
Box 14A
Box 14A
Faculty-Fringe Benefit Committee (2 Folders) Medical Insurance at Bryn Mawr Mortgages, Faculty (paid off) Pension Plans for Faculty Teachers Insurance and Annuity Associations College Retirement Equities Fund.
Box 14A
Faculty-Guild, Eugenia Chase. Faculty Fellowship.
Box 14A
Faculty-Inactive Faculty.
Box 14A
Box 14A
Minutes 1969-1970 (Incomplete).
Box 14A
Facuty-Minutes 1968-1969.
Box 14B
Faculty-Special Faculty Meetings February 19, 1968.
Box 14B
Faculty-Meetings 1967-1968.
Box 14B
Faculty-Meetings 1966-1967.
Box 14B
Faculty-Meetings 1965-1966.
Box 14B
Faculty-Open Meetings of the Faculty 1965-1966.
Box 14B
Faculty-Special Meetings of the Faculty (re Curriculum) April 13, 1965 and April 29, 1965.
Box 14B
Faculty-Faculty Meetings 1964-1965.
Box 14B
Faculty-Open Meetings of the Faculty, April 9 and 30, 1964.
Box 14B
Faculty-Faculty Meetings 1963-1964.
Box 14B
Faculty-Faculty Meetings 1961-1963.
Box 14B
Faculty-Faculty Meetings 1960-1961.
Box 14B
Faculty-Faculty Meetings 1959-1960.
Box 14B
Faculty-Faculty Meetings 1958-1959.
Box 14B
Faculty-Faculty Meetings 1957-1958.
Box 14B
Faculty-Faculty Meetings 1956-1957.
Box 14B
Faculty-Faculty Meetings 1955-1956.
Box 14B
Faculty-Faculty Meetings 1954-1955.
Box 14B
Faculty-Faculty Meetings 1953-1954.
Box 14B Box 14B
Faculty-Faculty Meetings 1952-1953.
Box 14B
Faculty Study by Cornelia Meigs.
Box 14B
Faculty Nominative Committee.
Box 14B
Faculty Publication Forms 1973.
Box 14B
Faculty Publication Forms 1971-1972.
Box 14C
Faculty Research Associates, Assistants, etc.
Box 14C
Faculty-Research Awards.
Box 14C
Box 14C
Faculty-Retirement Committee.
Box 14C
Box 14C
Faculty-Rules 1969.
Box 14C
Faculty Salaries, Master Worksheets.
Box 14C
Faculty-Salary Statistics (2 Folders).
Box 14C
Box 14C
Faculty-Standing Committees.
Box 14C
Faculty-Teaching Load, Committee on.
Box 14C
Faculty-Teaching Load, Statistics.
Box 14C
Fellowship Commission.
Box 15
Box 15
Fellowships Eisenhower Exchange.
Box 15
Fellowships, European.
Box 15
Fellowships, International Nickel.
Box 15
Fellowships, Hay John.
Box 15
Box 15
Final Examination in Major Subject.
Box 15
Fires on College Property.
Box 15
Fitness of American Youth, Conference on.
Box 15
Fletcher, Ruth-Memorial.
Box 15
Food Service.
Box 15
Ford Foundation Applications (1962-1965).
Box 15
Ford Foundation Applications (1962-1965) Correspondence, Yearly Reports, and Final Reports December 1965.
Box 15
Ford Grant Reports, 1962-1965.
Box 15
Ford Grants, Letterse to Answer to .
Box 15
Ford Foundation (2 Folders).
Box 16
Ford Foundation Complete 1962-1965 Report.
Box 16
Ford Foundation Part I 1962. Part II.
Box 16
Ford Foundation 1957-1958.
Box 16
Ford Foundation 1953-1954.
Box 16
Ford Foundation Fund for the Advancement of Education.
Box 16
Ford Foundation Infirmary Grant December 1955.
Box 16
Ford Motor Company.
Box 16
Foreign Policy Association (Miss McBride member of Board May 1948).
Box 16
Foreign Student Survey.
Box 16
Box 16
Foundation for Independent Colleges 1953-1960.
Box 16
Foundation for Independent Colleges 1960-1962.
Box 16
Foundation for Independent Colleges 1962-1964.
Box 16
Foundation for Independent Colleges 1965-1968.
Box 17
Foundation for Independent Colleges 1962-1964.
Box 17
French Government Grants.
Box 17
Friends Council on Education.
Box 17
Friends Colleges, Association of.
Box 17
Friends Conference 1946.
Box 17
Friends General Conference.
Box 17
Friends Freedmen Association.
Box 17
Friends of the Library (2 Folders).
Box 17
Friends of the Library Peck, Fred W.G.
Box 17
Friends of Music.
Box 17
Friends World College.
Box 17
Frost, Robert Lecture November 1954.
Box 17
Fulbright Awards.
Box 17
Fulbright Acts.
Box 17
Fund for the Advancement of Education.
Box 17
Funds, A through L.
Box 17
Funds, Slade, Carolina McCormick.
Box 17
Funds, M through R.
Box 17
Funds, S through Z.
Box 17
Funds, Swope, Mary Hill.
Box 17
Garret Will.
Box 17
Gayley Property.
Box 17
General Motors Corp.
Box 17
General Motors Corp. Scholarship Committee.
Box 17
Gould, Alice.
Box 17
Box 18
Grants Administration Reports.
Box 18
Grants-Annual Summaries to 1961.
Box 18
Grants-Miscellaneous Correspondence.
Box 18
Grants-Ancient History Project.
Box 18
Grants-Childrens' Bureau of Delaware.
Box 18
Grants-Dolfinger- McMahon Foundation.
Box 18
Grants-Fellowships- Research, Predoctoral, etc.
Box 18
Grants-Ford Foundation. Public Affairs 1960-1965.
Box 18
Grants-Ford Foundation. Three College Asian Studies.
Box 18
Grants-Joint Program of East Asian Studies.
Box 18
Grants-Lilly Endowment on Humanities. Archaeology.
Box 18
Grants-National Endowment on Humanities. Institutional.
Box 18
Grants-National Endowment on Humanities. Fellowships.
Box 18
Grants-National Foundation on the Arts and Humanities. Post-doctoral Teaching Resident.
Box 18
Grants-National Research Council.
Box 18
Grants-Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare.
Box 18
Grants-Pfeiffer Research Foundation.
Box 18
Grants-Philadelphia Foundation. Social Work.
Box 18
Grants-Research Associates, Post-doctoral and pre-doctoral Fellows. Research Assistants.
Box 18
Grants-Rockefeller Foundation.
Box 18
Grants-(U.S.) Air Force Office of Scientific Research.
Box 18
Grants-(U.S.) Atomic Energy Commission.
Box 18
Grants-(U.S.) Children's Bureau. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Department of Social Work.
Box 18
Grants-(U.S.) Education Professions Development Act (P.L. 9-35).
Box 18
Grants-(U.S.) Elementary and Secondary Education Act.
Box 18
Grants-(U.S.) Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (P.L. 89-10).
Box 18
Grants-(U.S.) Education, Office of. Educational Development.
Box 18
Grants-(U.S.) Health, Education and Welfare, General (2 Folders).
Box 18
Grants-(U.S.) Health, Education and Welfare, Social Work.
Box 18
Grants (U.S.) Higher Education Act of 1965 P.L. 89-329.
Box 18A
Grants (U.S.) Higher Education Act Title III.
Box 18A
Grants (U.S.) Higher Education Act Title II.
Box 18A
Grants (U.S.) Higher Education Act of 1965 P.L. 89-329.
Box 18A
Grants (U.S.) Department of Health, Education and Welfare Institute of International Studies.
Box 18A
Grants (U.S.) Public Law 89-698 Department of State International Education Act.
Box 18A
Grants (U.S.) National Defense Education Act.
Box 18A
Grants (U.S.) NDEA Graduate Fellowship Title IV.
Box 18A
Grants (U.S.) National Science Foundation Policies, Regulations, Standards, etc.
Box 18A
Grants (U.S.) National Science Foundation- General.
Box 18A
Grants (U.S.) National Science Foundation-.
Box 18A
Grants (U.S.) National Science Foundation-General Correspondence.
Box 18A
Grants (U.S.) National Science Foundation-Anthropology.
Box 18A
Grants (U.S.) National Science Foundation-Commission on College Physics.
Box 18A
Grants (U.S.) National Science Foundation- Graduate Traineeships.
Box 18A
Grants (U.S.) National Science Foundation-Joint Computer Proposal.
Box 18A
Grants (U.S.) National Science Foundation-Physical Sciences Building.
Box 18A
Grants (U.S.) National Science Foundation-Post-doctoral Fellows Information.
Box 18A
Grants (U.S.) National Science Foundation-Senior Foreign Scientist Fellowship.
Box 18A
Grants (U.S.) National Science Foundation-Institutional Grants.
Box 18A
Grants (U.S.) National Science Foundation-Psychology.
Box 18A
Grants (U.S.) National Science Foundation-Physics.
Box 18A
Grants (U.S.) National Science Foundation-Other Archaeology, French, Philosophy.
Box 18A
Grants (U.S.) National Science Foundation-Geology.
Box 18A
Grants (U.S.) National Science Foundation-Combined Chemistry-Physics Course Grants #GE-842.
Box 18A
Grants (U.S.) National Science Foundation-Chemistry.
Box 18A
Grants (U.S.) National Science Foundation-Biology.
Box 18A
Grants- (U.S.)- National Science Foundation-Biology-Chemistry.
Box 18B
Grants- (U.S.)- National Science Foundation-Scientific Equipment Program. Undergraduate.
Box 18B
Grants- (U.S.)- Office of Naval Research.
Box 18B
Grants- (U.S.)- Department of Health, Education and Welfare Biology.
Box 18B
Grants- (U.S.)- Department of Health, Education and Welfare Psychology prior ro 1970.
Box 18B
Grants- (U.S.)- Department of Health, Education and Welfare Psychology 1970 to Present.
Box 18B
Grants- Other.
Box 18B
German Women at Bryn Mawr College, 1949-1950.
Box 19
Gifts, 1957.
Box 19
Gifts, 1952-1956.
Box 19
Gifts, 1950-1952.
Box 19
Gifts, 1942-1950.
Box 19
Box 19
Goodhart Hall.
Box 19
Gorsuch Estate.
Box 19
Gorsuch Scholarship.
Box 19
Graduate Center.
Box 19
Graduate Dean.
Box 19
Graduate Dean, Selection Committee.
Box 19
Graduate Fellowships and Scholarships.
Box 19
Graduate School.
Box 19
Graduate School Statistics.
Box 19
Guggenheim Foundation.
Box 20
Great Books Program.
Box 20
Haffner Gift for Residence Hall for the Langugages.
Box 20
Haffner Language House, 1976-1968.
Box 20
Replies to Katherine E. McBride's Letter re Language House.
Box 20
Hall of Fame.
Box 20
Harcum Junior College.
Box 20
Harvard University, Graduate School of Education.
Box 20
Haverford Civic Association.
Box 20
Haverford Drive.
Box 20
Hazen, Edward W. Foundation.
Box 20
Headmistresses Association (Meeting at the College November 14, 1942).
Box 20
Health and Welfare Council.
Box 20
Health, Education and Welfare, U.S. Department of.
Box 20
Health Insurance.
Box 20
Helburn, Theresa Playwriting Award.
Box 20
Higher Education Act of 1965, Title IIA Library.
Box 20
Higher Education Act of 1965, Title VI, Part A.
Box 20
Higher Education Act of 1965, Title VI, Part B.
Box 20
History of Bryn Mawr College.
Box 20
Honor System 1954.
Box 20
Honors, Study on 1948-1949.
Box 20
Honorary Degree.
Box 20
Housing, Committee on.
Box 20
Faculty Housing Survey, 1965.
Box 20
Hudson Shore Labor School (1939-1941. Minutes and Reports etc.).
Box 20
Hudson Shore Labor School, Minutes 1941.
Box 21
Huff Fellowship.
Box 21
Humphreys Foundation.
Box 21
Illness, Faculty and Staff.
Box 21
"Impossible", Gift Piece of Statuary.
Box 21
Income Figures.
Box 21
Independent College Funds of America, Inc.
Box 21
Industry and Higher Education.
Box 21
Box 21
Institute for College and University Administrators.
Box 21
Institute of Historical Research.
Box 21
Institute of Internatinoal Reaction.
Box 21
Institue of International Relations annually held at Bryn Mawr College.
Box 21
Insurance Problems of the College.
Box 21
Insurance, Liability.
Box 21
Box 21
Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies in Rome.
Box 21
Interdepartmental Majors.
Box 21
Interfaith Association (2 Folders).
Box 21
Internal Revenue Code.
Box 21
International Court, Effective Use of.
Box 21
International Court Student Conference, 1958.
Box 21
Isotopes, Contractual Authority.
Box 21
Inter-University Committee on Superior Student.
Box 21
Ithan Mill Farm (2 Folders).
Box 21
Institute of International Education.
Box 22
Jewish Students.
Box 22
Johns Hopkins (Miss McBride on Women's Advisory Committee May 8, 1949).
Box 22
Joint State Government Commission.
Box 22
Julius Rosenwald Fund (Faculty Lists).
Box 22
Jones, W. Alton Professorship.
Box 22
Junior Year Abroad.
Box 22
Laboiteaux, Mrs. Issac, Memorial Garden.
Box 22
Laboratory Committee.
Box 22
Language Laboratory.
Box 22
Language Requirements.
Box 22
Lankenau Hospital.
Box 22
Box 22
Leauge of Women Voters (Pennsylvania and Philadelphia).
Box 22
League Reports 1951-1952.
Box 22
Learned Societies, Meetings of (Re Payment of Travel Fare).
Box 22
Lecturers at the College, Miscellaneous.
Box 22
Lectures Robert L. Calhoun.
Box 22
Lectures Chan, Wing-Tsit.
Box 22
Lectures Theodore M. Greene on Religion and the Good Life.
Box 22
Lecutres Marriage-Brun Mawr College.
Box 22
Lectures Russell, Bertrand.
Box 22
Lectures Thomas Yahkub Lecture on India.
Box 22
Lectures Class of 1902 Lectures.
Box 22
Lectures Flexner Lectures Flexner Lecture Committee.
Box 22
Lectures Flexner Lectures Financial Statements.
Box 22
Lectures Flexner Lectures Flexner Lectureship Meetings-Minutes Refusals from those Invited to Give Lectures.
Box 22
Lectures Flexner Lectures Wolfgange Stechow October-November 1967 .
Box 22
Lectures Flexner Lectures Suggested Lecturers.
Box 22
Lectures Flexner Lectures Dr. Kurt Bittel April 3- May 15, 1976.
Box 22
Lectures Flexner Lectures Claude F.M. Schreffer, 1967 Not coming.
Box 22
Lectures Flexner Lectures Frank Kermode Autumn 1965.
Box 22
Lectures Flexner Lectures 20th Douglas Cooper 1961.
Box 22
Lectures Flexner Lectures 19th Lang, Paul Henry 1960.
Box 22
Lectures Flexner Lectures 18th Lecture Seznec, Jean 1955-1956.
Box 22
Lectures Flexner Lectures 17th Denys Page 1953-1954.
Box 22
Lectures Flexner Lectures 16th Isaiah Berlin 1951-1952.
Box 22
Lectures Flexner Lectures 15th Barker Fairley (published his book but Did Not Deliver Them at Bryn Mawr).
Box 22
Lectures Flexner Lectures 14th Arnold J. Toynbee 1946-1947 (2 Folders).
Box 22
Lectures Flexner Lectures 13th Alfred H. Barr 1943-1946.
Box 22
Lectures Flexner Lectures 12th Henri Peyre 1943-1946.
Box 22
Lectures Flexner Lectures 11th Erich Frank 1942-1943.
Box 22
Lectures Flexner Lectures 10th Edwin Gay 1938.
Box 22
Lectures Flexner Lectures 7th Erwin Panofsky 1937-1938.
Box 22
Lectures Flexner Lectures 5th Ralph Vaughan Williams.
Box 22
Lectures Flexner Lectures 3rd Paul Hazard 1930-1931.
Box 22
Lectures Flexner Lectures 2nd Whitehead, Alfred North.
Box 22
Lectures Anna Howard Shaw Lectures-General.
Box 22
Lectures Anna Howard Shaw Lectures Fellowship.
Box 22
Lectures Anna Howard Shaw Lectures Kingman Brewster February 22, 1972.
Box 22
Lectures Anna Howard Shaw Lectures Elizabeth Sewell March 1, 1971.
Box 22
Lectures Anna Howard Shaw Lectures Sheldon S. Wolin March 16, 1971.
Box 22
Lectures Anna Howard Shaw Lectures Edgar Z. Friedenberg March 8, 1971.
Box 22
Lectures Anna Howard Shaw Lectures J. Desmond Clark Spring 1969.
Box 22
Lectures Anna Howard Shaw Lectures Sampredo March-April 1968.
Box 22
Lectures Anna Howard Shaw Lectures Gwendolen Carter 1962.
Box 22
Lectures Anna Howard Shaw Lectures Wedgewood, C. Veronica 1964.
Box 22
Lectures Anna Howard Shaw Lectures Jacob Viner 1955-1956.
Box 22
Lectures Anna Howard Shaw Lectures 1951.
Box 22
Lectures Anna Howard Shaw Lectures Miss Margery Perham.
Box 22
Lectures Anna Howard Shaw Lectures Chester Bowles 1953-1954.
Box 22
Lectures Anna Howard Shaw Lectures Dr. Clair Wilcox 1948-1949.
Box 22
Lectures Anna Howard Shaw Lectures Dr. Eveline M. Burns 1944-1945.
Box 22
Lectures Anna Howard Shaw Lectures Professor Paul Mantoux 1941-1942.
Box 22
Lectures Sheeble Lecture, Ann Elizabeth Sheeble Lectureship Fund.
Box 22
Lectures Horace White Memorial.
Box 22
Lectures Mallory Whiting Memorial Lecture.
Box 22
Legal Options.
Box 22
Liberal Arts in a Private College--Smith College ad hoc Faculty Committee, 1964.
Box 23
Library, Departmental Suggestions.
Box 23
Library, Building Fund, Requests for Contributions.
Box 23
Library, Changes in the Physical Plant.
Box 23
Library, Dedication, April 4, 1970.
Box 23
Library, Committee.
Box 23
Library, Construction, 1965.
Box 23
Library, Construction, 1966.
Box 23
Library, Construction, 1967.
Box 23
Library, Construction, 1968.
Box 23
Library, Construction, 1969.
Box 23
Library, 1907 and 1912 Rooms.
Box 24
Library, Friends of the, Bryn Mawr College.
Box 24
Library, Gifts.
Box 24
Library, of Congress.
Box 24
Library, Correspondence re Gifts.
Box 24
Library, Offices.
Box 24
Box 24
Life Insurance Medical Research Fund.
Box 24
Lincoln University.
Box 24
Box 24
Loans, Student.
Box 24
Longwood Foundation, April 1964.
Box 24
Lorenz-Showers Scholarships Fund.
Box 24
Low Buildings, 1943-1952.
Box 24
Low Buildings, General File.
Box 24
Low Buildings, Lawrence E. Brown and Co., Annual Audit.
Box 24
Lower Merion Township.
Box 24
Lower Merion Township, Board of Adjustment.
Box 24
Lower Merion Township, Legislation.
Box 24
Lower Merion Township, Senior High.
Box 24
Loyalty Oaths.
Box 24
Lukens Savage and Washburn, (Fire Insurance).
Box 24
Madge Miller Grants.
Box 24
Maintainence Employees.
Box 24
Mann, Thomas, Commemoration (4 Folders).
Box 24
Manufacturing Chemists Award (Mr. Berliner, 1961).
Box 24
Maps, Taylor Hall.
Box 24
Markel Foundation (2 Folders).
Box 24
Marriage Council of Philadelphia.
Box 24
Marshall Scholarship Committee.
Box 24
May Day Awards, 1946-1959.
Box 25
Medieval Studies Committee.
Box 25
Mellon Property.
Box 25
Merck and Co., Kerrigan Memorial Scholarship.
Box 25
Middle States, Case Study at Bryn Mawr College, February 1968 (2 Folders).
Box 25
Middle States, Commission on Institutions of Higher Education.
Box 25
Middle States, Survey Commission.
Box 25
Middle States, Report of the Evaluating Committee on Bryn Mawr College, 1957.
Box 25
Middle States, Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, 1951-1955.
Box 25
Middle States, Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools Rutgers Report, 1955.
Box 25
Middle States Association Study, February 1968.
Box 25
Middle States Association of Collegiate Registrars.
Box 25
Modern Language Association of America.
Box 25
Mohonk Conference.
Box 25
Monograph and Dissertations, Requests for 1952-1953.
Box 25
Monograph Committee .
Box 25
Monograph Committee Bryn Mawr Notes and Monographs (Archer Huntington Fund).
Box 25
Monograph Committee (Requests for Reprints of monographs).
Box 26
Monographs and Dissertations.
Box 26
Morris Woods.
Box 26
Movie Film.
Box 26
Music Major.
Box 26
Box 26
National Academy of Foreign Affairs.
Box 26
National Academy of Sciences National Research Council.
Box 26
National Association for Mental Health.
Box 26
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
Box 26
National Association of Foreign Student Advisers.
Box 26
National Association of Principals of Schools.
Box 26
National Conference of Christians and Jews.
Box 26
National Council Against Conscription.
Box 26
National Council of American-Soviet Friendship, Inc.
Box 26
National Council on Religion in Higher Education.
Box 26
National Council of Independent Schools.
Box 26
National Defense Education Act of 1958. Student Loan Section.
Box 26
National Defense Education Act. Graduate Fellowship Title IV.
Box 26
National Defense Education Act. Graduate Fellowship Title IV July 1968.
Box 26
National Defense Education Act. Graduate Fellowship Title IV April 1967.
Box 26
National Defense Education Act. Graduate Fellowship Title IV June 1966.
Box 26
National Defense Education Act. Graduate Fellowship Title IV June 1966 (Application Title IV Work Sheets).
Box 26
National Defense Education Act. Graduate Fellowship Title IV June 1965.
Box 26
National Defense Education Act. Graduate Fellowship Title IV January 1965.
Box 26
National Defense Education Act. Graduate Fellowship Title IV Work Sheets January 22, 1965.
Box 26
National Defense Education Act. Graduate Fellowship Title V.
Box 26
National Defense Education Act. Graduate Fellowship Title VI.
Box 26
National Defense Education Act. Graduate Fellowship Title VII.
Box 26
National Defense Education Act. Graduate Fellowship Title XI.
Box 26
National Defense Education Act. Counseling and Guidance.
Box 26
National Education Association.
Box 27
National Endowment for the Humanities.
Box 27
National Defense Education Act of 1958 .
Box 27
National Federation of College and University Business Officers Association.
Box 27
National Foundation of the Arts and the Humanities.
Box 27
National Foundation of the Arts and the Humanities Post Doctoral Teaching Resident.
Box 27
National Institute for Policy Studies.
Box 27
National Institute of Public Affairs (2 Folders).
Box 27
National League of Nursing Education.
Box 27
National Merit Scholarship Program.
Box 27
National Policy Committee.
Box 27
National Research Council.
Box 27
National Scholarship Service and Fund for Negro Students.
Box 27
National Science Foundation.
Box 27
National Science Foundation Graduate Traineeships.
Box 27
National Science Foundation Summer Institute at Bryn Mawr College.
Box 27
National Students Association.
Box 27
Navy Department-Bureau of Ordinance.
Box 27
Near East Foundation.
Box 27
[Black] Students.
Box 27
New England Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools.
Box 27
New School for Social Research.
Box 27
New York Times.
Box 27
Newspaper Articles, Philadelphia Inquirer, etc.
Box 27
Nobel Peace Prize.
Box 27
Nurses Training School.
Box 27
Office of Economic Opportunity (2 Folders).
Box 27
Office of Faculty.
Box 27
Opening Convocations, 1970.
Box 27
Pacem in Terris.
Box 27
Parents Committee.
Box 27
Parents Day 1967.
Box 28
Parents Day 1965.
Box 28
Parents Day 1963.
Box 28
Parents Day 1961.
Box 28
Parents Day 1959.
Box 28
Parents Day 1957.
Box 28
Parents Day 1955 (2 Folders).
Box 28
Parents Day 1953.
Box 28
Box 28
Paris Summer Session.
Box 28
Box 28
Patent Policy Committee.
Box 28
Peace Corps.
Box 28
Pendle Hill.
Box 28
Box 28
Pennsylvania, Commonwealth of.
Box 28
Pennsylvania, Area College Center Area One.
Box 28
Pennsylvania, Association of Colleges and Universities.
Box 28
Pennsylvania, Association of Colleges and Universities 1968.
Box 28
Pennsylvania, Association of Colleges and Universities 1951-1961.
Box 28
Pennsylvania, Association of Colleges and Universities Annual Reports.
Box 28
Pennsylvania, Board of Presidents of State Colleges.
Box 29
Pennsylvania, State Education Association.
Box 29
Pennsylvania, Department of Education.
Box 29
Pennsylvania, Department of Education Fair Educational Practices.
Box 29
Pennsylvania, Department of Public Instruction.
Box 29
Pennsylvania, Department of Public Instruction report from June 1966.
Box 29
Pennsylvania, Department of Public Instruction Evaluation of Education.
Box 29
Pennsylvania, Department of Public Instruction May 1966.
Box 29
Pennsylvania, Department of Public Instruction Program for Evaluation Committee for Department of Education May 1966.
Box 29
Pennsylvania, Higher Education Facilities Act 1963. State Allocated.
Box 29
Pennsylvania, Human Relations Commission.
Box 29
Pennsylvania, Society of New England Women.
Box 29
Pennsylvania Week.
Box 29
Perry Property.
Box 29
Phelps-Stokes Fund.
Box 29
Phi Beta Kappa.
Box 29
Philadelphia, City of.
Box 29
Philadelphia Arts Festival.
Box 29
Philadelphia, Greater Philadelphia Movement (3 Folders).
Box 29
Philadelphia Commission on Higher Education.
Box 29
Philadelphia Commission on Higher Education.
Box 30
Philadelphia Commission on Higher Education Report.
Box 30
Philadelphia Council for Community Advancement.
Box 30
Philadelphia Fellowship Commission.
Box 30
Philadelphia Inquirer Charities, Inc.-Philadelphia Music Festival.
Box 30
Philadelphia Musuem of Art.
Box 30
Phillips, Ellis L. Foundation.
Box 30
Physical Education at other Colleges.
Box 30
Physical Science Building.
Box 30
Plan of Government.
Box 30
Power House.
Box 30
Box 30
President, Committee to Search for a New, 1969.
Box 30
Presidents Group.
Box 30
Press Conference, College.
Box 30
Box 31
Public Relations.
Box 31
Quack Letters.
Box 31
Quakerism at Bryn Mawr College.
Box 31
Box 31
Questionaires, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Box 31
Questionaires, General.
Box 31
Questionaires, Unanswered.
Box 31
Radcliffe College, Clubs, etc.
Box 31
Radio Station, WBMC.
Box 31
Rare Book Room.
Box 31
Recommendations, Bureau of.
Box 31
Red Cross.
Box 31
Relief and Reconstruction.
Box 31
Religion in Higher Education.
Box 31
Religious LIfe, Committee on.
Box 31
Religious Life, Lecutres (2 Folders).
Box 31
Representatives of College at Outside Functions 1952-1953.
Box 31
Requests for Information.
Box 31
Research Corporation.
Box 31
Resources, Committee on (2 Folders).
Box 31
Resources Committee, 1956.
Box 32
Resources Committee, Boston.
Box 32
Resources Committee, New York Fund.
Box 32
Retirement (2 Folders).
Box 32
Retirement Plan.
Box 32
Box 32
Box 32
Rhoads, Dr. James E.
Box 32
Rhoads Hall.
Box 32
Rockefeller Brothers, Theological Fellowship Program.
Box 32
Rockefeller Foundation.
Box 32
Rockefeller Institute.
Box 32
Role of Women in the Physical Science.
Box 32
Room Rates.
Box 32
Russian Books (State Lenin Library of the USSR).
Box 32
Russian Relief.
Box 32
Rutgers University Press.
Box 32
Salary, Increases .
Box 32
Salary, Staff.
Box 32
Salary Statistics, Ranges, etc.
Box 32
Savage, Serena Hand-Memorial Service.
Box 32
Schedule Committee.
Box 32
Scholarships, Undergraduate 1952-1968.
Box 32
Scholarships, Undergraduate Regionals, Available Monies.
Box 32
Scholarships, Undergraduate Agreements and Excerpts from Board Minutes and General Statistics.
Box 32
Scholarships, A through C.
Box 32
Scholarships, Chinese.
Box 32
Scholarships, Class.
Box 33
Scholarships, D through F.
Box 33
Scholarships, Foreign.
Box 33
Scholarships, G through H.
Box 33
Scholarships, I through K.
Box 33
Scholarships, Japanese.
Box 33
Scholarships, L.
Box 33
Scholarships, M through P.
Box 33
Scholarships, Medical, General Information.
Box 33
Scholarships, Proctor and Gamble Program.
Box 33
Scholarships, Proposed.
Box 33
Scholarships, R.
Box 33
Scholarships, Regional.
Box 33
Scholarships, S through Z.
Box 33
Scholarships, W.
Box 33
Scholarships, Graduate.
Box 33
Scholarships Graduate Comptrollers Forms.
Box 33
Scholarships Graduate, Awarded to Graduates of Friends Colleges.
Box 33
Scholarships Undergraduate, 1948-1951.
Box 33
Scholarships, Undergraduate, Comptrollers Forms 1941-1953.
Box 33
Schurz, Carl.
Box 33
Scull Property.
Box 33
Seal College.
Box 33
Secondary Education Board.
Box 33
Self-Government Association.
Box 33
Senate (2 Folders).
Box 33
Senate (1967-1969).
Box 33
Senate 1960-1966.
Box 34
Senate 1958-1959.
Box 34
Senate 1953-1958.
Box 34
Senate 1949-1952.
Box 34
Second American Revolution.
Box 34
Selective Service System.
Box 34
Seven College November 1913 and 14, 1970.
Box 34
Seven College Admissions Directors Meeting.
Box 34
Seven College Alumna Activities.
Box 34
Seven College Field Secretary Applicants 1956 and 1962.
Box 34
Seven College Meeting October 1968.
Box 34
Seven College Presidents Conferences.
Box 34
Seven College Conference-Vassar October 26, 27, 1962-1961.
Box 34
Seven College 1956-.
Box 34
Seven College 1953-1956.
Box 34
Seven College 1950-1952.
Box 34
Seven College 1942-1950.
Box 34
Seven College Cooperation Program.
Box 34
Seven College Field Director 1959-1961.
Box 34
Seven College National Scholarships 1946-1949.
Box 34
Seven Colleges (Copies of Articles from Magazines, etc.).
Box 34
Seven College National Scholarships 1942-1945.
Box 35
Seventy-Fifth Anniversary Opening Convocation September 1959.
Box 35
Seventy-Fifth Anniversary Events.
Box 35
Seventy-Fifth Anniversary Convocation June 4, 1960.
Box 35
Seventy-Fifth Anniversary Letters From Recipients of Citations.
Box 35
Seventy-Fifth Anniversary Notable Alumnae.
Box 35
Shipley School (2 Folders).
Box 35
Shipley School Conference Held in Goodhart Spring 1966.
Box 35
Sigma XI.
Box 36
Simmons, Ernest J.
Box 36
Size of the College, Committee on.
Box 36
Skinner Workshop.
Box 36
Social Economy (3 Folders).
Box 36
Social Economy (Conference and Plans Semester II, 1946).
Box 36
Social Economy Medical Health Service.
Box 36
Social Economy Program Skills.
Box 36
Social Economy Reconstruction.
Box 36
Social Economy Security.
Box 36
Social Work and Social Research, Institute of Rehabilitation 1956.
Box 36
Social Work School in the U.S.A.
Box 36
Song, "Follow the Gleam".
Box 36
Song Center, 1951.
Box 36
Soroptimist Club.
Box 36
Space, Committee on.
Box 36
State Department (2 Folders).
Box 36
Stewart, Noble, Clan, and Partners.
Box 36
Student Appointments.
Box 36
Student Christian Science Association.
Box 36
Student Christian Movement.
Box 36
Student Driving.
Box 36
Student Employment.
Box 36
Students on Campus During Summers.
Box 36
Student Reports.
Box 36
Summer Camp.
Box 36
Summer Courses.
Box 36
Surplus Property Act.
Box 36
Survey Committee.
Box 36
Suspended Students, June 1952.
Box 36
Swam, Carla Denison-Estate.
Box 36
Swarthmore College-C.C. Smith.
Box 36
Swimming Pool.
Box 36
Tax Situation for Colleges and Universities.
Box 36
Taylor Hall Fire, 1961.
Box 36
Teachers Insurance and Annuity.
Box 36
Box 36
Television Program-June 7, 1959.
Box 36
Television (2 Folders).
Box 37
Ten Colleges.
Box 37
Ten Million for Bryn Mawr College.
Box 37
Tenure-Columbia University Study.
Box 37
Theatre Workshop (Mrs. Otis Skinner).
Box 37
Think Magazine.
Box 37
Thomas, M.C., Award Eudora Welty.
Box 37
Thomas, M.C., Award Mrs. Roosevelt and Miss Anne L. Strauss.
Box 37
Thomas, M.C., Essay Prize.
Box 37
Thomas, M.C., Sargent Portrait.
Box 37
Thorne, Phebe Anna-Endowment Fund.
Box 37
Three College-Asian Studies (2 Folders).
Box 37
Three College-Cooperation-Bond Study.
Box 37
Three College-Cooperation-General Study.
Box 37
Three College-Cooperation-Newton Study.
Box 37
Three College-Cooperation-Nash.
Box 37
Three College-Cooperation-Pittsburgh Council of Higher Education.
Box 37
Three College-Cooperation-Carnegie Corporation.
Box 37
Three College-Cooperation-Together with the University of Pennsylvania.
Box 37
Three College-Chicago, 1951.
Box 37
Three College-China Seminar.
Box 37
Three College-Faculty Exchange.
Box 37
Three College-Foundation Appeals.
Box 37
Three College-Buschbeck, Ernest.
Box 37
Three College-Financial Matters, Purchasing.
Box 37
Three College-History of Art.
Box 37
Three College-Library Cooperation.
Box 37
Three College-Holdings in Libraries.
Box 37
Three College-Indian Seminar.
Box 37
Three College-Institutional Service Units.
Box 37
Three College-International Institute.
Box 37
Three College-Japan Society.
Box 38
Three College-Joint Appointments.
Box 38
Three College-Miscellaneous Topics.
Box 38
Three College-Music.
Box 38
Three College-Haverford, Discussions, Honor System 1966-1967.
Box 38
Three College-Minutes 1966-1968.
Box 38
Three College-Minutes 1964-July, 1966.
Box 38
Three College-Minutes 1958-1963.
Box 38
Three College-Non-Western Studies (2 Folders).
Box 38
Three College-Russian Cooperation 1953-.
Box 38
Three College-Russian Cooperation 1944-1948.
Box 38
Three College-Training Project for Personnel and Employment Services with Us.
Box 38
Three College-Religious Objectors.
Box 38
Three College-Spanish and the Social Sciences.
Box 38
Three College-Television.
Box 38
Three College-Undergraduate Publications.
Box 38
Three College-University City Science Center.
Box 38
Theatre of the Living Arts.
Box 38
Travel of College Representatives.
Box 38
Treasurer's Office.
Box 38
Tuition Increase.
Box 38
Tuition Exchange for Faculty Children.
Box 38
Tuition Plan.
Box 38
Twenty-five Year Financial Survey.
Box 38
Un-American Activities Committee.
Box 38
Union Library Catalog.
Box 38
United Fund.
Box 38
United Nations (Proposed Institute of).
Box 38
United Nations.
Box 38
United Nations Conference.
Box 38
United Nations Council-Advisory Committee on Local Discussion Meetings.
Box 38
Box 38
United Negro College Fund.
Box 38
United States Civil Service Commission (Summer Interns).
Box 38
United States Quarterly Book Review (Library of Congress).
Box 38
United States Senate.
Box 38
United States National Students Association.
Box 38
University City Science Center-1967.
Box 39
University City Science Center-1968.
Box 39
University City Science Center-1969.
Box 39
University City Science Center Minutes (2 Folders).
Box 39
University of Pennsylvania-General Correspondence (4 Folders).
Box 39
University of Pennsylvania-Board of Education and Research.
Box 39
University of Pennsylvania-Higher Education.
Box 39
University of Pennsylvania-Greenfield Center.
Box 39
University of Pennsylvania-Honorary Degree Committee.
Box 39
University of Pennsylvania-Hospital Business.
Box 39
University of Pennslyvania-Board of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Box 39
University of Pennsylvania-Institute for Nuclear Education.
Box 39
University of Pennsylvania-Integrated Development Plan, 1962.
Box 39
University of Pennsylvania-Committee to Nominate Trustees.
Box 40
University of Pennsylvania-Manual of Policies and Procedures 1956.
Box 40
University of Pennsylvania-Committee on Patent Policies.
Box 40
University of Pennsylvania-Press Releases.
Box 40
University of Pennsylvania-Schoolmen's Week.
Box 40
University of Pennsylvania-Board of Teacher Education and Practice.
Box 40
University of Pittsburgh.
Box 40
University of the Air.
Box 40
University Publishers.
Box 40
University Publications.
Box 40
University Research Center.
Box 40
Box 40
Box 40
Vaux Mineral Collection.
Box 40
Vaux Property.
Box 40
Veterans Administration.
Box 40
Vining House.
Box 40
Visitors to the Campus.
Box 40
War Department.
Box 40
War Problems.
Box 40
War Information, Office of .
Box 40
War Manpower Commission.
Box 40
Wardens (2 Folders).
Box 40
White Hosue Conference on Children and Youth.
Box 40
Whitney, John Hay Foundation.
Box 40
West House.
Box 40
Widening of Gulph and Roberts Roads, Possible?.
Box 40
Wilson, Woodrow-Commeration, Bryn Mawr.
Box 41
Wilson, Woodrow-National Fellowships.
Box 41
Wilson, Woodrow-Foundation.
Box 41
Winsor Symposium on "Role and Status of Women in Soviet Russia" 1964.
Box 41
Women's College Board (2 Folders).
Box 41
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom 1961.
Box 41
Women's Placement Bureau.
Box 41
Women's University Club.
Box 41
World Affairs Council of Philadelphia.
Box 41
World Student Union.
Box 41
World Student Service Fund.
Box 41
World Conference on Population Control and Planned Parenthood.
Box 41
World University Service.
Box 41
Wright School Property.
Box 41
Young Women's Christian Association.
Box 41
Wyndham Renovation 1967-1968.
Box 41
Wyndham Committee up to 1972.
Box 41
Wyndham Fine Arts Committee.
Box 41
Box 41
Yugoslav Concert.
Box 41
Zemurray Professorship-Harvard.
Box 41
Seven College-Conference 1956-.
Box 41
Seven College-Field Director, 1959-1961.
Box 41

Physical Description

10 cartons

Aldrich, Talbot.
Box 1
Balch, Emily Greene.
Box 1
Balderston, C. Canby.
Box 1
Barnard College.
Box 1
Bennington College.
Box 1
Bonfils, Katharine V.
Box 1
Borton, Hugh.
Box 1
Boyden, Mrs. Willard N.
Box 1
Brown, Dr. Madelaine R.
Box 1
Brown, Mary Durfee (Mrs. Chas. Burnett).
Box 1
Burry, Nora (Mrs. Williams).
Box 1
Bushbeck, Ernest.
Box 1
Cadbury, Henry Joel (2 Folders).
Box 2
Canaday, Mrs. Ward M.
Box 2
Case, Josephine Young.
Box 2
Chase, Mary Hale (Mrs. G. Howland).
Box 2
Chatham College.
Box 2
Shirley Chisholm.
Box 2
Cleland, James T.
Box 2
Colbron, Miss Barbara.
Box 2
Colby College.
Box 2
Columbia University.
Box 2
Connecticut College.
Box 2
Coolidge, Mary Lowell.
Box 2
Cross, Emily Remond.
Box 2
Dana, Nina, D. (Mrs. Richard H. Jr.).
Box 2
Delanoy, Eleanor Marquand.
Box 2
Drake, Constance (Conti) Laboiteaux.
Box 3
Ely, Gertrude (2 Folders).
Box 3
Emerson, Doris.
Box 3
Erdman Family.
Box 3
Erdman, Mrs. C. Pardee (Eleanor).
Box 3
Faulkner, Ellen.
Box 3
Field, Mrs. James A.
Box 3
Finch, Edith.
Box 3
Flesher, Mr. James.
Box 3
Flexner, Abraham.
Box 3
Flexner, Bernard.
Box 3
Forest, Ilse.
Box 3
Forsythe, John E.
Box 3
Franklin and Marshall College.
Box 3
Franks, Sir Oliver.
Box 3
Fujita, Taki.
Box 3
Garland, Miss Gwendolyn.
Box 3
Gettysburg College.
Box 3
Goldman, Miss Hetty.
Box 4
Goddard College.
Box 4
Gordan, Phyllis Goodhart (Mrs. John D.).
Box 4
Goggin, Mary Simpson.
Box 4
Mrs. Manuel Gomez (Carmen Piza).
Box 4
Goodhart, Howard L.
Box 4
Mrs. Dorothy Brucholz Goodman.
Box 4
Goucher College.
Box 4
Gov's Comm. to Study Problem of Teenage Drinking.
Box 4
Graham, Mrs. Evarts.
Box 4
Guiton, Mrs. Jean William.
Box 4
Gummere, Richard M.
Box 4
Ham, Edith Mason.
Box 4
Hand, Mrs. Learned (also Judge Hand).
Box 4
Harvard University.
Box 4
Haverford College.
Box 4
Hatch, Mrs. John Davis, Jr.
Box 4
Helburn, Theresa Award.
Box 4
Heath, Edwin J. (Pres. Moravian Sem.) .
Box 4
Hisbard, Mrs. W.G.
Box 4
Hitchcock, Mr. and Mrs. David I. and Mary.
Box 4
Hollings College.
Box 4
Horroces, Elizabeth Pearson.
Box 5
Horton, Mildred McAfee.
Box 5
Horton, Douglas, Rev.
Box 5
Hashino, A.
Box 5
Hunt, Priscilla.
Box 5
Ingersoll, Agnes Clement.
Box 5
Isshiki, Masako.
Box 5
Jeffers, Dr. William A.
Box 5
Jones, Alive Palache.
Box 5
Jones, Rufus M.
Box 5
Jordan, W.K.
Box 5
Kaiser, Sue Mead.
Box 5
King, Mrs. Lyndon M.
Box 5
Leach, Mrs. Henry Goddard.
Box 5
Leach, John G. Metal Works.
Box 5
Lewis, Mrs. Robert M.
Box 5
Lovejoy, Mrs. E.P.
Box 5
Low, Mrs. Martin.
Box 5
Lukens, Lewis N.
Box 5
MacCoy, W. Logan.
Box 6
Malhotra, Miss Jeet Ph.D. materials.
Box 6
Mail, Mrs. Henry J.
Box 6
Manieere, Mrs. John F.
Box 6
McCormick, Mr. Chauncey.
Box 6
McClelland, Geogre Wm.
Box 6
McIntosh, Millicent Carey (Mrs. Rustin) (2 Folders).
Box 6
Mendell, Mrs. Clarence W.
Box 6
Miller, Mrs. Helen Hill.
Box 6
Mills College.
Box 6
Moore, Miss Marianne.
Box 6
Morley, Felix (Special File).
Box 6
Mt. Holyoke College.
Box 6
Mumford, Mrs. Thomas.
Box 6
Nash, Dorothy Klenke.
Box 6
Nash, George.
Box 6
Nason, John W.
Box 7
Neall, Adelaide W.
Box 7
Neuberger, Mr. and Mrs. Roy R.
Box 7
New York University.
Box 7
Newton, Caroline (3 Folders).
Box 7
Notestein, Mrs. Wallace (Ada Comstock).
Box 7
Oughton, Diana.
Box 7
Palmer, Jean T.
Box 7
Pembroke College.
Box 7
Pennyslvania State College.
Box 7
University of Pennsylvania.
Box 7
Petts, Josephine.
Box 7
Philadelphia Award 1961-1962.
Box 7
Plass, Mrs. Webster.
Box 7
Princeton University.
Box 7
Pusy, Anne Woodward (Mrs. Nathan M.) .
Box 7
Putney School.
Box 7
Radcliffe College.
Box 7
Box 8
Rhoads, Charles J.
Box 8
Rhoads, J. Edgar.
Box 8
Rhoads, Jonathan E.
Box 8
Rochester, University of.
Box 8
Russell Sage Foundation.
Box 8
Sarah Lawrence College.
Box 8
Savage, Jane Y.
Box 8
Savage, Mrs. Wm. L.
Box 8
Scattergood, J. Henry.
Box 8
Scripps College.
Box 8
Sergeant, Elizabeth Shepley.
Box 8
Sharpless, Frederic C.
Box 8
Shelmire, Mrs. Horace W.
Box 8
Simmons College.
Box 8
Simon's Rock.
Box 8
Slade, Mrs. F. Louis.
Box 8
Slaughter, Mr. Moses.
Box 8
Sloan, Alfred P. Foundation.
Box 8
Smedley, Horace T.
Box 8
Box 8
Smith College.
Box 8
Smith, Mrs. E. Baldwin.
Box 8
Smith, Hilda W.
Box 8
Smithsonian Institute.
Box 8
Spitzer, Doreen Canaday (Mr. Lyman).
Box 9
Stassen, Harold E. (Mr. and Mrs.).
Box 9
Stokes, Francis J.
Box 9
Stokes, Leila Woodruff.
Box 9
Stokes, J. Stogdell.
Box 9
Stokes, S. Emlen.
Box 9
Strawbridge, Frederic H.
Box 9
Streeter, Mr. Thomas W.
Box 9
Sutton, Mrs. James Anderson.
Box 9
Sweet Briar College.
Box 9
Swarthmore College.
Box 9
Swope, Gerard.
Box 9
Temple University.
Box 9
Temple University World Peace Award.
Box 9
Terrell, Allen McKay.
Box 9
Thomas, Arthur H.
Box 9
Thompson, Mrs. Homer A.
Box 9
Tillich, Paul.
Box 9
Ting, Jung-Yuin.
Box 9
Toynbee, Arnold.
Box 9
University of California.
Box 9