7.0 linear feet ((numerous binders, several volumes, many folders in file cabinets, and many framed items))
The first meeting house for members of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in Byberry, Philadelphia was built in the 1690s. Byberry Monthly Meeting was formally established by Abington Quarterly Meeting out of Horsham Monthly Meeting in 1810, and is currently active as of 2011. At the heart of the Byberry Library local history collection are several dozen scrapbooks which are filled with secondary and primary materials relating to local history topics. The collection also includes deeds and real estate records, marriage certificates, numerous maps, and a number of genealogies of varying length. There are also records from several local businesses and schools, such as financial records, minutes, and other administrative records.
5.0 linear feet (binders, folders, volumes, loose items)
The first meeting house for members of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in Byberry, Philadelphia was built in the 1690s. Byberry Monthly Meeting was formally established by Abington Quarterly Meeting out of Horsham Monthly Meeting in 1810, and is currently active as of 2011. Byberry Monthly Meeting records, 1790-2002, include records for the Meeting, Byberry Friends School, Byberry Meeting First Day School, and Byberry Nursery School and Kindergarten. The majority of records held at Byberry Library consist of more recent documentation of the Monthly Meeting, Nursery School, and Kindergarten, circa 1970-2000. These include meeting minutes, financial records, and photograph albums and scrapbooks of Meeting events and activities. Of the remaining collection, most materials pertaining to the Meeting prior to 1970 are photocopies, transcriptions, or facsimiles. There are, however, several original volumes of material from the 19th and early 20th centuries.
0.5 linear feet (several volumes, several folders, and a set of borrowers cards)
Byberry Library Company was a subscription-based library in the Byberry section of Northeast Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It was established on December 29, 1794. Although the stockholders were not exclusively members of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), the Library was generally under Quaker management, and occupied the schoolhouse of the Byberry Friends Meeting for most of its existence. This collection dates from about 1876-2000 and includes scattered records from the Byberry Library Company, such as acquisition/donation records, inventories of books, minutes, and circulation records. The highlight of this collection is a volume, dated 1876-1945, with circulation records of subscribers.
The Byberry Philosophical Society was formed in 1829 with the objective of collecting and promoting scientific knowledge. They accomplished this through hosting lectures, purchasing relevant texts, and the collection of natural history specimens. Byberry Philosophical Society records, 1886-1990, includes a meeting minute book dating from 1886 to 1959, as well as collection inventories, newspaper clippings, and typescript copies of minutes.