Main content
- Extent:
- 1 linear ft. (2 boxes and 2 loose volumes)
- Abstract:
- This collection includes the minutes of the Longwood Yearly Meeting of Progressive Friends, as
well as records of its Financial Association and its Representative Committee. Also included are
some minutes of Kennett Monthly Meeting, from which the Longwood meeting split off
beginning in the 1840s. There are detailed records of this split, including lists of the members
who were disowned from Kennett Monthly Meeting for associating under the name "Progressive
Friends." Minutes and letters written during this period, as well as later narrative accounts written
by members, provide futher information about this split. The collection also includes many
histories of the meeting, written and presented by members on the occasion of the final Yearly
Meeting, which was held in 1940. A range of miscellaneous records, such as the Bible and
hymnals used by the Yearly Meeting, are also included in the collection.
Held at: Quaker Meeting Records at Haverford College Quaker & Special Collections and Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College [Contact Us]