Polner was an author and editor of books and periodicals on social history, public policy, and Jewish concerns. This collection chiefly relates to his research on Vietnam veterans for his book No Victory Parades and on the question of amnesty for When Can I Come Home? The collection also include audiotapes of oral histories of American Jews who were conscientious objectors or who resisted serving in the military during World War II or the Korean War. There is additional material from Polner's research about the evacuation of Japanese Americans from the West Coast during World War II and information about the Vietnam war, conscientious objection, and constitutional rights of GIs.
Held at: Swarthmore College Peace Collection [Contact Us]
The collection includes minutes (1966-1973), correspondence (1965-1978), material on Clergy and Laity Concerned's programs and projects, Clergy and Laity Concerned (CALC) publications and posters, press releases, clippings, photographs, and files on local CALC groups, particularly the Metropolitan Chicago Chapter (1969-1981). Also included are files of the newspaper American Report (1970-1974) and material relating to Help Unsell the War, a mass media campaign in 1971-1972. Correspondents include Barbara Armentrout, John C. Bennett, Richard M. Boardman, Balfour Brickner, Dorothy Dunbar Bromley, John Pairman Brown, Robert McAfee Brown, William Sloane Coffin, Harvey G. Cox, Peter Davies, Richard R. Fernandez, Thomas Lee Hayes, Ron Henderson, Abraham Heschel, David L. Hurwood, Robert S. Lecky, Robert Jay Lifton, Robert A. Maslow, Richard John Neuhaus, Sidney M. Peck, Richard Van Voorhis, George W. Webber, Charles C. West, Herman Will, and Trudi Schutz Young.
Held at: Swarthmore College Peace Collection [Contact Us]