Main content
- Extent:
- .1 linear ft. (.1 linear feet (1 folder.))
- Abstract:
- In April of 1911, Walter R. Miles, then professor at Iowa State University, posed this query to other Quakers: Why be loyal to the Society of Friends as a distinct denomination? This collection includes responses he received over the next year from prominent Friends across the nation, particularly educators from the Midwest. The letters present their spiritual and doctrinal philosophies. Authors include J. Herschell Coffin, H. Lavinia Bailey, O. Edward Janney, Edward Grubb, Joseph Elkinton, Rufus Jones, Isaac Sharples, President of Haverford College, John F. Hanson, Murray S. Kenworthy, L.L. Hobbs, founder of Whittier College, Edwin McGrew, Charles E. Tebbets, Edmund Stanley, and others.
Held at: Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College [Contact Us]