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- 2 linear feet
- Abstract:
- Judge Bihary received her Juris Doctorate from the University of Michigan Law School in 1975. From 1987-2003, she served as a judge for the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in the Northern District of Georgia. In 2003, Judge Bihary was sworn in as Chief Judge of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in the Northern District of Georgia. She served this position from 2003 until her retirement in May of 2012.
The Judge Joyce Bihary Papers, 1999-2009, includes materials created, collected, and received by Judge Bihary from two periods of her career. First, materials from the 1999 Debtor Education Program in Atlanta, Georgia which contains information regarding American bankruptcy in the mid to late 1990's. Second, the collection includes information regarding the proposed mortgage "cramdown" legislation specifically referencing H.R. 1106 during 2008-2009. These are materials gathered by judges for the National Conference of Bankruptcy Judges to weigh in on issues presented by the proposed bills. The...(see more)
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