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Young Friends' Association (West Chester, Pa.) Minutes


Held at: Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College [Contact Us]500 College Avenue, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania 19081

This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.

Overview and metadata sections

Young Friends Association (West Chester, Pa.), a Quaker social and study group, was established in 1892 in West Chester, Pa. Members met monthly to discuss topics of mutual interest.

Young Friends' Association (West Chester, Pa.), a Quaker social and study group, was established in 1895. Members met monthly to discuss topics of mutual interest. The collection consists of one volume of the minutes of the business meeting which preceeded a lecture or other program.

Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
Finding Aid Author
Susanna Morikawa
Finding Aid Date

Collection Inventory

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