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Theodore Friend Papers
Held at: Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College [Contact Us]500 College Avenue, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania 19081
This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.
Overview and metadata sections
Born August 27, 1931, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, "Dorie" was the son of Theodore Wood and Jessica H. (Merrick) Friend. He earned a Williams College B.A. in 1953, and a Ph.D. from Yale University in 1958. In 1960, Friend married Elizabeth Pierson, and they had three children; she died in 2003.
Friend began his academic career at the State University of New York at Buffalo as assistant professor and then professor of history; he was Faculty Advisor from 1968-1969 and Executive Assistant to the President, 1969-1970.
In 1973 he was selected as the 11th President of Swarthmore College, and served until he resigned in 1982. While at Swarthmore, Friend established an Advisory Council on Resource Use, and led the faculty in a careful evaluation of the Honors Program.
Beginning in 1982 he was Trustee of the Eisenhower Exchange Fellowships, Inc., and its president from 1984. He was also affiliated with the Philadelphia Committee on Foreign Relations after 1986. Theodore Friend is the author of Family Laundry: A Novel, a story about the secrets of a wealthy family in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in the 1950s. He is also the author of two historical studies, Between Two Empires: The Ordeal of the Philippines (which received the prestigious Bancroft Prize in American History and Foreign Relations in 1966) and his 1988 publication, The Blue-Eyed Enemy: Japan against the West in Java and Luzon, 1942-1945. Friend won a number of awards, including a Fulbright fellowship, 1957-59, the Rockefeller Foundation fellowship, 1961-62, Bancroft Prize in American History and Foreign Relations, 1966, NDEA fellowship, 1966-67, a Guggenheim Foundation fellowship, 1967-68, and a Woodrow Wilson International Center fellowship, 1983-84.
Collection of records from the Office of Theodore Friend while he was President of Swarthmore College. Consists primarily of topical files related to faculty, staff, board members, and others. Includes minutes and correspondence of the Board of Managers, campus and student activities and issues, as well as facilities and college services, such as the health center, development, and grants and scholarship funds. There is also material related to political and governmental issues like South Africa divestment, equal opportunity employment, and affirmative action employment. Other records include correspondence related to committees such as the Council on Educational Policy and the Curriculum Committee, minutes of the "Three Colleges" from 1949-1972, staff meeting minutes, notes for a 1982 course on Southeast Asia, files on the case Presseisen v. Swarthmore College, and photocopies of his research notes on Japan, Indonesia, and the Philippines.
Correspondents include: Charles Gilbert, Kendall Landis, Thomas J. Hallowell, Thomas B. McCabe, Dorothy Shoemaker McDiarmid, Michel C. Oksenberg, Marjorie Todd Simonds, William Poole, Hadassah Holcombe, Stephen G. Lax, Richard O.Turner, Barclay White, Harrison Wright, Barbara S. Smoyer, John W. Nason, Isabel Logan Lyons, Robert Browning, Edwin M. Bush Jr., Katherine Lindsley Camp, Edward K.Cratsley, Carl K. Dellmuth, Richard O. Smith, and Hildreth Strode.
Deposit, Office of the President, Swarthmore College.
As far as possible, original file names and contents have been preserved. Search Committee files for unsuccessful candidates were destroyed by direction of the President's Office.
Additional Board of Managers Correspondence files were processed into the collection, 2016.
- Cratsley, Edward K.
- Gilbert, Charles E., 1927-
- Landis, Kendall
- Hallowell, Thomas J.
- McCabe, Thomas B. (Thomas Bayard), 1893-1982
- McDiarmid, Dorothy Shoemaker
- Oksenberg, Michel C.
- Simonds, Marjorie Todd
- Poole, William, 1937 June 19-
- Holcombe, Hadassah M. L. (Hadassah Moore Leeds), 1891-1878
- Lax, Stephen G.
- Turner, Richard O.
- White, Barclay, 1821-1903
- Wright, Harrison M.
- Smoyer, Barbara S.
- Nason, John W.
- Lyons, Isabel Logan
- Browning, Robert M., 1913-2009
- Bush, Edwin M.
- Camp, Kay
- Dellmuth, Carl K.
- Smith, Richard O., 1918-2007
- Strode, Hildreth
- Universities and colleges -- Pennsylvania -- History -- 20th century
- Quakers -- Education
- Investments, American -- South Africa
- University investments -- United States
- Affirmative action programs
- Universities and colleges -- Administration
- Universities and colleges -- Pennsylvania
- Publisher
- Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
- Finding Aid Author
- FHL Staff
- Finding Aid Date
- 2016
- Access Restrictions
Series 1 and 2 of the Theodore Friend Papers are closed to research until 2057.
The rest of the collection is open for research with the understanding that certain confidential materials may be redacted. Please contact the repository for more information.
- Use Restrictions
Copyright has not been assigned to Friends Historical Library. All requests for permission to publish or quote from manuscripts must be submitted to the Director. Permission for publication is given on behalf of the Friends Historical Library as the owner of the physical items and is not intended to include or imply permission of the copyright holder, which must also be obtained by reader.
Collection Inventory
Correspondence with faculty, deans, librarians, and other staff. These files contain correspondence as well as personnel information; if researchers are given access by permission of the President, the latter will be removed from the file before it is made available.
Correspondence with Charles Barber, member of the Board of Managers, including discussion of tenure. Includes correspondence between letters with President Courtney Smith and Barber.
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Correspondences with Clement Biddle.
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Correspondences with Ellen Blumberg.
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Correspondences with Carol Boulanger.
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Correspondences with Lupton Broomell.
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Correspondence with Robert Browning, member of Swarthmore Board of Managers, includes alumni profile. Includes letters between President Cross and Browning and letters between Browning and Board of Managers
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Correspondence with Edwin M. Bush, member of Board of Managers
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Correspondence with Katherine Camp, member of Board of Manager and president of Women's International League for Peace and Freedom
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Correspondences with William Clarkson
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Correspondences with William Clarkson.
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Correspondences with William Clarkson.
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Correspondences with William Clarkson.
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Correspondences with Esther Cooperman.
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File on Carl K. Dellmuth, member of the Board of Managers and former Pennsylvania secretary of banking, senior Vice-President at Fidelity-Philadelphia Trust Company, Swarthmore football coach, alumni secretary and athletic director. This file contains a compilation of correspondence on Dellmuth's many different posts with Friend, John Nason, Courtney Smith, and Robert Cross.
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Correspondence from Friend regarding death of Kermit Gordon, member of the Board of Managers. Includes correspondence between Gordon and Presidents Cross and Smith.
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Correspondences with Dorothy Hagerty
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Compiled collection of letters from Thomas Hallowell ('29) and member of the board of managers. Files include correspondence between Courtney Smith and Hallowell on Smith's departure, honors program, fundraising and new dorm construction. Also includes letters between President Robert Cross and Hallowell on faculty organization, property acquirement. Hallowell as sent information on Pennsylvania State University programs (where he was a trustee) for comparison with Swarthmore programs.
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Correspondence with Barbara Whipple Heilman, member of board of managers. Copy of letter informing board of Heilman's resignation amd Stephen Lax's response.
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Correspondence with Hadassah Parrot Holcombe (formerly Hadassah Moore Leeds), member of the board of managers. Discussion of charitable trust set up by Holcombe's will. Friend has assembled correspondence between presidents Smith, Cratsley, board of manager members and Holcomb in discussion of board service and Friends Council on Education.
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Correspondences with Louis Kislik
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Correspondence about the establishment of the Stephen G. Lax ('41) scholarship fund after Lax's bequeathal. Memorial service program. Correspondence with Lax family members after Stephen's death. Correspondence between Friend and Stephen Lax when he was a member of the board of managers. Friend has also pulled aside letters between Swarthmore presidents Courtney Smith and Robert Cross and Lax, mainly on election to board of managers and his donations to Swarthmore.
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Correspondences with William Lee
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Correspondences with Dolald Lloyd-Jones.
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Correspondence with Luhrs, Board of Managers Alumni Manager
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Correspondence with Isabel "Andy" Logan Lyons (Board of Managers), some between Lyons and Courtney Smith
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Collection of Correspondence from Thomas McCabe, chairman of the finance committee at the Scott Paper Company and member of the Board of Managers. McCabe writes to Presidents Robert Cross and Courtney Smith on Delmarva Schoalrship, alumni surveys, fundraising and the McCabe library.
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Correspondences with Thomas McCabe.
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Correspondences with Thomas McCabe.
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Correspondences with Thomas McCabe.
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Correspondences with Thomas McCabe.
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Correspondences with Thomas McCabe.
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Correspondences with Thomas McCabe.
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File holds correspondence between Friend and Dorothy McDiarmid, a member of the Board of Managers and Delegate to the Virginia House. Friend has pulled together important correspondence between past Swarthmore presidents and McDiarmid, including McDiarmid's notification of being elected to the Board of Managers (from Courtney Smith).
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Collection of correspondence with Michel Oksenberg, member of the Board of Managers and Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Michigan Ann Arbor. Notable topics include discussion of deferred tuition payment plan with President Robert Cross.
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Correspondences with Audrey Penn.
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Correspondence with William "Bill" Poole, member of the Board of Managers and lawyer at Potter Anderson and Corroon. Includes copies of correspondence between Courtney Smith, Robert Cross and Poole. Letters on Pennsylvania law and student dissent (Poole sends Friend a copy " The Report of the American Bar Association Commission on Campus Government and Student Dissent").
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Correspondences with W.M. Prentice.
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Correspondences with Jeannette Rohatyn.
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Correspondences with Nancy Roman
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Correspondences with Philip Sharples.
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Correspondences with Philip Sharples.
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Correspondences with Philip Sharples.
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Correspondence between Robert Cross and Theodore Friend with Marjorie Simonds (Class of 1941), member of the Board of Mangers.
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Correspondences with Claude Smith.
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Correspondences with Claude Smith.
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Correspondences with Claude Smith.
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Correspondences with Claude Smith.
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File on Richard S. Smith, member of the board of managers. Folder contains copy of nominating letter by Edward Cratsley and letter from Friend to Smith.
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Folder contains correspondence between acting-president Harrison Wright, vice-president Kendall Landis, Theodore Friend and acting-president Edward Cratslet and Barbara Smoyer, member of the Board of Managers. Contains letter from Wright to Smoyer on South Africa.
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Correspondences with Arthur Snyder.
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Correspondences with Morgan Stanley and lists of investment committess.
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Howard Turner was the chairman of the board of Turner Construction Company and a member of the board of managers. Turner Construction built the McCabe Library and Dana and Hallowell dormitories at Swarthmore. Letters between Turner and Swarthmore presidents Robert Cross, Courtney Smith and John Nason, Correspondence on Henry C. Turner and J.A. Turner Professorship in Engineering.
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Correspondence with Barclay White, member of the Board of Managers, between Swarthmore presidents Frank Aydelotte, John Nason, Courtney Smith and Theodore Friend. White was president of Barclay White and Co. a construction management service that did work at Swarthmore.
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Correspondence with Joseph Willits, member of the Board of Managers, between Swarthmore presidents Frank Aydelotte, John Nason, Courtney Smith and Theodore Friend. Willits (class of 1911) served on the board from 1956-1959 and was a dean and professor at the Wharton School of Business.
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Include committee minutes, reports, surveys and statistics, clippings, and other miscellaneous records.
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Reference articles on academic freedom, Swarthmore disciplinary procedures
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Files on Swarthmore Admissions, with areas of interest including minority acceptance, female engineers, SAT scores
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Correspondence to and from Friend regarding the potential implementation of a federal affirmative-action quota system. Friend has assembled a collection of papers on equal employment at Swarthmore and Title IX.
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Minutes From Alumni Fund Meetings, Provost Reports, Correspondence on alumni fundraising, campus map
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Correspondence from and to alums regarding reunion, schedule of events, alumni information. Includes letter from alum Lloyd Craighill petitioning Swarthmore to join the Associated Kyoto Program
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Correspondence on Auden memorial stone at Westminster Abbey, Auden Memorial Fund, Auden collection
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Letters regarding biography of Frank Aydelotte, former Swarthmore president; Correspondence about Aydelotte Swarthmore President Robert Cross (1970-1977)
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Correspondence regarding the move of the Bartol Foundation of the Franklin Institute from Swarthmore, including letters discussing tensions between the college and the foundation
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Correspondence with US Postal Service Office of Stamps Director Gordon Morison on issuing of Benjamin West commemorative stamp at Swarthmore College. Letter from the Department of Interior regarding national historic landmark survey. Correspondence on restoration of Benjamin West paintings on display in Board of Managers room
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Draft: Environmental Impact Statement and Section 4(f) Statement. Report on the potential effects of the construction of I-476, prepared for the P.A. Department of Transportation by McCormick, Taylor and Associates, with Villanova University, Transcentury Coporation (Vol. 1)
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Draft: Environmental Impact Statement and Section 4(f) Statement. Report on the potential effects of the construction of I-476, prepared for the P.A. Department of Transportation by McCormick, Taylor and Associates, with Villanova University, Transcentury Coporation (Vol. 2)
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Report: An Analysis of the Some Major Economic and Environmental Benefits and Costs of the Blue Route, prepared by Systems Evaluation Associates
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Minutes and correspondence from the Executive Committee of the Board of Managers
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Includes Board of Managers correspondence, By-Laws
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Correspondence concerning Student Council's desire for student representation on the Board of Managers
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Appointment letters to Bookstore committee, also includes letters from President Courtney Smith
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Various letters regarding relations between Swarthmore College and the Borough of Swarthmore. Includes letters and documents regarding the sale of part of the Cunningham Fields to the Swarthmore School Board. Includes documents before Friend's tenure.
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Minutes and correspondence from committees on particular building projects: New Dormitory, Science Library, Martin Hall, Swimming Pool
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Documents and correspondence regarding schedule for 1975-1976 academic year, including documents on calendar reform
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Case Statement, Program for Swarthmore; Speech outlining reasons to support Swarthmore, Minutes of Capital Fund Committee, papers outlining allocation of resources, "The State of the College"
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Documentation, including résumés of Swarthmore faculty and group application, to visit China
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Documents regarding visit of the Delegation for Luxingshe to Swarthmore in 1978 and a visit of a Swarthmore study group to China in August of 1977
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Papers from CICU Executive Committee Meeting at PACU Annual Meeting at Hershey Motor Lodge and Convention Center
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Primarily remarks/speeches for First Collections, with some correspondence and planning materials
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Correspondence, schedules, seating plans, remarks for 1976 commencement and baccalaureate. Includes copies of letters with Christopher Edley Sr, executive director of the United Negro College Fund and Congressman Andrew J. Young Jr.
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Correspondence, schedules, seating plans, remarks for 1977 commencement and baccalaureate.
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Correspondence, schedule, newspaper clippings for 1978 commencement. Letter from Maggie Kuhn, commencement speaker and founder of Gray Panther movement.
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File containing schedules and letters for 1979 commencement, draft of Friend's remarks
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Statistics on Swarthmore course enrollment
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Curriculum Committee Report—Includes student surveys/interviews (Gray Binder)
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Minutes from the Development Committee of the Board of Managers—includes correspondence
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Materials from 2/9/74 Special Meeting of the Board of Managers; contains final reports from DPGs on Academic Program, Student Life, Physical Facilities, and Finance. Marked "Property of Phyllis Teitelbaum."
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Materials from 2/9/74 Special Meeting of the Board of Managers; contains final reports from DPGs on Academic Program, Student Life, Physical Facilities, and Finance.
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Minutes and reports from these Development groups, includes correspondence and a student survey
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Minutes and reports
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Drafts of "Board Discussion of Swarthmore's Needs in the 1980's: Appendix to Draft Development Planning Paper" with comments.
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Report drafts of Development Planning groups on Student Life, Academics, Finance
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Development Planning Group minutes, correspondence.
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Minutes and reports from Development Planning groups, and Friend's correspondence with group members
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Minutes and reports
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Report drafted by an ad-hoc committee of women faculty of May 24, 1976 to address grievances among female employees over gender-based discrimination.
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Correspondence and reports on establishment of Equal Opportunity Office (formerly referred to Affirmative Effort Program). Drafts of Equal Opportunity statements for Swarthmore College.
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Correspondence regarding the inclusion of a clause preventing discrimination based on age in the employment policy statement. Includes letters from Friend to the Director of Civil Rights at the Department of Health, Education and Welfare regarding Title IX.
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File holds letters between Friend and Kenneth Lieberthal, Professor at the University of Michigan and chair on the Ad Hoc Committee to Review Guidelines on Extra-Curricular Associations and Activities, over Swarthmore College policies on extracurricular groups. Folder also includes copies of Swarthmore's extracurricular policies for 1974.
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Copies of surveys given to different departments on the hiring of women and minorities and report of the ad hoc Committee on Women and Minorities.
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Letters of appointment of faculty members to various committees, includes finalized list
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Letters of appointment of faculty members to various committees, includes finalized list
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Minutes and documents regarding equal opportunity grievance procedure for faculty. Survey of faculty procedures and correspondence regarding amending Swarthmore faculty practices (equal opportunity, organization of division chairs). Letters from professors requesting to be placed on agendas in faculty meetings.
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Report: "Fair Practices at Swarthmore: A Self-Study Motivated by the 1979 Report of the Carnegie Council on Policy Studies in Higher Education." Aslo includes two related news articles with note from Phyllis Teitelbaum.
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Correspondence concerning Reagan Administration's proposed budget cuts to federal student financial aid programs
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Minutes from the Finance Committee of the Board of Managers—includes correspondence and College budget information
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Correspondence and documentation with the Office Education of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare regarding student grants and loans. Memoranda on Swarthmore financial aid. Letter from Senator Richard Schweiker on education appropriations. Correspondence with Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency.
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Friend has compiled government documents and letters pertaining to the granting of federal and state aid money to Swarthmore. Includes Friend's correspondence on financial aid. Restricted.
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Documents and correspondence relating to Ford Foundation grants to Swarthmore College. Collects letters to various Ford foundation advisers from Presidents Friend, Courtney Smith, Joseph Shane, John Nason Edward Cratsley (vice-president).
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Documents and correspondence relating to Ford Foundation Venture Fund grants to Swarthmore College. Correspondence between Theodore Friend and Edward Cratsley (vice-president) to Ford Foundation officials. Reports of use of Foundation Grants at Swarthmore.
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Documents and correspondence relating to Ford Foundation grants to Swarthmore College. Assemblage of letters to various Ford foundation advisers from Friend, Courtney Smith (former Swarthmore president), Edward Cratsley (vice-president).
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Proposals submitted to Friend on use of a Ford Foundation Venture Fund Grant and correspondence between Friend and faculty over grants.
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Minutes and correspondence, including board approval and reports on the creation and implementation of the Ad Hoc Committee on Government Regulations, established to consider the impact of government regulations on financial support. Friend has created a collection of articles pertaining to government regulation.
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Documents regarding selection of Maxine Singer, Margaret Kuhn, Paul Ylvisaker and Gerard O'Neill for honorary degrees.
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Correspondence about degree recipients, copies of presentation speeches. Recipients include Stephen Cary, Sadie Alexander, William McNeill, and I.F. Stone.
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Correspondence on selection the recipients for honorary degrees. Recipients include Carl Levin (letter from Senator included), J. Peter Schickele.
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Correspondence discussing changes in approval process of honorary degrees. Letters with Julien Cornell, member of board of managers. Random memoranda about the honorary degree program
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Letters, memoranda on different speakers. Includes correspondence as well for Swarthmore presidents Courtney Smith and John Nason. Speakers include Dave Cowden, Elizabeth Cox Wright, Everett Hunt and James Michener.
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Includes guest lists, planning meeting minutes, invitation templates, and more.
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Letters to Ken Landis accepting invitation to attend Theodore Friend's inauguration.
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Letters to Ken Landis declining invitation to attend Theodore Friend's inauguration.
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Collection of newsclippings from both Swarthmore and outsider publications. Subjects extend from internal Swarthmore events to doings of alumni
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Documentation on Institutional Assistant Grants (IAG) and correspondence about audit of grant money. Grant eligibility listing. Friend has also pulled together information and notes on the Basic Education Opportunity Grant from the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency. Copies of surveys for grants.
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Minutes and correspondence from the Instruction and Libraries Committee of the Board of Managers
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Minutes, reports, correspondence from the Investment Committee of the Board of Managers.
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Correspondence concerning the financial fund to establish the fellowship
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Memorandum from law firm of Duane, Morris and Heckscher addressing legal constraints in student discipline at Swarthmore. Letters regarding disciplinary actions taken by the committee, appeals to the president. Restricted.
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Correspondence regarding endowment of Kenan Chair. Includes reports on funding, information of Kenan Trust.
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Correspondence concerning Dr. Kinlock, Professor of American History at the Australian National University, visiting scholar in 1973-74. Predates Friend's tenure.
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Correspondence concerning alcohol policy on campus, minutes and reports from related committees
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Correspondence concerning library policies, hirings, displays, etc.
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Minutes of Committee for the New Dormitory, correspondence with committee members
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Documents received from Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary School, copies of reports on Swarthmore sent, correspondence with members of MSA.
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Correspondence regarding the creation and implementation of the Evaluation of Swarthmore by the Commission on Higher Education of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools.
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Correspondence from/concerning the NEH; Friend served on the National Board of Consultants and on the Institutional Development Grants Panel
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Correspondence and other material related to the College's grants from the National Science Foundation
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Documents related to Title IX (concerning the funding of women's athletics): correspondence from NCAA, AIAW [Association for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women], Swarthmore Athletics Department
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Minutes from the Nominating Committee of the Board of Managers—includes correspondence and resumes
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Drafts of Friend's 1976 report "Organization at Swarthmore," includes correspondence and a copy of Edward Cratsley's 1969 report "Organization and Decision Making Process."
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Correspondence concerning Swarthmore's membership in the Penjerdel Corporation
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Correspondence concerning establishment of a Pennsylvania Public Interest Research Group branch at Swarthmore—includes faculty petition
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Correspondence concerning the Physical Activities Bulding; Minutes of the Planning Committee
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Internal report: Overview of athletic programs and facilities at Swarthmore
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Correspondence about the search for Theodore Friend's successor. Includes correspondence from Jerome Kohlberg Jr., Bert Fowler (on presidential papers) and David Ellis (president of Lafayette College). Letter from Elizabeth Friend on considerations taken on a president's wife. Includes articles and letters about Friend's resignation.
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Documents relating to the expansion and construction of Swarthmore athletic facilities (Ware Pool, Mullan Center, Lamb-Miller Field House, Clothier Fields, Cunningham Fields). Includes briefings from architects (Mitchell/Giurgola) and consultants and correspondence with Samuel Carpenter, chairman of the Committee for the Physical Activities Project. Includes minutes from meetings of committee with representatives from Mitchell/Giurgola.
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Report and building proposals
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Minutes from the Property Committee of the Board of Managers—includes correspondence, 1980 maintenance survey, pictures of groundbreaking for new dormitory (1980)
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Papers by the Committee on Research Ethics and Committee on Classified Work about Swarthmore faculty doing classified government research. Includes letter from ACLU executive director Aryeh Neier and correspondence with Donald A. Tortorice of Duan, Morris and Heckscher on the Freedom of Information Act and classified research.
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Correspondence concerning the history of the Sommerville Society, a literary club for female students. Mostly documents from before Friend's tenure, including letters from Courtney Smith, John Nason, and Frank Aydelotte
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Correspondence and other materials
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Missing 1980
Agenda for Staff Conference; Statistical Material for Conference
Agenda, Readings, Statistical material
Agenda, Readings, Statistical Material, Committee reports for June Conference. Also Agenda and outline of January conference
Agenda and papers
Objectives for 1979-1980
Readings, Statistical material, committee reports, handwritten notes
Agenda, Readings, Statistics, etc
Notes of Staff Retreat, Objectives
Agenda, minutes, correspondence. Documents about gynecological services on campus, implementation of Title IX, Phoenix policies, and the Mid-County Expressway (Blue Route).
Agenda, minutes, correspondence. Documents about report by Gehring Associates on university and college public relations, Student Life Committee, guidelines for Phoenix and WSRN interviews, guidelines for off-campus activities by college groups, Long Term Planning, and the Blue Route.
Agenda, minutes, correspondence. Documents on Title VII, Administrative Conference, Athletics department, Housing Committee, Gynecological services, Summer Theatre Festival, discrimination against disabled persons, and age discrimination.
Agenda, minutes, correspondence. Documents on Mission Statement (Swarthmore and Haverford), Equal Employment Opportunity Requirements, mandatory retirement legislation, Faculty searches and hiring, Statistical records of enrollment/admissions/etc, Senior Interview program, Physical Education, Delta Upsilon Casino Party and gambling regulations, Graduate School statistics, and the Robert K. Enders Scholarship.
Agenda, minutes, correspondence. Documents on Self-Study, A Better Chance (organization for minority scholarships), Title IX, enrollment and admissions statistics, College judicial system, policy on foundational resources, fall calendar, Ad Hoc Management Evaluation Committee, South Africa and anti-Apartheid debate, renting Ashton House to students, Privacy Act legislation, Equal Opportunity Grievance Procedure, proposal for Phoenix typesetter, Space Use and Energy Conservation Committee, Mary Lyons 4 Dead Dog Memorial Art Gallery, Swarthmore mission statement, ACRU, and H.R. 12050 and H.R. 11274.
Agenda, minutes, correspondence. Documents on mission statement, retirement (Department of Labor retirement regulation, COFHE Retirement study), Blue Route, Campus Facts and institutional data, departmental endowments, employee sick leave, Ad Hoc Committee on Management Evaluation report, Self-Evaluation Steering Committee, use of gender-neutral language, Title IX self-evaluation, Rand Corporation Civil Rights prospectus, BCC budget, Department of Education proposal, Ad Hoc Mental Health Advisory Committee report, Three-Mile Island Nuclear Power Facility, and Equal Opportunity Grievance Procedure for students.
Agenda, minutes, correspondence. Documents on visiting committees, Lang professorships, departmental endowments, Instruction and Libraries Committee, Eugene M. Lang Scholarship, tenure and faculty reappointment, American Chemical Society, curricular innovations, Hans Mueller and disability benefits.
Agenda, minutes, correspondence. Documents on evaluation of Education Program, curricular innovations, Flack faculty award, Hans Mueller, Sproul Observatory research, Chemistry Department visiting committee report, Swarthmore Minority Student Program, tenure and hiring decisions, counsel to the College, and Wallingford-Swarthmore School District agreement with Swarthmore College.
Agenda, minutes, correspondence. Documents on First Collection, development planning, personal objectives, mission statement, Senior Interview summary, Mellon proposal for retirement, college release of student information for draft registration, housing statistics, Science Library proposals, Ad Hoc Committee on Black Concerns, Consortium of Cable Television, sauna proposal, and evaluation of Study Abroad programs in England and France.
Agenda, minutes, correspondence. Documents on Board self-evaluation, Ad Hoc Committee on Black Concerns, Ad Hoc Subcommittee of Student Life, ad hoc fundraising for student organizations, development planning, Property Committee, swimming pool, Jeans burning incident, Mellon fund for the 80s, Ad Hoc Committee on Women's Concerns, Retirement, cocaine, and personal objectives.
Agenda, minutes, correspondence. Documents on development planning, Blue Route, financial report, national service proposals in Congress, Sports Hall of Fame, alcohol, Property Committee, enrollment statistics, Parish Program Committee, Ad Hoc Advisory Committee for a memorial for Courtney Smith.
Agenda, minutes, correspondence. Documents on early retirement, fraternities (especially the termination of Delta Upsilon's lease), Alcohol education, young alumni survey, Ad Hoc Committee on Board Self-Evaluation, Act 101, report of subcommittee of the Committee on Physical Education and Athletics regarding full-time football coach position, FY 1982-83 Budget recommendations, Emergency Committee for African Refugees, Committee on Black and Minority Concerns, Financial Aid policy, Ad Hoc Committee on College Discipline and the Judicial System, "Swarthmore Summit", reports on physical education and athletics, proposal for increase in computing capacity, use of facilities by political candidates, and statistical profile of college.
Papers on Cooper-sponsored lectures give by Arianna Stassinopolous [Huffington], includes correspondence and contract
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Letters regarding the implementation of coed housing at Swarthmore, inter-dormitory visitation
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Minutes and correspondence from the Student Life Committee (before 1976, the Student Activities Committee) of the Board of Managers
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A collection assembled by Friend of articles and memoranda about student petitions and writings (includes a survey of environmental attitudes of physics students, petition of support of 1960's sit-down demonstrations against segregation, petition on extension of Thanksgiving vacation). Collection includes documents before Friend's tenure.
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Statistics on Swarthmore College regarding data from 1950's-1970's
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A collection of data on Swarthmore including graduation statistics, enrollment statistics, major and minor statistics and an amusing anecdote about Swarthmore receives disproportionate alumni representation in the House of Representatives
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Internal report: Review of the Program in Education at the College
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Internal report: Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Program in Education
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Minutes from Swarthmore/Haverford/Bryn Mawr meetings
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Minutes from Swarthmore/Haverford/Bryn Mawr meetings
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Minutes from Swarthmore/Haverford/Bryn Mawr meetings
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Minutes from Swarthmore/Haverford/Bryn Mawr meetings
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Minutes and correspondence concerning the Executive Committee of the University City Science Center. Ed Cratsley and Courtney Smith served as directors. Predates Friend's tenure.
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A collection of essays of the participation of women at Swarthmore in student offices and Phi Beta Kappa. Includes draft of Supportive History of Women at Swarthmore by Phyllis Teitelbaum.
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Reports and statistics from Worth Health Center. Includes invitation to the dedication of the health center, Worth blueprints and documents regarding the construction of Worth. Majority of documents are before Friend's tenure
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A collection of articles and draft of a speech Friend gave at a conference on Values, Social Indicators and the Future, hosted by the Center for Social and Policy Studies at Swarthmore. Friend gave the introduction for Professor James Davis from the University of Chicago. (Feb. 28 – March 1, 1974).
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Certificates for the representatives of Yale University, University of Pennsylvania, Knox College, Brown University, Dartmouth College, Vassar College, George Fox College, City University of New York, Bucknell University, Dickinson College, Temple University, State University of New York, Mount Holyoke, University of Delaware, Williams College, Lebanon Valley College, Hollins College, Columbia University, Colgate University
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Pamphlets of Friend's inaugural address as well as program for Friend's inauguration. Correspondence with well-wishers for inauguration.
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Sympathy cards for injured knee
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File mainly consists of correspondence with other academics, societies Friend was elected to, requests for academic papers, notification of inclusion in biographical compilations (Who's Who, etc), reference letters, collection of negative prints of pictures of Friend, and correspondence concerning move from Buffalo to Swarthmore.
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Papers on a class Friend co-taught with Steve Piker and Donald Swearer on the culture, history, and religion of Southeast Asia. Includes correspondence, syllabus, exam questions.
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Collection of Friend's speeches for collection, freshman welcome, commencement, and alumni events.
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Collection of Friend's speeches for collection, freshman welcome, commencement, and alumni events.
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Collection of Friend's speeches for collection, freshman welcome, commencement, and alumni events.
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Collection assembled by Friend of articles on confidentially, value of college education, college rankings for speeches.
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Invitations, notes, affiliate lists for gathering of Swarthmore affiliates in Tokyo on August 5, 1977.
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Documents in conjunction with Friend's service on the Advisory Committee for the Establishment of Honors for the Freshman Honors program at the University of Delaware
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Barbara Presseisen was hired by Swarthmore College as a Lecturer in the Education Program in September 1970, but was not reappointed for the 1972-1973 academic year. Alleging that the renewal was based solely on her sex, Presseisen filed a violation of her rights under Title VII of the Civil Rights act of 1964. A class action was added and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) joined in 1976. At the trial, held in 1977, the court ruled in favor of the defendant, Swarthmore College. Presseisen and the EEOC appealed the decision in 1978, but the appellate court affirmed the lower court's decision.
This series consists of records relating to the case accumulated by Theodore Friend in his role as Swarthmore College President. Included are copies of formal legal documents, such as legal briefs and memoranda, as well as less official matter, such as correspondence with Swarthmore staff and lawyers, handwritten notes, and other trial preparatory materials. There are a few newspaper clippings about the case, including a special student publication entitled The Presseisen Profile, dated April 22, 1977.
This series is currently stored off-site. Please allow minimum two weeks for retrieval.