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Judy and Michael Van Hoy Papers
Held at: Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College [Contact Us]500 College Avenue, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania 19081
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Judith Anne Cunningham, born February 17, 1960, was a birthright member of Green Street Monthly Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Her parents, William A. and Elizabeth Cunningham, had joined the Society of Friends in 1958. Judy graduated from Philadelphia High School for Girls in 1978, started college at Cheyney University, and then transferred to Temple University. She graduated in 1981 with a B.S. in elementary education, spent the following summer in Greece studying modern Greek, and began a graduate program in Philosophy at Temple.
From a young age, Judy expressed concern for social justice issues and peace. In 1983 she spent the summer at a workcamp in Botswana. Her "Peace is a Group Effort" illustration has been widely used, and she designed other banners and posters for Philadelphia Yearly Meeting and related organizations. Judy worked for the Yearly Meeting as an office assistant 1982-1984 and associate librarian, 1995-1999. She served as director of Friends Weekend Workcamp Program from 1984 to 1989 and again 1997-2003. The program sent high school and college-aged volunteers to assist in low-income homes in Philadelphia. Judy led workcamp groups to Kenya in 1987, 1988, 1989 where she represented the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Oversight Committee. In 2003 she resigned from Philadelphia Yearly Meeting and resumed teaching. In 2012, she returned to Temple to complete a Masters Degree.
While serving as the Director of the PYM Workcamp, she met Michael Van Hoy who came to Philadelphia as an intern in 1988. Michael Van Hoy was born July 7, 1963, in Richmond, Virginia, and grew up in an Evangelical Quaker family in Asheboro, North Carolina. In the 1970s, his father, Bill Van Hoy, was the lead advocate for the desegregation of schools in Ashboro. Michael earned a B.A. from Haverford College in 1985. Following graduation, he was awarded a prestigious Watson Fellowship to study Christian Ecumenical Organization 1985-1986, traveling in Africa and Latin America. In the fall of 1985 he spent several months at the National Council of Churches of Kenya representing Friends United Meeting.
Michael Van Hoy interned at Friends Committee on National Legislation in 1986-1987 and was drawn to urban ministry. He interned at Friends Workcamp program 1988-1989 and assumed the position of Director in 1989-1998 when Judy Cunningham took the job of associate librarian for PYM. Michael Van Hoy and Judy Cunningham married May 27,1990, at Green Street Friends Meeting House. They home schooled their foster son Romanze and Judy's nieces in 1998-2000, and subsequently Michael worked in the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Development Office. The Van Hoys organized and led a Green Street Monthly Meeting trip to South Africa in 2001. In 2007 he served as Director of the AFSC China Summer Workcamp. Following employment with Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, he taught in private schools in Philadelphia.
The Weekend Workcamps Program originated on the eve of World War II. It provides volunteers and opportunity to work in an inner city community, interact with neighbors, and dialog on peace and justice issues. In 1977 the Weekend Workcamps Subcommittee was set off as a separate committee of Philadelphhia Yearly Meeting.
In 1983, the Committee bought the house in which its activities were centered, at 840 N. 42nd St. in West Philadelphia. Today the Friends' Workcamp Program operates under the auspices of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting's Standing Committee on Peace and Concerns.
The papers of Judy and Michael Van Hoy, members of Green Street Monthly Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, who have been deeply involved in social justice concerns particularly through the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Workcamps programs. Both also were active in international workcamps, especially in Kenya. Judy Van Hoy maintained correspondence with many international workcampers, including extensive correspondence with Jane Swart, a South African who worked at the Quaker Peace Centre in the early 1990s. In addition to their employment with Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, both Van Hoys are teachers and peace and social activists. The papers include correspondence, writings, and related material and provide insight into the concerns of late 20th century Philadelphia Quakers.
Arranged in six series.
Gift of Judy and Michael Van Hoy, FHL Acc. 2016.051.
Found in collection (PYM backlog) FHL Acc. 2023 055
Judy Van Hoy sorted most of the correspondence by correspondent.
Additions added and sub-series created for the 2001 Green Street Monthly Meeting South Africa trip, 6/13/2024
Workcamp photos removed to process with PA 134; China Workcamp 2002 VHS tape and audio cassette of 1992 Michael Van Hoy seminars to be added to Islandora. Stored with photos on accession shelves.
Minutes of the Philadelphia Workcamp program have been removed to check for duplicates in QM-Phy-774.
Personal cassettes and wall calendars to return to donor.
Peace Committee poster by Judy Van Hoy transferred to RG2, PYM
- Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends. Friends Workcamp Program
- Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends
- Green Street Monthly Meeting of Friends (Philadelphia, Pa.)
- Housing -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia
- Inner cities -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia
- Society of Friends -- Pennsylvania
- Church and Social Problems -- Society of Friends
- Society of Friends -- Missions -- Kenya
- Evangelical Quakers
- Quakers -- Social service -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia
- Social justice -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia -- History -- Sources
- Work camps -- Pennsylvania
- Work camps
- Quaker educators
- Quakers -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia -- History -- 20th century
- Peace -- Posters -- History -- Sources
- Publisher
- Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
- Finding Aid Author
- Susanna Morikawa
- Finding Aid Date
- August 2021
- Access Restrictions
The collection is open for research.
- Use Restrictions
Permission to reuse, publish, or reproduce items in this collection beyond the bounds of Fair Use or other exemptions to copyright law must be obtained from the copyright holder or their heirs/assigns. See
Collection Inventory
Classmates from Girls High School. Watson joined the U.S. Air Force in 1983
Philadelphia friend; Married E. Mitchell Swann in 1998. Became teacher in Philadelphia
Classmates of study abroad in Greece?
Jennie Ault was Judy's grandmother and lived in Oklahoma.
Katie traveled to Greece with Judy in 1981. They maintained an active correspondence, and in 2009 Judy wrote that she was sorting letters and most were from Katie. A photocopy of 10/24/1988 letter from Judy included details about a group of homeless activist who crashed in the Philadelphia Workcamp and had expected to stay multiple days. After a night, they were convinced to move to a homeless shelter. On 1998 Judy was working at the Workcamp and helping Sandy Williams and her children. Her mother was participating in a Philadelphia Yearly Meeting and London Yearly Meeting staff exchange for 3 months in England. Judy and Michael were in love.
While Judy saved most of the letters from Katie together with some copies of her letters sent, Katie wrote in a note in 2008 that she had found a trove of letters from Judy when she was clearing for a move and was returning them to her.
Judy's mother, Elizabeth Cunningham, was long-time accountant for Philadelphia Yearly Meeting. Most of the letters were written while she was on a staff exchange with London Yearly Meeting.
Judy's brother and sister-in-law
Judy's brother, Phillip Cunningham, was incarcerated but released briefly in 1989 and lived with their father in Vineland, New Jersey. William Cunningham was attempting to reestablish a relationship with Judy after having abruptly left his wife.
Judy's brother and sister-in-law. Their children were home-schooled by Michael while Andrew was in prison, implicated in a Ponzi scheme.
From Jane, Quaker Peace Centre, Cape Town, South Africa, to Judy who was in working in a Kenya Workcamp.
Jane Swart, staff of the Quaker Peace Center
From Jane Swart, Cape Town. With photocopies of letters from Judy in Philadelphia on her return to the United States. Judy hoped to visit South Africa in August, but the trip did not work out. Judy was involved with Sandy Williams and her children.
From Jane working in South Africa, Quaker Peace Centre. Includes photocopies of letters from Judy to Jane as she contemplated marriage, but didn't want to leave her work in Philadelphia. In March 1989 she and Michael visited North Carolina (Michael's home state), and Judy wrote that she couldn't imagine living in an area that had no African-Americans.
Jane resigned from Peace Centre. Judy Cunningham married Michael Van Hoy in June 1990, and on Jan. 18, 1992, Jane married Simon Mglamelo, a black South African graduate student. Jane's letters mentioned protests and violence in South Africa. The Quaker church membeship had dwindled, and she joined a charismatic, evangelical congregation in 1993.
A letter from Jane in August 1994 she referenced that Judy Van Hoy had resigned from Green Street Monthly Meeting in disagreement with the committee who sat on school. In 1996 Jane and Simon were living in Umtata, and Jane had a baby boy. A returned Christmas card 2001 from Judy mentioned the foster child, Romanze, she and Michael were raising. Jane Mglamelo worked as educator and freelance editor.
To Judy Cunningham, Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Workcamps. With congratulation from FWCC (Friends World Committee) on Judy's marriage in 1990.
Includes a copy of Judy's 1987 letter on returning from Kenya to Philadelphia, having represented Philadelpia Yearly Meeting Oversight Committee and her 1991 letter regretting she could not visit Kenya that summer.
Lara Broadfield, Lorna Cameron, Lucas Ford
Janet Wakube, Jospheth, Rose Adede, and others. With copy of Judy's September 1987 letter to Josephat, she wrote that she was back to work in Philadelphia Workcamp after a bout with typhoid. Also note to Samuel Snipes from Wycliffe Dembede.
Karen Lassman-Eul and others
Graf visited Philadelphia in 1986. She particpated in German Workcamps.
Jiro Kumagai-Doi spent time in Philadelphia and knew Judy's friend Sandy and the children. Includes photocopies of letters from Judy describing her love for her friends and especially "Brother Michael" who was interning at Philadelphia Yearly Meeting.
International workcamp participants who visited the U.S in 1985 and wrote to Judy with dates in Germany, etc.
Andrew Barclay had participated in 1987 International Workcamp. He died by suicide in 1989 following the suicide of his sister, and Judy began a correspondence with his mother, Jean. Includes a photocopy of Judy's 1988 letter to Andrew which told him of her own attempt of suicide in high school.
Friend from Greece
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Peace Committee Action Reconciliation volunteer. Peace activist from Germany. He and Judy began working about the same time.
Kenya Workcamp participant and future PYM staff member.
Burr, Edgerton, Davenport (GSFS), Dutot
Hans Delss, Kugelman, etc. Michael organized an international workcamp in summer of 1992. Short notes, cards from workcampers from Europe, Asia
To Judy and Michael who organized an international workcamp in summer of 1992, etc. Short notes, cards from workcampers from Europe, Asia
Haertwig Ficker, Germany, etc.
Friends from teaching at Faith Tabernacle.
Not sorted.
Carbons of typed and signed letters. Michael was a student at Haverford College
Student at Haverford College; in 1988 interning at Workcamp in Philadelphia.
Typed letters while Michael was on Watson Fellowship. Includes an excerpt from his letter.
Correspondence with parents, grandparents Callahan and others while a student at Haverford and later notes
Affectionate letters from Michael's older sister.
Teresa and her husband, J. Roberto Hasfura-Buenaga, an engineer and Professor of Mathematics at Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas, moved to San Antonio to be close to his family in Mexico and where she could study Latin American history in graduate school. While nine months pregnant with her second son Andrés, in 1992 Teresa started graduate school at University of Texas, Austin. Sons Alejandro and Andres Michael Levering Hasfura were raised bi-culturally.
Letters from nephews Alejandro and Andres Hasfura
Certifying his membership in good standing before he left for Africa. Signed in reply by General Secretary of East Africa Yearly Meeeting and Clerk of Friends Meeting Nairobi.
Catholic Relief Service cCamp in Honduras. Student at Universityof Oregon and married Jeff McMorran in 1994
Post college. Includes letters from his parents while he traveled in Central America. Thomas Watson Foundation, Costa Rica, working in Washington, D.C., at Friends Committee on National Legislation, then in Oregon. Letter from Friends United Meetin noting that he would not be reappointed to governing board because his 6 year term was up
Randy and Lori Crutchfield and Richard Meissner, former high school teacher and coach.
Ralph and Patricia Levering of Davidson, North Carolina, Michael's aunt and uncle. He was a history professor and she a chaplain to cancer patients
Including letters sent from Zaire
Family mimeograph letters include a description of Michael and Judy's 1990 wedding
Mary and Merry. Betsy, and others including the Dawsons, friends of the Leverings
Ed was Michael's boss at Friends Committee on National Legislation. They were members Acadia Friends Meeting and Ed is author of Witness in Washington.
Includes student essays, report cards, etc. Greene Street Friends School, Girls' High School, Philadelphia
Judy's note enclosed, dated 8/26/2016, explainsL "As a teenager, Judy sponsored a child in Korea via Save the Children. Judy sent about $16/mo...."
Undergraduate and graduate school student papers
From a young age, Judy's activities reflected awareness and concern for social justice issues and peace. File includes letter from clerk of Elgon Religious Society of Friends, Kenya, expressing gratitude for her visit to their Quarterly Meeting.
College papers and student teaching at Germantown Friends School
Judy's original design, photo, bumper stickers and letters from senators, photographs, copyright registration, etc. Design has been used around the world
Pattern for 3' x 8' banner
Artwork. Judy (Judith Anne) Cunningham
Banner design
Articles and biographical on Judy Cunningham/(after 1990, Judy Van Hoy)
Judy taught 3rd grade. The school was located at 5th and Erie Avenue, Philadelphia. It was sponsored by church that believed in faith-based healing and rejected vaccinations. It was heavily impacted by the U.S. measles epidemic in the early 1990s.
Judy was teaching at the Tabernacle during the epidemic in which five children died. Clippings.
Letters from her 3rd grade students at Faith Tabernacle. Some of the students continued to write to her years after having her as their teacher.
The School was founded and sponsored by Greene Street Monthly Meeting, located at 5511 Greene Street, Philadelphia. Judy taught there briefly.
Heather had been Judy's student at Faith Tabernacle School, and they continued as pen pals. File includes a photocopy of Judy's 1997 letter in which she writes to Heather about how carefully she had considered marriage before deciding to marry Michael Van Hoy in 1990.
Includes her talk on Same Sex Marriage, presented at TESOL Conference
Designs and photographs
Judy taught 4th grade. The school closes abruptly in 2006
Judy Van Hoy homeschooled a student, Maya Abrahim, 2006-2007. She wored as an aide to special needs student Sophy Jarka-Sellers at Germantown Friends School, 2007-2014
MATESOL. Student papers. Most interesting is paper on "Mthatha Language Attitudes," with field work by Jane Swart Mgamelo, Judy's friend from African Workcamps. Another papers compared the experiences of children in Native American Boarding Schools and schools under No Child Left Behind guide.
High School transcripts and notes for his application to Haverford College
letters to family,support for Mumia Abu-Jamal, etc.
National Council of Churches talk and related material. Michael Van Hoy was appointed as a Friends United Meeting representative. Kara Cole, Administrative Secretary of FUM, invited him to attend National Council of Churches Meeting in Cleveland. Includes excerpts of letters home during her trip to Kenya, etc.
Michael was a musician and songwriter in high school. Original copies
Application and papers. Following graduation from Haverfordd College, Michael was awarded a prestigious Watson Fellowship to study Christian Ecumenical Organization in 1985-1986, traveling the Africa and Latin America.
Typescripts and handwritten drafts of his essay Overland and South America At a Glance
Report of trip as PYM Representatives in Urban Ministry. Judy and Michael's trip to Guilford College's Religious Emphasis Week
Journal of his experience to Million Black Man's March
Writings while working at Philadelphia Workcamps. Also, memoir of taking his little brother to school, etc.
Foster son Romanze Smalls graduated from the School is 2003, and Michael taught there 2010-2014.
Resumes and correspondence. Judy Van Hoy resigned as director of Workcamps in 2003. Also color snaphots of their 1990 wedding at Green Street Meeting House.
Includes related correspondence and memorial minute for David Richie who founded Friends Workcamp in Philadelphia in early 1950s and died in 2005.
Weeklong Workcamp with Guilford report
James A. Hamilton (1926-1997, long-time staff of Friends Workcamps
Handwritten letter from Judy Cunningham, August 4, 1989, addressed to Dear Friends (draft?) from Workcamp, Mbale, Western Kenya. Also includes the visa application for Judith Monyi, Kenyan, who worked in Philadelphia 1992; Judy and she became friends when Judy worked in Kenyan Workcamps.
Memorabilia from Kenya, receipts, etc. Photos separated.
Consists of correspondence, pre- and post- trip, possible iteneraries, readings, Rainbow Ministry Summit, itinerary, memorabilia, emails, and photos of trip organized by Michael and Judy Van Hoy.
Itinerary, memorabilia, emails, photos of trip organized by Michael and Judy Van Hoy
Notes, emails, articles. The Van Hoys organized trips to China in 2003 and 2007. Includes notes and notebooks. Michael Van Hoy was hired by the AFSC in 2007 to serve as Director.
Includes a CD and photographs, correspondence
After Agnes Boyd, also known as Sandy Williams, suffered a breakdown in 1991, her minor children were placed under the care of the Philadelphia Department of Human Services. The Van Hoys were friends and were granted legal custody of two of her sons: Romanze and Waiton in August 1991. Waiton left in 1993, Romanze lived with them until he graduated.
Includes a photo of Judy at Romanze's wedding and a schedule for home schooling lessons. Romanze Jeffrey Smalls was born Jan. 7 1985. Michael and Judy were granted custody in August 1991 for Romanze and his older brother Waiton arrived in August 1991. Waiton left thier home in 1993.
Sandy'a son, born 1986 who lived briefly with the Van Hoys
Gabriel "Gabe" Boyd was Sandy William's oldest child and a student at Girard College in 1991. After graduation from Girard College High School, he studied briefly at York College and then joined the Marine Corps
Son of Sandy Williams and married Mai Nguyen.
Theasha (born 1998) was the child of Theasha, the youner sister of Chan, Gabem, Waiton, and Romanze. Agnes (Sandy Williams) was Theasha's grandmother.
Judy met Naeemah as a child in Friends Weekend Workcamps in Philadelphia. Includes photocopies of letters from Judy who mentored her.
Judy's brother. He was an accountant who helped John G. Bennett's New Era Foundation Ponzi scheme. The Van Hoys helped with his three children while he was in prison, and Andrew, his wife, and three children lived temporarily with them when he was released from prison.