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Caleb Peirce letterbook


Held at: Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College [Contact Us]500 College Avenue, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania 19081

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Caleb Peire (1763-1853) was the son of Caleb Peirce, Sr., and Ann Mendenhall Peirce of Concord Monthly Meeting, Pennsylvania. Peirce owned a hardware business in Philadelphia.

Letter book of Philadelphia Quaker merchant Caleb Peirce (1763-1853). 270 complete business letters, 43 partial with alternating pages removed. Peirce operated a hardware store that offered all types of metalwork as well as related household and some fine goods. He corresponded with shippers, suppliers, fellow merchants, and customers, and the letters document the challenges of domestic and international commerce.

Purchase, Acc. 2017.002.

Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
Finding Aid Date
May 2021
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The collection is open for research.

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Friends Historical Library believes all of the items in this collection to be in the Public Domain in the United States, and is not aware of any restrictions on their use. However, the user is responsible for making a final determination of copyright status before reproducing. See

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