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Maulsby-Albertson Family Papers


Held at: Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College [Contact Us]500 College Avenue, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania 19081

This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.

Overview and metadata sections

The Maulsby and Albertson families were Pennsylvania Quakers. Samuel Maulsby (1768-1838) married Susan Thomas. They had seven children. Their son Jonathan (1801-1845) was a merchant in Plymouth Meeting, PA, and served as postmaster at Plymouth Meeting House in the 1820's. A daughter, Alice T. (1803-1876) married Josiah Albertson (1803-1876). The Albertson family operated lime kilns and sold lime, and Josiah Albertson seems to have joined the Maulbys in their business after his marriage.

The collections includes genealogical material, family correspondence (1804-1846),, financial and legal papers. Some of the papers concern Jonathan Maulsby's term as postmaster at Plymouth Meeting House in the 1820's. The Albertson family operated lime kiIns and sold lime in Plymouth Township. Samuel Maulsby was a Commissioner of the Philadelphia, Germantown and Norristown RaiIroad Company. The Maulsby family were also active in Norristown as merchants of lumber, coal, and iron. Josiah Albertson seems to have joined the Maulbys in their business after his marriage to Alice T. Maulsby.

The collection is divided into seven series:

  1. Biographical and genealogical
  2. Correspondence of the Maulsby and Albertson families
  3. Journal
  4. Financial papers
  5. Legal papers
  6. Meeting papers
  7. Miscellaneous papers

Donor: Mrs. Arthur Robinson, 1966

Donor: Elizabeth Price Robinson, 1966

The donor, Elizabeth Price Robinson. was the great -granddaughter of Thornton Walton whose marriage certificate is included in the collection. The Maulsby-Albertson families and Walton family were linked by marriage.

The following material, originally part of the collection, has been recatalogued:

  1. Book of Sufferings- Gwynedd Monthly Meeting Committee on Sufferings, 1808-1825. Transferred to RG 2 Gwynedd Monthly Meeting Records.

Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
Finding Aid Author
FHL staff
Finding Aid Date
Encoding made possible by a grant by the Gladys Kriebel Delmas Foundation to the Philadelphia Consortium of Special Collections Libraries
Access Restrictions

Collection is open for research.

Use Restrictions

Friends Historical Library believes all of the items in this collection to be in the Public Domain in the United States, and is not aware of any restrictions on their use. However, the user is responsible for making a final determination of copyright status before reproducing. See

Collection Inventory

Genealogical chart.
Box 1
Scope and Contents

Made after reading correspondence to discover relationships, and consulting the records of Gwynedd Monthly Meeting.

Josiah Albertson to Alice T. Maulsby at house of Thomas C. James, Whitpain Township, Montgomery County, 1828 3mo 12.
Othertype Marr ++A
Physical Description

1 item

Jacob Albertson to Mary Roberts at Abington, 1782 11mo 21.
Othertype Marr ++A
Physical Description

1 item

Thornton Walton to Rachel Beans at house of Sarah Beans, mother of Rachel, in Philadelphia, 1857 10mo 27.
Othertype Marr ++W
Physical Description

1 item

Scope and Contents

Primarily correspondence received by George Maulsby in Bucks County from family members. Arranged chronologically.

Correspondence, 1804-1829.
Box 1
Physical Description

1 folder

Correspondence, 1832-1834.
Box 1
Physical Description

1 folder

Correspondence, 1835-1846 & n.d.
Box 1
Physical Description

1 folder

Journal and map of a trip from Montgomery Co. to Washington, D..C.writer unknown, December 26, 1827.
Box 1
Scope and Contents

Includes a brief visit to the Capitol and attendence at the president's "levve" and introduction to John Quincy Adams.

Physical Description

1 folder

Scope and Contents

Includes a letter from Josiah White with a detailed description of the lime kiln at Mauch Chunk to Jacob Albertson, 1825. Arranged chronologically.

Financial papers, 1805-1832.
Box 2
Physical Description

1 folder

Financial papers, 1833-1836.
Box 2
Physical Description

1 folder

Financial papers, 1837-1874 & n.d.
Box 2
Physical Description

1 folder

Scope and Contents

Arranged chronologically.

Apprenticeship agreement, Sarah Berril, daughter of the late Henry Berril of Abington, of her own free will bound herself apprentice to Anthony Williams of Bristol Township and Margaret, his wife, to be taught the occupation of housewifery, April 7, 1779.
Physical Description

1 item

Citizenship paper for Robert Connor, native of Ireland., Oct. 6, 1808.
Physical Description

1 item

Apprenticeship agreement, Samuel Hall, son of Isabella Hall, of his own free will bound himself apprentice to John WiIson of Whitemarsh Township, to be taught the trade of a farmer., Oct. 22, 1808.
Physical Description

1 item

Draft notice, 1814.
Physical Description

1 item

Enstatement of new Post Master in Plymouth Meeting House, 1822.
Physical Description

1 item

Receipt and response, 1825.
Physical Description

1 item

Letter from John M'Lean stating that accounts have yet to be rendered, 1826.
Physical Description

1 item

Letter of discontinuation of Plymouth Meeting post office and various requests of Post Master, 1827.
Physical Description

1 item

Copy of patent given to Samuel Lane from Andrew Jackson, 1830.
Physical Description

1 item

Appointment of Samuel Maulsby as Attorney, 1831.
Physical Description

1 item

Last Will + Testament of Jacob Albertson, 1832.
Physical Description

1 item

Appointment of Josiah Albertson as attorney, 1833.
Physical Description

1 item

Patent given to Samuel Lane from Andrew Jackson, 1833.
Physical Description

1 item

Legal document, 1834.
Physical Description

1 item

Josiah Albertson's land (drawing), 1840.
Physical Description

1 item

Last Will + Testament of Josiah Albertson, 1846.
Physical Description

1 item

Request for receipt of the deceased Josiah Albertson's goods, 1847.
Physical Description

1 item

Mortgage document between the executors of the will of Josiah Albertson to Ann Williams and Martha Williams, 1848.
Physical Description

1 item

Mortgage document between the executors of the Will of Josiah Albertson to Elizabeth Mather, 1848.
Physical Description

1 item

legal document written in Spanish, 1851.
Physical Description

1 item

List of names and addresses (Philadelphia, 1856.
Physical Description

1 item

Deed Poll. Sheriff's Sale of property of Robert Comly add William H. Maurice for non-payment of debt. Sold to Edwin Forrest, Tragedian., Dec. 27, 1860,.
Physical Description

1 item

Mortgage of Alice Albertson, 1861.
Physical Description

1 item

Deed, between Edwin Forrest, Tragedian, and John F. Oram., April 4, 1867,.
Physical Description

1 item

Mortgage and bond, between Edwin Forrest and Girard Life Insurance, Annuity and Trust Co., April 4, 1867.
Physical Description

1 item

Assignment of mortgage, 1868.
Physical Description

1 item

Deed for area of sever, 1869.
Physical Description

1 item

Estate of Hannah Jones deed, authority to sell real estate, 1871, 1871.
Physical Description

1 item

Deed for the Grove Cemetery, 1884.
Physical Description

1 item

Legal document, n.d.
Physical Description

2 items

Deed for property of William Albertson (?), n.d., n.d.
Physical Description

1 item

Legal document from George Prince, n.d., n.d.
Physical Description

1 item

Template for debt form, n.d.
Physical Description

1 item

Copy of template for debt form, n.d.
Physical Description

1 item

between Joseph Jones of Plymouth Township and Katherin Richerds of Great Valley, Chester Co., June 24, 1728.
Othertype Deeds ++J
Physical Description

1 item

between Israel Dickinson of Upper Dublin Township and Jesse Rex of Plymouth Township, Feb. 8, 1782.
Othertype Deeds ++D
Physical Description

1 item

between John Stall of Plymouth Township and Fanny, his wife, and Joseph Potts., April 6, 1784.
Othertype Deeds ++S
Physical Description

1 item

between John Evans, George Maris and Jane, his wife, Jesse Foulke, Levi Foulke and Ann, his wife, Job Roberts and Mary, his wife, all of Montgomery Co., and Samuel Livezey of Plymouth Township, April 1, 1800,.
Othertype Deeds ++E
Physical Description

1 item

between John Evans, George Maris and Jane, his wife, Jese Foulke, Levi Foulke and Ann, his wife, Job Roberts and Mary, his wife, all of Montgomery Co., and Seth Schneider., April 1, 1800.
Othertype Deeds ++E
Physical Description

1 item

Bonds (3) between Jacob Albertson of Plymouth Township and Joseph Potts, Sept. 15, 1800.
Othertype Deeds ++A
Physical Description

1 item

between William Ellis and Sarah, his wife, Amos Ellis and Hannah, his wife, David Connard and Elizabeth, his wife, Jonathan Connard and Mary, his wife, Streper Connard and Sarah, his wife, Benjamin Harry, Joseph Lewis, Israel Bringhurst and Mary, his wife, Enos Lewis, Joseph Reiff and Ann, his wife, all of Montgomery Co., and Samuel Livezey of Plymouth Township., Aug. 18, 1806.
Othertype Deeds ++E
Physical Description

1 item

between Samuel Livezey of Plymouth Township and Mary, his wife, and Josiah Albertson, Aug. 16, 1825.
Othertype Deeds ++L
Physical Description

1 item

between Elizabeth Schneider, Administratrix of the estate of the late Henry Schneider, and Joseph Kirkner and Matthias Haas., April 30, 1829.
Othertype Deeds ++S
Physical Description

1 item

between Seth Schneider of Plymouth Township and Josiah AIbertson., Oct. 4, 1832.
Othertype Deeds ++S
Physical Description

1 item

between Jacob Albertson of Plymouth Township and Josiah Albertson (son)., Dec. 10, 1834.
Othertype Deeds ++A
Physical Description

1 item

between Jacob Albertson of Plymouth Township and Martha, his wife, and Benjamin Albertson., Dec. 10, 1834.
Othertype Deeds ++A
Physical Description

1 item

between Samuel Livezey of Whitemarsh Township and Jacob Albertson of Plymouth Township., Dec. 10, 1834.
Othertype Deeds ++L
Physical Description

1 item

between Thomas White of Plymouth Township and Josiah Albertson. Unsigned, not witnessed., 1838.
Othertype Deeds ++W
Physical Description

1 item

between John Freedley of Norristown and George Corson of Whitemarsh Township., June 28, 1844.
Othertype Deeds ++F
Physical Description

1 item

between Joseph Kirkner and Elizabeth, his wife, Matthias Haas and Melinda, his wife, and Alice Albertson, April 5, 184? [?].
Othertype Deeds ++K
Physical Description

1 item

between Amy Albertson and Charles Albertson, Executors of the Will of Benjamin Albertson, and Alice T. Albertson, widow of Josiah Albertson, Sept. 14, 1857.
Othertype Deeds ++A
Physical Description

1 item

Physical Description

1 folder

London Women Friends to Philadelphia Women Friends, 1801.
Physical Description

1 item

London Yearly Meeting to the Quarterly and Monthly Meeting of Friends in Great Britain, Ireland, and elsewhere, 1812.
Physical Description

1 item

Extracts from the Minutes of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, 1812, 1813, 1815, and 1818.
Physical Description

1 item

Receipts for the building of Plymouth Orthodox meeting house, 1831, 1832.
Box 2
Physical Description

1 folder

Civil War papers of John Ferris Price, 1861-1864.
Box 2
Physical Description

1 folder

Circular of American Temperance Society.
Physical Description

1 item

Invitations to Board of Managers Meetings of the Philadelphia, Germantown, and Norristown Railroad Company.
Box 2
Physical Description

1 item

List of names of American Friends who visited England commencing 1772.
Box 2
Physical Description

1 item

Subscription list for Promoting the Civilization of the Indian Nations.
Box 2
Physical Description

1 item

Death notices.
Box 2
Physical Description

2 items

Stampless cover catalogue.
Box 2
Physical Description

1 folder

Print, Suggest