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Convention of Delegates from the Seven Yearly Meetings (Hicksite) on Indian Affairs. Executive Central Committee Records


Held at: Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College [Contact Us]500 College Avenue, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania 19081

This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.

Overview and metadata sections

The Convention of Delegates was an association of seven Hicksite Yearly Meetings who managed Indian affairs in the Northern Superintendency during the period of President U.S. Grant's "Peace Policy." In 1867, a conference was held in Baltimore of the Indian Committees of Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, Genesee, Ohio, and Indiana Yearly Meetings, which sent a memorial to the Government expressing willingness to serve with the Native Americans in the West.

In 1869, President U.S. Grant announced his "Peace Policy." Hicksite Friends were given control of the Northern Superintendency. This area covered most of the present State of Nebraska, including seven tribes (Otoe, Winnebago, Pawnee, Sac and Fox, Great Nemaha, Santee Sioux, and Omaha) on six reservations with a Native population of about 6,000.

General conferences were attended by delegates of six Hicksite Yearly Meetings (seven when Illinois was organized in 1875) to consider the various problems throughout the period of active participation with the Government. In 1871, the Convention decided to appoint a Central Executive Committee to represent the Yearly Meetings in the intervals between the general conferences. B. Rush Roberts was Secretary of this body, and Dillwyn Parrish succeeded him. Samuel M. Janney was placed in charge as Superintendent of Indian Affairs in the Northern Superintendency.

When he retired in the fall of 1871, he was replaced by Barclay White of New Jersey. In 1876, White received orders from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to close his office, ostensibly for financial reasons. Friends who continued as Indian Agents reported directly to the Commissioner in Washington. With government approval, the Conference named Barclay White as Friends Special Indian Agent to periodically visit and inspect the reservations from 1877 to 1878.

The decline of participation in the Convention was relative to the decreasing role of Hicksite Friends in the management of the Northern Superintendency. The official relationship of the Society of Friends with the Federal Government deteriorated after the election of Hayes in 1877. Between 1877 and 1882, the reform efforts of the Department of the Interior, which intended to reassert government, produced numerous investigations, and all but one of the Quaker Agents resigned. By 1885, Quaker assistance and oversight was limited to the Santee Sioux Agency.

This collection contains the records of the Executive Committee of the Convention of Delegates from the Seven Yearly Meetings (Hicksite) Indian Affairs, 1869-1884. In includes correspondence and reports of Indian Agents, extracts from minutes and reports, financial records, legislative documents, and printed materials published by the convention. Persons represented include William Burgess, John G. Gasmann, Albert L. Green, Samuel M. Janney, M.B. Kent, Thomas Lightfoot, William H. Macy, Dillwyn Parrish, B. Rush Roberts, Joseph Webster, Barclay White, and Howard White.

The collection is organized into 6 series. The series are:

  1. Minutes
  2. Correspondence
  3. Reports
  4. Financial Records
  5. Miscellaneous
  6. Committees

For current information on the location of materials, please consult the Library's online catalog.

Donor: Mount Holly Monthly Meeting

Date: before 1940

Received before 1940. Ser.6 (only) received with Mount Holly Monthly Meeting records

Catalogued and stored in Record Group 4. Refoldered, 1988.

Gray's New Map of Hampton [VA], 1878 has been transferred to MAPS-H

Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
Finding Aid Author
FHL staff
Finding Aid Date
Encoding made possible by a grant by the Gladys Kriebel Delmas Foundation to the Philadelphia Consortium of Special Collections Libraries
Access Restrictions

Collection is open for research.

The collection is open for research.

Use Restrictions

Friends Historical Library believes all of the items in this collection to be in the Public Domain in the United States, and is not aware of any restrictions on their use. However, the user is responsible for making a final determination of copyright status before reproducing. See

Collection Inventory

Central Executive Committee, 1869-1878.
Box 1
Extracts and Rough Drafts, 1869-1879, n.d.
Box 1

Correspondence, 1869-1879, n.d.
Box 1
Scope and Contents

A.Ls.S. of members of the Central Executive Committee, Samuel Janney, Barclay White, and government officials.

Physical Description

Arranged chronologically.

From Barclay White, 1872-1877.
Box 2
From Indian Agents, 1871-1877.
Box 2

Financial Records., 1871-1878, n.d.
Box 2
Physical Description

Arranged chronologically.

Box 2
Scope and Contents

Reports of expenditures, bills, and receipts of Barclay White and members of the Executive Committee.

Background Statement, 1869.
Box 2
Statistics of Indian Agencies, 1875-1878.
Box 2
Memorials to the President and other government officials, 1870-1879.
Box 2
Legislative Documents, 1871-1878.
Box 2
Miscellaneous Printed Materials, 1877-1878.
Box 2
Newspaper Clippings, 1869-1870, n.d.
Box 2

"Committee appointed to look after routine Indian business at Washington and to assist our Ex Indian Agents in the settlement of their accounts", 1878-1883, n.d.
Box 2
Physical Description

Arranged chronologically.

Collection of A.Ls.S. (and copies), reports, financial accounts, and other miscellaneous papers.
Box 2
Scope and Contents

Most addressed to Barclay White; includes documentation of the case of Ex Agent J. W. Greist of the Otoe Agency.

Print, Suggest