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Friends Historical Library art reference collection


Held at: Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College [Contact Us]500 College Avenue, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania 19081

This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.

Overview and metadata sections

The collection is roughly sorted by artist or topic. Individual item ID numbers were assigned to many items at some point in the past, but those numbers are no longer used.

This collection was assembled by staff of the Friends Historical Library throughout the the mid-late 20th century.

In 2023, the binders which were storing the collection at that point were disassembled. Obvious duplicates were thrown away, and the remainder were placed in folders. For the most part, topics written on the back of the images were maintained; in some cases, topics were changed. Individual item ID numbers had been assigned at some point in the past, but were not maintained, and the collection was no longer in order according to those ID numbers. The ID numbers were ignored during reprocessing.


Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
Finding Aid Date
Access Restrictions

This collection is available for research use.

Use Restrictions

Some of the items in this collection may be protected by copyright. The user is solely responsible for making a final determination of copyright status. If copyright protection applies, permission must be obtained from the copyright holder or their heirs/assigns to reuse, publish, or reproduce relevant items beyond the bounds of Fair Use or other exemptions to the law. See

Collection Inventory

Anderson, A. (artist).
Barclay (art relating to).
Clayton, Joseph (art relating to).
Darragh, Lydia (art relating to).
Dyer, Mary (art relating to).
Ellwood, Thomas  (art relating to).
Foster, Stephen  (art relating to).
Friends  (art relating to).
Fry, Elizabeth (art relating to).
Fox, George  (art relating to).
Haydon, Robert Benjamin (artist).
Hicks, Edward (art by and about, including "Peaceable Kingdom").
Humor about Friends.
Johnson, Adelaide.
Kite, Family.
Meeting, Friends (Meeting for Worship) (including van Heemskerk).
Penn, William (art relating to, including Welcome (ship) and West, Benjamin "Penn's Treaty".
Penrose, J. Doyle (artist).
"Quaker Poems" illustrations.
Quaker Tapestry.
Rawlings, Alfred (artist).
Shippen, Jane Galloway (art relating to).
"Thee, Hannah!" illustrations.
Thornton, Dr. William (artist).
Waln, Anna W. (Rawle) (art relating to).
Weddings, Quaker.
West, Benjamin (artist and art relating to).
West, J. Walter (artist).
Woolman, John (art relating to).
Wright, Patience/Joseph (artist).
Wyeth, Andrew (artist).

Print, Suggest