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A. Keith and Ruth Smiley slides


Held at: Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College [Contact Us]500 College Avenue, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania 19081

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Overview and metadata sections

A. Keith Smiley, a member of the Quaker family which owns and manages Lake Mohonk Mountain House, was a board member of the Production for Productivity Foundation from 1969 to its end. He was active in Quaker activities and served as member of the Friends World Committee executive committee and its subcommittee Sharing the World's Resources. Lake Mohonk Mountain House was established in 1869 by Albert and Alfred Smiley near New Palz, N.Y., and was the site of a special conferences (Lake Mohonk Conferences of Friends of the Indian and Lake Mohonk Conferences on International Arbitration) as well as the regular meeting location for Partnership for Productivity.

Ruth Smiley was a Quaker and advocate for conservation. She was a member of New Paltz Meeting.

This collection contains slides of: Ruth Smiley's 1952 trip to Quaker sites in England; Keith Smiley's 1973 trip to East and South Africa with view of East Africa Yearly Meeting and projects of Partnership for Productivity in SOuth Africa; and other scenes, mostly Philadelphia area Quaker meetinghouses, as well as some international sites including Cordillera Friends Meeting (Bolivia).

Originally PA 161 Keith Smiley African Slides were processed separately from PA 162 Ruth Smiley slides. In 2019, these two collections were consolidated.

Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
Finding Aid Author
Zoe Peyton Jones
Finding Aid Date
Access Restrictions

This collection is available for research use.

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Permission to reuse, publish, or reproduce items in this collection beyond the bounds of Fair Use or other exemptions to copyright law must be obtained from the copyright holder or their heirs/assigns. See

Collection Inventory

East and South Africa, 1973.
Scope and Contents

Includes: Nairobi Friend Meeting, Kenya; Nairobi Friend Meeting, Kenya, SECRK (?); Lirhanda Friends Meeting House, Kenya; Girls Secondary School, Lirhanda-Quaker, Kenya; Liguli Friend School, Kenya; View from Mission Hill, Kaimosi Kenya; Kaimosi, Kenya; Yearly Meeting official building, Kaimosi, Kenya; Nursery School, Kaimosi, Kenya; Primary School 6 th grade Kaimosi, Kenya; Girls High School (2 new buildings) Kaimosi, Kenya; New building of Girls High School Kaimosi, Kenya; Ezekial Prin. In front of old round dorm Kaimosi, Kenya; General Campus View, Kaimosi, Kenya; General Campus View, Kaimosi, Kenya; New Student Center, Kaimosi, Kenya; Dom. SC. Class, Kaimosi Kenya; Friends Hospital General View, Kaimosi, Kenya; Kaimosi Hospital Yard Center Court, Kaimosi, Kenya; Kaimosi Hospital, Kaimosi, Kenya; Hospital Matron, Kaimosi, Kenya; Director R.S.P, Kaimosi, Kenya; Test Garden and R.S.P building, Kaimosi College, Kaimosi, Kenya; Test Plot—Kalika, Kaimosi, Kenya; Josiah in office, Bible Institute, Kaimosi Kenya; Bible Institute ST.GR. , Kaimosi, Kenya; Kaimosi, Kenya; Thomas L with 2 students, Kaimosi, Kenya; SECTY to Solomon, Kaimosi, Kenya; Kaimosi, Kenya; In office, Kaimosi, Kenya; Reception Room, Kaimosi College, Kaimosi, Kenya; Acting Class Kaimosi College, Kaimosi, Kenya; Acting Class Kaimosi College, Kaimosi, Kenya; Boys Dormitory Kaimosi College, Kaimosi, Kenya; Gestetner Dem. Kaimosi College, Kaimosi, Kenya (A duplicate); Girls Temporary Dormitory, Kaimosi College, Kaimosi, Kenya; View from College to Work Area and House, Kaimosi, Kenya; New House, Kaimosi, Kenya; New Friends College Building, Kaimosi, Kenya; College Building, Kaimosi, Kenya; Main Street, Kakamega, Kenya; Rosterman Houses, Kenya; Mayor and wife owner of bakery, Kakamega, Kenya; Outdoor ovens bakery, Kakamega, Kenya; Sawmill, Kakamega, Kenya; P.F.P office in Shinyalu, Kenya; General Store, Shinyalu, Kenya; Posho Mill, Shinyalu Market, Kenya; Rehabilitation Centre, Kakamega, Kenya; Rehab group (Cloyh Prints (?)), Kenya; Rehab Center (wood working) Kakamega, Kenya; Rehab Center, Mortal and Pestle set, roughing out, Kakamega, Kenya; Rehab Center (woodwork), Kakamega, Kenya; Group Orientation Rehab Center, Kakamega, Kenya; Kambiri Market, Kenya; Posho Mill, Kambiri; Posho Mill, Bandera Market, Kenya; Posho Mill, Bandera Market, Kenya; Screen Cloth Printing, Chavacali, Kenya; Inking Press Cloth Printing, Chavacali, Kenya; Setting Dye Cloth Printing, Chavacali, Kenya; Curtis House, Watching Land and Directing Clearing, Kaimosi, Kenya; Clearing with Grader, Kaimosi, Kenya; Land Clearing, Kaimosi, Kenya; Mamas loading wood, Kaimosi, Kenya; Bag work, Kaimosi, Kenya; PFP (?), Kaimosi, Kenya; Meshach—Mothers House, Kaimosi, Kenya; Mishaks Family, Kaimosi, Kenya; Meshach and Nora's Home, Kaimosi, Kenya; In strawberries, Kaimosi, Kenya; Plastic cover for tea plants, Kaimosi Kenya; Tea Plants, Kaimosi, Kenya; Mawa Toy Shop, Maseno, Kenya; Mawa Toy Shop, Maseno, Kenya; Mumias Square, Kenya; Mumias Square, Kenya; Sugar Mill, Mumias, Kenya; Cottages at Lirhembe, Kenya; Seed Beds Maize Husk Shade Lirhembe Project, Kenya; Hoing Field Lirhembe Project, Kenya; Lirhembe Nursery School-DEU. Project, Kenya; Cold rinse cloth printing, Chavacali, Kenya

English Quaker Scenes, 1952.
Scope and Contents

Contains the following: Firbank Fell-view of country; Sedbergh; Pendle Hill Summit; Firbank Fell; Pulpit Rock, [?] tree, gray wall; Sedbergh, England.; Pulpit Rock—George Fox preached from here; Firbank fFell, Sedbergh; Meeting House, Briggflats, England; Note gray stone fence; Elsie Wilson at Briggflatts Meeting House, Sedbergh; Henley Meeting House, Henley; Church yard in Sedbergh where Fox preached, Sedbergh; Firbank Fell in background, Sedbergh; Turkey family—stone wall on way up Howaill[?] Fells; Sedbergh; View from Fox's Pulpit at Swarthmoor Hall, Swarthmoor; View across Morecambe Bay from burial ground outside Swarthmoor; Gorse; Bracken fern pattern on hills (Howgell [sic] Fell) behind Sedbergh; boys scythe [sic] different patterns.; At Yealand Manor; Meeting House Yealand Manor, England; At Yealand Manor, Manor House in rear; Pendle Hill; Pendle Hill; Pendle Hill from Norman 13 th Century Churchyard Downham

Slide Collection, 1952-1976.
Scope and Contents

Contains the following: Comfort Family, Cordillera Meeting School, Bolivia; Cordillera from Quarterly [?], come from miles around, tent, nurse babies during service, Bolivia; Young Women's group, Cordillera Quarterly Meeting, 3 days-400 attended, sleep on ground + church, Bolivia; Men prepare beans for soup, Cordillera Quarterly Meeting, Bolivia; Philadelphia Friends Center, Statue—Mary Dyer (DUP: Close up); Philadelphia Friends Center, 15 th and Race Street; Fallsington, PA; Fallsington, PA: Monthly Meeting; Fallsington, PA: Monthly Meeting Sign; Fallsington, PA, William Penn Center in Friends Meeting House (1789); Philadelphia Friends Meeting 4 th and Arch Street; Philadelphia Friends Meeting—4 th Historical Marker; Philadelphia Friends Meeting 4 th and Arch; Philadelphia, watch box at Friends Meeting 4 th Street.; Old Haverford Meeting; Old Haverford Meeting; Old Haverford Meeting; Old Haverford Meeting; View of L. Geneva with Mt Blanc in back from Meeting House; Geneva Meeting House, Switzerland; Quaker Meeting House, Bulls Head; Powell House, Rec [?]; Woolman Hill Deerfield Mass

Print, Suggest