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Carl Zigrosser papers


Held at: University of Pennsylvania: Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts [Contact Us]3420 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6206

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Overview and metadata sections

Carl Zigrosser (1891-1975) was one of the few influential museum curators in the United States: he actively promoted the art of print-making. From 1941 through 1963 the Print Department of the Philadelphia Museum of Art increased under his direction from approximately 15,000 objects to more than 100,000 works of art. Notable acquisitions during his tenure include Watteau engravings from the Rosenwald collection; the Osborn collection of folk prints; the Scholz collection of seventeenth-century etchings; the Stieglitz collection of photographs; and Japanese prints from the Rockefeller and the Archibold and Vera White collections. At the time of his death in 1975, Evan Turner, Director of the Museum, described Zigrosser as "a driving force" in the development of the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

In Zigrosser's personal memoir, My Own Shall Come To Me, he described himself simply as "an appraiser or appreciator of the arts and of life." Although he dedicated twenty-three years of his curatorship to building the museum's art collection until it reached internationally-recognized stature, Zigrosser was also a noted scholar and art historian. He did not view his contributions as exceptional: "my career has meaning only as an example of what has been achieved or extracted from existence on this planet—the notion of a life span conceived as a construction or work of art."

Zigrosser was born in 1891 in Indianapolis; he was the son of Hugo and Emma Zigrosser. His father had emigrated from Austria and became a naturalized citizen in 1890. Hugo Zigrosser married Emma Haller of Newark, New Jersey and established a partnership with Leopold von Bohlen in an architectural firm in Indianapolis. After an early retirement for serious health reasons, Hugo moved his family to Newark but did not resume his profession. Soon after the family's arrival in Newark, Carl was enrolled in Newark Academy, from which he graduated in 1908. On the basis of his scores on the College Entrance Examination, he was awarded a scholarship at Columbia College, as well as a prize given by the Columbia College Alumni of New Jersey to the student with the highest examination marks.

In 1908 Zigrosser entered Columbia and majored in chemistry and mathematics. His interests, however, turned to literature, and he completed his course-work in this field in three years. He was then elected to Phi Beta Kappa and received his B.A. in 1911. During his undergraduate studies he contributed to the campus literary magazine, The Columbia Monthly. Through his readings of John Dewey, Francisco Ferrer, Bertrand Russell, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Zigrosser becam e interested in the theory of modern or progressive education. In 1915 he began writing book reviews for The Modern School Magazine, which at the time was published at the Ferrer Colony in Stelton, New Jersey. His first influential essay on his conception of the ideal of the Modern School was reprinted as a pamphlet with a title page designed by Rockwell Kent. In 1917 Zigrosser took over the editorship of The Modern School Magazine, a publication which continued to discuss key issues in libertarian education.

During this early period Zigrosser met and married Florence King, whom Zigrosser described as "a modern emancipated woman-athletic, efficient, priding herself on economic independence" and to whom he referred in his extensive personal correspondence as "Kinglet." On 10 September 1917 their only child, Carola (nickname, "Dux"), was born in New York City, where the couple resided.

Zigrosser's professional career and his study of art began with the New York print dealer, Frederick Keppel & Co., for whom he worked until 1917. Two years later he founded and directed the Weyhe Gallery, an outgrowth of the Weyhe bookstore in Manhatt an. In 1939 and 1940 he was awarded a Fellowship from the John Simon Guggenheim Foundation for research in art; in 1962 he was elected a trustee of the Simon R. Guggenheim Museum.

In 1940 Fiske Kimball approached Zigrosser with the prospect of becoming the curator of prints at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. In the same year Zigrosser was awarded a Testimonial Gold Medal by the Philadelphia Watercolor Club. After accepting the curatorial position at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, Zigrosser moved to Philadelphia, a city that he described as possessing an "individuality rare among American cities." Comparing New York City, his former residence for many years, with Philadelphia was, for Zigrosser, like comparing Berlin with Vienna: the former was the "dominant, gogetter" city whereas the latter, with its old traditions, had "mellowness and charm." Zigrosser attributed the difference between the two cities to a change in climate: Philadelphia's tempo was "easygoing and gemütlich " because it had a southerly atmosphere.

The move to Philadelphia signaled a major shift in the development of Zigrosser's career, for he now concentrated on scholarly aspects of the graphic arts rather than commercial ventures. On the eve of his departure from New York, fifty artists— all of whom felt indebted to Zigrosser for either the publication or sale of their prints—gave a party during which they presented him with a medal designed by Rockwell Kent "in behalf of the many artists who appreciate his sympathetic, unselfish se rvice to them and to art in America."

After the death of his first wife, Zigrosser married Laura Canadè in 1946, whom he credited as having an important influence on his art career. Laura was the daughter of the artist Vincent Canadè and an artist in her own right. Zigrosser and his second wife resided in Philadelphia for the duration of his twenty-three-year curatorship at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. During this period he also served as consultant for the Graphic Art Carnegie Study in the United States, which was an exhibition held in 1964. In 1961 Zigrosser was awarded an honorary doctorate from Temple University; he also served as Vice-Director of the Print Council of America and Vice-President of the Print Club of Philadelphia. He first appeared in Who's Who in America in 1966-1967.

Zigrosser's contributions to the world of art were not solely defined by his position as Curator of Prints and Drawings. As early as 1919 he edited and provided the introduction for Twelve Prints by Contemporary Artists. In 1946 he edited the publication, Lithographs by Lautrec, as well as Prints: Thirteen Essays (1962), to which he also contributed an essay. In addition, he authored sixteen scholarly books , including Fine Prints, Old and New (1937); The Artist in America (1942); Käthe Kollwitz (1946); Book of Fine Prints (1948); Caroline Durieux (1940); The Masterpieces of Drawing (1950); Ars Medica (1955); The Expressionists: A Survey of Their Graphic Art (1955 ); Maurico Lasansky (1960); Misch Kohn (1961); Guide to the Collecting and Care of Original Prints (1965); Multum in Paryo (1965); The Complete Etchings of John Martin (1969); Prints and Drawings of Käthe Kollwitz (1969); and Medicine and the Artist (1969).

After his retirement as curator in 1963, Zigrosser continued as Curator Emeritus at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. On 4 September 1964, the Museum arranged an exhibition in his honor: it was entitled "Carl Zigrosser: Curatorial Retrospective." The display of one hundred twenty outstanding prints and drawings acquired by Zigrosser during his curatorship was a tribute to his enormous influence in the world of art. On exhibit were prints by Old Masters and printmakers from the sixteenth to twentieth centuries in France, Spain, Mexico, the United States, and Japan; drawings included Old Masters and artists from the United States. The earliest work displayed was Augustin's text, City of God, illuminated by a follower of Jacquement de Hesdin (ca. 1410). Also included were: "Minotauromachi," the most celebrated and sought-after print by Picasso; Benjamin West's "He Is Not Here for He Is Risen," considered by authorities to be West's first lithograph of merit; "Snake-Gourd Vine," from the 1633 Chinese color woodcut book, The Ten Bamboo Studio; "Calvary," a fifteenth-century woodcut scene attached inside the lid of a box of which only forty are known to exist; "Battle of Ten Naked Men," a print by Antonio Pollaiuolo and the first print that can be pictorially regarded as a major work of art. Other prints on exhibit included works by Albrecht Dürer, Rembrandt, Canaletto, Jacques Callot, Jacques Bellange, William Hogarth, Giambattista Piranesi, J.A.D. Ingres, Jean Duvet, Abraham Bosse, Gabriel de St. Aubin, Paul Gauguin, Honoré Daumier, Paul Cézanne, Georges Rouault, Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri Matisse, Francisco Goya, Käthe Kollwitz, Paul Klee, Edvard Munch, Vincent Van Gogh, Wassily Kandinsky, Emil Nolde, E.L. Kirchner, Leonard Baskin, Misch Kohn, Maurico Lasansky, Gabor Peterdi, and Jerome Kaplan. Among the drawings acquired by Zigrosser were works by Pieter Brueghel the Younger, Alessandro Magnasco, G.B. Castiglione, G.B. Tiepolo, Samuel Pal mer, Jean François Millet, Odilon Redon, Alexander Calder, Stuart Davis, William Glackens, and Robert Henri.

Zigrosser was succeeded by Kneeland McNulty as Curator of the Department of Prints and Drawings. At the time of Zigrosser's retirement, McNulty expressed the following sentiments: "Carl Zigrosser's retirement from his position of Curator of Prints an d Drawings culminates only one, but nevertheless a very important, period in his life. The catalogue of the exhibition held in his honor documents the incredible achievement of an internationally respected scholar and curator who dedicated himself for twenty-three years to enriching the art collection of a great metropolis."

Throughout his life Carl Zigrosser did his utmost to aid and advance the careers of artists such as Rockwell Kent, Misch Kohn, J.J. Lankes, and Diego Rivera. He provided support for the professional careers of these and numerous other artists. After his retirement Zigrosser remained active as a critic, historian, and lecturer, serving as associate of the Whitney Museum of Art and exhibition organizer for the Museum of Modern Art. On 26 November 1975, Zigrosser died in Montagnola, Switzerland, where he had lived for the last three years of his life. Four years prior to his death, Zigrosser published his personal memoir, My Own Shall Come To Me, in which he quoted from his own personal diaries and prolific correspondenc e with associates and close friends, many of whom were artists later recognized because of Zigrosser's efforts.

    Missing Title
  1. Zigrosser, Carl, 1891-1975
  2. King, Florence
  3. .Zigrosser, Carola
  4. Canadè, Laura
  5. Durieux, Caroline, d1896-
  6. Dwight, Mabel, 1876-1955
  7. Flannagan, John Bernard, 1895?-1942
  8. Kent, Rockwell, 1882-1971
  9. Lankes, Julius J., 1884-1960
  10. Nalbandian, Karig
  11. Weyhe Gallery
  12. Philadelphia Museum of Art
  13. Print Council of America
  14. John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation
  15. Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation
  16. Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum
  17. The Modern school

Carl Zigrosser's personal papers comprise 116 boxes, which contain correspondence, manuscripts, proofs, newspaper clippings, diaries, and photographs. Some files include original drawings or prints by artists such as Mabel Dwight, Wanda Gág, Rockwell Kent, and J.J. Lankes. Consisting of 72 boxes, correspondence predominates the collection and includes files from many contemporary artists such as Merle Armitage, Alexander Calder, Mabel Dwight, Wharton Esherick, Wanda Gág, Rockwell Kent, J. J. Lankes, Henri Matisse, Georgia O'Keefe, Walter Pach, Roderick Seidenberg, John Marin, and Alfred Stieglitz, as well as letters from writers such as Hart Crane, Max Eastman, Lewis Mumford, Eugene O'Neill, Wallace Stevens, and Max Weber. One important box contains Zigrosser's copy of the catalogue for the 1913 Armory Show in New York, during which he made notes and sketches of some of the famous paintings on exhibit for the first time in the United States.

Within the 116 boxes of the collection are 2464 folders, arranged by correspondent, institution, or title of manuscript. The collection documents not only Zigrosser's professional development as an authority on printmaking but his personal relationships with many artists. Zigrosser saved most of his papers throughout his adult life, including copies of many letters that he wrote, newspaper clippings, memos to himself, and numerous diaries and receipts. Little seems to have been discarded by Zigrosser, and care was taken during the processing not to disrupt Zigrosser's own organization of the material.

Zigrosser's guiding principle for arranging his general correspondence appears to have been the establishment of a file for each correspondent by name; the material within each file was later arranged chronologically by the collection processor. Undated items were placed at the end of each folder or in subsequent folders labeled undated. The year of correspondence within the file or the first and last years of the items within a file is listed, together with the number items, the number of leaves of paper, number of pamphlets or photographs, and the folder number.

In sorting, priority was given to maintaining Zigrosser's alphabetical system, but papers were processed chronologically within the file. Many materials were inscribed by Zigrosser with dates, which proved very accurate and facilitated later processing. Corporate files were not integrated with the General Correspondence series; rather, these folders were arranged by Zigrosser in separate boxes under the headings: "Simon R. Guggenheim Museum,""The Modern School,""Philadelphia Museum of Art,""Print Council of America," and "Tamarind Workshop." In addition, separate boxes contain family correspondence. Although many letters originally kept together as "unidentified" were identified and properly filed, three folders remain of unidentified correspondence.

Gift of Carl Zigrosser, June 1972.

For a complete listing of correspondents, do the following title search in Franklin: Carl Zigrosser Papers.

University of Pennsylvania: Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts
Finding Aid Author
Felicia McMahon
Finding Aid Date
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Collection Inventory

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Series Description

Correspondence with artists, acquaintances, friends, and professional associates to and from Carl Zigrosser.

Physical Description

51 Box(es)

Abbott, Jere - American Artists' Group.
Box 1 Folder 1-40
American Artists' Group - Armitage, Merle.
Box 2 Folder 41-76
Armory Show, - Baker, John.
Box 3 Folder 77-107
Baker, Lamar - Bibliothéque Nationale.
Box 4 Folder 108-155
Biddle, George - Bryn Mawr College.
Box 5 Folder 156-222
Buchholz, Karl - Castellon, Federico.
Box 6 Folder 223-268
Castellon, Federico - Cohn, Erich.
Box 7 Folder 269-306
Coke, Van Deren - Cook, Howard Norton.
Box 8 Folder 307-323
Cook, Howard Norton - Davied, Camille.
Box 9 Folder 324-371
Davies, Arthur B. - Dewey, John.
Box 10 Folder 372-403
Dey, Mukul - Durieux, Caroline.
Box 11 Folder 404-443
Durieux, Caroline - Dwight, H.G.
Box 12 Folder 444-454
Dwight, Mabel - Flannagan, Grace Briggs.
Box 13 Folder 455-521
Flannagan, John B.
Box 14 Folder 522-532
Flannagan, John B. - Ganso, Fanny.
Box 15 Folder 533-578
Ganymed - Goodrich, Lloyd.
Box 16 Folder 579-613
Goodspeed's Book Shop - Gurdjieff, Georges.
Box 17 Folder 614-648
Gwinn, David - Hochscild, Kathrin.
Box 18 Folder 649-718
Hofer, Philip - Hyperion Press.
Box 19 Folder 719-756
Imandt, Robert - Ivins, William.
Box 20 Folder 757-774
Jackson, Gardener - Kent, Norman.
Box 21 Folder 775-836
Kent, Rockwell, 1911-1934.
Box 22 Folder 837-846
Kent, Rockwell, 1934-1949.
Box 23 Folder 847-857
Kent, Rockwell, 1950-1971.
Box 24 Folder 858-864
Kent, Rockwell - Killam, Walt (includes inscribed original artwork of "breaching whale upturning a boat full of men," circa 1930 [inscription: "To Carl who first suggested doing Moby Dick, Rockwell Kent"] from Lakeside Press edition of Moby Dick, or the Whale, 1930).
Box 25 Folder 865-882
Kimball, Fiske - Kowaloff, Meyer.
Box 26 Folder 883-911
Kreisler, Fritz - Lankes, J.J.
Box 27 Folder 912-942
Lankes, J.J. - Laver, James.
Box 28 Folder 943-957
Lawrence, Frieda von Richthofen - McCausland, E.
Box 29 Folder 958-1036
McClellan, John - Marin, John C.
Box 30 Folder 1037-1081
Marin, John - Mellon, Paul.
Box 31 Folder 1082-1115
Meltzer, Doris - Morse, Samuel French.
Box 32 Folder 1116-1165
Moschzisker, Bertha von - Nash, Ray.
Box 33 Folder 1166-1199
Nason, Thomas - Norfolk Society of Arts.
Box 34 Folder 1200-1250
Norman, Dorothy - Paris, Harold.
Box 35 Folder 1251-1292
Paris, Harold - Pratt Institute.
Box 36 Folder 1293-1368
Prescott, Kenneth - Rich, Daniel Catton.
Box 37 Folder 1369-1416
Richards, Joseph - Rose, Ruth Starr.
Box 38 Folder 1417-1453
Rose, Ruth Starr - Rutgers University.
Box 39 Folder 1454-1481
Rutland, Emily - Seidenberg, Roderick.
Box 40 Folder 1482-1543
Seidenberg, Roderick - Siegel, Helen.
Box 41 Folder 1544-1570
Simkhovitch, Vladimir - Spruance, Benton.
Box 42 Folder 1571-1610
Spruance, Benton - Sternberg, Harry.
Box 43 Folder 1611-1642
Sternberg, Harold - Stieglitz, Alfred.
Box 44 Folder 1643-1655
Stieglitz, Alfred - Temple University.
Box 45 Folder 1656-1697
T'eng, Kuei - Time.
Box 46 Folder 1698-1714
Ting, Walasse - University of California.
Box 47 Folder 1715-1757
University of Chicago - Ward, Lynd.
Box 48 Folder 1758-1816
Warneke, Heinz & Jessie - Weyhe Gallery.
Box 49 Folder 1817-1858
Weyhe Gallery - Wood, R. Carey.
Box 50 Folder 1859-1913
Woodcut Society - Zvegintzov, Nancy.
Box 51 Folder 1914-1947

Series Description

Letters and cards from family members, including first wife Florence King, daughter Carola, and second wife Laura Canadè.

Physical Description

3 Box(es)

Aunt Jennie - Canadè, Vincent.
Box 52 Folder 1948-1969
Kavanaugh, Steven & Andrea & Carla - King, Florence.
Box 53 Folder 1970-1981
King, Florence - Zigrosser, Hugo & Emma.
Box 54 Folder 1982-1988

Series Description

General correspondence, notes, clippings, and manuscripts pertaining to The Modern School Magazine.

Physical Description

2 Box(es)

Box 55 Folder 1989-2075
Notes, manuscripts, clippings, etc.
Box 56 Folder 2076-2079

Series Descripiton

General correspondence related to internal matters, gifts, and exhibitions held.

Physical Description

1 Box(es)

General, 1932-1971.
Box 57 Folder 2080-2090
José Guadalupe Posada Exhibition, 1944.
Box 57 Folder 2091

Series Description

General correspondence related to fellowships, juries, and other internal matters, including correspondence with Frank Lloyd Wright concerning the Guggenheim Memorial Museum.

Physical Description

1 Box(es)

John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation.
Box 58 Folder 2092-2094
John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship.
Box 58 Folder 2095-2097

Series Description

General correspondence relating to the Foundation and Museum, including correspondence with Frank Lloyd Wright concerning the Guggenheim Memorial Museum.

Physical Description

9 Box(es)

General, 1946-1952 October.
Box 58 Folder 2098-2106
General, 1952 November-1956 May.
Box 59 Folder 2107-2117
General, 1956 June-1959 August.
Box 60 Folder 2118-2128
General, 1959 September-1961 July.
Box 61 Folder 2129-2142
General, 1961 August-1963 April.
Box 62 Folder 2143-2155
General, 1963 May-1966 May.
Box 63 Folder 2156-2171
General, 1966 June-1971 December.
Box 64 Folder 2172-2190
General, undated
Museum of Non-Objective Painting, 1953-1959 December.
Box 65 Folder 2191-2202
Museum of Non-Objective Painting, 1959 December-1963 March.
Box 66 Folder 2203-2215
Museum of Non-Objective Painting, 1963 February-1970.
Box 67 Folder 2216-2231

Series Description

General correspondence about exhibitions, council meetings, and other internal matters.

Physical Description

4 Box(es)

Box 68 Folder 2232-2241
Box 69 Folder 2242-2257
Box 70 Folder 2258-2266
Clippings, 1956-1967.
Box 71 Folder 2267-2281

Box 72 Folder 2282-2287

Series Description

Notes and manuscripts for Display of Prints—Past and Present; Augustin Dupré; Book of Fine Prints; and miscellaneous materials relating to American prints.

Physical Description

1 Box(es)

Notes for Display of Prints—Past and Present, 1960.
Box 73 Folder 2288
Requests for information re Augustin Dupré
Notes and photographs pertaining to Dupré, 1958-1960.
Box 73 Folder 2289
Booklet on Falaise (Guggenheim estate), undated.
Box 73 Folder 2290
Clippings, articles, requests dealing with materials on American prints, 1946-1971.
Box 73 Folder 2291
Notes, clippings, and miscellaneous materials pertaining to Book of Fine Prints (New Edition).
Box 73 Folder 2292

Series Description

Zigrosser's notes and sketches accompanying as well as made in the catalogue to the 1913 exhibition.

Physical Description

1 Box(es)

Catalogue, notes, and sketches related to the 1913 exhibition; Independent Artists Catalogue, 1910.
Box 74 Folder 2293

Series Description

Notes on the following WHYY radio broadcasts: "The Appeal of the Print;" "The Relief Process;" "The Old and the New;" and "The Intaglio Tone Processes and Other Techniques."

Physical Description

1 Box(es)

WHYY Broadcasts: notes and revisions.
Box 75 Folder 2294
Announcements and notes on miscellaneous lectures; Posada seminar; 1944
"Art of Collecting Art", 1961.
Box 75 Folder 2295
Announcements, speeches, and notes by Zigrosser.
Box 75 Folder 2296
Announcements, notes for speeches by Zigrosser on such subjects as American prints, Stuart Davis, and photography.
Box 75 Folder 2297
SAE luncheon: notes, 1943 November .
Box 75 Folder 2298

Series Description

Notes on lectures found in preceding box, as well as additional lectures made by Zigrosser.

Physical Description

1 Box(es)

Notes on "American Prints in the 20th Century".
Box 76 Folder 2299
Notes on "The Appeal of Prints", 1964-1968.
Box 76 Folder 2300-2303
Notes on "The Art of Displaying Prints", 1956.
Box 76 Folder 2304
Notes on "A Bit of Advice to Beginners".
Box 76 Folder 2305
Lecture notes: College Art Association.
Box 76 Folder 2306
Rosenbach lecture introducing Hyatt Major.
Box 76 Folder 2307
Notes on "The Intaglio Linear Processes", 1961.
Box 76 Folder 2308-2309
Notes on "The Interpretation of Prints", 1957.
Box 76 Folder 2310
Notes on "Lithography".
Box 76 Folder 2311
Notes on "The Old and the New".
Box 76 Folder 2312
Notes on Pratt Institute lecture.
Box 76 Folder 2313
Notes on "The Relief Process".
Box 76 Folder 2314
Notes on "16th Century Graphic Art".
Box 76 Folder 2315
Notes on "Twentieth Century Color Prints".
Box 76 Folder 2316
Course notes for University of Pennsylvania, 1958-1959.
Box 76 Folder 2317
Notes for "What Is an Original Print?", 1967.
Box 76 Folder 2318
Miscellaneous lecture notes, untitled.
Box 76 Folder 2319
Leonard Baskin lecture notes.
Box 76 Folder 2320
Notes on "Modern American Prints", 1930.
Box 76 Folder 2321
Notes on "Modern American Artists".
Box 76 Folder 2322
Notes on "Men Apart", 1941.
Box 76 Folder 2323
Notes on KYW lecture.
Box 76 Folder 2324
Notes for WDAS interview, 1942.
Box 76 Folder 2325
Notes on lecture at University of Iowa, 1941.
Box 76 Folder 2326
Notes on "Racial Origins of Inter-American Culture", 1944.
Box 76 Folder 2327
Notes for Art Teachers' Association lecture, 1948.
Box 76 Folder 2328
Notes for untitled lectures.
Box 76 Folder 2329-2330
Notes "On the Graphic Arts".
Box 76 Folder 2331

Series Description

Zigrosser's manuscripts, revisions, notes, and reviews on the following: Art in America; American Prints in the 20th Century; Artist at Work; Six Centuries of Prints; The Expressionists; Arts in the U.S.; Prints and Their Creators; Prints of Rockwell Kent; A World of Art and Their Museums; Käthe Kollwitz; My Own Shall Come To Me; and several "untitled" and "unpublished" manuscripts, poems, reviews, and clippings.

Physical Description

19 Box(es)

Proofs for Artist in America.
Box 77 Folder 2232-2233
Notes for Artist in America.
Box 77 Folder 2334
Miscellaneous announcements related to Artist in America.
Box 77 Folder 2335
Lecture notes for American Prints in the Twentieth Century.
Box 78 Folder 2336
Manuscript for The Appeal of Prints.
Box 78 Folder 2337
Photographs related to The Appeal of Prints.
Box 78 Folder 2338
Manuscript for "Art in the U.S.".
Box 78 Folder 2339
Lecture notes for Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts Commencement Address, 1964 May.
Box 78 Folder 2340
Notes, clippings on "Flower Prints from the Ages".
Box 78 Folder 2341
Manuscript and notes pertaining to "Goethe as a Print Lover".
Box 78 Folder 2342
Notes and clippings related to to the "Guide to Collecting and Care of Original Prints".
Box 78 Folder 2343
Copy of published manuscript for a travelling show of American prints in Sweden.
Box 78 Folder 2344
Photographs and notes related to an exhibition of "Humorous Prints and Drawings" at the Philadelphia Museum of Art.
Box 78 Folder 2345
Manuscript for Original Prints by American Artists.
Box 78 Folder 2346
Copy of published manuscript, "The Seriograph, A New Medium", 1941 December.
Box 78 Folder 2347
Manuscript for a magazine of Misch Kohn.
Box 78 Folder 2348
Copy of forward for Six Centuries of Fine Prints; 4th edition titled Prints and Their Creators, 1937, 1974.
Box 78 Folder 2349
Manuscript for Twenty-Five Years of Printmaking.
Box 78 Folder 2350
Manuscripts, notes, and photographs for Mediaeval Illuminated Manuscripts, 1962 July .
Box 78 Folder 2351-2352
Manuscripts and notes for "The Microcosm of London".
Box 78 Folder 2353
Manuscripts and notes for lecture on Edvard Munch.
Box 78 Folder 2354
Notes on "My Philosophy".
Box 78 Folder 2355
Manuscript for "The Artist at Work".
Box 79 Folder 2356
Notes and photographs for "The Artist at Work".
Box 79 Folder 2357
Review of Bertram Wolfe's Diego Rivera.
Box 79 Folder 2358
Manuscript and photographs for "Display of Prints Past and Present".
Box 79 Folder 2359
Manuscript for The Graphic Arts.
Box 79 Folder 2360
Review of Humor, Drama, and Poetry in Pictures, 1936.
Box 79 Folder 2361
Drafts of introduction to the book on Dehn Drawings; copy of forward to a book of Maurico Lasansky's prints ; introduction to a portfolio of muscial prints issued by WFLN Radio; various exhibition pamphlets, 1970-1971.
Box 79 Folder 2362
Published review of Ingres by Walter Pach.
Box 79 Folder 2363
Copy of published manuscript on Mexican Graphic Art.
Box 79 Folder 2364
Copy of published manuscript on Modern American Graphic Art.
Box 79 Folder 2365
Copy of published manuscript on The Modern School.
Box 79 Folder 2366
Review of Engraving in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, Part II by Arthur M. Hind, 1955.
Box 79 Folder 2367
Review of The Diary and Letters of Käthe Kollwitz by Richard and Clara Winston.
Box 79 Folder 2368
Manuscript on Rockwell Kent.
Box 79 Folder 2369
Announcement of Carl Zigrosser's book, Six Centuries of Fine Prints, 1937.
Box 79 Folder 2370
Manuscript for "Ten Years of Serigraphy".
Box 79 Folder 2371
Review of Contemporary American Art Exhibition sponsored by Artists for Victory, Inc.
Box 79 Folder 2372
Manuscript for Arts News on "Prints of the Year".
Box 79 Folder 2373
Manuscript on Thomas W. Nelson.
Box 79 Folder 2374
Manuscript on lithography.
Box 79 Folder 2375
Manuscript on graphic arts.
Box 79 Folder 2376
Review of an exhibition on American graphic arts.
Box 79 Folder 2377
Review of Woodcuts and Wood Engravings: How I Make Them by Hans Alexander Mueller.
Box 79 Folder 2378
Manuscript on silk-screen.
Box 79 Folder 2379
Review of an exhibition of graphic art.
Box 79 Folder 2380
Review of Growing Pains by Wanda Gág.
Box 79 Folder 2381
Obituary for H. R. Orage.
Box 79 Folder 2382
Manuscripts for the American Yearbook on Engraving, Photography, and Other (Kindred) Arts, 1926.
Box 79 Folder 2383
Review of Leonardo the Florentine by Rachel Taylor and The Mind of Leonardo da Vinci by Edward McCurdy, 1928.
Box 79 Folder 2384
Review of Illustrations of the Book of Job by William Blake ; obituary for Alexandre Salzman; untitled manuscript on etching in America, 1935.
Box 79 Folder 2385
Review of exhibition of works by Charles Nicolas Cochin the Younger, 1958.
Box 79 Folder 2386
Commentary on an exhibition, "Between Two Wars, Prints by American Artists, 1914-1941" held at the Whitney Museum of American Art, 1942.
Box 79 Folder 2387
Lecture notes, clippings, program for speeches for Museum Directors Conferences in Germany, 1958.
Box 80 Folder 2388
Lecture notes for "Nature of the Graphic Media".
Box 80 Folder 2389
Notes on Petrology.
Box 80 Folder 2390
Poems by Zigrosser, 1918-1972.
Box 80 Folder 2391
Manuscripts on prints for Voice of America broadcast.
Box 80 Folder 2392
Review by Zigrosser of Prints and Visual Communication by William M. Ivins, Jr.
Box 80 Folder 2393
Revisions for What Is an Original Print? (Cahn Project).
Box 80 Folder 2394
Notes, layouts, and prints for Six Centuries of Fine Prints.
Box 81 Folder 2395-2401
Manuscripts and notes for Twentieth Century Color Prints.
Box 81 Folder 2402
General notes on prints.
Box 81 Folder 2403
Notes on fifteenth-century art.
Box 81 Folder 2404
Notes on Renaissance art.
Box 81 Folder 2405
Notes for an introduction on prints.
Box 81 Folder 2406
Notes on seventeenth-century art.
Box 81 Folder 2407
Notes on the end of the Gothic and the beginning of the print.
Box 81 Folder 2408
A notebook designed by Zigrosser as "a commonplace book to be kept with my manuscript".
Box 82 Folder 2409
Manuscript on Mexican graphic art.
Box 82 Folder 2410
Notes on The Modern School.
Box 82 Folder 2411
Revised manuscripts on Graphic Arts in the South.
Box 82 Folder 2412
Manuscript "For Young Artists".
Box 82 Folder 2413-2414
Research notes by Zigrosser at the request of Fiske Kimball for information on the background of studies on Rubens' painting of Prometheus.
Box 82 Folder 2415
Cleveland lecture on modern American prints.
Box 82 Folder 2416
Notes on William Butler Yeats.
Box 82 Folder 2417
Notes on the significance of evolution and the rhythm of sex.
Box 82 Folder 2418
Notes on "Lambs' Thursday Evenings".
Box 82 Folder 2419
Notes and manuscript on Hercules Seghers.
Box 82 Folder 2420
Rejected manuscript for The Dial Magazine.
Box 82 Folder 2421
Revisions for The Literary Work of Albrecht Dürer.
Box 82 Folder 2422
Manuscript of "Wild Life Near Mamaroneck".
Box 82 Folder 2423
Rejected manuscript submitted to The New Yorker, "Mail Order à la Mode", 1955.
Box 82 Folder 2424
Essay concerning an exhibition held at the Whitney Museum of American Art, 1942.
Box 82 Folder 2425
Unpublished manuscript on "The Artist and Society" of "The Functions of Art".
Box 82 Folder 2426
Personal memoir: "Causerie on Carola as an Infant".
Box 82 Folder 2427
Manuscripts and notes on American graphic arts.
Box 82 Folder 2428
Untitled manuscript on "walking".
Box 82 Folder 2429
Untitled manuscript on the "commercialization of art".
Box 82 Folder 2430
Manuscript on "The Southwest," which appeared in Southwest Review.
Box 82 Folder 2431
Manuscript entitled "Philadelphia".
Box 82 Folder 2432
Notes on "Ralph's Scrapbook".
Box 82 Folder 2433
Rejection notice from The New Republic.
Box 82 Folder 2434
Manuscript entitled "The Rocky Mountain Region".
Box 82 Folder 2435
Manuscript on "Self-Appraisal".
Box 82 Folder 2436
Notes on Manet.
Box 82 Folder 2437
Untitled notes.
Box 82 Folder 2438
Notes related to "my first charcoal drawing".
Box 82 Folder 2439
Essay on "Oklahoma".
Box 82 Folder 2440
Description of the Philadelphia Museum of Art, Department of Prints and Drawings; an exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art on engravings.
Box 82 Folder 2441
Essay on war.
Box 82 Folder 2442
Essay on traveling.
Box 82 Folder 2443
Essay on the philosophy of ideas.
Box 82 Folder 2444
Incomplete essay on artists.
Box 82 Folder 2445
Notes on foreign prints.
Box 83 Folder 2446
Notes on prints of prints.
Box 83 Folder 2447
Notes on women artists.
Box 83 Folder 2448
Notes on the conduct of museums.
Box 83 Folder 2449
Notes on commerce in prints.
Box 83 Folder 2450
General notes.
Box 83 Folder 2451
Notes on "Criticism & Juries".
Box 83 Folder 2452
Notes and corrections for Close-Ups: 24 Portraits of Contemporary American Printmakers.
Box 83 Folder 2453
Programs for concerts in which Zigrosser sang in the chorus.
Box 83 Folder 2454
Musical autographs by Joseph Stransky, Harold Bauer, Fritz Kreisler, and Pablo Casals, 1914.
Box 83 Folder 2455
Miscellaneous notes on topics such as American prints and drawings; The Appeal of Prints; Philobiblon, 1958.
Box 83 Folder 2456
Miscellaneous notes designated by Zigrosser as "special notes and clippings".
Box 83 Folder 2457
Clippings, 1892-1972.
Box 83 Folder 2458-2464
Materials for The Expressionists, including notes, revisions, reactions to the book, 1957.
Box 84-89 Folder unknown container
Materials for the exhibition, "Arts in the U.S." (Carnegie Survey).
Box 84-89 Folder unknown container
Layout and manuscript for Prints and Their Creators, second revised edition, 1974.
Box 84-89 Folder unknown container
Manuscript by Dan Burbe Jones, Rockwell Kent with forward by Zigrosser, 1973.
Box 84-89 Folder unknown container
Manuscript for A World of Art and Museums, 1975.
Box 84-89 Folder unknown container
Manuscript, revisions, clippings, notes for Käthe Kollwitz.
Box 84-89 Folder unknown container
Manuscripts, notes, proofs, printer's dummy for personal memoir, My Own Shall Come To Me.
Box 90-92, 93, 94-96 Folder unknown container
Notes, proofs, and manuscript for Ars Medica.
Box 94-96 Folder unknown container

Series Description

Draft cards, medals, pamphlets, and announcements for art exhibitions.

Physical Description

2 Box(es)

Draft cards and registration information (1917); travel maps, Rockwell Kent medal (1940); Art Alliance Medal (1959); Philadelphia Waterc olor Club Medal.
Box 96-97

Series Description

One album contains photographic prints of the sculpture of John B. Flannagan; another contains original prints and drawings by Karig Nalbandian; and the last contains original lithographs by Rockwell Kent.

Physical Description

3 Volume(s)

Photographic prints of the sculpture of John B. Flannagan.
Box 97
Original prints and drawings by Karig Nalbandian.
Box 98
Original lithographs by Rockwell Kent.
Box 99-100

Series Description

Family records, school records, passports, general receipts, and address books.

Physical Description

2 Box(es)

Family records, school records, passports, etc.
Box 99-100
General receipts, notebooks, address books, invitations, etc.
Box 101-102

Series Description

Proofs of book by Kent, which includes articles reprinted from catalogues, periodicals, and manuscripts.

Physical Description

1 Box(es)

Proofs for Rockwellkentiana.
Box 101-102

Series Description

Photographs and original drawings of Carl Zigrosser, family, and friends.

Photographs and drawings.
Box 103

Series Description

Zigrosser's personal diaries from 1916-1972.

Physical Description

4 Box(es)

Diaries, 1916-1972.
Box 104-107

Series Description

Includes scrapbook of "Harvest Festival," a party given in 1954 by Zigrosser and his wife; "Windy Night," sheet music copied by Randolph S. Bourne; various oversize original drawings or prints by Caroline Durieux, Mabel Dwight, Wanda Gág, Rockwell Kent, and others.

Physical Description

1 Box(es)

Miscellaneous oversize items.
Box 108

Series Description

Exhibition catalogues, pamphlets, and magazines arranged chronologically. A majority contain articles written by Zigrosser.

Physical Description

7 Box(es)

Exhibition catalogues, pamphlets and magazines, 1912-1975.
Box 109-116

Print, Suggest