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James and Marie Kilker collection of Emmanuel Roblès materials


Held at: University of Pennsylvania: Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts [Contact Us]3420 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6206

This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the University of Pennsylvania: Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.

Overview and metadata sections

Emmanuel Roblès (1914-1995) was a French-Algerian author and playwright and notable member of the French-Algerian intellectual and cultural movement, known as "Pied-Noir." "Pied-Noir" refers to people [and the corresponding intellectual and cultural movements] of French and European descent born in Algeria during the French rule from 1830 to 1962, many of whom returned to France when Algeria gained its independence. They are known to have faced alienation both in their country of birth, Algeria, and their country of citizenship, France.

Roblès was born to an ancestrally Spanish family in Oran, Algeria on May 4, 1914. His father, Manuel Roblès was a mason and his mother, Antoinette Helene Roblès was of French descent. Manuel Roblès died of typhus in Morocco while Antoinette was pregnant with Emmanuel. Because of this, Roblès' mother took on work as a laundress and maid, and his grandmother became heavily involved in his upbringing.

He was raised speaking French with his mother and Spanish with his paternal grandmother. His grandmother died around the time Roblès started secondary school, leaving him almost entirely unsupervised. As such, Roblès became somewhat "unrestrained" and got into youthful trouble with a group of boys with similar family dynamics. He was additionally uprooted several times, living with various family members and several of his mother's employers. One such employer was Madame Quinson, through whom Roblès was exposed to the life of a wealthy colonizer for the first time and was additionally given unfettered access to a broad selection of books.

In 1931, Roblès was accepted to the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Algeria with a full scholarship with the intention of becoming a teacher. In 1934, he received his brevet supérieur, which is the equivalent of the baccalauréat. While a student, he wrote for several newspapers, taught at a small school in Oran, and wrote unpaid articles for Semeur, a Socialist newspaper.

He was drafted into military service in 1937 for two years, during which time he was sent to l'Agha in Algeria to be trained in meteorology. During this time, he met Albert Camus, with whom he became friends, and connected with Paul and Georges Soubiron, who published Roblès' first major work L'Action in 1938. Camus, who ran Alger-Républicain, guaranteed another income stream for Roblès by way of contributor articles, and encouraged him to write his second novel, La Vallée du Paradis in serial form for the paper.

In 1938, Roblès was discharged from his military service and returned to the University of Algeria to pursue a license in Spanish literature. In 1939, he met law student Paulette Puyade at the university. Together they had two children, Paul and Jacqueline.

While travelling in France with Paulette, Roblès was recalled to his unit upon the commencement of World War II. During the Phoney War (September 1939-May 1940), Roblès served as a Spanish interpreter before being discharged again on July 29, 1940. At this time, Emmanuel and Paulette Roblès earned teaching posts in Turenne, near Oran. The isolation of their time in Turenne inspired Roblès to write Île Déserte.

In 1941, Roblès participated in an underground channel organized by Camus to aid European escapees in their journey to Gibraltar. While participating in the resistance movement in Grasel-Bizar, American officers offered him a position in the Psychological Warfare Branch due to his proficiency in Spanish and meteorology. At this time, he completed his work on Travail d'Homme, but a paper shortage threatened his ability to publish it. However, in 1943 the American military gave him newsprint with which to publish the novel. For it he won the Grand Prix Littéraire de l'Algérie and the Prix Populiste.

Due in part to these awards, Roblès was able to return to the French military in a position more suited to his interests. He became a war correspondent with the French Air Force (Ailes de France) and covered military training camps and combat in Corsica, Sardinia, and Italy. In August 1944, Roblès moved to Paris to serve as the codirector and war correspondent for Ailes de France.

In 1946, Roblès was again discharged from the French military. He brought his family to Paris from Algeria. His publisher, Charlot, had already re-established in France. He was able to support his family from the royalties from his books, article sales to various journals, and continued contributions to Aviation Française (previously Ailes de France). In this period, he began work on his most successful play, Montserrat.

The hardships of post-war life in France prompted the Roblès family's return to Algeria, where he completed Les hauteurs de ville, resumed work on Montserrat, and became a literary critic for Radio-Alger. Montserrat premiered both in Paris and in Algeria on April 23, 1948.

In 1950, Roblès' long-time publisher, Charlot, failed. He then began a relationship with the publisher Seuil that lasted for the rest of his career. In 1952, he saw some of his biggest success with Cela s'appelle l'aurore.

By 1958, the escalation of the Algerian war forced the Roblès family back to Paris.

In 1973, he was elected as a member of the Académie Goncourt.

He continued to have a prolific career, publishing at regular intervals until his death on February 22, 1995 in Boulogne, France.

James A. Kilker, PhD (1925-2012) was an American professor of French Studies and French translator. He held a B.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Missouri and a Master of Foreign Studies from the University of Maryland with Certificate from the University of Paris, Sorbonne. He worked at Southern Illinois University-Carbondale. He was awarded the Odre des Palmes Academique by the French Government and was American translator for works by Emmanuel Roblès, with whom he maintained a friendship.

Marie Kilker is a reviewer and theater critic. She earned her PhD from Southern Illinois University, Carbondale in 1972. Her research is described as "an interdisciplinary doctorate, speech-theatre, English, emphasizing dramatic literature in the western world supported by theatre theory, history, criticism, and literary oral interpretation." (Kilker)


[Box 1, folder 21] James and Marie Kilker collection of Emmanuel Roblès materials, 1941-2023, Ms. Coll. 1562, Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts, University of Pennsylvania

Kilker, Marie. "About.", and Legacy. "James Kilker Obituary (2012) - Sarasota, FL - Herald Tribune." Legacy, Legacy, 22 Aug. 2012,

The James and Marie Kilker collection of Emmanuel Roblès material measures 5 linear feet in 5 boxes and dates from 1941 to 2023. It consists primarily of collected material relating to Roblès' work and career, correspondence between the Kilkers and Roblès, and published material by Roblès. There is also material relating to other Algerian-born European authors and playwrights.

This collection is of use to researchers interested in Emmanuel Roblès' life, career, and works. It is also of use to anyone looking to gain insight into the relationship between a creator and their primary translator or into the translation process in general.

It is organized into the following series: I. Awards and prizes; II. Academic works on Emmanuel Roblès; III. Articles; IV. Bibliographies; V. Biographical material; VI. Correspondence; VII. Interviews; VIII. Photographs; IX. Material related to works by Emmanuel Roblès; X. Material related to works by others; XI. Reviews of Emmanuel Roblès' work; and XII. Published volumes.

Of note to researchers are the Correspondence and Interviews series, in which James Kilker and Emmanuel Roblès discuss Roblès' life, work, and inspiration at length and with intention over the course of twenty years. The correspondence contains personal updates, travel, professional updates, and more philosophical conversations about both Roblès' and Kilker's work and writing. This material offers unique insight into an author's motivation and inspiration for his work, in addition to how his own upbringing and life events effected it.

Much of this collection is written in French, but there is a significant amount of English material as well. Much of the biographical material is in French, but Kilker's biography of Roblès is entirely in English. The correspondence, especially the correspondence between Kilker and Roblès, is almost exclusively in French. A significant portion of the material related to works by Emmanuel Roblès concerns Kilker's effort to translate these works, meaning that this series is equally in French and English. Kilker's interviews with Emmanuel Roblès and other French-Algerian authors and playwrights are entirely in French.

Gift of James and Marie Kilker, 2023.

University of Pennsylvania: Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts
Finding Aid Author
Kelin Baldridge Smallwood
Finding Aid Date
2023 November 1
Access Restrictions

The bulk of this collection is open for research use, however, use of the original audio tapes in in Box 3 is restricted. If the originals do not already have copies, they may be sent to an outside vendor for copying. Patrons are financially responsible for the cost. The turnaround time from the time of request to delivery of digital items will depend on the nature of the material and is subject to review for condition. Please contact the Kislak Center ( for cost estimates and ordering. Researchers should be aware of specifics of copyright law and act accordingly.

Use Restrictions

Copyright restrictions may exist. For most library holdings, the Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania do not hold copyright. It is the responsibility of the requester to seek permission from the holder of the copyright to reproduce material from the Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts.

Collection Inventory

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Clippings and pamphlets, 1973, 1985, 1990, 1995.
Box 1 Folder 1

Anne-Marie Hamburg de Moret: "Emmanuel Roblès, Albert Camus, and civilian truce in Algeria", 1984.
Box 1 Folder 2
Anne-Marie Hamburg de Moret: various papers, 1971, 1973, 1978-1980, 1990, 2017.
Box 1 Folder 3
Henri Peyre [on Emmanuel Roblès and James and Marie Kilker's translation works], 1971-1973.
Box 1 Folder 4
James Kilker: "Notes on his [Roblès] works (not plays)", 1971.
Box 1 Folder 5
James Kilker: Sabbatical, report and "dossiers Roblès du seuil", 1973-1974.
Box 1 Folder 6
Josette Frigiotti: "Roblès Dramaturge," essay, 1971-1972.
Box 1 Folder 7
Lavinia Adina Horner, dissertation abstract, 2018.
Box 3 Folder 3
Marie Kilker: Dissertation, questionnaire for Roblès, 1971 November 10.
Box 1 Folder 8
Marie Kilker: notes on facts of Roblès' plays and adaptations, 1971-1972.
Box 1 Folder 9
Micheline Alice Rozier: dissertation, copy, 1971.
Box 1 Folder 10
Oliver Girard: thesis, "La mise en scene dans le theatre bilingue d'Anne-Marie de Moret et d'Emmanuel Robles", 1996 August.
Box 1 Folder 11

"Emmanuel Roblès: Prophète de la révolution Algérienne" by James Kilker [includes a copy of Roblès' speech], 1984, undated.
Box 1 Folder 12
"Emmanuel Roblès: romancier par exigence," Livres de France, Georges-Albert Astre, 1965 February.
Box 1 Folder 13
Interview with Emmanuel Roblès, 1966 January.
Box 1 Folder 14
On the importance of Roblès as a French, North African, and Mediterranean writer, 1952, 1965, 1968, 1970-1974.
Box 1 Folder 15
On the importance of Roblès' Spanish background [by and about Roblès], 1944, 1958, 1972-1973, 1979.
Box 1 Folder 16
Various, by Emmanuel Roblès, mostly about Bulgaria, 1946, 1966, 1968.
Box 1 Folder 17
Various, about Emmanuel Roblès, 1965, 1968-1969.
Box 3 Folder 4

Critical Bibliography of French Literature -- XX Century, correspondence and drafts relating to James Kilker's entry on Emmanuel Roblès, 1974-1975.
Box 1 Folder 18
Works by Emmanuel Roblès, annotated, undated.
Box 1 Folder 19

Alliance Française of Sarasota, lecture by James Kilker, 1990s.
Box 1 Folder 20
Correspondence, drafts, notes, and published version, pre-Roblès' death, by James Kilker, before 1995.
Box 1 Folder 21
Family history timeline, typed and annotated, and photographs of family documents, undated.
Box 1 Folder 22
Various articles with Roblès biographies, 1948-1949, 1955, 1963-1968, 1971, 1984, 1995, 2002.
Box 1 Folder 23

Éditions du Seuil, mostly from Emmanuel Roblès, 1970-1971.
Box 1 Folder 24
James Kilker (recipient), book orders, 1973.
Box 3 Folder 5
Marie Kilker, from James Kilker, Jacqueline Roblès Macek, Aldo Nicolaj, Paulette Roblès, Josette Frigiotti, and Vanderic, 1970-1973, 2002, 2023.
Box 1 Folder 25
Emmanuel Roblès and James Kilker (to and from), 1971.
Box 1 Folder 26
Emmanuel Roblès and James Kilker (to and from), 1972-1973.
Box 1 Folder 27
Emmanuel Roblès and James Kilker (to and from), 1974-1975.
Box 1 Folder 28
Emmanuel Roblès and James Kilker (to and from), 1976-1977.
Box 1 Folder 29
Emmanuel Roblès and James Kilker (to and from), 1978-1979.
Box 1 Folder 30
Emmanuel Roblès and James Kilker (to and from), 1980-1981.
Box 1 Folder 31
Emmanuel Roblès and James Kilker (to and from), 1982-1983.
Box 1 Folder 32
Emmanuel Roblès and James Kilker (to and from), 1984-1986.
Box 1 Folder 33
Emmanuel Roblès and James Kilker (to and from), 1992-1996.
Box 1 Folder 34
Emmanuel Roblès recommendation letter for James Kilker, 1975.
Box 1 Folder 35
Emmanuel Roblès to and from James and Marie Kilker, 1987-1991.
Box 1 Folder 36
Emmanuel Roblès, copies of letters sent to him by writers and theater people about his work [including Albert Camus, Jules Roy, Francois-Regis Bastide, Jean Grenier, Luis Bunuel, etc.], 1941, 1948-1949, 1955, 1959-1961, 1965-1967, 1970-1971.
Box 1 Folder 37
Jacqueline Roblès Macek to and from James and Marie Kilker, 1997-1999.
Box 1 Folder 38
Jacqueline Roblès Macek to and from James and Marie Kilker, 2000-2010.
Box 1 Folder 39
Jacqueline Roblès Macek to and from James and Marie Kilker, 2010.
Box 1 Folder 40
Jacqueline Roblès Macek to and from James and Marie Kilker, 2011-2012, 2015, circa 2023.
Box 1 Folder 41

Emmanuel Roblès interviewed by Paul Chwat, typescript and letter, 1964, undated.
Box 1 Folder 42
Francine Camus, Georges-Albert Astre, Désiré Khalifa, Fanny Landi Benos, and Claude Benady, correspondence, notes, and typescript, 1973.
Box 1 Folder 43
Francine Camus, Georges-Albert Astre, Désiré Khalifa, Fanny Landi Benos, and Claude Benady, correspondence, tapes, 1973.
Box 3 Folder 12
Tapes, Emmanuel Roblès interviewed by James Kilker, 1973.
Box 3 Folder 6-10
Tapes, Emmanuel Roblès interviewed by James Kilker about La Fenêtre and French culture, 1973.
Box 3 Folder 11
Transcript, Emmanuel Roblès interviewed by James Kilker, 1973.
Box 2 Folder 1-2

Emmanuel Roblès, 1975, 1979.
Box 2 Folder 13
Emmanuel Roblès at professional appearances in Longboat Kay, FL and Tampa, FL [includes a note titled "things to write about"], 1989 January, 1990 March.
Box 3 Folder 19
Emmanuel Roblès with James and Marie Kilker, 1975, 1979, 1984, 1986, 1996.
Box 2 Folder 3
Emmanuel Roblès with Paul Belmondo, sitting for a portrait bust, 1981.
Box 3 Folder 14
Jacqueline Roblès Macek with James and Marie Kilker, 1998.
Box 3 Folder 15
Claude Benady and Fanny Landi-Benos, 1973.
Box 3 Folder 16

Carlota, Roblès translation of Miguel Mihura play, announcement, 1960.
Box 2 Folder 4
Cela S'Appelle l'Aurore, articles and film adaptation, 1953-1956, 1964, 1970-1971.
Box 2 Folder 5
La Croisière, reviews and articles, 1945, 1948, 1968, 1971.
Box 2 Folder 6
La Fenêtre, carbon copy of original typescript, signed by Roblès, 1975.
Box 2 Folder 7
La Fenêtre, script and translation by James Kilker, 1984.
Box 2 Folder 8
La Fenêtre, American premier ephemera, radio script and translation by James Kilker, 1977.
Box 2 Folder 9
Hélène, James Kilker translation and correspondence, 1974-1975.
Box 2 Folder 10
Île Déserte, performance programs, undated.
Box 2 Folder 11
Île Déserte, original printed script, 1975.
Box 2 Folder 12
Île Déserte, James Kilker translation [in process], 1973-1974.
Box 2 Folder 13
The Landing by Emmanuel Roblès and James Blackburn, published in English in Forum, 1969.
Box 2 Folder 14
Lanterne Magique, correspondence ["last submissions in the 2000s"], 1999-2000, 2003-2004.
Box 2 Folder 15
Lanterne Magique, original typescript, "Infernal Paradis", undated.
Box 2 Folder 16
Lanterne Magique, reviewed and modified with Chris Angerman, James Kilker translation typescript with annotations, 1998.
Box 2 Folder 17
Lanterne Magique, reworking material and annotated typescript of James Kilker translation, 1995.
Box 2 Folder 18
Lanterne Magique, typescript, final translated version by James Kilker, 1999.
Box 2 Folder 19
A Love Without End, English version (not translated by Kilker), printed with a note from Emmanuel Roblès, 1976.
Box 2 Folder 20
Mer Libre, "Magellan: un defi pour Roblès," French article with English translation and James Kilker Notes, 1965, undated.
Box 2 Folder 21
Montserrat, correspondence related to the attempt to get English translation rights restored.
Box 2 Folder 22
Montserrat, reviews and criticism of original publication, first public printing, and Fiche de Lecture et Théâtre, 2948, 1959, 1970.
Box 2 Folder 23
Montserrat, Hellman adaptation, reviews [New York, London, and Canada], 1949, 1952, 1954-1955, 1961.
Box 2 Folder 24
Montserrat, television version, articles, and Marie Kilker's notes comparing Roblès and Hellman versions, 1949-1950.
Box 2 Folder 25
Montserrat, television version, articles, letters, and debate between St. Louis professors and students, 1971-1972.
Box 2 Folder 26
Montserrat, reviews of French productions, some programs and photographs, 1948-1949, 1952, 1965, 1970, 1973.
Box 2 Folder 27
Montserrat, reviews of non-French productions, poster, 1949-1950, 1971.
Box 2 Folder 28
L'Ombre et la Rive, translation by James Kilker [unpublished], 1974.
Box 2 Folder 29
L'Ombre et la Rive, "Gorgogne," published in "Contemporary Literature in Translation", 1973.
Box 2 Folder 30
Prefaces, various, by Emmanuel Roblès, with a letter, 1952-1954, 1959-1962, 1965-1967.
Box 2 Folder 31
Le Rossignol de Kabylie, translation by James Kilker and correspondence, 1974.
Box 2 Folder 32
Short stories: translations by James Kilker [Gorgogne, Hélène, and unpublished], 1974, undated.
Box 2 Folder 33
Short stories: unpublished, typescripts and working translations by James Kilker, 1972.
Box 2 Folder 34
Three Plays, "Plaidoyer pour un Rebelle," clippings, programs, and poster, 1965-1966, 1972, 1974, 2007.
Box 2 Folder 35
Three Plays, "L'Horloge," South Caroline State University production, lapel pin, program and photographs, 1972.
Box 2 Folder 36
Three Plays, "Profirio," programs, reviews, and summary, 1952, 1990, undated.
Box 2 Folder 37
Three Plays, Southern Illinois University Press, correspondence, drafts, press, and publishing agreement, 1975-1978.
Box 2 Folder 38
Three Plays, correspondence, publishing history, and reviews, 1958-1959, 1973-1976, 1989.
Box 2 Folder 39
La Vérité est Morte, reviews, comments, and summaries, 1952-1954.
Box 2 Folder 40
Le Vésuve, review by Georges-Albert Astre, 1961.
Box 2 Folder 41
Les Yaquils, American performances, 1971, 1989.
Box 2 Folder 42
Les Yaquils, script, French premier program, and translation by Anne Marie Hamburg de Moret, 1971, undated.
Box 2 Folder 43
Les Yaquils, typescript, carbon copy of original, undated.
Box 2 Folder 44

Albert Camus: Frère du soleil, James Kilker notes, 1971.
Box 3 Folder 17
Articles about Jean-Louis Depierris, Mouloud Feraoun, and Josette Frigiotti, 1968, 1972, undated.
Box 3 Folder 18

By Albert Camus, 1941-1942, 1948.
Box 2 Folder 45
Clippings, 1951-1959, 1961, 1964-1971.
Box 3 Folder 1
Of his novels, 1945-1946, 1949, 1952, 1959, 1964, 1968, 1970-1974, 1988-1989.
Box 3 Folder 2

L'Action, Éditions du Seuil, 1996., 1996.
Box 3
Un amour sans fin suivi de les horlogues de Prague, Éditions du Seuil, 1976. [with inscription by Roblès], 1976.
Box 3
L'Arbre invisible, Éditions du Seuil, 1979. [with inscription by Roblès], 1979.
Box 3
Arringe per un ribelle, translated by G. Toso Rodinis, Pàtron Editore, 1979., 1979.
Box 3
L'Assassinat de Chateau-Royal, Jean-Philippe Ould Aoudia with preface by Emmanuel Roblès, Editions Tiresias Michel Reynaud, 1992. [with inscription by Roblès], 1992.
Box 3
Camus: frère du soliel, Éditions du Seuil, 1995., 1995.
Box 3
Carnations, translated by James A. Kilker, Pembroke Magazine, 1977., 1977.
Box 5
Cela s'appelle l'aurore, Éditions du Seuil, 1952., 1952.
Box 3
La Chasse à la licorne, Éditions du Seuil, 1985. [with inscription by Roblès], 1985.
Box 3
Un château en novembre suivi de La fenêtre, Éditions du Seuil, 1984. [with inscription by Roblès], 1984.
Box 3
Les couteaux, Éditions du Seuil, 1956., 1956.
Box 3
Les couteaux, Éditions du Seuil, 1956., 1956.
Box 3
La croisière, Éditions du Seuil, 1968., 1968.
Box 3
Die Festung, translated by E. A. Nicklas and N. O. Scarpi, Aufbau-Verlag Berlin und Weimar, 1968., 1968.
Box 3
Erica, Éditions du Seuil, 1994. [with inscription by Roblès], 1994.
Box 3
Federica, Éditions du Seuil, 1954. [with inscription by Roblès], 1954.
Box 3
Federico Garcia Lorca, Éditions Domens Pézenas, 1998., 1998.
Box 3
Gorgona, translated by Marietta Suárez and Rubén Casado, Editorial Arte y Literatura, 1991. [with inscription by Roblès], 1991.
Box 3
Les hauteurs de la ville, Éditions du Seuil, 1960., 1960.
Box 3
Les hauteurs de la ville, Éditions du Seuil, 1960., 1960.
Box 3
L'herbe des ruines, Éditions du Seuil, 1992. [with inscription by Roblès], 1992.
Box 4
L'homme d'avril, Éditions du Seuil, 1959., 1959.
Box 4
L'horloge suivi de Porfirio, Éditions du Seuil, 1958. [with inscription by Roblès], 1958.
Box 4
L'horloge suivi de Porfirio, Éditions du Seuil, 1958., 1958.
Box 4
Jeunes saisons, Éditions du Seuil, 1995. [with note by Roblès], 1995.
Box 4
Lanterne magique, Éditions du Seuil, 1994., 1994.
Box 4
La mort en face, Éditions du Seuil, 1951., 1951.
Box 4
La mort en face, Éditions du Seuil, 1951. [with inscription by Roblès], 1951.
Box 4
Montserrat, Éditions du Seuil, 1954., 1954.
Box 4
Montserrat, Éditions du Seuil, 1954., 1954.
Box 4
Montserrat: fiche de lecture et théâtre, Peuple et Culture, 1960., 1960.
Box 4
Montserrat: lecture animation, Gamma, undated., undated.
Box 5
Norma ou l'exil infini, Éditions du Seuil, 1988. [with inscription by Roblès], 1988.
Box 4
Nuits sur le monde, Charlot, undated., undated.
Box 4
L'ombre et la rive, Éditions du Seuil, 1972. [with inscription by Roblès], 1972.
Box 4
L'ombre et la rive, etchings by René Cottet, Éditions Périples, 1971., 1971.
Box 4
Plaidoyer pour un rebelle suivi de Mer libre, Éditions du Seuil, 1965., 1965.
Box 4
Poèmes, narrated by Hervé-Anglard and woodcut by Pavel Macek, 1976., 1976.
Box 5
Un printemps d'Italie, Éditions du Seuil, 1970. [with inscription by Roblès], 1970.
Box 4
Les relojes de praga y otros poemas, translated by Eulogio Muñoa, Madrid, 1984., 1984.
Box 4
La remontée du fleuve, Éditions du Seuil, 1964., 1964.
Box 4
La remontée du fleuve, Éditions du Seuil, 1964., 1964.
Box 4
Les rives du fleuve bleu, Éditions du Seuil, 1990. [with inscription by Roblès], 1990.
Box 4
Le roi et la Reine, by Ramon Sender, translated by Emmanuel Roblès, Éditions du Seuil, 1955., 1955.
Box 4
Saison violente, Éditions du Seuil, 1974., 1974.
Box 4
Simoun, "Pour saluer Roblès," introduction by Albert Camus, undated., undated.
Box 4
Les sirènes, Éditions du Seuil, 1977. [with inscription by Roblès], 1977.
Box 4
Tiempo de violencia, translated by Elvira Méndez, Editorial Euros S.A., 1975., 1975.
Box 4
Travail d'homme, Éditions du Seuil, 1996., 1996.
Box 4
Venise en hiver, Éditions du Seuil, 1981. [with inscription by Roblès], 1981.
Box 4
La vérité est morte, Éditions du Seuil, 1952., 1952.
Box 4
La vérité est morte, Éditions du Seuil, 1952., 1952.
Box 4
Le vésuve, Éditions du Seuil, 1961., 1961.
Box 4
Le vésuve, Éditions du Seuil, 1961., 1961.
Box 4
The window, translated by James A. Kilker, Saint Louis University, 1984., 1984.
Box 4
Les yaquils suivi de Ile déserte, Éditions du Seuil, 1991. [with inscription by Roblès], 1991.
Box 4
Yaquils, translated by Anne-Marie Hamburg, Reversible Collection, 1972., 1972.
Box 4
Des chemins où l'on se perd: Hommage à Emmanuel Roblès, 1997., 1997.
Box 4
Cités à la dérive, translated by Catherine Lerouvre [pseudonym for Paulette Roblès] and Chrysa Prokopaki, 1971., 1971.
Box 4
Dossier Roblès, 1965., 1965.
Box 4
Celfan Review, "Emmanuel Roblès," 1982., 1982.
Box 4
Emmanuel Roblès, edited by Martha O'Nan, 1983., 1983.
Box 4
Emmanuel Roblès et le grand théâtre du monde, by Giuliana Toso Rodinis, 1989., 1989.
Box 4
Emmanuel Roblès et l'hispanité en oranie, by Guy Dugas, 2012., 2012.
Box 4
Emmanuel Roblès e l'uomo invitto, by Giovanni Saverio Santangelo, 1990., 1990.
Box 4
Emmanuel Roblès ou l'homme et son espoir, by Georges-Albert Astre, 1972., 1972.
Box 4
Emmanuel Roblès ou les raisons de vivre, by Fanny Landi-Bénos, 1969., 1969.
Box 4
Emmanuel Roblès ou le risque de vivre, by Georges-Albert Astre, 1987., 1987.
Box 4
Emmanuel Roblès ou la rupture du cercle, Micheline A. Rozier, 1973., 1973.
Box 4
Emmanuel Roblès: Une oeuvre, une action, by Guy Dugas, 2007., 2007.
Box 4
Emmanuel Roblès témoin de l'homme, Marie Hélène Chèze, 1979., 1979.
Box 4
Entretiens avec Emmanuel Roblès, by Jean-Louis Depierris, 1967., 1967.
Box 4
Entretiens avec Emmanuel Roblès, by Jean-Louis Depierris, 1967., 1967.
Box 4
Un été qui vient de la mer, by Claude Benady, 1972., 1972.
Box 5
Un feu d'enfer, by Catherine Lerouvre [pseudonym for Paulette Roblès], 1958., 1958.
Box 5
Hommage à Albert Camus, 1913-1960, 1960., 1960.
Box 5
Il teatro di Emmanuel Roblès, by Giuliana Toso Rodinis, 1981., 1981.
Box 5
Lettres à ses amis, by Mouloud Feraoun, 1969., 1969.
Box 5
Luis Buñuel biografía crítica, by J. Francisco Aranda, 1969., 1969.
Box 5
Le Maghreb entre deux guerres, by Jacques Berque, 1962., 1962.
Box 5
Marguerite a la source, by Claude Benady, 1975., 1975.
Box 5
La Méditerranée, by Guy Dugas, 2008., 2008.
Box 5
Mer suivi de Symphonie pour noces, by Joestte Frigiotti, 1972., 1972.
Box 5

Print, Suggest