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Michael Strassfeld papers


Held at: University of Pennsylvania: Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts [Contact Us]3420 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6206

This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the University of Pennsylvania: Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.

Overview and metadata sections

Rabbi Michael Strassfeld (born February 8, 1950) is an American Reconstructionist Rabbi. Born in Dorchester, Massachusetts, Strassfeld attended the Maimonides School, an Orthodox Jewish day school in Brookline, Massachusetts, graduating from high school in 1967. He went on to attend the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary at Yeshiva University in New York City for one year before transferring to Brandeis University in Waltham, Massachusetts, where he received a BA, magna cum laude with honors, in Near Eastern and Judaic Studies in 1971, and an MA in Near Eastern and Judaic Studies in 1972. From 1972 to 1976 Strassfeld completed coursework for a PhD in Jewish History from Brandeis. He attended the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College in Wyncote, Pennsylvania, becoming an ordained Rabbi in 1991.

Raised in a Orthodox Jewish household, Strassfeld was profoundly influenced by the burgeoning Jewish anti-establishment movement in the Boston area in the 1960s and early 1970s. Strassfeld was one of the founders of Havurat Shalom, in Somerville, Massachusetts, established in 1968 as the first countercultural Jewish community in what would grow to become a national Havurah movement. Strassfeld was one of the leaders of retreats held at Weiss's Farm in Long Branch, New Jersey, which brought together members of some of the first Havurot in the US, and would eventually lead to the establishment of the National Havurah Institute and the National Havurah Committee.

After brief stints as Principal of the Temple Adas Israel Hebrew School in Hyde Park, Massachusetts (1971), and Assistant to Hillel Director at Brandeis University (1972), Strassfeld published in 1973 with first wife Sharon Strassfeld and colleague Richard Siegel, The Jewish Catalog, a do-it-yourself manual on how to be Jewish. The publication was extremely popular and was followed by second and third catalogs in 1975 and 1981. Strassfeld also published The Jewish Calendar, from 1975 to 1993, and The Jewish Holidays, in 1985.

Strassfeld was employed by Congregation Ansche Chesed in New York City for almost two decades. He served as Leader of High Holiday services from 1982 to 2001; Director of Program and Development from 1984 to 1988; Executive Director from 1988 to 1991; and, following his ordination, Rabbi from 1991 to 2001. Ansche Chesed is an egalitarian, participatory Conservative synagogue on Manhattan's Upper West Side. In 2001, Strassfeld became Rabbi of the Society for the Advancement of Judaism, a Reconstructionist synagogue also on the city's Upper West Side, where he served until his retirement in 2015.

Strassfeld was a founding chairperson of the National Havurah Committee from 1979 to 1982; a founding vice-president of the Abraham Joshua Heschel School, an egalitarian day school in Manhattan in 1983; a founding board member of Beyond Shelter, a coalition of Manhattan synagogues concerned with homelessness from 1987 to 1988; and a founding faculty member of the Institute for Jewish Spirituality in New York City, from 1999. Strassfeld was also a member of the board of Rabbis for Human Rights, North America, and received the Rabbi Israel & Libby Mowshowitz Prize from the New York Board of Rabbis in 2000.

Rabbi Strassfeld is married to Rabbi Joy Levitt. He and first wife Sharon Strassfeld have three children.

The Michael Strassfeld papers contain the records of the Reconstructionist Rabbi's education and life's work. Represented are elements of his Orthodox upbringing, traditional Jewish education, influence of the Jewish anti-establishment and countercultural movements of the 1960s and early 1970s, and his training and practice as a Reconstructionist Rabbi. The collection is made up of eight series: I. Education; II. Jewish counterculture and later progressive movements; III. Synagogues; IV. Observances; V. Teaching; VI. Works by Michael Strassfeld; VII. Books and other publications from the library of Michael Strassfeld; and VIII. Photographs from the publication of The Jewish Catalog. A ninth series, Judaic sound recordings, is in process and will be added to this finding aid when completed.

The series on "Education" contains mostly notes, research papers, and study materials created by Strassfeld from his years in high school at the Maimonides School to his undergraduate and graduate student years in Near Eastern and Judaic Studies at Brandeis University, as well as his study to become ordained as a Rabbi at the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College. Additionally, there are study materials from continuing education courses at a number of institutes and study centers including the Institute for Jewish Spirituality, the Shalom Hartman Institute, and others.

The series of "Jewish counterculture and later progressive movements" includes materials concerning the Havurah movement, feminism, sexuality and gender, environmentalism, peace, the persecution of Soviet Jews, and youth movements, among others. Materials include newspapers and ephemera of the time, notes from meetings and retreats, and positional papers on a range of topics. Also in this series are materials from Strassfeld's co-founding and association with Havurat Shalom and the National Havurah Committee.

The third series on "Synagogues" contains the working papers of Strassfeld's time as lay employee and later Rabbi of Congregation Ansche Chesed (1982-2001), and as Rabbi of the Society for the Advancement of Judaism (2001-2015), both located on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. Many of these files are managerial in nature, representing the day-to-day issues faced in managing and serving as a leader of two progressive and egalitarian houses of worship. Because of clergy-congregant privilege a small number of files in this series are restricted. More information on this can be found in the "Access Restrictions" note in this finding aid.

The series on "Observances" includes materials associated with sacred services at Strassfeld's two synagogues (as well as the occasional service while visiting another congregation). These materials include programs, readings, notes, and sermons for weekly services, special services, and holidays; the High Holidays services of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur; Prayer and lifecycle ceremonies including birth ceremonies, bar/t mitzvahs, and marriages; and Healing services and resources.

The series on "Teaching" covers courses taught by Strassfeld, mostly in his capacity as Rabbi at Congregation Ansche Chesed and the Society for the Advancement of Judaism, but also through conferences and community organizations.

The series "Works by Michael Strassfeld" is comprised of a range of writings, public presentations, and other creative works. Included are speeches given in various venues and on a range of occasions; a large collection of hand-written eulogies; files associated with the writing and publication of The Jewish Catalog; and an assortment of other writings and works such as magazine articles, books, and documentation on assembling Strassfeld's substantial collection of Jewish sound recordings.

The series of "Books and other publications from the Library of Michael Strassfeld" is comprised of approximately 333 individual titles. Included are the published works by Michael Strassfeld such as The Jewish Catalog, called the most successful book to come out of the Jewish counterculture, and its subsequent volumes; The Jewish Calendar; and several other important titles. Also, there are books on a range of mostly Jewish topics which were selected by Strassfeld as a representation of works important to his development as a Rabbi. These have been divided into categories including: Comparative religion; The Holocaust; Jewish counterculture; Jewish community; Jewish feminism; Jewish fiction; Jewish guide books; Jewish historical sources; Jewish modernity; Jewish music; Jewish pastoral services; Jewish practices; Jewish spirituality; Jewish theology; Jewish youth and education; Rabbi manuals; Sidderum (prayerbooks); as well as non-Jewish books; and a selection of progressive Jewish periodical issues. Many of these works may be found elsewhere in the Penn Libraries, and complete bibliographic citations are given to facilitate finding copies within Franklin.

There is a series of "Photographs from the publication of The Jewish Catalog." These number over 250 individual prints, and contain scenes especially from the Havurah movement, depictions of Jewish practices and rituals, and scenes of Jewish life from around the world.

Series IX. Audio material contains a collection of over 950 sound recordings (LPs, cassettes, and CDs) of Jewish music collected by Strassfeld over the course of his life. The collection emphasizes sacred Hasidic music, but also includes examples of the Jewish folk revival, and a small amount of Klezmer instrumental music and Yiddish song.

Gift, Michael Strassfeld, 2015

University of Pennsylvania: Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts
Finding Aid Author
John F. Anderies; Hebrew music listed by David Kalish and Louis Meiselman
Finding Aid Date
2016 December 14
Access Restrictions

The majority of this collection is open for research. A small number of files are restricted due to personally identifiable information or clergy-congregant privilege. Researchers interested in viewing restricted files in this collection should email the Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rarebooks, and Manuscripts for permission. The following files are restricted for clergy-congregant privilege: Box 9, Folder 34, 38, and 39; Box 11, Folder 26; and Box 12, Folder 53. Box 19, Folder 4 is restricted because it contains personally identifiable information.

Access to original audio/visual materials (Series IX: Audio material) and computer files is restricted. The Kislak Center will provide access to the information on these materials from duplicate master files. If the original does not already have a copy, it will be sent to an outside vendor for copying. Patrons are financially responsible for the cost. The turnaround time from request to delivery of digital items is about two weeks for up to five items and three to seven weeks for more than five items. Please contact Reprographic Services ( for cost estimates and ordering.

Once digital items are received, researchers will have access to the files on a dedicated computer in the Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center. Researchers should be aware of specifics of copyright law and act accordingly.

Use Restrictions

Copyright restrictions may exist. For most library holdings, the Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania do not hold copyright. It is the responsibility of the requester to seek permission from the holder of the copyright to reproduce material from the Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts.

Collection Inventory

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Materials can be requested by first logging in to Aeon. Then, click on the ADD button next to any containers you wish to request. When complete, click the Request button.

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A. Chumash (high school), 1960s.
Box 1 Folder 1-2
The Book of Amos exam, undated.
Box 1 Folder 3
Brandeis papers, 1972, undated.
Box 1 Folder 4
Brandeis papers, undated.
Box 1 Folder 5
Doctoral examination bibliography, undated.
Box 1 Folder 6
Franco-German Jewry in the Middle Ages, doctoral exam, 1974.
Box 1 Folder 7
Jewish Studies booklet, undated.
Box 1 Folder 8
Letters of Mendelssohn, undated.
Box 1 Folder 9
Liturgy class notebook, undated.
Box 1 Folder 10
Liturgy doctoral exam, undated.
Box 1 Folder 11
Maimonidean controversy paper, undated.
Box 1 Folder 12
Messianism, 1974.
Box 1 Folder 13
Notebook for History of the Biblical Text, 1969-1970.
Box 1 Folder 14
Notebook for Psalms, 1969-1970.
Box 1 Folder 15
Notebook for Studies in the Biblical Cult, 1970-1971.
Box 1 Folder 16
Notebook for the Categories of Spiritual Life, 1968-1970.
Box 1 Folder 17
Notebook on various subjects, 1973, undated.
Box 1 Folder 18
Notes on the Holocaust, undated.
Box 1 Folder 19
Paper on Rabbi Meir of Rothenburg, 1971.
Box 1 Folder 20
Paper on the History of Jewish Education in Spain, undated.
Box 1 Folder 21
Psalm 19, 1969-1970, undated.
Box 1 Folder 22
Syllabi for Near Eastern and Jewish Studies courses, 1968-1973, undated.
Box 1 Folder 23
Theory of History, 1975.
Box 1 Folder 24
Various Brandeis materials, 1968-1979, undated.
Box 1 Folder 25
Various notes for Brandeis papers, undated.
Box 1 Folder 26
Various research papers, 1970, undated.
Box 1 Folder 27
Application essay and acceptance letter, 1989.
Box 1 Folder 28
Bible (Tikva Frymer-Kensky), 1990.
Box 1 Folder 29
College Report letter, 1992.
Box 1 Folder 30
Contemporary Jewish thought (Nancy Fuchs-Keimer), 1990.
Box 1 Folder 31
Courses and credits, 1989-1991, undated.
Box 1 Folder 32
Genesis (Tikva Frymer-Kensky), undated.
Box 1 Folder 33
Graduation, 1991.
Box 1 Folder 34
Modern Jewish thought (David Teutsch), 1990.
Box 1 Folder 35
Purim, past and future, undated.
Box 1 Folder 36
Reconstructionism II (David Teutsch), 1990.
Box 1 Folder 37
Seminar in Modern Jewish history II (Shulamit Magnus), 1991.
Box 1 Folder 38
Unidentified binder of readings, undated.
Box 2 Folder 1
Unidentified binder of readings, undated.
Box 2 Folder 2
Unidentified readings, notes, writings, undated.
Box 2 Folder 3
Meditva, Los Angeles, 1997 Fall.
Box 2 Folder 4
Ansche Chesed, Jewish Spirituality Center, 1998-1999, undated.
Box 2 Folder 5
Ansche Chesed, The Awakened Heart retreat, 1999.
Box 2 Folder 6
Retreat, 1998-2001.
Box 2 Folder 7
Retreat, Makom Meditation Center at Jewish Community Center, 1999.
Box 2 Folder 8
Retreat, 2000.
Box 2 Folder 9-10
Retreat notes, 2000.
Box 2 Folder 11
Retreat readings, 2000.
Box 2 Folder 12
Best practices retreat, 2000.
Box 2 Folder 13
The Spirituality Institute: Urban Retreat Program, 2000.
Box 2 Folder 14
Spirituality Institute, 2000.
Box 2 Folder 15
Institute for Jewish Spirituality and Mindfulness Institute membership lists, 2000, undated.
Box 2 Folder 16
The Spirituality Institute: Rabbinic Program, 2000-2001.
Box 2 Folder 17
The Spirituality Institute: Rabbinic Program, 2001.
Box 2 Folder 18
Retreat, 2001.
Box 2 Folder 19-20
Strategic planning, 2001.
Box 2 Folder 21
First retreat notes, 2002.
Box 2 Folder 22
Retreat, 2002-2003.
Box 2 Folder 23
Retreat, 2003.
Box 2 Folder 24
Retreat readings, 2003.
Box 2 Folder 25
Institute of Jewish Spirituality, 2004.
Box 2 Folder 26
Retreat, 2005.
Box 3 Folder 1
Retreat 3, 2005.
Box 3 Folder 2
Educators retreat, 2005.
Box 3 Folder 3
Prayer as spiritual practices, 2005.
Box 3 Folder 4
Alumni survey, 2005.
Box 3 Folder 5
Pointers on Learning Hasidut by Krassen, 2005.
Box 3 Folder 6
Retreat, 2006.
Box 3 Folder 7-8
Retreat e-mail list, 2006-2007.
Box 3 Folder 9
Retreat, 2007.
Box 3 Folder 10-11
Hevraya discussion, 2007 October.
Box 3 Folder 12
Mei Hashiloach readings, 2008.
Box 3 Folder 13-14
Retreat, 2009.
Box 3 Folder 15
Readings, interim, 2011.
Box 3 Folder 16
January retreat, 2011.
Box 3 Folder 17
Prayer retreat, 2012.
Box 3 Folder 18
Prayer as practice, 2012.
Box 3 Folder 19
Prayer leadership retreat, 2013.
Box 3 Folder 20
Retreat, Yom Iyyum, 2013.
Box 3 Folder 21
Prayer retreat, 2014.
Box 3 Folder 22
Hevraya exchange, 2014.
Box 3 Folder 23
Rabbi retreat, undated.
Box 3 Folder 24
Rabbinic Leadership Program, undated.
Box 3 Folder 25
Young reconstructionists, undated.
Box 3 Folder 26
Dharma and Torah, undated.
Box 3 Folder 27
Musar, undated.
Box 3 Folder 28
Rabbi's study seminar, 1994.
Box 3 Folder 29-30
Jerusalem retreat: Building Jewish Foundations, 1999.
Box 3 Folder 31
Foundations for a Thoughtful Jewish Life: Understanding Jewish Ethics, 2000.
Box 3 Folder 32
Standing Before God: Mitzvah and Holachah, 2006.
Box 3 Folder 33
Foundations of Community, chapters 1-3, 10, 12, undated.
Box 3 Folder 34
Foundations of the Ethical, chapters 1-3, 5, undated.
Box 4 Folder 1
Foundations of the Ethical, chapters 9-11, undated.
Box 4 Folder 2
ALEPH Kallah 6, 1995.
Box 4 Folder 3
ALEPH Kallah 7, 1997.
Box 4 Folder 4
Course in Musar, I, 2003-2004.
Box 4 Folder 5-6
Eretz Israel: In the Eyes of Her Beholders, 2003.
Box 4 Folder 7
Hebrew College Me'ah: Medieval readings, 2005.
Box 4 Folder 8-9
Jerusalem retreat: The Individual and the Collective, Talmudic and Maimonidean texts, 2001.
Box 4 Folder 10
Joint summer program: The Land of Israel - From Myth to Relaity, 2003.
Box 4 Folder 11
Kosher and Halal food regulations course, 2002.
Box 4 Folder 12
Mysticism seminar, undated.
Box 4 Folder 13
Rabbinical Assembly: Homiletics, undated.
Box 4 Folder 14
Readings on reconstructionism, undated.
Box 4 Folder 15-16
Spiritual leadership class (Shefa Gold), undated.
Box 4 Folder 17
The Turning of the Secular Year, meditation retreat, 1997-1998.
Box 4 Folder 18
The World of the High Holy Days, undated.
Box 4 Folder 19

Agus, Robert, correspondence, undated.
Box 5 Folder 1
Aliya in Jewish law, undated.
Box 5 Folder 2
Amital, Yehuda, at Jewish Community Center, 1996.
Box 5 Folder 3
Am Chai, Chicago, 1979.
Box 5 Folder 4
Analysis, Institute for Jewish Policy Planning and Research of the Synagogue Council of America, 1976, 1980.
Box 5 Folder 5
Anti-Viet Nam War at Yeshiva College, 1968.
Box 5 Folder 6
"Aquarian Minyan: Shabbat Morning Service for the Bar Mitzvah of Elishama Hesed Goldfarb", 1994.
Box 5 Folder 7
Bad Boy, Bar Mitzvah, 1970.
Box 5 Folder 8
Beit Havurah, undated.
Box 5 Folder 9
Bible commentary, 1979-1980, undated.
Box 5 Folder 10
"Blessings of Leadership: Honoring Rabbi David A. Teutsch", 2002.
Box 5 Folder 11
Bnei Akiva, 1965.
Box 5 Folder 12
B'nai Or Religious Fellowship, 1980-1998, undated.
Box 5 Folder 13
B'nai Or Siddur project, 1986.
Box 5 Folder 14
Boston Bet Din, 1968-1974.
Box 5 Folder 15
Breira, 1977-1978.
Box 5 Folder 16
Carlebach, Shlomo, 1995, 1998.
Box 5 Folder 17
Chutzpah, 1972.
Box 5 Folder 18
Coalition for Alternatives in Jewish Education, 1977-1978.
Box 5 Folder 19
Cohen and Schor, "Gender Variation in the Careers of Conservative Rabbis", 2004.
Box 5 Folder 20
Cohen, Steven, survey on gays, lesbians and the conservative movement, and other materials on homosexuality, 2006-2007.
Box 5 Folder 21
Combined Jewish Philanthropies, The Jewish Advocate, 1969.
Box 5 Folder 22
Concerned Jewish Students / Combined Jewish Philanthropies, 1969-1977, undated.
Box 5 Folder 23
Conservative Judaism, 2007-2008, 2014.
Box 5 Folder 24
Consultation on the Environment and Jewish Life, 1992.
Box 5 Folder 25
Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Fund letter, 1975.
Box 5 Folder 26
Cowan, Paul, tribute, 1988.
Box 5 Folder 27
Davka magazine, Spring 1974.
Box 5 Folder 28
Denver conversion experiment, 1983.
Box 5 Folder 29
Dorff, Elliot, on homosexuality, 1992.
Box 5 Folder 30
Dorff, Elliot, et al., on homosexuality, 2006.
Box 5 Folder 31
Eco-Kosher, 1990-1993, undated.
Box 5 Folder 32
"An Egalitarian Hagadah," by Aviva Cantor, 1982.
Box 5 Folder 33
Ezrat Nashim, undated.
Box 5 Folder 34
Fabrangen: A Jewish Communical Experience, thesis by Miriam Feinberg, 1978.
Box 5 Folder 35
Fabrangen newsletters, etc., 1973-1976.
Box 5 Folder 36
Feminism, 1974-1989, undated.
Box 5 Folder 37
Feminism, 1984, undated.
Box 5 Folder 38
Feminism, 1985-1990, undated.
Box 5 Folder 39
Feminism / Drorah Setel, 1985, undated.
Box 5 Folder 40
Four Worlds Journal, 1984-1985.
Box 5 Folder 41
Gendler, Everett, 1976, 1990, undated.
Box 5 Folder 42
Genesis 2, 1970-1980.
Box 5 Folder 43
Guide to Jewish Student Groups, 1971.
Box 5 Folder 44
Halacha havurah / Bet dia, 1976.
Box 5 Folder 45
Halacha newsletter, 1993.
Box 5 Folder 46
Hasidic Jews confornt hippies (Chabad), New York Times, 1968.
Box 5 Folder 47
Havurah list, 1973.
Box 5 Folder 48
Hersel, Matt, "Why and How to Keep Kosher", undated.
Box 5 Folder 49
Heschel, Abraham J., 1970-1982.
Box 5 Folder 50
Hillel at Brandeis University, programming, 1969-1975, undated.
Box 5 Folder 51
Hillel Free University (Brandeis, Rutgers, and Boston Universities), 1971-1974.
Box 5 Folder 52
"Homosexuality and Judaism: A Reconstructionist Workshop Series", 1992.
Box 5 Folder 53
Huges, H. Stuart, campaign, undated.
Box 5 Folder 54
Imahot Nusach process, undated.
Box 6 Folder 1
Institute for Jewish Life, 1972-1975, undated.
Box 6 Folder 2
Institute for Jewish Life, undated.
Box 6 Folder 3
Jewish Community Center, groundbreaking, 1999.
Box 6 Folder 4
Jewish Liberation Journal, 1969-1970.
Box 6 Folder 5
Jewish Liberation Journal, 1970-1972.
Box 6 Folder 6
Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance / Women's Tefillah Network, 1997, 2001-2002.
Box 6 Folder 7
Jewish Peace Fellowship, Trees for Vietnam, 1971.
Box 6 Folder 8
The Jewish Radical, 1969, 1971.
Box 6 Folder 9
Jewish Spectator, 1973.
Box 6 Folder 10
Jewish Student Projects, Greater Boston, 1970-1973, undated.
Box 6 Folder 11
Jewish women, 1974-1979, undated.
Box 6 Folder 12
Jews for Urban Justice, 1966-1971.
Box 6 Folder 13
Jungreis, Esther, 1973.
Box 6 Folder 14
Kamenetz, Rodger, "Has the Jewish Renewal Movement Made It Into the Mainstream?" in Moment: The Jewish Magazine for the '90s, 1994.
Box 6 Folder 15
Kesher, 1974-1988.
Box 6 Folder 16
Law Committee, the Rabbinical Assembly, 1975-2004. undated.
Box 6 Folder 17
Letters from "famous" people, 1971-1991.
Box 6 Folder 18
Lilith: A Quarterly Magazine (premiere issue), 1976.
Box 6 Folder 19
Lishma, undated.
Box 6 Folder 20
Maurice Gordon Bar Mitzvah protest, 1969.
Box 6 Folder 21
McGovern campaign, 1970-1972.
Box 6 Folder 22
Meir Kahane, 1970-1971, undated.
Box 6 Folder 23
Menorah: Sparks of Jewish Renewal, 1980-1984.
Box 6 Folder 24
Minyan mailing lists [Restricted], undated.
Box 6 Folder 25
Miriam Sang to Them, Project KESER's Second Global Women's Pre-Passover Seder, 1996.
Box 6 Folder 26
Mishkan-a (Lynne Gottlieb), undated.
Box 6 Folder 27
Mishkan Shalom Statement of Principles, 1989.
Box 6 Folder 28
National Conference of Synagogue Youth, Mitzvos, 1966.
Box 6 Folder 29
National Conference of Synagogue Youth, New England region, 1966-1971.
Box 6 Folder 30
Network: A Monthly Forum of the Jewish Student Movement, 1974-1975.
Box 6 Folder 31
New Jewish Agenda, 1980.
Box 6 Folder 32
New Jewish Agenda, "New Jewish Rituals" book, undated.
Box 6 Folder 33
New Jewish Times: A Journal of Planetary Renewal, 1983.
Box 6 Folder 34
New Menorah: The B'nai Or Journal of Jewish Renewal, 1985-1996.
Box 6 Folder 35
North American Jewish Students' Network, 1975-1978, undated.
Box 6 Folder 36
Not the Jewish Press, parody, 1982.
Box 6 Folder 37
Olympics proposal protest, undated.
Box 6 Folder 38
Palmer, Parker, 1990, undated.
Box 6 Folder 39
Pardes, 1972.
Box 6 Folder 40
Passover Hagaddah Project, undated.
Box 6 Folder 41
Proposal for Pavsha Newsletter, 1979.
Box 6 Folder 42
Pumbedissa, 1993-1997.
Box 6 Folder 43
Rabbinical Assembly CJLS position paper on homosexuality, 1992, 2007, undated.
Box 6 Folder 44
Radical Haggadot, 1973, 1975, undated.
Box 6 Folder 45
Radius Institute, 1985.
Box 6 Folder 46
Reform texts on homosexuality, 1987-1992, undated.
Box 6 Folder 47
Richman, Elizabeth, and Stephanie Ruskay, "A Rabbinic Approach to Economic Justice", 2007.
Box 6 Folder 48
Riemer, Jack, "They Called Him Comfort", undated.
Box 6 Folder 49
Research Centre of Kabbalah, 1976, 2004.
Box 6 Folder 50
Rosenberg, M. Jay, "The Press of Freedom: To Uncle Tom and Other Such Jews," Village Voice, 1969.
Box 6 Folder 51
Roth, Joel, on homosexuality, 1991, 2005.
Box 6 Folder 52
S3K Report, 2006-2009.
Box 6 Folder 53
Schachter, Zalman, writings, undated.
Box 6 Folder 54
Schachter, Zalman, writings, undated.
Box 7 Folder 1-2
Shalom Center Report, 1990-1992, undated.
Box 7 Folder 3
Shamrei Adamah (Environment), 1990-1992, undated.
Box 7 Folder 4
Soloveitchik, Haym, 1994-1999, undated.
Box 7 Folder 5
"Soviet anti-semitic propoganda-1970 style" [with cartoon caricatures], poster pubished by American Jewish Conference on Soviet Jewry, Conference on the Status of Soviet Jews, 1970.
Drawer 108 Folder unknown container
Student events, 1971-1972.
Box 7 Folder 6
Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry, 1966, undated.
Box 7 Folder 7
Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry, 1969-1971, undated.
Box 7 Folder 8
Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry, 1970-1971, undated.
Box 7 Folder 9
Tzedakah collectives, 1975-1977, undated.
Box 7 Folder 10
Tzedakah collectives: Jewish photography contest, 1976.
Box 7 Folder 11
Tzedakah collectives, and New Israel Fund, 1975-1981, undated.
Box 7 Folder 12
Various conservative movement papers on homosexuality, 1991-2007, undated.
Box 7 Folder 13
"Vietnam moratorium, October 15, gather 1 p.m., Cambridge Common for march to Boston Common rally, 3:30 p.m.", poster, 1969.
Drawer 108 Folder unknown container
Waskow, Arthur, 1976, 2004-2005, undated.
Box 7 Folder 14
Weiss's Farm heavies / Bet din, undated.
Box 7 Folder 15
Weiss's Farm retreat / New York Havurah, 1974-1976.
Box 7 Folder 16
Weiss's Farm, post meeting notes, 1975.
Box 7 Folder 17
Weiss's Farm retreat, 1975.
Box 7 Folder 18
Weiss's Farm retreat, 1977.
Box 7 Folder 19
Weiss's Farm, seperate seating, 1975.
Box 7 Folder 20
Wermen-Kelman, Levi, "Letter from a Zionist Friend", 1968.
Box 7 Folder 21
Why I am not a conservative Jew (response to position papers on homosexuality), undated.
Box 7 Folder 22
"A Woman's Passover Haggadah," by E.M. Broner, 1977.
Box 7 Folder 23
World Conference on Soviet Jewry, 1971.
Box 7 Folder 24
Yom Tov Shemi position paper, undated.
Box 7 Folder 25
Gemeinschaftsleben als Konstrucktionsproblem, dissertation about Havurat Shalom, by Yizhak Ahren, 1976.
Box 7 Folder 26
"The Greening of American Jewry," by Bill Novak, 1971.
Box 7 Folder 27
Havurah, 1969-1974.
Box 7 Folder 28
Havurah, 1971-1974, undated.
Box 7 Folder 29
"The Havurah as Context for Adult Jewish Learning," by Joseph Riemer, 1989.
Box 7 Folder 30
Havurah proposals, 1970.
Box 7 Folder 31
Havurat Shalom, 1972-1978, undated.
Box 7 Folder 32
Havurat Shalom, undated.
Box 7 Folder 33
Havurat Shalom, 25th reunion, 1993.
Box 7 Folder 34
Havurat Shalom, 40th reunion, 2008.
Box 7 Folder 35
Havurat Shalom, 45th reunion, 2013.
Box 8 Folder 1
"Havurat Shalom: A Visitor's Impression," by Ben Yonah, 1975.
Box 8 Folder 2
"Havurat Shalom: An Appreciation at 10," by Joel Rosenberg, 1978.
Box 8 Folder 3
Havurat Shalom Community Seminary prospectus, 1969-1974.
Box 8 Folder 4
Havurat Shalom, High Holidays, undated.
Box 8 Folder 5
Havurat Shalom reunion, 1995.
Box 8 Folder 6
Havurat Shalom Siddur, 1985.
Box 8 Folder 7
Kavesh, Bill, Tasting food services, undated.
Box 8 Folder 8
Kashrut exam, Nehemiah food seminar, undated.
Box 8 Folder 9
Kotzker song, undated.
Box 8 Folder 10
Letter from Arthur Green to Shlomo Riskin, 1969.
Box 8 Folder 11
"Meanings, Morals and Mysteries: Literary Appraisals to Torah," by Joel Rosenberg, undated.
Box 8 Folder 12
Seder tifillah (prayerbook for Havurat Shalom), undated.
Box 8 Folder 13
Untitled collection of poetry, typed, undated.
Box 8 Folder 14
Y'did Nefesh, translated by Zalman Schachter, undated.
Box 8 Folder 15
About Havurah articles, 1982.
Box 8 Folder 16
Havurah, 1980-1981, undated.
Box 8 Folder 17
Havurah [newsletter], 1980-1995.
Box 8 Folder 18
Havurah Bible project, 1983-1987, undated.
Box 8 Folder 19
Havurah Conference, 1978-1979, undated.
Box 8 Folder 20
Havurah Conference, 1979.
Box 8 Folder 21
Havurah Conference, 1979-1980, undated.
Box 8 Folder 22
Havurah Conference, 1980.
Box 8 Folder 23
Havurah Conference, participants lists, 1979-1996, undated.
Box 8 Folder 24
Havurah Conference, program booklets, 1979-1997.
Box 8 Folder 25
Havurah movement articles, 1973-1984.
Box 8 Folder 26
National conference planning, 1977-1979, undated.
Box 8 Folder 27
National Havurah Committee, 1974-1990, undated.
Box 8 Folder 28-29
National Havurah Committee, 1988-1999, undated.
Box 8 Folder 30
National Havurah Committee, 1992-1993.
Box 8 Folder 31
National Havurah Committee, feminist issues, undated.
Box 8 Folder 32
National Havurah Committee, mailing, 1980.
Box 8 Folder 33
National Havurah Committee, minutes, evaluation, 1980-1982, undated.
Box 8 Folder 34
National Havurah Committee, minutes, 1981-1982.
Box 8 Folder 35
National Havurah Committee, theology event, 1985.
Box 8 Folder 36
Notes on "Prayer and Community," by Prell, undated.
Box 8 Folder 37
Organizational Ambivalence - The National Havurah Committee, by Waxman, 1999.
Box 9 Folder 1
Pre-Summer Institute, 1980, undated.
Box 9 Folder 2
Summer Institute, 1974-1980, undated.
Box 9 Folder 3
Summer Institute, 1980.
Box 9 Folder 4-5
Summer Institute, 1981.
Box 9 Folder 6-8
Summer Institute, 1982.
Box 9 Folder 9-10
Summer Institute, 1983.
Box 9 Folder 11
Summer Institute, 1984.
Box 9 Folder 12
Summer Institute, 1985.
Box 9 Folder 13
Summer Institute, 1986.
Box 9 Folder 14-15
Summer Institute, 1990.
Box 9 Folder 16
Summer Institute, 1991.
Box 9 Folder 17
Summer Institute, 1992.
Box 9 Folder 18
Summer Institute, 1993.
Box 9 Folder 19
Summer Institute, 1994.
Box 9 Folder 20
Summer Institute, 1996.
Box 9 Folder 21
Summer Institute, Home and homelessness in Jewish sources class, 1996.
Box 9 Folder 22
Summer Institute, Circumcision class, 1996.
Box 9 Folder 23
Summer Institute, 1997.
Box 9 Folder 24
Summer Institute, Schachter class, undated.
Box 9 Folder 25
Union of American Hebrew Congregations, Havurah survey, 1979.
Box 9 Folder 26

Abraham Joshua Heschel School, 1983-1987, undated.
Box 9 Folder 27
Abraham Joshua Heschel School letter, 1995.
Box 9 Folder 28
Ansche Chesed: 160 Years journal, 1989.
Box 9 Folder 29
Ansche Chesed brochures, 1995-2002, undated.
Box 9 Folder 30
Ansche Chesed bulletin columns, 1991-1999.
Box 9 Folder 31
Avi Chai conference, 1994.
Box 9 Folder 32
Chapel dedication, 1992.
Box 9 Folder 33
Chapel Minyan [RESTRICTED], 1993-2000, undated.
Box 9 Folder 34
Chapel Minyan planning committee, 1996-1997.
Box 9 Folder 35
Derek Reut, 1976-1978, undated.
Box 9 Folder 36
Derek Reut / Minyan, 1977-1985, undated.
Box 9 Folder 37
Emails answered [RESTRICTED], 1999.
Box 9 Folder 38
Emails to do [RESTRICTED], 1999.
Box 9 Folder 39
Farewell address, 2001.
Box 9 Folder 40
The future of Ansche Chesed, 1986-1993, undated.
Box 9 Folder 41
Good ideas, 1995-1996.
Box 9 Folder 42
Good ideas, future projects, computer flyers, 1986-1992, undated.
Box 9 Folder 43
Good ideas, government, neighborhood, 1987-1989.
Box 9 Folder 44
Grant, public relations, 1995-1997, undated.
Box 9 Folder 45
Guide to the West Side, 1984, 1989, undated.
Box 9 Folder 46
Halacha, 1976-1992, undated.
Box 10 Folder 1
Hevrot proposal, 1985-1987.
Box 10 Folder 2
Interesting articles, 1994, undated.
Box 10 Folder 3
Jewish Family Service award, 1982.
Box 10 Folder 4
Learning guides, 1991-1993.
Box 10 Folder 5
Lishmah adult education project, undated.
Box 10 Folder 6
McKinsey, 2000.
Box 10 Folder 7
Minyan M'at, 1994-2001, undated.
Box 10 Folder 8
Minyan M'at, 2000.
Box 10 Folder 9
Minyan M'at membership lists, 1987-1991.
Box 10 Folder 10
Minyan M'at / Morningside Montessori, 1987-2004, undated.
Box 10 Folder 11
Minyanim, 1985-1998, undated.
Box 10 Folder 12
Minyanim, Bereah, Re'ut, 1975-1989, undated.
Box 10 Folder 13
Miscellaneous material (notes and articles), undated.
Box 10 Folder 14
Miscellaneous materials related to Ansche Chesed, 1981-1996, undated.
Box 10 Folder 15
Mowshowitz Prize, 1999-2000.
Box 10 Folder 16
New Minyan proposal, 1998.
Box 10 Folder 17
New Minyan proposal drafts, undated.
Box 10 Folder 18
New York Havurah, 1975.
Box 10 Folder 19
Passover, 1974-1996.
Box 10 Folder 20
Pitzele, Peter, artist in residence, 1997.
Box 10 Folder 21
Proposed projects never realized, undated.
Box 10 Folder 22
Rabbi, contract, 1988-1994.
Box 10 Folder 23
Rabbi, ideas, 1991, undated.
Box 10 Folder 24
Rabbi, public relations, 1984-2001.
Box 10 Folder 25
Sanctuary Minyan, 1998-2000.
Box 10 Folder 26
Scripture Windows: Toward a Practice of Bibliodrama, by Peter Pitzele, 1997.
Box 10 Folder 27
Sermons by others, 1992-1993, undated.
Box 10 Folder 28
Shabbat transliteration, 1997.
Box 10 Folder 29
Special, 1983, undated.
Box 10 Folder 30
Strassfeld, Michael, at Ansche Chesed, 1983-1984.
Box 10 Folder 31
Westside Minyan, 1975-1985, undated.
Box 10 Folder 32
Westside Minyan membership lists, 1985-1996.
Box 10 Folder 33
Adult Bar/t mitzvah, 2006.
Box 10 Folder 34
Adult B'nai mitzvah, 2003-2008.
Box 10 Folder 35
Adult B'nai mitzvah, texts, 2007-2008.
Box 10 Folder 36
Bogrim Family D'var Torah, 2003-2007.
Box 10 Folder 37
Bogrim program, new, 2006.
Box 10 Folder 38
B'nai mitzvah experience (BME), 2006-2011.
Box 10 Folder 39
Cantata revised at Society for the Advancement of Judaism, undated.
Box 10 Folder 40
Congregant correspondence [RESTRICTED], 2011.
Box 12 Folder 53
Connections programs, originals, 2008-2009.
Box 10 Folder 41
Denominations, 2010.
Box 10 Folder 42
Emerging scholars, 2001.
Box 10 Folder 43
Environment, 2006-2007.
Box 10 Folder 44
Environmental, 2014.
Box 10 Folder 45
Environmental halacha, 2007.
Box 10 Folder 46
Environmental issues, 2014.
Box 11 Folder 1
Ethical Dilemmas in the Renewed State of Israel, 2004.
Box 11 Folder 2
Family prayerbook for Shabbat, undated.
Box 11 Folder 3
Flyers and brochures, 2001-2002, undated.
Box 11 Folder 4
Flyers and brochures, 2001-2003, undated.
Box 11 Folder 5
Future, 2005-2006.
Box 11 Folder 6
Goldberg and sons, "The Will", undated.
Box 11 Folder 7
Game, 1985-1986.
Box 11 Folder 8
Hebrew school, undated.
Box 11 Folder 9
Hebrew school yearbook, 2001-2002.
Box 11 Folder 10
Hesed day, 2008.
Box 11 Folder 11
Hesed network, 1987-1992, undated.
Box 11 Folder 12
High Holiday student prayerbook, undated.
Box 11 Folder 13
Hirsh, Richard, 2006-2007.
Box 11 Folder 14
iEngage course, 2013.
Box 11 Folder 15
Inclusivity, 2002-2007.
Box 11 Folder 16
Israel, poetry, undated.
Box 11 Folder 17
Israel trip, 2008.
Box 11 Folder 18
Israel trip, undated.
Box 11 Folder 19
Issues, this year, 2006-2008.
Box 11 Folder 20
Jewish Journey project, 2011.
Box 11 Folder 21
Kashrut, undated.
Box 11 Folder 22
Ketubah, undated.
Box 11 Folder 23
Latke and hamantaschen, 2010-2012.
Box 11 Folder 24
Leadership development, 2003-2006.
Box 11 Folder 25
Letter from congregants [RESTRICTED], 2003.
Box 11 Folder 26
Lifnei lomeid, undated.
Box 11 Folder 27
Lying, parenting session, 2013.
Box 11 Folder 28
Magic-Synaplex, 2005.
Box 11 Folder 29
Man and His Needs webcast, 1995.
Box 11 Folder 30
Mattisyahu lyrics, 2005.
Box 11 Folder 31
Matzah, undated.
Box 11 Folder 32
Ma'yan omer, 2005.
Box 11 Folder 33
Me'ah, 2004.
Box 11 Folder 34
Membership, 2002-2006.
Box 11 Folder 35
Minyan manners, undated.
Box 11 Folder 36
Moldovan, Alfred, undated.
Box 11 Folder 37
Mural article, 2009.
Box 11 Folder 38
Mysticism, 1995, undated.
Box 11 Folder 39
Ninetieth anniversary, 2011.
Box 11 Folder 40
Oral history, 1995-2001.
Box 11 Folder 41
Outreach, Jewish Outreach Institute at Society for the Advancement of Judaism, 2009.
Box 11 Folder 42
Paper cutouts for Hebrew school, undated.
Box 11 Folder 43
Parent discussions, 2009-2010.
Box 11 Folder 44
Parenting, Chanukah honoring, undated.
Box 11 Folder 45
Passover, song session, Friday night before, 2003.
Box 11 Folder 46
Passover / Hametz drive, 1977-2015.
Box 11 Folder 47
PJ Library programs, undated.
Box 11 Folder 48
Program, 1996-2001.
Box 11 Folder 49
Program, 2005.
Box 11 Folder 50
Program, 2007-2010.
Box 11 Folder 51
Program, 2010-2011.
Box 11 Folder 52
Program flyers, 2001-2014.
Box 11 Folder 53-54
Program ideas, undated.
Box 11 Folder 55
Public relations, 2001.
Box 11 Folder 56
Purim, 1984-2001.
Box 11 Folder 57
Purim, 1998-2003.
Box 11 Folder 58
Purim, 2001-2008.
Box 11 Folder 59
Purim, 2011-2013.
Box 11 Folder 60
Purim and Torah jokes, 1997-2000.
Box 11 Folder 61
Reconstructionism, undated.
Box 11 Folder 62
Reconstructionist divorce, 2004.
Box 11 Folder 63
Reconstructionist learning day, 2015.
Box 11 Folder 64
Retreat, 2003.
Box 11 Folder 65
Retreat, 2005.
Box 11 Folder 66
Retreat, 2012.
Box 11 Folder 67
Retreat, 2014.
Box 11 Folder 68
Reznikoff, Charles, undated.
Box 12 Folder 1
Ripps, David, 2003-2004.
Box 12 Folder 2
Ritual committee, 2007.
Box 12 Folder 3
Ritual committee, speech on services, 2006-2012.
Box 12 Folder 4
Society for the Advancement of Judaism, starting at, 2000-2001.
Box 12 Folder 5
Society for the Advancement of Judaism bulletin, 2001-2004.
Box 12 Folder 6
Society for the Advancement of Judaism e-bulletin, 2003.
Box 12 Folder 7
Society for the Advancement of Judaism history, 2001-2002.
Box 12 Folder 8
Society for the Advancement of Judaism history, scavenger hunt, 2002.
Box 12 Folder 9
Sadness, anger, illness, 2005-2006.
Box 12 Folder 10
Self-learning, undated.
Box 12 Folder 11
Box 12 Folder 12
Shabbat Parashat, Genesis handouts, part 1, 2006-2014.
Box 12 Folder 13
Shabbat Parashat, Genesis handouts, part 2, 2009-2014.
Box 12 Folder 14
Shabbat Parashat, Leviticus handouts, 2011-2015.
Box 12 Folder 15
Shabbat Parashot, Numbers/Deuteronomy handouts, 2011-2014.
Box 12 Folder 16
Shabbat Parashat, Eco-kosher / $ handouts, 2006-2015.
Box 12 Folder 17
Shabbat neighborhood, 2006-2007.
Box 12 Folder 18
Shavuot, 2003.
Box 12 Folder 19
Shavuot, 2011.
Box 12 Folder 20
Shavuot, First fruits, 2003-2004.
Box 12 Folder 21
Shavuot, Matan Torah, Triennial cycle, undated.
Box 12 Folder 22
Shavuot, teaching, how did you get Torah, 1995.
Box 12 Folder 23
Shavuot tikkun, undated.
Box 12 Folder 24
Shmita, undated.
Box 12 Folder 25
Simhat Torah, etc., undated.
Box 12 Folder 26
Simhat Torah Sukkot, 1989-2012.
Box 12 Folder 27
Slonimsky, Henry, undated.
Box 12 Folder 28
Social justice, 2003-2007.
Box 12 Folder 29
Spirituality resources, undated.
Box 12 Folder 30
Strassfeld, Michael, 2002-2015.
Box 12 Folder 31
Strassfeld, Michael, resume, undated.
Box 12 Folder 32
Suicide, undated.
Box 12 Folder 33
Sukkot, 2002-2009.
Box 12 Folder 34
Synagogue initiative, Reinvisioning the Society for the Advancement of Judaism, 2010-2011.
Box 12 Folder 35
Synagogue transformation, 1999-2000.
Box 12 Folder 36
Synagogues Reimagined, Tom Brady session at Rabbinical Assembly, 2005.
Box 12 Folder 37
Synaplex marketing, 2004.
Box 12 Folder 38
Thanksgiving prayers, undated.
Box 12 Folder 39
Tisha Be-av, 1984-2002.
Box 12 Folder 40
Transgender, 2008.
Box 12 Folder 41
Transliteration project, undated.
Box 12 Folder 42
Triennial cycle, 1988.
Box 12 Folder 43
Tu Bishevat seder, 1995-2004.
Box 12 Folder 44
Tu Bishevat seders, 1989-1995.
Box 12 Folder 45
Ukraine trip, 2004.
Box 12 Folder 46
Ukraine trip, pre-departure information, 2004.
Box 12 Folder 47
United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, expulsion of Society for the Advancement of Judaism, 2009.
Box 12 Folder 48
Unveilings, 1998-2001.
Box 12 Folder 49
Video courses, 1987.
Box 12 Folder 50
Vision (Michael Davidson), 2007.
Box 12 Folder 51
War and peace, undated.
Box 12 Folder 52
Yom ha-shoah service, undated.
Box 12 Folder 54
Zalman / National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership, 2000-2001.
Box 12 Folder 55

Aharei Mot, 1999, 2008.
Box 12 Folder 56
Aharei Mot, 2005-1022, undated.
Box 12 Folder 57
Beha'alotecha, 1995.
Box 12 Folder 58
Beha'alotecha, 2002-2011, undated.
Box 12 Folder 59
Behar Behokotai, 2002-2011, undated.
Box 12 Folder 60
Bemidbar, 2002-2011, undated.
Box 12 Folder 61
Bemidbar (Eldad and Medad), undated.
Box 12 Folder 62
Bereshit, 2001-2008, undated.
Box 12 Folder 63
Bo, 2002-2009, undated.
Box 12 Folder 64
Chukkot, 2004-2012, undated.
Box 13 Folder 1
Devarim, 2007-2009, undated.
Box 13 Folder 2
Ekev, 2005-2012, undated.
Box 13 Folder 3
Emor, 2002-2012, undated.
Box 13 Folder 4
Ha'azinu, 2002-2013, undated.
Box 13 Folder 5
Ha'azinu, 2014.
Box 13 Folder 6
Hanukkah (and Joseph), 1993.
Box 13 Folder 7
Hayye Sarah, 2001-2010, undated.
Box 13 Folder 8
Kedoshim, 2002-2011, undated.
Box 13 Folder 9
Ki Tavo, 2003-2014, undated.
Box 13 Folder 10
Ki Tissa, 2000-2011, undated.
Box 13 Folder 11
Ki Teitzei, 2003-2014, undated.
Box 13 Folder 12
Lech Lecha, 1994.
Box 13 Folder 13
Lech Lecha, 2001-2007, undated.
Box 13 Folder 14
Lech Lecha, 2006.
Box 13 Folder 15
Mattot-Masei, 2002, 2009.
Box 13 Folder 16
Metzorah/Hagadol, 2003, 2008.
Box 13 Folder 17
Miketz, 1997.
Box 13 Folder 18
Miketz, 2001-2007, undated.
Box 13 Folder 19
Miketz, 2010.
Box 13 Folder 20
Mishpatim, 2001-2009, undated.
Box 13 Folder 21
Naso, 2003-2011, undated.
Box 13 Folder 22
Nitzavim, 2002-2014, undated.
Box 13 Folder 23
Noah, 1997-2008, undated.
Box 13 Folder 24
Noah, 2001-2008, undated.
Box 13 Folder 25
Noah, 2003.
Box 13 Folder 26
Pekudei, 1997.
Box 13 Folder 27
Pekudei, 2005-2011, undated.
Box 13 Folder 28
Pesach, 2002-2011, undated.
Box 13 Folder 29
Pesach, 2007-2015, undated.
Box 13 Folder 30
Pesach, 2013-2015.
Box 13 Folder 31
Pinchas, 2002-2009.
Box 13 Folder 32
Re'eh, 2001-2013, undated.
Box 13 Folder 33
Shabat Hanukkah, undated.
Box 13 Folder 34
Shavuot, 1998, 2005-2006.
Box 13 Folder 35
Shavuot, 2002-2013, undated.
Box 13 Folder 36
Shavuot, 2012-2013, undated.
Box 13 Folder 37
Shelach Lecha, 2002-2009, undated.
Box 13 Folder 38
Shemini, 2002-2008, undated.
Box 13 Folder 39
Shemot, 2002-2010, undated.
Box 13 Folder 40
Shoftim, 2000.
Box 13 Folder 41
Shoftim, 2001-2014, undated.
Box 13 Folder 42
Shoftim, undated.
Box 13 Folder 43
Shuvah, undated.
Box 13 Folder 44
Sukkot, 1996.
Box 13 Folder 45
Tazria/Metzora, 2002-2011, undated.
Box 13 Folder 46
Tazria, undated.
Box 13 Folder 47
Toledot, 2001-2007, undated.
Box 13 Folder 48
Tzav, 2000-2011, undated.
Box 13 Folder 49
Vaeira, 2000-2011, undated.
Box 13 Folder 50
Vaetchanan, 2005-2011, undated.
Box 13 Folder 51
Va-Yakhel, 2000-2007, undated.
Box 13 Folder 52
Va-Yera, 1997.
Box 13 Folder 53
Va-Yera, 1998.
Box 13 Folder 54
Va-Yera, 2001-2006, undated.
Box 13 Folder 55
Va-Yera, 2004-2008, undated.
Box 13 Folder 56
Vayeshev, 2001-2009, undated.
Box 13 Folder 57
Vayeshev, 2006.
Box 13 Folder 58
Vayetze, 2001-2008, undated.
Box 13 Folder 59
Va-Yikra (Toronto), 1991.
Box 13 Folder 60
Va-Yikra (Baltimore), 1999.
Box 13 Folder 61
Va-Yikra, 2001-2009, undated.
Box 13 Folder 62
Vayishlach, 1995, 2003, undated.
Box 13 Folder 63
Vayishlach, 2001-2010, undated.
Box 13 Folder 64
Rosh Hashanah, 1988.
Box 13 Folder 65
High Holidays, 1989.
Box 13 Folder 66
High Holidays, 1990.
Box 13 Folder 67
Rosh Hashanah sermon, 1990.
Box 13 Folder 68
Rosh Hashanah, 1991.
Box 13 Folder 69-70
Kol Nidre (Rabbi vision), 1991.
Box 13 Folder 71
Rosh Hashanah, 1992.
Box 13 Folder 72
High Holidays sermons, 1992-2002, undated.
Box 13 Folder 73
Rosh Hashanah (Hassidic Teshuvah), 1993.
Box 13 Folder 74
Yom Kippur (Kol Nidre) (critique of Hassidic vision), 1993.
Box 13 Folder 75
Yom Kuppur, 1993.
Box 13 Folder 76
Rosh Hashanah, 1994.
Box 13 Folder 77
Rosh Hashanah (d'var Torah: Command Change), 1994.
Box 13 Folder 78
Yom Kippur (d'var Torah: Vision of Ansche Chesed), 1994.
Box 13 Folder 79
Rosh Hashanah speech (Learning), 1995.
Box 13 Folder 80
Kol Nidre (Words: America, Israel), 1995.
Box 13 Folder 81
Rosh Hashanah (d'var Torah: My Theology), 1996.
Box 13 Folder 82
Yom Kippur (d'var Torah: Spirituality), 1996.
Box 13 Folder 83
Rosh Hashanah, first day, 1997.
Box 13 Folder 84
Yom Kippur (d'var Torah: How do we measure the year?), 1997.
Box 14 Folder 1
Rosh Hashanah (d'var Torah: Messianism), 1998.
Box 14 Folder 2
Yom Kippur, 1998.
Box 14 Folder 3
Yom Kippur (Zidonot - Shegagot / Forgiveness), 1998.
Box 14 Folder 4
High Holidays (speech not given), 1999.
Box 14 Folder 5
Rosh Hashanah (My vision for a new Judaism), 1999.
Box 14 Folder 6
Yom Kippur (Suffering), 1999.
Box 14 Folder 7
Rosh Hashanah, 2000.
Box 14 Folder 8
Yom Kippur (dvar Torah), 2000.
Box 14 Folder 9
Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, 2001.
Box 14 Folder 10
Rosh Hashanah, 2001.
Box 14 Folder 11
Elul (Preparing for High Holidays, Friday night in August), 2002.
Box 14 Folder 12
Rosh Hashanah, 2002.
Box 14 Folder 13
Rosh Hashanah, first day ("Plan B"); second day prayer, 2002.
Box 14 Folder 14
Yom Kippur, 2002.
Box 14 Folder 15-16
Kol Nidre (Israel), 2002.
Box 14 Folder 17
High Holidays (Jewtocracy, Akedah, The meaning of it all), 2003.
Box 14 Folder 18
Rosh Hashanah, 2003.
Box 14 Folder 19
Rosh Hashanah (Jewtocracy), 2003.
Box 14 Folder 20
Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur readings (master copy), 2003.
Box 14 Folder 21
Yom Kippur, 2003.
Box 14 Folder 22
Yom Kippur (God / holiness), 2003.
Box 14 Folder 23
High Holidays, 2004.
Box 14 Folder 24-25
Rosh Hashanah, 2004.
Box 14 Folder 26
Yom Kippur, 2004.
Box 14 Folder 27
High Holidays booklets, 2004-2014.
Box 14 Folder 28
High Holidays, 2005.
Box 14 Folder 29
Rosh Hashanah, first day, 2005.
Box 14 Folder 30
Rosh Hashanah, first night (ma'ariv), 2005.
Box 14 Folder 31
Rosh Hashanah, second day, 2005.
Box 14 Folder 32
Yom Kippur, 2005.
Box 14 Folder 33
High Holidays, 2006.
Box 14 Folder 34-35
High Holidays (Family Service), 2006.
Box 14 Folder 36
High Holidays, general, 2006.
Box 14 Folder 37
Rosh Hashanah, first day, 2006.
Box 14 Folder 38
Rosh Hashanah (ma'ariv), 2006.
Box 14 Folder 39
Rosh Hashanah, second day, 2006.
Box 14 Folder 40-41
Yom Yippur, 2006.
Box 14 Folder 42
High Holidays, 2007.
Box 14 Folder 43
Rosh Hashanah (Religion), 2007.
Box 14 Folder 44
Rosh Hashanah, first day, 2007.
Box 14 Folder 45
Rosh Hashanah, first night (ma'ariv), 2007.
Box 14 Folder 46
Rosh Hashanah, second day, 2007.
Box 14 Folder 47-48
Yom Kippur, 2007.
Box 14 Folder 49
Kol Nidre, 2007.
Box 14 Folder 50
High Holidays, 2008.
Box 14 Folder 51-52
Rosh Hashanah, 2008.
Box 14 Folder 53
Rosh Hashanah, first day, 2008.
Box 14 Folder 54-55
Rosh Hashanah (ma'ariv), 2008.
Box 14 Folder 56
Rosh Hashanah, second day, 2008.
Box 14 Folder 57
Yom Kippur, 2008.
Box 14 Folder 58
Kol Nidre (Prayer, Intermarriage, Max), 2008.
Box 14 Folder 59
Kol Nidre (Talk for family service), 2008.
Box 14 Folder 60
Selichot, 2009-2013.
Box 14 Folder 61
High Holidays, 2009.
Box 14 Folder 62
Rosh Hashanah, 2009.
Box 14 Folder 63
Rosh Hashanah, first day and ma'ariv, 2009.
Box 14 Folder 64
Rosh Hashanah, second day, 2009.
Box 14 Folder 65
Yom Kippur, 2009.
Box 14 Folder 66
Yom Kippur (Prayer), 2009.
Box 14 Folder 67
Yom Kippur (Prayer, family service version), 2009.
Box 14 Folder 68
Kol Nidre, 2009.
Box 14 Folder 69
Readings and announcements, 2009.
Box 14 Folder 70
Additional readings, 2009.
Box 14 Folder 71
Rejected readings, 2009.
Box 14 Folder 72
Rosh Hashanah (Rethinking Synagogue), 2010.
Box 14 Folder 73
Rosh Hashanah, first day, 2010.
Box 14 Folder 74
Rosh Hashanah (ma'ariv) (Who is a Jew - Chelmsford), 2010.
Box 14 Folder 75
Rosh Hashanah, second day, 2010.
Box 14 Folder 76
Yom Kippur, 2010.
Box 14 Folder 77
Kol Nidre, 2010.
Box 14 Folder 78
High Holidays, 2011.
Box 14 Folder 79-80
High Holidays, Psalm booklet, 2011.
Box 14 Folder 81
Rosh Hashanah (90th anniversary), 2011.
Box 14 Folder 82
Rosh Hashanah, first day, 2011.
Box 14 Folder 83
Rosh Hashanah (ma'ariv), 2011.
Box 14 Folder 84
Rosh Hashanah, second day, 2011.
Box 14 Folder 85
Yom Kippur, 2011.
Box 14 Folder 86
Yom Kippur (Family service: Gratitude), 2011.
Box 14 Folder 87
Kol Nidre (Gratitude), 2011.
Box 14 Folder 88
High Holidays, 2012.
Box 14 Folder 89
Rosh Hashanah (Fiddler on the Roof, and Jewish future), 2012.
Box 14 Folder 90
Rosh Hashanah, first day, 2012.
Box 14 Folder 91
Rosh Hashanah (ma'ariv), 2012.
Box 14 Folder 92
Rosh Hashanah, second day, 2012.
Box 15 Folder 1
Yom Kippur, 2012.
Box 15 Folder 2
Yom Kippur (Family service), 2012.
Box 15 Folder 3
Kol Nidre