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Miscellaneous Manuscript Collection


Held at: University of Pennsylvania: Archives at the Library of the Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies [Contact Us]420 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106-3703

This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the University of Pennsylvania: Archives at the Library of the Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.

Overview and metadata sections

Because of the nature of the collection, the contents within it vary quite a bit. Many of the folders/collections were found during various inventories of the archives, and as they did not seem to fit into any of the existing collections, were placed here. There are a few collections, however, such as the Samuel Posnanski Collection, the Jacob Hoschander Collection, the Moise Schwab Collection, and the Joseph Zolin Collection, which contain manuscripts that were removed from the Adler Collection. All of these manuscripts or typescripts were submitted to the Jewish Quarterly Review through Adler, and were therefore seen by the processor of the Adler Collection as separate from the collection.

University of Pennsylvania: Archives at the Library of the Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies
Finding Aid Author
Michelle Chesner

Collection Inventory

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MM1. Abzan, Moshe Itzak (of Hamburgh). Letter to Rabbi Chanoch HaCohen, 8th of Elul, 648.
Box 1 Folder 1
Container Summary

A scholarly talmudic discussion, signed by Moshe Itzak Abzan, Hamburgh

MM2. News clipping.
Box 1 Folder 2

"Der Arabische Kommentar des Abu Zarahja Jahja (Jehuda b. Samuel) ibn Balam zu den XII Kleinen Propheten.".
"Neue Materialen zur Geschichte der Hebraische Sprach.".
"Ein Fihrist den Werke Saadjas".

Printed pamphlets.
Scope and Contents

1. "Constitution and By-Laws…" (1884) 2. Gratz Trust (1895) 3. Reports of the President, Treasurer and Committees (1921) 4. Reports of the Officers and Committees (1924) 5. Service of Rededication (1954)

Manuscript copies and Blueprints.
Scope and Contents

1. Copies of Lincoln letter (3) 2. Letter and transcription from Carvalho (?) re: school for Hebrew instruction 3. Response from KKMI re Carvalho letter (and transcription) 4. Newspaper clipping describing KKMI repairs (1903) 5. Blueprints for KKMI (3) 6. Transcription of Washington letter 7. Print of interior of MI building

Scope and Contents

Various clippings, etc. relating to KKMI exhibits, occasions; List of occupants in the cemetery (9th and Spruce).

MM5. Deutsch, Gotthard. Gotthard Deutsch Collection.
Box 1 Folder 5
MM6. French and Arabic Mss.
Box 1 Folder 6
MM7. Richard Vaux Collection.
Box 1 Folder 7
MM8. Benjamin F. Peixotto Collection.
Box 1 Folder 8
MM9. Rev. George Jacobs Scrapbook.
Box 1 Folder 9
Materials Viewable Online
  1. Rev. George Jacobs scrapbook
Books offered for purchase by bookseller Eric Hayim Klein, 1992.
Box 1 Folder 10.1-10.2
MM11. Benderly, Hemdah. Harry Friedenwald Collection, 1944-1946. 01 Linear Feet.
Box 1 Folder 11
Scope and Contents

7 ll. - Letters from Mrs. Hemdah Benderly to Harry Friedenwald

Physical Description

0.01 Linear Feet

MM12-1. Printed will of J. Krauskopf, news clippings, 1923.
Container Summary

1 folded will; 5 articles

MM12-2. Copy of a letter from Barnet Medoff to J. Krauskopf, 1907. 01 Linear Feet.
Physical Description

0.01 Linear FeetHebrew letter with attached English translation

MM12-2. Krauskopf, Joseph. "The Saturday and the Sunday Sabbath: A Sunday Lecture", April 29, 1888.
Container Summary

12 leaves

MM12-3. Krauskopf, Joseph. "Let the Guiltless Cast the First Stone: A Discourse at Temple Keneseth Israel", April 13, 1913.
Container Summary

6 ll

MM12-4. Krauskopf, Joseph. "Ruined by Success (I. Individuals)" and "Ruined by Success (II. Nations), "12/6/1916 and 12/10/1916".
Container Summary

12 ll.

MM12-5. Krauskopf, Joseph. "Cursed by War", 31-Dec-16.
Container Summary

6 ll.

MM13. Samuel Karafin Collection, 1913-1925.
Box 2 Folder 13
Scope and Contents

1. Postcard 2. Certificate of Rabbinic ordination 3. Certificate affirming ordination 4. Certificate confirming rabbinic authorization 5. Certificate authorizing Rabbi Karafin as Shohet (copy only; actual ms is missing).

Container Summary

2 folders

"Survey of Recent Biblical Literature", 1928.
Container Summary

51 leaves

"Some Biblical Words in the Light of Cuneiform", 1928.
Container Summary

76 leaves. Includes note at beginning from Adler declining to publish the article.

MM15. Schwab, Moise. Moise Schwab Collection, ca. 1916.
Box 2 Folder 15
Scope and Contents

Holograph text "Un Peu de Linguistiques Comparees" Holograph translation into English (2 typescripts)

MM16. Zolin, Joseph. Joseph Zolin Collection, ca. 1931.
Box 2 Folder 16
Scope and Contents

Typescript of article entitled "The Holy Scriptures of the Jews." 9 leaves.

MM17. H. M. Zippel Collection, 1940. 01 Linear Feet.
Box 2 Folder 17
Related Collections

See Related Material in the Adler Collection, ARC MS 25: Box 119, Folder 16

Physical Description

0.01 Linear Feet21 ll.

MM18. James Lloyd Woodruff Collection, 1937-1941 . 01 Linear Feet.
Box 2 Folder 18
Physical Description

0.01 Linear Feet51 leaves, bound in folder

MM19. Kennedy, John, Judge. Jno. Kennedy Collection, December 19, 1833. 01 Linear Feet.
Box 2 Folder 19
Scope and Contents

Autograph letter to Frederick Watts from "Jno Kennedy", with holograph annotation by Joshua I. Cohen; typed transcript of Kennedy's letter; and a photocopy of the accompanying letter of gift from George A. Kohut to Cyrus Adler.

Physical Description

0.01 Linear Feet

MM20. Wolf, Abraham Simon. Abraham Simon Wolf Correspondence, 1872. 01 Linear Feet.
Box 2 Folder 20
Biographical / Historical

Abraham Simon Wolf was a Philadelphia merchant, who later speculated in coal lands and then worked in banking and insurance. He was active in the Jewish community in Philadelphia, including the Hebrew Charity Association, the Hebrew Education Society, the United Hebrew Beneficent Fuel Society, the Jewish Hospital Association, and the first Jewish Publication Society in America.

Scope and Contents

On 10 October 1872 Harrison writes Wolf, asking for "a sketch of the origin, projects and present circumstances of the Jewish Hospital." Wolf responds in an eight-page letter dated 12 December 1872.

Physical Description

0.01 Linear Feet3 leaves

MM21. Rubenstein, Frank Jay. Frank J. Rubenstein Collection, 1977. 01 Linear Feet.
Box 2 Folder 21
Existence and Location of Copies

CAJS has five copies of the published version under LD1728.D58 R8 1977 (1 ref, 2 stacks, 2 archives)

Scope and Contents

Typescript draft of Frank J. Rubenstein's "The Dropsie University: The Early Years: 1908-1919."

Physical Description

0.01 Linear Feet

MM22. Aaron Lopez Collection, 1771. 01 Linear Feet.
Box 2 Folder 22
Physical Description

0.01 Linear Feet1 leaf Ship manifest of Aaron Lopez, dated at Newport, RI

MM23. Cohen, Joshua I.. Joshua I. Cohen Collection, 1849-1860. 01 Linear Feet.
Box 3 Folder 23
Physical Description

0.01 Linear Feet8 leaves + 2 notebooks

MM24. Montgomery, James A. (James Alan). James A. Montgomery Collection, ca. 1930-1940. 02 Linear Feet.
Box 3 Folder 24.1-24.2
Scope and Contents

Notes, correspondence, c.v. for C.H. Gordon, discussion of a union catalog for Philly libraries (via AHA); Translation of unknown text (Mandias?)

Physical Description

0.02 Linear Feet

MM25. Misc. Yiddish Manuscripts, 19th century. 01 Linear Feet.
Box 3 Folder 25
Scope and Contents

1. Letter from D. Goldenberg, requesting Dr. Sidney Fish to identify the below. 2. "A poem, composed of poorly quoted Hebrew phrases, apparently written on the occasion of a cornerstone laying ceremony of a synagogue or some charitable institution (Jewish Hospital?)" 3. "A brief funeral address for a departed friend, written in typical German-Jewish." 4. A Yiddish letter from a mother to her son (Neuistadt), 1892

Physical Description

0.01 Linear Feet3 mss + contemporary letter

MM26. Banks, Edgar James. Banks-Gimbel Correspondence, 6/1/1915. 01 Linear Feet.
Box 3 Folder 26

Pamphlet (in envelope) written by Banks about cuneiform 2 letters from Edgar J. Banks to Jacob Gimbel, offering him some ""genuine Babylonian tablets"" which he was selling for "a European collector"

Physical Description

0.01 Linear Feet2 ts letters, 1 envelope with pamphlet

MM27. First Day Cover, May 15, 1992. 01 Linear Feet.
Box 3 Folder 27
Physical Description

0.01 Linear FeetFirst day cover envelope, stamped and dated May 15, 1992, honoring the 500th anniversary of the Jewish arrival in the Ottoman Empire following the Expulsion of the Jews from Spain.

MM28. Index of Talmudic Quotes. 01 Linear Feet.
Box 3 Folder 28
Scope and Contents

Handwritten index (removed from notebook) listing topics and Talmudic references to them.

Physical Description

0.01 Linear Feet

MM29. Kineset Yisrael - Donations, 1918. 01 Linear Feet.
Box 3 Folder 29
Scope and Contents

Lists of pledges (in shillings) for donations to Kineset Yisrael (congregation?) in Jerusalem

Physical Description

0.01 Linear Feet

MM30. United States--Bureau of the Census. U.S. Census - Jews, 12/1/1889. 01 Linear Feet.
Box 3 Folder 30
Scope and Contents

Letter from the "Special Agent of Vital Statistics of Jews" requesting information for this section in the census.

Physical Description

0.01 Linear Feet

MM31. Roman Jewish Relics in Arizona, 12/14/1925. 01 Linear Feet.
Box 3 Folder 31
Scope and Contents

New York Times article regarding discovery of "Roman Jewish Relics" in Arizona (12/14/1925)

Physical Description

0.01 Linear Feet

MM32. Lincoln Club of Philadelphia, 2/11/1911. 01 Linear Feet.
Box 3 Folder 32
Physical Description

0.01 Linear Feet1 bound book

MM33. Sermons by a Manchester Layman, 1862. 01 Linear Feet.
Box 3 Folder 33
Scope and Contents

A Literary Curiosity: a Sermon in Words of One Syllable Only by A Manchester Layman. Title and date written in ink; text block pasted from original book/article.

Physical Description

0.01 Linear Feet

MM34. Edgar Mortara (Higgins), 1892. 01 Linear Feet.
Box 3 Folder 34
Scope and Contents

Article from Donahue's Monthly Magazine (Boston), January 1892, Vol., xxvii, No.1, bound in boards.

Physical Description

0.01 Linear Feet

MM35. Maimonides College Library Circulation Records, 1880-1898. 01 Linear Feet.
Box 4 Folder 35
Physical Description

0.01 Linear Feet1 notebook

MM36. Gordon, Samuel. Samuel Gordon Papers, c. 1916. 01 Linear Feet.
Box 4 Folder 36

TS (with corrections) for fictional narrative "Shepherd and Sheep" printed in God's Remnants: Stories of Israel Among the Nations by Samuel Gordon (E.P. Dutton, 1916). Note in pencil reads "accepted for publication by Chambers."

Physical Description

0.01 Linear Feet

MM37. Silverstein-Kimelhar Correspondence, 1928. 01 Linear Feet.
Box 4 Folder 37

2 ll. correspondence between R' S. H. Silverstein of Toronto and R' Yekutiel Ari Kemelhar.

Physical Description

0.01 Linear Feet2 ll.

A.K. Glover--"The Jews of the Extreme Eastern Diaspora".
Box 4 Folder 38
Solomon Reinach Correspondence.
Box 4 Folder 39
J. Ennery Strasburg--Mesilait Yisrael--The Path of Israel.
Box 4 Folder 40
TS for Halkin/Cohen "Igeret Terman (BM594.M615 1952).
Box 4 Folder 41
Scope and Contents

TS for Moses Maimonides' "Epistle to Yemen"

MM 42. Edward Glaser Collection of 4 offprints.
Box 4 Folder 42
Scope and Contents

4 offprints sent to Professor Abraham Neuman from Edward Glaser: "Alvaro Cubillio de Aragon's Los Desagravios de Christo", Hispanic Review 24, No. 4 (1956): 306-321.

"Lope de Vega's El Nino Incocente de la Guardia", Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 32, No. 3 (1955): 140-153.

"Referencias Antisemitas en la Literatura Peninsular de la Edad de Oro", Nueva Revista de Filologia Hispanica 8, No. 1 (1954): 39-62.

"Two Anti-Semitic Word Plays in the Guzman de Alfarache", Modern Language Notes 69, No. 5 (1954): 343-348.

Physical Description

0.01 Linear Feet17 items

Jewish Exponent (10/1/1920): Death of Jacob H. Schiff.
Box OS 1 (MM) Folder 46.1 Drawer 8B4
Jewish Exponent September 2, 1932 – Solomon Solis-Cohen.
Box 0S 1 (MM) Folder 46.1 Drawer 8B4
Jewish Exponent December 29, 1939 – Chaim Weizman and Cyrus Adler.
Box OS 1 (MM) Folder 46.1 Drawer 8B4
The Occident and American Jewish Advocate (July 13, 1859) - #16.
Box OS 1 (MM) Folder 46.2 Drawer 8B4
The Occident and American Jewish Advocate (February 23, 1860), #48.
Box OS 1 (MM) Folder 46.2 Drawer 8B4
Gazette of the United States (August 6, 1771) – Includes a poem entitled "Jewish Economy".
Box OS 1 (MM) Folder 46.3 Drawer 8B4
The Independent (March 14, 1861).
Box OS 1 (MM) Folder 46.4 Drawer 8B4
Der Sturmer (December 3, 1942) – includes pictures of Jews as non-Aryans.
Box OS 1 (MM) Folder 46.5 Drawer 8B4
Social Justice (by Father Coughlin) 1938.
Box OS 1 (MM) Folder 46.6 Drawer 8B4
Social Justice by Father Coughlin, April-September, 1941.
Box OS 1 (MM) Folder 46.6 Drawer 8B4
New-York Tribune (October 24, 1897).
Box OS 1 (MM) Folder 46.7 Drawer 8B4
Dearborn Independent (February 3, 1923).
Box OS 1 (MM) Folder 46.8 Drawer 8B4
Niles' Weekly Register (September 24, 1825).
Box 10 Folder 46.9
The Jewish World, Monday, July 13 – "Prominent Jews Discuss Zionist Problems (S. Solis-Cohen, H. Friedenwald, L. E. Levy).
Box OS 2 (MM) Folder 46.1 Drawer 7A12
La Libre Parole (June 17, 1937) – 48 Juifs Gouvernent la France.
Box OS 2 (MM) Folder 46.11 Drawer 7A12
The World (May 19, 1865).
Box OS 2 (MM) Folder 46.12 Drawer 7A12
The Des Moines Register (August 16, 1935 – "Crush Jewish 'Power' is Cry of Nazi Chief").
Box OS 2 (MM) Folder 46.13 Drawer 7A12
MM47. Marriage Certificate, August 14, 1938. 01 Linear Feet.
Box OS 1(MM) Folder 46.14 Drawer 8B4

Marriage of Sol Kantor and Carolyn Rich

Physical Description

0.01 Linear Feet1 item

MM48. Pension form. 01 Linear Feet.
Box 10 Folder 46.15

Refers to William Aaronson, soldier from May 30, 1861-June 1, 1863

Physical Description

0.01 Linear Feet1 item

MM49. Last Will and Testament, September 23, 1878. 01 Linear Feet.
Box OS 1(MM) Folder 46.16 Drawer 8B4

For Rebecca Tobias naming Jacob Lazarus and Joshua Hendricks as executors

Physical Description

0.01 Linear Feet1 item

MM50. Shareholder's certificate, 1921. 01 Linear Feet.
Box 10 Folder 46.17

American Zion Commonwealth Land Certificate Agreement

Physical Description

0.01 Linear Feet1 item

MM51. Kol Kore to South African Jews. 01 Linear Feet.
Box OS 1(MM) Folder 46.18 Drawer 8B4

Kol Kore requesting support for Yeshivah Beth-Joseph in Tel Aviv

Physical Description

0.01 Linear Feet1 item

MM42. Communist Cartoons in Yiddish by William Gropper. 01 Linear Feet.
Box OS 1 (MM) Folder 46.19 Drawer 8B4
Physical Description

0.01 Linear Feet8 items

MM43. Woodcut of "Het Pascha der Jooden", 1725. 01 Linear Feet.
Box OS 1 (MM) Folder 46.2 Drawer 8B4

This print is one of the Judaica prints made for 'Calmet's Dictionary': Ph. v. Gunst, 1725; 'Het Pascha der Jooden'.

Physical Description

0.01 Linear Feet1 item

MM44. Memorial Notices, 1958. 01 Linear Feet.
Box 10 Folder 46.22 Box Oversize 1 (MM) Folder 46.21 Drawer 8B4

MM44: 1 blank and 1 filled in memorial notice ("a remembrance from the United Aged home Moshav Sekenim Jerusalem" for Rivka Shu'am b'Binyamin -– died in 1958)

Physical Description

0.01 Linear Feet3 items

MM45. Posters, 1825, 1951, n.d. 01 Linear Feet.
Box OS 1(MM) Folder 46.24 Drawer 8B4 Box OS 2 Folder 46.23 Drawer 7A12

Notices for two plays: (1) "Hebrew Family; or, a Traveller's Adventure" to be performed at Theatre Royal, Covent Garden on April 8, 1825 and (2) The Trees Die Standing (Ida Kaminska – n.d.). (3) Poster for Jewish Book Month by Arthur Szyk (November 23-December 23 1951)

Physical Description

0.01 Linear Feet3 posters

Letter from R. Raphael Yom Tov Ashkenazi, 1862.
Box 4 Folder 52
Scope and Contents

Letter by Rabbi Raphael Yom-Tov Ashkenazi to printer Shlomo Belforti and his friends in Livorno.

Sarah Feinstein.
Box 4 Folder 53
Scope and Contents

Three reproduced photographs:

1) HaRav Aaron Kotler, HaRav Yitzchok Meir Ben-Menachem,and HaRav Isser Zalmen Mektzer;

2) HaRav Shneur Kotler, HaRav Levi Yitzchok HaLevi Horowitz, and HaRav Eliezer Menachem Shach;

3) HaRav Yaakov HaLevi Ruderman, HaRav Shneur Kotler, and HaRav Boruch Sorotzkin.

Ezekiel N. & Margaret Musleah.
Box 4 Folder 54.1
Scope and Contents

The folder contains a variety of material, much of which is related to Congregation Mikveh-Israel and Rabbi Leon Elmaleh: invitations to the dedication of the new Mikve-Israel Synagogue (1909); Philadelphia Section, Council of Jewish Women,1899-1901, list of members and their addresses; Congregation Mikveh Israel, Hours of Services for Rosh Hashanah Kippur and Succot, 1933, 1942, 1944, 1951,1952, 1956, 1957, 1960-1963, 1966, 1968; The Women's Group of the Mikveh Israel Association, Garden Party, 1939; Letter signed Betty and Al Bendiner and a booklet signed by Bendiner; copies of The Mikveh Israel Record, 1948 and 1953; copies of several WPEN radio broadcasts (1946, 1947) and WIP radio (1948); a copy of an article on Mikveh Israel from The Philadelphia Record, February 23, 1945; several talks delivered by Rabbi Leon Elmaleh; The American Jewish Historical Society by Isidore S. Meyer. Journal of Jewish Bibliography, reprint, Vol. IV, No. 1-2; "Proceedings at the Unveiling of a Tablet Commemorating the Site of the First Synagogue After the Resettlement (1657-1701), Spanish & Portuguese Jews' Congregation, London," address by Rev. David Bueno de Mesquita, 20 May, 1928; "Report on the Spanish & Portuguese Synagogue, Bevis Marks, London, contained in the Survey of the Ancient and Historical Monument on London Volume IV, The City issued by the Royal Commission on Historical Monuments (England), 1929," published 1930; K.K. Mickve Israel Annual Report of Joseph E. Sulzberger, 1906-1907; Poem "Old and New" by Mary M. Cohen, 1909; A letter from Rabbi Bertram W. Korn to Rabbi Leon Elmaleh and one from Arthur Fleisher. Both are accompanied by a biography of Jacob Frankel; 1911 Program for the Sisterhood of the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue of New York; copy of an address by Alfred Bendiner to a meeting of the American Philosophical Society re: William Strickland's synagogue.

Marcus Jastrow letter to Samuel Mendelsohn, 1899.
Box 4 Folder 55
Amateur Theater Ephemera.
Box 4 Folder 56
Scope and Contents

A hand-drawn handbill which lists the actors in the production "Poisoned" and 4 cyanotypes of several men.

Star of David Coasters.
Box 4 Folder 57
Scope and Contents

Gift of Nathaniel Bender.

"Hida Letter"-- Letter of Elijah ben Raphael Soloman Hallvi to Chaim Joseph David Azulai, 1790.
Box 5 Folder 58

Handwritten and typed notes.
Box 5 Folder 59.1
2 Notebooks with handwritten notes in English and Hebrew.
Box 5 Folder 59.2
Clippings and handwritten notes, 1929 July 1-1930 June 30.
Box 5 Folder 59.3
Scope and Contents

Scrapbook containing poetry, handwritten notes on a number of topics including antisemitism and slavery, and a 1942 article from The American Weekly about Dropsie professor Dr. Nathaniel Reich.

Handwritten notes in English and Hebrew.
Box 5 Folder 59.4
Handwritten notes.
Box 5 Folder 59.5
Rebecca Gratz autograph, clippings and ephemera.
Box 5 Folder 60
Scope and Contents

Newspaper and journal articles about Rebecca Gratz, 1938-1961, including the naming of a room at Philadelphia House (now known as Hill House) at the University of Pennsylvania.

Advertisement transcript Hebrew Women's Aid to Civil War Wounded.
Box 5 Folder 61
Benjamin Cardozo.
Box 5 Folder 62
Scope and Contents

Includes a handwritten poem titled "The Black Knight" and a copy of Time magazine, Volume XXIV, No. 22, dated November 26, 1934.

Erets Yisra'el (anonymous manuscript).
Box 5 Folder 63
JPS Notice for PAAJR, c. 1931.
Box 5 Folder 64
Misc. notes, etc.
Box 5 Folder 65
Scope and Contents

Includes notes from Skoss(?) on his physical condition(?)

Book of House Accounts, 1832-1874.
Box 5 Folder 66
Scope and Contents

Lists those who worked as waiters and cooks and who lived with the householder and how much they paid or were owed in wages.

Souvenir from the testimonial dinner for A.S. Friedus, 1917 May 1.
Box 5 Folder 67
Synagogue Plaque.
Box 5 Folder 68
Hebrew Discussion of the Identity of R'Yosef Porat Ba'al Ha-Yosafot.
Box 5 Folder 69
Anglo-Judaica Pamphlets, Broadsides.
Box 5 Folder 70
Scope and Contents

Includes 2 pamphlets: "'The Nazi War: Prayer or Supplication" to be Read every Sabbath and Festival after the Prayer for the King and the Royal Family" in Hebrew and English (1938/1939);

"Prayer and Thanksgiving for the Coronation of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth" (1953) in Hebrew and English.

Also includes a broadside in Hebrew.

JPS Translation .
Box 5 Folder 71
Scope and Contents

Notes for the translation are written on the stationery from the West End Hotel & Cottages in Long Branch, NJ from the 1890s.

Pushkin, Lermontav and notes.
Box 5 Folder 72
Scope and Contents

Typed biographies of A.S. Pushkin and Lermontav. The file also contains a manila envelope and handwritten notes which mentions the Jewish Quarterly Review.

Solomon Grayzel--Gratz College.
Box 5 Folder 73
Scope and Contents

Typescript about Gratz College, its history and place in the Philadelphia Jewish community.

Letter to Solomon Grayzel from Isaac Husik, 1937.
Box 5 Folder 74
Letters to Rosa Mordecai re: Rebecca Gratz (3 letters), 1879-1887.
Box 5 Folder 75
Typed extract from Max Gunwald's "Portugiesengraeber auf Deutscher Erde" being a list of the congregation in Hamburg in 1656 (Hamburg, 1902).
Box 5 Folder 76
"Statement on the Primary Needs of the Intercollegiate Menorah Association," Submitted by the President of the Association, Henry Hurwitz, of Harvard University, pre-1913.
Box 5 Folder 77
Frederick Augustus Klein papers-- certificate of ordination and diary , 1851-1898.
Box 6 Folder 78
Library of Congress Copyright for "10 Weeks Records--Pneumatic Treatment", 1887.
Box 6 Folder 79
Sefardica (1 published and 2 typescripts of articles), 1958.
Box 6 Folder 80
Shearith Israel, 1910-1961 (1950-1960).
Box 6 Folder 81
Scope and Contents

Includes newspaper articles, programs, and events from the synagogue. The file also contains a history of the Mill Street Synagogue (1730-1817) of the Congregation Shearith Israel by Rev. D. de Sola Pool (1930). The material may have come from Emily Solis-Cohen.

Samuel Wolff, M.D., 1840-1841.
Box 6 Folder 82
Scope and Contents

The leather journal appears to contain notes about medical matters and symptoms of patients, notes, books purchased, etc.

Henrietta Szold letters (3), 1912-1931.
Box 6 Folder 83
Sefinat Yonah .
Box 10 Folder 84.2 Box 6 Folder 84.1
Scope and Contents

Graphic image of a ship created from Hebrew words and lettering; signed Jacob Soffer.

Maamar Lelamud oto Beravim.
Box 6 Folder 85
Haolam, 1946.
Box 6 Folder 86
Aba Kuvnar (Tel Aviv University).
Box 6 Folder 87
Tzeina vehe'ana (H. Tomianski).
Box 6 Folder 88
Dedication of Hechal Shlomo and announcement of the publication of the souvenir Torah & Life in Modern Israel (published by W. Turnowsky & Son, 1958).
Box 6 Folder 89
Ha Moatza Hadatit Le-Tel-Aviv-Yafo va'adat Hachirum.
Box 6 Folder 90
Ha-Po'el ha-tsa'ir Mifleget Ha'avodah ha-Yis re'elit.
Box 6 Folder 91
Letter to Jacob Zausmer.
Box 6 Folder 92
Sefr Zicharon Yaachov Yosef (book cover only).
Box 6 Folder 93
Synagogue of Tiberias(?) broadside.
Box 6 Folder 94
JTS MS1398 photograph identification, 1984.
Box 6 Folder 95
Notes of of S. Molotin, Tekufat Yamei Ha-Beinayim.
Box 6 Folder 96
Hebrew Union College--Rules and Regulations, 1906.
Box 6 Folder 97
Jewish Exponent reprints (on Founder's Day at Dropsie, Jewish education, the Hebrew Education Society, and Judge Horace Stern's message to the Federation of Jewish Charities), 1923-1925.
Box 6 Folder 98
Discussion des Croyances Fondamentales du Judaisme (broadside) by Don Isaac Abarbanel, 1883.
Box 6 Folder 99
1 leaf (Polish?).
Box 6 Folder 100
Dorothy Brown and Mildred Hopkins (two tests), 1935-1937.
Box 6 Folder 101
Horace Stern (2nd page of a letter on Mastbaum Brothers & Fleisher Real Estate stationery), 1917.
Box 6 Folder 102
E.N. Adler's "The Romance of Hebrew Printing." Lecture before the Union of Jewish Literary Societies at Ramsgate England, August 22, 1904. Taken from The Jewish Chronicle of August 26, 1904. (Several leaves are missing.), 1904.
Box 6 Folder 103
Songs for Purim, reprint of lyrics and music from Gratz College.
Box 6 Folder 104
Canceled check from Barclay's Bank to Dr. Benjamin M. Lewin, cashed in Jerusalem in 1944.
Box 6 Folder 105
Temple Emanu-el, education.
Box 6 Folder 106
Transportation in the Old Testament, Adler(?).
Box 6 Folder 107
Scope and Contents

Biblical quotations and typed and handwritten notes, some on United States National Museum stationery

Notes on Ancient Israel/Old Text/Biblical Hebrew.
Box 6 Folder 108
Lashon Vasefer (published in Warsaw, Poland) cover and 5 leaves; Yaachov Pichman.
Box 6 Folder 109
Sefer Hahuhim.
Box 6 Folder 110
Clipping--Professional Fighting.
Box 6 Folder 111
Box 6 Folder 112
Index cards--thieves--Margolis?.
Box 6 Folder 113
Box 6 Folder 114
Miscellaneous unrelated pieces.
Box 6 Folder 115
Scope and Contents

Among the items in the folder are articles on Israel Friedlaender from The Council Chronicle (1928) and several in The Maccabaean (1920), an article from The Jewish Chronicle on the Bombay Synagogue (1961), the 1982 obituary of Baroness Alix de Rothschild in The Jewish Chronicle and a bill from a bookbinder in Breslau from 1903.

Philo, Volume 3 clippings.
Box 7 Folder 116
The Late Dr. H.R. (Harry Reginald Holland) Hall , c.1932 .
Box 7 Folder 117
Scope and Contents

An empty folder for the late archaeologist Dr. Harry Reginald Holland Hall. On the back of the folder there are photographs of two standing sculptures, one of which is an Egyptian figure.

Sermons, 1879-1885.
Box 7 Folder 118
Box 7 Folder 119
Box 7 Folder 120
Scope and Contents

Clipping from The Evening Sun, Baltimore, January 20, 1945 titled "Rabbi Drazin annotates Volume on Genealogy" and several pages of handwritten notes on genealogy in Genesis and a biblical chronology in Hebrew.

3 Bar Mitzvah invitations , 1947-1963.
Box 7 Folder 121
Program for a memorial service for Yitzhak Rabin and a newspaper article titled "Siporo Shel Shir Ha-aharon.".
Box 7 Folder 122
Photocopies: Al Shinei Pitmagim.
Box 7 Folder 123
photocopy of "Ki Mitzion Tetse Torah" article , 1925.
Box 7 Folder 124
Tefila Lema'an Yehude Rusia Vearev.
Box 7 Folder 125
Hatzofe (newspaper).
Box 7 Folder 126
Tfila LeShalom Hamedine.
Box 7 Folder 127
"Reports from London," Press Highlights of the Consultive Conference of Jewish Organizations, London, June 12-16, 1955. , 1955.
Box 7 Folder 128
"History of the Jews of Philadelphia" by Moshe Itzak.
Box 7 Folder 129
Dr. Joseph Diamond Collection, 1948-1994.
Box 7 Folder 129
Letters and Notes found in author's copy of Die Mathmatiker und Astronomen der Araber und ihre Werke. Von Heinrich Suter.
Box 7 Folder 130
typescript of F.M. Heichelheim, "On Nero's Privileges to the Forces".
Box 7 Folder 131
bound typescript of Mordche W. Rapaport's "Familien und Geschlechtsleben der Hebraer".
Box 7 Folder 132
Metatron by M. Cook.
Box 7 Folder 133
Ahavat Tzion--Rachel Alexander, handwritten notes.
Box 7 Folder 134
"The Last Night of Israel in Egypt" by Rev. Daniel Marsh, c.1870.
Box 7 Folder 135
Scope and Contents

This 1870 typescript contains notes faintly written in pencil at the top of the first page: "Subsequently reprinted in Dr. Daniel Marsh's 'Myths of the Bible'" and "[Reported by M_ L] when it was delivered."

Solomon Schechter's article on Zunz and a 1916 postcard.
Box 8 Folder 136
Papers of Menachem Glenn.
Box 8 Folder 137
Leon Kahn Manuscript.
Box 8 Folder 138
Miscellaneous: February 22, 1963 edition of Neighborhood Centre News and Photocopy of an article on Professor Boris Schatz, 1927-1963.
Box 8 Folder 139
National Farm School pamphlet.
Box 8 Folder 140
Envelope addressed by Hermann Strack to Alexander Marx.
Box 8 Folder 141
Pieces found in Amira Ezekiel's prayerbook (from Shraga collection).
Box 8 Folder 142
Article "Jewish Freedom in Poland" published in The Nation, Vol. 109, No. 2826, August 30, 1919.
Box 8 Folder 143
Folder titled "The Athenaeum" and three typed pages containing some of the text from p. 357 of the March 27, 1852 edition.
Box 8 Folder 144
Letter of Alexander and Hanna Marx and a piece of an envelope with the handwritten names of 3 authors and books reviewed (Stephen S. Wise on Gabirol Ethik, A. Posnanski on Schiloh, and Steinschneider Die Geschichtsliteratur der Juden).
Box 8 Folder 145
Letters about Zeitlin article in JQR, 1950 .
Box 8 Folder 146
"The Era of the Exodus in the Talmud" by B. Weitzel, 2 typed and edited copies, c.1938.
Box 8 Folder 147
Letter from Senator Joseph S. Clark to Rabbi Saul I. Wisemon, 1965.
Box 8 Folder 148
"Code --".
Box 8 Folder 149
Alexander Kohut, 1867-1876.
Box 8 Folder 150
Scope and Contents

"Manifesto" with writings of Elia Benamozegh and Guiseppe Mazzini (inscribed on the back of the pamphlet with Sabato Morais' name and address);

front page of The Press, Philadelphia, November 8, 1867;

"The Sarcophagus of the Palestinian Jews" by Alexander Kohut from The Reform Advocate;

a newspaper clipping about a child who was killed.

S. Speier articles, 1900-1936.
Box 8 Folder 151
Scope and Contents

Articles from Der Israelit (1936) and a printer's galley proof of "Die Originalitat des neulich entdeckten hebraischen Sirachtertes" (Bonn, 1900).

Journal, 1937-1953.
Box 8 Folder 152
"The Jewish Past," Address at the Jewish Historical Society, London by Philip Guedalla (typed and edited), 1938.
Box 8 Folder 153
Golden Jubilee Jewish Hospital, scrapbook of newspaper articles, 1915 May 30.
Box 8 Folder 154
Typescript of Appendix 1: Paradigms for "An Introduction to Modern Arabic" by Farhat Jacob Ziadeh and R. Bayly Winder.
Box 8 Folder 155
"Luck in Life" manuscript, 20th century.
Box 8 Folder 156
"Bondi's(?) work".
Box 8 Folder 157
A.A. Dembitz--"Tannaite views of Egypt & Exodus Gleaned from Mekilta de Rabbi Ishmael" and notes on hieroglyphics.
Box 9 Folder 158
Translations of various Hebrew and Greek inscriptions.
Box 9 Folder 159
Three pages: p. 305 from a book in Hungarian, "Beilage: Literargeschichtliche Synopse zu Gen 11, 1-9 in Hebrew and German, and a handwritten sheet in Hebrew and Yiddish.
Box 9 Folder 160
"Rashi der folks-lerer" typescript.
Box 9 Folder 161
Elsie Davis Collection: "Woman in the Midrash" typed draft for JQR with corrections by Cyrus Adler.
Box 10 Folder 162

Container Summary

"The Cultural Value of the Jewish Race".
Box 10 Folder 163.1
"The Significance of the Mixed Marriage" , 1914 January.
Box 10 Folder 163.2
"Tendencies of Economic Development among the Jewish People", 1914 January.
Box 10 Folder 163.3
E. N. Carvalho/Mikveh Israel, 1815 May.
Box 10 Folder 164
Scope and Contents

The file includes a letter dated May 5, 1815 from Rev. Carvalho (and a typed copy) in which Carvalho informs Mikveh Israel that he intends to establish a seminary and that he will also establish a class to teach indigents for free. There is also a handwritten summation of a meeting of the Mikveh Israel Board on May 22, 1815 (and a typed copy) in which Carvalho's proposal is discussed, as well as a letter from Leopold [Landman] at Mikveh Israel informing Cyrus Adler of the existence of Carvalho's offer.

Protocoll der Sitzung des Kuratoriums des Judischen Instituts fur technische Erziehung in Palastina, 1921 January 12.
Box 10 Folder 165
Versified rendering of Deuteronomy.
Box 10 Folder 166
Henry Darmstadter.
Box 10 Folder 167
Scope and Contents

Darmstadter family tree from 1794-1965

Hakadma ledyvn al hanose : halanezim bemivhan hatikvas.
Box 10 Folder 168
Miscellaneous: advertisement, Reinhard-Boal deed, essays, postcards.
Box 10 Folder 169
Scope and Contents

Includes: advertisement for Dr. Henry Malter's "Saadia Gaon" to be published by the Jewish Publication Society; photograph of a headless sculpture from a book; a postcard sent to Mayer Sulzberger by O.S.S, in 1913 and one sent to Cyrus Adler by Samuel Edelman in 1913, notes in Hebrew on stationery for the American Academy for Jewish Research; a handwritten essay on Jewish snobs and one on the value of travel; a deed dated August 19, 1872 between Michael Reinhard and James Boal.

Bessie F. Liveright Teaching Certificate, 1909.
Box 10 Folder 170
Container Summary

Teaching Certificate for the city of Philadelphia signed by Simon Gratz and Edwin Wolf

Will of Samuel Elkin, 1906-1907.
Box 10 Folder 171
Container Summary

Typed copy of will names various Philadelphia charities and Judge Sulzberger

Jennie C. Lyivall, 1910.
Box 10 Folder 172
Container Summary

A typescript ("The Rationalism of Maimonides"), handwritten notes ["Studien uber Indogermanish-Semitesche Wurzelverwandschaft von Friedrich Delitzsch Leipzig 1873"] and a typed letter addressed to Judge Sulzberger.

Scientific and medical translations and miscellaneous notes.
Box 10 Folder 173
A. K. Glover.
Box 10 Folder 174
Unknown manuscript (two handwritten pages).
Box 10 Item 175
German Bombast on the Great Pyramid, 1912 January 24.
Box 10 Folder 176
Container Summary

The cover of the journal "The Sketch" shows the 1842 inscription over the entrance to the Great Pyramid of Giza.

"The Jang"/La Jeune Egypte/Misr Al-Fatat, 1911.
Box 10 Folder 177
Container Summary

Arabic newspaper from 1911.

The Reporters Prior to the Time of George III, Alphabetically Arranged From Wallace's The Reporter by M.S. July [1885?].
Box 10 Folder 178
Container Summary

Notes from John William Wallace's "The Reporters."

Amendments to "The Cousinhood" (London, 1971).
Box 10 Folder 179
Container Summary

Typed list

A Sale of a Courtyard from Jeme (Kru 6) by Felix Freifelder , 1936 December.
Box 10 Folder 180
Container Summary

2 versions of the introduction and 2 letters addressed to Dr. Nathaniel Reich

"Der Gottes-Staat" by Dr. Adolf Jacobus, translated by Heinrich Rosenbaum.
Box 10 Folder 181
Container Summary

Typed translation of "Chapter 3: The Cult of the One God" and the footnotes.

The Jews of Germany.
Box 10 Folder 182
Container Summary

5 pages of handwritten notes

"Of the Different kind of Obligations etc. according to their Subjects".
Box 10 Folder 183
Container Summary

Handwritten legal notes

De Haas--Friedlander controversy, 1916 September- November.
Box 10 Folder 184
Container Summary

Letters to and from Dr. Solomon Solis-Cohen and Jacob deHaas. There are also newspaper and journal articles.

Sparger--Jewish Music.
Box 10 Folder 185
Container Summary

Letters and magazine articles on Jewish music

List of Papers.
Box 10 Folder 186
Container Summary

Typed sheet with lists of papers to be delivered with lantern slides, short papers and those needing more than 20 minutes.

Ariel or, The London Puck, Vol. IV., No. 89, 1890 September 27.
Box 10 Folder 187
"The Pneumatic Resistance Valves" by Dr. Solomon Solis-Cohen, Article in New York Medical Journal, pp. 625-627, 1887 December 3.
Box 10 Folder 187
Review of "Babylonishe Busspsalmen Umschrieben Ubersetzt Und Erklart" by Dr. Heinrich Zimmern published in The American, Vol. XIV, No. 360., 1887 July 2.
Box 10 Folder 187
The Jewish Messenger, Vol. 53, No. 10, Highlighted item: "Cromwell, The Quaker and the Jew.", 1883 March 9.
Box 10 Folder 187
"Sir George Jessel," The Jewish Messenger, article on page 2.
Box 10 Folder 187
Die Deborah, Judisch-Americanische Familienzeitung, Highlighted item: "Cromwell, The Quaker and the Jew.", 1888 July 20.
Box 10 Folder 187
Container Summary

Year 32, No. 3

The Messenger--Supplement, pp. 9-10, 1887 December 16.
Box 10 Folder 187
Wohler legal documents, including Dietrich Niebuhr against Hermann Fortmann, 1717-1720.
Box 10 Folder 188
Zeitlin/ Basel Conference, 1928, pages 4 and 16 of the Draft Minutes.
Box 10 Folder 189
Box 11 Folder 190
Scope and Contents

Rebecca Rosenbach memorial booklet, written by Emily Solis-Cohen, (3 copies), reprinted from Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society, No. 31, 1928.

"Early American Children's Books 1682-1840," The Private Collection of Dr. A. S. W. Rosenbach, On Exhibition at The New York Public Library, 1927, booklet inscribed to Dr. S. Solis-Cohen by Rosenbach.

"Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society," Number XXXVIII, September, 1948, Part 1. Contains articles by Rosenbach and Jacob Marcus.

"Eighty-ninth Annual Report," Hebrew Sunday School Society of Philadelphia, 1927. Contains an address by Dr. A. S. W. Rosenbach on "Early American Jewish School Books."

"A. S. W. Rosenbach 1876-1952 In Appreciation," Reprinted from Publication of the American Jewish Historical Society, Vol. XLII, No. 1, September 1952.

"The Great Dr. R," Review of Edwin Wolf's "Rosenbach: A Biography" in Jewish Exponent, November 25, 1960.

"The Earliest Christmas Books" by A.S.W. Rosenbach. Privately Printed, Philadelphia, December 1927.

News releases, 1960-1961.
Box 11 Folder 191
"Printers' Ink in their Veins" by Beth-Zion Abrahams, published in The Jewish Chronicle, November 22, 1963.
Box 11 Folder 192
"The Storm of Steam," reprint from the Evening Star, Washington, D.C., January 16, 1886 and part of a typescript on Internal Improvements in the Old World.
Box 11 Folder 193
Dunlap's American Daily Advertiser for June 4 and 5, 1793.
Box OS 1 (MM) Folder 194 Drawer 8B4
Newspaper pages on The Sephardic Jews of England.
Box 11 Folder 195
Scope and Contents

"The Sephardim of England: City Anniversary of Old Jewish Community, " The Times (pp. 5-6), December 18, 1951; "Prince Philip at Bevis Marks: 250th Anniversary Celebrations," The Jewish Chronicle, December 21, 1951; "The Sephardi Comminity of England" by Richard D. Barnett, The Jewish Chronicle, December 14, 1951.

"Our Brethren in the Other Americas" by Harry O. Sandberg,The Reform Advocate, pp. 637-640, June 3, 1916.
Box 11 Folder 196
Essays, biographies, and poems (handwritten), 1840s.
Box 11 Folder 197
Translation of a French work on the Jews of France and the Paris Sanhedrin (carbon copy) .
Box 11 Folder 198.1-198.3
Freeman Auction Catalog, 1990 May 31.
Box 11 Folder 199
Report of Sub-Committee on the Relations between the Maccabeans and the Jewish Historical Society of England, 1894 March.
Box 11 Folder 200
W. Max Muller Collection--photographs and plates, pre-1938.
Box 11 Folder 201
Scope and Contents

Two photographs (one of a sphinx and one of a boulder), two plates of illustrations ( Plate 24 and Plate 25: Asiatics from the Tomb of Amu-Nesh, Western Thebes), and a photographic reproduction of a sculpture.

Unidentified Hebrew notes, 1960s.
Box 11 Folder 202
Album of Photographs from Kerzaeh (Chorazin), Israel.
Box 11 Folder 203
Moses Dropsie and Mayer Sulzberger Notes and Miscellaneous.
Box 11 Folder 204
Scope and Contents

Includes a variety of material, including notes on Macbeth and the Talmud and a pamphlet on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad.

Transparency of Picart's engraving of the Portuguese synagogue in Amsterdam in 1731.
Box 9 Folder 205
The Workmen's Circle Centennial Celebration, 2000.
Box 9 Folder 206
Archival material found in Orphanage (pamphlet with image of a map and Teddy Kollek's signature).
Box 9 Folder 207
Eastern Star Lodge--Chapter Meeting pamphlet and resolution, 1936-1937.
Box 9 Folder 208
Container Summary

Gift of Lois Sataloff, former CAJSL employee; her mother was a member of the Order

Yiddish Community in Petrograd .
Box 11 Folder 209
Esther Scrolls in Yiddish.
Box 9 Folder 210
Menashe Unger Newspaper Clipping scrapbook.
Box 9 Folder 211
Jordan, William Chester : "History and relationship of Jewish Studies to General Scholarship on Medieval Europe" (typescript), prepared for the "Judaic Studies in the Contemporary World" Symposium at Penn, 1993.
Box 9 Folder 212
Nashir ("Let us sing") Eulogy or graveside service poorly vocalized (handwritten).
Box 9 Folder 213
"Meeting the Need of Jewish Youth in the American Jewish Community" by Meyer Bass.
Box 9 Folder 214
Unidentified Collection of newspaper clippings and notes, circa 1897; Possibly Mary Cohen? .
Box 12 Folder 215
Scope and Contents

Box contains notes and newspaper clippings on a variety of topics. The newspaper clippings are in alphabetically labeled folders corresponding to the alphabetical accordion file container in which they were originally housed.

Print, Suggest