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Moorestown Visiting Nurse Association records
Held at: University of Pennsylvania: Barbara Bates Center for the Study of The History of Nursing [Contact Us]Claire Fagin Hall, 418 Curie Boulevard, Floor 2U, Philadelphia, PA, 19104-4217
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In 1904, at the request of the Women's League of Mount Holly, Mary R. Sumner proposed that the Women's Club of Moorestown (then known as the Current Events Club) employ a nurse to be used jointly between the two towns. At the time there were very few small towns that employed a public health nurse so the idea was an innovative one. Sumner admitted that, with many others, she had doubts about the necessity of a visiting nurse. The original impetus for the formation of visiting nurse associations was to care for the sick poor in their homes, and many felt that in the Moorestown community there were "no factories and very few poor people who could possibly need help." Nevertheless, the proposition generated considerable interest in the community, and when several promised to pay for the services, the Women's Club of Moorestown decided to support the Mount Holly service.
The arrangement with Mount Holly, however, proved inadequate to both towns and thus, after a period where many feared that the service would end, popular support and the surprisingly large number of requests for visits from the "shared" nurse led to the formal organization of the independent Moorestown Visiting Nurse Association (MVNA) in 1906. Miss Ida Croft, an 1894 graduate of Women's Homeopathic Hospital in Philadelphia, served as the first visiting nurse at a wage of $25 per month, and resided at the Sumner home. The nursing program, financed by monthly contributions from a few faithful "friends" and material donations from various guilds, churches and individuals, included both general bedside care, baby welfare stations and social service work. Visits were designated as "pay," "friendly" and "charity." "Pay" visits occurred when money was received despite the amount; "friendly" visits indicated ones where the family welcomed the nurse and there was the possibility of helping, perhaps by kind words or advice; "charity" visits meant those where the nurse rendered some service without any remuneration. In the 1911 annual report, the first on record, the MVNA made 1,318 visits with a breakdown of roughly 15% pay, 60% friendly and 25% charity.
In 1912 the MVNA learned that its work had inspired similar associations in Salem, Haddonfield and Riverton. A year later the Church Federation, a predecessor agency of Family Service, became the first social service organization in the Moorestown area. The two bodies established what became a longstanding policy of close cooperation. Eventually, the organizations shared facilities and in 1918 purchased a car to be shared on a morning/afternoon basis. This made the nurse's job infinitely easier as before she had to depend upon trolleys for her transportation. In 1926 the MVNA made an agreement with Metropolitan Life Insurance Company allowing their industrial policy holders and group certificate holders to receive nursing services. A similar agreement was made in 1927 with the John Hancock Life Insurance Company.
Increasingly, then, public health nursing took on a more dominant role with the founding of the National Organization for Public Health Nursing (NOPHN) with which the MVNA formed immediate ties, becoming a corporate member in 1927. The MVNA board viewed their relationship with the NOPHN positively and felt·that it was in the best interest of the MVNA to work with an informed national organization. This stance was consistent with the high premium that the MVNA placed on the necessity for both the board and staff to keep informed and to educate the community. The MVNA, for example, required that all nurses attend courses at the Pennsylvania School of Public Nursing. Active in local, state and national levels, board members attended conferences and lectured to schools and organizations. Finance Committee chairperson Mrs. C. Reagan was the first president of a public health nursing association in Burlington and president Mrs. Francis Stokes, very active on the state level, became the first lay vice-chairperson of any society of public health nurses in addition to assisting with the formation of the first visiting nurse association in Camden.
"While the nursing care of the sick continues to be our first interest the greatest permanent value of our service probably lies in health teaching in the home." The late 1920s witnessed a new-found interest in "health programs" and health teaching. The MVNA tried to stay current in the field of public health nursing and incorporate these trends into its programs. Its 1927 Annual Report summarizes the gradual diversification of MVNA activities that had been taking place. The object of the MVNA, as stated in the 1931 Constitution and By-laws, was "to promote individual, family and community health; to prevent disease by teaching health, hygiene and sanitation; and to provide skilled nursing care for the sick in their homes on a part time basis." The 1931 annual report declared confidently, "We feel the community is beginning to recognize that public health nursing covers a much wider range of activities than bedside nursing alone, which was its original function in the community." As such, the MVNA announceda new effort to establish a general nursing service.
During the depression the MVNA provided material relief and initiated a Welfare Committee in 1931. Added to the published objectives of the agency was "to aid in the solution of social problems by cooperation with other social agencies in the community. " The board expressed interest in the area of mental hygiene, which they felt an "up and coming" and deserving of more attention. Shortly after that, in 1932, the MVNA announced that "mental hygiene has permeated our work." By 1934 half the nurses' time involved educational and preventive health activities. A maturing MVNA asserted in 1936 that "public health nursing, though essentially concerned with community needs, works primarily with the family as a unit and it is here that our greatest good goes ... the corrective work is valuable, the educational and preventive work immeasurable." As the purpose of public health nursing moved away from the traditional realm of "care for the sick poor" the service expanded steadily to include school nursing, nursing recruitment, a dental clinic (1933), a venereal disease clinic (1938), rehabilitation and work with crippled children (1946), sponsoring campaigns for early detection of breast cancer (1951), etc. and there had always been a stress on infant and child health. A "Visiting Nurse Says" column in the Moorestown newspaper provided advice on everything from nutrition to home safety. A steady increase in visits from the inception of the MVNA peaked in 1940 with 8, 702 visits made by a staff that had then grown to four nurses supplemented by two delivery nurses.
In 1953 the Metropolitan Life and John Hancock Insurance Companies canceled their agreements with the MVNA for lack of demand, confirming that "the years of health education through schools, radio, TV, papers, magazines and public health nursing as well as the new drugs available have all helped to change the MVNA program. From one largely of bedside care to the acutely ill we now find that our work has most of the emphasis on a strong health program in the schools, prenatal classes and care of the chronic patient."
The first major impact in 60 years of the MVNA came in 1966 with the implementation of Medicare. The board of directors resisted pressure from the New Jersey Department of Health to become part of a single county home health agency. The MVNA, however, could not meet the personnel standard for a qualified director (defined by regulation as a nurse with a Master's degree in nursing and five years experience). The agency subsequently purchased supervision services from Community Nursing Service in Mount Holly. The unacceptability of these terms helped spur merger discussions with the Visiting Nurse Society of Riverton, Cinnaminson and Palmyra (VNSRCP), another small agency that could not meet the new standards and had been financially unstable. The Visiting Nurse Society of Riverton and Cinnaminson was founded in 1912 with the sponsorship of the Riverton Porch Club and $750 collected door-to-door by Martha Mcllvain Biddle, the founder of the organization. Early on, the Society affiliated with the Red Cross Town and Country Nursing Service to have a source of advice and authority. In 1916 the Society was one of the first in the area to establish an agreement with the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company to provide nursing care to policyholders. In 1917, the town of Palmyra became part of the Society to form the Visiting Nurse Society of Riverton, Cinnaminson and Palmyra.
The story of the VNSRCP closely parallels that of the MVNA. A 1958 history states, "our VNS and Moorestown are unique in that we showed community pride and didn't sit and wait for county or state support." They too became increasingly interested in services beyond the care of the sick poor. Legally incorporated in 1920, the VNSRCP developed a dental service (1924), worked with public schools (1930), operated a venereal disease clinic (1937), and contracted for the care of physically challenged children.
Unfortunately, like the MVNA, the VNSRCP also suffered a decline in the use of their service. In 1951 Metropolitan Life Insurance Company terminated their contract and in 1953 John Hancock Life Insurance Company followed suit. The VNSRCP almost disbanded in 1960 due to serious deficit but managed to continue operation. Due to radically changed conditions and externally imposed regulation, however, merger discussions with the MVNA began in 1966, in the interest of efficiency and economy.
On January 1, 1967 the merger between the MVNA and the VNSRCP became effective and the organization, now serving a population of roughly 74,000, obtained full certification as a home health agency the following year. It continued to operate under the name of the MVNA.
The MVNA remained a traditional visiting nurse association. It provided services like physical, speech and occupational therapy; bedside care; family planning, maternal and child care counseling; child health conferences; crippled children program; school nursing; communicable disease guidance; chronic illness screening; mental health care and counselling; prenatal clinic and hospital coordination. In 1985, the MVNA began a corporate reorganization. A parent organization, VNA Home Care, was established with Partners in Home Care and the MYNA as subsidiaries. This reorganization took effect on 1 January 1987.
This collection documents the MVNA from founding and steady growth through eventual change and diversification. Since the services are so dependent upon societal factors, the files provide an indication of the effects of various government programs on smaller communities in terms of public health. The materials in this collection cover all facets of the operation of a visiting nurse service, from administrative and financial areas to public relations through pamphlets, newspaper coverage and photographs. The MVNA worked closely with the National Organization of Public Health Nursing (NOPHN) and served as a reference group to other local services, so the records provide insight into the inception and growth of these organizations as well.
The records of the VNSRCP also provide a useful illustration of a visiting nurse society through its life span. Annual reports from 1913 to 1967 and board meeting minutes covering the same years, which represent the total length of independent operation, are available. Also included is a comprehensive series of account books (1912-1933) and Treasurer's reports (19191966). On a more personal level, several handwritten histories are contained in the records, one of which was penned in 1913 by Martha Mcllvain Biddle (founder of the VNSRCP) recounting her efforts to start a VNS.
The records of the VNSRCP, 1913-1967, consist of a complete run of annual reports and a comprehensive series of account books (1912-1933). Also included is a history penned by founder Martha Biddle and a letter which she wrote in 1913 about her efforts to start a visiting Nurse Society.
- Publisher
- University of Pennsylvania: Barbara Bates Center for the Study of The History of Nursing
- Finding Aid Author
- Finding aid prepared by Center staff, updated by Bethany Myers
- Sponsor
- This collection was processed with funds provided by the University of Pennsylvania Research Foundation.
- Access Restrictions
This collection is unrestricted.
- Use Restrictions
Copyright restrictions may apply. Please contact the Center with requests for copying and for authorization to publish, quote or reproduce the material.
Collection Inventory
This series includes minutes from monthly board meetings from 1909 to 1954. These meetings encompass presentations of treasurer's reports, committees' reports and, when applicable, elections. At the November 1936 board meeting, promotional plays were presented, and the scripts for these are on file. In addition, annual reports (1911-1953) and information about annual meetings (1931-1953) are available. To complement these materials, annual statistical reports (1927-1956), some in notebook form, are included. As far as administrative procedure, there is a 1931 revision of the constitution and bylaws in addition to two manuals for board members (1937 and 1976). There are also a few files relating to activities outside the immediate realm of the work of the MYNA, such as reports from national biennial nursing conventions (1938 and 1940).
This small series consists of information on the history of the MYNA ranging in date from a completed questionnaire of 1938 to an unpublished history of 1986 as well as a background survey of Burlington County from 1937. Included also is information relating to two outstanding board members: a profile of Marie Grobler and a memorial resolution for Sabina Reagan who worked on the social security program, was the first president of the Community Nursing Service of Mount Holly, served as state legislative chairperson of federated women's clubs and was an original MYNA board member. She held the position of finance committee chairperson from 1924 to 1960.
The photographs in this series include a portrait of MYNA founder Mary Sumner and various public relations images such as baby welfare clinics and group photographs of staff members. The photographs also record such events as annual meetings and the fiftieth anniversary celebrations. Many slides are of a recent nature cover community activities such as diabetes testing, family planning clinics and hospices in addition to annual meetings.
Found within this series are reports, the majority from 1944-1953, of the following committees: automobile, clinic, contract, education, eye screening, publicity, finance, nurses, tea and volunteer.
This series includes materials used by the MYNA for public relations purposes, the majority being brochures and pamphlets, as well as PR material from other visiting nurse agencies (1950-1970). In addition, promotional materials such as scripts from plays (1936-1940) and information on "Know Your Public Health Nurse Week" (April 1946) are available.
This series includes budgets (1941-1954), cash records (1952-1957), income tax materials (1959), and records sent to insurance companies for compensation (1929-1947). Several agreements are also on file, including one between the MYNA and The Federation of Christian Churches of Moorestown (1915) and one with the Burlington County Trust Company (1942).
A variety of clippings make up this series, most from local newspapers. The articles both promote the work of the MYNA and, as in the case of a weekly "Visiting Nurse Says ... " column, endeavor to educate on health related topics. Several scrapbooks are on file.
This series contains a complete set of both Annual Reports (1913-1967) and monthly board meeting minutes (1912-1966). Also included are Treasurer's reports from 1919-1966. Since the VNSRCP published all Annual Reports in a local paper, these clippings are available. In terms of administrative procedure, two versions of the constitution and by-laws (1959 and 1964) and the personnel policy (1966) are included.
This series contains histories, mostly in handwritten form of the genesis and operation of the VNSRCP. A 1913 letter from Martha Mcllvain Biddle recounts this woman's efforts which resulted in the founding of the Society .. Biddle also penned a comprehensive background in 1925. Further histories date from 1931, 1958, and 1967.
This series includes materials used by the VNSRCP to publicize the services of the organization. Well-baby clinic advertisements and press releases are among the materials.
Found within this series is a comprehensive set of account books (1912-1933) and correspondence regarding the Biddle fund which was set up in order to keep VNSRCP finances separate from those of the MYNA (which opened the Mary Roberts Sumner fund) upon the merger of the two organizations.
This series includes various documents, such as certificates of incorporation and a contract with the American Cancer Society. Also, information related to the merger of the VNSRCP and the MYNA is available.
An ad-hoc collection of clippings makes up this series, all from local newspapers.
The photographs in this series, except for the one of Martha Mcllvain Biddle (founder of VNSRCP), are of a public relations nature and depict nurses and board members working with children.