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Mathy Mezey papers


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Gift of Mathy Mezey

This collection is unprocessed. A preliminary inventory is given here. Please contact the Center for more information.


University of Pennsylvania: Barbara Bates Center for the Study of The History of Nursing
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This collection is unrestricted.

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Collection Inventory

APRN Article 2012, 2012.
Elder Bill of Rights Feb 2010, 2012.
NAdmn Quarterly 2010, 2010.
Generations Article 2010, 2010.
Reason Article 2013, 2013. 2013, 2013.
Nursing Outlook Paper 2011, 2011.
JONA Reasn Article 2013, 2013.
Editorials by Mathy.
NUR2005 Pleee June 2005, 2005.
Delphi Survey JNLGNSG OJ 2005, 2005.
Mezey, Boltz, Esterson GN 2005, 2005.
MEPS 03/08/05 JNL Policy, Politics, and Nsg Practice, 2005.
Berman, Mezey, Kobayashi 2005, 2005.
Hosp Competencies 2006 Jnl St Devel, 2006.
Mezey For Mason Policy and Politics in Nsg 2006, 2006.
Escober – Web Review of SON 2007, 2007.
HCCompetencies JAGS 2008, 2008.
2002 May-June 23-3 Geriatric Nursing Articles, 2002.
Article: The Future History of Gerontological Nursing. Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences Vol. 57A:7 pp. M1-M4 Mezey, Fulmer 2002, 2002.
Successful Aging. American Journal of Nursing August 2002 Volume 102 #8 pp 11, 2002.
What Impact Do Settings and Transitions Have on the Quality of Life at the End of Life and the Quality of the Dying Process?. The Gerontologist October 2002 Special Issue III Vol. 42 pp 54-67 Mezey, Dubler, Mitty, Brody., 2002.
Who Cares for Older Adults? Workforce Implication of an Aging Society. Health Affairs. Sept/Oct 2002. Vol. 21 pp. 78-89. Kovner, Mezey, Harrington., 2002.
Matzo 2002 AD Mitty/Mezey, 2002.
Nursing Clinics 2004, 2004.
Mezey/Fulmer/Cap Contemp Geriatrics 2004, 2004.
Bednash, Fagin, Mezey. Editorial. N Outlook 2003, 2003.
Public Policy and Aging Report, GSA 3/28/03 Article. Mezey, Kovner, 2003.
The Future of Geriatric Medicine: A National Crisis Looms. Geriatric Nurses Vital to Care. In Focus, Jul-Aug 2001. Mezey and Ebersole., 2001.
Transferring Dying Nursing Home Residents to the Hospital: DON Perspectives on the Nurse’s Role in Transfer Decisions. 2001. 22:6. Bottrell, O’Sullivan, Robbins, Mitty, Mezey., 2001.
Factors Influencing Long-Term Home Care Utilization by the Older Population: Implications for Targeting. Public Health Nursing Vol. 18 No. 6. Nov./Dec 01. T. Lee, K. Kovner, M. Mezey, Il-Sun Ko., 2001.
Home Visits Often Hospitalization. Geriatric Nursing Sept.-Oct 2001 Vol 22, No. 5. Beth Latimer and MZ, 2001.
The State Initiatives In End-of-Life Care. Policy brief. Sept. 01, 2001.
News-Line for Nurses, April 2001, Vol. 2, No. 4, 2001.
2001 RRF-NAELA Article LF:Post, 2001.
Guidelines for End-of-Life Care In Nursing Facilities Principles and Recommendations Spring 2001, 2001.
Generations Spring 1999 “Caring for Caregivers of Frail Elders at the End of Life” By Mathy Mezey, Lois L. Miller, and Lori Linton-Nelson, 1999.
Nursing Spectrum – Article and Author’s Agreement.
1999, 1999.
They Just Don’t Get It. Kovner, Mezey.
Shaping the Quality of Health Care for the Elderly are Nursing Students Prepared (Mezey).
Comprehensive Discharge Planning and Home Follow Up of Hospitalized Elders (Mezey, Pauly, Schwartz, Naylor, Brooten, Campbell, Jacobsen) (Journal of the American Society Aging – Spring 1999), 1999.
Gerontological Nursing Content in Baccalaureate Nursing Programs Finding from a National Survey (Mezey, Fulmer, Bottrell, Rosenfeld) (Journal of Professional Nursing/Mar-Apr 1999), 1999.
Nursing Research Publication on Older Adults – C. Korner, M. Mezey.
Why Hospital Patients Do and Do Not Execute an Advance Directive Nursing Outlook.
Measuring Attitudes Related to Interdisciplinary training: revisiting the Heinemann, Schmitt and Farrell ‘Attitudes towards Health Care teams’ scale. Hyer, Fairchild, Abraham, Mezey, Fulmer.
Comfort and Pain Relief in Dementia Awakening a New Beneficence. Lois Miller, Lori Nelson, Mathy Mezey. Journal of Gerontological Nursing 26:9 Sept. 2000.
Research Priorities for Staffing, Case Mix, and Quality of Care in U.S. Nursing Homes. Harrington, Kovner, Mezey. 2000., 2000.
Advanced Directives: Older Adults with Dementia. Vol. 16, No. 2. May 2000. Book chapter., 2000.
Mail advertisement from Spring Publishing Company for The Encyclopedia of Elder Care, Mathy D. Mezey Editor-in-Chief.
Enhancing Geriatric Nursing Scholarship. Journal of Gerontological Nursing. Vol. 26, Number 7 July 2010, 2010.
Decision-Making Capacity to Execute A health Care Proxy Development and Testing of Guidelines. Mezey, Teresi, Ramsey, Mitty, Bobrowitz. American Geriatrics Society – 2000., 2000.
Acute and Critical Nursing Care of the Geriatric Patient. Book chapter from Yoshikawa, T. T. and Norman, Sean. C (Eds). 2000, 2000.
Binstock – Lost Art of Caring. Claire Fagin/Mathy Mezey. Book chapter 2000., 2000.
2000 Image staffing, 2000.
Caregiving E of Life Milles/Mezey Jn G Nsg 2000, 2000.
State LTC Ellies pub 2000, 2000.
N Outlook 2000 Why Hospts Complete AD, 2000.
Don’t Accept Depression Enterprise, 2001 Mezey, 2001.
1996 Ethics, 1996.
1996. Ethics Committees and Implementation of the Patient Self-Determination Act in NYC Nursing Homes (Mitty, Mezey, Rappaport, Ramsey) (Nursing Home – January 1996), 1996.
1996. Life-Sustaining Treatment Decision By Spouses of Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease (Mezey, Kluger, Maislin, Mittelman) (The American Geriatrics Society, 1996)., 1996.
Advance Directives Protocol Nursing Helping to Protect Patient’s Rights. (Mezey, Bottrell, Ramsey) (Geriatric Nursing – September/October – 1996), 1996.
Pain Management Protocol – Fulmer, Mion, Bottrell. Sept/October 1996 Geriatric Nursing, 1996.
Gerontological Nursing: Successes of the Past, Visions for the Future 1995 Mezey, Amella, Fulmer, 1995.
Nursing Standard of Practice Protocol: Depression in Elderly Patients. Geriatric Nursing Sept/Oct 1997. Kurlowicz and NICHE Faculty., 1997.
1997. Implementation of the Patient Self-Determination Act in Nursing Homes in New York City (Mezey, MItty, Rappaport, Ramsey) (American Geriatrics Society, 1997) and Editorial, 1997.
Assessment of Decision-Making Capacity: Nursing’s Role – Mezey, Mitty, Ramsey.
1997 Book Chapter Mathy/Terry, 1997.
Assessment of Function: Critically Important to Acute Care of Elders. Geriatric Nursing September/October 1997 Kresevic, Mezey and NICHE Faculty, 1997.
Educational Assessment and Teaching of Older Clients with Pressure Ulcers. Clinics in Geriatric Medicine. Volume 13 No 3 Aug 1997. Ayello, Mezey and Amella, 1997.
1997 JAGS Nsg Series, 1997.
Mezey, M. (1998, September). Elder Care is Inadequate [Letter to the Editor]. The New York Times., 1998.
Integrating Advanced Practice Nurses in Home Care: Recommendations for a Teaching Home Care Program 1998 Nursing and Health Care Perspectives Vol 19, No. 6 Mitty and Mezey, 1998.
Quality Care for the Frail Elderly Mezey, Fulmer Nursing Outlook Nov/Dec 1998, 1998.
Geriatric Nurse Practitioners in LTC Demonstration of Effectiveness in Managed Care. J American Geriatrics Society 1998 46:506-510, 1998. Barl, Bonner, Rao and Khan, 1998.
Nutrition and Health Status Assessment of Community-Residing Elderly in NYC: A Pilot Study. Nutrition and Health for Older Americans. May 1998, Vol 98, No 5. Gilbridge, Amella, Breines, Mariano and Mezey, 1998.
Contemporary Geriatric Nursing. Mezey, Fulmer. Book chapter 4th edition 1999, 1999.
Profiling Care and Benchmarking Best Practice Care of Hospitalized Elderly: The Geriatric Institutional Assessment Profile. Nursing Clinics of North America March 1999. Abraham, Bottrell, Dash, Fulmer, Mezey, O’Donnell, Vince-Whitman., 1999.
Geriatric Interdisciplinary Team Training. Book chapter – 1999. Contemporary Gerontology. Siegler, Hyer, Fulmer and Mezey., 1999.
Reengineering and the Hospital Staff Nurse. Editorial. Mezey, Fulmer Dec 99 Guidelines for End-of-Life Care in Nursing Facilities: Principles and Recommendations. The John A. Hartford Foundation Institute for Geriatric Nursing., 1999.
Guidelines for End-of-Life Care in Nursing Facilities: Principles and Recommendations. The John A. Hartford Foundation Institute for Geriatric Nursing.
Voices of Decision in Nursing Homes: Respecting Residents’ Preferences for End-of-Life Care. United Hospital Fund of New York.
Dissemination of the Hospital Outcomes Project for the Elderly. Mezey.
Long-term care currents. Vol 6-No 3. July-Sept 1983. Ebersole, Priscilla., 1983.
Confusion: Recognition and Remedy Implications for the Health Professionals. 1983. Mezey, 1983.
Securing a Financial Base 1983 Mezey., 1983.
Educating Practitioners for the Care of the Elderly: The Teaching Nursing Home? A General Policy Perspective. Book Chapter from: Health Care for the Elderly, Regional Responses to National Policy Issues. The Haworth Press 1986. Andreoli, Ki, LA. Reiser, S (Eds), 1986.
Geriatric Nursing: Today’s Realities, Tomorrow’s Possibilities 1986 Mezey, 1986.
Functional Status Assessment: An Approach to Tertiary Prevention. Johnson, J, Mezey, M. Book chapter 1988., 1988.
Mental Impairment of Elderly Hospitalized Hip Fracture Patients. Furstenberg, Mezey 1987., 1987.
Differences in outcome between black and white elderly hip fracture patients. 1987 Furstenberg, Mezey., 1987.
The England Journal of Medicine (Mezey). Special Report Sources of Concern About the Patient Self Determination Act – 1991., 1991.
The Nursing Initiative Program Practice-Based Models for Care in Hospitals. American Academy of Nursing 1991. Ake, Bowar-Ferres, Cesta, Gould, Greenfield, Hayes, Maislin, Mezey., 1991.
The Patient Self-Determination Act: An Early Look at Implementation. The Hastings Center Report 1993. Mathy Mezey/Beth Latimer., 1993.
Gerontological Education for Baccalaureate Nursing Students. (Strumpf, Wollman, Mezey) (Gerontology and Geriatrics Education – 1993), 1993.
Use of Physical Restraints in the Hospital Setting: Implications for the Nurse. Geriatric Nursing¸Vol 15, No 3. May/June 1994. Mion, Strumpf and NICHE, 1994.
The Patient Self-Determination Act Sources of Concern for Nurses (Mezey, Evans, Golub, Murphy, White) (Nursing Outlook, 1994), 1994.
1994. Comprehensive Discharge Planning for the Hospitalized Elderly: A Randomized Clinical Trial (Naylor, Brooten, Jones, Lavizzo-Mourey, Mezey, Pauly) (Annals Internal Medicine/June 1994), 1994.
Making the PSDA Work for the Elderly (Mezey, Ramsey, Mitty). Generations/Winter 1994, 1994.
Nurse Practitioners, Certified Nurse Midwifes, and Nurse Anesthetists. Mezey, Dougherty, Wade, Mersmann.
Nurses Improving Care to the Hospitalized Elderly. Geriatric Nursing May/June 1994. Mezey, Fulmer, 1994.
Spousal Decision-Making in Alzheimer’s Disease. Gerontologist 1994 Special issue. Mezey, Kluger, Maislin, Mittelman., 1994.
Giving the Hospitalized Elderly the Best Nursing Care Possible. Carr, Mezey. 1982, 1982.
Implementation of a Campus Nursing and Health Information Cntr in the Baccalaureate Curriculum. 1980. Mezey, Chiamulera., 1980.
Community and Home Assessment. 1980. Rauckhorst, Stokes, Mezey., 1980.
Health Assessment – Considerations for the Older Individual. 1980. Stokes, Rauckhorst, Mezey., 1980.
A Developmental Approach to the Teaching of Aging. 1980. Strumpf, Mezey., 1980.
Teaching Primary Care in a Baccalaureate Program. 1976. McGivern, Mezey, Baer., 1976.
The Health History of the Aged Person. 1977. Mezey, Rauckhorst, Stokes., 1977.
Stress, Hospitalization, and Aging. Mathy Mezey. Clinical and Scientific Sessions – 1979, 1979.
Physical Assessment of the Aged Person: Study Guide by Mathy Doval Mezey, Louise M. Rauckhorst, and Shirlee Ann Stokes. 1975., 1975.
Gerontological Society 28th Annual Scientific Meeting.
Stress, Hospitalization, and Aging by Mathy Doval Mezey.
Isabella Event Fall 2013, 2013.
Kingsbridge Jewish Med Ctr. 2012, 2012.
Ethics Grand Rounds. Atlanta, GA. July 18, 2001, 2001.
May 7 and 8th, 2001. Dr. Mary Harper, 2001.
Mathy’s Presentation Monday 25, 1999 in Washington, DC at Holiday Inn on the Hill. Transparencies presentation – Also hard copy. Copy on disk., 1999.
Curriculum Vitae.
Villanova class Dec 8 2011, 2011.
U Rhode Island April 20, 2011, 2011.
Penn – Lois’s event April 7th 2011, 2011.
AGS-NASCHER May 2010 Award, 2010.
Kent 2010 and 2011, 2010-2011.
LTQA 2010, 2010.
GSA 2009 D. Schwartz Award, 2009.
Women’s Symposium-Health Women A mandate for Affordable Health Care for ALL. June 15, 2004 4:00pm – 9:00pm at NYU – Kimmel Center, 60 Washington Square Park South, 4th Floor, 2004.
AONE 2004 Conference. April 20, 2004, 2004.
Distinguished Professor Award Luncheon at UCLA. March 2004, 2004.
Bridgeport Hospital 2004, 2004.
Evidence Based Nursing Practice Conference 2004, 2004.
ANA Conference 2004, 2004.
NACNEP Conference. April 14, 2003., 2003.
Fairfield University 9/3/03, 2003.
Sept. 19, 2003 Hartford Hospital. M2 – Keynote speaker., 2003.
NJ Hospital Association. M2 Keynote Speaker. September 30, 2003, 2003.
AACN-BSN Awards in Washington, DC 2003, 2003.
GSA – Monday 11/24/03. NCA Reception., 2003.
RWJ Seminar in LA 2003., 2003.
AAN 2003 Conference. San Diego, CA. Nov 13-16, 2003, 2003.
VHA Leadership Conference 2003, 2003.
November 17, 2003 GSA San Antonio Texas AACN, 2003.
Sept. 15, 2003. Mtg in Washington, DC w/ Pamela Thompson, Rita Turley, 2003.
AMDA Conference, March 6-9, 2003. Orlando, Florida, 2003.
Pain Mgmt Conference 3/18/02, 2002.
Nurses Week May 7, 2002 12-1:30pm “Advances in Geriatric Nursing Practice: A Report from The John A Hartford Foundation Institute on Geriatric Nursing”, 2002.
Grand Rounds at VA GRECC May 20, 2002, 2002.
April 25, 2002, 2002.
Integrative Conference October 22-23 on End-of-Life Research.
Grand Rounds “Palliative Care in Long-Term Care” M2’s Talk 2002, 2002.
Grant Makers in Health Conference 2002 M2 Speaks, 2002.
Nat’l Health Policy Forum Site Visit Care for the Elderly and Disabiled Transitions Along the Continuum of Care 2002, 2002.
AONE Conference M2 Wednesday presentation 4/2/02, 2002.
Master’s Education Conference Feb 27, March 1, 2003 Amelia Island, Florida, 2003.
CWR University May 21 2006, 2006.
NJ Hosp Association 9/30/03, 2003.
UHFC Levine 2002, 2002.
Mary Naylor. Ware Family Panel. April 4, 2002, 2002.
The New York Academy of Medicine.
Baccalaureate Educ. Conference. November 14-16, 2002. Lake Buena Vista, Florida., 2002.
GSA 2002, Boston MA, 2002.
Joint Meeting Re: Magnet Nursing Homes. December 13, 2002, 2002.
Patricia Barber 2002 Presentation, 2002.
GRECC at VA Bronx 2002, 2002.
July 8, 2002 NYU Med, 2002.
Mathy’s Presentation GNP April 17, 2001, 2001.
Consultation at Clemson Univ, Sybil Oaker. October 4, 2001, 2001.
Emory July 2001, 2001.
Clemson University Oct. 4, 2001, 2001.
Mathy Mezey Talk GNP April 17, 2001, 2001.
Enhancing Geriatric Nursing Scholarship: Specialization-vs-Generalization. For the Invitational Meeting of The John A. Hartford Foundation. January 11th, 2000., 2000.
NY Academy of Medicine 1999, 1999.
AONE – 1999 March 18-22 at Charlotte Convention Center, N.C., 1999.
GSA November 19-23, 1999. San Francisco, 1999.
1996 AMDA Ethics Committees and Implementation of the Patient Self Determination Act in Nursing Homes in NYC, 1996.

Physical Description

including letters from administrators at the Herbert H. Lehman College of the City University of New York, registered nurse certifications from the State University of New York, and personal cards and notes to Mazey from colleagues and students.

Status of Advanced Geriatric Education. Slides and paper 2001, 2001.
E of Life care 2001, 2001.
American Geriatrics Society (AGS) Conference. May 9-13, 2001, 2001.
HRSA – Administrative Content in Advanced Geriatric Nursing Education. Paper and presentation. Expert Panel on Geriatric Nursing. March 8-9, 2001. Washington, DC, 2001.
NYU Ethics Conference, April 2001, 2001.
M Harper Tuscaloosa May 7-8, 2001, 2001.
San Franscisco UCSF 2/4/03-2/9/03, 2003.
State Society on Aging Conference, 2000 Walter M/ Beattie, Jr. Award, 2000.
Rose Haven Lecture – M2 2000, 2000.
Invitational Meeting of The John A. Hartford Foundation, January 11, 2000, 2000.
1st Int’l Geriatric Palliative Care Congress 2000, 2000.
Physical Description


1998 Hartford Bd presentation and NGNA presentation, 1998.
Schl Survey Slides, Gero Content.
Mathy’s Presentation JAHF Institute Advisory Board Meeting 5/20/97, 1997.
Hartford Board Presentation by Mathy 9/18/97, 1997.
Diaries: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2005-2007. Numerous agenda books.
Physical Description

Numerous agenda books

Teaching Nursing Homes by Small and Walsh The Teaching Nursing Home by Schneider, Wendland, Zimmer, List, and Ory Nursing Homes & Nursing Care by Mezey, Lynaugh, and Cartie.
Nsg Home Project. PENN TNH Background.
Report to the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, April 30, 1996, Follow-up of Funded Sites in the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Teaching Nursing Home Program (1982-1987), 1996.
Envelope of photographs and postcards. Photographs and postcards.
Physical Description

Photographs and postcards

[Materials related to the Teaching Nursing Home Program]. Materials related to the Teaching Nursing Home Program, including printed slides, RWJ informational literature, journal articles, and forms.
Physical Description

Materials related to the Teaching Nursing Home Program, including printed slides, RWJ informational literature, journal articles, and forms

[No label, contains materials related to the Teaching Nursing Home Program]. Materials related to the Teaching Nursing Home Program.
Physical Description

Materials related to the Teaching Nursing Home Program

TNH Bonner Piece.
[Materials related to the Teaching Nursing Home Program]. Materials related to the Teaching Nursing Home Program, including news clipping featuring featuring Mezey from the News-Register of McMinnville, Oregon (1994, October 8), printed slides, RWJ informational literature, journal articles, and forms.
Physical Description

Materials related to the Teaching Nursing Home Program, including news clipping featuring featuring Mezey from the News-Register of McMinnville, Oregon (1994, October 8), printed slides, RWJ informational literature, journal articles, and forms

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Teaching Nursing Home Program Directory January 1985. directory.
Physical Description


Other article, Stress/Hosp 1979. Funct Stat Nutrition, 1979.
RWJ Teaching Nsg Home.
MIS Embellishments Part 2.
[papers and speeches for presentations 1981-1990], 1981-1990. papers and speeches for presentations 1981-1990.
Physical Description

papers and speeches for presentations 1981-1990

[Materials related to the Teaching Nursing Home Program], 1981-1990. papers and speeches for presentations 1981-1990.
Physical Description

papers and speeches for presentations 1981-1990

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Teaching Nursing Home Program Directory January 1985. directory.
Physical Description


The Teaching Nursing Home Bringing Home the Best (Lynaugh, Mezey, Aiken, Buck. American Health Care Association Journal – 5/84), 1984.
Strategies for Attracting Staff and Faculty in Long-Term Care (Mezey).
Imperatives for Long term Care FACTS and Issues for Nursing. Mezey, Lynaugh. Prepared for the Nat’l Commission on Nursing. Chicago 1982., 1982.
Teaching Nursing Homes: Prospects for Improving Long-term Care. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 1982. Aiken, Mezey, Lynaugh and Buck, 1982.
Health Care to the Older Adult: The Role of the Geriatric Nurse Practitioner. UPenn Newsletter 1984. Mezey, Mathy, 1984.
The Teaching Nursing Home Program: A report on joint ventures between schools of nursing and nursing homes. Mezey, Lynaugh, Cherry. Reprinted from Nursing Outlook May/June 1984, 1984.
Teaching Nursing Home Prospects for Improving Long-Term Care (Aiken, Mezey, Lynaugh, Buck) (Journal of the American Geriatrics Society – Mar 1985), 1985.
Strategies for Attracting Staff and Faculty in Long-term Care. From: Overcoming the bias of ageism in long-term care 1985. Mezey, Mathy, 1985.
What Teaching Nursing Homes Are Teaching Us. American Journal of Nursing June 1985. Huey, Florence, 1985.
Registered Nurses in Nursing Homes. Paper prepared for the Secretary’s Commission on Nursing, Department of Health and Human Services, November 1988. Mezey, Scanlon, 1988.
The Teaching Nursing Home Program, 1982-87: A Report Card. Nursing Outlook Nov/Dec 1988, Vol 36, No 6. Mezey, Lynaugh and Cartier, 1988.
Admission Assessment of Residents in Teaching Nursing Homes. The Gerontologist Issue 1988. Lavizzo-Mourey, Mezey, Taylor, Gazdick, 1988.
Strategies for Attracting Staff and Faculty in Long-term Care. 1988 Mezey., 1988.
The Teaching Nursing Home Program. Outcomes of Care. 1989. Mezey, Lynaugh, 1989.
Institutional Care Caregivers Quality (Mezey). Articles of Quality Care in Long term Care Research and Practice – 1989, 1989.
Educational Innovations in Gerontology: Teaching Nursing Homes and Gerontological Nurse Practitioners by Linda H. Aiken, Ph.D. 1990. The Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, 1990.
The Gerontologist for the Profession who Reeps Abreat of new Developments in the Aging Field (Mezey) (Program 43rd Annual Scientific Meeting Generations Continuities Conflicts, Reciprocites – October 1990), 1990.
GNPs on Staff Mezey 1990, 1990.
Completeness of Admission of Residents Assessment in Teaching Nursing Homes. 1991. Lavizzo-Mourey, Mezey, Taylor, 1991.
Registered Nurse Staffing in Pennsylvania Nursing Homes: Comparison Before and After Implementation of Medicare’s Prospective Payment System. Kanda, Mezey 1991, 1991.
Teaching Nursing Home Program: A Lesson in Quality. 1991. Mezey, Lynaugh, 1991.
Completeness of Admission of Residents Assessments in Teaching Nursing Homes. Journal of American Geriatrics Society 39:676-682, 1991. Lavizzo-Mourey, Mezey and Taylor, 1991.
1992 Consensus Among Geriatric Experts on the Components of a Complete Nursing-Home Admission Assessment (Mezey, Lavizzo, Brunswick, Taylor) (Nurse Practitioner – June 1992), 1992.
Finding a good Nursing Home. Kenosha News. July 1992. Manly, Robin, 1992.
Quality of Care in Teaching Nursing Homes: Findings and Implications, by Peter W. Shaughnessy, A. M. Kramer, D. F. Hittle, and J. F. Steiner. 1992. Health Care Financing Review, 16(4)., 1992.
The Teaching Nursing Home Program: Enduring Educational Outcomes. Nursing Outlook May/June 1997. Mezey. Mitty and Bottrell, 1997.
Experts Recommend Minimum Nurse Staffing for Nursing Facilities in the U.S. Harrington, Kovner, Mezey, Kayser-Jones, Burger, Mohler, Burke, Zimmerman.
Utilization of Nurse PRactitioenrs in Long-term Care: Findings and Implications of a National Survey. 2004. Journal of the American Directors Association. Jan-Feb 2004. Vol 5:1. Pp. 9-15. Rosenfeld, Kobayashi, Barber, Mezey, 2004.
NPs in NHs 2005, 2005.
Rethinking TNH – Gerontologist 2008, 2008.

Letter to Mezey from the YWCA of the City of New York.
Copy of ad that appeared in The New York Times.
Fogarty Fellowship.
[letters and documents pertaining to Mezey’s employment], 1976-1987. various letters and documents pertaining to Mezey’s employment, including letters from administrators at the Herbert H. Lehman College of the City University of New York, registered nurse certifications from the State University of New York, and personal cards and notes to Mazey from colleagues and students.
Physical Description

various letters and documents pertaining to Mezey’s employment, including letters from administrators at the Herbert H. Lehman College of the City University of New York, registered nurse certifications from the State University of New York, and personal cards and notes to Mazey from colleagues and students

1977-1980 Spring Presentations grant Lehman, 1977-1980. Contains various letters and documents pertaining to Mezey’s presentations and journal submissions..
Physical Description

Contains various letters and documents pertaining to Mezey’s presentations and journal submissions.

Lehman 1973-1981, 1973-1981.
PENN – Letters.
[program] Teachers College, Columbia University – Commencement Convocation, May 18, 1977, 1977.
[Materials Pertaining to the Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing (Supplemented by an electronic file, including Strategic Plan 1997-2001 Summary, The John A. Hartford Foundation Institute for Geriatric Nursing; Folder 6: AAN Meetup at NYU, June 30, 2010; [Program] American Association of Colleges of Nursing, Awards for Exceptional Baccalaureate Curriculum in Gerontologic Nursing 2002 Models of Excellence; Various journal issues; Reports from the John A. Hartford Foundation Institute for Geriatric Nursing; Various documents pertaining to geriatric competencies; CON HI Strat Plan; Nurses Improving Care for Health Systems Elders: A Planning and Implementation Guide, A Program for Nurses and Other Staff Working in Acute Care and Affiliated Environments.].
Diana Mason – Atlantic Rbl.
Hartford Institute Additional $ 2004, 2004.
HInstitute – old grant.
HI old – Bid grant.
Final narrative and financial report from the Hartford Institute.
Proposal – Commonwealth 06-22-06, 2006.
Atlantic Philanthropies.
Atlantic Philanthropies.
Emails to Brian Hofland, 2002, 2002.
Atlantic Philanthropies SNAPP old.
Materials related to Resourcefully Enhancing Aging in Specialty Nursing (REASN).
[conference binder] Materials related to the Hartford Institute Initiatives Related to Policy: The CGNO and Expert Panels.
Binder with site visit literature.
AACN-East GNEC Modifications. Emails from Mezey.
Physical Description

Emails from Mezey

Selected Communications 1982-present, 1982-2014.
Mezey (Current CV).
PLLC – Nursing Practice Network.
10 M Folder.
Mathy’s Sabbatical Leave Request Forms.
M2 Emeritus Status.
Certificate Program in Bioethics.
Claire Fagin’s dissertation - Rooming In and Its Effects on the Behavior of Young Children.
Communications related to Doris Schwartz.

AACN Subcontract Agreement, April 8, 2009.
Progress Report-Year 2, October 2009.
AACN APRN JAHF Proposal, Oct 2009.
AACN Subcontract Agreement PI Mezey, May 2010.
Progress Report Final 2012.
NH Module-proposal to Commonwealth-Picker 05 20 09, May 20, 2009.
Progress Report Final 12 2011, 2011.
Consortium Scope of Work and Bud Just_GEC Subcontract 2010 to 2011, 2010-2011.
Consortium Scope of Work Subcontract 2012 to 2013, 2012-2013.
Consortium Scope of Work Subcontract 2014 to 2015, 2014-2015.
Consortium Scope of Work Supplement Alzheimers Disease Initiatives 2012 to 2013, 2012-2013.
Progress Report 2013-2014, 2013-2014.
Progress Report Alzheimers Disease Supplement 2012-2013, 2012-2013.
Sample Lecture_Risk Factors for Poor Outcomes-Iatrogenesis.
Assessing Managing Critically Ill Older Adults.
Guide to Web Based Resources.
Mobilizing Geriatric Nursing Education.
Older Adult Mental Health.
Teaching Strategy Atypical Presentation.
Teaching Strategy UI.
Use of Story Teaching Strategy in Geriatric Oncology.
American Association of Colleges of Nursing Subcontract 2006, 2006.
Improving the Quality of Geriatric Nursing Education JONA Nov_Dec 2014, November 2014-December 2014.
Progress Report 2009, 2009.
Clinical_Teaching Report 05 10 and 10 10, 2010.
Preparation of Clinical Teaching Proposal Final 07 09, 2007-2009.
Clinical Teaching Report Nursing Homes 06 11, 2011.
Proposal Amendment BSN_APRN 06 10, 2010.
Geriatric Nursing Content in Baccalaureate Programs Comparison 1997_2003 Survey Article_2005, 1997-2005.
Geriatric Nursing Content in Baccalaureate Programs Survey Article_1999, 1999.
Hartford Institute Initiatives Related to Education.
Advisory board List 1999, 1999.
Advisory board List 2000, 2000.
Advisory board List 2001, 2001.
Advisory board List 2002, 2002.
Advisory board List 2003, 2003.
Advisory board List 2004, 2004.
Advisory board List 2005, 2005.
Advisory Board Meeting Minutes 2000, 2000.
Advisory Board Meeting Minutes 2001, 2001.
Advisory Board Meeting Minutes 2002, 2002.
Advisory Board Meeting Minutes 2003, 2003.
Advisory Board Meeting Minutes 2004, 2004.
Advisory Board Meeting Minutes 2005, 2005.
Strategic Plan 1997, 1997.
Strategic Plan 1997-2001 Overview, 1997-2001.
Strategic Plan 2001-2006 Phase II, 2001-2006.
Strategic Plan 2008_2012 Phase III, 2008-2012.
10 Year Celebration.
Hartford Institute Publications 1998-2014, 1998-2014.
JA Hartford Foundation_2006_Annual Report Highlighting Hartford Institute, 2006.
Site Visit 2005, 2005.
Site Visit 2006, 2006.
Precis Articles.
Sample Article_How to Care for the Caregiver 12 03, 2003.
Case Western Commencement Part of MM Honorary Doctorate 05 06, 2006.
Fairfield University Graduate Graduation Part of MM Honorary Doctorate 05 09, 2009.
GSA Kent Award Presentation 11 11, 2011.
GSA Schwartz Award Presentation 11 09, 2009.
Thewlis Lecture University of Rhode Island 04 11, 2011.
Institute of Medicine.
Mezey full CV 04 30 14, April 30, 2014.
HI Initiatives Related to Policy.
CGNO Annual Report 2013, 2013.
CGNO Staffing Position Statement 2014, 2014.
CGNO Purpose.
CMS Letter LTC Medicare Condition of Participation 08 12, 2012.
Contact List-Description 2014, 2014.
Culture Change and Nursing Issue Paper 06 09, 2009.
Culture Change and Nursing Issue Paper Contributor List 06 09, 2009.
Proposal CWF 05 01 08, May 1, 2008.
Ten competencies 05 01 08, May 1, 2008.
NC Sample 09 05 as Publishe in American Journal fo Nursing 05 00 to 05 07, 2000-2007.
Nursing counts Description.
NC Premier Issue 05 98 Published and mailed by Hartford Institute 05 98 to 12 99, 1998-1999.
Certificate Program in Bioethics and Medical Humanities.
Dementia and Pain-Sample AJN Article 07 08, 2007-2008.
How to Try This final Progrerss Report 09 09, 2009.
How to Try This Proposal 01 31 07, January 31, 2007.
Joint Commission Article Series Description.
Sample Issue-The Source December 2008, December 2008.
NICHE Survey Article JONA 2004, 2004.
Geriatric Nursing Supplement Issue 2007, 2007.
AJN Article 09 09 06, September 9, 2006.
ANA Hartford Institute Atlantic Philanthropies Proposal 2002, 2002.
Proposal 2002, 2002.
Yr 5 final Report Executive summary 2007, 2007.
Yr 5 Narrative Final Report 2007, 2007.
Ensuring Specialty Nurse Competence Article JONA 10 13, 2013.
Geriatric Competence Proposal Narrative 06 07 11, June 7, 2011.
REASN Final Progress Report 08 11, 2011.
Participant Letter Sample 2000.
Avon Proposal II o9 99, 1999.
Avon Proposal III 01 01, 2001.
SNAPP One Page Summary 2003, 2003.
Doris Schwartz Gerontological Nursing Research Award Description.
Schwartz Award Call 1998-2010, 1998-2010.
Schwartz Award Guidelines 2001-2010, 2001-2010.
Hartford Institute Geriatric Nursing Research Program Description.
Sample Agenda 2013.
HRSA TNH Final Report Aug 22 06, August 22, 2006.
HRSA TNH Proposal 08 26 04, August 26, 2004.
Rethinking TNH Article 2008, 2008.

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