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Loretta C. Ford papers


Held at: University of Pennsylvania: Barbara Bates Center for the Study of The History of Nursing [Contact Us]Claire Fagin Hall, 418 Curie Boulevard, Floor 2U, Philadelphia, PA, 19104-4217

This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the University of Pennsylvania: Barbara Bates Center for the Study of The History of Nursing. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.

Overview and metadata sections

Dr. Loretta C. Ford, Dean and Professor Emerita, School of Nursing, University of Rochester, is an internationally known nursing leader. She has devoted her career to practice, education, research, consultation and influencing health services, community health, and military nursing. Dr. Ford’s studies on the nurse's expanded scope of practice in public health nursing, her specialty, led to the creation of the first Pediatric Nurse Practitioner model of advanced practice at the University of Colorado Medical Center. Later, convinced of the need to meld nursing education, practice, and research, she provided administrative leadership for a Unification model in nursing at the University of Rochester Medical Center as Dean of the School of Nursing and as Director of Nursing in the University’s Strong Memorial Hospital. She has served as a visiting professor at St. Luke's College of Nursing in Japan, the University of Washington, and the University of Florida Schools of Nursing, and has led many international nursing education visitations. After her retirement from nursing, she served as Interim Dean at the Graduate School of Education and Human Development at the University of Rochester. Dr. Ford’s advanced degrees were earned at the University of Colorado Schools of Nursing and Education. She holds honorary doctorates from six prestigious universities and myriads of awards, including the Gustav Lienhard Medal from the Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences, the Living Legend Award from the American Academy of Nursing, the American College of Nurse Practitioner’s Crystal Trailblazer Award, the Elizabeth Blackwell Award, and many others. She has authored over one hundred publications on the history of the nurse practitioner; unification of practice, education, and research; and issues in advanced nursing practice and health care. Currently, Dr. Ford consults and lectures on the historical development of the nurse practitioner and on issues in advanced nursing practice and health care policy.

Gift of Loretta C. Ford.

This is a preliminary inventory of the personal papers of Loretta C. Ford. It includes 9 cartons that were received by the Center for the Study of the History of Nursing, University of Pennsylvania, in September 2011. The material has been inventoried in this preliminary list in order to make the files accessible to the donor and to interested researchers until a more thorough processing project can be undertaken. The original 9 cartons were reboxed in a numbering sequence from 1 to 9. Their contents are in the same order in which they appeared in the original containers although the location of specific individual files may have shifted somewhat. The boxes have been inventoried to the folder level and refoldered where necessary in acid-free folders.

University of Pennsylvania: Barbara Bates Center for the Study of The History of Nursing
Finding Aid Author
Finding aid prepared by Center staff
Access Restrictions

This collection is unrestricted.

Use Restrictions

Copyright restrictions may apply. Please contact the Center with requests for copying and for authorization to publish, quote or reproduce the material.

Collection Inventory

Misc. Invitations, Notification and Publication 2000, 2005, 2000-2005.
“Closing the Gap Between Can and May in Health-Care Providers’ Scopes of Practice: A Primer for Policymakers” by Barbara J. Sayfriet.
Correspondence – Series of articles concerning health care., 1967-2009.
Innovations – Collection of articles, 1979-2008.
Publications with mention of Loretta Ford as award recipient or donor, 1999-2006.
Health Care System Articles, Clippings, 1982-2007.
Consensus Papers, Certification – Styles’ Papers (obituary also), 1993-2009.
Public Health articles, speeches, 1968-2009.
URSON – Develop articles, 2005-2007.
[HC System 2005-8], 2005-2008.
Politics I – articles 1988-2—8, Publication, “The Public Health Nurse” August 1923.
Caring and Collaboration articles, 2005-2008.
Political II Articles, 1969, 1982, 1992-2008.
History of Nursing Articles, Journals, 1972, 1978, 1984, 1994-2008.
Research, Articles, Journals, Proceedings, 1974-5, 1997-2008.

Ford Publications 2000 +.
SHARE 2000.
Ex Nurse Leadership.
NP Acute Care and the American Public Health Assn. Award.
Class Reunion 1949, Misc. Articles, Conferences.
Employment Rochester documents, Award congratulations, commencement U. of Colorado, 1948-1949.
DHHS, OIG “Medicare Coverage of No-Physician Practitioner Services” 2001; HRSA “A Comparison of Changes in the Professional Practice of Nurse Practitioners, Physician assistants and Certificate Nurse Midwives: 1992 and 2000”.
[Misc. Journals not in category – loose in box].
Elderly – Publications, articles and clippings.
Global – Articles, clippings, journals.
Leadership- Articles, Journals.
Clippings, Commencement Medical College of Ohio at Toledo, Awards.
Clippings, Programs, Awards, 1986-1990.
Clippings, 2011.

Boxed Guest Book for Reception at Rochester, June 27, 1986.
The Denver Post January 19, 1964 article on Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE) in the West., January 19, 1964.
Ford, Loretta C., Marguerite Cobb and Margaret Taylor; Community Health Nursing Defining Clinical Content Graduate Nursing Programs, Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE) February 1967; diagrams, soft cover.
Kane, Robert L., M.D. Editor; New Health Practitioners; (Sponsored by NIH Conference 1974); DHEW Publication No. (NIH) 75-975; diagrams.
Lundy, Karen Saucier, Ph.D., R.N. and Sharyn Janes, Ph.D., R.N., A.C.R.N.; Community Health Nursing Caring for the Public’s Health; Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2001; B/W and color photos, illustrations and diagrams.
Aiken, Linda H., edited by; Nursing in the 1980s - Crises - Opportunities - Challenges; J.B. Lippincott Company, 1982; diagrams.
Brown, Barbara J., R.N., Ed.D., F.A.A.N., editor; Nursing Administration Quarterly Vol. 6 No. 1/ Fall 1981; Aspen Systems Corporation; illustrated.
Aiken, Linda H., Ph.D. and Claire M. Fagin, Ph.D.; Charting Nursing’s Future agenda for the 1990s; J.B. Lippincott Company Philadelphia; 1992; illustrated, yellow underlining.
Wandelt, Mabel A., PhD, FAAN and Betty J. Thomas, MNSc, RN, CNAA, edited by; Innovations in Nursing Education Administration; NLN, New York; Pub. No. 15-2344; 1990.
Keenan, Terrance, Aiken, Linda, R.N., Ph.D. and Cluff, Leighton E., M.D., edited by The Robert Wood Foundation, Nurses and Doctors Their Education and Practice, Oelgeschlager, Gunn & Hain, Publishers, Inc.; 1981; illustrated.
Lasagna, Louis, M.D., edited by Patient Compliance Volume X of a Series on Monographs edited by F. Gilbert McMahon, M.D/ Principles of Human Research and Therapeutics; Futura Publishing Company, 1976; illustrated.
Sullivan-Marx, Eileen M., PhD, CRNP, FAAN, McGivern, Diane O. PhD, RN, FAAN, Fairman, Julie A. PhD, RN, FAAN, Greenberg, Sherry A. MSN, GNP-BC, editors; Nurse Practitioners The Evolution and Future of Advanced Practice, fifth edition; Springer Publishing Company; 2010.
Introduction to Advanced Nursing Practice; People’s Medical Publishing House.
Hamilton, Diane B., PhD, RN; Becoming a Presence Within Nursing; The University of Colorado School of Nursing, Denver, Colorado, Business Printing, Inc. 1999; B/W photos.
Stapleton, Darwin H. and Cathryne A. Welch, edited by; Critical Issues in American Nursing in the Twentieth Century Perspectives and Case Studies Proceedings of The Foundation of the New York State Nurses Association, Inc. and The Rockefeller Archive Center; Newkirk Products, Inc., Albany, New York. 1994.
Department of H, E, W, Public Health Service, NIH; Priorities for the Use of Resources in Medicine; from A Conference at the NIH 1976. DHEW Publication No. (NIH) 77-1288.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Women in Health; 1975; DHEW No. (HRA) 76-51.
Health Manpower Education and Distribution: The Carnegie Commission Report. Its Impact in West Virginia and a Community Medicine Symposium: West Virginia; 1997; illustrated.
Proceedings Inauguration of the School of Nursing and Installation of Dean Loretta C. Ford, R.N., Ed.D. 1972.
Institute of Medicine; Primary Care in Medicine A Definition; June 1977.
Award Volusia Flagler Advanced Practice Nursing Council 2011.
Certificate of Appreciation The Board of Directors of the National Women’s History Museum; undated.

Physical Description

This box contains articles and speeches in chronological order as originals, carbons and printed.

[Publications] and speeches; Ford, Loretta C., “Millstones, Milestones and the Millennium – The Saga of the Nurse Practitioner”; “Opinions, Ideas and Convictions from NPs’ Founding Mother” interview; “Reflections” draft.
Separate folders, 1965 – 1978, 1982, 1984 – 1993.
Database, NPs, State Regs, PA. Articles on these topics.

Misc. Brochures.
COPC 12/95.
Professionalism/HC Reform 12/95.
“HC Dollars and Regulatory Sense: Role of Advance Practice NSG” B. Sayfriet; Yale Journal on Regulation V. 9: 417, 1992.
Faculty Practice and Curriculum/EDU I.
Faculty Practice and Curriculum/EDU II.

NP Early 1970s.
NP Late 1970s.
NPS 1980s.
NP 1990s.
NPs 1990s.
NP 2000.
Retail Clinic.
Misc. unlabeled I.
Misc. unlabeled II.

Sony videocassette KCS 10 Interview with Loretta Ford on NP 85?, ¾”.
Scotch U-matic tape R-440. ¾; 15 minutes “Nurse Practitioners: Missouri Lawsuit Challenging Legal Role” Loretta Ford Ed.D., R.N. on Nursing; MacNeil – Lehrer Report, 1983;.
RWJ Nurse Fellows Program. Leadership Seminar 2005. Includes notes and emails.
RWJ Executive Nurse Fellows Program. Leadership Seminar 2003.
Letter from Masako Kinkozan. Japanese newspapers enclosed detailing interview and site visit. 2009.
Early History NP at University of Colorado, 1950 – 1981.
Misc. notes, articles., 1980 – 2005.
Change, articles, emails.
Alzheimer – Mental Health articles, reprints.
Midwifery Bulletins, printed materials.
Photo album presented by Commandant of Ninth Naval District, Great Lakes, Ill. After visit in 1971. Member of Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services (DACOWITS).
Photos DACOWITS Spring Meeting, 1969; Fall Meeting 1969 and Soley Sailor Award 1969.
Photos DACOWITS Spring Meeting, 1970; Fall Meeting 1970.
Photos DACOWITS Spring Meeting, 1971; Fall Meeting 1971 and undated.
Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services (DACOWITS), Clippings, pictures for scrap book 1971.+.
School Health Reprints, brochures.
OTA (U.S. Congressional Office of Technological Assessment).

Papers, articles.
[School Health Conference].
Articles, Presentations, Drafts by Loretta Ford and others., 1979.
[Articles, Presentations], 1980-1981.
[Emails, newspaper, articles, journals].
Clippings & Programs LCF, 1990.
C.E. Credits, Nursing License, etc.
Institute of Medicine 20th Anniversary Annual Meeting 1990.
Award from Conf. Nurse Practitioners, 1985.
Photographs, unmounted, B/W and color, mostly identified. Negatives.
Rochester Nursing Today, Fall 2006.
Misc. periodicals.
School of Nursing News, U. of Colorado Health Sciences Center, 9/2000 and Fall 2005.
Nurse Practitioner World News Special Issue Summit 2003 Vol. 8, No.
Nurse Practitioner World News December 2004 Vol. 9, No.12.
Nurse Practitioner World News February 2005 Vol. 10, No.1.
Nurse Practitioner World News August 2005 Vol. 10, No.4.
Nurse Practitioner World News October 2005 Vol. 10, No.5.
Nurse Practitioner World News December 2005 Vol. 10, No.6.
Nurse Practitioner World News December 2006 Vol. 11, No.12.
Nurse Practitioner World News November/December 2010 Vol. 15, No.11/12.

Fuji T-60 Communicating Across Cultures 1- “Our world – The Global Literate Culture”.
Fuji T-60 Communicating Across Cultures 2 –“The Old Wisdom-Traditional Cultures”.
Fuji T-60 Communicating Across Cultures 3 “The Clash of Worlds”.
VHS Nursing in the New Millennium A Video Documentary Series – Volume 1.
VHS Nursing in the New Millennium A Video Documentary Series – Volume 1.
VHS Nursing in the New Millennium A Video Documentary Series – Volume 1.
VHS ICNE/CHAS Clinic Project. “Children’s Transition Clinic Project” 9/1/98, 7:00 Minutes. Nadine Woodward, KREM.
VHS CNEP Produced by the University of Arizona in cooperation with Frontier School of Midwifery & Family Nursing, 23 minutes.
VHS Nurse Practitioners, July 21, 1995.
VHS Maxell, Nursing 21, September 5, 1990.
VHS Care of the Incontinent Patient Calmoseptine Ointment “Protects, Soothes, Helps Promote Healing”.
VHS Ampex 189 “Changes, Challenges, Commitment” Dr. Loretta C. Ford, 4/7/88, copy, 52:58.
VHS “Get a Life…Not An Addiction” Full Court Press Beyond the Headlines, undated.
VHS “A Brief Unofficial Annotated History of the Nursing Profession” by Bev Ochiai, 4:40 min., April 12, 2000.
VHS “Celebration of the Center for Clinical Research on Aging: The Challenges of Dementia Care” – Dr. Peter V. Rabins, Rochester Academy of Medicine, November 4, 1999.
VHS Nebraska Nurse Practitioners, “Nurse Practitioners are Always Nurses First” NNP-1-2002 Rural; NNP-2-2002 Urban.
VHS CBS Video, 60 Minutes “The Nurse Will See You Now”, April 19, 1998.
Scotch T 120, “Clinical Practice, The Heart of Nursing” – Loretta Ford, R.N., Ed.D., FAAN, 38 minutes, March 26, 1988 SON/UTMB.VHS Maxell HGX, T 120, Martha Welch Lecture, Dr. Loretta Ford, 9-19-96, “SI ??E”.
VHS, “Healthpact for Business and Industry” 8:23 Please return tape to: U. of Colorado at Boulder, Division of Continuing Education, Boulder, CO, 80309-0178.
VHS Sony T-120, SON Town Hall Meeting, 4/15/99, Strategic Plan, 1 hour.
VHS Polaroid T-120,”Bravo – Mom I’m So Proud.” Keystone – N.P. 30th Anniv. LCF Awards 23 min., July 21, 1995.
VHS T60, “The Changing Image of Nursing in Health Care” Loretta C. Ford, R.N., Ed.D., FAAN. Time 62:00, ½”, Alabama Nov. 20, 1986, Gen (U) 761.
UCA 30 Videocassette Color Plus, “Code Grey: Ethical Dilemmas in Nursing.” 26 min. Color, 1983.
Ampex Videocassette, “On Campus with Loretta Ford, R.N., Ed.D.” Susan Bruno, School of Nursing interviewer, 5/23/78 Medical College of Georgia.
DVD “Wit” film by Mike Nichols starring Emma Thompson. Unopened.
DVD-R 2005 40th Anniv. NP CU SON Quicktime Movie.
DVD, Shingles Disease Education Video American Pain Foundation.
DVD, Shingles Disease Education Kit American Pain Foundation.
DVD “Nurse Practitioner Residency Program” 10 minutes, Community Health Center, Inc.
DVD “Nurse Practitioner Residency Program” 10 minutes, Ver. 5 – 4/10/08 Community Health Center, Inc.
DVD, Florida Nurse Practitioner Network, Rally Intro.
DVD, Mike Cobb’s photos, NP Anniversary, November 14, 2006.
DVD, Carla Mills Photos, August 9, 2009.
DVD, “Nurse Scientists: Committed to the Public Trust,” Sponsored by Johnson & Johnson, Oct 2004.
CD-ROM “Healthy Steps”, Interactive Multimedia Training & Resource Kit. Undated.
DVD “Raise the Voice,” Transforming Health Care Policy and Practice Through Nursing Solutions, American Academy of Nursing.
CD-ROM, 23rd Quadrennial Congress, “Nursing on the Move: Knowledge, Innovation and Vitality” 21-27 May 2005 Taipei, Taiwan. Copyright 2005.
CD-ROM, “Bright Futures,” Guidelines for Health Supervision of Infants, Children, and Adolescents, second edition, undated, unopened.
Compact disc, 31st National Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Symposium, July 13, 2006, Colorado, “The Human Face of Medical Errors, Dean’s Welcome.” Copyright 2006.
CD, 34th National Primary Care, Nurse Practitioner Symposium, July 16-19th, 2009, Copper Mountain, Colorado, Session Handouts.
CD, “Florida’s Healthcare Crisis: Advanced Practice Nurse Solution,” RT: 19 min., copyright 2009.
CD, “Staying Active and Healthy with Blood Thinners,” Sept 2009, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
CD, NP Reception, 11/14/06, Photos by Diane Lenfest #1.
CD, NP Reception, 11/14/06, Photos by Diane Lenfest #2.
CD, NP Reception, 11/14/06, Photos by Diane Lenfest #3.
CD, “Health Literacy, A Prescription to End Confusion.” Institute of Medicine, Produced by Academy for Educational Development in collaboration with IOM.
CD-R, “Ford”, Juan Castleman 870-2941. Wed. 11/16, 10am.
CD, “The DrNP Program,” Columbia University School of Nursing, copyright 2001.
8 mm film strip, Conference with Dr. Dunn March 1967. #1.
8 mm film strip, Conference with Dr. Dunn March 1967. #2.
Audio Cassette, “Arrive Alive”, Traffic safety songs for kids written by Susan Thompson Smith, copyright 1996.
Audio Cassette, “Political Action for the Future,” C5-19-90, in mailing box.
Audio Cassette, “Expanded Role,” P/ Assessment, L. Ford, Video tape II.
Audio Cassette, 23rd National Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Symposium, “How to Survive and Thrive as a Leader,” Loretta C. Ford, EdD, FAAN, NPS98-F3, copyright 1998 NPS.
Audio Cassette, “Current Professional Issues Facing Nurse Practitioners,” Loretta Ford, NPFP, June ’82.
Audio Cassette, GS1-356-87 “Changes, Challenges, Commitment: A Professional Perspective-“Loretta C. Ford, RN, EdD, FAAN.
Audio Cassette, 02-546-90 “Keynote Address: Futuristic Dreams and Designs” L. C. Ford NAPNAP, San Francisco 3/28/90.
Audio Cassette, Barbara Bates, MA, MD, “The Twelve Paradoxes, Revisited.” Tx Nurse Practitioners, 1991 Annual Conference.
Audio Cassette, Loretta Ford, RN, EdD, FAAN, “Historical & Hysterical Perspective,” Tx Nurse Practitioners, 1991 Annual Conference.
Audio Cassette, Oral Hx, Loretta Ford, RN, EdD, FAAN, Oct 1992, Interviewed by Thelma Wells RN, PhD, Rochester, NY. Both sides.
Audio Cassette, “Historical – Hysterical Reflections”, Loretta C. Ford & Ingeborg Mauksch., July 14, 1990.
Audio cassette, 01-339-87A Plenary Session: “Pediatric Nurse Practitioner: Passé or Avant Garde?” Loretta Ford, EdD, RN.
Audio Cassette, 12/14 Lee & Katie Nurse Pract.

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