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Jeanne Quint Benoliel papers


Held at: University of Pennsylvania: Barbara Bates Center for the Study of The History of Nursing [Contact Us]Claire Fagin Hall, 418 Curie Boulevard, Floor 2U, Philadelphia, PA, 19104-4217

This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the University of Pennsylvania: Barbara Bates Center for the Study of The History of Nursing. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.

Overview and metadata sections

Jeanne Quint Benoliel (born in National City, CA, Dec 9, 1919- died January, 2012) was Professor Emeritus of Psychosocial and Community Health at the University of Washington, School of Nursing. She received a diploma in 1941 from St. Luke’s Hospital School of Nursing in San Francisco, and her B.S. in Nursing Education from Oregon State University, in Corvallis in 1948. In 1969 she acquired the D.N.SC. in Sociology and Nursing from the University of California in San Francisco.

Benoliel served in the United States Army Nurse Corps from 1934-1946, spending 21 months in various parts of New Guinea and the Philippines. Following her Army service she held several nursing positions in Oregon and California including staff nurse, surgical nursing instructor and educational director. During the 1960s, Benoliel was a faculty member at the University of California, first in Los Angeles than in San Francisco. In 1970 she joined the faculty of the University of Washington, School of Nursing as an Associate Professor. She went on to become Professor and Department Chair. She was a member of the Planning Committee for the Ph.D. program in Nursing Science and initiated a funded study of patterns of dying in hospitals (1973-1977).

She was active in many nursing professional organizations at the national and state levels. Benoliel was one of the first members of the Commission on Nursing of the American Nurses Association. This Commission helped create the infrastructure through which nurse investigators could meet, offer programs and exchange information. Benoliel was also an early member, and chair for two years, of the International Working Group on Death, Dying and Bereavement. The IWG DDB sought to promote and advance death education and research and evaluating the care of the ill, survivors, and the bereaved. Through this and other activities, Benoliel was an important force in organizing nursing’s growth as a profession.

Benoliel authored numerous articles and books on nursing care of cancer and terminally ill patients. Her many awards, honors and special recognitions include the Professional Achievement Award from the University of California Alumni Association, Los Angeles (1972); election into the American Academy of Nursing (1974); receipt of the Doctor of Science from the University of Pennsylvania for contributions in the field of Thanatology (1983), and the Doctor of Humane Letters from the University of San Diego, California (1987); and receipt of the American Journal of Nursing Book of the Year Award (1988).

The Jeanne Quint Benoliel Papers is a collection acquired by the University of Pennsylvania, Barbara Bates Center for the Study of the History of Nursing between 1999 and 2012. The materials, arranged in fourteen series, help sheds light on her prolific professional career in nursing scholarship as well as her personal life.

Series 1 contains Dr. Benoliel’s personal documents, including her yearbooks from high school and nurse training school, personal correspondence, as well as her passports. This section also gives a glimpse into her professional life through her curriculum vitaes and biographical sketches. Her journals, mostly focusing on her work trips, also have insights into her personal life. These journals can be found in series 5 and 9. Series 2, however, focus on her early career from nursing training, her years in Army during World War II, as well her positions after the war, before joining the University of California faculty. Documents include her military files, correspondence received during the war, course notes and graduation notes. Series 3 explores her early academic career and includes her course notes, yearbooks and reunion information from her class or the classes she taught while at St. Luke’s Hospital and Fresno County General Hospital, as well as correspondence and reports gathered during her tenure at the University of California at San Francisco (UCSF) and at Los Angeles (UCLA).

The fourth series contains materials related to Jeanne Quint Benoliel’s grant projects during her time at UC. This includes the project on chronic disease in adolescence that led to her dissertation “Becoming Diabetic: A Study of Emerging Identity.” Documents include correspondence, grant applications, original field notes, personal observations, original interviews, patient data, summary reports and findings. Grant projects include “Exploratory Investigation of Process of Adjustment Following Mastectomy”, “Hospital Personnel, Nursing Care and Dying Patients”, and “Terminal Illness, Family Adaptation, and Medical and Nursing Care”.

The fifth series explores Dr. Benoliel’s tenure at the University of Washington until her retirement in 1980. Divided into two subseries, the first subgrouping includes her yearly activity reports, correspondence, and other professional activities. The second and larger subseries focus on the research projects conducted during her tenure, as primary, co-leader, or secondary role on the project. Documents within each grant project may include the original grants, grant renewals and reports, correspondence, interviews and data, as well as papers and publications based on the project. These grant projects include “Care-Cure Problem: Dying in Teaching Hospitals”, “Health Services Pre-Professional Training for Minorities”, and Oncology Transition Services’ “Pre-Master’s Program in Oncology Transition Services” and “Oncology Transition Services for Children and Adults”.

Series six documents her more serious involvement in professional organizations. Though Dr. Benoliel was associated with numerous organizations, materials within this section are from organizations she chaired, was on the board, or was an early and long lasting member of. This includes the American Nurses’ Association and its Council and Commission on Nursing Research, the International Working Group on Death, Dying, and Bereavement, and the Oncology Nursing Society. Documents in this subseries explore the mailings, newsletters, correspondence, meeting minutes, agendas, and conference materials produced while JBQ was an active member of the group.

Series 7 contains the papers Dr. Benoliel presented during her career as well as any lecture materials or courses she taught. These documents may include programs, agendas, correspondence, the paper and previous drafts, as well as flight information. Series 8 however, has contains any articles, book chapters, book and publisher correspondence, and other related documents regarding any publications by Dr. Benoliel.

The ninth series explores Dr. Benoliel’s work post-retirement from the University of Washington. This includes her time at Rutgers University and her continued work at the University of Washington. Documents include correspondence, academic activity files, her journals from work conferences and travels, as well as the research grant projects she was associated with. Her journals document her time in China as a citizen ambassador, visiting professor in Israel and Sweden, as well as international meetings in Japan, Netherlands, and other places. In addition, this series contains the grant projects she was a team member on. Projects includes “A Course on Prevention, Focusing on Cancer, For Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants”, “Cancer Patient Responses to Psychosocial Variables”, “Stresses, Health and Coping of Women Graduate Students in the First Year of Study,” “Psychology Oncology”, “Evaluation of Cancer Management” and its related study “A Prospective and Concurrent Study of Spouse Bereavement” in addition to “Breast Self-Examination Study”.

The last five series (10-14) contains the various awards and honors she achieved during her career, including honorary degrees and life-time recognition awards; various personal and professional photographs; audio cassette tapes and other audio/visual materials; lecture slides; and lastly some memorabilia.

This collection was partially processed in 2000 and generated a finding aid with box and folder numbers. In 2013 the collection was fully processed and incorporated the 2000 folders into the final arrangement. The incorporated folders remain largely together within their respective series. However, the original finding aid box order is no longer relevant. Given researcher access to the previous processed section, changes and interfiling of specific folders was documented. Please ask the Center staff for questions regarding the old order.

University of Pennsylvania: Barbara Bates Center for the Study of The History of Nursing
Finding Aid Author
Finding aid prepared by Jessica Clark, Project Archivist
Access Restrictions

This collection is open to the public unless noted otherwise at the request of the Donor or to protect individual personal information. Note that Series 4 Research Studies Files is restricted to researchers as to protect personal identifiable information. For more information or to access these files, please contact the Center with your specific research request and/or inquiry.

Use Restrictions

Copyright restrictions may apply. Please contact the Center with requests for copying and for authorization to publish, quote or reproduce the material.

Collection Inventory

Scope and Contents note

This section provides a glimpse into Dr. Benoliel’s profession life through her curriculum vitaes and biographical sketches she created during her lifetime as well as insight into her personal relationships. Personal documents include early yearbooks, correspondence with family and friends as well as her passports. This series also contains the baby book her mother maintained during her early development as well as grade and high school achievements and photographs.

Additional personal insights can be found in Series 5 and Series 9 through her travel journals. These handwritten books largely explore trips and other professional events but also contain personal moments, including the illness of her husband, Robert, in 1994. Additionally, for insight into her army memories please consult Series 9, Correspondence with Beth Norman

Obituaries, Jan 2012.
Box 1 Folder
Curriculum Vitae, 1934-1993.
Box 1 Folder 1
Curriculum Vitae, 1969-1998.
Box 1 Folder 2
Biographical Data, 1969-1970.
Box 1 Folder 3
Biographical Data, 1969-1970.
Box 1 Folder 4
Curriculum Vitae, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1982, 1989.
Box 1 Folder 5
Curriculum Vitae, 1984, 1986, 1990.
Box 1 Folder 6
Curriculum Vitae, 2004.
Box 1 Folder 7
Curriculum Vitae Materials, 1990-1996.
Box 1 Folder 8
Biographical Sketches, c. 1980-2000.
Box 1 Folder 9
Personal History from “Building a Legacy”, c. 1994.
Box 1 Folder 10
Publications Listing, Books, Monographs and Reports, 1956-1998.
Box 1 Folder 11
Baby Book Kept by Mother, 1919- c. 1937.
Flatbox 84 Folder 1
Passports, c. 1971-c. 1996.
Box 1 Folder 12
Marriage Service to Wilson Sherrill (1st husband), Sept 24, 1949.
Box 1 Folder 13
Family Papers.
Box 2 Folder 1
Marriage to Robert Benoliel, Feb 14, 1970, Jan-June 1970.
Box 2 Folder 2
License and Robert Benoliel’s Birth Certificate.
Box 2 Folder 3
Hartman Death Journal, Jan-Oct 1965 .
Box 2 Folder 4
Copy of Hartman Death Journal, Jan-Oct 1965.
Box 2 Folder 5
Follow up on Hartman’s Death, 1965, 1965, 1999-2002 .
Box 2 Folder 6
San Diego High School Alumni Directory Class of 1937.
Box 2 Folder 7
Yearbook “The Gray Castle” San Diego High School, June 1937.
Box 2 Folder 8
Lifetime Membership, 2000-2001.
Box 2 Folder 9
Florence Wald, 1966-1998.
Box 2 Folder 10
Personal Communications, 1974-1989.
Box 2 Folder 11
Memorial Service Dorothy Martin (WICHEN) colleague who died in airplane), Jan 1975.
Box 2 Folder 12
Correspondence with Phyllis Moore (friend in the Army met 1943), Dec 1987-Dec 1988, Dec 1983.
Box 2 Folder 13
Correspondence, 1965-2003.
Box 2 Folder 14
Correspondence, 1980-2007.
Box 3 Folder 1
Correspondence with Diana Mason (Rutgers), Sept 1998.
Box 3 Folder 2
Correspondence with Beth Norman (Colleague from Rutgers 1990-1992), June-Dec 2001.
Box 3 Folder 3
Correspondence with Julie Bucher (Transition Service Student), Feb 2001-Feb 2002.
Box 3 Folder 4
Correspondence with Dianna Quint (sister), Mar 1975-Jan 2001.
Box 3 Folder 5
Correspondence, Dec 2002-Aug 2003, Jan 2005.
Box 3 Folder 6
Memorial Day- Clipping on JQB’s Military Service, May 2007.
Box 3 Folder 7
Articles of Interest.
Box 3 Folder 8
News Articles of Interest to JQB- John F. Kennedy Assassination and Moon Landing, 1964.
Box 3 Folder 9
Articles of Interest to JQB, 1959, 1967-1970.
Box 3 Folder 10
Articles of Interest to JQB, 1967-1969.
Box 3 Folder 11
Stories JQB Liked.
Box 3 Folder 12
Cartoons, Humor.
Box 3 Folder 13

Scope and Contents note

This series focuses on Dr. Benoliel’s early career including her nursing training, her years in the Army during World War II as well her positions after the war before joining the University of California faculty and starting her academic career. Documents include yearbooks, her military files, correspondence received during the war, course notes and graduation notes and certificates.

Military Personnel File, 1943-1945.
Box 3 Folder 14
Military Personnel File, legal size, 1943-1945.
Box 82 Folder 1
Correspondence received during WWII, c. Jan 1949.
Box 3 Folder 15
WWII Service File, 2nd Lt., 1943-1945.
Box 3 Folder 16
WWII Service File, 2nd Lt., legal size, 1943-1945.
Box 82 Folder 2
WWII Service File, 1st Lt., legal size, May-June 1948.
Box 82 Folder 3
Veterans Affairs Certificate of Eligibility, May 7, 1964.
Box 3 Folder 17
San Diego Junior High and High School Graduations, 1933, 1937.
Box 4 Folder 1
UCLA Materials, c. 1960-1969.
Box 4 Folder 2
ULCA Master’s Degree Diploma, June 1955.
Box 4 Folder 3
St. Luke’s Hospital School of Nursing Diploma, Sept 1941.
Box 4 Folder 4
Oregon State College Bachelor of Science Diploma, June 1948.
Box 4 Folder 5
ULCA Commencement, June 1969.
Box 4 Folder 6
California Board of Nurses Certification, Oct 1941.
Box 4 Folder 7
Nursing Credits- St. Luke’s, April 1947.
Box 4 Folder 8
Class Paper “Effects of Lung Distention on Arterial Blood Pressure”, Physiology 101.
Box 4 Folder 9
Course Notes and Papers, Fall 1960-Spring 1961.
Box 4 Folder 10
San Diego High School Class of 1937 Reunions, 1992-2003 .
Box 4 Folder 11
ULCA Class of 1960 Memories, c. 2000.
Box 4 Folder 12
UCSF First Doctoral Reunion, June 1999.
Box 4 Folder 13
Fresno General Hospital Class of 1951 Stories, c. Nov 2005.
Box 4 Folder 14
UCLA School of Nursing 50th Class Reunion April 2007, includes DVD of photos, May 2005, April 2007 .
Box 4 Folder 15
Year book, St. Luke’s Hospital School of Nursing, San Francisco CA, 1941.
Box 4 Folder 16
Year book “Cap and Pin” School of Nursing of the Fresno County General Hospital, including reunion correspondence, 1951, 1985.
Box 4 Folder 17
Year book “Cap and Pin” School of Nursing of the Fresno County General Hospital, 1952.
Box 5 Folder 1
Year book “Cap and Pin” School of Nursing of the Fresno County General Hospital, 1953.
Box 5 Folder 2

Scope and Contents note

Items found within this section documents Jeanne Quint Benoliel’s academic career. This does not include her many research projects (please see Series 4, 5, and 9) but rather her course notes, yearbooks and reunion information from her class or the classes she taught while at St. Luke’s Hospital and Fresno County General Hospital. Documents also include correspondence and reports gathered during her tenure at the University of California at San Francisco (UCSF) and at Los Angeles (UCLA).

Appointments to UCLA, 1952-1967.
Box 5 Folder 3
UCLA Class Notes, Sept 1959-Jan 1960.
Box 5 Folder 4
Correspondence- Papers, Nov 1962-Aug 1967.
Box 5 Folder 5
Nursing Practice Act, California, 1951.
Box 5 Folder 6
UCSF History of U.C. Training School for Nurses, July 1963.
Box 5 Folder 7
UCSF Proposal for Doctoral of Nursing Science, Dec 1963-Mar 1964.
Box 5 Folder 8
Correspondence – UCSF, 1964-1965.
Box 5 Folder 9
University of San Francisco Correspondence, 1968 – 1970.
Box 5 Folder 10
UCLA Transcript, 1961.
Box 5 Folder 11
Class- Soc. 249 at University of California, 1968.
Box 5 Folder 12
UCLA Alumni Association, 1968-1970.
Box 5 Folder 13
Report of the Fact Finding Panel for California Nurses’ Association and the Bay Area Hospitals Negotiating Committee, Nov 1966, Nov 1966-Oct 1967.
Box 5 Folder 14
Publications and Newsletters: California’s Health and California Mental Health Progress, and general items, 1955, 1964-1969.
Box 5 Folder 15
Student- Betty Jo Hadley, 1966.
Box 6 Folder 1
Lulu Wolf Hassenplug- Biography (very important influence on JQB), c. 1999.
Box 6 Folder 2

Scope and Contents note

This section contains the various documents created during the research projects Dr. Benoliel was a part of during her time at the University of California. This includes the project on chronic disease in adolescence that led to her dissertation “Becoming Diabetic: A Study of Emerging Identity.” Documents within the subseries can include the original grant, correspondence, field notes, personal observations, original interviews, paper and publications, and other materials generated during the course of the project.

Physical Description


Scope and Contents note

This section is the first of several research grants Dr. Benoliel was associated with. The Mastectomy study was conducted by Lulu Wolf and JQB at UCLA and used patients at UCLA Medical Center where Benoliel worked part-time as a nurse. This study explored the adjustment women faced after a radical mastectomy with the loss of a breast, the symbol of femininity, the invasion of cancer and the treatment for it, and the disfigurement of the body and psyche and its effect on everyday life. The team investigated the process of adjustment of patients during their hospital stay and through the first year of postop. Interviews were conducted by JQB or her research assistant (primarily Lucille Agee and Marilyn Howe, amongst others) in participants’ home to gather data, which was used alongside doctor, surgeon, and family interviews, and investigator observations. Interviews with patients explored how the tumor was discovered, fear of pain pre and post-surgery, appetite and mood changes, clothing choices, preferences and coping with the loss of a breast, thoughts on their personal appearance, commentary on hospital stay and nurse/doctor interactions, and what the patients have learned before surgery compared to the reality of it. The team also inquired about patients’ depression, social activities and personal relationships between family, friends, and husbands, the scar and their coping or acceptance (or lack thereof) it. Also included in this series are preliminary interviews done with patients who ultimately had only biopsies or declined being in the study.

Fieldnotes are also included in this series. Those documents focus on the team member's personal observations on the patient, the family, the interviews in general, and the on goings of the project.

Due to privacy concerns, these files are closed to public. To access these files please see the Center staff about your research needs.

Mastectomy, Original Proposal “An Exploratory Investigation of the Process of Adjustment Following Radical Mastectomy” DHEW, Public Health Service, National Institute of Health, includes correspondence, Feb 1961 .
Box 6 Folder 3
Mastectomy Abstract, Dec 1989.
Box 6 Folder 4
Mastectomy preliminary work, 1960.
Box 6 Folder 5
Mastectomy preliminary work papers, 1960-1961.
Box 6 Folder 6
References- mastectomy study, 1960.
Box 6 Folder 7
Final Report-Mastectomy Study, August 1963.
Box 6 Folder 8
Correspondence incoming and outgoing, 1962-1963.
Box 6 Folder 9
Correspondence incoming and outgoing (University of California, Los Angeles, California), 1962-1964.
Box 6 Folder 10
Correspondence incoming and outgoing, legal size, 1962-1967.
Box 82 Folder 4
Correspondence, 1962-1967.
Box 6 Folder 11
Abdo, Feb-May 1962.
Box 6 Folder 12
Abdo, Aug 1962-Mar 1963.
Box 6 Folder 13
Burgwald, Nov 1961-Jan 1962.
Box 7 Folder 1
Burgwald, Jan-June 1962.
Box 7 Folder 2
Burgwald, Nov 1962-Mar 1963.
Box 7 Folder 3
Catrone, Jan-May 1962.
Box 7 Folder 4
Catrone, Aug-Dec 1962.
Box 7 Folder 5
Chicovoski, Jan-Aug 1962.
Box 7 Folder 6
Chicovoski, Nov-Dec 1976.
Box 7 Folder 7
Ford, May 1962-Mar 1963.
Box 7 Folder 8
McEwen, Mar 1962-June 1963.
Box 8 Folder 1
Myers, Jan-Dec 1962.
Box 8 Folder 2
Norton, Nov-Dec 1961.
Box 8 Folder 3
Norton, Jan-Dec 1962.
Box 8 Folder 4
Pritchard, May 1962-Mar 1963.
Box 8 Folder 5
Ransom, Nov 1961-Dec 1962.
Box 8 Folder 6
Romer, May-Dec 1962.
Box 8 Folder 7
Romer, Sept 1962-Mar 1963.
Box 8 Folder 8
Rundell, May 1962-Mar 1963.
Box 9 Folder 1
Schmidt, Mar-June 1962.
Box 9 Folder 2
Schmidt, Sept 1962-Mar 1963.
Box 9 Folder 3
Sharkoff, Feb 1962-Jan 1963.
Box 9 Folder 4
Sharkoff, Oct 1962.
Box 9 Folder 5
Shelby, Nov 1961-Feb 1962.
Box 9 Folder 6
Shelby, Mar-Oct 1962.
Box 9 Folder 7
Shrock, Feb 1962-Mar 1963.
Box 9 Folder 8
Silverstein, Feb 1962-Feb 1963.
Box 9 Folder 9
Skroopka, Nov 1962-Feb 1963.
Box 10 Folder 1
Sosa, April 1962-Feb 1963.
Box 10 Folder 2
Sosa, April 1962-Feb 1963.
Box 10 Folder 3
Williams, Feb 1962-Jan 1963.
Box 10 Folder 4
Williams, June 1963 .
Box 10 Folder 5
Winsell, Dec 1961-Feb 1962.
Box 10 Folder 6
Winsell, Feb-Dec 1962.
Box 10 Folder 7
General note

These subjects had breast biopsies but not mastectomies.

Bearden, Oct 1961.
Box 10 Folder 8
Brandkamp, May 1962.
Box 10 Folder 9
Caledrone, Jan 1962.
Box 10 Folder 10
Dobkins, April 1962.
Box 10 Folder 11
Elder, April 1962.
Box 10 Folder 12
Evans, Jan 1962.
Box 10 Folder 13
Franklin, Oct 1961.
Box 10 Folder 14
Gordon, April 1962.
Box 11 Folder 1
Henkin, July 1961.
Box 11 Folder 2
Jameison, Nov 1961.
Box 11 Folder 3
Jergens, May 1962.
Box 11 Folder 4
Kloer, Jan 1962.
Box 11 Folder 5
Lockhart, Dec 1961.
Box 11 Folder 6
Madison, Jan 1962.
Box 11 Folder 7
McKinney, Feb 1962.
Box 11 Folder 8
Middleton, Mar 1962.
Box 11 Folder 9
Minkin, Mar 1962.
Box 11 Folder 10
Moler, April 1962.
Box 11 Folder 11
Polizzi, June 1962.
Box 11 Folder 12
Rechteger, May 1962.
Box 11 Folder 13
Rogers, Jan 1962.
Box 11 Folder 14
Rosen, May 1962.
Box 11 Folder 15
Rossine, Feb 1962.
Box 11 Folder 16
Sheehan, April 1962.
Box 11 Folder 17
Sherman, Mar 1962.
Box 11 Folder 18
Silver, Mar 1962.
Box 11 Folder 19
Stromsoe, Nov 1961.
Box 11 Folder 20
Tucker, Feb 1962.
Box 11 Folder 21
Primary Subjects Social Status and Other Information, Feb 1963 .
Box 11 Folder 22
The Mazarins, Husband and Wife, Interviews, June 1963 .
Box 11 Folder 23
The Willaims, Husband and Wife, Interviews, Aug 1963.
Box 11 Folder 24
The Lucree, Husband and Wife, Interviews, Aug 1963.
Box 11 Folder 25
Interviews with Rose Segal and Agee by JQB, 1963.
Box 11 Folder 26
Montgomery Interview, Mar 1963 .
Box 11 Folder 27
Barbara L. Interview, Dec 1962-Mar 1963 .
Box 11 Folder 28
Dr. Lebit Interview, June 1963.
Box 11 Folder 29
Interview Guide, Surgeons.
Box 11 Folder 30
Medical Doctors Interviews.
Box 11 Folder 31
Graduate Student Interviews RE: Mastectomy, April-June 1963.
Box 11 Folder 32
Memos- Writing, Feb-June 1963.
Box 11 Folder 33
Memos- Research Problem, Oct 1962.
Box 11 Folder 34
Admissions to 4 West, 1961-1962.
Box 11 Folder 34
Operating Room Schedule, 1961-1962.
Box 11 Folder 36
Admission Information.
Box 11 Folder 37
JQB and Mary Swartz Chat About Lucree and Williams Interviews, Aug 1963.
Box 12 Folder 1
Mastectomy analysis notes, 1962.
Box 12 Folder 2
Mastectomy observation notes, surgical residents (1-22 ), April 1962.
Box 12 Folder 3
Mastectomy observation notes, surgical residents (23- 43), April 1962.
Box 12 Folder 4
Mastectomy observation notes, surgical residents (44-57), May 1962.
Box 12 Folder 5
Data 4- West Surgical Service, 1961-1962.
Box 12 Folder 6
Data 4- West Surgical Service, legal size, 1961-1962.
Box 82 Folder 5
Observation 4- West (1-20 ), April- May 1962.
Box 12 Folder 7
Observation 4- West (21-42), April-May 1962.
Box 12 Folder 8
Observation and interviews 4 West, November 1962.
Box 12 Folder 9
Observation notes, Radiation Outpatient Department, 1962.
Box 12 Folder 10
Observation notes, Surgical Outpatient Department, 1962.
Box 12 Folder 11
Financial screening, 1961-1962.
Box 12 Folder 12
Interview schedules including correspondence, 1962-1963.
Box 12 Folder 13
Medical Doctors interviews, trial cases, 1962.
Box 12 Folder 14
Analysis notes, 1963-1964.
Box 12 Folder 15
Mastectomy notes including conference notes and memo, 1961-1962.
Box 12 Folder 16
Comments about mastectomy, 1962.
Box 13 Folder 1
Radical mastectomy analysis, cancer notes, 1961-1962.
Box 13 Folder 2
Medical Center memorandums, 1963.
Box 13 Folder 3
Memorandums and notes, 1963-1965.
Box 13 Folder 4
Jeanne Quint Benoliel comments, review subjects records, 1962-1963.
Box 13 Folder 5
Interpersonal relations 4- West, 1961.
Box 13 Folder 6
Loss of body parts notes, 1963-1964.
Box 13 Folder 7
Social status estimates subject, no date.
Box 13 Folder 8
Interviews Jeanne Hallburg and Marilyn Howe, RE: Mastectomy, May-June 1963, Feb 1964.
Box 13 Folder 9
Field Notes, Jan-April 1963.
Box 13 Folder 10
Scope and Contents note

This section of the collection contains the records related to the Dying Patient study conducted by Anselm Strauss, an American sociologist, internationally known as a medical sociologist (especially for his pioneering attention to chronic illness and dying), along with Barney Glaser, the co-developer of grounded theory, an innovative method of qualitative analysis widely used in sociology, nursing, education, social work, and organizational studies, and Benoliel as an associated investigator (then Jeanne C. Quint) in 1962 after finish her Mastectomy study. The research interviews and field observations were conducted between 1961 and 1963, with a grant renewal in 1964 for three years to focus on analyzing the data and writing reports and data for publications. The study explored the nature of dying in hospitals, focusing on nursing care, as terminal care in hospitals “border on being virtually non-existent.” A sub-study of student nurses’ encounters with dying patients was carried out largely through intensive interviews with students and faculty at 3 different types of nursing schools.

JQB’s notes are quite broad, ranging from her own experience as a nurse; observations of social world of nurses on the hospital floor; extreme conscious of the “hierarchy system” of relationships between doctors and nurses, and senior nurses and instructors vis a vis the student nurses, amongst other personal notes on being the outsider on the research team. Other documents include, original interviews, data, reports, conference papers and other publications.

Due to privacy concerns, these files are closed to public. To access these files please see the Center staff about your research needs.

Grant Summary Report and Articles, Jan 1964.
Box 13 Folder 11
Grant Report of Study- Renewal, Jan 1964.
Box 13 Folder 12
Field notes and Interviews of Different Wards, 1960-1965.
Box 13 Folder 13
Interviews with Gene Warechter and Marilyn Howe, Oct 1963-Aug 1964.
Box 13 Folder 14
Field notes Private Duty Nurses and Death, Spring 1963-Jan 1987.
Box 14 Folder 1
General Memos, Strauss, 1962-1963.
Box 14 Folder 2
Field notes Esther Blanc, Feb 1963.
Box 14 Folder 3
Memos, Strauss, JQB, Glaser, 1962.
Box 14 Folder 4
Memos: JQB Personal Reactions, Dec 1962-Mar 1962.
Box 14 Folder 5
JQB Notes on Death, Sept 1962-May 1963.
Box 14 Folder 6
Field notes Patient Suicide, Ruth Fleshman, Strauss, 1963.
Box 14 Folder 7
Field notes Suicide, Nov 1962.
Box 14 Folder 8
Schools- Medicine and Nursing, 1961-1964.
Box 14 Folder 9
Professional Nursing Responsibility, 1962-1964.
Box 14 Folder 10
Interviews with Students, Nov 1962.
Box 14 Folder 11
Notes and Interviews with Students, Nov-Dec 1962.
Box 14 Folder 12
Interviews Sue Vartan, Dec 1962-Oct 1963.
Box 14 Folder 13
Reprints of Articles, 1964-1968.
Box 14 Folder 14
Interviews with Students, Oct 1962.
Box 14 Folder 15
Field notes, Dec 1962-April 1963.
Box 14 Folder 16
Field notes with Teachers and Curriculum U.C., Nov 1962-Mar 1963, July 1964.
Box 14 Folder 17
Interviews at St. Francis Hospital, Jan-May 1963.
Box 15 Folder 1
Interviews at St. Joseph Hospital, Jan-April 1963.
Box 15 Folder 2
Interviews at St. Luke’s Hospital, Jan-April 1963.
Box 15 Folder 3
Interviews Highland Hospital, April 1963.
Box 15 Folder 4
Pat Prescott, Marion Weeks Interviews (U.C. Students), Mar-Oct 1963.
Box 15 Folder 5
Interviews Young Staff Nurses, Oct-Nov 1962, July 1964.
Box 15 Folder 6
Memos: Student Incidents, Sept 1963-Jan 1964.
Box 15 Folder 7
Memos and Interviews St. Luke’s, Jan-Feb 1963, May 1965.
Box 15 Folder 8
Memos and Interviews St. Luke’s, Feb-May 1963, May 1965.
Box 15 Folder 9
Post Graduate U.C. Students Interviews, July 1964.
Box 15 Folder 10
Information on 5 Schools of Nursing, 1965.
Box 15 Folder 11
Memos and Notes on Students, 1962-1965.
Box 15 Folder 12
Teacher Interviews, 1964-1965.
Box 16 Folder 1
References and Questions for Book.
Box 16 Folder 2
Field notes on Being a Minority Member of the Project, 1963-1964.
Box 16 Folder 3
Memos: Students and Death, 1963-1966.
Box 16 Folder 4
Patients’ View on Death, May 1963-Feb 1967.
Box 16 Folder 5
Notes on Book “Nurse and Dying Patient”, 1966.
Box 16 Folder 6
Nurses, Death and Curriculum, 1965-1966.
Box 16 Folder 7
Teacher and Death Interviews, April 1963-Aug 1964.
Box 16 Folder 8
Analysis, Students and Death Talk, Oct 1963-Jan 1965.
Box 16 Folder 9
Notes, Interviews, Memos: Graduate Students, Nov 1962-May 1963.
Box 16 Folder 10
Interviews, Special Duty Nurses, May 1963.
Box 16 Folder 11
Death Consultation with Head Nurses, Nov 1967-Jan 1968.
Box 16 Folder 12
Notes, Clippings on Death in America, 1961-1965.
Box 17 Folder 1
Notes on Personal Experiences with Death 1961, Mar 1963-Dec 1964, 1966.
Box 17 Folder 2
Field Notes: Abortion, Dec 1962.
Box 17 Folder 3
Field Notes, Memos, and Paper, May-June 1963.
Box 17 Folder 4
Interviews, Oct 1964.
Box 17 Folder 5
Interviews/Notes with June Slavkin, Oct-April 1963-1965.
Box 17 Folder 6
Notes: Nurses and Death “Problems” and Student Responses, April 1967-Jan 1968.
Box 17 Folder 7
Death Instructions, 1965-1966.
Box 17 Folder 8
Script for Lost Film “The Nurse and Grieving Process”.
Box 17 Folder 9
“Death” Clippings and Letters, 1966-1970.
Box 17 Folder 10
Nurses and Death/Dying Articles, 1967, 1971.
Box 17 Folder 11
Scope and Contents note

This subseries contains the materials related to the Chronic Disease in Adolescence. This grant project (also contains other grant proposals related to the overall investigation in children and disease) eventually became part of Benoliel’s dissertation on diabetes. The diabetes project questioned: “How do people actually go about living with chronic diseases, especially individuals with limited financial resources living in an urban area? How do these people fit in and make use of the city’s system of health facilities—both private and public?” This study concerned itself with several variables including: effect of living arrangements on management of disease; types of medical management required by the disease process; more diffuse medical management; effect of the disease on previous ways of living: treatments causing person to make drastic changes in social life, jobs, etc.

Chronic disease in adolescence projects explores the family dynamics when a child has a chronic condition. “When a young person is found to have an illness, the doctor usually prescribes regular treatments or special routines to be carried out at home. This project is aimed at understanding how the person and his family fit the doctor’s recommendations into their own daily routines of living. From this study it is hoped to obtain information which doctors and nurses can use in helping other young people in similar circumstances. You are being asked to participate in this project and to sign the attached consent form. …To obtain a family picture of the effects of illness at home, the investigator needs to talk informally and separately with each member of the household. Each interview is considered confidential, and the information obtained would not be shared with other members of the family.” This project was carried out through fieldwork and intensive interviewing. Anthropological style fieldwork which is a combination of intensive observation along with informal but directed interviewing. Fieldwork supplemented by formal, focused interviewing, by questionnaire. As a result, this section contains numerous field notes and formal interviews as well correspondence and papers, including her dissertation. The folders in this section largely remain in the original order created by Dr. Benoliel.

Due to privacy concerns, these files are closed to public. To access these files please see the Center staff about your research needs.

Physical Description

see word doc for ok folders

Original Proposal and Letters, Chronic Disease in Adolescence “Social Consequences of Chronic Disease in Adolescence” DHEW, Public Health Service, 1967-1968.
Box 17 Folder 12
Chronic, Doctoral Study, Progress and Correspondence, 1968- 1969 .
Box 17 Folder 13
Paper – Developing Diabetic Identity: Family Influence, based on dissertation, 1969.
Box 17 Folder 14
Paper, “Making Contact: The Influence of Social and Spiritual Arrangements” in Sociology, Spring 1968.
Box 17 Folder 15
Dissertation, “Becoming Diabetic: A Study of Emerging Identity” (Jeanne C. Quint) pg 1-139, 1969.
Box 17 Folder 16
Dissertation, “Becoming Diabetic: A Study of Emerging Identity” (Jeanne C. Quint) pg 140-323, 1969.
Box 17 Folder 17
Dissertation Principal Subject Interview Guide, June 1968.
Box 17 Folder 18
Dissertation Parent Interview Guide, June 1968.
Box 18 Folder 1
Dissertation Sibling Interview Guide, June 1968.
Box 18 Folder 2
Dissertation Face Sheet Form.
Box 18 Folder 3
Fellowship (1F4-NU-10, 227) Correspondence, Jan 1967-June 1969 .
Box 18 Folder 4
Methodology Development of Adolescence Study, 1968-1969.
Box 18 Folder 5
Chronic Disease in Adolescence Preliminary Notes, Nov 1964-June 1966.
Box 18 Folder 6
Chronic Disease Memos, Oct-Dec 1966.
Box 18 Folder 7
Memos: Chronic Disease, 1966-1967.
Box 18 Folder 8
Instruments, Feb 1967.
Box 18 Folder 9
Diabetes "Social Consequences of Chronic Illness in Adolescence" Research Outline and Notes, 1967.
Box 18 Folder 10
Diabetes Organization Correspondence and Field Notes, Mar, Oct-Dec 1968.
Box 18 Folder 11
Paulsen Family, Oct 1968-Jan 1969.
Box 18 Folder 12
Labodie Family, Feb 1968-Jan 1969.
Box 18 Folder 13
Driscoll Family, Oct 1968-Jan 1969.
Box 18 Folder 14
Fomin Family, Oct 1968-Jan 1969.
Box 18 Folder 15
Rifkin Family, May-July 1968.
Box 18 Folder 16
McCarthy Family, Jan-July 1968.
Box 19 Folder 1
Chamberlain Family, April 1968.
Box 19 Folder 2
Jensen Family, June-July 1968.
Box 19 Folder 3
Hogan Family, Nov 1968.
Box 19 Folder 4
Morris Family, Jan-Oct 1968.
Box 19 Folder 5
Adolescence Study- Complete Interviews, 1967-1968.
Box 19 Folder 6
Allergies, Nov-Dec 1966.
Box 19 Folder 7
Field Notes: Allergies, Nov 1966-Feb 1968.
Box 19 Folder 8
Field Notes: Cystic Fibrosis, Aug 1966-Nov 1967.
Box 19 Folder 9
Field Notes and “Death” Consultation, Oct 1967-Jan 1968.
Box 19 Folder 10
Field Notes, Oct 1966-April 1967 .
Box 19 Folder 11
Field Notes Asthma Hospital Denver, CARIH, 1967.
Box 19 Folder 12
Field Notes Diabetes Mellitus, includes paper, Oct-Nov 1966.
Box 20 Folder 1
Interviews, Notes- Adults with Diabetes, 1968-1969.
Box 20 Folder 2
Diabetic Field Notes, Feb-April 1968.
Box 20 Folder 3
Diabetic Field Notes, Oct-Nov 1968.
Box 20 Folder 4
Diabetic Field Notes, Jan 1969.
Box 20 Folder 5
Diabetes Youth Foundation Bearskin Meadows, 1966-1968.
Box 20 Folder 6
Bearskin Meadows Field Notes, 1967.
Box 20 Folder 7
Dissertation Field Notes, July 1967.
Box 20 Folder 8
Memos- Diabetes Analysis, Jan-Nov 1968 .
Box 20 Folder 9
Analytic Profiles- Principle Subjects, c. 1968.
Box 20 Folder 10
Memos- Diabetes Analysis, 1969.
Box 20 Folder 11
Analytic Profiles- Diabetic Families, c. 1968.
Box 21 Folder 1
Correspondence with Dorothy M. Smith, Dean at University of FL, Nov 1964-Feb 1966.
Box 21 Folder 2
Cancer Study Sent by Kay Norris, “A Study on the Nurses Concept of Death”, Oct 1967.
Box 21 Folder 3
UCSF Medical Center Physical Therapy Study, Dec 1966-Feb 1967.
Box 21 Folder 4
“Nursing: A Space Age Needed” paper ‘Hidden Barriers in Effective Care” UCSF, 1965.
Box 21 Folder 5

Scope and Contents note

Divided into two subseries, this section focuses on the work Dr. Benoliel performed while at the University of Washington before her retirement from the institution in 1980. Within the first subgrouping is her yearly activity reports, correspondence, and other professional activities. The larger subseries focuses on the research projects conducted during her tenure, as primary, co-leader, or secondary role on the project. Documents within each grant project may include the original grants, grant renewals and reports, correspondence, interviews and data, as well as papers and publications based on the project.

(For documents created post-retirement while still at the University of Washington please see Series 9. That includes other research projects she was affiliated with).

Correspondence, 1970-1971.
Box 21 Folder 6
Correspondence, 1971-1972.
Box 21 Folder 7
Personal and Professional Correspondence, Feb 1970- Dec 1972.
Box 21 Folder 8
Correspondence (1 of 2), 1972-1973.
Box 22 Folder 1
Correspondence (2 of 2), 1972-1973 .
Box 22 Folder 2
Correspondence – Ana Earle, Oct 1973-Feb 1974.
Box 22 Folder 3
Correspondence, 1973-1974.
Box 22 Folder 4
Correspondence, 1974-1975.
Box 22 Folder 5
Correspondence (1 of 2), 1974-1975 .
Box 22 Folder 6
Correspondence (2 of 2), 1974-1975 .
Box 22 Folder 7
Correspondence (1 of 2), 1975-1976 .
Box 22 Folder 8
Correspondence (2 of 2), 1975-1976 .
Box 23 Folder 1
Correspondence (1 of 3), 1976-1977 .
Box 23 Folder 2
Correspondence (2 of 3), 1976-1977 .
Box 23 Folder 3
Correspondence (3 of 3), 1976-1977 .
Box 23 Folder 4
Correspondence (1 of 2), 1977-1978 .
Box 23 Folder 5
Correspondence (2 of 2), 1977-1978 .
Box 23 Folder 6
Correspondence Shelly Tayer, 1977-1978.
Box 23 Folder 7
Correspondence with Margarita M. Suarez, June-Aug 1978.
Box 23 Folder 8
Correspondence, 1978-1979.
Box 24 Folder 1
Correspondence, 1979-1980.
Box 24 Folder 2
Off-Campus Professional Activities, Jan 1969-Oct 1970.
Box 24 Folder 3
Off-Campus Professional Activities, Oct 1979-Oct 1970.
Box 24 Folder 4
Consultant- University of Wisconsin Clinical Specialist Project, Nov 1970-Mar 1971.
Box 24 Folder 5
Course Description, 1970-1982.
Box 24 Folder 6
Faculty Reports, 1970-1988.
Box 25 Folder 1
Professional Activities in the News, 1970-1977.
Box 25 Folder 2
References and Promotions, 1972-1976.
Box 25 Folder 3
Teaching at Tel-Aviv University, April-June, Aug 1972.
Box 25 Folder 4
Teaching at Tel-Aviv University, legal size, April-June, Aug 1972.
Box 82 Folder 6
Personal Journal, Israel Trip, 1972.
Box 25 Folder 5
Legislation, Nursing Practice Act (Washington), Feb-April 1973.
Box 25 Folder 6
Legislation, Nursing Practice Act (Washington), legal size, Feb-April 1973.
Box 82 Folder 7
Personal Journal, Japan, 1975.
Box 25 Folder 7
Personal Journal, Jerusalem, June 1975.
Box 25 Folder 8
Japan Trip- Goodbye Card.
Box 25 Folder 9
McGill University Consultant, Aug-Nov 1976.
Box 25 Folder 10
Testimony “Natural Death Act” Washington, Mar 1977.
Box 25 Folder 11
Testimony “Natural Death Act” Washington, legal size, Mar 1977.
Box 82 Folder 8
SIDS/Nursing Guidelines Task Force, July 1976-Aug 1977.
Box 25 Folder 12
Professional Activities Health Resources Administrations Nursing Research and Education Advisory Committee, 1977-1979 .
Box 26 Folder 1
Consultant- Qualitative Methods, University of Illinois, May-July 1978.
Box 26 Folder 2
Scope and Contents note

This subseries contains the materials generated during the research grant projects Dr. Benoliel was associated with. Each grant project is a subgroup, with documents ranging from grant applications to correspondence to fieldnotes to final reports.

Note, the grant projects included here are only for her tenure at the University of Washington (c. 1970-1980). Any project before 1970, see Series 4. Research Studies Files, and any project post retirement in 1980, see Series 9. Emeritus Files.

Scope and Contents note

The Care-Cure project, that Benoliel was the principal investigator on, was a retrospective analysis of patients’ records for the purpose of describing, classifying, and comparing patterns of dying in teaching hospitals for 3 periods of time: 1960-61; 1965-66; 1970-71. The data used were on descriptive variables of time, place, person, and cause of death to be transcribed from patients’ records on to special data collection forms and ultimately to IBM cards for computer processing and statistical analysis. It involved no direct patient contact but required consent forms granting access to patient records attached (signed by Executive Directors of hospitals participating in the study – Univ. of Washington, Harborview Medical Center (University Hospital); and Medical Director of Swedish Hospital Medical Center. The instruments utilized for collecting the prescribed sets of data from the records contain only the assigned study numbers to protect the privacy of the persons concerned.

The study explored the phenomenon that more people are dying in hospitals. Using the Glaser and Strauss model, the concept of dying trajectory – serves as a useful starting point for identifying the boundaries necessary to an examination of dying as an ordinary hospital event. Trajectory has 2 outstanding properties: duration (takes place over time); and shape – i.e., the picture created by the trajectory as it is plotted across the dimension of time.—i.e, rapid downward course; steady, regular movement downhill; vacillation; plateaus, etc. The definition of dying trajectory in each case begins with the patient’s actual death in the hospital, and the analysis if performed utilizing retrospective data from the patient’s chart and other hospital records.

Final Report (bound copy) 1977.
Box 26 Folder 3
Human Subjects Approval for Study, 1974-1976.
Box 26 Folder 4
Grant Proposal, 1972-1973 .
Box 26 Folder 5
Renewal Application Year 2.
Box 26 Folder 6
Renewal Application Year 3.
Box 26 Folder 7
Renewal Application Year 4.
Box 26 Folder 8
Grant Extension Request, 1977.
Box 26 Folder 9
Proposal Development, 1972.
Box 26 Folder 10
Classification of Death Records, 1973.
Box 26 Folder 11
Pilot Study, Code Category Development Rough Drafts, 1973-1976.
Box 26 Folder 12
Pilot Study, Code Development, 1973-1974.
Box 26 Folder 13
Pilot Study, Code Lists and Instructions.
Box 26 Folder 14
Pilot Study, Cause of Death and Complications, Feb-April 1974.
Box 26 Folder 15
Pilot Study, Data Analysis, 1974-1975.
Box 26 Folder 16
Pilot Study, Findings, Figures, Tables, Appendix, etc., c. 1975.
Box 27 Folder 1
Main Population, Coding Form Development, 1974.
Box 27 Folder 2
Main Population, Format, Codes, 1974.
Box 27 Folder 3
Main Population, Record of Discrepancies, Nov 1974.
Box 27 Folder 4
Main Population, Daily Data Codes/Keypunch instructions, Oct 1975-May 1976.
Box 27 Folder 5
Main Population, Memos, Code Updates, Oct 1974-May 1976.
Box 27 Folder 6
Main Population, Data Analysis.
Box 27 Folder 7
Main Population, Code Lists and Instructions.
Box 27 Folder 8
Main Population, Work Effort Codes.
Box 27 Folder 9
Main Population, Daily Cost Estimates, April 1975-Feb 1976.
Box 27 Folder 10
Main Population, Reliability Analysis, Dec 1977.
Box 27 Folder 11
Analysis, 1% Sample Non-Dying Subjects.
Box 27 Folder 12
Analysis, Trajectory Types.
Box 27 Folder 13
Analysis, Use of CPR, July 1978.
Box 27 Folder 14
Analysis, Comparison of Dying and Non-Dying.
Box 27 Folder 15
Analysis, Comparison by Variable Sets, June 1978.
Box 27 Folder 16
Analysis, Dying Days.
Box 27 Folder 17
Analysis, Reliabilities, 1975-1977.
Box 27 Folder 18
Correspondence, 1972-1977.
Box 28 Folder 1
Memos, 1972-1978.
Box 28 Folder 2
Personal Correspondences and Notes, 1972-1977.
Box 28 Folder 3
Care-Cure Codebook/Guidelines (1 of 2).
Box 28 Folder 4
Care-Cure Codebook/Guidelines (2 of 2).
Box 28 Folder 5
Care-Cure, Correspondence, 1972 – 1976.
Box 28 Folder 6
“A Care/Cure Problem: Dying in Teaching Hospitals Final Report” unbound, 1977.
Box 28 Folder 7
Data, 1976-1977.
Box 28 Folder 8
Research Colloquia, May 24, 1974.
Box 28 Folder 9
Box 29 Folder 1
Papers, “A Pilot Study of Recorded Patterns of Dying” Presented at ANA Council of Nurse Researchers, Kansas City, Missouri, Aug 15, 1974.
Box 29 Folder 2
Papers “Social Characteristics of Death As a Recorded Hospital Event” Presented at Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE)’s Communicating Nursing Research, Phoenix AZ, May 8, 1975.
Box 29 Folder 3
Graphs “Identifying the ‘Shape’ of the Institutional Dying Trajectory” Research Colloquium University of Washington, July 1975.
Box 29 Folder 4
Paper “Prolonged and Non-Prolongation of Life” Presented at International Congress of Gerontology, Israel 1975.
Box 29 Folder 5
Correspondence Regarding Papers, 1973-1976.
Box 29 Folder 6
Papers, Various, Presented at American Anthropological Association, Washington D.C., Nov 16, 1976.
Box 29 Folder 7
Correspondence Regarding American Anthropological Association Meeting, Jan-Nov 1976.
Box 29 Folder 8
Discussant Comments Presented at American Anthropological Association, Nov 19, 1976.
Box 29 Folder 9
Papers, Catherine McIntyre “Communication Patterns in 3 Teaching Hospitals” at Society for Applied Anthropology, Boston MA, Mar 16, 1974; and Subsequent Papers Mar 1974-Mar 1976.
Box 29 Folder 10
Paper, Victoria Foedisch, “Dying Patterns of Women", Mar 1975.
Box 29 Folder 11
Development of Index.
Box 29 Folder 12
Development of MD Letters and Human Subjects Review, May-June 1975.
Box 29 Folder 13
MD Correspondence and Questionnaires.
Box 29 Folder 14
Human Subjects Review.
Box 29 Folder 15
Correspondence with Catherine McIntyre, Aug 1975-Jan 1976.
Box 29 Folder 16
Implementation of MD Samples, April-Aug 1975.
Box 29 Folder 17
Box 29 Folder 18
Final Report, June 1976.
Box 30 Folder 1
Scope and Contents note

The Comparative Nursing Care System and the Training for Minorities folders remain in the original order that Dr. Benoliel created. They are intermingled and remain so as the two groups’ documents and content are closely related. All folders are labeled as they originally were by JQB.

Dr. Benoliel was Professor and Chairman of the Comparative Nursing Care Systems at that time and was the Training for Minorities program co-director and faculty sponsor. The Training for Minorities was a “program to prepare select minority students for health science professions”. Due to some minority students’ desire to work in the health sciences but not prepared for university science courses, additional staff was requested to aid them in study skills, tutoring, and counseling. In addition, there was more effort to expose the program to “health profession faculty, programs and clinics to increase the poll of qualified” students. The program focused on assisting students to obtain the study skills, knowledge about the various health science professions and career goals, and helping them cope with personal and academic problems. The rationale was that some minority students who meet the admission criteria have difficulty in academic classes and expectations, making it difficult for them to enter into the health profession.

CNCS Steering Committee, Aug 1975-June 1976.
Box 30 Folder 2
CNCS Advisory Committee, Dec 1976-Jan 1978.
Box 30 Folder 3
Minorities, Proposal for General and Interdisciplinary Studies Courses, Jan 1975.
Box 30 Folder 4
CNCS Correspondence, May 1975-June 1976.
Box 30 Folder 5
CNCS Budget, 1975-1976 .
Box 30 Folder 6
CNCS Budget, 1976-1977 .
Box 30 Folder 7
Minorities, Report, Dec 1978.
Box 30 Folder 8
Minorities, 4 Year Summary Report of the Pre-Professional for Minority Students in the Health Sciences, Oct 1978.
Box 30 Folder 9
Minorities, Budget, 1974-1978.
Box 30 Folder 10
Minorities, Future Status of Program, April 1978.
Box 30 Folder 11
Minorities, Grant Renewal Request, 1977-1978.
Box 30 Folder 12
Minorities, Quarterly Reports for Director, Dec 1974, July 1975, Mar 1976, Aug 1977.
Box 30 Folder 13
CNCS 1st Year Evaluation Report, 1974-1975, May 1976.
Box 30 Folder 14
CNCS Curriculum, 1975-1976.
Box 30 Folder 15
Minorities, 3rd year Evaluation of Students Enrolled in Biology 110, 111, 112, Fall 1981-Spring 1984, Aug 1984.
Box 30 Folder 16
CNCS Course Materials GIS 140-1-2, Dec 1975.
Box 30 Folder 17
Minorities, Correspondence RE: Grant Renewal and Program Expansion, Dec 1974-Aug 1975.
Box 30 Folder 18
CNCS 2nd Year Evaluation, 1975-1976 Oct 1976.
Box 30 Folder 19
CNCS Correspondence, 1975-1976.
Box 30 Folder 20
CNCS Advisory Committee, Dec 1974-Dec 1976.
Box 30 Folder 21
Minorities, Early Program correspondence, 1974-1980.
Box 30 Folder 22
Committee on Minority Students Program, Jan 1976-July 1977.
Box 31 Folder 1
Scope and Contents note

This subgroup focuses on the materials generated during two grant programs that developed further the Oncology Transition Services between 1977 and 1984. The first grant sponsored the “Pre-Master’s Program” and very partially sponsored the second grant for “Children and Adults”. Transitional Services are person-centered services to assist patients with advance cancer or diseases to cope constructively with the physical and social dependencies imposed by the disease and the treatments as well as the changing life goals associated with the progression towards death. This service provided by professional nurses is to ease the patient and his/her family throughout the progression of the disease and the health care settings through continual care while protecting the patient’s right to decide on the path treatment. Documents include grants, reports, curriculum development, correspondences and other material generated during the grant.

Ontological Nurse Training Grant “Oncology Transition Services” Division Research Grants, NIH, Feb 1976 .
Box 31 Folder 2
Ontological Nurse Training Transition Services Videotape Series Workbook, 1976.
Box 31 Folder 3
Transition Services Instrument Development, Dec 1976-Oct 1977.
Box 31 Folder 4
Methods/Instruments, 1976 . SSN JQB.
Box 31 Folder 5
Physical Description


Transition Services Personal Log, Jan-Mar 1973.
Box 31 Folder 6
Transition Services Papers and Publications, Management By Professional Systems on Dying, 1964-1976.
Box 31 Folder 7
Transition Services Abstracts and Student Thesis.
Box 31 Folder 8
Presentation at the 17th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Education, Minneapolis MN, Nov 16-19, 1983.
Box 31 Folder 9
Oncology Transition Services Student Alumnus, 1985-1990, 1998.
Box 31 Folder 10
Scope and Contents note

The purpose of the “Pre-Master’s Program” was to expand the Master’s Degree Programs by developing, implementing, and evaluating a new pathway to the MA program. In doing so, the team created ten videotapes showing key elements of Oncology Transition Services for teaching and learning and later evaluate their success and the possibility of offering the program to a class larger than ten students. The team devised the course and through weekly meetings evaluated the progress of the course, teachers, and students as well as created a recruitment plan for the future. Materials within this subgroup include weekly activity reports, curriculum courses, videotape materials and official reports.

Original Grant Proposal.
Box 31 Folder 11
Weekly Activity Reports Year 1, Oct 1977-Sept 1978.
Box 31 Folder 12
Weekly Activity Reports Year 2, Oct 1978-Sept 1979.
Box 32 Folder 1
Weekly Activity Reports Year 3, Oct 1979-Aug 1980.
Box 32 Folder 2
Year 1, 1977 . EIN, JQB, McCorkle, Willington.
Box 32 Folder 3
Physical Description

EIN, JQB, McCorkle, Willington

Year 2 Grant Award, 1978. EIN, Singer, Denton, etc..
Box 32 Folder 4
Physical Description

EIN, Singer, Denton, etc.

Curriculum Courses and Program Plans, 1974-1978.
Box 32 Folder 5
Comparative Nursing Care Services, Dec 1975-Jan 1976.
Box 32 Folder 6
Grant Supplement Draft and C&A Final Report, 1977; c. 1984. EIN .
Box 32 Folder 7
Physical Description


Final Report, c. 1980.
Box 32 Folder 8
Transition Services Training Grant and Progress Report, 1980, Oct 1978; June 1979; June 1980.
Box 33 Folder 1
Syllabi I, 1978 . SSN Moniz, JQB.
Box 33 Folder 2
Physical Description

SSN Moniz, JQB

Syllabi II, 1978.
Box 33 Folder 3
Video Tapes, Aug 1978-Sept 1979.
Box 33 Folder 4
Video Tape Series Workbook, c. 1980.
Box 33 Folder 5
Transition Services Videotape Series Correspondence, July-Oct 1989.
Box 33 Folder 6
Scope and Contents note

“Oncology Transition Services for Children and Adults” was a project designed to expand the Master’s degree program to prepare professional nurses for leadership through a community-based service for children and adults with advanced, fatal diseases. This course pathway would replace a previous program in the second year of the grant. The new program was organized around 1) how to work with and care for advanced cancer patients and their families; 2) how to administer and manage community-based services for children and adults with advance cancer living at home; and 3) knowledge about death and dying as an influence on the human experience on the individual, family dynamics, communication, child-rearing, and the organization of terminal care services. This course was to teach nurses about clinical strategies for terminal care while learning the skills of care and facing the professional and personal effects of death and dying. Materials include original grants, enrollment, data and coding forms and analysis.

Original Grants, Advance Nursing Training, 1980-1983. EIN.
Box 33 Folder 7
Physical Description


Final Report for Children and Adults N023 NU 00210, c. 1984.
Box 33 Folder 8
Working Folder, 1981-1983.
Box 33 Folder 9
Working Folder, legal size, 1981-1983.
Box 82 Folder 9
List of Program Graduates, Feb 1982.
Box 33 Folder 10
Original and Draft Proposal, 1980 . EIN, JQB, Rothenberg.
Box 33 Folder 11
Physical Description

EIN, JQB, Rothenberg

Consultants Special Presentation, 1982-1983.
Box 34 Folder 1
Human Subjects Review Committee, Feb 1983.
Box 34 Folder 2
Physician Assistant Enrollment, Feb 1982.
Box 34 Folder 3
Attitude Analysis, Sept 1983-Feb 1984.
Box 34 Folder 4
Cognitive Analysis, Aug 1983-Sept 1983.
Box 34 Folder 5
Survey of Progress Cohort IV, c. 1982.
Box 34 Folder 6
End of Program Interview Data and Coding Cohort IV, June 1982-Jan 1983.
Box 34 Folder 7
End of Program Interview Data and Coding Chart V, Mar-Nov 1983.
Box 34 Folder 8
End of Progress Questionnaire Cohort V Data and Coding, 1984.
Box 34 Folder 9
Transition Services Course Objectives Data and Coding.
Box 34 Folder 10
End of Program Data and Coding Cohort VI, May 1984.
Box 34 Folder 11
Program Objectives Data and Coding.
Box 34 Folder 12
Proposal for “Loss, Bereavement and Coping Styles of Elderly Individuals”, 1979.
Box 34 Folder 13
Draft Proposal for “Loss, Bereavement and Coping Styles of Elderly Individuals”, 1979.
Box 34 Folder 14
Paper, “Psychological Effects of Cancer and Heart Disease”.
Box 34 Folder 15
Article, “Factors Associated With Survival of Lung Cancer Patients” in American Journal of Public Health from grant CA 30456, NU00720-02.
Box 34 Folder 16
General, Cancer Program Grant Information, Nov 1974-Jan 1976.
Box 34 Folder 17
Unknown folder of evaluations, either Transition or Nursing Stress Projects.
Box 34 Folder 18

Scope and Contents note

Though Dr. Benoliel was associated with numerous organizations, materials within this section are from organizations she chaired, was on the board, or an early and long lasting member of. This includes the American Nurses’ Association and its Council (later Commission) on Nursing Research, the International Working Group on Death, Dying, and Bereavement, and the Oncology Nursing Society, amongst others. Documents located here include the correspondence, meeting minutes, agendas, mailings, membership lists and requirements as well as conference materials produced while JBQ was an active member.

Dr. Benoliel’s travel journals have some written entries on IWG conferences, trips, or meetings. Please see series 9 (Emeritus) for those items.

Governing Council of the Academy, 1975-1976.
Box 35 Folder 1
Governing Council of the Academy, 1976-1977.
Box 35 Folder 2
Reorganization and Mailings, Sept 1998-Aug 2003.
Box 35 Folder 3
Scope and Contents note

The ANA Council of Nurse Researcher and the Commission on Nursing Research, which Dr. Benoliel was a member of, was established to advance research activities and published issues in research, particularly focusing on promoting nursing practice and better patient care. In doing so, the ANA committed itself to support two sets of human rights: the rights of qualified nurses and the rights of all persons receiving health care services or involved in research studies that might impact the patient care by nurses. Documents in this subseries explore the correspondence, meeting minutes, agendas, and conference materials produced while JBQ was an active member of the group.

Correspondence (general information incoming and outgoing), 1972.
Box 35 Folder 4
Correspondence, 1973-1975.
Box 35 Folder 5
Correspondence, incoming and outgoing, 1971-1976.
Box 35 Folder 6
Newsletter, 1974-1978.
Box 35 Folder 7
Correspondence, 1970.
Box 35 Folder 8
Correspondence, Jan-May 1971.
Box 35 Folder 9
Correspondence, June-Dec 1971.
Box 35 Folder 10
Correspondence, 1972.
Box 35 Folder 11
Correspondence, 1973.
Box 36 Folder 1
Correspondence, 1974.
Box 36 Folder 2
Correspondence, 1975.
Box 36 Folder 3
Correspondence, 1976.
Box 36 Folder 4
Meeting Minutes, Agendas, etc., June 16-18, 1971.
Box 36 Folder 5
Meeting Minutes, Agendas, etc., Oct 20-22, 1971.
Box 36 Folder 6
Meeting Minutes, Agendas, etc., Oct 19-21, 1972.
Box 36 Folder 7
Meeting Minutes, Agendas, etc., Aug 22-24, 1973.
Box 36 Folder 8
Meeting Minutes, Agendas, etc., Dec 17-19, 1973.
Box 36 Folder 9
Meeting Minutes, Agendas, etc., Mar 18-20, 1974.
Box 36 Folder 10
Meeting Minutes, Agendas, etc., Sept 16-18, 1974.
Box 36 Folder 11
Meeting Minutes, Agendas, etc., April 9-11, 1975.
Box 37 Folder 1
Meeting Minutes, Agendas, etc., June 26-27, 1975.
Box 37 Folder 2
Meeting Minutes, Agendas, etc., Nov 9-12, 1975.
Box 37 Folder 3
Eighth Research Conference, Albuquerque NM, Mar 15-17, 1972.
Box 37 Folder 4
Ninth Research Conference, San Antonio TX, March 21-23, 1973.
Box 37 Folder 5
Commission Nursing Research and Advisory Committee for Nursing Research Conference, National Invitational Conference, Atlanta, GA,, March 7-9, 1971.
Box 37 Folder 6
Conference, “Issues and Evaluation Research”, National Invitation Conference, Tucson, AZ., 1975.
Box 37 Folder 7
Conference, “Issues and Evaluation Research”, National Invitation Conference, Tucson, AZ. Papers presented, 1975.
Box 37 Folder 8
Conference, “Issues and Evaluation Research”, National Invitation Conference, Tucson, AZ. Papers presented, 1975.
Box 37 Folder 9
Publication, Human Rights Guidelines for Nurses in Clinical and Other Research, American Nurses Association, 1975.
Box 37 Folder 10
Convention Correspondence, San Francisco, California, June 10-14,1974.
Box 37 Folder 11
Convention American Nurses Association Journal, San Francisco, California, legal size, June 10-14, 1974.
Box 82 Folder 10
Convention News, Atlantic City, New Jersey, June 7-9, 1976.
Box 37 Folder 12
Convention Correspondence, brochures, and etc., Atlantic City, New Jersey, 1976.
Box 38 Folder 1
ANA Human Rights Guidelines, 1974, 2001.
Box 38 Folder 2
Research Advisory Committee, 1970-1971.
Box 38 Folder 3
Correspondence and Program Brochure, 1966-1969, 1973.
Box 37 Folder 4
Nursing Educational Subcommittee, 1969-1970.
Box 37 Folder 5
California Nurses’ Association, 1966.
Box 38 Folder 6
Including paper “Personalizing Institutional Care of the Dying”, c. 1969, Feb 1969-1975.
Box 38 Folder 7
Scope and Contents note

This professional organization’s purpose was to aid in developing the field of death, dying and bereavement, with particular emphasis on working with people involved in death education as well as those involved with the health and care of the terminally ill, survivors and the bereaved. In addition, the IWG DDB sought to promote research and evaluation of those areas and other areas related to death, dying, and bereavement. This involved holding meetings, being an active catalyst in the development of the field, promoting and encouraging knowledge, and having an international perspective. Membership into the IWG was only extended to those who were leaders in their field through scholarship, practice or professional responsibility. Dr. Benoliel chaired the organization from 1982-1985. The subseries contain the minutes, correspondence, membership guidelines, and other activities by the organization. Also included are conference materials, correspondence, and other documents related to organizing the conference or travel arrangements.

Dr. Benoliel’s travel journals have some written entries on IWG conferences, trips, or meetings. Please see series 9 (Emeritus) for those items.

Binder of Papers as Chair ½, membership list, Correspondence In/Out, July 1982-June 1983.
Box 38 Folder 8
Binder of Papers as Chair 2/2, Meeting and Board Meetings, Newsletter, Membership Info, July 1982-June 1983.
Box 38 Folder 9
2nd Convocation Yale University, June 8-12, 1976.
Box 38 Folder 10
Asilomar Conference, Jan 1981, Sept 1980-Feb 1981.
Box 38 Folder 11
Correspondence RE: Conference, June 1982-Jan 1984.
Box 39 Folder 1
Correspondence and Finances, April-June 1984.
Box 39 Folder 2
History, Constitution and By-Laws, July 1979, June 1982, Jan 1986.
Box 39 Folder 3
Membership Applications, 1983 .
Box 39 Folder 4
International Hospice Conference, IWG, Stockholm Sweden, June 1982, Aug 1981-Oct 1982.
Box 39 Folder 5
Correspondence China/Japan Conference Trip, Mar 1984-Nov 1985.
Box 39 Folder 6
Correspondence China/Japan Conference Trip, Mar 1984-Nov 1985.
Box 39 Folder 7
Correspondence and Newsletters, Feb 1984-Aug 1984.
Box 39 Folder 8
Plans for Banff meeting, Feb 1984, April 1983-May 1984.
Box 39 Folder 9
Policies RE: Use of IWG Work Products, June 1990.
Box 39 Folder 10
Meeting in Oslo Norway, Jan 1989-Feb 1990.
Box 39 Folder 11
Activities, 1991.
Box 39 Folder 12
Conference Oslo Norway, June 14-17, 1990 April-Nov 1990.
Box 39 Folder 13
“Assumptions and Principles of Care for Those Affected by Human Immunodeficiency Virus Disease” IWG, 1989-1991.
Box 40 Folder 1
Maurice Marois, 1990.
Box 40 Folder 2
Activity, 1989.
Box 40 Folder 3
Conference Asilomar, 1988-Jan 1989.
Box 40 Folder 4
Conference London, England (10th Conference), 1986.
Box 40 Folder 5
Conference London, Ontario, 1986.
Box 40 Folder 6
Newsletter, 1986-1987.
Box 40 Folder 7
Membership, 1986.
Box 40 Folder 8
Fiscal/Accounting Records China Trip, 1982-1985.
Box 40 Folder 9
Mailings, 1997.
Box 40 Folder 10
Vanderlyn Pine Correspondence, Mar-May 1997.
Box 40 Folder 11
IWG DDB Committee on Violence, June-Oct 1995.
Box 40 Folder 12
Mailings and updates (By-Laws), 1996.
Box 40 Folder 13
Correspondence, 1995.
Box 40 Folder 14
Correspondence, 1994.
Box 40 Folder 15
Mailings, 1993.
Box 41 Folder 1
IWG Correspondence, Sept 2002-April 2003.
Box 41 Folder 2
25 Years, c. 1999.
Box 41 Folder 3
Program-Sydney Australia, July 19-24, 1998.
Box 41 Folder 4
“Breaking Cycles of Violence”, Mar 2004-April 2005.
Box 41 Folder 5
Correspondence, Nov 2003-May 2004.
Box 41 Folder 6
Correspondence, Mar-Sept 2002.
Box 41 Folder 7
25 Years Conference, Boulder CO, Sept 1999.
Box 41 Folder 8
Distinguished Researcher Award, Jan-July 1983.
Box 41 Folder 9
“Building a Legacy” Contribution of Personal History, Dec 1993-1995 .
Box 41 Folder 10
Mailings, Oct 1978-Nov 1982, 1985.
Box 41 Folder 11
Ethics Task Force, Dec 1982-June 1983.
Box 41 Folder 12
Judy Johnson General Participant in Cancer Nursing History Project, Oct 1998-Nov 2000.
Box 41 Folder 13
History Project, Oct-Nov 1986, Mar-April 1988.
Box 41 Folder 14
Pugnet Sound Chapter “Ethics in Cancer Nursing”, Ethics Newsletter, May-Sept 1987.
Box 41 Folder 15

Scope and Contents note

This series contains the papers Dr. Benoliel presented during her career as well as any lecture materials or courses she taught. These documents may include programs, agendas, correspondence, the paper and previous drafts, as well as flight information. These folders are organized by date presented.

Conference, 6th Western Training Laboratory in Group Development, University of California, Lake Arrowhead CA, Aug 1957.
Box 42 Folder 1
Correspondence General incoming and outing re: meetings, etc, 1960-1970.
Box 42 Folder 2
Book reviews and letters to the editor, etc, 1962-1970.
Box 42 Folder 3
Paper by Anselm L. Strauss, “Medical Organization, Medical Care and lower Income Groups”, c. 1963.
Box 42 Folder 4
“Defensible Criteria and Tools for Assessing the Quality of Nursing Care: a Technical Discussion for Researchers”, American Nurses Association Convention, Detroit, Michigan, May 15, 1962.
Box 42 Folder 5
“Surgery and the Effect on Body Image”, American College of Surgeons Sectional Meeting, Los Angeles, California, 1962.
Box 42 Folder 6
Meetings and Conferences, etc. National and State Nursing Association, 1963-1965.
Box 42 Folder 7
Consulting and teaching activities, University of San Francisco, California, correspondence, 1963-1969.
Box 42 Folder 8
Presentation, “Death as a Psycho-Social Event in Hospitals” Nursing Care of the Dying Patient, at Veterans’ Administration Hospital, Shreveport, LA, May, 1964.
Box 42 Folder 9
Conferences and consultation activities including correspondence and brochures, 1964- 1969 .
Box 42 Folder 10
“Joint Planning of Physicians and Nurses in the Hospital and Home”, American Medical Association Convention, Symposium on Nursing, San Francisco, Correspondence, Dec 1963-May 1964.
Box 42 Folder 11
Conference, Correspondence with presenter Rachel Ayers at City of Hope Medical Center, Duarte, CA, June 1964.
Box 42 Folder 12
Conference, Correspondence with presenter Rachel Ayers at City of Hope Medical Center, Duarte, CA, Jan 1964-Jan 1965.
Box 42 Folder 13
Paper, “The First Year After Mastectomy: The Patients and the Nurse Researchers”, ANA Convention, Atlantic City, NH, July-Oct 1964.
Box 43 Folder 1
Course, N119 Death Lectures and Notes, 1964-1965.
Box 43 Folder 2
Paper, “Awareness of Death and the Nurse’s Composure”, presented at the ANA Nursing Research Conference at Yale, April 1965.
Box 43 Folder 3
Course, Physical Therapy, UCSF, Spring 1965- April, 1967.
Box 43 Folder 4
ANA Correspondence, Feb-Sept 1965.
Box 43 Folder 5
Course, Continuing Education, “The Nurse and the Dying Patient”, UCSF, Sept 1966, Jan-June 1967.
Box 43 Folder 6
Paper, “The Social Context of Dying” presented at Gerontology Branch “Terminal Illness and Impending Death Among the Aged”, Washington, D.C., Mar, May 10-11, 1966.
Box 43 Folder 7
Paper, “The Case for Theories Generated From Empirical Data”, presented at Western Reserve Univ. “Research-How Will Nursing Define It?”, Cleveland, OH, Mar 1966-Spring 1967.
Box 43 Folder 8
Conference, ANA Committee on Research and Studies, Sept 1966- Jan 1968.
Box 43 Folder 9
Conference, “Conference on Terminal Illness and Impending Death Among the Aged”, sponsored by the Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Washington D.C., May 10, 1966.
Box 43 Folder 10
Conference, “Conference on Terminal Illness and Impending Death Among the Aged”, sponsored by the Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Washington D.C., May 11, 1966.
Box 43 Folder 11
Presentation, “The Nurse as a Facilitator of Communication”, for School of Nursing Alumnae Day, University of Minnesota, May 17, 1967.
Box 43 Folder 12
Presentation, “The Nurse Encounters the Dying Patient” for Death, Grief, and Bereavement at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis MN, May 18-19, 1967.
Box 43 Folder 13
Paper, “The Nurse as an Effector of Change” at “The Nurse as an Effector of Change in Continuity-of-Care of Cancer and Other Long-Term Patients” American Cancer Society, Sacramento CA, Oct 26-27, 1967.
Box 43 Folder 14
“Dx- Cancer”, Alameda, Contra Costa, California, October, 1967.
Box 43 Folder 15
Social Science in Nursing 459, University of Colorado, School of Nursing, course outline and written notes, 1967.
Box 43 Folder 16
Course, Continuing Education, “Death and the Family”, Dec 1967-Mar 1968.
Box 44 Folder 1
Cancer Nursing Project, University of Texas, Medical Center, Houston, Texas, 1967-1968.
Box 44 Folder 2
Workshop, Presented “Social Change and Nursing Practice” at “Can Nursing Adapt?”, San Jose CA, Feb 29, 1968.
Box 44 Folder 3
“Can Nursing Adapt?”, San Jose City Health Department, California, February 29, 1968; and “To The Living End”, California Nurses‘ Association, San Jose, California, March 1968.
Box 44 Folder 4
Paper, “The Right to Die: A Philosophical View”, April 1968.
Box 44 Folder 5
Presentation, “Professional Practice and ‘Emotional involvement’—Compatible or Incompatible?”, April 6, 1968.
Box 44 Folder 6
Course, “The Nurse and the Dying Patient”, at UCSF, April-June 1968.
Box 44 Folder 7
Course, Continuing Education, “Neurology and Neurosurgical Nursing” at UCSF, Includes lecture, “The Right to Die: A Perspective for Nurses”, July, 1968.
Box 44 Folder 8
Thank you letters, request for articles, etc, 1968-1969.
Box 44 Folder 9
Conference, First and Second Nursing Theory Conference, at the University of Kansas; Also includes “Some Thoughts on A Theory of Chronicity” presented at the First Conference, Sept 1968-Oct 1969.
Box 44 Folder 10
Conference, “Proceedings”, First Nursing Theory Conference at the University of Kansas; Presented “Some Thoughts on A Theory of Chronicity”, Mar 20-21, 1969.
Box 44 Folder 11
Paper, “The Threat of Death: Some Consequences for Patients and Nurses” presented at the Clinical Session for Professional Nurses, Savannah, GA, Sept 15,1969.
Box 44 Folder 12
“Participant Observation by Nurses” at Work Conference for the Project, Kansas City, Kansas Oct 8, 1969; Published in “Occasional Papers in Nursing Research” UCSF, 1970.
Box 44 Folder 13
Conference, “Proceedings”, Second Nursing Theory Conference at the University of Kansas, Oct 9-10, 1969.
Box 44 Folder 14
Program, Presented “A Follow-Up Study of Mastectomized Women” and “Juvenile Diabetes: An Example of Patient-Doctor-Family Interactions”, at Continuing Education, “How the Patient Affects the Doctor”, at the UCSF, Oct 25-26, 1969.
Box 44 Folder 15
Presentation, “Expectations and Responses to Grief in Nursing”, at Concept of Grief- Nursing Implications, University of Wisconsin, Oct 30, 1969.
Box 44 Folder 16
Paper, “The Paradoxical Position of the Nurse” presented at “The Challenge of the Dying Patient” at Ellis Fischel State Cancer Hospital” Columbia, MI, Nov 15, 1969.
Box 44 Folder 17
Course, Nursing 248 “The Threat of Death in Clinical Practice”, UCSF, Dec 1969-Mar 1970.
Box 45 Folder 1
Course, Nursing 248 “The Threat of Death in Clinical Practice”, UCSF, legal size, Dec 1969-Mar 1970.
Box 82 Folder 11
Conference, Third Nursing Theory Conference, at the University of Kansas, Dec 1969-May 1970.
Box 45 Folder 2
Conference, “Proceedings” Third Nursing Theory Conference at the University of Kansas, Jan 29-30, 1970.
Box 45 Folder 3
Course, Continuing Education, “The Dying Person”, UCSF, Jan-June 1970.
Box 45 Folder 4
Conference, Nurse Scientist Program, Denver CO, April 3-4, 1970.
Box 45 Folder 5
Paper, “The Developing Diabetic Identity: A Study of Family Influence” Presented at WICHEN Conference, Salt Lake City Utah, April 29, 1970.
Box 45 Folder 6
Paper, “Time For … Grief” Grief Workshop, San Diego CA, Nov 19, 1970.
Box 45 Folder 7
Position Paper “The Risks of Innovation”, June 6, 1971.
Box 45 Folder 8
Death and Dying Seminar, Winter 1971-Spring 1972.
Box 45 Folder 9
Course “Death and Dying in Clinical Practice” at Tel-Aviv University, Israel, May-June 1972, April 1971 -Oct 1972.
Box 45 Folder 10
Journal Nursing in Israel, 1972.
Box 45 Folder 11
Paper, “As the Patient Views the ICU-CCU” presented at “Critical Cardiopulmonary Care” for the American College of Chest Physicians, Denver CO, Oct 23, 1972.
Box 45 Folder 12
Paper, “Assessment of Consequences of Dehumanization: Critique and Discussion” at Symposium on Humanizing Health Care, sponsored by Center for Health Services Research at UCSF Dec 1-2, 1972; and subsequent publishing Nov 1972-Mar 1975.
Box 45 Folder 13
“Death and Dying” Paper presented Seminar at Harborview Medical Center Seattle WA Jan 1973 and the Planning Committee on Death and Dying minutes Oct 1972- Mar 1973.
Box 46 Folder 1
Paper, “The American Way of Dying” presented at lecture at Clemson University, Clemson SC, Mar 14, 1973.
Box 46 Folder 2
Conference, “Collaboration and Competition in Nursing Research” presented for the Western Interstate Commission on Higher Education, Phoenix AZ, April 25-27, 1973.
Box 46 Folder 3
Paper, “A Caring Environment for the Terminally Ill Aged: A Nurse's Perspective” presented at “Caring Environments and the Aged Patient” for VA Hospital, Palo Alto CA,, June 6-7, 1973.
Box 46 Folder 4
Paper, “Care and Cure: Problems and Priorities” presented “Quality of Survival and the Cancer 7 Patient” at Univ. of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh PA, June 13, 1973.
Box 46 Folder 5
Paper, “Question Identification in Substantive Areas in Thanatology” presented at Issues in Research sponsored by ANA, Denver CO, Aug 22-24, 1973.
Box 45 Folder 6
Paper, “The Patient in Pain: New Concepts” presented at the American Cancer Society’s National Conference, Chicago IL, Sept 10-11, 1973.
Box 46 Folder 7
Lectures- Death and Dying, 1973-1978 .
Box 46 Folder 8
Death and Dying Discussion Group, University of Washington, Mar 1974-Jan 1975.
Box 46 Folder 9
Paper “Care, Cure, and the Challenge of Choice” Presented at Foundation of Thanatology’s Nursing Symposium, Nov 1, 1974 Oct 1973-Nov 1974.
Box 46 Folder 10
Course, “Living With the Threat of Death” for “Death and the Dying” at Univ. of WA, Seattle WA, May 1-3, 1974.
Box 46 Folder 11
Paper, “The Patient in Pain” presented at “Cancer Nursing” for Univ. of Tennessee and the American Cancer Society, Nashville, TN, Mar 6-7, 1975.
Box 46 Folder 12
Paper, “Impact of Death and Dying on Health Care Practitioners” presented at “Aging, Dying and Death” for University of Rhode Island, Mar 10, 1975.
Box 46 Folder 13
Paper “Problems Related to Clinical Research” and “A Study of Student Nurses’ Reactions to Work with Dying Patients” Presented at Japanese Nursing Association, Japan, Mar 16-27, 1975 Dec 1974-May 1975.
Box 46 Folder 14
Paper “A Study of Student Nurses’ Reactions to Work with Dying Patients” at 2nd Assembly on Education Administration for the Japanese Nursing Association, Tokyo Japan, Mar 19, 1975.
Box 46 Folder 15
Consultant – Sadurburg Project, DeKalb Illinois, April 1975-April 1976.
Box 46 Folder 16
Paper “Will I See You Tomorrow Darling? Let’s Talk About Death” Presented at Oregon Dental Association, Limited Attendance Clinic, April 1-2, 1975 Jan-April 1975.
Box 46 Folder 17
Cancer Nursing Workshop: Living With Cancer, University of Washington, May 1975, Organizer, Jan-May 1975.
Box 46 Folder 18
Paper “Critical Decisions Affecting Death and Dying” International Congress of Gerontology, Jerusalem, June 22-27, 1975, Mar 1974-July 1975.
Box 46 Folder 19
Paper “Self As Critical Variable in Sensitive Research in Women’s Health” in Women and Their Health: Research Implications for a New Era at University of California, San Francisco, Aug 1-2 1975.
Box 47 Folder 1
Paper, “Self As Critical Variable in Sensitive Research in Women’s Health” Presented at Women and their Health Conference, San Francisco CA, Aug 1-2, 1975.
Box 47 Folder 2
Paper, “The Importance of Talking About Death” presented at Multnomah County Medical Society, Portland, OR, Oct 23, 1975.
Box 47 Folder 3
Paper “Operationalizing A Concept: The Case of the Dying Trajectory” Presented at Ohio State University’s A Symposium on the Interaction between Theory and Research, April 2, 1976.
Box 47 Folder 4
Paper, “The Interaction Between Theory and Research” presented at A Symposium on the Interaction Between Theory and Research at The Ohio State University,, April 2, 1976.
Box 47 Folder 5
Paper, “Research About Death: Implications for Practice” presented at research symposium at Northern Illinois University, DeKalb IL, April 8, 1976.
Box 47 Folder 6
Paper, “Dying as Transition: The Influence of Significant Others”, presented at a Gerontology Institute, “The Meaning of Death”, Springfield, IL, April 9-10, 1976.
Box 47 Folder 7
Paper “Dying is a Family Affair” Presented at Alexander Ming Fischer Lecture, College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University, New York City, April 21, 1976.
Box 47 Folder 8
Paper, “Care, Communication, and Human Dignity” presented at 1st National Training Conference for Physicians on Psychosocial Care of the Dying Patient:, San Francisco CA, April 30, 1976.
Box 47 Folder 9
Paper (Publication) “Psychosocial Aspects of Terminal Patient Care” Presented at University of California, April 1976.
Box 47 Folder 10
Conference WICHE Communicating Nursing Research, Seattle, Washington, May 5-7, 1976.
Box 47 Folder 11
Paper “Breast Cancer and the Changing Role of Women” Presented at Disturbance in Self-Concept, June 3 1976.
Box 47 Folder 12
Paper “Social Values, Technology and Health Care in the United States”, 1976.
Box 47 Folder 13
Workshop “Nursing Research in Cancer” National Institutes of Health, Feb 1977.
Box 47 Folder 14
Paper “A Holistic Approach to Terminal Illness” Presented at National Nursing Pediatric Conference, Philadelphia, PA, April 13, 1977.
Box 47 Folder 15
Paper “A Comparison of Selected Dying Characteristics in One Hospital During 1966 and 1971” Presented at WICHE Denver, Colorado May 4-6, 1977,, Nov 1976-July 1977.
Box 47 Folder 16
Paper, “Ethical Considerations in Treatment” presented at 2nd National Conference on Cancer Nursing, American Cancer Society, St. Louis MI, May 9-10, 1977.
Box 47 Folder 17
University of Washington, Public Discussion, American Civic Issues, “Social Values, Technology and Health Care in the United States”, Sept 1977-Mar 1978.
Box 47 Folder 18
Paper, “Humanizing Heath Care”, Wichita State University, Wichita, Kansas, Jan 1978.
Box 47 Folder 19
Presentation, “Humanizing Health Care” at Seminar on Nursing Ethics sponsored by the Student Advisory Council, Wichita State University, Wichita, Kansas, Jan 27, 1978.
Box 47 Folder 20
Paper, “Some Contributions from Research to Clinical Nursing Practice” Presented at Rho Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau, Ann Arbor, Michigan, Mar 16, 1978.
Box 47 Folder 21
Practical Nurse Educator’s Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota April 27, 1978, Sept 1977-April 1978.
Box 48 Folder 1
Presentation, “Ethics of Doing Research with Dying Patients”, at Ethical Dilemmas and Nursing Research, WICHE, Portland OR, May 3, 1978.
Box 48 Folder 2
Notes “Loss, Grief, and Cancer”, May 11, 1978.
Box 48 Folder 3
Workshop, “Death and Dying” Institute on Aging, University of Washington, June 19-29, 1978.
Box 48 Folder 4
Paper, “Conceptual and Empirical Derivations of a Social Dependency Scale” Presented at Research Day, University Of Oregon Health Sciences Center, Portland OR, Oct 7, 1978.
Box 48 Folder 5
“Development of A Social Dependency Scale” Aug 1979; “Measurement of Social Dependency in Patients with Cancer” at the International Cancer Congress, Buenos Aires Oct 1978; “Conceptual and Empirical Derivations of a Social Dependency Scale” at Research Day Oregon Oct 1978.
Box 48 Folder 6
Paper “Cancer and the Quality of Life” Presented at American Cancer Society’s Cancer Update, Birmingham, Alabama, 1978.
Box 48 Folder 7
Paper “Nursing Practice and the Quality of Life” Presented at 1st Cancer Nursing Symposium, Seattle, Washington, Jan 19, 1979.
Box 48 Folder 8
Paper “Rates of Dying Days and Death Days in Three Hospitals in 1966 and 1971” Conference of the Western Society for Research in Nursing’s Women in Health in Illness, May 1979.
Box 48 Folder 9
Paper, “The Gift of Life: Social Obstacles and Personal Opportunities” from Conference on Organ and Body Donations, Houston TX, Sept 24-25, 1979.
Box 48 Folder 10
Lecture, “Treatment and Quality of Life Decisions”, course Hospital and Clergy- the Healing Team at Northwest Hospital, Seattle WA, Oct 24, 1979.
Box 48 Folder 11
Paper, “An Ethical Perspective on Terminal Cancer Care” presented at 13th Annual Cancer Symposium of the Virginia Mason medical Center, Nov 9, 1979.
Box 48 Folder 12
Notes for Presentations, 1979-1980.
Box 48 Folder 13
Paper “Loss and Human Development” Presented at Education Day, Kauai Hawaii, Nov 6, 1980.
Box 48 Folder 14
Paper, “Dying Is a Family Affair”, Workshop on Quality of Life, Toronto, April 27-29, 1980.
Box 48 Folder 15
Paper “The Cancer Patient’s Right to Know and Decide: An Ethical Perspective”, Fourth Annual Cancer Nursing Symposium, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle WA, Jan 15-16, 1982.
Box 48 Folder 16
Paper, “Values, Ethics, and Academic Nursing”, for Nursing Outlook, and expanded from a paper at Contributions of Humanities to Nursing as a Profession, University of Washington, Feb 18, 1982;, Feb-Dec 1982.
Box 48 Folder 17
Course “The Preservation of Human Dignity”, University of Southern California, Feb 1982, Dec 1981-Feb 1982.
Box 48 Folder 18
Paper, “The Development of Cancer Nursing Research in the United States”, originally presented at 13th International Cancer Congress, Seattle WA, Sept 11, 1982.
Box 48 Folder 19
Paper, “The Development of Cancer Nursing Research in the United States”, 13th International Cancer Congress, Seattle WA, Sept 8-15 1982, May 1981-Sept 1982.
Box 49 Folder 1
Paper, “Ethical Issues in Patient Care” 16th Annual Cancer Conference, Virginia Mason Medical Center, Oct 7, 1982 Aug-Oct 1982.
Box 49 Folder 2
Paper, “Conceptual, Clinical and Research Perspectives on Symptom Control”, 1982.
Box 49 Folder 3
Paper, “Cultural and Social Thanatology: An Emerging Field in Nursing Science”, Helen Nahm Research Lecture, University of California, June 10 1983, May-Aug 1983.
Box 49 Folder 4
Paper, “Dialectic Between Clinical Practice and Nursing Research”, University of Oregon and Sigma Theta Tau, Oct 20 1983 Mar-Oct 1983.
Box 49 Folder 5
Paper, “Development of Nursing as a Human Science: Grounded Theory and Qualitative Methods”, Seminar Development of Nursing as a Human Science, University of Colorado Health Sciences, Denver CO, Feb 17, 1984.
Box 49 Folder 6
Paper, “Loss and Adaptation: Circumstances, Contingencies, and Consequences”, modified from Elizabeth L. Kemble Lecture, University of North Caroline, Mar 30, 1984, Mar-July 1984.
Box 49 Folder 7
Paper, “Loss and Adaptation: Circumstances, Contingencies, and Consequences” Presented at the 9th Elizabeth L. Kemble Lecture, Univ. of NC, Mar 30, 1984.
Box 49 Folder 8
Paper, “Advancing Nursing Science” Qualitative Approaches”, Communicating Nursing Research Conference, Western Council on Higher Education for Nursing, May 2-4, 1984, Jan-May 1984.
Box 49 Folder 9
Paper, “The Concept of Loss”, Caring for the Family with Loss Conference, Swedish Hospital Medical Center, Seattle WA, May 1984.
Box 49 Folder 10
Paper, “Methodological Issues in Nursing Research with Focus on Participant Observation and Qualitative Data” Copenhagen, Denmark, Sept 1984, Oct 1983-Oct 1984.
Box 49 Folder 11
Conference, Fifth International Seminar on Terminal Care, Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal, Canada, Oct 1-3, 1984.
Box 49 Folder 12
Paper, “Stresses, Health, and Coping of Women Graduate Students in the First Year of Study”, 1st International Congress on Women’s Health Issues, Nova Scotia, Canada, Oct 3-5, 1984, May-Oct 1984.
Box 49 Folder 13
Presentation, “Contracts, Partnerships, and Negotiations: The Dynamics of Family-Centered Nursing Care” The Montreal General Hospital Lecture, Quebec, Canada, Oct 1984, April-Oct 1984.
Box 49 Folder 14
Western Council on Higher Education for Nursing Skit, 1984.
Box 49 Folder 15
Presentation, “Ethical Dilemmas and the Future of Nursing”, Creating the Future Conference, Swedish Hospital Medical Center, Seattle WA, Mar 1985, Dec 1984- Mar 1985.
Box 50 Folder 1
Presentation, “Care of Person with Cancer”, BCPNIG Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, April 11-12, 1985, Nov 1984-April 1985.
Box 50 Folder 2
Presentations, Seminar on “Cancer Nursing and the Preservation of Human Dignity, Bethesda Navy Hospital, April 1985.
Box 50 Folder 3
WSTN Skit, May 2, 1985.
Box 50 Folder 4
Paper, “Communication: Approaches in Cancer Care” Cancer Nursing Series, American Cancer Society, Bellingham WA, May 22, 1985.
Box 50 Folder 5
Paper, “Comparisons of Stress and Health in Women Graduate Students”, Presented at Communicating Nursing Research Conference, Western Interstate Commission on Higher Education, Seattle, WA, May 1985.
Box 50 Folder 6
Paper, “The Terminally Ill Child”, Jerusalem, Friday, June 21, 1985.
Box 50 Folder 7
Presentation, “The Human Experience of Living with Cancer”, 8th International Workshop on Care for Dying, The Life Planning Center, Tokyo, Japan, Aug 30-31, 1985, Aug-Sept 1985.
Box 50 Folder 8
“Present and Future of Nursing Education and Research” St. Luke’s College, Tokyo, Japan, Aug 1985, April-Sept 1985.
Box 50 Folder 9
Paper, “Systematic Knowledge Development in Nursing”, Presented at 3rd Nursing Science Colloquium, Boston University, April 3-4, 1986.
Box 50 Folder 10
Abstract, “Cross Cultural Considerations in Cancer Nursing Research: Implications for Nursing Interventions”, 4th International Conference on Cancer Nursing, New York, Sept 7-12, 1986.
Box 50 Folder 11
Poster Session, “Oncology Transition Services: Its Influence on Community Nursing Care”, 4th International Conference on Cancer Nursing, New York, Sept 1986.
Box 50 Folder 12
Second International Congress on Women’s Health Issues, withdrawn from conference, 1986.
Box 50 Folder 13
Cancer information and statistics, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research, 1986.
Box 50 Folder 14
Presentation, “The Hard Decisions: Who Makes Them? Ethical Issues Facing Patients and Providers”, symposium Home Care: Who Needs It?, Swedish Hospital Medical Center, Seattle WA, Jan 30, 1987.
Box 50 Folder 15
Paper “Transitions and Turning Points: Individual and Collective” McCorkle Lecture at the 9th Annual Symposium of the Puget Sound Chapter, Oncology Nursing Society, Seattle WA, Feb 28, 1987.
Box 50 Folder 16
Paper, “Nursing Science and Nursing Practice-A Reciprocal Relationship”, Marion Woodward Lecture, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, Mar 5, 1987.
Box 50 Folder 17
Panelist, AIDS: Practical Applications for Nurses and Social Workers, Seattle WA, Aug 1987.
Box 50 Folder 18
Presentation “Powerlessness as A Theoretical Framework”, Powerlessness in the Cancer Experience: Enhancing Self-Care: sponsored by Jefferson University, Philadelphia PA, Oct 1987.
Box 50 Folder 19
Course, Qualitative Methods, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY Summer 1988, April 1987-Aug 1988.
Box 50 Folder 20
Paper, “Palliative Care, Review Lecture”, 5th International Conference on Cancer Nursing, London, England Sept 4-9, 1988, July 1987-Jan 1989.
Box 51 Folder 1
Palliative Papers from 5th International Conference on Cancer Nursing, London, England, Sept 4-9, 1988.
Box 51 Folder 2
Paper, “Healing Environments and Women in Transition: An Issue for Nursing”, 1st Annual Rosemary Ellis Scholars Retreat, Sept 23-25, 1988.
Box 51 Folder 3
Presentation “Ethics, Health Care Practice, and AIDS” Presented at AIDS/HIV Education for Health Care Workers, Dec 10, 1988.
Box 51 Folder 4
Rosemary Ellis Scholar’s Retreat, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland OH, 1988-1989.
Box 51 Folder 5
Conference, “Philosophy in the Nurse’s World”, Banff, Alberta, Canada April 9-12, 1989, Nov 1987, Oct 1988-Aug 1989.
Box 51 Folder 6
Conference, “From Research to Scholarship: Challenges, Choices, and Transitions” presented at 22nd Annual Communication Nursing Research Conference, Western Society for Research in Nursing, San Diego CA, May 3-5, 1989.
Box 51 Folder 7
Paper, “Influence of Loss on Creatively in Women” presented at New England Institute of Applied Arts, Boston MA, June 23-24, 1989.
Box 51 Folder 8
Lecture, at the Institute of Nursing, Oslo, Norway, Oct 1989-June 1990.
Box 51 Folder 9
Paper “From Research to Scholarship: Personal and Collective Transitions”, for American Cancer Society First National Conference on Cancer Nursing Research, Atlanta GA, Dec 2, 1989.
Box 51 Folder 10
Paper “From Research to Scholarship: Personal and Collective Transitions” at the American Cancer Society 1st National Conference on Cancer Nursing Research in Atlanta GA, Dec 1989.
Box 51 Folder 11
Paper, “The Effects of Home Care on Patients’ Symptoms, Number of Hospitalizations, and Medical Complications” conference in North Carolina, 1989.
Box 51 Folder 12
Keynote Address, “Enhancement of Nursing Practice Through Research”, at Sigma Theta Tau, Gamma Gamma and Zeta Mu Chapters Annual Conference, San Diego CA Mar 19, 1990; paper not included, Oct 1989-May 1990.
Box 52 Folder 1
Presentation, “Myths and Metaphors: Images of Nurses and Nursing” at Fresno General Hospital School of Nursing May 10, 1990, May 1989, Mar-May 1990.
Box 52 Folder 2
Presentation, “Person-Centered Care in Terminal Illness: The Need for Healing Environments” at Jackson-Newman Foundation’s Conference, College Park, MD, Sept 20-22, 1990.
Box 52 Folder 3
Paper, “Undervalued Caregiving” at 1st National Congress of Thanatology NYC, NY, Sept 1990.
Box 52 Folder 4
Conference, Fourth International Congress on Women’s Health Issues, Massey University, New Zealand Nov 14-17, 1990, April 1989-Nov 1990.
Box 52 Folder 5
Presentations, “The Lived Experience of Cancer: Coping with New Meanings and Realities”, Death and Dying Conference, American Cancer Society, Tacoma WA, Nov 1990.
Box 52 Folder 6
Association for Death Education and Counseling, New Orleans LA, 1990.
Box 52 Folder 7
Paper, “Personal Care in an Impersonal World” at King’s College 9th International Conference on Death and Bereavement, London Ontario, May 26-28, 1991.
Box 52 Folder 8
Conference, Ethics Forum, Oncology Nursing Society Congress, Orlando FL, May 1993.
Box 52 Folder 9
Paper, “Politics of Nursing Research” at 22nd Annual Research Development Conference, Rutgers Univ., Newark NJ, June 1991.
Box 52 Folder 10
Response paper to “The Common Sense Model” by Sandra E. Ward, for Psychosocial Nursing Conference, June 1991.
Box 52 Folder 11
Presentation, “Ethical Decision Making in Context” Visiting Nurse Services-Everett WA, June 10, 1992.
Box 52 Folder 12
Paper, “Multiple Meanings of Pain: Caregiving Issues in a Technological World”, at 1st International Nursing Research Symposium on Cancer Pain Seattle WA, July 1992.
Box 52 Folder 13
Presentation “Coping with Loss, Coping with Change” given at “Successful Retirement Group” at University of Washington, Mar 1993.
Box 52 Folder 14
Presentation, “Issues in Death and Dying: Where We’ve Been, Where We Are, and Where We Are Going” at Issues in Care of the Dying, Univ. of Rhode Island, April 15, 1993.
Box 53 Folder 1
Paper, “Challenges for Nursing in a Changing Health Care System” at Univ. of Pennsylvania 237th Commencement, May 16, 1993.
Box 53 Folder 2
Paper, “The Cancer Experience: Different Perspectives Different Understandings” at Coping with Illness: Process & Outcome, Rochester NY, Oct 9 1993.
Box 53 Folder 3
Presentation, “Knowledge, Network, and Power”, at Oncology Nursing Society, Fall Institute, Seattle WA, Oct 1993.
Box 53 Folder 4
Presentation, “Program Management in Palliative Care” at Palliative Care Seminar, Mar 1995.
Box 53 Folder 5
Research Notes, “Palliative Care- An International Perspective” at Palliative Care Seminar, Mar 1995.
Box 53 Folder 6
Paper, “Grounded Theory and Nursing Knowledge” at Knowledge Development Symposium, Univ. Rhode Island Oct 1994, April- Nov 1994.
Box 53 Folder 7
Paper “Twentieth Century Change and the Death Movement”, presented at MERIMNA, Society for the Care of Children Facing Illness and Death, Athens, Greece, Sept 1996, Dec 1995- Feb 1997.
Box 53 Folder 8
Presentation, “Chronic Disabling Conditions: Personal, Professional, Political Implications” at the 24th Nursing Research Conference: Research for Clinical Practice, Tucson AZ Jan 21-24, 1998, July 1997-Jan 1998.
Box 53 Folder 9
Conference, 5th National Conference on Cancer Nursing Research, Feb 10, 1999.
Box 54 Folder 1
Paper, “End of Life Care: Current and Future Challenges” Beyond the Boundaries, IWG, Denver, CO, Sept 22-24, 1999.
Box 54 Folder 2
Workshop, “Weaving End-of-Life Care Into Nursing Education” University of Washington, Seattle WA, Aug 2, 2001.
Box 54 Folder 3
Honorary Chairperson at Weaving End-of-Life Care into Nursing Education Workshops, Seattle WA, Aug 2, Oct 24, 2001.
Box 54 Folder 4
Conference, Western Region National Association of Medical Minority Educators, University of Washington Mar 2-4, 2006, Jan-Mar 2006.
Box 54 Folder 5
Helen Nahm Research Lecture Program, Inaugural, Ninth, and Tenth, 1981, May 19, 1989, June 1, 1990.
Box 54 Folder 6
Conference Program, 1989-1996.
Box 54 Folder 7
Paper, “Transition Services for Advanced Cancer Patients” supported by grant 1 D23 NU00086.
Box 54 Folder 8
RMF-CNA Conference, other papers.
Box 54 Folder 9
Miscellaneous Notes.
Box 54 Folder 10

Scope and Contents note

The materials in this section contains any articles, book chapters, book and publisher correspondence, and other related documents regarding any publications by Dr. Benoliel. These folders are organized, as much as possible, by date of publication.

Unpublished Paper, “Intuitional Dying: A Convergence of Cultural Values”, May 1986.
Box 54 Folder 11
Article, modified from “Death Counseling and Human Development: Issues and Intricacies”.
Box 54 Folder 12
“Death Counseling and Human Development: Issues and Intricacies”.
Box 54 Folder 13
“Impact of Life-Threatening Disease on Family Interactions”.
Box 54 Folder 14
“Current Changes and Future Directions in Health Care Delivery- A Nurse’s Viewpoint”.
Box 54 Folder 15
“The Changing Social Context for Life and Death Decisions”… in Essences Vol 2, No 2, 1978.
Box 54 Folder 16
"Mastectomy: A Signpost for the Future”.
Box 54 Folder 17
“Coping with Failure: The Case of Death in Childhood”.
Box 54 Folder 18
“Current Issues in Critical Care: Contemporary Opinions”.
Box 54 Folder 19
"The Aging Process and the Meaning of Death”.
Box 54 Folder 20
“Conceptual Precision and Research about Human Dying”.
Box 54 Folder 21
“Anticipatory Grief in Physicians and Nurses”.
Box 54 Folder 22
“Scholarship- A Woman’s Perspective”, c. 1973.
Box 54 Folder 23
“Causes and Consequences of Dehumanization: A Commentary”.
Box 54 Folder 24
Margaret West and Christy Hawkins, Nursing Schools at the Mid-Century: A Report Prepared By the Subcommittee on School Data Analysis for the National Committee for the Improvement of Nursing Services, New York, 1950.
Box 54 Folder 25
Mastectomy: Signpost in Time, The Journal of Nursing Education, Vol.2 No.3 September 1963.
Box 54 Folder 26
"The Impact of Mastectomy", The American Journal of Nursing, Vol. 63, No.11, November 1963.
Box 54 Folder 27
"Mastectomy Symbol of Care of Warning Sign ?" GP, Vol. 29, No. 3, March 1964.
Box 55 Folder 1
How to Study Nursing Activities in a Patient Unit: A Manual to Aid Hospitals in Making Best Use of Personnel US Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Services, 1954.
Box 55 Folder 2
"Institutionalized Practices of Information Control, Psychiatry" Journal for Study of Interpersonal Processes, Vol. 28 No. 2, May 1965.
Box 55 Folder 3
Articles, “Hidden Hazards for Nurse Teachers” in Nursing Outlook v. 15, n 4, April 1967; “The Hidden Hazards in Patient Assignments” in Nursing Outlook v. 13, n, 11, Nov 1965; “Nursing the Patient with Endarterectomy” in American Journal of Nursing v. 58, July 1958.
Box 55 Folder 4
Correspondence, Springer Publishing Co., May 1962- Nov 1963, Jan 1967.
Box 55 Folder 5
Reprints of Articles, 1962-1963, 1967 .
Box 55 Folder 6
Article, “Delineation of Qualitative Aspects of Nursing Care” in Nursing Research v 11, n. 4, Fall 1962.
Box 55 Folder 7
Article, “The Nurse Social Scientist” in Journal of Nursing Education v. 3 n. 4, Includes “The Nurse and Field Work: Dilemmas and Decisions”, Oct 1963- Nov 1964.
Box 55 Folder 8
Correspondence, Parker Publishing Co. Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Nov 1963- April 1964.
Box 55 Folder 9
Mastectomy Articles: “Nursing Students, Assignments, and Dying Patients” in Nursing Outlook v. 12, n. 1, Jan 1964; “Mastectomy-Symbol of Cure or Warning Sign?” in GP 1964; “The Impact of Mastectomy” in The American Journal of Nursing v. 63, n. 11, Nov 1963.
Box 55 Folder 10
Publications 1963-1978 “Editorial” University of Washington 1978; “Psychosocial Aspects of Terminal Care” 1970; “The Threat of Death : Some Consequences for Patients and Nurses” in Nursing Forum n. 69, 1963.
Box 55 Folder 11
Proceedings, First National Conference for Professional Nurses and Physicians, American Nurses’ Association and American Medical Association, Williamsburg VA, Feb 13-15, 1964.
Box 55 Folder 12
Article, “Nursing Services and the Care of Dying Patients, Some Speculations” in Nursing Science v. 2 n. 6, July, Dec 1964.
Box 55 Folder 13
Correspondence, Psychiatry , Oct 1964-July 1969.
Box 55 Folder 14
Proceedings, First Nursing Research Conference, American Nurses’ Association, New York, NY, April 5-6, 1965.
Box 55 Folder 15
Article, “Institutionalized Practices of Information Control” in Psychiatry v. 28, n. 2,, May 1965.
Box 55 Folder 16
Articles, “Awareness of Death and the Nurse’s Composure”, Nursing Research v. 15, n.1, Winter 1966 also presented at the ANA Nursing Research Conference at Yale, April 1965; “Obstacles to Helping the Dying” in American Journal of Nursing, v. 66, n. 7, July 1966 ; “Communication Problems Affecting Patient Care in Hospitals” in Journal of the American Medical Association, v. 195, Jan 1966; “Search or Research?” in Nursing Outlook v. 13, n. 8, Aug 1965.
Box 55 Folder 17
Articles: “Pharmacy Can Help Nursing Control Medication Errors” in Hospital Topics 1966; “Becoming Diabetic: A Study of Emerging Identity” in Dissertation Abstracts International v 31, n 1, 1970; “Health Care Providers and Dying Patients: Critical Issues in Terminal Care” in OMEGA v 18, n. 4, 1987; “Twentieth Century Change and the Death Movement”, based on presentation at MERIMNA, for Cultures in Crisis ed. James Downs, Feb 1997.
Box 55 Folder 18
Proceedings, Second Nursing Research Conference, American Nurses’ Association, Phoenix, AZ, Feb 28-Mar 2, 1966.
Box 55 Folder 19
Article, “Role Models and Professional Nurse Identity” in Journal of Nursing Education v. 6 n. 2, Aug 1966- April 1967.
Box 56 Folder 1
Article, “Medication Errors: The Viewpoint of the Nurse” in Hospital Topics based on presentation at Association of Western Hospitals, April 1966 Los Angeles, CA, Feb-June 1966.
Box 56 Folder 2
Correspondence, Prentice-Hall, INC, Oct 1966- June 1967.
Box 56 Folder 3
Article, “The Dying Patient: A Difficult Nursing Problem” in Nursing Clinics of North America , Nov 1966-Dec 1967.
Box 56 Folder 4
Proceedings, Third Nursing Research Conference, American Nurses’ Association, Seattle, WA, Feb 27-Mar 1, 1967.
Box 56 Folder 5
Article, ”Preparing Nurses to Care for the Fatally Ill” in International Journal of Nursing Studies , Mar 1967- Jan 1968.
Box 56 Folder 6
Publications, “When Patients Die: Some Nursing Problems”, The Canadian Nurse, May-Nov 1967.
Box 56 Folder 7
Article, “Problems of Persons Who Have Diseases with Fatal Connotations”, c. 1967.
Box 56 Folder 8
Proceedings, Fourth Nursing Research Conference, American Nurses’ Association, New York, NY, Mar 4-5, 1968.
Box 56 Folder 9
Article, “The Right to Die: A Perspective for Nurses”, American Journal of Nursing, May- July 1968.
Box 57 Folder 10
Proceedings, Fifth Nursing Research Conference, American Nurses’ Association, New Orleans LA, Mar 3-5, 1969.
Box 57 Folder 11
Book, Nurse and the Dying Patient, Macmillan CO. Correspondence, July 1969- June 1972.
Box 56 Folder 12
Book, Nurse and the Dying Patient, Macmillan CO. Correspondence, legal size, June 1969-June 1972.
Box 82 Folder 12
“The Case for Theories Generated from Empirical Data: in Readings from Nursing Research, American Journal of Nursing , 1969.
Box 56 Folder 13
Article, “Preparing Nurses to Care for the Fatally Ill" International Journal Nurses Study v. 5, 1969.
Box 56 Folder 14
Proceedings, Sixth Nursing Research Conference, American Nurses’ Association, San Diego CA, April 8-10, 1970.
Box 57 Folder 1
“Research Related to Death and the Dying Patient”, in Research in Nursing, Little, Brown and Co., Correspondence, Mar 1970-May 1975.
Box 57 Folder 2
Patient Care “Paradox of Death” v. 4, n. 10 May 1970; “When Care is All That’s Left” v. 11, n. 12, June 1977.
Box 57 Folder 3
Confrontation with Dying, Papers delivered by Elizabeth Kubler-Ross and JQB, Ethel Percy Andrus Gerontology Center, 1971.
Box 57 Folder 4
Proceedings, Seventh Nursing Research Conference, American Nurses’ Association, Atlanta GA, Mar 10-12, 1971.
Box 57 Folder 5
Publications, UCLA School of Nursing Newsletters, 1971-1991.
Box 57 Folder 6
Proceedings, Eighth Nursing Research Conference, American Nurses’ Association, Albuquerque, NM, Mar 15-17, 1972.
Box 57 Folder 7
The Nurse and the Dying Patient, MacMillan Company, Correspondence, April 1972-Feb 1973.
Box 57 Folder 8
Article, “The Concept of Care for the Child with Leukemia” in Nursing Forum v. 11, n 2, 1972.
Box 58 Folder 1
Proceedings, Ninth Nursing Research Conference, American Nurses’ Association, San Antonio TX, Mar 21-23, 1973.
Box 58 Folder 2
Chapter, “The Terminally Ill Child” in The Child in the Family: Comprehensive Nursing Care, McGraw-Hill, 1973-1974.
Box 58 Folder 3
Publications, Accepted, 1973-1975.
Box 58 Folder 4
Journals: Dealing with Death, “The Practitioners Dilemma: Problems and Priorities” USC 1973; Proceedings of the 2nd National Conference on Cancer Research, “Ethical Gradations in Treatment” American Cancer Society June 1977; “Nursing Practice and Quality of Life”, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, June 1979 “Lead or be Led” WSNA Summer 1994; Imprint “Aging Process and the Meaning of Death” Feb 1973.
Box 58 Folder 5
Nursing Forum, “Improving Nursing Care of the Dying Patients” 1967; “The Threat of Death: Some Consequences for Patients and Nurses” 1969; “Talking to Patients About Death” 1970.
Box 58 Folder 6
Chapter, ”Grief and Grieving- An Overview” in Childbearing and the Nurse, ed. Ann Clark and Dyanne Affonso, F.A. Davis Co., 1974, 1973-1974.
Box 58 Folder 7
Women in Science: Health Sciences Open House, University of Washington, April 1975.
Box 58 Folder 8
Chapter, “Nurses and the Human Experience of Dying” in New Meanings of Death, ed. Herman Feifel, McGraw-Hill, 1976, 1974-1976.
Box 59 Folder 1
Correspondence with Leah Curtis about Book (Ethics and Nursing), Jan 1977-April 1981.
Box 59 Folder 2
“Role of the Family in Managing Young Diabetics” In The Diabetes Educator Journal of the American Association of Diabetes Educators v 3, n 2, Summer 1977.
Box 59 Folder 3
“Patient Care Roundtable on Dying and Death” the Journal of Practical Family Medicine v. 11, n. 12, June 1977.
Box 59 Folder 4
Contains several articles and papers by JQB, 1977-2001.
Box 59 Folder 5
Editorial in University of Washington Medicine, v. 5, n.4, Winter 1978.
Box 59 Folder 6
Chapter, “Dying in an Institution” in Dying: Facing the Facts ed. Hannelore Wass, McGraw-Hill, 1979, 1977-1979.
Box 59 Folder 7
Chapter “The Nurse-Family Relationship” in Nursing Ethics: Theories and Pragmatics, ed. Leah Curtin, 1979, 1979-1981.
Box 59 Folder 8
Chapter, “Women and Loss: The Many Faces of Grief”, c. 1979.
Box 59 Folder 9
Chapters in Books 1979 and undated.
Box 59 Folder 10
Publications on Grounded Theory by other authors, c. 1980-1993.
Box 59 Folder 11
Chapter, “An Ethical Basis for Cancer Nursing Practice” in Cancer Nursing ed. Lisa Begg Marino. C.V. Mosby Company, 1979.
Box 59 Folder 12
Chapter, “An Ethical Basis for Cancer Nursing Practice” in Cancer Nursing, ed. Lisa Begg Marino, C.V. Mosby Co, 1981, 1978-1980.
Box 59 Folder 13
Chapter, “Death and Dying in Childhood”, in Comprehensive Pediatric Nursing, 3rd edition, McGraw-Hill, 1981, 1981-1982.
Box 59 Folder 14
Chapter, “Loss”, revised, in Childbearing: A Nursing Perspective, 3rd edition, ed. Ann Clark, 1981.
Box 59 Folder 15
Editor Benoliel, and correspondence, Article, ”Death Influence in Clinical Practice: A Course for Graduate Students” in Death Education for the Health Professional, Hemisphere, Winter 1982;, 1979-1981.
Box 60 Folder 1
Article, Christina Mumma and Benoliel, “Care, Cure and Hospital Dying Trajectories” in Omega, 1982 Manuscript, Agreement, and Correspondence, 1982.
Box 60 Folder 2
Article, “Ways Used by Members of the Health Professions to Interact with Dying Persons and Their Families”, c.1982.
Box 60 Folder 3
Correspondence, Series in Death Education with Hemisphere Publishing, 1982-1983.
Box 60 Folder 4
Reviews for Women and Health, Feb 1983-Jan 1985.
Box 60 Folder 5
Article, “Oncology Transition Services: Partnership of Nurses and Families” in Cancer Nursing, based off Transition Services Grant NU00086, 1983;, Sept 1982-Nov 1983.
Box 60 Folder 6
Article, “Death Education and Counseling” in International Encyclopedia of Education: Research and Studies, eds. Torsten Husén and T. Neville Postlethwaite, 1983, 1981-1983.
Box 60 Folder 7
Chapter, “Nursing Research in Death, Dying and Terminal Illness: Development, Present State, and Prospects” in Annual Review of Nursing Research, 1983, 1981-1983.
Box 60 Folder 8
Chapter, “The Historical Development of Cancer Nursing Research in the United States” in Cancer Nursing, 1983, 1982-1983.
Box 60 Folder 9
Chapter, “Grounded Theory and Qualitative Data: The Socializing Influences of Life Threating Disease on Identity Development” in Behavioral Science and Nursing Theory, Mosby, 1983, 1978-1983.
Box 60 Folder 10
Article, “Symptom Distress, Current Concerns and Mood Disturbance After Diagnosis of Life-Threatening Disease” in Social Science Medicine v. 17, n. 7, 1983.
Box 60 Folder 11
Article, “Health Care Providers for the Terminally Ill Patient and Family” in Omega, 1983; Review Articles for Omega, 1984-1985.
Box 60 Folder 12
Article, “Oncology Transition Services: Partnerships of Nurses and Families” in Cancer Nursing , April 1984.
Box 61 Folder 1
Editor, Health Care for Women International, Sept 1984 .
Box 61 Folder 2
Article, “A Testimonial” in Journal of Palliative Care, Mar-May 1985, Feb 1990.
Box 61 Folder 3
Article with Nancy Packard, “Nurses and Health Policy”, in Nurses Administration Quarterly, based on paper from 5th Distinguished Nursing Lecture, VA Mason Medical Center, May 1985 .
Box 61 Folder 4
Chapter, “Loss and Adaptation: Circumstances, Contingencies, and Consequences” in Death Studies, Hemisphere, 1985; from paper given at Univ. of North Carolina, Mar 1984.
Box 61 Folder 5
Article, “Loss and Adaptation: Circumstances, Contingencies, and Consequences" in Death Studies, v. 9, 1985; Article, “Assessments of Loss and Grief" in Journal of Thanatology.
Box 61 Folder 6
Chapter, “Loss and Terminal Illness”, in Nursing Clinics of North America, ed. Sara Zarbock, W.B. Saunders, 1985, 1983-1985.
Box 61 Folder 7
Proceedings of the 3rd Nursing Science Colloquium, Boston University, April 3-4, 1986.
Box 61 Folder 8
Chapter, “Dying in an Institution”, in Dying- Facing the Facts, 2nd edition, ed. Hannelore Wass, 1986, 1985-1986.
Box 61 Folder 9
Article, “Death-Related Crises and Transitions in the Workplace” in AAOHN Update Series, 1986, 1985-1986.
Box 61 Folder 10
Chapter, “Human Considerations in Research” in Nursing Research Methods, ed. Nancy Fugate Woods, 1986, 1985-1986.
Box 61 Folder 11
Article, “Response to ‘Towards Holistic Inquiry in Nursing: A Proposal for Synthesis of Patterns and Methods’” in Scholarly Inquiry for Nursing Practice v.1, n 2, 1987.
Box 61 Folder 12
Article, multiple authors, “An Focus on Cancer: Development of a Course on Prevention and Early Detections” in Journal of Continuing Education 1987, 1983-1987.
Box 61 Folder 13
Article, “Heath Care Provides and Dying Patients: Critical Issues in Terminal Care”, in Omega, 1987, 1986-1987.
Box 62 Folder 1
Chapter, “Becoming a Professional: The Strange Intertwining’s of Chance and Choice” in Making Choices, Taking Changes: Nurse Leaders Tell Their Stories, 1988.
Box 62 Folder 2
Article “Commentary: Special Issue on Qualitative Research” in WJNR, 1988.
Box 62 Folder 3
Article “Are We Ready to Teach Palliative Care in Medical and Nursing Schools?” in Journal of Palliative Care, v.4, 1988.
Box 62 Folder 4
Article, “Some Reflections on Learning and Teaching” in Journal of Nursing Education v 27, n 8, Oct 1988.
Box 62 Folder 5
Proceedings of the First and Second Rosemary Ellis Scholars’ Retreat, at Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, Sept 23-25, 1988 and Oct 6-7, 1989.
Box 62 Folder 6
Article, “Ethical Perspective: In Favor of Autonomy” in Rehabilitation Nursing, v. 14, n. 5, Sept-Oct 1989.
Box 62 Folder 7
Chapter, “Death and Aging” in Perspectives in Gerontological Nursing ed. Elizabeth Baines, (Sage Publications, c. 1990), July 1989-Jan 1990.
Box 62 Folder 8
Chapter, “Preface” in Cancer Nursing: A Comprehensive Textbook, ed. Susan Baird, Ruth McCorkle, Marcia Grant. (W.B. Saunders Co), July 1990-Feb 1992.
Box 62 Folder 9
Article, “Rehabilitation of a Paraplegic Prison: Conflicts for Patient and Nurses” in Rehabilitation Nursing, Aug 1990.
Box 62 Folder 10
Article, “Measurement of Stress in Clinical Nursing”, Cancer Nursing v. 13 n.4, 1990, Sept 1988-Oct 1990 .
Box 62 Folder 11
Article, “Nurses’ Interpretation of the Suffering of Their Patients” co-authored, Western Journal of Nursing Research, Dec, 1990.
Box 62 Folder 12
“Measurement of Stress in Clinical Nursing” in Cancer Nursing v. 13, n. 4, includes Nurses Stress Checklist, 1990.
Box 62 Folder 13
Article, “The Development of an Instrument to Measure Nurse Stress” Updated into “Measurement of Stress in Clinical Nursing”, Cancer Nursing v. 13 n.4, 1990.
Box 62 Folder 14
Chapter, “Multiple Meanings of Death for Older Adults” ed. Elizabeth Baines Perspectives on Gerontological Nursing, 1991.
Box 62 Folder 15
Article, “Undervalued Caregiving: A Major Issue for the Thanatology Community” book and in Loss , Grief and Care v. 6, n.1-2 1991; based on paper at 1st National Congress of Thanatology, Sept 1990.
Box 63 Folder 1
Chapter, “Personal Care in an Impersonal World” ed. Jack Morgan, Baywood Publishers, 1992; based on paper at 9th International Conference on Death and Dying, London Ontario May 1991.
Box 63 Folder 2
Chapter, “Death and Dying as a Field of Inquiry” A Challenge for Living: Dying, Death and Bereavement ed. Inge B. Corless et al, (Johnes and Bartlett Publishers, INC., c. 1993, Feb 1989-Aug 1996.
Box 63 Folder 3
Article “The Mortal Context of Oncology Nursing” in Oncology Nursing Forum, Nov/Dec 1993.
Box 63 Folder 4
Article, “Nurses’ Views of the Coping of Patients” in Social Science Medicine, 1994, April 1991-1994.
Box 63 Folder 5
Chapter, “Dying in an Institution” Dying: Facing the Facts 3rd edition, eds. Hannelore Wass and Robert Neimeyer, (Taylor and Francis, 1994), Jan 1993-April 1994.
Box 63 Folder 6
Article, “Multiple Meanings of Pain and Complexities of Pain Management” in Nursing Clinics of North America v. 30 n. 4, Dec 1995 Jan 1992-1994, Jan 1996.
Box 63 Folder 7
Chapter, “Death, Technology, and Gender in Postmodern American Society” in Death and the Quest for Meaning, (Jason Aronson, INC, c 1996), May 1995, June-July 1996.
Box 63 Folder 8
Chapter, “Death, Technology, and Gender in Postmodern American Society” in Death and the Quest for Meaning, (Jason Aronson, INC, c 1996), Mar 1994-July1996.
Box 63 Folder 9
Article, “Grounded Theory and Nursing Knowledge” in Qualitative Health Research v. 6 n. 3, Aug 1996.
Box 63 Folder 10
Article, “Grounded Theory and Nursing Knowledge” in Qualitative Health Research v. 6, n. 3 Aug 1996,, Mar-Aug 1996.
Box 63 Folder 11
Article, “Personal Reflections on Life and Death” in The Forum , July/Aug 1996.
Box 63 Folder 12
Article “Grounded Theory and Nursing Knowledge: in Qualitative Health Research, 1996; based on paper at Building a Cumulative Knowledge Base for Nursing, Univ. of Rhode Island Oct, 1994.
Box 64 Folder 1
Chapter, "Reflections on Being a Student Nurse" in Women and Anger, ed. Sandra Thomas, Feb-April 1997.
Box 64 Folder 2
Article, “Loss and Bereavement: Perspectives, Theories, Challenges” in Canadian Journal of Nursing Research v. 29, n. 4, Winter 1997, July 1997- Jan 1998.
Box 64 Folder 3
Encyclopedia of Death and Dying, Nov 1998-Mar 1999.
Box 64 Folder 4
Brochure “Guidelines for Curriculum Development On End-Of-Life and Palliative Care in Nursing Education”, National Hospice Organization, 1998.
Box 64 Folder 5
Article, "Letter to the Editor", WJNR, v. 20, n. 2, April 1998.
Box 64 Folder 6
Health Care for Women International v. 22 #1-2, Jan-Feb 2001.
Box 64 Folder 7
Article, “Thanatology and Human Rights” in Illness, Crisis and Loss, v. 9, n. 1, Jan 2001 April-Oct 2000 (presented at Second Annual Conference of the Forum for Death Education, Orland FL Dec 5-7, 1979).
Box 64 Folder 8
Article, “Expanding Knowledge about Women Through Grounded Theory: Introduction to the Collection”, in Health Care for Women International v. 22, 2001, Mar-Nov 2000, 2001.
Box 64 Folder 9
Article, “Commentary: Thanatologists View Death” in OMEGA Journal of Death and Dying, v. 43, n. 2, 2001, May-July 2000.
Box 64 Folder 10
Article, “Domains of Concern of Intimate Partners of Sudden Cardiac Arrest Survivors After ICD Implantation”, Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing v. 19, n. 1, 2004.
Box 64 Folder 11
Articles collaborated with Rick Steeves AAN: “Nurses’ Views of the Coping of Patients”; “Nurses’ Interpretation of the Suffering of Their Patients”; “Idioms and Metaphors of Coping in Nursing Practice”.
Box 64 Folder 12
Unknown Article of Book Chapter, Outline and References, post 1994.
Flatbox 84 Folder 2

Scope and Contents note

This series documents Dr. Benoliel’s work post-retirement from the University of Washington. This includes her time at Rutgers University and her continued work at the University of Washington. Documents include correspondence, academic activity files, her journals from work conferences and travels, as well as the research grant projects she was associated with. Her journals document her time in China as a citizen ambassador, visiting professor in Israel and Sweden, as well as international meetings in Japan, Netherlands, and other places. While these journals are primarily work related, there are personal sections, including her husband Robert’s health issues in 1994.

Correspondence Letter from Eve 1966 Letter from Ellen Olshensky 1995 Letter to Patricia Buller 1993 Letter to Lance Grenett 1992 Letter to Herman Feifel 1991 Letter to Patti Fusan 1991 Letter from Sally Thouse 1991 Letter to Dawn Crudet 1991 Letter to Zola 1991 Beulagh OHeut 1963 Donna Diers, 1965 Replan 1964, 1964-2001.
Box 64 Folder 13
Correspondence, 1980-1981 .
Box 65 Folder 1
Correspondence, 1981-1982 .
Box 65 Folder 2
Correspondence, 1982-1989.
Box 65 Folder 3
Correspondence, 1982-1983.
Box 65 Folder 4
Correspondence, 1983-1984.
Box 65 Folder 5
Correspondence, Jan 1983-May 1983.
Box 65 Folder 6
Correspondence, June 1983-Dec 1984.
Box 65 Folder 7
Correspondence, 1984-1985 .
Box 65 Folder 8
Correspondence with Hildegard Peplau, Oct 1984-April 1986.
Box 66 Folder 1
Correspondence, 1985-1986.
Box 66 Folder 2
Correspondence, 1986-1987 .
Box 66 Folder 3
Correspondence, 1987-1988.
Box 66 Folder 4
Correspondence, 1988-1989.
Box 66 Folder 5
Correspondence with University of Kentucky Students, June-Dec 1988.
Box 66 Folder 6
Correspondence with Dr. Miriam Hirschfeld, WHO, Nov-Dec 1989.
Box 66 Folder 7
Correspondence Ruth McCorkle, June 1988-Oct 1999.
Box 66 Folder 8
Correspondence, 1989-1990.
Box 66 Folder 9
Correspondence with Sally Hutchinson, July 1985-April 1990.
Box 67 Folder 1
Correspondence, 1989-2005.
Box 67 Folder 2
Correspondence with Beth Norman, Oct 1990-Oct 1995 .
Box 67 Folder 3
Faculty Records, 1980-1988.
Box 67 Folder 4
Faculty Records, legal size, 1980-1988.
Box 82 Folder 13
Rutgers Faculty Report, c. 1990-1992.
Box 67 Folder 5
Activities, 1998.
Box 67 Folder 6
Commencement, June 9, 1988.
Box 67 Folder 7
University of Umea, Sweden, Course Lecturer, Sept 1986-Aug 1987.
Box 67 Folder 8
Soule Distinguished Professorship, Cards and Letters, Mar 1987-Feb 1990.
Box 67 Folder 9
Activities, 1989, 1998-1999.
Box 67 Folder 10
VA National Ethics Center, Jan 1989-Feb 1991.
Box 67 Folder 11
Amount of Grant Funds, c. 1990.
Box 67 Folder 12
Sue Donaldson “Breakthroughs in Scientific Research”, July-Aug 2000.
Box 67 Folder 13
New Jersey State Board of Nursing, May 1990-Jan 2004.
Box 67 Folder 14
Women’s Military Memorial Foundation, c. 2005.
Box 67 Folder 15
Papers of David Kahn- Protégé of JQB died, 2008, 1994, c. 2003.
Box 68 Folder 1
People to People, China Trip, Aug-Sept 1983.
Box 68 Folder 2
ICN Meeting, Israel, June 1985.
Box 68 Folder 3
IWG Meeting in China, Aug 1985.
Box 68 Folder 4
Notes on Umea Sweden, University of Washington, and personal notes, Aug 1987-June 1988.
Box 68 Folder 5
Notes on Kentucky, International Society for Nurses in Cancer Care, FAAN, IWG, Jan 1988-Feb 1989.
Box 68 Folder 6
Journal, Feb 4, 1989-Mar 13, 1990.
Box 68 Folder 7
Trip to Netherlands, April 21, 1991-Sept 10, 1991.
Box 68 Folder 8
Journal, Includes Bob’s Illness, 1986-1987, 1994.
Box 68 Folder 9
Journal, Includes IWG Meetings, Reunion at Fresno Hospital, Rutgers, Mar 15, 1990-April 20, 1991.
Box 69 Folder 1
Journal, Includes AAN Meeting, Sept 12, 1991-Feb 19, 1992.
Box 69 Folder 2
Journal, Feb 26, 1992-Sept 13, 1992.
Box 69 Folder 3
Journal, Includes AAN Meeting, Sept 1992-April 17, 1993.
Box 69 Folder 4
Oncology Nursing Society, Distinguished Research Award, Jean Johnson Conference, April 18, 1993-Jan 1, 1994.
Box 69 Folder 5
Journal, Jan 1, 1994- Oct 30 1994.
Box 69 Folder 6
Journal, Includes Reunion Fresno Hospital, IWG Meeting, AAN Meeting, Nov 1, 1994-May 14, 1996.
Box 69 Folder 7
Journal, Includes IWG Meeting, 1996-1998.
Box 69 Folder 8
Scope and Contents note

The project goal was “to develop a course on cancer prevention for NPs [nurse practitioners] and PAs [physician assistants].” The focus of the courses was to teach professionals on how to use preventative health approaches to clinical practice, to apply those approaches to cancer prevention, and to critically evaluate new research findings. This project sought to bridge the gap between education and knowledge about preventative measures against cancer and unhealthy habits (cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption, etc.) and effectively changing human behavior to lessen the risks imposed by those habits. In addition, screening programs for cancer (mammograms, pap smear, etc.) were not often in practice as health professionals (NPs and PAs) have little if any knowledge, training, or experience with new techniques. This project aimed to train and educate NPs and PAs in preventative measures against cancer.

Formative Evaluation Report- Pilot Course undated.
Box 69 Folder 9
Technical Proposal, Feb 9, 1979.
Box 69 Folder 10
Contract and Addendums, 1979-1982.
Box 70 Folder 1
Grant Renewal, Oct 1972.
Box 70 Folder 2
Evaluation Plan.
Box 70 Folder 3
Budget, 1980-1983 .
Box 70 Folder 4
Minutes and Meetings, Sept 1979-Dec 1980.
Box 70 Folder 5
Correspondence, June 1979-Dec 1980, Sept 1981.
Box 70 Folder 6
Correspondence, Feb 1981-Oct 1982.
Box 70 Folder 7
Correspondence and Minutes, 1980-1983.
Box 70 Folder 8
Correspondence and Minutes, 1980-1983.
Box 71 Folder 1
Committee Minutes, Sept 1979-Mar 1981.
Box 71 Folder 2
Site Visit by the National Cancer Institute, Jan 1981-Mar 1982.
Box 71 Folder 3
“An External Audit Report Concerning the Course”, June 24, 1981.
Box 71 Folder 4
Quarterly Reports, Jan 1980-Feb 1984 .
Box 71 Folder 5
Self Study Module Syllabus.
Box 71 Folder 6
Questionnaire, Sept-Oct 1981.
Box 71 Folder 7
Course Evaluation Tables.
Box 71 Folder 8
Objects III Report, c. 1983.
Box 71 Folder 9
Self Study Module Report.
Box 72 Folder 1
Workshop Module Syllabus.
Box 72 Folder 2
Self Study module Syllabus.
Box 72 Folder 3
Box 72 Folder 4
“A Randomized Clinical Trail of the Nursing Care for Lung Cancer Patients” in Cancer v. 64, Sept 1989.
Box 72 Folder 5
“Home Nursing Interventions for Dying Patients and Their Spouses: Health Transitions for Those Left Behind”, Mar 1989.
Box 72 Folder 6
Manuscripts, c. 1982.
Box 72 Folder 7
Scope and Contents note

This study was based on interviews of lung cancer patients and heart disease patients and their reactions to having health problems. The overall objective of the study was “to develop a valid and reliable methodology to determine how successful patients cope with one or two chronic diseases and its consequences. It compared the characteristics of patients who coped well with advanced disease to those who were not coping well with confronting the disease and its impact on the individual, personal relationships and social dynamics.

Grant, 1979-1981 . Restricted.
Box 72 Folder 8
Physical Description


“Patients’ Responses to Cancer: A Psychosocial Analysis” HEW, Grant Application, 1980-1981.
Box 72 Folder 9
Paper, “Patient Responses Psychosocial Variables: An Overview of the Study” presented at WICHE Denver CO May 1982, grant NU00730.
Box 72 Folder 10
“A Manual of Data Collection Instruments”.
Box 73 Folder 1
Staffing Questionnaire July 1978.
Box 73 Folder 2
Cancer Patient Responses to Psychosocial Variables, Final Report, Sept 1983.
Box 73 Folder 3
Coping Analysis Abstract for ANA, Sept 1983, 1981-Nov 1982.
Box 73 Folder 4
First Interview Instruments and Coding, c. 1980.
Box 73 Folder 5
Correspondence, July-Dec 1979.
Box 73 Folder 6
Scope and Contents note

This grant project explored the stresses and stress factors reported by graduate student nurses in general as to whether or not they were similar to stresses and stress factors reported during a previous research on stress and Oncology Transition Services students. OTS students reported stress linked to personal, educational, and clinical sources. This project focused on correlating student responses on demographic variables, background characteristics and type of graduate program with the stress check list instrument as well as responses to other stress list and survey instruments over the course of their graduate program.

Human Subjects Materials.
Box 73 Folder 7
Consent Forms.
Box 73 Folder 8
Graduate Student Stress Instruments and Protocols, May-July 1983.
Box 73 Folder 9
Graduate Student Stress, Coding Guide, Winter 1982-June 1984.
Box 73 Folder 10
Paper, “Stresses, Health and Coping of Women Graduate Students in the First Year of Study” at the 1st International Congress on Women’s Health Issues, Halifax Nova Scotia CA, Oct 3-5, 1984.
Box 73 Folder 11
Paper, “Comparison of Stress and Health in Women Graduate Students”, 18th Communicating Nursing Research Conference, WICHE Seattle WA, May 1985.
Box 73 Folder 12
Scope and Contents note

On this grant project, Ruth McCorkle was the primary investigator and Dr. Benoliel was the co-investigator. The study investigated the effects of three different cancer management programs on psychosocial responses and coping effectiveness. To study those effects, the team randomly assigned lung cancer patients to either office care regimen, a standard home care regimen, or an oncology home care regimen. Data was collected every six weeks over a period of six months on participants’ level of symptom distress, social dependency, current concerns, mood changes, satisfaction with care, etc. After data collection, the investigators identified the common and specific effects of the three different regimens on the psychosocial responses and coping effectiveness of participants. Patients who died before the study was over, the spouse was given a closing interview and an optional offer to be a part of another grant study, “A Prospective and Concurrent Study of Spouse Bereavement.” (See Series 9 for that project).

Grant Applications, April 1983-Mar 1986 .
Box 73 Folder 13
Box 73 Folder 14
Report of Study to Office on Smoking and Health, DHHS, June 1982.
Box 73 Folder 15
Staff Support Interview Guide, June 1986 .
Box 74 Folder 1
Instruments and Protocols.
Box 74 Folder 2
Spouse and Patient Interviews, 1984-1985.
Box 74 Folder 3
Social Dependency Interview Guide, c. 1984.
Box 74 Folder 4
Social Dependency Coding, c. Mar 1984.
Box 74 Folder 5
Social Dependency Scale Development, Aug-Dec 1980, 1983.
Box 74 Folder 6
Interview Goal Statements (1126-1148), Nov 1984-April 1985 .
Box 74 Folder 7
Interview Goal Statements (1106-1125), July-Dec 1984.
Box 74 Folder 8
Interview Goal Statements (1066-1085), April-Nov 1984.
Box 74 Folder 9
Interview Goal Statements (1001-1029), Oct 1983-Mar 1984.
Box 74 Folder 10
Interview Goal Statements (1030-1065) Original Label “46 subjects died early”, Dec 1983-Oct 1984.
Box 74 Folder 11
Interview Goal Statements (1083-1105), May 1984-Jan 1985.
Box 74 Folder 12
Interview Goal Statements (1149-1177), Jan-Oct 1985.
Box 75 Folder 1
Interview Goal Statements (1976-1172), Feb 1984-July 1985.
Box 75 Folder 2
Interview Goal Statements (1002-1075), Nov 1983-Feb 1984.
Box 75 Folder 3
Budget and Staff, 1983-1985.
Box 75 Folder 4
Cancer Management, Manual on Chart Audits, 1984/85.
Box 75 Folder 5
Survivor Follow Up Memo, July 1986.
Box 75 Folder 6
Correspondence, Helen Palisin, Dec 1985-Mar 1986.
Box 75 Folder 7
“Evaluation of Cancer Management” Final Report, c. 1986 .
Box 75 Folder 8
“Distress, Dependency and Threat in Newly Disguised Cancer and Heart Disease Patients” in Multivariate Behavioral Research v. 21, 1986.
Box 75 Folder 9
“A User Manual for the Symptom Distress Scale", Nov. 1998.
Box 75 Folder 10
Chapter, “The Effects of Home Care on Patients’ Symptoms, Hospitalizations, and Complications” in Key Aspects of Comfort, ed. Sandra Funk etla. (Springer: New York), 1989.
Box 75 Folder 11
Symptoms and Distress Papers in Social Science and Medicine v. 17, n. 7; in Nursing and Health v.3 1980; in Cancer Nursing , 1978.
Box 75 Folder 12
Scope and Contents note

This grant funding was used to create a program at the University of Washington to support training nurses in psychology oncology at the predoctoral and postdoctoral level. Dr. Benoliel assumed the responsibilities of Program Director in January 1986. For the program’s purpose, psychology oncology referred to “cancer research that was concerned with the study of emotional health and illness as these are influenced by cultural, psychological, sociological, interpersonal, intrapsychic, physiological, and/or environmental circumstances”. The program would train nurses on applying theoretical and research method to psychology oncology using statistical procedures as well as computerized or other methods of data compilation and analysis.

Meeting minutes, 1983-1986.
Box 76 Folder 1
Grant Award, first year, 1985.
Box 76 Folder 2
Fellowship announcement including correspondence, 1984-1986.
Box 76 Folder 3
Fellowship form, 1984-1986.
Box 76 Folder 4
Grant Award, Correspondence and information, etc. second year, 1985-1986.
Box 76 Folder 5
Grant Award, second year, 1986-1987.
Box 76 Folder 6
Grant Award, third year, 1987-1988.
Box 76 Folder 7
Grant Award, third year, 1987.
Box 76 Folder 8
Grant Award, third year, 1988.
Box 76 Folder 9
Final Report, September 1, 1984-June 30, 1988.
Box 76 Folder 10
Budget information, 1985-1986.
Box 76 Folder 11
Correspondence Ruth McCorkle, incoming and outgoing, 1983-1986.
Box 77 Folder 1
Correspondence Elaine Sirkis, incoming and outgoing, 1985-1988.
Box 77 Folder 2
Correspondence General, incoming and outgoing, 1983-1986.
Box 77 Folder 3
Post-Doctoral Fellowship Judith Saunders, 1984-1986.
Box 77 Folder 4
Post-Doctoral Fellowship Mel Haberman, 1985-1988.
Box 77 Folder 5
Post-Doctoral Fellowship Margaret Frances, 1985-1987.
Box 77 Folder 6
Post-Doctoral Fellowship Letha Lierman, 1985-1990.
Box 77 Folder 7
Post-Doctoral Fellowship Kathleen Stetz, 1984-1988.
Box 77 Folder 8
Post-Doctoral Fellowship Linda Kay Birenbaum, 1986.
Box 77 Folder 9
Post-Doctoral Fellowship Richard H. Steeves, 1988-1989.
Box 77 Folder 10
Post-Doctoral Fellowship Jane B. Cornman, 1986-1988.
Box 77 Folder 11
Scope and Contents note

The purpose of this study was “to compare data obtained from spouses before a patient’s death, with data obtained after the death. The aim is to document the impact of illness and death on the survivor’s health, their relationship with others, and the subsequent changes in their roles and activities.” Using standardized instruments and semi-structured interviews, the team gathered information from the spouse about symptoms, health perceptions, relationships, and bereavement. The data provides insight into the changes surviving spouses go through before and after death of a loved one from a serious illness. The interviews were conducted every six weeks for up 25 months. This study used the spouses of patients who were enrolled in another study, “Evaluation of Cancer Management”, but died before the six months of the other project was over. (See Series 9 for that project).

Human Subjects, “Bereavement Follow Up of Lung Cancer Patients’ Spouses” Application, 1986-1989.
Box 77 Folder 12
Spouse Bereavement Correspondence, July 1986-Mar 1989.
Box 78 Folder 1
Spouse Bereavement Data and Reports, 1988-1989.
Box 78 Folder 2
Spouse Bereavement Final Report, c. 1988 .
Box 78 Folder 3
Scope and Contents note

This study investigated the frequency, method, and other variables of breast examinations performed by women on themselves. The study also considered the factor of using a partner in self breast examinations. The study attempted to inform women on the proper method of breast examinations to aid in screening for breast cancer and track their progress with maintain a routine.

Minutes and Assessment Tools, July 1987-Feb 1990.
Box 78 Folder 4
Paper, “The Theory of Reasoned Action in Prediction of Breast Self-Examination: A Comparison of Two Studies” in Health Care for Women International, April 1990.
Box 78 Folder 5
Paper, “Predicting Breast Self-Examination Using the Theory of Reasoned Action” Presented at the 21st Annual Communicating Nursing Research, sponsored by WICHE, May 1988.
Box 78 Folder 6
Patient Signed Consent forms A-B, c. 1983-1984 . restricted.
Box 78 Folder 7
Physical Description


Spouse Interview Packet Codes, (1983-84).
Box 78 Folder 8
Patient Interview Packet Codes.
Box 78 Folder 9
Patient Interview Packets 2-6.
Box 78 Folder 10
Spouse Interview Packets 2.
Box 78 Folder 11
Interview Forms.
Box 78 Folder 12
Interview Forms.
Box 78 Folder 13

Scope and Contents note

This section contains the various awards and honors Dr. Benoliel achieved and received during her prolific career. Awards include honorary degrees from Yale University and the University of Pennsylvania (amongst others) as well as the Linda Richards Award of the National League of Nurses and the Arnold and Marie Schwartz Award from the American Nurses Association.

ANA, Arnold and Marie Schwartz Award, June 1976; University of Washington, Distinguished Teaching Award, June 1988; University of California, Doctor of Nursing Science, June 1969.
Box 79 Folder 1
Includes UCLA Commencement, WSRN Distinguished Research Award, St. Luke’s A Prayer for Nurses, June 1953, May 1989, c. 1939.
Box 79 Folder 2
UCLA Award, 1972.
Box 79 Folder 3
Awards, 1976-1989 .
Box 79 Folder 4
Awards, 1976-1989.
Box 79 Folder 5
Linda Richards Award, NLN, 1981.
Box 79 Folder 6
Awards and Honors, 1985-c.1990s.
Box 79 Folder 7
Awards, 1972-1989 .
Box 79 Folder 8
Sigma Theta Tau- Distinguished Lecturer 1988-1989, Jan-July 1987, Jan 1989.
Box 79 Folder 9
Honors, University of Washington, JQB Celebration Day May 15, 1989, 1988-1989.
Box 79 Folder 10
Honorary Degree University of San Diego Graduate Commencement May 1989, Feb 1988-June 1989.
Box 79 Folder 11
Doctor of Stratgey Award, University of CA, parchment type handwritten, Mar 15, 1957 State of Washington, Board of Health Membership or Chairmanship, 1973, 1974, 1975 Doctor of Human Letters from University of San Diego, May 21, 1989 Distinguished Service Award of the American Cancer Society (deframed due to poor conditions), Nov 1984.
Flatbox 84 Folder 3
University of San Diego Commencement, Honorary Doctor, May 1989.
Box 79 Folder 12
University of Pennsylvania, Honorary Degree- Doctor of Science, Dec 1992-May 1993.
Box 79 Folder 13
Yale University Honorary Degree May 2002, Jan-July 2002.
Box 79 Folder 14
Yale University Honorary Degree, oversized, May 2002.
Flatbox 84 Folder 4
University of Washington- Benefactor Status, Feb 21, 2003.
Box 80 Folder 1
Hall of Fame, Washington State Nurses Association, Mar 2004, Dec 2003-Mar 2004.
Box 80 Folder 2
Herman Feifel Award, IWG, Tucson AZ, Mar 2004, Mar-April 2004.
Box 80 Folder 3
Living Legend, American Academy of Nurses Nov 2004, Aug-Dec 2004.
Box 80 Folder 4
National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization Research Award, Nov 2010.
Box 80 Folder 5
National Association of Medical Minority Educators, certificate, framed and matted, Mar 3, 2006.
Flatbox 84 Folder 7

Scope and Contents note

The photographs of this collection include personal and professional images of Jeanne Quint Benoliel. The images document various trips taken for professional conferences and events that honored her or was honored at, including the AAN Living Legend Award as well as her honorary degree from Yale University and from University Pennsylvania. In addition, there are photographs of Dr. Benoliel dressed in her army uniform, her passport photos, her wedding reception in 1970, and other personal images.

JQB in WWII Uniform (1), Portraits (2), unknown WWII removed from WWII correspondence (3), 1944, c. 1950s/70s.
Box 80 Folder 6
Passport Photographs and Drivers’ License (1 of Husband, Robert Benoliel), c. 1943-c.1986.
Box 80 Folder 7
Israel, Photographs (8) JQB and Students, 1972.
Box 80 Folder 8
Japan, Photographs (9), JQB and Students, 1975.
Box 80 Folder 9
ANA Commission on Nursing Research and Executive Committee of Council of Nursing Research, Washington D.C., May 10, 1976.
Box 80 Folder 10