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Awards and Certificate Collection


Held at: University of Pennsylvania: University Archives and Records Center [Contact Us]3401 Market Street, Suite 210, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104

This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the University of Pennsylvania: University Archives and Records Center. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.

Overview and metadata sections

The Awards and Certificates Collection is comprised of various honors bestowed upon the University of Pennsylvania as well as organizations and individuals associated with the University. Those awarded specifically to individuals (whether by the University or outside organizations) can be found in the Individual series. Those awarded directly to the University comprise the University series. The Other series consists of awards and certificates (usually proclamations) that were given to the University but have no direct relation to its activities or history.

The Awards and Certificates Collection is organized into three series: Individual, University, and Other. All three series are arranged alphabetically.

The Awards and Certificate Collection consists of various honors bestowed upon the University of Pennsylvania and indivduals connected to the University over its history that were transferred to the University Archives seperate from any larger collection.

University of Pennsylvania: University Archives and Records Center
Finding Aid Author
Joseph-James Ahern
Finding Aid Date
February 2019
Access Restrictions

Access to collections is granted in accordance with the Protocols for the University Archives and Records Center.

Collection Inventory

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Appleton, Joseph L. P. Academy of Stomatology Certificate to Past President, 1950 December 18.
Box OS 1 Folder 1
Appleton, Joseph L. P. University of Pennsylvania Alumni Award of Merit, 1953 January 17.
Box OS 1 Folder 2
Biddle, Sidney G, .Medical College of Philadelphia Diploma, 1935.
Box OS 4 Folder 1
Certificates and Resolutions Commemorating the 250th Celebration of Benjamin Franklin's Birth, 1956.
Box OS 1 Folder 3
Citation of the work of the University of California Division of War Research at the U. S. Navy Electronics Laboratory, for the Submarine Force, delivered to Dr. G. P. Harnwell Director UCDWR, 1946 January 19.
Box OS 1 Folder 4
Hough, Thomas. Pennsylvania Hospital Student Certificate [No Penn affiliation], 1775 November 15.
Box OS 1 Folder 5
Keinath, Charles for Notewory Achievement in College Basketball, Helms Hall of Fame Award, n.d.
Box OS 4 Folder 2
Kirk, Edward E. Honorary Membership Societe Odontologique de France, 1901 February 26.
Box OS 5 Folder 1
Klemm, John George Jr. - Phi Delta Theta Golden Legion Certificate, 1938 March 14.
Box OS 1 Folder 6
McNichol, Dan for Notewory Achievement in College Basketball, Helms Hall of Fame Award, n.d.
Box OS 4 Folder 3
Meeker, George Herbert - Certificate of Congratulations on Retirement Graduate School of Medicine, 1941 October 1.
Box OS 4 Folder 4
Miller, Karl Greenwood - Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity Golden Circle Membership, 1962 February 10.
Box OS 1 Folder 7
Miller, Karl Greenwood - Beaver College Honorary Degree, 1953 September 28.
Box OS 1 Folder 8
Miller, Karl Greenwood - Middle States Association of Collegiate Registrars and Officers of Admission Certificate of Honorary Membership, 1953 November 28.
Box OS 1 Folder 9
Miller, Karl Greenwood - University of Pennsylvania Emeritus Professor of Psychology, 1960 November 2.
Box OS 1 Folder 10
Miller, Karl Greenwood - University of Pennsylvania Friars Senior Society Fiftieth Anniversary, n.d.
Box OS 1 Folder 11
Naval Ordnance Development Award to F. William Sunderman [copy], 1946 July 1.
Box OS 1 Folder 12
Poem for Dr. Eugene P. Pendergrass signed by students, n.d.
Box OS 5 Folder 2
Richards, Alfred Newton. Exhibit of Memorabilia by Class of 1918, 1968 May.
Box OS 1 Folder 13
Richards, Alfred Newton. Honorary Commander of the Civil Division of the Order of the British Empire, 1947 December 10.
Box OS 1 Folder 14
Richards, Alfred Newton. Porter Medal Certificate, 1946 January 31.
Box OS 1 Folder 15
Savadove, Ethel Sadie, Dental License, 1922.
Box OS 5 Folder 3
Scott, John. Notary Public in Shippensburg, County of Cumberland [Signed by Thomas Mifflin. No Penn affiliation], 1799 July 10.
Box OS 1 Folder 16
Simpson, Watler H. - Athletic Association Varsity Award - Football Team of 1912, 1912 December 3.
Box OS 1 Folder 17
Simpson, Watler H. - Athletic Association Varsity Award - Football Team of 1913, 1913 December 2.
Box OS 1 Folder 18
Simpson, Watler H. - Athletic Association Varsity Award - Track Team of 1912, 1912 June 4.
Box OS 1 Folder 19
Stewart, Thomas S., Medical Club of Philadelphia membership certificate, 1903.
Box OS 5 Folder 4
Stewart, Thomas Somerville, New Jersey Medical License, 1903.
Box OS 5 Folder 5
Warren, S. Reid, Jr. College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 1973 June 19.
Box OS 5 Folder 6

Alaska-Yukon Exposition, 1909.
Box OS 6 Folder 3
Alpha Phi Omega Delta Zeta Chapter Charter, 1945 December 21.
Box OS 2 Folder 1
American Institute of Architects Honor Award Program First Honor Award to Moore School of Electrical Engineering, 1960.
Box OS 4 Folder 5
Certificate of Appreciation to the University of Pennsylvania from the War Department Office of the Surgeon General for 20th General Hospital, ca. 1946.
Box OS 2 Folder 2
Certificate of Commendation from Headquarters Second Service Command to University of Pennsylvania, 1945 September 12.
Box OS 2 Folder 3
Certificate of Cooperation from the Economic Cooperation Administration., 1951 December 29.
Box OS 2 Folder 4
Certificate of Distinction awarded by the War Department to University of Pennsylvania for Army Specialized Training Program during World War II, ca. 1946.
Box OS 2 Folder 5
Certificate of Service Awarded to the University of Pennsylvania by the Unites States Information Agency, 1960 September 16.
Box OS 2 Folder 6
Chamber of Commerce of West Philadelphia, Citation of the University of Pennsylvania for World War II, n.d.
Box OS 2 Folder 7
Charter of Alpha Mu Pi Omega Medical Fraternity, 1909.
Box OS 6 Folder 4
Charter of Alpha Mu Pi Omega Medical Fraternity [with editorial notations], 1909.
Box OS 6 Folder 5
Citation by The Pennsylvania House of Representatives to The Moore School of Electrical Engineering for Fiftieth Anniversary, 1973 July 26.
Box OS 2 Folder 8
Citation from the University of Basel, 1960.
Box OS 2 Folder 9
City of Philadelphia Citation Left Bank Building, 2001 April 4.
Box OS 2 Folder 10
City of Philadelphia Freedom Week Citation, 1960.
Box OS 2 Folder 11
City of Philadelphia Philadelphia Antiques Show Week Procamation, 1993 February 18.
Box OS 2 Folder 12
City of Philadelphia Proclamation of University of Pennsylvania Voter Registration Week, 1982 September 12.
Box OS 2 Folder 13
City of Philadelphia Proclamation, School of Veterinary Medicine Centennial, 1984 October 2.
Box OS 5 Folder 8
City of Philadelphia Resolution and Autographed Program from NCAA 41st Basketball Championship, 1979.
Box OS 2 Folder 14
Dreamers and Planners: Revolving Emergency Fund, n.d.
Box OS 4 Folder 6
Foreign Operations Administration Certificate of Cooperation to The Wharton School of Finance and Commerce, 1954 August 6.
Box OS 3 Folder 1
Franklin, Benjamin, Honorary Doctorate Diploma from University of Pennsylvania, 1976.
Box OS 6 Folder 1
Golden Slipper Square Club Distinguished Community Service Award to University of Pennsylvania, 1962 December 5.
Box OS 3 Folder 2
Hector Tyndale Fellowship Deed of Trust, 1885 June 20.
Box OS 6 Folder 6
International Exposition, Chicago, 1893.
Box OS 6 Folder 7
Jamestown Tercentennial Exposition, 1907.
Box OS 6 Folder 8
La Universidad Mayor de San Marcos á la Universidad de Pensilvania, 1907 August 23.
Box OS 3 Folder 3
Landscape Horticultural Award for Blanche P. Levy Park, 1980 January 24.
Box OS 5 Folder 9
Mark of Commendation from the Navy Department to University of Pennsylvania for Training Officers under the Navy V-12 Program During World War II, ca. 1946.
Box OS 3 Folder 4
Mayor of Philadelphia Proclamation of University of Pennsylvania Voter Registration Week, 1982 September 12.
Box OS 3 Folder 5
Meyerson, Martin, Award [in Latin], 1967.
Box OS 6 Folder 2
Mortar Board Fraternity Association with Sphinx and Key Society of the University of Pennsylvania, 1921 May 21.
Box OS 3 Folder 6
Nanyang Industrial Exposition, 1910.
Box OS 6 Folder 9
Naval Ordnance Development Award to The University of Pennsylvania for Distinguished Service to Naval Ordnance Development., 1946 July 1.
Box OS 3 Folder 7
Ordnance Distinguished Service Award to University of Pennsylvania [copy], 1944 July 20.
Box OS 3 Folder 8
Peace Corps on its Fifth Anniversary salutes the University of Pennsylvania and its 138 alumni who have served as Peace Corps Volunteers throughout the World., 1966 March 1.
Box OS 5 Folder 10
Pennsylvania Delta Chapter certificate of membership in the National Social Science Honor Society of Pi Gamma Mu, 1929 June 1.
Box OS 5 Folder 11
Pennsylvania General Assembly Inviting the University of Pennsylvania to hold Convocation Conferring Sc.D. upon President Valery Giscard D'Estaing of France, 1976.
Box OS 7
Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission Resolution Left Bank Building, 2001 March 21.
Box OS 3 Folder 9
Presentation from Freie Univeristat Berlin for the 200th Anniversary of the Medical School, 1964.
Box OS 5 Folder 12
Primera Esposicion del Libro Americano y Espanol Universidad de Chile., 1936 November 9.
Box OS 5 Folder 15
Proclamation Mayor of Philadelphia General Alumni Day of the University of Pennsylvania, 1956 June 16.
Box OS 5 Folder 16
Recognition '79 Grand Award for Excellence in Periodical Writing to The Pennsylvania Gazette, 1979 July 10.
Box OS 3 Folder 10
Royal School of Veterinary Studies of the University of Edinburgh Greetings to University of Pennsylvania Veterinary School on Centennial, 1984 October 15.
Box OS 5 Folder 13
Royal Veterinary College University of London, Centennial Greetings to University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine, 1984 October.
Box OS 6 Folder 10
Security Shield of Honor Awarded to the University of Pennsylvania from The United Stated Coast Guard., 1945 February 23.
Box OS 3 Folder 11
Sesquicentennial International Exposition, Philadelphia, 1926.
Box OS 6 Folder 11
Sigma Tau Fraternity Gamma Chapter Charter, 1911 February 22.
Box OS 3 Folder 12
Society of the Alumni of the University of Pennsylvania Incorporation, 1895 December 6.
Box OS 6 Folder 12
State of Pennsylvania, Congratulations School of Veterinary Medicine Centennial, 1994 February 29.
Box OS 4 Folder 7
Tau Beta Pi Charter, 1921.
Box OS 5 Folder 14
Tau Beta Pi Secretary's Commendation to Pennsylvania Delta, 2006 October 6.
Box OS 3 Folder 13
United States Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery Certificate of Achievement to University of Pennsylvania Medical School for Cooperation and Services Rendered during World War II, ca. 1946.
Box OS 3 Folder 14
United States Treasury Department Certificate to The Pennsylvania Gazette for the War Savings Program, 1943 November 6.
Box OS 3 Folder 15
United States War Department to Columbia University for Valuable Servies in the Production of the Atomic Bomb [Six University of Pennsylvania facultly members participated in the Manhattan Project], 1945 Augut 6.
Box OS 3 Folder 16

City Council Certificate for New Seal, along with Seals of Philadelphia 1683-1908, 1908 October 5.
Box OS 5 Folder 7

Print, Suggest