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University of Pennsylvania Press. Publications Records


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Collection Inventory

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Whitcomb, Merrick, ed. Select Colloquies of Erasmus, 1902.
Box 1
Thompson, Francis. The Hound of Heaven, 1916.
Box 1
Barton, George A. The Religion of Israel 1928.
Box 1
Barton, George A. Studies in New Testament Christianity, 1928.
Box 1
Bullard, Arthur. American Diplomacy in the Modern World, 1928.
Box 1
Burke, Robert Belle. The Opus Majus of Roger Bacon. Vol. 1, 1928.
Box 1
Burke, Robert Burke. The Opus Majus of Roger Bacon. Vol. 2, 1928.
Box 1
Goulet, Robert. The Compendium Universitatis Parisiensis. 1928.
Box 1
Mead, Edward Sherwood, et. al. Harvey Baum A Study of the Agricultural Revolution. 1928.
Box 1
Newbold, William Romaine. The Cipher of Roger Bacon. ed. by Roland Grubb Kent. 1928.
Box 1
Boker, George Henry. Nydia. ed. by Edward Sculley Bradley. 1929.
Box 1
Boker, George Henry . Sonnets. ed. by Edward Sculley Bradley. 1929.
Box 1
Griffin, Nathaniel Edward, et. al. The Filostrato of Giovanni Boccaccio. 1929.
Box 1
Harr, Luther A. Branch Banking in England. 1929.
Box 1
Herring, James R. The Problem of Weak Railroads, 1929.
Box 1
Morton, Sister Rose Anita. An Appreciation of Robert Southwell. 1929.
Box 1
Schelling, Felix E. Pedagogically Speaking. 1929.
Box 2
Coons, Arthur Gardiner. The Foreign Public Debt of China. 1930.
Box 2
McClure, Norman Egbert. The Letter and Epigrams of Sir John Harington. 1930.
Box 2
Snyder, Edward D. Hypnotic Poetry. 1930.
Box 2
Wu, Shao-Tseng, et. al. Railroad Valuation and Fair Return 1930.
Box 2
Bossard, James H. S. et. al. University Education For Business. 1930.
Box 2
Cailliet, Emile. Why We Oppose the Occult. trans. by George Franklin Cole. 1931.
Box 2
Cheyney, Edward P. Modern English Reform from Individualism to Socialism. 1931.
Box 2
Firor, Ruth A. Folkways and Thomas Hardy. 1931.
Box 2
Hitchins, Fred H. The Colonial Land and Emigration Commission. 1931.
Box 2
Hale, Oron James. Germany and the Diplomatic Revolution: A Study in Diplomacy and the Press, 1904-1906. 1931.
Box 3
Hill, A.V. Adventures in Biophysics. 1931.
Box 3
Nichols, Roy Franklin. Franklin Pierce: Young Hickory of the Granite Hills. 1931.
Box 3
Nulle, Stebelton H. Thomas Pelham-Holles Duke of Newcastle: His Early Political Career 1693-1724. 1931.
Box 3
Penniman, Josiah H. A Book about the English Bible. 1931.
Box 3
Wright, Edward Needles. Conscientious Objectors in the Civil War. 1931.
Box 3
Rohlfing, Charles C. National Regulation of Aeronautics. 1931.
Box 3
Adrian E.D. The Mechanism of Nervous Action: Electrical Studies of the Neurone. 1932.
Box 3
Case, Lynn M. Franco-Italian Relations 1860­-1865: The Roman Question and the Convention of September. 1932.
Box 3
Dodson, Leonicas. Alexander Spotswood: Governor of Colonial Virginia 1710-1722. (In Box 91), 1932.
Box 3
Morley, Christopher. Ex Libris Carissimis. 1932.
Box 3
Phillips, Edith. The Good Quaker in French Legend. 1932.
Box 3
Bining, Arthur Cecil. British Regulation of the Colonial Iron Industry. 1933.
Box 3
Mack, Russell H. The Cigar Manufacturing Industry: Factors of Instability Affecting Production and Employment. 1933.
Box 3
Mohr, Walter H. Federal Indian Relation, 1774-1788. 1933.
Box 3
Pollock, Thomas Clark. The Philadelphia Theatre in the Eighteenth Century: Together with the Day Book of the same period. 1933.
Box 4
Jones, Joseph M. Jr. Tariff Retaliation: Repercussions of the Hawley-Smoot Bill. 1934.
Box 4
Montgomery, James A. Arabia and the Bible. 1934.
Box 4
Morris, Homer Lawrence. The Plight of the Bituminous Coal Miner. 1934.
Box 4
Petrullo, Vincenzo. The Diabolic Root: The Study of Peyotism, the New Indian Religion, Among the Delawares. 1934.
Box 4
Weyl, Hermann. Mind and Nature. 1934.
Box 4
Wroth, Lawrence C. An American Bookshelf. 1934.
Box 4
Albrecht, Otto E. Four Latin of St. Nicholas: from the 12th Century Fleury Play-book. 1935.
Box 4
Bezanson, Anne, et. al. Prices in Colonial Pennsylvania. 1935.
Box 4
Brooks, Robert C. Deliver Us from Dictators! 1935.
Box 4
Cruickshank, Earl Feel Morocco at the Parting of the Ways: The Story of Native Protection to 1885. 1935.
Box 4
Douglass, Paul F. God Among the Germans. 1935.
Box 4
Halbeisen, Elizabeth K. Harriet Prescott Spofford: A Romantic Survival. 1935.
Box 4
Leslie, Shane. The Script of Jonathan Swift: and other Essays. 1935.
Box 5
Mitchell, Pearl Borling. The Bismarkian Policy of Conciliation with France 1875-1885. 1935.
Box 5
Vittorini, Domenico. The Drama of Luigi Pirandello. 1935.
Box 5
Zirkle, Conway. The Beginnings of Plant Hybridization. 1935.
Box 5
Anthology of Student Verse at Pennsylvania. (Box 91) 1936.
Box 5
Charvat, William. The Origins of American Critical Thought 1810-1835. 1936.
Box 5
Gulick, L., et. al. Wharton Assembly Addresses. 2c. (Box 91) 1936.
Box 5
Newton, A. Edward. Bibliography and pseudo Bibliography. 1936.
Box 5
Parker, G.H. Color Changes of Animals in Relation to Nervous Activity. 1936.
Box 5
Porter, Charles W. The Career of Theophile Delcasse. 1936.
Box 5
Salter, Sir Arthur. World Trade and its Future.1936.
Box 5
Selsam, J. Paul. The Pennsylvania Constitution of 1776: the Study of Revolutionary Democracy, l936.
Box 5
Litchfield, Dorothy Hale, ed. Classified List of 4800 Serials. 1936.
Box 5
Selsam, J. Paul. The Attempts to Form an Anglo-French Alliance 1919-1924. 1936.
Box 5
Simpson, George Eaton. The Negro in the Philadelphia Press. 1936.
Box 5
Sullivan, Kathryn. Maryland and France 1774­-1789. 1936.
Box 5
Sullivan, William Lawrence. Epigrams and Criticisms in Miniature. 1936.
Box 5
Baker, Elizabeth Feaster. Henry Wheaton 1785­-1848. 1937.
Box 5
Blackwell, Alice Stone. Some Spanish-American Poets. 1937.
Box 6
Brookes, George S. Friend Anthony Benezet. 1937.
Box 6
Comfort, W.W. The Clermont Assizes of 1665: A Merry Account of a Grim Court. 1937.
Box 6
Klett, Guy Soulliard. Presbyterians in Colonial Pennsylvania. 1937.
Box 6
Konkle, Burton Alva. Thomas Willing and the First American Financial System. 1937.
Box 6
Lewis, W., et. al. Wharton Assembly Addresses.(box 91, location 12679). 1937.
Box 6
de Madariaga, Salvador. Theory and Practice in International Relations. 1937.
Box 6
Erlanger, Joseph, Electrical Signs of Nervous Activity. 1937.
Box 6
Reinhold, Frances L. The Provisional Appointment in City Civil Service Systems: with Special Reference to the Philadelphia Civil Service.1937.
Box 6
Wildes, Harry Emerson. Aliens in the East: A New History of Japan's Foreign Intercourse. 1937.
Box 6
Le Manuscrit Du Roi. intro. by Jean Beck and Louise Beck, Vol. 1 and 2, 1938.
Box 6
Boardman, Roger Sherman. Roger Sherman Signer and Statesman. 1938.
Box 7
Fink, Arthur E. Causes of Crime: Biological Theories on the United States 1800-1915, 1938.
Box 7
Gracian, Baltasar. El Criticon. 1938.
Box 7
Howgate, George W. George Santayana. 1938.
Box 7
Korson, George. Minstrels, of the Mine Patch: Songs and Stories of the Anthracite Industry. 1938.
Box 7
Rowntree, R. S., et. al. Wharton Assembly Addresses. (Box 91) 1938.
Box 7
Skinner, Maud and Otis. One Man in his Time: The Adventures of H. Watkins. 1938.
Box 7
Smith, Rhea Marsh. The day of the Liberals in Spain. 1938.
Box 7
Williams, Edward B. From Latin to Portuguese: Historical Phonology and Morphology of the Portuguese Language. 1938.
Box 7
Windolph, F. Lyman. The Country Lawyer: Essays in Democracy. 1938.
Box 7
Buell, Raymond Leslie, et. al. Howard Crawley Memorial Lectures. (Box 91) 1939.
Box 7
Cunningham, William James. The present Railroad Crisis. 1939.
Box 7
Ferguson, John H. American Diplomacy and the Boer War. 1939.
Box 7
Gracilfin, Baltasar. El Criticon. 1939.
Box 7
Griffin, Martin I. J., Frank R. Stockton: A Critical Biography. 1939.
Box 7
Griffin, Constance M. Henry Blake Fuller: A Critical Biography. 1939.
Box 8
Hall, S. Warren III. Tangier Island: A Study of an Isolated Group. 1939.
Box 8
MacNeal, Kenneth. Truth in Accounting. 1939.
Box 8
O'Neill, Edward H. Biography by Americans 1658- 1936: A Subject Bibliography. 1939.
Box 8
Seiver, George Otto. Aman: A Critical Edition.1939.
Box 8
Weygandt, Ann M. Kipling's Reading: and Its Influence on His Poetry. 1939.
Box 8
White, D. Fedotoff. Survival: Through War and Revolution in Russia. 1939.
Box 8
Young, Louise Merwin. Thomas Carlyle: and the Art of History. 1939.
Box 8
Addison, Agnes, ed. Portraits in the university of Pennsylvania. (Box 91) 1940.
Box 8
A Faculty survey of the university of Pennsylvania Libraries. Bibliographical Planning Committee of Philadelphia. 2c. (Box 91) 1940.
Box 8
Bossard, James H. S. Marriage and the Child. 1940.
Box 8
Boyd, Morrison Comegys. Elizabethan Music and Musical Criticism. First Ed. 1940.
Box 8
Cheyney, Edward. History of the University of Pennsylvania 1740-1940. 1940.
Box 8
Gaul, Harriet A, John Alfred Brashear; Scientist and Humanitarian 1840-1920. 1940.
Box 8
Gracian, Baltasar. El Criticon. 1940.
Box 8
Jones, Arthur Hosking. Cheltenham Township: A Sociological Analysis of a Residential Suburb, 1940.
Box 9
Oliver, P. Charles, et. al. Magnitudes and Coordinates of Comparison Atars in 52 Regions of Variable Stars and Magnitudes of 284 Variables. (Box 91) 1940.
Box 9
Peckham, Harry Houston. Josiah Gilbert Holland: in Relation to His Times. 1940.
Box 9
Shelly, Percy Van Dyke. The Living Chaucer. 1940.
Box 9
Speck, Frank G. Penobscot Man: The Life History of a Forest Tribe in Maine. 1940.
Box 9
Tinkcom, Harry Marlin. John White Geary: Soldier-Statesman 1819-1873. 1940.
Box 9
Winship, George Parker. Printing in the Fifteenth Century. 1940.
Box 9
Amberson, J. Burns, et. al. Modern Aspects of the Antituberculosis Program. 1941.
Box 9
Bowen, Norman L., et. al. Shifting of Sea Floors and Coast Lines. (2 copies) 1941.
Box 9
Boyd, Julian P. Anglo-American Union: Joseph Galloway's Plans to Preserve the British Empire 1774-1788. 1941.
Box 9
Butterworth, Charles C. The Literary Lineage of the King James Bible 1340-1611. (2 copies) 1941.
Box 9
Clark, W. Mansfield. A Challenge to Scholar­ship. (2 copies) 1941.
Box 9
Demerec, M. Cytology, Genetics, and Evolution. 1941.
Box 9
Doisy, Edward A., et. al. Female Sex Hormones. 1941.
Box 9
Dryden, Hugh L., et. al. Fluid Mechanics and Statistical Methods in Engineering. 1941.
Box 9
Dublin, Louis I., et. al. Medical Problems of Old Age. 1941.
Box 9
Elvehjem, Conrad A., et. al. Nutrition. 1941.
Box 9
Fermi, Enrico, et. al. Nuclear Physics. 1941.
Box 9
Fieser, Louis F., et. al. Cause and Growth of Cancer. 1941.
Box 9
Goldblatt, Harry. et. al. Hypertension. 1941.
Box 9
Gregory, William K., et. al. Development of Occlusion. 1941.
Box 9
Henderson, Lawrence. The Study of Man. 1941.
Box 9
Hitchlens, Arthur P., et. al. The University and Public Health Statesmanship. 1941.
Box 9
Jennings, Herbert S. The Beginnings of Social Behavior in Unicellular Organisms. 1941.
Box 9
Jewett, Fank B., et. al. Engineering Progress and the Social Order. (2 copies) 1941.
Box 9
Klein, Henry, et. al. Dental Caries. 1941.
Box 9
Krogh, August. The Comparative Physiology of Respiratory Mechanisms. 1941.
Box 9
Maritain, Jacques, Religion and the Modern World. 1941.
Box 9
Marshall, E. K. Jr., et. al. Chemotherapy. 1941.
Box 9
McAllister, Ethel M. Amos Eaton: Scientist and Educator 1776-1842 1941.
Box 10
McGinty, Martha Evelyn. Fulcher of Chartres: Chronicles of the First Crusade. (trans. by author) Ed. by John L. LaMonte. 1941.
Box 10
Mohler, John R., et. al. The Relations of Diseases in Lower Animals to Human Welfare 1941.
Box 10
Moore, Eleanor M. Youth in Museums. 1941.
Box 10
Myers, Charles S., et. al. Modern Psychology.1941.
Box 10
Nixon, Lily Lee. James Burd: Frontier Defender 1726-1793. 1941.
Box 10
Noyes, W. Albert Jr., et. al. Chemical Kinetics and Natural Products. (2 Copies) 1941.
Box 10
Peters, John P., et. al. Problems of Intestinal Obstruction. 1941.
Box 10
Rivers, Thomas M., et. al. Problems and Trends in Virus Research. 1941.
Box 10
Roach, William. The Didot Perceval. 1941.
Box 10
Rowe, L. S., et. al. Latin America in World Affairs 1914-1940. 1941.
Box 10
Hu, Shih, et. al. Studies in Political Science and Sociology. 1941.
Box 10
Strecker, Edward A., et. al. Therapeutic Advances in Psychiatry. 1941.
Box 10
Speiser, A., et.-al. Studies in the History of Science. 1941.
Box 10
Van Der Slice, Austin. International Labor, Diplomacy, and Peace 1914-1919. 1941.
Box 10
Wace, Alan J. B., et. al.. Studies in Civilization. 1941.
Box 10
White, Joseph L. Transportation and National Defense. 1941.
Box 10
Zon, Raphael., et. al. Conservation of Renewable Natural Resources. 1941.
Box 10
Klein, Walter C. Johann Conrad Beissel: Mystic and Martinet 1690-1768. 1942.
Box 10
Lea, Henry Charles. Minor Historical Writings and Other Essays. Arthur C. Howland, ed. 1942.
Box 10
Pennsylvania Writer's Project. Pennsylvania Calvalcade. 1942.
Box 11
Penrose, Boies. Urbane Travelers 1591-1635. 1942.
Box 11
Philadelphia Libraries: A Survey of facilities, Needs, and Opportunities by The Bibliographical Planning Committee of Philadelphia. 2c. (Box 91) 1942.
Box 11
Philosophical Essays: in honor of Edgar Arthur Singer, Jr. ed. by F. P. Clarke and M. C. Nahm. 1942.
Box 11
Powell, J. H. Richard Rush: Republican Diplomat, 1780-1859. 1942.
Box 11
Robinson, Virginia P., ed. Training for Skill in Social Case Work. 1942.
Box 11
Stevenson, John Reese. The Chilean Popular Front. 1942.
Box 11
Wherry, Edgar T. Guide to Eastern Ferns. 1942.
Box 11
Winkelman, Barnie F. John G. Johnson: Lawyer and Art Collector 1841-1917. 1942.
Box 11
Alspach, Russel K. Irish Poetry: From the English Invasion to 1798. 1943.
Box 11
Bossard, James H. S., et. al. Family Situations: an Introduction to the Study of Child Behavior. 1943.
Box 11
Goldman, Eric F. John Bach McMaster: American Historian. 1943.
Box 11
Korson, George. Coal Dust on the Fiddle: Songs and Stories of the Bituminous Industry. 1943.
Box 11
Robacker, Earl F. Pennsylvania German Literature: Changing Trends from 1683 to 1942. 1943.
Box 11
Walters, Raymond Jr. Alexander James Dallas: Lawyer-Politician-Financier 1759-1817. 1943.
Box 11
Cummings, Hubertis. Richard Peters: Provincial Secretary and Cleric 1704-1776. 1944.
Box 12
Hofstadter, Richard. Social Darwinism in American Thought 1860-1915. 1944.
Box 12
Sellin, Thorsten. Pioneering in Penology: The Amsterdam Houses of Correction in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. 2 c. 1944.
Box 12
Bernstein, Garry. Origins of Inter-American Interest 1700-1812. 1945.
Box 12
Fogg, John M. Jr. Weeds of Lawn and Garden. 2 c. 1945.
Box 12
Salomone, A. William. Italian Democracy in the Making: The Political Scene in the Giolittian Era 1900-1914. 1945.
Box 12
Wallace, Paul A. W. Conrad Weiser: Friend of Colonist and Mohawk. 1945.
Box 12
Winship, George Parker. The Cambridge Press 1638-1692. 1945.
Box 12
Emery, John Pike. Arthur Murphy: An Eminent English Dramatist of the Eighteenth Century. 1946.
Box 12
Hyde, Walter Woodburn. Paganism To Christianity In The Roman Empire. 1946.
Box 12
Mohr, Robert Landis. Thomas Henry Burrowes: 1805-1871. 2 c. 1946.
Box 12
Teeters, Negley K. Penology from Panama to Cape Horn. 2 c. 1946.
Box 12
Wallace, Paul A.W. The White Roots of Peace.1946.
Box 13
Zabriskie, Edward H. American Russian Rivalry in the Far East: A Study in Diplomacy and Power Politics 1895-1914. 1946.
Box 13
Bradley, Sculley, ed. et. al. Walt Whitman's Backward Glances 1946.
Box 13
Brooks, Van Wyck. The Malady of the Ideal. 1946.
Box 13
Caldwell, Robert Graham. Red Hannah: Delaware's Whipping Post. 1946.
Box 13
Churchman, C. West, ed., et. al. Measurement of Consumer Interest. 1946.
Box 13
Davis, Hiram S. The Industrial Study of Economic Progress. 1947.
Box 13
Dunham, James H. The Religion of Philosophers. 1947.
Box 13
Gergely, Emro Joseph. Hungarian Drama in New York: American Adaptations 1908-1940. 2 c. 1947.
Box 13
Gist, Margaret Adlum. Love and War in the Middle English Romances. 1947.
Box 13
Harbage, Alfred. As They Liked It: A Study of Shakespeare's Moral Artistry. 1947.
Box 13
Lewin, Julius. Studies in African Native Law.1947.
Box 13
Odgers, Merle M. Alexander Dallas Bache: Scientist and Educator 1806-1867. 1947.
Box 13
Pomeroy, Earl S. The Territories and the United States 1861-1890: Studies in Colonial Administration. 1947.
Box 13
Petrullo, Vincenzo. Puerto Rican Paradox. 1947.
Box 13
Bahrs, George O. The San Francisco Employers' Council. 1948.
Box 14
Banks, General N. P. Fighting Politician. 2 c.1948.
Box 14
Davis, Tenney L., ed., et. al. Chymia. Vol.1, 2 c. 1948.
Box 14
Freidin, Jesse. The Taft-Hartley Act and Multi-Employer Bargaining. 1948.
Box 14
Haskins, George L. The Growth of English Representative Government. 1948.
Box 14
Kennedy/Thomas. Effective Labor arbitration: The Impartial Chairmanship of the Full-Fashioned Hosiery Industry. 1948.
Box 14
Kiefer, Monica. American Children through their Books. 2 c. 1948.
Box 14
McCahan, David, ed. The Beneficiary in Life Insurance. 1948.
Box 14
March, Harold. The Two Worlds of Marcel Proust. 1948.
Box 14
Miliukov, Paul. Michael Karpovich ed. and Valentine Ughet and Eleanor Davis trans., Outlines of Russian Culture. 1948.
Box 14
Paderborn, Oliver. John J. Gavigan trans. The Capture of Damietta. 1948.
Box 14
Pollak, Otto. Social Implications of Industry-Wide Bargaining. 1948.
Box 14
Taft, Jessie, ed. Family Casework and Counseling A Functional Approach. 1948.
Box 14
Tilove, Robert. Collective Bargaining in the Steel Industry. 1948.
Box 14
Abersold, John R. Problems of Hourly Rate Uniformity. 1949.
Box 15
Buhler, Curt F., et. al., Standards of Bibliographical Description. 2 c. 1949.
Box 15
Changing Patterns in American Civilization. Benjaman Franklin Lectures. 2 c. 1949.
Box 15
Davis, Tennery. L. Chymia. Vol. 11. 2 c. 1949.
Box 15
Garrett, Sylvester et. al. Management Problems Implicit In Multi-Employer Bargaining. 1949.
Box 15
Long, E. Hudson. O. Henry: The Man and His Work. 1949.
Box 15
Powell, J.H. Bring Out Your Dead. 1949.
Box 15
Pray, Kenneth L.M. Social Work in a Revolutionary Age. 1949.
Box 15
Roach, William, ed. The Continuations of the Old French Perceval of Chrétien De Troyes. Vol. 1, 1949.
Box 15
Seybold, John W. The Philadelphia Printing Industry: A Case Study. 2 c. 1949.
Box 15
Stokes, George Stewart. Agnes Repplier: Lady of Letters. 2 c. 1949.
Box 16
Wallace, Anthony F.C. King of the Delawares: Teedyuscung 1700-1763. 1949.
Box 16
Zirkle, Conway, ed. Death of a Science in Russia: The Fate of Genetics as Described in Pravda and Elsewhere. 1949.
Box 16
Brigham, Clarence S. Journals and Journeymen: A Contribution to the History of Early American Newspapers. 2 c. 1950.
Box 16
Hurff, George B. Social Aspects of Enterprise in the Large Corporation. 1950.
Box 16
Leicester, Henry M. Chymia. Vol.III. 1950.
Box 16
McGee, LeMuel C. Manual of Industrial Medicine. 1950.
Box 16
Pollak, Otto. The Criminality of Women (Box 91). 1950.
Box 16
Sayles, G.O. The Medieval Foundations of England. 1950.
Box 16
Wallace, Paul A.W. The Muhlenbergs of Pennsylvania. 1950.
Box 16
Bezanson, Anne et. al., Prices and Inflation During the American Revolution: Pennsylvania, 1770-1790. 2 c. 1951.
Box 16
Bisbee, Eleanor. The New Turks. 1951.
Box 17
Changing Patterns for Scholarship and the Future Research Libraries. Rudof Hirsch, ed. 2c.1951.
Box 17
Dickierson O.M. The Navigation Acts and the American Revolution. 1951.
Box 17
Dickinson, Edwin D. Law and Peace. 1951.
Box 17
Faner, Robert D. Walt Whitman and Opera. 1951.
Box 17
Mumford, Lewis., et. al. The Arts in Renewal (Box 91) 1951.
Box 17
Paul, James C. N. Rift in Democracy. 1951.
Box 17
Woody, Thomas. Liberal Education for Free Men 1951.
Box 17
Wright, Elizabeth Cox. Metaphor, Sound and Meaning: A Study of Robert Bridge's The Testament of Beauty. 1951.
Box 17
Backman, Jules. Economic Data Utilized in Wage Arbitration. (Labor Relations Series) 2c.1952.
Box 17
Bridges, Hal. Iron Millionaire: Life of the Charlemagne Tower. 1952.
Box 17
Ford, Alice. Edward Hicks: Painter of the Peaceable Kingdom. 1952.
Box 17
Freidin, Jesse. Labor Arbitration and the Courts. (Labor Relations Series) 2c. 1952.
Box 17
Handsaker, Morrison and Marforie. The Submission Agreement in Contract Arbitration. (Labor Relations Series) 2c.
Box 17
Hoffman, Daniel G. Paul Bunyan: Last of the Frontier Demigods. 1952.
Box 18
Hunter, Dard. Papermaking in Pioneer America. (Rosenbach Fellowship) 2c. 1952.
Box 18
Johnson, Emily Cooper. Under Quaker Appointment: The Life of Jane P. Rushmore. 1952.
Box 18
Kennedy, Van Dusen. Arbitration in the San Fransisco Hotel and Restaurant. (Labor Relations Series) 2c. 1952.
Box 18
Kuhn, Alfred. Arbitration in Transit. (Labor Relations Series) 2c. 1952.
Box 18
McNall, Neil A. An Agricultural History of the Genesee Valley. (Beveridge Fund) 1952.
Box 18
March, Harold. Guide and the Hound of Heaven. 1952.
Box 18
Poetry Awards.1952.
Box 18
Raiziss, Sona. The Metaphysical Passion: Seven Modern American Poets and the 17th Century Tradition. 1952.
Box 18
Sayles, G.O. The Irish Parliament in the Middle Ages. 1952.
Box 18
Schneider, Elisabeth. The Aesthetics of William Hazlitt. 1952.
Box 18
Science, Language, and Human Rights. (American Philosophical Association) Vol. 1 1952.
Box 18
Simkin, William E. Acceptability as a Factor in Arbitration under an Existing Agreement.(Labor Relations Series) 2c. 1952.
Box 18
Skilton, Robert H. Industrial Discipline. (Labor Relations Series) 2c. 1952.
Box 18
Tripp, L. Reed. Wage-Reopening Arbitration. (Labor Relations Series) 1952.
Box 18
Witte, Edwin E. Historical Survey of Labor Arbitration. (Labor Relations Series) 2c. 1952.
Box 18
Wittke, Carl F. Refugees of Revolution. 1952.
Box 19
Albrecht, Otto D. A Census of Autograph Music Manuscripts of European Composers in American Libraries. 1953.
Box 19
Butterworth, Charles C. The English Primers. 2c. 1953.
Box 19
Crawford, W. Rex, ed. The Cultural Migration. (with Franz L. Newmann, Henri Peyre, Erwin Panofsky, Wolfgang Kohler, and Paul J. Tillich) Benj. Franklin Lectures. 1953.
Box 19
Greenway, John American Folksongs of Protest. 1953.
Box 19
Guides for Labor Arbitration. John Perry Horlacher, ed. (Labor Relations Series) 1953(2c).
Box 19
Hamburg, Morris, et. al. Characteristics of Transactions on Over-the-Counter Markets. 1953.
Box 19
Harbeson, William P. Philadelphia Architecture in the Nineteenth Century. (with David M. Robb, Theo. B. White, ed.) 1953.
Box 19
Haugen, Einer. The Norwegian Language in America. (2 vols.) 1953.
Box 20
Hauptmann, O. H., ed. Escorial Bible L.j.4.: Vol. I. The Pentateuch. 2c. 1953.
Box 20
Johnson, Emily Cooper. Under Quaker Appointment: A Life of Jane P. Rushmore. 1953.
Box 20
Leicester, Henry M., ed. Chymia Vol. IV, 2c. 1953.
Box 20
LeRoy, Gaylor C. Perplexed Prophets. 2c. 1953.
Box 20
Loetscher, Lefferts A. The Broadening Church. 1953.
Box 20
McMcahan, David, ed. Investment of Life Insurance Funds. 1953.
Box 20
Orfield, Lester B. The Growth of Scandinavian Law. 2c. 1953.
Box 20
Poetry Awards 1953. 2c. 1953.
Box 20
Traybel, Horace. With Walt Whitman in Camden: Vol. I. Scully Bradley, ed. 2c. 1953.
Box 20
Van Deusen, Glyndon G. Horace Greeley: Nineteenth Century Crusader. (Beveridge Fund) 2c. 1953.
Box 20
Whicher, Stephen. Freedom and Fate: An Inner Life of Ralph Waldo Emerson. 2c 1953.
Box 20
Wik, Reynold M. Steam Power on the American Farm. (Beveridge Fund) 1953.
Box 20
Second copies of books published in 1953 can be found in Box 20A.
Box 20A
Bezanson, Anne. Wholesale Prices in Philadelphia: 1852-1896. (with Margorie Denison, Miriam Hussey, and Elsa Kemp) Wharton Research Studies.XXVI. 2c. 1954.
Box 21
Case, Lynn M. French Opinion on War and Diplomacy During the Second Empire. 2c. 1954.
Box 21
Chester, Allan G. Hugh Latimer: Apostle to the English. 2c. 1954.
Box 21
Miklos N. and Lombard, Louise S. Experimental Studies in Equine Infectious Anemia. 2c. 1954.
Box 21
Gest, Margaret. Jeremy Taylor: The House of Understanding. 2c. 1954.
Box 21
Hyman, Harold M. Era of the Oath. (Beveridge Fund) 1954.
Box 21
Loetscher, Lefferts A. The Broadening Church. (copy in Box 91) 1954.
Box 21
Proceedings of a symposium on ACTH and Cortisone in Veterinary Medicine. 2c. 1954.
Box 21
Twyman, Robert W. History of Marshall Field and Company, 1852-1906. (Beveridge Fund) 2c. 1954.
Box 21
Ver Steeg, Clarence L. Robert Morris: Revolutionary Financier. (Beveridge Fund) 1954.
Box 21
Way, Robert F. The Anatomy of the Bovine Foot: A Pictorial Approach. 2c. 1954.
Box 21
Baldwin, Marshall W., ed. A History of the Crusades. Vol. I. The First Hundred Years. 2c. 1955.
Box 22
Bentley, George R. History of the Freedman's Bureau. (Beveridge Fund) 2c. 1955.
Box 22
Bowers, Fredson. On Editing Shakespeare and.the Elizabethan Dramatists. (Box 91) 12679. 1955.
Box 22
Burr. Robert N., and Roland D. Hussey. Documents on Inter-American Cooperation. Vols. I and II. 2c.
Box 22
Davis, Hiam S. Productivity Accounting. (Wharton Reaearch Studies XXXVII) 2c in English and 2c in Japanese. 1955.
Box 22
Hallowell, A. Irving, Culture and Experience. 2c. 1955.
Box 22
Lillibridge, G. D. Beacon of Freedom. 2c. 1955.
Box 22
Perkins, Bradford. The First Rapproachment: England and the United States, 1795-1805 (Beveridge Fund) 2c. 1955.
Box 22
Sarton, George. The Appreciation of Ancient and Medieval Science During the Renaissance. (Rosenbach Fellowship) 2c. 1955.
Box 22
Bossard, James H.S., et. al. The Large Family System. (In BOX CO Located 12680. 1956.
Box 23
A Franklin Miscellany. Vol. I: The Ingenious Dr. Franklin. Nathan G. Goodman, ed.
Box 23
A Franklin Miscellany. Vol. II: Benjamin Franklin in Scotland and Ireland. by J. Bennett Nolan.
Box 23
A Franklin Miscellany. Vol. III: General Benjamin Franklin. By J. Bennett Nolan. 2c. of each 1956.
Box 23
Hussey, Miriam. From Merchants to "Colour Men". 2c. 1956.
Box 23
Kallen, Horace M., et. al. Cultural Pluralism and the American Idea. 2c. 1956.
Box 23
McGee, Lemuel C. Manual of Industrial Medicine.
Box 23
Motten, Clement G., et. al. Latin America: Development Programming and United States Investments. 2c. 1956.
Box 23
Nichols, Roy F. Advance Agents of American Destiny. 2c. 1956.
Box 23
Palmer, Gladys L. Philadephia Workers in a Changing Economy. (Wharton Research Studies XXXVIII) 2c. 1956.
Box 24
Rosenthal, Franz. Humor in Early Islam. 2 c. 1956.
Box 24
Windolph, F. Lyman. Reflections of the Law in Literature. 1956.
Box 24
Athearn, Robert.G. Soldier in the West. 2.c. 1957.
Box 24
Berger, Carl. The Korea Knot: A Military­ Political History. 1957.
Box 24
Blake, John B. Benjamin Waterhouse and the Introduction of Vaccination: A Reappraisal. 2 c. 1957.
Box 24
Dudden, Arthur P. ed. Woodrow Wilson and the World of Today. 1957.
Box 24
Grodinsky, Julius. Jay Gould His Business Career 1867-1892: The Expansion of America's Rail­ road Empire. (Box 92) 1957.
Box 24
Gruber, Frederick C., ed. The Good Education. 1957.
Box 24
Pames, Reese Davis. Cradle of Culture: The Philadelphia Stage 1800-1810. 1957.
Box 24
Kaser, David. Messrs. Carey and Lea of Philadelphia: Study in the History of the Booktrade. 1957.
Box 24
Kephart, William M. Racial Factors and Urban Law Enforcement. 1957.
Box 24
Kingston, R.H. ed., et. al. Semiconductor Surface Physics. 2 c. 1957.
Box 25
Kurtz, Stephen G. The Presidency of John Adams: The Collapse of Federalism 1795-1800. 2 c. 1957.
Box 25
Loetscher, Lefferts A. The Broadening Church. 1957.
Box 25
Matthews, Kenneth P. Jr. Cities in the Sand: Leptis Magna and Sabratha in Roman Africa. (Box 92) Located 12680. 1957.
Box 25
Miller, Genevieve. The Adoption of Inoculation for Smallpox in England and France. 2 c. 1957.
Box 25
Morris-Jones, W. H. Parliament in India 2 c. 1957.
Box 25
Powell, J.H. The Books of a New Nation: United States Government Publications 1774-1814. 2 c. 1957.
Box 25
Saul, George Brandon. Prolegomena to the Study of Yeats's Poems. 2 c. 1957.
Box 25
Tovar, Antonio. The Basque Language. Herbert Pierrepont Houghton-translator. 2 c. 1957.
Box 25
Bittner, William. The Novels of Waldo Frank. 1958 (2c).
Box 26
Castetter, William. Public School Debt Administration. 2c. 1958.
Box 26
Drabkin, David. Thudichum: Chemist of the Mind. 2c . (2nd copy in box 92) 1958.
Box 26
Goldstein, Sidney. Patterns of Mobility 1910-1950. 2c. 1958.
Box 26
Gruber, Frederick C., ed. The Emergence of the Modern Mind. (Brumbaugh Lectures, 1957) 1958.
Box 26
Gruber, Frederick C., ed. Partners in Education. Schoolmen's Week Proceedings. 1958.
Box 26
Hagedorn, Ralph K. Benjamin Franklin and Chess in Early America. 1958.
Box 26
Landau, Jacob. Studies in the Arab Theater and Cinema. 2c. 1958.
Box 26
Morley, Felix. Essays on Individuality. 2c. 1958.
Box 27
Nichols, Roy R. Franklin Pierce. 1958.
Box 27
Setten, Kenneth. A History of the Crusades. Vol. I. 1958.
Box 27
Skard, Sigmund. American Studies in Europe Vol. I and II. 1958.
Box 27
Sweeney, Stephen B., ed. Education for Administrative Careers in Government Service. 1958.
Box 27
Sweeney, Stephen B., ed. Metropolitan Analysis 2c. 1958.
Box 27
Wolfgang, Marvin E. Patterns in Criminal Homicide. 2c. 1958.
Box 27
Wood, Frank Bradshaw. ed. The Present and Future of the Telescope of Moderate Size. 2c. 1958.
Box 28
Adrian, E.D. The Mechanism of Nervous Action. 1959.
Box 28
Aubrey, Edwin E. Humanistic Teaching and the Place of Ethical and Religious Values in Higher Education. 2c. 1959.
Box 28
Branch, Edgar. A Bibliography of James T. Farrell's Writings. 2c. 1959.
Box 28
Campbell, Louise. Letters to Louise. 2c. 1959.
Box 28
Charvat, William. Literary Publishing in America: 1790-1850. 2c. 1959.
Box 28
Cochran, Thomas C. The Puerto Rican Business. c. 1959.
Box 28
Elias, Robert H., ed. Letters of Theodore Dreiser. 3 Vols. 1959.
Box 28
Fordham, Jefferson B. The State Legislation Institution. 2c. 1959.
Box 28
Gregg, Davis W., ed. World Insurance Trends. 1959.
Box 29
Gruber, Frederick C. Aspects of Value. 2c. 1959.
Box 29
Keniston, Hayward. Graduate Study and Research in the Arts and Sciences in the University of Pennsylvania. 1959.
Box 29
Krogh, August. The Comparative Physiology of Respiratory Mechanisms. 1959.
Box 29
Leicester, Henry, ed. Chymia Vol. V. 2c 1959.
Box 29
Martin, R. M. The Notion of Analytic Truth. 2c. 1959.
Box 29
Morris, Clarence, ed. The Great Legal Philosophers. 2c. 1959.
Box 29
Peckham, Morse, ed. The Origin of the Species by Charles Darwin. 2c.
Box 29
Shryock, Richard H. The University of Pennsylvania Faculty. 1959.
Box 30
Singer, E. A. Jr. Experience and Reflection. 2c. 1959.
Box 30
Thistlethwaite, Frank. Anglo-American Connection in the Early Nineteenth Century. 2c. 1959.
Box 30
Thomas, Daniel H. and Case, Lynn M. Guide to the Diplomatic Archives of Western Europe. 2c. 1959.
Box 30
Warntz, William. Toward a Geography of Price. 2c. 1959.
Box 30
Zirkle, Conway. Evolution, Marxian Biology, and the Social Scene. 2c. 1959.
Box 30
Alspach, Russell K. Irish Poetry: From the English Invasion to 1798. 1960.
Box 31
Belcher, Donald R. The Board of Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania. 1960.
Box 31
Bennendijk, Liendert. Properties of the Double Stars. 2c. 1960.
Box 31
Boewe, Charles E. and Nichols, Roy F., eds. Both Human and Humane. 2c. 1960.
Box 31
Brinton, Anna. Then and Now. 2c. 1960.
Box 31
Brown, Norman., ed. India, Pakistan, Ceylon. Revised Edition. 1960.
Box 31
Brown, Norman W., ed. Resources for South Asian Language Studies in the United States. 2c. 1960.
Box 31
Bftler, Curt F. The Fifteenth Century Book. 2c. 1960.
Box 31
Cohn, Robert Greer. The Writer's Way in France. 2c. 1960.
Box 31
Conroy, Hilary. The- Japanese Seizure of Korea 1868-1910: A Study of Realism and Idealism in International Relations. - 1960.
Box 32
Eiseley, Loren C., et. al. Society Control in a Free Society.' Robert E. Spiller., ed. 2 c., 1960.
Box 32
Eliot, Thomas D. and Hillman, Arthur. Norway's Family. 2c. 1960.
Box 32
Flanders, Helen H., ed. Ancient Ballads. 1960.
Box 32
Galileo, Galilei., et. al. The Controversy of the Comets. 2c. 1960.
Box 32
Gemmill, Paul F. Britain's Search for Health. 1960(2 c.).
Box 32
Gruber, Frederick C., ed., Education in Transition.
Box 32
Gruber, Frederick C., ed., Education and the State. 2c.
Box 32
Gruber, Frederick C., ed., Quality and Quantity in American Education. 2c. 1960.
Box 32
Harder, Warren J. Daniel Drawbaugh: The Edison of the Cumberland Valley. 2c. 1960.
Box 32
Harnwell, Gaylord P. Russian Diary. 1960.
Box 33
Ingleby, H. and Gershon-Cohen, J. Comparative Anatomy, Pathology and Roentgenology of the Breast. 2c. 1960.
Box 33
Kramnsch, Stella. Indian Sculpture: in the Philadelphia Museum of Art. 1960.
Box 33
Leicester, Henry M., ed. Chymia 6. 2c. 1960.
Box 33
Marshall, William H. Byron Shelley, Hunt and the Liberal. 2c. 1960.
Box 33
Peckham, Morse. Humanistic Education for Business Executives. 2c. 1960.
Box 33
Rapkin, Chester and Grigsby, William. Residential Renewal in Urban Core. 1960.
Box 33
Roaten, Darnell. Structural Forms in the French Theater, 1500-1700. 2c. 1960.
Box 33
Rosenberg, Nathan. Economic Planning in the British Building Industry 1945-1949. 2c. 1960.
Box 33
Rudwick, Elliott M. W.E.B. DuBois: Study in Minority Group Leadership. . 1960.
Box 33
Salomone, A. William. Italy in the Giolittian Era. 2 c. 1960.
Box 33
Smith, Robert C. and Ferrez, Gilberto, Franz Fruhbeck's Brazilian Journey. 2 c. 1960.
Box 33
Spencer, Dorothy M. Indian Fiction in English 2 c., 1960.
Box 34
Wallace, Anthony F.C. Men and Culture. 2 c., 1960.
Box 34
Weaver, W. Wallace. Frontiers for Social Work 2 c., 1960.
Box 34
Wike, J. Roffe. The Pennsylvania Manufacture's Association. 1960.
Box 34
Berger, Carl. Broadsides and Baronets. 2 c. 1961 Brown, W.H., Jr. et. al. Planning Municipal Investment. 1961.
Box 35
Flanders, Helen H. Ancient Ballads. Vol. 11. 1961.
Box 35
Geffen, Elizabeth M. Philadelphia Unitarianism 1796-1861. 1961.
Box 35
Gillet, Joseph E. Propalladia and other Works of Bartolome de Torres Naharro. Vol IV. 1961.
Box 35
Goldstein, Sidney, The Norristown Study. 1961.
Box 36
Gruber, Frederick C. ed. Anthropology and Education. 1961.
Box 36
Harris, Edward G. Prayers for a University. 2 c.1961.
Box 36
Hawke, David. In the Midst of a Revolution. 2 c.1961.
Box 36
Hirsch, Hans. Quantity Planning and Price Plan­ning in the Soviet Union. 2 c. 1961.
Box 36
Horine, Emmet Field. Daniel Drake. 2 c. 1961.
Box 36
Huus, Helen. Education: Intellectual, Moral, Physical. 2 c. 1961.
Box 37
Johnson, Maurice. Fielding's Art of Fiction.2 c.1961.
Box 37
Journal of Social Work. Vol. XII. 2 c. 1961.
Box 37
Leach, MacEdward, Studies in Medieval Literature. 2 c. 1961.
Box 37
Leicester, Henry M. ed. Chymia: Annual Studies in the History of Chemistry. Vol. 7. 2 c. 1961.
Box 37
O'Sheel, Shaemas, Antigone with an Appreciation by A.M. Sullivan. 1961.
Box 37
Riley, Lyman W. Aristotle Texts and Commentaries to 1700. 2 c. 1961.
Box 37
Rothermund, Dietmar. The Layman's Progress. 1961.
Box 37
Silz, Walter. Heinrich von Kleist. 1961.
Box 37
Skard, Sigmund. The American Myth and the European Mind. 2 c. 1961.
Box 38
Tatum, Geo. B. Penn's Great Town. 1961.
Box 38
Weales, Gerald. Religion in Modern English Drama. 2 c. 1961.
Box 38
Weisbrod, Burton A. Economics of Public Health. 1961.
Box 38
Weslager, C.A. et. al. Dutch Explorers, Traders and Settlers in the Delaware Valley, 1609­-1664. 1961.
Box 38
Barlow, Richard Burgess. Citizenship and Conscience. 2 c. 1962.
Box 38
Bloom, Robert. The Indeterminate World. 2 c. 1962.
Box 38
Boyd, Morrison Comegys. Elizabethan Music and Musical Criticism. 2 c. 1962.
Box 38
Buranelli, V. The King and the Quakers. 1962.
Box 39
Butterworth, Charles C. et. al. George Joye 1495-1553: A chapter in The History of the English Bible and the English Reformation. 2 c. 1962.
Box 39
Cammann, Schuyler. Substance and Symbol in Chinese Toggles. 2 c. 1962.
Box 39
Carpenter, Charles. History of American School­ books. 2 c. 1962.
Box 39
Cochran, Thomas C. et. al. Entrepreneurship in Argentine Culture. 2 c. 1962.
Box 39
de Vega, Lope. Carlos V en Francis. Arnold G. Reichengerger. ed. 2 c. 1962.
Box 39
Forbes, John. The Quaker Star Under Seven Flags. 2 c. 1962.
Box 39
Grodinsky, Julian. Transcontinental Railway Strategy: A Study of Businessmen. 1962.
Box 39
Harnwell, Gaylord P. Educational Voyaging in Iran. 1962.
Box 40
Herman, Leon. A Surgeon Thinks it over. 2 c. 1962.
Box 40
Horsman, Reginald. The Causes of the War of 1812. 2 c. 1962.
Box 40
Hudson, Stephen. Richard, Myrtle and I. Violet Schiff. ed. 2 c. 1962.
Box 40
Huus, Helen. ed. Education and the National Purpose. 1962.
Box 40
Journal of Social Work. Vol.XIII. 1962.
Box 40
Lambert, Richard D. ed. Resources for South Asian Areas Studies in the United States.2 c. 1962.
Box 40
Leicester, Henry M. ed. Chymia: Annual Studies in the History of Chemistry. Vol. 8. 1962.
Box 40
Leonard, Drinker, Holden. The American Woman in Colonial and Revolutionary Times 1565-1800. 2 c. 1962.
Box 40
Longaker, Mark. ed. The Poems of Ernest Dowson. 2 c. 1962.
Box 41
Marshall, William H. The Structure of Byron's Major Poems. 2 c. 1962.
Box 41
Morris, Clarence. ed. Trends in Modern American Society. 2 c. 1962.
Box 41
Palmer, Gladys. et. al. The Reluctant Job Changer. 2 c. 1962.
Box 41
Patai, Raphael. Golden River to Golden Road. 1962.
Box 41
Reid, W. Stanford. Skipper from Leith. 2 c. 1962.
Box 41
Rey, William H. Weltentzweiung and Weltversöhnung in Hofmannsthals Griechischen Dramen. 2 c. 1962.
Box 41
Robinson, Virginia P. Jessie Taft: Therapist and Social Work Educator. 2 c. 1962.
Box 41
Rothermund, Dietmar. The Layman's Progress. 1962.
Box 42
Sajkovic, Miriam T. F.M. Dostoevsky, His Image of Man. 1962.
Box 42
Schechtman, Joseph B. Postwar Population Transfers in Europe 1945-1955. 2 c. 1962.
Box 42
Setten, Kenneth E. ed. A History of the Crusades. Vol. II. 1962.
Box 42
Skinner,John E. Self and World: the Religious Philosophy of Richard Kroner. 2 c. 1962.
Box 42
Starcke, Viggo. Denmark in World History. 2 c. 1962.
Box 42
Williams, Edwin B. From Latin to Portuguese. 1962.
Box 42
Bopp, Karl R. The State of the Nation: Retrospect and Prospect. Charles Lee. ed. 2 c. 1963.
Box 43
Burling, Robbins. Rengsanggri. 2 c. 1963.
Box 43
Carpenter, Charles. History of American Schoolbooks. 2 c. 1963.
Box 43
Cox, Edwin B. Trends in the Distribution of Stock Ownership. 2 c. 1963.
Box 43
Destler, Chester. Henry Demarest Lloyd and the Empire of Reform. 2 c. 1963.
Box 43
Dudden, Arthur P. The United States of America: A Syllabus of American Studies I and II, 2 c. 1963.
Box 43
Fisk, George. Leisure Spending-Behavior. 2 c. 1963.
Box 44
Flanders, Helen Hartness. ed. Ancient Ballads, Traditionally Sung in New England. 2 c. 1963.
Box 44
Fritz, Henry E. The Movement of Indian Assimilation 2 c. 1963.
Box 44
Grigsby, William G. Housing Markets and Public Policy. 2 c. 1963.
Box 44
Herman, Harold. New York State and the Metro­politan Problem. 1963.
Box 44
Huus, Helen. ed. Contemporary Issues Here and Abroad. 1963.
Box 44
Kaser, David. ed. The Cost Book of Carey and Lea 1825-1838. 2 c. 1963.
Box 44
Kaser, David. Joseph Charles Printer in the Western Country. 1963.
Box 45
Kravis, Irving. Domestic Interests and International obligations. 2 c. 1963.
Box 45
Li, Hui-Lin. The Origin and Cultivation of Shade.and Ornamental Trees. 2 c. 1963.
Box 45
Nelson, Robert J. Corneille His Heroes and Their Worlds. 2 c. 1963.
Box 45
Reiner, Thomas A. The Place of the Ideal Community in Urban Planning. 2 c. 1963.
Box 45
Riasanovsky, Alex. et al. Generalizations in Historical Writing. 2 c. 1963.
Box 45
Shaw, J. Thomas. The Letters of Alexander Pushkin. 2 c. 1963.
Box 46
Smith, Reed M. State Government in Transition. 2 c. 1963.
Box 46
Stoudt, John J. Ordeal at Valley Forge. 1963.
Box 46
Syed, Anwar. Walter Lippmann's Philosophy of International Politics. 1963.
Box 46
Teerink, Herman. A Bibliography of the Writings of Jonathan Swift. Arthur H. Scouten. ed. 2 c. 1963.
Box 47
Walker, Robert H. The Poet and the Gilded Age. 2 c. 1963.
Box 47
Williams, Adrain. Four Cities: A Study in Comparative Policy Making. 2 c. 1963.
Box 47
Wolfe, Ben. Morton Livingston Schamberg. 2 c. 1963.
Box 47
Wright, Nathalia. Horatio Greenough: The First American Sculptor. 2 c. 1963.
Box 47
Ammann, Rudolf W. Proceedings Bockus Inter­national Society of Gastroenterology, Fourth Annual Meeting, Geneva, May 7-9,1962. 2 c. 1964.
Box 48
Baer, Helene. The Heart is Like Heaven. 1964.
Box 48
Benson, Morton. Dictionary of Russian Personal Names. 1964.
Box 48
Berger, Carl. The Korea Knot: A Military­ Political History. 2 c. 1964.
Box 48
Bradley, Erwin Stanley. The Triumph of Militant Republicanism. 2 c. 1964.
Box 48
Brenni, Vito J. American English: A Bibliography 2 c. 1964.
Box 48
Brinton and Westlake. The Collection Books of Provost Smith. 2 c. 1964.
Box 48
Cella, Charles P. ed. et. al. Basic Issues in Coordinating Family and Child Welfare Programs. 2 c. 1964.
Box 48
Fishwick, Marshall. ed. American Studies in Transition. 2 c. 1964.
Box 49
Grebler, Leo. Urban Renewal in European Countries: Its Emergence and Potentials. 1964.
Box 49
Harbage, Alfred. Annals of English Drama 975­-1700. 2 c. 1964.
Box 49
Hartt, Frederick. The Chapel of the Cardinal of Portugal. 1964.
Box 49
Hodgen, Margaret T. Early Anthropology in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. 1964.
Box 49
Langman, Ida Kaplan. A Selected Guide to the Literature on the Flowering Plants of Mexico. 2 c. 1964.
Box 49
Lapin, Howard S. Structuring the Journey to Work. 2 c. 1964.
Box 50
Lemay, J.A. Leo. Ebenezer Kinnersley Franklin's Friend. 1964.
Box 50
Liebman, Seymour B. A Guide to Jewish References in the Mexican Colonial Era 1521-1821. 2 c.1964.
Box 50
Leicester, Henry M. Chymia. Vol. 9, 2 c. 1964.
Box 50
Madeira, Percy C. Jr. Men in Search of Man. 1964.
Box 50
McNulty, James. Some Economic Aspects of Business Organization. 1964.
Box 50
Murray, Peter B. A Study of Cyril Tourneur. 1964.
Box 50
Richardson and Sayles: The Irish Parliament in the Middle Ages. 1964.
Box 50
Rowley, Virginia. J. Russell Smith. 2 c. 1964.
Box 50
Ryals, Clyde de L. Theme and Symbol in Tennyson's Poems. 2 c. 1964.
Box 50
Saunders, E. Dale. Buddhism in Japan. 1964.
Box 50
Webber, Melvin M. et. al. Explorations into Urban Structure. 2 c. 1964.
Box 50
Wessel, Rosa. ed. Journal of Social Work Process. Vol. XIV. 2 c. 1964.
Box 50
Arndt, Karl J. R. George Rapp's Harmony Society: 1785-1847. 1965.
Box 51
Baylor, Ruth B. Elizabeth Palmer Peabody: Kindergarten Pioneer. 1965.
Box 51
Bell, Whitfield J. John Morgan: Continental Doctor. 1965.
Box 51
Bragg, Arthur N. Gnomes of the Night: The Spadefoot Toads. 1965.
Box 51
Cardona, George. A Gujarati Reference Grammar. 1965.
Box 51
Clifford, A. Jerome. The Independence of the Federal Reserve System. 1965.
Box 51
Cord, Steven B. Henry George: Dreamer or Realist? 1965.
Box 51
Dusinberre, William. Civil War Issues in Philadelphia 1856-1865. 1965.
Box 52
Flanders, Helen Hartness, ed. Ancient Ballads Traditionally Sung in New England. Vol. 4. 1965.
Box 52
Ford, Hugh D. A Poet's War: British Poets and the Spanish Civil War. 1965.
Box 52
Hoffman, Michael J. Development of Abstractionism in Writings of Gertrude Stein. 1965.
Box 52
Huus, Helen. ed. Freedom and Education. 1965.
Box 52
Kostka, Edmund K. Schiller in Russian Literature. 1965.
Box 52
Kavadi, Naresh B. et. al. Spoken Marathi. 1965.
Box 52
Kroll, Harry Harrison. Riders in the Night. 1961.
Box 53
Leicester, Harry M. ed. Chymia. Vol. 10. 1965.
Box 53
Leonard, Eugenie Andress. The Deer-Bought Heritage. 1965.
Box 53
Luyben, Helen L. James Bridie: Clown and Philosopher. 1965.
Box 53
MacLeod, Alastair W. Recidivism: A Deficiency Disease. 1965.
Box 53
Martin, Ronald E. The Fiction of Joseph Hergesheimer. 1965.
Box 53
Nassar, Eugene Paul. Wallace Stevens: An Anatomy of Figuration. 1965.
Box 53
Negus, Kenneth. E.T.A. Hoffamnn's Other World. 1965.
Box 54
Oeste, George Irvin. John Randolph Clay: America's First Diplomat. 1965.
Box 54
O'Connell, Maurice R. Irish Politics and Social Conflict in the Age of the American Revolution. 1965.
Box 54
Ostrower, Alexander. Language, Law and Diplomacy. Vols. I and II. 1965.
Box 54
Owsley, Frank Lawrence Jr. The C.S.S. Florida: Her Building and Operations. 1965.
Box 54
Reed, John F. Campaign to Valley Forge, July 1, 1777- December 19, 1777. 1965.
Box 55
Skinner, John E. The Logocentric Predicament. 1965.
Box 55
Villarejo, Oscar M. Dr. Kane's Voyage to the Polar Lands. 1965.
Box 55
White, Theo. B. The Philadelphia Art Alliance: Fifty Years 1915-1965 1965.
Box 55
Wildes, Harry Emerson. Voice of the Lord: A Biography of George Fox. 1965.
Box 55
Williams, Herman, Liebman and Dye. Suburban Differences and Metropolitan Policies: A Philadelphia Story. 1965.
Box 55
Wright, Nathalia. American Novelists in Italy, The Discoverers: Allston to James. 1965.
Box 55
Zacour, Norman P. and Rudolf Hirsch. Catalogue of Manuscripts in the Libraries of the University of Pennsylvania to 1800. 1965.
Box 55
Abrahams, Harold J. Extinct Medical Schools of Nineteenth-Century Philadelphia. 1966.
Box 56
Bamberg, Robert D., ed. The Confessions of Jereboam O. Beauchamp. 2c. 1966.
Box 56
Barcus, James E., ed. The Literary Correspondence of Bernard Barton. 1966.
Box 56
Blyn, George. Agricultural Trends in India, 1891­Output, Availability, and Productivity. 2c. 1966.
Box 56
Bock, Carl H. Prelude to Tragedy: The Negotiation and Breakdown of the Tripartite Convention of London, October 31, 1861. 1966.
Box 56
Bodkin, Ronald G. The Wage-Price-Productivity Nexus. 1966.
Box 56
Boehlke, Frederick J. Pierre De Thomas: Scholar, Diplomat, and Crusader. 1966.
Box 57
Bradley, Erwin Stanley. Simon Cameron: Lincoln's Secretary of War. 1966.
Box 57
Briller, Stanley A. and Hadley L. Conn, Jr., eds. The Myocardial Cell: Structure, Function, and Modification by Cardiac Drugs. 2c 1966.
Box 57
De Sauvigny, Guillaume De Bertier. The Bourbon Restoration. trans. by Lynn M. Case. 2c. 1966.
Box 57
Garber, Lee O., ed. Current Legal Concepts in Education. 1966.
Box 57
Giesberg, Robert I. The Treaty of Frankfort: A Study in Diplomatic History September 1870­ September 1873. 2c. 1966.
Box 57
Hardy, James D. Jr., et. al. ed. The Maclure Collection of French Revolutionary Material. 2c. 1966.
Box 58
Huus, Helen, ed. Values for a Changing America. 2c. 1966 Hoffman, Richard L. Ovid and the Canterbury Tales. 1966.
Box 58
Holder, Alan. Three Voyagers in Search of Europe: A Study of Henry James, Erza Pound, and T. S. Eliot. 2c. 1966.
Box 58
Kazamias, Andreas m. Politics, Society, and Secondary Education in England. 1966.
Box 58
Kling, Blair B. The Blue Mutiny 1859-1862: The Indigo Disturbances in Bengal 1859-1862. 2c. 1966.
Box 58
Koh, Sung Jae" Stages of Industrial Development in Asia. 1966.
Box 58
Krumbhaar, E. B. Isaac Cruikshank. 2c. 1966.
Box 58
Leicester, Henry M. Chymia No. 11. 2c, 1966.
Box 58
May, Arthur J. The Passing of the Hapsburg Monarchy 1914-1918. 2c. 1966.
Box 59
Marti, Berthe M. The Spanish College at Bologna in the Fourteenth Century. 1966.
Box 59
Reymond, Rene: The Right Wing in France: From 1815 to DeGaulle. trans. by James M. Laux. 2c. 1966.
Box 59
Rowe, Nicholas. Tamerlane: A Tragedy. Landon C. Burns, Jr., ed. 2c. 1966.
Box 59
Schiffer, Margaret Barwind. Funiture and its Markers of Chester County, Pennsylvania. 2c. 1966.
Box 59
Skard, Sigmond and Henry H. Wasser. Americana Norvegica. Vol. I. 2c. 1966.
Box 59
Tennyson, Alfred. Poems, Chiefly Lyrical. Clyde de L. Ryals ed. 1966.
Box 60
Walker, Joseph E. Hopewell Village: A Social and Economic History of an Iron-Making Community. 2 c. 1966.
Box 60
Wessel, Rosa ed. Journal of Social Work Process. Vol. 15 2 c. 1966.
Box 60
Wolf, Ben. Franklin C. Watkins: Portrait of a Painter. 1966.
Box 60
Wolfson, Robert J. The Vestibular System and its Diseases. 2c 1966.
Box 60
Armstrong, William H. Organs for America: The Life and Work of David Tannenberg. 2c. 1967.
Box 61
Beck, Aaron T. Depression: Causes and Treatment. (located in box 92) 1967.
Box 61
Bender, Ernest. Hindi Grammar and Reader. 1967.
Box 61
Bender, Ernest. Urdu Grammar and Reader. 2 c. 1967.
Box 61
Brickman, William W. ed. Educational Imperatives in a Changing Culture. 2 c. 1967.
Box 61
Crawford, J.P. Wickersham Spanish Drama before Lope de Vega. 2 c. 1967.
Box 61
Fletcher, F. Marion. Market Restraints in the Retail Drug Industry. 1967.
Box 61
Jonas, Klaus W. et. al. Thomas Mann Studies. Vol. 2. 2 c. 1967.
Box 62
Leicester, Henry M. ed. Chymia 12. 1967.
Box 62
Levey, Martin ed. Archeological Chemistry: A Symposium. 2 c. 1967.
Box 62
Levey, Martin et. al. The Medical Formulary of Al-Samarqandi. 2 c. 1967.
Box 62
Longaker, Mark. Ernest Dowson. 1967.
Box 62
Northrup, Herbert R. Restrictive Labor Practices in the Supermarket Industry. 2 c. 1967.
Box 62
Phillips, ed. et. al. Prices: Issues in Theory, Practice and Public Policy. 1967.
Box 62
Speiser, E.A. Oriental and Biblical Studies. J.J. Finkelstein and Moshe Greenberg ed. 2c.1967.
Box 63
Wessel, Rosa ed. Journal of Social Work Process. 2 c. 1967.
Box 63
Avery, George C. Inquiry and Testament: A Study of the Novels and Short Prose of Robert Walser. 2 c. 1968.
Box 63
Burton, David H. Theodore Roosevelt: Confident Imperialist. 1968.
Box 63
Cardona, George. On Haplology in Indo-European. 2 c. 1968.
Box 63
Caridi, Ronald J. The Korean War and American Politics: The Republican Party.
Box 63
as a Case Study. 1968.
Box 63
Daly, Lloyd W. ed. Brito Metricus: A Mediaeval Verse Treatise on Greek and Hebrew Works. 1968.
Box 63
Erlanger, Joseph et. al. Electrical Signs of Nervous Activity. 1968.
Box 63
Glassie, Henry. Pattern in the Material Folk Culture of the Eastern United States. 1968.
Box 63
Gearey, John. Heinrich von Kleist. 2 c. 1968.
Box 64
Kyriakides, Stanley. Cyprus: Constitutionalism and Crisis Government. 1968.
Box 64
Massey, William F. et. al. Purchasing Behavior and Personal Attributes. 1968.
Box 64
Niebanck, Paul et. al. Residential Rehabilitation: The Pitfalls of Nonprofit Sponsorship. 1968.
Box 64
Niebanck, Paul L. et al. Relocation in Urban Planning: from Obstacle to Opportunity. 1968.
Box 64
Senior, John R. ed. Medium Change Triglycerides.1968.
Box 64
Silverstein, Max. Psychiatric Aftercare: Planning for a Community Mental Health Service. 1968.
Box 64
Skard, Sigmund ed. Americana Norvegica. 1968.
Box 64
Smith, Richard Penn. Caius Marius- Neda McFadden Westlake. ed. 1968.
Box 64
von Gronicka, Andre. The Russian Image of Geothe: Goethe in Russian Literature of the First Half of the 19th Century. 2 c. 1968.
Box 64
Wishy, Bernard. The Child and The Republic: The Dawn of Modern American Child Nature. 2 c. 1968.
Box 64
Baxter, Craig. Jana Sangh: A Biography of an Indian Political Party. 1969.
Box 65
W.Botelho, Stella Y. ed. et. al. The Exocrine Glands. 1969.
Box 65
Canfield, Cass. The Publishing Experience. 1969.
Box 65
Champigny, Robert J. A Pagan Hero. Trans. Rowe Portis. 1969.
Box 65
Chernish, William N. Coalition Bargaining: A Study of Union Tactics and Public Policy.2 c. 1969.
Box 65
Gates, Robert J. ed. The Awntyrs off Arthure at the Tern Wathelyne. 2 c. 1969.
Box 65
Goffman, Erving. Strategic Interaction. 2c. 1969.
Box 65
Judson, Margaret A. The Political Thought of Sir Henry Vane the Younger. 1969.
Box 65
Kaser, David. Book Pirating in Taiwan. 1969.
Box 65
Lievsay, John L. The Englishman's Italian Books: 1550-1700. 1969.
Box 65
McCormmach, Russell. ed. Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences. Vol. 1. 1969.
Box 65
Pfaltzgraff, Robert L., Jr. Britain Faces Europe. 2 c. 1969.
Box 66
Reynolds, Monica ed. et. al. Lactogenesis. 1969.
Box 66
Silz, Walter. Holderlin's Hyperion: A Critical Reading. 2 c. 1969.
Box 66
Wessel, Rosa. ed. Journal of Social work Process. Vol. 17. 1969.
Box 66
Birdwhistell, Ray L. Kinetics and Context: Essays on Body Motion Communication. 2c. 1970.
Box 66
Brody, Alan. The English Mummers and Their Plays: Traces of Ancient Mystery. 1970.
Box 66
Cardona, George ed. Indo-European and Indo-Europeans. 1970.
Box 66
Case, Lynn M. et. al. The United States and France: Civil War Diplomacy. 2 c. 1970.
Box 66
Conarroe, Joel. William Carlos Williams' Paterson: Language and Landscape. 2 c. 1970.
Box 66
Giergielewicz, Mieczyslaw. Introduction to Polish Versification. 2 c. 1970.
Box 67
Hourani, A.H., et. al. eds. The Islamic City. 1970.
Box 67
McCormmach, Russell, ed. Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences. Vol. 2. 1970.
Box 67
Ossowska, Maria, Social Determinants of Moral Ideas. 2 c. 1970.
Box 67
Wallace, David A., William Carols Williams' Paterson: Language and Landscape. 1970.
Box 67
Wyatt, William F. Jr., Indo-European /a/. 1970.
Box 67
Bender, Ernest, Introductory Hindi Readings. 2 c. 1971.
Box 67
Benson, Morton, Serbocroatian-English Dictionary. 1971.
Box 67
Bernstein, Richard J., Praxis and Action. 1971.
Box 67
Bragdon, Clifford R., Noise Pollution. 1971.
Box 68
Brandes, Joseph. Immigrants to Freedom: Jewish Communities in Rural New Jersey Since 1882. 1971.
Box 68
Brandt, Willy, In Exile: Essays, Reflections, and Letters 1933-1947. Translated by R.W. Last. 1971.
Box 68
Jaspers, Karl, Philosophy of Existence. Translated by R.F. Grabau. 1971.
Box 68
Lieb, Irwin C. The Four Faces of Man. 2 c. 1971.
Box 68
Mackey, Louis, Kierkegaard: A Kind of Poet. 1971.
Box 68
Marder, L., Time and the Space-Traveler. 1971.
Box 68
McCormmach, Russell, ed. Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences. Vol. 3. 1971.
Box 68
Peters, Edward, ed. Christian Society and the Crusades. 1971.
Box 68
Peters, Edward, ed. The First Crusade. 1971.
Box 68
Phodiadis, John D. et. al. eds. Change in Rural Appalachia: Implications for Action Programs. 1971.
Box 68
Schick, Jack M., The Berlin Crisis 1958­-1962. 1971.
Box 68
Beck, Aaron T., Depression: Causes and Treatment. 1972.
Box 68
Benson, J.L., Banboula at Kourion, The Necropolis and the Finds­ Excavated by J.F. Daniel. 1972.
Box 68
Breasted, James H., Development of Religion and Thought in Ancient Egypt. 1972.
Box 69
Cassier, Ernst, The Individual and Cosmos in Renaissance Philosophy. 1972.
Box 69
Coulton, G.G. From St. Francis to Dante.2c. 1972.
Box 69
Cuskey, Walter,, Drug-Trip Abroad.2c. 1972.
Box 69
Drew, Katherine Fischer, The Burgundian Code. 2 c. 1972.
Box 69
Fought, John, Chorti (Mayan) Texts I. Edited by Sarah S. Fought. 1972.
Box 69
Frothingham, Octavius Brooks, Transcendentalism in New England. 1972.
Box 69
Guicciardini, Francesco, Maxims and Reflections. 1972.
Box 69
Haller, William, The Rise of Puritanism. 1972.
Box 69
Harbage, Alfred, As They Liked It: A Study of Shakespeare's Moral Artistry. 1972.
Box 69
Kors, Alan E., et. al. eds. Witchcraft in Europe 1100-1700, a Documentary History. 2 c. 1972.
Box 69
Kramer, Samuel Noah, Sumerian Mythology, 1972.
Box 69
Kraus, Henry, The Living Theatre of Medieval Art. 1972.
Box 69
Labov, William, Language in the Inner City: Studies in the Black English Vernacular. 1979 4Labov, William, Sociolinguistic Patterns. 1972.
Box 70
Li, Hui-lin, Trees of Pennsylvania: The Atlantic States and the Lake States.2 c. 1972.
Box 70
Mackey, Louis, Kierkegaard: A Kind of Poet. 1972.
Box 70
Meyer, D. H., The Instructed Conscience. 1972.
Box 70
Moore, John C., Love in Twelfth Century France. 1972.
Box 70
Morris, Clarence, The Justification of the Law. 1972.
Box 70
Nilsson, Martin P., Greek Folk Religion. 1972.
Box 70
Nilsson, Martin P., Homer and Mycenae. 1972.
Box 70
Ossawaka, Maria., Social Determinants of Moral Ideas. 1972.
Box 70
Reifen, David, The Juvenile Court in a Changing Society: Young Offenders in Israel. 1972.
Box 70
Tompkins, E. Berkeley, Anti-Imperialism in the United States: The Great Debate, 1890-1920. 1972.
Box 70
Ulrich Zwingli 1484-1531: Selected Works Edited by Samuel Macauley Jackson. 1972.
Box 70
von Humboldt, Wilhelm, Linguistic Variability and Intellectual Development. Translated by George C Buck. 1972.
Box 70
von Hutten, Ulrich, Letters of Obscure Men. 1972.
Box 70
Weiner, Philip P., Evolution and the Founders of Pragmatism. 1972.
Box 70
Wishy, Bernard. The Child and the Republic. 1972.
Box 70
Beck, Aaron T., The Diagnosis and Management of Depression. 1973.
Box 71
Bodde, Derk et. al., Law in Imperial China: Exemplified by 190 Ch'ing Dynasty Cases. 1973.
Box 71
Dales, Richard C., The Scientific Achievement of the Middle Ages. 2 c. 1973.
Box 71
de Toledo, Gaspar Gomez, Tercera Parle de la Tragiocomedia de Celestina. Edited by Mac E. Barrick. 2 c. 1973.
Box 71
Vega, Lope. El Primero Benavides. Ed. Arnold G. Reichenberger, et. al. 1973.
Box 71
Drew, Katherine Fischer. The Lombard Laws. 2 c. 1973.
Box 71
Boyd, Morrison Comegys. Elizabethan Music and musical Criticism. 1974.
Box 71
Dickerson, Oliver M. The Navigation and the American Revolution. 1974.
Box 71
Fox, Renee C., Experiment Perilous. 1974.
Box 71
Goodman, Nathan G., The Ingenious Dr. Franklin: Selected Scientific Letters of Ben Franklin. 1974.
Box 71
Hallowell, A. Irving. Culture and Experience. 1974.
Box 71
Hawke, David. In the Midst of a Revolution. 1974.
Box 71
Hymes, Dell. Foundations in Socio-linguistics: An Ethnographic Approach.1974.
Box 71
Kant, Immanuel. On The Old Saw: That May Be Right in Theory But It Won't Work In Practice. Trans. by E.B. Ashton. 2c.1974.
Box 71
Lea, Henry Charles. The Duel and the Oath. Translated and Edited by Arthur C. Howland and Edward Peters. 1974.
Box 72
Marder, L. Time and the Space Traveller. 1974.
Box 72
Meyer, D.H. The Instructed Conscience. 1974.
Box 72
Palmer, Robert E. A. Roman Religion and Roman Empire: Five Essays. 1974.
Box 72
Peters, Edward, ed. History of the Lombards: Paul the Deacon. Translated by William Dudley Foulke. 1974.
Box 72
Walker, Joseph E. Hopewell Village. 1974.
Box 72
Drabkin, David L. Fundamental Structure: Nature's Architecture. 1975.
Box 72
Klein, Randolph Shipley. Portrait of an Early American Family: The Shippens of Pennsylvania Across Five Generations. 1975.
Box 72
Krochalis, Jeanne, et al. eds. The World of Piers Plowman. 1975.
Box 72
Hegel, G.W.F. Natural Law. Translated by T.M. Knox. 1975.
Box 72
Li, Hui-lin. The Original and Cultivation of Shade and ornamental Trees. 1975.
Box 72
Peters, Edward, ed. Monks, Bishops and Pagans: Christian Culture in Gaul and Italy, 500-700. 1975.
Box 72
Reeder, Roberta, ed. and trans. Down Along The Mother Volga: An Anthology of Russian Folk Lyrics. - 1975.
Box 72
Rosenberg, Charles E., ed. The Family in History. 1975.
Box 72
Schutte, Tnomas F., ed. The Uneasy Coal ton: Design in Corporate America. 1975.
Box 72
Stannard, David E., ed. Death in America. 1975.
Box 72
Thomas, Daniel H. et. al. eds. The New Guide to the Diplomatic Archives of Western Europe. 1975.
Box 72