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General Administration Collection Post-1820


Held at: University of Pennsylvania: University Archives and Records Center [Contact Us]3401 Market Street, Suite 210, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104

This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the University of Pennsylvania: University Archives and Records Center. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.

Overview and metadata sections

The General Administration Collection Post-1820 documents the institutional and education activities of the University of Pennsylvania from its founding in 1820 to roughly 1900 with some later material included. The Collection was created primarily from records of the Provost, Secretary, and Deans of the Universitiy of Pennsylvania.

The collection is primarily composed of correspondence and reports of various University officers. Since the collection was drawn in large part from the Office of the Secretary records, it contains much of the supporting documentation relating to the University's Board of Trustees and related committees documenting decisions and studies conducted. The correspondence of the deans of the college and medical school covers similar subject matters as well as matters relating to students. A sizeable portion of the School of Medicine files for the period prior 1860 include applications for admission or financial aid for potential students. Some student correspondence and petitions are present. Documentation, such as contracts and bills and invoices, for University expenses and building projects and repairs also is present.

The majority of the post-1900 files are records of the Office of the Secretary and its function as the liason between the Trustees and administration of the University as well as public record keeping such as preparing diplomas, course catalogs and filing reports of governmental agencies.

For later records, researchers should look at the University ARchives holdings for specific offices and schools of the University. These individual record group collections generally begin around 1890 to 1900.

The General Administration Collection (also known as Archives General Collection) Post-1820 is organized into one general series which is arranged by date. The contents of every series are arranged alphebetically by topic.

The General Administration Collection (also known as Archives General Collection) of the University Archives is drawn primarily from the records of Offices of the Secretary, Provost, and Treasurer as well as those of the deans of the college and medical school. The majority of the records were held by the Secretary and Treasurer of the University and turned over the University Archives when it was created in 1945. The University Library also had a number of early manuscript records in its collections which were turned over to the Archives in the 1950s and 1960s and to this were added the historical collection of the Dean of the School of Medicine in the 1950s.

University of Pennsylvania: University Archives and Records Center
Finding Aid Author
J.M. Duffin
Finding Aid Date
January 2013
Access Restrictions

Access to collections is granted in accordance with the Protocols for the University Archives and Records Center.

Collection Inventory

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1820s: Assets, University.
Box 1

1821: Degrees.
Box 1
1821: Grammar School.
Box 1
1821: Mandamus for Degrees.
Box 1
1821: Mason, James Murray (ALS).
Box 1
1821: Medical School - Bills.
Box 1
1821: Medical School - Faculty.
Box 1
1821: Medical School - Students.
Box 1
1821: Perkasie Manor.
Box 1
1821: Pharmacal School.
Box 1
1821: Philomathean Society.
Box 1
1821: Trustees.
Box 1
1821 - 1822: Annual Fund Reports to the State of Pennsylvania.
Box 1
1821 - 1822: Buildings and Grounds.
Box 1
1821 - 1822: Norristown.
Box 1
1821 - 1824: City of Philadelphia, Leases with.
Box 1
1821 - 1825: Trustees.
Box 1
1821 - 1826: Investments- Benjamin R. Morgan.
Box 1
1821 - 1827: Perkasie Manor - Carpenter and Heft.
Box 1
1821 - 1827: University and Methodist Union Church Property - 4th Street.
Box 1
1821 - 1827: Wiltbank, Rev. James - correspondence.
Box 1

1822: Charity School.
Box 1
1822: College - Curriculum (W.H. Keating).
Box 1
1822: Legal.
Box 1
1822: Mandamus for Degrees.
Box 1
1822: Medical School - Bills.
Box 1
1822: Medical School - Faculty.
Box 1
1822: Medical School - Students.
Box 1
1822: Perkasie Manor.
Box 1
1822: Trustees.
Box 1
1822 - 1824: Wistar Museum.
Box 1
1822 - 1825: College - Faculty.
Box 1

1823: Bond and Warrant, Henry and John Felman to the University of.
Box 1
1823: Buildings and Grounds.
Box 1
1823: Diploma plate controversy.
Box 1
1823: Graduating Class.
Box 1
1823: Insurance Policy for University Building - Ninth Street, February 21.
Box 1
1823: Insurance Survey of Medical Hall - Ninth Street, February 24.
Box 1
1823: Insurance Survey of Medical Hall - Ninth Street, July 26.
Box 1
1823: Library, Catalogue of.
Box 1
1823: Medical School - Bills.
Box 2
1823: Medical School - Faculty.
Box 2
1823: Medical School - Students.
Box 2
1823: Nautical Medicine and Military Surgery.
Box 2
1823: Norristown.
Box 2
1823: Pennsylvania.
Box 2
1823: Perkasie Manor.
Box 2
1823: Trustees.
Box 2
1823 - 1824: State of Pennsylvania.
Box 2
1823 - 1825: Charity School.
Box 2
1823 - 1825: College - Students and Activities and Curriculum.
Box 2
1823 - 1825: Real Estate.
Box 2
1823 - 1825: Secretary - Treasurer.
Box 2
1823 - 1825: Third and Pine Streets.
Box 2
1823 - 1827: Secretary - Treasurer.
Box 2
Ca.1823?: Lists of Books.
Box 2

1824: Buildings and Grounds.
Box 2
1824: College - Duties and Discipline.
Box 2
1824: Lafayette.
Box 2
1824: Legal.
Box 2
1824: Medical School - Bills.
Box 2
1824: Medical School - Faculty.
Box 2
1824: Medical School - Students.
Box 2
1824: Perkasie Manor.
Box 2
1824: Trustees.
Box 3
1824 - 1825: Anatomy.
Box 3
1824 - 1825: Botany, Professorship of.
Box 3
1824 - 1825: City of Philadelphia - Taxes.
Box 3
1824 - 1825: Grammar School.
Box 3
1824 - 1825: Secretary - Treasurer.
Box 3

1825: Buildings and Grounds.
Box 3
1825: Medical School - Bills.
Box 3
1825: Medical School - Faculty.
Box 3
1825: Medical School - Students.
Box 3
1825: Perkasie Manor.
Box 3
1825: Perkasie Manor, Draft of.
Box OS 2
1825: Trustees.
Box 3
1825: Wistar Museum.
Box 3
1825 - 1826: Trustees and State of College.
Box 3
1825 - 1827: Botany.
Box 4
1825 - 1828: Miller, Rev. Samuel - Letters and Accounts of (D.D. 1790).
Box 4
1825 - 1846: Medical School - Promissory Notes.
Box 4

1826: Astronomy.
Box 4
1826: Medical School - Bills.
Box 4
1826: Medical School - Faculty.
Box 4
1826: Medical School - Students.
Box 4
1826: Perkasie Manor.
Box 4
1826: Philomathean Society, address given by George B. Wood, M.D., before the Society.
Box 4
1826: Real Estate.
Box 4
1826: Trustees.
Box 4
1826 - 1827: Buildings and Grounds.
Box 4
1826 - 1827: College - Faculty.
Box 4
1826 - 1827: College - Students and Activities.
Box 4
1826 - 1827: Faculty Appointments - Adrain, Robert.
Box 4
1826 - 1827: Faculty Appointments - Bache.
Box 4
1826 - 1827: Faculty Appointments - Campbell.
Box 4
1826 - 1827: Faculty Appointments - O'Shannessy.
Box 4
1826 - 1827: Trustees.
Box 4
1826 - 1829: Chair of Institutes on the Practice of Medicine.
Box 4
1826 - 1831: Trustees Committee on the state of the Medical Department.
Box 4

1827: Adrian, Robert.
Box 4
1827: Botany, Professorship of (Coxe, John Redman).
Box 4
1827: Buildings and Grounds.
Box 5
1827: Charity School.
Box 5
1827: Faculty.
Box 5
1827: Medical School - Bills.
Box 5
1827: Medical School - Faculty.
Box 5
1827: Medical School - Students.
Box 5
1827: Medical Specimens.
Box 5
1827: Perkasie Manor.
Box 5
1827: Perkasie Manor - Carpenter and Heft.
Box 5
1827: Publicity.
Box 5
1827: Statement of the Funds of the University.
Box 5
1827: Students.
Box 5
1827: Trustees.
Box 5
1827 - 1828: Financial Statement.
Box 5
1827 - 1828: Grammar School.
Box 5
1827 - 1828: Investments.
Box 5
1827 - 1828: Perkasie Manor- Leases and Deed.
Box 5
1827 - 1828: Secretary - Treasurer.
Box 5

1828: Anatomy.
Box 5
1828: Buildings and Grounds.
Box 5
1828: Charity School.
Box 5
1828: College - Students and Activities.
Box 5
1828: College- Faculty.
Box 6
1828: Degree Candidates.
Box 6
1828: Faculty.
Box 6
1828: French and Spanish.
Box 6
1828: Medical School - Bills.
Box 6
1828: Medical School - Faculty.
Box 6
1828: Medical School - Students.
Box 6
1828: Perkasie Manor.
Box 6
1828: Philomathean Society.
Box 6
1828: Philosophical Apparatus.
Box 6
1828: Real Estate.
Box 6
1828: Statement of John Keble's Charitable Fund.
Box 6
1828: Students.
Box 6
1828: Students: Tuition Accounts.
Box 6
1828: Trustees (1).
Box 6
1828: Trustees (2).
Box 6
1828 - 1829: DeLancey, Willliam Heathcote - Recitation on Roll.
Box 6
1828 - 1829: Students, Lists of.
Box 6
1828 - 1829: Trustees.
Box 6
1828 - 1830: Investments and Financing Arrangements for New Halls.
Box 6
1828 - 1830: Medical Agreements between Trustees and Medical Professors for new Medical Hall.
Box 7
1828 - 1831: Faculty of Arts: class rolls and rosters.
Box 7
1828 - 1833: Students: Tuition accounts.
Box 7
1828 - 1834: Correspondence of.
Box 7
1828 - 1834: Dr. Adrain's report on classes.
Box 7
1828 - 1834: reports on students.
Box 7
1828 - 1834: requests for degrees.
Box 7
1828 - 1834: student requests for exemptions.
Box 7
1828 - 1834: student withdrawals.
Box 7
1828 - 1835: Medical Hall (New).
Box 7

1829: Appointments.
Box 7
1829: Baccalaureate Sermon by Provost DeLancey.
Box 7
1829: Bache, Alexander Dallas, ALS.
Box 7
1829: Botany.
Box 7
1829: Buildings and Grounds (including Greenhouse and Botanical Garden of, 1821 - 1822).
Box 7
1829: College - Faculty.
Box 7
1829: College - Students and Activities.
Box 7
1829: Commencement Prayer by Provost DeLancey.
Box 7
1829: Curriculum.
Box 7
1829: Degrees.
Box 7
1829: Discipline/conduct.
Box 7
1829: Examinations.
Box 7
1829: Faculty of Arts.
Box 7
1829: Fire Insurance policy issued on College Hall and Medical Hall.
Box 7
1829: Grammar School (Academy).
Box 7
1829: Insurance Survey of Medical Hall, Ninth Street.
Box 7
1829: Languages.
Box 7
1829: Letter from Robert Vaux to General Lafayette (re. James Washington).
Box 7
1829: Medical Hall, Cornerstone laying - Address by Provost DeLancey.
Box 7
1829: Medical School - Bills.
Box 7
1829: Medical School - Faculty.
Box 8
1829: Medical School - Students.
Box 8
1829: New Medical Hall.
Box 8
1829: Perkasie Manor.
Box 8
1829: Philomathean and Zelosophic societies.
Box 8
1829: Philosophy and Chemistry.
Box 8
1829: Provost.
Box 8
1829: Secretary - Treasurer, Joseph Reed.
Box 8
1829: Students: admissions.
Box 8
1829: Students: tuition accounts.
Box 8
1829: Students: withdrawals.
Box 8
1829: Treasurer - James C. Biddle.
Box 8
1829: Trustees.
Box 8
1829 - 1830 (?): Dick, Archibald T.
Box 8
1829 - 1830: Legal.
Box 8
1829 - 1831: Buildings and Grounds (New).
Box 8
1829 - 1831: Horner, William E., M.D. - Copy letter book.
Box 8
1829 - 1832: Medical Schools - Pennsylvania and Others.
Box 8
1829 - 1835 Trustees.
Box 8

1830: Academy.
Box 8
1830: Adrain, Robert, ALS.
Box 8
1830: Advertising.
Box 8
1830: Anatomy.
Box 8
1830: Bache, Alexander Dollas, ALS.
Box 8
1830: Biddle, James C. - Secretary.
Box 8
1830: Buildings and Grounds.
Box 8
1830: Charity School.
Box 8
1830: College - Faculty.
Box 8
1830: College - Students and Activities.
Box 8
1830: Commencement.
Box 9
1830: Degrees.
Box 9
1830: Free School.
Box 9
1830: Grammar School and Charity School.
Box 9
1830: Insurance Survey of Collegiate Hall, Ninth Street, July 6.
Box 9
1830: Insurance Survey of University of Pennsylvania North Building, Ninth Street, July.
Box 9
1830: Investments.
Box 9
1830: Library.
Box 9
1830: Medical Hall - Agreement between Trustees and Medical Faculty for erection of.
Box 9
1830: Medical School - Faculty, No. 1.
Box 9
1830: Medical School - Faculty, No. 2.
Box 9
1830: Medical School - Faculty, No. 3.
Box 9
1830: Medical School - Students.
Box 9
1830: Perkasie Manor.
Box 9
1830: Perkasie Manor - Bills of Sale.
Box 9
1830: Philomathean and Zelosophic societies.
Box 9
1830: Real Estate.
Box 9
1830: Students, Reports on.
Box 9
1830: Students: admissions.
Box 9
1830: Students: withdrawals.
Box 9
1830: Treasurer.
Box 9
1830: Trustees.
Box 9
ca. 1830: Degrees.
Box 9
ca. 1830: DeLancey, Provost - Addresses by.
Box 9
ca. 1830: Discipline and Education, Anonymous letter from alumnus changes.
Box 10
ca. 1830: Languages.
Box 10
ca. 1830: Memorabilia - silver pen (M.A.A. de France).
Box 10
ca. 1830: Rutledge, Edward.
Box 10
1830 - 1831: Accounts.
Box 10
1830 - 1831: DeLancey, Provost - Address.
Box 10
1830 - 1833: Medical School - Bills.
Box 10

1831: Academy.
Box 10
1831: Anatomy.
Box 10
1831: Buildings and Grounds.
Box 10
1831: College - Faculty.
Box 10
1831: College - Students and Activities.
Box 10
1831: Commencement.
Box 10
1831: Degree Recipients - list of Provost DeLancey.
Box 10
1831: Discipline/conduct.
Box 10
1831: Financial.
Box 10
1831: Honors.
Box 10
1831: Legal.
Box 10
1831: Library.
Box 10
1831: Medical Commencement - address by Provost DeLancey.
Box 10
1831: Medical School - Faculty, No. 1.
Box 11
1831: Medical School - Faculty, No. 2.
Box 11
1831: Medical School - Students.
Box 11
1831: Perkasie Manor.
Box 11
1831: Philomathean and Zelosophic societies.
Box 11
1831: Real Estate.
Box 11
1831: Secretary - Treasurer.
Box 11
1831: Students: admissions.
Box 11
1831: Students: orations.
Box 11
1831: Students: tuition accounts.
Box 11
1831: Trustees.
Box 11
1831 - 1833: Statements of Receipts and Payments - 1831 estimate for 1833.
Box 11
1831 - 1834: Accounts and Receipts.
Box 11
1831 - 1834: Library.
Box 11

1832: American Association for the Promotion of Science, Literature, and the Arts.
Box 11
1832: Anatomy.
Box 11
1832: Baker, William Deal, The Saturniad, verse satire on University.
Box 11
1832: Botany.
Box 11
1832: Buildings and Grounds.
Box 11
1832: Charity School.
Box 11
1832: College - Faculty.
Box 11
1832: College - Students and Faculty.
Box 11
1832: Commencement.
Box 11
1832: Commencement Prayer by Provost DeLancey.
Box 11
1832: Dick, Archibald T.
Box 11
1832: Dick, Archibald T.
Box 11
1832: Discipline/conduct.
Box 11
1832: Faculty of Arts.
Box 11
1832: Honorary degree recipients.
Box 11
1832: Languages.
Box 11
1832: Law Academy.
Box 11
1832: Legal.
Box 11
1832: Medical School - Faculty, No. 1.
Box 12
1832: Medical School - Faculty, No. 2.
Box 12
1832: Medical School - Students.
Box 12
1832: Perkasie Manor.
Box 12
1832: Philadelphia - Sesequi-Centennial.
Box 12
1832: Philomathean and Zelosophic societies.
Box 12
1832: Real Estate.
Box 12
1832: Secretary- Treasurer.
Box 12
1832: State of Pennsylvania.
Box 12
1832: Statement of the Funds of the University.
Box 12
1832: Students: admissions.
Box 12
1832: Students: orations.
Box 12
1832: Students: tuition accounts.
Box 12
1832: Students: withdrawals.
Box 12
1832: Trustees.
Box 12
1832: Trustees - Committee Reports.
Box 12
1832: Ways and Means - Annual Report.
Box 12
1832 and 1834: Medical Commencement address by Provost Delancey.
Box 12
1832 ca.: Shober, John Bedford - essay.
Box 12
1832 - 1833: Alumni, Autographs of the Officers of the Society of the.
Box 12
1832 - 1833: Medical School - Bills.
Box 12
1832 - 1833: Secretary- Treasurer.
Box 12
1832 - 1834: Diplomas.
Box 12

1833: Academy Grammar School.
Box 12
1833: Bond and Warrant of J. Edward Shippen Burd.
Box 12
1833: Buildings and Grounds.
Box 12
1833: Charity School.
Box 12
1833: College - Faculty.
Box 12
1833: College - Students.
Box 12
1833: Legal.
Box 12
1833: Library.
Box 13
1833: Medical School - Faculty No. 1.
Box 13
1833: Medical School - Faculty, No. 2.
Box 13
1833: Medical School - Students.
Box 13
1833: Perkasie Manor.
Box 13
1833: Real Estate.
Box 13
1833: Students: admissions.
Box 13
1833: Students: orations.
Box 13
1833: Students: tuition accounts.
Box 13
1833: Trustees.
Box 13
1833 - 1834: Accounts and Receipts.
Box 13

1834: Charity School.
Box 13
1834: College - Faculty.
Box 13
1834: College - Students.
Box 13
1834: Dick, Archibald T.
Box 13
1834: Discipline/conduct.
Box 13
1834: Faculty of Arts.
Box 13
1834: Gymnasium classes.
Box 13
1834: Lectures.
Box 13
1834: Lectures (non UP).
Box 13
1834: Legal.
Box 13
1834: Medical Department (January - June).
Box 13
1834: Medical Department (July - December).
Box 13
1834: Medical Department Controversy.
Box 14
1834: Perkasie Manor.
Box 14
1834: Philomathean Oration (E. J. Bancker).
Box 14
1834: Real Estate.
Box 14
1834: Secretary's Correspondence.
Box 14
1834: Students: admissions.
Box 14
1834: Trustees.
Box 14
1834: Zelosophic Society.
Box 14
1834 - 1835: Real Estate.
Box 14
1834 - 1836: Medical Department (concerning Dr. John Redman Coxe).
Box 14
1834 - 1853: change in curriculum.
Box 14
1834 - 1853: Dr. Henry Reed's correspondence with E. R. Mayer, Mayer's father, etc. re the College's decision to suspend Mayer and other students for behavior problems.
Box 14
1834 - 1853: miscellaneous.
Box 14
1834 - 1853: requests for degrees, 1837.
Box 14
1834 - 1853: student withdrawals.
Box 14

1835: Alumni.
Box 14
1835: College - Faculty.
Box 14
1835: College - Students.
Box 14
1835: Medical Department - Alumni.
Box 14
1835: Medical Department - Bulletins.
Box 14
1835: Medical Department - Committee Reports.
Box 14
1835: Medical Department - Diplomas.
Box 14
1835: Medical Department - Entrance Requirements.
Box 14
1835: Medical Department - Examinations.
Box 14
1835: Medical Department - Faculty.
Box 15
1835: Medical Department - Fees.
Box 15
1835: Medical Department - General.
Box 15
1835: Medical Department - Horner, Dr.
Box 15
1835: Medical Department - Report of the Committee on.
Box 15
1835: Medical Department - Reports.
Box 15
1835: Medical Department - Scholarships.
Box 15
1835: Medical Hall, Minority report of committee to examine agreement for erection of.
Box 15
1835: Trustees.
Box 15
1835: Trustees, report of the Committee on the Medical Department.
Box 15

1836: Accounts and Receipts.
Box 15
1836: Catalogue (Class of Curriculum of Lectures).
Box 15
1836: Catalogue (Officers and Students).
Box 15
1836: College Department.
Box 15
1836: Committee Reports.
Box 15
1836: Grammar School.
Box 15
1836: Letters of protest against University, William Engles, December 10.
Box 15
1836: Medical Department - Alumni.
Box 15
1836: Medical Department - Diplomas.
Box 15
1836: Medical Department - Early Dismissals.
Box 15
1836: Medical Department - Entrance Requirements.
Box 15
1836: Medical Department - Examinations.
Box 15
1836: Medical Department - Faculty.
Box 15
1836: Medical Department - Fees.
Box 15
1836: Medical Department - General.
Box 15
1836: Medical Department - Horner, Dr.
Box 15
1836: Medical Department - Reports.
Box 16
1836: Medical Department - Scholarships.
Box 16
1836: Real Estate.
Box 16
1836: Students.
Box 16
1836: Trustees.
Box 16
1836 - 1837: Academy.
Box 16
1836 - 1837: College Department - General.
Box 16
1836 - 1837: Commencements.
Box 16

1837: Accounts and Receipts, No. 1.
Box 16
1837: Accounts and Receipts, No. 2.
Box 16
1837: Annual Report of the Committee of Ways and Means, January 3.
Box 16
1837: College Department - Bequests.
Box 16
1837: College Department - Commencements.
Box 16
1837: College Department - Examinations.
Box 16
1837: College Department - Professor Henry Reed.
Box 16
1837: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Box 16
1837: Medical Department - Alumni.
Box 16
1837: Medical Department - Commencement.
Box 16
1837: Medical Department - Diplomas.
Box 16
1837: Medical Department - Early dismissals.
Box 16
1837: Medical Department - Entrance Inquiries.
Box 16
1837: Medical Department - Examinations.
Box 16
1837: Medical Department - Faculty.
Box 16
1837: Medical Department - Fees.
Box 16
1837: Medical Department - General.
Box 16
1837: Medical Department - Horner, Dr.
Box 17
1837: Medical Department - Lectures and Newspaper Clippings.
Box 17
1837: Medical Department - Scholarships.
Box 17
1837: Medical Department - Vacations.
Box 17
1837: Medical Department - Visitors.
Box 17
1837: Real Estate.
Box 17
1837: Student concerns--Temperance.
Box 17
1837: Students.
Box 17
1837: Trustees.
Box 17
1837: Ways and Means - Annual Report.
Box 17
1837 - 1852.
Box 17
1837 - 1852: Crawford, Rev. Samuel.
Box 17

1838: Accounts and Receipts.
Box 17
1838: Buildings and Grounds.
Box 17
1838: Charity School.
Box 17
1838: College Department.
Box 17
1838: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Box 17
1838: Grammar School (Samuel W. Crawford - Certificate of Presentation).
Box 17
1838: Medical Department - Alumni.
Box 17
1838: Medical Department - Commencement.
Box 17
1838: Medical Department - Early Dismissals.
Box 17
1838: Medical Department - Examinations.
Box 17
1838: Medical Department - Faculty.
Box 17
1838: Medical Department - Fees.
Box 17
1838: Medical Department - General.
Box 17
1838: Medical Department - Horner, Dr. W. E.
Box 17
1838: Medical Department - Newspaper Clippings.
Box 17
1838: Medical Department - Physick, Dr. Philip Syng.
Box 17
1838: Medical Department - Regulation Inquiries.
Box 17
1838: Medical Department - Scholarships.
Box 17
1838: Perkasie Farms.
Box 17
1838: Trustees.
Box 17
1838 - 1839: Medical Department - Diplomas.
Box 17

1839: Accounts and Receipts.
Box 17
1839: Buildings and Grounds.
Box 17
1839: College Department.
Box 17
1839: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Box 17
1839: Diploma, Rough draft of a.
Box 18
1839: Medical Department - Alumni.
Box 18
1839: Medical Department - Commencement.
Box 18
1839: Medical Department - Diplomas.
Box 18
1839: Medical Department - Examinations.
Box 18
1839: Medical Department - Faculty.
Box 18
1839: Medical Department - Fees.
Box 18
1839: Medical Department - General.
Box 18
1839: Medical Department - Horner, Dr. W. E.
Box 18
1839: Medical Department - Regulation Inquiries.
Box 18
1839: Medical Department - Scholarships.
Box 18
1839: Weaver, M.S. ALS to Henry G. Weaver, November 17 [references Samuel G. Morton and illustration of Crania Americana].
Box 18
1839: Perkasie Manor.
Box 18
1839: Real Estate, Committee of.
Box 18
1839: Report made to Superintendent of Common Schools (Papers relating to).
Box 18
1839: Trustees.
Box 18
ca. 1839: Medical School-Jefferson-Gettysburg Controversy (Pepper Papers).
Box 18
1839 - 1840: Accounts and Receipts.
Box 18
1839 - 1840: Medical Department - Examination grades.
Box 18
1839 - 1840: Students, Lists of.
Box 18

1840: Academy.
Box 18
1840: Accounts and Receipts.
Box 18
1840: Buildings and Grounds.
Box 18
1840: College.
Box 18
1840: Committee Reports.
Box 18
1840: Faculty of Arts.
Box 18
1840: Hager, Charles (article in Public Ledger, March 5).
Box 18
1840: Hopkinson, Joseph (ALS).
Box 18
1840: Junior Class Exercise.
Box 18
1840: Legal Papers.
Box 18
1840: Medical Department - Alumni.
Box 18
1840: Medical Department - Commencement.
Box 18
1840: Medical Department - Diplomas.
Box 19
1840: Medical Department - Examination grades.
Box 19
1840: Medical Department - Examinations.
Box 19
1840: Medical Department - Faculty.
Box 19
1840: Medical Department - General.
Box 19
1840: Medical Department - Gratuitous admissions.
Box 19
1840: Medical Department - Horner, Dr. W. E.
Box 19
1840: Medical Department - Regulation inquiries.
Box 19
1840: Medical Department - Students.
Box 19
1840: Perkasie Manor.
Box 19
1840: Real Estate.
Box 19
1840: Trustees.
Box 19
1840: Tuition Receipts.
Box 19

1841: Accounts and Receipts.
Box 19
1841: Buildings and Grounds.
Box 19
1841: College - Commencement.
Box 19
1841: College Department.
Box 19
1841: Library - Gift of books.
Box 19
1841: Medical Department - Alumni.
Box 19
1841: Medical Department - Commencement.
Box 19
1841: Medical Department - Diplomas.
Box 19
1841: Medical Department - Examinations.
Box 19
1841: Medical Department - Faculty.
Box 19
1841: Medical Department - Fees.
Box 19
1841: Medical Department - General.
Box 19
1841: Medical Department - Regulations.
Box 19
1841: Medical Department - Scholarships.
Box 19
1841: Medical Department - Students.
Box 19
1841: Perkasie Farms.
Box 19
1841: Statement to Superintendent of Common Schools, November 1.
Box 19
1841: Trustees.
Box 19
1841 - 1842: Accounts and Receipts.
Box 20

1842: Accounts and Receipts, No. 1.
Box 20
1842: Accounts and Receipts, No. 2.
Box 20
1842: College.
Box 20
1842: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Box 20
1842: Declaration of Original Compositions.
Box 20
1842: Examinations, Final.
Box 20
1842: Library.
Box 20
1842: Martin, Thomas S., letters of recommendation.
Box 20
1842: Medical Department - Alumni.
Box 20
1842: Medical Department - Commencement.
Box 20
1842: Medical Department - Diplomas.
Box 20
1842: Medical Department - Examinations.
Box 20
1842: Medical Department - Faculty.
Box 20
1842: Medical Department - Fees.
Box 20
1842: Medical Department - General.
Box 20
1842: Medical Department - Regulations.
Box 20
1842: Medical School - Students.
Box 20
1842: Real Estate.
Box 20
1842: Scholarships, No. 1.
Box 20
1842: Scholarships, No. 2.
Box 20
1842: Trustees.
Box 21
1842: Wistar Museum.
Box 21
1842 - 1843: Students, Lists of.
Box 21
1842 - 1847: Academy.
Box 21

1843: Academy.
Box 21
1843: College.
Box 21
1843: Commencement.
Box 21
1843: Hare, George Emlen, D.D.
Box 21
1843: Library.
Box 21
1843: Medical Department - Alumni.
Box 21
1843: Medical Department - Examinations.
Box 21
1843: Medical Department - Faculty.
Box 21
1843: Medical Department - Fees.
Box 21
1843: Medical Department - General.
Box 21
1843: Medical Department - Regulations.
Box 21
1843: Medical Department - Students.
Box 21
1843: Publicity.
Box 21
1843: Real Estate.
Box 21
1843: Scholarships, No. 1.
Box 21
1843: Scholarships, No. 2.
Box 21
1843: Sharswood, George (ALS).
Box 21
1843: Trustees.
Box 21
1843 - 1844: Accounts and Receipts, No. 1.
Box 21
1843 - 1844: Accounts and Receipts, No. 2.
Box 21

1844: Academy.
Box 21
1844: Bache, Alexander Dallas (ALS).
Box 21
1844: College.
Box 21
1844: College - Faculty.
Box 21
1844: College - Students.
Box 21
1844: Commencement.
Box 21
1844: Faculty Applications and Testimonials.
Box 22
1844: Honorary Degrees.
Box 22
1844: Janitor.
Box 22
1844: Library.
Box 22
1844: Medical Department - Alumni.
Box 22
1844: Medical Department - Diplomas.
Box 22
1844: Medical Department - Examinations.
Box 22
1844: Medical Department - Faculty.
Box 22
1844: Medical Department - Fees.
Box 22
1844: Medical Department - General.
Box 22
1844: Medical Department - Regulations.
Box 22
1844: Medical Department - Scholarships.
Box 22
1844: Medical Department - Students.
Box 22
1844: Property.
Box 22
1844: Real Estate.
Box 22
1844: Superintendent of Common Schools, Report to.
Box 22
1844: Trustees -- Committees.
Box 22
1844 - 1845: Accounts and Receipts.
Box 22
1844 - 1845: Recitations (Schedules).
Box 22
1844 - 1851: Gilbert, David (Papers of).
Box 22
ca. 1844: Leidy, Joseph (Signatures of, et al. cut from diplomas).
Box 22

1845: Buildings and Grounds.
Box 22
1845: College.
Box 22
1845: College - Honorary Degrees.
Box 22
1845: College - Students.
Box 22
1845: Commencement.
Box 23
1845: Medical Department - Alumni.
Box 23
1845: Medical Department - Degrees.
Box 23
1845: Medical Department - Diplomas.
Box 23
1845: Medical Department - Examinations.
Box 23
1845: Medical Department - Faculty.
Box 23
1845: Medical Department - Fees.
Box 23
1845: Medical Department - General.
Box 23
1845: Medical Department - General inquiries.
Box 23
1845: Medical Department - Students.
Box 23
1845: Perkasie.
Box 23
1845: Real Estate.
Box 23
1845: Scholarships.
Box 23
1845: Trustees.
Box 23
1845: University Dispensary.
Box 23
1845: Wistar Museum.
Box 23
1845 - 1846: Accounts and Receipts.
Box 23
1845 - 1847: Honorary Degrees.
Box 23
1845 - 1848: College - Examinations.
Box 23

1846: Charity School.
Box 24
1846: College.
Box 24
1846: Committee of Ways and Means.
Box 24
1846: Committee of Ways and Means, Annual Report, January 1.
Box 24
1846: Fees.
Box 24
1846: Honorary Degrees.
Box 24
1846: Medical Department - Advertising.
Box 24
1846: Medical Department - Alumni.
Box 24
1846: Medical Department - Clinic.
Box 24
1846: Medical Department - Commencement.
Box 24
1846: Medical Department - Dispensary.
Box 24
1846: Medical Department - Examinations.
Box 24
1846: Medical Department - Faculty.
Box 24
1846: Medical Department - General.
Box 24
1846: Medical Department - Regulations.
Box 24
1846: Medical Department - Scholarships, No. 1.
Box 24
1846: Medical Department - Scholarships, No. 2.
Box 24
1846: Medical Department - Students.
Box 24
1846: Medical Department - Texts.
Box 24
1846: Property.
Box 24
1846: Real Estate.
Box 24
1846: Reunion of Class of 1843.
Box 24
1846: Wistar Museum.
Box 24
1846 - 1847: Catalogue of the University of Pennsylvania.
Box 24
1846 - 1847: Library.
Box 24
1846 - 1848: Accounts and Receipts.
Box 25

1847: Charity School.
Box 25
1847: College.
Box 25
1847: College - Report of Committee to find out why number of students decreased (etc.).
Box 25
1847: Diplomas.
Box 25
1847: Examinations.
Box 25
1847: Faculty of Arts, Extracts from the minutes of.
Box 25
1847: Faculty Positions.
Box 25
1847: Fees.
Box 25
1847: Medical Department - Alumni.
Box 25
1847: Medical Department - Clinic.
Box 25
1847: Medical Department - Faculty.
Box 25
1847: Medical Department - General.
Box 25
1847: Medical Department - Hare, Dr. Robert.
Box 25
1847: Medical Department - Medical School.
Box 25
1847: Medical Department - Regulation Inquiries.
Box 25
1847: Medical Department - Students.
Box 25
1847: Real Estate.
Box 25
1847: Scholarships, No. 1.
Box 25
1847: Scholarships, No. 2.
Box 25
1847: Trustees.
Box 25
1847: University Seal.
Box 25
1847 - 1848: Accounts and Receipts.
Box 26

1848: Alumni.
Box 26
1848: Applications for Admission and Regulation Inquiries.
Box 26
1848: Applications for Faculty positions.
Box 26
1848: Charity School.
Box 26
1848: College.
Box 26
1848: Examinations.
Box 26
1848: Fees.
Box 26
1848: Honorary Degrees.
Box 26
1848: Mandamus.
Box 26
1848: Medical Department - Faculty.
Box 26
1848: Medical Department - General.
Box 26
1848: Medical Department - Students.
Box 26
1848: Medical School, dispensary.
Box 26
1848: Patterson, Professor George W.
Box 26
1848: Property.
Box 26
1848: Reed-Struthers, correspondence.
Box 26
1848: Scholarships.
Box 26
1848: Trustees.
Box 26
1848 - 1849: Accounts and receipts.
Box 26
1848 - 1849: Apothecary.
Box 26
1848 - 1849: Students, lists of.
Box 26
1848 - 1849: Wistar museum.
Box 26
1848 - 1852: Academy of University.
Box 26

1849: Accounts and receipts.
Box 26
1849: Alumni.
Box 27
1849: Applicants for admission and regulation inquiries.
Box 27
1849: Applications for Faculty Positions.
Box 27
1849: College.
Box 27
1849: Commencement.
Box 27
1849: Examinations.
Box 27
1849: Fees.
Box 27
1849: Honorary Degrees.
Box 27
1849: Leave of Absence.
Box 27
1849: Library.
Box 27
1849: Medical Department - Clinic.
Box 27
1849: Medical Department - Faculty.
Box 27
1849: Medical Department - Students.
Box 27
1849: Nathaniel Chapman Lecture Notes.
Box 27
1849: Property.
Box 27
1849: Scholarships.
Box 27
1849: Students.
Box 27
1849: Trustees.
Box 27
1849 - 1850: Curriculum - Faculty recommendations for changes in (Objections to--dropping).
Box 27
1849 - 1850: Mandamus.
Box 27
1849 - 1851: Accounts and Receipts, No. 1.
Box 28
1849 - 1851: Accounts and Receipts, No. 2.
Box 28

1850: Alumni.
Box 28
1850: Apothecary.
Box 28
1850: Applications and Regulations Inquiries.
Box 28
1850: Applications for Faculty Positions.
Box 28
1850: Applications for Office of Janitor.
Box 28
1850: Buchanan, James (later President of U.S. ) (ALS).
Box 28
1850: Buildings and Grounds.
Box 28
1850: College.
Box 28
1850: Commencements.
Box 28
1850: Diploma (Prussian).
Box 28
1850: Diplomas.
Box 28
1850: Donations.
Box 28
1850: Fees.
Box 28
1850: General.
Box 28
1850: Honorary Degrees.
Box 28
1850: Insurance Survey of Medical Hall, Ninth Street, October 26.
Box 28
1850: Law.
Box 29
1850: Medical Department - Clinic.
Box 29
1850: Medical Department - Diplomas.
Box 29
1850: Medical Department - Faculty.
Box 29
1850: Medical Department - Students.
Box 29
1850: Penn College of Dental Surgery - Faculty.
Box 29
1850: Property.
Box 29
1850: Publicity.
Box 29
1850: Scholarships.
Box 29
1850: Trustees.
Box 29
1850 - 1851: Dick, Frederick, Lecture Ticket Book.
Box 29
1850 - 1851: Medical Department - Examination grades.
Box 29
1850 - 1851: Students, Lists of.
Box 29

1851: Accounts and Receipts.
Box 29
1851: Alumni.
Box 29
1851: Anniversary Dinner.
Box 29
1851: Apothecary.
Box 29
1851: College.
Box 29
1851: College - Students.
Box 29
1851: Commencement.
Box 29
1851: Fees.
Box 29
1851: Frazer, John Fries Writings on University.