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David Sower Papers


Held at: Temple University Libraries: Special Collections Research Center [Contact Us]

This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the Temple University Libraries: Special Collections Research Center. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.

Overview and metadata sections

Daniel Sower, Jr., of Norristown, Pa., printer and publisher of books, pamphlets, and The Norristown Herald.

Collection contains fifteen handwritten letters, 1823-32, written to Daniel Sower, Jr., by author and map publisher William Chapin about political attacks on Sower, and from music teacher Abraham Krupp. Also includes other letters from Isaac Wayne, George B. Lothian, William Malcolm, and John Doggett, Jr., and partially printed apprenticeship indentures for a Philip Freas.

Purchased from Carmen D. Valentino Rare Books & Manuscripts, 2014.

Temple University Libraries: Special Collections Research Center
Finding Aid Author
Katy Rawdon, Coordinator of Technical Services
Finding Aid Date
December 2023
Access Restrictions

Collection is open for research.

Use Restrictions

The David Sower Papers are the physical property of the Special Collections Research Center, Temple University Libraries. The creator/donor has not assigned their rights to Temple University Libraries. Other creators' intellectual property rights, including copyright, belong to them or their legal heirs and assigns. Researchers are responsible for determining the identity of rights holders and obtaining their permission for publication and for other purposes where stated.

Collection Inventory

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