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Vertical Files on the Jewish Community of Greater Philadelphia


Held at: Temple University Libraries: Special Collections Research Center [Contact Us]

This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the Temple University Libraries: Special Collections Research Center. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.

Overview and metadata sections

The Vertical Files on the Jewish Community of Greater Philadelphia are an accumulation of items that document Jewish history in Philadelphia. The collection consists of photocopies of newspaper articles, pamphlets, family histories and genealogies, ephemeral items such as brochures, fliers and event programs and other miscellaneous materials relating to persons, places, organizations, and topical subjects. Some folders contain extensive information on a particular subject, while others hold only a single item. In some cases, there are multiple folders on a particular topic, person, or organization. Memorial or Yizkor books of remembrance for a select number of Philadelphia area synagogues can also be found in this collection. The vertical files provide background information on important cultural and historical events, businesses, and community members of the Jewish community in the Greater Philadelphia region and parts of southern New Jersey.

The vertical files are arranged alphabetically by subject, person (last name first), organization name, or title.

Additions to this collection are expected, and the latest additions may not be included in this finding aid. For information on material that may have been added since the last finding aid update, please contact the Special Collections Research Center.

Donated by various individuals and assembled by staff beginning in the 1970s. A portion of the collection previously administered by the Philadelphia Jewish Archives Center, acquired by Temple in June 2009.

Finding aid prepared according to contemporary archival standards in May 2013 by Jessica M. Lydon, Associate Archivist. Finding aid revised in July 2018, May 2019, and February 2020 by Jessica M. Lydon, Associate Archivist and in November 2021 and January 2023 by Casey Babcock, Associate Archivist, to reflect additions to the collection inventory.

Temple University Libraries: Special Collections Research Center
Finding Aid Author
Machine-readable finding aid created by: Rajkumar Natarajan, Sky Global Services India (P) Ltd.
Finding Aid Date
July 2024
Access Restrictions

Collection is open for research.

Use Restrictions

The Vertical Files on the Jewish Community of Greater Philadelphia are the physical property of the Special Collections Research Center, Temple University Libraries. The creators/donors have not assigned their rights to Temple University Libraries. Other creators' intellectual property rights, including copyright, belong to them or their legal heirs and assigns. Researchers are responsible for determining the identity of rights holders and obtaining their permission for publication and for other purposes where stated.

Collection Inventory

#-Ak, 1853-2021.
Box 1
Al-Anti, 1853-2021.
Box 2
Anti-Ax, 1853-2021.
Box 3
Ba-Bc, 1853-2021.
Box 4
Beth-Bo, 1853-2021.
Box 5
Bo-Bu, 1853-2021.
Box 6
Ca-Cong Adath, 1853-2021.
Box 7
Cong Ahavas-Cong Mikveh, 1853-2021.
Box 8
Cor-Dropsie, 1853-2021.
Box 9
Dropsie, 1853-2021.
Box 10
Dru-Golden, 1853-2021.
Box 11
Golden-Gratz College, 1853-2021.
Box 12
Gratz-Gut, 1853-2021.
Box 13
Ha-Hi, 1853-2021.
Box 14
Ho-Jewish Coa, 1853-2021.
Box 15
Jewish Com-Jewish Family, 1853-2021.
Box 16
Jewish Far-Kol, 1853-2021.
Box 17
Korn-Lovin, 1853-2021.
Box 18
Luban-National, 1853-2021.
Box 19
National-Paper, 1853-2021.
Box 20
Parents-Phila. Jewish, 1853-2021.
Box 21
Phila.-Reform, 1853-2021.
Box 22
Reform, 1853-2021.
Box 23
Ref, 1853-2021.
Box 24
Re-Rosenst, 1853-2021.
Box 25
Ro-So, 1853-2021.
Box 26
Sol-Sov, 1853-2021.
Box 27
So-Tc, 1853-2021.
Box 28
Tem-Tor, 1853-2021.
Box 29
Tor-Un, 1853-2021.
Box 30
Un-Ya, 1853-2021.
Box 31
Ye-Zy, 1853-2021.
Box 32

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