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The Neighbors of Hatboro records


Held at: Old York Road Historical Society [Contact Us]

This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the Old York Road Historical Society. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.

Overview and metadata sections

The Neighbors of Hatboro was organized in May 1910. Its purpose was to "create among women an organized center of thought and action, tending toward intellectual and moral development and to promote the best interests of the community." At its founding, the club joined the Federation of Women's Clubs and participated in Federation regional activities. The bulk of the membership lived in the Hatboro-Horsham area, although it drew members from other localities as well. The Neighbors met on a regular basis for conducting business and a program. It made small monetary contributions and provided donated goods and services to a variety of charities through its many committees. The committees changed somewhat over the years, but remained much the same. In 1960 they were American Home, Arts and Crafts, Garden and Conservation, Health and Welfare, Hospitality, Hostess, House Management, International Affairs, Legislation, Library, Literature and Drama, Membership and Cheer, Music, Program, Publicity and Public Relations, Radio and Motion Picture, Religions of the World, War Veterans and Red Cross, Ways and Means. There was a Junior Neighbors member category for women under 35 until 1947 when the Juniors formed a separate club, the Crooked Billet Women's Club. By the 1960's The Neighbors members were "mostly ladies who can meet during the afternoon." Some of the presidents who served during the time period covered by the minutes were: Mrs. Charles Harper Smith, Mrs. Francis M. Garver, Mrs. William Fenton Price, Mrs. George Parry, Mrs. George S. Hobensack, Mrs. Willard B. Degener, Mrs. Edwin J. Hallowell, Mrs. I. M. Jarrett, Mrs. Thomas M. Gallagher, Mrs. L. Y. Myers, and Mrs. Richard Cranmer. The Neighbors disbanded in May, 2000.

The Neighbors of Hatboro records, 1912-1992, consist of minutes, annual reports, account books, scrapbooks, and yearbooks.

The Executive Board/Council Minutes, 1933-1984, 1992, are not detailed. They usually report on the finances, membership applications and resignations, donations made and acknowledgements of donations, Federation meetings and activities, including “Reciprocity Luncheons” with other area clubs attended and hosted, and announcements of committee meetings and occasional mention some their activities. The Regular Meeting consisted of a business session followed by a program. The Regular Meeting Minutes, 1934-1984, 1992, include much of the same information as those for the Executive Board, with somewhat fuller reports on committee activities, although still very brief. The Regular Meeting minutes also give a brief review of the programs which consisted of music performances, dramatic sketches, addresses on public affairs, and other entertainments. Examples of programs are: "Education in a Changing Era," "Peace, Progress, and Politics" (1934), Mrs. Musser’s bell collection (1942), Mrs. Hope LeBar Roberts on international affairs (1945), a book review of Weep No More by Janet Stevenson (1958), "Sweet Adelines" musical program (1964), "Cape Cod Through the Eyes of the Sea Gull" (1979).

Annual Reports, 1951/52-1963/54, document the year’s activities of the club’s officers and committees.

Literature Committee Minutes, 1969/70-1976, report on meeting business and programs which consist variously of devotions, prayers, or thoughts for the day, literary items, and book reviews as well as programs not related to literature, including historical subjects, musical performances, and missionary work.

There are also account books, 1929-1932 (4 volumes), 1934-1935, account book, 1929-1935, Treasurer’s reports, 1933-1987 (4 volumes) and loose Treasurer’s reports, 1931/32-April 1933, May 1937, 1954/55-August 1968, 1975/76-November 1991.

Scrapbooks, 1912-1929, 1937-1939, 1951-1975 (9 volumes) contain clippings relating to the club’s programs, invitations and circulars for flower shows, regional and state Federation meetings, reciprocity luncheons, and the Gimbel Award, Year Books (annual handbook with officers and committees, membership lists, calendar, and other information), thank you letters for get well wishes and Scholarship and Better English Award winners, Certificates of Appreciation for contributions, and some snapshots. Three of the scrapbooks were kept by club president Mildred Jarrett during her two tenures.

There is an incomplete series of the Yearbooks, 1950-72, 1984/85-1985/86, 1999/2000, which printed member lists, committee lists, and the year’s schedule of programs. There are also membership applications, 1949-1987, membership card indexes, clippings, ephemera, and other miscellaneous material.

Box 1 Executive Board/Council Minutes, 1933-1961

Box 2 Executive Board/Council Minutes, 1961-1984, 1992

Box 3 Regular Meeting Minutes, 1934-1964

Box 4 Regular Meeting Minutes, 1964-1984, 1992 Treasurer’s Reports, 1931/32-April 1933, May 1937, 1954/55-August 1968, 1975/76-November 1991 Treasurer’s Book, 1978-1988

Box 5 Account books, 1929-1932 (4 volumes), 1934-1935 Account book, 1929-1935 Treasurer’s Reports, 1933-1987 (4 volumes)

Box 6 Annual Reports, 1951/52-1963/64 Member register, undated (with some annotations for 1933) Literature Committee Minutes, 1969/70-1976

Box 7 Yearbooks, 1950-72 (incomplete series), 1984/85-1985/86, 1999/2000, Constitution & By-Laws Membership applications, 1949-1987 Clippings Ephemera and other miscellaneous

Box 8 Jarrett Scrapbooks, 1951-1953, 1970-1971

Membership Card Indexes

Gift of The Neighbors of Hatboro.

Summary descriptive information on this collection was compiled in 2011-2012 as part of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania’s Hidden Collections Initiative for Pennsylvania Small Archival Repositories (HCI-PSAR), using data provided by the Old York Road Historical Society. The HCI-PSAR project was funded by a grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

This is a preliminary finding aid. No physical processing, rehousing, reorganizing, or folder listing was done in the HCI-PSAR project.

Old York Road Historical Society
Finding Aid Author
Finding aid prepared by staff of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania's Hidden Collections Initiative for Pennsylvania Small Archival Repositories using data provided by the Old York Road Historical Society.
This preliminary finding aid was created by staff of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania’s Hidden Collections Initiative for Pennsylvania Small Archival Repositories (HCI-PSAR) using data provided by the Old York Road Historical Society. The HCI-PSAR project was made possible by a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
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