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Historical Society of Frankford building associations records collection


Held at: Historical Society of Frankford [Contact Us]1507 Orthodox St., Philadelphia, PA, 19124

This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the Historical Society of Frankford. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.

Overview and metadata sections

The first building and loan in the United States, Oxford Provident Building Association, was established in Frankford, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1831. Initially there was one building association, the First Oxford Provident Building Association, which was a terminating institution, as were the subsequent associations that came thereafter. After approximately ten years when stock certificates matured, the monies were distributed to certificate holders and the institution ceased to exist. After its termination in 1841, the Second Oxford Provident Building Association was established and continued with the same pattern. The Third Oxford Provident was the final incarnation of the institution, established in 1852 and having its final stock distribution in 1869.

The Franklin Building Association and the Washington Building Association both commenced during the mid to late 1840s, possibly competing with the Second Oxford Provident Building Association. The Jackson Building Association began at the end of the Second Oxford Provident's tenure in Frankford. The Decatur Building Association appears to have handled mortgages, but no further records are available at the Historical Society of Frankford.

The Historical Society of Frankford's collection of building association records consists of forty-eight volumes of meeting minutes and financial records from several institutions in the Frankford community, dating from 1831 though 1886: Oxford Provident Building Association, Franklin Building Association, Washington Building Association, Jackson Building Association, and Decatur Building Association. The records document Frankford as a pioneer of home ownership financing in the nineteenth century.

The financial and administrative records in the collection give insight into the institutions' operations and administration. With the financial records, there are three items that work in tandem: the Stock Assignment book, the Stock Certificate book, and the Certificate Receipt book. Each record has a correspondent number. The Stock Assignment book shows to whom the stock belongs and the Stock Certificate book contains a certificate for that person. When the stock money is received by the bearer of the stock, the Certificate Receipt shows that the money has been withdrawn from the association.

The records were cataloged by the Historical Society of Frankford sometime in the early to mid twentieth century. They were included in a group of records entitles "Books of Record" in which each volume was given a "book" number (B-1, B-2, etc.). In the summer of 2006, the volumes were reorganized into record groups and series according to archival arrangement principles.

Summary descriptive information on this collection was compiled in 2014-2016 as part of a project conducted by the Historical Society of Pennsylvania to make better known and more accessible the largely hidden collections of small, primarily volunteer run repositories in the Philadelphia area. The Hidden Collections Initiative for Pennsylvania Small Archival Repositories (HCI-PSAR) was funded by a grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

This is a preliminary finding aid. No physical processing, rehousing, reorganizing, or folder listing was accomplished during the HCI-PSAR project.

In some cases, more detailed inventories or finding aids may be available on-site at the repository where this collection is held; please contact Frankford Historical Society directly for more information.

Historical Society of Frankford
Finding Aid Author
Finding aid prepared by Latanya N. Jenkins and updated and encoded in EAD by the Historical Society of Pennsylvania's Hidden Collections Initiative for Pennsylvania Small Archival Repositories.
This preliminary finding aid was created by staff of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania’s Hidden Collections Initiative for Pennsylvania Small Archival Repositories (HCI-PSAR) using data provided by the *repository*. The HCI-PSAR project was made possible by a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Access Restrictions

Contact the Historical Society of Frankford for information about accessing this collection.

Collection Inventory

Minutes (Old Catalog #B-86), 1831-1841.
Account book (Old Catalog #B-57), 1831-1841.
Account book (Old Catalog #B-88), 1831-1841.
Account book (Old Catalog #B-87), 1831-1841.

Minutes (Old Catalog #B-41), 1841-1852.
Account book (No Old Catalog #), 1841-1844.
Account book (Old Catalog #B-47), 1841-1852.
Daybook (Old Catalog #B-46), 1841-1844.
Stock assignment book (Old Catalog #B-49), 1843-1857.
Stock certificate book (Old Catalog #B-50), 1841-1844.
Stock certificate book (Old Catalog #B-51), 1841-1857.
Stockholder account book (Old Catalog #B-43), 1841-1845.
Stockholder accoount book (Old Catalog #B-44), 1845-1852.
Treasurer receipt book (Old Catalog #B-56), 1841-1851.

Minutes (Old Catalog #B-42), 1852-1863.
Ledger (Old Catalog #B-48), 1852-1863.
Stockholder account book (Old Catalog #B-45), 1852-1862.
Stock certificate book (Old Catalog #B-53), 1852-1861.
Stock certificate book (Old Catalog #B-52), 1854-1860.
Receipt book (Old Catalog #B-55), 1852-1860.
Receipt book (Old Catalog #B-54), 1860-1869.

Minutes of the Franklin Building Association (Old Catalog #B-16), 1845-1859.
Account book (Old Catalog #B-18), 1845-1854.
Account book (Old Catalog #B-25), 1845-1854.
Account book (Old Catalog #B-217), 1845-1856.
Mortgage book (Old Catalog #B-19), 1845-1852.
Receipt book (Old Catalog #B-24), 1845-1852.
Receipt book (Old Catalog #B-23), 1845-1853.
Stock assignment book (Old Catalog #B-20), 1845-1853.
Stock certificate book (Old Catalog #B-22), 1845-1853.
Certificate receipt book (Old Catalog #B-21), 1845-1853.

Minutes (Old Catalog #B-26), 1848-1861.
Account book (Old Catalog #B-32), 1848-1851, 1853-1855.
Account book (Old Catalog #B-28), 1848-1854.
Ledger (Old Catalog #B-27), 1848-1854.
Mortgage book (Old Catalog #B-84), 1848-1849.
Stock certificate book (Old Catalog #B-29), 1848-1851.
Treasurer receipt book (Old Catalog #B-30), 1848-1857, 1859-1860.
Treasurer receipt book (Old Catalog #B-31), 1859.

Minutes (Old Catalog #B-33), 1851-1862.
Account book (Old Catalog #B-34), 1851-1861.
Account book (Old Catalog #B-40), 1861-1870.
Ledger of the Jackson Building Association of Frankford (Old Catalog #B-35), 1851-1859.
Receipt book (Old Catalog #B-39), 1857-1882.
Stock assignment book (Old Catalog #B-36), 1851-1857.
Stock certificate book (Old Catalog #B-38), 1851-1862.
Stock receipt book (Old Catalog #B-37), 1821-1856.

Property account book, 1885-1886.

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