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Fornightly Club records
Held at: Chestnut Hill Historical Society [Contact Us]8708 Germantown Ave., Philadelphia, PA, 19118
This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the Chestnut Hill Historical Society. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.
Overview and metadata sections
The Fortnightly Club was a women's study group, limited to 25 people, whose Governing Committee drew up a list of topics, from which the hostess of the day gave a talk. Some of the subjects from their early period of 1905-1929 were, "With what Races may we Marry without Deterioration?", "Is there any Inherent Superiority in Western Civilization over Eastern?", "What do we owe the community we live in?", "What proportion of our time and money should we give to others?", "The Negro Question-Is lynch law ever justifiable?", "How will we deal with our immmigrant problem?", "Do you approve of the Child Labor Ammendment?", and more. Unfortunately, the topics are named, but there are no notes on the content of the discussions.
Four minute books of the Fortnightly Club, 1905-1980, with notes for 1905 through 1976 including rules and membership lists.
Gift of Clarissa Pell and the Governors of the Fortnightly Club, 2000.
Summary descriptive information on this collection was compiled in 2011-2012 as part of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania’s Hidden Collections Initiative for Pennsylvania Small Archival Repositories (HCI-PSAR), using data provided by the Chestnut Hill Historical Society. The HCI-PSAR project was funded by a grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
This is a preliminary finding aid. No physical processing, rehousing, reorganizing, or folder listing was done in the HCI-PSAR project.
- Publisher
- Chestnut Hill Historical Society
- Finding Aid Author
- Finding aid prepared by staff of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania's Hidden Collections Initiative for Pennsylvania Small Archival Repositories using data provided by the Chestnut Hill Historical Society.
- Sponsor
- This preliminary finding aid was created by staff of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania’s Hidden Collections Initiative for Pennsylvania Small Archival Repositories (HCI-PSAR) using data provided by the Chestnut Hill Historical Society. The HCI-PSAR project was made possible by a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
- Access Restrictions
Contact Chestnut Hill Historical Society for information about accessing this collection.