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Addenda to the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) Records


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This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the Science History Institute Archives. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.

Overview and metadata sections

The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), is an international association of bodies (National Adhering Organizations), which represent the chemists of different member countries. IUPAC grew out of an international awareness of the need for standardization in chemistry necessary for the smooth development and growth of international trade and commerce.

The origins of IUPAC date back to 1860, when German chemist August Kekulé organized an international conference with the objective of reaching agreement on the theory of organic chemistry, which would allow the standardization of nomenclature and the writing of chemical formulae. In a like manner, several subsequent international chemistry conferences were held to address the issue of nomenclature standardization. In 1892, the International Chemistry Committee established the Geneva Nomenclature, which set the first international standards for organic chemical nomenclature.

In 1911, the International Association of Chemical Societies (IACS) was formed. At its first meeting in Paris, France in April 1911, IACS delegates produced a set of proposals regarding issues they believed needed to be addressed by the international chemistry community, which included the coordination of nomenclature of organic and inorganic chemistry, and the standardization of atomic weights, physical constants, and formats of publications. A number of other issues of concern to the delegates were also addressed at this meeting, including the editing of tables for the properties of matter, the establishment of a commission for the review of work, and the implementation of measures to prevent the repetition of papers. IACS held two more annual meetings in 1912 and 1913 respectively. The outbreak of World War I in August 1914 prevented further meetings and dealt IACS a blow from which it never recovered.

In April 1919, the Société de Chimie Industrielle organized a conference of chemists from Allied countries in Paris, France. At this conference, the delegates proposed the formation of a new international chemistry organization to replace IACS. The membership of the new organization would be composed of national chemistry organizations. The response to this proposal was a positive one. IACS was formally dissolved at a meeting of the Commission for International Cooperation in Chemistry. In IACS' place, the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) was formally established in July 1919. In 1920, French chemist Charles Moreau was named IUPAC's first President.

Currently, IUPAC's objective is to contribute to the advancement of pure and applied chemistry in all its aspects. To achieve this end, it works to foster communication between nations and to encourage the evolution and adoption of standardized chemical nomenclatures and methodologies. IUPAC is best known for being an arbiter on matters of chemical nomenclature. It is also an active sponsor of conferences and symposia held throughout the world.

IUPAC was an active member of the International Research Council (1922-1931) and its successor the International Congress of Scientific Unions (1931-2002). It is currently an active member of the International Congress of Scientific Unions' successor, the International Science Council (2002-Present).

IUPAC is registered in Zurich, Switzerland and its administrative offices are currently based in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. As of January 2022, IUPAC's membership is made up of fifty-five National Adhering Organizations, twenty-nine Associated Organizations, and thirty-two Company Associates. Prior to November 2021, there were a number of Associate National Adhering Organizations (also called Observer Countries) active in IUPAC, but this membership category has been discontinued.

The organizational structure of IUPAC has evolved over the course of its existence. As of January 2022, there are eight Divisions and fourteen Committees within IUPAC. The most up to date IUPAC organizational chart can be viewed on IUPAC's website at


Addenda to the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) Records, Science History Institute Archives, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Fennell, Roger, History of IUPAC, 1919-1987. Oxford: Blackwell Science, Limited, 1994.

International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) Records, Science History Institute Archives, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry Old Website.

International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry Website.

The Addenda to the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) Records contains the organizational records of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, which mainly cover the period from 1973 to 1995. The records are arranged into the following twenty-one series:

  1. Council
  2. Bureau
  3. Executive Committee
  4. Finance Committee
  5. Meetings of Division Presidents and Records of Executive Secretary
  6. Publications Committee
  7. Standing Committees
  8. Physical Chemistry Division (Division I)
  9. Inorganic Chemistry Division (Division II)
  10. Organic Chemistry Division (Division III)
  11. Macromolecular Chemistry Division (Division IV)
  12. Analytical Chemistry Division (Division V)
  13. Applied Chemistry Division (Division VI)
  14. Clinical Chemistry Division (Division VII)
  15. Medicinal Chemistry Section (III.4)
  16. National Adhering Organizations
  17. Company Associates
  18. Observer Countries
  19. General Files
  20. IUPAC Conferences
  21. Conferences Sponsored by IUPAC

The Addenda to the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) Records were deposited at the Science History Institute (formerly the Chemical Heritage Foundation) by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry in 2000.

The Addenda to the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) Records was processed by Andrew Mangravite in August 2004.

Science History Institute Archives
Finding Aid Author
Finding aid created by Andrew Mangravite and encoded into EAD by Kenton G. Jaehnig.
Finding Aid Date
August 2004
Access Restrictions

There are no access restrictions on the materials for research purposes and the collection is open to the public.

Use Restrictions

The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry holds copyright to the Addenda to the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) Records. The researcher assumes full responsibility for all copyright, property, and libel laws as they apply.

Collection Inventory

Series Description

The Council is IUPAC's primary governing body to which the Bureau, Executive Committee, Standing Committees, Divisions, Commissions, and all other IUPAC bodies are responsible. Its membership is composed of Delegations from the National Adhering Organizations (NAOs). Regular meetings of the Council are held every two years as part of the General Assembly.

Arranged in chronological order by date, this series contains IUPAC's Council files regarding the 26th thru 37th Council Meetings, which were held at various locations between 1971 and 1993. The contents of the files in this series consist mainly of correspondence.

26th Council, Washington D.C., July 21st and 23rd, 1971 - Correspondence and Related Documents (Includes "Biennial Report of the Treasurer for 1969-70" and "President's Report on the State of the Union."), 1970-1973.
Box 1 Folder 1
27th Council, Munich, Federal Republic of Germany, August 21-31, 1973 - Correspondence and Related Documents (Includes material on D.D.R. (East Germany) entry into IUPAC.) (Folder 1 of 2.), 1970 December 8-1978 July 20.
Box 1 Folder 2
27th Council, Munich, Federal Republic of Germany, August 21-31, 1973 - Correspondence and Related Documents (Includes "Report of the President on the State of the Union.") (Folder 2 of 2.), 1973-1974.
Box 1 Folder 3
28th Council, Madrid, Spain, September 2-11, 1975 - Correspondence and Related Documents (Includes material dealing with length of treasurer's term in office and a proposed abolition of the Secretary General.) (Folder 1 of 2.), 1973-1975.
Box 2 Folder 1
28th Council, Madrid, Spain, September 2-11 1975 - Correspondence and Related Documents (Includes President's Report.) (Folder 2 of 2.), 1973-1975.
Box 2 Folder 2
29th Council, Warsaw, Poland, August 10-21, 1977 - Correspondence and Related Documents (Folder 1 of 2.), 1976-1977.
Box 2 Folder 3
29th Council, Warsaw, Poland, August 10-21, 1977 - Correspondence and Related Documents (Folder 2 of 2.), 1977.
Box 2 Folder 4
30th Council, Davos, Switzerland, September 2-10, 1979 - I - Correspondence and Related Documents (Includes material dealing with admission of Mainland China.) (Folder 1 of 2.), 1979.
Box 3 Folder 1
30th Council, Davos, Switzerland, September 2-10, 1979 - I - Correspondence and Related Documents (Folder 2 of 2.), 1978-1979.
Box 3 Folder 2
30th Council, Davos, Switzerland, September 2-10, 1979 - II - (Includes material on rules of Physical and Analytical Chemistry Divisions.) (Folder 1 of 2.), 1975-1979.
Box 3 Folder 3
30th Council, Davos, Switzerland, September 2-10, 1979 - II - Correspondence and Related Documents (Includes material on rules revisions for Organic, Inorganic, and Macromolecular Chemistry Divisions.) (Folder 2 of 2.), 1979.
Box 3 Folder 4
31st Council, Leuven, Belgium, August 25-September 2, 1981 - I - Correspondence and Related Documents (Folder 1 of 2.), 1980-1981.
Box 4 Folder 1
31st Council, Leuven, Belgium, August 25-September 2, 1981 - I - Correspondence and Related Documents (Folder 2 of 2.), 1981-1983.
Box 4 Folder 2
31st Council, Leuven, Belgium, August 25-September 2, 1981 - II - Correspondence and Related Documents (Folder 1 of 2.), 1978-1982.
Box 4 Folder 3
31st Council, Leuven, Belgium, August 25-September 2, 1981 - II - Correspondence and Related Documents (Includes drafts of division reports and lecture overheads.) (Folder 2 of 2.), 1979-1981.
Box 4 Folder 4
32nd Council, Lyngby, Denmark, August 25-26, 1983 - Correspondence and Related Documents (Includes President's Report.) (Folder 1 of 4.), 1982-1984.
Box 5 Folder 1
32nd Council, Lyngby, Denmark, August 25-26, 1983 - Correspondence and Related Documents (Includes Division reports.) (Folder 2 of 4.), 1983.
Box 5 Folder 2
32nd Council, Lyngby, Denmark, August 25-26, 1983 - Correspondence and Related Documents (Includes "Report on the Critical Assessment of the Programs and Projects of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC)" by W.G. Schneider, Vice-President.) (Folder 3 of 4.), 1982-1983.
Box 5 Folder 3
32nd Council, Lyngby, Denmark, August 25-26, 1983 - Correspondence and Related Documents (Includes agenda and minutes.) (Folder 4 of 4.), 1983-1984.
Box 5 Folder 4
33rd Council, Lyon, France, August 30-September 7, 1985 (Includes Vice-President's report on programs and projects; topics discussed included changes to IUPAC Statutes.) (Folder 1 of 4.), 1984-1985.
Box 6 Folder 1
33rd Council, Lyon, France, August 30-September 7, 1985 (Includes Division and Adhering Organization reports.) (Folder 2 of 4.), 1985.
Box 6 Folder 2
33rd Council, Lyon, France, August 30-September 7, 1985 (Includes Treasurer's Biennial Report.) (Folder 3 of 4.), 1984-1985.
Box 6 Folder 3
33rd Council, Lyon, France, August 30-September 7, 1985 (Includes deceased members.) (Folder 4 of 4.), 1984-1986.
Box 6 Folder 4
34th Council, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, August 21-29, 1987 (Includes Division reports.) (Folder 1 of 4.), 1987.
Box 7 Folder 1
34th Council, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, August 21-29, 1987 (Includes Treasurer's and President's reports, nominations to Union offices.) (Folder 2 of 4.), 1987.
Box 7 Folder 2
34th Council, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, August 21-29, 1987 (Minutes of Meeting, 1985; deceased members.) (Folder 3 of 4.), 1985, 1987.
Box 7 Folder 3
34th Council, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, August 21-29, 1987 (Includes meeting schedule and material relating to American Chemical Society's 11th International Meeting of Chemical Society Presidents, August 31-September 1, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.) (Folder 4 of 4.), 1987.
Box 7 Folder 4
35th Council, Lund, Sweden, August 9-17, 1989 (Includes proposed changes to Bylaws, Division reports.) (Folder 1 of 4.), 1988-1989.
Box 8 Folder 1
35th Council, Lund, Sweden, August 9-17, 1989 (Includes President's and Treasurer's reports.) (Folder 2 of 4.), 1988-1989.
Box 8 Folder 2
35th Council, Lund, Sweden, August 9-17, 1989 (Includes National Adhering Organizations, nominations, and agenda.) (Folder 3 of 4.), 1988-1989.
Box 8 Folder 3
35th Council, Lund, Sweden, August 9-17, 1989 (Includes minutes of 34th Council Meeting and list of deceased members.) (Folder 4 of 4.), 1989.
Box 8 Folder 4
36th Council, Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany, August 7-15, 1991 (Includes materials on 34th and 35th Congresses, Vice-President's Critical Assessments with responses, proposed amalgamation of Commissions.) (Folder 1 of 3.), 1989-1991.
Box 9 Folder 1
36th Council, Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany, August 7-15, 1991 (Includes material on Presidential Rulings, 1975-1985, CHEMRAWN VII, Division reports.) (Folder 2 of 3.), 1989-1991.
Box 9 Folder 2
36th Council, Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany, August 7-15, 1991 (Includes Auditor's Report, Treasurer's Report, Finance Committee Report, President's Report, nominations - some material marked "Confidential".) (Folder 3 of 3.), 1991.
Box 9 Folder 3
36th Council, Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany, August 7-15, 1991 (Includes National Adhering Organizations, agenda, voting.) (Folder 1 of 2.), 1991.
Box 10 Folder 1
36th Council, Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany, August 7-15, 1991 (Includes list of deceased members and Council-related materials.) (Folder 2 of 2.), 1991.
Box 10 Folder 2
37th Council, Lisbon, Portugal, August 11-12, 1993 (Includes minutes of 36th Meeting, deceased members, National Adhering Organizations.) (Folder 1 of 3.), 1992-1993.
Box 11 Folder 1
37th Council, Lisbon, Portugal, August 11-12, 1993 (Includes material on 37th General Assembly and Council Agenda.) (Folder 2 of 3.), 1993.
Box 11 Folder 2
37th Council, Lisbon, Portugal, August 11-12, 1993 (Includes material relating to proposed restructuring of the Union.) (Folder 3 of 3.), 1993.
Box 11 Folder 3
37th Council, Lisbon, Portugal, August 11-12, 1993 (Includes material relating to proposed restructuring.) (Folder 1 of 3.), 1993.
Box 12 Folder 1
37th Council, Lisbon, Portugal, August 11-12, 1993 (Includes Vice-President's and President's reports, Treasurer's, Auditor's, and Finance Committee reports.) (Folder 2 of 3.), 1993.
Box 12 Folder 2
37th Council, Lisbon, Portugal, August 11-12, 1993 (Includes nominations.) (Folder 3 of 3.), 1993.
Box 12 Folder 3
37th Council, Lisbon, Portugal, August 11-12, 1993 (Includes Adhering Organization activity reports, removed Adhering Organizations.) (Folder 1 of 4.), 1992-1993.
Box 13 Folder 1
37th Council, Lisbon, Portugal, August 11-12, 1993 (Chemical Heritage Foundation and IUPAC. Includes NFHC Articles of Incorporation.) (Folder 2 of 4.), 1992-1994.
Box 13 Folder 2
37th Council, Lisbon, Portugal, August 11-12, 1993 (Includes planning for future General Assemblies.) (Folder 3 of 4.), 1991-1994.
Box 13 Folder 3
37th Council, Lisbon, Portugal, August 11-12, 1993 (Includes Terms of Reference revisions, proposed Rules revisions, and changes to existing Commissions.) (Folder 4 of 4.), 1992-1993.
Box 13 Folder 4

Series Description

The Bureau is the body established by IUPAC's Council to act on its behalf during intervals between Council Meetings. Its membership is composed of IUPAC's President, Vice President, Secretary General, Treasurer, immediate Past-President, and Presidents of Divisions, together with at least ten other members elected by the Council who are known as Elected Members.

Arranged in chronological order by date, this series contains IUPAC's Bureau files. The files in this series mainly document the Bureau's 22nd thru 65th meetings, which were held at various locations between 1968 and 1994. A handful of Bureau business correspondence files are also preserved here.

The contents of the Bureau files consist mainly of correspondence. Smaller, but noticeable, amounts of minutes, agendas, notes, and reports are also found in this series. Small amounts of other miscellaneous materials, including, but not limited to, papers, membership approvals, and membership lists are preserved here as well.

Bureau - Business Correspondence, Mostly in French, 1949.
Box 14 Folder 1
Bureau - Business Correspondence, Mostly in French, 1950.
Box 14 Folder 2
Bureau - Business Correspondence, Mostly in French, 1951.
Box 14 Folder 3
Bureau - Business Correspondence, Mostly in French, 1952, 1953, 1957.
Box 14 Folder 4
Bureau - Correspondence and Meeting Agendas, 1960-1968.
Box 14 Folder 5
Bureau - Business Correspondence and Minutes, 1969.
Box 14 Folder 6
XXIInd Meeting of Bureau, Monte Carlo, Monaco (Mostly concerns travel arrangements and reimbursements.), 1968 October.
Box 14 Folder 7
XXVIth Meeting of Bureau, Vienna, Austria, October 2-3, 1970 (Includes correspondence, agenda, notes, and minutes.), 1970.
Box 14 Folder 8
XXVIIth Meeting of Bureau, Washington, D.C., USA, July 20, 1971 (Includes correspondence, agenda, notes, Commission membership lists, and draft minutes.), 1971.
Box 14 Folder 9
XXXth Meeting of Bureau, Le Bischenberg, Strasbourg, France, September 24-25, 1972 (Includes correspondence, notes, agenda, and draft minutes.), 1972.
Box 14 Folder 10
XXXIst Meeting of Bureau, Munich, Federal Republic of Germany, August 28, 1973 (Includes correspondence, Commission membership lists, agenda, and draft minutes.), 1973.
Box 14 Folder 11
XXXIIIrd Meeting of Bureau, Brussels, Belgium, August 31-September 1, 1974 (Includes correspondence, agendas, notes, and minutes - discussion of visa problems.), 1974.
Box 15 Folder 1
XXXIVth Meeting of Bureau, Madrid, Spain, September 8, 11, 1975 (Includes correspondence, notes, agendas, minutes, and "Approval of New Members of I.U.P.A.C. Bodies."), 1975.
Box 15 Folder 2
XXXVIth Meeting of Bureau, Strasbourg, France, September 14-15, 1976 (Includes correspondence, notes, agendas, and minutes.), 1976.
Box 15 Folder 3
XXXVIIth Meeting of Bureau, Warsaw, Poland, August 18, 1977 (Includes correspondence, notes, agenda, minutes, and "Approval of New Members of IUPAC Bodies" for 1977."), 1977.
Box 15 Folder 4
XXXIXth Meeting of Bureau, Brussels, Belgium, September 1-2, 1978 (Includes correspondence, agenda, notes, minutes, and Division reports.), 1978.
Box 15 Folder 5
XLIst Meeting of Bureau, Davos, Switzerland, September 10, 1979 (Includes correspondence, notes, agenda, minutes, and "Membership of Section/Divisions/Commissions for Approval."), 1979.
Box 15 Folder 6
42nd Meeting of Bureau, Zurich, Switzerland, August 31-September 2, 1980 (Includes correspondence and minutes.), 1980.
Box 16 Folder 1
43rd-45th Meetings of Bureau, Leuven, Belgium, August 31-September 2, 1981 (Includes correspondence, agenda, minutes, drafts of minutes, and membership approvals.), 1981.
Box 16 Folder 2
46th Meeting of Bureau, Prague, Czechoslovakia, September 13-14, 1982 (Includes correspondence.), 1982.
Box 16 Folder 3
47th-48th Meetings of Bureau, Lyngby, Denmark, August 24-26, 1983 (Includes correspondence, minutes, and membership approvals.), 1983.
Box 16 Folder 4
49th Meeting of Bureau, Oxford, England, United Kingdom, September 16-17, 1984 (Includes correspondence, agenda, minutes, and drafts of minutes.), 1984.
Box 16 Folder 5
50th Meeting of Bureau, Lyon, France, September 4-5, 1985 (Includes correspondence, minutes, notes, membership approvals, and agenda.), 1985.
Box 16 Folder 6
52nd Meeting of Bureau, Oxford, England, United Kingdom, September 28-29, 1986 (Includes correspondence and Division reports.), 1986.
Box 17 Folder 1
53rd-55th Meetings of Bureau, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, August 19-29, 1987 (Includes correspondence, agenda, and minutes.), 1987.
Box 17 Folder 2
56th Meeting of Bureau, Oxford, England, United Kingdom, September 18-19, 1988 (Includes correspondence, Division reports, minutes, and drafts of minutes.), 1988.
Box 17 Folder 3
57th Meeting of Bureau, Lund, Sweden, August 14-15, 1989 (Includes correspondence, agenda, minutes, and drafts of minutes.), 1989.
Box 17 Folder 4
59th Meeting of Bureau, Triuggio/Milan, Italy, September 23-24, 1990 (Includes correspondence, agenda, draft agenda, Division reports, minutes, and drafts of minutes.), 1990.
Box 18 Folder 1
60th and 61st Meetings of Bureau, Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany, August 12-13, 15, 1991 (Includes correspondence, minutes, drafts of minutes, agenda, notes, and reports from Divisions.) (Folder 1 of 2.), 1991.
Box 18 Folder 2
60th Meeting of Bureau, Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany, August 12-13, 1991 (Includes reports on special topics such as International Centre for Chemistry, SCOPE Project, CAMP Program, SCOR, NOAs, and staff and time allocation.) (Folder 2 of 2.), 1991.
Box 18 Folder 3
62nd Meeting of Bureau, Oxford, England, United Kingdom, September 12-13, 1992 (Includes correspondence, agenda, notes, Division reports, and material relating to the International Centre for Chemistry.), 1991-1993.
Box 19 Folder 1
63rd and 64th Meetings of Bureau, Lisbon, Portugal, August 9-10, 12, 1993 (Includes Auditor's Report and material relating to Biophysical Chemistry Working Party.) (Folder 1 of 2.), 1993.
Box 19 Folder 2
63rd and 64th Meetings of Bureau, Lisbon, Portugal, August 9-10, 12, 1993 (Includes agendas, minutes, and various Committee reports.) (Folder 2 of 2.), 1993.
Box 19 Folder 3
65th Meeting of Bureau, Antwerp, Belgium, September 17-18, 1994 (Includes discussion of IUPAC-related copyright issues.) (Folder 1 of 4.), 1994.
Box 20 Folder 1
65th Meeting of Bureau, Antwerp, Belgium, September 17-18, 1994 (Includes various Commission reports and position papers.) (Folder 2 of 4.), 1994.
Box 20 Folder 2
65th Meeting of Bureau, Antwerp, Belgium, September 17-18, 1994 (Includes agenda, draft agenda, minutes, and drafts of minutes.) (Folder 3 of 4.), 1994.
Box 20 Folder 3
65th Meeting of Bureau, Antwerp, Belgium, September 17-18, 1994 (Includes report of Committee on Chemical Databases, reports from other Committees, and membership approvals.) (Folder 4 of 4.), 1994.
Box 20 Folder 4

Series Description

The Executive Committee is the body established by IUPAC's Bureau to ensure the orderly discharge of IUPAC functions between meetings of the Bureau. Its membership is composed of eight members, which include the President, Vice-President, Secretary General, Treasurer, and immediate Past President. Other members are elected by the Bureau from among its Elected Members.

Arranged in chronological order by date, this series contains IUPAC's Executive Committee files. The files in this series mainly document the Executive Committee's 60th thru 121st meetings, which were held between 1968 and 1995. A few files regarding various Executive Committee administrative matters are also preserved here.

The contents of the Executive Committee files consist mainly of correspondence. Smaller, but noticeable, amounts of agendas, notes, and minutes are also found in this series. Small amounts of other miscellaneous materials, including, but not limited to, reports, photographs, and questionnaires are preserved here as well.

LXIst and LXIInd Meetings of Executive Committee, Monte Carlo, Monaco, October 28-29, 1968 (Includes correspondence.), 1968.
Box 21 Folder 1
LXIVth Meeting of Executive Committee, Oxford, England, United Kingdom (Includes agenda, notes, and correspondence.), 1969.
Box 21 Folder 2
LXVth and XLVIth Meetings of Executive Committee, Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy, July 3, 7, 1969 (Includes correspondence, notes, and minutes.), 1969.
Box 21 Folder 3
LXVIIth Meeting of Executive Committee, Oxford, England, United Kingdom, February 7-8, 1970 (Includes correspondence, agenda, and minutes. Topics discussed include economizing efforts and investments.), 1970.
Box 21 Folder 4
LXVIIIth Meeting of Executive Committee, Vienna, Austria, October 1, 1970 (Includes correspondence, agenda, and minutes.), 1970.
Box 21 Folder 5
LXIXth Meeting of Executive Committee, Rome, Italy, February 19-20, 1971 (Including correspondence, agenda, notes, and minutes.), 1971.
Box 21 Folder 6
LXXth Meeting of Executive Committee, Washington, D.C., USA, July 19, 1971 (Includes correspondence, agenda, notes, and minutes. Topics discussed include closing of Zurich Secretariat and relationship between Executive Committee and Executive Secretary.), 1971.
Box 21 Folder 7
LXXIIIrd Meeting of Executive Committee, Paris, France, February 26-27, 1972 (Includes correspondence, agenda, notes, and minutes.), 1972.
Box 21 Folder 8
LXXIVth Meeting of Executive Committee, Strasbourg, France, September 23, 1972 (Includes correspondence, agenda, notes, and minutes. Topics discussed include job market for chemists.), 1972.
Box 21 Folder 9
LXXVth Meeting of Executive Committee, Villefranche-sur-Mer, France, March 2-3, 1973 (Includes correspondence, agenda, notes, and minutes.), 1973.
Box 21 Folder 10
LXXVIth-LXXIXth Meetings of Executive Committee, Munich, Federal Republic of Germany, August 27-31, 1973 (Includes correspondence, agendas, notes, and minutes. Topics include national subscriptions.), 1973.
Box 21 Folder 11
LXXXth Meeting of Executive Committee, London, England, United Kingdom, March 1-3, 1974 (Includes correspondence, agenda, notes, and minutes.), 1973-1974.
Box 22 Folder 1
81st Meeting of Executive Committee, Brussels, Belgium, August 30, 1974 (Includes correspondence, agendas, notes, and minutes.), 1974.
Box 22 Folder 2
82nd Meeting of Executive Committee, Moscow, Soviet Union, February 26-March 5, 1975 (Includes correspondence, agenda, notes, and minutes.), 1974-1975.
Box 22 Folder 3
83rd and 84th Meetings of Executive Committee, Madrid, Spain, September 7, 11, 1975 (Includes correspondence, agenda, notes, and minutes.), 1975.
Box 22 Folder 4
85th Meeting of Executive Committee, Villefranche-sur-Mer, France, March 8-9, 1976 (Includes correspondence, agendas, notes, and minutes.), 1976.
Box 22 Folder 5
86th Meeting of Executive Committee, Strasbourg, France, September 13, 1976 (Includes correspondence, agendas, notes, and minutes.), 1976.
Box 22 Folder 6
87th Meeting of Executive Committee, Washington, D.C., USA, March 6-7, 1977 (Includes correspondence, agendas, notes, and minutes.), 1977.
Box 22 Folder 7
88th Meeting of Executive Committee, Warsaw, Poland, August 17, 1977 (Includes correspondence, agendas, notes, and minutes.), 1977.
Box 22 Folder 8
89th and 90th Meetings of Executive Committee, Villefranche-sur-Mer, France, April 3-4, 1978 (Includes correspondence, agendas, notes, and minutes.), 1978.
Box 22 Folder 9
91st Meeting of Executive Committee, Brussels, Belgium, August 31, 1978 (Includes correspondence, agendas, notes, and minutes.), 1978.
Box 22 Folder 10
92nd Meeting of Executive Committee, Paris, France, April 9-10, 1979 (Includes correspondence, agendas, notes, and minutes.), 1979.
Box 22 Folder 11
93rd and 94th Meetings of Executive Committee, Davos, Switzerland, September 7, 10, 1979 (Includes correspondence, agendas, notes, and minutes.), 1979.
Box 22 Folder 12
95th Meeting of Executive Committee, Villefranche-sur-Mer, France, April 24-25, 1980 (Includes correspondence, agendas, notes, and minutes.), 1980.
Box 23 Folder 1
96th Meeting of Executive Committee, Zurich, Switzerland, August 31, 1980 (Includes correspondence, agenda, notes, and minutes.), 1980.
Box 23 Folder 2
97th Meeting of Executive Committee, Villefranche-sur-Mer, France, April 2-3, 1981 (Includes correspondence, agenda, notes, and minutes.), 1981.
Box 23 Folder 3
98th and 99th Meetings of Executive Committee, Leuven, Belgium, August 30 and September 2, 1981 (Includes correspondence, agendas, notes, and minutes.), 1981.
Box 23 Folder 4
"Budget Meeting of IUPAC Officers," Zurich, Switzerland, 1981 November 16.
Box 23 Folder 5
"Official IUPAC Representatives at Sponsored Symposia", 1981.
Box 23 Folder 6
100th Meeting of Executive Committee, Den Haag, Netherlands, May 3-4, 1982 (Includes correspondence, agendas, notes, and minutes.), 1982.
Box 24 Folder 1
101st Meeting of Executive Committee, Prague, Czechoslovakia, September 12, 1982 (Includes correspondence, notes, agendas, and minutes.), 1982.
Box 24 Folder 2
IUPAC Brochure - Includes Correspondence and Related Material, 1979-1983.
Box 24 Folder 3
IUPAC Advance Information Questionnaire - Mock-Ups and Related Material, 1980-1983.
Box 24 Folder 4
102nd Meeting of Executive Committee, Tokyo, Japan, April 12-13, 1983 (Includes correspondence, agendas, notes, photographs, and minutes.), 1983.
Box 24 Folder 5
103rd and 104th Meeting of Executive Committee, Lyngby, Denmark, August 23, 26, 1983 (Includes correspondence, agenda, and minutes.), 1983.
Box 24 Folder 6
Meeting of Officers, Oxford, England, United Kingdom, June 22-23, 1984 (Includes correspondence, minutes, and related documents.), 1984.
Box 24 Folder 7
105th Meeting of Executive Committee, Oxford, England, United Kingdom, September 17, 1984 (Includes correspondence, minutes, and Secretary General's Column.), 1984.
Box 25 Folder 1
106th Meeting of Executive Committee, London, England, United Kingdom, April 15-16, 1985 (Includes correspondence, agenda, notes, and minutes.), 1985.
Box 25 Folder 2
107th Meeting of Executive Committee, Lyon, France, September 7, 1985 (Includes correspondence, agenda, and minutes.), 1985.
Box 25 Folder 3
Meeting of Officers, New Delhi, India, March 10-11, 1986 (Includes correspondence and agenda.), 1986.
Box 25 Folder 4
108th Meeting of Executive Committee, Oxford, England, United Kingdom, September 27, 1986 (Includes minutes.), 1986.
Box 25 Folder 5
109th Meeting of Executive Committee, Veszprem, Hungary, April 26-27, 1987 (Includes material on Meeting of Division President/Bureau, London, correspondence, agenda, notes, minutes, and Secretary General's Column.) and 110th Meeting of Executive Committee, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, August 29, 1987 (Includes agenda, notes, and minutes.), 1987.
Box 25 Folder 6
111th Meeting of Executive Committee, Moscow, Soviet Union, May 16-17, 1988 (Includes correspondence, agenda, notes, minutes, and material from the IUPAC Synthesis 86 Conference.), 1988.
Box 25 Folder 7
112th Meeting of Executive Committee, Lisbon, Portugal, April 22-24, 1989 (Includes correspondence, agenda, notes, and minutes.), 1989.
Box 26 Folder 1
113th Meeting of Executive Committee, Lund, Sweden, August 17, 1989 (Includes correspondence and agenda.), 1989.
Box 26 Folder 2
114th Meeting of Executive Committee, Athens, Greece, April 28-29, 1990 (Includes correspondence, agenda, and minutes.), 1990.
Box 26 Folder 3
115th Meeting of Executive Committee, Pretoria, South Africa, May 12-13, 1991 (Includes correspondence, agenda, notes, and minutes.), 1991.
Box 26 Folder 4
116th Meeting of Executive Committee, Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany, August 15, 1991 (Includes correspondence, agenda, notes, and minutes.), 1991.
Box 26 Folder 5
117th Meeting of Executive Committee, Dublin, Ireland, May 23-24, 1992 (Includes correspondence, agenda, notes, and minutes.), 1992.
Box 26 Folder 6
118th Meeting of Executive Committee, Newark, New Jersey, USA, April 17-18, 1993 (Includes correspondence, agenda, notes, and minutes.) and 119th Meeting of Executive Committee, Lisbon, Portugal, August 12, 1993 (Includes correspondence and minutes.), 1993.
Box 27 Folder 1
120th Meeting of Executive Committee, Oxford, England, United Kingdom, April 16-17, 1994 (Includes correspondence and minutes.), 1994.
Box 27 Folder 2
Matters from 120th Executive Committee Not Requiring Discussion by Bureau at Antwerp, Belgium (Includes minutes of Committee meetings and revised guidelines for IUPAC representation at international meetings.), 1992-1994.
Box 27 Folder 3
121st Meeting of Executive Committee, Reading, England, United Kingdom, April 29-30, 1995 (Including correspondence, agenda, minutes, and material relating to the Code of Ethics on International Trade in Chemicals and CHEMRAWN IX.), 1993-1995.
Box 27 Folder 4
121st Meeting of Executive Committee, Reading, England, United Kingdom, April 29-30, 1995, 1995.
Box 27 Folder 5
Matters from 121st Executive Committee Not Requiring Discussion by Executive Committee/Bureau (Fullerene Nomenclature Document.) (Folder 1 of 3.), 1995.
Box 28 Folder 1
Matters from 121st Executive Committee (Division Restructuring, including Vice President's Critical Assessment, 1994.) (Folder 2 of 3.), 1995.
Box 28 Folder 2
Matters from 121st Executive Committee (Includes Division Restructuring, ethics, chemical safety, and 62nd Bureau Meeting, 1992.) (Folder 3 of 3.), 1992-1994.
Box 28 Folder 3

Series Description

The Finance Committee is an Advisory Committee established to oversee IUPAC's finances. Its duties include advising the President and Executive Committee on financial matters, making financial recommendations to the President and/or Executive Committee, reviewing IUPAC's securities, and purchasing and selling securities held by IUPAC. The Committee's membership is composed of a Chair and four Titular Members. In addition, IUPAC's Treasurer and Executive Director serve as non-voting members.

Arranged in its original order (mainly chronological order by date), this series contains IUPAC's Finance Committee files. The files in this series mainly document Finance Committee meetings held between 1967 and 1997. They also document IUPAC's financial dealings between 1965 and 1997 and provide information regarding IUPAC's financial condition during that time period.

The contents of the Finance Committee files consist mainly of correspondence and financial documents, including, but not limited to statements, reports, balance sheets, and budgets. Smaller, but noticeable, amounts of other miscellaneous materials, including minutes, notes, and agendas are preserved here as well.

Note - Materials dealing with the earlier years of the Finance Committee (1919-1950) are found in Box 196 Folders 3-6 and Box 197 Folders 1-3.

1966 Proposed Budget, 1965.
Box 29 Folder 1
Meeting of Finance Committee, Prague, Czechoslovakia, September 3, 1967 (Includes draft agenda and supporting documentation.), 1967.
Box 29 Folder 2
Meeting of Finance Committee, Zurich, Switzerland, February 19-20, 1973 (Includes agenda, notes, minutes, and Report to Executive Committee.), 1973.
Box 29 Folder 3
Meeting of Finance Committee, Munich, Federal Republic of Germany, August 26, 1973 (Includes correspondence, agenda, notes, and minutes.), 1973.
Box 29 Folder 4
Meeting of Finance Committee, Zurich, Switzerland, February 18-19, 1974 (Includes correspondence, agenda, notes, and minutes. Topics include replacement of U.S. Dollar as official IUPAC currency.), 1974.
Box 29 Folder 5
Meeting of Finance Committee, Zurich, Switzerland, February 17-18, 1975 (Includes correspondence, agenda, notes, and minutes. More on new official IUPAC currency.), 1975.
Box 29 Folder 6
Meeting of Finance Committee, Madrid, Spain, September 6, 1975 (Includes correspondence, agenda, notes, and minutes.), 1975.
Box 29 Folder 7
Meeting of Finance Committee, Zurich, Switzerland, February 16-17, 1975 (Includes correspondence, agenda, and notes.), 1975.
Box 29 Folder 8
Meeting of Finance Committee, Zurich, Switzerland, February 16-17, 1976 (Includes correspondence, notes, agenda, and minutes.), 1976.
Box 29 Folder 9
Meeting of Finance Committee, Warsaw, Poland, August 16, 1977 (Includes correspondence, agenda, notes, and minutes.), 1977.
Box 29 Folder 10
Meeting of Finance Committee, Zurich, Switzerland, February 14-15, 1977 (Includes correspondence, notes, agenda, and minutes.), 1977.
Box 29 Folder 11
Meeting of Finance Committee, Zurich, Switzerland, February 20-21, 1978 (Includes correspondence, notes, agenda, and minutes.), 1978.
Box 30 Folder 1
Details of Division Budgets (Includes correspondence.), 1978-1979.
Box 30 Folder 2
IUPAC Per Diem Travel Allowances (Includes correspondence.), 1978-1979.
Box 30 Folder 3
Allocation of Travel, Subsistence, and Administrative Funds for Biennium 1980-1981 (Includes correspondence.), 1979.
Box 30 Folder 4
Meeting of Finance Committee, Davos, Switzerland, September 5-6, 1979 (Includes correspondence, agenda, notes, and minutes.), 1979.
Box 30 Folder 5
Meeting of Finance Committee, Zurich, Switzerland, February 19-20, 1979 (Includes correspondence, agenda, notes, and minutes.), 1979.
Box 30 Folder 6
Correspondence Regarding Ways of Curtailing IUPAC Expenses (Includes some draft versions.), 1978-1979.
Box 30 Folder 7
Meeting of Finance Committee, Zurich, Switzerland, February 18-19, 1980 (Includes correspondence, agenda, and minutes.), 1980.
Box 31 Folder 1
Meeting of Finance Committee, Zurich, Switzerland, February 16-17, 1981 (Includes correspondence, notes, agenda, and minutes.), 1981.
Box 31 Folder 2
Meeting of Finance Committee, Leuven, Belgium, August 28-29, 1981 (Includes correspondence, agenda, notes, minutes, and "Introduction to IUPAC Economic Management."), 1981.
Box 31 Folder 3
Meeting of Finance Committee, Zurich, Switzerland, February 15-16, 1982 (Includes notes and minutes.), 1982.
Box 31 Folder 4
Balance Sheets and Expenditure Statements, 1982.
Box 31 Folder 5
IUPAC Assets Sheet for 1981 (Includes correspondence.), 1981-1982.
Box 31 Folder 6
Meeting of Finance Committee, Zurich, Switzerland, February 14-15, 1983 (Includes correspondence, agenda, notes, and minutes.), 1983.
Box 32 Folder 1
Meeting of Finance Committee, Lyngby, Denmark, August 20-22, 1983 (Includes correspondence and minutes.), 1983.
Box 32 Folder 2
Meeting of Finance Committee, Zurich, Switzerland, February 13-14, 1984 (Includes correspondence and minutes.) (Folder 1 of 2.), 1984.
Box 32 Folder 3
Meeting of Finance Committee, Zurich, Switzerland, February 18-19, 1984 (Includes correspondence, agenda, notes, and minutes.) (Folder 2 of 2.), 1984.
Box 32 Folder 4
Meeting of Finance Committee, Zurich, Switzerland, February 18-19, 1985 (Includes correspondence, notes, agenda, and minutes.), 1985.
Box 32 Folder 5
Meeting of Finance Committee, Lyon, France, September 1-2, 1985 (Includes correspondence, agenda, notes, and minutes.), 1985.
Box 33 Folder 1
Meeting of IUPAC Officers, New Delhi, India, March 10-11, 1986, 1986.
Box 33 Folder 2
1985 IUPAC Accounts (Includes auditors' reports and royalties accounts.), 1984-1985.
Box 33 Folder 3
Meeting of Finance Committee, Zurich, Switzerland, February 17-18, 1986 (Includes correspondence, notes, agenda, and minutes.), 1986.
Box 33 Folder 4
Meeting of Finance Committee, Zurich, Switzerland, February 16-17, 1987 (Includes correspondence, notes, agenda, and minutes.), 1987.
Box 33 Folder 5
Meeting of Finance Committee, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, August 23, 1987 (Includes correspondence, agenda, and minutes.), 1987.
Box 33 Folder 6
1987-88 Budgets (Includes correspondence.), 1987-1988.
Box 34 Folder 1
1987 IUPAC Accounts, 1987.
Box 34 Folder 2
Meeting of Finance Committee, Zurich, Switzerland, February 15-16, 1988 (Includes correspondence, agenda, and minutes.), 1988.
Box 34 Folder 3
1988 IUPAC Accounts (Folder 1 of 2.), 1988.
Box 34 Folder 4
1988 IUPAC Accounts (Folder 2 of 2.), 1988.
Box 34 Folder 5
Meeting of Finance Committee, Zurich, Switzerland, February 13-14, 1989 (Includes correspondence, agenda, and minutes.), 1989.
Box 35 Folder 1
Meeting of Finance Committee, Lund, Sweden, August 12, 1989 (Includes correspondence, agenda, notes, and minutes.), 1989.
Box 35 Folder 2
Budget 1990-91: Preparations and Allocations, 1989-1990.
Box 35 Folder 3
Restructuring of Finance Committee, 1990.
Box 35 Folder 4
1989 IUPAC Accounts, 1989.
Box 35 Folder 5
Meeting of Finance Committee, Zurich, Switzerland, February 19-20, 1990 (Includes correspondence, agenda, notes, and minutes.), 1990.
Box 36 Folder 1
1990 IUPAC Accounts (Folder 1 of 3.), 1990.
Box 36 Folder 2
1990 IUPAC Accounts (Folder 2 of 3.), 1990.
Box 36 Folder 3
1990 IUPAC Accounts (Folder 3 of 3.), 1990.
Box 36 Folder 4
Meeting of Finance Committee, Zurich, Switzerland, February 21-22, 1991 (Includes correspondence, agenda, notes, and minutes.), 1991.
Box 37 Folder 1
Meeting of Finance Committee, Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany, August 11, 1991 (Includes correspondence, agenda, notes, and minutes.), 1991.
Box 37 Folder 2
"Recommended Guidelines for Handling IUPAC. Income and Expenditure" (Includes drafts and supporting documents.), 1988-1991.
Box 37 Folder 3
Meeting of Finance Committee, Zurich, Switzerland, February 17-18, 1992 (Includes correspondence, agenda, notes, and minutes) (Folder 1 of 2.), 1992.
Box 37 Folder 4
Meeting of Finance Committee, Zurich, Switzerland, February 17-18, 1992 (Includes supporting documents.) (Folder 2 of 2.), 1992.
Box 37 Folder 5
New Secretariat at Oxford, England, United Kingdom - Furnishings and Office Equipment (Includes correspondence.), 1992-1993.
Box 37 Folder 6
"Compendium of Nomenclature and Terminology in Clinical Chemistry" (Includes correspondence and Progress Report.), 1991.
Box 38 Folder 1
Budget Allocations 1992-1993, 1991.
Box 38 Folder 2
1993 Finance Committee Meeting - Papers Not Needed for 1994 Meeting (Includes bank statements.), 1992.
Box 38 Folder 3
Minutes of Finance Committee, Zurich, Switzerland, February 22, 1993 (Includes correspondence, agenda, notes, and minutes.) (Folder 1 of 2.), 1993.
Box 38 Folder 4
Meeting of Finance Committee, Zurich, Switzerland, February 22, 1993 (Includes correspondence, agenda, notes, and minutes.) (Folder 2 of 2.), 1991-1993.
Box 38 Folder 5
Meeting of Finance Committee, Zurich, Switzerland, February 21, 1994 (Includes correspondence, agenda, notes, and minutes.) (Folder 1 of 2.), 1993-1994.
Box 39 Folder 1
Meeting of Finance Committee, Zurich, Switzerland, February 21, 1994 (Includes correspondence, agenda, notes, and minutes.) (Folder 2 of 2.), 1993-1994.
Box 39 Folder 2
Meeting of Finance Committee, Zurich, Switzerland, February 20, 1995 (Includes correspondence, agenda, notes, and minutes.) (Folder 1 of 2.), 1994-1995.
Box 39 Folder 3
Meeting of Finance Committee, Zurich, Switzerland, February 20, 1995 (Includes correspondence, agenda, notes, and minutes.) (Folder 2 of 2.), 1994-1995.
Box 39 Folder 4
Meeting of Finance Committee, Zurich, Switzerland, February 19, 1996 (Includes correspondence, agenda, notes, and minutes.), 1996.
Box 40 Folder 1
Meeting of Finance Committee, Zurich, Switzerland, February 17, 1997 (Includes correspondence, agenda, notes, and minutes.) (Folder 1 of 2.), 1996-1997.
Box 40 Folder 2
Meeting of Finance Committee, Zurich, Switzerland, February 17, 1997 (Includes correspondence, agenda, notes, and minutes.) (Folder 2 of 2.), 1996-1997.
Box 40 Folder 3

Series Description

This series contains records documenting meetings of IUPAC's Division Presidents and records maintained by IUPAC's Executive Secretary. The contents of these records are arranged into the following two sub-series:

  1. Records of Executive Secretary
  2. Meetings of Division Presidents
Sub-series Description

Arranged in reverse chronological order by date, this sub-series contains the records of IUPAC's Executive Secretary. These records are contained in information binders prepared for and maintained by Dr. Maurice Williams, who served as IUPAC's Executive Secretary from 1968 to 1997. Part of Dr. Williams' job was to compile digests of pertinent information for meetings of IUPAC's Council, Bureau, Executive Committee, and Finance Committee. Taken as a whole, the Records of the Executive Secretary provide an overview of the operations and concerns of IUPAC.

The materials in this sub-series mainly regard meetings of IUPAC's Council, Bureau, Executive Committee, and Finance Committee. Smaller, but noticeable, amounts of materials concerning meetings of IUPAC's Publications Committee, Officers, and Division Presidents are also present in this sub-series. Small amounts of materials regarding a handful of other IUPAC bodies, including CHEMRAWN (Committee on Chemical Research Applied to World Needs) and the Pulp and Paper Section, are also preserved here.

The contents of the Records of Executive Secretary files consist mainly of correspondence. A variety of other miscellaneous materials, including, but not limited to, minutes, proposals, memoranda, member lists, financial documents, publications, and reports are preserved here as well.

Finance Committee, Zurich, Switzerland, 1989 February 13-14.
Box 41 Folder 1
56th Bureau, Oxford, England, United Kingdom, September 18-19, 1988 (Binder I of II.), 1988.
Box 41 Folder 2
56th Bureau, Oxford, England, United Kingdom, September 18-19, 1988 (Binder II of II.), 1988.
Box 41 Folder 3
Finance Committee, Zurich, Switzerland, 1988 February 15-16.
Box 41 Folder 4
111th Executive Committee, Moscow, Soviet Union, May 16-17, 1988 (Binder I of II.), 1988.
Box 41 Folder 5
111th Executive Committee, Moscow, Soviet Union, May 16-17, 1988 (Binder II of II.), 1988.
Box 41 Folder 6
34th Council, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 1987 August 28-29.
Box 41 Folder 7
34th Bureau, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 1987 August 26-27.
Box 41 Folder 8
Finance Committee, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 1987 August 23-24 .
Box 41 Folder 9
109th Executive Committee, Veszprem, Hungary, April 26-27, 1987 (Binder I of II.), 1987.
Box 42 Folder 1
109th Executive Committee, Veszprem, Hungary, April 26-27, 1987 (Binder II of II.), 1987.
Box 42 Folder 2
Finance Committee, Zurich, Switzerland, 1987 February 16-17.
Box 42 Folder 3
52nd Bureau, Oxford, England, United Kingdom, September 28-29, 1986 (Binder I of II.), 1986.
Box 42 Folder 4
52nd Bureau, Oxford, England, United Kingdom, September 28-29, 1986 (Binder II of II.), 1986.
Box 42 Folder 5
IUPAC Officers, New Delhi, India, 1986 March 10-11.
Box 42 Folder 6
Finance Committee, Zurich, Switzerland, 1986 February 17-18.
Box 42 Folder 7
IUPAC Officers, Oxford, England, United Kingdom, 1985 November 26-27.
Box 42 Folder 8
33rd Council, Lyon, France, 1985 September 6-7.
Box 42 Folder 9
50th Bureau, Lyon, France, 1985 September 4-5.
Box 42 Folder 10
Finance Committee, Lyon, France, 1985 September 1-2.
Box 43 Folder 1
Division Presidents, Lyon, France, 1985 August 31.
Box 43 Folder 2
106th Executive Committee, London, England, United Kingdom, April 15-16, 1985 (Binder I of II.), 1985.
Box 43 Folder 3
106th Executive Committee, London, England, United Kingdom, April 15-16, 1985 (Binder II of II.), 1985.
Box 43 Folder 4
Finance Committee, Zurich, Switzerland, 1985 February 18-19.
Box 43 Folder 5
49th Bureau, Oxford, England, United Kingdom, September 16-17, 1984 (Binder I of II.), 1984.
Box 43 Folder 6
49th Bureau, Oxford, England, United Kingdom, September 16-17, 1984 (Binder II of II.), 1984.
Box 43 Folder 7
Division Presidents, Oxford, England, United Kingdom, 1984 September 15.
Box 43 Folder 8
Publications Committee, Oxford, England, United Kingdom, 1984 July 1-3.
Box 43 Folder 9
IUPAC Officers, Oxford, England, United Kingdom, June 22-23, 1984 (Binder I of III.), 1984.
Box 44 Folder 1
IUPAC Officers, Oxford, England, United Kingdom, June 22-23, 1984 (Binder II of III.), 1984.
Box 44 Folder 2
IUPAC Officers, Oxford, England, United Kingdom, June 22-23, 1984 (Binder III of III.), 1984.
Box 44 Folder 3
Finance Committee, Zurich, Switzerland, 1984 February 13-14.
Box 44 Folder 4
IUPAC Officers Budget Meeting, Oxford, England, United Kingdom, 1983 November 28-29.
Box 44 Folder 5
32nd Council, Lyngby, Denmark, 1983 August 25-26.
Box 44 Folder 6
47th Bureau, Lyngby, Denmark, 1983 August 24.
Box 44 Folder 7
103rd Executive Committee, Lyngby, Denmark, 1983 August 23.
Box 44 Folder 8
Division Presidents, Lyngby, Denmark, 1983 August 22.
Box 44 Folder 9
Finance Committee, Lyngby, Denmark, 1983 August 20-22.
Box 44 Folder 10
102nd Executive Committee, Tokyo, Japan, April 12-13, 1983 (Binder I of II.), 1983.
Box 44 Folder 11
102nd Executive Committee, Tokyo, Japan, April 12-13, 1983 (Binder II of II.), 1983.
Box 44 Folder 12
Finance Committee, Zurich, Switzerland, 1983 February 14-15.
Box 45 Folder 1
46th Bureau, Prague, Czechoslovakia, September 13-14, 1982 (Binder I of II.), 1982.
Box 45 Folder 2
46th Bureau, Prague, Czechoslovakia, September 13-14, 1982 (Binder II of II.), 1982.
Box 45 Folder 3
101st Executive Committee, Prague, Czechoslovakia, 1982 September 12.
Box 45 Folder 4
Division Presidents, Prague, Czechoslovakia, 1982 September 11.
Box 45 Folder 5
Executive Committee, Den Haag, Netherlands, May 3-4, 1982 (Binder I of II.), 1982.
Box 45 Folder 6
Executive Committee, Den Haag, Netherlands, May 3-4, 1982 (Binder II of II.), 1982.
Box 45 Folder 7
Publications Committee, Oxford, England, United Kingdom, 1982 April 29-30.
Box 45 Folder 8
Finance Committee, Zurich, Switzerland, 1982 February 15-16.
Box 45 Folder 9
1982-1983 IUPAC Officers Budget Meeting, Zurich, Switzerland, 1981 November 16.
Box 45 Folder 10
43rd Bureau, Leuven, Belgium, 1981 August 31.
Box 45 Folder 11
31st Council, Leuven, Belgium, 1981 September 1-2.
Box 45 Folder 12
98th Executive Committee, Leuven, Belgium, 1981 August 30.
Box 46 Folder 1
Finance Committee, Leuven, Belgium, 1981 August 28-29.
Box 46 Folder 2
Publications Committee, Leuven, Belgium, 1981 August 25-27.
Box 46 Folder 3
97th Executive Committee, Villefranche, France, April 2-3, 1981 (Binder I of II.), 1981.
Box 46 Folder 4
97th Executive Committee, Villefranche, France, April 2-3, 1981 (Binder II of II.), 1981.
Box 46 Folder 5
Finance Committee, Zurich, Switzerland, 1981 February 16-17.
Box 46 Folder 6
42nd Bureau, Zurich, Switzerland, 1980 September 1-2.
Box 46 Folder 7
96th Executive Committee, Zurich, Switzerland, 1980 August 31.
Box 46 Folder 8
Division Presidents, Zurich, Switzerland, 1980 August 30.
Box 46 Folder 9
Publications Committee, Oxford, England, United Kingdom, 1980 May 15-17.
Box 46 Folder 10
95th Executive Committee, Villefranche, France, 1980 April 24-25.
Box 46 Folder 11
Finance Committee, Zurich, Switzerland, 1980 February 18-19.
Box 46 Folder 12
1980-1981 IUPAC Budget Meeting, Zurich, Switzerland, 1979 November 13.
Box 47 Folder 1
30th Council, Davos, Switzerland, 1979 September 9-10.
Box 47 Folder 2
40th Bureau, Davos, Switzerland, 1979 September 8.
Box 47 Folder 3
Finance Committee, Davos, Switzerland, 1979 September 5-6.
Box 47 Folder 4
93rd Executive Committee, Davos, Switzerland, 1979 September 7.
Box 47 Folder 5
Publications Committee, Davos, Switzerland, 1979 September 2-3.
Box 47 Folder 6
93rd Executive Committee, August 2, 1979 - Advance Documentation/Supporting Materials, 1979.
Box 47 Folder 7
Finance Committee, July 27, 1979 - Advance Documentation, 1979.
Box 47 Folder 8
92nd Executive Committee, Paris, France, 1979 April 9-10.
Box 47 Folder 9
92nd Executive Committee, 1979 March 23.
Box 47 Folder 10
Finance Committee, Zurich, Switzerland, 1979 February 19-20.
Box 47 Folder 11
Finance Committee, February 6, 1979 - Advance Documentation, 1979.
Box 47 Folder 12
39th Bureau, Brussels, Belgium, September 1-2, 1978 (Binder I of II.), 1978.
Box 47 Folder 13
39th Bureau, Brussels, Belgium, September 1-2, 1978 (Binder II of II.), 1978.
Box 47 Folder 14
91st Executive Committee, Brussels, Belgium, 1978 August 31.
Box 47 Folder 15
Publications Committee, Oxford, England, United Kingdom, 1978 April 25-26.
Box 48 Folder 1
90th Executive Committee, Villefranche, France, April 3-4, 1978 (Binder I of II.), 1978.
Box 48 Folder 2
90th Executive Committee, Villefranche, France, April 3-4, 1978 (Binder II of II.), 1978.
Box 48 Folder 3
90th Executive Committee - Advance Documentation (Folder 1 of 2.), 1977.
Box 48 Folder 4
90th Executive Committee - Advance Documentation (Folder 2 of 2.), 1977-1978.
Box 48 Folder 5
Finance Committee, Zurich, Switzerland, 1978 February 20-21.
Box 48 Folder 6a
Finance Committee - February 1, 1978 - Advance Documentation, 1978.
Box 48 Folder 6b
1978 IUPAC Budget Meeting, Leuven, Belgium, 1977 October 25.
Box 48 Folder 7
29th Council, Warsaw, Poland, 1977 August 19-21.
Box 48 Folder 8
37th Bureau, Warsaw, Poland, 1977 August 18.
Box 48 Folder 9
88th Executive Committee, Warsaw, Poland, 1977 August 17.
Box 48 Folder 10
Finance Committee, Warsaw, Poland, 1977 August 16.
Box 48 Folder 11
Publications Committee, Warsaw, Poland, 1977 August 12, 14-15.
Box 48 Folder 12
87th Executive Committee, Washington, D.C., USA, 1977 March 6-7.
Box 48 Folder 13
37th Bureau - Advance Documentation, 1977.
Box 48 Folder 14
Finance Committee - July 25, 1977 - Advance Documentation, 1977.
Box 49 Folder 1
88th Executive Committee - July 25, 1977 - Advance Documentation, 1977.
Box 49 Folder 2
29th IUPAC Council - July 6, 1977 - Advance Documentation, 1977.
Box 49 Folder 3
87th Executive Committee - March 3, 1977 - Advance Documentation (Folder 1 of 2.), 1977.
Box 49 Folder 4
87th Executive Committee - February 11, 1977 - Advance Documentation (Folder 2 of 2.), 1977.
Box 49 Folder 5
Finance Committee, Zurich, Switzerland, 1977 February 14-15.
Box 49 Folder 6
Finance Committee - January 31, 1977 - Advance Documentation, 1977.
Box 49 Folder 7
36th Bureau, Strasbourg, France, September 14-15, 1976 (Binder I of II.), 1976.
Box 49 Folder 8
36th Bureau, Strasbourg, France, September 14-15, 1976 (Binder II of II.), 1976.
Box 49 Folder 9
86th Executive Committee, Strasbourg, France, 1976 September 13.
Box 49 Folder 10
36th Bureau - August 27, 1976 - Advance Documentation, 1976.
Box 49 Folder 11
86th Executive Committee - August 25, 1976 - Advance Documentation, 1976.
Box 49 Folder 12
Publications Committee, Oxford, England, United Kingdom, 1976 May 24-25.
Box 49 Folder 13
85th Executive Committee, Villefranche, France, March 8-9, 1976 (Binder I of II.), 1976.
Box 49 Folder 14
85th Executive Committee, Villefranche, France, March 8-9, 1976 (Binder II of II.), 1976.
Box 49 Folder 15
85th Executive Committee - February 27, 1976 - Advance Documentation (Folder 1 of 2.), 1976.
Box 49 Folder 16
85th Executive Committee - February 24, 1976 - Advance Documentation (Folder 2 of 2.), 1976.
Box 49 Folder 17
Finance Committee, Zurich, Switzerland, 1976 February 16-17.
Box 49 Folder 18
Finance Committee - January 30, 1976 - Advance Documentation, 1976.
Box 49 Folder 19
CHEMRAWN Meeting, London, England, United Kingdom, 1976 January 10.
Box 49 Folder 20
28th Council, Madrid, Spain, 1975 September 9-11.
Box 50 Folder 1
34th Bureau, Madrid, Spain, 1975 September 8.
Box 50 Folder 2
83rd Executive Committee, Madrid, Spain, 1975 September 7 .
Box 50 Folder 3
Finance Committee, Madrid, Spain, 1975 September 6.
Box 50 Folder 4
Publications Committee, 1975 September 2.
Box 50 Folder 5
Committee on Publications - August 6, 1975 - Advance Documentation, 1975.
Box 50 Folder 6
34th Bureau - July 29, 1975 - Advance Documentation, 1975.
Box 50 Folder 7
83rd Executive Committee - July 28, 1975 - Advance Documentation, 1975.
Box 50 Folder 8
Finance Committee - July 16, 1975 - Advance Documentation, 1975.
Box 50 Folder 9
28th Council - July 15, 1975 - Advance Documentation, 1975.
Box 50 Folder 10
83rd Executive Council, Moscow, Soviet Union, February 28-March 1, 1975 (Binder I of II.), 1975.
Box 50 Folder 11
83rd Executive Council, Moscow, Soviet Union, February 28-March 1, 1975 (Binder II of II.), 1975.
Box 50 Folder 12
Finance Committee, Zurich, Switzerland, 1975 February 17-18.
Box 50 Folder 13
82nd Executive Committee - February 6, 1975 - Advance Documentation, 1975.
Box 50 Folder 14
Finance Committee - January 31, 1975 - Advance Documentation, 1975.
Box 50 Folder 15
33rd Bureau, Brussels, Belgium, August 31-September 1, 1974 (Folder 1 of 2.), 1974.
Box 50 Folder 16
33rd Bureau, Brussels, Belgium, August 31-September 1, 1974 (Folder 2 of 2.), 1974.
Box 50 Folder 17
81st Executive Committee, Brussels, Belgium, 1974 August 30.
Box 50 Folder 18
Division Presidents/81st Executive Committee/33rd Bureau, Brussels, Belgium, August 9, 1974 - Advance Documentation, 1974.
Box 50 Folder 19
Publications Committee, London, England, United Kingdom, 1974 May 28.
Box 51 Folder 1
CP (Publications Committee) - May 13, 1974 - Supporting Materials, 1974.
Box 51 Folder 2
LXXXth Executive Committee, London, England, United Kingdom, March 1-3, 1974 (Binder I of II.), 1974.
Box 51 Folder 3
LXXXth Executive Committee, London, England, United Kingdom, March 1-3, 1974 (Binder II of II.), 1974.
Box 51 Folder 4
Finance Committee, Zurich, Switzerland, 1974 February 18-19.
Box 51 Folder 5
LXXXth Executive Committee, London, England, United Kingdom - February 15, 1974 - Supporting Materials, 1974.
Box 51 Folder 6
XXVIIth Council, Munich, Federal Republic of Germany, 1973 August 29, 31.
Box 51 Folder 7
XXXIst Bureau, Munich, Federal Republic of Germany, 1973 August 28.
Box 51 Folder 8
XXVIth Executive Committee, Munich, Federal Republic of Germany, 1973 August 27.
Box 51 Folder 9
Finance Committee, Munich, Federal Republic of Germany, 1973 August 26.
Box 51 Folder 10
Publications Committee, Munich, Federal Republic of Germany, 1973 August 23.
Box 51 Folder 11
XXXIst Bureau - August 7, 1973 - Supporting Materials, 1973.
Box 51 Folder 12
CP (Publications Committee) - August 6, 1973 - Supporting Materials, 1973.
Box 51 Folder 13
LXXVIth Executive Committee - August 3, 1973 - Supporting Materials, 1973.
Box 51 Folder 14
Finance Committee - August 3, 1973 - Supporting Materials, 1973.
Box 51 Folder 15
XXVIIth Council - July 31, 1973 - Supporting Materials, 1973.
Box 51 Folder 16
LXXVth Executive Committee, Villefranche, France, March 2-3, 1973 (Binder I of II.), 1973.
Box 51 Folder 17
LXXVth Executive Committee, Villefranche, France, March 2-3, 1973 (Binder II of II.), 1973.
Box 51 Folder 18
Finance Committee, Zurich, Switzerland, 1973 February 19-20.
Box 51 Folder 19
LXXVth Executive Committee - February 12, 1973 - Advance Documentation, 1973.
Box 51 Folder 20
Finance Committee - January 30, 1973 - Advance Documentation, 1973.
Box 51 Folder 21
XXXth Bureau, Strasbourg, France, September 24-25, 1972 (Binder I of II.), 1972.
Box 52 Folder 1
XXXth Bureau, Strasbourg, France, September 24-25, 1972 (Binder II of II.), 1972.
Box 52 Folder 2
LXXIVth Executive Committee, Strasbourg, France, 1972 September 23.
Box 52 Folder 3
XXXth Bureau - September 9, 1972 - Advance Documentation, 1972.
Box 52 Folder 4
LXXIVth Executive Committee - September 9, 1972 - Advance Documentation, 1972.
Box 52 Folder 5
Publications Committee, London, England, United Kingdom, 1972 April 21.
Box 52 Folder 6
LXXIInd Executive Committee, Paris, France, February 26-27, 1972 (Binder I of II.), 1972.
Box 52 Folder 7
LXXIInd Executive Committee, Paris, France, February 26-27, 1972 (Binder II of II.), 1972.
Box 52 Folder 8
Finance Committee, Zurich, Switzerland, 1972 February 17-18.
Box 52 Folder 9
LXXIIIrd Executive Committee - February 7, 1972 - Advance Documentation, 1972.
Box 52 Folder 10
XXVIth Council, Washington, D.C., USA, 1971 July 21-23.
Box 52 Folder 11
XXVIIth Bureau, Washington, D.C., USA, 1971 July 20.
Box 52 Folder 12
LXXth Executive Committee, Washington, D.C., USA, 1971 July 19.
Box 52 Folder 13
Finance Committee: XXVIth IUPAC Conference, 1971 July 18.
Box 52 Folder 14
Publications Committee, Washington, D.C., USA, 1971 July 15.
Box 52 Folder 15
Bureau - June 24, 1971 - Advance Documentation, 1971.
Box 53 Folder 1
Executive Committee - June 22, 1971 - Advance Documentation, 1971.
Box 53 Folder 2
Council - June 16, 1971 - Advance Documentation, 1971.
Box 53 Folder 3
Council - May 25, 1971 - Advance Documentation, 1971.
Box 53 Folder 4
Council - April 30, 1971 - Advance Documentation, 1971.
Box 53 Folder 5
LXIXth Executive Committee, Rome, Italy, February 19-20, 1971 (Binder I of II.), 1971.
Box 53 Folder 6
LXIXth Executive Committee, Rome, Italy, February 19-20, 1971 (Binder II of II.), 1971.
Box 53 Folder 7
LXIXth Executive Committee - February 8, 9, 1971 - Advance Documentation, 1971.
Box 53 Folder 8
XXVIth Bureau Meeting, Vienna, Austria, October 2-3, 1970 (Binder I of II.), 1970.
Box 53 Folder 9
XXVIth Bureau Meeting, Vienna, Austria, October 2-3, 1970 (Binder II of II.), 1970.
Box 53 Folder 10
LXVIIIth Executive Committee, Vienna, Austria, 1970 October 1.
Box 53 Folder 11
XXVIth Bureau - August 11, 1970 - Advance Documentation, 1970.
Box 53 Folder 12
Publications Committee, London, England, United Kingdom, 1970 June 30.
Box 53 Folder 13
Meeting of Chairmen and Secretaries of Commissions, Oxford, England, United Kingdom, 1970 March 23-25.
Box 53 Folder 14
LXVIIth Executive Committee, Oxford, England, United Kingdom, February 7-8, 1970 (Binder I of II.), 1970.
Box 53 Folder 15
LXVIIth Executive Committee, Oxford, England, United Kingdom, February 7-8, 1970 (Binder II of II.), 1970.
Box 53 Folder 16
Executive Committee - January 23, 1970 - Advance Documentation, 1970.
Box 53 Folder 17
Meeting of Commission V.3 - Working Party on Molarity Versus Normality, Oxford, England, United Kingdom, 1969 October 29.
Box 54 Folder 1
Pulp Paper and Board Section Meeting, Oxford, England, United Kingdom, 1969 September 26.
Box 54 Folder 2
Council Meeting, Cortina d'Amprezzo, Italy, July 5 and 7, 1969 (Binder I of II.), 1969.
Box 54 Folder 3
Council Meeting, Cortina d'Amprezzo, Italy, July 5 and 7, 1969 (Binder II of II.), 1969.
Box 54 Folder 4
XXIIIrd Bureau, Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy, 1969 July 4.
Box 54 Folder 5
LXVth Executive Committee, Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy, 1969 July 3.
Box 54 Folder 6
Executive Committee - June 10, 1969 - Advance Documentation, 1969.
Box 54 Folder 7
Council - June 7, 1969 - Advance Documentation, 1969.
Box 54 Folder 8
Bureau - May 28, 1969 - Advance Documentation, 1969.
Box 54 Folder 9
Council - May 24, 1969 - Advance Documentation, 1969.
Box 54 Folder 10
IUPAC Committee on Teaching of Chemistry, Oxford, England, United Kingdom, 1969 April 12-13.
Box 54 Folder 11
LXIVth Executive Committee, Oxford, England, United Kingdom, February 14 and 15, 1969 (Binder I of II.), 1969.
Box 54 Folder 12
LXIVth Executive Committee, Oxford, England, United Kingdom, February 14 and 15, 1969 (Binder II of II.), 1969.
Box 54 Folder 13
XXIInd Bureau, Monte Carlo, Monaco, October 29 and 30, 1968 (Binder I of II.), 1968.
Box 54 Folder 14
XXIInd Bureau, Monte Carlo, Monaco, October 29 and 30, 1968 (Binder II of II.), 1968.
Box 54 Folder 15
Bureau - October 7, 1968 - Advance Documentation, 1968.
Box 54 Folder 16
Officers Meeting, Zurich, Switzerland, 1968 August 30.
Box 54 Folder 17
Division Presidents Meeting, Paris, France, 1968 May 30-31.
Box 54 Folder 18
Executive Committee, London, England, United Kingdom, 1968 February 26-28.
Box 54 Folder 19
Bureau, Prague, Czechoslovakia, August/September 1967 (Binder I of II.), 1967.
Box 55 Folder 1
Bureau, Prague, Czechoslovakia, August/September 1967 (Binder II of II.), 1967.
Box 55 Folder 2
Council, Prague, Czechoslovakia, 1967 August 29, September 1.
Box 55 Folder 3
58th Executive Committee, Scheveningen, Netherlands, 1967 March 31, April 1, 2.
Box 55 Folder 4
Finance Committee, Zurich, Switzerland, 1967 January 6.
Box 55 Folder 5
Officers, Saint Moritz, Switzerland, 1966 September.
Box 55 Folder 6
Executive Committee, Zurich, Switzerland, 1966 July.
Box 55 Folder 7
Executive Committee, Frankfurt, Federal Republic of Germany, 1966 February.
Box 55 Folder 8
Bureau, Frankfurt, Federal Republic of Germany, 1966 February.
Box 55 Folder 9
Council, Paris, France, 1965.
Box 55 Folder 10
16th Bureau, Basel, Switzerland, March 23-25, 1964 (Folder 1 of 2.), 1964.
Box 56 Folder 1
16th Bureau, Basel, Switzerland, March 23-25, 1964 (Folder 2 of 2.), 1964.
Box 56 Folder 2
33rd Executive Meeting, Basel, Switzerland, 1964 March 21.
Box 56 Folder 3
"Matters Arising from the Minutes of the 16th Bureau and 33rd Executive Committee Meetings (Basel, March 1964)", 1964.
Box 56 Folder 4
Bureau, London, England, United Kingdom, 1963 July.
Box 56 Folder 5
Bureau, Brussels, Belgium, 1962 June 17-18.
Box 56 Folder 6
Executive Committee, Rome, Italy, 1961 November 7-9.
Box 56 Folder 7
"Rapport du President aux Pays Members et au Conseil," (XXth Conference, Munich, Federal Republic of Germany, August 25-29, 1959. Text in French.), 1959.
Box 56 Folder 8
Executive Committee, Washington, D.C., USA, 1958 October 8-10.
Box 56 Folder 9
Sub-series Description

Arranged in chronological order by date, this sub-series contains two files regarding meetings of IUPAC's Division Presidents held between 1979 and 1987. The contents of this sub-series consist mainly of correspondence and minutes. Drafts of the "Duties of Officers" pamphlet and the document "How to Get IUPAC Sponsorship for an International Conference That You Would Like to Stage" are also preserved here.

Correspondence and Minutes of Meetings (Includes drafts of "Duties of Officers" pamphlet.) (Folder 1 of 2.), 1979-1987.
Box 56 Folder 10
Correspondence and Minutes of Meetings (Includes "How to Get IUPAC Sponsorship for an International Conference That You Would Like to Stage.") (Folder 2 of 2.), 1979-1987.
Box 56 Folder 11

Series Description

The Publications Committee was a Standing Committee formed to oversee the production of IUPAC's various publications. Established in 1969, its duties included advising on the design and implementation of publications, data sharing, and standards of promoting the exchange of chemical information. Due to the advent of electronic information media, the Publications Committee was later renamed the Committee on Printed and Electronic Publications. This committee is currently called the Committee on Publications and Cheminformatics Data Standards.

Arranged in chronological order by date, this series contains IUPAC's Publications Committee files. The files in this series document the activities of the Publications Committee between 1970 and 1986. Topics discussed in these files include the appointment of a new official IUPAC publisher and the replacement of IUPAC's Scientific Editor (See also Boxes 206-207).

The contents of the Publications Committee consist mainly of correspondence. Meeting minutes, reports, and a few manuscripts are also preserved here.

Publications Committee - Files, 1970 January-April.
Box 57 Folder 1
Publications Committee - Files, 1970 May-September.
Box 57 Folder 2
Publications Committee - Files, 1971 January-June.
Box 57 Folder 3
Publications Committee - Files, 1971 July-December.
Box 57 Folder 4
Publications Committee - Files, 1972 January-May.
Box 58 Folder 1
Publications Committee - Files, 1972 June-December.
Box 58 Folder 2
Publications Committee - Files (Includes "Notes to Contributors" and "Notes for IUPAC Officers and Organizers of Meetings."), 1973 January-May.
Box 58 Folder 3
Publications Committee - Stig Veibel's History of IUPAC (Folder 1 of 2.), circa 1973.
Box 58 Folder 4
Publications Committee - Stig Veibel's History of IUPAC (Folder 2 of 2.), circa 1973.
Box 58 Folder 5
Publications Committee - Files, 1973 June-December.
Box 58 Folder 6
Publications Committee - Files, 1974 January-May.
Box 59 Folder 1
Publications Committee - Files, 1974 June-September.
Box 59 Folder 2
Publications Committee - Files, 1974 October-December.
Box 59 Folder 3
Publications Committee - Files, 1975 January-April.
Box 59 Folder 4
Publications Committee - Files (Includes changeover of publishers.), 1975 April-July.
Box 59 Folder 5
Publications Committee - Files (Includes new contract with Pergamon Press.), 1975 August-December.
Box 59 Folder 6
Publications Committee - Files, 1976 January-April.
Box 60 Folder 1
Publications Committee - Files, 1976 May-December.
Box 60 Folder 2
Publications Committee - Files, 1977 January-December.
Box 60 Folder 3
Publications Committee - Files, 1978 January-December.
Box 60 Folder 4
Publications Committee - Files, 1980, 1983.
Box 60 Folder 5
Publications Committee - Files, 1984, 1986.
Box 60 Folder 6

Series Description

Arranged in its original order, this series contains IUPAC's Standing Committees files. The files in this series document the activities of thirteen IUPAC Standing Committees, including, but not limited to, CHEMRAWN (Committee on Chemical Research Applied to World Needs),the Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC), the Committee on Chemistry and Industry (COCI), and the Interdivisional Committee on Nomenclature and Symbols (IDCNS).

The contents of the Standing Committees files consist mainly of correspondence. A variety of other miscellaneous materials, including, but not limited to, papers, legal documents, reports, minutes, and manuscripts are preserved here as well.

Note - Materials in Boxes 69-77 created by the Archives of the Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) were damaged in a fire. A number of fire damaged files were subsequently discarded, hence the large gaps in the numbering. Traces of fire-retardant chemicals may remain on the files in Boxes 69-77 that were preserved.

CHEMRAWN Committee - Files, 1975.
Box 61 Folder 1
CHEMRAWN Committee - Files, 1976.
Box 61 Folder 2
CHEMRAWN Committee - Files, 1977.
Box 61 Folder 3
CHEMRAWN Committee - Files, 1978.
Box 61 Folder 4
CHEMRAWN Committee - Files (Includes "A Directory and Bibliography on the Theme of 'Research and Human Needs'."), 1979.
Box 61 Folder 5
CHEMRAWN Committee - Files, 1980.
Box 61 Folder 6
CHEMRAWN Committee - Files (Includes "Raw Materials for Chemicals and Plastics: Recent Developments in Renewable Raw Material Production and Conversion - Literature Survey."), 1981.
Box 61 Folder 7
CHEMRAWN Committee - CHEMRAWN I Report, 1978.
Box 62 Folder 1
CHEMRAWN Committee - CHEMRAWN I Report (Documents), 1977-1979.
Box 62 Folder 2a
CHEMRAWN Committee - CHEMRAWN I Report (Conference Materials), 1978.
Box 62 Folder 2b
CHEMRAWN Committee - Files, 1982.
Box 63 Folder 1
CHEMRAWN Committee - Files, 1983.
Box 63 Folder 2
CHEMRAWN Committee - Files (Includes CHEMRAWN Finances materials.), 1984.
Box 63 Folder 3
CHEMRAWN Committee - Files - CHEMRAWN Committee Memberships, 1983-1985.
Box 63 Folder 4
CHEMRAWN Committee - Files, 1985.
Box 63 Folder 5
CHEMRAWN Committee - Files, 1986.
Box 63 Folder 6
CHEMRAWN Committee - Files, 1987.
Box 63 Folder 7
CHEMRAWN Committee - Files, 1988.
Box 64 Folder 1
CHEMRAWN Committee - Files, 1989.
Box 64 Folder 2
CHEMRAWN Committee - Files, 1990.
Box 64 Folder 3
CHEMRAWN Committee - Files, 1991.
Box 64 Folder 4
CHEMRAWN Committee - Files, 1992.
Box 64 Folder 5
CCCEP/CCCAMP - Files (Folder 1 of 4.), 1988-1993.
Box 65 Folder 1
CCCEP/CCCAMP - Files (Folder 2 of 4.), 1988-1993.
Box 65 Folder 2
CCCEP/CCCAMP - Files (Folder 3 of 4.), 1988-1993.
Box 65 Folder 3
CCCEP/CCCAMP - Files (Folder 4 of 4.) (Includes material relating to the Interdivisional Ad Hoc Committee on Solid State Chemistry and CCCAMP Finances for 1992-1993.), 1988-1993.
Box 65 Folder 4
Coordinating Committee on Analytical Methods for CEE/IARC - Files, 1970 January-May.
Box 66 Folder 1
Coordinating Committee on Analytical Methods for CEE/IARC - Files, 1970 June-December.
Box 66 Folder 2
Coordinating Committee on Analytical Methods for CEE/IARC - Files, 1971 January-December.
Box 66 Folder 3
Coordinating Committee on Analytical Methods for CEE/IARC - Files, 1972 January-February.
Box 66 Folder 4
Coordinating Committee on Analytical Methods for CEE/IARC - Files, 1972 February-December.
Box 66 Folder 5
Coordinating Committee for CEE/IARC - Files, 1973 January-December.
Box 67 Folder 1
Coordinating Committee for CEE/IARC - Files, 1974 January-November .
Box 67 Folder 2
Coordinating Committee for CEE/IARC - Files, 1975 February-December.
Box 67 Folder 3
Coordinating Committee for CEE/IARC - Files, 1976 January-December.
Box 67 Folder 4
Coordinating Committee for CEE/IARC - Files, 1977 January-September.
Box 67 Folder 5
Coordinating Committee for CEE/IARC - Files, 1978 September.
Box 67 Folder 6
CEE Contracts - CEE Comments Upon IUPAC Contracts - In French, 1966.
Box 68 Folder 1
CEE Contracts - CEE Comments - In French, 1968.
Box 68 Folder 2
CEE Contracts - CEE Comments - In French, 1969.
Box 68 Folder 3
CEE Contracts - CEE Comments - In French (Includes IUPAC and CEE Contracts for 1970 and 1971.), 1970.
Box 68 Folder 4
CEE Contracts - CEE Comments - In French (Includes IUPAC and CEE Contract for 1971.), 1971.
Box 68 Folder 5
CEE Contracts - CEE Comments - In French (Includes IUPAC and CEE Contract for 1972.), 1972.
Box 68 Folder 6
CEE Contracts - CEE Comments - In French (Includes minutes of Coordinating Committee meeting and IUPAC and CEE Contract for 1973.), 1973.
Box 68 Folder 7
CEE Contracts - Files (Includes CEE comments and IUPAC correspondence.), 1976.
Box 68 Folder 8
CEE Contracts - Files (Includes IUPAC and CEE 1976 Contract, CEE comments, and IUPAC correspondence.), 1977.
Box 68 Folder 9
CEE Contracts - Files (Includes CEE Contract Old Methods and IUPAC correspondence.), 1978.
Box 68 Folder 10
CEE General - General Files - 1, 1976-1979.
Box 68 Folder 11
CEE General - General Files - 2, 1980.
Box 68 Folder 12
Archives of the Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - #1 - IUPAC Correspondence with Members and National Representatives, 1970-1977.
Box 69 Folder 1
Archives of the Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - #1 - IUPAC Correspondence with Members and National Representatives (Includes Second Edition of Association of Science Education's "Chemical Nomenclature, Symbols, and Terminology."), 1978 January-December.
Box 69 Folder 2
Archives of the Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - #2 - Correspondence Concerning IUPAC International Seminar, Dublin, Ireland, 1979, 1977 September-1978 December.
Box 69 Folder 3
Archives of the Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - #3 - IUPAC Correspondence with Members and National Representatives, 1979 January-December.
Box 69 Folder 4
Archives of the Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - #15 - UNESCO: University Survey of Chemical Education - Correspondence, 1969-1974.
Box 69 Folder 5
Archives of the Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - #19a - UNESCO Reports, 1977, 1986, undated.
Box 69 Folder 6
Archives of the Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - #20 - Berry Report ("An Investigation into the Extent to Which Student Recruitment into Chemistry at the Tertiary Level is Decreasing in Member Counties," Compiled by Martyn Berry.) (Includes report, addendum, and related correspondence.), 1967-1969.
Box 69 Folder 7
Archives of the Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - #22 - Evaluation in Chemistry - IUPAC Comments 1, 2, 3 - Correspondence, 1967-1971.
Box 69 Folder 8
Archives of the Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - #24 - O'Connor Report - Correspondence, 1965-1966.
Box 69 Folder 9
Archives of the Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - #51 - Correspondence with Chairman (Mostly from Robert Parry.), 1967-1976.
Box 70 Folder 1
Archives of the Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - #53 - Correspondence with Committee, 1967-1975.
Box 70 Folder 2
Archives of the Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - #55 - Correspondence with IUPAC, 1969-1976.
Box 70 Folder 3
Archives of the Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - #56 - Correspondence with Members or National Representatives, 1966-1971.
Box 70 Folder 4
Archives of the Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - #57 - Nomenclature-Atomic Weights (Includes ASE Nomenclature Report.), 1970-1974.
Box 70 Folder 5
Archives of the Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - #59a - IUPAC Reports (Includes Campbell Report on Chemistry Teaching for IUPAC.), 1967-1968.
Box 70 Folder 6
Archives of the Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - #60a - In Service Training Reports, 1970-1971, undated.
Box 70 Folder 7
Archives of the Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - UNESCO Correspondence (Includes papers and reports by Laurence E. Strong and Robert H. Maybury.), 1964-1974.
Box 70 Folder 8
Archives of the Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - "International Co-operation in Chemical Education", undated.
Box 70 Folder 9
Archives of the Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - IUPAC CTC Newsletter Questionnaires, circa 1979.
Box 71 Folder 1
Archives of the Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - IUPAC CTC Various Papers (Papers by Waddington, Illuminati, Frazier, Robinson, and Rao.), 1979-1983, undated.
Box 71 Folder 2
Archives of the Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - IUPAC CTC Book Reviews, 1979-1986.
Box 71 Folder 3
Archives of the Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - IUPAC CTC Committee Meetings (Includes minutes, agendas, and related materials.), 1976-1980.
Box 71 Folder 4
Archives of the Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - Unconfirmed Minutes, 1964-1971.
Box 72 Folder 1
Archives of the Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - IUPAC Committee on Teaching of Chemistry, Oxford, England, United Kingdom, 1969 April 12-13.
Box 72 Folder 2
Archives of the Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - IUPAC Committee on Teaching of Chemistry, Aspen, Colorado, USA, 1970 July 20.
Box 72 Folder 3
Archives of the Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - IUPAC Committee on Teaching of Chemistry, Washington, D.C., USA, 1971 July 19-20.
Box 72 Folder 4
Archives of the Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - Meeting of National Representatives, Washington, D.C., USA, 1971 July 22-23.
Box 72 Folder 5
Archives of the Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - Poland Congress 1972/73 - Correspondence (Includes surveys of national programs for teaching of chemistry.), 1972-1973.
Box 72 Folder 6
Archives of the Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - Poland Congress 1973 Correspondence (Includes program, information brochure, First Circular, and trend paper by M.J. Frazier.), 1972-1973.
Box 73 Folder 1
Archives of the Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - IUPAC Committee on Teaching of Chemistry, Wroclaw, Poland, 1973 September 22-23.
Box 73 Folder 2
Archives of the Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - IUPAC Committee on Teaching of Chemistry, Madrid, Spain, 1975 September 4-5.
Box 73 Folder 3
Archives of the Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - IUPAC, Madrid, Spain, September 1975 - Correspondence (Includes "New Trends IV."), 1975.
Box 73 Folder 4
Archives of the Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - IUPAC Committee on Teaching of Chemistry, Frankfurt, Federal Republic of Germany, 1976 June 18-19.
Box 73 Folder 5
Archives of the Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - IUPAC Committee Meeting, Frankfurt, Federal Republic of Germany, 1976 - Correspondence, 1975-1976.
Box 73 Folder 6
Archives of the Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - Preliminary Report of Dr. R. Morf, July 1963: Surveys on the Teaching of Chemistry at the Universities of Munich, Oxford, Paris, and Prague, 1963.
Box 74 Folder 1
Archives of the Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - "The Effect of Examinations in Determining Chemistry Curricula" - Correspondence, 1965-1968.
Box 74 Folder 2
Archives of the Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - IUPAC/UNESCO Workshop on General Chemistry at University Level - Correspondence on Workshop, 1974-1976.
Box 74 Folder 3
Archives of the Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - Biochemical - Correspondence (Mostly to and from Professor P.N. Campbell. Includes issues of "Biochemical Education."), 1972-1974.
Box 74 Folder 4
Archives of the Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - 6th through 10th ICCE - Various Papers and Programs, 1976-1989.
Box 74 Folder 5
Archives of the Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - Science Safety Manual - Correspondence, Drafts, and Related Materials for "Safety in the School Laboratory", 1982-1988.
Box 74 Folder 6
Archives of the Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - IUPAC Committee on Teaching of Chemistry, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, 1977 August 24, 30-31.
Box 75 Folder 1
Archives of the Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - Dublin Committee Meeting - Background Materials, 1977-1978.
Box 75 Folder 2
Archives of the Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - "Chemical Education in the Seventies," A. Kornhauser, C.N.R. Rao, and D.J. Waddintons, Editors - Typescript, undated.
Box 75 Folder 3
Archives of the Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - Supply of Chemistry Teachers - Correspondence and Tables Related to a Report by Freddie Brown, 1965-1967.
Box 75 Folder 4
Archives of the Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - IUPAC Chemical Nomenclature - Correspondence and Pamphlets (Includes Spanish-language typescript.), 1972-1974.
Box 75 Folder 5
Archives of the Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - International Newsletter of Chemical Education - Sets, 1974-1994.
Box 75 Folder 6
Archives of the Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - Correspondence To and From R.S. Nyholm, Committee Chairman, 1964-1966.
Box 76 Folder 1
Archives of the Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - Correspondence To and From D.G. Chisman, Committee Secretary, 1964-1968.
Box 76 Folder 2
Archives of the Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - Correspondence To and From Peter Sykes, Committee Secretary, 1964-1965.
Box 76 Folder 3
Archives of the Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - UNESCO Source Book on Chemistry - Correspondence Relating To, 1967-1972.
Box 76 Folder 4
Archives of the Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - UNESCO Source Book on Chemistry - Typescript, undated.
Box 76 Folder 5
Archives of the Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - UNESCO Source Book on Chemistry - Corrected Photostat Typescript, circa 1970.
Box 77 Folder 1
Archives of the Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - Berry Report, 1967, 1968.
Box 77 Folder 2
Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - Committee Correspondence, 1970 December-1971 July .
Box 78 Folder 1
Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - Committee Correspondence (Includes "UNESCO/IUPAC Survey of Chemistry Teaching at University Level."), 1971 August-1972 May.
Box 78 Folder 2
Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - Committee Correspondence (Includes "Education and Training in Clinical Chemistry."), 1971 August-1972 December.
Box 78 Folder 3
Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - Committee Correspondence, 1973 January-November.
Box 78 Folder 4
Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - Committee Correspondence, 1973 June-1975 September.
Box 78 Folder 5
Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - Committee Correspondence, 1975 September-1976 October.
Box 79 Folder 1
Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - Committee Correspondence, 1976 November-1978 May.
Box 79 Folder 2
Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - Committee Correspondence, 1978 June-1982 December.
Box 79 Folder 3
Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - Committee Correspondence, 1983 January-1990 December.
Box 79 Folder 4
Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - Committee Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1991 January-1995 December.
Box 80 Folder 1
Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - Committee Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1991 January-1995 December.
Box 80 Folder 2
Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - "Education and Training in Clinical Chemistry" - Draft Typescript, circa 1975.
Box 80 Folder 3
Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (CTC) - "Education and Training in Clinical Chemistry" - Backup Material and Correspondence, 1969-1975.
Box 80 Folder 4
IUB-IUPAB-IUPAC Committee on Biothermodynamics - Committee Correspondence (Includes material on establishment of Joint Committee.), 1970 November-1974 December.
Box 81 Folder 1
IUB-IUPAB-IUPAC Committee on Biothermodynamics - Committee Correspondence, 1975 January-1979 November.
Box 81 Folder 2
IUB-IUPAB-IUPAC Committee on Biothermodynamics - "Recommendations for Measurement and Presentation of Biochemical Equilibrium Data" - Three Drafts and Final Version, 1975, 1976, undated.
Box 81 Folder 3
IUB-IUPAB-IUPAC Committee on Biothermodynamics - Committee Correspondence (Includes "Recommendations for the Presentation of Thermodynamic and Related Data in Biology" and "Calorimetric Measurements on Cellular Systems: Recommendations for Measurements and Presentations of Results."), 1980 January-1986 February.
Box 81 Folder 4
Committee on Chemical Databases (CCDB) - Committee Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1982 July-1989 February.
Box 82 Folder 1
Committee on Chemical Databases (CCDB) - Committee Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1982 July-1989 February.
Box 82 Folder 2
Committee on Chemical Databases (CCDB) - Committee Correspondence (Includes material on ENTVAPOR database.) (Folder 1 of 2.), 1989 March-1991 June.
Box 82 Folder 3
General Note

Contains a 3.5 inch diskette and a floppy disk for this program.

Committee on Chemical Databases (CCDB) - Committee Correspondence (Includes material on Stability Constants database.) (Folder 2 of 2.), 1989 March-1991 June.
Box 82 Folder 4
Committee on Chemical Databases (CCDB) - Committee Correspondence (Includes material on Justice/Conductance database and arrival of email capabilities at the IUPAC Oxford Secretariat.), 1992 March-1993 October.
Box 83 Folder 1
Committee on Chemical Databases (CCDB) - Committee Correspondence - On Miscellaneous Matters, 1991 March-1995 December.
Box 83 Folder 2
Committee on Chemistry and Industry (COCI) - Committee Correspondence (Includes material on establishment of this committee.) (Folder 1 of 3.), 1977 February-1981 May.
Box 84 Folder 1
Committee on Chemistry and Industry (COCI) - Committee Correspondence (Folder 2 of 3.), 1977 February-1981 May.
Box 84 Folder 2
Committee on Chemistry and Industry (COCI) - Committee Correspondence (Folder 3 of 3.), 1977 February-1981 May.
Box 84 Folder 3
Committee on Chemistry and Industry (COCI) - Committee Correspondence (Includes literature surveys.) (Folder 1 of 2.), 1981 June-1987 December.
Box 84 Folder 4
Committee on Chemistry and Industry (COCI) - Committee Correspondence (Includes literature surveys.) (Folder 2 of 2.), 1981 June-1987 December.
Box 84 Folder 5
Committee on Chemistry and Industry (COCI) - Committee Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1988 January-1992 December.
Box 85 Folder 1
Committee on Chemistry and Industry (COCI) - Committee Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1988 January-1992 December.
Box 85 Folder 2
Committee on Chemistry and Industry (COCI) - Committee Correspondence, 1993 February-1996 October.
Box 85 Folder 3
Committee on Chemistry and Industry (COCI) - Steering Committee on Biophysical Chemistry: 1987-1995 - Committee Correspondence, 1987-1995.
Box 85 Folder 4
Interdivisional Committee on Nomenclature and Symbols (IDCNS) - Committee Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1965 May-1976 March.
Box 86 Folder 1
Interdivisional Committee on Nomenclature and Symbols (IDCNS) - Committee Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1965 May-1976 March.
Box 86 Folder 2
Interdivisional Committee on Nomenclature and Symbols (IDCNS) - Committee Correspondence (Includes "Study on the Development of a Network for Terminology Information and Documentation" by Helmut Felber and correspondence concerning nomenclature-related issues.), 1978 January-1979 February.
Box 86 Folder 3
Interdivisional Committee on Nomenclature and Symbols (IDCNS) - Committee Correspondence (Includes BSI Technical Committee material from 1978.), 1979 March-1980 December.
Box 86 Folder 4
Interdivisional Committee on Nomenclature and Symbols (IDCNS) - Committee Correspondence, 1981 January-1985 December.
Box 87 Folder 1
Interdivisional Committee on Nomenclature and Symbols (IDCNS) - Committee Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1986 January-1990 December.
Box 87 Folder 2
Interdivisional Committee on Nomenclature and Symbols (IDCNS) - Committee Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1986 January-1990 December.
Box 87 Folder 3
Related Materials

See also Box 204 Folders 3-4.

IUBMB-IUPAC Joint Commission on Biochemical Nomenclature (JCBN) - Committee Correspondence (Includes copies of "Biochemical Education" and publisher's proof of published nomenclature rules.) (Folder 1 of 2.), 1970 October-1973 December.
Box 88 Folder 1
IUBMB-IUPAC Joint Commission on Biochemical Nomenclature (JCBN) - Committee Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1970 October-1973 December.
Box 88 Folder 2
IUBMB-IUPAC Joint Commission on Biochemical Nomenclature (JCBN) - Committee Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1977 May-1982 December.
Box 88 Folder 3
IUBMB-IUPAC Joint Commission on Biochemical Nomenclature (JCBN) - Committee Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1977 May-1982 December.
Box 88 Folder 4
IUBMB-IUPAC Joint Commission on Biochemical Nomenclature (JCBN) - Committee Correspondence, 1983 January-1984 December.
Box 89 Folder 1
IUBMB-IUPAC Joint Commission on Biochemical Nomenclature (JCBN) - Committee Correspondence, 1985 February-1988 September.
Box 89 Folder 2
IUBMB-IUPAC Joint Commission on Biochemical Nomenclature (JCBN) - Committee Correspondence, 1988 October-1991 December.
Box 89 Folder 3
IUBMB-IUPAC Joint Commission on Biochemical Nomenclature (JCBN) - Committee Correspondence, 1992 January-1995 July.
Box 89 Folder 4
IUPAC-IUB-CBN - Committee Correspondence, 1974 January-1975 December.
Box 90 Folder 1
IUPAC-IUB-CBN - Committee Correspondence (Committee replaced by JCBN.), 1976 January-1977 August.
Box 90 Folder 2
Related Materials

See also Boxes 88-89.

International Committee on Machine Documentation in the Chemical Field - Committee Correspondence (Includes materials from Laboratorie D'Informatique Chemique, Paris, France and Reactiones Organicae, Stuttgart, Federal Republic of Germany.), 1968 December-1971 June.
Box 91 Folder 1
International Committee on Machine Documentation in the Chemical Field - Committee Correspondence (Includes NEWSIDIC Bulletins 1-8.), 1972 September-1973 April.
Box 91 Folder 2
International Committee on Machine Documentation in the Chemical Field - Committee Correspondence, 1973 May-1976 June.
Box 91 Folder 3
International Committee on Machine Documentation in the Chemical Field - Committee Correspondence, 1976 July-1978 April.
Box 91 Folder 4
Ad Hoc Committee Re: Proposed Division of Environmental and Health Chemistry - Committee Correspondence, 1974 October-1977 August .
Box 92 Folder 1
Ad Hoc Interdivisional Working Party on Data Flagging: 1973-1979 - Committee Correspondence, 1973 October-1979 November.
Box 92 Folder 2
Ad Hoc Committee on the Image of Chemistry: 1979-1981 - Committee Correspondence, 1979 November-1981 August.
Box 92 Folder 3

Series Description

This series contains the files of IUPAC's Physical Chemistry Division. Established in 1949, it worked to promote international collaboration between scientists in physical chemistry and related fields. The Physical Chemistry Division was renamed the Physical and Biophysical Chemistry Division in September 2000.

Arranged in its original order, the Physical Chemistry Division files document the activities of a number of bodies that were either formed or placed under the Physical Chemistry Division's oversight. The bodies represented in this series include, but are not limited to, the Commission on Thermodynamics, the Commission on Electrochemistry, and the Commission on Molecular Structure and Spectroscopy.

Correspondence makes up the bulk of the materials found in the Physical Chemistry Division files. A variety of other miscellaneous materials, including, but not limited to, reports, tables, minutes, reprints, and manuscripts are preserved here as well.

Committee (7 binders of correspondence and related materials.), 1972-1976.
Box 93
Committee Correspondence, 1973 January-1975 December.
Box 94 Folder 1
Committee Correspondence, 1976 January-1984 November.
Box 94 Folder 2
Committee Correspondence, 1985 May-1994 March.
Box 94 Folder 3
Commission on Physiochemical Symbols, Terminology, and Units (I.1) - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 3.), 1969 December-1983 June.
Box 95 Folder 1
Commission on Physiochemical Symbols, Terminology, and Units (I.1) - Correspondence (Includes copy of final draft of "Manual of Symbols and Terminology for Physiochemical Quantities and Units," 1973 Edition.) (Folder 2 of 3.), 1973 January-1974 December.
Box 95 Folder 2
Commission on Physiochemical Symbols, Terminology, and Units (I.1) - Correspondence (Includes translations of "Manual of Symbols and Terminology for Physiochemical Quantities and Units" for 1969 and 1973.) (Folder 3 of 3.), 1975 January-1990 July.
Box 95 Folder 3
Subcommittee on Plasma Chemistry - Correspondence, 1973 March-1976 May.
Box 96 Folder 1
Subcommittee on Plasma Chemistry - "Report of the Committee on Standards and Measurements in Plasma Chemistry" - Report #1 (2 copies.), 1977 June.
Box 96 Folder 2
Subcommittee on Plasma Chemistry - "Report of the Committee on Standards and Measurements in Plasma Chemistry" - Report #1, 1977 June.
Box 96 Folder 3
Subcommittee on Plasma Chemistry - Correspondence, 1977 April-1985 July.
Box 96 Folder 4
Commission on Thermodynamics (I.2) - Correspondence, 1971 July-1973 August.
Box 97 Folder 1
Commission on Thermodynamics (I.2) - Correspondence, 1973 November-1976 December.
Box 97 Folder 2
Commission on Thermodynamics (I.2) - Draft Minutes of Meetings Held at Madrid, Spain, September 2-6, 1975, 1975.
Box 97 Folder 3
Commission on Thermodynamics (I.2) - Correspondence (Includes draft minutes of meetings held at Warsaw, Poland, August 13-16, 1977.) (Folder 1 of 2.), 1977 January-1983 November.
Box 97 Folder 4
Commission on Thermodynamics (I.2) - Correspondence (Includes material from a closed Subcommittee on Expression Uncertainties in Thermodynamic Data.) (Folder 2 of 2.), 1977 January-1983 November.
Box 98 Folder 1
Commission on Thermodynamics (I.2) - Correspondence, 1984 January-1992 December.
Box 98 Folder 2
Commission on Thermodynamics (I.2) - Final Report on Vapour-Liquid Equilibria in 1-Alkanol + n-Alkane Mixtures - A Project of Commission I.2 on Thermodynamics Subcommittee on Thermodynamic Data, 1993 October.
Box 98 Folder 2b
Subcommittee on Transport Properties (I.2.1) - Correspondence, 1981 November-1986 June, 1986 August-1990 October.
Box 98 Folder 3
Subcommittee on Transport Properties (I.2.1) - Reprints and Reports of Subcommittee, 1986-1991.
Box 98 Folder 4
Subcommission on Thermodynamic Tables (I.2.2.) - Correspondence, 1975 December.
Box 99 Folder 1
Subcommission on Thermodynamic Tables (I.2.2.) - Tables and Reports (Includes tables on Ethylene, Nitrogen, and Helium-4.) (Folder 1 of 2.), 1972-1975.
Box 99 Folder 2
Subcommission on Thermodynamic Tables (I.2.2.) - Tables and Reports (Folder 2 of 2.), 1972-1975.
Box 99 Folder 3
Subcommission on Thermodynamic Tables (I.2.2.) - Correspondence, 1976 January-1983 September.
Box 99 Folder 4
Subcommission on Thermodynamic Tables (I.2.2.) - Tables and Reports (Includes tables on Methane, Nitrogen-Final, and Propylene.), 1976-1978.
Box 99 Folder 5
Commission on Electrochemistry (I.3) - Correspondence, 1970 May-1971 December.
Box 100 Folder 1
Commission on Electrochemistry (I.3) - Correspondence, 1972 January-1973 June.
Box 100 Folder 2
Commission on Electrochemistry (I.3) - Correspondence (Includes preprints of electrode kinetics data by Professor R. Tamamushi.), 1973 July-December.
Box 100 Folder 3
Commission on Electrochemistry (I.3) - Correspondence, 1974 March-1991 January.
Box 100 Folder 4
Subcommittee on Standard Systems for Electrode Reaction Rates (I.3) - Correspondence, 1989.
Box 100 Folder 5
Commission on Chemical Kinetics (I.4) - Correspondence, 1977 November-1990 April.
Box 101 Folder 1
Subcommittee on Calibration and Test Materials (I.4.1) - Correspondence, 1969 December-1972 December.
Box 101 Folder 2
Subcommittee on Calibration and Test Materials (I.4.1) - Correspondence (Includes reprints.) (Folder 1 of 2.), 1973 March-1982 May.
Box 101 Folder 3
Subcommittee on Calibration and Test Materials (I.4.1) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1973 March-1982 May.
Box 101 Folder 4
Subcommittee on Reference Materials in Chemistry - Correspondence, 1986 July-1991 November.
Box 101 Folder 5
Subcommittee on Physicochemical Measurements and Standards (Dissolved 1987.) - Correspondence, 1982 April-1986 June.
Box 101 Folder 6
Commission on Molecular Structure and Spectroscopy (I.5) - Correspondence, 1960 November-1972 November.
Box 102 Folder 1
Commission on Molecular Structure and Spectroscopy (I.5) - Correspondence, 1973 February-1975 May.
Box 102 Folder 2
Commission on Molecular Structure and Spectroscopy (I.5) - Correspondence (Includes reports.) (Folder 1 of 2.), 1976 January-1993 July.
Box 102 Folder 3
Commission on Molecular Structure and Spectroscopy (I.5) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1976 January-1993 July.
Box 102 Folder 4
Working Party on Referencing and Standardization of Multinuclear NMR Data - Correspondence, 1987.
Box 103 Folder 1
Working Party on Secondary Standards for Intensity Measurements in Infrared Spectroscopy - Correspondence, 1988-1993.
Box 103 Folder 2
Subcommittee on Mass Spectroscopy - Correspondence, 1969-1989.
Box 103 Folder 3
Subcommittee on Infrared and Ramen Spectroscopy - Correspondence, 1975-1993.
Box 103 Folder 4
Subcommittee on Storage and Retrieval of Spectroscopic Data - Correspondence, 1976 April-1980 May.
Box 103 Folder 5
Subcommittee on Chemical Physics of Surfaces - Correspondence, 1979 October-1984 January.
Box 103 Folder 6
Subcommittee on Reporting Gas Adsorption Data - Correspondence, 1979 July-1982 June.
Box 103 Folder 7
Working Party on Data Compilations in Physical Chemistry - Correspondence, 1988 August-1990 May.
Box 103 Folder 8
Subcommittee on Chiroptical Phenomena (ORD-CD) - Correspondence, 1976 August-1983 November.
Box 103 Folder 9
Subcommittee on Catalyst Characterization - Correspondence, 1977-1991.
Box 103 Folder 10
Subcommittee on Characterization of Porous Solids - Correspondence, 1987-1989.
Box 103 Folder 11
Subcommittee on Thin Films - Correspondence, 1986-1993.
Box 103 Folder 12
Colloid and Surface Chemistry - Division I.6 - Correspondence (Includes Manual of Definitions.) (Folder 1 of 2.), 1969 October-1974 December.
Box 104 Folder 1
Colloid and Surface Chemistry - Division I.6 - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1969 October-1974 December.
Box 104 Folder 2
Colloid and Surface Chemistry - Division I.6 - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1975 January-1993 November.
Box 104 Folder 3
Colloid and Surface Chemistry - Division I.6 - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1975 January-1993 November.
Box 104 Folder 4

Series Description

This series contains the files of IUPAC's Inorganic Chemistry Division. Established in 1949, it concerns itself with matters regarding inorganic chemistry, including isotopes, atomic weights, and the periodic table.

Arranged in its original order, the Inorganic Chemistry Division files document the activities of several bodies that were either formed or placed under the Inorganic Chemistry Division's oversight. The bodies represented in this series include, but are not limited to, the Commission on Physiochemical Symbols, Terminology and Units, the Commission on Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry, and the Commission on High Temperature Materials and Solid State Chemistry.

Correspondence makes up the bulk of the materials found in the Inorganic Chemistry Division files. Small amounts of other miscellaneous materials, including manuscripts and papers are preserved here as well.

Committee - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1968 October-1977 June.
Box 105 Folder 1
Committee - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1968 October-1977 June.
Box 105 Folder 2
Committee - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1977 September-1989 November.
Box 105 Folder 3
Committee - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1977 September-1989 November.
Box 105 Folder 4
Commission on Atomic Weights and Isotropic Abundances (CAWIA - II.1) - Correspondence, 1987 February-1989 October.
Box 106 Folder 1
Related Materials

See also Boxes 202-204.

Commission on Atomic Weights and Isotropic Abundances (CAWIA - II.1) - Correspondence, 1990 January-1993 August.
Box 106 Folder 2
Related Materials

See also Boxes 202-204.

Working Party on Measurements, Sensors, and Measuring Instruments (II.1) - Correspondence, 1987 January-1989 July.
Box 106 Folder 3
Commission on Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (II.2) - Correspondence (Includes proof corrections and comments for Red Book and naming controversy for Elements 104 and 105.) (Folder 1 of 2.), 1971 January-December.
Box 106 Folder 4
General Note

"Correspondence" routinely includes draft versions of rules under discussion. See also Box 134 for more material relating to the CEE.

Commission on Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (II.2) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1971 January-December.
Box 106 Folder 5
General Note

"Correspondence" routinely includes draft versions of rules under discussion. See also Box 134 for more material relating to the CEE.

Commission on Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (II.2) - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1972 January-December.
Box 107 Folder 1
Commission on Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (II.2) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1972 January-December.
Box 107 Folder 2
Commission on Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (II.2) - Correspondence (Includes Russian view of the transuranium controversy.) (Folder 1 of 2.), 1973 January-December.
Box 107 Folder 3
Commission on Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (II.2) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1973 January-December.
Box 107 Folder 4
Commission on Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (II.2) - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1974 January-1975 February.
Box 108 Folder 1
Commission on Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (II.2) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1974 January-1975 February.
Box 108 Folder 2
Commission on Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (II.2) - Correspondence (Topics include naming schemes for elements above 105 and election of Commission Chairman.), 1975 March-1976 February.
Box 108 Folder 3
Related Materials

See also Box 202 Folders 1-6.

Commission on Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (II.2) - Correspondence, 1976 March-December.
Box 108 Folder 4
Commission on Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (II.2) - Correspondence, 1977 January-October.
Box 109 Folder 1
Commission on Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (II.2) - Documents Relating to Section G of the Organic Rules (Includes correspondence.), 1977.
Box 109 Folder 2
Commission on Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (II.2) - Correspondence, 1977 November-1978 June.
Box 109 Folder 3
Commission on Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (II.2) - Correspondence, 1978 July-1979 June.
Box 109 Folder 4
Commission on Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (II.2) - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1979 July-1980 August.
Box 110 Folder 1
Commission on Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (II.2) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1979 July-1980 August.
Box 110 Folder 2
Commission on Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (II.2) - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1980 September-1982 September.
Box 110 Folder 3
Commission on Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (II.2) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1980 September-1982 September.
Box 110 Folder 4
Commission on Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (II.2) - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1982 October-1983 October.
Box 111 Folder 1
Commission on Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (II.2) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1982 October-1983 October.
Box 111 Folder 2
Commission on Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (II.2) - Correspondence, 1983 November-1986 December.
Box 111 Folder 3
Commission on Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (II.2) - Correspondence (Includes material on a revised periodic table and cooperation with IUCr.) (Folder 1 of 2.), 1987 January-1991 November.
Box 111 Folder 4
Commission on Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (II.2) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1987 January-1991 November.
Box 111 Folder 5
Commission on Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (II.2) - Materials Relating to the 2nd Edition of "The Red Book" (Includes correspondence, papers, and partial drafts.), 1963-1973.
Box 112 Folder 1
Commission on Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (II.2) - Dr. Silverman's Films - Correspondence, 1949, 1958, 1972-1974.
Box 112 Folder 2
Commission on Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (II.2) - ISO and Heteropolyacids - Correspondence and Drafts of Papers, 1954, 1959-1969.
Box 112 Folder 3
Commission on Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (II.2) - Atomic Weight - Correspondence, 1961-1963, 1970.
Box 112 Folder 4
Commission on Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (II.2) - Berthollides - Correspondence Relating to Their Nomenclature, 1958, 1966-1969, undated.
Box 112 Folder 5
Commission on Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (II.2) - Names and Symbols of Elements - Correspondence, 1947-1973.
Box 112 Folder 6
Commission on Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (II.2) - General Correspondence, 1966-1973.
Box 112 Folder 7
Commission on Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (II.2) - Stereochemistry - Correspondence, 1964-1969.
Box 113 Folder 1
Commission on Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (II.2) - Interdivisional Committee - Correspondence, 1965-1973.
Box 113 Folder 2
Commission on Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (II.2) - Organic Commission - Correspondence, 1961-1969.
Box 113 Folder 3
Commission on Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (II.2) - Joint Sub-Commission (Sub-Commission on Organic Derivatives of the Elements II.2.1) - Correspondence, 1956, 1960-1972.
Box 113 Folder 4
Commission on Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (II.2) - Coordination Compounds - Correspondence Relating To, 1964-1971.
Box 113 Folder 5
Commission on Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (II.2) - Organometallic Compounds - Correspondence Relating To, 1961-1971.
Box 113 Folder 6
Commission on Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (II.2) - Section D. Silicon - Correspondence Relating To, 1962-1971.
Box 114 Folder 1
Commission on Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (II.2) - Section D. Rings and Chains - Correspondence Relating To, 1965-1971.
Box 114 Folder 2
Commission on Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (II.2) - Section D. Boron - Correspondence Relating To, 1964-1971.
Box 114 Folder 3
Commission on Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (II.2) - Section D. Phosphorus - Correspondence Relating To, 1954-1971.
Box 114 Folder 4
Commission on High Temperature Materials and Solid State Chemistry (II.3) - Correspondence (Includes reprints.), 1970 December-1979 November.
Box 115 Folder 1
Commission on High Temperature Materials and Solid State Chemistry (II.3) - Correspondence (Includes reprints.) (Folder 1 of 2.), 1980 January-1994 January.
Box 115 Folder 2
Commission on High Temperature Materials and Solid State Chemistry (II.3) - Correspondence (Includes material on the Fullerene Working Party.) (Folder 2 of 2.), 1980 January-1994 January.
Box 115 Folder 3
High Temperature and Refractory Materials (II.3) - Correspondence To and From G.D. Rieck, Secretary, 1970-1979.
Box 115 Folder 4
Subcommittee on Characterization and Terminology of Carbon and Graphite (II.3) - Correspondence, 1982 January-1987 December.
Box 115 Folder 5

Series Description

This series contains the files of IUPAC's Organic Chemistry Division. Established in 1949, it worked to promote the goals of IUPAC in the field of organic chemistry. The Organic Chemistry Division was renamed the Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry Division in 1999.

Arranged in its original order, the Organic Chemistry Division files document the activities of several bodies that were either formed or placed under the Organic Chemistry Division's oversight. The bodies represented in this series include the Commission on Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry and the Commission on Physical Organic Chemistry. Two files regarding the Organic Chemistry Division Archives are also present here.

Correspondence makes up the bulk of the materials found in the Organic Chemistry Division files. Preprints, papers, and draft versions of rules are preserved in this series as well.

Organic Chemistry Division - Archives - Correspondence (Mostly in French.), 1935-1940.
Box 116 Folder 1
Organic Chemistry Division - Archives - Correspondence (Mostly concerning division publications and their availability.), 1961-1970.
Box 116 Folder 2
Committee - Correspondence (Includes correspondence between Paul D. Bartlett and Sir Derek Barton.), 1964 November-1976 November.
Box 116 Folder 3
Committee - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1977 January-1992 November.
Box 116 Folder 4
Committee - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1977 January-1992 November.
Box 116 Folder 5
Subcommittee on Scientific Aspects of the Destruction of Chemical Warfare Agents - Correspondence, 1991-1995.
Box 117 Folder 1
Commission on Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry (III.1) - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1971 July-1973 May.
Box 117 Folder 2
Commission on Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry (III.1) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1971 July-1973 May.
Box 117 Folder 3
Commission on Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry (III.1) - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1973 June-1976 December.
Box 117 Folder 4
Commission on Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry (III.1) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1973 June-1976 December.
Box 117 Folder 5
Commission on Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry (III.1) - Correspondence (Includes a series of preprints by P.E. Verkade from "A History of the Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry.") (Folder 1 of 4.), 1977 January-August.
Box 118 Folder 1
Commission on Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry (III.1) - Correspondence (Contains Section G: "General Rules for a Structure-Based Substitutive Nomenclature.") (Folder 2 of 4.), 1977 January-August.
Box 118 Folder 2
Commission on Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry (III.1) - Correspondence (Contains Appendix Part I of Section G: "General Rules for a Structure-Based Substitutive Nomenclature.") (Folder 3 of 4.), 1977 January-August.
Box 118 Folder 3
Commission on Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry (III.1) - Correspondence (Contains Appendix Part II of Section G: "General Rules for a Structure-Based Substitutive Nomenclature.") (Folder 4 of 4.), 1977 January-August.
Box 118 Folder 4
Commission on Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry (III.1) - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1977 August-1978 December.
Box 118 Folder 5
Commission on Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry (III.1) - Correspondence (Contains Professor William Klyne's file on F Rules.) (Folder 2 of 2.), 1977 August-1978 December.
Box 118 Folder 6
Commission on Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry (III.1) - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1979 January-1987 July.
Box 119 Folder 1
Commission on Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry (III.1) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1979 January-1987 July.
Box 119 Folder 2
Commission on Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry (III.1) - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1987 August-1995 December.
Box 119 Folder 3
Commission on Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry (III.1) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1987 August-1995 December.
Box 119 Folder 4
Commission on Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry (III.1) - Secretarial Correspondence (Correspondence to and from E.W. Godly, then-secretary of the Commission on Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry.) (Folder 1 of 2.), 1990.
Box 120 Folder 1
Commission on Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry (III.1) - Secretarial Correspondence (Correspondence to and from E.W. Godly, then-secretary of the Commission on Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry.) (Folder 2 of 2.), 1990.
Box 120 Folder 2
Commission on Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry (III.1) - Secretarial Correspondence (Correspondence to and from E.W. Godly, then-secretary of the Commission on Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry.) (Folder 1 of 2.), 1991.
Box 120 Folder 3
Commission on Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry (III.1) - Secretarial Correspondence (Correspondence to and from E.W. Godly, then-secretary of the Commission on Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry.) (Folder 2 of 2.), 1991.
Box 120 Folder 4
Commission on Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry (III.1) - Secretarial Correspondence (Correspondence to and from E.W. Godly, then-secretary of the Commission on Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry.) (Folder 1 of 3.), 1992.
Box 121 Folder 1
Commission on Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry (III.1) - Secretarial Correspondence (Correspondence to and from E.W. Godly, then-secretary of the Commission on Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry.) (Folder 2 of 3.), 1992.
Box 121 Folder 2
Commission on Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry (III.1) - Secretarial Correspondence (Correspondence to and from E.W. Godly, then-secretary of the Commission on Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry.) (Folder 3 of 3.), 1992.
Box 121 Folder 3
Commission on Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry (III.1) - Secretarial Correspondence (Correspondence to and from E.W. Godly, then-secretary of the Commission on Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry.) (Folder 1 of 2.), 1993.
Box 122 Folder 1
Commission on Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry (III.1) - Secretarial Correspondence (Correspondence to and from E.W. Godly, then-secretary of the Commission on Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry.) (Folder 2 of 2.), 1993.
Box 122 Folder 2
Commission on Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry (III.1) - Secretarial Correspondence (Correspondence to and from E.W. Godly, then-secretary of the Commission on Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry.) (Folder 1 of 2.), 1994.
Box 122 Folder 3
Commission on Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry (III.1) - Secretarial Correspondence (Correspondence to and from E.W. Godly, then-secretary of the Commission on Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry.) (Folder 2 of 2.), 1994.
Box 122 Folder 4
Commission on Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry (III.1) - Secretarial Correspondence (Correspondence to and from E.W. Godly, then-secretary of the Commission on Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry.) (Folder 1 of 2.), 1995.
Box 123 Folder 1
Commission on Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry (III.1) - Secretarial Correspondence (Correspondence to and from E.W. Godly, then-secretary of the Commission on Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry.) (Folder 2 of 2.), 1995.
Box 123 Folder 2
Commission on Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry (III.1) - Secretarial Correspondence (Correspondence to and from E.W. Godly, then-secretary of the Commission on Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry.), 1996.
Box 123 Folder 3
Commission on Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry (III.1) - Nomenclature Queries: 1989-1995 - Correspondence, 1989-1995.
Box 123 Folder 4
Subcommittee on Stereochemical Terminology (III.1) - Correspondence (An exchange of letters regarding the staffing of this working party.), 1985-1986.
Box 124 Folder 1
Related Materials

See also Box 124 Folders 4-5.

Commission on Physical Organic Chemistry (III.2) - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1972 December-1979 December.
Box 124 Folder 2
Commission on Physical Organic Chemistry (III.2) - Correspondence (Includes "Glossary of Terms used in Physical Organic Chemistry" by Victor Gold and a draft version of same.) (Folder 2 of 2.), 1972 December-1979 December.
Box 124 Folder 3
Commission on Physical Organic Chemistry (III.2) - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1980 January-1992 November.
Box 124 Folder 4
Commission on Physical Organic Chemistry (III.2) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1980 January-1992 November.
Box 124 Folder 5

Series Description

This series contains the files of IUPAC's Macromolecular Division. Founded in 1967, this division concerned itself with the science and technology of macromolecules and polymers. The Macromolecular Division was renamed the Polymer Division in 2004.

Arranged in its original order, the Macromolecular Chemistry Division files mainly document the activities of several bodies that were either formed or placed under the Macromolecular Chemistry Division's oversight. The bodies represented in this series include the division's Committee, the Commission on Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry, and several Working Parties. Three files regarding reports published in Pure Applied Chemistry are also present here.

Correspondence makes up the bulk of the materials found in the Macromolecular Chemistry Division files. Report manuscripts are preserved here as well.

Committee - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1961 January-1970 December.
Box 125 Folder 1
Committee - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1961 January-1970 December.
Box 125 Folder 2
Committee - Correspondence, 1971 January-1973 March.
Box 125 Folder 3
Committee - Correspondence, 1973 April-December.
Box 125 Folder 4
Committee - Correspondence, 1974 January-1975 August.
Box 125 Folder 5
Committee - Correspondence, 1975 September-1977 December.
Box 126 Folder 1
Committee - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1978 January-1985 July.
Box 126 Folder 2
Committee - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1978 January-1985 July.
Box 126 Folder 3
Committee - Correspondence, 1985 August-1990 November.
Box 126 Folder 4
3 Reports Published in Pure Applied Chemistry (1989) - Material Re: Purple Book, 1987-1988.
Box 127 Folder 1
General Note

Includes the following documents: - "Source-Based Nomenclature for Nonlinear Polymers and Polymer Blends" - 4th Draft (August 1988) - "Classification and Definitions of Polymerization Reactions" - 4th Draft (August 1988) - "Structure-Based Nomenclature for Irregular Polymers" (July 1988 and June 1988) - "Liquid Crystals" - Manuscript (1988) - "Nomenclature of Regular Double-Strand Organic Polymers" - Draft 3 (July 1988) - "Basic Classification of Polymer Reactions" (September 1987)

3 Reports Published in Pure Applied Chemistry (1989) - Material Re: Purple Book - "A Classification of Linear Single-Strand Polymers" - Correspondence and Related Documents, 1985-1989.
Box 127 Folder 2
3 Reports Published in Pure Applied Chemistry (1989) - Material Re: Purple Book - "Definitions of Terms Relating to Crystalline Polymers", 1985-1988.
Box 127 Folder 3
Commission on Macromolecular Nomenclature (IV.1) - Correspondence, 1946-1950.
Box 127 Folder 4
General Note

Includes correspondence to and from Herman Mark, some of which concerns the establishment of benchmark measurements for styrene. Mostly written in French.

Commission on Macromolecular Nomenclature (IV.1) - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1968 March-1975 August.
Box 127 Folder 5
Commission on Macromolecular Nomenclature (IV.1) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1968 March-1975 August.
Box 127 Folder 6
Commission on Macromolecular Nomenclature (IV.1) - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1975 September-1985 December.
Box 128 Folder 1
Commission on Macromolecular Nomenclature (IV.1) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1975 September-1985 December.
Box 128 Folder 2
Commission on Macromolecular Nomenclature (IV.1) - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1986 January-1991 October.
Box 128 Folder 3
Commission on Macromolecular Nomenclature (IV.1) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1986 January-1991 October.
Box 128 Folder 4
Commission on Macromolecular Nomenclature (IV.1) - Correspondence, 1992 January-1995 November.
Box 128 Folder 5
Commission on Macromolecular Nomenclature (IV.1) - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1973 December-1986 September.
Box 129 Folder 1
Commission on Macromolecular Nomenclature (IV.1) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1973 December-1986 September.
Box 129 Folder 2
Working Party on Structure and Properties of Commercial Polymers - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1975 August-1986 August.
Box 129 Folder 3
Working Party on Structure and Properties of Commercial Polymers - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1975 August-1986 August.
Box 129 Folder 4
Working Party on Surface Properties of Films and Fibres - Correspondence, 1979 January-1983 August.
Box 129 Folder 5
Working Party on Molecular Characterization of Commercial Polymers - Correspondence, 1976 February-1991 November.
Box 129 Folder 6
Working Party on Polymer Liquid Crystals - Correspondence, 1986.
Box 129 Folder 7
Working Party on Interactions of Polymers with Living Systems - Correspondence, 1986-1993.
Box 129 Folder 8

Series Description

This series contains the files of IUPAC's Analytical Chemistry Division. Established in 1949, it concerns itself with the general aspects of analytical chemistry, including separation methods, spectrochemical methods, electrochemical methods, nuclear chemistry methods, and applications to human health and the environment.

Arranged in its original order, the Analytical Chemistry Division files mainly document the activities of several bodies that were either formed or placed under the Analytical Chemistry Division's oversight. The bodies represented in this series include the division's Committee, the Commission on General Aspects of Analytical Chemistry, the Commission on Microchemical Techniques and Trace Analyses, and the Commission on Electroanalytical Chemistry. Several files regarding reports circulated to the Analytical Chemistry Division's Committee members, which concern various topics, are also preserved here.

Correspondence makes up the bulk of the materials found in the Analytical Chemistry Division files. A significant number of reports are also found in this series. Small amounts of other miscellaneous materials, including publications and papers, are preserved here as well.

Note - For material on the Compendium of Analytical Nomenclature, produced by the Analytical Chemistry Division in 1976, see Box 199 Folders 1-3.

Committee - Correspondence (Includes 1962 version of General Rules for this Section.) (Folder 1 of 2.), 1968 February-1971 December.
Box 130 Folder 1
Committee - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1968 February-1971 December.
Box 130 Folder 2
Committee - Correspondence, 1972 January-May.
Box 130 Folder 3
Committee - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1973 January-1974 February.
Box 130 Folder 4
Committee - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1973 January-1974 February.
Box 130 Folder 5
Committee - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1974 March-December.
Box 131 Folder 1
Committee - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1974 March-December.
Box 131 Folder 2
Committee - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1975 January-1977 April.
Box 131 Folder 3
Committee - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1975 January-1977 April.
Box 131 Folder 4
Committee - Correspondence, 1977 May-1981 July.
Box 131 Folder 5
Committee - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1981 August-1986 November.
Box 132 Folder 1
Committee - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1981 August-1986 November.
Box 132 Folder 2
Committee - Correspondence, 1987 January-1991 December.
Box 132 Folder 3
Working Party on Harmonization of Quality Assurance Schemes for Analytical Laboratories - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1988 June-1991 March.
Box 133 Folder 1
Working Party on Harmonization of Quality Assurance Schemes for Analytical Laboratories - Correspondence (Includes a history of the IUPAC/ISO/AOAC Harmonization Programme.) (Folder 2 of 2.), 1988 June-1991 March.
Box 133 Folder 2
Working Party on Harmonization of Quality Assurance Schemes for Analytical Laboratories - Correspondence, 1991 May-June.
Box 133 Folder 3
Interdivisional Working Party on Harmonization of Quality Assurance Schemes for Analytical Laboratories - Correspondence (Includes Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Harmonization of Quality Assurance Systems in Chemical Analysis, Geneva, Switzerland, May 2-3, 1991), 1989 February-1991 July.
Box 133 Folder 4
Commission on General Aspects of Analytical Chemistry (V.1) - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1967 December-1973 January.
Box 134 Folder 1
General Note

Together with the Inorganic Chemistry Division, the Analytical Chemistry Division undertook a series of contracts for the European Common Market to determine exact methods for determining composition of compounds. See also Boxes 106-111 for material relating to the CEE project.

Commission on General Aspects of Analytical Chemistry (V.1) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1967 December-1973 January.
Box 134 Folder 2
Commission on General Aspects of Analytical Chemistry (V.1) - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1973 April-1975 December.
Box 134 Folder 3
Commission on General Aspects of Analytical Chemistry (V.1) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1973 April-1975 December.
Box 134 Folder 4
Commission on General Aspects of Analytical Chemistry (V.1) - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1976 January-1980 May.
Box 134 Folder 5
Commission on General Aspects of Analytical Chemistry (V.1) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1976 January-1980 May.
Box 134 Folder 6
Commission on General Aspects of Analytical Chemistry (V.1) - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1980 June-1982 June.
Box 135 Folder 1
Commission on General Aspects of Analytical Chemistry (V.1) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1980 June-1982 June.
Box 135 Folder 2
Commission on General Aspects of Analytical Chemistry (V.1) - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1982 July-1985 June.
Box 135 Folder 3
Commission on General Aspects of Analytical Chemistry (V.1) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1982 July-1985 June.
Box 135 Folder 4
Commission on General Aspects of Analytical Chemistry (V.1) - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1985 July-1987 December.
Box 136 Folder 1
Commission on General Aspects of Analytical Chemistry (V.1) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1985 July-1987 December.
Box 136 Folder 2
Commission on General Aspects of Analytical Chemistry (V.1) - Correspondence (Includes copy of Report on Chemometrics.) (Folder 1 of 2.), 1988 January-1993 January.
Box 136 Folder 3
Related Materials

See also Box 137 Folder 1 for correspondence.

Commission on General Aspects of Analytical Chemistry (V.1) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1988 January-1993 January.
Box 136 Folder 4
Working Party on Chemometrics (V.1) - Correspondence, 1986-1990.
Box 137 Folder 1
Related Materials

See also Box 136 Folder 3 for report.

Commission on Microchemical Techniques and Trace Analyses (V.2) - Correspondence (Includes material from Pesticide Residue Analysis Commission.), 1963-1966, 1968.
Box 137 Folder 2
Commission on Microchemical Techniques and Trace Analyses (V.2) - Correspondence, 1970 January-1971 December.
Box 137 Folder 3
Commission on Microchemical Techniques and Trace Analyses (V.2) - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1972 January-1975 September.
Box 137 Folder 4
Commission on Microchemical Techniques and Trace Analyses (V.2) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1972 January-1975 September.
Box 137 Folder 5
Commission on Microchemical Techniques and Trace Analyses (V.2) - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1975 October-1986 March.
Box 138 Folder 1
Commission on Microchemical Techniques and Trace Analyses (V.2) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1975 October-1986 March.
Box 138 Folder 2
Commission on Microchemical Techniques and Trace Analyses (V.2) - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1986 April-1990 November.
Box 138 Folder 3
Commission on Microchemical Techniques and Trace Analyses (V.2) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1986 April-1990 November.
Box 138 Folder 4
Commission on Microchemical Techniques and Trace Analyses (V.2) - Correspondence, 1990 December-1993 March.
Box 138 Folder 5
Commission on Separation Methods in Analytical Chemistry (V.3) - Correspondence (Includes discussion of Molarity vs. Normality issue.) (Folder 1 of 2.), 1967 September-1971 April.
Box 139 Folder 1
Commission on Separation Methods in Analytical Chemistry (V.3) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1967 September-1971 April.
Box 139 Folder 2
Commission on Separation Methods in Analytical Chemistry (V.3) - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1971 April-1973 July.
Box 139 Folder 3
Commission on Separation Methods in Analytical Chemistry (V.3) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1971 April-1973 July.
Box 139 Folder 4
Commission on Separation Methods in Analytical Chemistry (V.3) - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1973 September-1975 August.
Box 140 Folder 1
Commission on Separation Methods in Analytical Chemistry (V.3) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1973 September-1975 August.
Box 140 Folder 2
Commission on Separation Methods in Analytical Chemistry (V.3) - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1975 September-1984 December.
Box 140 Folder 3
Commission on Separation Methods in Analytical Chemistry (V.3) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1975 September-1984 December.
Box 140 Folder 4
Commission on Separation Methods in Analytical Chemistry (V.3) - Correspondence, 1985 January-1994 June.
Box 140 Folder 5
Commission on Spectrochemical and Other Optical Procedures for Analysis (V.4) - Correspondence (Includes correspondence from the year 1946 and a copy of "Suggested Definitions of Terms used in Spectrographic Analysis," Spectrographic Discussion Group, Glasgow, Scotland, 1946.) (Folder 1 of 2.), 1967 October-1971 May.
Box 141 Folder 1
Commission on Spectrochemical and Other Optical Procedures for Analysis (V.4) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1967 October-1971 May.
Box 141 Folder 2
Commission on Spectrochemical and Other Optical Procedures for Analysis (V.4) - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1971 June-1975 December.
Box 141 Folder 3
Commission on Spectrochemical and Other Optical Procedures for Analysis (V.4) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1971 June-1975 December.
Box 141 Folder 4
Commission on Spectrochemical and Other Optical Procedures for Analysis (V.4) - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1976 January-1982 December.
Box 142 Folder 1
Commission on Spectrochemical and Other Optical Procedures for Analysis (V.4) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1976 January-1982 December.
Box 142 Folder 2
Commission on Spectrochemical and Other Optical Procedures for Analysis (V.4) - Correspondence, 1983 January-1987 June.
Box 142 Folder 3
Commission on Spectrochemical and Other Optical Procedures for Analysis (V.4) - S.I. Units - Correspondence and Reprints (The International System of Units [S.I.] is the recommended form of the metric system as put forth by the General Conference on Weights and Measures in 1960.), 1973-1974.
Box 142 Folder 4
Commission on Electroanalytical Chemistry (V.5) - Correspondence, 1967 November-1970 November.
Box 143 Folder 1
Commission on Electroanalytical Chemistry (V.5) - Correspondence, 1970 November-1973 January.
Box 143 Folder 2
Commission on Electroanalytical Chemistry (V.5) - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1973 January-1976 December.
Box 143 Folder 3
Commission on Electroanalytical Chemistry (V.5) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1973 January-1976 December.
Box 143 Folder 4
Commission on Electroanalytical Chemistry (V.5) - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1977 January-1981 August.
Box 143 Folder 5
Commission on Electroanalytical Chemistry (V.5) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1977 January-1981 August.
Box 143 Folder 6
Commission on Electroanalytical Chemistry (V.5) - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1981 August-1983 July.
Box 144 Folder 1
Commission on Electroanalytical Chemistry (V.5) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1981 August-1983 July.
Box 144 Folder 2
Commission on Electroanalytical Chemistry (V.5) - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1983 July-1986 May.
Box 144 Folder 3
Commission on Electroanalytical Chemistry (V.5) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1983 July-1986 May.
Box 144 Folder 4
Commission on Electroanalytical Chemistry (V.5) - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1986 June-1988 July.
Box 145 Folder 1
Commission on Electroanalytical Chemistry (V.5) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1986 June-1988 July.
Box 145 Folder 2
Commission on Electroanalytical Chemistry (V.5) - Correspondence, 1989 July-1991 December.
Box 145 Folder 3
Commission on Equilibrium Data (V.6) - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1971 July-1973 August.
Box 145 Folder 4
Commission on Equilibrium Data (V.6) - Correspondence (Contains three long reports by G. Anderegg and Y. Marcus, all from 1973.) (Folder 2 of 2.), 1971 July-1973 August.
Box 145 Folder 5
Commission on Equilibrium Data (V.6) - Correspondence, 1974 January-1979 December.
Box 146 Folder 1
Commission on Equilibrium Data (V.6) - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1980 January-1991 December.
Box 146 Folder 2
Commission on Equilibrium Data (V.6) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1980 January-1991 December.
Box 146 Folder 3
Commission on Equilibrium Data (V.6) - Working Papers of Secretary (Received from Dr. F.J.C. Rossotti, August 20, 1990.) (Folder 1 of 2.), circa 1965-1973.
Box 147 Folder 1
Commission on Equilibrium Data (V.6) - Working Papers of Secretary (Folder 2 of 2.), circa 1965-1973.
Box 147 Folder 2
Subcommittee on Stability Constant Data (V.6) - Correspondence, 1976 June-1993 August.
Box 147 Folder 3
Solubility Data (V.6.1) - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1973 May-1975 December.
Box 148 Folder 1
Solubility Data (V.6.1) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1973 May-1975 December.
Box 148 Folder 2
Solubility Data (V.6.1) - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1976 January-1979 August.
Box 148 Folder 3
Solubility Data (V.6.1) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1976 January-1979 August.
Box 148 Folder 4
Commission on Radiochemistry and Nuclear Technique (V.7) - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1967 September-1973 January.
Box 149 Folder 1
Commission on Radiochemistry and Nuclear Technique (V.7) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1967 September-1973 January.
Box 149 Folder 2
Commission on Radiochemistry and Nuclear Technique (V.7) - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1973 February-1986 September.
Box 149 Folder 3
Commission on Radiochemistry and Nuclear Technique (V.7) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1973 February-1986 September .
Box 149 Folder 4
Commission on Radiochemistry and Nuclear Technique (V.7) - Correspondence, 1987 January-1990 September.
Box 149 Folder 5
Commission on Solubility Data (V.8) - Correspondence, 1979 September-1983 December.
Box 150 Folder 1
Related Materials

See also Box 148.

Commission on Solubility Data (V.8) - Correspondence, 1984 January-1992 December.
Box 150 Folder 2
Related Materials

See also Box 148.

Commission on Environmental Analytical Chemistry (V.9) - Subcommittee on Environmental Interphases - Correspondence, 1985-1994.
Box 150 Folder 3
Reports Circulated to Division Committee Members - Chemical Sensors. Definitions and Classifications, 1989-1990.
Box 151 Folder 1
General Note

These reports are all dated 1989-1990 and were addressed to Ann Troughton, Deputy Executive Secretary, IUPAC.

Reports Circulated to Division Committee Members - Standards and Calibration Methods for Surface Analyses - Part 1, 1989-1990.
Box 151 Folder 2
Reports Circulated to Division Committee Members - Laser Ionisation of Sputtered Atoms, 1989-1990.
Box 151 Folder 3
Reports Circulated to Division Committee Members - Complexation of Metal Ions with Organic Polyelectrolytes - Part 1, Part 2, Part 5, Part 6, and Part 7, 1989-1990.
Box 151 Folder 4
Reports Circulated to Division Committee Members - Complexation of Metal Ions with Organic Polyelectrolytes - Part 3, 1989-1990.
Box 151 Folder 5
Reports Circulated to Division Committee Members - Complexation of Metal Ions with Organic Polyelectrolytes - Part 4, 1989-1990.
Box 151 Folder 6
Reports Circulated to Division Committee Members - Radioanalytical Procedures for the Determination of Trace Compounds in Biological Systems - Parts 1-6, 1989-1990.
Box 151 Folder 7
Reports Circulated to Division Committee Members - Radiolabeling of Monoclonal Antibodies with Metal Chelates (Cover sheet only with notation "Published March 91".), 1989-1990.
Box 151 Folder 8
Reports Circulated to Division Committee Members - Preparation of Biological Samples for Microscopy, 1989-1990.
Box 151 Folder 9
Reports Circulated to Division Committee Members - Separation and Preconcentration of Trace Elements and Their Forms Using Inert Solid Membranes, 1989-1990.
Box 151 Folder 10
Reports Circulated to Division Committee Members - Determination of Arsenic Species in Biological and Environmental Samples, 1989-1990.
Box 151 Folder 11
Reports Circulated to Division Committee Members - Critical Review of Neutron Activation Techniques for the Determination of Trace Elements in Dust, Ashes, and Sludges, 1989-1990.
Box 151 Folder 12
Reports Circulated to Division Committee Members - Critical Survey of the Stability Constants of Complexes of Glycine (Cover sheet only bearing the notation "Published April 91."), 1989-1990.
Box 151 Folder 13
Reports Circulated to Division Committee Members - Present Status and Perspectives of Organic Analytical Reagents Part 1: Organic Analytical Agents in Electrolysis, 1989-1990.
Box 151 Folder 14
Reports Circulated to Division Committee Members - Present Status and Perspectives of Organic Analytical Reagents Part 2: Organic Analytical Agents in Atomic Spectroscopy, 1989-1990.
Box 151 Folder 15

Series Description

This series contains the files of IUPAC's Applied Chemistry Division. Established in 1949, it concerned itself with a number of areas of applied chemistry, including food preservation, fermentation, oils and fats, industrial hygiene, wood products, and pollution chemistry. The Applied Chemistry Division was reconstituted and renamed the Chemistry and the Environment Division in 1996.

Arranged in its original order, the Applied Chemistry Division files mainly document the activities of several bodies that were either formed or placed under the Applied Chemistry Division's oversight. The bodies represented in this series include the division's Committee, the Commission of Food Chemistry, the Oil and Fat Section, the Commission on Atmospheric Environment, and the Pesticides Section.

Correspondence makes up the bulk of the materials found in the Applied Chemistry Division files. Other miscellaneous materials, including reports, papers, manuscripts, minutes, and glossaries are preserved in this series as well.

Note - Commission on Food Chemistry records from January 1983 to August 1985 are missing and presumed lost.

Committee - Correspondence, 1968 July-1971 November.
Box 152 Folder 1
Committee - Correspondence, 1971 October-1973 December.
Box 152 Folder 2
Committee - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1974 January-1976 June.
Box 152 Folder 3
Committee - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1974 January-1976 June.
Box 152 Folder 4
Committee - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1976 July-1978 December.
Box 152 Folder 5
Committee - Correspondence (Includes accumulated correspondence from the Trivial Names Project up to August 3, 1976.) (Folder 2 of 2.), 1976 July-1978 December.
Box 152 Folder 6
Committee - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1979 January-1982 December.
Box 153 Folder 1
Committee - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1979 January-1982 December.
Box 153 Folder 2
Committee - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1983 January-1991 December.
Box 153 Folder 3
Committee - Correspondence (Includes draft of Applied Chemistry Division Handbook - 1991, which lists and describes ongoing projects undertaken by this division.) (Folder 2 of 2.), 1983 January-1991 December.
Box 153 Folder 4
Committee - Correspondence (Includes Applied Chemistry Division Handbook - 1991 final draft.), 1992 January-1995 December.
Box 153 Folder 5
Applied Chemistry Division Miscellaneous Files - ACD Commissions - Correspondence (Includes evaluations and reports.), 1981-1982.
Box 154 Folder 1
Applied Chemistry Division Miscellaneous Files - Interdivisional Committee on Nomenclature and Symbols (IDCNS) - Correspondence, 1979-1981.
Box 154 Folder 2
Applied Chemistry Division Miscellaneous Files - Interdivisional Committee on Nomenclature and Symbols (IDCNS) - Correspondence, 1981-1982.
Box 154 Folder 3
Applied Chemistry Division Miscellaneous Files - Committee on Chemistry and Industry (COCI) - Correspondence, 1981-1982.
Box 154 Folder 4
Applied Chemistry Division Miscellaneous Files - Commission on Atmospheric and Environmental Chemistry, 1981-1982.
Box 154 Folder 5
Applied Chemistry Division Miscellaneous Files - Commission on Atmospheric and Environmental Chemistry, 1977-1982.
Box 154 Folder 6
Applied Chemistry Division Miscellaneous Files - Commission on Food - Correspondence, undated.
Box 154 Folder 7
Applied Chemistry Division Miscellaneous Files - Commission on Oils, Fats, and Derivatives - Correspondence, 1982.
Box 154 Folder 8
Applied Chemistry Division Miscellaneous Files - Commission on Pesticide Chemistry - Correspondence, 1981-1982.
Box 154 Folder 9
Applied Chemistry Division Miscellaneous Files - Commission on Solid Waste - Correspondence, 1981.
Box 154 Folder 10
Applied Chemistry Division Miscellaneous Files - Commission on Water Quality - Correspondence, 1981.
Box 154 Folder 11
Applied Chemistry Division Finance - Correspondence, 1990-1991.
Box 155 Folder 1
Working Party on Supported Polymer Films - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1975 February-1986 September.
Box 155 Folder 2
Working Party on Supported Polymer Films - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1975 February-1986 September.
Box 155 Folder 3
Working Party on Kinetic Parameters for Free Radical Polymerization (Dissolved 1987.) - Correspondence, 1979 January-1985 September.
Box 155 Folder 4
Commission on Food Chemistry (VI.) - Project Reports, 1988.
Box 155 Folder 5
Commission on Food Chemistry (VI.) - (Working Parties) Function Statements, 1984.
Box 155 Folder 6
Commission on Food Chemistry (VI.) - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1962-1970.
Box 156 Folder 1
Commission on Food Chemistry (VI.) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1962-1970.
Box 156 Folder 2
Commission on Food Chemistry (VI.) - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1970 July-1971 November.
Box 156 Folder 3
Commission on Food Chemistry (VI.) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1970 July-1971 November.
Box 156 Folder 4
Commission on Food Chemistry (VI.) - Correspondence, 1971 December-1972 May.
Box 156 Folder 5
Commission on Food Chemistry (VI.) - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1972 April-1974 April.
Box 157 Folder 1
Commission on Food Chemistry (VI.) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1972 April-1974 April.
Box 157 Folder 2
Commission on Food Chemistry (VI.) - Correspondence (Includes text of Round Table on Food Additives held at The Hague, Netherlands, August 1974.) (Folder 1 of 2.), 1974 May-1979 July.
Box 157 Folder 3
Commission on Food Chemistry (VI.) - Correspondence (Includes Coordinating Committee on Food Chemistry correspondence - September 1975-December 1979.) (Folder 2 of 2.), 1974 May-1979 July.
Box 157 Folder 4
Commission on Food Chemistry (VI.) - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1979 September-1982 December.
Box 157 Folder 5
Commission on Food Chemistry (VI.) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1979 September-1982 December.
Box 158 Folder 1
Commission on Food Chemistry (VI.) - Correspondence (Includes material on IUPAC-NMKL collaboration and INFOODS food data systems project.) (Folder 1 of 2.), 1985 September-1990 November.
Box 158 Folder 2
Commission on Food Chemistry (VI.) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1985 September-1990 November.
Box 158 Folder 3
Commission on Food Chemistry (VI.) - Correspondence, 1991 February-1993 August.
Box 158 Folder 4
Commission on Food Chemistry (VI.) - Correspondence, 1993 July-1995 September.
Box 158 Folder 5
Commission on Food Chemistry (VI.) - Publications Generated by Commission on Food Chemistry (Folder 1 of 2.), 1988-1994.
Box 159 Folder 1
Commission on Food Chemistry (VI.) - Publications Generated by Commission on Food Chemistry (Folder 2 of 2.), 1988-1994.
Box 159 Folder 2
Working Group on Mycotoxins (VI.1) - Correspondence, 1986 February-1991 May.
Box 159 Folder 3
Food Additives Commission (VI.1.1) - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1968 May-1979 October.
Box 159 Folder 4
Food Additives Commission (VI.1.1) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1968 May-1979 October.
Box 159 Folder 5
Commission on Food Contaminants (VI.1.2) - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1968 April-1976 August.
Box 160 Folder 1
Commission on Food Contaminants (VI.1.2) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1968 April-1976 August.
Box 160 Folder 2
Commission on Food Contaminants (VI.1.2) - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1976 September-1980 January.
Box 160 Folder 3
Commission on Food Contaminants (VI.1.2) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1976 September-1980 January.
Box 160 Folder 4
IUPAC Food Properties/Food Contaminants Coordinating Committee (This file consists of material relating to the merging of these two commissions into a single new entity: the Commission on Food Chemistry.) - Correspondence and Related Documents (Folder 1 of 3.), 1977-1978.
Box 161 Folder 1
IUPAC Food Properties/Food Contaminants Coordinating Committee - Correspondence and Related Documents (Folder 2 of 3.), 1977-1978.
Box 161 Folder 2
IUPAC Food Properties/Food Contaminants Coordinating Committee - Correspondence and Related Documents (Folder 3 of 3.), 1977-1978.
Box 161 Folder 3
Fermentation Industries Section (VI.2) (The Fermentation Industries Section of the Applied Chemistry Division was re-named the Fermentation Section, which in turn became the Biotechnology Commission in 1980.) - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1969 September-1973 December.
Box 162 Folder 1
Fermentation Industries Section (VI.2) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1969 September-1973 December.
Box 162 Folder 2
Fermentation Section/Biotechnology (VI.2) - Correspondence (Includes "Recommendations on 'Education in Biochemical Engineering'" and related correspondence.) (Folder 1 of 2.), 1974 January-1980 September.
Box 162 Folder 3
Fermentation Section/Biotechnology (VI.2) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1974 January-1980 September.
Box 162 Folder 4
Commission on Biotechnology (VI.2) - Correspondence, 1980 September-1987 December.
Box 162 Folder 5
Commission on Biotechnology (VI.2) - Correspondence (Includes "Glossary of Terms Used in Biotechnology for Chemists.") (Folder 1 of 2.), 1982 May-1991 July.
Box 163 Folder 1
Commission on Biotechnology (VI.2) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1982 May-1991 July.
Box 163 Folder 2
Commission on Biotechnology (VI.2) - Correspondence (Includes material on the reorganization of this commission.), 1984 January-1986 December.
Box 163 Folder 3
Commission on Biotechnology (VI.2) - Correspondence (Includes "Glossary on Gene Technology for Medicinal Chemists.") (Folder 1 of 2.), 1988 January-1992 September.
Box 163 Folder 4
Commission on Biotechnology (VI.2) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1988 January-1992 September.
Box 163 Folder 5
Commission on Biotechnology (VI.2) - Correspondence, 1993 September-1995 August.
Box 163 Folder 6
Oil and Fat Section (VI.3) - Archives, 1961-1962.
Box 164 Folder 1
General Note

These files labeled "Archives" are actually older correspondence files containing the usual mix of correspondence, reports, and official documents. The material is mostly in French.

Oil and Fat Section (VI.3) - Archives, 1963.
Box 164 Folder 2
Oil and Fat Section (VI.3) - Archives, 1963 July-December.
Box 164 Folder 3
Oil and Fat Section (VI.3) - Archives, 1964 January-June.
Box 164 Folder 4
Oil and Fat Section (VI.3) - Archives, 1964 July-December.
Box 164 Folder 5
Oil and Fat Section (VI.3) - Archives, 1965 January-June.
Box 164 Folder 6
Oil and Fat Section (VI.3) - Archives, 1965 July-December.
Box 164 Folder 7
Oil and Fat Section (VI.3) - Archives, 1966 January-June.
Box 165 Folder 1
Oil and Fat Section (VI.3) - Archives, 1966 July-December.
Box 165 Folder 2
Oil and Fat Section (VI.3) - Archives, 1967 January-June.
Box 165 Folder 3
Oil and Fat Section (VI.3) - Archives, 1967 July-December.
Box 165 Folder 4
Oil and Fat Section (VI.3) - Archives, 1968 January-June.
Box 165 Folder 5
Oil and Fat Section (VI.3) - Archives, 1968 July-December.
Box 165 Folder 6
Oil and Fat Section (VI.3) - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1971 January-1972 January.
Box 166 Folder 1
Oil and Fat Section (VI.3) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1971 January-1972 January.
Box 166 Folder 2
Oil and Fat Section (VI.3) - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1972 February-December.
Box 166 Folder 3
Oil and Fat Section (VI.3) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1972 February-December.
Box 166 Folder 4
Oil and Fat Section (VI.3) - Correspondence, 1973 January-April.
Box 166 Folder 5
Oil and Fat Section (VI.3) - Correspondence, 1973 May-August.
Box 167 Folder 1
Oil and Fat Section (VI.3) - Correspondence, 1973 September-December.
Box 167 Folder 2
Oil and Fat Section (VI.3) - Correspondence, 1974 January-June.
Box 167 Folder 3
Oil and Fat Section (VI.3) - Correspondence, 1974 July-December.
Box 167 Folder 4
Oil and Fat Section (VI.3) - Correspondence, 1975 January-June.
Box 168 Folder 1
Oil and Fat Section (VI.3) - Correspondence, 1975 July-December.
Box 168 Folder 2
Oil and Fat Section (VI.3) - Correspondence, 1976 January-June.
Box 168 Folder 3
Oil and Fat Section (VI.3) - Correspondence, 1976 July-1977 January.
Box 168 Folder 4
Commission on Oils, Fats and Derivatives (VI.3) - Correspondence, 1977 February-September.
Box 169 Folder 1
General Note

After February 1977, the Oils and Fats Section of the Applied Chemistry Division became the Commission on Oils, Fats and Derivatives.

Commission on Oils, Fats and Derivatives (VI.3) - Correspondence, 1977 October-1978 February.
Box 169 Folder 2
Commission on Oils, Fats and Derivatives (VI.3) - Correspondence, 1978 March-October.
Box 169 Folder 3
Commission on Oils, Fats and Derivatives (VI.3) - Correspondence, 1978 November-1979 March.
Box 169 Folder 4
Commission on Oils, Fats and Derivatives (VI.3) - Correspondence, 1979 April-1980 February.
Box 170 Folder 1
Commission on Oils, Fats and Derivatives (VI.3) - Correspondence, 1980 March-1981 June.
Box 170 Folder 2
Commission on Oils, Fats and Derivatives (VI.3) - Correspondence, 1981 July-1982 March.
Box 170 Folder 3
Commission on Oils, Fats and Derivatives (VI.3) - Correspondence, 1982 April-December.
Box 170 Folder 4
Commission on Oils, Fats and Derivatives (VI.3) - Correspondence, 1983 January-December.
Box 171 Folder 1
Commission on Oils, Fats and Derivatives (VI.3) - Correspondence, 1984 January-1985 June.
Box 171 Folder 2
Commission on Oils, Fats and Derivatives (VI.3) - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1986 January-1987 July.
Box 171 Folder 3
Commission on Oils, Fats and Derivatives (VI.3) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1986 January-1987 July.
Box 171 Folder 4
Commission on Oils, Fats and Derivatives (VI.3) - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 3.), 1987 August-1990 November.
Box 172 Folder 1
Commission on Oils, Fats and Derivatives (VI.3) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 3.), 1987 August-1990 November.
Box 172 Folder 2
Commission on Oils, Fats and Derivatives (VI.3) - Correspondence (Folder 3 of 3.), 1987 August-1990 November.
Box 172 Folder 3
Commission on Oils, Fats and Derivatives (VI.3) - Correspondence, 1991-1995.
Box 172 Folder 4
Commission on Atmospheric Environment (VI.4) - Correspondence, 1969 July-1972 December.
Box 173 Folder 1
Commission on Atmospheric Environment (VI.4) - Correspondence, 1973 February-1978 December.
Box 173 Folder 2
Commission on Atmospheric Environment (VI.4) - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1979 January-1983 April.
Box 173 Folder 3
Commission on Atmospheric Environment (VI.4) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1979 January-1983 April.
Box 173 Folder 4
Commission on Atmospheric Environment (VI.4) - Correspondence, 1983 August-1987 November.
Box 173 Folder 5
Commission on Atmospheric Environment (VI.4) - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 3.), 1987 November-1993 December .
Box 174 Folder 1
Commission on Atmospheric Environment (VI.4) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 3.), 1987 November-1993 December.
Box 174 Folder 2
Commission on Atmospheric Environment (VI.4) - Correspondence (Folder 3 of 3.), 1987 November-1993 December.
Box 174 Folder 3
Commission on Atmospheric Environment (VI.4) - Correspondence, 1994 January-1995 December.
Box 174 Folder 4
Commission on Atmospheric Environment (VI.4) - First Draft - "Database of Officially Approved Analytical Procedures for the Measurement of Airborne Hazards in the Workplace," compiled by R.H. Brown, undated.
Box 174 Folder 5
Pesticides Section (VI.5) - Correspondence, 1968 April-1971 April.
Box 175 Folder 1
General Note

Initially the Pesticides Section of IUPAC consisted of two separate commissions: the Commission on Residue Analysis (VI.5.1) and the Commission on Terminal Residue (VI.5.2). In 1975, the Pesticides Section was re-named the Commission on Pesticides and their designations were subsequently changed to VI.6 and VI.7 respectively. The two commissions were amalgamated in 1980 and the Commission on Pesticides was renamed the Commission on Agrochemicals in 1987.

Pesticides Section (VI.5) - Correspondence, 1971 May-1974 October.
Box 175 Folder 2
Pesticides Section (VI.5) - Commission on Pesticide Chemistry (VI.5) - Correspondence, 1979 October-1983 October.
Box 175 Folder 3
Pesticides Section (VI.5) - Commission on Pesticide Chemistry (VI.5) - Correspondence, 1981 July-1990 August.
Box 175 Folder 4
Pesticides Section (VI.5) - Commission on Agrochemicals - Correspondence, 1984 January-1993 December.
Box 176 Folder 1
Pesticides Section (VI.5) - Commission on Agrochemicals - Correspondence, 1994 January-1995 December.
Box 176 Folder 2
Pesticides Section (VI.5) - Commission on Terminal Pesticide Residues (VI.5.1) - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1968 June-1975 August.
Box 176 Folder 3
Pesticides Section (VI.5) - Commission on Terminal Pesticide Residues (VI.5.1) - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1968 June-1975 August.
Box 176 Folder 4
Pesticides Section (VI.5) - Commission on Terminal Pesticide Residues (VI.5.1) - Contributed Papers from the Madrid Meeting of the Commission, Wednesday, September 3, 1975, 1975.
Box 176 Folder 5
Pesticides Section (VI.5) - Commission on Pesticide Residue Analysis (VI.5.2) - Correspondence, 1968 June-1971 July.
Box 177 Folder 1
Pesticides Section (VI.5) - Commission on Pesticide Residue Analysis (VI.5.2) - Working Papers from Erbach Meeting of Commission, 1970 September 14-18.
Box 177 Folder 2
Pesticides Section (VI.5) - Commission on Pesticide Residue Analysis (VI.5.2) - Working Papers from Washington, D.C. Meeting of Commission, 1971 July.
Box 177 Folder 3
Pesticides Section (VI.5) - Commission on Pesticide Residue Analysis (VI.5.2) - Correspondence, 1971 August-1979 August.
Box 177 Folder 4
Pesticides Section (VI.5) - Coordinating Committee on Pesticide Chemistry - Correspondence, 1973 August-1979 March.
Box 177 Folder 5
Pesticides Section (VI.5) - Commission on Terminal Pesticide Residues (VI.6) - Correspondence, 1975 May-1979 August.
Box 177 Folder 6
Commission on Water Chemistry (VI.6) - Correspondence, 1972 January-1982 June.
Box 178 Folder 1
Commission on Water Chemistry (VI.6) - Miscellaneous Materials (Folder 1 of 2.), 1977-1981.
Box 178 Folder 2
Commission on Water Chemistry (VI.6) - Miscellaneous Materials (Folder 2 of 2.), 1977-1981.
Box 178 Folder 3
Commission on Water Chemistry (VI.6) - Correspondence, 1982 July-1995 March.
Box 178 Folder 4
Commission on Water Chemistry (VI.6) - Projects, Reports, Workshops, 1985-1991.
Box 179 Folder 1
Commission on Water Chemistry (VI.6) - Minutes of Meetings (Folder 1 of 2.), 1987-1991.
Box 179 Folder 2
Commission on Water Chemistry (VI.6) - Minutes of Meetings (Folder 2 of 2.), 1987-1991.
Box 179 Folder 3
Commission on Reclamation of Solid Wastes (VI.7) - Miscellaneous Materials, 1977-1981.
Box 179 Folder 4
Organic Coatings Section (VI.6) - Correspondence, 1967 September-1974 June.
Box 179 Folder 5
Subcommittee on New Projects (SNP) - Correspondence, 1977 October-1979 September.
Box 179 Folder 6

Series Description

This series contains the files of IUPAC's Clinical Chemistry Division. Established in 1979, it concerned itself with matters regarding clinical chemistry. In 1997, the Clinical Chemistry Division merged with the Medicinal Chemistry Section to form the Chemistry and Human Health Division.

Arranged in its original order, the Clinical Chemistry Division files mainly document the activities of several bodies that were either formed or placed under the Clinical Chemistry Division's oversight. The bodies represented in this series include the division's Committee, the Commission on Quantities and Units, and the Commission on Toxicology. A few files regarding dissolved subcommittees formerly under the Clinical Chemistry Division's oversight are also present here.

Correspondence makes up the bulk of the materials found in the Clinical Chemistry Division files. Reprints are preserved in this series as well.

Committee - Correspondence, 1968 August-1971 October.
Box 180 Folder 1
Committee - Correspondence, 1971 November-1975 August.
Box 180 Folder 2
Committee - Correspondence, 1975 September-1982 May.
Box 180 Folder 3
Committee - Correspondence, 1982 June-1987 July.
Box 180 Folder 4
Committee - Correspondence, 1987 December-1995 October.
Box 181 Folder 1
Subcommittee on Clinical Chemistry Standards - Correspondence (Includes material from European Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards.), 1979 November-1983 August.
Box 181 Folder 2
Commission on Quantities and Units (VII.2) - Correspondence (Includes reprints of articles by R. Dybkaer.), 1967 October-1971 June.
Box 181 Folder 3
Commission on Quantities and Units (VII.2) - Correspondence, 1971 July-1972 August.
Box 181 Folder 4
Commission on Quantities and Units (VII.2) - Correspondence (Includes reprints by R. Dybkaer, B.H. Armbrecht, and P. Metais.), 1972 August-1973 December.
Box 182 Folder 1
Commission on Quantities and Units (VII.2) - Correspondence, 1974 January-1975 August.
Box 182 Folder 2
Commission on Quantities and Units (VII.2) - Correspondence, 1975 August-1981 March.
Box 182 Folder 3
Commission on Quantities and Units (VII.2) - Correspondence, 1981 April-1984 October.
Box 182 Folder 4
Commission on Quantities and Units (VII.2) - Correspondence, 1985 January-1995 December.
Box 183 Folder 1
Commission on Teaching in Clinical Chemistry (VII.3) - Correspondence, 1976 February-1990 March.
Box 183 Folder 2
Commission on Toxicology (VII.4) - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1971 October-1980 December.
Box 183 Folder 3
Commission on Toxicology (VII.4) - Correspondence (Includes "The New Cholinesterases.") (Folder 2 of 2.), 1971 October-1980 December.
Box 183 Folder 4
Commission on Toxicology (VII.4) - Correspondence, 1981 January-1995 October.
Box 184 Folder 1
Subcommittee on Environmental and Occupational Toxicology of Nickel - Correspondence, 1975 November-1987 January.
Box 184 Folder 2
Working Party on IUPAC Glossary of Terms in Toxicology and Ecotoxicology - Correspondence (Includes draft "Glossary of Terms for Chemical Toxicology and Ecotoxicology."), 1989 January-1991 July.
Box 184 Folder 3
Joint IUPAC-IFCC Working Party on the Compendium of Terminology and Nomenclature in Clinical Chemistry - Correspondence, 1991 October-1993 March.
Box 184 Folder 4
Commission on Instrumentation and Software in Clinical Chemistry - Correspondence, 1989 September-1991 June.
Box 184 Folder 5
Commission on Biotechnology in Clinical Chemistry (LLTC) - Correspondence, 1990 February-1993 June.
Box 185 Folder 1
Dissolved Subcommittees - Subcommittee on Toxicology of Aluminum - Correspondence, 1981 May-1985 October.
Box 185 Folder 2
General Note

The Subcommittees on Aluminum, Cadmium, and Selenium were incorporated into new Subcommittees on Analytical Methods, Risk Assessment, Harmonization and Quality Assurance, and Nickel.

Dissolved Subcommittees - Subcommittee on Environmental and Occupational Toxicology of Cadmium - Correspondence, 1978 June-1987 September.
Box 185 Folder 3
Dissolved Subcommittees - Subcommittee on Toxicology of Selenium - Correspondence, 1982 February-1987 June.
Box 185 Folder 4
Dissolved Subcommittees - Subcommittee on Cholinesterases - Correspondence, 1977 March-1980 October.
Box 185 Folder 5
Dissolved Subcommittees - Subcommittee on Risk Assessment - Correspondence, 1986 March-1988 April.
Box 185 Folder 6
Dissolved Subcommittees - Subcommittee on Harmonization, Etc. - Correspondence, 1985, 1989.
Box 185 Folder 7
Dissolved Subcommittees - Subcommittee on Analytical Methods - Correspondence, 1986, 1988.
Box 185 Folder 8

Series Description

This series contains IUPAC's Medicinal Chemistry Section files. This section concerned itself with matters regarding medicinal chemistry. In 1997, the Medicinal Chemistry Section merged with the Clinical Chemistry Division to form the Chemistry and Human Health Division.

Arranged in its original order, the Medicinal Chemistry Section files provide documentation of the Medicinal Chemistry Section's activities between 1971 and 1995. The contents of the files in this series consist of correspondence.

Committee - Correspondence (Folder 1 of 2.), 1980 April-1986 December.
Box 186 Folder 1
Committee - Correspondence (Folder 2 of 2.), 1980 April-1986 December.
Box 186 Folder 2
Committee - Correspondence, 1987 January-1990 November.
Box 186 Folder 3
Committee - Correspondence, 1993 March-1995 December.
Box 186 Folder 4
Section on Medicinal Chemistry (III.4) - Correspondence, 1971 January-1972 July.
Box 187 Folder 1
Section on Medicinal Chemistry (III.4) - Correspondence, 1972 August-1977 November.
Box 187 Folder 2
Section on Medicinal Chemistry (III.4) - Correspondence, 1977 December-1992 November.
Box 187 Folder 3

Series Description

National Adhering Organizations (NAOs) are the national chemistry organizations that represent countries who are members of IUPAC. They play an active role in IUPAC's governance. Each individual member country is represented by a single National Adhering Organization. A National Adhering Organization can be a national chemical council, a national chemical society, a national academy of science, or any other institution or association of institutions representative of national chemical interest.

Arranged in its original order (mainly chronological by date), this series contains IUPAC's National Adhering Organizations files. The files in this series provide documentation of IUPAC's dealings with its National Adhering Organizations. Boxes 188 and 189 concern IUPAC's relations with various National Adhering Organizations throughout the world between 1968 and 1993. The files in Box 190 concern IUPAC's relations with its National Adhering Organization in the United States, the National Research Council, between 1921 and 1944.

Correspondence makes up the bulk of the materials found in the National Adhering Organizations files. Small amounts of other miscellaneous materials are preserved here as well.

National Adhering Organizations - Correspondence, 1968-1969.
Box 188 Folder 1
National Adhering Organizations - Correspondence, 1970-1971.
Box 188 Folder 2
National Adhering Organizations - Correspondence, 1972-1973.
Box 188 Folder 3
National Adhering Organizations - Correspondence, 1974-1975.
Box 188 Folder 4
National Adhering Organizations - Correspondence, 1976-1977.
Box 188 Folder 5
National Adhering Organizations - Correspondence, 1978-1979.
Box 188 Folder 6
National Adhering Organizations - Correspondence, 1980.
Box 188 Folder 7
National Adhering Organizations - Correspondence, 1981.
Box 188 Folder 8
National Adhering Organizations - Correspondence, 1982.
Box 189 Folder 1
National Adhering Organizations - Correspondence (Includes material on a proposed revision of IUPAC's Chemical Turnover [CT] formula.), 1983.
Box 189 Folder 2
National Adhering Organizations - Correspondence, 1984-1985.
Box 189 Folder 3
National Adhering Organizations - Correspondence, 1986.
Box 189 Folder 4
National Adhering Organizations - Correspondence, 1987.
Box 189 Folder 5
National Adhering Organizations - Correspondence, 1988-1991.
Box 189 Folder 6
National Adhering Organizations - Correspondence, 1992.
Box 189 Folder 7
National Adhering Organizations - Correspondence, 1993.
Box 189 Folder 8
National Adhering Organizations - USA - Correspondence, 1921.
Box 190 Folder 1
General Note

Box 190 Folders 1-14 contains correspondence (much of it in French) covering the years 1921 through 1934 with a scattering of later correspondence. Topics discussed include dues, levels of American participation, and the International Research Council.

National Adhering Organizations - USA - Correspondence, 1922.
Box 190 Folder 2
National Adhering Organizations - USA - Correspondence, 1923.
Box 190 Folder 3
National Adhering Organizations - USA - Correspondence, 1925.
Box 190 Folder 4
National Adhering Organizations - USA - Correspondence, 1926.
Box 190 Folder 5
National Adhering Organizations - USA - Correspondence, 1927.
Box 190 Folder 6
National Adhering Organizations - USA - Correspondence, 1928.
Box 190 Folder 7
National Adhering Organizations - USA - Correspondence, 1929.
Box 190 Folder 8
National Adhering Organizations - USA - Correspondence, 1930.
Box 190 Folder 9
National Adhering Organizations - USA - Correspondence, 1931.
Box 190 Folder 10
National Adhering Organizations - USA - Correspondence, 1932.
Box 190 Folder 11
National Adhering Organizations - USA - Correspondence, 1933.
Box 190 Folder 12
National Adhering Organizations - USA - Correspondence (Includes copies of H.R. 6781 and NRC Organization and Members 1934-1935.), 1934.
Box 190 Folder 13
National Adhering Organizations - USA - Correspondence, 1940, 1944.
Box 190 Folder 14

Series Description

Company A