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Purchase Quarterly Meeting Records
Held at: Quaker Meeting Records at Haverford College Quaker & Special Collections and Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College [Contact Us]
This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the Quaker Meeting Records at Haverford College Quaker & Special Collections and Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.
Overview and metadata sections
Purchase Quarterly Meeting was established in 1745 by New York Yearly Meeting. It divided into Hicksite and Orthodox branches in 1828, began to meet in joint sessions in 1943, and finally reunited in 1987.
Records of Purchase Quarterly Meeting, 1745-ongoing. Includes minutes 1745-2023 (many gaps) and miscellaneous material 1893-1992, including information on the Edward B. Underhill Fund, Peach Pond Meeting House, and the ministry at Taconic Correctional Facility. Beginning in 2023, records are deposited digitally.
Divided into series: Men's and Joint Minutes: 1.1 1745-93, 1.2 1793-1833 (Orthodox), 1.3 1834-1901 (Orthodox), 1.4 1901-46 (Orthodox), 1.5 1879-1923 (Hicksite), 1.6 1923-46 (Hicksite), 1.7 1946-55 (Hicksite and Orthodox), 1.9 1955-61; Women's Minutes: 2.1 1745-1801, 2.2 1801-23, 2.3 1823-60 (Orthodox), 2.4 1860-78 (Orthodox), 2.5 1828-76 (Hicksite), 2.6 1876-90 (Hicksite); Ministers' and Elders' Minutes: 3.1 1746-1846 (Orthodox), 3.2 1847-1920 (Orthodox), 3.3 1828-66 (Hicksite), 3.4 1866-1939 (Hicksite), 3.5 1940-48 (Hicksite), 3.6 1921-57 (Orthodox); Trustees, Financial and Property: 4.1 Underhill/Calvary ca.1987, 4.2 Peach Pond 1971-83, 4.3 Educational Trust Funds 1977-82, 4.4 Trustees 1967-83, 4.5 Trustees 1983-92, 4.6 Accounts 1893-1919, 4.7 Accounts 1930-59, 4.8 Sale of Peach Pond 1973-83, 4.9 Miscellaneous 1885-1974; Miscellaneous: 5.1 Clerk's log ca.1973-83, 5.2 Clerk's log 1984-90, 5.3 Prison Committee 1977-81, 5.4 Miscellaneous 1903-15, 5.5 Miscellaneous 1893-1903.
Transferred from Haviland Records Room by NYYM in 1997. Additional deposits in 2023, 2024.
- New York Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Hicksite : 1828-1955). Purchase Quarterly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends
- New York Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Orthodox : 1828-1955). Purchase Quarterly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends
- New York Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends. Purchase Quarterly Meeting
- Publisher
- Quaker Meeting Records at Haverford College Quaker & Special Collections and Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
- Finding Aid Author
- Inventory prepared by: FHL Staff
- Finding Aid Date
- 2007
- Access Restrictions
Where available, access is through microfilm. Born-digital files are accessible to TriCollege accounts or on-campus users.
- Use Restrictions
Information on reproduction policies available in the library.
Collection Inventory
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-NY-492
1 volume
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: Pre-Separation
Available on microfilm in the Library:
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-NY-415
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-NY-494 [duplicate]
1 volume and 1 envelope of enclosures
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: Orthodox
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-NY-493
1 volume
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: Orthodox
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-NY-498
1 volume and 1 envelope of enclosures
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: Hicksite
Available on microfilm in the Library:
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-NY-416
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-NY-496 [duplicate]
1 volume
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: Orthodox
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-NY-498
1 volume
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: Hicksite
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-NY-498
1 volume
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: United
1 folder
Physical LocationFriends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
1 folder
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: United
1 folder
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: United
1 folder
Physical LocationFriends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
Quarterly business minutes include all relevant attachments. Includes discernment related to Friends United Meeting's anti-gay personnel policy and how to proceed around the Quarter (and its monthly meetings) apportionment to FUM through New York Yearly Meeting.
Physical Description2 folders
Lacking several months, a mix of born-digital and reformatted digitized minutes. 2020 minutes do not include attachments.
Physical Description4 PDF files, 2 .doc files
3 PDF files
3 PDF files
Physical LocationFriends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-NY-492
1 volume
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: Pre-Separation
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-NY-494
1 volume
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: Pre-Separation
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-NY-493
1 volume
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: Orthodox
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-NY-497
1 volume and 1 envelope of enclosures
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: Hicksite
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-NY-496
1 volume
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: Orthodox
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-NY-497
1 volume
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: Hicksite
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-NY-492
1 volume and 1 envelope of enclosures
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: Orthodox
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-NY-497
1 volume
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: Hicksite
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-NY-493
1 volume
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: Orthodox
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-NY-497
1 volume
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: Hicksite
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-NY-496
1 volume and 1 envelope of enclosures
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: Orthodox
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-
1 volume and 1 envelope of enclosures
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: Hicksite
Includes correspondence received by the committee and reference files related to both ministry work (including Linda Chidsey) and confidential pastoral counseling.
Physical Description1 folder
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: United
1 folder
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: Hicksite and United
Account book of the Purchase (Quarterly Meeting) Auxiliary of the New York Women's Foreign Missionary Society.
Available on microfilm in the Library:
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-
1 volume in box
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: United
1 volume in box
Material Specific DetailsPurchase Quarterly Meeting
Correspondence, reports, minutes, and other records assembled by James Wood, Trustee of PQM. Includes information on the Peach Pond property.
Available on microfilm in the Library:
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-
3 folders
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: United
Available on microfilm in the Library:
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-NY417 4.2
1 box
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: United
1 folder
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: United
1 folder
Physical LocationFriends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
Available on microfilm in the Library:
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-NY417 4.3
3 folders
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: United
Records of Barbara Rutledge relative to the Underhill Fund and the Calvary Baptist Church. The Yorktown Heights Meeting was renamed the Friends Bible Church and then became Calvary Baptist Church. Includes copies of deeds and relevant minutes.
Available on microfilm in the Library:
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-NY416 4.1
1 folder
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: Hicksite
1 folder
Physical LocationFriends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
Available on microfilm in the Library:
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-NY417
1 box
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: United
Available on microfilm in the Library:
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-NY418
1 box
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: United
Available on microfilm in the Library:
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-NY-416
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-NY-495
1 volume
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: Hicksite
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-NY-495
1 volume
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: Hicksite
1 folder
Physical Locationf
Available on microfilm in the Library:
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-NY416
1 folder
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: United
1 folder
Physical LocationFriends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
1 folder
Physical LocationFriends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
1 folder
Physical LocationFriends Historical Library of Swarthmore College