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Fifteenth Street Monthly Meeting Records
Held at: Quaker Meeting Records at Haverford College Quaker & Special Collections and Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College [Contact Us]
This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the Quaker Meeting Records at Haverford College Quaker & Special Collections and Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.
Overview and metadata sections
While the Monthly Meeting of New York, also known as Flushing until 1795, was well established by 1682, the date of its first arrangement is unknown. After 1828, at the time of the Hicksite Separation, there were two New York Monthly Meetings: the Orthodox met at Rutgers Medical College and later on Henry Street, and the Hicksites retained the Rose Street and Hester Street Meeting Houses. The 15th Street (Hicksite) and 20th Street (Orthodox) New York Monthly Meetings were reunited in 1958. In 1975, New York Monthly Meeting was reestablished as New York Quarterly Meeting, and New York Preparative Meeting was renamed New York Monthly Meeting. The meeting is currently active.
Records of Fifteenth Street Monthly Meeting, 1974-. Includes: minutes, 1975-85, membership releases, 1974-96, Committee of Overseers Records and newsletter.
Divided into series: Minutes: 1.1 1975-78, 1.2 1979-85, 1.3-1.6 2015-2020 2mo; Vital records: 2.1 Releases (A-K) 1974-79, 2.2 Releases (L-Z) 1974-79, 2.3 Releases (A-K) 1980-86, 2.4 Releases (L-Z) 1980-86, 2.5 Releases (A-K) 1987-96, 2.6 (L-Z); Committee of Overseers: 3.1 1976-90; Miscellaneous: 4.1 Newsletter 1973-2003, 4.2 Newsletter 2004-, 4.3 Misc. procedural papers 1975-79, 4.4 Histories 1921-69, 4.5 Subscriptions 1860-66, 4.6 Notes on centennial celebration 1961, 4.7 Plants at meeting house 1958; Toward Community Committee: 5.1-5.2; Finance and Property: 6.1 Papers re: 1861 building project 1856-1862, 6.2 Library bill of sale, 6.3 Miscellaneous property records 1834-1978; Peace Committee: 7.1 Misc. 1981-82.
Transferred from Haviland Records Room by NYYM in 1997. Additional accruals from 15th Street Monthly Meeting.
Deposit, 1997.
- Publisher
- Quaker Meeting Records at Haverford College Quaker & Special Collections and Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
- Finding Aid Author
- Inventory prepared by: FHL Staff
- Finding Aid Date
- 2007
- Access Restrictions
Records are open for research. Digital files are accessible to TriCollege accounts or on-campus users.
- Use Restrictions
Information on reproduction policies available in the library.
Collection Inventory
Available on microfilm in the Library:
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-NY252
1 folder
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: United
Available on microfilm in the Library:
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-NY252
1 folder
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: United
Available on microfilm in the Library:
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-NY252
1 folder
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: United
Available on microfilm in the Library:
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-NY252
1 folder
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: United
Available on microfilm in the Library:
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-NY252
1 folder
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: United
Available on microfilm in the Library:
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-NY252
1 folder
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: United
1 folder
Physical LocationFriends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
Available on microfilm in the Library:
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-NY251
1 volume
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: United
Available on microfilm in the Library:
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-NY251
1 volume
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: United
1 folder
Material Specific DetailsUnited
1 folder
Material Specific DetailsUnited
1 folder
Material Specific DetailsUnited
Some gaps in 2020.
Physical Description1 folder
Material Specific DetailsUnited
Starting in June 2021 minutes and related reports are digital.
Physical Description1 folder
Material Specific DetailsUnited
Digital minutes June 2021 through December 2023. Minutes of the monthly business meeting were deposited along with other digital records of the meeting, all arranged in chronological order. Includes a Reprouctive Health Care special minute, plus State of the Meeting reports and occasional queries.
Physical DescriptionPDF and DOCX files, arranged chronologically
Available on microfilm in the Library:
- Swarthmore: No film
1 folder
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: Hicksite
Available on microfilm in the Library:
- Swarthmore: No film
1 folder
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: Hicksite
Available on microfilm in the Library:
- Swarthmore: No film
Folder list: William Sutton deed of land, 1834; Middagh Estate Papers, 1834-1848; Jacob Platt and Henry Elliot, 1836; Subscriptions, 1860 (with resolution of Merritt-Willets dispute, 1869); Memorandum: list of trustees and sketch of burial plot, 1842; Insurance and fragile papers, 1850-1851; William Powell, deeds, wills, and legal papers, 1852-1912; Insurance, 1843-1927; Wills, deeds, court cases, 1862-1883; Property Committee Miscellaneous, 1867-1911; List of trustees turnovers, 1903-1912; NYYM Records COmmittee, 1904-1919; Division of Lake Placid real estate, 1914; Letter re: worth of Lake Placid property; Request for removal of dead tree, 1944; NYYM deed, 1960; Note to see Albany folder for Cemetery Association deed, 1978; Letter from Richard Powell, undated; News clipping: "George Currie's Brooklyn," undated
Physical Description19 folders
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: Hicksite
Financial records 2021-2023 were part of a larger deposit in early 2024, all files arranged chronologically. Financial records include occasional trustee reports, plus quarterly reports from the meeting Treasurer, and FY budget statements and reports.
Available on microfilm in the Library:
- Swarthmore: No film
2 folders
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: United
Includes minutes, letters, prints, etc.
Available on microfilm in the Library:
- Swarthmore: No film
18 folders
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: United
Available on microfilm in the Library:
- Swarthmore: No film
1 folder
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: United
Committee files were part of a larger deposit of digital records in early 2024. All records arranged chronologically.
Committee minutes and reports include the Care Relationship Committee (related to Friends Seminary), plus Communications, Friends in Unity with Nature, Handbook, Library, Nominating, Peace and Social Justice, Property, Religious Education, and Shelter
There are also reports from Ministry & Worship and ministers recorded by 15th Street.
Available on microfilm in the Library:
- Swarthmore: No film
4 folders
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: United
Available on microfilm in the Library:
- Swarthmore: No film
4 folders
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: United
Available on microfilm in the Library:
- Swarthmore: No film
1 folder
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: United
Available on microfilm in the Library:
- Swarthmore: No film
1 folder
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: United
Available on microfilm in the Library:
- Swarthmore: No film
1 folder
Available on microfilm in the Library:
- Swarthmore: No film
1 folder
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: United
Available on microfilm in the Library:
- Swarthmore: No film
1 folder
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: United
1 folder
Physical LocationFriends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
1 folder
Physical LocationFriends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
A 2024 deposit primarily included minutes, committee records, and financial records, but also included some other files related to the meeting regarding FCNL, Zoom worship and the COVID-19 pandemic, and drafts and files related to a Quaker History project.