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Coeymans Executive and Monthly Meetings (Hicksite) Records
Held at: Quaker Meeting Records at Haverford College Quaker & Special Collections and Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College [Contact Us]
This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the Quaker Meeting Records at Haverford College Quaker & Special Collections and Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.
Overview and metadata sections
Coeymans Monthly Meeting was established in 1799, set off from Hudson Monthly Meeting. At first it was composed of the preparative meetings of Coeymans and Rensselaerville and the indulged meetings of Otego, Duanesburg and Berne. It set off Duanesburg Monthly Meeting in 1806, Rensselaerville Monthly Meeting in 1814, and Albany Monthly Meeting (Hicksite) in 1840. Coeymans Monthly Meeting (Hicksite) changed to an Executive Meeting in 1895. This meeting was laid down in 1898, members attached to Albany Executive Meeting. Coeymans Monthly Meeting (Orthodox) was laid down in 1867, members attached to Oswego Monthly Meeting.
Includes: minutes (men's & joint), 1799-1842 and 1875-1898; women's minutes, 1799-1867; births & deaths, 1761-1847/1828-1856; marriages, 1829-1867; marriage intentions, 1799-1867; minutes of the Meeting of Ministers & Elders, 1828-1862; and a treasurer's book, 1815-1830. Also includes: Preparative Meeting (Pre-separation/Hicksite) minutes, 1789-1851.
Organized into series: Minutes (men's): 1.2-1.3 1799-1842, 1.1 1875-1898; Women's minutes: 2.1 1799-1813, 2.2 1813-1867; Vital records: 3.1 Births & deaths, 1761-1847/1828-1856, 3.2 Marriages, 1829-1867, 3.3 Marriage intentions, 1799-1867; Ministers & Elders minutes: 4.1 1828-1862; Financial and property records: 5.1 Treasurer's book, 1815-1830, 5.2 Deeds, 1828; Miscellaneous: 6.1 History of New Baltimore Quakers, 1984; Coeymans PM (Pre-sep/Hicksite): 7.1 1789-1817, 7.2 1817-1851
Transferred from Haviland Records Room by NYYM in 1997.
Minutes & vital records to 1867 also available on microfilm, MR-NY 15-16.
Deposit, 1997.
- Coeymans Monthly Meeting (Society of Friends : 1799-1828 : New Baltimore, N.Y.)
- Coeymans Executive Meeting (Society of Friends : Hicksite : 1828-1898 : New Baltimore, N.Y.)
- Publisher
- Quaker Meeting Records at Haverford College Quaker & Special Collections and Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
- Finding Aid Author
- Inventory prepared by: FHL Staff
- Finding Aid Date
- 2007
- Access Restrictions
Where available, access is through microfilm.
- Use Restrictions
Information on reproduction policies available in the library.
Collection Inventory
Available on microfilm in the Library:
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-NY15
1 volume
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: Pre/Hicksite
Available on microfilm in the Library:
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-NY15
1 volume
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: Hicksite
Available on microfilm in the Library:
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-NY213
1 folder
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: Pre/Hicksite
Physical LocationFriends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
Physical LocationFriends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
Available on microfilm in the Library:
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-NY213
1 volume and loose enclosures in box
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: Hicksite
Available on microfilm in the Library:
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-NY15
1 volume
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: Pre-Separation
Available on microfilm in the Library:
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-NY16
1 volume
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: Pre/Hicksite
Available on microfilm in the Library:
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-NY213
1 volume
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: Hicksite
Available on microfilm in the Library:
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-NY213
1 volume in box
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: Pre/Hicksite
Available on microfilm in the Library:
- Swarthmore: No Film
Physical Description1 folder
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: Hicksite
Available on microfilm in the Library:
- Swarthmore: No Film
1 folder
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: United
Physical LocationFriends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
Physical LocationFriends Historical Library of Swarthmore College