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Consider the Alternatives Records


Held at: Swarthmore College Peace Collection [Contact Us]500 College Avenue, Swarthmore 19081-1399

This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the Swarthmore College Peace Collection. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.

Overview and metadata sections

Consider the Alternatives Productions was established in 1972 by the Philadelphia chapter of SANE, A Citizens' Organization for a Sane World to conduct educational and non- partisan political activities and to receive tax deductible contributions. It was first called the SANE Education Fund of Pennsylvania. One project supported by the SANE Education Fund was a weekly half-hour radio broadcast called "SANE Views the World." This program was started by the Philadelphia office of SANE in November 1972 and was continued by the SANE Education Fund. In March 1978, the title of the series was changed to "Consider the Alternatives." By 1990 the organization funded only two projects the Consider the Alternatives radio program and the SANE Education Fund Peace Award. The Award is given annually to a well-known peace activist or someone who promoted world peace. Past award winners have included Bishop Desmond Tutu, Dr. Helen Caldicott, Tom Hayden, Jane Fonda, Rev. William Sloane Coffin, and Joan Baez. Artist Sam Maitin created a limited edition serigraph of each award winner. The Peace Collection owns one set of all these serigraphs. In August of 1990 the name of the organization was officially changed from SANE Education Fund of Pennsylvania to Consider the Alternatives Productions.

This collection contains the administrative records of Philadelphia chapter of SANE, the Sane Education Fund, and Consider the Alternatives Productions which pertain to the weekly radio broadcast, "Consider the Alternatives." Included in the collection are sound tape reels and audio cassette tapes of programs aired since November 1972, together with related records such as monthly programs, partial or complete scripts, questions for interviews,biographica l information about guest speakers, notes about planned programs, and reference material (articles, reports, clippings) about the topics discussed. Scattered correspondence and promotion al materials are also in the collection. The Peace Collection also has material concerning the annual Sane Education Fund Peace Award, including the series of serigraphs of each award winner.

The paper records remain in the order in which they were received. The sound recordings are divided between reel to reel tape recordings and cassette copies of these recordings. These recordings are divided into five Series: A-E. Series A contains Consider the Alternatives (CTA) reel to reel tapes, numbered by CTA from programs #92-782 (some missing); Series B includes reel to reel tapes from the radio program Insights (1982-1983), and numbered by Insights; Series C includes CTA and Insights reel to reel tapes numbered by Swarthmore College Peace Collection (SCPC) staff; Series D and D.1 include reel to reel tapes numbered by SCPC staff; and Series E includes large, 11 inch reel to reel tapes number by SCPC staff. Audio cassettes are arranged in numerical order, matching the program number of the reel to reel tapes. CTA numbered the cassettes.

The Swarthmore College Peace Collection is the official repository for these papers/records.

Gift of SANE Education Fund and Consider the Alternatives, 1980 (Acc. 80A-078a, Acc. 80a-078b); 1981 (Acc. 81A-034, Acc. 81A-090, Acc. 81A-126); 1982 (Acc. 82A-047, Acc. 82A-052, Acc. 82A-057); 1984 (Acc. 84A-097); 1988 (Acc. 88A-046) 1989 (Acc. 89A-090); 1992 (Acc. 92A-063); 1996 (Acc. 96A-046).

Many of the sound recordings may be too fragile to play in current format and would have to be repaired and copied (digitized), before being available.

This collection is unprocessed. Finding aids have been created by Swarthmore College Peace Collection staff. This finding aid was created by Wendy E. Chmielewski, May 2016.

A detailed finding aid for the Consider the Alternatives audio recordings is available in paper at the Swarthmore College Peace Collection.

Audiovisual material and serigraphs.

Swarthmore College Peace Collection
Access Restrictions

The collection is open for research use.

All or part of this collection is stored off-site. Contact Swarthmore College Peace Collection staff at at least two weeks in advance of visit to request boxes.

Copyright may have been transferred to the Swarthmore College Peace Collection or may have been retained by the creators/authors (or their descendants), in this collection, as stipulated by United States copyright law. Please contact the SCPC Curator for further information.

Collection Inventory

Interim Report.
Box Series A: 1 [SCPC-0423]
Xerox Proposal, 1982.
Box Series A: 1 [SCPC-0423]
# 827 Beyond the Cold War Part 2.
Box Series A: 1 [SCPC-0423]
# 826 Beyond the Cold War Part 1: The Curtain Rises.
Box Series A: 1 [SCPC-0423]
Beyond the Cold War: Plans, documents, phone number, etc.
Box Series A: 1 [SCPC-0423]
# 825 Klanwatch.
Box Series A: 1 [SCPC-0423]
# 824 "We are not afraid".
Box Series A: 1 [SCPC-0423]
# 823 "Campaign Issues and Elections".
Box Series A: 1 [SCPC-0423]
# 822/42-88 Americans Talk Security.
Box Series A: 1 [SCPC-0423]
# 821 Cover-up.
Box Series A: 1 [SCPC-0423]
# 820 The Power Game.
Box Series A: 1 [SCPC-0423]
# 818 Broken Circle/ Physicians for Social Responsibility.
Box Series A: 1 [SCPC-0423]
# 817 31-88 Engine of the Arms Race.
Box Series A: 1 [SCPC-0423]
# 818 Dr. Spock Tribute.
Box Series A: 1 [SCPC-0423]
# 816 "Beyond INF".
Box Series A: 1 [SCPC-0423]
# 815/ 29-88 Carl Sogan.
Box Series A: 1 [SCPC-0423]
Paradox of Power The "A" file.
Box Series A: 1 [SCPC-0423]
Tape Logs Paradox of Power.
Box Series A: 1 [SCPC-0423]
Advisor Group Paradox of Power.
Box Series A: 1 [SCPC-0423]
# 812 LRN 26-88 Paradox of Power # 1.
Box Series A: 1 [SCPC-0423]
# 814 Paradox Part 3.
Box Series A: 1 [SCPC-0423]
Paradox of Power.
Box Series A: 1 [SCPC-0423]
# 810 and 811 Distant Neighbors.
Box Series A: 1 [SCPC-0423]
# 809 Big Brother.
Box Series A: 1 [SCPC-0423]
# 808 UNSSOD 3.
Box Series A: 1 [SCPC-0423]
# 807 Ralph McGehee.
Box Series A: 1 [SCPC-0423]
# 806 Test Site.
Box Series A: 1 [SCPC-0423]
# 805 "Gotcha" Gordon Aoams ; The Military Budget.
Box Series A: 1 [SCPC-0423]
# 804 "South Africa: More Hell to Cross".
Box Series A: 1 [SCPC-0423]
# 803 Bauman on Star Wars.
Box Series A: 1 [SCPC-0423]
# 801 /15-88 Caldicott Returns.
Box Series A: 1 [SCPC-0423]
# 802 Struggle for Democracy.
Box Series A: 1 [SCPC-0423]
# 800 Campaign for Nuke··free Seas.
Box Series A: 1 [SCPC-0423]
# 799.
Box Series A: 1 [SCPC-0423]
# 798.
Box Series A: 1 [SCPC-0423]
# 797/ 11-88 Women in Foreign Policy.
Box Series A: 1 [SCPC-0423]
# 796 Comprehensive Test Ban.
Box Series A: 1 [SCPC-0423]
# 795 Jesse 9-88.
Box Series A: 1 [SCPC-0423]
# 794 "Choices of the Heart".
Box Series A: 1 [SCPC-0423]
Beyond the Cold War, scripts.
Box Series A: 2 [SCPC-0424]
Beyond the Cold War, Part 5: More in Common than Conflict.
Box Series A: 2 [SCPC-0424]
Beyond the Cold War, Part 4: All the News that Fits.
Box Series A: 2 [SCPC-0424]
# 828 Beyond the Cold War, Part 3.
Box Series A: 2 [SCPC-0424]
# 969 One Blue Sky, update package.
Box Series A: 2 [SCPC-0424]
Against the Tide, promos.
Box Series A: 2 [SCPC-0424]
# 965 Rifkin 1.
Box Series A: 2 [SCPC-0424]
# 964 Rifkin 2.
Box Series A: 2 [SCPC-0424]
# 957 Lines in the Sand.
Box Series A: 2 [SCPC-0424]
# 955 Refuge.
Box Series A: 2 [SCPC-0424]
# 945 "What's left".
Box Series A: 2 [SCPC-0424]
# 944 Roger Fischer, LRN 47-91 NPR 91-C61-00043.
Box Series A: 2 [SCPC-0424]
# 916 Arms transfer/ Hachtung.
Box Series A: 2 [SCPC-0424]
Network against Arms Trade, New York Conference.
Box Series A: 2 [SCPC-0424]
Pennsylvania Women and children.
Box Series A: 2 [SCPC-0424]
Philadelphia housing.
Box Series A: 2 [SCPC-0424]
# 933 Closson.
Box Series A: 3 [SCPC-0425]
# 924 Yesh Gvul.
Box Series A: 3 [SCPC-0425]
# 923 SDI.
Box Series A: 3 [SCPC-0425]
# 922 Global Tomorrow.
Box Series A: 3 [SCPC-0425]
# 921 Making women count in the 90s.
Box Series A: 3 [SCPC-0425]
# 920 Conversion.
Box Series A: 3 [SCPC-0425]
# 919 Williamson and Carroll.
Box Series A: 3 [SCPC-0425]
# 918 Worldwatch.
Box Series A: 3 [SCPC-0425]
# 917 Mary Frances Berry.
Box Series A: 3 [SCPC-0425]
# 915 Ann Markusen.
Box Series A: 3 [SCPC-0425]
# 914 Jimmy Carter.
Box Series A: 3 [SCPC-0425]
# 913 Bob Greenstein/ Center on the Budget.
Box Series A: 3 [SCPC-0425]
# 912 Veterans for Peace.
Box Series A: 3 [SCPC-0425]
# 911 "Wiser than war" A call for peaceful solutions in the Middle-East.
Box Series A: 3 [SCPC-0425]
# 910 The comprehensive Test Ban.
Box Series A: 3 [SCPC-0425]
# 909 - 904 "Looking South" Part 6 - .l.
Box Series A: 3 [SCPC-0425]
# 903 US Energy Policies.
Box Series A: 3 [SCPC-0425]
# 902 New prospects for a peace.
Box Series A: 3 [SCPC-0425]
Box Series A: 3 [SCPC-0425]
# 901 Noman Soloman Mark Hertsqaad.
Box Series A: 3 [SCPC-0425]
# 900 "Send the troops home".
Box Series A: 3 [SCPC-0425]
# 8991Military spending after Iraq.
Box Series A: 3 [SCPC-0425]
# 8/)8 Oliver Stone.
Box Series A: 3 [SCPC-0425]
# 897 Tirman.
Box Series A: 3 [SCPC-0425]
# 896 John Peffer.
Box Series A: 3 [SCPC-0425]
# 895 State of the World/Brown Henderson.
Box Series A: 3 [SCPC-0425]
# 894 Hightower.
Box Series A: 3 [SCPC-0425]
# 893 Empowerment, a strategy for Rebuilding.
Box Series A: 3 [SCPC-0425]
# 892 Beyond shots and cot.
Box Series A: 3 [SCPC-0425]
# 891 Homelessness I: Cracks in the foundation.
Box Series A: 3 [SCPC-0425]
# 890 Ralph Nader.
Box Series A: 3 [SCPC-0425]
# 889 The other economic summit.
Box Series A: 3 [SCPC-0425]
# 888 Schroeder.
Box Series A: 3 [SCPC-0425]
BENAC Peace Award.
Box Series A: 3 [SCPC-0425]
# 887 Business .as a force for social change.
Box Series A: 3 [SCPC-0425]
# 886 Cancer: the price of national security?.
Box Series A: 3 [SCPC-0425]
# 885 Dr. Lown 's global check-up.
Box Series A: 3 [SCPC-0425]
# 884.
Box Series A: 3 [SCPC-0425]
# 883 Remembering Archbishop Romero.
Box Series A: 3 [SCPC-0425]
# 882 Jimmy Carter.
Box Series A: 3 [SCPC-0425]
# 878 Dr. Robert Bowman.
Box Series A: 3 [SCPC-0425]
# 877 - 876 The Bush budget.
Box Series A: 3 [SCPC-0425]
# 875 Philp Agee on the CIA.
Box Series A: 3 [SCPC-0425]
# 874 Women's Rights.
Box Series A: 3 [SCPC-0425]
# 873 Utne' s revenge.
Box Series A: 3 [SCPC-0425]
# 872 American Democracy at the Grassroots.
Box Series A: 3 [SCPC-0425]
# 871 - 870 Sustainable development.
Box Series A: 3 [SCPC-0425]
Scrap steno books.
Box Series A: 4 [SCPC-0426]
Misc. resumes.
Box Series A: 4 [SCPC-0426]
Producer job search.
Box Series A: 4 [SCPC-0426]
Deborah Begel.
Box Series A: 4 [SCPC-0426]
Staff resumes.
Box Series A: 4 [SCPC-0426]
Steven J. Piever.
Box Series A: 4 [SCPC-0426]
Robert Musil.
Box Series A: 4 [SCPC-0426]
Robert Krinsky.
Box Series A: 4 [SCPC-0426]
Releases, 1987-1989.
Box Series A: 4 [SCPC-0426]
Program library.
Box Series A: 4 [SCPC-0426]
NPR Correspondence.
Box Series A: 4 [SCPC-0426]
IRS Tax Exemption.
Box Series A: 4 [SCPC-0426]
Incorporation papers (name change).
Box Series A: 4 [SCPC-0426]
Pennsylvania Charitable Commission and Extension papers.
Box Series A: 4 [SCPC-0426]
Staff Meeting, 1990.
Box Series A: 4 [SCPC-0426]
Box Series A: 4 [SCPC-0426]
Board Meetings.
Box Series A: 4 [SCPC-0426]
Chamber of Commerce.
Box Series A: 4 [SCPC-0426]
Philadelphia City taxes.
Box Series A: 4 [SCPC-0426]
Office supply receipts.
Box Series A: 5 [SCPC-0427]
Paid bills, 1986-1987.
Box Series A: 5 [SCPC-0427]
Petty cash receipts.
Box Series A: 5 [SCPC-0427]
Program production.
Box Series A: 5 [SCPC-0427]
Mailing/shipping receipts.
Box Series A: 5 [SCPC-0427]
House maintenance and repair.
Box Series A: 5 [SCPC-0427]
Health insurance info.
Box Series A: 5 [SCPC-0427]
Box Series A: 5 [SCPC-0427]
CTA reports.
Box Series A: 5 [SCPC-0427]
Box Series A: 5 [SCPC-0427]
Correspondence copies.
Box Series A: 5 [SCPC-0427]
Syndication, Winter, 1983.
Box Series A: 5 [SCPC-0427]
Emergency phone campaign.
Box Series A: 5 [SCPC-0427]
Mushrooms: Nuclear war and the Imagination.
Box Series A: 5 [SCPC-0427]
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-0428]
Accidental Nuclear War Gary Krane.
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-0428]
American Friends Service Committee.
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-0428]
AFTRA (war in space).
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-0428]
AD Rates Commonweal etc.
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-0428]
ARK Communications Institute.
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-0428]
Audi tor's file.
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-0428]
Dinner, 1986.
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-0428]
Award dinner, 1985.
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-0428]
Dinner, 1984.
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-0428]
Dinner, 1987.
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-0428]
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-0428]
Mushrooms Brochure, Weltge.
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-0428]
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-0428]
NPR Conference Material.
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-0428]
Nim-King Day, 1987.
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-0428]
Fund raising letter.
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-0428]
McNeel and Weltge Advertising.
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-0428]
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-0428]
Oklahoma State Uni versity.
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-0428]
Oklahoma Shadows.
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-0428]
Lease) of 5808-by share.
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-0428]
Affiliates list.
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-0428]
Recent memos, January 1st, 1989.
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-0428]
Job Search, Winter 1991.
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-0428]
SANE interoffice memos.
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-0428]
Final Memo.
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-0428]
Cortright, Siegel, Peace through understanding.
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-0428]
Proposals: Peace Museum and Say Yes.
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-0428]
Production schedules program.
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-0428]
Postal info.
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-0428]
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-0428]
Release Forms.
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-0428]
Public TV Accesit.
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-0428]
Communications Consortium Polling Analysis.
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-0428]
Review books correspondence.
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-0428]
Job Hunt.
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-0428]
Secretary Job Search, 1986 (November).
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-0428]
Corporation Deposit.
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-0428]
Public interest Radio Service PIRS.
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-0428]
SANE Chapters.
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-0428]
National Board Members and Chapters - Mailing List.
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-0428]
Preferred list labels.
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-0428]
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-0428]
Soldiers of peace Paul Kulak.
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-0428]
Working assets/ Money Market.
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-0428]
Women Strike for Peace.
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-0428]
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Information Correspondence, etc.
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-0428]
Wand magazine Turnabout.
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-0428]
Volunteer information.
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-0428]
untitled, November 1989.
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-0428]
Syndication/ Marketing/ Programming.
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-0428]
Syndication mailings.
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-0428]
Syndication/ Major markets/ Survey/ Station list, 1988.
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-0428]
Syndication instructions.
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-0428]
Sprint/ Callers plus/ etc.
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-0428]
# 869 Arms Control.
Box Series A: 7 [SCPC-0429]
# 867 El Salvador.
Box Series A: 7 [SCPC-0429]
# 866 Mark Hertsgaard.
Box Series A: 7 [SCPC-0429]
# 865 Fitzgerald.
Box Series A: 7 [SCPC-0429]
# 864.
Box Series A: 7 [SCPC-0429]
# 863 Housing now.
Box Series A: 7 [SCPC-0429]
# 862 The B-2 Bomber.
Box Series A: 7 [SCPC-0429]
# 861 rLappe.
Box Series A: 7 [SCPC-0429]
# 860 Reproductive Rights.
Box Series A: 7 [SCPC-0429]
# 859 With Liberty and Justice for All.
Box Series A: 7 [SCPC-0429]
# 858 Philip Agee.
Box Series A: 7 [SCPC-0429]
# 857 'Fair' Warning.
Box Series A: 7 [SCPC-0429]
# 856 Central America Peace Plan.
Box Series A: 7 [SCPC-0429]
# 854-852 Forgotten Futures Part 3-1.
Box Series A: 7 [SCPC-0429]
# 851 Voices of Hope and Anger.
Box Series A: 7 [SCPC-0429]
# 850 Jesse Jackson.
Box Series A: 7 [SCPC-0429]
# 849 Mark Sommer.
Box Series A: 7 [SCPC-0429]
# 848 Helen Caldicott's new prescription.
Box Series A: 7 [SCPC-0429]
# 847 "What time is it?".
Box Series A: 7 [SCPC-0429]
# 845 "Breaking Ranks".
Box Series A: 7 [SCPC-0429]
# 844 Betty Lall/START.
Box Series A: 7 [SCPC-0429]
# 843 Hanington.
Box Series A: 7 [SCPC-0429]
# 842 Coffin.
Box Series A: 7 [SCPC-0429]
# 841.
Box Series A: 7 [SCPC-0429]
# 840 Conversion.
Box Series A: 7 [SCPC-0429]
# 839 Women on War.
Box Series A: 7 [SCPC-0429]
# 838 "Warstars".
Box Series A: 7 [SCPC-0429]
# 837 "International Human Rights and Feminism".
Box Series A: 7 [SCPC-0429]
# 386 Bernard Lown /.
Box Series A: 7 [SCPC-0429]
# 835 G.E. Boycott.
Box Series A: 7 [SCPC-0429]
# 834 Wild Blue fonder/ B-1 Bomb.
Box Series A: 7 [SCPC-0429]
# 832 Bright Shining Lie and Other lessons from Vietnam.
Box Series A: 7 [SCPC-0429]
# 831 What are we afraid of?.
Box Series A: 7 [SCPC-0429]
General BG on USSR.
Box Series A: 7 [SCPC-0429]
Tape logs, already scanned.
Box Series A: 7 [SCPC-0429]
# 722 Rerun "Star Wars" PARNAS.
Box Series A: 8 [SCPC-0430]
# 719-721 Reruns.
Box Series A: 8 [SCPC-0430]
# 717 Chernobyl USA I.
Box Series A: 8 [SCPC-0430]
# 718 LRN 33-86.
Box Series A: 8 [SCPC-0430]
# 715 and # 716 Repackage of 690 and 691 Starwars: two views; Lifton on Starwars.
Box Series A: 8 [SCPC-0430]
#714 Ehrenreich.
Box Series A: 8 [SCPC-0430]
# 655 Lovins.
Box Series A: 8 [SCPC-0430]
# 712 WILPF Conference.
Box Series A: 8 [SCPC-0430]
# 711 "Towards a Test Ban".
Box Series A: 8 [SCPC-0430]
# 710 " Pass the Bucks".
Box Series A: 8 [SCPC-0430]
# 709 Nicaraguan views on Nicaragua.
Box Series A: 8 [SCPC-0430]
# 708 LRN 23-86/ CTB/ LaRoque.
Box Series A: 8 [SCPC-0430]
# 707 I22-86 Winpisinger.
Box Series A: 8 [SCPC-0430]
# 706/ 22-86 Jackson.
Box Series A: 8 [SCPC-0430]
# 7051Peaceworks highlights.
Box Series A: 8 [SCPC-0430]
#6C]8 Low Intensity Warfare.
Box Series A: 8 [SCPC-0430]
# 697 "Deadly Connection".
Box Series A: 8 [SCPC-0430]
# 695 Bishop Tutu.
Box Series A: 8 [SCPC-0430]
# 687.
Box Series A: 8 [SCPC-0430]
Women series project.
Box Series A: 8 [SCPC-0430]
Women series response.
Box Series A: 8 [SCPC-0430]
Women series BG and leads.
Box Series A: 8 [SCPC-0430]
Tax resistance.
Box Series A: 8 [SCPC-0430]
Soviet visitors.
Box Series A: 8 [SCPC-0430]
Box Series A: 8 [SCPC-0430]
Institutional Energy Management.
Box Series A: 8 [SCPC-0430]
Box Series A: 8 [SCPC-0430]
Production schedule.
Box Series A: 8 [SCPC-0430]
Sales sampler.
Box Series A: 8 [SCPC-0430]
Box Series A: 8 [SCPC-0430]
Publicity, special releases.
Box Series A: 8 [SCPC-0430]
Box Series A: 8 [SCPC-0430]
Phila. Navy Yard.
Box Series A: 8 [SCPC-0430]
Frankfort Arsenal.
Box Series A: 8 [SCPC-0430]
Special Station follow-upand possible letter.
Box Series A: 8 [SCPC-0430]
Shadows Affiliates.
Box Series A: 8 [SCPC-0430]
Cable Research.
Box Series A: 8 [SCPC-0430]
Box Series A: 8 [SCPC-0430]
Not filed scrap paper and photocopies.
Box Series A: 9 [SCPC-0431]
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends.
Box Series A: 10 [SCPC-0432]
Playboy-Women of Peace, 1984.
Box Series A: 10 [SCPC-0432]
Original letters, Press releases.
Box Series A: 10 [SCPC-0432]
Philadelphia Foundation, 1982-1986.
Box Series A: 10 [SCPC-0432]
One Bleu Sky Final Report.
Box Series A: 10 [SCPC-0432]
Pennsylvania Humanities Council, 1989.
Box Series A: 10 [SCPC-0432]
"Beyond Cold War", 1987.
Box Series A: 10 [SCPC-0432]
Donors Certifications forms.
Box Series A: 10 [SCPC-0432]
PHC Mini-Grant Proposal.
Box Series A: 10 [SCPC-0432]
Box Series A: 10 [SCPC-0432]
PHC: War, Peace, and the Constitution.
Box Series A: 10 [SCPC-0432]
War in Space.
Box Series A: 10 [SCPC-0432]
Hiroshima Project.
Box Series A: 10 [SCPC-0432]
PHC l84 Mushrooms.
Box Series A: 10 [SCPC-0432]
Scherman Foundation.
Box Series A: 10 [SCPC-0432]
Thershold Foundation.
Box Series A: 10 [SCPC-0432]
Box Series A: 10 [SCPC-0432]
Consider the Alternatives Newsletters.
Box Series A: 11 [SCPC-0433]
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-0434]
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-0434]
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-0434]
Sample Media and PR brochures.
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-0434]
Institute for Policy Studies.
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-0434]
Inactive file.
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-0434]
Paul Newman, 1989.
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-0434]
NEA Proposal.
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-0434]
# 613 PHC 5.
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-0434]
# 610.
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-0434]
Resubmission Budget.
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-0434]
NHE Proposal/Correspondence.
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-0434]
Joe Duffs Letter.
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-0434]
NEH Re-Submission, 1978 (February).
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-0434]
Reap the Whirlwind Research Papers.
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-0434]
# 611 The Bomb at School.
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-0434]
# 609.
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-0434]
Women of Peace.
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-0434]
# 599.
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-0434]
603 Washington's Reheat Part III.
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-0434]
# 607 Women of Peace II.
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-0434]
# 606 Women of Peace.
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-0434]
# 605 ABC's of Nuclear War.
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-0434]
# 604.
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-0434]
# 602.
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-0434]
#601 Israel between War and Peace II.
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-0434]
# 600.
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-0434]
# 598 Gender Gap.
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-0434]
# 597 Washington's Retreat I.
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-0434]
# 608 Women of the World.
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-0434]
# 614 Town Meeting.
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-0434]
# 574 Friendship without Missiles.
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-0434]
# 570 Women of Seneca.
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-0434]
# 5771Back at the Ranch.
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-0434]
# 576 Joan Baez Peace Award.
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-0434]
# 575 Vietnam Retrospecti ve.
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-0434]
# 573 Escalation in Central America.
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-0434]
# 572 SANE Conference.
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-0434]
# 571 Jobs, Peace and Freedom.
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-0434]
untitled, 1979 (February).
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-0434]
NEH Memo to SANE.
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-0434]
NEH Intern Reap the Whirlwind.
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-0434]
Phila. SANE Board.
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-0434]
NEH Correspondence.
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-0434]
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-0434]
Bob's Copy.
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-0434]
Musil Correspondence.
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-0434]
Resume-NEH assistant.
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-0434]
NEH Assistant Prospects.
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-0434]
Bills to pay, special account.
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-0434]
NEH abstracts, June 1978.
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-0434]
NEH proposal, February 1979.
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-0434]
Joan Reivich.
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-0434]
Stewart Mott.
Box Series A: 13 [SCPC-0435]
United Methodist proposal.
Box Series A: 13 [SCPC-0435]
Founders and Fundraising.
Box Series A: 13 [SCPC-0435]
Paul Newman proposal.
Box Series A: 13 [SCPC-0435]
Ruth Scott Fund proposal.
Box Series A: 13 [SCPC-0435]
# 793 Alternative defense.
Box Series A: 13 [SCPC-0435]
# 792 INF Ratification.
Box Series A: 13 [SCPC-0435]
# 791 Star Wars debate.
Box Series A: 13 [SCPC-0435]
# 790 Kuttner.
Box Series A: 13 [SCPC-0435]
# 789 Architects of the Holocaust.
Box Series A: 13 [SCPC-0435]
# 788 Apartheid's long reach.
Box Series A: 13 [SCPC-0435]
# 787 Shalom.
Box Series A: 13 [SCPC-0435]
# 786 Rebuilding Bluefilelds.
Box Series A: 13 [SCPC-0435]
# 785 Development, Disarmament, and Debt.
Box Series A: 13 [SCPC-0435]
# 784 Healing the wounds of war.
Box Series A: 13 [SCPC-0435]
# 783 Reverend Coffin.
Box Series A: 13 [SCPC-0435]
# 782-778 War, Peace and the Constitution.
Box Series A: 13 [SCPC-0435]
# 777 - 776 Aging.
Box Series A: 13 [SCPC-0435]
# 775 Elderly.
Box Series A: 13 [SCPC-0435]
Mushrooms info and documentation.
Box Series A: 13 [SCPC-0435]
Soviet Military.
Box Series A: 14 [SCPC-0436]
Box Series A: 14 [SCPC-0436]
Curriculum Project.
Box Series A: 14 [SCPC-0436]
Box Series A: 14 [SCPC-0436]
Symposium on Space Weapons.
Box Series A: 14 [SCPC-0436]
War in Space Cassette logs.
Box Series A: 14 [SCPC-0436]
War in Space Series Rough edit logs.
Box Series A: 14 [SCPC-0436]
# 774 INF Talks.
Box Series A: 14 [SCPC-0436]
# 766.
Box Series A: 14 [SCPC-0436]
Star Wars series.
Box Series A: 14 [SCPC-0436]
War in Space Tape logs.
Box Series A: 14 [SCPC-0436]
Pending C.A.M.P.
Box Series A: 15 [SCPC-0437]
C.A.M.P. meeting notes.
Box Series A: 15 [SCPC-0437]
Box Series A: 15 [SCPC-0437]
Box Series A: 15 [SCPC-0437]
SANE Education Fund.
Box Series A: 15 [SCPC-0437]
New Orleans.
Box Series A: 15 [SCPC-0437]
I.F.C.0./NYCH sponsoring organization.
Box Series A: 15 [SCPC-0437]
New York Humanities Council.
Box Series A: 15 [SCPC-0437]
Radio series-Central America.
Box Series A: 15 [SCPC-0437]
C.A.M.P.-Bills and Receipts, 1988.
Box Series A: 15 [SCPC-0437]
Box Series A: 15 [SCPC-0437]
Pennsylvania Humanities Council.
Box Series A: 15 [SCPC-0437]
C.A.M.P. Advisors.
Box Series A: 15 [SCPC-0437]
Box Series A: 15 [SCPC-0437]
Cassette correspondence.
Box Series A: 15 [SCPC-0437]
Checks, receipts, bills.
Box Series A: 16 [SCPC-0438]
"Looking South" bills.
Box Series A: 16 [SCPC-0438]
Winston Peace Fund, 1988-1989.
Box Series A: 16 [SCPC-0438]
Philadelphia Foundation, 1988-1989.
Box Series A: 16 [SCPC-0438]
Ploughshares fund, 1989-1992.
Box Series A: 16 [SCPC-0438]
Republic Project.
Box Series A: 16 [SCPC-0438]
Robeson Fund, 1990-1991.
Box Series A: 16 [SCPC-0438]
ARCA Foundation.
Box Series A: 16 [SCPC-0438]
Ben and Jerry's, 1989.
Box Series A: 16 [SCPC-0438]
Better World Society proposal, 1988 (August).
Box Series A: 16 [SCPC-0438]
VEATCH, 1989-1990.
Box Series A: 16 [SCPC-0438]
Texas Committee for the Humanities.
Box Series A: 16 [SCPC-0438]
"Looking South" treatment updates.
Box Series A: 16 [SCPC-0438]
OR Council, 1992.
Box Series A: 16 [SCPC-0438]
Philadelphia Foundation "How can this be?", 1989-1990.
Box Series A: 16 [SCPC-0438]
Proposed structure.
Box Series A: 17 [SCPC-0439]
Box Series A: 17 [SCPC-0439]
TV spot for nuclear test ban.
Box Series A: 17 [SCPC-0439]
Box Series A: 17 [SCPC-0439]
Box Series A: 17 [SCPC-0439]
Cultural Alliances.
Box Series A: 17 [SCPC-0439]
Better World.
Box Series A: 17 [SCPC-0439]
Brochure designers.
Box Series A: 17 [SCPC-0439]
Dr. Helen Cadicott Correspondence/Release.
Box Series A: 17 [SCPC-0439]
National Cassette Service.
Box Series A: 17 [SCPC-0439]
Central Germantown Council.
Box Series A: 17 [SCPC-0439]
Chernobyl, USA.
Box Series A: 17 [SCPC-0439]
Conference Speakers, Intei·national.
Box Series A: 17 [SCPC-0439]
Contributor list in local Zip codes.
Box Series A: 17 [SCPC-0439]
Box Series A: 17 [SCPC-0439]
Speaking Engagement.
Box Series A: 17 [SCPC-0439]
Budget monthly, 1984.
Box Series A: 17 [SCPC-0439]
Current Finance.
Box Series A: 17 [SCPC-0439]
Insights Union Proposal, 1983.
Box Series A: 17 [SCPC-0439]
National spots, 1983.
Box Series A: 17 [SCPC-0439]
Media Committee reports, 1982.
Box Series A: 17 [SCPC-0439]
Board Meetings.
Box Series A: 17 [SCPC-0439]
Advisory Committee.
Box Series A: 17 [SCPC-0439]
Program Production.
Box Series A: 17 [SCPC-0439]
NPR Stations.
Box Series A: 18 [SCPC-0440]
Peace Groups.
Box Series A: 18 [SCPC-0440]
Philadelphia SANE.
Box Series A: 18 [SCPC-0440]
Form Books, 1988.
Box Series A: 18 [SCPC-0440]
Mobilization for Survival.
Box Series A: 18 [SCPC-0440]
Box Series A: 18 [SCPC-0440]
Box Series A: 18 [SCPC-0440]
Box Series A: 18 [SCPC-0440]
SANE Organizer's manual.
Box Series A: 18 [SCPC-0440]
National Sane: con-espondence, memos, etc.
Box Series A: 18 [SCPC-0440]
National Sane Fundraiser "The Russians are coming".
Box Series A: 18 [SCPC-0440]
Proposal for SANE membership and outreach.
Box Series A: 18 [SCPC-0440]
SANE media board.
Box Series A: 18 [SCPC-0440]
Literature of interest (non-SANE publication).
Box Series A: 18 [SCPC-0440]
Box Series A: 18 [SCPC-0440]
United Nations.
Box Series A: 18 [SCPC-0440]
Rural America.
Box Series A: 18 [SCPC-0440]
Test Ban.
Box Series A: 18 [SCPC-0440]
Box Series A: 18 [SCPC-0440]
Student Activism.
Box Series A: 18 [SCPC-0440]
Central America.
Box Series A: 18 [SCPC-0440]
Alternative America.
Box Series A: 18 [SCPC-0440]
Rad Waste.
Box Series A: 18 [SCPC-0440]
USIRP Financial Statements Fiscal, September 1989-October 1990.
Box Series A: 19 [SCPC-0441]
Bank Statements.
Box Series A: 19 [SCPC-0441]
Financial statements, August 1989.
Box Series A: 19 [SCPC-0441]
Deposit, March 1989-May 1989.
Box Series A: 19 [SCPC-0441]
SANE, 1989 (March).
Box Series A: 19 [SCPC-0441]
SANE, 1989 (April).
Box Series A: 19 [SCPC-0441]
SANE, 1989 (May).
Box Series A: 19 [SCPC-0441]
SANE, 1989 (June).
Box Series A: 19 [SCPC-0441]
SANE, 1989 (August).
Box Series A: 19 [SCPC-0441]
Deposits, June 1989- August 1989.
Box Series A: 19 [SCPC-0441]
Saving Statements.
Box Series A: 19 [SCPC-0441]
Financial Statements, 1990-1991.
Box Series A: 19 [SCPC-0441]
Real Estate Taxes.
Box Series A: 19 [SCPC-0441]
SANE, 32690.
Box Series A: 19 [SCPC-0441]
SANE, 32540.
Box Series A: 19 [SCPC-0441]
Bank Receipts.
Box Series A: 19 [SCPC-0441]
Bills paid, 1993-1994.
Box Series A: 20 [SCPC-0442]
Close down (once again), 1992 (June).
Box Series A: 20 [SCPC-0442]
Board, 1992-1993.
Box Series A: 20 [SCPC-0442]
Individual Sol.
Box Series A: 21 [SCPC-0443]
Box Series A: 21 [SCPC-0443]
IWO Network-Special program, 1980.
Box Series A: 21 [SCPC-0443]
IAMAW, 1983.
Box Series A: 21 [SCPC-0443]
IAMAW, 1980 (October).
Box Series A: 21 [SCPC-0443]
IAMAW/IWO letters, 1979.
Box Series A: 21 [SCPC-0443]
Indochina Lit.
Box Series A: 21 [SCPC-0443]
Hilles Fund, 1985.
Box Series A: 21 [SCPC-0443]
Box Series A: 21 [SCPC-0443]
Haff ison Foundation.
Box Series A: 21 [SCPC-0443]
John Harris.
Box Series A: 21 [SCPC-0443]
Sisters of Humility.
Box Series A: 21 [SCPC-0443]
Box Series A: 21 [SCPC-0443]
$400,000 Grant info.
Box Series A: 21 [SCPC-0443]
Fundraising letters.
Box Series A: 21 [SCPC-0443]
IWO, 1979.
Box Series A: 21 [SCPC-0443]
Joyce-Mertz-Gilmore Foundation.
Box Series A: 21 [SCPC-0443]
German Marshall Fund.
Box Series A: 21 [SCPC-0443]
Gienmede trust (Coleman).
Box Series A: 21 [SCPC-0443]
Fund for New Priorities.
Box Series A: 21 [SCPC-0443]
Grant, 1986 (September).
Box Series A: 21 [SCPC-0443]
Ford Foundation.
Box Series A: 21 [SCPC-0443]
Berstein -Ferry.
Box Series A: 21 [SCPC-0443]
Fairmount Park Commission.
Box Series A: 21 [SCPC-0443]
Fels Fund.
Box Series A: 21 [SCPC-0443]
Box Series A: 21 [SCPC-0443]
Lucius and Eva Eastman Fund, Inc.
Box Series A: 21 [SCPC-0443]
Deferred Giving.
Box Series A: 21 [SCPC-0443]
Women of Peace, 1984.
Box Series A: 21 [SCPC-0443]
Alfred and Mary Douty Foundation.
Box Series A: 21 [SCPC-0443]
Old contacts.
Box Series A: 21 [SCPC-0443]
New contacts.
Box Series A: 21 [SCPC-0443]
Cuba trip.
Box Series A: 21 [SCPC-0443]
Columbia Foundation.
Box Series A: 21 [SCPC-0443]
Box Series A: 21 [SCPC-0443]
Celestial Seasonings.
Box Series A: 21 [SCPC-0443]
Chace Fund.
Box Series A: 21 [SCPC-0443]
Helen D.G. Beatty Trust, 1982 (March 19).
Box Series A: 21 [SCPC-0443]
Babcock Foundation.
Box Series A: 21 [SCPC-0443]
Box Series A: 21 [SCPC-0443]
Box Series A: 21 [SCPC-0443]
CS Fund.
Box Series A: 21 [SCPC-0443]
Marianne Breslauer.
Box Series A: 21 [SCPC-0443]
Eugenic Rowe Bradford.
Box Series A: 21 [SCPC-0443]
Bread of Roses.
Box Series A: 21 [SCPC-0443]
Lillian Boehm Foundation.
Box Series A: 21 [SCPC-0443]
Benton Foundation.
Box Series A: 21 [SCPC-0443]
CS Fund proposal, CS Fund Matches.
Box Series A: 21 [SCPC-0443]
Careth Foundation.
Box Series A: 21 [SCPC-0443]
Abe and Mollie Ceasar.
Box Series A: 21 [SCPC-0443]
California trip.
Box Series A: 21 [SCPC-0443]
Carnegie Hall event.
Box Series A: 21 [SCPC-0443]
Careth Foundation proposal.
Box Series A: 21 [SCPC-0443]
Earl Osborn proposal.
Box Series A: 21 [SCPC-0443]
Joint Foundation Support, Inc.
Box Series A: 21 [SCPC-0443]
Albert Kunstadter Family Foundation.
Box Series A: 21 [SCPC-0443]
Kaplan Fund.
Box Series A: 21 [SCPC-0443]
The Limantour Fund.
Box Series A: 21 [SCPC-0443]
Listener letters.
Box Series A: 21 [SCPC-0443]
Sisters of Loretto.
Box Series A: 21 [SCPC-0443]
Letters and correspondence with Providence National Bank.
Box Series A: 22 [SCPC-0444]
Receipts, bills.
Box Series A: 22 [SCPC-0444]
Travel receipts.
Box Series A: 22 [SCPC-0444]
American Express.
Box Series A: 22 [SCPC-0444]
Phone, Electricity, Gas, Water payments.
Box Series A: 22 [SCPC-0444]
SDI Background.
Box Series A: 23 [SCPC-0445]
Star Wars Publicity.
Box Series A: 23 [SCPC-0445]
SDI Chips.
Box Series A: 23 [SCPC-0445]
War in Space.
Box Series A: 23 [SCPC-0445]
IEEE Spectrum SDI: the Grand Experiment, 1985-09.
Box Series A: 23 [SCPC-0445]
# 759 Mobilization.
Box Series A: 23 [SCPC-0445]
# 758.
Box Series A: 23 [SCPC-0445]
# 757.
Box Series A: 23 [SCPC-0445]
Sharon Sigal' s report on military spending.
Box Series A: 23 [SCPC-0445]
Military spending tape logs.
Box Series A: 23 [SCPC-0445]
Military spending.
Box Series A: 23 [SCPC-0445]
# 756.
Box Series A: 23 [SCPC-0445]
# 754.
Box Series A: 23 [SCPC-0445]
# 755.
Box Series A: 23 [SCPC-0445]
# 753.
Box Series A: 23 [SCPC-0445]
# 752.
Box Series A: 23 [SCPC-0445]
# 751.
Box Series A: 23 [SCPC-0445]
# 750.
Box Series A: 23 [SCPC-0445]
# 756.
Box Series A: 23 [SCPC-0445]
# 747.
Box Series A: 23 [SCPC-0445]
# 746.
Box Series A: 23 [SCPC-0445]
# 745 SANE Dinner I.
Box Series A: 23 [SCPC-0445]
# 741 "The Media and Arms Race".
Box Series A: 23 [SCPC-0445]
# 740 Seymoor Melman Economic Conversion.
Box Series A: 23 [SCPC-0445]
# 739 "Computer Reliabi lity and Nuclear War".
Box Series A: 23 [SCPC-0445]
# 738 "Great Peace March".
Box Series A: 23 [SCPC-0445]
# 737.
Box Series A: 23 [SCPC-0445]
# 736.
Box Series A: 23 [SCPC-0445]
# 735 "Reykjavik".
Box Series A: 23 [SCPC-0445]
# 734.
Box Series A: 23 [SCPC-0445]
# 733.
Box Series A: 23 [SCPC-0445]
# 732 SMEAL.
Box Series A: 23 [SCPC-0445]
# 731.
Box Series A: 23 [SCPC-0445]
# 730 "Test Peace Not Bombs".
Box Series A: 23 [SCPC-0445]
# 727, # 728 Caldicott' s farewell address parts I and II.
Box Series A: 23 [SCPC-0445]
# 725 Arms Race and People of Color.
Box Series A: 23 [SCPC-0445]
# 723 and # 724 Energy.
Box Series A: 23 [SCPC-0445]
# 723 Energy part I.
Box Series A: 23 [SCPC-0445]
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
Program Production.
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
Healtl - BC/BS HMO-Pennsylvania.
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
National Cassette.
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
Electric Company.
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
Philadelphia Gas.
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
Second Street.
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
Bell of Pennsylvania.
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
American Express.
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
Dinner Expenses, 1990.
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
Dinner Bills, 1991.
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
Tri-State Alarm.
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
Utilities, Water and Sewerage.
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
Bank Statements, September 1991- September 1992.
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
Keystone-HMO Dental BC/BS.
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
House repairs and equipment Office and Radio.
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
Mailing and shipping.
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
Travel Receipts/ Parking.
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
Getty cash receipts.
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
Miscellaneous expenses.
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
Office Supplies/ Letterhead, Stationary, etc.
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
National Committee for Responsible Philantrophy.
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
Center on Budget and Policy Procedures.
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
Miltary Tax Campaign.
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
New Patriot.
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
Missoula Paper.
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
CCCO (Central Committee for Conscientious Objection).
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
American Friends Service Committee.
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
Sierra Club.
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
American Committee on U.S. Soviet Relations.
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
Int. Sec. News Clip Service.
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
Global Parliament.
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
Renew America.
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom.
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
Radioactive Waste Campaign.
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
Office of Technology Assessment.
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
Educators for Social Responsibility.
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
American Peace Test.
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
Military toxic.
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
Jewish Peace Fellowship.
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
U.S./ Soviet.
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
20/20 Vision.
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
Arms trade.
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
Central America.
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
Public Citizen.
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
University/Military link.
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
Military industrial base.
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
Base closing.
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
Arms control.
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
Urban Policy.
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
Sand L crises.
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
Environment Mass Transit.
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
Domestic effects: Philadelphia and cities.
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
International Division of Labor.
Box Series A: 24 [SCPC-0446]
DACS description.
Box Series A: 25 [SCPC-0447]
Award Submissions.
Box Series A: 25 [SCPC-0447]
Stringers and misc. radio contacts.
Box Series A: 25 [SCPC-0447]
Media corporations.
Box Series A: 25 [SCPC-0447]
Outside resources.
Box Series A: 25 [SCPC-0447]
Independent Resources Free production possi bilities.
Box Series A: 25 [SCPC-0447]
Beth correspondence.
Box Series A: 25 [SCPC-0447]
Newsletter/Proofs/ Articles.
Box Series A: 25 [SCPC-0447]
Box Series A: 25 [SCPC-0447]
Covert action FBI.
Box Series A: 25 [SCPC-0447]
Middle East Peace.
Box Series A: 25 [SCPC-0447]
Gulf War.
Box Series A: 25 [SCPC-0447]
In These Times.
Box Series A: 25 [SCPC-0447]
Box Series A: 25 [SCPC-0447]
Box Series A: 25 [SCPC-0447]
Box Series A: 25 [SCPC-0447]
Public Citizen.
Box Series A: 25 [SCPC-0447]
Box Series A: 25 [SCPC-0447]
Co-op America.
Box Series A: 25 [SCPC-0447]
CDI Defense Monitor.
Box Series A: 25 [SCPC-0447]
Box Series A: 25 [SCPC-0447]
Disarmament Times.
Box Series A: 25 [SCPC-0447]
MOB IMobilize.
Box Series A: 25 [SCPC-0447]
Spqce and Security News.
Box Series A: 25 [SCPC-0447]
News Outlook American Friends Service Committee.
Box Series A: 25 [SCPC-0447]
Bulletin of Municipal Foreign Policy.
Box Series A: 25 [SCPC-0447]
Box Series A: 25 [SCPC-0447]
Rocky Mountain Institute.
Box Series A: 25 [SCPC-0447]
Earth Island Institute.
Box Series A: 25 [SCPC-0447]
Citizen Alert.
Box Series A: 25 [SCPC-0447]
Box Series A: 25 [SCPC-0447]
Institute for Resource and Security.
Box Series A: 25 [SCPC-0447]
National Security Archive.
Box Series A: 25 [SCPC-0447]
Ground Zero.
Box Series A: 25 [SCPC-0447]
Box Series A: 25 [SCPC-0447]
# 943 Race/Class Issues for Democratic Party.
Box Series A: 26 [SCPC-0448]
# 942 Minority Party.
Box Series A: 26 [SCPC-0448]
# 941 Melman.
Box Series A: 26 [SCPC-0448]
# 940 Doc 1, Owry.
Box Series A: 26 [SCPC-0448]
# 939 Commoner.
Box Series A: 26 [SCPC-0448]
# 938 Norman Soloman.
Box Series A: 26 [SCPC-0448]
# 936 Forsberg.
Box Series A: 26 [SCPC-0448]
# 931 Robert Polland.
Box Series A: 26 [SCPC-0448]
# 879 One Blue Sky Part I.
Box Series A: 26 [SCPC-0448]
# 880 One Blue Sky Part 2.
Box Series A: 26 [SCPC-0448]
# 881 One Blue Sky Part 3.
Box Series A: 26 [SCPC-0448]
Tape logs One Blue Sky.
Box Series A: 26 [SCPC-0448]
# 956 Simmons.
Box Series A: 26 [SCPC-0448]
Box Series A: 26 [SCPC-0448]
Foundation Search.
Box Series A: 26 [SCPC-0448]
California Council for the Humanities "Looking South", 1990.
Box Series A: 26 [SCPC-0448]
Careth Proposal.
Box Series A: 26 [SCPC-0448]
Chace Foundation, 1991.
Box Series A: 26 [SCPC-0448]
Box Series A: 26 [SCPC-0448]
Douty Foundation, 1985.
Box Series A: 26 [SCPC-0448]
Fiscal Agent Info.
Box Series A: 26 [SCPC-0448]
Greenpeace Foundation, 1988 (August).
Box Series A: 26 [SCPC-0448]
Box Series A: 26 [SCPC-0448]
Haas Trust.
Box Series A: 26 [SCPC-0448]
High Donors (Individuals), 1988-1990.
Box Series A: 26 [SCPC-0448]
Humanities Council.
Box Series A: 26 [SCPC-0448]
Illinois Humanities Council/UN.
Box Series A: 26 [SCPC-0448]
Kendall, 1990.
Box Series A: 26 [SCPC-0448]
MA Humanities.
Box Series A: 26 [SCPC-0448]
NYCA Last Best Hope (UN), 1991.
Box Series A: 26 [SCPC-0448]
MJ)I Humanities Council.
Box Series A: 26 [SCPC-0448]
Ruth Mott Fund.
Box Series A: 26 [SCPC-0448]
National Endowment for the Arts.
Box Series A: 26 [SCPC-0448]
NYCA "War, Peace" Constitution.
Box Series A: 26 [SCPC-0448]
Operationn Real Security.
Box Series A: 26 [SCPC-0448]
Box Series A: 26 [SCPC-0448]
Pennsylvania Unemployment.
Box Series A: 26 [SCPC-0448]
William Penn Foundation.
Box Series A: 26 [SCPC-0448]
Summary, 1990.
Box Series A: 26 [SCPC-0448]
Listener mail.
Box Series A: 26 [SCPC-0448]
Program Schedule.
Box Series A: 26 [SCPC-0448]
Box Series A: 26 [SCPC-0448]
# 375 - 367.
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]
NEH Shadows Pilot.
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]
Reap the Whirlwind.
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]
Hans Bette.
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]
NEH Reading.
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]
NEH Tape notes.
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]
IWO Series.
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]
Earl Osborn.
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]
Lestee Thorow.
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]
# 366 - 346.
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]
# 347 Third World War.
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]
# 346 Nicaragua.
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]
# 345.
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]
# 344 South Africa.
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]
# 343.
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]
# 342 IAM Conversion.
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]
# 341 Harrington.
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]
# 340.
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]
# 339 IWO Salt programs.
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]
# 337 Bruce Stokes.
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]
# 336 Conrad.
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]
# 335 Denis Hays.
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]
# 334 Harald Willers.
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]
# 333 Howard Hinkis.
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]
# 332 Robert DeGrasse.
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]
# 33UMark Green.
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]
# 38 - 324.
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]
# 323: Nicaragua: Human Rights.
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]
# 308 Fernandez.
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]
# 307 R. Musil.
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]
# 306 Ann Burley.
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]
# 321 LaRoque.
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]
# 319 Smith.
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]
# 320 Seelman.
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]
# 317 Du Boff.
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]
# 316 John Ullmann.
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]
# 315 Bill Lucy.
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]
# 314 Richard Kaufman.
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]
# 313 Winpisinger, 1978 (November 13).
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]
Workman's company.
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]
New coverage, Haas and Wilkerson Building Insurance, 1990 (November 20).
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]
Stock contributions.
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]
Audit, 1991.
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]
Gn,mt Agreement letters FY, 1992.
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]
Name change.
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]
Green Street bank Account.
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]
Fictitious Names-Green Street Associates.
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]
By-laws-Partnership agreement original.
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]
5808 Green Street.
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]
Green Street Associates shares/tax, 1988-1991.
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]
Greene Street Associates, 1987-1988.
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]
Greene Street Associates, 1985-1986.
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]
Greene Street Associates, 1982-1983.
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]
Solicitations of agreements with prospective partners.
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]
5808 Renovations.
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]
Financial Statements, 1989-1990.
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]
Financial Statements, April- August, 1992.
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]
Financial Statements, 1992 (March).
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]
Financial Statements, September 1991- February 1992.
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]
Taxes, 1991-1992.
Box Series A: 27 [SCPC-0449]

# 009 "Campagin '72: A View from the Press", Claude Lewis, Pamala Haynes,and David Freudberg.
Box Series B: 1
# 010 "Where we go from here; a post-election discussion", Dorothy Steffens, Bill Davidon,and Windell Young.
Box Series B: 1
# 011 "Limits of freedom and dissent", Taylor Grant.
Box Series B: 1
# 012 "November 24", Seymour Melman.
Box Series B: 1
# 013 "Religion, Government, and the Social Gospel", Rev. William Sloane Coffin.
Box Series B: 1
# 014 "International Law and Individual Responsibility", Richard Falk.
Box Series B: 1
# 015 "Military Boondoggles and National Security", Senator William Proxmire.
Box Series B: 1
# 016 "Christian Priorities - 1973", Rev. Paul Washington.
Box Series B: 1
# 017 "Our Rent-a-Soldier Policy: the Korean Mercenaries in Viet Nam", Dianne and Michael Jones.
Box Series B: 1
# 018 "The Philadelphia School Crisis: the parents view.", Happy Fernandez.
Box Series B: 1
# 019 "The Arrogance of U.S. Power in Foreign Affairs", Senator J. William Fulbright.
Box Series B: 1
# 020 "Health Services: Phila. area needs vs. federal spending priorities.", Dr. Walter Lear.
Box Series B: 1
# 021 "Freedom of Speech and Assembly: How secure are they in Philadelphia?", Spencer Coxe and Jack Levine.
Box Series B: 1
# 022 "Viet Nam: The Unresolved Issues", Tran Van Dinh.
Box Series B: 1
# 023 "Congress vs. The President: the current power struggle", I.F. Stone.
Box Series B: 1
# 024 "The Crisis in Children's Services", Representatives of The Philadelphia Congress for Children.
Box Series B: 1
# 025 "The High Priests of Waste", A. Ernest Fitzgerald.
Box Series B: 1
# 026 "The Continious Struggle of Conscience", Father Philip Berrigan.
Box Series B: 1
# 027 "The 1974 Budget: A Sane Critique", Ed Herman, Steve Shick, Mike Sletson.
Box Series B: 1
# 028 "Is our Navy Second Rate?", Reader Admiral Gene R. LaRocque.
Box Series B: 1
# 029 "Tax Reform by 1976", Ed Schwartzand Bill Callahan.
Box Series B: 1
# 030 "Congress vs. The President", Parren Mitchell.
Box Series B: 1
# 031 "Is Washington Paying Its 'Fair Share' for Education?", Thomas Rosica.
Box Series B: 1
# 032 "Housing: Needs and Resources in Philadelphia", Shirly Dennis.
Box Series B: 1
# 033 "Federal Cut Backs and Community Legal Services", Laurence M. Lavin.
Box Series B: 1
# 034 "Global Corporations: The New Earth Managers", Richard Barnet.
Box Series B: 1
# 035 "The Battle for War Powers", Brian Atwood.
Box Series B: 1
# 036 "Greece: A U.S. Satellite?", Dr. Julius Iossifides.
Box Series B: 1
# 037 "The News Media ---Half Slave. . . Half Free?", Taylor Grant.
Box Series B: 1
# 038 "Can Philadelphia Survive Nixon's Cutbacks?", Greg Naylor, Leanne Keys.
Box Series B: 1
# 039 "'New Federalism and Older People", Jean Fischer.
Box Series B: 1
# 040 "Labor Unions and Global Corporations", Victor Reuther.
Box Series B: 1
# 041 "Crime, Politics, and Our Courts", Judge Lois G. Forer.
Box Series B: 1
# 042 "Perspective on Impeachment", I.F. Stone.
Box Series B: 1
# 043 "Amnesty: When and for whom?", Charles Lutz.
Box Series B: 1
# 044 "Overseas Troops: Mission Improbable", Lt. Col. Edward King.
Box Series B: 1
# 048 "Mental Health Care: Who will pay the bill?", David Bernhardt.
Box Series B: 1
# 049 "Weapons we can live without", Robt. Berman and David Johnson.
Box Series B: 1
# 050 "Pennsylvania War Industries: Can they be converted?", Charles Guensh.
Box Series B: 1
# 051 "Freedom on Trial: recent court decisions and political trials", Dave Kairys and David Rudovsky.
Box Series B: 1
# 052 "Strategy for a Living Revolution", George Lakey.
Box Series B: 1
# 053 "Revenue Sharing: Boom or Boondoggle", Joseph Coleman.
Box Series B: 1
# 054 "The Backroom Boys: our war making elite", Noam Chomsky.
Box Series B: 1
# 055 "Should hospital workers subsidize health care?", Henry Nicholas.
Box Series B: 1
# 056 "Vietnam: the new form of investigation", Don Luce.
Box Series B: 1
# 057 "Why does Peace cost more than War?: the view from the Senate.", Senator Richard Schweiker.
Box Series B: 1
# 058 "Why does Peace cost more than War?: the view from the House.", Congressman Les Aspin.
Box Series B: 1
# 059 "State Funding of Human Services: a political football", Terry Dellmuth and Milton Shap.
Box Series B: 1
# 060 "Suffer the Little Children: the effects of Federal priorities on our children", Melvin Jackson.
Box Series B: 1
# 061 "The Philippines: how long without freedom?", Bishop Lyman C. Ogliby.
Box Series B: 1
# 062 "Chile: the six crises before the death of democracy", Philip Wheaton.
Box Series B: 1
# 063 "Do we have a 'peace time' economy?", Richard Kaufman.
Box Series B: 1
# 064 "The Middle East: are there alternatives to war?", Bob Loeb.
Box Series B: 1
# 065 "Domestic Programs: 10 months after Nixon's Cutbacks", Alicia Christian.
Box Series B: 1
# 066 "U.S. Foreign Policy: making the world safe for whom?", Richard Barnet.
Box Series B: 1
# 067 "Can the State do it alone?: a discussion of housing and Anti-Poverty programs in Pennsylvania.", William H. Wilcox.
Box Series B: 1
# 068 "A Call for New Alternatives in the Middle East", Bob Loeb.
Box Series B: 1
# 069 "Vietnam: Reconstructing the War.", David Perry.
Box Series B: 1
# 070 "Reflections on Watergate and other scandals", Les Whitten.
Box Series B: 1
# 071 "An Ethic for Christians and other Aliens", William Stringfellow.
Box Series B: 1
# 072 "The P.O.W.'s aren't Home: a look at Saigon's prisoners", Bishop Thomas Gumbleton.
Box Series B: 2
# 073 "A Shopper's Guide to National Issues", Herbert Dennenberg.
Box Series B: 2
# 074 "The New Rulers of Greece", Dr. Julius Iossifides.
Box Series B: 2
# 075 "Oil and Taxes: a call for a new TEA Party", Ralph Nader.
Box Series B: 2
# 076 "The Roots of War: A Critique of U.S. Foreign Policy", Richard Barnet.
Box Series B: 2
# 077 "Revenue Sharing: With Whom?", Alyson Scott Larrabee.
Box Series B: 2
# 078 "Education and the Rise of the Corporate State", Joel H. Spring.
Box Series B: 2
# 079 "The Fiscal 1975 Budget: A SANE Critique", Seymour Melman and Sandy Gottlieb.
Box Series B: 2
# 080 "Black Crime: Who's Responsible", Rev. Muhammad Kenyatta and Rev. Wycliffe Jandharrie.
Box Series B: 2
# 081 "Chile: Life under the New Rulers", Key Camp.
Box Series B: 2
# 082 "There's Still a War to End", Jane Fondaand Tom Hayden.
Box Series B: 2
# 083 "Nixon's Health Plan and Senior Citizens", Representatives of Phila. Action Alliance for Senior Citizens.
Box Series B: 2
# 084 "Chile: Life under the new rulers", Kay Camp.
Box Series B: 2
# 085 "Tax Reform: Where its at now.", Ed Schwartz and Bill Callahan.
Box Series B: 2
# 086 "Conversation with a Palestinian Exile", Fawaz Turki.
Box Series B: 2
# 087 "Wounded Knee: Who gives a damn?", William Kunstler.
Box Series B: 2
# 088 "Nixon and the problem of Conflict of Interest", Dr. Edward S. Herman.
Box Series B: 2
# 089 "Amnesty or Exile?", Nina Moliver.
Box Series B: 2
# 090 "Public Education: Politics and Finance", Mirian L. Gafni.
Box Series B: 2
# 091 "Israeli and Arab Peace Initiatives", Meir Pa'il.
Box Series B: 2
# 092 "Chile Under Military Rule", Ambassador Harald Edelstam.
Box Series B: 2
# 093 "Public Education: Do parents have rights?", Happy Fernandez and Hazel Flowers.
Box Series B: 2
# 094 "Impeachment and Beyond", Taylor Grant.
Box Series B: 2
# 095 "Farm Workers: Their Friends and Enemies", Cesar Chavez.
Box Series B: 2
# 096 "Declining Health Services...... and Federal Responsibility", Dr. Walter Lear.
Box Series B: 2
# 097 "How to Fund a War No one Will Buy", Fred Branfman.
Box Series B: 2
# 098 "Africa: Notes on Developing Nations", Claude Lewis.
Box Series B: 2
# 099 "Lessons from the Watergate Yeasrs", I.F. Stone.
Box Series B: 2
# 100 "Police Corruption: Alternatives and Reform", Lawrence T. Hoyle Jr.
Box Series B: 2
# 101 "Thinking the Unthinkable: Humane Nuclear War", Sanford Gottlieb.
Box Series B: 2
# 102 "Can There be Justice for the Palestinians?", Paul Mayer.
Box Series B: 2
# 103 "The New Federalism: Two Years after the Dream", Barbara Williams.
Box Series B: 2
# 104 "Military Spending and the Inflation Bomb", Senator William Proxmire.
Box Series B: 2
# 105 "Our Overseas Troops: What is their Mission?", Sanford Gottlieb.
Box Series B: 2
# 106 "The New President: A Reporter's Notes", Saul Friedman.
Box Series B: 2
# 107 "South Vietnam: Life under the Provisional Revolutionary Government", Ron Young.
Box Series B: 2
# 108 "Has Democracy Returned to Greece?", Dr. Julius Iossifides.
Box Series B: 2
# 109 "Military Spending: How Many Jobs per Buck?", Congressman Les Aspin.
Box Series B: 2
# 110 "Military Spending: Will Congreess Cut It?", Congressman Les Aspin.
Box Series B: 2
# 111 "Chile: The Church Resists the Junta", Fr. Frederick McGuire.
Box Series B: 2
# 112 "Inflation: The Deflator of City Services", William G. Klenk.
Box Series B: 2
# 113 "The Inflamation Booster: Military Spending Unchecked", Seymour Melman.
Box Series B: 2
# 114 "Inflation: On the Road to Depression?", Dr. John Coleman.
Box Series B: 2
# 115 "Nonviolence: An International Strategy for Social Change", Devi Prosard.
Box Series B: 2
# 116 "Korea: The Resistance Movement in South Korea", Nicola Geiger.
Box Series B: 2
# 117 "Childcare: Our Childrens' Future", Ida Brodsky.
Box Series B: 2
# 118 "Ford's First 100 Days", David Schoenbrun.
Box Series B: 2
# 119 "Our Civil Liberties: A Post-Watergate Perspective", Leonard Boudin.
Box Series B: 2
# 120 "Feeding a Hungry World: Reflections on U.S. Policy", Senator Richard Clark.
Box Series B: 2
# 121 "Senior Citizens: An Untapped Resource", Maggie Kuhn.
Box Series B: 2
# 122 "1975: An Agenda for Christian Action", Philip Berrigan.
Box Series B: 2
# 123 "The 1980s: Perspective on Global Problems", Dr. Saul Mendlovitz.
Box Series B: 2
# 124 "Peace in the Middle East?", Noam Chomsky.
Box Series B: 3
# 125 "U.S. Foreign Aid: Protecting Rockefeller's Investments?", James Steele.
Box Series B: 3
# 126 "Transportation: Who's Planning the Future?", John Blum.
Box Series B: 3
# 127 "U.S. Foreign Aid: Congress Seeks Reform", James Steele.
Box Series B: 3
# 128 "American Dollars Support the Export of U.S. Jobs", Arthur Keyes and Bernard Dinken.
Box Series B: 3
# 129 "The Permanent War Economy", Seymour Melman.
Box Series B: 3
# 130 "Who After Thieu? A Current View of Saigon Politics", Ngo Cong Duc.
Box Series B: 3
# 131 "Why the Poor are Poorer", Richard Cloward.
Box Series B: 3
# 132 "The Churches Response to the Middle East Crises", Rev. Richard Fernandez.
Box Series B: 3
# 133 "World Struggle for Power and Wealth (Part I)", Dr. Michael Tanzer.
Box Series B: 3
# 134 "President Ford's Budget Priorities and the Economy", William Proxmire.
Box Series B: 3
# 135 "World Struggle for Power and Wealth (Part II)", Dr. Michael Tanzer.
Box Series B: 3
# 136 "Ford's Budget: More Guns, Less Butter", William Proxmire.
Box Series B: 3
# 137 "Tax Reform: When and How Much?", Bill Calahan.
Box Series B: 3
# 138 "Korea: The Growth of a Dictatorship", Rev. George Ogle.
Box Series B: 3
# 139 "Humanizing Politics: Fantasy or Reality", Milton Mayer.
Box Series B: 3
# 140 "Why Reopen the Rosenberg Case?", Michael Meeropol.
Box Series B: 3
# 141 "Our Civil Liberties: A Post-Watergate Perspective", Leonard Boudin.
Box Series B: 3
# 142 "Feeding a Hungry World: Reflections on U.S. Policy", Richard Clark.
Box Series B: 3
# 143 "Senior Citizens: An Untapped Resource", Maggie Kuhn.
Box Series B: 3
# 144 "1975: An Agenda for Christian Action", Philip Berrigan.
Box Series B: 3
# 145 "The 1980s: Perspective on Global Problems", Dr. Saul Mendlovitz.
Box Series B: 3
# 146 "The National Security Agency: Illegal Surveillance on a Grand Scale", Morton Halperin.
Box Series B: 3
# 147 "The CIA and the Subversion of Democracy", John Marks.
Box Series B: 3
# 148 "Unemployment and Other National Security Issues", Andrew Young.
Box Series B: 3
# 149 "Can Congress Save Our Cities?", Andrew Young.
Box Series B: 3
# 150 "Nuclear War: Facing the Inevitable", Dr. David Inglis.
Box Series B: 3
# 151 "Do oil and arms mix?", Dr. Anne Cahn.
Box Series B: 3
# 152 "North Vietnam: The struggle to rebuild", Rev. Richard Fernandez.
Box Series B: 3
# 153 "Corporate Responsibility: The Buy-Centenial vs. The Spirit of 1976.", Jeremy Rifkin.
Box Series B: 3
# 154 "Corporate Responsibility: Churches curb war investments", Horace Gail.
Box Series B: 3
Program Guides, 1972 (November) - 1975 (December).
Box Series B: 4
February Schedule, 1972 (November) - 1975 (December).
Box Series B: 4
# 155 "Do we have a second rate Navy?", Gene R. LaRoque, 1972 (November) - 1975 (December).
Box Series B: 4
# 156 "Tax Justice: Still only a dream?", Philip Stern, 1972 (November) - 1975 (December).
Box Series B: 4
# 157 "Resource Scarcity redefines national security", Bruce Stokes, 1972 (November) - 1975 (December).
Box Series B: 4
# 158 "National Priorities of the new Congresspersons", Tom Harkin, 1972 (November) - 1975 (December).
Box Series B: 4
# 159 "New York City: the great Federal tax robbery", Seymour Melman, 1972 (November) - 1975 (December).
Box Series B: 4
# 160 "The Impact of Military Spending on Cities", Henry Maier, 1972 (November) - 1975 (December).
Box Series B: 4
# 161 "Guns or Grain: U.S. Foreign Policy Alternatives", Dick Clark, 1972 (November) - 1975 (December).
Box Series B: 4
# 162 "A Call for a New Political Party", Arthur Kinoy, 1972 (November) - 1975 (December).
Box Series B: 4
# 163 "What changes would diarmament bring?", George Rathjens, 1972 (November) - 1975 (December).
Box Series B: 4
# 164 "Reflections on the Media and Democracy", John Henry Faulk, 1972 (November) - 1975 (December).
Box Series B: 4
# 165 "The Roots of War in the Middle East", I. F. Stone, 1972 (November) - 1975 (December).
Box Series B: 4
# 166 "The CIA's Many Contracts with Howard Hughes", James B. Steele, 1972 (November) - 1975 (December).
Box Series B: 4
# 167 "The B-1 Bomber: the making of a boondoggle", John F. Seiberling, 1972 (November) - 1975 (December).
Box Series B: 4
# 168 "Angola, Congress, and the call to war.", Ted Lockwood, 1972 (November) - 1975 (December).
Box Series B: 4
# 169 "Women in Politics: A Global Review", Kathleen Newland, 1972 (November) - 1975 (December).
Box Series B: 4
# 170 "The Empty Pork Barrel: Unemployment and the Pentagon's Budget", Dr. Marion Anderson, 1972 (November) - 1975 (December).
Box Series B: 4
# 171 "Ford's Budget Priorities vs. The Economy", Seymour Melman, 1972 (November) - 1975 (December).
Box Series B: 4
# 172 "The President Restructures the CIA", Morton Halperin, 1972 (November) - 1975 (December).
Box Series B: 5
# 173 "A SANE Look at the Presidential Candidates", Sanford Gottlieb, 1972 (November) - 1975 (December).
Box Series B: 5
# 174 "National Security and the Military Budget", William Proxmire, 1972 (November) - 1975 (December).
Box Series B: 5
# 175 "Korea and U.S. Policy in Asia" Steve Solarz, 1976 (March) - 1976 (July).
Box Series B: 5
# 176 "How Far to Armageddon?", Herbert Scoville, 1976 (March) - 1976 (July).
Box Series B: 5
# 177 "Angola: has another domino fallen?", George Houser, 1976 (March) - 1976 (July).
Box Series B: 5
# 178 "The United Nations: perspective on change", Homer Jack, 1976 (March) - 1976 (July).
Box Series B: 5
# 179 "An American Dilemma Revisited", Gunnar Myrdal, 1976 (March) - 1976 (July).
Box Series B: 5
# 180 "South Africa: Prologue to struggle?", George Houser, 1976 (March) - 1976 (July).
Box Series B: 5
# 181 "Viet Nam: one year of peace", John McAuliff and Sophie Quinn-Judge, 1976 (March) - 1976 (July).
Box Series B: 5
# 182 "Campaign 1976: the candidates and foreign policy", Sanford Gottlieb, 1976 (March) - 1976 (July).
Box Series B: 5
# 183 "Imperialism without Armies: a fresh look at South East Asia" Part I, Steward and Charlotte Meachum, 1976 (March) - 1976 (July).
Box Series B: 5
# 184 "Imperialism without Armies: a fresh look at South East Asia" Part II, Steward and Charlotte Meachum, 1976 (March) - 1976 (July).
Box Series B: 5
# 185 "The Disarmament Game", Alva Myrdal, 1976 (March) - 1976 (July).
Box Series B: 5
# 186 "Full Employment: What is it? Can we have it?", Jacob Sheinkman, 1976 (March) - 1976 (July).
Box Series B: 5
# 187 "The Strength of Racism: perspective on Southern Africa", Bill Sutherland, 1976 (March) - 1976 (July).
Box Series B: 5
# 188 "A Second Revolution?", Jeremy Rifkin, 1976 (March) - 1976 (July).
Box Series B: 5
# 189 "Independence for Puerto-Rico?", Luis Rivera, 1976 (March) - 1976 (July).
Box Series B: 5
# 190 "Environmentalists and the Pentagon", Michael Mann, 1976 (March) - 1976 (July).
Box Series B: 5
# 191 "Civil Liberties, the CIA, and Senate Bill #1", Aryeh Neier, 1976 (March) - 1976 (July).
Box Series B: 5
# 192 "The Urban Money Crisis: A Women's Issue", Naomi Marcus/Dorothy Steffens, 1976 (March) - 1976 (July).
Box Series B: 5
# 193 "Ireland: Is There Any Hope Left?", David Bowman.
Box Series B: 6
# 194 "Hiroshima: The Legacy and the Future".
Box Series B: 6
# 195 "Reflections on the Media and Democracy", John Henry Faulk.
Box Series B: 6
# 196 "The Impact of Military Spending on Cities", Henry Maier.
Box Series B: 6
# 197 "Some Weaknesses of Conventional Economic Wisdom", Seymour Melman.
Box Series B: 6
# 198 "National Security and the Military Budget", Senator William Proxmire.
Box Series B: 6
# 199 "A Close look at what the Pentagon is buying.", Gene R. LaRoque.
Box Series B: 6
# 200 "The Global Corporation: how it maximizes profits.", Richard J. Barnet.
Box Series B: 6
# 201 "The Global Corporation and the needs of a small planet.", Richard J. Barnet.
Box Series B: 6
# 202 "Ford and Carter: how they view foreign policy", Sanford Gottlieb.
Box Series B: 6
# 203 "Perspectives on the Middle East", Senator George McGovern.
Box Series B: 6
# 204 "Public Broadcasting's Corporate Connection", Nicholas Johnson.
Box Series B: 6
# 205 "U.S. African Policy: Has there been a charge?", Goler Teal Butcher.
Box Series B: 6
# 206 "Arms Race Psychology", Jerome Frank.
Box Series B: 6
# 207 "The Decline of U.S. Industrial Efficiency", Seymour Melman.
Box Series B: 6
# 208 "The Global Growth of Repression and Torture", David Hawk.
Box Series B: 6
# 209 "U.S. Corporations' Investments in Apartheid", Timothy Smith.
Box Series B: 6
# 210 "Multinationals: What they are doing to America", Ronald Muller.
Box Series B: 6
# 211 "Jamaica's Socialism: an invitation to U.S. intervention?", Donald Mills.
Box Series B: 6
# 212 "New York City's Federal Connection", Harrison J. Goldin,.
Box Series B: 6
# 213 "The Political Economy of Arms Sales", Michael T. Klare.
Box Series B: 6
# 214 "U.S. Military Sales to Iran: risk and profit", Michael T. Klare.
Box Series B: 6
# 215 "The Nuclear Arms Race: review and opinion".
Box Series B: 6
# 216 "Indonesia: An Asian Gulag", David Hinkley.
Box Series B: 6
# 217 "Iran's Internal War", Ebad Mahmoodian.
Box Series B: 6
# 218 "Housing needs and programs: some ideas from China", Cushing Dolbeare.
Box Series B: 6
# 219 "Can the Soviet's survive a Nuclear War? Can we?", William Kincade.
Box Series B: 6
# 221 "Are the Russians Really Coming?", B.K. Gorwitz and David Johnson.
Box Series B: 7
# 222 "Guns and Butter and the New Federal Budget Process", Rubin McCornack.
Box Series B: 7
# 223 "U.S.-Soviet Detente", Kay Camp and Ludmilla Balakhovskaya.
Box Series B: 7
# 224 "Providing for the Common Defense", Dorothy Steffens, Harrison Goldin, Mayor Henry Maier, Seymour Melman.
Box Series B: 7
# 225 "Our Changing African Policy", Bill Sutherland.
Box Series B: 7
# 226 "Older Adults: setting an agenda for the future", Abe Egnal.
Box Series B: 7
# 227 "Chile: the legacy of U.S. intervention", David Pion.
Box Series B: 7
# 228 "Education for a Global Society", Jim McGinnis and Mildred Scott Olmsted.
Box Series B: 7
# 229 "Nuclear Weapons: a national security liability?", Lloyd J. Dumas.
Box Series B: 7
# 230 "Terror in Iran", Reza Baraheni.
Box Series B: 7
# 231 "What Washington could do for urban schools", Thomas Rosica.
Box Series B: 7
# 232 "Viet Nam: the effects of two years of peace", Steward Meacham.
Box Series B: 7
# 233 "The Doomsday Strategy: atoms for peace to atoms for war", Sidney Lens.
Box Series B: 7
# 234 "The Imperative of General and Complete Disarmament", Sean MacBride.
Box Series B: 7
# 235 "Namibia's Struggle for Liberation", Sean MacBride.
Box Series B: 7
Program Guides, (1976 (January) - 1977 (December).
Box Series B: 8
# 236 "A New Policy toward South Korea?", U.S. Rep. Donald Fraser, (1976 (January) - 1977 (December).
Box Series B: 8
# 237 "U.S. - U.S.S.R. Detente and Disarmament: history and prospects", Richard J. Barnet, (1976 (January) - 1977 (December).
Box Series B: 8
# 238 "How to convert military industry to civilian production", Lloyd J. Dumas, (1976 (January) - 1977 (December).
Box Series B: 8
# 239 "A 'Common Cause' for Global Problems?", Russel Peterson, (1976 (January) - 1977 (December).
Box Series B: 8
# 240 "Is it too late to save our cities?", John Bowser, (1976 (January) - 1977 (December).
Box Series B: 8
# 241 "African Liberation and Black American Churches", Paul Washington, (1976 (January) - 1977 (December).
Box Series B: 8
# 242 "Carter's Priorities: more of the same", Rubin McCornack, (1976 (January) - 1977 (December).
Box Series B: 8
# 243 "How Serious is Congress about Human Rights?", Brewster Rhoades, (1976 (January) - 1977 (December).
Box Series B: 8
# 244 "Northern Ireland: now a war on war", Betty Williams, (1976 (January) - 1977 (December).
Box Series B: 8
# 245 "Puerto Rico - a question of Independence", Rafael Robles Ortiz, (1976 (January) - 1977 (December).
Box Series B: 8
# 251 "South Africa's Nuclear Power: the U.S. connection", Jennifer Davis, (1976 (January) - 1977 (December).
Box Series B: 8
"Global Arms Race competition, control, or disarmament" Part I, (1976 (January) - 1977 (December).
Box Series B: 8
"Global Arms Race competition, control, or disarmament" Part II, (1976 (January) - 1977 (December).
Box Series B: 8
"Global Arms Race competition, control, or disarmament" Part III, (1976 (January) - 1977 (December).
Box Series B: 8
"Global Arms Race competition, control, or disarmament" Part IV, (1976 (January) - 1977 (December).
Box Series B: 8
"Global Arms Race competition, control, or disarmament" Part V, (1976 (January) - 1977 (December).
Box Series B: 8
"Global Arms Race competition, control, or disarmament" Part VI, (1976 (January) - 1977 (December).
Box Series B: 8
# 258 "Prisoners of Conscience: three case studies" (with Amnesty International), (1976 (January) - 1977 (December).
Box Series B: 8
# 263 "Mobilizing for Survival: a new movement to end the arms race", Daniel Ellsberg, (1976 (January) - 1977 (December).
Box Series B: 8
# 264"West Africa: the prospects for development", Jean Pierreand Annelies Allain, (1976 (January) - 1977 (December).
Box Series B: 8
# 265 "The Churches and the Arms Race", Ramond Wilson, (1976 (January) - 1977 (December).
Box Series B: 8
Citizen's Organization for a SANE World - Greater Philadelphia Council, 1970-1971.
Box Series B: 9
Citizen's Organization for a SANE World - Greater Philadelphia Council, 1972-1973.
Box Series B: 9
Citizen's Organization for a SANE World - Greater Philadelphia Council, 1974-1975.
Box Series B: 9
Citizen's Organization for a SANE World - Greater Philadelphia Council, 1976-1977.
Box Series B: 9
Citizen's Organization for a SANE World - Greater Philadelphia Council, 1978-1980.
Box Series B: 9
Citizen's Organization for a SANE World - Greater Philadelphia Council, undated; pre-1970.
Box Series B: 9
Re-file Material, 1981-1990.
Box Series B: 9
Re-file Material: Press Packet for "Shadows of the Nuclear Age".
Box Series B: 9
Radio Update Report, June 1976.
Box Series B: 10
New Stations: California, September 1975.
Box Series B: 10
Station: Montana, Washington, 1975.
Box Series B: 10
List of Stations, September 1975.
Box Series B: 10
Regional Fund Letter, Fall 1975.
Box Series B: 10
Program Guide/Subscriber Letter.
Box Series B: 10
Stern Fund Request Correspondence, 1976.
Box Series B: 10
Caesar Foundation, 1975.
Box Series B: 10
New Year Letter.
Box Series B: 10
Board Member Contact Info, Fall 1975.
Box Series B: 10
National SANE Member Mailing Letter, Spring 1975.
Box Series B: 10
Fundraising Organizations, 1975.
Box Series B: 10
Fundraising Letters - Philadelphia.
Box Series B: 10
Church and Community Committee Grant.
Box Series B: 10
National Contribution Appreciation Letter, September 1975.
Box Series B: 10
Radio Expansion, 1974.
Box Series B: 10
Miscellaneous Unfiled Radio Material, 1974-1976.
Box Series B: 10
Pittsburgh Bridge and Iron Works Correspondence, 1976.
Box Series B: 10
Funding Proposals, October 1976.
Box Series B: 10
National Council of Churches Correspondence, October 1975.
Box Series B: 10
Douty Foundation Correspondence, Feb 1975.
Box Series B: 11
Funding Proposals, Fall 1974; 1975.
Box Series B: 11
Saul Mendlovitz Correspondence, 1975.
Box Series B: 11
Philadelphia Foundation Correspondence, 1975.
Box Series B: 11
Sales Tax Files, 1975.
Box Series B: 11
WMGM-FM Correspondence, 1974.
Box Series B: 11
WYDD-FM Correspondence, 1974.
Box Series B: 11
WBFO-FM Correspondence, 1974.
Box Series B: 11
WFCR-FM Correspondence, 1974.
Box Series B: 11
WMVB-FM Correspondence, 1975.
Box Series B: 11
WIFI-FM Correspondence, 1974.
Box Series B: 11
WUHY-FM Contacts, 1974.
Box Series B: 11
WRTI Correspondence, May 1975.
Box Series B: 11
WYEP Correspondence, 1974.
Box Series B: 11
WUHY-FM Contracts/Policies/Files.
Box Series B: 11
Press - SANE Material.
Box Series B: 11
Miscellaneous Radio Mailings.
Box Series B: 11
Minutes, Origin to August 1st, 1947.
Box Series B: 11
Expansion, 1974-1975.
Box Series B: 11
Minutes, October 1974-July 1975.
Box Series B: 11
Caesar and Shapiro Correspondence.
Box Series B: 12
Reports, October 1974-July 1975.
Box Series B: 12
Evatone Correspondence.
Box Series B: 12
Fund Request Letter, February 1975.
Box Series B: 12
Foundations, Summer 1974.
Box Series B: 12
Foundations, July 1974.
Box Series B: 12
Statements from Rudolph, Palitz and Company Accountants, September 1974.
Box Series B: 12
Local Contacts, Mailing List of Movement Organizations.
Box Series B: 12
Film Mailing List.
Box Series B: 12
Summary of Completed Major Economic Adjustment Products.
Box Series B: 12
Member Information Mailing, 1975.
Box Series B: 12
College and University Contacts.
Box Series B: 12
Inflation Leaflet, October 1974.
Box Series B: 12
Child Care Leaflet, October 1974.
Box Series B: 12
SANE Views, April 1976.
Box Series B: 12
New Year's Eve Celebration Ad.
Box Series B: 12
Philadelphia Foundation Correspondence, 1974.
Box Series B: 12
Churches and Traditional Contacts Fundraising.
Box Series B: 13
Foundations New Contacts.
Box Series B: 13
Proposal for Funding, 1974.
Box Series B: 13
Radio Support Letters.
Box Series B: 13
William Penn Foundation Correspondence.
Box Series B: 13
Foundation Proposal, June 1974.
Box Series B: 13
Radio Proposal Material, 1974.
Box Series B: 13
Fund Proposal Material, 1974.
Box Series B: 13
Samuel S. Fels Fund Correspondence, 1974.
Box Series B: 13
Tax Exemption Correspondence, 1973.
Box Series B: 13
Philadelphia Foundation Correspondence, 1973.
Box Series B: 13
Samuel S. Fels Fund Correspondence, 1973.
Box Series B: 13
Global Arms Race Reports, 1977.
Box Series B: 14
Samuel S. Fels Fund Correspondence, 1978.
Box Series B: 14
Global Arms Race Literature Requests, 1978.
Box Series B: 14
Philadelphia Foundation Correspondence, 1978.
Box Series B: 14
Military Spending Literature Requests, 1978.
Box Series B: 14
U.N. Special Packet Requests, June 1978.
Box Series B: 14
Amnesty International Information Requests, 1978.
Box Series B: 14
Brochure Requests, 1978.
Box Series B: 14
U.S-Soviet Packet Requests.
Box Series B: 14
List of Radio Stations.
Box Series B: 14
Miscellaneous Correspondence.
Box Series B: 14
Global Arms Race Packet Originals and Station Letters, 1978.
Box Series B: 14
Inge Hubert Files, 1978.
Box Series B: 14
Veatch Correspondence, 1978.
Box Series B: 14
Institute for World Order Inc. (IWO) Correspondence, Summer 1978.
Box Series B: 14
Miscellaneous Mailings and Requests.
Box Series B: 14
Phone Campaign, 1978.
Box Series B: 14
Philadelphia Foundation Correspondence.
Box Series B: 14
Samuel S. Fels Fund, 1976.
Box Series B: 15
IWO Disarmament Series, March 1977.
Box Series B: 15
Henrietta Tower Hurts Memorial Correspondence.
Box Series B: 15
Edna McConnell Clark Foundation Correspondence.
Box Series B: 15
Church without Walls Correspondence, 1977.
Box Series B: 15
IRS Letters, 1975.
Box Series B: 15
Fundraising Pitch.
Box Series B: 15
Jane Addams Peace Association Incc. Correspondence, 1977.
Box Series B: 15
Amnesty International Correspondence, 1977.
Box Series B: 15
Memory of Justice Materials.
Box Series B: 15
Expansion of Radio Syndication Materials.
Box Series B: 15
Brochure/Information Materials, 1977.
Box Series B: 15
Robin McCornack Correspondence, 1977.
Box Series B: 15
18-Month Report and Materials.
Box Series B: 15
Board Meeting Materials, 1976.
Box Series B: 15
Outreach Literature Correspondence, November- February 1976.
Box Series B: 15
Langhinrichs and Stump Correspondence, 1976.
Box Series B: 15
Literature Request, May 1976.
Box Series B: 15
Subscription Requests, November 1974.
Box Series B: 15
Tape Orders.
Box Series B: 15
Executive Committee Meeting Materials, July 1976.
Box Series B: 15
Board Meeting Materials, June 1976.
Box Series B: 15
Station Solicitation Packet, June 1976.
Box Series B: 15
Station Questionnaire, April 1976.
Box Series B: 15
Returned Station Questionnaire.
Box Series B: 15
Station Questionnaire Return Request.
Box Series B: 15
Literature Requests.
Box Series B: 16
Dan Snyder Correspondence.
Box Series B: 16
Radio Station Correspondences, October 1976-July 1977.
Box Series B: 16
Luncheon Series Materials, 1977.
Box Series B: 16
Global Arms Race Brochure.
Box Series B: 16
Contributor Thank-You Letter, May 1977.
Box Series B: 16
Film Invoices, October 1975-February 1977.
Box Series B: 16
Draft of Script Slideshow.
Box Series B: 16
Organization Proposal, October 1977.
Box Series B: 16
Info Questionnaire Returns, 1977.
Box Series B: 16
Literature Requests, July/Aug 1977.
Box Series B: 16
Finances, April/May 1977.
Box Series B: 16
Literature Requests, September 1976.
Box Series B: 17
Literature Requests, October 1976.
Box Series B: 17
Literature Requests, November 1976.
Box Series B: 17
Literature Requests, December 1976.
Box Series B: 17
Literature Requests, February 1976-April 1976.
Box Series B: 17
Literature Requests, May 1976.
Box Series B: 17
Station Demo Requests.
Box Series B: 17
Listener Contact Requests.
Box Series B: 17
Mailing Letter, 1976.
Box Series B: 17
Institute for World Order Proposal and Correspondence.
Box Series B: 17
Shalum Aleichum Correspondence.
Box Series B: 17
Thank-You Letter, Fall 1976.
Box Series B: 17
Listener Contribution Records, 1976.
Box Series B: 17
McGovern Mailing Letter.
Box Series B: 17
Fundraising Letters, June 1976.
Box Series B: 17
Board Information, Fall 1976.
Box Series B: 17
SANE Letters.
Box Series B: 17
Renewed Supporter Letter, Fall 1976.
Box Series B: 17
Interview Guests - Contacts.
Box Series B: 17
Denis Hayes Letters.
Box Series B: 17
Commercial/Non-Commercial Station Contacts List.
Box Series B: 18
College Station Contacts List.
Box Series B: 18
Educational Packets for Listeners.
Box Series B: 18
Local Contacts List.
Box Series B: 18
Literature Offers.
Box Series B: 18
Philadelphia Foundation Correspondence, 1976.
Box Series B: 18
Veatch Correspondence, 1976.
Box Series B: 18
Miscellaneous University Correspondences.
Box Series B: 18
Institute for World Order Correspondence.
Box Series B: 18
Direct Mail, Fall 1976.
Box Series B: 18
Miscellaneous Subscriber Mailers.
Box Series B: 18
Taylor Grant Correspondence.
Box Series B: 18
Joseph Clark Correspondence.
Box Series B: 18
Miscellaneous Demos and Notes.
Box Series B: 18
Phone Survey, November 1976.
Box Series B: 18
Philadelphia Station License Correspondence.
Box Series B: 18
SANE World Informational Material.
Box Series B: 18
Cassette Tape Costs.
Box Series B: 19
An American Dilemma Revisited Transcript.
Box Series B: 19
Radio Programs, List of Contacts.
Box Series B: 19
Articles (Typed Copies), 1976.
Box Series B: 19
Year End Report, 1976.
Box Series B: 19
Financial Records, 1976.
Box Series B: 19
Board Meeting, February 1976.
Box Series B: 19
Board Meeting, April 1976.
Box Series B: 19
Board Meeting, June 1976.
Box Series B: 19
National Proposal, 1976.
Box Series B: 19
Invoices, Sept-October 1976.
Box Series B: 19
Interview Contacts.
Box Series B: 19
Interview Guest Bios.
Box Series B: 19
College Work-Study Proposals.
Box Series B: 19
Antioch College Correspondence.
Box Series B: 19
Great Lakes College Correspondence.
Box Series B: 19
NYC Stations Contact List.
Box Series B: 19
RPL Correspondence and Information.
Box Series B: 19
Station Classification and Demographic Information.
Box Series B: 19
Miscellaneous Station Information.
Box Series B: 19
Box Series B: 20
Literature Requests.
Box Series B: 20
Miscellaneous Correspondence - October.
Box Series B: 20
Unanswered Correspondences.
Box Series B: 20
WUHY - Listener Response Packet.
Box Series B: 20
Mailing Lists from Literature Requests.
Box Series B: 20
Board Appeal Packet, March/April 1978.
Box Series B: 20
Miscellaneous, 1978.
Box Series B: 20
Radio Program Responses.
Box Series B: 20
National Board, April 1,1978.
Box Series B: 20
IWO, Jan, 1978.
Box Series B: 20
Taxes, 1976.
Box Series B: 20
New Tax Law.
Box Series B: 20
Sane Ed. Board.
Box Series B: 20
Record Publication.
Box Series B: 20
WIR Loan, 1976.
Box Series B: 20
Miscellaneous Financial Records.
Box Series B: 20
Material Correspondences.
Box Series B: 21
Unemployment Records.
Box Series B: 21
Staff Travel Expenses.
Box Series B: 21
Personnel Info.
Box Series B: 21
Miscellaneous Financial Records, Fall 1976.
Box Series B: 21
W-4E, 1977.
Box Series B: 21
Finance Work Notes, December 1976.
Box Series B: 21
Subscriptions - Future.
Box Series B: 21
Audit, Fall 1976.
Box Series B: 21
Taxes, 1975.
Box Series B: 21
Taxes, 1976.
Box Series B: 21
Tax Law.
Box Series B: 21
Board, January 1978.
Box Series B: 21
Speaker, 1977.
Box Series B: 21
Council/Fund Merger.
Box Series B: 21
New Jersey SANE.
Box Series B: 21
National Material, September 1976-Aug 1977.
Box Series B: 21
Nat'l SANE, Sept.
Box Series B: 21
Nat'l Board, Mar 18.
Box Series B: 21
Joint Ed. Com. Correspondence.
Box Series B: 21
Nat'l SANE Executive Committee Contacts.
Box Series B: 21
Nat'l Board Executive Committee Meetings.
Box Series B: 21
Joint Editorial Board Contacts.
Box Series B: 21
Nat'l SANE Correspondence.
Box Series B: 21
National Board, February 1976.
Box Series B: 21
Joint Ed. Committee.
Box Series B: 21
National Board Minutes.
Box Series B: 21
Education Committee.
Box Series B: 22
Box Series B: 22
SANE Peace Award Dinner Program, 1977.
Box Series B: 22
SANE Peace Award Dinner Program, 1978.
Box Series B: 22
SANE Input for Peace and Justice, 1970s.
Box Series B: 22
NPR Submissions.
Box Series B: 22
Box Series B: 22
CPB/B-1 Station List.
Box Series B: 22
Syndication, January 1977.
Box Series B: 22
Global Arms Race - Station List.
Box Series B: 22
Broadcasting Foundation of America.
Box Series B: 22
IWO Station List.
Box Series B: 22
Global Arms Race Literature Requests.
Box Series B: 22
South Africa Literature.
Box Series B: 22
Contacts, Feb - April 1976.
Box Series B: 22
Syndication Development, 1976-1977.
Box Series B: 22
NJ SANE Receipts.
Box Series B: 22
Miscellaneous Finances.
Box Series B: 22
Board Meeting, September 1977.
Box Series B: 23
Board Meeting, March 1977.
Box Series B: 23
SANE Editorial Committee Requests/Station List, May 1977.
Box Series B: 23
Box Series B: 23
Amnesty Radio Spot List.
Box Series B: 23
Intercollegiate Broadcasting System.
Box Series B: 23
Bulletin Notices.
Box Series B: 23
Listener File Correspondence.
Box Series B: 23
Literature Requests, November-December 1977.
Box Series B: 23
Literature Requests, September 1977.
Box Series B: 23
Literature Requests, February 1977.
Box Series B: 23
Literature Requests, June 1977.
Box Series B: 23
Literature Requests, April 1977.
Box Series B: 23
Literature Requests, March 1977.
Box Series B: 23
Literature Requests, January 1977.
Box Series B: 23
Radio Station Correspondence, September 1977-April 1978.
Box Series B: 23
Station Lists, April 1977.
Box Series B: 23
WIL Proposal, March 1977.
Box Series B: 23
IWO - 6 Month Report, May 1977.
Box Series B: 23
Direct Mail Report, Spring 1977.
Box Series B: 24
Listener Response List, 1977.
Box Series B: 24
Listener Response Correspondence, March 1977-March 1978.
Box Series B: 24
CCCO Correspondence.
Box Series B: 24
WTR Newsletter.
Box Series B: 24
Important Letters.
Box Series B: 24
Mailing List Exchanges.
Box Series B: 24
Literature Requests, April/May 1979.
Box Series B: 24
Literature Requests, June 1979.
Box Series B: 24
Literature Requests, July 1979.
Box Series B: 24
Literature Requests, August 1979.
Box Series B: 24
Literature Requests, September 1979.
Box Series B: 24
Literature Requests, October 1979.
Box Series B: 24
Literature Requests.
Box Series B: 24
Scope and Contents


Literature Requests, December 1978.
Box Series B: 24
Literature Requests, November 1979.
Box Series B: 24
Literature Requests, January 1979.
Box Series B: 25
SALT Packet Requests, January 1979.
Box Series B: 25
Inflation Packet, January 1979.
Box Series B: 25
Conversion Packet Requests, January 1979.
Box Series B: 25
Global Arms Race Literature Requests, January 1979.
Box Series B: 25
Miscellaneous Literature Requests.
Box Series B: 25
Radio Station Correspondences.
Box Series B: 25
Longhorn Info, April 1978.
Box Series B: 25
Network Label Copies, Fall 1978.
Box Series B: 25
Tax Reform Packet, October 1978.
Box Series B: 25
Copies of IWO Requests, October 1978.
Box Series B: 25
Global Arms Race Requests, June 1978.
Box Series B: 25
America at Work Financial Records.
Box Series B: 26
Paid Bills NEH #2.
Box Series B: 26
NEH Proposal, Budget, etc.
Box Series B: 26
Philadelphia Foundation, 1981.
Box Series B: 26
PHC Nonviolence Budget.
Box Series B: 27
PHC Portraits of Nonviolence.
Box Series B: 27
Porsesteings', Aug 1980.
Box Series B: 27
Satellite Development Fund, January 1981.
Box Series B: 27
Segel Foundation.
Box Series B: 27
Stanley Foundation.
Box Series B: 27
Lydia B. Stokes Foundation.
Box Series B: 27
Strick Foundation.
Box Series B: 27
Thank You Letters.
Box Series B: 27
Title I.
Box Series B: 27
Tom's Natural Soap.
Box Series B: 27
UFCW, 5-28-82.
Box Series B: 27
Veatch Proposal.
Box Series B: 27
Veatch Proposal Notes, 1981.
Box Series B: 27
Veatch Local Organizing, November 1980.
Box Series B: 27
Weiss, Cora, 1981.
Box Series B: 27
Willens Correspondence.
Box Series B: 27
William Penn Foundation, 3-22-82.
Box Series B: 27
Wyomissing Foundation.
Box Series B: 27
Viki List Zelman Fund.
Box Series B: 27
Veatch Proposal, 1981.
Box Series B: 27
Veatch Program, 1980.
Box Series B: 27
Youth Project/Resource Fund Report, May 1982.
Box Series B: 27
Presbyterian Peacemaking Project.
Box Series B: 27
Proposals (General).
Box Series B: 27
The Public Committee for the Humanities in Pennsylvania.
Box Series B: 27
PCHP File.
Box Series B: 27
PCHP Matching Funds-In Kind-Receipts, 1978.
Box Series B: 27
PCHP Matching Funds-Cash-Receipts, 1978.
Box Series B: 27
PCHP Matching Funds-Their Funds-Receipts, 1978.
Box Series B: 27
Non-Violence Proposal, October 24, 1980.
Box Series B: 27
Public Concern Foundation Inc.
Box Series B: 27
Radio Promotion.
Box Series B: 27
Christopher Reynolds Foundation.
Box Series B: 27