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Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors Records


Held at: Swarthmore College Peace Collection [Contact Us]500 College Avenue, Swarthmore 19081-1399

This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the Swarthmore College Peace Collection. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.

Overview and metadata sections

CCCO/An Agency for Military and Draft Counseling was founded in August 1948 by a coalition of peace and civil liberties groups following passage of the Selective Service Act of 1948. Originally called the Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors (CCCO), this group sought to maintain the rights of those Americans who, because of ethical, moral, and religious beliefs, questioned violence and war as ways to solve international disputes. In its first annual report in 1949, CCCO stated its purposes: "We gave impetus and assistance to local communities in setting up counselling agencies and cash bail funds, in establishing a network of counsellors across the country, and in calling for legal advice in planning strategy for challenging the constitutionality of the Selective Service System." Early leadership of CCCO was provided by Ray Newton and A.J. Muste as co-chairmen, and by executive secretaries Caleb Foote, Lyle Tatum, George Willoughby, and Arlo Tatum.

With the outbreak of the Korean war in 1950 and Congressional extension of the draft act, CCCO increased its efforts to provide amnesty for draft violators and strengthened its support of draft counseling centers across the country. The first edition of the Handbook for Conscientious Objectors was published in 1952 and has since been a major CCCO tool in aiding draft and military resisters. In the mid-1950s, the CCCO extended its services not only to CO's but to those resisting war taxes and loyalty oaths as well. The escalation of hostility in Indochina during the 1960s created a surge in calls for CCCO services. Its Draft Counselors Manual aided the network of volunteer counselors, keeping them up to date and enabling them to advise young men and women of all alternatives to the draft, not only conscientious objection. As the numbers fighting in Vietnam grew, the CCCO became increasingly involved in military as well as draft problems. To reflect its broadened scope, it changed its name in 1969 to CCCO/An Agency for Military and Draft Counseling. The National Military Law and Counseling Program, based in its Western Regional Office in San Francisco, was created specifically to do research and advise men and women already in the Armed Forches about military laws, regulations and discharge procedures. In 1975, its was estimated that l0,000 people were counseled by CCCO.

After the Vietnam war, the CCCO's efforts focused on the issues of amnesty, discharges, repatriation, and counter-recruitment. The Taskforce on Recruitment and Militarism was organized in cooperation with other organizations to promote counter-recruitment. TASAW (Take a Stand Against War), begun in 1975, sought to give high school and college students information about draft choices to counter the Selective Service's registration campaigns. The CCCO called attention to the rights of African Americans and of women in the military, and continued its program of prison visitation to CO's. For a period, it was the nation's largest draft and military counseling agency. CCCO changed its name once more to the Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors.

CCCO suspended operations in late October 2009. As of 2010, some of the counseling service was taken over by the GI Rights Hotline and the Center on Conscience and War.

Staff members who provided leadership for the CCCO include Michael Barba, David Collins, James Feldman, Jr., Bill Galvin, Jon Ginaven, John Judge, Jerry and Sue Kinchy, Jon Landau, Carol McNeill, Robert Musil, Bob Seeley, and Larry Spears.

The Swarthmore College Peace Collection is the official repository for the records of the Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors (previous name: CCCO/An Agency for Draft and Military Counseling). Much of this collection has not yet been processed (as of 2014).

Series I contains organizational records (1948-1980), including the constitution (1969) and meeting minutes of the executive committee, mostly complete from its founding in 1948 through 1969. Financial information spans the years 195l to 1973 and includes a fairly complete set of monthly statements (1955-1973) as well as audits and other scattered financial records.

Series II: Publications, Communications and Releases (1948-1980) contains CCCO-written material such as its "Handbook for Conscientious Objectors" (1952-1972), manuals for military and draft counselors (1969-1972), releases (1948-1980), and its annual brochures (undated), and other printed material. Three CCCO booklets were scanned in 2011 and may be accessed here: - Conscientious Objectors Under Selective Service, 1950 (September) - Conscientious Objectors Under Selective Service: Second Edition, 1951 (February) - Handbook for Conscientious Objectors: First Edition, 1952 (November)

In Series III: Staff Files (1956-1978), an attempt has been made to identify whose file it was. Staff persons included: George Willoughby, executive secretary (1956-1962), Arlo Tatum, national secretary (1962-1972), Robert Seeley, draft counselor and editor of the CCCO periodical News Notes (1968-1974), staff attorneys E. Curry First (1968-1973) and Jon Landau (1970-1977), and counselors and staff members Jeff Blom, Douglis Farnsworth, Steve Gulick, David Morrison, Robert Musil, GayenThompson, Ellen Wilkinson, and Irene Wren (1970-1978). Series IV: Reference contains an alphabetical-within-state file of Draft Counseling Centers used by CCCO, newsclippings (1945-1970), published legal briefs (1948-1968), Department of Defense material (1955-1974), and mail, reports, booklets, and papers from other organizations. The bulk of records acquired in the first three accessions originated in the early 1970s.

Series V: Case Files (1964-1978) comprises the bulk (71 ft.) of the collection. These were compiled by its draft and military counselors and contain counseling correspondence, records from the military, legal briefs, and court records. Included is a file (197l-1972) of Alan Saltzman, a California lawyer who litigated CO cases in cooperation with the CCCO. All material in Series V, as well as other specified boxes, contain information of a confidential nature about individuals who were counseled by CCCO staff. Thes files were restricted at the CCCO's request and may be used only with permission from CCCO. Contact the SCPC Curator for more information. . All boxes in this series are stored off-site.

Correspondents include all those whose names have already been listed as well as John Ginaven, Jerry Kinchy, A.J. Muste, Tom O'Brien, Jim Peck, Earle and Barbara Reynolds, and Norman Thomas. Most of the correspondence in these records is found in the case files.

These records (accs. 75A-067, 77A-058, 79A-066 only), were originally processed under NEH Grant No. RC 20111-81-1655.

    Original Accessions (75A-067, 77A-058, 79A-066):
  1. Series I: Organization
  2. Series II: Publications, Communications and Releases
  3. Series III: Staff Files
  4. Series IV: Reference
  5. Series V: Case Files stored off-site; restrictions apply

Guide to the Swarthmore College Peace Collection, 2nd ed., p. 15.

The Swarthmore College Peace Collection is the official repository for these records.

Gift of CCCO, May 27, 1975 [acc. 75A-067]; 1977 [acc. 77A-044; acc. 77A-058]; September 4, 1979 [acc. 79A-066]; 1981 [acc. 81A-058]; 1984 [acc. 84A-063]; 1986 [acc. 86A-158]; 1987 [acc. 87A-030, acc. 87A-114, acc. 87A-144]; 1988 [CCCO: acc. 88A-028, acc. 88A-087, Bernard Lemann acc. 88A-076]; 1989 [acc. 89A-076]; 1990 [acc.90A-045, acc. 90A-093]; 1995 [acc. 95A-036]; 1996 [acc. 96A-038]; 2000 [acc. 00A-013, acc. 00A-021, acc. 00A-042]; 2002 [acc. 02A-041]; 2003 [acc. 03A-061]; 2008 [acc. 08A-054]; 2009 [acc. 09A-038, acc. 09A-060]; 2013 [Acc. 2013-024].

Finding Aids: checklist prepared by Martha P. Shane, November 1982; this finding aid created and added to by Archivist Anne M. Yoder, April 2011, April 2014; Finding aid updated by SCPC staff 2017-2018; and by Wendy E. Chmielewsk September 2018.

  1. Moved to the Periodical Collection: CCCO's periodicals News Notes (1949-date), NOMLAC (Newsletter on Military Law and Counseling) (1960-1981), Counter-Pentagon, and The Objector.
  2. Moved to the Audiovisual Collection: Audio cassettes (123-127-Entries from "Interview a Vet" Contest)
  3. Moved to Memorabilia Collection: Puppet (entry for "Interview a Vet" Contest)

Swarthmore College Peace Collection
Access Restrictions

Case files for individuals who consulted with the CCCO (Series V) are restricted indefinitely. Researchers using these materials must sign a form agreeing to anonymize personal information in any publications. For more information, contact the Swarthmore College Peace Collection at

    Restricted materials include:
  1. Series III, box 14, file: Morrison, David: correspondence (regarding conscientious objectors and conscientious objector cases)
  2. Series III, box 23
  3. Series V, boxes 1-30
  4. Acc. 95A-036, boxes 24-31
  5. Acc. 02A-041, box 19, file: Confidential material

All or part of this collection is stored off-site. Contact Swarthmore College Peace Collection staff at at least two weeks in advance of visit to request boxes.

Copyright to the CCCO records created by the organization has been transferred to the Swarthmore College Peace Collection. Copyright to all other materials is retained by the authors of items in these papers, or their descendants, as stipulated by United States copyright law.

Collection Inventory

Flyers: history and purpose.
Box DG 073: Series I: 1
Organizational chart; committee lists; letterhead.
Box DG 073: Series I: 1
Constitution, 1969, 1977.
Box DG 073: Series I: 1
Meeting minutes, 1948 (September 27) - 1949 (November 8).
Box DG 073: Series I: 1
Meeting minutes, 1950 (February 3) - 191952 (December 12).
Box DG 073: Series I: 1
Meeting minutes, 1953 (January 23) - 1954 (December 17).
Box DG 073: Series I: 1
Meeting minutes, 1955 (January 21) - 1956 (December 14).
Box DG 073: Series I: 1
Meeting minutes, 1957 (January 11) - 1958 (November 14).
Box DG 073: Series I: 1
Meeting minutes, 1959 (January 9) - 1960 (December 2).
Box DG 073: Series I: 1
Meeting minutes, 1961 (February 3) - 1962 (December 1).
Box DG 073: Series I: 1
Meeting minutes, 1963 (January 18) - 1964 (November 20).
Box DG 073: Series I: 1
Scope and Contents

[incomplete set]

Meeting minutes, 1965 (February 12) - 1966 (December 16).
Box DG 073: Series I: 1
Scope and Contents

[incomplete set]

Meeting minutes, 1967 (January 20) - 1968 (December) [missing October 28, 1968].
Box DG 073: Series I: 1
Meeting minutes, 1969 (January-October).
Box DG 073: Series I: 1
National Board meeting minutes, 1971, 1975, 1977.
Box DG 073: Series I: 1
Annual reports, 1949-1962, 1975-1980.
Box DG 073: Series I: 1
Scope and Contents

[incomplete sets]

Financial records, 1950-1955.
Box DG 073: Series I: 2
Financial records, 1956-1959.
Box DG 073: Series I: 2
Tax forms, 1958-1959.
Box DG 073: Series I: 2
Financial records, 1960.
Box DG 073: Series I: 2
Tax forms, 1960.
Box DG 073: Series I: 2
Financial records, 1961.
Box DG 073: Series I: 2
Tax forms, 1961.
Box DG 073: Series I: 2
Financial records, 1962.
Box DG 073: Series I: 2
Tax forms, 1962.
Box DG 073: Series I: 2
Financial records, 1963.
Box DG 073: Series I: 2
Tax forms, 1963.
Box DG 073: Series I: 2
Financial records, 1964.
Box DG 073: Series I: 2
Tax forms, 1964.
Box DG 073: Series I: 2
Financial records, 1965.
Box DG 073: Series I: 2
Tax forms, 1965.
Box DG 073: Series I: 2
Financial records, 1966.
Box DG 073: Series I: 2
Tax forms, 1966.
Box DG 073: Series I: 2
Financial records, 1967.
Box DG 073: Series I: 2
Tax forms, 1967.
Box DG 073: Series I: 2
Financial records, 1968.
Box DG 073: Series I: 2
Tax forms, 1968.
Box DG 073: Series I: 2
Financial records, 1969.
Box DG 073: Series I: 2
Tax forms, 1969.
Box DG 073: Series I: 2
Financial records, 1970.
Box DG 073: Series I: 2
Tax forms, 1970.
Box DG 073: Series I: 2
Financial records, 1971.
Box DG 073: Series I: 2
Financial records, 1972.
Box DG 073: Series I: 2
Financial records, 1973, 1976-1977.
Box DG 073: Series I: 2
Employees insurance (example).
Box DG 073: Series I: 2

Form/appeal letters, 1948-1949.
Box DG 073: Series II: 3
Form/appeal letters, 1950-1954.
Box DG 073: Series II: 3
Form/appeal letters, 1955-1959.
Box DG 073: Series II: 3
Form/appeal letters, 1960-1969.
Box DG 073: Series II: 3
Form/appeal letters, 1970-1975.
Box DG 073: Series II: 3
Form/appeal letters, 1976-1979.
Box DG 073: Series II: 3
Form/appeal letters, 1980-1989.
Box DG 073: Series II: 3
Form/appeal letters, undated.
Box DG 073: Series II: 3
Letters/memos to Executive Board.
Box DG 073: Series II: 3
Letters to Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors Panel of Attorneys.
Box DG 073: Series II: 3
Literature lists; bibliography.
Box DG 073: Series II: 3
Box DG 073: Series II: 3
Publicity: press releases.
Box DG 073: Series II: 3
News Release packet, 1971 -.
Box DG 073: Series II: 3
Media coverage.
Box DG 073: Series II: 3
Media coverage: reference to Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors in Julius Eichel's release regarding Seymour Eichel, 1957.
Box DG 073: Series II: 3
Draft Counselor's Manual [looseleaf], 1970 (February).
Box DG 073: Series II: 4
Draft Counselor's Manual [looseleaf], 1972 (June).
Box DG 073: Series II: 4
Military Counselor's Manual, up-to-date as of May 1972.
Box DG 073: Series II: 4
Counselor's Manual, up-to-date as of at least September 1972.
Box DG 073: Series II: 4
Military Counselor's Manual, approximately 1970-1972.
Box DG 073: Series II: 4
Military Counselor's Directory, (4th Edition), 1972-1973.
Box DG 073: Series II: 4
Military Counselor's Directory, (5th Edition), 1973.
Box DG 073: Series II: 4
Military Counselor's Directory, (6th Edition), 1974.
Box DG 073: Series II: 4
Military Counselor's Directory, (7th and 8th Edition), 1975.
Box DG 073: Series II: 4
Military Counselor's Directory, (9th Edition), 1976.
Box DG 073: Series II: 4
Leaflets/pamphlets/flyers (title A).
Box DG 073: Series II: 5
Leaflets/pamphlets/flyers (title B-C).
Box DG 073: Series II: 5
Leaflets/pamphlets/flyers (title D-I).
Box DG 073: Series II: 5
Leaflets/pamphlets/flyers (title J-N).
Box DG 073: Series II: 5
Leaflets/pamphlets/flyers (title O-Q).
Box DG 073: Series II: 5
Leaflets/pamphlets/flyers (title R-T).
Box DG 073: Series II: 5
Leaflets/pamphlets/flyers (title U-Y).
Box DG 073: Series II: 5
Box DG 073: Series II: 5
Pamphlet "Prison and Court Martial for Conscientious Objectors.." by Caleb Foote, 1949.
Box DG 073: Series II: 5
Booklet/Pamphlet "Those Who Say No: A Chaplain's Guide..." by Jerry Kinchy, 1976.
Box DG 073: Series II: 5
Booklet "Advice for Conscientious Objectors in the Armed Forces" (1st edition printings), 1970-1971.
Box DG 073: Series II: 5
Booklet "Advice for Conscientious Objectors in the Armed Forces" (2nd edition), 1972.
Box DG 073: Series II: 5
Booklet "Advice for Conscientious Objectors in the Armed Forces" (3rd edition), 1975.
Box DG 073: Series II: 5
Booklet (looseleaf) "Attorney's Guide to Selective Service and Military Case Law" by Curry First, 1969.
Box DG 073: Series II: 5
Booklet "Attorney's Guide to Selective Service and Military Case Law" edited by Jon Landau, etc., 1973.
Box DG 073: Series II: 5
Supplement to Attorney's Guide to Selective Service and Military Case Law by Curry First, 1970.
Box DG 073: Series II: 6
Booklet "Tools for Counselors, Attorneys, Libraries, Volume One", 1972.
Box DG 073: Series II: 6
Booklet "Veterans Discharge Upgrading Counselor List", 1975.
Box DG 073: Series II: 6
Pamphlet "Bibliography of Conscientious Objection to War" by Hi Doty, 1954.
Box DG 073: Series II: 6
Pamphlet "Conscientious Objection to War: A Selected Bibliography", 1950.
Box DG 073: Series II: 6
Pamphlet "Conscientious Objectors Under Selective Service", 1950.
Box DG 073: Series II: 6
Pamphlet "Conscientious Objectors Under Selective Service" (2nd edition), 1951.
Box DG 073: Series II: 6
Book "Guide to the Draft" by Arlo Tatum and Joseph Tuchinsky, 1969.
Box DG 073: Series II: 6
Publicity for Handbook.
Box DG 073: Series II: 6
Handbook for Conscientious Objectors (1st edition), 1952 (November).
Box DG 073: Series II: 6
Handbook for Conscientious Objectors (2nd edition), 1954 (September).
Box DG 073: Series II: 6
Handbook for Conscientious Objectors (3rd edition); (4th edition), 1957 (July); 1960 (January).
Box DG 073: Series II: 6
Handbook for Conscientious Objectors (5th edition); (7th edition), 1962; 1965.
Box DG 073: Series II: 6
Handbook for Conscientious Objectors (8th edition); (9th edition), 1966; 1967.
Box DG 073: Series II: 6
Handbook for Conscientious Objectors (9th edition, 2nd and 4th printing), 1968.
Box DG 073: Series II: 7
Handbook for Conscientious Objectors (10th edition, 1st and 2nd printing), 1968-1969.
Box DG 073: Series II: 7
Handbook for Conscientious Objectors (11th edition); (12th edition), 1971; 1972.
Box DG 073: Series II: 7
Releases No.1 and No.2, 1948.
Box DG 073: Series II: 7
Mailing made up of releases, 1969.
Box DG 073: Series II: 7
Release "IAO Classification of Men who claim IO".
Box DG 073: Series II: 7
Release "I-Y and IV-F Memo", November 15, 1968.
Box DG 073: Series II: 7
Release "4-F" and "4-F Appendix".
Box DG 073: Series II: 7
Releases (Titles A-C).
Box DG 073: Series II: 7
Releases "Armed Forces Security Questionnaire" and "Armed Forces Security Questionnaire Memo", 1962, 1968-1969.
Box DG 073: Series II: 7
Release "Background Information for Dealing with Department of Justice...", 1967.
Box DG 073: Series II: 7
Releases regarding bail fund, 1948-1951.
Box DG 073: Series II: 7
Release (for Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors?) "A Brief Report-Trip to India and Japan" by George Willoughby, 1961.
Box DG 073: Series II: 7
Report "Conscientious Objectors in the Armed Forces", 1952.
Box DG 073: Series II: 7
Release "Conscientious Objection to Conscription", 1963.
Box DG 073: Series II: 7
Release "The Conscientious Objector and the Armed Forces", 1962, 1968, 1970.
Box DG 073: Series II: 7
Release "The Conscientious Objector and the Reserve Officer Training Corps"; "The Conscientious Objector and the Military Reserves", 1958; 1960-1962.
Box DG 073: Series II: 7
Release "The Conscientious Objector Under the Selective Service Act of 1948".
Box DG 073: Series II: 7
Release "Counseling and Service Agencies for Conscientious Objectors", 1948-1951.
Box DG 073: Series II: 7
Release "Counseling the AWOL GI, 1972.
Box DG 073: Series II: 7
Release re: court case regarding nonpayment of taxes by the Mustes, 1960.
Box DG 073: Series II: 7
Releases (titles D-F).
Box DG 073: Series II: 7
Release "Defending Selective Service Indictments", 1951.
Box DG 073: Series II: 7
Release "Details of Compulsory Work Program for Conscientious Objectors", 1966.
Box DG 073: Series II: 7
Releases re: the doctor's draft, 1950.
Box DG 073: Series II: 7
Release "Draft Counseling and Educational Centers" (2nd edition).
Box DG 073: Series II: 7
Release"The Draft Lottery".
Box DG 073: Series II: 7
Release"Draft Status of Men with Prior Military Service".
Box DG 073: Series II: 7
Release"Emigration and the Draft".
Box DG 073: Series II: 7
Release "Emigration to Canada: Legal Notes for Draft Age Men", 1968.
Box DG 073: Series II: 7
Release "Facts on the Draft", 1965.
Box DG 073: Series II: 7
Release "3-A Fatherhood and Hardship Deferments", 1970-1972.
Box DG 073: Series II: 7
Release "Filling out Selective Service Form 118, 'Dependency Questionnaire' (for Class III-A)", 1968.
Box DG 073: Series II: 7
Releases (titles I-Q).
Box DG 073: Series II: 7
Release "Information Manual for Conscientious Objectors on Criminal Prosecutions", 1948.
Box DG 073: Series II: 7
Release "Information on Conscientious Objectors Convicted for Violation of the 1948 Selective Service Act, 1949.
Box DG 073: Series II: 8
Release "The Law in the Respective Jurisdictions...".
Box DG 073: Series II: 8
Release "Letters in Support of Conscientious Objector Claim", 1962-1968.
Box DG 073: Series II: 8
Release"Making a Conscientious Objector Claim after Issuance of an Induction Order", 1962-1972.
Box DG 073: Series II: 8
Release "Memo for Defense Attorneys Who Subpoena Classifying Board Members".
Box DG 073: Series II: 8
Release "Memorandum on Filling Out Selective Service System Form 100 'Classification Questionnaire'", 1967-1968.
Box DG 073: Series II: 8
Release"Memorandum on Student Deferments", 1968.
Box DG 073: Series II: 8
Release "Obtaining Discharge from the Armed Forces Because of Conscientious Objection to War", 1959.
Box DG 073: Series II: 8
Release "On Doing Prison Time for Draft Refusal" by F. Paul Salstrom, rev., -1967 (August).
Box DG 073: Series II: 8
Release "Pre-Enlistment Counseling".
Box DG 073: Series II: 8
Release "Prison Visitation Report", 1951.
Box DG 073: Series II: 8
Release "Proposal to Develop Draft Counseling in the Black Community".
Box DG 073: Series II: 8
Releases re: probation/parole, 1948-1964.
Box DG 073: Series II: 8
Releases (titles R-W).
Box DG 073: Series II: 8
Release "Refusal of Induction", 1961-1969.
Box DG 073: Series II: 8
Release "Selective Service Procedures", approximately 1968-1972.
Box DG 073: Series II: 8
Release "Special Form for Conscientious Objectors", approximately 1968-1972.
Box DG 073: Series II: 8
Release "Student Deferment Memo", 1967-1971.
Box DG 073: Series II: 8
Release "Universal Military and Training Act of 1948 (As Amended)" by Arlo Tatum, 1966.
Box DG 073: Series II: 8
Report/release "Visit to Austin Regier and David Coffman at Sandstone (Minnesota) Prison, April 24, 1949".
Box DG 073: Series II: 8
Release "Why High School ROTC?", approximately 1972-1973.
Box DG 073: Series II: 8
Published release "Three Hundred Years: The Struggle for Conscience in America" by Bob Seeley, approximately 1974.
Box DG 073: Series II: 8
Published release "Profiles in Conscience: 200 Years of Conscientious Objection in the Armed Forces", approximately 1976.
Box DG 073: Series II: 8
Published report/release "The Military Delayed Entry Program", 1977.
Box DG 073: Series II: 8
Special releases, 1949-1951.
Box DG 073: Series II: 8
Releases re: case of conscientious objector Larry Gara.
Box DG 073: Series II: 8
Draft Law Primer, 1972.
Box DG 073: Series II: 8
Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors Amnesty Packet, 1974.
Box DG 073: Series II: 8
Information Bulletin (#1, 3, 4), 1949.
Box DG 073: Series II: 8
Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors's Prisoners Newsletter, October 14, 1971.
Box DG 073: Series II: 8
Newsletter "Military Counselor's Network News", 1976-1977.
Box DG 073: Series II: 8
Newsletter "The Military Counselor", 1971-1973.
Box DG 073: Series II: 8
Newsletter on Military Law and Counseling #2, August 15, 1969.
Box DG 073: Series II: 8
Drafts of flyers and pamphlets.
Box DG 073: Series II: 9
Scope and Contents

includes correspondence

Drafts of flyers, pamphlets, and newsletters.
Box DG 073: Series II: 9
Scope and Contents

includes correspondence

Draft of "Common Army Abbreviations".
Box DG 073: Series II: 9
Draft of "A Draft Law Primer" by John Reints, approximately 1974.
Box DG 073: Series II: 9
Draft of "Guide to the Selective Service System Law", approximately 1969.
Box DG 073: Series II: 9
Draft "An Introduction to the Military and Military Counseling".
Box DG 073: Series II: 9
Paper "Military-Draft Counseling: Lawyer and Paraprofessional" by Harrop Freeman and Arlo Tatum, 197_?.
Box DG 073: Series II: 9
Amnesty Now by Harrop Freeman (Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors General Counsel).
Box DG 073: Series II: 9
Royalties from pamphlet "The Draft Law" (3rd Edition) by John Griffiths and J. William Heckman Jr., 1970.
Box DG 073: Series II: 9
The Case for Repeal of the Military Selective Service Act: A Position Paper... by Robert Musil, 1973.
Box DG 073: Series II: 9

Program proposals, 1975-1976.
Box DG 073: Series III: 10
Planning documents.
Box DG 073: Series III: 10
The Military Counselor Project.
Box DG 073: Series III: 10
Repatriation Project.
Box DG 073: Series III: 10
Responses to Alternative Service regulations from various groups/persons, 1972.
Box DG 073: Series III: 10
Efforts regarding amnesty.
Box DG 073: Series III: 10
Efforts regarding deserters/AWOL.
Box DG 073: Series III: 10
Efforts regarding discharges from armed services.
Box DG 073: Series III: 10
Response to Department of Defense proposal regarding conscientious objectors discharges from armed forces, 1973.
Box DG 073: Series III: 10
Letters/statements gathered that opposed Department of Defense proposal regarding conscientious objectors discharges from armed forces, 1972-1973.
Box DG 073: Series III: 10
Efforts regarding proposed revision to Selective Service System Form 150, 1971.
Box DG 073: Series III: 10
Statements of organizations regarding military draft, etc.
Box DG 073: Series III: 11
Summaries of draft cases.
Box DG 073: Series III: 11
Military recruitments and All Volunteer Army: correspondence, etc.
Box DG 073: Series III: 11
Box DG 073: Series III: 11
Efforts against ROTC.
Box DG 073: Series III: 11
Efforts regarding counter-recruitment of women to the armed forces.
Box DG 073: Series III: 11
Lists of draft counselors and counseling centers.
Box DG 073: Series III: 11
Task force reports (regarding training sessions).
Box DG 073: Series III: 11
Training of draft counselors.
Box DG 073: Series III: 11
Military counselors training sessions.
Box DG 073: Series III: 11
Training of draft counselors (using case of David T. Jones).
Box DG 073: Series III: 11
Training of draft counselors (using case of John Wilson).
Box DG 073: Series III: 11
Training of draft counselors: "Lousy Form 150 Answers".
Box DG 073: Series III: 11
Lottery problem (regarding draft).
Box DG 073: Series III: 11
Medical questionnaires.
Box DG 073: Series III: 11
Naturalization of conscientious objectors and pacifists, 1951-1961.
Box DG 073: Series III: 11
Procedural cases.
Box DG 073: Series III: 11
A.J. Muste: tax case, 1960.
Box DG 073: Series III: 11
Field trips, 1975-1976.
Box DG 073: Series III: 12
Fundraising efforts.
Box DG 073: Series III: 12
Fundraising effort: Pete Seeger concert, Academy of Music, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, February 8, 1970.
Box DG 073: Series III: 12
Funding proposals.
Box DG 073: Series III: 12
Miscellaneous efforts, forms, etc.
Box DG 073: Series III: 12
Midwest Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors, Chicago, Illinois: general.
Box DG 073: Series III: 12
Midwest Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors, Chicago, Illinois: attendance of John Judge at National Coalition of Vietnam Era Veterans meeting, Louisville, Kentucky, September 27, 1975.
Box DG 073: Series III: 12
Midwest Committee for Draft Counseling (Regional Office), Chicago, Illinois.
Box DG 073: Series III: 12
Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors-Southern Regional Office, Atlanta, Georgia.
Box DG 073: Series III: 12
Rocky Mountain Military Project [Regional Office?], Denver, Colorado.
Box DG 073: Series III: 12
West Coast Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors (Regional Office) / Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors - Western Region, San Francisco, California.
Box DG 073: Series III: 12
West Coast Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors (Regional Office) / Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors - Western Region, San Francisco, California: correspondence of Scott Thompson.
Box DG 073: Series III: 12
American Personnel and Guidance Association [APGA], 1974.
Box DG 073: Series III: 12
American Personnel and Guidance Association [APGA] Convention, March 23-26, 1975.
Box DG 073: Series III: 12
American Personnel and Guidance Association [APGA] Convention, Chicago, Illinois, April 11-15, 1976.
Box DG 073: Series III: 12
Interfaith Committee on Draft Information, 1971-1974.
Box DG 073: Series III: 12
IFCDMI Consultation on Military Counseling and Priorities, Washington, D.C., February 21-23, 1975.
Box DG 073: Series III: 12
Consultative Peace Council: meeting minutes, 1965.
Box DG 073: Series III: 12
40th Anniversary of Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors: dinner and celebration, November 12, 1988.
Box DG 073: Series III: 13
Efforts regarding newsletter "News Notes".
Box DG 073: Series III: 13
Mailing lists; phone numbers.
Box DG 073: Series III: 13
Counter-recruitment meetings/conferences.
Box DG 073: Series III: 13
Box DG 073: Series III: 13
Staff reports, 1973, 1977.
Box DG 073: Series III: 13
In-house memos / inter-office memos, 1972-1975, 1977.
Box DG 073: Series III: 13
Scope and Contents

see also memos in box 21

Miscellaneous staffpersons: correspondence (etc.), 1949, 1960, 1965-1969.
Box DG 073: Series III: 13
Miscellaneous staffpersons: correspondence (etc.), 1970-1976.
Box DG 073: Series III: 13
Andreson, Bent (Administrative Assistant).
Box DG 073: Series III: 13
Blom, Jeff (Draft Counselor, Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors): correspondence (etc.).
Box DG 073: Series III: 13
Farnsworth, Doug (Finance Secretary): correspondence.
Box DG 073: Series III: 13
Ginaven, John H. (Associate Secretary): correspondence.
Box DG 073: Series III: 13
Gulick, Stephen M.: correspondence, 1971-1974.
Box DG 073: Series III: 14
Gulick, Stephen M.: correspondence, 1975 (January-April).
Box DG 073: Series III: 14
Gulick, Stephen M.: correspondence, 1975 (May-August).
Box DG 073: Series III: 14
Gulick, Stephen M.: correspondence, 1975 (September-December).
Box DG 073: Series III: 14
Gulick, Stephen M.: correspondence, 1976-1977.
Box DG 073: Series III: 14
Jaffee, Leonard (Conscientious Objector Counselor): correspondence.
Box DG 073: Series III: 14
Morrison, David: correspondence (General).
Box DG 073: Series III: 14
Morrison, David: correspondence (regarding conscientious objectors and conscientious objector cases) [restricted].
Box DG 073: Series III: 14
Morrison, David R. (Coordinator, Draft Information Center): correspondence.
Box DG 073: Series III: 14
Statement (testimony?) by Jeremy Mott for Subcommittee No. 3 of House Judiciary Committee, March 8, 1974.
Box DG 073: Series III: 14
Musil, Bob: correspondence.
Box DG 073: Series III: 14
Statement on amnesty by Robert K. Musil, March 6, 1974.
Box DG 073: Series III: 14
Testimony of Robert Musil and David Cortright before the Defense Manpower Commission, November 14, 1972.
Box DG 073: Series III: 14
Noller, John: correspondence, 1973-1974.
Box DG 073: Series III: 14
O'Brien, Tom: correspondence.
Box DG 073: Series III: 14
Rivkin, Robert (staff lawyer): statement to Department of Defense Task Force on the Administration of Military Justice in the Armed Forces, May 24, 1972.
Box DG 073: Series III: 15
Seeley, Bob and Ellen Wilkinson: correspondence with National Interreligious Service Board for Conscientious Objectors staff, 1972-1976.
Box DG 073: Series III: 15
Tatum, Arlo: biographical information.
Box DG 073: Series III: 15
Tatum, Arlo: correspondence (etc,).
Box DG 073: Series III: 15
Tatum, Arlo: correspondence with A.J. Muste and the Fellowship of Reconciliation.
Box DG 073: Series III: 15
Tatum, Arlo: correspondence regarding finding members for Committee to End the Draft.
Box DG 073: Series III: 15
Transcript of talk by Arlo Tatum "Draft Revision in 1967", 1967 (February).
Box DG 073: Series III: 15
Statement by Arlo Tatum to U.S. Senate Subcommittee, February 24, 1972.
Box DG 073: Series III: 15
Tatum, Arlo and Gayen Thompson: Student Peace Union.
Box DG 073: Series III: 15
Thompson, (Miss) Gayen (Acting Director, Committee to End the Draft): correspondence, 1965.
Box DG 073: Series III: 15
Thompson, (Miss) Gayen (Acting Director, Committee to End the Draft) and Arlo Tatum: correspondence (continued), 1965.
Box DG 073: Series III: 15
Thompson, (Miss) Gayen (Acting Director, Committee to End the Draft): correspondence with National Farmers Union, 1965.
Box DG 073: Series III: 15
Testimony of Joseph S. Tuchinsky to the Senate Subcommittee on Administrative Practice and Procedure, February 28, 1972.
Box DG 073: Series III: 15
Willoughby, George: correspondence, 1956-1962.
Box DG 073: Series III: 15
First, Curry: correspondence.
Box DG 073: Series III: 16
First, Curry: case of Arthur Ambrus [Attorney for Petitioner].
Box DG 073: Series III: 16
First, Curry: case of Robert Hutton Ball [Defense Attorney].
Box DG 073: Series III: 16
First, Curry: case of Roger Edwin Berg [Defense Attorney].
Box DG 073: Series III: 16
First, Curry: case of David Lyle Jepson.
Box DG 073: Series III: 16
First, Curry: case of William George Katt [Assistant on case].
Box DG 073: Series III: 16
First, Curry: case of Patrick McCarthy [Defense Attorney].
Box DG 073: Series III: 16
First, Curry: Southern Legal Assistance Fund, 1968-1969.
Box DG 073: Series III: 16
First, Curry: Philadelphia Attorneys Selective Service and Military Panel, 1969.
Box DG 073: Series III: 16
First, Curry: draft of memo regarding proposed class action: Simpson et. al. v. Selective Service.
Box DG 073: Series III: 16
First, Curry: drafts, notes.
Box DG 073: Series III: 16
First, Curry: lists of cooperating attorneys.
Box DG 073: Series III: 16
First, Curry: case brief for Joel Whetstone [reference material?].
Box DG 073: Series III: 16
First, Curry: case briefs [reference material?].
Box DG 073: Series III: 16
Landau, John: correspondence.
Box DG 073: Series III: 17
Landau, John: draft counselors [restricted], 1970-1971.
Box DG 073: Series III: 17
Landau, John: draft counselors, 1972.
Box DG 073: Series III: 17
Landau, John: draft counselors, 1974-1977.
Box DG 073: Series III: 17
Landau, John: draft counselors, undated.
Box DG 073: Series III: 17
Landau, John: conscientious objectors in prison; prison visitation, etc.
Box DG 073: Series III: 17
Landau, John: questionnaires (filled out) re: returning AWOLs and local army base policies, 1972-1974.
Box DG 073: Series III: 17
Landau, John: prepublication suit, 1972.
Box DG 073: Series III: 17
Landau, John: updating of Attorney's Guide, 1970-1972.
Box DG 073: Series III: 17
Landau, John: Attorney's Guide; case lists.
Box DG 073: Series III: 17
Landau, John: miscellaneous efforts.
Box DG 073: Series III: 17
Landau, John: case of United States v. Brown [notes by ?], 1972.
Box DG 073: Series III: 17
Landau, John: mailing lists; phone numbers.
Box DG 073: Series III: 17
Seeley, Bob: correspondence, 1971.
Box DG 073: Series III: 18
Seeley, Bob: correspondence, 1972 (January).
Box DG 073: Series III: 18
Seeley, Bob: correspondence, 1972 (February).
Box DG 073: Series III: 18
Seeley, Bob: correspondence, 1972 (March).
Box DG 073: Series III: 18
Seeley, Bob: correspondence, 1972 (April).
Box DG 073: Series III: 18
Seeley, Bob: correspondence, 1972 (May).
Box DG 073: Series III: 18
Seeley, Bob: correspondence, 1972 (June).
Box DG 073: Series III: 18
Seeley, Bob: correspondence, 1972 (July).
Box DG 073: Series III: 18
Seeley, Bob: correspondence, 1972 (August).
Box DG 073: Series III: 18
Seeley, Bob: correspondence, 1972 (September).
Box DG 073: Series III: 18
Seeley, Bob: correspondence, 1972 (October-December).
Box DG 073: Series III: 18
Seeley, Bob: correspondence, 1973 (January-February).
Box DG 073: Series III: 19
Seeley, Bob: correspondence, 1973 (March).
Box DG 073: Series III: 19
Seeley, Bob: correspondence, 1973 (April).
Box DG 073: Series III: 19
Seeley, Bob: correspondence, 1973 (May).
Box DG 073: Series III: 19
Seeley, Bob: correspondence, 1973 (June).
Box DG 073: Series III: 19
Seeley, Bob: correspondence, 1973 (July).
Box DG 073: Series III: 19
Seeley, Bob: correspondence, 1973 (August).
Box DG 073: Series III: 19
Seeley, Bob: correspondence, 1973 (September).
Box DG 073: Series III: 19
Seeley, Bob: correspondence, 1973 (October).
Box DG 073: Series III: 19
Seeley, Bob: correspondence, 1973 (November).
Box DG 073: Series III: 19
Seeley, Bob: correspondence, 1973 (December).
Box DG 073: Series III: 19
Seeley, Bob: correspondence, 1974 (January).
Box DG 073: Series III: 19
Seeley, Bob: correspondence, 1974 (February).
Box DG 073: Series III: 19
Seeley, Bob: correspondence, 1974 (March).
Box DG 073: Series III: 19
Seeley, Bob: correspondence, 1974 (April).
Box DG 073: Series III: 20
Seeley, Bob: correspondence, 1974 (May).
Box DG 073: Series III: 20
Seeley, Bob: correspondence, 1974 (June).
Box DG 073: Series III: 20
Seeley, Bob: correspondence, 1974 (July).
Box DG 073: Series III: 20
Seeley, Bob: correspondence, 1974 (August-September).
Box DG 073: Series III: 20
Seeley, Bob: correspondence, 1974 (October-November).
Box DG 073: Series III: 20
Seeley, Bob: correspondence, 1974 (December).
Box DG 073: Series III: 20
Seeley, Bob: correspondence, 1975 (January-March).
Box DG 073: Series III: 20
Seeley, Bob: correspondence, 1975 (April-May).
Box DG 073: Series III: 20
Seeley, Bob: correspondence, 1975 (June-August).
Box DG 073: Series III: 20
Seeley, Bob: correspondence, 1975 (September-October).
Box DG 073: Series III: 20
Seeley, Bob: correspondence, 1975 (November).
Box DG 073: Series III: 20
Seeley, Bob: correspondence, 1975 (December).
Box DG 073: Series III: 20
Seeley, Bob: correspondence, 1976.
Box DG 073: Series III: 20
Seeley, Bob: correspondence, 1977.
Box DG 073: Series III: 20
Seeley, Bob: correspondence, undated.
Box DG 073: Series III: 20
Seeley, Bob: correspondence (etc.) with Midwest Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors (Chicago).
Box DG 073: Series III: 21
Seeley, Bob: correspondence with Rocky Mountain area Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors.
Box DG 073: Series III: 21
Seeley, Bob: correspondence with Southern Region Office Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors (Atlanta, Georgia).
Box DG 073: Series III: 21
Seeley, Bob: correspondence (etc.) with Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors Western Region.
Box DG 073: Series III: 21
Seeley, Bob: correspondence with AFSC.
Box DG 073: Series III: 21
Seeley, Bob: office memos, 1969.
Box DG 073: Series III: 21
Seeley, Bob: memos sent/ received, 1971.
Box DG 073: Series III: 21
Seeley, Bob: memos sent/ received, 1972.
Box DG 073: Series III: 21
Seeley, Bob: memos sent/ received, 1973.
Box DG 073: Series III: 21
Seeley, Bob: memos sent/received, 1974.
Box DG 073: Series III: 21
Seeley, Bob: letters to/from Curtis Tarr (Director, Selective Service) by Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors and others regarding Form 150, 1971 (November).
Box DG 073: Series III: 21
Scope and Contents

[2 folders]

Seeley, Bob: correspondence with Selective Service System, 1972.
Box DG 073: Series III: 22
Seeley, Bob: correspondence with Selective Service System, 1973-1975.
Box DG 073: Series III: 22
Seeley, Bob: unemployment and Recruitment thinkpiece, 1973.
Box DG 073: Series III: 22
Seeley, Bob: articles from readers for News Notes, 1973-1976.
Box DG 073: Series III: 22
Scope and Contents

includes correspondence

Seeley, Bob: mailing lists from News Notes, 1966-1967.
Box DG 073: Series III: 22
Seeley, Bob: self-study, use of DCN, 1972.
Box DG 073: Series III: 22
Seeley, Bob: material regarding draft counseling.
Box DG 073: Series III: 22
Seeley, Bob: reprinting of 4-F document and appendix, 1972.
Box DG 073: Series III: 22
Seeley, Bob: questionnaires filled out by draft counseling centers.
Box DG 073: Series III: 22
Scope and Contents

[2 folders]

Seeley, Bob: repatriation project.
Box DG 073: Series III: 22
Seeley, Bob: draft counselee Antonio S. Andrade, 1975.
Box DG 073: Series III: 23
Seeley, Bob: draft counselee Kai Johan Arvi, 1972-1973.
Box DG 073: Series III: 23
Seeley, Bob: draft counselee Richard K. Bohn [aka KA Kavana], 1972.
Box DG 073: Series III: 23
Seeley, Bob: draft counselee Geoffrey Brown, 1972.
Box DG 073: Series III: 23
Seeley, Bob: draft counselee Allan Duane Clark, 1974-1975.
Box DG 073: Series III: 23
Seeley, Bob: draft counselee William Conway, 1973.
Box DG 073: Series III: 23
Seeley, Bob: draft counselee Kenneth H. Duffy, 1972.
Box DG 073: Series III: 23
Seeley, Bob: draft counselee Thomas Michael Glowa, 1972.
Box DG 073: Series III: 23
Seeley, Bob: draft counselee Clyde Goodrich, 1971-1972.
Box DG 073: Series III: 23
Seeley, Bob: draft counselee Stephen Brewer Harper, 1972.
Box DG 073: Series III: 23
Seeley, Bob: draft counselee Charles F. Itzer, 1971-1972.
Box DG 073: Series III: 23
Seeley, Bob: draft counselee David James.
Box DG 073: Series III: 23
Seeley, Bob: draft counselee Daniel Kuhn, 1972-1974.
Box DG 073: Series III: 23
Seeley, Bob: draft counselee(?) John A. Lewis, 1973.
Box DG 073: Series III: 23
Seeley, Bob: draft counselee(?) James Anthony (Tony) McQuail III, 1974.
Box DG 073: Series III: 23
Seeley, Bob: draft counselee William Mittendorf, 1971-1972.
Box DG 073: Series III: 23
Seeley, Bob: draft counselee William Cleon Panther, 1975.
Box DG 073: Series III: 23
Seeley, Bob: draft counselee Christopher C. Patten, 1975.
Box DG 073: Series III: 23
Seeley, Bob: draft counselee Henry Posamentier, 1971-1972.
Box DG 073: Series III: 23
Seeley, Bob: draft counselee Tim Putnam, 1968-1973.
Box DG 073: Series III: 23
Seeley, Bob: draft counselee Mark Rankin, 1975.
Box DG 073: Series III: 23
Seeley, Bob: draft counselee John Reed, 1969.
Box DG 073: Series III: 23
Seeley, Bob: draft counselee Charles Francis Riegle, 1973-1974.
Box DG 073: Series III: 23
Seeley, Bob: draft counselee John G. Roberts, 1973.
Box DG 073: Series III: 23
Seeley, Bob: draft counselee Gunther Schimkus, 1973.
Box DG 073: Series III: 23
Seeley, Bob: draft counselee Fred Smith, 1974-1975.
Box DG 073: Series III: 23
Seeley, Bob: draft counselee Stephen E. Snyder, 1972.
Box DG 073: Series III: 23
Seeley, Bob: draft counselee (?) David Solliday -- memo to support his claim [by Seeley?].
Box DG 073: Series III: 23
Seeley, Bob: draft counselee Jeff Thaler, 1973.
Box DG 073: Series III: 23
Seeley, Bob: FBI sheet on David McGinnes Gracie, 1974.
Box DG 073: Series III: 23
Wilkinson, Ellen: correspondence, 1975 (January-October).
Box DG 073: Series III: 24
Wilkinson, Ellen: correspondence, 1975 (November).
Box DG 073: Series III: 24
Wilkinson, Ellen: correspondence, 1975 (December).
Box DG 073: Series III: 24
Wilkinson, Ellen: correspondence, 1976 (January).
Box DG 073: Series III: 24
Wilkinson, Ellen: correspondence, 1976 (February).
Box DG 073: Series III: 24
Wilkinson, Ellen: correspondence, 1976 (March).
Box DG 073: Series III: 24
Wilkinson, Ellen: correspondence, 1976 (April).
Box DG 073: Series III: 24
Wilkinson, Ellen: correspondence, 1976 (May).
Box DG 073: Series III: 24
Wilkinson, Ellen: correspondence, 1976 (June).
Box DG 073: Series III: 24
Wilkinson, Ellen: correspondence, 1976 (July-September).
Box DG 073: Series III: 24
Wilkinson, Ellen: correspondence, 1976 (October-December).
Box DG 073: Series III: 24
Wilkinson, Ellen: correspondence, undated.
Box DG 073: Series III: 24
Wilkinson, Ellen: requests for literature [see also correspondence].
Box DG 073: Series III: 24
Wilkinson, Ellen / Tom O'Brien, Counter-recruitment: Correspondence with Edith Hefley (Ann Arbor-Ypsilanti Branch, WILPF).
Box DG 073: Series III: 24
Wilkinson, Ellen: finding new board members.
Box DG 073: Series III: 25
Wilkinson, Ellen(?): notes for speeches, etc.
Box DG 073: Series III: 25
Wilkinson, Ellen: contact lists.
Box DG 073: Series III: 25
Wilkinson, Ellen: miscellaneous.
Box DG 073: Series III: 25
Wilkinson, Ellen: Task Force on Recruitment and Militarism, 1975-1976.
Box DG 073: Series III: 25
Wilkinson, Ellen: Task Force on Recruitment and Militarism, 1977-1978, undated.
Box DG 073: Series III: 25
Wilkinson, Ellen: Consultation on Recruitment and Militarism (Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors), 1976.
Box DG 073: Series III: 25
Wilkinson, Ellen: APGA Convention exhibits, 1976-1978.
Box DG 073: Series III: 25
Wilkinson, Ellen: field trips, 1976-1977.
Box DG 073: Series III: 25
Wilkinson, Ellen: trip to Minneapolis and Madison (with Jon Landau), 1976.
Box DG 073: Series III: 25
Wilkinson, Ellen: arranging trips for field worker John Judge.
Box DG 073: Series III: 25
Wilkinson, Ellen: radio spots, poster possibilities, advertisements.
Box DG 073: Series III: 25
Wilkinson, Ellen: signed release forms for photographs used by Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors.
Box DG 073: Series III: 25
Wilkinson, Ellen: Selective Service registration/draft repeal, 1975-1976.
Box DG 073: Series III: 25
Wilkinson, Ellen: gathering signers for letter regarding presence of the military in schools, 1976.
Box DG 073: Series III: 25
Wilkinson, Ellen: ROTC / Junior ROTC in Pennsylvania schools.
Box DG 073: Series III: 26
Wilkinson, Ellen: guidance counselor mailing.
Box DG 073: Series III: 26
Wilkinson, Ellen: high school organizing.
Box DG 073: Series III: 26
Wilkinson, Ellen: high school Peacemakers Program (Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors), 1978.
Box DG 073: Series III: 26
Wilkinson, Ellen: statistics regarding recruiter visits/policy.
Box DG 073: Series III: 26
Wilkinson, Ellen: pamphlet for draft counselors.
Box DG 073: Series III: 26
Wilkinson, Ellen: G.I.s and disarmament.
Box DG 073: Series III: 26
Wilkinson, Ellen: Military Union Movement (S. 274), 1978.
Box DG 073: Series III: 26
Wilkinson, Ellen: Taking a Stand Against War (TASAW) -- project proposals.
Box DG 073: Series III: 26
Wilkinson, Ellen: Taking a Stand Against War (TASAW) -- correspondence and memos.
Box DG 073: Series III: 26
Wilkinson, Ellen: Taking a Stand Against War (TASAW) -- correspondence with Congress.
Box DG 073: Series III: 26
Wilkinson, Ellen: Taking a Stand Against War (TASAW) -- Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors efforts.
Box DG 073: Series III: 26
Wilkinson, Ellen: Taking a Stand Against War (TASAW) -- organizing.
Box DG 073: Series III: 26
Wilkinson, Ellen: Taking a Stand Against War (TASAW) -- publicity.
Box DG 073: Series III: 26
Wilkinson, Ellen: Taking a Stand Against War (TASAW) -- development of literature.
Box DG 073: Series III: 26
Wilkinson, Ellen: Taking a Stand Against War (TASAW) -- contact lists.
Box DG 073: Series III: 26
Altman, George T. (attorney).
Box DG 073: Series III: 27

Material removed from Series V: Individual Case Files

Ames, Winslow, 1951-1966.
Box DG 073: Series III: 27

Material removed from Series V: Individual Case Files

Banyacya, Thomas, 1955.
Box DG 073: Series III: 27

Material removed from Series V: Individual Case Files

Bromley, Ernest (Peacemakers), 1949-1967.
Box DG 073: Series III: 27

Material removed from Series V: Individual Case Files

Crimmins, John J. (counselor).
Box DG 073: Series III: 27
De Rosa, Ulisse [Ulysses] (WWI Conscientious Objector), 1964.
Box DG 073: Series III: 27

Material removed from Series V: Individual Case Files

Faust, Dr. Elizabeth.
Box DG 073: Series III: 27

Material removed from Series V: Individual Case Files

Joyce, Stella (Head of Research, Amnesty International).
Box DG 073: Series III: 27

Material removed from Series V: Individual Case Files

Martin, Mrs. Charles B.
Box DG 073: Series III: 27

Material removed from Series V: Individual Case Files

High school debate concerning compulsory service, 1968.
Box DG 073: Series III: 27

Material removed from Series V: Individual Case Files

Hirsch, Oliver (G.I. Help [organization]).
Box DG 073: Series III: 27

Material removed from Series V: Individual Case Files

Reference material: Army National Guard.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 28
Reference material: Department of the Army.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 28
Reference material: Department of Defense.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 28
Reference material: Department of the Navy.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 28
Reference material: Department of Justice.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 28
Reference material: Selective Service System.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 28
Reference material: The 1967 Committee to End the Draft on or Before June 30, 1967, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 28
Reference material: American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).
Box DG 073: Series IV: 28
Reference material: American Ethical Union.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 28
Reference material: American Friends Service Committee (AFSC).
Box DG 073: Series IV: 28
Reference material: Bay Area Lawyers Selective Service Panel.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 28
Reference material: Chicago Area Military Project.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 28
Reference material: End of the Draft [organization].
Box DG 073: Series IV: 28
Reference material: Medical Resistance Union.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 28
Reference material: Minnesota Clergy and Laity Concerned.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 28
Reference material: National Association of Black Veterans Inc.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 28
Reference material: National Network of Vietnam Era Women, 1974.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 28
Reference material: National Service Board for Religious Objectors/National Interreligious Service Board for Conscientious Objectors.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 28
Reference material: Unitarian-Universalist Association on Conscientious Objection.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 28
Reference material: War Resister Information Program, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 28
Reference material: amnesty for conscientious objectors/deserters.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 29
Reference material: black draft resisters.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 29
Reference material: Canadian immigration policy, 1969-1973.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 29
Reference material: conscription.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 29
Reference material: conscientious objectors in prison.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 29
Reference material: lists of and data about federal penal and correctional institutions, approximately 1971-1972.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 29
Reference material: counter-recruitment.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 29
Reference material: draft counseling.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 29
Reference material: filling out form 150.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 29
Reference material: less-than-honorable discharges.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 29
Reference material: military recruitment.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 29
Reference material: ROTC/Military Training.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 29
Reference material: tax resistance.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 29
Reference material: references regarding conscientious objectors and the draft, 1967-1970.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 30
Reference material: release "Right to Counsel" by The New York Draft and Military Law Panel, 1968.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 30
Reference material: Army Discharge Review Board brief for William Rodney Martin Jr.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 30
Reference material: Classification I-SCC, 1968-1969.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 30
Reference material: trial of Robert Arnold Whitehouse, 1970.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 30
Reference material: trial of Carl G. Cooper.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 30
Reference material: trial of James E. Foley.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 30
Reference material: trial of Grant Duncan Kaufmann, 1974.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 30
Reference material: trial of Peter A. Keller, 1969.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 30
Reference material: trial of John William Koster, 1969.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 30
Reference material: trial of Charles Robert Muncaster [son of Robert G. Muncaster], Alabama, 1969.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 30
Reference material: trial of Robert George Muncaster, Alabama, 1970.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 30
Reference material: trial of Robert J. Strople.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 30
Reference material: trial of Duane Theodore Wallen, 1970.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 30
Reference material: draft resisters/evaders and Conscientious Objectors (multiple last names).
Box DG 073: Series IV: 31
Reference material: draft resisters/evaders and Conscientious Objectors (last names starting with A).
Box DG 073: Series IV: 31
Reference material: draft resisters/evaders and Conscientious Objectors (last names starting with B).
Box DG 073: Series IV: 31
Reference material: draft resisters/evaders and Conscientious Objectors (last names starting with C).
Box DG 073: Series IV: 31
Reference material: draft resisters/evaders and Conscientious Objectors (last names starting with D).
Box DG 073: Series IV: 31
Reference material: draft resisters/evaders and Conscientious Objectors (last names starting with E).
Box DG 073: Series IV: 31
Reference material: draft resisters/evaders and Conscientious Objectors (last names starting with F).
Box DG 073: Series IV: 31
Reference material: draft resisters/evaders and Conscientious Objectors (last names starting with G).
Box DG 073: Series IV: 31
Reference material: draft resisters/evaders and Conscientious Objectors (last names starting with H).
Box DG 073: Series IV: 31
Reference material: draft resisters/evaders and Conscientious Objectors (last names starting with J).
Box DG 073: Series IV: 31
Reference material: draft resisters/evaders and Conscientious Objectors (last names starting with K).
Box DG 073: Series IV: 31
Reference material:draft resisters/evaders and Conscientious Objectors (last names starting with L).
Box DG 073: Series IV: 31
Reference material: draft resisters/evaders and Conscientious Objectors (last names starting with M).
Box DG 073: Series IV: 31
Reference material: draft resisters/evaders and Conscientious Objectors (last names starting with N).
Box DG 073: Series IV: 31
Reference material: draft resisters/evaders and Conscientious Objectors (last names starting with O).
Box DG 073: Series IV: 31
Reference material: draft resisters/evaders and Conscientious Objectors (last names starting with P).
Box DG 073: Series IV: 31
Reference material: draft resisters/evaders and Conscientious Objectors (last names starting with R).
Box DG 073: Series IV: 31
Reference material: draft resisters/evaders and Conscientious Objectors (last names starting with S).
Box DG 073: Series IV: 31
Reference material: draft resisters/evaders and Conscientious Objectors (last names starting with T).
Box DG 073: Series IV: 31
Reference material: draft resisters/evaders and Conscientious Objectors (last names starting with V).
Box DG 073: Series IV: 31
Reference material: draft resisters/evaders and Conscientious Objectors (last names starting with W).
Box DG 073: Series IV: 31
Reference material: draft resisters/evaders and Conscientious Objectors (last names starting with Y).
Box DG 073: Series IV: 31
Reference material: draft resisters/evaders and Conscientious Objectors (last names starting with Z).
Box DG 073: Series IV: 31
Reference material re: court case/s -- Multiple defendents-appellants.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 32
Reference material re: court case/s -- A [collective].
Box DG 073: Series IV: 32
Reference material re: court case/s -- B [collective].
Box DG 073: Series IV: 32
Reference material re: court case/s -- Richard Earl Bender.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 32
Reference material re: court case/s -- Alva Eugene Blalock and Richard Eugene Meredith.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 32
Reference material re: court case/s -- James Michael Bolton.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 32
Reference material re: court case/s -- John Douglas Broyles.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 32
Reference material re: court case/s -- C [collective].
Box DG 073: Series IV: 32
Reference material re: court case/s -- Neil Bruce Checkerman.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 32
Reference material re: court case/s -- William Chernekoff Jr.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 32
Reference material re: court case/s -- Martin Ludwig Cohn-Staedt [for naturalization].
Box DG 073: Series IV: 32
Reference material re: court case/s -- Richard Secor Corliss.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 32
Reference material re: court case/s -- D [collective].
Box DG 073: Series IV: 32
Reference material re: court case/s -- Harvey Lee Davis.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 32
Reference material re: court case/s -- Daniel Brimeli Dingman.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 32
Reference material re: court case/s -- Joel Elias Doty (and Paul, Orlin, and Sid Doty).
Box DG 073: Series IV: 32
Reference material re: court case/s -- E [collective].
Box DG 073: Series IV: 33
Reference material re: court case/s -- Theron Leroy Elder.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 33
Reference material re: court case/s -- F [collective].
Box DG 073: Series IV: 33
Reference material re: court case/s -- Jeffery Stuart Falk.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 33
Reference material re: court case/s -- G [collective].
Box DG 073: Series IV: 33
Reference material re: court case/s -- Robert James Gazda.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 33
Reference material re: court case/s -- Raymond Gonzales Jr.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 33
Reference material re: court case/s -- Gerson Grosfeld.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 33
Reference material re: court case/s -- H [collective].
Box DG 073: Series IV: 33
Reference material re: court case/s -- William R. Hagaman.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 33
Reference material re: court case/s -- Kenneth George Hanauer (and Jack A. Crabill).
Box DG 073: Series IV: 33
Reference material re: court case/s -- Richard R. Harshman (and Malcolm Lebert Parker).
Box DG 073: Series IV: 33
Reference material re: court case/s -- Ted Vernon Head.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 33
Reference material re: court case/s -- Brian Isaacson.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 33
Reference material re: court case/s -- J [collective].
Box DG 073: Series IV: 34
Reference material re: court case/s -- Ronald S. Jenkins.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 34
Reference material re: court case/s -- Arthur Jost.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 34
Reference material re: court case/s -- K [collective].
Box DG 073: Series IV: 34
Reference material re: court case/s -- Mathias Kauten.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 34
Reference material re: court case/s -- Rolf J. Kolden.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 34
Reference material re: court case/s -- L [collective].
Box DG 073: Series IV: 34
Reference material re: court case/s -- James Morris Lawson.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 34
Reference material re: court case/s -- M [collective].
Box DG 073: Series IV: 34
Reference material re: court case/s -- Bruce Todd Maine.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 34
Reference material re: court case/s -- Robert Allan Mang.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 34
Reference material re: court case/s -- John Mansavage.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 34
Reference material re: court case/s -- Milton Mayer.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 34
Reference material re: court case/s -- Robert Michener.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 34
Reference material re: court case/s -- A.J. Muste versus People of New York.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 34
Reference material re: court case/s -- N [collective].
Box DG 073: Series IV: 35
Reference material re: court case/s -- Peter Niznik.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 35
Reference material re: court case/s -- Harry Gray Nugent.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 35
Reference material re: court case/s -- O [collective].
Box DG 073: Series IV: 35
Reference material re: court case/s -- P [collective].
Box DG 073: Series IV: 35
Reference material re: court case/s -- Vaughn Preston Peebles.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 35
Reference material re: court case/s -- R [collective].
Box DG 073: Series IV: 35
Reference material re: court case/s -- Robert Everett Reuman.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 35
Reference material re: court case/s -- Robert Donald Rowland.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 35
Reference material re: court case/s -- S [collective].
Box DG 073: Series IV: 35
Reference material re: court case/s -- John Francis Arthur Sandoval.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 35
Reference material re: court case/s -- Ilse Scaccio.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 35
Reference material re: court case/s -- David Emery Serfass.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 35
Reference material re: court case/s -- Benjamin Spock et. al.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 36
Reference material re: court case/s -- Joseph E. Steiner Jr.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 36
Reference material re: court case/s -- Paul Edward Rowton (and Charles Freeman Wheeler and Reuben Jones Stepp).
Box DG 073: Series IV: 36
Reference material re: court case/s -- T [collective].
Box DG 073: Series IV: 36
Reference material re: court case/s -- V [collective].
Box DG 073: Series IV: 36
Reference material re: court case/s -- W-Z [collective].
Box DG 073: Series IV: 36
Reference material re: court case/s -- Francis David Wenzel.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 36
Reference material re: court case/s -- Joel Ziskowski.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 36
Reference material: looseleaf training manual "General Conference of Seventh-Day Adventists Medical Cadet Corps", 1951.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 37
Reference material: article "A Comment on Pre-trial Commitment of Criminal Defendants" by Caleb Foote, 1960.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 37
Reference material: report "Conditions at the Medical Center for Federal Prisoners, Springfield, Missouri" by Brad Lyttle, approximately 1960s.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 37
Reference material: pamphlet "Agnostic Conscientious Objectors" by Lester Forest, 1961.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 37
Reference material: release "The Draft in 1964" by Roland Liebert, 1964.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 37
Reference material: pamphlet "Comment. The Selective Service System: An Administrative Obstacle Course" by Charles Wilson Jr., 1966.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 37
Reference material: pamphlet "Comment. God, the Army, and Judicial Review: The In-Service Conscientious Objector" by Robert Montgomery Jr., 1968.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 37
Reference material: booklet "The New Draft Law: A Manual for Lawyers and Counselors" edited by Ann Fagan Ginger, 1968.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 37
Reference material: "Alert. II. The Draft: A Burning Issue" by National Council of Churches, approximately 1968.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 37
Reference material: "The In-Service Conscientious Objector Perplex" by Paul R. Morganstern Jr., approximately 1968.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 37
Reference material: pamphlet "The Case for Abolishing ROTC", approximately 1970.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 37
Reference material: "A Syllabus on Draft Resistance Reform and Repeal with a Chronological History of the Draft" (2nd edition), 1971.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 37
Reference material: booklet "Check out the Odds", 1971.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 37
Reference material: "First Amendment Defects in Selective Service Conscientious Objector Forms" by Jerome Garchick, 1971.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 37
Reference material: pamphlet "Getting It All Together: A No-Sweat Guide to a Better Deal for Ex-G.I.'s", 1971.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 37
Reference material: paper "The Scope of the Rights of Civilian Counsel to the Use of Government Facilities when Representing U.S. Military Personnel in Vietnam" by John Segal, 1971.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 37
Reference material: "Very Selective Service: A Study of Induction..." by Barbara Rutledge, 1971.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 37
Reference material: report "Account of the August 1-7 Conference to Train Staff for the G.I. Movement", 1971 (August).
Box DG 073: Series IV: 37
Reference material: memo regarding legal challenges to the actions of Selective Service under the 1971 Act by John Schulz.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 37
Reference material: "Army Basic Training: The Genocide of Young Souls" by Mike Nobel, approximately 1971.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 38
Reference material: paper "The Military's Spiritual Enfants Terribles: The In-Service Conscientious Objectors" by Private Melvin Friedman (Fort Bragg, North Carolina), approximately 1971.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 38
Reference material: photocopied pages regarding conscientious objectors from "Problems of the Commander" of Judge Advocate Staff officer course, U.S. Air Force's Air University, ca 1971, approximately 1971.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 38
Reference material: "National Draft Counseling Directory" (1st and 2nd editions) by Youth Counseling Foundation, 1971-1972.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 38
Reference material: report "National Service" from 27th consultation sponsored by the Commission on Voluntary Service and Action, Washington, D.C., November 15-17, 1972.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 38
Reference material: paper "Conflict of Interest: Some Ethical Considerations of Military Justice and the Military Lawyer" by Forrest Booth, 1973.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 38
Reference material: "Defense Counsel's Checklist for Selective Service Trials" (2nd edition), 1972.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 38
Reference material: paper "Memorandum to: Committee for Legal Research on the Draft regarding Judicial Review [and] Courts-Martial and Due Process" by Michael Baseman, 1972.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 38
Reference material: "On the Coming of National Service" by Steven Esbensen, 1972.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 38
Reference material: statement of Curtis W. Tarr (Director of Selective Service) before Subcommittee on Administrative Practice, February 28, 1972.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 38
Reference material: periodical/Pamphlet "Manpower Comments" 9:3, 1972 (March).
Box DG 073: Series IV: 38
Reference material: photocopy of "Report of Selective Service Violations, January-December 1972", 1972.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 38
Reference material: paper regarding federal court review of transfers/discharges/assignments by the armed services, by ?, ca. 1973, approximately 1973.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 38
Reference material: "From Vietnam to the Streets of America" by Mackie McLellan, 1974.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 38
Reference material: release "How much of a Contract is the Enlistment 'Contract'", 1974.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 38
Reference material: report: "Meeting of the Army Advising Panel on ROTC Affairs", July 9, 1976.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 38
Reference material: "Report on Military Contracting in the Delaware Valley", 1976.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 38
Reference material: pamphlet "Getting It All Together: A No-Sweat Guide to a Better Deal for Ex-G.I.s", approximately 1970s.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 38
Reference material, undated.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 38
Reference material: "Summary of Draft Law Litigation" by Reverend K.R. Colton.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 38
Reference material: Selective Service System: Registrants Processing Manuals.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 38
Reference material: chapters of booklet/book by ?.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 38
Reference material: Auburn University Draft Service (Gary Campbell and Phil McMunigle), Alabama, 1970.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 39
Reference material: Deep South Counseling Center (Don Soto, George Hoetzel), Mobile, Alabama.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 39
Reference material: University Draft Counseling, Jim Sanders, State University, Alabama.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 39
Reference material: United Campus Minutes, University of Arkansas, Don Hartman, Fayetteville, Alabama.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 39
Reference material: Little Rock Draft Counseling Services, Steve Frazzini.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 39
Reference material: ASUC Draft Help, University of California, Berkeley.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 39
Reference material: Student Research Facility, University of California, Berkeley.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 39
Reference material: World Without War Council, University of California, Berkeley.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 39
Reference material: Episcopal Peace Fellowship, Montrose, California.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 39
Reference material: Catholic Peace Fellowship, San Francisco, California.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 39
Reference material: West Coast CNVA, San Francisco, California.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 39
Reference material: Draft Help, San Francisco, California.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 39
Reference material: Draft Counseling Committee, Gengras Campus Center, University of Hartford, Connecticut-Armenio.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 39
Reference material: Draft Counseling and Information Center of South Fairfield County, Stamford, Connecticut.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 39
Reference material: New Haven Draft Information Center.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 39
Reference material: Yale Draft Information Service (DIS), Tom Drew, Yale Station (associated with New Haven Draft Information Center).
Box DG 073: Series IV: 39
Reference material: Storrs Draft Information Committee, Storrs, Connecticut.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 39
Reference material: Westport Area Draft Counseling Service, Southport, Connecticut.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 39
Reference material: New England CNVA, Voluntown, Connecticut.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 39
Reference material: Waterbury Draft Information Center, Fran DeBlasio, Waterbury, Connecticut.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 39
Reference material: Waterbury Peace and Freedom, Connecticut.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 39
Reference material: Delaware Draft Counseling and Education Service, (Craig Maynard, John Toothman, Barbara Kerner, Judy Nielson, Ken Horowitz) Wilmington, Delaware.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 39
Reference material: Washington Peace Center, Washington, D.C.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 39
Reference material: TWAMADLP, Clark Moses, Washington, D.C.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 39
Reference material: Draft Counseling Services-Bravard People for Peace (Dick Goldstein), Hollywood, Florida.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 39
Reference material: Miami Peace Center, Florida.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 39
Reference material: Tallahassee Draft Counseling Center, Florida.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 39
Reference material: AFSC Tampa Bay Area Center, Eric McCloskey, Florida.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 39
Reference material: Pacifist Action Council, Robert P. Archer, Tampa, Florida.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 39
Reference material: Atlanta Workshop of Nonviolence, Atlanta, Georgia.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 39
Reference material: Augusta Draft Information Service, Margie Rece, Georgia.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 39
Reference material: Savannah Civilian Military Service Center, Gary Baird, Savannah, Georgia.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 39
Reference material: Chicago Area Draft Resisters (CADRE).
Box DG 073: Series IV: 39
Reference material: Lake County Draft Information Center, Jim Marovich, Gary, Indiana.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 39
Reference material: Lawrence Peace Center, Kansas.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 39
Reference material: Draft Information and Counseling Committee, Youth Commission-Hal WM's, Berea, Kentucky.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 39
Reference material: Simon, Harry, Lafayette, Louisiana.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 40
Reference material: New Orleans Peace Action Center (Collins Vallee), New Orleans, Louisiana.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 40
Reference material: Bath-Brunswick Counseling Service: Peter Wilson.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 40
Reference material: Youth Coalition, Belfast, Maine.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 40
Reference material: York County Draft Counseling Center (Father Matthew Audibert), Biddeford, Maine.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 40
Reference material: Draft Counseling Service of Southern Maine, Portland, Maine.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 40
Reference material: Annapolis Draft Information Service, Annapolis, Maryland.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 40
Reference material: AFSC (Bob Clark), Baltimore, Maryland.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 40
Reference material: Episcopal Peace Fellowship, Baltimore, Maryland.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 40
Reference material: University of Maryland Baltimore County Draft Counseling Service (Ivan Kramer), Baltimore, Maryland.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 40
Reference material: Howard County Draft Center (Bill Russell), Columbia, Maryland.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 40
Reference material: Harvard Draft Counseling Center, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 40
Reference material: The Valley Peace Center (Hope Davis), Amherst, Massachusetts.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 40
Reference material: Boston University Draft Counseling Service, Boston, Massachusetts.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 40
Reference material: Draft Information Center, Bedford, Massachusetts.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 40
Reference material: Cambridge Draft Information Center, Longfellow Park (Don Misch).
Box DG 073: Series IV: 40
Reference material: Legal Inservice Project (Bill Homans), Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 40
Reference material: Physicians for Social Responsibility: David Dawson, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 40
Reference material: Newton Community Peace Center, Newton Corners, Massachusetts.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 40
Reference material: Area Draft Information Center, Carole and Don Thompson, Petersham, Massachusetts.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 40
Reference material: Holyoke Draft Information Center, South Hadley, Massachusetts.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 40
Reference material: Draft Information Center (Thomas and Marylyn Sanford), West Falmouth, Massachusetts.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 40
Reference material: Crowe, Mrs. Thomas J. (Frances), Northampton, Massachusetts.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 40
Reference material: Williams Area Draft Counseling Service (Bill Matthieson), Williamstown, Massachusetts.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 41
Reference material: Interfaith Center for Draft Information, Worcester, Massachusetts.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 41
Reference material: Ann Arbor Draft Counseling Center.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 41
Reference material: Michigan Draft Information Exchange.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 41
Reference material: Twin Cities Draft Information Center.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 41
Reference material: Mississippi Draft Information Service (Richard Abraham), Gulfport, Mississippi.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 41
Reference material: Durham Draft Counseling Center (Lydia Willits), Durham, New Hampshire.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 41
Reference material: Peace Committee of the Hanover Friends Meeting, Hanover, New Hampshire.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 41
Reference material: Center for Human Concerns (Constance Wood), Keene, New Hampshire.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 41
Reference material: Center for Human Concerns, New Hampshire.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 41
Reference material: Bayonne Peace Committee (William Hanlon), New Jersey.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 41
Reference material: Cinnaminson Draft Counseling Center, Westfield Friend's Meeting House (Greg Paulson), Cinnaminson, New Jersey.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 41
Reference material: The Peace Center (Don Smartt), Elizabeth, New Jersey.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 41
Reference material: Middlesex County Clergy Laymen Concerned about Vietnam, Fords, New Jersey.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 41
Reference material: Rutgers University-Wesley Foundation (Reverend John Wright), New Brunswick, New Jersey.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 41
Reference material: New Jersey SANE, Montclaire, New Jersey.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 41
Reference material: New Jersey Draft Information and Counseling Association, Montclaire, New Jersey.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 41
Reference material: Quaker House (Rona Kicklighter), New Brunswick, New Jersey.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 41
Reference material: SANE Peace Center of Middlesex County, New Brunswick, New Jersey.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 41
Reference material: Draft Information Center, Princeton, New Jersey.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 41
Reference material: Plainfield Draft Information and Counseling Services.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 41
Reference material: Rahway Draft Information Service (Rick Wiebush), Rahway, New Jersey.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 41
Reference material: Seton Hall Draft Information Service, South Orange, New Jersey.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 41
Reference material: South Jersey Peace Center, Mooretown, New Jersey.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 41
Reference material: Draft Information Center of Bergen County (Kurt Meyers), Teaneck, New Jersey.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 41
Reference material: Capitol Peace Center (Barbara Hobson), Trenton, New Jersey.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 41
Reference material: Citizens for Peace in Vietnam, Lost Alamos, New Mexico.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 41
Reference material: Capitol Area Peace Center, Albany, New York.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 41
Reference material: Campus Ministry of the Capital Area Council of Churches (Frank Snow), Albany, New York.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 41
Reference material: Draft Counseling and Information Interfaith Center, St. Jude's Chapel, Alfred, New York.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 41
Reference material: Brooklyn Draft Counseling Service (Gene Bellin).
Box DG 073: Series IV: 41
Reference material: Harper College Draft Counseling, Binghamton, New York.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 41
Reference material: Draft Counseling Center of Greater Buffalo, Buffalo, New York.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 41
Reference material: Cornell Draft Information (Carola Norton), Ithaca, New York.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 42
Reference material: The Home Front (Bill/Quess Barclay, Ron Van Norstrand), Corning, New York.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 42
Reference material: Jewish Peace Fellowship (Rabbi Michael Robinson), Croton on Hudson, New York.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 42
Reference material: Quaker Meeting House (Lenny Vogel, Naomi Werne), Flushing, New York.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 42
Reference material: York College, CUNY, (Professor M. Kornfled), Flushing, New York.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 42
Reference material: Draft Counseling Information Center, Student Union, Geneseo, New York.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 42
Reference material: Colgate College (Tom Cartmill, Nancy Schwartz, Chas. Peabody, Steve Marshall), Hamilton, New York.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 42
Reference material: Jamaica Draft Counseling (Meril Sherman), Jamaica, New York.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 42
Reference material: Southeast Queens Draft Information and Counseling Center.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 42
Reference material: Long Island Draft Information Service.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 42
Reference material: American Friends Service Committee, New York Metropolitan Region.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 42
Reference material: University Draft Information Center, Columbia University, New York City.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 42
Reference material: New York University Draft Counseling (Betsy Crofts), New York City.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 42
Reference material: GI Counseling Project, New York City.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 42
Reference material: New York Monthly Meeting (Liz Yeats), New York City.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 42
Reference material: Merton House New York Catholic Peace Education.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 42
Reference material: The Catholic Peace Fellowship, New York City.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 42
Reference material: Fellowship of Ethical Pacifists, New York City.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 42
Reference material: Oneonta Draft Counseling and Information Center (Jim Couden), Oneonta, New York.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 42
Reference material: Oswego Draft Information Center (Reverend Thomas Phillip), Oswego, New York.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 42
Reference material: Suffolk Draft Information Center (Ken Walsh), Oyster Bay, New York.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 42
Reference material: Potsdam Draft Information Center, Potsdam, New York.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 42
Reference material: Draft Information Office (Richard Post), Quogue, New York.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 42
Reference material: Draft Information Center of Rochester Area (Ken Colton), Rochester, New York.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 42
Reference material: Draft Counseling Center Rochester Free School, Rochester, New York.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 42
Reference material: Draft Counseling and Information Service at Westchester, Scarsdale, New York.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 42
Reference material: Schenectady Peace Center (Charlie Lynch), Schenectady, New York.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 42
Reference material: Utica Area Draft Information and Counseling, Utica, New York.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 42
Reference material: Jefferson Lewis County Draft Counseling, Watertown, New York.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 42
Reference material: Chapel Hill Draft Counseling Service, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 42
Reference material: AFSC (Jerry Ciekot), Syracuse, New York.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 43
Reference material: Charlotte Draft Counseling Service (Greg Leonard), Charlotte, North Carolina.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 43
Reference material: Jenkintown Draft Information Center, Abington Friends Meeting (Carl Stinemen, Ted Nichols, Richard Gross), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 43
Reference material: Quaker House (Bill Carothers, J.C. Honeycutt), Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 43
Reference material: Draft Information Service (Michael Rulison), Raleigh, North Carolina.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 43
Reference material: VOSA Draft Counseling Center (Skip Gosling), Norman, Oklahoma.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 43
Reference material: Draft Information Center of Gettysburg College (Ron Smith, Bill Heineman), Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 43
Reference material: Allegheny Draft Information Center (Rick Pearce), Meadville, Pennsylvania.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 43
Reference material: Lepoco Peace Center (Anna Hunt), Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 43
Reference material: Campus Ministry (Lincoln Hartford), Clarion, Pennsylvania.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 43
Reference material: Harrisburg Peace Center and Defense Committee, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 43
Reference material: Draft Information Center (Bill Barry, Ron Ward, Steve Magers), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 43
Reference material: Pennsylvania Draft Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 43
Reference material: Temple University Draft Counseling Center, Student Activities Center (Reverend Edward Lee, Professor Robert Edenbaum), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 43
Reference material: BEDC Draft Counseling, Che Payne Institute (Adrian Stoddard).
Box DG 073: Series IV: 43
Reference material: LaSalle College Draft Information Center (Dick Breeser, Bert Streib), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 43
Reference material: Philadelphia Resistance, Pennsylvania.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 43
Reference material: Draft Information Center (Dave Morrison), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 43
Reference material: Draft Information Center, Pottstown Neighborhood House, Pottstown, Pennsylvania.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 43
Reference material: University of Scranton (Fr. Tom Garrett, Don Noll), Pennsylvania.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 44
Reference material: State College Peace Center, State College, Pennsylvania.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 44
Reference material: Draft Information Services of Delaware Valley (Ann Richan), Swarthmore, Pennsylvania.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 44
Reference material: Swarthmore College Draft Counseling (Amy Gault, Peter Gould), Swarthmore Pennsylvania.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 44
Reference material: Williamsport Area Draft Information Counseling (Mike Velott), Williamsport, Pennsylvania.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 44
Reference material: York Movement Center (Paul Mikolay), York, Pennsylvania.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 44
Reference material: Ad Hoc Committee on Draft Counseling, Brown University (Richard Dannenfelser, Jeff Stout), Providence, Rhode Island.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 44
Reference material: Providence Draft Information Center (Doug Swain), Providence, Rhode Island.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 44
Reference material: Columbia Military and Draft Information Services (Neal M. Sutker), Columbia, South Carolina.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 44
Reference material: Columbia Draft Counseling Service, Columbia South Carolina.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 44
Reference material: Nashville Draft Information Center (Don Lindsay), Nashville, Tennessee.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 44
Reference material: Austin Draft Information Center, Austin, Texas.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 44
Reference material: Southwest Regional Draft Counseling Association, Austin, Texas.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 44
Reference material: Students Association Draft Counseling Center, University of Texas, Austin, Texas.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 44
Reference material: Denton Draft Counseling (Dale Branum), Texas.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 44
Reference material: Center for Selective Service Information, Houston, Texas.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 44
Reference material: Draft Information Center of Lubbock (Don Coleman), Lubbock, Texas.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 44
Reference material: San Antonio Draft and Military Information Center (John Dauer), San Antonio, Texas.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 44
Reference material: Waco Draft Information Center, Texas.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 44
Reference material: Billings Center Draft Counseling Committee, University of Vermont (Larry Braun, Joe Forgiano), Burlington, Vermont.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 44
Reference material: Windham Draft Counseling Service (Malcolm Schade), Putney, Vermont.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 44
Reference material: S. Vanuaken, COC, Lynchburg, Virginia.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 44
Reference material: Unitarian Center of Norfolk, Norfolk, Virginia.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 44
Reference material: Seattle Area Draft Counseling Center, Seattle, Washington.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 44
Reference material: Tacoma Area Draft Counseling, Tacoma, Washington.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 44
Reference material: Bethany College Draft Information Center (Hiram J. Lester, Larry Frye), Bethany, West Virginia.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 44
Reference material: Charleston Draft Information Center (Bob Gates), Charleston, West Virginia.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 44
Reference material: Morgantown Draft Information Center (Reverend. E. Thomas Miller), Morgantown, West Virginia.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 44
Reference material: Milwaukee Area Draft Information Center, Wisconsin.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 44
Reference material: Stevens Point Draft Information Service, Wisconsin.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 44
Reference material: London Aid for Draft Resisters (Ken and Carol Roberts), London, Ontario, Canada.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 44
Reference material: American Refugee Service, Pointe Claire, Quebec, Canada.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 44
Reference material: Montreal Council to Aid War Resisters, Montreal, Canada.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 44
Reference material: Toronto Anti-Draft Programme (Mark Satin), Toronto, Canada.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 44
Reference material: Draft Information Services of Oxford, England.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 44
Reference material: Support Counseling Center, London, England.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 44
Reference material: Puerto Rican Peace Center (Tom Dorney), San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 44
Reference material: Oizumi Citizens for Just Peace in Vietnam and Removal of Camp Asaka, Tokyo, Japan.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 44
Reference material: St. Thomas Draft Counseling Center (Roderick Moorehead), Virgin Islands.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 44
Reference material: Draft Information Center, South Africa.
Box DG 073: Series IV: 44


All boxes are large (12" x 12" x 15") (may be titled Personal Files). Folder titles and notations have been transcribed below and include: last name, first name, middle initial [date of papers in folder / branch of service / etc.]

Aaronson, Reuben, 1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Abbott, Rodney, 1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Abel, Michael L., 1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Abel, William R., 1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Abeles, Tom Peter, 1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Abelson, Edward, 1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Abergam, Tony [draft paper "Amendments to Memo 'Turn In Your Card? What Comes Next?" by Abergam and Martha Westover], approximately 1967-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Abernathy, Julian C., 1963.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Abraham, Stephen [Army], 1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Abrams, Jere R., 1970.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Accardy, Steve, 1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Accetta, John [Army], 1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Acheson, Meldon, 1965-1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Achtenberg, Ben, 1967-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Ackermann, C. Phillip [Army], 1964.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Ackley, Blaine, 1965-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Adams, David M., 1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Adams, James, 1965-1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Adams, John Gamber, 1964.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Adams, John G., 1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Adams, Roger [Army], 1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Adcock, Joe [Army], 1962.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Adkins, Herbert, 1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Agnew, David, 1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Ahlgrim, Henry, 1965.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Ahlstrom, Robert, 1963-1964.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Aikman, William F., 1968-1970.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Albert, Pete, 1969-1970.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Albertson, Mark D., 1963-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Albrecht, Herbert C., 1966-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Albrecht, Jonathan A., 1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Alderfer, Douglas, 1968-1970.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Alderfer, W. Henry, 1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Alexander, Helen G., 1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Alexander, Joseph Davidson, 1968-1970.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Alexander, Lawrence, 1965-1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Alexander, Peter L., 1965-1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Alexander, Ron, 1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Alexander, Terry, 1969-1970.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Alford, Terry, 1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Ali, Cassius Clay (Mohammad): general, 1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Ali, Cassius Clay (Mohammad): newsclippings, 1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Allen, Archie E., 1964-1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Allen, Bruce, 1967-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Allen, Dennis Wayne, 1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Allen Jr., Gary A. [Marines], 1965.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Allen, John M. [Army], 1964.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Allen, Melvin G., 1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Alper, Gary, 1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Alsop, Peter, 1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Alt, James, 1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Altbach, Philip, 1965-1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Althoff, Phillip, 1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Altman, Daniel, 1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Altshuler, Ross, 1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Alwin, Duane Francis, 1965-1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Alwon, George W., 1967-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Amenebar, Patricio [Army], 1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Ames, Winslow, 1951-1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Amick, Wayne Harry, 1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Amorosi, David J., 1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Anawalt, Howard C., 1965-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Andersen, Fred, 1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Anderson, Alvin Troy [Army], 1965.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Anderson, Andrew David, 1964-1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Anderson, Clayton Wendell, 1966-1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Anderson, Daniel, 1964-1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Anderson, Dean, 1966-1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Anderson, Harold L. [Army], 1960.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Anderson, James D., 1962-1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Anderson, James R., 1968-1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Anderson, Jerry Lee, 1962-1964.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Anderson, Jim H., 1963-1964.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Anderson, John Steven, 1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Anderson, Marc B., 1958-1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Anderson, Morgan Lee, 1965-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Anderson, Robert [non-cooperator], 1964.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Anderson, Pvt. Stanley [Army], 1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Anderson, Steven, 1967-1971.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Andes, Michael, 1967-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Andrews, Kent, 1966-1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Andrijanoff, Chongre, 1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Angel, Gary, 1965-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Anisgard, Alan J., 1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Anthony, R.S. [son of Robert Anthony, Moylan, Pennsylvania], 1962.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Appelbaum, Robert, 1963-1964.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
April, Dr. Robert, 1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Aramoonie, E.S., 1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Arian, Arthur J., 1961-1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Arisman, James, 1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Armstrong, Kip, 1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Armstrong Jr., Robert J., 1968-1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Arlyck, Ralph, 1965-1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Arnaiz, David, 1963-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Arnes, Everett, 1965.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Arneson, Gary, 1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Arons, Paul [Army], 1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Arthur, James, 1966-1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Arvio, Raymond Paavo, 1951-1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Ashelman Peter, 1957-1965.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Ashelman, Randall B., 1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Ashley, David, 1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Ashton, Holbrook Thayer, 1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Askey, Philip, 1966-1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Atkinson, Bernard Charles, 1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Atkinson, Rick, 1967-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Atkinson, Robert, 1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Atlee, Thomas F., 1965.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Atterbury, Russell C. [Army], 1965.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Auble, Howard, 1963-1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Aubrey, Thomas [Army], 1965.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Auer, Edward, 1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Aufiery, Joseph, 1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Augst, Norman A., 1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Auler, James, 1967-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Austin, David, 1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Austin, Donald, 1965-1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Austin, George Martin, 1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Austin, John L., 1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Autuori, Michael J., 1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Ayars, James S., 1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Ayers, Charles [Army], 1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Ayres, Earl Daniel [brother of Joseph Ayres/1-A-O], 1965.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Ayres, Joseph S. [brother of Earl Ayres], 1962.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Ayuso, Hector, 1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 1 [off-site box SCPC-4584]
Baber, Pfc. William C. [Army], 1968-1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Bachrach, William B. [Army Reserves], 1968-1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Backus, Julian S., 1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Bacon, Dexter H. [Army Reserves], 1963-1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Bacon, Rod, 1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Baecker, James A., 1969-1970.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Baedenkopf, Bill, 1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Bahler, William, 1967-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Bahnimptewa, Pvt. Stanley, 1966-1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Bailey, Richard, 1968-1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Bailey, William, 67-1961.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Baime, Thomas C., 1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Baker, Christopher R., 1962-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Baker, Don, 1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Baker, Donald L., 1967-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Baker, Frederick P., 1965-1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Baker, Harold A., 1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Baker, Jack B., 1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Baker Jr., Lee Cecil Ray, 1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Baker, Richard, 1966-1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Baker, Richard, 1965.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Balaban, John, 1963-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Balch, Gilbert A., 1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Baldwin, Keith M., 1968-1970.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Ballinger, Billy, 1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Banister, Frank, 1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Banks, Fred and Dan and Tom [brothers of Steven Banks], 1951.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Banks, Lawrence A. [Army], 1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Banks, Steven [brother of Fred, Dan and Tom Banks], 1962.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Baranski, Thomas, 1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Barba, Michael J. [Army], 1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Barber, Robert, 1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Barbieri, Lawrence P., 1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Barbour, George E., 1966-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Barker, Kenneth C., 1963-1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Barkley, Roger, 1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Barley, Delbert [loss of citizenship case], 1964.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Barnes, Byron, 1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Barnett, Peter E., 1966-1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Barnett, Richard [Army], 1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Barnhart, Eugene, 1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Barr, Allan F., 1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Barr, Richard, 1968-1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Barrett, Richard L., 1955-1956.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Barrish, I. Jay, 1966-1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Barris, Michael C., 1966-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Barsamian, David, 1965.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Bart, Jonathan [Army], 1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Bartell, Joel [son of Phillip Bartell], 1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Bartelt, Steven Charles, 1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Bartholomew, David E., 1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Bartlett, Dr. Edward W., 1967-1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Bartlett, Paul Owen, 1965-1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Bartlett, Steven, 1965-1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Barton, Barry F. [Army], 1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Barus, Peter and Bill [brothers], 1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Bash, Douglas [Army], 1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Bass, Brendon M., 1961-1965.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Bass, Henry, 1967-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Bass, Thomas, 1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Bassin, Barry, 1964-1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Bates, Charles E., 1965.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Battiste, John, 1964-1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Bauer, Randall J., 1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Bauer, Thomas C., 1966-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Baum Jr., Bert C., 1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Baumgaertel, Walter J., 1965-1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Baumgartner, William M., 1964-1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Beach Jr., Paul Walter, 1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Beal, Carl George, 1965.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Beale, Robert B., 1966-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Beals, Edward W., 1951-1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Bean, David Baldwin [Navy], 1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Beardall, Gregory R., 1964-1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Beardsley, Mark, 1968-1970.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Beaty Jr., Leroy, 1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Beauchamp, Alan Charles, 1963-1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Becich, Pvt. Peter M. [Army], 1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Beck, Bruce E., 1961-1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Beck, Peter [Son of Norman and Evelyn Beck], 1962.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Becker, Bruce, 1966-1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Becker, Stephen, 1965.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Becker, William [Army], 1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Beckett, Carter, 1969-1970.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Bedwell, Lee Roy [Son of B.L. Bedwell], 1963.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Beeler, Charles, 1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Beem, Robert A., 1965-1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Beer, Thomas J., 1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Belford, Leonard A., 1964-1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Bell, Alan, 1965-1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Bell, David [Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee worker], 1963.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Bell, Jeffrey M., 1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Bell, Thomas Wilson, 1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Bell, Victor McNeal, 1968-1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Bellafiore, Dennis J., 1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Bellanti, Robert, 1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Bellinger, Jeffrey O. [Navy], 1965.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Bellingham Jr., John A., 1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Belton, Pfc. Winstel [Army], 1965.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Bender, Ted L., 1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Benedict, Walter, 1963-1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Bennett, David Joseph, 1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Bennett, John H., 1962-1965.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Bennett, Walter Charles, 1964-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Benenson, Edgar Francis, 1964-1965.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Benson, David, 1966-1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Benson, Don, 1965-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Benson, John L. [Quaker], 1961.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Benston, James Edwin, 1965-1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Benway, Donald R., 1968-1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Berg, Eugene Alfred, 1967-1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Berg, Marvin E. [son of William and Margaret Berg], 1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Berg, Rodger.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Berger Jr., Steve, 1965-1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Berggren, Capt. Allan [MC / Air Force / physician], 1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Bergman, David H. [non-cooperator], 1963.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Berke, Dr. Joseph H., 1963-1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Berkingoff, David [re: Abraham Dascal], 1963.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Berkowitz, Daniel, 1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Berland, Kerry, 1964-1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Berland, Kevin, 1965-1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Berman, Mac, 1961.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Berman, Michael, 1964.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Bernard, Christopher A., 1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Bernard Jr., John G., 1968-1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Bernhardt, Douglas C., 1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Bernstein, Michael, 1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Berquist, Allan, 1965.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Berrigan, Phillip F., 1967-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Berriss, Richard S., 1961-1965.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Bert, Edward J., 1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Bertman, Lee Allan, 1965-1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Best, Clinton, 1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Bettis, Pvt. Eddie [Army], 1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Beuhler, George, 1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Bidlack, Jeffrey T., 1955-1965.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Bienkowski, Robert, 1964.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Biesele, Lance G., 1967-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Biesiada, Robert N., 1965-1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Biggins, Tim, 1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Billingsley, Michael, 1967-1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Birchard, Bruce A., 1965-1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Birkeland, Mark [Navy], 1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Birney, Robert [Binney?], 1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Bishop, T. Jerome, 1962-1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Bissinger, Karl, 1967-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Bitterman, Michael, 1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Bivin, Wayne [Army], 1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Black, John H., 1964-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Blackstock, Nelson, 1964-1965.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Blake, Tom, 1960-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Blank Jr., Mark [also: Mark Sr. and John Blank], 1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Blatz, Neils, 1968-1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Block, Steve, 1964-1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Blom, Pvt. Jeffrey Lewis [Army], 1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 2 [off-site box SCPC-4585]
Bloom, Peter, 1966-1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Boardman, Dr. Donnell W. [father of Richard Boardman], 1965-1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Boardman, Richard M. [see also Donnell W. Boardman], 1957-1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Boardman, Richard M., 1966-1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Bock, Peter [Army], 1968-1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Bodner, Arnold Leslie, 1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Boettinger, Robert, 1967-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Bogart, Gary S., 1968-1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Bogner, Robert G., 1961-1964.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Boisvert, Gerald, 1966-1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Bold, Elliott, 1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Bolef, Dan [COC], 1968-1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Boler, William, 1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Bolling, Brian, 1958-1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Bond, Julian, 1966-1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Bondhus, Barry, 1966-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Bonito, Salvatore, 1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Bonner, Cameron S., 1965-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Bonner, Herbert Dwight, 1966-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Bootes, Mike, 1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Booth, James.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Booth, Paul, 1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Borden, William Bruce, 1962-1964.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Boreen, John, 1968-1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Borelli, Pvt. Peter D. [Army], 1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Borg, David G., 1967-1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Borgen, Robert, 1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Borger, Christian W., 1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Borgo, Peter, 1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Boroson, Ron, 1963-1964.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Bortin, David, 1964.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Bortree, Scott, 1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Bosler, Watson, 1969-1971.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Bostelle, Jesse, 1966-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Bostock IV, Edward Crary, 1965-1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Bothwell, Jeff, 1966-1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Bottesch, George B. [Army], 1966-1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Bottonari, John K.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Bougere III, Walter, 1968-1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Boujikian, Mark, 1964-1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Boulet, Francis S. D., 1966-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Bourgeois, Robert, 1968-1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Bowden, Arther Leonard [Army], 1964-1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Bower, Gerard G., 1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Bowers, Richard, 1965-1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Bowling, John, 1963-1964.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Bowman, Joel, 1966-1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Bowman, Richard S., 1962-1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Boyce, Monroe, 1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Boyle, Bill, 1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Bradbury, Timothy D., 1967-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Braddock, David Wood, 1965.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Bradley, James, 1960-1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Bradley, Jefferson [Marines], 1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Bradshaw, Michael M., 1965-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Bradt, Peter R., 1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Bragg, Bill, 1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Bragg, Jeff [VISTA], 1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Braitling, Joseph, 1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Bramhall, Mark H., 1965-1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Brand, Donald A., 1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Brand, Roger, 1964.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Brandser, Dale O., 1968-1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Brandt, Richard, 1967-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Brann, David, 1964-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Brantley, Michael Andrew, 1967-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Bratcher, Pvt. Michael E. [Army], 1967-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Braun, Henry, 1967-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Braun, Richard H., 1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Braxton, Robert, 1968-1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Breasted, John, 1965-1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Brecher, Jeremy [son of Edward Brecher], 1957-1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Bredehoft, William P., 1967-1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Breen, Girard Regis, 1965.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Brennan, Dennis, 1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Brennan, Joseph F. [Navy Reserves], 1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Brenner, Myron, 1966-1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Brenton, Larry, 1964-1965.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Breslin, Edward, 1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Breslin, Michael, 1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Bresson, Pvt. [Frederick] Douglas, 1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Brewster, Pvt. Albert Wingate, 1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Brick, Capt. Samuel T., 1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Bricker, Charles A. [Army Reserves], 1966-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Briddel, Don, 1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Briggs, William, 1966-1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Bringle, Robert, 1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Brittenham, Norman [Army], 1965.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Brod, Walter, 1965-1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Bromley, Dan, 1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Bronston, Dr. William G., 1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Brooker, Ernest K. [Air Force], 1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Brooks, Mrs. Peter S., 1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Brophy, Carl R. [Army], 1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Brophy, Michael C., 1965-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Brorsen, Robert [Navy], 1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Brosi, George, 1966-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Brothers, William C., 1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Brothwell, Robert, 1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Broudy, Mark, 1968-1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Brouwer, Charles, 1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Brown, Alan R., 1959-1964.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Brown, Bruce M., 1969-1970.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Brown, David B., 1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Brown, Don [American Friends Service Committee peace intern], 1964-1965.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Brown, Elman, 1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Brown, M. Geoffrey, 1968-1970.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Brown, Julian [Marines], 1965-1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Brown, Lawrence, 1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Brown, Louis, 1961-1965.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Brown, Marvin Prentiss, 1968-1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Brown Jr., Nelson, 1967-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Brown, Peter D., 1967-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Brown, R.B. [Kathryn W./Michael G./Mrs. Relis].
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Brown, Reginald, 1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Brown, Steve G., 1967-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Brown, Thomas DeWitt, 1961-1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Brown, Willard, 1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Brown, William J. [Army], 1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Brownlee, Derek, 1967-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Brownlie, Andrew R.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Brownlie, Dorothy C., 1968-1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Brownscombe, Robert, 1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Broyles, Doug, 1967-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Brozgold, Lee, 1965.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Brozo, James, 1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Bruehl, Christopher C., 1965-1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Bruff, William, 1962-1964.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Brumbaugh, Paul, 1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Brundage, Richard, 1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Brunger, Douglas, 1966-1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Brush, Michael, 1967-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Brust, Robert G., 1967-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Bryan, John Wesley, 1964-1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Scope and Contents

[2 folders]

Bryan, William, 1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Brysky Jr., Clemens [Army], 1967-1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Buchanan, James D., 1966-1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 3 [off-site box SCPC-4586]
Buck, Peter, 1960-1964.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Bucknell, James [non-cooperator], 1964-1965.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Buechele, Paul, 1967-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Buehler, David Allen, 1966-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Buehler, Richard, 1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Buenfil Jr., John, 1966-1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Bugh, Lawrence H., 1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Buismato, Rev. Frank [OFM], 1967-1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Bulgin, Hubert, 1963-1964.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Bulkley Jr., Robert D., 1964.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Bulley, Joel [son of Julian Bulley], 1967-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Bullock, Donald, 1965-1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Bundy, Alan, 1968-1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Bunner, Tim V. [Army], 1964.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Buratto, Joseph Bruno, 1966-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Burbridge, Gary, 1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Burcham, Wayne, 1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Burchill (MaCuiogae), Scott, 1964-1965.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Burge, William, 1967-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Burgess, David, 1968-1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Burgoyne Jr., Wilfred C., 1964-1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Burian, Frederick, 1964.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Burke, Kenneth, 1966-1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Burke, Rothwell W., 1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Burkett, William, 1969-1970.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Burkholder, David Edward, 1963-1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Burlingame, Robert, 1963-1964.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Burnley, Roger L., 1961-1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Burns, Chester Alan, 1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Burns, David E., 1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Burns, John J., 1967-1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Burns, Cpl. Mary Elizabeth [Marines], 1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Burrill, John W., 1965-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Burton, Dr. Josef J., 1967-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Bush Jr., Kimberly, 1963-1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Bushard, Tom [Army/I-A-O], 1963.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Bushnell III, George E., 1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Businaro, Charles Robert, 1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Bussard, Steven, 1965-1971.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Busse, Kent, 1965-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Butler, Donald, 1964-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Butler, Larry S., 1962-1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Butterick, John R., 1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Butterworth, David, 1966-1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Butzin, Peter A., 1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Buxton Jr., Charles H., 1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Byers, Harold, 1968-1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Byhauwer, Wilbur Pieter, 1962-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Bynum, William Norfelt [Army], 1967-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Byrne, Thomas, 1963-1965.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Cabrera, Dan, 1969-1970.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Caccuitto, Franklin C., 1965.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Cady, Fitch, 1967-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Cailey, Fred [Army Reserves], 1966.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Cain, Richard, 1959-1964.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Cakars, Maris, 1962-1965.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Calabria, David C., 1968-1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Calder, Philip Byron, 1963-1964.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Caldwell, Sam, 1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Callaway, Ross [two loose papers, no file], 1972.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Calnek Jr., Maynard, 1961-1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Camp Jr., Howard J., 1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Campbell, Bruce B., 1966-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Campbell Jr., George, 1967-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Campbell, Louis S., 1965-1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Campbell, Paul, 1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Campbell, Shirley, 1965-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Cantanzaro, Gerald J. [Navy], 1967-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Canterbury, Tom, 1966-1970.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Cantor, Stephen Michael, 1964.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Capron, Alex Morgan, 1964-1968.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Cardwell, Thomas J., 1969.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Carey, Richard [Navy Reserves], 1965-1967.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]
Carfagno Jr., James.
Box DG 073: Series V: 4 [off-site box SCPC-4587]