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War Resisters League Records


Held at: Swarthmore College Peace Collection [Contact Us]500 College Avenue, Swarthmore 19081-1399

This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the Swarthmore College Peace Collection. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.

Overview and metadata sections

Although the War Resisters League declares its official birthday year as 1923, its roots go back to 1915 when Jessie Wallace Hughan, Tracy D. Mygatt, and John Haynes Holmes founded the Anti-Enlistment League to solidify protest against U.South participation in World War I. Witnessing the establishment of the War Resisters' International in Europe in 1921, and sensing a need for an organization where war resisters of all persuasions, regardless of gender or religious convictions, could join together, Dr. Hughan formed the Committee for Enrollment Against War under the auspices of the Fellowship of Reconciliation. In 1923, Hughan established the War Resisters League as an independent organization.

The War Resisters League membership pledge, which has remained essentially unchanged since its inception, reads: "The War Resisters League affirms that war is a crime against humanity. We therefore are determined not to support any kind of war, international or civil, and to strive non-violently for the removal of all causes of war."

During World War II, War Resisters League especially supported absolutist conscientious objectors who protested any form of military support, including alternative service. In 1948, it helped found the Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors to further aid all Conscientious Objectors. It has continually lent its resources to the causes of war tax protest, draft resistance, and civil rights.

War Resisters League encouraged civil disobedience against civil defense drills in the early 1960s by sponsoring the Civil Defense Protest Committee. It encouraged tax resistance as the Indochinese conflict escalated, and formed War Tax Resistance in 1969 to protest all taxes that benefited the military. In the 1970s, War Resisters League supported Campaign Freedom and the United Campaign for Peace in Indochina, both efforts to help improve conditions and free political prisoners in Vietnam. It helped focus nationwide attention on nuclear protest and civil liberties by organizing the Continental Walk for Disarmament and Social Justice in 1976.

War Resisters League is affiliated with War Resisters' International and the International Peace Bureau. Throughout its existence, it has worked closely with many other peace organizations, including the Fellowship of Reconciliation, the American Friends Service Committee, and the American Civil Liberties Union. In 1958, it helped start the Committee for Nonviolent Action (CNVA), which shared its headquarters and finally merged with War Resisters League in 1968.

The League has sought to promote pacifist and nonviolent tactics through various periodicals. In 1956, War Resisters League helped start Liberation, an independent monthly dealing with nuclear testing, civil rights, socialism, and nonviolent direct action. it was discontinued in 1977. WIN, a widely read peace periodical begun by the New York Workshop in Nonviolence, has received War Resisters League support. The League publishes its own bimonthly magazine, War Resisters League News. Its annual Peace Calendar reached annual sales of 20,000 in 1980.

War Resisters League is presently headquartered at 339 Lafayette Street in New York City with one regional office in Norwich, CT. There are or have been three branch offices, located in San Francisco, CA (War Resisters League-West), Austin, TX (War Resisters League South Central), and Chapel Hill, NC (War Resisters League Southeastern), with numerous local War Resisters League groups across the country.

A more complete history of War Resisters League, produced for its 1950th Anniversary, can by found in Series B, Subseries I, History.

SCPC became the official repository for the War Resisters League in 1947. War Resisters League records in DG 40 included scattered minutes of the Executive Committee (1925- ), the National Committee (1974- ), and a small amount of scattered financial records. There is correspondence from 1926 forward. War Resisters League literature and releases (1931- ) include fund appeals, flyers, pamphlets, brochures, and memoranda. There are also annual Peace Calendars (1956-2013). Numerous War Resisters League periodicals (1942- ), including War Resisters League News, can be found in the SCPC stacks. A list of these periodicals is available in Series B, Subseries III.

There are significant amounts of material documenting War Resisters League's work in publishing The Conscientious Objector, a newspaper produced from 1939 to 1946, the work of the Conscientious Objectors Problems Committee (1940-1946), preparation of the annual Peace Calendar, and the work of the Literature Committee (mostly 1960s) which created peace bibliographies. Records about War Resisters League's civilian defense protest project (1955-1963) and its efforts to help political prisoners in Vietnam following the Indochinese War, are significant parts of this collection.

The administrative files of Executive Secretaries Abe Kaufman, Roy Kepler, and Sidney Aberman span the years 1948 to 1953. Other administrative files are those of Executive Secretary Ralph DiGia (1955-1961), Field Secretary David McReynolds (1960-1977), Chairman Ed Gottlieb (1962-1967), staff member Wendy Schwartz (1970-1971), Special Project Secretary Grace Hedemann (1974-1978), and staff member Ed Hedemann.

War Resisters League correspondents include Sidney Aberman, Devere Allen, Allen H. Barr, R. Boland Brooks, H. Runham Brown, Julius Eichel, Harrop Freeman, Edward P. Gottlieb, Kenneth Greenawalt, George W. Hartmann, Alfred Hassler, Grace Hedemann, Ammon A. Hennacy, John Haynes Holmes, Jessie Wallace Hughan, Abraham Kaufman, Roy Kepler, Frieda Langer Lazarus, David McReynolds, Charles Macintosh, A.J. Muste, Tracy D. Mygatt, Frank Olmstead, Frances Rose Ransom, Bayard Rustin, Igal Roodenko, Winifred W. Schaum, Wendy Schwartz, Evan W. Thomas, Olivia Dunbar Torrence, Lydia G. Wentworth, and Frances Witherspoon.

The War Resisters League records held by SCPC are divided into two series: 1) Series A (1923-1949) contains material processed in 1954. Similar records, such as minutes, correspondence, committee files, etc. were placed together, as found in the checklist; and 2) Series B (1948-1989) contains material processed in 1983 and 1995, as well as material that War Resisters League routinely mails to SCPC, its official depository. Most subseries are arranged similarly to those in Series A. The administrative files were left in the order in which they were received. Where a considerable amount of loose material was found, an imposed order was created.

Correspondence in Series A is sorted by individuals, groups, and subjects. In Series B, rather than being placed together, correspondence is left in original folders and is found mostly in the Administrative Files.

Two separate document groups were created from War Resisters League records received in the 1969 and 1979 accessions. One is DG 134, the papers of David McReynolds, Field Secretary for War Resisters League. While some of McReynolds' papers in DG 134 are of a personal nature, there is a significant amount of information pertaining to his work with War Resisters League There is a large file of McReynolds' material in DG 40 as well. The second document group created from the War Resisters League records, DG 135, contains the records of the Continental Walk for Disarmament and Social Justice whose principal sponsor was War Resisters League.

Unprocessed World Peace Brigade material mentioned in the 1981 SCPC Guide was moved to DG 050 (A.J. Muste).

Guide to the Swarthmore College Peace Collection, 2nd ed., p. 72.

Microfilm Reels 20 and 21 (War Resisters League News 1967 and 1968)

Gift of War Resisters League 1949, 1950, 1952, 1969, 1979, 1985, 1990, 1994-1999, 2001, 2004, 2005

A partial checklist for this collection was prepared by Martha Shane in September 1983, and updated by Anne Yoder in March 1995. Updates on later accessions were made by Wendy Chmielewski in August 2007, and updated by Kathy Sun in April 2013. The Photographs series was arranged and added to the finding aid by Laura Melbourne in 2023.

Scrapbook: See Oversize Collection Photographs: See Photograph Collection (4x5, 5x7) Buttons: See Button Collection Bumperstickers: See Stamp Collection Magazines/Newsletters: See Periodicals Collection

Swarthmore College Peace Collection
Access Restrictions

The collection is open for research use.

Copyright is retained by the authors of items in these papers, or their descendents, as stipulated by United States copyright law.
Use Restrictions


Collection Inventory

Founding of WRL, 1923-1924.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries I and II: 1
Organizational Conference, 1925.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries I and II: 1
Minutes and Reports, 1925.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries I and II: 1
Minutes and Reports, 1926-1929.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries I and II: 1
Minutes and Reports, 1930-1932.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries I and II: 1
Minutes and Reports, 1933-1934.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries I and II: 1
Minutes and Reports, 1935.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries I and II: 1
Minutes and Reports, 1936.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries I and II: 1
Minutes and Reports, 1937.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries I and II: 1
Finance, 1929-1937.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries I and II: 1
Minutes and Reports, 1938.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries I and II: 2
Minutes and Reports, 1939.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries I and II: 2
Minutes and Reports, 1940.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries I and II: 2
Minutes and Reports, 1941.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries I and II: 2
Minutes and Reports, 1942.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries I and II: 2
Minutes and Reports, 1943.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries I and II: 2
Minutes and Reports, 1944.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries I and II: 2
Minutes and Reports, 1945.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries I and II: 2
Minutes and Reports, 1946.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries I and II: 2
Minutes and Reports, 1947.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries I and II: 2
Minutes and Reports, 1948-1949.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries I and II: 2
Finance, 1938-1949.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries I and II: 2
Literature, 1933-1937.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries III: 3
Literature, 1938-1939.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries III: 3
Literature, 1940.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries III: 3
Form Letters, Mailings, 1931-1937.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries III: 3
Literature, 1920-1932.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries III: 3
Form Letters and Solicitation Letters, Mailings, 1938-1939.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries III: 3
Press Releases, 1930-1940.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries III: 3
Form Letters, Mailings, 1940.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries III: 3
Literature, 1941-1943.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries III: 4
Literature, continued, 1941-1943.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries III: 4
Literature, 1944-1945.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries III: 4
Literature, 1946-1950.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries III: 4
Mailings, 1941-1943.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries III: 4
Mailings, 1944-1945.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries III: 4
Press Releases, 1941-1949.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries III: 4
Mailings, 1946-1950.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries III: 4
Miscellaneous literature-no date.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries III: 5
Undated mailings.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries III: 5
Drafts of Articles.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries III: 5
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries III: 5
Literature Lists through 1950.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries III: 5
Book Reviews.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries III: 5
Minutes before incorporation.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries III: 6
List of Board Members.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries III: 6
Minutes of Board Meetings.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries III: 6
Articles of Organization.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries III: 6
Cooperating Groups.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries III: 6
Correspondence and Finance, 1940-1941.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries III: 6
Correspondence, 1942.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries III: 6
Correspondence, 1943.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries III: 6
Correspondence, 1944.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries III: 6
Correspondence, 1945-1946.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries III: 6
Washington Staff.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries III: 7
Postwar Pacifist Press.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries III: 7
Letters of Approval.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries III: 7
Finished Articles.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries III: 7
Future Ideas.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries III: 7
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries III: 7
Hold Matter.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries III: 7
Editorial Contributions.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries III: 7
Receipts and Finance.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries III: 7
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries III: 7
Department of Justice Foreign Agent Registration Act.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries III: 7
Manual of Instructions for Business Manager.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries III: 8
Testimonials, 1942-1943.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries III: 8
Form Letters, 1943-1944.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries III: 8
Form Letters, 1945.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries III: 8
Contributors Letters, 1943.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries III: 8
Promotion Ideas.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries III: 8
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries III: 8
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries III: 8
Bills and Receipts.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries III: 8
Subscriptions and Renewals.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries III: 8
Miscellaneous Material.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries III: 8
Cartoons and Posters.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries III: 8
Cartoons - Ed Nofsiger.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries III: 8
First Annual Conference, 1930.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries IV and V: 9
Second Annual Conference, 1931.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries IV and V: 9
Third Annual Conference, 1932.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries IV and V: 9
Fourth Annual Conference, 1933.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries IV and V: 9
Fifth Annual Conference, 1934.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries IV and V: 9
Sixth Annual Conference, 1935.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries IV and V: 9
Seventh Annual Conference, 1936.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries IV and V: 9
Eighth Annual Conference, 1937.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries IV and V: 9
Ninth Annual Conference, 1938.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries IV and V: 9
Tenth Annual Conference, 1939.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries IV and V: 9
Eleventh Annual Conference, 1940.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries IV and V: 9
Twelfth Annual Conference, 1941.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries IV and V: 9
Twelfth Annual Conference, 1941.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries IV and V: 9
Scope and Contents


Thirteenth Annual Conference, 1942.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries IV and V: 9
Thirteenth Annual Conference, 1942.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries IV and V: 9
Scope and Contents


Fourteenth Annual Conference, 1943.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries IV and V: 9
Fifteenth Annual Conference, 1944.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries IV and V: 9
Sixteenth Annual Conference, 1945.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries IV and V: 9
Seventeenth Annual Conference, 1946.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries IV and V: 9
Eighteenth Annual Conference, 1947.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries IV and V: 9
Nineteenth Annual Conference, 1948.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries IV and V: 9
Twentieth Annual Conference, 1949.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries IV and V: 9
Annual Dinner, 13870.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries IV and V: 9
Fifteenth Anniversary Dinner, 14243.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries IV and V: 9
Fourth Annual Dinner, 14613.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries IV and V: 9
Seventeenth Anniversary Dinner, 15013.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries IV and V: 9
Eighteenth Anniversary Dinner, 15381.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries IV and V: 10
Nineteenth Anniversary Dinner, 15745.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries IV and V: 10
Twentieth Anniversary Dinner, 16141.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries IV and V: 10
Twenty-first Anniversary Dinner, 16495.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries IV and V: 10
Twenty-second Anniversary Dinner, 16806.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries IV and V: 10
Twenty-third Anniversary Dinner, 17194.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries IV and V: 10
Twenty-fourth Anniversary Dinner, 17580.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries IV and V: 10
Twenty-fifth Anniversary Dinner, 17958.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries IV and V: 10
Chicago Branch, 1940-1944.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries IV and V: 10
Philadelphia Branch, 1946.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries IV and V: 10
Los Angeles Chapter, 1944-1945.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries IV and V: 10
California East Bay Branch, 1944-1947.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries IV and V: 10
New York Chapter, 1932-1954.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries IV and V: 10
Washington Area, 1942-1947.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries IV and V: 10
A, 1939-1947.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 11
A, 1948.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 11
Aberman, Sidney.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 11
Alexander, Barton.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 11
Allen, Devere.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 11
App, Austin.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 11
B, 1931-1943.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 11
B, 1944-1945.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 11
B, 1946-1947.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 11
B, 1948.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 11
Bainton, Roland H.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 11
Baldwin, Roger.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 12
Barmore, Isabelle.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 12
Barr, Allen.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 12
Bishop, Corbett.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 12
Bloomstein, Charles.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 12
Bofman, Albert.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 12
Brinton, Ellen.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 12
Brooks, R. Boland.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 12
Butcher, Charles.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 12
C, 1939-1946.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 12
C, 1945-1947.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 12
C, 1948.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 12
Chalmers, Allan K.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 12
Corfman, Rex.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 12
Cram, Mrs. J. Sargeant.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 12
D, 1941-1947.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 13
D, 1948.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 13
Dancis, Winston.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 13
David, Emily.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 13
Davies, Natalie.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 13
Demond, Avery.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 13
Denton, John.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 13
De Silver, Harrison.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 13
E, 1939-1947.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 13
E, 1948.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 13
F, 1937-1947.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 13
Eichel, Julius.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 13
Einstein, Albert.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 13
F, 1948.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 13
Floyd Estate.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 13
G, 1936-1947.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 14
G, 1948.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 14
Geiger, Henry.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 14
Graves, Anna Melissa.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 14
Guetzkow, Harold.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 14
H, 1935-1947.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 14
Hoffman, Isidor.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 14
H, 1948.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 14
Hartmann, George.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 14
Hennacy, Ammon.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 14
Hughan, Jessie.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 15
Holmes, John Haynes.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 15
Isely, Phil.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 15
I, 1944-1947.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 15
I and J, 1948.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 15
Jenkins, Hester.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 15
Jenner, Thomas D.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 15
J, 1943-1947.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 15
Johnson, Edward C.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 15
Kampelman, Max.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 15
Kaufman, Abe.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 15
K, 1948.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 15
K, 1943-1947.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 15
Kraschutzki, Heinz.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 15
L, 1939-1947.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 15
L, 1948.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 15
Land, Leon.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 15
Lathrop, John H.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 16
Limbert, Paul.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 16
Lazarus, Frieda L.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 16
Lulkovich, Joseph.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 16
M, 1940-1947.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 16
M, 1948.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 16
Manning, Natalie.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 16
Man, Albon P.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 16
Manoukian, A.J.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 16
Mayer, Milton.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 16
Meighan, Paul.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 16
Mielke, Thelma.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 16
Moffett, Anne.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 16
Morgan, Ernest.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 16
Morris, Stuart.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 16
Mosesco, Filippus and Lillian.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 16
Muste, A.J.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 16
Mygatt, Tracy.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 16
N, 1931-1947.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 17
N, 1948.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 17
Neumann, Henry.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 17
Nevitsky, Reuben.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 17
Norton, Ralph.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 17
O, 1936-1947.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 17
O, 1948.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 17
Olmstead, Frank, 1934-1942.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 17
Olmstead, Frank, 1943.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 17
Olmstead, Frank, 1944.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 17
Olmstead, Frank, 1945-1947.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 17
Olmstead, Frank, 1948.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 17
P, 1944-1947.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 17
P and Q, 1948.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 17
Paisley, John.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 17
Palmer, Jack.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 18
Pearlman, Max.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 18
Price, Paton.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 18
Podenas, Karolis.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 18
Q, 1947.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 18
R, 1933-1944.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 18
Reeves, George.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 18
Richards, Edward.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 18
Roodenko, Igal.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 18
S, 1935-1945.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 18
S, 1946-1947.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 18
S, 1948.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 19
Schaum, Mrs. Carl.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 19
Schoenberg, Samuel.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 19
Silber, Bertram.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 19
Smith, J. Holmes.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 19
Smith, Nellie.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 19
Sohrab, Mirza.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 19
T, 1944-1947.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 19
T, 1948.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 19
Taylor, Eleanor.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 19
Templin, Ralph.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 19
Thomas, Evan, 1938-1940.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 19
Thomas, Evan, 1941-1947.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 19
Thomas, Evan, 1948.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 19
Tinker, W.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 19
Tuck, Jerry.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 19
U, 1941-1946.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 19
Urie, Caroline.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 19
U and V, 1948.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 19
V, 1943-1947.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 19
Van Cleve, Kita.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 19
Verne, Samuel.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 20
Vicary, James.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 20
Villard, Oswald G.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 20
Vining, Lester.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 20
W, 1940-1947.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 20
W, 1948.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 20
Weidner, Charles.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 20
Wentworth, Lydia.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 20
Witherspoon, Frances.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 20
White, Elliot.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 20
X, Y, and Z, 1939-1947.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 20
Williams, Robert.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 20
X, Y, and Z, 1948.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 20
Yamerellos, Elie.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 20
Zucker, Jack.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 20
America First Committee, 1940.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 21
American Civil Liberties Union, 1942-1948.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 21
American Friends Service Committee, 1941-1942.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 21
American Friends Service Committee, 1943-1945.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 21
Americans for Peace, 1942.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 21
Association of Families of Conscientious Objectors, 1943-1944.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 21
Break with Conscription Committee, 1947.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 21
Brethren Service Committee, 1944-1945.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 21
Call Radio Bureau, 1943.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 21
Campaign for World Government, 1942-1945.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 21
Central Board for Conscientious Objectors, 1942-1945.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 21
Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors, 1948.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 21
Central Committee on Conscientious Objectors.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 21
Chicago Conference on Social Action, 1943.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 21
Citizens Conference on International Economic Union, 1943.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 21
Civilian Public Service, Germfask.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 21
Civilian Public Service, Government Camp.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 21
Civilian Public Service Union.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 21
Civilian Public Service, Miscellaneous.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 21
Commission to Study the Organization of Peace, 1942-1943.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 21
Committee on World Peace, 1942.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 21
Common Sense, 1943-1945.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 21
Conference on Pacifist Farming Communities, 1942.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 21
The Conscientious Objector, 1942-1944.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 21
Conscription News, 1945.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 21
Consultative Peace Council, 1948.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 21
Emergency Peace Campaign, 1935-1939.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 21
Episcopal Pacifist Fellowship, 1942-1943.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 21
Fellowship of Reconciliation Pendle Hill Conference, 1936.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 22
Fellowship of Reconciliation, 1928-1937.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 22
Fellowship of Reconciliation, 1938-1939.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 22
Fellowship of Reconciliation, 1940-1942.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 22
Fellowship of Reconciliation, 1943-1944.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 22
Fellowship of Reconciliation, 1945-1948.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 22
Free India Committee, 1943-1944.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 22
Friends Committee on National Legislation, 1942-1945.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 22
Friends Peace Committee, 1939-1942.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 22
Help the Children Committee, 1943-1944.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 22
Interagency Demobilization Committee, 1945.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 22
International Rescue and Relief Committee, 1942-1943.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 22
Jewish Peace Fellowship, 1944-1945.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 22
Joint Staff Conscription Campaign, 1945.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 22
Keep America Out of War Committee, 1938-1941.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 22
Legal Service to Conscientious Objectors, 1942.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 22
Legal Service to Conscientious Objectors, 1943-1944.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 22
Mennonite Publishing Company, 1942-1945.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 22
Metropolitan Board for Conscientious Objectors, 1942-1945.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 22
Ministers Peace Group, 1935-1938.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 22
National Committee for Conscientious Objectors, 1942-1943.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 23
National Committee for Conscientious Objectors, 1944-1945.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 23
National Committee for Conscientious Objectors.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 23
Letters to the Government National Committee on Food for the Small Democracies, 1943-1944.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 23
National Council for the Prevention of War, 1929-1940.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 23
National Council for the Prevention of War, 1941-1945.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 23
National Peace Conference, 1938-1948.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 23
National Service Board for Religious Objectors, 1940-1941.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 23
Scope and Contents

part A

National Service Board for Religious Objectors, 1940-1941.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 23
Scope and Contents

part B

National Service Board for Religious Objectors, 1942-1943.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 24
National Service Board for Religious Objectors - WRL Morale Questionnaire.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 24
National Service Board for Religious Objectors, 1944-1948.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 24
New History Society, 1935-1937.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 24
No More War Movement, 1929-1935.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 24
Northern California Service Board.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 24
Pacifica Views, 1943-1945.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 24
Pacifist Action Committee, 1929-1933.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 24
Pacifist Research Bureau, 1943-1948.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 24
Peace News, 1947.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 24
Peace Now Movement, 1943-1944.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 24
Peace Pledge Union, 1937-1944.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 24
Pennsylvania Committee for Total Disarmament, 1931-1934.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 24
Post War World Council, 1942-1945.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 24
Presidential Committee on Civil Rights, 1947.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 24
Progressive Book Club, 1948.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 24
Selective Service System, 1943-1945.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 24
Student Peace Service Temporary Committee for Local Aid to Conscientious Objectors, 1942.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 24
United Pacifist Committee, 1938-1939.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 25
United Peace Church, 1937-1939.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 25
United States Government, 1936-1939.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 25
United States Government, 1940-1950.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 25
United States Government, Department of Justice, 1941-1950.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 25
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, 1930-1944.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 25
Women's Peace Society, New York, 1929-1933.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 25
Women's Peace Union, 1927-1940.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 25
Works Progress Administration, 1937-1940.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 25
World Citizens Cooperative, 1942-1943.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 25
World Peaceways, 1931-1936.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 25
Youth Committee Against War, 1940-1941.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 25
Youth Committee for Democracy, 1942.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 25
Miscellaneous Groups, foreign, 1926-1943.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 25
Miscellaneous Groups, religious, 1930-1944.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 25
Miscellaneous Groups, liberal, 1938-1944.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 26
Miscellaneous Groups, peace, 1926-1944.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 26
Miscellaneous Groups, other, 1939-1945.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 26
Atlantic Pact.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 26
Brokaw, Amos.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 26
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 26
Civil Rights Commission.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 26
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 26
Congressional Questionnaire.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 26
conscientious objector - Amnesty and Pardon.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 26
conscientious objector - Greece.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 26
conscientious objector - Italy.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 26
conscientious objector - Nonregistrant and other cases.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 26
Davis, Garry.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 26
Duke University Survey.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 26
Peace News.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 26
War Resisters International, 1945-1947.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 27
War Resisters International, January to March, 1948.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 27
War Resisters International, April to June, 1948.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 27
War Resisters International, July to September, 1948.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 27
War Resisters International, 17746.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 27
War Resisters International, 17899.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 27
War Resisters International, February to April, 1949.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 27
War Resisters International, April to May, 1949.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 27
War Resisters International, June to September, 1949.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 27
War Resisters International, July to December, 1949.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 27
War Resisters International, October 1949 to February 1950.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 27
War Resisters International, February to March, 1950.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 27
War Resisters International, December 1949 to March 1950.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 27
War Resisters International, April to June 1950.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 27
War Resisters International, June to July, 1950.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 27
War Resisters International, August to September, 1950.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 27
War Resisters International, October to December, 1950.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VI: 27
Budget Committee, 1935-1936.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 28
Emergency Anti-War Committee, Committee of Ten, 1935.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 28
Enrollment Committee, 1931-1932.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 28
Finance Committee, 1931-1948.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 28
FOR-WRL Relations, Committee on, 1947-1948.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 28
General Policy Committee, 1940-1941.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 28
Legislative Committee, 1930-1940.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 28
Literature Committee, 1941-1943.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 28
Literature Committee, 1944.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 28
Literature Committee, 1945.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 28
Literature Committee, 1946-1947.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 28
Nominations Committee, 1935-1950.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 28
Membership Committee, 1942-1947.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 28
Office Committee, 1941-1943.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 28
Organization Committee, 1932-1942.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 28
Pacifist Action Committee, 1932.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 29
Peace Aims Committee, 1943.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 29
Peace Policy Committee, 1944.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 29
Personnel Committee, 1944-1948.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 29
Political Information Committee, 1942.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 29
Refugee Committee, 1938-1940.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 29
Steering Committee, 1935.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 29
Strategy Committee, 1939-1940.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 29
Youth Division Committee, 1939-1945.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 29
Youth Committee on Peace, 1928-1932.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 29
Minutes of conscientious objector Committee.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 29
Miscellaneous Committees.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 29
Statement on CPS.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 29
Correspondence, Individual - Barnes.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 29
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 29
Correspondence, Individual - Bennett.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 29
Correspondence, Individual - Biddle.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 29
Correspondence, Individual - Gill.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 29
Correspondence, Groups - American Civil Liberties Union.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 29
Correspondence, Groups - Fellowship of Reconciliation.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 29
Correspondence, Groups - National Committee on conscientious objectors.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 29
Correspondence, Groups - Pacifist Research Bureau.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 29
Correspondence, Subject - Absolutists.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 29
Correspondence, Subject - Amnesty.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 29
Cases - Bishop, Corbett.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 29
Correspondence, Subject - Army Cases.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 29
Correspondence, Subject - Baird Petition.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 29
Correspondence, Subject - Cases.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 30
Cases - Andresen, Bent.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 30
Cases - Bofman, Albert.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 30
Cases - Brinton, William.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 30
Cases - Brooks, Bob.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 30
Cases - Buettner, Janusch.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 30
Cases - Cooney, Vernon.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 30
Cases - Eikrem, Bjorn.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 30
Cases - Fielding, Frank.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 30
Cases - Hart et al.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 30
Cases - Heisler, Francis.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 30
Cases - Johnson, Lester.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 30
Cases - Kaffler, William.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 30
Cases - Kepler, Roy.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 30
Cases - Kramer, Milton.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 30
Cases - Marquardt, Paul.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 30
Cases - McDaniel, Joseph.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 30
Cases - Mecartney, John.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 30
Cases - Penley, Howard.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 30
Cases - Weber, Henry.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 30
Cases - Miscellaneous.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 30
Correspondence, Subject - Civil Rights of Ex-cons.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 30
Correspondence, Subject - CPS Reclassification.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 30
Correspondence, Subject - Draft Card Returning.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 30
Correspondence, Subject - Families of conscientious objectors in Prison.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 30
Correspondence, Subject - Fighting Fund.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 30
Correspondence, Subject - Letters from Prison.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 30
Correspondence, Subject - Parole, Changes.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 30
Correspondence, Subject - Parole, Noncooperators.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 30
Correspondence, Subject - Parole, Plan 8641.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 30
Correspondence, Subject - Parole, Price (Paton).
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 30
Correspondence, Subject - Parole, Problems.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 30
Correspondence, Subject - Statistics on Prisoners.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 30
Correspondence, Subject - Parole, Projects (Hospital Survey).
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 30
Correspondence, Subject - Parole, Summers (Joseph).
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 30
Correspondence, Subject - Selective Service Expiration.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 30
C.P.S Report on Release Statement, 1945.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 30
Information for conscientious objectors.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 30
conscientious objector Statements on C.P.S.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 30
Ashland Prison.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 31
Big Flats Camp.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 31
Danbury Prison.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 31
Germfask Camp.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 31
Germfask Camp - Andresen, Dingman, Lazarus.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 31
Lewisburg Prison.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 31
Mancos Camp.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 31
Minersville Camp.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 31
Sandstone Prison.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 31
Tuscon Prison.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 31
Springfield Prison.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 31
Springfield Prison, continued.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 31
Terre Haute, Prison.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 31
Veterans Hospital (Detached Service).
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 31
Briefs of Appeal Cases.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 31
Clip Summaries A1-A31.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 32
Clip Summaries A32-A48.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 32
Clip Summaries B1-B18, C1-C12.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 32
Clip Summaries M1-M6 and Special Statistics Charts.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 32
Clip Summaries D1-D4, E1-E10, Lew Ayres Report.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 32
Toward Greater Opportunity in CPS.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 33
Scope and Contents

2 folders

Paton Price, "White Paper".
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 33
Paton Price, Miscellaneous.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 33
Special Cases.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 33
Camper Attitudes Statements of Walkouts.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 33
American Friends Service Committee.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 33
FOR-WRL re Price.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 33
NCCO re Isley and Price.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 33
NSBRO re Isley.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 33
Isley, Miscellaneous.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 33
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 34
Background Material.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 34
Correspondence, Intra-Strike.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 34
Correspondence, U.S. Congressmen.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 34
Correspondence, U.S. Government.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 34
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 34
Official Proclamation of Government and Camp Director.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 34
Correspondence, Other.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 34
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 34
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 34
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 34
Scope and Contents

2 folders

Literature and Releases.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 34
Press Releases.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VII: 34
Anti Air Maneuvers Protest Demonstration, 11444.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VIII: 35
Belgian Stowaways, 1940.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VIII: 35
CPS Ballots, 1941-1942.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VIII: 35
Hughan Anti-War Write-in Campaign, 1940.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VIII: 35
Congressional Questionnaire, 17015.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VIII: 35
Decade Plan, 1944.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VIII: 35
General Service Fund, 1944-1946.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VIII: 35
Handbook, 1937.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VIII: 35
Lagot Affair, 1939-1940.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VIII: 35
Martin Case, 1939.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VIII: 35
Outdoor Demonstration, 13657.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VIII: 35
Plowshare Press Project, 1943-1944.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VIII: 35
Promotion Campaign, 1944-1948.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VIII: 35
Protest Against Additional Naval Appropriations, 12236.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VIII: 35
No More War Parade, 1934-1935.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VIII: 35
Stamp Plan, 1947.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VIII: 35
Statement on Far East Policy, 1937.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VIII: 35
Spiessen Case (Henri and Constant Spiessen Belgian conscientious objector's), 1936.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VIII: 35
Statement on Postwar Military Conscription, 1944.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VIII: 35
Statement on War, 1941.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VIII: 35
Washington Birthday Conference, 13912.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VIII: 35
U.N. Bill of Rights, 1947-1948.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VIII: 35
Women's Conscription Questionnaire, 1943.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VIII: 35
Yugoslav Conscientious Objectors, 1947.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VIII: 35
Publicity Material for Frank Olmstead.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VIII: 36
Field Work, 1936-1937.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VIII: 36
Reports, 1941.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VIII: 36
Reports, 1942.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VIII: 36
Correspondence, 1943.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VIII: 36
Reports, 1943.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VIII: 36
Reports, 1944.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VIII: 36
Correspondence, 1944.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VIII: 36
Correspondence, 1945.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VIII: 36
Reports, 1945.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VIII: 36
Correspondence, 1946-1947.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VIII: 36
Correspondence, 1948.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VIII: 36
Correspondence, 1949.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VIII: 36
Reports, 1946-1949.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VIII: 36
Reports and Correspondence, 1950.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VIII: 36
Reference/Miscellaneous, 1923-1950.
Box DG 040: SERIES A: Subseries VIII: 36

History, 1950-1983.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries I and II: 1
Executive Committee meetings, 1950-1952.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries I and II: 1
Executive Committee meetings, 1950-1959.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries I and II: 1
Executive Committee meetings, 1960-1964.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries I and II: 1
Executive Committee meetings, 1965-1969.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries I and II: 1
Executive Committee meetings, 1970-1972.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries I and II: 1
Executive Committee meetings, 1973.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries I and II: 1
Executive Committee meetings, 1974-1976.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries I and II: 2
Executive Committee meetings, 1977-1978.
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Executive Committee meetings, 1979-1980.
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Executive Committee meetings, 1981-1983.
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Executive Committee meetings, 1984-1985.
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Executive Committee meetings, 1986-1987.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries I and II: 2
Executive Committee meetings, 1988.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries I and II: 2
National Committee meetings, 1973-1980.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries I and II: 2a
National Committee meetings, 1981-1983.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries I and II: 2a
National Committee meetings, 1984-1986.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries I and II: 2a
National Committee meetings/ reports/mailings, 1986-1988.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries I and II: 2a
Steering Committee meetings, 1983-1984.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries I and II: 2a
Working Committee meetings, 1984-1988.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries I and II: 2a
Miscellaneous meetings.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries I and II: 2a
Finances, 1950-1951, 1955, 1966-1988.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries I and II: 2a
Releases, 1951-1959.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries III: 3
Releases, 1960-1964.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries III: 3
Releases, 1965-1967.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries III: 3
Releases, 1968-1969.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries III: 3
Releases, 1970-1971.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries III: 3
Releases, 1972.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries III: 3
Releases, 1973.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries III: 3
Releases, 1974-1975.
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Releases, 1976.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries III: 4
Releases, 1976.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries III: 4
Releases, 1977.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries III: 4
Releases, 1978-1979.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries III: 4
Releases, 1980.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries III: 4
Releases, 1981.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries III: 4
Releases, 1982.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries III: 4
Releases, 1983.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries III: 4
Releases, 1984.
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Releases, 1985.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries III: 5
Releases, 1986.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries III: 5
Releases, 1987.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries III: 5
Releases, 1988.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries III: 5
Releases, 1989.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries III: 5
Releases, undated.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries III: 5
Memoranda, 1962-1969.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries III: 5
Memoranda, 1970-1976.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries III: 5
Memoranda, 1977-1981.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries III: 6
Memoranda, 1982-1982.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries III: 6
Memoranda, undated.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries III: 6
List of periodicals by War Resisters League, 1970-1979.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries III: 6
Scope and Contents

see also Releases

ROTC dismantling kit, 1985.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries III: 6
S.P.E.W. newsletter, 1988-1989.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries III: 6
Mailings to key list, 1983-1984.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries III: 6
Mailings to key list, 1985-1986.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries III: 6
Mailings to key list, 1987.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries III: 6
Mailings to key list, 1988.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries III: 6
Mailings to key list, 1989.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries III: 6
Peace calendars, 1956-1980.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries III: 7
Peace calendars, 1981-2000.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries III: 7a
Peace calendars, 2001-2013.
Box DG 040: Series B: Subseries III: 7b
21st Annual Conference, 1950.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8
Annual conferences, 1953-1977.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8
26th Annual Dinner, 1950 March 1.
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Annual dinners, 1954-1979.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8
50th anniversary, 1973.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8
War Resisters League South Central, 1972-1974.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8
War Resisters League South Central, 1975-1977.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8
War Resisters League Southeast, 1974-1976.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8
War Resisters League Southeast, 1977.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8
War Resisters League Southeast, 1978.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8
War Resisters League Southeast, 1979.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8
War Resisters League Southeast, 1980.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8
War Resisters League Southeast, 1981.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8
War Resisters League Southeast, 1982.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8
War Resisters League Southeast, 1983.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8
War Resisters League Southeast, 1984.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8
War Resisters League South Central (Austin, Texas), 1972-1977.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8
War Resisters League Southeast (Chapel Hill, North Carolina), 1974-1984.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8
War Resisters League Southeast, 1985.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8a
War Resisters League Southeast, 1986.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8a
War Resisters League Southeast, 1987-1988.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8a
War Resisters League West: Removal sheets.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8a
War Resisters League of California, 1965-1967.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8a
War Resisters League West, 1968-1969.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8a
War Resisters League West, 1970-1973.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8a
War Resisters League West, 1974.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8a
War Resisters League West, 1975.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8a
War Resisters League West, 1976.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8a
War Resisters League West, 1977.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8a
War Resisters League West, 1978.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8a
War Resisters League West, 1979.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8a
War Resisters League West, undated.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8a
Scope and Contents

circa 1960s-1970s

War Resisters League West, 1980.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8a
War Resisters League West, 1981.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8a
War Resisters League West, 1982.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8a
War Resisters League West: report by Bayard Rustin on his visit to Lebanon, 1982.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8a
War Resisters League West: report by Ed Hedeman on trip to Japan, 1982.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8a
War Resisters League West, 1983.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8b
War Resisters League West, 1984.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8b
War Resisters League West, 1985.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8b
War Resisters League West, 1986.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8b
War Resisters League West, 1987.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8b
War Resisters League West: Miscellaneous material, undated.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8b
War Resisters League West: Finances.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8b
War Resisters League West: Mark Morris: correspondence, 1967-1970.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8b
War Resisters League West: Amnesty for draft resisters.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8b
War Resisters League West: B-1 Bomber Project.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8b
War Resisters League West: Bay Area (California): nonviolent groups.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8b
War Resisters League West: Berkeley (California): radical community.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8b
War Resisters League West: "A Call to Resist": signatories of petition against the draft, 1968.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8c
Scope and Contents

see also East Bay Committee for Draft Resistance

War Resisters League West: Coalition to Cut Military Spending, 1975-1977.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8c
War Resisters League West: Conscientious objection, 1968.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8c
War Resisters League West: Downtown Peace Coalition, 1970-1971.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8c
War Resisters League West: The draft, 1968.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8c
War Resisters League West: Draft boards, 1986.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8c
War Resisters League West: Draft counseling, 1970-1972.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8c
War Resisters League West: Draft, National Coalition to Repeal the..., 1971-1973.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8c
War Resisters League West: Draft Repeal Coalition, 1972-1973.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8c
War Resisters League West: Draft resister Robert Wray, 1969-1971.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8c
War Resisters League West: Draft, resolutions on the..., 1979-1980.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8c
War Resisters League West: East Bay Committee for Draft Resistance, 1968.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8c
War Resisters League West: Feminism and Nonviolence Program, 1978-1984.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8c
War Resisters League West: Fest for Truth and Love, 1973.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8c
War Resisters League West: Fresno Shanti Center, 1973.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8c
War Resisters League West: Honeywell Campaign, 1969-1971.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8d
War Resisters League West: Indo-China Peace Campaign, 1972.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8d
War Resisters League West: Institute Mountain West, 1972.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8d
War Resisters League West: Monterey Peace Center, 1971-1972.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8d
War Resisters League West: New England Committee for Nonviolent, 1965.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8d
War Resisters League West: Direct Action.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8d
War Resisters League West: Nine for Peace, 1968.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8d
War Resisters League West: Northern California Mid-East Peace Coalition, 1976.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8d
War Resisters League West: The NOSE, Monterey County WTR, 1975.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8d
War Resisters League West: The Peace Brigade, 1971.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8d
War Resisters League West: Peacebuilders, 1969-1971.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8d
War Resisters League West: Pentagon Papers Project, 1972.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8d
War Resisters League West: Peoples Blockade, 1973.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8d
War Resisters League West: Poor Peoples Campaign, Bay Area, 1967-1968.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8d
War Resisters League West: Port Chicago Vivil, 1968.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8d
War Resisters League West: Quaker Action Group, 1968-1971.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8d
War Resisters League West: Radical Education Project, 1968-1970.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8e
War Resisters League West: Resist, 1968-1969.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8e
War Resisters League West: Sacramento Peace Center, 1971-1976.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8e
War Resisters League West: San Francisco Resistance, 1967-1970.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8e
War Resisters League West: Selective Service, 1967-1970.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8e
War Resisters League West: Syracuse Peace Council.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8e
War Resisters League West: U.C. Nuclear Lab Weapons Conversion Project.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8e
War Resisters League West: Vietnam, 1969-1976.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8e
War Resisters League West: Vietnam Era Veteran National Resource Project, 1974.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8e
War Resisters League West: Vietnam Veterans' movement, 1974.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8e
War Resisters League West: Vietnam Veteran Bonus March, 1974.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8e
War Resisters League West: War Tax Resistance, undated.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8e.2
Scope and Contents


War Resisters League West: War Tax Resistance, 1971.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8e.2
War Resisters League West: War Tax Resistance, 1972.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8e.2
War Resisters League West: War Tax Resistance, 1973.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8e.2
Provisional Defense Committee: "legal" Bayard Rustin, 1955.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8f
Provisional Defense Committee, 1955-1958.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8f
Civil Defense Protest Committee, 1960-1963.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8f
Meetings, 1960-1961.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8f
Releases, 1955-1959.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8f
Correspondence, 1956-1961.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8f
Court appeals, 1957-1961.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8f
Correspondence re: "Against Air Raid Drills", 1963.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IV and V: 8f
Civilian defense: briefs, 1955-1960.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VI: 9
Civilian Defense: statements and reports, 1961.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VI: 9
Civilian Defense: lists, 1956-1961.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VI: 9
Newsclippings, 1961.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VI: 9
Student Institute on Non-Violence and Social Change, 1960.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VI: 9
Scott Herrick/Montcivitano Project, 1978-1979.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VI: 9
Release, 1950.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 10
War Resisters League (New York Branch): Executive Committee meetings, 1953.
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Demonstration: miscellaneous, 1950.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 10
Correspondence: G. Hartmann, 1950.
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Correspondence: Roy Kepler, 1950-1953.
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Correspondence: foreign, 1948-1952.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 10
Correspondence: C. Mackintosh, 1951.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 10
Projects: demonstrations, Hydrogen Bomb Protest.
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Hiroshima Day, Korea leaflet, 1950.
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The Peacemakers, 1949-1952.
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Rosika Schwimmer: reference material.
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World government and citizenship.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 10
World Pacifist Meeting, 1949.
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World Pacifist Meeting, 18233.
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Australia, 1950.
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Denmark, 1949-1950.
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Holland, 1948.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 11
Italy, 18354.
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Israel: constitution, 17989.
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Selective Service hearings, 1950 to January 1951.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 11
Non-registrant statements.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 11
Scope and Contents

extra copies

UMT and Conscription statements.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 11
C.O.s in court: briefs, 1943-1944.
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conscientious objector cases, 1951.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 11
Selective Service court cases, 1941-1945.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 11
American Civil Liberties Union, 1952.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 12
Washington Pacifist Fellowship, 1946-1947.
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National Peace Conference, 1949-1953.
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Friends Committee on National Legislation, 1951-1952.
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Putnam Co. News: Communist charge, 1950.
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Peace News: American supplement proposal, 1950.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 12
The Objector, 1949, 1953.
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One World, 1949.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 12
Alternative, 1949-1950.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 12
Miscellaneous literature from other organizations, 1949-1951.
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Fellowship of Reconciliation, 1950.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 12
Literature from other organizations.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 12
Correspondence re: Bayard Rustin as Executive Secretary, 1953.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 12
Scope and Contents

Correspondence from the administrative files of Roy Finch, Chairman. In 1953, the members of the War Resisters League's Executive Board and National Advisory Council were asked to provided their opinions about whether to hire Bayard Rustin as Executive Secretary of the WRL. Rustin had been arrested earlier in the year on charges related to his homosexuality and subsequently released from the Fellowship of Reconciliation. The folder also contains correspondence about the 21st WRL Conference with Ellen Starr Brinton.

You may encounter outdated and potentially offensive terminology (especially relating to sexual orientation and race) within these historical documents. We acknowledge that some of these terms may be triggering or off-putting to our audience, and we apologize for any offense or discomfort that you may experience.

Liberation: formation proposal, 1955.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 12
Amnesty Demonstration Committee, 1956.
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Seymour Eichel defense, 1957-1960.
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Liberation: Editorial Board meetings, 1957.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 12
American Forum, 1957.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 12
Committee for Nonviolent Action, 1957.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 12
Anti-nuclear picketing, 1957.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 13
Pacific Project, 1958.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 13
Walk for Peace, 1958.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 13
Omaha Action, 1959.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 13
Act for Peace, 1959.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 13
Hiroshima Walk, 1960.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 13
Election protest, 1960.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 13
Easter Walk (CNVA), 1961.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 13
Cuban protest, 1961.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 13
Correspondence, 1962-1967.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 14
Speaking Tour: correspondence, 1960.
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Speaking Tour: correspondence, 1960.
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Scope and Contents


Speaking Tour: correspondence, 1961.
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Scope and Contents


Civil Defense Protest Committee, 1961.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 14
Pacific Nonviolent Action, 1961.
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Student Peace Union: Advisory Council, 1962.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 14
Student Peace Union: periodicals, 1962.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 14
Association for Commitment to World Responsibility, 1962.
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George Rockwell case, 1962.
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Scope and Contents

American Nazi leader

Articles by David McReynolds re: Rockewell case, 1962.
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Scope and Contents

carbon copies

Calendar quotes, 1960.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 15
Peace calendars: preparation/correspondence, 1962-1966.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 15
Peace calendar: correspondence/quote material, 1966.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 15
Peace calendars: preparation/correspondence, 1966-1967.
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Literarture list produced by Literature Committee, 1961-1968.
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Vietnam: literature list, 1967.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 16
Literature Committee, 1973.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 17
Advertisements for literature lists and peace calendar, 1963-1967.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 17
Lists of names, 1965-1968.
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Manuscripts and articles, 1966-1968.
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Manuscript by Roy Kepler, 1964.
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Manuscripts and articles, 1965-1967.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 17
Manuscript by Sidney Peck, 1968.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 17
Miscellaneous correspondence, 1962-1969.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 18
Scope and Contents

found with David McReynolds' material

Article "Dissenting from Dissenters" by David McReynolds, 1962.
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Speaking Tour: correspondence, November to December 1963.
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American Civil Liberties Union, 1964.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 18
Speaking Tour: correspondence, 1963.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 18
Jailing of 26 in Albany (Georgia), 1964.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 18
Speaking Tour: correspondence, 1964.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 18
Memo re: possible merger of the War Resisters League with CNVA, 1964.
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Vietnam protest: A.J. Muste correspondence; releases; reference material, 1964.
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War Resisters League and Canada, 1964.
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War Resisters League: releases re: Vietnam protest, 1964.
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Bayard Rustin: correspondence; writings; miscellaneous, 1962.
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Multilateral Nuclear Force: reference material / newsclippings, 1964.
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Cuba, 1964.
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Article re: civil rights by David McReynolds, 1964.
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Turn Toward Peace: eetings, 1963-1965.
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War Resisters League: statement on [of?] principles.
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Writers' and artists' protest re: Adlai Stevenson's resignation, 1965.
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Speaking tour: correspondence, 1965.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 19
War Resisters League Conference, 24059.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 19
Periodicals / newsclippings, 1965.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 19
Memo to the Executive Committee re: the future of the War Resisters League, 1966.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 19
Scope and Contents

1966? Unsure

Geneva Park Conference, Ontario (Canada), 23 to 27 January 1966.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 19
July 4th demonstration, 1966.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 19
Vietnam International Conference, 1966.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 19
Student Pacifist Conference, 24234.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 19
David McReynolds and A.J. Muste correspondence re: impeachment (proposed) of President Lyndon Johnson, 24381.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 19
Impeachment (proposed) of President Lyndon Johnson, 24563.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 19
War Resisters League: advertising, 1967.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 20
Canada, 1967.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 20
Southern Student Organizing Committee, 1967.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 20
University Christian Movement, 1967.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 20
Student Mobilization Committee, 1967.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 20
Draft correspondence; reference material, 1967.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 20
G.I. answers to David McReynolds' open letter, 1967.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 20
National Lawyers Guild.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 20
Hiroshima Day march to Montreal, 1967.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 20
British pacifists' arrest petition, 1967.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 20
Draft correspondence: J. Kearns, 1967.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 21
Executive Committee meeting minutes, 12 September 1967, 10 October 1967.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 21
Scope and Contents

from David McReynolds

Tsurumi visit, 1967.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 21
Fellowship of Reconciliation: forms, 1967.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 21
Czechoslovakian newspapers, 1968.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 21
International Confederation for Disarmament and Peace, 1970-1975.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 21
War Resisters' International, 1970-1979.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 21
War Resisters League: tape program, circa 1970.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 21
Draft Action, 1970-1971.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 21
War Resisters' International: correspondence re: London internship, 1970-1971.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 21
People's Coalition for Peace and Justice, ca. 1971.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 21
War Resisters' International, 1972-1978.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 21
National Caucus of Labor Committees, ca.1972.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 21
Election statement (presidential and congressional), 1972.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 21
War Resisters League: elections, 1972.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 21
War Resisters League: training program, 1972.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 21
War Resisters League: air war packet, circa 1972.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 22
Correspondence with Fellowship of Reconciliation, and International, 1973.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 22
Confederation for Disarmament and Peace, 1973.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 22
150th Anniversary Committee, 1973.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 22
Fellowship of Reconciliation, 1973-1975.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 22
National Action Group, 1973-1977.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 22
Committee for International Nonviolence, 1973-1974.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 22
Chile, 1974.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 22
Task Force on Domestic Crisis, 1974.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 22
Meetings with Vietnam draft resisters, 1974.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 22
Coalition on Economic Crisis, 1974.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 22
American Friends Service Committee, ca. 1975.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 23
WIN Editorial Board, 1975-1976.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 23
Japanese material, 1976.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 23
International Peace Bureau, 1977.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 23
Mobilization for Survival, 1977.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 23
Articles by David McReynolds, 1968.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 23
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 23
Draft of David McReynolds' speech "How To Hold A Meeting," undated.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 23
Unidentified drafts of papers re: blacks/poverty/military, 1973.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 23
From other organizations, ca 1961-1969.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 23
Wendy Schwartz, Staff Member, 1970-1971.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 23
Cuba Project: children's art exchange with Cuba, 1970-1971.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 23
Cuba Project: scrapbook/photo/newsclippings, 1971.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 23
Correspondence re: Campaign Freedom, 1974-1975.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 24
General correspondence, 1974-1977.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 24
War Resisters League: Anti-Corporate Project, circa 1975.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 24
The War Is Over celebration, 27525.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 24
Indochina Peace Campaign, 1972-1973.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 24
War Resisters League: leaflets on Vietnam and Cambodia.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 24
United Campaign for Peace in Indochina, 1974-1975.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 25
Friendshipment, 1975-1977.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 25
Coalition for a New Foreign and Military Policy, 1976-1977.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 25
Indochina Solidarity Committee, circa 1975.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 25
American Friends Service Committee: Indochina Program, 1975.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 25
American Friends Service Committee: Indochina Packet, 1973.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 25
Friends Committee on National Legislation, 1974-1975.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 25
International Committee to Free South Vietnamese Political Prisoners from Detention, Torture and Death, circa 1974.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 25
Political prisoners in South Vietnam: Indochina Mobile Education Project, 1974.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 26
Political prisoners in South Vietnam: F.O.R. "For the Victims", 1974.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 26
Correspondence and statements re: political prisoners in South Vietnam, 1974.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 26
Composite list of political prisoners in South Vietnam.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 26
Additional lists: political prisoners in South Vietnam.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 26
Card File: political prisoners in South Vietnam.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 26
Reference material: political prisoners in South Vietnam.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 26
Buddhist Peace Delegation, 1974.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 26
Leaflets: Indochina, 1974.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 27
Scope and Contents

circa 1974

Newspaper reprints/articles on Indochina, 1973-1975.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 27
Indochina literature.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 27
Information from Vietnamese organizations, 1973-1975.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 27
Opinion articles re: Indochina, 1972-1975.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 27
Additional reference material re: Indochina.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 28
Native Americans, 1973-1978.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 28
Center for National Security Studies: Project on Intelligence and Covert Actions, 1974.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 28
General correspondence, 1981-1983.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 28a
Indian Point (New York) nuclear power plant, 1981.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 28a
Veteran/Peace movement reconciliation, 1984-1985.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 28a
Correspondence, 1974-1975.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 28a
Correspondence, 1976-1977.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 28a
Correspondence, 1978-1979.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 28a
Correspondence, 1980-1981.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 28a
Correspondence, 1982, 1986.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 28a
Mobilization for Survival, 1978.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 28a
Correspondence re: IRS seizure, 1974.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 28a
Biographical information.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VII: 28a
Organizing correspondence, 1976-1985.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VIII: 29
Local organizing packets, 1981-1989.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VIII: 29
Locals mailings, 1981-1983.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VIII: 29
Local organizing materials development, 1984.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VIII: 29
Local organizing questionnaire, 1984.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VIII: 29
Responses to War Resisters League survey, 1977.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VIII: 30
Local groups: Albuquerque, New Mexico / Southwest region.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VIII: 30
Local groups: Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VIII: 30
Local groups: Arcata, California / Northcoast region.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VIII: 30
Local groups: Atlanta, Georgia.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VIII: 30
Local groups: Baltimore, Maryland.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VIII: 30
Local groups: Birmingham, Alabama.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VIII: 31
Local groups: Boston, Massachusetts.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VIII: 31
Local groups: Boulder, Colorado.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VIII: 31
Local groups: Central Florida.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VIII: 31
Local groups: Chicago, Illiniois.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VIII: 31
Local groups: Columbia, Missouri.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VIII: 31
Local groups: Dallas, Texas.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VIII: 31
Local groups: Detroit, Michigan.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VIII: 31
Local groups: Evansville, Indiana.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VIII: 31
Local groups: Ft. Wayne, Indiana / Citizens for Peace and Social Action, 1981-1983.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VIII: 31
Local groups: Green Mountain, Vermont, 1984-1985.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VIII: 31
Local groups: Hyde Park, Vermont / Lamoille Peace Coalition, 1980.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VIII: 31
Local groups: Isla Vista, California / Thomas Merton Unity Center, 1974.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VIII: 31
Local groups: LaCrosse area.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VIII: 32
Local groups: Los Angeles, California.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VIII: 32
Local groups: Madison, Wisconsin.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VIII: 32
Local groups: Milwaukee, Wisconsin / Center for Peace and Education.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VIII: 32
Local groups: Monmouth County, New Jersey.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VIII: 32
Local groups: Morgantown, West Viginia.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VIII: 32
Local groups: New York, New York.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VIII: 32
Local groups: Norwich, Conneticut / Northeast region.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VIII: 32
Local groups: Oak Park, Illinois.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VIII: 32
Local groups: Plains states / Midwest region.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VIII: 32
Local groups: Pocatello, Idaho.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VIII: 33
Local groups: Red River Alliance/Peace Network.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VIII: 33
Local groups: Redwoods, California.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VIII: 33
Local groups: San Bernardino, California/Inland Empire.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VIII: 33
Local groups: San Francisco, California/Oakland, California.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VIII: 33
Local groups: Seattle, Washington, 1973-1974.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VIII: 33
Local groups: Seattle, Washington, 1975.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VIII: 33
Local groups: Seattle, Washington, 1976-1979.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VIII: 33
Local groups: Seattle, Washington, 1980-1984.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VIII: 33
Local groups: St. Louis, Missouri.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VIII: 33
Local groups: Staten Island, New York.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VIII: 33
Local groups: Washington, District of Colombia.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VIII: 33
Local groups: Westchester, New York.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries VIII: 33
Air Force Office of Special Investigations, 1948-1980.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IX: 34
Army Intelligence and Security Command, 1980.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IX: 34
Defense Investigative Service, 1980.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IX: 34
Department of Justice, 1980-1981.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IX: 34
Immigration and Naturalization Service, 1980.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IX: 34
Internal Revenue Service.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IX: 34
Naval Investigative Service, 1980-1981.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IX: 34
Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1976-1981.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IX: 34
Post Office Department, 1980.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IX: 34
State Department, 1981.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IX: 34
FBI investigation of "The Continental Walk for Disarmament and Social Justice", 1976-1978.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IX: 34
Research findings of Susan Dion and Maris Cakars re: FBI investigation, 1981.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IX: 34
FBI: New York City branch, 1965-1981.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IX: 34
FBI-War Resisters League correspondence, 1977-1981.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IX: 34
Internal Revenue Service, 1969-1980.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IX: 34
FBI Records re: War Resisters League, July 1941 to March 1942.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IX: 34
Section #1, May 1939 to 1941.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IX: 34
Section #2, April to August 1942.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IX: 35
Section #2 continued, August 1942 to February 1943.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IX: 35
Section #3, March 1943 to January 1944.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IX: 35
Section #4, August 1944 to July 1950.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IX: 35
Section #5, July 1950 to May 1953.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IX: 35
Section #6, April 1953 to January 1962.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IX: 35
Section #7, January 1962 to March 1965.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IX: 35
Section #7 continued, 1965-04-1965-05.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IX: 36
Section #8, 1965-06-1965-08.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IX: 36
Section #8 continued, 1965-09-1965-10.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IX: 36
Section #9, January to February 1966.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IX: 36
Section #9 continued, February to April 1966.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IX: 36
Section #10, April to July 1966.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IX: 36
Section #10 continued, July 1966 to January 1967.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IX: 36
Section #11, 1968 (month?) to February 1968.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IX: 36
Section #12, January 1969 to February 1970.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IX: 37
Section #13, February 1970 to August 1971.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IX: 37
Section #14, September 1971 to January 1972.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IX: 37
Section #14 continued, 1972 through February 1972.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IX: 37
Section #15, February to May 1972.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IX: 37
Section #16, June 1972 to March 1973.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IX: 37
Section #17, March 1973 to October 1976.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IX: 37
Section #18, August 1973 to March 1976.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IX: 37
Material from Re-File Box, 1990.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IX: Re-File Box
Material from Re-File Box, 2000.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IX: Re-File Box
Material from Re-File Box, 2001.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IX: Re-File Box
Material from Re-File Box, January to June 2002.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IX: Re-File Box
Material from Re-File Box, July to December 2002.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IX: Re-File Box
Material from Re-File Box, 2003.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IX: Re-File Box
Material from Re-File Box, 2009.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IX: Re-File Box
Material from Re-File Box, 2011.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IX: Re-File Box
Material from Re-File Box, 2012-2014.
Box DG 040: SERIES B: Subseries IX: Re-File Box

International miscellaneous.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 95A-093: 1
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 95A-093: 1
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 95A-093: 1
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 95A-093: 1
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 95A-093: 1
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 95A-093: 1
Chinese contacts.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 95A-093: 1
Central America.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 95A-093: 1
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 95A-093: 1
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 95A-093: 1
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 95A-093: 1
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 95A-093: 1
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 95A-093: 1
Sid Lens.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 95A-093: 1
Disarmament, 2000.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 95A-093: 1
Draft resistance.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 95A-093: 1
Drug/Alcohol abuse.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 95A-093: 1
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 95A-093: 1
Mailing lists.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 95A-093: 1
US Institute of Peace.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 95A-093: 1
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 95A-093: 1
National peace organizations.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 95A-093: 1
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 95A-093: 1
Office procedures, donations, requests.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 95A-093: 1
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 95A-093: 1
Socialist Party.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 95A-093: 1
War Resisters International.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 95A-093: 2
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 95A-093: 2
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 95A-093: 2
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 95A-093: 2
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 95A-093: 2
International peace groups.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 95A-093: 2
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 95A-093: 2
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 95A-093: 2
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 95A-093: 2
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 95A-093: 3
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 95A-093: 3
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 95A-093: 3
Middle East.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 95A-093: 3
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 95A-093: 3
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 95A-093: 3
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 95A-093: 3
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 95A-093: 3
South Africa.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 95A-093: 3
South America.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 95A-093: 3
Sri Lanka.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 95A-093: 3
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 95A-093: 3
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 95A-093: 4
United Nations.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 95A-093: 4
United States of America.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 95A-093: 4
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 95A-093: 4
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 95A-093: 4
Office procedures, requests, and donations.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 95A-093: 4
War Resisters League Organizers Manual 1974.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-004: 1
Miscellaneous, 1939-1941.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-004: 1
Miscellaneous, 1942.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-004: 1
Miscellaneous, 1943.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-004: 1
Miscellaneous, 1944.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-004: 1
Miscellaneous, 1950.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-004: 1
Miscellaneous, 1951.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-004: 1
Miscellaneous, 1952.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-004: 1
Miscellaneous, 1956.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-004: 1
Miscellaneous, 1957.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-004: 1
Miscellaneous, 1961.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-004: 1
Miscellaneous, 1962.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-004: 1
Miscellaneous, 1963.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-004: 1
Miscellaneous, 1964.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-004: 1
Miscellaneous, 1965.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-004: 1
Miscellaneous, 1967.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-004: 1
Miscellaneous, 1968.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-004: 1
EC minutes, 1968.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-004: 2
Miscellaneous, 1970.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-004: 2
Miscellaneous, 1976.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-004: 2
Miscellaneous, 1977.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-004: 2
Miscellaneous, 1978.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-004: 2
Miscellaneous, 1979.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-004: 2
Miscellaneous, 1980.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-004: 2
Miscellaneous, 1981.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-004: 2
Miscellaneous, 1982.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-004: 2
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-004: 2
D/CR Task Force II, 1981-1985.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-004: 2
National Committee Minutes, 31625.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-004: 2
National Committee meetings, 1986 to August 1987.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-004: 2
National Committee, 32174.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-004: 2
National Committee structure and process, 1990, 1993.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-004: 2
Scope and Contents

2 Scrapbooks in Oversize Memorabilia

Wall St. Action Press Clips, 1979.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 1
Shoreham Campaign Task Force.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 1
NYC Shad Alliance.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 1
Scope and Contents

removed to DG 142 SHAD Alliance

Sit-in for Survival.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 1
Action, 30116.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 1
Civil Disobedience Taskforce, 1981.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 1
Scope and Contents

pref for June 14, 1982 Action

National Action Research on Military/Industrial Complex documents.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 1
Atlanta Workshop on Nonviolence.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 1
Continental Walk, 28034.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 1
Press pack for Coalition for a Nonnuclear World.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 1
Press Pak "N Nuke Weapons, No Nuke War!".
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 1
Press Pak benefit.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 1
Whitehouse 11 info.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 1
Action Evaluations, 1982-06-12.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 1
Trainers Packet action, 30116.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 1
Miscellaneous War Resisters League materials and correspondence form, 1940's to 1960's.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 1
Gandhi materials.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 1
Miscellaneous Fyke Farmer file.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 1
Abalone files.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 1
Alliance for Survival.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 1
Articles, United States Disarmament movement files.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 1
War Resisters League Speakers Bureau info.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 1
War Resisters League Disarmament kit.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 1
European Disarmament Movement articles.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 2
Movement Disarmament programs.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 2
US/USSR Disarmament Proposals.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 2
Criticism of government disarmament.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 2
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 2
Alternative Disarmament Proposals.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 2
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 2
Nuclear Disarmament.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 2
The Front Line.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 2
Civil Defense Strategy Conference, 30429.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 2
Disarmament Program-Riverside Church.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 2
Camp., 12 June [year?].
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 2
Miscellaneous literature.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 2
Sign up sheets general meetings.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 2
CD legal cases.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 2
Letters to the five mission.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 2
Legislation, 14 June [year?].
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 2
Minutes/International Task force, 27 May [year?].
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 2
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 2
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 3
Miscellaneous materials.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 3
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 3
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 3
Call, June 12 [year?].
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 3
Button sale and collection.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 3
position paper, June 12 [year?].
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 3
CD US mission, June 12 [year?].
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 3
Draft articles, 1974-1985.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 3
Scope and Contents


Wall St., 1979.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 3
Survival, Summer 1980.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 3
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 3
March for a non-nuclear world, 29337.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 3
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 3
White House Lawn Eleven news articles.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 3
Permits Continental Walk.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 3
International No Nukes Conference.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 4
DOE Action, 28 to 29 October, 1979.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 4
Other SSD II Activities.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 4
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 4
The Progressive bomb case.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 4
Materials, 30116.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 4
Coalition for DA Seabrook, 29129.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 4
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 4
Symposium, 1977.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 4
World Conference Against Nuclear Weapons, 1977.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 4
Vietnam Forest.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 4
Tiger cage actions.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 4
Pacifist yellow pages.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 4
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 4
Narayan (JP) actions.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 4
European Anti-Militarism Congress, 18 to 20 October 1974.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 4
MIL DIS Coalition, Fall 1974 to Winter 1975.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 4
Sit-in clippings.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 4
Strategy Local groups.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 4
White House Lawn Eleven duplicate press materials.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 4
White House Lawn Eleven press clippings.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 4
Miscellaneous press clippings Moscow/D.C.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 4
Training Program, 1974.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 5
Training Program, 1976.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 5
Training Program Menus, 1976.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 5
Training Program, 1977.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 5
Training Program, 1978.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 5
Training Program, 1979.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 5
Training Program, 11 to 24 August 1979.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 5
Training Program, 1980.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 5
Training Program misc., 1981-1985.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 5
Training Program, 1981.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 5
Training Program organizers, 1982.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 5
Training Program, 1983.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 5
Training Program, 1984.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 5
Training Program, 1985.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 5
Applications evaluations, 1986.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 5
Local organizing.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 5
National Conference Chattanooga, TN, 1979.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 5
National Conference promotion, 1987.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 5
National Conference planning, 1987.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 5
Nconf in computer, 1987.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 5
Resource people nconf, 1987.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 5
Registrants national conference, 1987.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 5
National conference travel.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 5
Nconf late registrations.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 5
National Conference ideas, 1987.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 5
Other movement training programs.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 5
Prison training.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 5
Women's articles.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 5
Feminism in the nonviolent movement.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 5
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 5
Women conferences.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 6
Women, 1984.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 6
Peace camps.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 6
Feminism and militarism evaluations.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 6
Feminism and militarism conference.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 6
Women's Pentagon Action.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 6
Women resources.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 6
Women's publications.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 6
Leo Craig.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 6
Calendar events, 1984.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 6
Anti-war coalition.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 6
Special deployment project.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 6
Cal. Promo, 1981.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 6
War Resisters League news ideas for articles.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 6
War Resisters League Executive committee minutes.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 6
Current literature, 1980.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 6
Pro-lifers for survival.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 7
Calendar promo, 1982.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 7
Women's Pentagon Action.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 7
Feminism and nonviolence.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 7
Women and militarism.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-039: 7
Middle East notes.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-054: 1
Middle East.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-054: 1
Middle East news articles.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-054: 1
Middle East.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-054: 1
"interChange" (from BREIRA).
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-054: 1
NAJDA - Women Concerned About the Middle East.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-054: 1
Middle East.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-054: 1
BREIRA ( Middle East).
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-054: 1
Swasia / IPA / Israel and Palestine.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-054: 1
Palestinian publications.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-054: 1
CONAME (also see Middle East).
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-054: 1
Middle East / miscellaneous.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-054: 1
Jewish publications.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-054: 1
Middle East peace literature.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-054: 1
Men and Militarism.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-054: 1
June seventh LEGAL.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-054: 1
Susan Pines, WRL National, 339 Lafayette St, New York , NY 10012.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-054: 1
Middle East Organizer.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-054: 1
Yugoslavia (former).
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-054: 1
War Resisters League locals.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-054: 1
Socialist Party.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-054: 1
United Nations.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-054: 1
United States officials.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-054: 1
National groups.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-054: 1
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-054: 1
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-054: 1
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-054: 1
Minutes / Reports.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-054: 1
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-054: 1
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-054: 1
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-054: 1
Campaign Nineteen-Ninety five.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-054: 1
Central America.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-054: 1
Fundraising - office - War Resisters League: mailing lists, agendas.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 96A-054: 1
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 97A-037: 1
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 97A-037: 1
Scope and Contents

Japan and Russia in Separate Folders

International: Japan.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 97A-037: 1
McReynolds, David: Personals.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 97A-037: 1
Middle East.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 97A-037: 1
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 97A-037: 1
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 97A-037: 1
A.J. Muste Memorial Institute.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 97A-037: 2
National Peace Groups.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 97A-037: 2
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 97A-037: 2
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 97A-037: 2
Scope and Contents

See also, "END" Convent

Socialist Party.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 97A-037: 2
United Nations.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 97A-037: 2
U.S. Officials.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 97A-037: 2
Miscellaneous WRL Records, 1943-1945.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 97A-037: 2
United Nations.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 97A-037: 3
U.S. Officials.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 97A-037: 3
WRL: International.
Box DG 040: SERIES Later Accessions: Subseries 97A-037: 3