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American Civil Liberties Union: National Committee on Conscientious Objectors Records


Held at: Swarthmore College Peace Collection [Contact Us]500 College Avenue, Swarthmore 19081-1399

This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the Swarthmore College Peace Collection. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.

Overview and metadata sections

The story of the National Committee on Conscientious Objectors (1940-1946) involves many groups and individuals interested in CO problems and begins really with experiences of similar organizations in World War I.

During the first World War, the American Union Against Militarism, a highly efficient group organized to combat military training in schools and colleges, set up the Civil Liberties Bureau to defend war objectors and other pacifists whose constitutional rights were being ignored as war hysteria mounted. Soon this program had grown to such an extent and attracted so much attention that a friendly division was accomplished and the bureau became the National Civil Liberties Bureau, completely independent of the AUAM. As the war ended and objectors were released from prison, more and more of the NCLB's attention went to cases involving other than war resisters. In 1920 the Bureau was reorganized and became the American Civil Liberties Bureau. To this day the ACLU is the largest, most prominent, and most inclusive agency working to uphold civil liberties in the United States and U.S. possessions. While Congress was shaping conscription legislation in preparation for United States participation in World War II, representatives of the ACLU appeared at committee hearings and proposed provisions for conscientious objectors which would parallel those of England, with complete exemption for sincere "absolutist" objectors and equal recognition of political and religious objection to war. These provisions were not incorporated in the conscription law as enacted. Shortly after conscription began, the ACLU organized a special division, the National Committee on Conscientious Objectors, to concentrate on the problems of this particular class of draftees. Non-pacifists, as well as pacifists were included in its membership. Ernest Angell, a New York attorney and a member of the American Legion, was named chairman and continued in that office throughout the existence of the committee. From its inception, there has been much misunderstanding of the role the NCCO chose to play. The committee deliberately chose to restrict its assistance to those objectors discriminated against in ways clearly unconstitutional. For instance, the NCCO advised objectors to register as prescribed by law, and it did not handle the cases of men who had refused to register. Pacifists generally, whatever their views on the constitutionality of conscription, were willing to support non-registrants out of sympathy with the motivation of the latter. The NCCO, however, was not a defender of pacifism as such and was concerned only when civil liberties clearly were violated. Meanwhile the National Service Board for Religious Objectors (NSBRO) had been set up in Washington with the three largest historic peace churches -- Mennonites, Brethren, Quakers -- taking the lead to administer Civilian Public Service, the "work of national importance, under civilian direction" which conscription laws prescribed for conscientious objectors. Because of its quasi-governmental aspect and the tolerance with which it was viewed in official Washington, NSBRO came to play the dominant role in the relations of war objectors with government. Its sponsorship was almost entirely religious and before long NSBRO was regarded by some objectors, particularly those of philosophical or political motivation, as an improper agent to represent them. this was one evidence of cleavage among pacifists that is obvious in most anti-war activities and groups and that sometimes is described as "left wing vs. right wing," sometimes as "religious vs. political," sometimes "fundamentalist vs. radical." None of these labels is exact. Two members of the NSBRO staff, R. Boland Brooks and George Reeves, resigned in November 1942, each remarking in the process of resigning upon the need for an agency not connect with the government to handle the legal difficulties of the objectors who did not feel themselves to be well represented by NSBRO. At the time of resignation, Brooks was head of the NSBRO Appeals Section and Reeves was head of the Placement Division. Brooks had gone to NSBRO under the sponsorship of the Temporary Committee for Legal Aid to Conscientious Objectors, formed in 1940 to provide bail and defray legal expenses in certain test cases involving objectors. The latter committee, alarmed at the failure of the presidential appeal system to function in the cases of many wrongly classified objectors, sent Brooks to Washington as a volunteer with NSBRO, to expedite appeals and try to prod officials into a more efficient operation of the appeal system. After some months, Brooks became a regular staff member of NSBRO. This relationship of Brooks and the Legal Aid Committee was re-established after the resignations from NSBRO. Reorganizing as Legal Service to Conscientious Objectors, the Committee agreed to sponsor a Washington service bureau, with Brooks as director and Reeves as assistant director. An office was opened at 1734 F Street NW, Washington (DC) in the building occupied by the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom. The address of the sponsoring committee was that of its chairman, A.J. Muste, 2920 Broadway, New York City (NY). Other committee members were Evan W. Thomas, Treasurer; Abraham Kaufman, Secretary; Roger N. Baldwin, Charles F. Boss Jr., Allen Knight Chalmers, Harrison DeSilver, Richard B. Gregg, Georgia Harkness, John Haynes Holmes, Frank Olmsted, John Nevin Sayre, Arthur Sheehan and Norman Thomas. In their preliminary announcement, Legal Service to Conscientious Objectors proposed to concentrate on obtaining paroles for and improving prison conditions of objector prisoners, and on providing bail, counsel and legal [aid] in matters concerning selective service, appeal boards and courts. This prospectus differed from that of the ACLU's NCCO in that it did not propose to limit assistance to those being deprived of constitutional liberties, but would aid also "those who have refused to conform with existing laws and regulations." During this period of the organization of the Legal Aid to Conscientious Objectors, the NCCO also was arranging for a Washington service. At its meeting of December 21, 1942, it was decided to appoint an expediter and lobbyist to work toward removal of certain discriminatory restricts of COs. Dorothy Detzer was selected. At the next meeting of Legal Service, January 11, 1943, the prospective overlap of the Brooks-Reeves and Detzer programs was considered and it was decided to ask the NCCO to take over the whole job in Washington. This proposal the NCCO promptly accepted at its next meeting, January 15th, and in February the changeover was accomplished. While the Washington office was open only three years, from December 1942 through January 1946, they were critical years in the affairs of war objectors, as of the rest of the world. In this group of records will be found material on the numerous celebrated cases of COs that nearly every week during the war were handled sensationally by the newspapers. The times produced many organizational crises for the Washington office, for the directorship of the program was a way-point no the way to prison or Civilian Public Service (CPS). Directors during the three years were Brooks, Reeves, Frank Olmsted, Lewis Hill, Randolph Phillips, Arthur Billings and Joseph Summers. During the crises produced by the sudden departure of directors, the program was administered by whomever happened to be working in the Washington office. Three of these office workers made particularly significant contributions to the service: Agnes Young (who resigned to marry an imprisoned objector, Charles Butcher); Marjorie Kendrick (who resigned to marry an imprisoned objector, Robert Swann); and Vivien Roodenko (the sister of Igal Roodenko, who was one of the absolutist objectors in Sandstone prison). They, like other NCCO employees, were working out of concern for the men involved, rather than for the salary, and their devotion and ability to equal theirs is not often found among office workers. Most objectors opposed war and/or conscription with a conviction that did not take into account the penalties that might be exacted upon the individuals; therefore, fewer calls for NCCO service came from COs themselves than from their relatives and friends. The most frequent requests were for: (1) information as to how to deal with draft boards which ignored the legal provisions for conscientious objectors; (2) information as to the rights of men who had ceased cooperating with conscription; and (3) assistance in arranging paroles and jobs for imprisoned objectors. However, those these were the most frequent patterns, the NCCO records are rich with out-of-the-ordinary cases that explored new areas. (Here are a few random samples: A school board requests the resignation of a CO teacher; a man who has ceased to be a conscientious objector is rejected when he attempts to join the army and is confined in a CPS camp; a civilian CO arrested for a traffic violation is removed from a city jail to an army prison and declared to be inducted.) In answer to these requests the Washington office was able to offer advice as to legal rights, to provide bail where needed, to make job arrangements for parolees, and showed a willingness to take the problems of objectors before all government officials who would give them a hearing. When a CO was discriminated against in a way which by previous court decisions clearly was illegal, the request for help was likely passed on to the ACLU and the New York NCCO office. The people of the Washington office, however, were inclined to agree (tacitly, at least) with the proposition that the entire CPS arrangement was illegal. Therefore, out of their pacifist convictions, the Washington office accepted and handled cases which did not come within the scope of the ACLU. Judges, like administrative officials, are human and influenced by the temper of their times. While American courts have gone far to uphold the rights of individual conscience, such decisions generally have come after the damage to the individual was done, after the war was over. The NCCO functioned in wartime and has not a record of brilliant success in the application of its legal services. From the standpoint of the CO its value lay rather in its day-to-day service of advice and assistance; and to absolutist objectors, especially in the feeling of relative security in knowing that they had an agency working in Washington on their behalf. Many of these men did not want to be represented by NSBRO, a religious group, nor by any agency which maintained any official relationship with the government, nor any group that showed itself to be disapproving of an absolutist position. The War Resisters League (WRL) met the requirements of most such men, but the WRL was a New York agency. It did much, however, in sending Frieda Lazarus frequently to Washington on behalf of absolutist objectors. One natural result of the frequency of personnel turnover in the NCCO office, and the lack of employment overlap, is an inconsistency at record filing techniques. Whether to file case file fashion or correspondent fashion , whether to file under name of individual correspondent, or under name of agency , whether to emphasize subject files or correspondence files -- there were different answers at different times.

This collection includes meeting minutes, financial records, general correspondence arranged by personal name or group name (often these were people who or groups which cooperated with the NCCO on various projects), correspondence by or about individual COs, and reference material. It has material generated by the New York office of the NCCO, as well as its Washington Office. The bulk of the material comes from the latter Office. At the time of the closing of the NCCO's Washington program, Vivien Roodenko became caretaker of its records. Early in 1946 she sent them to the ACLU office in New York City, which sent them to the SCPC in October-November 1946. In September 1949, 1.5 feet of records from the New York office (of the NCCO?) was sent to the SCPC by the ACLU (Acc. 49-205), and more arrived in September 1951.

In the 2001 survey of this collection, it was noted that there were many discrepancies in the way material had been filed, and thus the checklist for it was confusing. These discrepancies were likely a result of the frequent staff turn-over, as noted in the history. For instance, some files were called "COs in Prison" and were together in a box, but this did not by any means include all the files of men who were in prison during the same time period. Another confusion came from the fact that the NCCO's Washington Office evolved from several other committees, but the Washington Office files had mixed in it material from these predecessor groups. Also, material received after the December 1946 processing of the collection had never been sorted through, so there was much duplication. Because of these issues, the NCCO collection was completely reorganized into four series: 1) Series A: New York Office; 2) Series B: Washington Office (and Its Predecessors); 3) Series C: Files re: Individual CO's from Washington and New York Offices; 4) Series D: Reference / Reading Material from Washington Office. Series C includes files from both the Washington Office and the New York Office. These were put together so that the researcher can easily see how both offices worked for the rights of COs, sometimes even the same CO. The correspondence etc. in the files came from family and friends who were concerned about the COs they knew, or from the COs themselves -- men in the military wanting to be transferred to CPS; men in CPS who were on strike or planning to walk out (or had done so already); men wanting farm furloughs; men wanting parole; men denied civil or legal rights; reports on conditions at CPS camps; or, expressions of desire for a CPS camp run by the government. In WWII, there were already approximately 4,000-5,000 COs in prison; Jehovah's Witnesses made up half or more of this total. The NCCO was very interested in working for the rights of Jehovah's Witnesses; because of this, the archival processor tried to note when a file related to a JW, but there may be others as well that did not get noted in the checklist. Some of the files in Series C had records of court hearings for individual COs; the reference files also had many of the same records. Some of these were local draft board hearings; some cases had gone clear to the Supreme Court. For the most part, hearing records have now been placed in Series D. Researchers should look in both series for information about the COs in whom they are interested. See the SCPC office files for the 1946 version of the checklist.

The Swarthmore College Peace Collection is the official repository for these records.

Gift of Roger Baldwin and Vivien Roodenko of the ACLU, 1946-1951

Processed by SCPC staff; re-processed and checklist revised by Anne Yoder, May 2001; this version of finding aid created by Wendy Chmielewski, June 2009.

Swarthmore College Peace Collection
Access Restrictions
Copyright is retained by the authors of items in these papers, or their descendents, as stipulated by United States copyright law.

All or part of this collection is stored off-site. Contact Swarthmore College Peace Collection staff at at least two weeks in advance of visit to request boxes.

Use Restrictions


Collection Inventory

Meeting minutes, 1941-1945.
Box DG 022: Series A: 1 [off-site box SCPC-5626]
Legal Committee: meeting minutes, May 25 and August 4, 1943.
Box DG 022: Series A: 1 [off-site box SCPC-5626]
Relationship with NSBRO.
Box DG 022: Series A: 1 [off-site box SCPC-5626]
Form letters, 1940-1945.
Box DG 022: Series A: 1 [off-site box SCPC-5626]
Memos/Letters to President Roosevelt.
Box DG 022: Series A: 1 [off-site box SCPC-5626]
Letters to/from General Hershey, 1941-1943.
Box DG 022: Series A: 1 [off-site box SCPC-5626]
Meeting with General Hershey, 15805.
Box DG 022: Series A: 1 [off-site box SCPC-5626]
Meeting with Paul McNutt, Manpower Commission, 15750.
Box DG 022: Series A: 1 [off-site box SCPC-5626]
Chicago Conference on Social Action, April 12-18, 1943.
Box DG 022: Series A: 1 [off-site box SCPC-5626]
Statements / position papers / etc.
Box DG 022: Series A: 1 [off-site box SCPC-5626]
Memorandum for Lawyers, #6-8, December 11, 1944 - November 1, 1945.
Box DG 022: Series A: 1 [off-site box SCPC-5626]
General correspondence re: conscientious objection / objectors.
Box DG 022: Series A: 1 [off-site box SCPC-5626]
Correspondence with/about conscientious objectors: A-Z [collective file].
Box DG 022: Series A: 1 [off-site box SCPC-5626]
Case of Reverend Andrew McAllister.
Box DG 022: Series A: 1 [off-site box SCPC-5626]
Case of Winfred Lynn re: racial discrimination in U.S. army selection.
Box DG 022: Series A: 1 [off-site box SCPC-5626]
Deferment of CO George Reeves.
Box DG 022: Series A: 1 [off-site box SCPC-5626]
American Legion.
Box DG 022: Series A: 1 [off-site box SCPC-5626]
California probation cases.
Box DG 022: Series A: 2 [off-site box SCPC-5627]
CO problems [includes taking of oaths; religious training and belief; 2nd prosecutions].
Box DG 022: Series A: 2 [off-site box SCPC-5627]
CO strike at Danbury Prison.
Box DG 022: Series A: 2 [off-site box SCPC-5627]
CO strike at Lewisburg Prison.
Box DG 022: Series A: 2 [off-site box SCPC-5627]
Hunger strike by Stanley Murphy and Louis Taylor.
Box DG 022: Series A: 2 [off-site box SCPC-5627]
Continuation of CPS.
Box DG 022: Series A: 2 [off-site box SCPC-5627]
COs in the army.
Box DG 022: Series A: 2 [off-site box SCPC-5627]
Detached service for COs.
Box DG 022: Series A: 2 [off-site box SCPC-5627]
Farm labor for COs.
Box DG 022: Series A: 2 [off-site box SCPC-5627]
Statements re: employment of COs in public service.
Box DG 022: Series A: 2 [off-site box SCPC-5627]
Denial of employment to COs by Kentucky public schools.
Box DG 022: Series A: 2 [off-site box SCPC-5627]
Jehovah's Witness COs.
Box DG 022: Series A: 2 [off-site box SCPC-5627]
Work re: legislation on COs, etc.
Box DG 022: Series A: 2 [off-site box SCPC-5627]
Work re: court cases of COs assisted by NCCO; legal briefs.
Box DG 022: Series A: 2 [off-site box SCPC-5627]
Parole for COs.
Box DG 022: Series A: 2 [off-site box SCPC-5627]
Pay for COs.
Box DG 022: Series A: 2 [off-site box SCPC-5627]
Prison conditions; COs in prison (statistics).
Box DG 022: Series A: 2 [off-site box SCPC-5627]
Puerto Rican Nationalists imprisoned.
Box DG 022: Series A: 2 [off-site box SCPC-5627]

Box DG 022: Series B: 3 [off-site box SCPC-5628]
Meeting minutes, 1942 (December) - January 20, 1943.
Box DG 022: Series B: 3 [off-site box SCPC-5628]
Finances, 1941-1943.
Box DG 022: Series B: 3 [off-site box SCPC-5628]
General, 1941-1943.
Box DG 022: Series B: 3 [off-site box SCPC-5628]
Work of Dorothy Detzer as lobbyist, 1943.
Box DG 022: Series B: 3 [off-site box SCPC-5628]
Bail fund applications, 1942 (September) - 1943 (January).
Box DG 022: Series B: 3 [off-site box SCPC-5628]
Attorney fees of Julian Cornell [includes fees for Julius Eichel case], 1941-1942.
Box DG 022: Series B: 3 [off-site box SCPC-5628]
Counselors for COs.
Box DG 022: Series B: 3 [off-site box SCPC-5628]
Joint meeting of NCCO and NSBRO, 15824.
Box DG 022: Series B: 3 [off-site box SCPC-5628]
Discussions re: purpose and direction of NCCO / merging with Legal Service for Conscientious Objectors, 1943.
Box DG 022: Series B: 3 [off-site box SCPC-5628]
Washington Committee: members.
Box DG 022: Series B: 3 [off-site box SCPC-5628]
Washington Committee: meeting minutes, January 25, 1943 - 1944 (September).
Box DG 022: Series B: 3 [off-site box SCPC-5628]
Correspondence re: purpose / direction of NCCO [may be more in other correspondence files], 1943-1944.
Box DG 022: Series B: 3 [off-site box SCPC-5628]
Resignation of the Washington NCCO Committee from the National Committee on Conscientious Objectors of the ACLU, 16385.
Box DG 022: Series B: 3 [off-site box SCPC-5628]
Administrative material: misc.
Box DG 022: Series B: 3 [off-site box SCPC-5628]
Financial Committee.
Box DG 022: Series B: 3 [off-site box SCPC-5628]
Financial records, 1943-1944.
Box DG 022: Series B: 3 [off-site box SCPC-5628]
Financial records: correspondence re: finances, 1943-1946.
Box DG 022: Series B: 3 [off-site box SCPC-5628]
Financial records: bank books; bank statements, 1942-1946; 1942 (December) - 1945 (March).
Box DG 022: Series B: 3 [off-site box SCPC-5628]
Financial records: cancelled checks, 1942-1943.
Box DG 022: Series B: 3 [off-site box SCPC-5628]
Financial records: check stubs, 1943-1945.
Box DG 022: Series B: 4 [off-site box SCPC-5629]
Financial records: cancelled checks and check stubs, 1944-1946.
Box DG 022: Series B: 4 [off-site box SCPC-5629]
Financial records: contributors.
Box DG 022: Series B: 4 [off-site box SCPC-5629]
National Committee: members.
Box DG 022: Series B: 4 [off-site box SCPC-5629]
Public Relations Section.
Box DG 022: Series B: 4 [off-site box SCPC-5629]
Correspondence re: possible Interagency Council.
Box DG 022: Series B: 4 [off-site box SCPC-5629]
Misc. reports and statements, etc. [includes DeVault case].
Box DG 022: Series B: 4 [off-site box SCPC-5629]
Form letters.
Box DG 022: Series B: 4 [off-site box SCPC-5629]
Correspondence with government officials.
Box DG 022: Series B: 4 [off-site box SCPC-5629]
Correspondence with government officials: James V. Bennett (Bureau of Prisons).
Box DG 022: Series B: 4 [off-site box SCPC-5629]
Correspondence with government officials: Linton M. Collins (Dept. of Justice).
Box DG 022: Series B: 4 [off-site box SCPC-5629]
Correspondence with government officials: Major General Lewis B. Hershey (Selective Service System).
Box DG 022: Series B: 4 [off-site box SCPC-5629]
Correspondence with government officials: Col. Lewis Kosch (Selective Service System).
Box DG 022: Series B: 4 [off-site box SCPC-5629]
Correspondence with government officials: Paul V. McNutt (War Manpower Commission).
Box DG 022: Series B: 4 [off-site box SCPC-5629]
Nominations for delegation to the President / petition to the President, 1945.
Box DG 022: Series B: 4 [off-site box SCPC-5629]
Memorandums [i.e. rebuttals / writings about] to the Selective Service System.
Box DG 022: Series B: 4 [off-site box SCPC-5629]
Correspondence etc. re: NCCO newsletter.
Box DG 022: Series B: 4 [off-site box SCPC-5629]
Correspondence re: pamphlet on prison routine.
Box DG 022: Series B: 4 [off-site box SCPC-5629]
Publicity [includes press releases].
Box DG 022: Series B: 4 [off-site box SCPC-5629]
Appeal cases.
Box DG 022: Series B: 5 [off-site box SCPC-5630]
Correspondence etc. re: Stanley Murphy and Louis [Krawczyk-] Taylor.
Box DG 022: Series B: 5 [off-site box SCPC-5630]
Correspondence etc. re: Stanley Murphy and Louis [Krawczyk-] Taylor (cont.) and re: George Kingsley.
Box DG 022: Series B: 5 [off-site box SCPC-5630]
CPS problems: Germfask CPS camp (#135): court cases.
Box DG 022: Series B: 5 [off-site box SCPC-5630]
CPS problems: Mancos CPS camp (#111).
Box DG 022: Series B: 5 [off-site box SCPC-5630]
CPS problems: Middletown CPS camp (#81): shut-down.
Box DG 022: Series B: 5 [off-site box SCPC-5630]
CPS problems: Welleston CPS camp (#42): 6 COs arrested for attending church convention, 1945.
Box DG 022: Series B: 5 [off-site box SCPC-5630]
CPS problems: Williamsburg CPS unit.
Box DG 022: Series B: 5 [off-site box SCPC-5630]
CPS problems: correspondence / statement from COs dissatisfied with CPS [at camp #52, Powellsville, Maryland].
Box DG 022: Series B: 5 [off-site box SCPC-5630]
CPS problems: correspondence and statements from COs dissatisfied with CPS, 1942 (December) - 1943 (February).
Box DG 022: Series B: 5 [off-site box SCPC-5630]
CPS problems: diary farms.
Box DG 022: Series B: 5 [off-site box SCPC-5630]
CPS problems: income taxes for COs.
Box DG 022: Series B: 5 [off-site box SCPC-5630]
CPS problems: pay for COs.
Box DG 022: Series B: 5 [off-site box SCPC-5630]
CPS problems: pay and farm service for COs.
Box DG 022: Series B: 5 [off-site box SCPC-5630]
CPS problems: re-employement of COs (?).
Box DG 022: Series B: 5 [off-site box SCPC-5630]
COs in the army.
Box DG 022: Series B: 5 [off-site box SCPC-5630]
COs in the navy.
Box DG 022: Series B: 5 [off-site box SCPC-5630]
COs in prison.
Box DG 022: Series B: 5 [off-site box SCPC-5630]
COs in prison at Ft. Leavenworth [includes notes of interviews with Jehovah's Witness COs by Frank Olmstead].
Box DG 022: Series B: 5 [off-site box SCPC-5630]
COs in prison: compulsory inoculation.
Box DG 022: Series B: 5 [off-site box SCPC-5630]
COs in prison: treatment of and/or parole of [see also COs in prison at Ft. Leavenworth].
Box DG 022: Series B: 5 [off-site box SCPC-5630]
Hopi Indian COs.
Box DG 022: Series B: 6 [off-site box SCPC-5631]
Bail for COs.
Box DG 022: Series B: 6 [off-site box SCPC-5631]
Parole for COs: general.
Box DG 022: Series B: 6 [off-site box SCPC-5631]
Parole for COs: lists created of COs eligible for parole or those already paroled.
Box DG 022: Series B: 6 [off-site box SCPC-5631]
Parole for COs: statistics created.
Box DG 022: Series B: 6 [off-site box SCPC-5631]
Parole for COs: list of probation cases.
Box DG 022: Series B: 6 [off-site box SCPC-5631]
Parole for COs: parole projects (A-C).
Box DG 022: Series B: 6 [off-site box SCPC-5631]
Parole for COs: parole projects (D-K).
Box DG 022: Series B: 6 [off-site box SCPC-5631]
Parole for COs: parole projects (L-O).
Box DG 022: Series B: 6 [off-site box SCPC-5631]
Parole for COs: parole projects (P-Y).
Box DG 022: Series B: 6 [off-site box SCPC-5631]
Parole for COs: parole projects (misc.).
Box DG 022: Series B: 6 [off-site box SCPC-5631]
Conference on Conscientious Objectors, New York (NY), 14880.
Box DG 022: Series B: 6 [off-site box SCPC-5631]
Chicago Conference on Social Action for Men in Civilian Public Service . . ., Chicago (IL); and follow-up [38 COs who attended conf. were considered AWOL by govt. since all leaves had, April 12-18, 1943.
Box DG 022: Series B: 6 [off-site box SCPC-5631]
General Correspondence: A [collective file].
Box DG 022: Series B: 7 [off-site box SCPC-5632]
General Correspondence: Winslow Ames.
Box DG 022: Series B: 7 [off-site box SCPC-5632]
General Correspondence: Ernest Angell [Chair, NCCO].
Box DG 022: Series B: 7 [off-site box SCPC-5632]
General Correspondence: Sally Avitabile (ACLU).
Box DG 022: Series B: 7 [off-site box SCPC-5632]
General Correspondence: Ba-Bl [collective file].
Box DG 022: Series B: 7 [off-site box SCPC-5632]
General Correspondence: Roger Baldwin (ACLU), 1942 (December) - 1943 (April).
Box DG 022: Series B: 7 [off-site box SCPC-5632]
General Correspondence: Roger Baldwin (ACLU), 1943 (May-December).
Box DG 022: Series B: 7 [off-site box SCPC-5632]
General Correspondence: Roger Baldwin (ACLU), 1944.
Box DG 022: Series B: 7 [off-site box SCPC-5632]
General Correspondence: Roger Baldwin (ACLU), 1945.
Box DG 022: Series B: 7 [off-site box SCPC-5632]
General Correspondence: Allen Barr (Northern California Service Board for Conscientious Objectors), 1943 (July) - 1944 (January).
Box DG 022: Series B: 7 [off-site box SCPC-5632]
General Correspondence: Allen Barr (Northern California Service Board for Conscientious Objectors), 1943 (January-June).
Box DG 022: Series B: 7 [off-site box SCPC-5632]
General Correspondence: Allen Barth (Washington Post).
Box DG 022: Series B: 7 [off-site box SCPC-5632]
General Correspondence: Wilson Hopkins Bent [staff].
Box DG 022: Series B: 8 [off-site box SCPC-5633]
General Correspondence: Bo-By [collective file].
Box DG 022: Series B: 8 [off-site box SCPC-5633]
General Correspondence: Albert Bofman.
Box DG 022: Series B: 8 [off-site box SCPC-5633]
General Correspondence: Charles F. Boss Jr. (Commission on World Peace of the United Methodist Church).
Box DG 022: Series B: 8 [off-site box SCPC-5633]
General Correspondence: James Bristah [walked out of CPS 07/1943].
Box DG 022: Series B: 8 [off-site box SCPC-5633]
General Correspondence: James E. Bristol (Philadelphia Council for Conscientious Objectors).
Box DG 022: Series B: 8 [off-site box SCPC-5633]
General Correspondence: Mary D. Brite.
Box DG 022: Series B: 8 [off-site box SCPC-5633]
General Correspondence: Ernest R. Bromley.
Box DG 022: Series B: 8 [off-site box SCPC-5633]
General Correspondence: R. Boland Brooks [staff].
Box DG 022: Series B: 8 [off-site box SCPC-5633]
General Correspondence: Walter Bullen.
Box DG 022: Series B: 8 [off-site box SCPC-5633]
General Correspondence: Thelma Burdg.
Box DG 022: Series B: 8 [off-site box SCPC-5633]
General Correspondence: Ca [collective file].
Box DG 022: Series B: 8 [off-site box SCPC-5633]
General Correspondence: Don Calhoun (AFSC, Seattle Office).
Box DG 022: Series B: 8 [off-site box SCPC-5633]
General Correspondence: Lucy P. Carner.
Box DG 022: Series B: 8 [off-site box SCPC-5633]
General Correspondence: Ch-Cz [collective file].
Box DG 022: Series B: 8 [off-site box SCPC-5633]
General Correspondence: Robert Chase.
Box DG 022: Series B: 8 [off-site box SCPC-5633]
General Correspondence: Civilian Public Service Union.
Box DG 022: Series B: 8 [off-site box SCPC-5633]
General Correspondence: Donald Clemmer (Bureau of Prisons).
Box DG 022: Series B: 8 [off-site box SCPC-5633]
General Correspondence: Marion Code.
Box DG 022: Series B: 8 [off-site box SCPC-5633]
General Correspondence: Oliver B. Collier (World Fellowship Inc.).
Box DG 022: Series B: 8 [off-site box SCPC-5633]
General Correspondence: Joseph Conrad (AFSC, Northern Calif. Branch).
Box DG 022: Series B: 8 [off-site box SCPC-5633]
General Correspondence: Julien Cornell [attorney].
Box DG 022: Series B: 8 [off-site box SCPC-5633]
General Correspondence: Hayden Covington [attorney].
Box DG 022: Series B: 8 [off-site box SCPC-5633]
General Correspondence: D [collective file].
Box DG 022: Series B: 9 [off-site box SCPC-5634]
General Correspondence: Natalie Davies.
Box DG 022: Series B: 9 [off-site box SCPC-5634]
General Correspondence: Anna M. Davis.
Box DG 022: Series B: 9 [off-site box SCPC-5634]
General Correspondence: Harrison DeSilver [NY staff].
Box DG 022: Series B: 9 [off-site box SCPC-5634]
General Correspondence: Dorothy Detzer [includes letters from Roger Baldwin, Evan Thomas, Norman Thomas, A.J. Muste, Douglas Steere], 1942 (November) - 1943 (March).
Box DG 022: Series B: 9 [off-site box SCPC-5634]
General Correspondence: Dorothy Detzer, 1943 (April-December).
Box DG 022: Series B: 9 [off-site box SCPC-5634]
General Correspondence: Arthur Dole (AFSC).
Box DG 022: Series B: 9 [off-site box SCPC-5634]
General Correspondence: Walter Domrese (parole officer, Sandstone Prison).
Box DG 022: Series B: 9 [off-site box SCPC-5634]
General Correspondence: E [collective file].
Box DG 022: Series B: 9 [off-site box SCPC-5634]
General Correspondence: Julius Eichel [includes letters; statements re: his 1942 arrest; CO matters; his brother Albert, a CO in prison; see also DG 131: Eichel Family Collection].
Box DG 022: Series B: 9 [off-site box SCPC-5634]
General Correspondence: Nathan Elliff [re: excessive bail for Jehovah's Witness COs].
Box DG 022: Series B: 9 [off-site box SCPC-5634]
General Correspondence: Ida Epstein (ACLU).
Box DG 022: Series B: 9 [off-site box SCPC-5634]
General Correspondence: F [collective file].
Box DG 022: Series B: 9 [off-site box SCPC-5634]
General Correspondence: Clifford Forster (ACLU Staff Council).
Box DG 022: Series B: 9 [off-site box SCPC-5634]
General Correspondence: Harrop Freeman [attorney].
Box DG 022: Series B: 9 [off-site box SCPC-5634]
General Correspondence: Paul Comley French (NSBRO).
Box DG 022: Series B: 9 [off-site box SCPC-5634]
General Correspondence: G [collective file].
Box DG 022: Series B: 9 [off-site box SCPC-5634]
General Correspondence: Howard B. Gill (Bureau of Prisons).
Box DG 022: Series B: 9 [off-site box SCPC-5634]
General Correspondence: Robert C. Grady.
Box DG 022: Series B: 9 [off-site box SCPC-5634]
General Correspondence: Anna Melissa Graves.
Box DG 022: Series B: 9 [off-site box SCPC-5634]
General Correspondence: Harold Guetzkow [CO?].
Box DG 022: Series B: 9 [off-site box SCPC-5634]
General Correspondence: H [collective file].
Box DG 022: Series B: 10 [off-site box SCPC-5635]
General Correspondence: R. Alfred Haessler (FOR).
Box DG 022: Series B: 10 [off-site box SCPC-5635]
General Correspondence: Lewis K. Hill [staff].
Box DG 022: Series B: 10 [off-site box SCPC-5635]
General Correspondence: John Haynes Holmes.
Box DG 022: Series B: 10 [off-site box SCPC-5635]
General Correspondence: Violet Hosie.
Box DG 022: Series B: 10 [off-site box SCPC-5635]
General Correspondence: Jessie Wallace Hughan.
Box DG 022: Series B: 10 [off-site box SCPC-5635]
General Correspondence: Richard C. Hunter [CO?].
Box DG 022: Series B: 10 [off-site box SCPC-5635]
General Correspondence: Roy Headley [member of Washington Committee].
Box DG 022: Series B: 10 [off-site box SCPC-5635]
General Correspondence: George Houser (FOR).
Box DG 022: Series B: 10 [off-site box SCPC-5635]
General Correspondence: I [collective file].
Box DG 022: Series B: 10 [off-site box SCPC-5635]
General Correspondence: J [collective file].
Box DG 022: Series B: 10 [off-site box SCPC-5635]
General Correspondence: Jewish Peace Fellowship.
Box DG 022: Series B: 10 [off-site box SCPC-5635]
General Correspondence: Rufus M. Jones.
Box DG 022: Series B: 10 [off-site box SCPC-5635]
General Correspondence: K [collective file].
Box DG 022: Series B: 10 [off-site box SCPC-5635]
General Correspondence: Abraham Kaufman (WRL).
Box DG 022: Series B: 10 [off-site box SCPC-5635]
General Correspondence: Marjorie Swann Kendrick.
Box DG 022: Series B: 10 [off-site box SCPC-5635]
General Correspondence: L [collective file].
Box DG 022: Series B: 10 [off-site box SCPC-5635]
General Correspondence: Frieda Lazarus (WRL).
Box DG 022: Series B: 10 [off-site box SCPC-5635]
General Correspondence: Frederick J. Libby (NCPW).
Box DG 022: Series B: 10 [off-site box SCPC-5635]
General Correspondence: Walter C. Longstreth.
Box DG 022: Series B: 10 [off-site box SCPC-5635]
General Correspondence: William Lovell.
Box DG 022: Series B: 10 [off-site box SCPC-5635]
General Correspondence: Erling H. Lunde.
Box DG 022: Series B: 10 [off-site box SCPC-5635]
General Correspondence: M [collective file].
Box DG 022: Series B: 11 [off-site box SCPC-5636]
General Correspondence: Ruth MacAdam [NY Office staff].
Box DG 022: Series B: 11 [off-site box SCPC-5636]
General Correspondence: Charles Mackintosh (Los Angeles Council Committee to COs).
Box DG 022: Series B: 11 [off-site box SCPC-5636]
General Correspondence: Josiah Marvel (Quaker Emergency Service).
Box DG 022: Series B: 11 [off-site box SCPC-5636]
General Correspondence: Alexander Meiklejohn.
Box DG 022: Series B: 11 [off-site box SCPC-5636]
General Correspondence: Orie O. Miller (MCC).
Box DG 022: Series B: 11 [off-site box SCPC-5636]
General Correspondence: Anne E. Moffett.
Box DG 022: Series B: 11 [off-site box SCPC-5636]
General Correspondence: James P. Mullin (AFSC Prison Service Committee).
Box DG 022: Series B: 11 [off-site box SCPC-5636]
General Correspondence: A.J. Muste (FOR).
Box DG 022: Series B: 11 [off-site box SCPC-5636]
General Correspondence: N [collective file].
Box DG 022: Series B: 11 [off-site box SCPC-5636]
General Correspondence: Mary Northshield [ACLU bookkeeper].
Box DG 022: Series B: 11 [off-site box SCPC-5636]
General Correspondence: NSBRO.
Box DG 022: Series B: 11 [off-site box SCPC-5636]
General Correspondence: O [collective file].
Box DG 022: Series B: 11 [off-site box SCPC-5636]
General Correspondence: Frank Olmstead.
Box DG 022: Series B: 11 [off-site box SCPC-5636]
General Correspondence: Winslow Osborne (NSBRO).
Box DG 022: Series B: 11 [off-site box SCPC-5636]
General Correspondence: P [collective file].
Box DG 022: Series B: 12 [off-site box SCPC-5637]
General Correspondence: Charles Perry (parole officer, Federal Reformatory, El Reno, Oklahoma).
Box DG 022: Series B: 12 [off-site box SCPC-5637]
General Correspondence: Katherine Pierce (Episcopal Peace Fellowship).
Box DG 022: Series B: 12 [off-site box SCPC-5637]
General Correspondence: Randolph Phillips [staff].
Box DG 022: Series B: 12 [off-site box SCPC-5637]
General Correspondence: R [collective file].
Box DG 022: Series B: 12 [off-site box SCPC-5637]
General Correspondence: Walter Rae (The Conscientious Objector).
Box DG 022: Series B: 12 [off-site box SCPC-5637]
General Correspondence: Dorothy Medders Robinson (WILPF).
Box DG 022: Series B: 12 [off-site box SCPC-5637]
General Correspondence: Anna Rockel (WILPF, Pennsylvania Branch).
Box DG 022: Series B: 12 [off-site box SCPC-5637]
General Correspondence: Vivien Roodenko.
Box DG 022: Series B: 12 [off-site box SCPC-5637]
General Correspondence: Frances Ransom (WRL).
Box DG 022: Series B: 12 [off-site box SCPC-5637]
General Correspondence: George Reeves [staff; in CPS by 1944].
Box DG 022: Series B: 12 [off-site box SCPC-5637]
General Correspondence: George Reeves: personal.
Box DG 022: Series B: 12 [off-site box SCPC-5637]
General Correspondence: Grace Rhoads (WILPF).
Box DG 022: Series B: 12 [off-site box SCPC-5637]
General Correspondence: Constance Rumbough (FOR, Southern Headquarters).
Box DG 022: Series B: 12 [off-site box SCPC-5637]
General Correspondence: S [collective file].
Box DG 022: Series B: 12 [off-site box SCPC-5637]
General Correspondence: A.E. Schwarz (warden, Federal Correctional Institution, Texarkana, Texas).
Box DG 022: Series B: 12 [off-site box SCPC-5637]
General Correspondence: Mulford Q. Sibley.
Box DG 022: Series B: 12 [off-site box SCPC-5637]
General Correspondence: William Sidis.
Box DG 022: Series B: 12 [off-site box SCPC-5637]
General Correspondence: Don Stephens.
Box DG 022: Series B: 12 [off-site box SCPC-5637]
General Correspondence: T [collective file].
Box DG 022: Series B: 13 [off-site box SCPC-5638]
General Correspondence: Eleanor Taylor.
Box DG 022: Series B: 13 [off-site box SCPC-5638]
General Correspondence: Ellen Taylor.
Box DG 022: Series B: 13 [off-site box SCPC-5638]
General Correspondence: Mary Taylor.
Box DG 022: Series B: 13 [off-site box SCPC-5638]
General Correspondence: Elizabeth Thiermann.
Box DG 022: Series B: 13 [off-site box SCPC-5638]
General Correspondence: Evan Thomas (WRL) [member of Committee].
Box DG 022: Series B: 13 [off-site box SCPC-5638]
General Correspondence: Norman Thomas [member of Committee].
Box DG 022: Series B: 13 [off-site box SCPC-5638]
General Correspondence: Jay Nelson Tuck (The Conscientious Objector).
Box DG 022: Series B: 13 [off-site box SCPC-5638]
General Correspondence: U [collective file].
Box DG 022: Series B: 13 [off-site box SCPC-5638]
General Correspondence: Carolyn Urie.
Box DG 022: Series B: 13 [off-site box SCPC-5638]
General Correspondence: V [collective file].
Box DG 022: Series B: 13 [off-site box SCPC-5638]
General Correspondence: Walter Van Kirk (FCC).
Box DG 022: Series B: 13 [off-site box SCPC-5638]
General Correspondence: Sam Verne.
Box DG 022: Series B: 13 [off-site box SCPC-5638]
General Correspondence: re: Floris de Balbian Verster.
Box DG 022: Series B: 13 [off-site box SCPC-5638]
General Correspondence: Oswald Garrison Villard.
Box DG 022: Series B: 13 [off-site box SCPC-5638]
General Correspondence: W [collective file].
Box DG 022: Series B: 13 [off-site box SCPC-5638]
General Correspondence: David C. Walden (AFSC).
Box DG 022: Series B: 13 [off-site box SCPC-5638]
General Correspondence: Ada Wardlaw (Pacifist Research Bureau).
Box DG 022: Series B: 13 [off-site box SCPC-5638]
General Correspondence: T.J.S. Waxter (Dept. of Public Works, Baltimore, Maryland).
Box DG 022: Series B: 13 [off-site box SCPC-5638]
General Correspondence: Dan West (Church of the Brethren, Board of Christian Education) [includes material re: School of Pacifist Living at CPS Camp #2, Cascade Locks, Colorado].
Box DG 022: Series B: 13 [off-site box SCPC-5638]
General Correspondence: Carle Whitehead [attorney].
Box DG 022: Series B: 13 [off-site box SCPC-5638]
General Correspondence: Bea Whitnah.
Box DG 022: Series B: 13 [off-site box SCPC-5638]
General Correspondence: Stanley H. Williamson [re: attempt to set up American Field Service].
Box DG 022: Series B: 13 [off-site box SCPC-5638]
General Correspondence: E. Raymond Wilson (WRL).
Box DG 022: Series B: 13 [off-site box SCPC-5638]
General Correspondence: Y [collective file].
Box DG 022: Series B: 13 [off-site box SCPC-5638]
General Correspondence: William Young (editor Why? A Bulletin of Free Inquiry).
Box DG 022: Series B: 13 [off-site box SCPC-5638]
General Correspondence: Agnes Young.
Box DG 022: Series B: 13 [off-site box SCPC-5638]
General Correspondence: M.R. Zigler (Brethren Service Committee).
Box DG 022: Series B: 13 [off-site box SCPC-5638]

Bernard and Hyman Abash.
Box DG 022: Series C: 14 [off-site box SCPC-5639]
John Abbott.
Box DG 022: Series C: 14 [off-site box SCPC-5639]
Rubin Abramowitz.
Box DG 022: Series C: 14 [off-site box SCPC-5639]
William Aks.
Box DG 022: Series C: 14 [off-site box SCPC-5639]
Edwin J. Akutowicz.
Box DG 022: Series C: 14 [off-site box SCPC-5639]
Irving Albrecht.
Box DG 022: Series C: 14 [off-site box SCPC-5639]
Barton Alexander.
Box DG 022: Series C: 14 [off-site box SCPC-5639]
Robert Allen.
Box DG 022: Series C: 14 [off-site box SCPC-5639]
Matthew Amberg.
Box DG 022: Series C: 14 [off-site box SCPC-5639]
Alph Anderson [from New York Office files].
Box DG 022: Series C: 14 [off-site box SCPC-5639]
Dale Anderson.
Box DG 022: Series C: 14 [off-site box SCPC-5639]
Verner Valfried Anderson.
Box DG 022: Series C: 14 [off-site box SCPC-5639]
Pelham Hartly Andrews.
Box DG 022: Series C: 14 [off-site box SCPC-5639]
James Arkin.
Box DG 022: Series C: 14 [off-site box SCPC-5639]
Stewart Armstrong.
Box DG 022: Series C: 14 [off-site box SCPC-5639]
Carl Atkins.
Box DG 022: Series C: 14 [off-site box SCPC-5639]
Nathan Auerbach.
Box DG 022: Series C: 14 [off-site box SCPC-5639]
Lewis Aumack.
Box DG 022: Series C: 14 [off-site box SCPC-5639]
Roland M. Austin.
Box DG 022: Series C: 14 [off-site box SCPC-5639]
Roger Axford.
Box DG 022: Series C: 14 [off-site box SCPC-5639]
Herbert S. Bailey [from New York Office files].
Box DG 022: Series C: 14 [off-site box SCPC-5639]
George Baird.
Box DG 022: Series C: 14 [off-site box SCPC-5639]
James Ball.
Box DG 022: Series C: 14 [off-site box SCPC-5639]
William Banning.
Box DG 022: Series C: 14 [off-site box SCPC-5639]
Nathan Noah Barad.
Box DG 022: Series C: 14 [off-site box SCPC-5639]
Robert Barker.
Box DG 022: Series C: 14 [off-site box SCPC-5639]
Don Barnett.
Box DG 022: Series C: 14 [off-site box SCPC-5639]
Zolo George Barnett.
Box DG 022: Series C: 14 [off-site box SCPC-5639]
Tom Bassett.
Box DG 022: Series C: 14 [off-site box SCPC-5639]
Morris Basuk.
Box DG 022: Series C: 14 [off-site box SCPC-5639]
Ivan W. Bean Jr.
Box DG 022: Series C: 14 [off-site box SCPC-5639]
Karl Beders.
Box DG 022: Series C: 14 [off-site box SCPC-5639]
Aaron Belansky.
Box DG 022: Series C: 14 [off-site box SCPC-5639]
Lloyd B. Belden [from New York Office files].
Box DG 022: Series C: 14 [off-site box SCPC-5639]
Guy Bell.
Box DG 022: Series C: 14 [off-site box SCPC-5639]
Guy Bell [from New York Office files].
Box DG 022: Series C: 14 [off-site box SCPC-5639]
Don Benedict.
Box DG 022: Series C: 14 [off-site box SCPC-5639]
Vincent Benfante.
Box DG 022: Series C: 14 [off-site box SCPC-5639]
Purnell Benson [at CPS Camp #111, Mancos, Colorado].
Box DG 022: Series C: 14 [off-site box SCPC-5639]
Herman Berman [Socialist].
Box DG 022: Series C: 14 [off-site box SCPC-5639]
James Leroy Bernard.
Box DG 022: Series C: 14 [off-site box SCPC-5639]
Herbert Bernstein.
Box DG 022: Series C: 14 [off-site box SCPC-5639]
Don Berry.
Box DG 022: Series C: 14 [off-site box SCPC-5639]
Arthur H. Bichy.
Box DG 022: Series C: 15 [off-site box SCPC-5640]
Walter Biczykowski.
Box DG 022: Series C: 15 [off-site box SCPC-5640]
Arthur Goodwyn Billings [Socialist].
Box DG 022: Series C: 15 [off-site box SCPC-5640]
Corbott Bishop [went on hunger strike; tube fed for 142 days].
Box DG 022: Series C: 15 [off-site box SCPC-5640]
J. Dale Blazier [from New York Office files].
Box DG 022: Series C: 15 [off-site box SCPC-5640]
]Mr.] Shirley F. Bodenstein.
Box DG 022: Series C: 15 [off-site box SCPC-5640]
[Mr.] Shirley F. Bodenstein [from New York Office files].
Box DG 022: Series C: 15 [off-site box SCPC-5640]
Merwyn M. Bonnett.
Box DG 022: Series C: 15 [off-site box SCPC-5640]
Lawrence Boren.
Box DG 022: Series C: 15 [off-site box SCPC-5640]
Robert Borglund.
Box DG 022: Series C: 15 [off-site box SCPC-5640]
Arthur Boross.
Box DG 022: Series C: 15 [off-site box SCPC-5640]
John Botti.
Box DG 022: Series C: 15 [off-site box SCPC-5640]
Francis Boudreaux.
Box DG 022: Series C: 15 [off-site box SCPC-5640]
Weller Bourke [from New York Office files].
Box DG 022: Series C: 15 [off-site box SCPC-5640]
Eugene Bower.
Box DG 022: Series C: 15 [off-site box SCPC-5640]
Whitney Bowles.
Box DG 022: Series C: 15 [off-site box SCPC-5640]
Whitney Bowles [from New York Office files].
Box DG 022: Series C: 15 [off-site box SCPC-5640]
Seymour Brander [from New York Office files].
Box DG 022: Series C: 15 [off-site box SCPC-5640]
C. Maynard Briggs.
Box DG 022: Series C: 15 [off-site box SCPC-5640]
Sylvio Broglio.
Box DG 022: Series C: 15 [off-site box SCPC-5640]
Albert, Glenn and Ray Bronemann [brothers; from New York Office files].
Box DG 022: Series C: 15 [off-site box SCPC-5640]
Arthur Brown.
Box DG 022: Series C: 15 [off-site box SCPC-5640]
Raymond L. Brown.
Box DG 022: Series C: 15 [off-site box SCPC-5640]
Richard Brown.
Box DG 022: Series C: 15 [off-site box SCPC-5640]
Grainger Browning.
Box DG 022: Series C: 15 [off-site box SCPC-5640]
Clarence Bunyan [from New York Office files].
Box DG 022: Series C: 15 [off-site box SCPC-5640]
Robert L. Burch.
Box DG 022: Series C: 15 [off-site box SCPC-5640]
Edward F. Burrows.
Box DG 022: Series C: 15 [off-site box SCPC-5640]
Donald Burton.
Box DG 022: Series C: 15 [off-site box SCPC-5640]
Wilbur Burton.
Box DG 022: Series C: 15 [off-site box SCPC-5640]
Daniel Bury.
Box DG 022: Series C: 15 [off-site box SCPC-5640]
Charles Butcher.
Box DG 022: Series C: 15 [off-site box SCPC-5640]
Charles Butcher [from New York Office files].
Box DG 022: Series C: 15 [off-site box SCPC-5640]
John W. Carr.
Box DG 022: Series C: 16 [off-site box SCPC-5641]
James Joseph Cassels [Cassells?].
Box DG 022: Series C: 16 [off-site box SCPC-5641]
Robert Cato.
Box DG 022: Series C: 16 [off-site box SCPC-5641]
Otto E. Chady.
Box DG 022: Series C: 16 [off-site box SCPC-5641]
William Charkas.
Box DG 022: Series C: 16 [off-site box SCPC-5641]
Nathaniel Chernoff.
Box DG 022: Series C: 16 [off-site box SCPC-5641]
Robert Chino.
Box DG 022: Series C: 16 [off-site box SCPC-5641]
George Chreckjian.
Box DG 022: Series C: 16 [off-site box SCPC-5641]
Arthur J. Christian.
Box DG 022: Series C: 16 [off-site box SCPC-5641]
Benjamin L. Clandee Jr.
Box DG 022: Series C: 16 [off-site box SCPC-5641]
Bronson Clark.
Box DG 022: Series C: 16 [off-site box SCPC-5641]
Gordon Clough.
Box DG 022: Series C: 16 [off-site box SCPC-5641]
Joseph Coffin.
Box DG 022: Series C: 16 [off-site box SCPC-5641]
Stuart Cole.
Box DG 022: Series C: 16 [off-site box SCPC-5641]
Mario Collaci.
Box DG 022: Series C: 16 [off-site box SCPC-5641]
Peter Conovelott [member of Russian Molakons; from New York Office files].
Box DG 022: Series C: 16 [off-site box SCPC-5641]
W. Roland Cook.
Box DG 022: Series C: 16 [off-site box SCPC-5641]
Samuel Cooper.
Box DG 022: Series C: 16 [off-site box SCPC-5641]
Harvey Corcoran [from New York Office files].
Box DG 022: Series C: 16 [off-site box SCPC-5641]
Rex Corfman.
Box DG 022: Series C: 16 [off-site box SCPC-5641]
Carl Cortez [from New York Office files].
Box DG 022: Series C: 16 [off-site box SCPC-5641]
Gordon Coté.
Box DG 022: Series C: 16 [off-site box SCPC-5641]
Marion A. Cox [from New York Office files].
Box DG 022: Series C: 16 [off-site box SCPC-5641]
Stanton C. Craigie.
Box DG 022: Series C: 16 [off-site box SCPC-5641]
Richard Crum.
Box DG 022: Series C: 16 [off-site box SCPC-5641]
Wilson R. Cunningham.
Box DG 022: Series C: 16 [off-site box SCPC-5641]
Robert Currier.
Box DG 022: Series C: 16 [off-site box SCPC-5641]
Frank M. Curtis.
Box DG 022: Series C: 16 [off-site box SCPC-5641]
Kenneth Cuthbertson.
Box DG 022: Series C: 16 [off-site box SCPC-5641]
Clarance W. Dahl.
Box DG 022: Series C: 16 [off-site box SCPC-5641]
Otto Dahlke.
Box DG 022: Series C: 16 [off-site box SCPC-5641]
Meredith Dallas.
Box DG 022: Series C: 16 [off-site box SCPC-5641]
Homer L. Daniel.
Box DG 022: Series C: 16 [off-site box SCPC-5641]
Lloyd Danser.
Box DG 022: Series C: 16 [off-site box SCPC-5641]
Gerald P. Darrow.
Box DG 022: Series C: 16 [off-site box SCPC-5641]
J. Henry Dasenbrock.
Box DG 022: Series C: 16 [off-site box SCPC-5641]
Garland Davidson.
Box DG 022: Series C: 16 [off-site box SCPC-5641]
Boyd B. Davis.
Box DG 022: Series C: 16 [off-site box SCPC-5641]
Boyd B. Davis [from New York Office files].
Box DG 022: Series C: 16 [off-site box SCPC-5641]
Morris Davis.
Box DG 022: Series C: 16 [off-site box SCPC-5641]
Allen Lape Davison.
Box DG 022: Series C: 16 [off-site box SCPC-5641]
Milton de Laittre.
Box DG 022: Series C: 16 [off-site box SCPC-5641]
Hugh S. Deale.
Box DG 022: Series C: 16 [off-site box SCPC-5641]
Michael deBeausset.
Box DG 022: Series C: 16 [off-site box SCPC-5641]
Jean DeBeltrand.
Box DG 022: Series C: 16 [off-site box SCPC-5641]
David Dellinger.
Box DG 022: Series C: 16 [off-site box SCPC-5641]
Theodore Dettweiler.
Box DG 022: Series C: 16 [off-site box SCPC-5641]
William J. Dettweiler Jr.
Box DG 022: Series C: 16 [off-site box SCPC-5641]
Don Charles DeVault.
Box DG 022: Series C: 16 [off-site box SCPC-5641]
Roy Kenneth DeVoss.
Box DG 022: Series C: 16 [off-site box SCPC-5641]
John Dickinson.
Box DG 022: Series C: 17 [off-site box SCPC-5642]
Ralph DiGia.
Box DG 022: Series C: 17 [off-site box SCPC-5642]
Marvin Van Dilla.
Box DG 022: Series C: 17 [off-site box SCPC-5642]
Cyrus and Rosham Dinshah [or Ghadiali?].
Box DG 022: Series C: 17 [off-site box SCPC-5642]
Wesley R. Doe.
Box DG 022: Series C: 17 [off-site box SCPC-5642]
Philip Curtis Dolve.
Box DG 022: Series C: 17 [off-site box SCPC-5642]
Louis Doucette.
Box DG 022: Series C: 17 [off-site box SCPC-5642]
William DeWitte Downing.
Box DG 022: Series C: 17 [off-site box SCPC-5642]
Croce Drogo.
Box DG 022: Series C: 17 [off-site box SCPC-5642]
Harry J. Duke [Jehovah's Witness].
Box DG 022: Series C: 17 [off-site box SCPC-5642]
Ralph Dunkel.
Box DG 022: Series C: 17 [off-site box SCPC-5642]
Lee Durling.
Box DG 022: Series C: 17 [off-site box SCPC-5642]
Walter D. Dyck.
Box DG 022: Series C: 17 [off-site box SCPC-5642]
Melvin Drumheller.
Box DG 022: Series C: 17 [off-site box SCPC-5642]
Benjamin Dunajski.
Box DG 022: Series C: 17 [off-site box SCPC-5642]
Gordon Dupee.
Box DG 022: Series C: 17 [off-site box SCPC-5642]
Wilmot G. Durgin.
Box DG 022: Series C: 17 [off-site box SCPC-5642]
John J. Dutko.
Box DG 022: Series C: 17 [off-site box SCPC-5642]
Henry Dyer.
Box DG 022: Series C: 17 [off-site box SCPC-5642]
Roscoe K. Earle.
Box DG 022: Series C: 17 [off-site box SCPC-5642]
Russell W. Eddy.
Box DG 022: Series C: 17 [off-site box SCPC-5642]
Bruce Edwards.
Box DG 022: Series C: 17 [off-site box SCPC-5642]
Louis Ehrman.
Box DG 022: Series C: 17 [off-site box SCPC-5642]
Albert Eichel [see also Julius Eichel].
Box DG 022: Series C: 17 [off-site box SCPC-5642]
Julius Eichel [from New York Office files].
Box DG 022: Series C: 17 [off-site box SCPC-5642]
Frank Emi [Japanese-American at Ft. Leavenworth].
Box DG 022: Series C: 17 [off-site box SCPC-5642]
William James Engelhardt.
Box DG 022: Series C: 17 [off-site box SCPC-5642]
Edwin Milton Erland II.
Box DG 022: Series C: 17 [off-site box SCPC-5642]
Lloyd Estes.
Box DG 022: Series C: 17 [off-site box SCPC-5642]
Seymour Etkin.
Box DG 022: Series C: 17 [off-site box SCPC-5642]
Benjamin Everingham.
Box DG 022: Series C: 17 [off-site box SCPC-5642]
Casimir Fabianski.
Box DG 022: Series C: 17 [off-site box SCPC-5642]
William Fairley.
Box DG 022: Series C: 17 [off-site box SCPC-5642]
Nick Falbo [Jehovah's Witness; from New York Office files].
Box DG 022: Series C: 17 [off-site box SCPC-5642]
William Farquhar.
Box DG 022: Series C: 17 [off-site box SCPC-5642]
Joe Felmet.
Box DG 022: Series C: 17 [off-site box SCPC-5642]
James Hal Fichter [from New York Office files].
Box DG 022: Series C: 17 [off-site box SCPC-5642]
Roy Finch.
Box DG 022: Series C: 17 [off-site box SCPC-5642]
Thomas Finucan.
Box DG 022: Series C: 17 [off-site box SCPC-5642]
Chester A. Fishback.
Box DG 022: Series C: 17 [off-site box SCPC-5642]
Walter Fisher.
Box DG 022: Series C: 17 [off-site box SCPC-5642]
Sidney Hugh Fitch.
Box DG 022: Series C: 17 [off-site box SCPC-5642]
Dale Leonard Fix.
Box DG 022: Series C: 17 [off-site box SCPC-5642]
Harry Fleischman.
Box DG 022: Series C: 18 [off-site box SCPC-5643]
Harold Flincker.
Box DG 022: Series C: 18 [off-site box SCPC-5643]
Herbert S. Flory.
Box DG 022: Series C: 18 [off-site box SCPC-5643]
Caleb Foote.
Box DG 022: Series C: 18 [off-site box SCPC-5643]
Leonard Foster.
Box DG 022: Series C: 18 [off-site box SCPC-5643]
Robert Fox.
Box DG 022: Series C: 18 [off-site box SCPC-5643]
Roy Franklyn.
Box DG 022: Series C: 18 [off-site box SCPC-5643]
Roy Franklyn [from New York Office files].
Box DG 022: Series C: 18 [off-site box SCPC-5643]
Russell Freeman.
Box DG 022: Series C: 18 [off-site box SCPC-5643]
Robert Thomas Frei.
Box DG 022: Series C: 18 [off-site box SCPC-5643]
Stephen E. Freschl.
Box DG 022: Series C: 18 [off-site box SCPC-5643]
Robert Friend.
Box DG 022: Series C: 18 [off-site box SCPC-5643]
Ira L. Fritz.
Box DG 022: Series C: 18 [off-site box SCPC-5643]
Sol Gadol.
Box DG 022: Series C: 18 [off-site box SCPC-5643]
Timothy Galfas [from New York Office files].
Box DG 022: Series C: 18 [off-site box SCPC-5643]
Edward Gall.
Box DG 022: Series C: 18 [off-site box SCPC-5643]
Ernest Galletta.
Box DG 022: Series C: 18 [off-site box SCPC-5643]
Ralph M. Galt.
Box DG 022: Series C: 18 [off-site box SCPC-5643]
Paul Ganz.
Box DG 022: Series C: 18 [off-site box SCPC-5643]
Larry Gara.
Box DG 022: Series C: 18 [off-site box SCPC-5643]
Merritt Eugene Garst Jr.
Box DG 022: Series C: 18 [off-site box SCPC-5643]
Robert T. Gast.
Box DG 022: Series C: 18 [off-site box SCPC-5643]
Henry Geiger.
Box DG 022: Series C: 18 [off-site box SCPC-5643]
Willis E. Geist.
Box DG 022: Series C: 18 [off-site box SCPC-5643]
John Gerlosky.
Box DG 022: Series C: 18 [off-site box SCPC-5643]
Franklin German.
Box DG 022: Series C: 18 [off-site box SCPC-5643]
John Gessel.
Box DG 022: Series C: 18 [off-site box SCPC-5643]
Straughan Lowe Gettier.
Box DG 022: Series C: 18 [off-site box SCPC-5643]
Sidney Giles.
Box DG 022: Series C: 18 [off-site box SCPC-5643]
Otis Glebe.
Box DG 022: Series C: 18 [off-site box SCPC-5643]
David M. Glixon.
Box DG 022: Series C: 18 [off-site box SCPC-5643]
Gordon Goehring.
Box DG 022: Series C: 18 [off-site box SCPC-5643]
Gordon Goehring [from New York Office files].
Box DG 022: Series C: 18 [off-site box SCPC-5643]
Abram B. Goldstein.
Box DG 022: Series C: 18 [off-site box SCPC-5643]
Hans Goldstein.
Box DG 022: Series C: 18 [off-site box SCPC-5643]
Howard Goldstein.
Box DG 022: Series C: 18 [off-site box SCPC-5643]
Martin Goldwasser.
Box DG 022: Series C: 18 [off-site box SCPC-5643]
Martin Goldwater [from New York Office files].
Box DG 022: Series C: 18 [off-site box SCPC-5643]
Walter Ford Gormley.
Box DG 022: Series C: 19 [off-site box SCPC-5644]
Walter Ford Gormley [from New York Office files].
Box DG 022: Series C: 19 [off-site box SCPC-5644]
Y.L. Gosho.
Box DG 022: Series C: 19 [off-site box SCPC-5644]
Christian Govertsen.
Box DG 022: Series C: 19 [off-site box SCPC-5644]
Robert Preston Gowell.
Box DG 022: Series C: 19 [off-site box SCPC-5644]
Curtis Gram.
Box DG 022: Series C: 19 [off-site box SCPC-5644]
Morris C. Graves [Museum of Modern Art, NYC, had bought 16 of his works, 1942].
Box DG 022: Series C: 19 [off-site box SCPC-5644]
John H. Griffith.
Box DG 022: Series C: 19 [off-site box SCPC-5644]
Murray Greenberger.
Box DG 022: Series C: 19 [off-site box SCPC-5644]
Orien Greenough.
Box DG 022: Series C: 19 [off-site box SCPC-5644]
James Griffith.
Box DG 022: Series C: 19 [off-site box SCPC-5644]
Paul Gross.
Box DG 022: Series C: 19 [off-site box SCPC-5644]
Sidney Gross.
Box DG 022: Series C: 19 [off-site box SCPC-5644]
Joseph Guinn.
Box DG 022: Series C: 19 [off-site box SCPC-5644]
Richard Gutow.
Box DG 022: Series C: 19 [off-site box SCPC-5644]
Drayton S. Haff.
Box DG 022: Series C: 19 [off-site box SCPC-5644]
Jerry Haigh.
Box DG 022: Series C: 19 [off-site box SCPC-5644]
Andrew Hall.
Box DG 022: Series C: 19 [off-site box SCPC-5644]
Richard Hall.
Box DG 022: Series C: 19 [off-site box SCPC-5644]
John E. Hampton.
Box DG 022: Series C: 19 [off-site box SCPC-5644]
Ed Hannewalt.
Box DG 022: Series C: 19 [off-site box SCPC-5644]
Richard Hannibal.
Box DG 022: Series C: 19 [off-site box SCPC-5644]
Stanley P. Harbison.
Box DG 022: Series C: 19 [off-site box SCPC-5644]
Dean Harbour.
Box DG 022: Series C: 19 [off-site box SCPC-5644]
Lawrence Harms.
Box DG 022: Series C: 19 [off-site box SCPC-5644]
Morris Hart.
Box DG 022: Series C: 19 [off-site box SCPC-5644]
Louis Hartl.
Box DG 022: Series C: 19 [off-site box SCPC-5644]
Glenn E. Hartleb.
Box DG 022: Series C: 19 [off-site box SCPC-5644]
Kenneth Hartrunft [from New York Office files].
Box DG 022: Series C: 19 [off-site box SCPC-5644]
Frank Hastings [nephew of Frank Olmstead].
Box DG 022: Series C: 19 [off-site box SCPC-5644]
Francis Hawes.
Box DG 022: Series C: 19 [off-site box SCPC-5644]
William Hefner.
Box DG 022: Series C: 19 [off-site box SCPC-5644]
Orville N. Henning.
Box DG 022: Series C: 19 [off-site box SCPC-5644]
Gunther and Hubert Hermann.
Box DG 022: Series C: 19 [off-site box SCPC-5644]
Logan Heusel.
Box DG 022: Series C: 19 [off-site box SCPC-5644]
John Hewelcke.
Box DG 022: Series C: 19 [off-site box SCPC-5644]
Robert Luis Heyden.
Box DG 022: Series C: 19 [off-site box SCPC-5644]
Charles Higbee.
Box DG 022: Series C: 19 [off-site box SCPC-5644]
Louis Hilbert.
Box DG 022: Series C: 19 [off-site box SCPC-5644]
Lawrence Hillen.
Box DG 022: Series C: 19 [off-site box SCPC-5644]
Wendell Hinkey.
Box DG 022: Series C: 19 [off-site box SCPC-5644]
Walter Hodgson.
Box DG 022: Series C: 20 [off-site box SCPC-5645]
Bill Holderith.
Box DG 022: Series C: 20 [off-site box SCPC-5645]
Robert Holzhauer.
Box DG 022: Series C: 20 [off-site box SCPC-5645]
Charles Hornig.
Box DG 022: Series C: 20 [off-site box SCPC-5645]
Morris Horowitz.
Box DG 022: Series C: 20 [off-site box SCPC-5645]
Edward Horstmann [from New York Office files].
Box DG 022: Series C: 20 [off-site box SCPC-5645]
Ted Horvath.
Box DG 022: Series C: 20 [off-site box SCPC-5645]
Franklin Hosmer.
Box DG 022: Series C: 20 [off-site box SCPC-5645]
John H. Howe.
Box DG 022: Series C: 20 [off-site box SCPC-5645]
Townsend B. Hoyt.
Box DG 022: Series C: 20 [off-site box SCPC-5645]
Raymond C. Huber.
Box DG 022: Series C: 20 [off-site box SCPC-5645]
George Huffman.
Box DG 022: Series C: 20 [off-site box SCPC-5645]
Elam Hummer.
Box DG 022: Series C: 20 [off-site box SCPC-5645]
Glenn Hutchinson.
Box DG 022: Series C: 20 [off-site box SCPC-5645]
David Hyder.
Box DG 022: Series C: 20 [off-site box SCPC-5645]
Caesar Iaia.
Box DG 022: Series C: 20 [off-site box SCPC-5645]
Hyman Ingram.
Box DG 022: Series C: 20 [off-site box SCPC-5645]
Philip Isely [includes information re: CO(?) Jesse Jackson].
Box DG 022: Series C: 20 [off-site box SCPC-5645]
James F. Jackson.
Box DG 022: Series C: 20 [off-site box SCPC-5645]
John C. Jackson [from New York Office files].
Box DG 022: Series C: 20 [off-site box SCPC-5645]
Francis A. Jennings.
Box DG 022: Series C: 20 [off-site box SCPC-5645]
C. Boyd Johnson.
Box DG 022: Series C: 20 [off-site box SCPC-5645]
C. Boyd Johnson [from New York Office files].
Box DG 022: Series C: 20 [off-site box SCPC-5645]
Harry Q. Johnson.
Box DG 022: Series C: 20 [off-site box SCPC-5645]
Thorger W. Johnson.
Box DG 022: Series C: 20 [off-site box SCPC-5645]
Travis Jones.
Box DG 022: Series C: 20 [off-site box SCPC-5645]
Paul Johnson.
Box DG 022: Series C: 20 [off-site box SCPC-5645]
Stanley D. Johnson.
Box DG 022: Series C: 20 [off-site box SCPC-5645]
Ashton B. Jones (World Peace Car).
Box DG 022: Series C: 20 [off-site box SCPC-5645]
Ashton B. Jones [from New York Office files].
Box DG 022: Series C: 20 [off-site box SCPC-5645]
Lewis P. Jones [negro who refused to serve in "Jim Crow" army (not a pacifist).
Box DG 022: Series C: 20 [off-site box SCPC-5645]
Lewis P. Jones [negro who refused to serve in "Jim Crow" army (not a pacifist); from New York Office files].
Box DG 022: Series C: 20 [off-site box SCPC-5645]
Barney Junker.
Box DG 022: Series C: 20 [off-site box SCPC-5645]
Morty Kamin.
Box DG 022: Series C: 20 [off-site box SCPC-5645]
William F. Kamp.
Box DG 022: Series C: 20 [off-site box SCPC-5645]
Max Kampelman.
Box DG 022: Series C: 20 [off-site box SCPC-5645]
Max Kampelman [from New York Office files].
Box DG 022: Series C: 20 [off-site box SCPC-5645]
Walter Karn.
Box DG 022: Series C: 20 [off-site box SCPC-5645]
Arthur Kassin.
Box DG 022: Series C: 20 [off-site box SCPC-5645]
Gaylord Kast.
Box DG 022: Series C: 20 [off-site box SCPC-5645]
Mathias Kauten.
Box DG 022: Series C: 20 [off-site box SCPC-5645]
Mathias Kauten [from New York Office files].
Box DG 022: Series C: 20 [off-site box SCPC-5645]
Harold Daniel Keane.
Box DG 022: Series C: 21 [off-site box SCPC-5646]
Christian H. Kehl.
Box DG 022: Series C: 21 [off-site box SCPC-5646]
Elmer Kehrer.
Box DG 022: Series C: 21 [off-site box SCPC-5646]
John Kellam.
Box DG 022: Series C: 21 [off-site box SCPC-5646]
Earl and Roy Kepler [brothers; Earl died in 1943(?) as a result of burns sustained in an accident at a spike camp of the San Dimas CPS Camp in Glendora, California].
Box DG 022: Series C: 21 [off-site box SCPC-5646]
Paul J. Kilfer [from New York Office files].
Box DG 022: Series C: 21 [off-site box SCPC-5646]
James King.
Box DG 022: Series C: 21 [off-site box SCPC-5646]
Frank Lee Knocke.
Box DG 022: Series C: 21 [off-site box SCPC-5646]
Glen Knorr.
Box DG 022: Series C: 21 [off-site box SCPC-5646]
Albert Kochefko.
Box DG 022: Series C: 21 [off-site box SCPC-5646]
William Kofler.
Box DG 022: Series C: 21 [off-site box SCPC-5646]
Alexander King Kolansky.
Box DG 022: Series C: 21 [off-site box SCPC-5646]
Frank Koop.
Box DG 022: Series C: 21 [off-site box SCPC-5646]
Richard W. Van Korff.
Box DG 022: Series C: 21 [off-site box SCPC-5646]
Charles Kraft.
Box DG 022: Series C: 21 [off-site box SCPC-5646]
Milton Kramer.
Box DG 022: Series C: 21 [off-site box SCPC-5646]
William Krebes.
Box DG 022: Series C: 21 [off-site box SCPC-5646]
George Krouse.
Box DG 022: Series C: 21 [off-site box SCPC-5646]
Clarence Willard Kruse.
Box DG 022: Series C: 21 [off-site box SCPC-5646]
William Kuenning.
Box DG 022: Series C: 21 [off-site box SCPC-5646]
Merle Kuhner.
Box DG 022: Series C: 21 [off-site box SCPC-5646]
Nicholas Kurko.
Box DG 022: Series C: 21 [off-site box SCPC-5646]
Joseph Labus.
Box DG 022: Series C: 21 [off-site box SCPC-5646]
Duncan L. Lampman.
Box DG 022: Series C: 21 [off-site box SCPC-5646]
Casimir Lanowick.
Box DG 022: Series C: 21 [off-site box SCPC-5646]
Stephen Lapansky.
Box DG 022: Series C: 21 [off-site box SCPC-5646]
Harold Lasky.
Box DG 022: Series C: 21 [off-site box SCPC-5646]
Richard Lazarus.
Box DG 022: Series C: 21 [off-site box SCPC-5646]
Roger Lee.
Box DG 022: Series C: 21 [off-site box SCPC-5646]
Thomas J. Leonard.
Box DG 022: Series C: 21 [off-site box SCPC-5646]
Lester Lermond.
Box DG 022: Series C: 21 [off-site box SCPC-5646]
Robert A. Levin.
Box DG 022: Series C: 21 [off-site box SCPC-5646]
E. John Lewis.
Box DG 022: Series C: 21 [off-site box SCPC-5646]
Leonard W. Lewis.
Box DG 022: Series C: 21 [off-site box SCPC-5646]
Norman Lewis.
Box DG 022: Series C: 21 [off-site box SCPC-5646]
Norman Lewis [from New York Office files].
Box DG 022: Series C: 21 [off-site box SCPC-5646]
Harold Lischner.
Box DG 022: Series C: 21 [off-site box SCPC-5646]
John Joseph Lombardo.
Box DG 022: Series C: 21 [off-site box SCPC-5646]
John Joseph Lombardo [from New York Office files].
Box DG 022: Series C: 21 [off-site box SCPC-5646]
John J. Long.
Box DG 022: Series C: 21 [off-site box SCPC-5646]
William Lovett.
Box DG 022: Series C: 21 [off-site box SCPC-5646]
Lee Lovitt.
Box DG 022: Series C: 21 [off-site box SCPC-5646]
George Lowes.
Box DG 022: Series C: 21 [off-site box SCPC-5646]
William Edward Lowry [Jehovah's Witness; from New York Office files].
Box DG 022: Series C: 21 [off-site box SCPC-5646]
Walter Lubiniecki.
Box DG 022: Series C: 22 [off-site box SCPC-5647]
Preston Luitweiler [from New York Office files].
Box DG 022: Series C: 22 [off-site box SCPC-5647]
Joseph Lulkovich.
Box DG 022: Series C: 22 [off-site box SCPC-5647]
Jack [John Elliott] Magraw.
Box DG 022: Series C: 22 [off-site box SCPC-5647]
Henry Maier.
Box DG 022: Series C: 22 [off-site box SCPC-5647]
Glenn Mallison.
Box DG 022: Series C: 22 [off-site box SCPC-5647]
Albon Man.
Box DG 022: Series C: 22 [off-site box SCPC-5647]
A.J. [Armenag James] Manoukian.
Box DG 022: Series C: 22 [off-site box SCPC-5647]
Robert Manry.
Box DG 022: Series C: 22 [off-site box SCPC-5647]
Francis Marburg.
Box DG 022: Series C: 22 [off-site box SCPC-5647]
Nicholaw Marcantonio.
Box DG 022: Series C: 22 [off-site box SCPC-5647]
E. [Emanuel] Myron Marks.
Box DG 022: Series C: 22 [off-site box SCPC-5647]
Joseph Marquardt [includes his brother COs George, Kar and Robert, and other family members].
Box DG 022: Series C: 22 [off-site box SCPC-5647]
John Marshall.
Box DG 022: Series C: 22 [off-site box SCPC-5647]
Russell Martin.
Box DG 022: Series C: 22 [off-site box SCPC-5647]
Theodore Matysik.
Box DG 022: Series C: 22 [off-site box SCPC-5647]
Robert Mautner.
Box DG 022: Series C: 22 [off-site box SCPC-5647]
Newt McClain.
Box DG 022: Series C: 22 [off-site box SCPC-5647]
Eugene J. McClintock.
Box DG 022: Series C: 22 [off-site box SCPC-5647]
Richard D. McClure.
Box DG 022: Series C: 22 [off-site box SCPC-5647]
Ben H. McConnell Jr.
Box DG 022: Series C: 22 [off-site box SCPC-5647]
James F. McDaniel.
Box DG 022: Series C: 22 [off-site box SCPC-5647]
Elliott McEldowney Jr.
Box DG 022: Series C: 22 [off-site box SCPC-5647]
John Michael McGrath [from New York Office files].
Box DG 022: Series C: 22 [off-site box SCPC-5647]
John McInteer.
Box DG 022: Series C: 22 [off-site box SCPC-5647]
Hugh K. McKevitt.
Box DG 022: Series C: 22 [off-site box SCPC-5647]
William McLeod.
Box DG 022: Series C: 22 [off-site box SCPC-5647]
John Patrick McMann and James Joseph McMann [brothers].
Box DG 022: Series C: 22 [off-site box SCPC-5647]
Stanley McNail.
Box DG 022: Series C: 22 [off-site box SCPC-5647]
Alan McRae.
Box DG 022: Series C: 22 [off-site box SCPC-5647]
John Mecartney [went on hunger strike at Lewisburg Prison].
Box DG 022: Series C: 23 [off-site box SCPC-5648]
Albert Megginson [CO?; from New York Office files].
Box DG 022: Series C: 23 [off-site box SCPC-5648]
Joseph Meller.
Box DG 022: Series C: 23 [off-site box SCPC-5648]
Glen Edwin Melton.
Box DG 022: Series C: 23 [off-site box SCPC-5648]
John Menezes.
Box DG 022: Series C: 23 [off-site box SCPC-5648]
Melvin Messner.
Box DG 022: Series C: 23 [off-site box SCPC-5648]
David Metcalf.
Box DG 022: Series C: 23 [off-site box SCPC-5648]
Samuel Meyer.
Box DG 022: Series C: 23 [off-site box SCPC-5648]
Edward H. Meyerding.
Box DG 022: Series C: 23 [off-site box SCPC-5648]
Gilbert Michel.
Box DG 022: Series C: 23 [off-site box SCPC-5648]
Nick Migliorino [includes information re: COs at Germfask CPS Camp].
Box DG 022: Series C: 23 [off-site box SCPC-5648]
Ralph A. Migliorino.
Box DG 022: Series C: 23 [off-site box SCPC-5648]
Bruce Miller.
Box DG 022: Series C: 23 [off-site box SCPC-5648]
Glenn Miller.
Box DG 022: Series C: 23 [off-site box SCPC-5648]
Phil Minor.
Box DG 022: Series C: 23 [off-site box SCPC-5648]
Donald Paul Mitchell.
Box DG 022: Series C: 23 [off-site box SCPC-5648]
Richard Mitchell.
Box DG 022: Series C: 23 [off-site box SCPC-5648]
Claude Mollwo.
Box DG 022: Series C: 23 [off-site box SCPC-5648]
Douglas A. Moody.
Box DG 022: Series C: 23 [off-site box SCPC-5648]
Batsell Shelton Moore.
Box DG 022: Series C: 23 [off-site box SCPC-5648]
Stuart Moore.
Box DG 022: Series C: 23 [off-site box SCPC-5648]
Albert Moorman.
Box DG 022: Series C: 23 [off-site box SCPC-5648]
William Moreland Jr.
Box DG 022: Series C: 23 [off-site box SCPC-5648]
David Morgan.
Box DG 022: Series C: 23 [off-site box SCPC-5648]
Loran Morris.
Box DG 022: Series C: 23 [off-site box SCPC-5648]
Van Cleve Morris.
Box DG 022: Series C: 23 [off-site box SCPC-5648]
Rollin W. Moser.
Box DG 022: Series C: 23 [off-site box SCPC-5648]
Joseph Moskovitz.
Box DG 022: Series C: 23 [off-site box SCPC-5648]
Louis Moskovitz.
Box DG 022: Series C: 23 [off-site box SCPC-5648]
John A. Mote.
Box DG 022: Series C: 23 [off-site box SCPC-5648]
Joseph Motill.
Box DG 022: Series C: 23 [off-site box SCPC-5648]
Stanley Mulowski.
Box DG 022: Series C: 23 [off-site box SCPC-5648]
Lowell Naeve.
Box DG 022: Series C: 23 [off-site box SCPC-5648]
Robert A. Napello.
Box DG 022: Series C: 23 [off-site box SCPC-5648]
William Nazaroff.
Box DG 022: Series C: 23 [off-site box SCPC-5648]
Reuben Neff.
Box DG 022: Series C: 23 [off-site box SCPC-5648]
Ted Neff.
Box DG 022: Series C: 23 [off-site box SCPC-5648]
Alexander Nelson.
Box DG 022: Series C: 23 [off-site box SCPC-5648]
Francis H. Nelson.
Box DG 022: Series C: 23 [off-site box SCPC-5648]
Ralph Nelson.
Box DG 022: Series C: 23 [off-site box SCPC-5648]
Wallace Nelson.
Box DG 022: Series C: 23 [off-site box SCPC-5648]
Wallace Nelson [from New York Office files].
Box DG 022: Series C: 23 [off-site box SCPC-5648]
Louis Nestor.
Box DG 022: Series C: 23 [off-site box SCPC-5648]
Louis Nestor [from New York Office files].
Box DG 022: Series C: 23 [off-site box SCPC-5648]
William Neumann.
Box DG 022: Series C: 23 [off-site box SCPC-5648]
Emmett Newby.
Box DG 022: Series C: 23 [off-site box SCPC-5648]
Herbert Nichols.
Box DG 022: Series C: 24 [off-site box SCPC-5649]
Oliver Nichols.
Box DG 022: Series C: 24 [off-site box SCPC-5649]
Charles Nicolay.
Box DG 022: Series C: 24 [off-site box SCPC-5649]
Arild Marndoff Nielsen.
Box DG 022: Series C: 24 [off-site box SCPC-5649]
Ralph Norton.
Box DG 022: Series C: 24 [off-site box SCPC-5649]
Garnel Edward Norwalt.
Box DG 022: Series C: 24 [off-site box SCPC-5649]
Joseph Frederick Nunnally.
Box DG 022: Series C: 24 [off-site box SCPC-5649]
Matias Ochada [Filipino; Jehovah's Witness; from New York Office files].
Box DG 022: Series C: 24 [off-site box SCPC-5649]
Herbert F. Oleson.
Box DG 022: Series C: 24 [off-site box SCPC-5649]
Andrew Osgyan.
Box DG 022: Series C: 24 [off-site box SCPC-5649]
Leslie Otto.
Box DG 022: Series C: 24 [off-site box SCPC-5649]
Rodney Owen.
Box DG 022: Series C: 24 [off-site box SCPC-5649]
George Owens.
Box DG 022: Series C: 24 [off-site box SCPC-5649]
Leroy Owens.
Box DG 022: Series C: 24 [off-site box SCPC-5649]
Walter H. Owens.
Box DG 022: Series C: 24 [off-site box SCPC-5649]
Marshall Palley.
Box DG 022: Series C: 24 [off-site box SCPC-5649]
Malcolm Parker [from New York Office files].
Box DG 022: Series C: 24 [off-site box SCPC-5649]
Robert Erskine Passmore.
Box DG 022: Series C: 24 [off-site box SCPC-5649]
Harry Patton.
Box DG 022: Series C: 24 [off-site box SCPC-5649]
Benjamin Pemberton.
Box DG 022: Series C: 24 [off-site box SCPC-5649]
Howard Penley [Socialist].
Box DG 022: Series C: 24 [off-site box SCPC-5649]
Marvin Penner.
Box DG 022: Series C: 24 [off-site box SCPC-5649]
Alfred Percivalle.
Box DG 022: Series C: 24 [off-site box SCPC-5649]
Whitall N. Perry.
Box DG 022: Series C: 24 [off-site box SCPC-5649]
Elward Phillips.
Box DG 022: Series C: 24 [off-site box SCPC-5649]
Oliver Phillips.
Box DG 022: Series C: 24 [off-site box SCPC-5649]
Roman Pohl.
Box DG 022: Series C: 24 [off-site box SCPC-5649]
James E. Polley.
Box DG 022: Series C: 24 [off-site box SCPC-5649]
Robert Poole.
Box DG 022: Series C: 24 [off-site box SCPC-5649]
Robert S. Porter.
Box DG 022: Series C: 24 [off-site box SCPC-5649]
Paton Price.
Box DG 022: Series C: 24 [off-site box SCPC-5649]
George Proctor.
Box DG 022: Series C: 24 [off-site box SCPC-5649]
George Proctor [from New York Office files].
Box DG 022: Series C: 24 [off-site box SCPC-5649]
Robin Rae.
Box DG 022: Series C: 24 [off-site box SCPC-5649]
Alvin Raffel.
Box DG 022: Series C: 24 [off-site box SCPC-5649]
Paul Rail.
Box DG 022: Series C: 24 [off-site box SCPC-5649]
Allen Rakow.
Box DG 022: Series C: 24 [off-site box SCPC-5649]
Worth Randle.
Box DG 022: Series C: 24 [off-site box SCPC-5649]
James Warner Rankin [Jehovah's Witness].
Box DG 022: Series C: 24 [off-site box SCPC-5649]
James Warner Rankin [Jehovah's Witness; from New York Office files].
Box DG 022: Series C: 24 [off-site box SCPC-5649]
Max Ratner.
Box DG 022: Series C: 24 [off-site box SCPC-5649]
Irving Ezra Ravin.
Box DG 022: Series C: 24 [off-site box SCPC-5649]
Irving Ezra Ravin [from New York Office files].
Box DG 022: Series C: 24 [off-site box SCPC-5649]
Frederick U. Reel.
Box DG 022: Series C: 25 [off-site box SCPC-5650]
Lloyd Rees.
Box DG 022: Series C: 25 [off-site box SCPC-5650]
John Reets.
Box DG 022: Series C: 25 [off-site box SCPC-5650]
Isaac Rehart.
Box DG 022: Series C: 25 [off-site box SCPC-5650]
Ben L. Reid.
Box DG 022: Series C: 25 [off-site box SCPC-5650]
Ernest Ricketts.
Box DG 022: Series C: 25 [off-site box SCPC-5650]
Bruce F. Roberts.
Box DG 022: Series C: 25 [off-site box SCPC-5650]
Glenn Robinson.
Box DG 022: Series C: 25 [off-site box SCPC-5650]
Edward Rogg.
Box DG 022: Series C: 25 [off-site box SCPC-5650]
Igal Roodenko.
Box DG 022: Series C: 25 [off-site box SCPC-5650]
Scope and Contents

includes correspondence from when he was with the WRL Comm. on CO Problems, January-May 1944, after he had walked out of CPS, and before he was sentenced to prison; see also DG 161

Igal Roodenko [from New York Office files].
Box DG 022: Series C: 25 [off-site box SCPC-5650]
Don Royer.
Box DG 022: Series C: 25 [off-site box SCPC-5650]
Bayard Rustin.
Box DG 022: Series C: 25 [off-site box SCPC-5650]
Raymond W. Sadoski [Jehovah's Witness].
Box DG 022: Series C: 25 [off-site box SCPC-5650]
Walker Sandbach [from New York Office files].
Box DG 022: Series C: 25 [off-site box SCPC-5650]
Ed Sanders.
Box DG 022: Series C: 25 [off-site box SCPC-5650]
Scope and Contents

includes letter from Bayard Rustin

J. Olcutt Sanders.
Box DG 022: Series C: 25 [off-site box SCPC-5650]
Max Sandin.
Box DG 022: Series C: 25 [off-site box SCPC-5650]
Max Sandin [from New York Office files].
Box DG 022: Series C: 25 [off-site box SCPC-5650]
Arnold Chase Satterthwait [from New York Office files].
Box DG 022: Series C: 25 [off-site box SCPC-5650]
Lloyd Scaff.
Box DG 022: Series C: 25 [off-site box SCPC-5650]
Albert Schiavino.
Box DG 022: Series C: 25 [off-site box SCPC-5650]
John Howard Schryver.
Box DG 022: Series C: 25 [off-site box SCPC-5650]
Robert R. and Waldemar J. Schultze [brothers].
Box DG 022: Series C: 25 [off-site box SCPC-5650]
Edward O. Schweitzer [schoolteacher fired for his CO stance].
Box DG 022: Series C: 25 [off-site box SCPC-5650]
Scope and Contents

includes newsclippings re: his case

Edward O. Schweitzer [schoolteacher fired for his CO stance; from NY office files].
Box DG 022: Series C: 25 [off-site box SCPC-5650]
Howard Schoenfeld.
Box DG 022: Series C: 25 [off-site box SCPC-5650]
Robert C. Searle Jr.
Box DG 022: Series C: 25 [off-site box SCPC-5650]
La Roy Seaver.
Box DG 022: Series C: 25 [off-site box SCPC-5650]
Will Seeman.
Box DG 022: Series C: 25 [off-site box SCPC-5650]
Joe Sekerek [Jehovah's Witness].
Box DG 022: Series C: 25 [off-site box SCPC-5650]
Abraham Seldner.
Box DG 022: Series C: 25 [off-site box SCPC-5650]
Herman Seldner.
Box DG 022: Series C: 25 [off-site box SCPC-5650]
Frank Severino [from New York Office files].
Box DG 022: Series C: 25 [off-site box SCPC-5650]
James Severino.
Box DG 022: Series C: 25 [off-site box SCPC-5650]
Ralph Shaw.
Box DG 022: Series C: 25 [off-site box SCPC-5650]
Joseph Sheketoff.
Box DG 022: Series C: 25 [off-site box SCPC-5650]
Ted Shigeno.
Box DG 022: Series C: 25 [off-site box SCPC-5650]
Thomas Shively.
Box DG 022: Series C: 25 [off-site box SCPC-5650]
John A. Siegel.
Box DG 022: Series C: 25 [off-site box SCPC-5650]
Bertram Silber.
Box DG 022: Series C: 25 [off-site box SCPC-5650]
Jerome D. Silverstein.
Box DG 022: Series C: 25 [off-site box SCPC-5650]
Albert Simon.
Box DG 022: Series C: 25 [off-site box SCPC-5650]
Scope and Contents

includes letters of his wife, Emily Parker Simon (WILPF)

Elery Simpson.
Box DG 022: Series C: 25 [off-site box SCPC-5650]
Patrick J. Skach.
Box DG 022: Series C: 26 [off-site box SCPC-5651]
Charles Sklover.
Box DG 022: Series C: 26 [off-site box SCPC-5651]
John R. Slezak.
Box DG 022: Series C: 26 [off-site box SCPC-5651]
Ernest Allyn Smith.
Box DG 022: Series C: 26 [off-site box SCPC-5651]
Harlan M. Smith.
Box DG 022: Series C: 26 [off-site box SCPC-5651]
Harry Smith.
Box DG 022: Series C: 26 [off-site box SCPC-5651]
Robert V. Smith [CO? Jehovah's Witness; from New York Office files].
Box DG 022: Series C: 26 [off-site box SCPC-5651]
Robert W. Smith.
Box DG 022: Series C: 26 [off-site box SCPC-5651]
Thomas Smith.
Box DG 022: Series C: 26 [off-site box SCPC-5651]
Vincent Smith [Jehovah's Witness].
Box DG 022: Series C: 26 [off-site box SCPC-5651]
Wylie Smith.
Box DG 022: Series C: 26 [off-site box SCPC-5651]
George Snyder.
Box DG 022: Series C: 26 [off-site box SCPC-5651]
Archie Soderbeck.
Box DG 022: Series C: 26 [off-site box SCPC-5651]
Edson Sower.
Box DG 022: Series C: 26 [off-site box SCPC-5651]
John Lloyd Spaulding.
Box DG 022: Series C: 26 [off-site box SCPC-5651]
Lewis Spink.
Box DG 022: Series C: 26 [off-site box SCPC-5651]
Howard Spragg.
Box DG 022: Series C: 26 [off-site box SCPC-5651]
Herbert Springer.
Box DG 022: Series C: 26 [off-site box SCPC-5651]
George Stanley.
Box DG 022: Series C: 26 [off-site box SCPC-5651]
Richard Stanewick.
Box DG 022: Series C: 26 [off-site box SCPC-5651]
John R. Stefula.
Box DG 022: Series C: 26 [off-site box SCPC-5651]
Beryl Stein.
Box DG 022: Series C: 26 [off-site box SCPC-5651]
Martin Steinle.
Box DG 022: Series C: 26 [off-site box SCPC-5651]
Lee Stern.
Box DG 022: Series C: 26 [off-site box SCPC-5651]
John Stevenson.
Box DG 022: Series C: 26 [off-site box SCPC-5651]
George Fairbank Stockdale.
Box DG 022: Series C: 26 [off-site box SCPC-5651]
Quentin Stodola.
Box DG 022: Series C: 26 [off-site box SCPC-5651]
Heber P. Stone.
Box DG 022: Series C: 26 [off-site box SCPC-5651]
Oliver Ellis Stone.
Box DG 022: Series C: 26 [off-site box SCPC-5651]
Oliver Ellis Stone [from New York Office files].
Box DG 022: Series C: 26 [off-site box SCPC-5651]
Richard Strachan.
Box DG 022: Series C: 26 [off-site box SCPC-5651]
Joseph K. Striegel.
Box DG 022: Series C: 26 [off-site box SCPC-5651]
Adam Stupak.
Box DG 022: Series C: 26 [off-site box SCPC-5651]
Warren Stutts.
Box DG 022: Series C: 26 [off-site box SCPC-5651]
Charles N. Suitt.
Box DG 022: Series C: 26 [off-site box SCPC-5651]
Lloyd Sullivan.
Box DG 022: Series C: 26 [off-site box SCPC-5651]
Clyde W. Summers [denied right to practice law after passing Bar exam in Illinois, because of pacifist.
Box DG 022: Series C: 26 [off-site box SCPC-5651]
Box DG 022: Series C: 26 [off-site box SCPC-5651]
Joseph H. Summers.
Box DG 022: Series C: 26 [off-site box SCPC-5651]
Andrew, Rudolph and Theodore Sunal [brothers].
Box DG 022: Series C: 26 [off-site box SCPC-5651]
Marvin B. Sussman.
Box DG 022: Series C: 26 [off-site box SCPC-5651]
William Sutherland.
Box DG 022: Series C: 26 [off-site box SCPC-5651]
Robert Swann.
Box DG 022: Series C: 27 [off-site box SCPC-5652]
Charles J. Swift.
Box DG 022: Series C: 27 [off-site box SCPC-5652]
Charles R. Swift III.
Box DG 022: Series C: 27 [off-site box SCPC-5652]
Robert Swink.
Box DG 022: Series C: 27 [off-site box SCPC-5652]
Thaddeus Szymanski.
Box DG 022: Series C: 27 [off-site box SCPC-5652]
Everett C. Taege.
Box DG 022: Series C: 27 [off-site box SCPC-5652]
Jerome Tannenbaum.
Box DG 022: Series C: 27 [off-site box SCPC-5652]
Primo Tasso.
Box DG 022: Series C: 27 [off-site box SCPC-5652]
Arlo Tatum.
Box DG 022: Series C: 27 [off-site box SCPC-5652]
Lyle Tatum.
Box DG 022: Series C: 27 [off-site box SCPC-5652]
James N. Taylor.
Box DG 022: Series C: 27 [off-site box SCPC-5652]
Richard Taylor.
Box DG 022: Series C: 27 [off-site box SCPC-5652]
Walter G. Taylor.
Box DG 022: Series C: 27 [off-site box SCPC-5652]
Ted Tekla.
Box DG 022: Series C: 27 [off-site box SCPC-5652]
Larry Tesdell.
Box DG 022: Series C: 27 [off-site box SCPC-5652]
D. Ian Thiermann.
Box DG 022: Series C: 27 [off-site box SCPC-5652]
Charles F. Thomas.
Box DG 022: Series C: 27 [off-site box SCPC-5652]
Fred Thornthwaite.
Box DG 022: Series C: 27 [off-site box SCPC-5652]
John Nelson Thurber.
Box DG 022: Series C: 27 [off-site box SCPC-5652]
Stephen Tichy.
Box DG 022: Series C: 27 [off-site box SCPC-5652]
William Tilley.
Box DG 022: Series C: 27 [off-site box SCPC-5652]
Ralph Townsend.
Box DG 022: Series C: 27 [off-site box SCPC-5652]
John Tuomey.
Box DG 022: Series C: 27 [off-site box SCPC-5652]
Wilson E. Vaughn.
Box DG 022: Series C: 27 [off-site box SCPC-5652]
_______ Venhuizen [father and sons -- includes Albert, Klaas, Robert, Tonnis].
Box DG 022: Series C: 27 [off-site box SCPC-5652]
Herbert Vetter Jr.
Box DG 022: Series C: 27 [off-site box SCPC-5652]
James W. Vicary.
Box DG 022: Series C: 27 [off-site box SCPC-5652]
Mike Waldner.
Box DG 022: Series C: 27 [off-site box SCPC-5652]
Charles Walker.
Box DG 022: Series C: 27 [off-site box SCPC-5652]
William V. Waring.
Box DG 022: Series C: 27 [off-site box SCPC-5652]
Curtis Watson.
Box DG 022: Series C: 27 [off-site box SCPC-5652]
James H. Watson.
Box DG 022: Series C: 27 [off-site box SCPC-5652]
Rowland Watts.
Box DG 022: Series C: 27 [off-site box SCPC-5652]
Herbert Weatherbee [Jehovah's Witness].
Box DG 022: Series C: 28 [off-site box SCPC-5653]
William G. Webb.
Box DG 022: Series C: 28 [off-site box SCPC-5653]
Henry P. Weber [Socialist; sentenced to death; segregated at Ft. Leavenworth; see reference files for documents relating to his case] [folder 1].
Box DG 022: Series C: 28 [off-site box SCPC-5653]
Henry P. Weber [Socialist; sentenced to death; segregated at Ft. Leavenworth; see reference files for documents relating to his case] [folder 2].
Box DG 022: Series C: 28 [off-site box SCPC-5653]
Samuel L. Weberman.
Box DG 022: Series C: 28 [off-site box SCPC-5653]
Saul Weberman [Rabbi].
Box DG 022: Series C: 28 [off-site box SCPC-5653]
Herbert Wehrly.
Box DG 022: Series C: 28 [off-site box SCPC-5653]
Melvin Atwood Weightman.
Box DG 022: Series C: 28 [off-site box SCPC-5653]
Emil M. Weiss.
Box DG 022: Series C: 28 [off-site box SCPC-5653]
Hans L. Weiss.
Box DG 022: Series C: 28 [off-site box SCPC-5653]
Earl Welch.
Box DG 022: Series C: 28 [off-site box SCPC-5653]
Denny Welcher.
Box DG 022: Series C: 28 [off-site box SCPC-5653]
Marcus Weston.
Box DG 022: Series C: 28 [off-site box SCPC-5653]
Kerwin Whitnah.
Box DG 022: Series C: 28 [off-site box SCPC-5653]
Harold Edwin Whitney.
Box DG 022: Series C: 28 [off-site box SCPC-5653]
Vincent Whitney.
Box DG 022: Series C: 28 [off-site box SCPC-5653]
Denny Wilcher.
Box DG 022: Series C: 28 [off-site box SCPC-5653]
Russell J. Wilderman.
Box DG 022: Series C: 28 [off-site box SCPC-5653]
Charles L. Wilhite.
Box DG 022: Series C: 28 [off-site box SCPC-5653]
Enis, Meryl and Victor Willhite [brothers; Jehovah's Witnesses].
Box DG 022: Series C: 28 [off-site box SCPC-5653]
John A. Willard.
Box DG 022: Series C: 28 [off-site box SCPC-5653]
Raymond J. Williams.
Box DG 022: Series C: 28 [off-site box SCPC-5653]
Stanley H. Williamson.
Box DG 022: Series C: 28 [off-site box SCPC-5653]
Alfred H. Wilson.
Box DG 022: Series C: 28 [off-site box SCPC-5653]
[Harry] Leon Wilson.
Box DG 022: Series C: 28 [off-site box SCPC-5653]
Harold Winchester.
Box DG 022: Series C: 28 [off-site box SCPC-5653]
David Winner.
Box DG 022: Series C: 28 [off-site box SCPC-5653]
William Allen Winslow.
Box DG 022: Series C: 28 [off-site box SCPC-5653]
Edwin Wintringham.
Box DG 022: Series C: 29 [off-site box SCPC-5654]
Amos Woods.
Box DG 022: Series C: 29 [off-site box SCPC-5654]
Walter Woodward.
Box DG 022: Series C: 29 [off-site box SCPC-5654]
Donald Woolnough.
Box DG 022: Series C: 29 [off-site box SCPC-5654]
Charles Worley.
Box DG 022: Series C: 29 [off-site box SCPC-5654]
DeWitte Wyckoff.
Box DG 022: Series C: 29 [off-site box SCPC-5654]
George Yamada.
Box DG 022: Series C: 29 [off-site box SCPC-5654]
Donn Yarrow.
Box DG 022: Series C: 29 [off-site box SCPC-5654]
Victor Yngve.
Box DG 022: Series C: 29 [off-site box SCPC-5654]
Dan E. Yoder.
Box DG 022: Series C: 29 [off-site box SCPC-5654]
Romain Zahm.
Box DG 022: Series C: 29 [off-site box SCPC-5654]
Curtis L. Zahn.
Box DG 022: Series C: 29 [off-site box SCPC-5654]
Franklin Zahn.
Box DG 022: Series C: 29 [off-site box SCPC-5654]
Gordon C. Zahn.
Box DG 022: Series C: 29 [off-site box SCPC-5654]
David Zernoske.
Box DG 022: Series C: 29 [off-site box SCPC-5654]
Jack W. Zucker.
Box DG 022: Series C: 29 [off-site box SCPC-5654]
Albert Zussman.
Box DG 022: Series C: 29 [off-site box SCPC-5654]
Abraham Zwickel.
Box DG 022: Series C: 29 [off-site box SCPC-5654]

American Friends Service Committee (AFSC).
Box DG 022: Series D: 30 [off-site box SCPC-5655]
Civilian Public Service Union.
Box DG 022: Series D: 30 [off-site box SCPC-5655]
National Council for Conscientious Objectors.
Box DG 022: Series D: 30 [off-site box SCPC-5655]
National Service Board for Religious Objectors (NSBRO).
Box DG 022: Series D: 30 [off-site box SCPC-5655]
NSBRO: CPS Camp service reports.
Box DG 022: Series D: 30 [off-site box SCPC-5655]
NSBRO: lists of COs and decisions re: their parole (granted, denied, etc.).
Box DG 022: Series D: 30 [off-site box SCPC-5655]
NSBRO: "Memorandum to the President Concerning Conscientious Objectors".
Box DG 022: Series D: 30 [off-site box SCPC-5655]
War Resisters League (WRL).
Box DG 022: Series D: 30 [off-site box SCPC-5655]
Legislation re: COs.
Box DG 022: Series D: 30 [off-site box SCPC-5655]
British legislation re: COs.
Box DG 022: Series D: 30 [off-site box SCPC-5655]
Canadian Selective Service regulations and COs.
Box DG 022: Series D: 30 [off-site box SCPC-5655]
Army courts-martial procedures.
Box DG 022: Series D: 30 [off-site box SCPC-5655]
Annual report of the U.S. Attorney General, 1944 (June).
Box DG 022: Series D: 30 [off-site box SCPC-5655]
Hearing of Clara Schneider.
Box DG 022: Series D: 30 [off-site box SCPC-5655]
Pamphlet "The Case of Eight Divinity Students" by Milton R. Konvitz.
Box DG 022: Series D: 30 [off-site box SCPC-5655]
Spectator Papers by Norman Whitney (Syracuse Peace Council).
Box DG 022: Series D: 30 [off-site box SCPC-5655]
Misc. material.
Box DG 022: Series D: 30 [off-site box SCPC-5655]
CPS camp operations by SSS.
Box DG 022: Series D: 31 [off-site box SCPC-5656]
Demobilization of men in CPS camps.
Box DG 022: Series D: 31 [off-site box SCPC-5656]
Civil service COs.
Box DG 022: Series D: 31 [off-site box SCPC-5656]
Parole for COs.
Box DG 022: Series D: 31 [off-site box SCPC-5656]
Documents re: CO Henry P. Weber.
Box DG 022: Series D: 31 [off-site box SCPC-5656]
Media coverage of hunger strike by COs Stanley Murphy and Louis Taylor.
Box DG 022: Series D: 31 [off-site box SCPC-5656]
Lists of prisons; lists of COs in prison.
Box DG 022: Series D: 31 [off-site box SCPC-5656]
Box DG 022: Series D: 31 [off-site box SCPC-5656]
Reports of visits to prisons where COs were incarcerated.
Box DG 022: Series D: 31 [off-site box SCPC-5656]
Treatment of short-term offenders.
Box DG 022: Series D: 31 [off-site box SCPC-5656]
Department of Justice report re: treatment of COs at Springfield (MO) Medical Center, 16132.
Box DG 022: Series D: 31 [off-site box SCPC-5656]
Department of Justice report re: selective service violation statistics, 1943 (August).
Box DG 022: Series D: 31 [off-site box SCPC-5656]
Conference on Prison Problems, Philadelphia (PA), September 15-16, 1945.
Box DG 022: Series D: 31 [off-site box SCPC-5656]
CO statements/appeals/miscellaneous hearings.
Box DG 022: Series D: 32 [off-site box SCPC-5657]
CO hearing: Herman Berman.
Box DG 022: Series D: 32 [off-site box SCPC-5657]
CO hearing: Arthur Goodwyn Billings.
Box DG 022: Series D: 32 [off-site box SCPC-5657]
CO hearing: Shirley F. Bodenstein.
Box DG 022: Series D: 32 [off-site box SCPC-5657]
CO hearing: Whitney Bowles.
Box DG 022: Series D: 32 [off-site box SCPC-5657]
CO hearing: Robert Boland Brooks.
Box DG 022: Series D: 32 [off-site box SCPC-5657]
CO hearing: Charles Butcher.
Box DG 022: Series D: 32 [off-site box SCPC-5657]
CO hearing: Boyd B. Davis.
Box DG 022: Series D: 32 [off-site box SCPC-5657]
CO hearing: Don Charles DeVault.
Box DG 022: Series D: 32 [off-site box SCPC-5657]
CO hearing: Philip Dolve / Gerald Darrow / Lloyd Scaff.
Box DG 022: Series D: 32 [off-site box SCPC-5657]
CO hearing: Nick Falbo.
Box DG 022: Series D: 32 [off-site box SCPC-5657]
CO hearing: Willis E. Giese.
Box DG 022: Series D: 32 [off-site box SCPC-5657]
CO hearing: Walter Ford Gormley.
Box DG 022: Series D: 32 [off-site box SCPC-5657]
CO hearing: Joseph Heflin.
Box DG 022: Series D: 32 [off-site box SCPC-5657]
CO hearing: Albert Herling / Francis Hall / William Allen Winslow / Howard Schoenfeld.
Box DG 022: Series D: 32 [off-site box SCPC-5657]
CO hearing: Mathias Kauten.
Box DG 022: Series D: 32 [off-site box SCPC-5657]
CO hearing: Winfred William Lynn.
Box DG 022: Series D: 32 [off-site box SCPC-5657]
CO hearing: John Michael McGrath.
Box DG 022: Series D: 32 [off-site box SCPC-5657]
CO hearing: Alois Stanley Mroz.
Box DG 022: Series D: 32 [off-site box SCPC-5657]
CO hearing: Albert Herman Nelson.
Box DG 022: Series D: 32 [off-site box SCPC-5657]
CO hearing: John Neubrand.
Box DG 022: Series D: 32 [off-site box SCPC-5657]
CO hearing: Emmanuel Pollack.
Box DG 022: Series D: 32 [off-site box SCPC-5657]
CO hearing: Frederick U. Reel.
Box DG 022: Series D: 32 [off-site box SCPC-5657]
CO hearing: Igal Roodenko.
Box DG 022: Series D: 32 [off-site box SCPC-5657]
CO hearing: Isaac Trainin.
Box DG 022: Series D: 33 [off-site box SCPC-5658]
CO hearing: Melvin Atwood Weightman.
Box DG 022: Series D: 33 [off-site box SCPC-5658]
CO hearing: Hans Weiss.
Box DG 022: Series D: 33 [off-site box SCPC-5658]
CO hearing: Dervin Bartlet Wolfe.
Box DG 022: Series D: 33 [off-site box SCPC-5658]
CO hearing: Jack Wolf Zucker.
Box DG 022: Series D: 33 [off-site box SCPC-5658]

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