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Ludwig Quidde Collected Papers


Held at: Swarthmore College Peace Collection [Contact Us]500 College Avenue, Swarthmore 19081-1399

This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the Swarthmore College Peace Collection. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.

Overview and metadata sections

Dr. Ludwig Quidde was born on March 23, 1858 in Bremen, Germany. He studied history, philosophy and economics at the Universities of Strasburg and Goettingen, graduating from the latter in 1881. After receiving a doctorate, he spent much time in foreign travel and then became chair of history at the University of Munich. In 1889, he founded the German Review of Historical Societies.

Quidde came to national attention in 1894 with the publication of his satire on the Kaiser, called "Caligula: A Study in Caesarian Insanity," a severe attack on the regime of the then youthful monarch, Wilhelm II. Two years later Quidde was imprisoned for three months for his critique of the adoration bestowed on William 'the Great.'

In 1895, Quidde became President of the Democratic Party of Bavaria. From 1902-1910, he was a member of the Town Council of Munich, 1907-1919 of the Bavarian Parliament, and 1919-1920 of the Constituent National Assembly of Weimar.

The German Peace Society was founded in 1892, with Quidde being one of its earliest members. In 1894, he established a Munich branch of the Society. He became President of the German Peace Society in May 1914, and was also Vice-President of the International Peace Bureau. In these capacities, he worked against Prussian militarism and imperialism, as well as against German-French rivalry, earning for himself the dislike of the monarchial government. In fact, his correspondence was under secret surveillance for years. He joined many pacifist societies, wrote on peace issues, and traveled widely to promote peace through negotiation. He was also active in the International Union of Democratic and Radical Parties. He favored the disarmament of Germany, and in 1928 proposed that it incorporate the Kellogg Peace Pact in its constitution. Quidde was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1927, which he shared with Prof. Ferdinand Buisson of France.

During World War I, Quidde was exiled from Berlin for his peace principles; he escaped imprisonment only because he was a member of the Bavarian Parliament. He lived in Switzerland until the war ended. In 1924, Quidde was indicted for high treason for an article he wrote warning the German government about the dangers inherent in the country's increased toleration of militarism. He was imprisoned, and was liberated only because of international pressure. In 1938, Quidde was living in Austria but was forced to flee to Switzerland when the Nazis invaded Austria. He lived in Switzerland until his death at 82 in early March 1941. No information about his wife is available.

In 1937, Quidde informed Ellen Starr Brinton, the curator of the Swarthmore College Peace Collection, that his 40 years of peace correspondence had been confiscated by the Munich Police. It contained valuable letters from Jane Addams, William Jennings Bryan, David Starr Jordan, and others. For several years Brinton attempted to get the correspondence released, but was not successful. His papers were never retrieved and were eventually destroyed in the bombing of Munich during the Second World War.

Collected papers of Ludwig Quidde include: biographical information; correspondence with Ellen Starr Brinton (first Curator of the Swarthmore College Peace Collection); correspondence with Frederick J. Libby (founder and executive secretary of National Council for Prevention of War); pamphlets and other writings by Quidde.


Processed by SCPC staff; checklist prepared by Anne Yoder, December 1997; this finding aid created by Eleanor Fulvio, August 2010; updated by Wendy Chmielewski, December 2015.

Items removed: photographs of Quidde are available in the Photograph Collection (4"x5"/5"x7") and in a scrapbook (Oversize Scrapbook: Germany).

Swarthmore College Peace Collection
Access Restrictions


Copyright is retained by the authors of items in these papers, or their descendents, as stipulated by United States copyright law.
Use Restrictions


Collection Inventory

Checklist and removal sheets.
Box 1
Material about Quidde: biographical information, 1948, 1924, 1918.
Box 1
Scope and Contents

includes "Ludwig Quidde" by Hans Wehberg, "Der Fall Quidde: Tatsachen und Dokumente Zusammengestellt und Eingeleitet" by Gerhart Seger, and "Quidde und Hohmann gegen Eisner"

Correspondence of Ellen Starr Brinton re: Quidde papers, 1937-1939, 1937-1939.
Box 1
Scope and Contents

includes letters from Quidde

Request from Quidde for aid for exiled pacifists, June 29, 1937.
Box 1
Correspondence between Quidde and Professor Ernst Bernheim, 1880-1895.
Box 1
Correspondence between Quidde and Frederick J. Libby, 1923-1930.
Box 1
Correspondence between Quidde and Frederick J. Libby, 1931-1933, 1936.
Box 1
Writings by Quidde: "Le Desarmement" (Bureau International de la Paix, Geneva), 1927.
Box 1
Writings by Quidde: MS "The First Step Toward World Disarmament: Memoir", 1927.
Box 1
Writings by Quidde: "Eine Vorkampferin des Friedens" (Die Friedenswarte No. 5/6), 1939.
Box 1
Pamphlets by Quidde; includes:.
Box 1
Pamphlets by Quidde: "Konig Sigmund und das Deutsche Reich von 1410 bis 1419 (1. Die Wahl Sigmunds): Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der philosophischen Doctorwurder an der Georg-Augusts-Universitat zu Gottingen", 1881.
Box 1
Pamphlets by Quidde: "Die Entstehung des Kurfurstencollegiums: Eine verfassungsgeschichtliche Untersuchung" (Frankfurt), 1884.
Box 1
Pamphlets by Quidde: "Die Vayerische Steuerreform" (Munich), 1909.
Box 1
Pamphlets by Quidde: "Zur Organisation der Interparlamentarischen Union: Fragen der Mitgliedschaft und des Stimmrechts" (Berlin), 1911.
Box 1
Pamphlets by Quidde: "Projet d'un Traite International pour la Limitation des Armements" (XX Congres Universal de la Paix a La Haye), 1913.
Box 1
Pamphlets by Quidde: "Internationale Verstandigung uber Beschrankung der Rustungen: Vertragsentwurf vorgelegt und erlautert auf den XX Weltfriedenskongress im Haag 1913" (GENF, Buchdruckerei Albert Kundig), 1914.
Box 1
Pamphlets by Quidde: "Auf dem Wege zum dauernden Frieden: Deutsche und englische Voraussetzungen fur Friedensverhandlungen, Eine Petition an den Deutschen Reichstag mit Beilagen", 1917.
Box 1
Pamphlets by Quidde: "Friede im Osten und Friede im Westen: Zwei Eingaben an den Deutschen Reichstag" (Frankfurt), 1918.
Box 1
Pamphlets by Quidde: "Volkerpolitik in Vergangenheit und Zukunst: Drei Reden" by H.v. Gerlach, Dr. Helene Stocker and Dr. L. Quidde (Berlin), 1919.
Box 1
Pamphlets by Quidde: "La question des responsabilites: Comment devons-nous la traiter?" (Rome), 1921.
Box 1
Pamphlets by Quidde: "Volkerbund und Demokratie" (Berlin), 1922.
Box 1
Pamphlets by Quidde: "Volkerbund und Friedensbewegung" (Frankfurt), 1922.
Box 1
Pamphlets by Quidde: "Volkerbund und Friedensbewegung" (Leipzig), ca. 1924.
Box 1
Pamphlets by Quidde: "Caligula Im Kampf gegen Casarismus und Byzantinismus: Eine Studie uber romischen Casarenwahsinn" (Berlin), 1926.
Box 1
Pamphlets by Quidde: "Der Erste Schritt zur Weltabrustung" (Berlin), 1927.
Box 1
Pamphlets by Quidde: "Histoire de la Paix Publique en Allemagne au Moyen Age" (Academie de Droit International, Paris), 1929.
Box 1
Pamphlets by Quidde: "Die Geschichte des Pazifismus" (Berlin), n.d., post-1921.
Box 1
Pamphlets by Quidde: "Eroffnungsrede und Rechenschaftsbericht des Vorsitzenden der Deutschen Friedensgellschaft" (Oldenburg), n.d.
Box 1
Pamphlets by Quidde: "Die Schuldfrage", n.d.
Box 1

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