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Die Grünen Collected Records


Held at: Swarthmore College Peace Collection [Contact Us]500 College Avenue, Swarthmore 19081-1399

This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the Swarthmore College Peace Collection. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.

Overview and metadata sections

Die Grünen, or the Greens, are a German political party with a platform of environmental protection, nuclear disarmament, racial and sexual equality, and international peace. It was founded on March 16, 1979 when several environmental, peace, and international understanding organizations met at Frankfurt-Sindlingen, Germany and created the Sonstige Politische Verenigung [Alternative Political Alliance]. The party entered candidates in the election for the European Parliament at Strasbourg in 1979 and won 3.2% of the vote, approximately 900,000 votes. After the election, the Alliance expanded its base to include more "alternative" movements from across Germany and on January 12, 1980, the Federal party, newly christened as Die Grünen, was founded. Green candidates were entered in the federal election of 1980, in which they captured 1.5% of the vote; local candidates in Shleswig-Holstein, Lower Saxony, and Berlin fared somewhat better. In the 1982 federal election, Green candidates won 27 seats in the Bundestag, the German parliament. Among the successful candidates was Petra Kelly, the leader of the movement. The Green movement has spread to many other European nations and they are an increasingly powerful force in local and national politics, as well as in the European Parliament.

Primarily printed materials about the German party, including program work; also includes biographical information about Petra Kelly, and writings by Kelly and Gert Bastian.

Records were received from various sources.

Processed by SCPC staff; checklist created by Anne M. Yoder, Archivist, July 1998

Many posters, received from various sources, are in the Oversized Poster Collection.

Swarthmore College Peace Collection
Access Restrictions


Copyright is retained by the authors of items in these papers, or their descendents, as stipulated by United States copyright law.
Use Restrictions


Collection Inventory

Box 1
Program work and publications, 1982-1983.
Box 1
Landesprogramm, approximately 1983.
Box 1
"Zwischenbilanz gegen die Kriegsgefahr", 1983.
Box 1
Program work and publications, 1984.
Box 1
"Angriff als Verteidigung", 1984.
Box 1
"Women in Movement", approximately 1984.
Box 1
Program work and publications, 1985.
Box 1
"Reader zum 1. Internationalismus Kongress der Grünen Kassel", October 1985.
Box 1
Soft-cover books, 1985-1986.
Box 2
Bastion, Gert: Writings and speeches, 1983-1986.
Box 2
Program work and publications, 1986.
Box 2
"Antidiskriminerungs Gesetz", 1986.
Box 2
"Umbau der Industriegesellschaft", 1986.
Box 2
Program work and publications, 1987.
Box 2
"Entrüstet Euch", approximately 1987.
Box 2
Program work and publications, 1988.
Box 2
Kelly, Petra: Biographical information.
Box 3
Kelly, Petra: Writings, memos and speeches, 1980-1989.
Box 3

Print, Suggest