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Human Rights in Peru, II


Held at: Princeton University Library: Latin American Ephemera [Contact Us]

This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the Princeton University Library: Latin American Ephemera. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.

Overview and metadata sections

This collection contains pamphlets, articles, reports, flyers, posters, and other miscellaneous items addressing a variety of human rights issues in Peru, such as political violence, torture, political prisoners, displaced populations, and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. The material is produced by a range of sources, including national and international non-governmental organizations, state entities, religious organizations, and civic coalitions. The material was produced with a wide array of aims, including popular education, solidarity, political activism, and raising awareness.

Throughout the 1980s and early 1990s, Peru suffered a period of intense violence during which the war launched by the Maoist guerilla organization Sendero Luminoso (Shining Path) was met with a violent response from state counter-insurgency forces. The armed conflict, which began in highland Ayacucho and spread throughout the nation, produced an estimated death toll of sixty thousand people, primarily peasants caught in the middle of the clash.

Following the collapse of President Alberto Fujimori's corrupt regime and the flight of head intelligence officer Vladimiro Montesinos in 2000, many institutions within Peruvian society heightened their demands that the state take responsibility for the national human rights record and make necessary reparations. This pressure led to the creation in 2001 of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, a state organism, which devoted nineteen months to investigating the violence that took place between 1980 and 2000. Information regarding the Commission's findings has been made available through public audiences, bulletins, and conferences. A final report was presented to the Peruvian government and to the general public on August 28, 2003.

It is worthwhile to note that while most Truth and Reconciliation Commission publications come from the main office in Lima, many were produced by regional offices of the Commission in other parts of the country.


MICROFILM 7788 (Master printing copy. Available for reproduction only.)

This collection was processed by Leigh Campoamor in 2003. Finding aid written by Leigh Campoamor in 2003.

Latin American Ephemera
Finding Aid Author
Leigh Campoamor
Finding Aid Date
Access Restrictions

Oversize JC599.P4 H852 1978q

The Latin American ephemera collections are open for research use.

Originals are stored offsite at the ReCAP facility. Microfilm surrogates can be consulted in Microforms Service, Firestone Library (

Use Restrictions

Single copies may be made for research purposes. To cite or publish quotations that fall within Fair Use, as defined under U. S. Copyright Law, no permission is required. For instances beyond Fair Use, it is the responsibility of the researcher to determine whether any permissions related to copyright, privacy, publicity, or any other rights are necessary for their intended use of the Library's materials, and to obtain all required permissions from any existing rights holders, if they have not already done so. Princeton University Library's Special Collections does not charge any permission or use fees for the publication of images of materials from our collections, nor does it require researchers to obtain its permission for said use. The department does request that its collections be properly cited and images credited. More detailed information can be found on the Copyright, Credit and Citations Guidelines page on our website. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us through the Ask Us! form.

Collection Inventory


No arrangement action taken or arrangement information not recorded at the time of processing.

Scope and Contents

The material is arranged into three sections. Series 1: Publications arranged by organization is divided into thirty-five files, each representing one organization, with the exception of File 22: Coordinadora Nacional de Desplazados y Comunidades en Reconstrucción del Perú (CONDECOREP) and Mesa Nacional sobre Desplazamiento y Afectados por Violencia Política (MENADES), which contains material produced by two different organizations that generally work in conjunction with one another. The material in files 1 through 35 is ordered chronologically according to year of publication.

Physical Description

2 boxes

Alternativa: Centro de Investigación Social y Educación Popular, undated. 1 item.
Physical Description

1 item

Ama Qunqanapaq, 2002. 1 item.
Physical Description

1 item

Amnesty International, 2000-2003. 1 item.
Physical Description

1 item

Asociación de Familiares de Desaparecidos y Víctimas de Genocidio (AFADEVIG), 2001. 1 item.
Physical Description

1 item

Asociación de Familiares de Presos Políticos del Perú (AFAPREPP), 2000-2001. 1 item.
Physical Description

1 item

Asociación de Familiares Víctimas del Terrorismo-Junín (AFAVIT-Junín), 2001. 1 item.
Physical Description

1 item

Asociación Nacional de Familiares de Secuestrados y Desaparecidos del Perú (ANFASEP), 1996-2002. 1 item.
Physical Description

1 item

Asociación Paz y Esperanza, 1990-2003. 1 item.
Physical Description

1 item

Asociación Pro Derechos Humanos (APRODEH), 1997-2003. 1 item.
Physical Description

1 item

Centro de Estudios y Acción para la Paz (CEAPAZ), 1989. 1 item.
Physical Description

1 item

Comisión Andina de Juristas, 1990. 1 item.
Physical Description

1 item

Comisión de Derechos Humanos (COMISEDH), 1999-2002. 1 item.
Physical Description

1 item

Comisión Episcopal de Acción Social (CEAS), 1996-2002. 1 item.
Physical Description

1 item

Scope and Contents

Includes the following serial:

Physical Description

1 box

Physical Description

1 box

No. 1 1978 January - No. 2 1978 August, 1978 January. 1 box.
Physical Description

1 box

Comité Contra la Impunidad, 2001. 1 item.
Physical Description

1 item

Scope and Contents

Includes the following serials:

Physical Description

1 box

Physical Description

1 box

No. 2-3, 1981 May-November. 1 box.
Physical Description

1 box

No. 6, 1982 May. 1 box.
Physical Description

1 box

Physical Description

1 box

No. 1 1982 November - No. 9 1986 August, 1982 November. 1 box.
Physical Description

1 box

No. 13, 1988 February. 1 box.
Physical Description

1 box

Comité Nacional de Familiares de Detenidos, Desaparecidos y Refugiados en Lima (COFADER), 1989-2001. 1 item.
Physical Description

1 item

Committee for the Defence [sic] of Human Rights in Peru, undated. 1 item.
Physical Description

1 item

Consejería en Proyectos, 2002. 1 item.
Physical Description

1 item

Coordinadora de Derechos Humanos-Centro (CODEH-Centro), 2002. 1 item.
Physical Description

1 item

Scope and Contents

Includes the following serials:

Physical Description

1 box

Physical Description

1 box

No. 3, 1989 September. 1 box.
Physical Description

1 box

No. 8 1990 April-May - No. 11 1991 May, 1990 April-May. 1 box.
Physical Description

1 box

Physical Description

1 box

No. 3 2000 December - No. 6 2002 October, 2000 December. 1 box.
Physical Description

1 box

Scope and Contents

Includes the following serial:

Physical Description

1 box

Physical Description

1 box

No. 1 2000 - No. 3 2001 April, 2000. 1 box.
Physical Description

1 box

Defensoría del Pueblo, 1999-2002. 1 item.
Scope and Contents

See also File 29: IPEDEHP

Physical Description

1 item

Eco-Andes Peru Solidarity Desk, 1983-1985. 1 item.
Physical Description

1 item

Equipo Peruano de Antropología Forense (EPAF), 2002. 1 item.
Physical Description

1 item

Familiares de los Prisioneros Políticos, Prisioneros de Guerra y Desaparecidos, 2001-2002. 1 item.
Physical Description

1 item

Federación Agraria del Departamento de Ayacucho, 2002. 1 item.
Physical Description

1 item

Scope and Contents

Includes the following publications:

Physical Description

1 box

Que son los delitos de función y quien debe sancionarlos. Patricia Abozaglo. Instituto de Defensa Legal: Lima, 1987 July. 1 box.
Physical Description

1 box

Los derechos humanos en la primera mitad del gobierno del Dr. Alan García Pérez: Balance y perspectivas. Rolando Ames Cobián and Jaime Urrutia Cerruti. Instituto de Defensa Legal: Lima (Serie: Promoción de DD.HH.), 1988 April. 1 box.
Physical Description

1 box

¿Es posible pacificar el país? Perspectivas y propuestas. César Delgado Barreto, Javier Iguiñiz Echeverría, Francisco Morales Bermúdez, and Michel Azcueta. Lima: Instituto de Defensa Legal (Serie: Promoción de DD.HH.), 1988 August. 1 box.
Physical Description

1 box

Curso básico en derechos humanos para campesinos. s.a. Lima: Instituto de Defensa Legal, 1989. 1 box.
Physical Description

1 box

Puno Hoy: Tierra y violencia. s.a. Lima: Instituto de Defensa Legal, 1989 October. 1 box.
Physical Description

1 box

Violencia Política en la Selva Central. Yolanda Rodríguez. Lima: Instituto de Defensa Legal, 1990 September. 1 box.
Physical Description

1 box

Informe Mensual No. 19. Blanca Rosales, ed. Lima: Instituto de Defensa Legal, 1990 November. 1 box.
Physical Description

1 box

Instituto Peruano de Educación en Derechos Humanos y la Paz (IPEDEHP), 1999-2001. 1 item.
Physical Description

1 item

International Emergency Committee to Defend the Life of Dr. Abimael Guzmán, 1992-1993. 1 item.
Physical Description

1 item

Plataforma Sudamericana de Derechos Humanos, Democracia y Desarrollo, 1998-1999. 1 item.
Physical Description

1 item

Programa de Apoyo al Repoblamiento y Desarrollo de Zonas de Emergencia (PAR), 2001. 1 item.
Physical Description

1 item

Red para el Desarrollo de las Ciencias Sociales en el Perú, 2002. 1 item.
Physical Description

1 item

Red Interquorum, 2000. 1 item.
Physical Description

1 item

Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA), 1996. 1 item.
Physical Description

1 item


No arrangement action taken or arrangement information not recorded at the time of processing.

Scope and Contents

Series 2: Various organizations consists of four files (files 36 through 39). Files 36, 37, and 38 are divided by subject area, and each contains material from various organizations. Material in these files is arranged alphabetically by publishing organization; within each publishing organization, the items are ordered chronologically by year of publication. File 40: Various consists of material from sources that were difficult to categorize. This file is also ordered chronologically according to year of publication.

Physical Description

1 box

Physical Description

1 box

Physical Description

1 box

Asociación de Familias Desplazadas en Lima (ASFADEL), undated. 1 box.
Physical Description

1 box

Asociación Interprovincial de Desplazados Residentes en Huamanga (AIDREH), undated. 1 box.
Physical Description

1 box

Scope and Contents

Includes the following serial:

Physical Description

1 box

Physical Description

1 box

No. 1 2001 June - No. 3 2001 September, 2001 June. 1 box.
Physical Description

1 box

Scope and Contents

Includes the following serial:

Physical Description

1 box

Physical Description

1 box

No. 1 1999 May - No. 2 1999 July, 1999 May. 1 box.
Physical Description

1 box

Scope and Contents

Includes the following serial:

Physical Description

1 box

Physical Description

1 box

No. 2, 1995 November. 1 box.
Physical Description

1 box

No. 4, 1998 April. 1 box.
Physical Description

1 box

Physical Description

1 box

Physical Description

1 box

Comité de DDHH 119, undated. 1 box.
Physical Description

1 box

Movimiento Revolucionario Túpac Amaru (MRTA), 1999. 1 box.
Physical Description

1 box

Red de familiares y amigos de los P.P. (APRODEVIL), 2001. 1 box.
Physical Description

1 box

Voz Rebelde, undated. 1 box.
Physical Description

1 box

Miscellaneous, 2002. 1 box.
Physical Description

1 box

Women affected by political violence, 2002. 1 item.
Physical Description

1 item

Various, 1988-2001. 1 item.
Physical Description

1 item


No arrangement action taken or arrangement information not recorded at the time of processing.

Scope and Contents

Series 3: Truth and Reconciliation Commission is divided into two files, one of material produced by the commission, and the other of material produced by other institutions about the Commission. In File 41: Comisión de la Verdad y Reconciliación, publications by, all items are arranged chronologically by year of publication. In File 42: Comisión de la Verdad y Reconciliación, publications about, items are arranged alphabetically by publishing organization; within each publishing organization, the items are ordered chronologically by year of publication. At the end of File 42 is a group of documents that were difficult to categorize, labeled "Various."

In the case of undated documents, either the symbol "s.d." or brackets are used to indicate the approximate year of publication. Undated items are either placed with other undated material at the beginning of the publishing institution's section, or among other material whose dates of publication are approximately the same.

Material with unidentified publishers is labeled "Miscellaneous."

Physical Description

1 box

Scope and Contents

Includes the following serials:

Physical Description

1 box

Physical Description

1 box

No. 1 2002 April - No. 8 2003 April, 2002 April. 1 box.
Physical Description

1 box

Physical Description

1 box

No. 1 2002 April - No. 6 2002 October, 2002 April. 1 box.
Physical Description

1 box

Physical Description

1 box

No. 1 2002 March - No. 5 2002 September, 2002 March. 1 box.
Physical Description

1 box

Verdad y Reconciliación. Ayacucho: Comisión de la Verdad y Reconciliación-Sede Sur Central, 2003 February 15-March 15. 1 box.
Physical Description

1 box

Physical Description

1 box

No. 1, 2003 April. 1 box.
Physical Description

1 box

Physical Description

1 box

Physical Description

1 box

Ama Qunqanapaq, 2001-2002. 1 box.
Physical Description

1 box

Asociación Apu Runco Instituto de Desarrollo Integral y Conservación del Medio Ambiente, 2001. 1 box.
Physical Description

1 box

Asociación Nacional de Familiares de Detenidos, Secuestrados, Desaparecidos del Perú (ANFASEP), et. al., 2001-2002. 1 box.
Physical Description

1 box

Asociación Paz y Esperanza, 2001 February. 1 box.
Physical Description

1 box

Asociación Pro Derechos Humanos (APRODEH), 2001 February. 1 box.
Physical Description

1 box

Comisión de Derechos Humanos (COMISEDH), 2002. 1 box.
Physical Description

1 box

Comisión de Derechos Humanos-Centro (CODEH-Centro), et. al., 2002. 1 box.
Physical Description

1 box

Comisión Episcopal de Acción Social (CEAS), 2002. 1 box.
Physical Description

1 box

Comisión de Justicia Social Diócesis de Chimbote, 2002. 1 box.
Physical Description

1 box

Comité de Familiares de Detenidos, Desaparecidos, Asesinados y Refugiados en Lima (COFADER), 2001. 1 box.
Physical Description

1 box

Confederación Campesina del Perú (CCP), 2001. 1 box.
Physical Description

1 box

Coordinadora Nacional de Derechos Humanos (CNDDHH), 2001-2002. 1 box.
Physical Description

1 box

Defensoría del Pueblo, 2001. 1 box.
Physical Description

1 box

Demus: Estudio para la Defensa de los Derechos de la Mujer, 2002. 1 box.
Physical Description

1 box

Flora Tristán: Centro de la Mujer Peruana, 2002. 1 box.
Physical Description

1 box

Instituto Bartolomé de las Casas, 2002. 1 box.
Physical Description

1 box

International Center for Transitional Justice, 2001. 1 box.
Physical Description

1 box

Programa de Apoyo al Repoblamiento y Desarrollo de Zonas de Emergencia (PAR), 2002. 1 box.
Physical Description

1 box

Red para la Infancia y la Familia (REDINFA), et. al., 2002. 1 box.
Physical Description

1 box

La Resistencia, 2001. 1 box.
Physical Description

1 box

Servicios Educativos Rurales (SER), 2002. 1 box.
Physical Description

1 box

Vanguardia Juvenil Castrovirreyna, 2001. 1 box.
Physical Description

1 box

Various, 2001-2002. 1 box.
Physical Description

1 box

Print, Suggest