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Philadelphia City Planning Commission surveys conducted with New Deal Federal Work-Relief funds records


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Overview and metadata sections

The Philadelphia City Planning Commission (PCPC) had barely come into existence (April 1929) when the stock market crashed, marking the onset of the Great Depression. Declaring itself to be without funds in December 1933, the commission, under the direction of its secretary, Walter H. Thomas, and vice chairman, S. P. Wetherill, Jr., applied for a grant from the Pennsylvania Civil Works Administration to support the activities of the commission from mid-December 1933 through mid-February 1934. The PCPC requested federal funding, made possible through President Roosevelt’s New Deal work relief programs, to subsidize general administrative costs of PCPC and support the continuation of work on a master plan for the city of Philadelphia which had already begun. The agency also proposed to conduct a survey of central Philadelphia which would help address the problems of decaying older neighborhoods. Authorized as CWA Project No. 51-0081, this project became the first of a number of surveys conducted by PCPC under the auspices of federal relief programs during the Great Depression. From 1933 to 1939, the Commission employed hundreds of architects, engineers, social workers, and other professional and clerical staff in efforts to analyze the physical, economic, and social conditions of the city and to address these problems through a combined program of research, planning, and public advocacy.

The history of the PCPC during these years is significant because it illustrates the experiences of one municipal agency in channeling state and federal work relief funds to local communities during the 1930s. Although the immediate goal of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal was to get working people back to work in the face of a national economic collapse, the provision of federal and state aid to agencies like the PCPC had other dimensions besides furnishing jobs. Indeed, the history of such programs provides a telling look at the political life and thought of the times and specific policy objectives in such areas as public housing, transportation, social welfare, and other relatively new professions which had emerged to cope with the challenges of an urbanized country.

The public funds to PCPC supported the ongoing work of the organization as well as special projects. The nature of these projects changed over time as did their personnel. Within a seven-year period, PCPC received grants from several public relief agencies to support projects of varying duration and intent. The PCPC officers who oversaw PCPC’s “Physical and Economic Survey of the Central Intensive Area of Philadelphia” (1933-1935) used the data to recommend slum clearance and housing projects. By 1936-37, the agency was also focusing its efforts on a “Cost of City Government” study to show the burden that crime and other problems endemic to slums imposed on the city overall.

The interest in both slum clearance and housing studies highlights the variety of research efforts which were conducted by state and local planning organizations under the New Deal. PCPC’s first projects in the Depression years were done in cooperation with statewide emergency relief programs including the Civil Works Administration from 1933-1934 and the Federal Employment Relief Administration from 1934-1935. Under funding from the Federal Works Progress Administration, PCPC produced a number of reports and summaries from 1936-1938. The reports incorporated newly gathered information but were drawn primarily from research collected under CWA and FERA.

The following is a guide to the records of the surveys conducted by the Philadelphia City Planning Commission during the Great Depression which are housed at the Philadelphia City Archives.

GLOSSARY: PCPC = Philadelphia City Planning Commission; PHA = Philadelphia Housing Authority; CWA= Federal Civil Works Administration; LWD FERA = Local Works Division of the Federal Emergency Relief Administration; WPA = Federal Works Progress Administration.

The Philadelphia City Planning Commission Survey files (Record Group (RG) 145-50) consist of 156 cubic feet of records pertaining to surveys conducted by PCPC under state and federal relief programs from 1933 to 1939. These surveys were done under the auspices of the Federal Civil Works Administration Project No. 51-0081 and continuation grants (Dec. 19, 1933-Ap. 1, 1934); the Local Works Division of the Federal Emergency Relief Administration Project Nos. 51-F2-22 (Ap. 8-Aug. 20, 1934) and 51-F2-1011 (Oct. 11, 1934-July 1935); and Federal Works Progress Administration Project Nos. 4421 (Dec. 3, 1935-July 27, 1937); 14692 (Sept. 10, 1937-May 5, 1938), and 18313 (1938-39). The PCPC survey files contain administrative files, grant applications, correspondence, memoranda, reports, report drafts, research notes, survey data, charts, diagrams, tables, block plans, blueprints, drawings, news clippings, and printed matter compiled and collected by PCPC survey staff in the course of conducting these studies. Files for Federal Works Progress Administration Project No. 665-23-3649, Real Property Survey, Philadelphia, 1939, conducted by the Philadelphia Housing Authority, found with the PCPC survey files described below, have been transferred to the Philadelphia Housing Authority Record Group at City Archives

The PCPC survey files were in deteriorating condition when processing began. The boxes and folders had deteriorated and the papers had become brittle and stained. Of special concern were numerous oversize plans, sketches, and worksheets which had been folded and creased. Low grade paper was found throughout the files. The containers were not well labeled; some of the boxes had been broken and replaced, causing their contents to become jumbled. To complicate matters, survey groups within PCPC borrowed each other’s research files so that it was often difficult to discern original file order.

The contents of each box were examined during processing and the materials generated by different activities within PCPC during the 1930s were identified and grouped together as sub-series to the extent that it was possible to link the material with a particular division or survey. The location of an organizational chart and administrative records within the boxes was helpful in doing this. If a group of data generated by one branch of the organization was found filed in with the research files of another branch of PCPC, it was left in the file in which it was last being used. Oversize items were unfolded and filed in flat file storage during processing according to sub-series number. Deteriorated items including newsclips were preservation photocopied onto acid-free paper.

Generally speaking, the material in RG145-50 includes three types of series:

1) Division Units: The first are files of units of the Philadelphia City Planning Commission--Administration, Transportation Division, Sanitation Division, and Real Estate Division--which existed within PCPC prior to PCPC’s participation in the subsidized surveys during 1933-39 or which continued to function as units under grants from CWA, FERA, and WPA. The Transportation, Sanitation, and Real Estate divisions all conducted surveys in which they gathered original research data on their program areas in order to illuminate problems which affected the entire metropolitan region as well as individual neighborhoods within the city. Their studies focused on provision of various of public services, potential applications of new technologies which might be made in the Greater Philadelphia area, and steps public agencies were taking to address problems of the urban infrastructure which were becoming increasingly acute. The division staffs included individuals with advanced professional training in architecture, engineering, accounting, and other areas.

2) Special Surveys: In addition to conducting the studies their own units were engaged in, the divisions also provided support to special surveys which represented a second type of sub-series found in the PCPC survey files. Special surveys included the Social Survey, the Cost of City Government Survey, the Physical and Economic Survey, the Commercial and Industrial Survey, and the Present Land Use Survey. As far as is known, the special surveys were ones which existed during the duration of the federal and state funded programs or those whose scope was significantly broadened beyond because of the involvement of an external agent. The distinction has been made in order to help researchers orient themselves to the survey files, but in reality there was a fine line between where the work of the PCPC division units ended and where that of projects based in grant funding--or some other form of inter-agency collaboration--began. The work of the Transportation and Sanitation Divisions was largely underwritten by federal and state relief funds but these divisions remained small and relatively discrete units within PCPC and a number of their staff were more or less continuously employed by those same units throughout the transition from CWA to LWD FERA to WPA sponsorship from 1933-1935. The Physical and Economic Survey would probably not have been possible without outside assistance, whereas the Commercial and Industrial Survey was more of a hybrid because it addressed issues such as economic development-- which were intimately bound up with the ongoing mission of PCPC and its master plan--while also taking on projects that required greater resources and manpower than PCPC could muster on its own. As a rule of thumb, both the divisions and the special surveys relied on clerical personnel to perform tasks associated with survey research such as collecting, tabulating, and checking data, but the special surveys tended to employ a larger and more differentiated group of employees. Additionally, the Special Survey files tend to be bulkier and harder to work with than those generated by the division units.

3) Reports: This series is made up of reports of studies conducted by the PCPC and issued in a typed format, usually with a typed cover sheet containing the name of the funding agency and the project number. Most of the typed reports located in this survey were found filed together when processing began and they have been kept together in order to provide an easily accessible means for researchers to obtain an overview of the aims and findings of major PCPC surveys and the agency overall. Reports summarizing the results of studies conducted by individual organizational divisions or special survey groups may also be found in each of the respective sub-series including the administrative sub-series. A decision was made to leave incomplete reports or report drafts in situ, so to speak, amidst their accompanying research notes and data so that researchers would be able to assess all the available documentation related to a particular study conducted by a given unit.


A chart of the Philadelphia City Planning Commission showing the organization of work under the Civil Works Administration, Dec. 20, 1933-April 5, 1934, and under L.W.D. Continuation to Oct. 1, 1934, has provided a useful tool for understanding the files. The chart lists Walter H. Thomas as director of the commission and David H. Morgan and Victor D. Abel as assistant directors. Victor D. Abel was also responsible for a unit entitled “Social and Economic Surveys.” The other units were City Planning Division (which focused on the Master Plan), Transportation; Sanitation, Public Relations, and Building Code. The Social and Economic Surveys unit included the Real Estate Division, Legislative Program, Social Survey, Commercial and Industrial Survey, and Housing Survey.

Physical and Economic Survey (subseries 145-50.9): The largest quantity of records are data cards compiled for the Physical and Economic Survey of the Central Intensive Area of Philadelphia (approximately 59 cubic feet, 1933-1935). In this study, the PCPC conducted a survey of physical, economic, and social conditions in central Philadelphia in order to identify blighted areas within the city and gather detailed information about individual properties. Morgan and Abel were particularly interested in housing and slum clearance; occasionally the Physical and Economic Survey was referred to in the files or in newspapers as the “Housing Survey.”

The first phase of the Physical and Economic Survey focused on the East Intensive Area of Philadelphia from the Delaware River to Broad Street and from Girard Avenue on the north to Washington Avenue on the south. PCPC surveyed this area from roughly Dec. 1933 through the spring of 1934. Later in 1934, PCPC continued the survey into the West Intensive Area of Philadelphia between Broad Street and the Schuylkill River and from Poplar Street on the north to Washington Avenue on the south. The findings were summarized in the PCPC’s “Report on the Physical Survey in the Central City Intensive Area of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, by Federal Works Progress Administration for Pennsylvania, Project #4421, The Philadelphia City Planning Commission, 1934-1936,” compiled by Donald Folsom (1 volume typescript, 1937) filed in RG145-50.2. Although the report was issued under WPA Project #4421, the field work and tabulation were performed under CWA and FERA.

The PCPC Physical and Economic Survey represented one segment of a larger survey of real estate conducted by federal and state relief agencies in Philadelphia (there were counterparts aimed at gathering information on housing and real estate in other cities and states in the same period of the Depression). The survey of Philadelphia conducted by Pennsylvania boards of CWA and FERA included the entire city of Philadelphia. The findings were subsequently published by the Pennsylvania State Emergency Relief Administration, Philadelphia Local Works Division, as the Report of Philadelphia Real Estate Survey, 1934 (5 vols., n.p., n.d.). Entitled “Social Survey IV” or “SS4,” this was a city-wide survey which covered sections of Philadelphia outside the Central Intensive Area as well as within, with PCPC providing data on the Central Intensive study. The files at the Philadelphia City Archives contain data cards on the portions of the survey that PCPC conducted in the Central Intensive Area for PCPC’s Physical and Economic Survey. PCA does not have the research files for the entire SS4 study of Philadelphia. PCPC did make use of some of SS4’s data, however, and references to SS4 appear in PCPC’s records and in newspaper articles at the time.

Commercial and Industrial Survey (subseries 145-50.7): The Commercial and Industrial Survey focused on economic trends in the Delaware Valley up through and during the Depression. Ralph W. Smith, director of the Philadelphia Surveys branch of the Philadelphia Local Work Division of the Pennsylvania State Emergency Relief Administration, provided general oversight to work conducted by the PCPC and some of Smith’s drafts and notes are contained in the survey files.

As explained in a report draft by squad leader D. Berenger [series 145-50.7, Folder 6, Oct-Nov. 1934], the specific goals of the Commercial and Industrial survey were to determine the geographic location and square foot area at various floor levels used for the various branches of commerce and industry and vacant space suitable therefore; to place this information on city maps with color-coding to indicate the exact distribution of commerce and industry throughout the city; to gather supplemental information relative to vacant space together with knowledge of conditions as they were in the past allow the survey staff to analyze trends such as the migration of various industries away from certain districts and into others; to determine to what extent the city was over or under-built or over or under-provided with certain types of structures; and to evaluate the quality of commercial and industrial plant, i.e., the physical conditions of all space used or suitable for commercial and industrial occupancies The evaluation included the condition of various buildings, structurally and from the standpoint of adequacy and comfort; and the classification of the buildings as fireproof, slow-burning, and 3rd and 4th class structures, sanitary conditions, lighting and heating, and the condition of the equipment. The information would serve as a yardstick of relative indispensability or obsolescence of certain buildings, groups of buildings, and city blocks.

Additionally, the survey sought to provide an official inspection of buildings and enterprises on behalf of federal, state, city, and semi-public agencies. Such information, while not immediately important to the city plan in which PCPC was engaged in, would serve to illustrate the extent to which such agencies were burdened due to subdivision of business in many small structures, and to what extent obsolete, worthless buildings contributed to costs. This research together with other information gathered was designed to permit surveyors to classify commerce and industry as to relative importance of marked areas into local, metropolitan, national, and international enterprise and assess the influence of commerce and industry on office, port and rail facilities, modes of shipping goods to and from such enterprises as rail, water, passenger traffic, parking facilities, and personnel data.

Interestingly, the survey group expressed particular interest in determining the total number of persons presently employed in the survey district classified as to various professions, trades, and callings; home locations of those persons; and average wages received by these persons. The research was intended to address such general issues such as the planning of port and rail facilities; the planning of traffic arteries and parking space, trolley, and high speed accommodations; and the interdependence of industry and labor. It was hoped that the information would be used in part to facilitate plans for low-cost housing developments surrounding those districts where large numbers of low-salaried workers were occupied.

Berenger described the progress and methods of the Commercial and Industrial survey under the CWA up through the fall of 1934 as follows. The survey examined the East Intensive Area as well as a narrow strip south of Washington Avenue and another strip north of Girard Avenue. This work was accomplished in roughly seven months and entailed about 10,000 investigations. The staff of investigators comprised one captain and eight men at the start and one captain, five district captains, and up to 45 investigators toward the end of the survey. The questionnaire was perfected along the way. The organization was such that each man was assigned a definite territory and supplied with a blueprint thereof. In addition to answering the questionnaires, the investigator was required to note on his blueprint any changes or discrepancies or subdivision of buildings. Upon completion of such a territory all questionnaires were checked for completion, and accuracy of square foot areas assigned to the various enterprises. Special investigations were then arranged of those firms which had refused to provide information previously. Follow-ups were conducted with individual consideration for each case and interviews were secured by letter. Regarding the method of tabulation, questionnaires pertaining to a full city block were tabulated to show the combined condition, day population, square foot area, etc. of each such block. This information was subdivided into commercial and industrial enterprises and garages. The tabulations were identified by designation of the block referred to and the streets were numbered serially. Those same numbers were then placed on a corresponding chart permitting quick reference to any desired city block. Upon completion of the tabulation work, the questionnaires were then placed in the general file, available to other departments of the organization.

The work of the Commercial and Industrial Division continued under LWD FERA from mid-1934 through 1935 and some of the investigations such as land use research were later resumed under WPA support to PCPC.

Social Survey (subseries 145-50.5): The PCPC Social Survey gathered data about the inhabitants of the Central Intensive Area of Philadelphia. Its studies were oriented toward social pathologies which were believed to be widespread in the intensive area but which needed to be systematically analyzed in order to support various other studies PCPC was engaged in and booster the need for rational planning efforts focusing on the physical rehabilitation of the area.

In order to obtain baseline information for its studies, the Social Survey compiled statistics on population from the Social Survey 1 (also referred to as SS-1) conducted under the Pennsylvania emergency relief program in 1934 and from census data (1930 and previous) to analyze the ethnic and racial makeup of central Philadelphia. The area contained sizeable concentrations of recent Eastern European and Russian immigrants as well as black migrants from the south. Charts produced by survey staff demonstrate the surveyors’ interest in analyzing the growth of the city’s black population.

In order to illustrate the effects of substandard living conditions, the Social Survey conducted research in public and agency records to show the prevalence of anti-social behaviors in the Central Intensive Area as manifested in the incidence of crime, dependency, truancy, juvenile delinquency, infant mortality, contagious diseases, tuberculosis, mental illness, hospital admissions, housing complaints and inspection violations, fires, traffic accidents, and other symptoms of social problems in this area. In most of these instances, the surveyors collected data for the year 1932.

One of the individuals involved in the initial stages of the Social Survey (1933-1934) was Benjamin Ritter. A copy of the “Ritter Report” --an early summary of the project’s findings--is found in the files. Another member of the project staff identified in the files as “S. Weisheit” w as primarily responsible for compiling the population data. During 1935-36 PCPC Social Survey personnel under the direction of Dr. Margaret K. Bishop tabulated data on social agencies which had originally been collected in 1933-1934 and resurveyed some of the research topics for which information had already been gathered.

One of the resurveys concerned hospital admissions. In 1935-1936 PCPC Social Survey staff conducted follow-up contacts with hospital administrators in order to obtain complete data on admissions to 31 hospitals in Philadelphia in the year 1932. The data sheets are significant in that they contain data which would probably be difficult to replicate today due to loss of records which were originally used to compile the information. The data sheets include addresses of patients admitted, their gender, age, race, and length of stay.

Similarly the Social Survey conducted detailed research on private agencies involved in family welfare. Again, as in the hospital research, the aim of the study was to determine what proportion of the agencies’ cases originated in the Central Intensive Area. Data was compiled on at least 90 different private agencies for the year 1935 and tabulated in 1936-1937.

The Social Survey was particularly interested in the incidence of crime in the deteriorating older neighborhoods of Philadelphia. Using data in part compiled by PCPC workers or by other agencies, PCPC workers tabulated information on persons pending trial, magistrates’ commitments, and incarcerations at the Reed Street Prison and the County Prison (Holmesburg), and figures on parole and probation to determine what proportion of cases were drawn from the Central Intensive Area. They also analyzed the inmate populations of the House of Corrections and the Home for the Indigent, Holmesburg.

Cost of Philadelphia Government Survey (subseries 145-50.6): An outgrowth of the Social Survey, the “Cost of Philadelphia Government” study drew heavily on research compiled by Social Survey staff including J. Christian Barth who wrote “Ad Interim Report on the Cost of Government of the City of Philadelphia” produced under the Federal WPA (Project #4421) around 1936. But there were clearly differences between the two surveys. According to the “Ad Interim Report,” the purpose of the cost study was to demonstrate the importance of improved housing, sanitation, and amelioration of all the related anti-social effects of the slums from the standpoint of a financial investment on the part of the city using methods of cost analysis borrowed from private industry. As Barth explained, whereas the Social survey was interested in occurrence of anti-social behaviors, the numbers of persons committed from the study area in a given year, and the proportion to the entire city, most of their studies were inadequate as cost studies because they failed to include lengths of terms of commitment. The cost survey attempted to provide a factual analysis of the city-wide cost of each and all direct-service outlets and to compare these to the cost of the Central City and to the city overall. In doing so, Barth and his colleagues hoped to produce a pilot study in the application of cost accounting to contemporary urban problems that would be useful in Philadelphia and other metropolitan areas.

Barth’s report went on to explain the sources and methods employed in performing a cost analysis of Philadelphia’s municipal government for the year 1933. The study was based on information in the Annual Report of the Mayor, the 18th Annual Report of the City Controller, 1933, and additional research into city financial and other records to ascertain costs of units of municipal government. J. C. Forman was the project supervisor; Theodore Falls prepared some of the studies involving functional analysis of costs; and numerous others assisted in compiling and analyzing the information.

Of special note is the detailed accounting analysis of amounts spent by the city of Philadelphia on the care of dependent children, the mentally ill, and other dependent groups and on the criminal justice system and police department. Included in the files is detailed analysis of expenditures made for support of children committed by courts to agencies such as the Catholic Children’s Bureau either for care of children in institutions or for children placed or “farmed” out to individuals. Most of the papers in the cost analysis records are dated from 1936 to early 1937. Three additional documents pertaining to the study including J. B. Forman, comp., “Comparative City Cost Survey Within the City of Philadelphia Based on 1933 Statistics of Social Services” prepared under the WPA of Pennsylvania Project #14692, c. 1937-1938, are found in Series 2, Reports (RG-145-50.2).

The PCPC survey files for 1933-1939 totaled 170 cubic feet prior to processing under a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities in 1999-2000. Little is known about the records other than the information available in the records themselves, but researchers have expressed interest in using the material and previous attempts to access these holdings have indicated the considerable value of the files because of the wealth of information they provide on the physical and social make-up of Philadelphia at a single point in time. The material arrived sometime before 1990 and possibly in several installments (portions were found tucked away throughout the Archives stacks). Most likely the boxes had been moved and stored in several locations before they reached the Archives. Mixed in with the PCPC files were 14 cubic feet of records of the Philadelphia Housing Authority from 1938 to 1942. Memoranda in the PHA files indicated that PCPC had loaned survey files to PHA in order to make the material available for use in a survey of low-income housing which PHA conducted under the Works Progress Administration in the late 1930s. The 14 boxes pertaining to the PHA low-income housing survey of 1939 and including PHA administrative records for 1938-1942 have since been accessioned into the records of the Philadelphia Housing Authority (RG 152) at City Archives. The files created by PCPC surveys have been retained with the PCPC survey record series described below.

The creation of the electronic guide for this collection was made possible through generous funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, administered through the Council on Library and Information Resources’ “Cataloging Hidden Special Collections and Archives” Project.

Finding aid entered into the Archivists' Toolkit by Garrett Boos and Courtney Smerz.

City of Philadelphia, Department of Records, City Archives
Finding Aid Author
Finding aid prepared by Gail E. Farr
Finding Aid Date
The creation of the electronic guide for this collection was made possible through generous funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, administered through the Council on Library and Information Resources’ “Cataloging Hidden Special Collections and Archives” Project. Finding aid entered into the Archivists' Toolkit by Garrett Boos and Courtney Smerz.
Access Restrictions

This collection is open for research use, in-house only.

Use Restrictions

Copyright restrictions may apply. Please contact the Archives with requests for copying and for authorization to publish, quote or reproduce the material.

Collection Inventory

Scope and Contents note

This series contains the files of the officials of the PCPC who administered the survey program grants. Included are files of two assistant directors of the PCPC, David H. Morgan and Victor D. Abel, from c. 1933-1936. Their files contain grant applications and progress reports for work completed by PCPC under state and federal program grants, correspondence and memoranda pertaining to PCPC surveys conducted during those years; minutes and memoranda concerning staff meetings data for a preliminary report on slum clearance projects involving 13 proposed sites in Philadelphia which was prepared for federal officials from March-June 1934; the manuscript and research notes for a series of articles on slum clearance and housing prepared by Victor D. Abel for the Philadelphia Record in Apr.-June 1934; files and plans pertaining to a proposed housing renovation project at 10th and Clinton Streets, Mar.-Aug. 1934; records of expenditures by PCPC under federal works program grants, 1933-1936; and personnel records, circa 1933-1936.

Physical Description

1.5 cubic feet and 17 map case folders

Application (CWA Project #51-0081, Dec. 14, 1933-Feb. 15, 1934), December 1933.
Box A-1 Folder 1
Application (CWA Project #51-0177, Dec. 20, 1933-Feb. 22, 1934), December 30, 1933.
Box A-1 Folder 2
Application (CWA Project #51-0081, Supplement No. 4, Feb. 22-May 1, 1934), February 9, 1934.
Box A-1 Folder 3
Application (FERA Project #51-F2-22), May 1934.
Box A-1 Folder 4
Application (FERA Project #51-F2-1011, Oct. 1934-Mar. 1935), August 23, 1934.
Box A-1 Folder 5
Application (FERA Project #51-F2-1011, Supplement No. 1, Oct. 1934-Mar. 1935), November 26, 1934.
Box A-1 Folder 6
Project Summaries (CWA Project #51-0081 and FERA Project #51-F2-1011, Dec. 1933-Oct. 1934) including an organizational chart of PCPC under these project grants and a draft of PCPC’s Philadelphia Master Plan with notes by D. Berenger, August 1934-January 1935.
Box A-1 Folder 7
Reports, FERA LWD Project #51-F2-1011, Interim Report, March 22,1935.
Box A-1 Folder 8
Reports, FERA LWD Project #51-F2-1011, Interim Report. (2nd copy), March 22, 1935.
Box A-1 Folder 9
Reports, FERA LWD Project #51-F2-1011, Weekly Reports, March 22-July 20, 1935.
Box A-1 Folder 10
Project Summary and Organizational Chart of PCPC under 1st WPA project grant, March 31, 1936.
Box A-1 Folder 11
Project Summary, WPA [?], “Schedule No. 1”, circa 1936.
Box A-1 Folder 12
Morgan, David H., files. Memorandum of Conference with New York Slum Clearance Committee, January 22, 1934.
Box A-1 Folder 13
Morgan, David H., files. Preliminary Report on Housing Conditions in Philadelphia [“Washington Report”] and Slum Clearance Report, Sites 1-13, March-April 1934.
Box A-1 Folder 14
Morgan, David H., files: Washington Report, preliminary; tables, “Feicht Block Nos. to Architectural Block Nos., Sites 1-13, June 1934.
Box A-1 Folder 15
Morgan, David H., files. Washington Report, data: tabulation of areas of Sites 1-13 for Preliminary Report, June 7, 1934.
Box A-1 Folder 16
Morgan, David H., files: Washington Report, data: Tabulation of Semi-Public & Industrial/Commercial Building Areas and Assessments, Sites 2-4, June 7, 1934.
Box A-1 Folder 17
Morgan, David H., files: Washington Report, data. Tabulation of Appraisals, Sites 2-4, June 7, 1934.
Box A-1 Folder 18
Morgan, David H., files. Washington Report, data: Population of Sites 1-13 in 1910, circa April 1934.
Box A-1 Folder 19
Morgan, David H., files. Washington Report, data: Population 1910 and 1930, Sites 1-13, 1934.
Box A-1 Folder 20
Morgan, David H., files. Washington Report, Data, Population 1930, Sites 1-13 (Worksheets), 1934.
Box A-1 Folder 21
Morgan, David H., files. Correspondence, 1936.
Box A-1 Folder 22
Abel, Victor D., files. CWA survey form draft and instructions for field workers, circa December 1933-February 15, 1934.
Box A-1 Folder 23
Abel, Victor D., files. Correspondence, December 19, 1933-January 31,1934.
Box A-1 Folder 24
Abel, Victor D., files. Correspondence, February-March 1934.
Box A-1 Folder 25
Abel, Victor D., files. Correspondence, April-May 1934.
Box A-1 Folder 26
Abel, Victor D., files. Correspondence, June-July 1934.
Box A-1 Folder 27
Abel, Victor D., files. Correspondence, August-October 1934.
Box A-1 Folder 28
Abel, Victor D., files. Correspondence, with E. R. Ocker, Federal CWA of Pennsylvania, February-May 1934.
Box A-1 Folder 29
Abel, Victor D., files. Correspondence concerning housing authority bills, January-February 1934.
Box A-1 Folder 30
Abel, Victor D., files. Housing Sites--Assessments; Lombard St. widening, October-November 1934.
Box A-1 Folder 31
Abel, Victor D., files. Memoranda-concerning building code investigation, January-February 1934.
Box A-1 Folder 32
Abel, Victor D., files. Welfare cases, February 1934.
Box A-1 Folder 33
Abel, Victor D., files. CWA Physical and Economic Survey, Dec.18, 1933-Feb. 15, 1934: Instructions for Completing Questionnaire, Jan.-Feb. 1934, December 18, 1933-February 1934.
Box A-1 Folder 34
Abel, Victor D., files. Housing for Transients on Relief, circa March 1934?.
Box A-1 Folder 35
Abel, Victor D., files. Washington Report on Proposed Public Housing Sites: Forms for compiling data on sites, March 1934.
Box A-1 Folder 36
Abel, Victor D., files. Washington Report on Proposed Public Housing Sites--lists of streets included in proposed sites, circa March-April 1934.
Box A-1 Folder 37
Abel, Victor D., files. Washington Report. Real Estate Assessments--Site 4 (2nd Ward), April-June 1934.
Box A-1 Folder 38
Abel, Victor D., files. Social Surveys (SS4), 4A and 4B, March-July 1934.
Box A-1 Folder 39
Abel, Victor D., files. Press Releases, December 30, 1933-January 10,1934.
Box A-1 Folder 40
Abel, Victor D., files. “Slum Clearing in Philadelphia.”(address presented by Abel at PCPC Board Luncheon, May 2, 1934); text published in Bulletin of the South Philadelphia Realty Board IV (July 1934), May 2, 1934; July 1934.
Box A-1 Folder 41
Abel, Victor D., files. Manuscript of articles “for Wilson,” Philadelphia Record, on Zoning and Slums. Part I: How a Large Part of Philadelphia Lives (draft), 1934.
Box A-1 Folder 42
Abel, Victor D., files. Manuscript of articles “for Wilson,” Philadelphia Record, on Zoning and Slums. Part II: Effect of Blighted Areas on Municipality (drafts), circa June 1934.
Box A-1 Folder 43
Abel, Victor D., files. Manuscript of articles for Philadelphia Record. “Migration of Industry from Philadelphia." [by Ralph Smith? See drafts of manuscript on migration of Industry in PCPC Commercial and Industrial Surveys files (PG 145-50.8)], circa June 1934.
Box A-1 Folder 44
Abel, Victor D., files. Manuscript of articles for Philadelphia Record. Notes: Progress Report--Committee on Revision of Philadelphia Building Code: Summary", June 4, 1934.
Box A-1 Folder 45
Abel, Victor D., files. Manuscript of article on building code for Philadelphia Record (draft), June 1934.
Box A-1 Folder 46
Abel, Victor D., files Manuscript of articles for Philadelphia Record, outline and Part I, circa June 1934.
Box A-1 Folder 47
Abel, Victor D., files Manuscript of articles for Philadelphia Record, Part II, circa June 1934.
Box A-1 Folder 48
Abel, Victor D., files. Manuscript of articles “for Wilson,” Part III, Reviving Blighted Areas (drafts), June 1934.
Box A-1 Folder 49
Abel, Victor D., files. Housing--Clinton St. site between 10th to 11th sts., 1934 studies of renovation, Part I (of 4): Real Estate Data Sheets (See also, material in legal size folder and map case cabinet), April-August 1934.
Box A-1 Folder 50
Abel, Victor D., files. Housing--Clinton St. renovation study--Part V)--photos (four), circa 1934.
Box A-1 Folder 51
Abel, Victor D., files. Housing Studies--Preliminary: Substandard demolition (10N/9E). Population count (White/black) and proposed accommodations, 1935?.
Box A-1 Folder 52
Abel, Victor D., files. Housing: Renovated and New (alternate). Costs of financing under F.H.A. and P.W.A. (table), undated.
Box A-1 Folder 53
Abel, Victor D., files. Housing in Philadelphia 1932 (Philadelphia Housing Association, 1933), pamphlet by Bernard J. Newman, 1932; 1933.
Box A-1 Folder 54
Abel, Victor D., files: Printed Matter: Real Estate Magazine XV, January 1934.
Box A-1 Folder 55
Abel, Victor D., files. Printed Matter: The Nation, April 11, 1934.
Box A-1 Folder 56
Abel, Victor D., files. Printed Matter. Public Housing Surveys: An Outline of Survey and Planning Procedure for Low-Cost Housing (National Association of Housing Officials), March 1934.
Box A-1 Folder 57
Abel, Victor D., files. Printed Matter. Newspaper Clippings--Housing (photocopies), December 1933-August 1934.
Box A-1 Folder 58
Abel, Victor D., files. Printed Matter. Miscellaneous, 1934.
Box A-1 Folder 59
Supervisory Staff files: CWA #51-0081: Physical and Economic Survey, Edmund R. Purves [Captain Supervising Field Investigators], files, December 1933-February 1934.
Box A-1 Folder 60
Supervisory Staff files: WPA. Minutes of meetings, March 10-May 14, 1936.
Box A-1 Folder 61
Supervisory Staff files. Memoranda, 1935-1936.
Box A-1 Folder 62
Supervisory Staff files. Memoranda, 1937.
Box A-1 Folder 63
Supervisory Staff files. Memoranda--List of drawings and studies of parks, parkways and recreational areas, December 10, 1935.
Box A-1 Folder 64
Administrative Staff files. Memoranda. Report Book Index, May 1936.
Box A-1 Folder 65
Financial Records. Expenditure of Money for Supplies and Payrolls, WPA Project Nos. 4421 and 14692, Part I, Control Record, December 1935-May 1938.
Box A-1 Folder 66
Financial Records. Expenditure of Money for Supplies and Payrolls, WPA Project Nos. 4421 and 14692, Part II, vendors’ counts, December 1935-May 1938.
Box A-1 Folder 67
Financial Records, WPA #4421, H. A. Price, files. Vendors, circa 1935?.
Box A-1 Folder 68
Financial Records, WPA #4421. Vendors--Williams, Brown & Earle Inc, May-July 1936.
Box A-1 Folder 69
Financial Records: Report of Expenditures of Project CWA and LWD, Dec. 19, 1933-July 19, 1935.
Box A-1 Folder 70
Personnel Records: Classification of Personnel and Staff List, January 1934.
Box A-1 Folder 71
Personnel Records, Yarnelle, Ralph E., Files. Correspondence, December 22, 1933-August 29, 1934.
Box A-1 Folder 72
Personnel Records, Yarnelle, Ralph E., Files. Correspondence, September 1-December 30, 1934.
Box A-1 Folder 73
Personnel Records, Yarnelle, Ralph E., Files. Correspondence, May 1934-July 1935.
Box A-1 Folder 74
Personnel Records, Yarnelle, Ralph E., Files. Correspondence, January-May 1935.
Box A-1 Folder 75
Personnel Records. Commercial and Industrial Survey: Instructions for Field Workers, circa 1934.
Box A-1 Folder 76
Personnel Records, Yarnelle, Ralph E., Files. Names, addresses, and titles of staff, 1934.
Box A-1 Folder 77
Research files: Physical and Economic Survey, report data, circa 1935.
Box A-1 Folder 78
Research files: Physical and Economic Survey, Commercial and Industrial Survey, draft by Folsom [?], undated.
Box A-1 Folder 79
Research files: Philadelphia Real Property Survey, FERA LWD, report: “Facilities in Philadelphia Residential Structures,” LEWD Bulletin #15, January 25, 1935.
Box A-1 Folder 80
Research files: Social Survey. Reports on Agencies Contacted, 1936.
Box A-1 Folder 81
Research files: Project #51-F2-1011: Population Study 1920, 1930, 1934: Color, Nativity, and Race: data sheets completed to Mar. 27, 1934, Part I, Census Tracts 1-20, March 27, 1934.
Box A-1 Folder 82
Research files: Project #51-F2-1011: Population Study 1920, 1930, 1934: Color, Nativity, and Race: data sheets completed to Mar. 27 1934; Part III, CT 35-31, March 27, 1934.
Box A-1 Folder 83
Research files: Project #51-F2-1011: Population Study 1920, 1930, 1934: Color, Nativity, and Race: Data Sheets, complete to Mar. 27, 1934: Part IV, CT 32-34, March 27, 1934.
Box A-1 Folder 84
Research files: Population Study. Homes by Tenure and Value or Monthly Rental for Census Tracts 1930, CT 1-48, datasheets, 1934?.
Box A-1 Folder 85
Research files: Population Study: Families, Radios, Dwellings, and Quasi-Family Groups for Census Tracts 1A-48F, datasheets, 1934?.
Box A-1 Folder 86
Reports--PA 4421: Demolition Program (typed portion and manuscript draft), author not identified, circa 1934-1936.
Box A-2 Folder 1
Project Summary: WPA Present Land Use Survey; Instructions, February 1938.
Box A-2 Folder 2
Morgan, David H. Files. Washington Report--Data--Tabulations of Industrial and Semi-Public Areas in Sites 1-13, circa April 1934.
Box A-2 Folder 3
Morgan, David H. Files. Project No. 51-F2-1011, Population Study 1920, 1930, 1934, “Final Data--Dec. 1934", December 1934.
Box A-2 Folder 4
Morgan, David H. Files. Unemployment in Philadelphia County, Feb. 15, 1934; Preliminary Results: State Emergency Relief Board, Bulletin 1A, copy 1, August 14, 1934.
Box A-2 Folder 5
Morgan, David H. Files. Unemployment in Philadelphia, copy 2.
Box A-2 Folder 6
Morgan, David H. Files. Preliminary Slum Clearance Report to Washington--Draft and Notes, March-June 1934.
Box A-2 Folder 7
Morgan, David H. Files. Washington Report--Summary Data on Proposed Housing Sites 1-13, 1934?.
Box A-2 Folder 8
Morgan, David H. Files. Washington Report--Social Survey Data [photocopy], table, Sites 1-13, 1934.
Box A-2 Folder 9
Morgan, David H. Files. Modernization of Sample Philadelphia City Block--Housing--Richter & Mulhausen study, May-July 1934.
Box A-2 Folder 10
Morgan, David H. Files. Washington Report, Preliminary: Drafts and Notes, March-June 1934.
Box A-2 Folder 11
Morgan, David H. Files. Washington Report--Data--Preliminary Take-Off and Checklist for Public and Semi-Public Buildings, Spruce to Washington sts. east of 7th St. (7S-13S and 7E-17E), March 1934.
Box A-2 Folder 12
Morgan, David H. Files. Washington Report. Data. Population 9S-12S and 11E to 13E, June 18, 1935.
Box A-2 Folder 13
Morgan, David H. Files. Washington Report. Site Tabulations: Site 6, 1934.
Box A-2 Folder 14
Morgan, David H. Files. Washington Report. Data: Areas, Assessments and Appraisals of Sites 1-13, 1930 and 1934 [photocopies], 1930; 1934.
Box A-2 Folder 15
Morgan, David H. Files. Washington Report. Data. Area and Assessments, Summary of Sites 1-13, 1934.
Box A-2 Folder 16
Morgan, David H. Files. Washington Report. Dwellings per block, Sites 1-13, 1934.
Box A-2 Folder 17
Morgan, David H. Files. Washington Report. Site Maps (Sites 1-13) [originals removed to flat file], circa May 1934.
Box A-2 Folder 18
Morgan, David H. Files. Data: Real Estate Summary, East Intensive Area, 13N to 12S and 0E to 13E, 1934 data, April 17, 1935.
Box A-2 Folder 19
Abel, Victor D. Files. Washington Report--Percentage of Houses that are Owned or Rented, Sites 1-13, 1934.
Box A-2 Folder 20
Abel, Victor D. Files. CWA Physical and Economic Survey, Dec. 18, 1933-Feb. 15, 1934. Data and Tabulation Sheets: Drafts and Printed Copies, circa 1934.
Box A-2 Folder 21
Abel, Victor D. Files. CWA Physical and Economic Survey, Dec. 18, 1933-Feb. 15, 1934: Rough Data for Original Allocation [Slum Clearance], Nov.-Dec. 1933, December 18, 1933-February 15, 1934; November-December 1933.
Box A-2 Folder 22
Abel, Victor D. Files. Housing Authority Bills--samples collected, January-February 1934.
Box A-2 Folder 23
Abel, Victor D. Files. Social & Economic Surveys. SS4A and 4B: Instructions for Field Work, March-July 1934.
Box A-2 Folder 24
Abel, Victor D. Files. Physical and Economic Survey, CWA #51-0081, Supplements 3 and 4--Reports and Memoranda, February-May 1934.
Box A-2 Folder 25
Abel, Victor D. Files. Physical and Economic Survey, CWA #51-0081, Supplement 4, Proposal draft, 1934.
Box A-2 Folder 26
Abel, Victor D. Files. Housing--Clinton St. Site bet. 10th to 11th Sts. 1934 studies of renovations. Part II, Notes by Lawrence V. Boyd [“LVB”] and others, April-August 1934.
Box A-2 Folder 27
Abel, Victor D. Files. Housing--Clinton St. site bet. 10th to 11th Sts. [4S-3E], 1934 studies of renovations. Part III. Literature regarding furnishings, 1934.
Box A-2 Folder 28
Personnel Records. Yarnelle, Ralph E. Files. Federal Emergency Relief Employment Records. Correspondence, October 1934-May 1935.
Box A-2 Folder 29
Research Files. Housing Study--Preliminary--Rehabilitation (10N-9E): Existing rooms, new family accommodations, estimated costs, 1935?.
Box A-2 Folder 30
Research Files. Housing Study--Data on Proposed Sites from SS4 Survey, October-December 1934.
Box A-2 Folder 31
Research Files. District Codes, Philadelphia County, undated.
Box A-2 Folder 32
Research Files. Population Data compiled by Social Surveys, Harrisburg, Pa., from SS, Feb. 1934, February 1935.
Box A-2 Folder 33
Research Files: Relation of PCPC Survey Block Nos. to Census Tract Nos. used for Social Surveys, East Intensive Area N. of Market St, 1934.
Box A-2 Folder 34
Research Files: Relation of PCPC Survey Block Nos. to Census Tract Nos. used for Social Surveys, East Intensive Area S. of Market St, 1934.
Box A-2 Folder 35
Research Files. Relation of PCPC Survey Block Nos. to Census Tract Nos. used for Social Surveys, W. of Broad St. and N. of Market St, 1934.
Box A-2 Folder 36
Research Files: Relation of PCPC Survey Block Nos. to Census Tract Nos. used for Social Surveys, W. of Broad St. and S. of Market St, January 28, 1934.
Box A-2 Folder 37
Research Files. Population and Transportation, Social Survey SS-1A, December 1934.
Box A-2 Folder 38
Research Files. Social Surveys--Objectives, circa January 1936.
Box A-2 Folder 39
Research Files. CWA #51-F2-1011. Population Study 1920, 1930, 1934--Tables, December 31, 1934.
Box A-2 Folder 40
General Administrative Files: Organizational Chart of Work under CWA (Dec. 20, 1933-Ap. 5, 1934) and L.W.D. Continuation to Oct. 1, 1934, August 6, 1934.
Map Case O Drawer 43 / Folder 1
Morgan, David H. Files: Washington Report: Draft and Notes, March-June 1934.
Map Case O Drawer 43 / Folder 2
Morgan, David H. Files: Washington Report: Draft and Notes, March-June 1934.
Map Case O Drawer 43 / Folder 3
Morgan, David H. Files: Washington Report: Summary Data on Proposed Housing Sites #1-13, 1934?.
Map Case O Drawer 43 / Folder 4
Morgan, David H. Files: Washington Report: Slum Clearance Report--Map Showing Location of Sites 1-13, March-April 1934.
Map Case O Drawer 43 / Folder 5
Morgan, David H. Files: Washington Report: Site Maps, Sites 1-13, circa May 1934.
Map Case O Drawer 43 / Folder 6
Morgan, David H. Files: Washington Report: Social Survey Data, Sites 1-13, 1934.
Map Case O Drawer 43 / Folder 7
Morgan, David H. Files: Washington Report: Area and Assessments, Summary of Sites 1-13, 1934.
Map Case O Drawer 43 / Folder 8
Morgan, David H. Files: Washington Report: Areas, Assessments and Appraisals of Sites 1-13, 1930; 1934, June 7, 1934.
Map Case O Drawer 43 / Folder 9
Morgan, David H. Files: Washington Report: Site maps [blueprints], 1934.
Map Case O Drawer 43 / Folder 10
Population Study 1920, 1930, 1934--Tables, December 31,1934.
Map Case O Drawer 43 / Folder 11
Morgan, David H. Files: Unemployment in Philadelphia Co., [photostats of tables of data], February 15, 1934.
Map Case O Drawer 43 / Folder 12
Morgan, David H. Files: Real Estate Summary, East Intensive Area, 1933 data, April 17, 1935.
Map Case O Drawer 43 / Folder 13
Abel, Victor D. Files: SS4A, 4B-Instructions for Field Work, circa March-July 1934.
Map Case O Drawer 43 / Folder 14
Abel, Victor D. Files: Report on Philadelphia Real Estate Board Occupancy & Vacancy Survey, 1932.
Map Case O Drawer 43 / Folder 15
Abel, Victor D. Files: Real Estate Assessments, Site 4 (2nd, 3rd, 4th Ward), April-June 1934.
Map Case O Drawer 43 / Folder 16
Abel, Victor D. Files: Housing: Clinton St. site bet. 10th -11th sts., 1934 studies of Renovations, Part IV--Sketches, 1934.
Map Case O Drawer 43 / Folder 17
General Administrative Files: W.P.A. Work Chart, Project #4421-C1022, Dec. 1935-June 1937; W.P.A. Master Progress Chart, Project #4421-C1022, Dec. 1935-June 1937; W.P.A. Master Progress Chart, Project #4421-C1022, Dec. 1935-June 1937--Physical Research: Present Land Use City Wide [unfinished draft version, undated], December 1935-June 1937; undated.
Map Case Very Large Oversize Drawer Folder 18

Scope and Contents note

This series includes typed manuscripts of the following reports: “Social Survey: Report--Broad St. to Delaware Ave., Girard to Washington Aves., B. Ritter’s, Mar. 1, 1935 (12 pp. + tables; 2 copies); Social Survey, “Population Trends: Actual and Predicted--A.D 1780 to 2100 for the City of Philadelphia….” by the Local Works Division, Project #S1-F2-22, State Emergency Relief Board, for the Philadelphia City Planning Commission, 1935, computed and written by Major Irvin S. Grindrod [1935]; revised maps by WPA #4421, Mar. 1936-Ap. 1937 (2 copies); “Report on Areas and Population Density of Minor Blocks, Census Tracts, and Wards, the City of Philadelphia, 1934,” WPA of PA, #4421, compiled by Edward A. J. Evans, 1937; “Report on the Physical Survey in the Central City Intensive Area of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, by Federal Works Progress Administration for Pennsylvania-Project #4421, The Philadelphia City Planning Commission, 1934-1936” compiled by Donald Folsom, 1937; “Real Estate Research Survey for the PCPC by the Federal WPA for Pennsylvania, #4421 and #14692, for 1926, 1930, 1936” compiled by Edward A. J. Evans [Feb.1937?], 2 copies; “Report on Tax Exempt Real Properties by Federal WPA for Pennsylvania, #4421” compiled by Edward A. J. Evans, July 1, 1937; “Sections A-H: Cost of Philadelphia Government Survey: Checklist of Institutions to Which City Pays Keep for Commitments of Criminals, Destitute, Insane, etc., in 1933, & related Notes,” compiled by T. F. Falls, 1934; Cost of Philadelphia Government Survey, “Data pertaining to Checklist Items #61, #03, #31--Costs of Care of Dependent Children in 1933 tabulated by PCPC Block No. [1934-1936?]”; Cost of Philadelphia Government Survey, “Comparative City Cost Survey within the City of Philadelphia Based on 1933 Statistics of Social Services--WPA of PA 14692” compiled by J. B. Forman [1937-1938?]; “Report on the Port of Philadelphia, Pa.: Analysis--Status, Trends, Recommendations and the Commerce of the Port, by Federal WPA for Pa #4421,” compiled by R. W. Smith, 1934, rewritten by J. M. Kelly, 1937; “Analysis of Fire Study in the City of Philadelphia Based on 1933 Statistics,” Federal WPA for Pa #14692, compiled by J. B. Forman [1937-1938?]; “Report on Collection and Disposal of Garbage, Rubbish and Ashes, City of Philadelphia, Pa.,” Federal WPA for Pa.#14692, compiled and written by J. M. Kelly, 1935, with addenda, 1937; “Report on Sewage Treatment and Disposal--City of Philadelphia,” by Federal WPA for Pa. #14692, compiled & written by J. M. Kelly, Jan. 1938; and the following published reports: Pennsylvania State Emergency Relief Administration--Philadelphia Local Works Division. Report of Philadelphia Real Estate Survey 1934. Published report of Social Survey IV; 5 vols. [1935-1936?]; U.S. Works Progress Administration for Pennsylvania, Report of Philadelphia Real Property Survey 1934, WPA #4744, Vols. 1-5, Census Tracts 1-48; Colored Housing, Vols. 1-3. Tables to accompany the Cost of City Government Survey. “Comparative City Cost Survey … based on 1933 Statistics of Social Services” [1937-1938?],” are found in flat file storage. Microfilms of the published reports prepared from originals at the Free Library of Philadelphia around 1970 are available on 3 microfilm rolls. The third roll contains a “Summary of Residential Structures and Family Housing” which is not available in hard-copy format at the City Archives.

Physical Description

2.0 cubic feet and 17 map case folders

Social Survey. Report: Broad St. to Delaware Ave., Girard to Washington Aves., B. Ritters. Carbon copy typescript, 12 pp. + tables. Copy 1, March 1, 1935.
Box A-3 Folder 1
Social Survey. Report: Broad St. to Delaware Ave., Girard to Washington Aves., B. Ritter. Carbon copy typescript, 12 pp. + tables. Copy 2, March 1, 1935.
Box A-3 Folder 2
Social Survey. “Population Trends: Actual and Predicted--A.D. 1780 to 2100 for the City of Philadelphia….” By the Local Works Division, Project #S1-F2-22, State Emergency Relief Board, for the Philadelphia City Planning Commission, 1935. Computed and written by Major Irvin S. Grindrod [1935]; revised maps by WPA #4421. Copy 1, March 1936-April 1937.
Box A-3 Folder 3
Social Survey. “Population Trends: Actual and Predicted--A.D. 1780 to 2100 for the City of Philadelphia….” By the Local Works Division, Project #S1-F2-22, State Emergency Relief Board, for the Philadelphia City Planning Commission, 1935. Computed and written by Major Irvin S. Grindrod [1935]; revised maps by WPA #4421. Copy 2, March 1936-April 1937.
Box A-3 Folder 4
“Report on Areas and Population Density of Minor Blocks, Census Tracts, and Wards, the City of Philadelphia, 1934.” WPA of PA, #4421. Compiled by Edward A. J. Evans. Part 1 (of 5): Text of Report, Areas to Bulkheads, Areas to Pierheads, 1937.
Box A-3 Folder 5
“Report on Areas and Population Density of Minor Blocks, Census Tracts, and Wards, the City of Philadelphia, 1934.” WPA of PA, #4421. Compiled by Edward A. J. Evans. Part 2 (of 5): Areas of Population Density--Minor Blocks & Census Tracts 1A-23A, 1937.
Box A-3 Folder 6
“Report on Areas and Population Density of Minor Blocks, Census Tracts, and Wards, the City of Philadelphia, 1934.” WPA of PA, #4421: Compiled by Edward A. J. Evans. Part 3 (of 5): Areas of Population Density--Minor Blocks & Census Tracts Census Tracts, 23B-34C, 1937.
Box A-3 Folder 7
“Report on Areas and Population Density of Minor Blocks, Census Tracts, and Wards, the City of Philadelphia, 1934.” WPA of PA, #4421. Compiled by Edward A. J. Evans. Part 4 (of 5): Areas of Population Density--Minor Blocks & Census Tracts, CT 34C-40BB), 1937.
Box A-3 Folder 8
“Report on Areas and Population Density of Minor Blocks, Census Tracts, and Wards, the City of Philadelphia, 1934.” WPA of PA, 4421. Compiled by Edward A. J. Evans. Part 5 (of 5): Areas of Population Density--Minor Blocks & Census Tracts, CT 41A-48F, 1937.
Box A-3 Folder 9
“Report on the Physical Survey in the Central City Intensive Area of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, by Federal Works Progress Administration for Pennsylvania-Project #4421, The Philadelphia City Planning Commission, 1934-1936.” Compiled by Donald Folsom. Copy 1. Part 1 (of 6): Text of report. 14 pp. typescript +tables, maps, 1937.
Box A-3 Folder 10
“Report on Physical Survey,” sample data card, undated.
Box A-3 Folder 11
“Report on the Physical Survey in the Central City Intensive Area of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, by Federal Works Progress Administration for Pennsylvania-Project #4421, The Philadelphia City Planning Commission, 1934-1936.” Compiled by Donald Folsom. Copy 1. Part 2 (of 6): Data: On family dwellings, 1937.
Box A-3 Folder 12
“Report on the Physical Survey in the Central City Intensive Area of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, by Federal Works Progress Administration for Pennsylvania-Project #4421, The Philadelphia City Planning Commission, 1934-1936.” Compiled by Donald Folsom. Copy 1. Part 3 (of 6): Data: Two family dwellings, 1937.
Box A-3 Folder 13
“Report on the Physical Survey in the Central City Intensive Area of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, by Federal Works Progress Administration for Pennsylvania-Project #4421, The Philadelphia City Planning Commission, 1934-1936.” Compiled by Donald Folsom. Copy 1. Part 4 (of 6): Data: Multiple dwellings, 1937.
Box A-3 Folder 14
“Report on the Physical Survey in the Central City Intensive Area of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, by Federal Works Progress Administration for Pennsylvania-Project #4421, The Philadelphia City Planning Commission, 1934-1936.” Compiled by Donald Folsom. Copy 1. Part 5 (of 6): Data: Hotel and Lodging--Physical Condition of Buildings, Sections a-d, 1937.
Box A-3 Folder 15
“Report on the Physical Survey in the Central City Intensive Area of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, by Federal Works Progress Administration for Pennsylvania-Project #4421, The Philadelphia City Planning Commission, 1934-1936.” Compiled by Donald Folsom. Copy 1. Part 6 (of 6): Data: Total Residential and Other Buildings, Section e, 1937.
Box A-3 Folder 16
“Report on the Physical Survey in the Central City Intensive Area of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, by Federal Works Progress Administration for Pennsylvania-Project #4421, The Philadelphia City Planning Commission, 1934-1936.” Compiled by Donald Folsom. Copy 2, 1937.
Box A-3 Folder 17-22
“Real Estate Research Survey for the PCPC by the Federal WPA for Pennsylvania, #4421 and #14692, for 1926, 1930, 1936.” Compiled by Edward A. J. Evans. Copy 1. Part 1 (of 5): pp. 1-27, February 1937?.
Box A-3 Folder 23
“Real Estate Research Survey,” Copy 1. Part 2 (of 5): Areas of PCPC Blocks, undated.
Box A-3 Folder 24
“Real Estate Research Survey,” Copy 1. Part 3 (of 5): Assessments; Values per Square Foot, undated.
Box A-3 Folder 25
“Real Estate Research Survey,” Copy 1. Part 4 (of 5): Rents & Statistics, undated.
Box A-3 Folder 26
“Real Estate Research Survey,” Copy 1. Part 5 (of 5): Types of Ownership, Appraised Values & Open Areas, undated.
Box A-3 Folder 27
“Real Estate Research Survey,” Copy 2, undated.
Box A-3 Folder 28-32
“Report on Tax Exempt Real Properties by Federal WPA for Pennsylvania, #4421.” Compiled by Edward A. J. Evans, Sections A-H, July 1, 1937.
Box A-3 Folder 33
Cost of Philadelphia Government Survey: Checklist of Institutions to Which City Pays Keep for Commitments of Criminals, Destitute, Insane, etc., in 1933, & related Notes. Compiled by T. F. Falls, 1934.
Box A-4 Folder 1
Cost of Philadelphia Government Survey: Data pertaining to Checklist Items #61, #03, #31--Costs of Care of Dependent Children in 1933 tabulated by PCPC Block No, 1934-1936?.
Box A-4 Folder 2
Cost of Philadelphia Government Survey. “Comparative City Cost Survey within the City of Philadelphia Based on 1933 Statistics of Social Services--WPA of PA #14692.” Compiled by J. B. Forman, 1937-1938?.
Box A-4 Folder 3
“Report on the Port of Philadelphia, Pa. Analysis--Status, Trends, Recommendations and the Commerce of the Port by Federal WPA for Pa #4421.” Compiled by R. W. Smith, 1934. Rewritten by J. M. Kelly, 1937.
Box A-4 Folder 4
“Analysis of Fire Study in the City of Philadelphia Based on 1933 Statistics.” Federal WPA for Pa #14692. Compiled by J. B. Forman, 1937-1938?.
Box A-4 Folder 5
“Report on Collection and Disposal of Garbage, Rubbish and Ashes, City of Philadelphia, Pa.” Federal WPA for Pa. #14692. Compiled and written by J. M. Kelly, 1935, with addenda, 1937.
Box A-4 Folder 6
“Report on Sewage Treatment and Disposal--City of Philadelphia,” by Federal WPA for Pa. #14692; 1936-37; compiled & written by J. M. Kelly, January 1938.
Box A-4 Folder 7
Pennsylvania State Emergency Relief Administration--Philadelphia Local Works Division. Report of Philadelphia Real Estate Survey 1934. Published report of Social Survey IV; 5 vols. Vol. 1: Residential Structures, Census Tracts 1A-34Q, 1935-1936?.
Box A-4 Folder 8
Pennsylvania State Emergency Relief Administration--Philadelphia Local Works Division. Report of Philadelphia Real Estate Survey. Vol. 2: Residential Structures, Census Tracts 35A-48B, 1934.
Box A-4 Folder 9
Pennsylvania State Emergency Relief Administration--Philadelphia Local Works Division. Report of Philadelphia Real Estate Survey. Vol. 3: Family Accommodations, Census Tracts 1A-34Q, 1934.
Box A-4 Folder 10
Pennsylvania State Emergency Relief Administration--Philadelphia Local Works Division. Report of Philadelphia Real Estate Survey. Vol. 4: Family Accommodations, Census Tracts 35A-48F, 1934.
Box A-4 Folder 11
Pennsylvania State Emergency Relief Administration--Philadelphia Local Works Division. Report of Philadelphia Real Estate Survey. Vol. 5: Non-Residential Structures, Census Tracts 1-48, 1934.
Box A-4 Folder 12
U.S. Works Progress Administration for Pennsylvania. Report of Philadelphia Real Property Survey. WPA #4744. Family Accommodations by No. of Rooms: Vol. 1, Census Tracts 1-17, 1934.
Box A-4 Folder 13
U.S. Works Progress Administration for Pennsylvania. Report of Philadelphia Real Property Survey. WPA #4744. Family Accommodations by No. of Rooms: Vol. 2, Census Tracts 18-25, 1934.
Box A-4 Folder 14
U.S. Works Progress Administration for Pennsylvania. Report of Philadelphia Real Property Survey. WPA #4744. Family Accommodations by No. of Rooms: Vol. 3, Census Tracts 26-34, 1934.
Box A-4 Folder 15
U.S. Works Progress Administration for Pennsylvania. Report of Philadelphia Real Property Survey. WPA #4744. Family Accommodations by No. of Rooms: Vol. 4, Census Tracts 35-40, 1934.
Box A-4 Folder 16
U.S. Works Progress Administration for Pennsylvania. Report of Philadelphia Real Property Survey. WPA #4744. Family Accommodations by No. of Rooms: Vol. 5, Census Tracts 41-48, 1934.
Box A-5 Folder 1
U.S. Works Progress Administration for Pennsylvania. Report of Philadelphia Real Property Survey. WPA #4744. Colored Housing, Vol. 1--Summary, 1934.
Box A-5 Folder 2
U.S. Works Progress Administration for Pennsylvania. Report of Philadelphia Real Property Survey 1934. WPA #4744. Colored Housing, Vol. 2--Residential Structures, Census Tracts 1-48, 1934.
Box A-5 Folder 3
U.S. Works Progress Administration for Pennsylvania. Report of Philadelphia Real Property Survey 1934. WPA #4744. Colored Housing, Vol. 3--Family Accommodations, Census Tracts 1-48, 1934.
Box A-5 Folder 4
Cost of Philadelphia Government Survey. “Comparative City Cost Survey … based on 1933 Statistics of Social Services”--Tables, 1937-1938?.
Map Case O Drawer 44 / Folder 1
Report of Philadelphia Real Property Survey 1934, Family Accommodations by Number of Rooms, Vols. 1-3 [Microfilmed from originals in the collection of The Free Library of Philadelphia in 1970], 1934.
Microfilm Cabinet 13 Drawer 4 / Roll 1
Report of Philadelphia Real Property Survey, Family Accommodations by Number of Rooms, Vols. 4-5; Colored Housing, Vols. 1-2 [Microfilmed from originals in the collection of The Free Library of Philadelphia in 1970], 1934.
Microfilm Cabinet 13 Drawer 4 / Roll 2
Report of Philadelphia Real Property Survey, Colored Housing, Vol 3; and Summary of Residential Structures and Family Housing [Microfilmed from originals in the collection of The Free Library of Philadelphia in 1970], 1934.
Microfilm Cabinet 13 Drawer 4 / Roll 3

Scope and Contents note

This series contains files of surveys conducted by the Transportation Division of the Philadelphia City Planning Commission. The research concerns several broad topic areas such as Highway Design, Transit Studies, and Population Studies, within which are more specific topics which were investigated in detail. Most of the files relate either to Transit Studies investigating of advantages and shortcomings of different proposed schemes for rapid transit, trolleys, buses, and/or specific routes, including a proposal and plans for the Northeast High Speed Line (circa 1935-Ap. 1936); or Highway Design studies dealing with commercial vehicles and the trucking industry in and around Philadelphia. Among the latter studies was survey that was done by sending questionnaires to trucking firms that did business in and around Philadelphia concerning what routes they used, how often, and the types of products transported. The files contain correspondence and completed survey forms. The sub-series also includes oversize material (plans, blueprints, charts, etc.) which have been flatfiled in folders and in two 10x15” clamshell type flatfile boxes housing count 200 small blueprints, tracings, and ink on linen drawings depicting elements of highway design as represented in planning journals in the early 1930s.

Physical Description

3.0 cubic feet, 2 flatboxes, 24 map case folders, and 3 very large map case folders

CWA and LWD, Organization Chart of Transportation Division research areas, circa January-June 1934.
Box A-5 Folder 5
Memoranda, 1934.
Box A-5 Folder 6
LWD Project #51-1081, Preliminary Report of Transit, July 17, 1934.
Box A-5 Folder 7
LWD Project #51-F2-1011: Interim Report, March 22, 1935.
Box A-5 Folder 8
WPA #14692, Interim Report, circa 1937-1938.
Box A-5 Folder 9
Organizational Chart of Division under 1st WPA, March 31, 1936.
Box A-5 Folder 10
Minutes of Staff Meetings and Memoranda, October 23, 1935-May 1938.
Box A-5 Folder 11
Commercial Vehicles Survey: Report on Motor Freight Traffic Survey, by Earl D. Covell; typed, with revisions, circa January-February 1935?.
Box A-5 Folder 12
Commercial Vehicles Survey: Motor Freight Traffic, report draft, circa July 1934.
Box A-5 Folder 13
Commercial Vehicles Survey: Memoranda, March 8, 1934-January 21, 1935.
Box A-5 Folder 14
Commercial Vehicles Survey: Report on Motor Freight Traffic Survey--tables, charts, etc, circa January-February 1935?.
Box A-5 Folder 15
Commercial Vehicles Survey: Research Notes, March 1934-January 1935.
Box A-5 Folder 16
Commercial Vehicles Survey: Report outline, 1934?.
Box A-5 Folder 17
Commercial Vehicles Survey: Report--Charts, circa December 1934?.
Box A-5 Folder 18
Commercial Vehicles Survey: List of Truck Portals Surveyed, July 1934, February 1935.
Box A-5 Folder 19
Commercial Vehicles Survey: List of Truckers & Haulers Surveyed, circa July-December 1934.
Box A-5 Folder 20
Commercial Vehicles Survey: Questionnaires to Trucking Companies and Responses, December 1934.
Box A-5 Folder 21
Commercial Vehicles Survey: Tally of Philadelphia Streets Used by Motor Trucking Industry Including Portals. 47 pp, January 15, 1935.
Box A-5 Folder 22
Commercial Vehicles Survey: Data Sheets: A-Z, April-July 1934.
Box A-5 Folder 23
Commercial Vehicles Survey: Data Sheets: Abbott’s Dairies Inc. (ice cream), May 28, 1934.
Box A-5 Folder 24
Commercial Vehicles Survey: Data Sheets: Abbott’s Dairies Inc. (milk), May 31, 1934.
Box A-5 Folder 25
Commercial Vehicles Survey: Data Sheets: Breyer Ice Cream Co, June 20, 1934.
Box A-5 Folder 26
Commercial Vehicles Survey: Data Sheets: Harbison Dairy Co, July 3, 1934.
Box A-5 Folder 27
Commercial Vehicles Survey: Data Sheets: Philadelphia Dairy Products Co., Scott-Powell Milk Co, June 26, 1934.
Box A-5 Folder 28
Commercial Vehicles Survey: Data Sheets: Silver Seal Dairy Products Co, June 20, 1934.
Box A-5 Folder 29
Commercial Vehicles Survey: Data Sheets: Supplee Milk Co, June 11, 1934.
Box A-5 Folder 30
Commercial Vehicles Survey: Data Sheets: Wawa Dairy Farms, June 11, 1934.
Box A-5 Folder 31
Commercial Vehicles Survey: Data Sheets: American Stores Co, June 5, 1934.
Box A-5 Folder 32
Commercial Vehicles Survey: Data Sheets: Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co, June 5, 1934.
Box A-5 Folder 33
Commercial Vehicles Survey: Data Sheets: Contract Transport Co, July 31, 1934.
Box A-5 Folder 34
Commercial Vehicles Survey: Data Sheets: Curtis Publishing Co, July 11, 1934.
Box A-5 Folder 35
Commercial Vehicles Survey: Data Sheets: Delaware Transportation Co, July 19, 1934.
Box A-5 Folder 36
Commercial Vehicles Survey: Data Sheets: Filbert, L. S, April 18, 1934.
Box A-5 Folder 37
Commercial Vehicles Survey: Data Sheets: Frankford Grocery Co., Inc, June 18, 1934.
Box A-5 Folder 38
Commercial Vehicles Survey: Data Sheets: Gimbel Bros, May 18, 1934.
Box A-5 Folder 39
Commercial Vehicles Survey: Data Sheets: Gulf Refining Co, April 17, 1934.
Box A-5 Folder 40
Commercial Vehicles Survey: Data Sheets: Hall-Salem Express, July 20, 1934.
Box A-5 Folder 41
Commercial Vehicles Survey: Data Sheets: Horlacher Film Delivery, July 9, 1934.
Box A-5 Folder 42
Commercial Vehicles Survey: Data Sheets: John Wanamaker, April 18, 1934.
Box A-5 Folder 43
Commercial Vehicles Survey: Data Sheets: Lit Brothers, May 17, 1934.
Box A-5 Folder 44
Commercial Vehicles Survey: Data Sheets: Pennsylvania Railroad, May 25, July 3, 1934.
Box A-5 Folder 45
Commercial Vehicles Survey: Data Sheets: Philadelphia Drainage Express Corp, June 20, 1934.
Box A-5 Folder 46
Commercial Vehicles Survey: Data Sheets: Philadelphia Wholesale Drug Co, July 24, 1934.
Box A-5 Folder 47
Commercial Vehicles Survey: Data Sheets: Quaker City Grocery Co, June 28, 1934.
Box A-5 Folder 48
Commercial Vehicles Survey: Data Sheets: Richfield Oil Corp. of New York, June 1934.
Box A-5 Folder 49
Commercial Vehicles Survey: Data Sheets: Shell Eastern Petroleum Products, Inc, June 13, 1934.
Box A-5 Folder 50
Commercial Vehicles Survey: Data Sheets: N. Snellenberg & Co, April 24, 1934.
Box A-5 Folder 51
Commercial Vehicles Survey: Data Sheets: Speedway Trucking Co, July 17, 1934.
Box A-5 Folder 52
Commercial Vehicles Survey: Data Sheets: Strawbridge & Clothier, April 1934.
Box A-5 Folder 53
Commercial Vehicles Survey: Data Sheets: Union Transfer Co, April 11, 1934.
Box A-5 Folder 54
Commercial Vehicles Survey: Data Sheets: Whinney’s Express, July 2, 1934.
Box A-5 Folder 55
Commercial Vehicles Survey: Data Sheets: Sheets not tabulated, August-November 1934.
Box A-5 Folder 56
Truck Volume Count (WPA #14692): List of Areas to be Surveyed, circa 1937-1938.
Box A-5 Folder 57
Truck Volume Count (WPA #14692): Data Sheets: Arch St.: 54th, 57th, 60th sts.; Vine St.: 60th St, February-March 1938.
Box A-5 Folder 58
Truck Volume Count (WPA #14692): Cedar Ave.: 52nd, 60th sts, March-April 1938.
Box A-5 Folder 59
Truck Volume Count (WPA #14692): Data Sheets: 42nd St. & Powelton Ave, February 1938.
Box A-5 Folder 60
Truck Volume Count (WPA #14692): Data Sheets: Girard Ave., 57th, 56th, 52nd, 44th, 40th sts.; 60th & Haverford Ave, January-February 1938.
Box A-5 Folder 61
Truck Volume Count (WPA #14692): Data Sheets: Lancaster Ave.: 59th, 52nd, 44th, 42nd sts., Powelton Ave., City Ave., 63rd St, January-February 1938.
Box A-5 Folder 62
Truck Volume Count (WPA #14692): Data Sheets: Walnut St.: 60th, 46th, 40th, 36th, 52nd sts, March 1938.
Box A-5 Folder 63
Truck Volume Count (WPA #14692): Data Sheets: Spruce St.: 52nd, 60th, 34th, 40th, 46th sts, February-April 1938.
Box A-5 Folder 64
Truck Volume Count (WPA #14692): Data Sheets: Chelten Ave., Washington Lane, December 1937.
Box A-5 Folder 65
Truck Volume Count (WPA #14692): Data Sheets: Frankford Ave., Torresdale Ave, December 1937-January 1938.
Box A-5 Folder 66
Truck Volume Count (WPA #14692): Data Sheets: Chestnut St.: 52nd, 46th, 36th, 34th, 60th sts, March 1938.
Box A-5 Folder 67
Truck Volume Count (WPA #14692): Data Sheets: Race St.: 53rd, 58th sts, February-March 1938.
Box A-5 Folder 68
Truck Volume Count (WPA #14692): Data Sheets: Market St.: Wyalusing Ave, January-February 1938.
Box A-6 Folder 1
Truck Volume Count (WPA #14692): Data Sheets: Haverford Ave.: 42nd, 46th, 50th, 52nd, 56th, 57th, 63rd sts, January-February 1938.
Box A-6 Folder 2
Truck Volume Count (WPA #14692): Data Sheets: Lansdowne Ave.: 63rd, 57th sts, January 1938.
Box A-6 Folder 3
Truck Volume Count (WPA #14692): Data Sheets: Kensington Ave.: Hunting Park, Torresdale aves., Castor Road., Frankford and Torresdale aves., Lycoming and Castor Rd, December 1937.
Box A-6 Folder 4
Truck Volume Count (WPA #14692): Data Sheets: Baltimore Ave.: 50th St.; Chester Ave., 52nd St., Woodland Ave., 47th, 49th sts, April 1938.
Box A-6 Folder 5
Truck Volume Count (WPA #14692): Data Sheets: Chester Ave.: 42nd, 47th sts.; Chestnut St.: 34th St, April-May 1938.
Box A-6 Folder 6
Truck Volume Count (WPA #14692): Data Sheets: Brochures for truck models, 1934-1935.
Box A-6 Folder 7
Motor Vehicle Registration Survey: Passenger Registration in Philadelphia by zones 1930-1936 (table), 1937?.
Box A-6 Folder 8
Pedestrian Survey: “Notes on Vine-Broad Underpass” by Earl D. Covell, Jr., Engineer, February 27-March 5, 1934.
Box A-6 Folder 9
Pedestrian Survey: Report; handwritten, 6 pp. and tables, circa January 1935?.
Box A-6 Folder 10
Pedestrian Survey: Miscellaneous data, diagrams, Part 2, circa June 1934-January 1935.
Box A-6 Folder 11
Pedestrian Survey: Miscellaneous data, diagrams, Part 3, circa June 1934-January 1935.
Box A-6 Folder 12
Pedestrian Survey: Data sheets: D120: Market St., N. Side, 8th-9th sts, February 1935.
Box A-6 Folder 13
Pedestrian Survey: Data sheets: D121, D122: Market St., S. Side., 8th-9th sts, December 1934-January 1935.
Box A-6 Folder 14
Pedestrian Survey: Data sheets: D123, Market St., N. Side, 10th-11th sts.; D124, Market St., S. Side, 10th-11th sts, February 1935.
Box A-6 Folder 15
Pedestrian Survey: Data sheets: D125, Market St., S. Side, 10th-11th sts.; D126, Market St., N. Side, 10th-11th sts, February 1935.
Box A-6 Folder 16
Pedestrian Survey: Data sheets: D127, Market St., N. Side, 11th-12th sts.; D128, Market St., S. Side, 11th- 12th sts, December 1934-February 1935.
Box A-6 Folder 17
Pedestrian Survey: Data sheets: D128, Market St., S. Side, 11th-12th sts.; D129, Market St., N. Side, 11th-12th sts, December 1934-January 1935.
Box A-6 Folder 18
Pedestrian Survey: Data sheets: D130, Juniper St.; D131, Juniper St, November-December 1934.
Box A-6 Folder 19
Pedestrian Survey: Data sheets: D132, Chestnut St., N. Side, 12-13th sts.; D133, Chestnut St., S. Side, 12th-13th sts.; D134, Chestnut St., N. Side, Broad-15th sts.; D135, Chestnut St., S. Side, Broad-15th sts, January 1935.
Box A-6 Folder 20
Pedestrian Survey: Data sheets: D120, Market St., N. Side, 8th-9th sts, February 1935.
Box A-6 Folder 21
Pedestrian Survey: Data sheets: D121, Market St., S. Side, 8th-9th sts, December 1934-January 1935.
Box A-6 Folder 22
Pedestrian Survey: Data sheets: D122, Market St., S. Side, 8th-9th sts, December 1934.
Box A-6 Folder 23
Pedestrian Survey: Data sheets: D123, D124, Market St., N. Side, 10th-11th sts, February 1935.
Box A-6 Folder 24
Pedestrian Survey: Data sheets: D125, Market St., S. Side, 10th-11th sts, February 1935.
Box A-6 Folder 25
Pedestrian Survey: Data sheets: D126, Market St., N. Side, 10th-11th sts, April 1935.
Box A-6 Folder 26
Pedestrian Survey: Data sheets: D127, Market St., N. Side, 11th-12th sts, February 1935.
Box A-6 Folder 27
Pedestrian Survey: Data sheets: D128, Market St., S. Side, 11th to 12th sts, December 1934.
Box A-6 Folder 28
Pedestrian Survey: Data sheets: D129, Market St., S. Side, 11th to 12th sts, January 1935.
Box A-6 Folder 29
Pedestrian Survey: Data sheets: D130, Juniper St., moving north, November 1934.
Box A-6 Folder 30
Pedestrian Survey: Data sheets: D131, Juniper St., moving north, November-December 1934.
Box A-6 Folder 31
Pedestrian Survey: Data sheets: D132, Chestnut St., N. Side, 12th-13th sts, January 1935.
Box A-6 Folder 32
Pedestrian Survey: Data sheets: D133, Chestnut St., S. Side, 12th-13th sts, January 1935.
Box A-6 Folder 33
Pedestrian Survey: Data sheets: D134, Chestnut St., N. Side, bet. Broad & 15th sts.; D135, Chestnut St., S. Side, bet. Broad & 15th sts, January 1935.
Box A-6 Folder 34
Survey Reports: Commercial Vehicle Survey, Progress Reports, July 5-August 6,1934.
Box A-6 Folder 35
Highway Research: Preliminary Reports on Highway Design: Highway Design Index [to original folders 1-12], circa 1935?.
Box A-6 Folder 36
Highway Research: Preliminary Reports on Highway Design: Vehicle Size Regulation, Lane Widths, Curb Radii. Pages 2-5 and tables, 1934.
Box A-6 Folder 37
Highway Research: Preliminary Reports on Highway Design: Vehicle Size Regulation. 4 pp., typed, ribbon copy, undated.
Box A-6 Folder 38
Highway Research: Preliminary Reports on Highway Design: Parking. 31 pp., typed carbon copy, circa April 1935.
Box A-6 Folder 39
Highway Research: Preliminary Reports on Highway Design: Parking & Garaging. 93 pp., typed (pp. 1-13 missing); original ribbon copy, 1934.
Box A-6 Folder 40
Highway Research: Preliminary Reports on Highway Design: Parking & Garaging, 93 pp., typed carbon copy, 1934.
Box A-6 Folder 41
Highway Research: Preliminary Reports on Highway Design: Lane Widths. 4 pp., typed carbon copy, 1934-1935.
Box A-6 Folder 42
Highway Research: Preliminary Reports on Highway Design: Lane Widths. 6 pp., typed ribbon copy, circa 1934-1935.
Box A-6 Folder 43
Highway Research: Preliminary Reports on Highway Design: Sidewalk Widths. 22 pp., typed ribbon copy, circa 1934.
Box A-6 Folder 44
Highway Research: Preliminary Reports on Highway Design: Sidewalk Widths. 35 pp., typed carbon copy, circa 1934-1935.
Box A-6 Folder 45
Highway Research: Preliminary Reports on Highway Design: Sidewalk Widths. Miscellaneous notes, typed carbon copy, circa April 1935.
Box A-6 Folder 46
Highway Research: Preliminary Reports on Highway Design: Pedestrian Protection. 23 pp., typed carbon copy, April 1935.
Box A-6 Folder 47
Highway Research: Preliminary Reports on Highway Design: Pedestrian Protection. 35 pp., typed ribbon copy, 1934-1935.
Box A-6 Folder 48
Highway Research: Preliminary Reports on Highway Design: Pedestrian Protection. 23 pp., typed carbon copy, 1934-1935.
Box A-6 Folder 49
Highway Research: Preliminary Reports on Highway Design: Effect of Curb Radii on Vehicular Traffic Flow; typed carbon copies, February 19, May 7, 1935.
Box A-6 Folder 50
Highway Research: Preliminary Reports on Highway Design: Curb Radii. 9 pp., typed carbon copy, circa 1934-1935.
Box A-6 Folder 51
Highway Research: Preliminary Reports on Highway Design: Curb Radii. 2 pp., typed carbon copy and data, circa 1934-1935.
Box A-6 Folder 52
Highway Research: Preliminary Reports on Highway Design: Intersections. 142 pp., typed ribbon copy, circa 1934-1935.
Box A-6 Folder 53
Highway Research: Preliminary Reports on Highway Design: Intersections. 142 pp., typed carbon copy, circa 1934-1935.
Box A-6 Folder 54
Highway Research: Preliminary Reports on Highway Design: Intersections, (sketches and notes), circa 1934-1935.
Box A-6 Folder 55
Highway Research: Preliminary Reports on Highway Design: Intersections. 81 pp., typed carbon copy, April 10, 1935.
Box A-6 Folder 56
Highway Research: Preliminary Reports on Highway Design: Highway Planning. 75 pp., typed ribbon copy, March 1935.
Box A-6 Folder 57
Highway Research: Preliminary Reports on Highway Design: Highway Planning. 75 pp., typed carbon copy and portions of ribbon copy, March 1935.
Box A-6 Folder 58
Highway Research: Preliminary Reports on Highway Design: Highway Planning. 58 pp., typed carbon copy, March 25, 1935.
Box A-6 Folder 59
Highway Research: Preliminary Reports on Highway Design: Major Highways. 7 pp., typed ribbon copy and charts, 1934-1935.
Box A-6 Folder 60
Highway Research: Preliminary Reports on Highway Design: Major Highways--Parkways, (chart), circa 1934-1935.
Box A-6 Folder 61
Highway Research: Preliminary Reports on Highway Design: Major & Minor Highways; Parkways, Secondary Highways, 13 pp., typed carbon copy, circa 1934-1935.
Box A-6 Folder 62
Highway Research: Preliminary Reports on Highway Design: Secondary Highways. 2 pp., typed ribbon copy, 1934.
Box A-6 Folder 63
Highway Research: Preliminary Reports on Highway Design: Minor Highways. 2 pp., typed carbon copy and tables, 1934.
Box A-6 Folder 64
Highway Research: Preliminary Reports on Highway Design: Traffic Control. 20 pp., typed carbon copy, 1935-1936.
Box A-6 Folder 65
Highway Research: Preliminary Reports on Highway Design: Traffic Control--Traffic Lanes. 15 pp., typed carbon copy, 1935.
Box A-6 Folder 66
Highway Research: Preliminary Reports on Highway Design: Street Capacities per Lane and Braking Distances, (tables), circa 1934.
Box A-6 Folder 67
Highway Research: Preliminary Reports on Highway Design: Traffic Control. 90 pp., typed ribbon copy, 1935.
Box A-6 Folder 68
Highway Research: Preliminary Reports on Highway Design: Traffic Control. 90 pp., typed carbon copy, 1935.
Box A-6 Folder 69
Highway Research: Preliminary Reports on Highway Design: Highway Cross Sections. 14 pp., typed carbon copy, undated.
Box A-6 Folder 70
Highway Research: Preliminary Reports on Highway Design: Centre Drained Streets--Report. Original and typed, January 1935.
Box A-6 Folder 71
Highway Research: Preliminary Reports on Highway Design: Centre Drained Streets--Correspondence, January 1935.
Box A-6 Folder 72
Studies of Transportation Trends: Motor Vehicle Registration Survey: Persons per automobile--Philadelphia, Camden, Pennsylvania, U.S., 1920-1934, (table), circa 1937?.
Box A-6 Folder 73
Studies of Transportation Trends: Motor Vehicle Registration Survey: Passenger and Motor Truck Registration--Philadelphia; Pennsylvania; U.S., 1920-1934, (table), circa 1937.
Box A-6 Folder 74
Studies of Transportation Trends: Motor Vehicle Registration Survey: Passenger Car Registration by Zone for Years 1926-1936, January 31, 1938.
Box A-6 Folder 75
Transportation Trends Transit Surveys: Total Revenue Passengers P.R.T., 1902-1933, December 1937-January 1938.
Box A-7 Folder 1
Transportation Trends Transit Surveys: “A Review of the Transit Situation in Philadelphia,” 72 pp. typed carbon copy, February 1934.
Box A-7 Folder 2
Transportation Trends Transit Surveys: “A Review of the Transit Situation in Philadelphia” as furnished to the Bulletin by Jas. T. Frame and Earl Covell, 75 pp. typed carbon copy, February 1934.
Box A-7 Folder 3
Transportation Trends Transit Surveys: Surface Lines--Cars at 37th and 49th and Woodlawn, Weekday, Fall 1933 (table), March 23, 1934.
Box A-7 Folder 4
Transportation Trends Transit Surveys: Rapid and Other Transit Systems: Comparison of Running Times, 1934-1935.
Box A-7 Folder 5
Transportation Trends Transit Surveys: Philadelphia Rapid Transit Co.: Surface Lines Running Time (data sheets), December 23, 1936.
Box A-7 Folder 6
Transportation Trends Transit Surveys: Market St. subway extension: “Request [to PCPC Real Estate Division] for Assessment Data/EC [Earl Covell],” data sheets using 1934 data, 1934-1935.
Box A-7 Folder 7
Transportation Trends Transit Surveys: Franchise Study--Financial Data, undated.
Box A-7 Folder 8
Transportation Trends Transit Surveys: Franchise Study--Mileage of Subsidiary Companies, December 31, 1933.
Box A-7 Folder 9
Transportation Trends Transit Surveys: Collection of Papers Presented at Transportation Section Meeting, Kenosha, Wisconsin, August 1934.
Box A-7 Folder 10
Transportation Trends Transit Surveys: Transcripts of Newspaper Articles on Transit, 1934-1935.
Box A-7 Folder 11
Transportation Trends Transit Surveys: Clippings from daily newspapers [original], April 1934-November 1937; undated.
Box A-7 Folder 12
Transportation Trends Transit Surveys: Clippings from daily newspapers [photocopies], April 1934-November 1937; undated.
Box A-7 Folder 13
Transportation Trends Transit Surveys: Clippings from newspapers, [photocopies], January 1937-March 1938.
Box A-7 Folder 14
Transportation Trends Transit Surveys: Ordinances of the City of Philadelphia and Opinions of the City Regarding Market St. subway (copy 1), 1925-1931.
Box A-7 Folder 15
Transportation Trends Transit Surveys: Ordinances of the City of Philadelphia and Opinions of the City Regarding Market St. subway (copy 2), 1925-1931.
Box A-7 Folder 16
Vehicular Traffic Counts: Arch St., data sheets, August 1936.
Box A-8 Folder 1
Vehicular Traffic Counts: Comparative Volume, Entering and Leaving City, 1931 & 1934, compiled, 1934; 1936.
Box A-8 Folder 2
Vehicular Traffic Counts: Boat and Vehicle Traffic Count, Penrose Ferry Bridge, data sheets, August 1936.
Box A-8 Folder 3
Vehicular Traffic Counts: Spring Garden St., Art Museum Area and E. and W. of Spring Garden St. bridge, 1934; 1936.
Box A-8 Folder 4
Commercial Vehicles Survey: Report and drafts of ordinance to control the traffic of motor freight trucks, January 1935-February 1936.
Box A-8 Folder 5
Pedestrian Survey: Summary sheets (D120-D135), data and speed, November 1934-April 1935.
Box A-8 Folder 6
Pedestrian Survey: Report and data, 12 pp, October 15, 1934.
Box A-8 Folder 7
Highway Design: Report Notes & Data--Braking Distance and Lane Capacity, circa 1934-35.
Box A-8 Folder 8
Highway Design: Summarized and Unsummarized Data, circa 1934-1936.
Box A-8 Folder 9
Preliminary Report--Parking & Garaging, 10 pp. handwritten, undated.
Box A-8 Folder 10
Highway Design: Preliminary Report--Traffic Control, handwritten, undated.
Box A-8 Folder 11
Highway Design: Preliminary Report--Highway Planning; handwritten, circa July 1934.
Box A-8 Folder 12
Trends--Motor Vehicle Registration: Report, data, circa January 1935.
Box A-8 Folder 13
Trends--Transit: Trend of Transportation Lines--Correspondence with other Cities in regard to Transportation Trends, 1934-1936.
Box A-8 Folder 14
Trends--Transit: Surface Car Routes--Revisions, undated.
Box A-8 Folder 15
Trends--Transit: Passenger Statistics, circa 1934-1936.
Box A-8 Folder 16
Trends--Transit: Broad St. Subway--Costs & Expenditures to Dec. 31, 1932, compiled, circa February 1934.
Box A-8 Folder 17
Trends--Transit: Comparison of Subway Construction Costs, New York City & Philadelphia, 1925-32, compiled, circa 1934-1935.
Box A-8 Folder 18
Trends--Transit: High Speed Transportation Studies of Extension of Frankford Elevated to Rhawn St.; Authorized Roosevelt Blvd. Subway; and Compromise Plan Proposed by PCPC--Report, written by E. D. Covell, 9 pp. typed, August 1934.
Box A-8 Folder 19
Trends--Transit: High Speed Transportation Studies--Notes, drafts of report, April-August 1934.
Box A-8 Folder 20
Trends--Transit: Mass Transportation--Data on Single Rides Entering Central City for Year 1934, circa June 1936.
Box A-8 Folder 21
Trends--Transit: Data on PRT Routes 1901-1933, compiled, January 1937.
Box A-8 Folder 22
Trends--Transit: Surface Car Routes--Revisions--Plans for Improvement of Streets and Surface Car Routes, 13th to 17th Sts., Church St., Olney Ave., Champlost St, circa 1934-1936.
Box A-8 Folder 23
Trends--Transit: Arch St. subway circa 1933, compiled, 1935.
Box A-8 Folder 24
Trends--Transit: S. Broad St. Subway extension--Report & data, 1934-1936.
Box A-8 Folder 25
Trends--Transit: Passenger Flow--Chestnut Hill Branch, Reading Railroad), 1934-1935, datasheets compiled, 1934-1935.
Box A-8 Folder 26
Trends--Transit: Passenger Flow--Chestnut Hill Branch, Reading Railroad), 1930; datasheets compiled, 1934-1935.
Box A-8 Folder 27
Trends--Transit: Passenger Flow--Surface Car Routes, Transfers, Buses, Subways, datasheets compiled, 1934-1935.
Box A-8 Folder 28
Trends--Transit: Passenger Flow--Tables, circa 1910-1934.
Box A-8 Folder 29
Trends--Transit: Passenger Flow--Various Routes, Charts, and Tables, circa 1934-1935.
Box A-8 Folder 30
Trends--Transit: Passenger Flow--Data 1903-34, compiled, 1934-1935.
Box A-8 Folder 31
Trends--Transit: Buses--Report on “Extension of Transit Service: Comparison of Bus and Street Car Service”, 1934?.
Box A-8 Folder 32
Trends--Transit: Estimates for Improvements to Rapid Transit System proposed by PCPC, June 1938.
Box A-8 Folder 33
Trends--Transit: Estimates: Broad St. Subway, South St. to Olney Ave. & Ridge-8th St. Subway, November 1934.
Box A-8 Folder 34
Trends--Transit: Estimates: Cost of Constructing New Typical Street per foot, 1934-1935.
Box A-8 Folder 35
Trends--Transit: Estimates: Spring Garden Underpass, circa 1935.
Box A-8 Folder 36
Trends--Transit: Estimates for Improvements to Complete High-Speed Transit System: Locust St. via Woodland Ave. subway, 1934-1935.
Box A-8 Folder 37
Trends--Transit: Estimates for Improvements to Complete Philadelphia’s High-Speed Transit System: Frankford Elevated to Island Rd, May 1935.
Box A-8 Folder 38
Trends--Transit: High Speed Transit--Northeast High Speed Line, Proposal & Plans, circa 1935-April 1936.
Box A-8 Folder 39
Trends--Transit: High Speed Transportation Studies--Notes, Draft, 1934-1936.
Box A-8 Folder 40
Trends--Transit: CWA & LWD 51-0081: Transit Studies--General Engineering Transit Data & Graphs, circa July 1934-1936.
Box A-8 Folder 41
Trends--Transit: Transit Studies--Buses, Manuscript on “History of Bus Operation,” draft and notes, circa 1936?.
Box A-8 Folder 42
Trends--Transit: Transit Studies--Bus Traffic Flow 7 a.m.-7 p.m., 6th & 7th and Race St., May 5-6, 1936, compiled, 1936.
Box A-8 Folder 43
Trends--Transit: Transit Studies--Buses--Proposed Routes Crosstown, etc., circa 1920-1934, compiled, 1934.
Box A-8 Folder 44
Trends--Transit: Transit Studies--Bus Statistics, circa 1920-1935, compiled, 1936.
Box A-8 Folder 45
Trends--Transit: Transit Studies--Index of “Transit Facts” concerning railroads, mass transit, circa 1934-1936?.
Box A-8 Folder 46
Trends--Transit: Transit Studies--Index of “Transit Facts,” sections A-K, 1934-1936?.
Box A-8 Folder 47
Trends--Transit: Transit Studies--City Transit Costs: Loans, etc, 1934-1935.
Box A-8 Folder 48
Trends--Transit: Transit Studies--Estimate of Cost--General, 1934-1935.
Box A-8 Folder 49
Trends--Transit: Transit Studies--Estimate of Cost for Proposed Transit Improvements, 1935.
Box A-8 Folder 50
Trends--Transit: Transit Studies--Estimate of Cost--Locust St.-Woodland Subway and West Philadelphia, May 1934.
Box A-8 Folder 51
Trends--Transit: Transit Studies--Estimate of Cost--Bustleton High Speed Transit, circa 1934-1935.
Box A-8 Folder 52
Trends--Transit: Highway Design--Report (Notes)--Sewers, circa 1934-1935.
Box A-8 Folder 53
Trends--Transit: Trends--Vehicular Traffic Flow at Main Intersections, Philadelphia, 1934, between 7 a.m.-7 p.m, April 1934.
Box A-8 Folder 54
Trends--Transit: Trends--Population Studies, Tri-State Area, data 1923-35, circa 1937-1938.
Box A-8 Folder 55
Highway Research--Highway Design--Plans (tracings and ink-on-linen drawings): Intersections--Sketches #1-21 (tracings), circa June-July 1934.
Box A-9 Folder 1
Highway Research--Highway Design--Plans (tracings and ink-on-linen drawings): Intersections--Sketches #22-30 (tracings), circa June-July 1934.
Box A-9 Folder 2
Highway Research--Highway Design--Plans (tracings and ink-on-linen drawings): Transit--Buses--Proposed Routes 1920-34 (tracings), circa 1934.
Box A-9 Folder 3
Highway Research--Highway Design--Plans (tracings and ink-on-linen drawings): Parking & Garaging (ink on linen), circa 1934.
Box A-9 Folder 4
Highway Research--Highway Design--Plans (tracings and ink-on-linen drawings): Sidewalk Width (ink on linen), circa 1934.
Box A-9 Folder 5
Highway Research--Highway Design--Plans (tracings and ink-on-linen drawings): Pedestrian Protection (ink on linen), circa 1934.
Box A-9 Folder 6
Highway Research--Highway Design--Plans (tracings and ink-on-linen drawings): Curb Radii (ink on linen), circa 1934.
Box A-9 Folder 7
Highway Research--Highway Design--Plans (tracings and ink-on-linen drawings): Intersections--Sketches #1-6 (ink on linen), 1934.
Box A-9 Folder 8
Highway Research--Highway Design--Plans (tracings and ink-on-linen drawings): Intersections--Sketches #7-12 (ink on linen), 1934.
Box A-9 Folder 9
Highway Research--Highway Design--Plans (tracings and ink-on-linen drawings): Intersections--Sketches #13-16 (ink on linen), October-November 1934.
Box A-9 Folder 10
Highway Research--Highway Design--Plans (tracings and ink-on-linen drawings): Intersections--Sketches #18-24 (ink on linen), October-November 1934.
Box A-9 Folder 11
Highway Research--Highway Design--Plans (tracings and ink-on-linen drawings): Parkway Cross Sections (ink on linen), 1934.
Box A-9 Folder 12
Highway Research--Highway Design--Plans (tracings and ink-on-linen drawings): Major Highways Cross Sections (ink on linen), circa 1934.
Box A-9 Folder 13
Highway Research--Highway Design--Plans (tracings and ink-on-linen drawings): Secondary Highways (ink on linen), circa 1934.
Box A-9 Folder 14
Highway Research--Highway Design--Plans (tracings and ink-on-linen drawings): Minor Highways (ink on linen), circa 1934.
Box A-9 Folder 15
Highway Research--Highway Design--Plans (tracings and ink-on-linen drawings): Traffic Control (ink on linen), circa 1934.
Box A-9 Folder 16
Highway Research--Highway Design--Plans (blueprints): Curb Radii, Sidewalk Width, Pedestrian Protection, Parking and Garaging, circa 1934.
Box A-10 Folder 1
Highway Research--Highway Design--Plans (blueprints): Intersections--Sketches #1-16, circa November 1934.
Box A-10 Folder 2-6
Population Studies: Charts, Graphs, circa 1935.
Map Case O Drawer 44 / Folder 2
Commercial Vehicles Survey--map, circa 1934.
Map Case O Drawer 44 / Folder 3
Transit Studies: Transit Studies: Passenger Flow Data, circa 1934-1936.
Map Case O Drawer 44 / Folder 3
Transit Studies: Transportation Lines, 1934-1936.
Map Case O Drawer 44 / Folder 3
Transit Studies: Broad St. subway, cost & expenditures to Dec. 31, 1932, circa February 1934.
Map Case O Drawer 44 / Folder 3
Transit Studies: Motor Vehicles Registration, undated.
Map Case O Drawer 44 / Folder 3
Transit Studies: Index of “Transit Facts”, circa 1934-1936.
Map Case O Drawer 44 / Folder 3
Transit Studies: Franchise Study--Financial Data, undated.
Map Case O Drawer 44 / Folder 3
Transit Studies: Passenger Statistics, 1934-1936.
Map Case O Drawer 44 / Folder 3
Transit Studies: Market St. Subway extension--Assessment Data--tracings prepared [by PCPC Real Estate Division], January 1935.
Map Case O Drawer 44 / Folder 4
Transit Studies: General Engineering Transit Data and Graphs, circa July 1934-1936.
Map Case O Drawer 44 / Folder 5
Transit Studies: City Transit Costs: Loans, etc., No. 9, 1934-1935.
Map Case O Drawer 44 / Folder 5
Transit Studies: Bus Statistics, circa 1920-1935.
Map Case O Drawer 44 /Folder 5
Transit Studies: Graphs, June 5, 1936-April 1, 1937.
Map Case O Drawer 44 / Folder 6
Transit Studies: Load Graphs: Rerouted surface lines, June 22-July 21, 1936.
Map Case O Drawer 44 / Folder 6
Pedestrian Survey: Data on speed, volume, circa January 1935.
Map Case O Drawer 44 / Folder 7
Vehicular Traffic: Intersection volume counts, W. Philadelphia, circa 1934-1936.
Map Case O Drawer 44 / Folder 7
Vehicular Traffic: Intersection volume counts, W. Philadelphia and Northeast Philadelphia, circa 1934-1936.
Map Case O Drawer 44 / Folder 7
Vehicular Traffic: Traffic Count: Spring Garden St., E. & W. of bridge, 1934; 1936.
Map Case O Drawer 44 / Folder 7
Highway Research--Highway Design: Report and Data, circa 1934.
Map Case O Drawer 44 / Folder 8
Highway Research--Highway Design: Summarized and Unsummarized Data, circa 1934-1936.
Map Case O Drawer 44 / Folder 8
Highway Research--Highway Design: Major Highways, Parkways, circa 1934-1935.
Map Case O Drawer 44 / Folder 8
Highway Research--Highway Design: Centre Drained Streets (tracings), Jan.-Mar. 1935.
Map Case O Drawer 44 / Folder 8
Highway Research--Highway Design: Traffic Intersections, circa 1934-1935.
Map Case O Drawer 44 / Folder 8
Northeast High Speed Line, Proposal and Plans: Plan Indicating Prospective Subway Routes on y Ave., Nedro Ave., or Chew St. Drawing No. D-156, 1935-1936?.
Map Case O Drawer 7 / See Archivist
Northeast High Speed Line, Proposal and Plans: Plan & Profile: Suggested Routes on Whitaker Ave. & Right of Way of P.R.R. (Oxford Rd. Branch), Godfrey Ave. to Solly St., Original Plan No. 2. Drawing No. D-157, 1935-1936?.
Map Case O Drawer 7 / See Archivist
Northeast High Speed Line, Proposal and Plans: Godfrey Ave. Subway: Proposed Method of Crossing Tacony Creek. Drawing No. D-158, 1935-1936?.
Map Case O Drawer 7 / See Archivist
Northeast High Speed Line, Proposal and Plans: Profile: Suggested Route on Whitaker Ave, Godfrey Ave. to Solly St., Original Plan No. 2-A. Drawing No. D-159, 1935-1936?.
Map Case O Drawer 7 / See Archivist
Northeast High Speed Line, Proposal and Plans: Plan showing Location Site & Elevation of Sewers along Godfrey Ave. bet. Newton and Algon sts. Drawing No. D-160, 1935-1936?.
Map Case O Drawer 7 / See Archivist
Northeast High Speed Line, Proposal and Plans: Godfrey Ave. Subway: Plan, Elevations and Sections of Sewers bet. 10th & 11th Sts. Drawing No. D-161, 1935-1936?.
Map Case O Drawer 7 / See Archivist
Northeast High Speed Line, Proposal and Plans: Plan showing Street Width Elevations at Intersections and Location of Sewers in the Vicinity of Godfrey Ave, 7th to 11th sts., & from Crescentville to Newton sts. Drawing No. D-162, 1935-1936?.
Map Case O Drawer 7 / See Archivist
Northeast High Speed Line, Proposal and Plans: Tracing of City Plan in Area bounded by-Godfrey Ave., Robbins St., Algon and Pennway sts., & Montour St. Drawing No. D-163, 1935-1936?.
Map Case O Drawer 7 / See Archivist
Northeast High Speed Line, Proposal and Plans: Copy of City Plan in Area bounded by Borbeck St., Berger St., Algon St., and Whitaker Ave. Drawing No. D-164, 1935-1936?.
Map Case O Drawer 7 / See Archivist
Northeast High Speed Line, Proposal and Plans: Tracing of City Plan in Area bounded by Robbins Ave., Cottman St., Algon St., Montour St. Drawing No. D-165, 1935-1936?.
Map Case O Drawer 7 / See Archivist
[no Drawing No. D-166 in file].
Northeast High Speed Line, Proposal and Plans: Sketch Showing Sewer at Broad St. & Godfrey Ave. Drawing No. D-167, 1935-1936?.
Map Case O Drawer 7 / See Archivist
Northeast High Speed Line, Proposal and Plans: Sketch showing Location of Sewers on Godfrey Ave. between 10th and 11th sts. Drawing No. D-168, 1935-1936?.
Map Case O Drawer 7 / See Archivist
Northeast High Speed Line, Proposal and Plans: Copy of City Plan in Area Bounded by Borbeck St., Cottman St., Algon St., & Whitaker Ave., contours shown. Drawing No. D-169, 1935-1936?.
Map Case O Drawer 7 / See Archivist
Philadelphia Rapid Transit Co., Engineering Department, Blueprint: Terminal Siding, PRT, Frankford Ave. S. of Poquessing Creek. Drawing No. 5-W-7714, January 15, 1935.
Map Case O Drawer 7 / See Archivist
Transportation Division--Transit Studies: Annual revenue rides per capita trends, PRT system. by RWH & OH. Drawing No. T-100, June 9, 1936.
Map Case O Drawer 7 / See Archivist
Transportation Division--Transit Studies: Passenger Automobile Statistics & Trends. by RWH & OH Drawing No. T-101, June 5, 1936.
Map Case O Drawer 7 / See Archivist
Transportation Division--Transit Studies: Riding Habit PRT/Effect of Change in Fare by RWH & OH. Drawing No. T-102, June 5, 1936.
Map Case O Drawer 7 / See Archivist
Transportation Division--Transit Studies: Surface Transit Distribution (relative to population) by RWH & OH. Drawing No. T-103, June 10, 1936.
Map Case O Drawer 7 / See Archivist
Transportation Division--Transit Studies: Annual Rides per Capita Trends-PRT by RWH & OH. Drawing No. T-104, June 9, 1936.
Map Case O Drawer 7 / See Archivist
Transportation Division--Transit Studies: Comparison of Transportation Units, trolley & bus by RWH & OH. Drawing No. T-105, August 12, 1936.
Map Case O Drawer 7 / See Archivist
Transportation Division--Transit Studies: Comparison of Transportation Units by RWH & OH. Drawing No. T-106, August 17, 1936.
Map Case O Drawer 7 / See Archivist
Transportation Division--Transit Studies: Traffic Flow in the Area of Wissahickon Drive by DMG, RWH & OH. Drawing No. T-107, September 23, 1936.
Map Case O Drawer 7 / See Archivist
Transportation Division--Transit Studies: Percent of Investment in Sinking Fund by RWH & OH. Drawing No. T-108, September 4, 1936.
Map Case O Drawer 7 / See Archivist
Transportation Division--Transit Studies: Percent of Passenger Autos to Total Reg/Phila Co. by RWH & OH. Drawing No. T-109, undated.
Map Case O Drawer 7 / See Archivist
Transportation Division--Transit Studies: Motor Vehicle Registration Trends by RWH & OH. Drawing No. T-110, undated.
Map Case O Drawer 7 / See Archivist
Transportation Division--Transit Studies: Trends of Motor Vehicle Registration, Phila Co. by RWH & OH. Drawing No. T-111, undated.
Map Case O Drawer 7 / See Archivist
Transportation Division--Transit Studies: Trends of Motor Vehicle Registration 1915-40, Phila Co. by OH & RWH. Drawing No. T-112.
Map Case O Drawer 7 / See Archivist
Transportation Division--Transit Studies: Population Trends, Philadelphia by RWH & OH. Drawing No. T-113, November 23. 1936.
Map Case O Drawer 7 / See Archivist
Transportation Division--Transit Studies: Population Statistics, 5-county area by RWH & OH. Drawing No. T-114, November 25, 1936.
Map Case O Drawer 7 / See Archivist
Transportation Division--Transit Studies: Motor Vehicle Registration Trends-Classified MV’s by RWH & OH. Drawing No. T-115, November 24, 1936.
Map Case O Drawer 7 / See Archivist
Transportation Division--Transit Studies: Trends of Motor Vehicle Reg--PA & NJ counties by RWH & OH. Drawing No. T-116, November 25, 1936.
Map Case O Drawer 7 / See Archivist
Transportation Division--Transit Studies: Trends of Motor Vehicle Reg per capita--PA & NJ by RWH & OH. Drawing No. T-117, November 18, 1936.
Map Case O Drawer 7 / See Archivist
[no T-118 in file].
Map Case O Drawer 7
Transportation Division--Transit Studies: Proposed Coordination PRR-Wilmington & trolley lines. Drawing No. T-119, undated.
Map Case O Drawer 7 / See Archivist
Transportation Division--Transit Studies: Time Schedule (P.R.R.) Wilmington Branch by RWH & OH. Drawing No. T-120, December 7, 1936.
Map Case O Drawer 7 / See Archivist
Transportation Division--Transit Studies: Ratio of Passengers by Various Means of Transportation to Total Passengers by DG & OH Drawing No. T-121, December 8, 1936.
Map Case O Drawer 7 / See Archivist
Transportation Division--Transit Studies: Broad St. Subway, Daily Variations of Passenger Loads by O.H. Drawing No. T-122, December 9, 1936.
Map Case O Drawer 7 / See Archivist
Transportation Division--Transit Studies: Broad St. Subway, Monthly Variation of Passenger Loads Year 1935-1936 by O.H. Drawing No. T-123, December 9, 1936.
Map Case O Drawer 7 / See Archivist
Transportation Division--Transit Studies: Surface Routes: Comparison of Total & Future Elimination of PRT Surface Routes by extending a 4-track subway to 46th & Market Sts., Broad St. Subway to Snyder Ave., Locust St. subway to 49th & Woodland Ave. & by substitution of buses by O.H. Drawing No. T-124, March 10, 1937.
Map Case O Drawer 7 / See Archivist
Transportation Division--Transit Studies: Comparison of Total & Possible Elimination of PRT Surface Routes 1940; Elimination of Track Lines by Extending Broad St. Subway to Snyder Ave. & Locust St. Subway to 49th & Woodland & Substituting Buses by O.H. Drawing No. T-125, March 19, 1937.
Map Case O Drawer 7 / See Archivist
Transportation Division--Transit Studies: Open Air Automobile Parking Lots: Areas, Capacity, and Average Daily Parking by O.H. Drawing No. T-126, April 1, 1937.
Map Case O Drawer 7 / See Archivist
Highway Research--Highway Design. Study of Centre Drained Streets (tracings): Concaved paved street intersection light grades by L.D.E. Drawing No. SK-1, January 1935.
Map Case O Drawer 7 / See Archivist
Highway Research--Highway Design. Study of Centre Drained Streets (tracings): Concaved paved street intersection steep grade by L.D.E. Drawing No. SK-2, circa January 1935.
Map Case O Drawer 7 / See Archivist
Highway Research--Highway Design. Study of Centre Drained Streets (tracings): Arch St. proposed widening by A. Margulis. Drawing No. D115A, February-March 1935.
Map Case O Drawer 7 / See Archivist
Highway Research--Highway Design. Study of Centre Drained Streets (tracings): Arch St. proposed widening, cross section at intersection, drainage in centre by A. Margulis. Drawing No. D115B, February 20, 1935.
Map Case O Drawer 7 / See Archivist
Highway Research--Highway Design. Study of Centre Drained Streets (tracings): Arch St. proposed widening-prelim sketch by A. Margulis. Drawing No. D115C, February 19, 1935.
Map Case O Drawer 7 / See Archivist

Scope and Contents note

The files of the PCPC’s Sanitation Division are rich in manuscript material. Under the direction of Francis C. Green, the division sought to collect information on the various sanitation methods employed in other cities and assess the effectiveness of methods employed in Philadelphia. The files contain letters sent by Green and his assistants to other communities throughout the country and responses from community officials regarding methods of sanitation, garbage collection, waste disposal, thermal value of wastes, and city ordinances regarding sanitation and garbage collection. The files also contain inspection reports prepared by survey staff describing their visits throughout the city to report on the effectiveness of the city’s garbage and refuse collection program in various sanitation districts. These were not restricted to the Central Intensive Area: included are Germantown/Roxborough/Manayunk, Logan, Columbia, Fairhill, Race, West Philadelphia, Tacony, South Philadelphia, and Frankford. Additionally the files contain field notes and research data compiled by the project staff. Also included are diagrams pertaining to the study of River and Creek Pollution conducted by PCPC’s Sanitation Division in 1934.

Physical Description

2.0 cubic feet and 6 map case folders

General: Memorandum concerning CWA/LWD Project #51-F2-1011, October 1934.
Box A-7 Folder 17
General: Memoranda, September 1937-February 1938.
Box A-7 Folder 18
Garbage and Refuse Collection Survey: Correspondence (Francis C. Green), December 1933-November 1934.
Box A-7 Folder 19
Garbage and Refuse Collection Survey: Correspondence (Francis C. Green), A-C, 1933-1934.
Box A-7 Folder 20
Garbage and Refuse Collection Survey: Correspondence (Francis C. Green), D-L, 1933-1934.
Box A-7 Folder 21
Garbage and Refuse Collection Survey: Correspondence (Francis C. Green), M-O, 1933-1934.
Box A-7 Folder 22
Garbage and Refuse Collection Survey: Correspondence (Francis C. Green), P-W, 1933-1934.
Box A-7 Folder 23
Garbage and Refuse Collection Survey: Correspondence (Francis C. Green), December 1934-May 1937.
Box A-7 Folder 24
Garbage and Refuse Collection Survey: Correspondence (Francis C. Green), November 1934-May 1936.
Box A-7 Folder 25
Garbage and Refuse Collection Survey: Product Advertising Received, 1934-1938.
Box A-7 Folder 26
Garbage and Refuse Collection Survey: Product Advertising Received--Garbage Trucks, circa 1934.
Box A-7 Folder 27
Garbage and Refuse Collection Survey: Inspection Reports, December 29, 1933-January 11, 1934.
Box A-7 Folder 28
Garbage and Refuse Collection Survey: Inspection Reports, January 11-February 7, 1934.
Box A-7 Folder 29
Garbage and Refuse Collection Survey: Inspection Reports, February 19-June 28, 1934.
Box A-7 Folder 30
Garbage and Refuse Collection Survey: Inspection Reports, July 2-24, 1934.
Box A-7 Folder 31
Garbage and Refuse Collection Survey: Inspection Reports--Germantown, Roxborough/Manayunk, 1934.
Box A-7 Folder 32
Garbage and Refuse Collection Survey: Inspection Reports--Logan, January-May 1934.
Box A-7 Folder 33
Garbage and Refuse Collection Survey: Inspection Reports (typed)--Columbia District, January-July 1934.
Box A-7 Folder 34
Garbage and Refuse Collection Survey: Inspection Reports (typed)--Fairhill District, January-July 1934.
Box A-7 Folder 35
Garbage and Refuse Collection Survey: Inspection Reports (typed)--Race District & summary, January-March 1934.
Box A-7 Folder 36
Garbage and Refuse Collection Survey: Inspection Reports (typed)--West Philadelphia “B” & summary, January-May 1934.
Box A-7 Folder 37
Garbage and Refuse Collection Survey: Inspection Reports (typed)--Tacony & summary, January-May 1934.
Box A-7 Folder 38
Garbage and Refuse Collection Survey: Inspection Reports (typed)--South Philadelphia & summary, January-May 1934.
Box A-7 Folder 39
Garbage and Refuse Collection Survey: Inspection Reports (typed)--South Philadelphia “B”, January-July 1934.
Box A-7 Folder 40
Garbage and Refuse Collection Survey: Inspection Reports (typed)--Frankford & summary, January-July 1934.
Box A-7 Folder 41
Garbage and Refuse Collection Survey: Inspection Reports (typed)--General Recommendations & Wharves, January-July 1934.
Box A-7 Folder 42
Garbage and Refuse Collection Survey: Inspection Reports (typed)--West Philadelphia “A” & summary, January-May 1934.
Box A-7 Folder 43
Conditions Survey: Field Notes [author unidentified], March-July 1934.
Box A-7 Folder 44
Conditions Survey: Field Notes [by B.F. Heald], Columbia District, May-June 1934; Field Notes [by H. Smith], West Philadelphia, District “A”, Mar. 1934, May-June 1934; March 1934.
Box A-7 Folder 45
Conditions Survey: Field Notes [by William Donovan?], January 9-July 20, 1934.
Box A-7 Folder 46
Conditions Survey: Field Notes [by William H. Flood], January 9-February 1934.
Box A-7 Folder 47
Conditions Survey: Field Notes [by P. H. Duckworth], January 9-May 16, 1934.
Box A-7 Folder 48
Conditions Survey: Field Notes [by D. W. Anders], January 9-July 16, 1934.
Box A-7 Folder 49
Conditions Survey: Notes and Sketches accompanying field notes, circa January-July 1934.
Box A-7 Folder 50
Sanitary Survey--River and Creek Pollution: Daily Inspection Reports, June 5-21, 1934.
Box A-7 Folder 51
Sanitary Survey--River and Creek Pollution: Reports, June 1934.
Box A-7 Folder 52
Sanitary Survey--River and Creek Pollution: Report, March 1935.
Box A-7 Folder 53
Drainage--Mingo Creek Pumping Stations, report, June 1935.
Box A-7 Folder 54
Printed Matter--Public Works Administration Press Release concerning Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works, (construction of water works), March 4, 1934.
Box A-7 Folder 55
Water Survey: Research Files, circa February-November 1935.
Box A-7 Folder 56
Research Notes (bound softback binders): Notes by Francis C. Green, Jan. 10-1933-circa 1934, and by an unidentified author, July 1936.
Box A-11 Folder 41
Research Notes (bound softback binders): Garbage/Rubbish, by [?] Kelly, January-November 1934.
Box A-11 Folder 42
Research Notes (bound softback binders): Water, Ash Fill, March-May 1935.
Box A-11 Folder 43
Research Notes (bound softback binders): Disposal Methods, B. F. Heald, Report No. 1, circa 1934.
Box A-11 Folder 44
Research Notes (bound softback binders): Disposal Methods, B. F. Heald, Report No. 2, 48, circa 1934-1935.
Box A-11 Folder 45
Research Notes (bound softback binders): Sewage Disposal, B. F. Heald, No. 3, circa 1934-October 1936.
Box A-11 Folder 46
Research Notes (bound softback binders): Water Rent--Schedules of Rates in Other Cities Received, circa February 1937.
Box A-11 Folder 47
Research Notes (bound softback binders): Incinerator Calculations, August 1934-circa August 1936.
Box A-11 Folder 48
Research Notes (bound softback binders): Incinerator and other Calculations, P. H. Duckworth, February-circa September 1934.
Box A-11 Folder 49
Water Rates Survey: Correspondence, James M. Kelly, February 1937.
Box A-11 Folder 50
Report Text and Data: Division Personnel List, December 20, 1933-April 16, 1934.
Box A-11 Folder 51
Report Text and Data: Manuscript and tables, count 150 pp., typed and handwritten, unpaginated, circa June 1934-October 1936.
Box A-11 Folder 52
Report Text and Data: Texts of Mayor’s Reports, 1885; 1932.
Box A-11 Folder 53
Report Text and Data: Newspaper Clippings [photocopies], January 1934-March 1937.
Box A-11 Folder 54
Report Text and Data: Articles on Garbage Disposal from American City, March 1932.
Box A-11 Folder 55
Report Text and Data: Garbage Collection and Disposal, 1935-1936.
Box A-11 Folder 56
Report Text and Data: Garbage Collection in other U.S. cities, 1934-1935.
Box A-11 Folder 57
Report Text and Data: Philadelphia Death by Wards; comparison of density of population in park area and sanitation area, 1933.
Box A-11 Folder 58
Report Text and Data: Water Supply, 1936-1938.
Box A-11 Folder 59
Report Text and Data: Philadelphia Department of Public Works: Specifications for Collecting & Disposing of Garbage & Refuse, 1915; 1929; 1930.
Box A-11 Folder 60
Report Text and Data: “The Combustion of Organic Wastes with Reference to Generating Power…” by E. E. Butterfield, M.D, 1930.
Box A-11 Folder 61
Printed Matter concerning sanitation methods and other research topics collected or used by Sanitation Division, published, circa 1930-1935.
Box A-11 Folder 62-67
Correspondence Files--Miscellaneous oversize items, 1934-1936.
Map Case O Drawer 44 / Folder 5
River and Creek Pollution: Maps showing survey data, 1934.
Map Case O Drawer 44 / Folder 5
River and Creek Pollution: Diagrams of Frankford Creek Inspection, June 4-14, 1934 and of Schuylkill River, Delaware River, Cobbs Creek & Pennypack Creek, June 1934, June 4-14, 1934; June 1934.
Map Case O Drawer 44 / Folder 5
Report Data--U.S. government report on Philadelphia Future Water Supply, January 16, 1935.
Map Case O Drawer 44 / Folder 5
Report Data--Disposal--Tables, 1934.
Map Case O Drawer 44 / Folder 5
Report Data--Maps of Garbage Collection Districts showing conditions, March 1934.
Map Case O Disk 44 / Folder 5

Scope and Contents note

As one of PCPC’s units under the CWA program in 1934, the Social Survey--first under the direction of Victor Abel and Benjamin Ritter, and later, under the WPA in 1935-1936, by Dr. Margaret Bishop, conducted numerous research investigations. One of the research areas of the Social Survey was population studies. From the data it appears that the PCPC did not conduct population enumerations but prepared population studies using SS1A, a census of Philadelphia conducted by the state CWA program in 1934 whose major focus was on unemployment. The purpose of the SS1A was to gather information on the number of unemployed persons to use as a basis for planning relief programs for unemployed. The SS1A survey was a door-to-door survey which gathered such data as number of persons in the household, place of nativity, race, whether employed or not, distance to work, and method of getting to work. PCPC workers used data on population from the SS1A study which was supplied to them by the state, classified the data using their own classification sheets, and tabulated the data on tabulation sheets keyed to PCPC block numbers within the Central Intensive Area. If SS1A data was missing or unavailable, the PCPC filled in the information from data on their own Physical and Industrial Survey (1934) data cards if available; or, sometimes, from information in property atlases. Unfortunately no narrative explaining the aims, objectives, and methods of the population studies has been located to date. A report entitled “Population Trends: Actual and Predicted--A.D 1780 to 2100 for the City of Philadelphia….” by the Local Works Division, Project #S1-F2-22, State Emergency Relief Board, for the Philadelphia City Planning Commission, 1935, computed and written by Major Irvin S. Grindrod [1935], is found in Sub-Series 2, Reports. Portions of a manuscript draft of a report and notes for the population study compiled by C. Weisheit in 1936 and associated tables provide information on the black population in the Central Intensive Area.

The PCPC Social Survey files at City Archives contain research from several studies dealing with general characteristics of the population in Philadelphia. One of these was a study of modes of transportation used in the each of the 13 sites which PCPC proposed as prospective areas for slum clearance in 1934 Another study involved Intensive Area Tabulations by Census Tract of population characteristics in the East Intensive Area and West Intensive Area which was the focus of the Physical and Economic Survey which PCPC was engaged in. The records contain tabulations showing nativity, race, and mode of transportation for inhabitants of the Intensive Area in 1934. The nativity data is not complete: that is, the files do not contain nativity worksheets on all the census tracts in the Central Intensive Area. Additionally, the Social Survey files contain SS1A data sheets.

Additionally the Social Survey files include data sheets and tabulation sheets collected by survey staff to illustrate the social costs of urban blight. Topics studied include: Vital Statistics, Truancy, Health (Communicable Diseases, Tuberculosis, Mental Diseases), Fire Load, Housing and Sanitation Inspection Violations, Traffic Accidents, Hospital Admissions, Family Welfare--Private Agencies, Adult Delinquency, Juvenile Delinquency, and Court Cases. In most instances the data is for the year 1933; the Hospital Admissions data is for 1932. The files contain data sheets on which data was compiled, usually from agency records; most of the data sheets indicate that the information was compiled in 1934. The files also contain tabulation sheets which show numbers of cases which could be linked to specific PCPC blocks within the Central Intensive Area.

Physical Description

13.0 cubic feet and 9 map case folders

Classification of Social Survey Data Concerning Housing Project Sites (#1-13): Population Statistics on Sites 1-3 (some missing): Black/White, Households, Families, Ages, Roomers, Workers, 1934.
Box A-12 Folder 1
Classification of Social Survey Data Concerning Housing Project Sites (#1-13): Key To Map No., Site No., and Census Tract No, 1934.
Box A-12 Folder 2
Classification of Social Survey Data Concerning Housing Project Sites (#1-13): Data Sheets--Site 1, June 1934.
Box A-12 Folder 3
Classification of Social Survey Data Concerning Housing Project Sites (#1-13): Data Sheets--Site 1, Blocks, 1934.
Box A-12 Folder 4
Classification of Social Survey Data Concerning Housing Project Sites (#1-13): Data Sheets--Site 2, June-July 1934.
Box A-12 Folder 5
Classification of Social Survey Data Concerning Housing Project Sites (#1-13): Data Sheets--Site 2, Summary Sheets, 1934.
Box A-12 Folder 6
Classification of Social Survey Data Concerning Housing Project Sites (#1-13): Data Sheets--Site 2, Special Area: 5th St., Culvert, 4th, & Brown sts, November 27, 1934.
Box A-12 Folder 7
Classification of Social Survey Data Concerning Housing Project Sites (#1-13): Data Sheets--Site 2, Incorrect Duplicate Sheets, 1934.
Box A-12 Folder 8
Classification of Social Survey Data Concerning Housing Project Sites (#1-13): Data Sheets--Site 2, Special Tabulations, December 1934.
Box A-12 Folder 9
Classification of Social Survey Data Concerning Housing Project Sites (#1-13): Data Sheets--Site 3, 1934.
Box A-12 Folder 10
Classification of Social Survey Data Concerning Housing Project Sites (#1-13): Data Sheets--Site 3, Blocks, 1934.
Box A-12 Folder 11
Classification of Social Survey Data Concerning Housing Project Sites (#1-13): Data Sheets--Site 4, July 1934.
Box A-12 Folder 12
Classification of Social Survey Data Concerning Housing Project Sites (#1-13): Data Sheets--Site 4 (mounted on board), July 1934.
Box A-12 Folder 13
Classification of Social Survey Data Concerning Housing Project Sites (#1-13): Data Sheets--Site 4, Blocks, July 1934.
Box A-12 Folder 14
Classification of Social Survey Data Concerning Housing Project Sites (#1-13): Special Tabulations--Special Area--S. Washington Ave., 5th St. to Delaware River, including Site 4--CT 2A, 3A, 4A, Code 7-9, from 9S-10S to 9E-13E, November 1934.
Box A-12 Folder 15
Classification of Social Survey Data Concerning Housing Project Sites (#1-13): Data Sheets--Site 5--CT22E and 22FF, June-July 1934.
Box A-12 Folder 16
Classification of Social Survey Data Concerning Housing Project Sites (#1-13): Data Sheets--Site 5, Blocks: 22EE and 22FF, 1934.
Box A-12 Folder 17
Classification of Social Survey Data Concerning Housing Project Sites (#1-13): Data Sheets--Site 6, July 1934.
Box A-12 Folder 18
Classification of Social Survey Data Concerning Housing Project Sites (#1-13): Data Sheets--Site 6, Blocks, 1934.
Box A-12 Folder 19
Classification of Social Survey Data Concerning Housing Project Sites (#1-13): Data Sheets--Site 7, July 1934.
Box A-12 Folder 20
Classification of Social Survey Data Concerning Housing Project Sites (#1-13): Data Sheets--Site 7, CT 15C, 1934.
Box A-12 Folder 21
Classification of Social Survey Data Concerning Housing Project Sites (#1-13): Data Sheets--Site 7, Blocks, 1934.
Box A-12 Folder 22
Classification of Social Survey Data Concerning Housing Project Sites (#1-13): Data Sheets--Site 8, June-July 1934.
Box A-12 Folder 23
Classification of Social Survey Data Concerning Housing Project Sites (#1-13): Data Sheets--Site 8, Blocks, 1934.
Box A-12 Folder 24
Classification of Social Survey Data Concerning Housing Project Sites (#1-13): Data Sheets--Site 9, August 1934.
Box A-12 Folder 25
Classification of Social Survey Data Concerning Housing Project Sites (#1-13): Data Sheets--Site 9, Blocks, 1934.
Box A-12 Folder 26
Classification of Social Survey Data Concerning Housing Project Sites (#1-13): Data Sheets--Site 10, 1934.
Box A-12 Folder 27
Classification of Social Survey Data Concerning Housing Project Sites (#1-13): Data Sheets--Site 10, July 1934.
Box A-12 Folder 28
Classification of Social Survey Data Concerning Housing Project Sites (#1-13): Data Sheets--Site 11, August 1934.
Box A-12 Folder 29
Classification of Social Survey Data Concerning Housing Project Sites (#1-13): Data Sheets--Site 11, Blocks, pt. 1 of 3, 1934.
Box A-12 Folder 30
Classification of Social Survey Data Concerning Housing Project Sites (#1-13): Data Sheets--Site 11, Blocks, pt. 2 of 3, August 1934.
Box A-12 Folder 31
Classification of Social Survey Data Concerning Housing Project Sites (#1-13): Data Sheets--Site 11, Blocks, pt. 3 of 3, August 1934.
Box A-12 Folder 32
Classification of Social Survey Data Concerning Housing Project Sites (#1-13): Data Sheets--Site 12, Blocks, 1934.
Box A-12 Folder 33
Classification of Social Survey Data Concerning Housing Project Sites (#1-13): Data Sheets--Site 12, June 1934.
Box A-12 Folder 34
Classification of Social Survey Data Concerning Housing Project Sites (#1-13): Data Sheets--Site 13, June 1934.
Box A-12 Folder 35
Classification of Social Survey Data Concerning Housing Project Sites (#1-13): Data Sheets--Site 13, Blocks, June 1934.
Box A-12 Folder 36
Classification of Social Survey Data Concerning Housing Project Sites (#1-13): Data Sheets--Site 14A, “Special Site Work”, 1934.
Box A-12 Folder 37
Code No. I-1: Population--Mode of Transportation: Classification of Data Concerning Mode of Transportation: Classification Sheets--Blocks Contiguous to Site 1: CT 30B [“refer to Map 3-A”], 1934.
Box A-12 Folder 38
Code No. I-1: Population--Mode of Transportation: Classification of Data Concerning Mode of Transportation: Classification Sheets--Blocks Contiguous to Site 1: CT 30A [“refer to Map 3-A”], 1934.
Box A-12 Folder 39
Code No. I-1: Population--Mode of Transportation: Classification of Data Concerning Mode of Transportation: Classification Sheets--Blocks Contiguous to Site 2: CT Nos. 11A-11B [“refer to Map 4-B”], 1934.
Box A-12 Folder 40
Code No. I-1: Population--Mode of Transportation: Classification of Data Concerning Mode of Transportation: Classification Sheets--Blocks Contiguous to Sites 2 and 3: CT Nos. 13A & 13B [“refer to Map 4B”], 1934.
Box A-12 Folder 41
Code No. I-1: Population--Mode of Transportation: Classification of Data Concerning Mode of Transportation: Classification Sheets--Blocks Contiguous to Site 2: CT Nos. 12A-12B [“refer to Map 4B”], 1934.
Box A-12 Folder 42
Code No. I-1: Population--Mode of Transportation: Classification of Data Concerning Mode of Transportation: Classification Sheets--Blocks Contiguous to Site 2: CT No. 16A, 1934.
Box A-12 Folder 43
Code No. I-1: Population--Mode of Transportation: Classification of Data Concerning Mode of Transportation: Classification Sheets--Blocks Contiguous to Sites 2, 3, 12: CT 10A & 10B [“refer to Map 4B”]; Blocks Contiguous to Sites 7, 9, 10, 11: CT 10A & 10B [“refer to Map 4A”], 1934.
Box A-12 Folder 44
Code No. I-1: Population--Mode of Transportation: Classification of Data Concerning Mode of Transportation: Classification Sheets--Blocks Contiguous to Site 3: CT 4B [“refer to Map 4B”]., 1934.
Box A-12 Folder 45
Code No. I-1: Population--Mode of Transportation: Classification of Data Concerning Mode of Transportation: Classification Sheets--Blocks Contiguous to Sites 3 & 7: CT 9A & 9B [for Site 3, “refer to Map 4B: CT 9B”; for Site 7, “refer to Map 4A: CT 9A”], 1934.
Box A-12 Folder 46
Code No. I-1: Population--Mode of Transportation: Classification of Data Concerning Mode of Transpiration: Classification Sheets--Blocks Contiguous to Sites 4, 6: CT 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B [“refer to Map 3B”], 1934.
Box A-13 Folder 1
Code No. I-1: Population--Mode of Transportation: Classification of Data Concerning Mode of Transpiration: Classification Sheets--Blocks Contiguous to Site 4: CT 5A [“refer to Map 5A”], 1934.
Box A-13 Folder 2
Code No. I-1: Population--Mode of Transportation: Classification of Data Concerning Mode of Transpiration: Classification Sheets--Blocks Contiguous to Site No. 7: CT 15A & 15B [“refer to Map 4A”], 1934.
Box A-13 Folder 3
Code No. I-1: Population--Mode of Transportation: Classification of Data Concerning Mode of Transpiration: Classification Sheets--Blocks Contiguous to Site No. 7: CT Nos. 15D, 15C [“refer to Map 4A”], 1934.
Box A-13 Folder 4
Code No. I-1: Population--Mode of Transportation: Classification of Data Concerning Mode of Transpiration: Classification Sheets--Blocks Contiguous to Site [?]: CT No. 8B [“refer to Map 4A”], 1934.
Box A-13 Folder 5
Code No. I-1: Population--Mode of Transportation: Classification of Data Concerning Mode of Transpiration: Classification Sheets--Blocks Contiguous to Site 7: CT 8A [“refer to Map 4A”], 1934.
Box A-13 Folder 6
Code No. I-1: Population--Mode of Transportation: Classification of Data Concerning Mode of Transpiration: Classification Sheets--Blocks Contiguous to Site 12: CT 18C, 1934.
Box A-13 Folder 7
Code No. I-1: Population--Mode of Transportation: Classification of Data Concerning Mode of Transpiration: Classification Sheets--Blocks Contiguous To Site [?]: CT 6A, 1934.
Box A-13 Folder 8
Code No. I-1: Population--Mode of Transportation: Classification of Data Concerning Mode of Transpiration: Classification Sheets--Blocks Contiguous to Site 12: CT 18A and 18B, 1934.
Box A-13 Folder 9
Code No. I-1: Population--Mode of Transportation: Classification of Data Concerning Mode of Transpiration: Classification Sheets--Blocks Contiguous to Site 13 (Block 65): CT 19A, 1934.
Box A-13 Folder 10
Code No. I-1: Population--Mode of Transportation: Classification of Data Concerning Mode of Transpiration: Classification Sheets--CT 2A, 2B, 2C, 1934.
Box A-13 Folder 11
Code No. I-1: Population--Mode of Transportation: Classification of Data Concerning Mode of Transpiration: Classification Sheets--CT 7A (Blocks 1-18, 20-25, 38, 39, 46), 1934.
Box A-13 Folder 12
Code No. I-1: Population--Mode of Transportation: Classification of Data Concerning Mode of Transpiration: Classification Sheets--CT 7B (Blocks 1, 2, 5-33, 35, 36, 39-45, 47-52, 54-60, 81), 1934.
Box A-13 Folder 13
Code No. I-1: Population--Mode of Transportation: Classification of Data Concerning Mode of Transpiration: Classification Sheets--CT 7C (Blocks 3-5, 7-23), 1934.
Box A-13 Folder 14
Code No. I-1: Population--Mode of Transportation: Classification of Data Concerning Mode of Transpiration: Classification Sheets--CT 7D (Blocks 3-6, 8, 9, 11, 14-29, 31-68, 70-75), 1934.
Box A-13 Folder 15
Code No. I-1: Population--Mode of Transportation: Classification of Data Concerning Mode of Transpiration: Classification Sheets: CT 30B-36E, 30A (3A), 8A, 8B, 9B, 10B, 15A, 15D (4A), 15B [“refer to Map 3A-4A”], 1934.
Box A-13 Folder 16
Code No. I-1: Population--Mode of Transportation: Classification of Data Concerning Mode of Transpiration: Classification Sheets: CT 22A to K-M to R-T to Z, AA to DD-GG to KK [“refer to Map 7A”], 1934.
Box A-13 Folder 17
Code No. I-1: Population--Mode of Transportation: Classification of Data Concerning Mode of Transpiration: Classification Sheets: CT 31A, 1934.
Box A-13 Folder 18
Code No. I-1: Population--Mode of Transportation: Classification of Data Concerning Mode of Transpiration: Classification Sheets: CT 31B, 31C, 1934.
Box A-13 Folder 19
Code No. I-1: Population--Mode of Transportation: Classification of Data Concerning Mode of Transpiration: Classification Sheets: Totals for Census Tracts 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A, 7A, 1B, 2B, 3B, 4B-7B, 1C, 2C, 1934.
Box A-13 Folder 20
Code No. I-1: Population--Mode of Transportation: Classification of Data Concerning Mode of Transpiration: Classification Sheets: Totals for Census Tracts 6A, 9A, 10A, 11A, 12A, 13A, 14A, 16A, 17A, 11B, 12B, 13B, 14B, 20D (“18A-18B, see Map 5B”), 1934.
Box A-13 Folder 21
Code No. I-1: Population--Mode of Transportation: Classification of Data Concerning Mode of Transpiration: Classification Sheets: Totals for Census Tracts--Contiguous: CT 21A-33K, pt. 1 of 3, 1934.
Box A-13 Folder 22
Code No. I-1: Population--Mode of Transportation: Classification of Data Concerning Mode of Transpiration: Classification Sheets: Totals for Census Tracts--Contiguous: CT 35-46, pt. 2 of 3, 1934.
Box A-13 Folder 23
Code No. I-1: Population--Mode of Transportation: Classification of Data Concerning Mode of Transpiration: Classification Sheets: Totals for Census Tracts--Contiguous: CT 33-46, pt. 3 of 3, 1934.
Box A-13 Folder 24
Code No. I-1: Population--Classification of Data Concerning Population & Transportation--Central Intensive Area, Wards 2-30: Population & Transportation by Census Tract: Inside & Outside of Intensive Area, 1934, undated.
Box A-14 Folder 1
Code No. I-1: Population--Classification of Data Concerning Population & Transportation--Central Intensive Area, Wards 2-30: Population & Transportation by Census Tract: Intensive Area, 1934 [compiled], circa December 1934-1935.
Box A-14 Folder 2
Code No. I-1: Population--Classification of Data Concerning Population & Transportation--Central Intensive Area, Wards 2-30: Population & Transportation by PCPC Blocks: Intensive Area E. of Broad St., summary data, circa December 1934.
Box A-14 Folder 3
Code No. I-1: Population--Classification of Data Concerning Population & Transportation--Central Intensive Area, Wards 2-30: Population & Transportation by PCPC Blocks: Intensive Area W. of Broad St., summary data, circa December 1934.
Box A-14 Folder 4
Code No. I-1: Population--Classification of Data Concerning Population & Transportation--Central Intensive Area, Wards 2-30: Classification Sheets: Ward 2: CT 2A (11S-12S to 8E-13E); includes classification of data sheets on Sites 4 and 8, Code 004, 1934?.
Box A-14 Folder 5
Code No. I-1: Population--Classification of Data Concerning Population & Transportation--Central Intensive Area, Wards 2-30: Classification Sheets: Ward 2: CT 2B (11S-14S to 0E-13E), Code 005-006, 1934.
Box A-14 Folder 6
Code No. I-1: Population--Classification of Data Concerning Population & Transportation--Central Intensive Area, Wards 2-30: Classification Sheets: Ward 3: CT 3A & 3B, including Site 4; Code 007-008, November-December 1934.
Box A-14 Folder 7
Code No. I-1: Population--Classification of Data Concerning Population & Transportation--Central Intensive Area, Wards 2-30: Classification Sheets: Ward 4: CT 4A & 4B, including Site 4, (7S-8S to 0E-13E), Code 009-010, November 1934.
Box A-14 Folder 8
Code No. I-1: Population--Classification of Data Concerning Population & Transportation--Central Intensive Area, Wards 2-30: Classification Sheets: Ward 5: CT 5A (1S-6S to 7E-13E), Code 011, December 1934.
Box A-14 Folder 9
Code No. I-1: Population--Classification of Data Concerning Population & Transportation--Central Intensive Area, Wards 2-30: Classification Sheets: Ward 6: CT 6A (0S-3N to 7E-13E), Code 012, December 1934.
Box A-14 Folder 10
Code No. I-1: Population--Classification of Data Concerning Population & Transportation--Central Intensive Area, Wards 2-30: Classification Sheets: Ward 7: CT 7A & 7B (4S-6S to 0E-6E), Code 013-014, December 1934.
Box A-14 Folder 11
Code No. I-1: Population--Classification of Data Concerning Population & Transportation--Central Intensive Area, Wards 2-30: Classification Sheets: Ward 7: CT 7C & 7D (4S-6S to 2W-12W), Code 015-016, January 1935.
Box A-14 Folder 12
Code No. I-1: Population--Classification of Data Concerning Population & Transportation--Central Intensive Area, Wards 2-30: Classification Sheets: Ward 8: CT 8A--E. & W. of Broad St. (1S from 10W-6E), Code 017, December 1934.
Box A-14 Folder 13
Code No. I-1: Population--Classification of Data Concerning Population & Transportation--Central Intensive Area, Wards 2-30: Classification Sheets: Ward 8: CT 8B--E. of Broad St. (2S-3S to 0E-6E), Code 018, undated.
Box A-14 Folder 14
Code No. I-1: Population--Classification of Data Concerning Population & Transportation--Central Intensive Area, Wards 2-30: Classification Sheets: Ward 8: CT 8B--W. of Broad St. (2S-3S to 0W-10W), Code 018, December 1934.
Box A-14 Folder 15
Code No. I-1: Population--Classification of Data Concerning Population & Transportation--Central Intensive Area, Wards 2-30: Classification Sheets: Ward 9: CT 9A & 9B, E. & W. of Broad St. (0N-0S from 6E-9W), Code 019, December 1934.
Box A-14 Folder 16
Code No. I-1: Population--Classification of Data Concerning Population & Transportation--Central Intensive Area, Wards 2-30: Classification Sheets: Ward 10: CT 10A, E. of Broad St. (1N-3N to 0E-6E), Code 021, October-December 1934.
Box A-14 Folder 17
Code No. I-1: Population--Classification of Data Concerning Population & Transportation--Central Intensive Area, Wards 2-30: Classification Sheets: Ward 10: CT 10B, W. of Broad St. (1N-3N to 0W-9W), Code 022, October-December 1934.
Box A-14 Folder 18
Code No. I-1: Population--Classification of Data Concerning Population & Transportation--Central Intensive Area, Wards 2-30: Classification Sheets: Ward 10: CT 10A & 10B--Tally Sheets, Code 021 & 022, October 1934.
Box A-14 Folder 19
Code No. I-1: Population--Classification of Data Concerning Population & Transportation--Central Intensive Area, Wards 2-30: Classification Sheets: Ward 11: CT 11A & 11B, Code 024, December 1934.
Box A-14 Folder 20
Code No. I-1: Population--Classification of Data Concerning Population & Transportation--Central Intensive Area, Wards 2-30: Classification Sheets: Ward 12: CT 12A & 12B (4N-7N to 8E-11E), Code 025, December 1934.
Box A-14 Folder 21
Code No. I-1: Population--Classification of Data Concerning Population & Transportation--Central Intensive Area, Wards 2-30: Classification Sheets: Ward 13: CT 13A & 13B (4N-11N to 4E-7E), Code 027-028, December 1934.
Box A-14 Folder 22
Code No. I-1: Population--Classification of Data Concerning Population & Transportation--Central Intensive Area, Wards 2-30: Classification Sheets: Ward 14: CT 14A (8N-11N to 0E-3E), Code 029, November 1934.
Box A-15 Folder 1
Code No. I-1: Population--Classification of Data Concerning Population & Transportation--Central Intensive Area, Wards 2-30: Classification Sheets: Ward 14: CT 14B (6N-7N to 0E-3E), Code 030, December 1934.
Box A-15 Folder 2
Code No. I-1: Population--Classification of Data Concerning Population & Transportation--Central Intensive Area, Wards 2-30: Classification Sheets: Ward 15A: CT 15A (7N-11N to 0W-11W), Code 031, pt. 1, circa January 1935.
Box A-15 Folder 3
Code No. I-1: Population--Classification of Data Concerning Population & Transportation--Central Intensive Area, Wards 2-30: Classification Sheets: Ward 15A: CT 15A (7N-11N to 0W-11W), Code 031, pt. 2, circa January 1935.
Box A-15 Folder 4
Code No. I-1: Population--Classification of Data Concerning Population & Transportation--Central Intensive Area, Wards 2-30: Classification Sheets: Ward 15B: CT 15B (6N from 0w-8W), Code 032, circa February 1935.
Box A-15 Folder 5
Code No. I-1: Population--Classification of Data Concerning Population & Transportation--Central Intensive Area, Wards 2-30: Classification Sheets: Ward 15C: CT 15C (9N-11N to 3W-8W), Code 033, February 13, 1935.
Box A-15 Folder 6
Code No. I-1: Population--Classification of Data Concerning Population & Transportation--Central Intensive Area, Wards 2-30: Classification Sheets: Ward 15D: CT 15D (9N-11N to 9W-15W), Code 034, February 13, 1935.
Box A-15 Folder 7
Code No. I-1: Population--Classification of Data Concerning Population & Transportation--Central Intensive Area, Wards 2-30: Classification Sheets: Ward 16: CT 16A (11N-13N to 8E-13E), Code 036, December 1934.
Box A-15 Folder 8
Code No. I-1: Population--Classification of Data Concerning Population & Transportation--Central Intensive Area, Wards 2-30: Classification Sheets: Ward 20: CT 20D (11N-12N to 0E-10E), Code 048, October-November 1934.
Box A-15 Folder 9
Code No. I-1: Population--Classification of Data Concerning Population & Transportation--Central Intensive Area, Wards 2-30: Classification Sheets: Ward 30: CT 30A (7S-9S to 0W-6W), Code 150, January 1935.
Box A-15 Folder 10
Code No. I-1: Population--Classification of Data Concerning Population & Transportation--Central Intensive Area, Wards 2-30: Classification Sheets: Ward 31: CT 30B (7S-10S to 7W-17W), Code 151, January 1935.
Box A-15 Folder 11
Code No. I-1: Population--Classification of Data Concerning Population & Transportation--Summary Data including information on Housing Sites 1-13: Classification Sheets for Site No. 1, Ward 36: CT 36E (13S to 13W-15W), Code 250, undated.
Box A-15 Folder 12
Code No. I-1: Population--Classification of Data Concerning Population & Transportation--Summary Data including information on Housing Sites 1-13: List of Corrections and Changes made in Block Nos., div. of Block 22, Code 004, 1936?.
Box A-15 Folder 13
Code No. I-1: Population--Classification of Data Concerning Population & Transportation--Summary Data including information on Housing Sites 1-13: Classification of Data concerning Site Block Nos., Sites 1-13: Total Households, total persons, June 1934.
Box A-15 Folder 14
Code No. I-1: Population--Classification of Data Concerning Population & Transportation--Summary Data including information on Housing Sites 1-13: Classification of Data concerning Site Block Nos., Site 8 (Ward 2): Block Plan, November 17, 1934.
Box A-15 Folder 15
Code No. I-1: Population--Classification of Population for Intensive Area of Philadelphia: Nativity & Race Classification, E. Intensive Area, North Zone, 4N-13N to 0E-13E, 1936.
Box A-15 Folder 17
Code No. I-1: Population--Classification of Population for Intensive Area of Philadelphia: Nativity & Race Classification, E. Intensive Area, South Zone, 1S-12S to 0E-13E, undated.
Box A-15 Folder 18
Code No. I-1: Population--Classification of Population for Intensive Area of Philadelphia: Nativity & Race Classification, W. Intensive Area, 0N-11N to 0W-15W and 0S-13S to 0W-15W.
Box A-15 Folder 19
Code No. I-1: Population--Classification of Population for Intensive Area of Philadelphia: Tallies of White, Black Adults and Children by Ward, Census Tract, and PCPC Block No., Intensive Area (Census Tracts 2A, 3A, 4A, 7D), November 1934.
Box A-15 Folder 20
Code No. I-1: Population--Classification of Population for Intensive Area of Philadelphia: Nativity & Race Classification: Spotting Index, February 1935.
Box A-15 Folder 21
Code No. I-1: Population--Classification of Population for Intensive Area of Philadelphia: Nativity & Race Classification: East Intensive Area South (0S-12S to 0E-13E), February 1935.
Box A-15 Folder 22
Code No. I-1: Population--Classification of Population for Intensive Area of Philadelphia: Nativity & Race Classification: East Intensive Area South (0S-12S to 0E-13E), data sheets with 1934 data, circa 1936.
Box A-15 Folder 23
Code No. I-1: Population--Classification of Population for Intensive Area of Philadelphia: Nativity & Race Classification: Codes & Abbreviations, December 1934; January 1936.
Box A-15 Folder 24
Code No. I-1: Population--Classification of Population for Intensive Area of Philadelphia: Nativity & Race Classification: East Intensive Area (0N-13N to 0E-13E), Data Sheets, Jan. 1935; revised Ap. 1935, 1935.
Box A-15 Folder 25
Code No. I-1: Population--Classification of Population for Intensive Area of Philadelphia: Nativity Spotting Index & Data for PCPC blocks and census tracts, February 1935.
Box A-15 Folder 26
Code No. I-1: Population--Classification of Population for Intensive Area of Philadelphia: Nativity & Race Classification: Block tabulations, E. & W. Intensive Area, 1934 [compiled 1935-36?], 1935-1936?.
Box A-15 Folder 27
Code No. I-1: Population--Classification of Population for Intensive Area of Philadelphia: Nativity & Race Classification: W. Intensive Area, by Census Tract & PCPC block nos., 1934 [compiled 1935-36?], 1935-1936?.
Box A-15 Folder 28
Code No. I-1: Population--Classification of Population for Intensive Area of Philadelphia: Nativity & Race Classification: Block Tabulations, E. & W. Intensive Area, 1934, compiled, circa December 1936.
Box A-15 Folder 29
Code No. I-1: Population--Classification of Population for Intensive Area of Philadelphia: Nativity & Race Classification: Census Data for Central Intensive Area Blocks & Wards--Total Nos. Native & Foreign Born; No. of Dwellings, No. of Families, etc., 1890, 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930, 1934 [compiled], circa 1935?.
Box A-15 Folder 30
Code No. I-1: Population Density Studies: Density compilations by Ward & by PCPC Block No. Includes acre density by Ward; Acre density of Negro Population of Intensive Area for Year 1934, February 1935.
Box A-15 Folder 31
Code No. I-1: Size of Family Studies: Size of Family Data: Persons per family by PCPC blocks, E. & W. Intensive Area, 1934, undated.
Box A-15 Folder 32-33
Code No. I-1: Other Population Data: Relation of PCPC Blocks to Census Tracts and Social Survey Codes, undated.
Box A-15 Folder 34
Code No. I-1: Other Population Data: Residentials for 20th and 2nd Wards, 1920 and 1930, circa 1935-1936?.
Box A-15 Folder 35
Code No. I-1: Population--Supplement SS-1A Data Sheets for Proposed Housing Sites: Site 1--CT 36E, Blocks 31-33 (13S to14W-15W), 1934?.
Box A-16 Folder 1
Code No. I-1: Population--Supplement SS-1A Data Sheets for Proposed Housing Sites: Site 5--CT 22E, Block 3.Code No. I-1: Population--Supplement SS-1A Data Sheets for Proposed Housing Sites: Site 5--CT 22E, Block 3, 1934?.
Box A-16 Folder 2
Code No. I-1: Population--Supplement SS-1A Data Sheets for Proposed Housing Sites: Site 5--CT 22EE, Blocks 5-7, 9, 11-12, 1934?.
Box A-16 Folder 3-7
Code No. I-1: Population--Supplement SS-1A Data Sheets for Proposed Housing Sites: Site 5--CT 22FF, Block 21, 1934?.
Box A-16 Folder 8
Code No. I-1: Population--Supplement SS-1A Data Sheets for Proposed Housing Sites: Site 7--CT 47A, Blocks 67, 71, 72, 1934?.
Box A-16 Folder 9
Code No. I-1: Population--Supplement SS-1A Data Sheets for Proposed Housing Sites: Site 8--CT 1B, Blocks 12-16, 1934?.
Box A-16 Folder 10
Code No. I-1: Population--Supplement SS-1A Data Sheets for Proposed Housing Sites: Site 8--CT AB, Blocks 17-19, 29, 1934?.
Box A-16 Folder 11
Code No. I-1: Population--Supplement SS-1A Data Sheets for Proposed Housing Sites: Site 8--CT 1B, Block 30, 32-34, 1934?.
Box A-16 Folder 12
Code No. I-1: Population--Supplement SS-1A Data Sheets for Proposed Housing Sites: Site 8--CT 1B, Blocks 89, 90, 92, 1934?.
Box A-16 Folder 13
Code No. I-1: Population--Supplement SS-1A Data Sheets for Proposed Housing Sites: Site 9--CT 44B, Blocks 20-23, 1934?.
Box A-16 Folder 14
Code No. I-1: Population--Supplement SS-1A Data Sheets for Proposed Housing Sites: Site 9--CT 44B, Blocks 35-37, 1934?.
Box A-16 Folder 15
Code No. I-1: Population--Supplement SS-1A Data Sheets for Proposed Housing Sites: Site 9--CT 44B, Blocks 55, 56, 1934?.
Box A-16 Folder 16
Code No. I-1: Population--Supplement SS-1A Data Sheets for Proposed Housing Sites: Site 9--CT 44B, Blocks 81-83, 1934?.
Box A-16 Folder 17
Code No. I-1: Population--Supplement SS-1A Data Sheets for Proposed Housing Sites: Site 9--CT 44B, Blocks 81-83, 1934?.
Box A-16 Folder 18
Code No. I-1: Population--Supplement SS-1A Data Sheets for Proposed Housing Sites: Site 9--CT 44B, Blocks 57-60, 1934?.
Box A-16 Folder 19
Code No. I-1: Population--Supplement SS-1A Data Sheets for Proposed Housing Sites: Site 9--CT 44B, Blocks 61-63, 1934?.
Box A-16 Folder 20
Code No. I-1: Population--Supplement SS-1A Data Sheets for Proposed Housing Sites: Site 9--CT 44B, Blocks 66-69, 1934?.
Box A-16 Folder 21
Code No. I-1: Population--Supplement SS-1A Data Sheets for Proposed Housing Sites: Site 9--CT 44, Blocks 87-89, 1934?.
Box A-16 Folder 22
Code No. I-1: Population--Supplement SS-1A Data Sheets for Proposed Housing Sites: Site 10--CT 24E, Blocks 6-9, 1934?.
Box A-16 Folder 23
Code No. I-1: Population--Supplement SS-1A Data Sheets for Proposed Housing Sites: Site 10--CT 24E, Blocks 27-31, 1934?.
Box A-16 Folder 24
Code No. I-1: Population--Supplement SS-1A Data Sheets for Proposed Housing Sites: Site 10--CT 24E, Blocks 16-18, 1934?.
Box A-16 Folder 25
Code No. I-1: Population--Supplement SS-1A Data Sheets for Proposed Housing Sites: Site 10--CT 24E, Blocks 19-21, 1934?.
Box A-16 Folder 26
Code No. I-1: Population--Supplement SS-1A Data Sheets for Proposed Housing Sites: Site 10--CT 24F, Blocks 1-2, 26-27, 1934?.
Box A-16 Folder 27
Code No. I-1: Population--Supplement SS-1A Data Sheets for Proposed Housing Sites: Site 12--CT 18A, Blocks 12-15, 1934?.
Box A-16 Folder 28
Code No. I-1: Population--Supplement SS-1A Data Sheets for Proposed Housing Sites: Site 12--CT 18A, Blocks 4-5, 1934?.
Box A-16 Folder 29
Code No. I-1: Population--Supplement SS-1A Data Sheets for Proposed Housing Sites: Site 12--CT 18A, Blocks 19-25, 1934?.
Box A-16 Folder 30
Code No. I-1: Population--Supplement SS-1A Data Sheets for Proposed Housing Sites: CT 36B, Blocks 33-37, 1934?.
Box A-16 Folder 31
Code No. I-1: Population--Supplement SS-1A Data Sheets for Proposed Housing Sites: CT 36B, Blocks 38-39, 1934?.
Box A-16 Folder 32
Code No. I-1: Population--Supplement SS-1A Data Sheets for Proposed Housing Sites: CT 36B, Blocks 44, 44, 46-50, 1934?.
Box A-16 Folder 33
Code No. I-1: Population--Supplement SS-1A Data Sheets for Proposed Housing Sites: CT 36B, Block 40, 1934?.
Box A-16 Folder 34
Code No. I-1: Population--Supplement SS-1A Data Sheets for Proposed Housing Sites: CT 41I, Block 18, 1934?.
Box A-16 Folder 35
Code No. I-1: Population--Supplement SS-1A Data Sheets for Proposed Housing Sites: Analysis of Nativities--East Intensive Area & West Intensive Area (duplicate set), undated.
Box A-16 Folder 36
Code No. I-1: Population--Supplement SS-1A Data Sheets for Proposed Housing Sites: Analysis of Juvenile Delinquency, Truancy, Social Agency Cases--1932 data, East Intensive Area and West Intensive Area, undated.
Box A-16 Folder 37
C. Weisheit Files: Correspondence, July 1936.
Box A-17 Folder 1
C. Weisheit Files: Report of the Social Survey--Draft of manuscript and tables, circa July 1936.
Box A-17 Folder 2
C. Weisheit Files: Notes for Social Survey Report--portions pertaining to a social survey of New York City, circa 1936?.
Box A-17 Folder 3
C. Weisheit Files: Notes and data for Social Survey Report, 1936.
Box A-17 Folder 3
C. Weisheit Files: Notes on “Black Population” and “Families” in East Intensive Area (1920-1934) and census data for Social Survey Report, circa July 1936.
Box A-17 Folder 5
C. Weisheit Files: Negro Population Studies--Intensive Area. 8 pp. manuscript and tables, author not identified, circa 1936-1937?.
Box A-17 Folder 6
C. Weisheit Files: Notes and Data for Social Survey Report, 1936.
Box A-17 Folder 7
C. Weisheit Files: Vital Statistics Data for Social Survey Report (Philadelphia), circa July 1936.
Box A-17 Folder 8
C. Weisheit Files: Notes on Philadelphia--1920 Census, for Report on Social Survey, circa July 1936.
Box A-17 Folder 9
C. Weisheit Files: Notes on Philadelphia Population in 1930 for Report on the Social Survey, July 1936.
Box A-17 Folder 10
C. Weisheit Files: Population of Philadelphia in 1930 by Census Tract & Ward and Table showing percent and no. of change, 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930, circa 1935-1936?.
Box A-17 Folder 11
C. Weisheit Files: Population Data--Boston, data for 1934-35 [compiled], 1936?.
Box A-17 Folder 12
C. Weisheit Files: Population Data--Notes on Population of Cincinnati and Indianapolis, 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930, for Social Survey, 1936?.
Box A-17 Folder 13
C. Weisheit Files: Population Data--Cincinnati, data circa 1930, 1932 [1936], circa 1930; 1932; 1936.
Box A-17 Folder 14
C. Weisheit Files: Population Data--Cleveland, data for 1930, undated.
Box A-17 Folder 15
C. Weisheit Files: Population Data--Cleveland, data circa 1932, 1936.
Box A-17 Folder 16
C. Weisheit Files: Population Data--Cleveland, 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930, 1936.
Box A-17 Folder 17
C. Weisheit Files: Population Data--Indianapolis, data circa 1929-32, 1936.
Box A-17 Folder 18
C. Weisheit Files: Population Data--Boston, 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930, 1936.
Box A-17 Folder 19
C. Weisheit Files: Population Data--Manhattan, 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930.
Box A-17 Folder 20
C. Weisheit Files: Population Data--Country of Birth of Foreign Born Population, 6 cities, 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930 [compiled], circa 1936.
Box A-17 Folder 21
C. Weisheit Files: Census Data--Industries--Value of Products, 1933, 6 cities [compiled], circa 1936.
Box A-17 Folder 22
C. Weisheit Files: Census Data--Industries by Category, 1929, 6 cities [compiled], circa 1936.
Box A-17 Folder 23
C. Weisheit Files: Census Data--Table 20, Median Size and Value of Homes, 1930, 6 cities [compiled], circa 1936.
Box A-17 Folder 24
C. Weisheit Files: Census Data--Table 21, Value and Rental of Homes, 1930, 6 cities [compiled], circa 1936.
Box A-17 Folder 25
C. Weisheit Files: Census Data--Table 23, No. of Families with Children under Age 10, 1930, 6 cities [compiled], circa 1936.
Box A-17 Folder 26
C. Weisheit Files: Census Data--Table 24, No. of Families with Children under Age 21, 1930, 6 cities [compiled], circa 1936.
Box A-17 Folder 27
C. Weisheit Files: Census Data--Table 25, No. of Gainful Workers per Family, 1930, 6 cities [compiled], circa 1936.
Box A-17 Folder 28
C. Weisheit Files: Census Data--Table 26, No. of Lodgers per Family, 1930, 6 cities [compiled], circa 1936.
Box A-17 Folder 29
C. Weisheit Files: Census Data: Tables 1-29, 6 cities, 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930 [compiled], July 1936.
Box A-17 Folder 30
C. Weisheit Files: Census Data: Table 27, Age of Head of Family, 6 cities, 1930 [compiled], circa 1936.
Box A-17 Folder 31
C. Weisheit Files: Census Data: Table 28, Families with Home-maker, 6 cities, 1930, compiled, August 1936.
Box A-17 Folder 32
C. Weisheit Files: Census Data: Table 28, Families, 1930, etc., 6 cities [compiled], 1936.
Box A-17 Folder 33
C. Weisheit Files: Census Data: Table 29, No. of Persons per Family, 6 cities, 1930, compiled, 1936.
Box A-17 Folder 34
C. Weisheit Files: Census Data: Table 29, Dwellings & Families, 6 cities, 1930, compiled, 1936.
Box A-17 Folder 35
Margaret K. Bishop Files: Tables of Population Trends in Central Intensive Areas of Philadelphia (summaries), 1890-1930, compiled, circa 1936-1937.
Box A-17 Folder 36
Social Survey--Code No. I-2: Vital Statistics: Births: Birth Record for 1932, 100 pp., typed, 1934?.
Box A-17 Folder 37
Social Survey--Code No. I-2: Vital Statistics: Births: Birth Data & Tabulations, Intensive Area East of Broad St. & West of Broad St., 1932, compiled, circa March 1934.
Box A-17 Folder 38
Social Survey--Code No. I-2: Vital Statistics: Births: Still Births from Death and Birth Records, 1932--data sheets and tabulations, April-August 1934.
Box A-17 Folder 39
Social Survey--Code No. I-2: Vital Statistics: Births: Births in 1932, Data and Tabulations, duplicate file, 1934.
Box A-17 Folder 40
Social Survey--Code No. I-2: Vital Statistics: Births: Births in 1932, Worksheets, April 1934.
Box A-17 Folder 41
Social Survey--Code No. II-6: Truancy: Worksheets for Unexcused Absences 1932-33, 6th District, Schools A-C, compiled, 1934.
Box A-17 Folder 42
Social Survey--Code No. II-6: Truancy: Worksheets for Unexcused Absences, 6th District, Schools F-M, 1932-33, compiled, December 1933-1934.
Box A-17 Folder 43
Social Survey--Code No. II-6: Truancy: Worksheets for Unexcused Absences, 6th District, Schools N-Z, 1932-33, compiled, December 1933-1934.
Box A-17 Folder 44
Social Survey--Code No. II-6: Truancy: Worksheets for East Intensive Area, Schools A-J, 1932-33, compiled, 1933-1934.
Box A-17 Folder 45
Social Survey--Code No. II-6: Truancy: Worksheets for East Intensive Area, Schools K-Z, 1932-33, compiled, 1933-1934.
Box A-17 Folder 46
Social Survey--Code No. II-6: Truancy: Worksheets, preliminary, for year 1932-33, January 31, 1934; undated.
Box A-17 Folder 47
Social Survey--Code No. II-6: Truancy: Reports of Truancy 1932-33, compiled, January-February 1934.
Box A-17 Folder 48
Social Survey--Code No. II-6: Truancy: School Lists, Intensive Area W. of Broad St, 1936.
Box A-17 Folder 49
Social Survey--Code No. II-6: Truancy: Worksheets, Intensive Area W. of Broad St., compiled, February 1936.
Box A-17 Folder 50
Social Survey--Code No. II-6: Truancy: Block Tabulations of Truancy, E. & W. of Broad St., 1932-33 data, compiled, April 1937.
Box A-17 Folder 51
Social Survey--Code No. II-6: Health--Communicable Diseases: Data sheets and tabulations for reported cases of communicable diseases in East Intensive Area in 1933, compiled, January-April 1934.
Box A-17 Folder 52
Social Survey--Code No. II-6: Health--Communicable Diseases: Data sheets--Admissions to Philadelphia Hospital for Contagious Diseases, 1932 [compiled], 1934?.
Box A-17 Folder 53
Social Survey--Code No. II-6: Health--Communicable Diseases: Data sheets and tabulations for reported cases of communicable diseases in West Intensive Area in 1932-33 [compiled], January 1934.
Box A-17 Folder 54
Social Survey--Code No. II-7: Health--Tuberculosis: Tuberculosis Cases, Dept. of Health, TB Section--10 Year Survey: original data sheets and typed list with additions, compiled, circa January 1934.
Box A-17 Folder 55
Social Survey--Code No. II-7: Health--Tuberculosis: “Directory of Tuberculosis Clinics 1934” prepared by Philadelphia Association of Tuberculosis Clinics, April 1934.
Box A-17 Folder 56
Social Survey--Code No. II-7: Health--Tuberculosis: Tuberculosis Cases, Data taken from Philadelphia Dept. of Health Tuberculosis Clinics for Years 1930, 1931, 1932, and 1933, and Worksheets, parts 1-3, 1930; 1931; 1932; 1933.
Box A-18 Folder 1-3
Social Survey--Code No. II-7: Health--Tuberculosis: Lists of tuberculosis cases E. of Broad St., compiled, January 1934.
Box A-18 Folder 4-5
Social Survey--Code No. II-7: Health--Tuberculosis: List of tuberculosis cases, living, 1932 to present, regions outside of the East of Broad St. survey area [compiled], 1933-1934?.
Box A-18 Folder 6
Social Survey--Code No. II-7: Health--Tuberculosis: List of additional tuberculosis cases, East of Broad St. survey area, compiled, circa June 1934.
Box A-18 Folder 7
Social Survey--Code No. II-7: Health--Tuberculosis: List of tuberculosis cases, living, 1932-present, W. of Broad St. survey area, listed by street, compiled, circa January 1934.
Box A-18 Folder 8
Social Survey--Code No. II-7: Health--Tuberculosis: List of active tuberculosis cases, W. of Broad St. survey area, 1932 to present, typed, and additional tuberculosis cases, compiled, circa June 1934.
Box A-18 Folder 9
Social Survey--Code No. II-7: Health--Mental Diseases: Admissions to Philadelphia Hospital for Mental Diseases, Byberry, 1930--data sheets, compiled, July 1934.
Box A-18 Folder 10
Social Survey--Code No. II-7: Health--Mental Diseases: Admissions to Philadelphia Hospital for Mental Diseases, Byberry, 1931--data sheets, compiled, 1934.
Box A-18 Folder 11
Social Survey--Code No. II-7: Health--Mental Diseases: Admissions to Philadelphia Hospital for Mental Diseases, Byberry, 1932--data sheets, compiled, June 1934.
Box A-18 Folder 12
Social Survey--Code No. II-7: Health--Mental Diseases: Admissions to Philadelphia Hospital for Mental Diseases, Byberry, 1933--data sheets, compiled, June 1934.
Box A-18 Folder 13
Social Survey--Code No. II-7: Health--Mental Diseases: Admissions to Philadelphia Hospital for Mental Diseases, Byberry, 1933--data sheets, compiled, June 1934.
Box A-18 Folder 14
Social Survey--Code No. II-7: Health--Mental Diseases: Relief Families East of Broad St., 1933--data sheets, compiled Feb.-Ap. 1934; tabulation of data for W. of Broad St. area “compiled by Falls 2/18/35", 1935.
Box A-18 Folder 15
Social Survey--Code No. II-7: Health--Mental Diseases: Relief Families E. of Broad St., Sept. 1932-Feb. 1934, compiled, March-April 1934.
Box A-18 Folder 16
Social Survey--Code No. II-7: Health--Mental Diseases: Relief Families E. of Broad St., listed by street, compiled, February 1934.
Box A-18 Folder 17
Social Survey--Code No. II-7: Health--Mental Diseases: Relief Families E. of Broad St., duplicate file, 1934.
Box A-18 Folder 18
Social Survey--Code No. II-7: Health--Mental Diseases: Relief Families W. of Broad St., By Street, in 1933, data sheets 1-41, compiled, March-April 1934.
Box A-18 Folder 19
Social Survey--Code No. II-7: Health--Mental Diseases: Relief Families W. of Broad St. 1932-33, compiled, March-April 1934.
Box A-18 Folder 20
Social Survey--Code No. II-7: Health--Mental Diseases: Relief Families W. of Broad St., duplicate material, March 1934.
Box A-18 Folder 21
Social Survey--Code No. II-7: Health--Mental Diseases: Relief Families, data tabulations (duplicate), 1934.
Box A-18 Folder 22
Social Survey--Code No. II-9-1: Fire Load 1933: Basic Data: Fires, entire city and E. of Broad St., 1933--summary sheets, compiled by Theodore Falls, Ap.-July, 1933.
Box A-18 Folder 23
Social Survey--Code No. II-9-1: Fire Load 1933: Basic Data: Fires--Inventory of Items in Daily Fire Record, E. of Broad St., 1933, typed and spotted, 25 pp, December 1934-January 1935.
Box A-18 Folder 24
Social Survey--Code No. II-9-1: Fire Load 1933: Basic Data: Fires--Inventory Compiled from Bureau of Fire, Daily Fire Record (1933) and Insurance Patrol Headquarters, E. of Broad St, 1934-1935.
Box A-18 Folder 25
Social Survey--Code No. II-9-1: Fire Load 1933: Basic Data: Fires--Fire Record, E. of Broad St., 1933, from Insurance Patrol Headquarters, ms data sheets and typed copy, compiled by Theodore Falls, March 15, 1934.
Box A-18 Folder 26
Social Survey--Code No. II-9-1: Fire Load 1933: Basic Data: Fires--Inventory of Items in Bureau of Fire-Daily Fire Record, E. of Broad St, ms data sheets, 26 pp, 1934.
Box A-18 Folder 27
Social Survey--Code No. II-9-1: Fire Load 1933: Basic Data: Fire Report W. of Broad St., 1933-- ms data sheets, March 20, 1934.
Box A-18 Folder 28
Social Survey--Code No. II-9-1: Fire Load 1933: Basic Data: Fire Report W. of Broad St., 1933--report by S. Tyson Haldeman, typed, February 1935.
Box A-18 Folder 29
Social Survey--Code No. II-9-1: Fire Load 1933: Basic Data: Fire Report, E. of Broad St., 1933 with revisions and corrections, compiled by T. Falls, completed, typed, January 1935.
Box A-18 Folder 30
Social Survey--Code No. II-9-2: Fire Load 1933--Summary Report, “1933 Fire Load: Determination of Fire Costs, Summary of Factors,” by Theodore Falls, 10 pp. text, typed, and tables, 1934-1935.
Box A-18 Folder 31
Social Survey--Code No. II-9-3: Fire Load 1933--Costs (Basic Data): Determination of Cost of 1933 Fire Losses--Basic Data, compiled by Theodore Falls, 1934.
Box A-18 Folder 32
Social Survey--Code No. II-9-4: Fire Load 1933--Determination of Fire Costs: Costs, pt. 1, Summary of Factors, July 1934.
Box A-18 Folder 33
Social Survey--Code No. II-9-4: Fire Load 1933--Determination of Fire Costs: Costs, pt. 2: Types of Fires listed by Survey Area and with Data on Costs, June 1934-January 1935.
Box A-18 Folder 34
Social Survey--Code No. II-9-4: Fire Load 1933--Determination of Fire Costs: Costs, pt. 3: June 1934-Jan. 1935, June 1934-January 1935.
Box A-18 Folder 35
Social Survey--Code No. II-9-4: Fire Load 1933--Determination of Fire Costs: Costs, pt. 4: Detail calculation & summary of results, August 1934.
Box A-18 Folder 36
Social Survey--Code No. II-9-4: Fire Load 1933--Determination of Fire Costs: Block Tabulations, Occurrence, and Charges, W. of Broad St., Final Summary, submitted by Falls, May 6, 1936.
Box A-18 Folder 37
Social Survey--Code No. II-9-4: Fire Load 1933--Determination of Fire Costs: Block Tabulations, Insurance loss calculations--No Alarm Fires W. of Broad St., compiled by Falls, 1934-1936?.
Box A-18 Folder 38
Social Survey--Code No. II-9-5: Fire Load 1933--Analysis of Expenditures: Summary Analysis, Expenditures and Charges, compiled by Falls, July-December 17, 1934.
Box A-18 Folder 39
Social Survey--Code No. II-9-6: Fire Load 1933--Block Tabulations: W. of Broad St., datasheets 1-20 [compiled], 1934?.
Box A-18 Folder 40
Social Survey--Code No. II-9-6: Fire Load 1933--Block Tabulations: E. and W. of Broad St., datasheets, compiled, 1934.
Box A-18 Folder 41
Social Survey--Code No. II-9-6: Fire Load 1933--Block Tabulations: E. of Broad St., Alarm Building Fires--Losses, February 1936?.
Box A-18 Folder 42
Social Survey--Code No. II-9-6: Fire Load 1933--Block Tabulations: E. of Broad St., No-Alarm Losses, circa February 1936.
Box A-18 Folder 43
Social Survey--Code No. II-9-6: Fire Load 1933--Block Tabulations: E. of Broad St.--Fires other than Building Fires, compiled, February 1936.
Box A-18 Folder 44
Social Survey--Code No. II-9-6: Fire Load 1933--Block Tabulations: E. of Broad St.--Building Fires, compiled, March 1936.
Box A-18 Folder 45
Social Survey--Code No. II-9-6: Fire Load 1933--Block Tabulations: W. of Broad St., Fires other than Building Fires, February 1936.
Box A-18 Folder 46
Social Survey--Code No. II-9-6: Fire Load 1933--Block Tabulations: W. of Broad St., Building Fires, February 1936.
Box A-18 Folder 47
Social Survey--Code No. II-9-7: Fire Load 1933--Final Report: Summaries and Final Reports of Study of Fire Load in City of Philadelphia and “Downtown” Survey Area for the Year 1933, by Falls, and additions, December 1934-March 1936.
Box A-18 Folder 48
Social Survey--Housing and Sanitation: Tabulations of Regular Inspection Violations and Complaints for Special Sites #1-13 based on records of the Philadelphia Department of Public Health, Bureau of Housing & Sanitation, compiled by M. Harrell and J. Hayman, July 17, 1934.
Box A-18 Folder 49
Social Survey--Housing and Sanitation: Sample of “History Card” used as source of data, circa 1933.
Box A-18 Folder 50
Social Survey--Housing and Sanitation: Housing Division Complaints 1932, tabulated by zone, by F. E. Logan, November 31, 1934.
Box A-19 Folder 1
Social Survey--Housing and Sanitation: Housing Division Complaints 1932--W. of Broad St., compiled, March 23, 1934.
Box A-19 Folder 2
Social Survey--Housing and Sanitation: Housing Division Complaints, E. of Broad & E. of Front Sts., Wards B, H, G, compiled by [?] Corkery, March-April 1934.
Box A-19 Folder 3
Social Survey--Housing and Sanitation: Sanitation Division Complaints, summary and totals by Falls and Hart, circa July 1934.
Box A-19 Folder 4
Social Survey--Housing and Sanitation: Housing Division Complaints 1932--E. of Broad St., tabulation, June 7, 1934.
Box A-19 Folder 5
Social Survey--Housing and Sanitation: Housing Division Complaints 1932--W. of Broad St., summary--tabulation by Erickson, May 28, 1934; “housing re-surveyed for 1932, 6/15/36, W. J. H", May 28, 1934.
Box A-19 Folder 6
Social Survey--Housing and Sanitation: Housing Division Complaints and Inspection Violations 1933--E. of Broad St., compiled by M. Harrell and J. Hayman, completed July 17, 1934; “Housing re-surveyed for 1932, 6/15/36, W. J. H", July 17, 1934.
Box A-19 Folder 7
Social Survey--Housing and Sanitation: Housing Division Complaints and Inspection Violations 1933--W. of Broad St., compiled by M. Harrell and J. Hayman; “Housing re-surveyed for 1932, 6/15/36, W. J. H.”, 1933.
Box A-19 Folder 8
Social Survey--Housing and Sanitation: Housing Division--Tenement House Complaints 1933, E. of Broad St., Girard to Washington Aves., survey by Dr. H. G. Bishop and Miss M. F. Bryan made in 1934, 1934.
Box A-19 Folder 9
Social Survey--Housing and Sanitation: Housing Division--Tenement House History Cards, 1933--Complaints--summary by T. Fall, circa July 1934.
Box A-19 Folder 10
Social Survey--Housing and Sanitation: Sanitation Division--Complaints 1932, E. of Broad St., worksheets, February 8, 1934.
Box A-19 Folder 11
Social Survey--Housing and Sanitation: Sanitation Division--Record of Complaints, E. of Broad St, 1932.
Box A-19 Folder 12
Social Survey--Housing and Sanitation: Sanitation Division--Record of Complaints, E. of Broad St., 1932, taken by H. G. Bishop, typed, with corrections, 1932.
Box A-19 Folder 13
Social Survey--Housing and Sanitation: Sanitation Division--House Drainage Section--Violation of House Drainage Code 1932, E. of Broad St; compiled, February 9, 1934.
Box A-19 Folder 14
Social Survey--Housing and Sanitation: Sanitation Division--Complaints, W. of Broad St., added areas G, H, B, March 1934.
Box A-19 Folder 15
Social Survey--Housing and Sanitation: Housing Violations 1932, Resurveyed: Data sheets & block tabulations, June 1936.
Box A-19 Folder 16
Social Survey--Traffic Accidents 1932: Summary sheets, E. of Broad St., compiled, 1934.
Box A-19 Folder 17
Social Survey--Traffic Accidents 1932: Types of Accidents 1932--Tabulation sheets compiled by Erickson, 1934.
Box A-19 Folder 18
Social Survey--Traffic Accidents 1932: Traffic Accident Cases from Traffic Bureau Accident Prevention Division, 19th & Oxford, for 1932--E. of Broad St. area--data sheets, 1934.
Box A-19 Folder 19
Social Survey--Traffic Accidents 1932: Auto Accidents 1932--Data spotted with corrections, E. of Broad, W. of Broad, and added area N. of Girard Ave, March-April 1934.
Box A-19 Folder 20
Social Survey--Traffic Accidents 1932: Auto Accidents 1932--re-check of Girard Ave. & SE Division, spotted--data sheets, April 1934.
Box A-19 Folder 21
Social Survey--Traffic Accidents 1932: Auto Accidents 1932--Parkway and Fairmount Park--data sheets, April 1934.
Box A-19 Folder 22
Social Survey--Traffic Accidents 1932: Auto Accidents 1932--Area w. of Broad St., data sheets, March 20-27, 1934.
Box A-19 Folder 23
Social Survey--Administrative Files under WPA program: Interim Report on Social Survey, Nov. 1936, Mar. 1937, and undated loose sheets, November 1936; March 1937; undated.
Box A-19 Folder 24
Social Survey--Administrative Files under WPA program: Report--Determination of Load of Conditions in the Survey Area--Organizational Chart of Study, January 1936.
Box A-19 Folder 25
Social Survey--Administrative Files under WPA program: General Correspondence with Private Agencies, November 1934; September 1936-January 1937.
Box A-19 Folder 26
Social Survey--Administrative Files under WPA program: General Correspondence, under WPA, March 1936-January 1937.
Box A-19 Folder 27
Social Survey--Administrative Files under WPA program: Notes--Private Social Agencies, circa September 1936-February 1937.
Box A-19 Folder 28
Social Survey--Administrative Files under WPA program: Printed Reports of Private Social Agencies removed from file of correspondence with the Agencies, 1933-1936.
Box A-19 Folder 29
Social Survey--Hospital Admissions 1932 Survey: Preliminary Tallies, circa August-September 1936.
Box A-19 Folder 30
Social Survey--Hospital Admissions 1932 Survey: Memoranda concerning Re-survey of Hospitals in 1936 under WPA, July-October 1936.
Box A-19 Folder 31
Social Survey--Hospital Admissions 1932 Survey: Annual Admissions Information, November-December 1936.
Box A-19 Folder 32
Social Survey--Hospital Admissions 1932 Survey: Summary of Admissions to Hospitals from E. of Broad, W. of Broad, and Kensington or Fan, 1934; 1936.
Box A-19 Folder 33
Social Survey--Hospital Admissions 1932 Survey: Preliminary Tallies, E. of Broad St. (copy 1), August 1936.
Box A-19 Folder 34
Social Survey--Hospital Admissions 1932 Survey: Preliminary Tallies, E. of Broad St. (copy 2), includes data on race, August 1936.
Box A-19 Folder 35
Social Survey--Hospital Admissions 1932 Survey: Preliminary Tallies, E. of Broad St., includes data on race, September 1936.
Box A-19 Folder 36
Social Survey--Hospital Admissions 1932 Survey: Preliminary Tallies--E. of Broad St., by Zone, September 1936.
Box A-19 Folder 37
Social Survey--Hospital Admissions 1932 Survey: Preliminary Tallies--Intensive Area W. of Broad St., copy 1, August 1936.
Box A-19 Folder 38
Social Survey--Hospital Admissions 1932 Survey: Preliminary Tallies--Intensive Area W. of Broad St., copy 2, August 1936.
Box A-19 Folder 39
Social Survey--Hospital Admissions 1932 Survey: Preliminary Tallies--W. of Broad St., by Zone, White/black, September 1936.
Box A-19 Folder 40
Social Survey--Hospital Admissions 1932 Survey: Preliminary Tallies--W. of Broad St., includes data on race, April 1936.
Box A-19 Folder 41
Social Survey--Hospital Admissions 1932 Survey: Preliminary Block Tabulations-E. & W. of Broad St, September 1936.
Box A-19 Folder 42
Social Survey--Hospital Admissions 1932 Survey: Block Tabulations, Intensive Area W. of Broad St, March-April 1936.
Box A-19 Folder 43
Social Survey--Hospital Admissions 1932 Survey: Preliminary Tallies--Pennsylvania Hospital--E. & W., by zone & by race, September 1936.
Box A-19 Folder 44
Social Survey--Hospital Admissions 1932 Survey: Preliminary Tallies--Pennsylvania Hospital--Maternity Dept., on 1936 data sheets, pp. 124-161, August 1936.
Box A-19 Folder 45
Social Survey--Hospital Admissions 1932 Survey: Preliminary Tallies--Philadelphia General Hospital (by zone, gender, race), June-November 1936.
Box A-19 Folder 46
Social Survey--Hospital Admissions 1932 Survey: Preliminary Tallies--Philadelphia General Hospital 1932 admits, (showing date of admission, address, race, date of discharge, and no. of days in Hospital, pt. 1 of 2, pp. 1-40, September 1936.
Box A-19 Folder 47
Social Survey--Hospital Admissions 1932 Survey: Preliminary Tallies--Philadelphia General Hospital 1932 admits, pt. 2 of 2, pp. 41-73, September 1936.
Box A-19 Folder 48
Social Survey--Hospital Admissions 1932: American Hospital for Diseases of the Stomach, 1932 data, compiled, April 1934.
Box A-19 Folder 49
Social Survey--Hospital Admissions 1932: Broad St. Hospital, 1932 data compiled and spotted Mar. 1934; tabulated, March 1936.
Box A-19 Folder 50
Social Survey--Hospital Admissions 1932: Children’s Hospital, 1932 data, compiled, March 1934.
Box A-19 Folder 51
Social Survey--Hospital Admissions 1932: Douglass Hospital, 1932 data, compiled, March, June 1934.
Box A-19 Folder 52
Social Survey--Hospital Admissions 1932: Episcopal Hospital, 1932 data, compiled, May 1934.
Box A-19 Folder 53
Social Survey--Hospital Admissions 1932: Graduate Hospital, 1932 data, compiled for E. & W. of Broad St, July 1934.
Box A-19 Folder 54
Social Survey--Hospital Admissions 1932: Graduate Hospital, 1932 data; tabulations including patient case number and race, August 1936.
Box A-19 Folder 55
Social Survey--Hospital Admissions 1932: Hahnemann Hospital, 1932 data compiled and spotted, 1934.
Box A-19 Folder 56
Social Survey--Hospital Admissions 1932: Hahnemann Hospital, 1932 data, compiled and spotted, pp. 1-30.
Box A-19 Folder 57
Social Survey--Hospital Admissions 1932: Hahnemann Hospital, 1932 data, compiled for E. & W. of Broad St, 1934.
Box A-19 Folder 58
Social Survey--Hospital Admissions 1932: Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, data sheets for Jan.-Dec. 1932, compiled, March 1934.
Box A-19 Folder 59
Social Survey--Hospital Admissions 1932: Jefferson Hospital, data sheets for Jan.-Dec. 1932 (“original list”) and corrections and notations concerning race added in 1936; pp. 1-26, 1934; May 1936.
Box A-19 Folder 60
Social Survey--Hospital Admissions 1932: Jefferson Hospital, original 1932 data transcribed to 1936 data sheets, pp. 27-42, August 1936.
Box A-19 Folder 61
Social Survey--Hospital Admissions 1932: Jewish Hospital, original 1932 list and notations, April 1934; March 1936.
Box A-19 Folder 62
Social Survey--Hospital Admissions 1932: Lankenau Hospital, original 1932 data compiled, March 1934.
Box A-19 Folder 63
Social Survey--Hospital Admissions 1932: Mercy Hospital, 1932 data listed on 1936 data sheets, pp. 1-8, August 1936.
Box A-19 Folder 64
Social Survey--Hospital Admissions 1932: Methodist Hospital, original 1932 data compiled and spotted in 1934; transferred to 1936 data sheets, 1934, 1936, 1936.
Box A-19 Folder 65
Social Survey--Hospital Admissions 1932: Misericordia Hospital, 1932 data listed on 1936 data sheets, 1936.
Box A-19 Folder 66
Social Survey--Hospital Admissions 1932: Mt. Sinai Hospital, original 1932 data and spotted, pp. 1-15, 1934.
Box A-19 Folder 67
Social Survey--Hospital Admissions 1932: Northern Liberties Hospital--Portion of original 1932 data and entire list Jan.-Dec. 1932 transferred to 1936 data sheets, 1936.
Box A-19 Folder 68
Social Survey--Hospital Admissions 1932: Orthopedic Hospital, original 1932 data compiled, 1934.
Box A-19 Folder 69
Social Survey--Hospital Admissions 1932: Orthopedic Hospital, 1932 data transferred to 1936 data sheets, August 1936.
Box A-19 Folder 70
Social Survey--Hospital Admissions 1932: Pennsylvania Hospital, 1932 data compiled, pp. 42-118, 1934.
Box A-19 Folder 71
Social Survey--Hospital Admissions 1932: Pennsylvania Hospital, 1932 data compiled, sheets 1-41, March 1934.
Box A-19 Folder 72
Social Survey--Hospital Admissions 1932: Pennsylvania Hospital, E. of Broad St., 1932 data, spotted, 1934.
Box A-19 Folder 73
Social Survey--Hospital Admissions 1932: Presbyterian Hospital, 1932 data, sheets 1-7, spotted, March-June 1934.
Box A-19 Folder 74
Social Survey--Hospital Admissions 1932: Preston Retreat, 1932 data compiled on 1936 data sheets, August 1936.
Box A-19 Folder 75
Social Survey--Hospital Admissions 1932: St. Agnes Hospital, 1932 data compiled on 1936 data sheets, August 1936.
Box A-19 Folder 76
Social Survey--Hospital Admissions 1932: St. Joseph Hospital, 1932 data compiled and spotted, 1934.
Box A-19 Folder 77
Social Survey--Hospital Admissions 1932: St. Luke’s and Children’s hospitals (E. & W. of Broad St.), 1932 data compiled and spotted, 1934.
Box A-19 Folder 78
Social Survey--Hospital Admissions 1932: St. Mary’s Hospital (E. & W. of Broad St.), 1932 data compiled and spotted, 1934.
Box A-19 Folder 79
Social Survey--Hospital Admissions 1932: Stetson Hospital (E. & W. of Broad St.), 1932 data compiled, 1934.
Box A-19 Folder 80
Social Survey--Hospital Admissions 1932: Temple Hospital (E. & W. of Broad St.), 1932 data compiled and spotted, 1934.
Box A-19 Folder 81
Social Survey--Hospital Admissions 1932: West Philadelphia (Women’s) Hospital--1932 data compiled and spotted, July 1934.
Box A-19 Folder 82
Social Survey--Hospital Admissions 1932: Wills Eye Hospital (E. & W. of Broad St.), 1932 data compiled and spotted, April 1934.
Box A-19 Folder 83
Social Survey--Hospital Admissions 1932: Women’s College Hospital, 1932 data compiled and spotted, 1934; 1936.
Box A-19 Folder 84
Social Survey--Hospital Admissions 1932: Women’s Homeopathic Hospital, 1932 data, compiled and spotted, 1934.
Box A-19 Folder 85
Social Survey: Family Welfare--Private Agencies: Preliminary Tallies: Block Tabulations, Intensive Area E. of Broad St. (agencies 1-90), 1935 data, compiled, December 1936-April 1937.
Box A-20 Folder 1
Social Survey: Family Welfare--Private Agencies: Preliminary Tallies: Block Tabulations, Intensive Area E. of Broad St. (agencies 1-90), [1935 data?], compiled, December 1936-March 1937.
Box A-20 Folder 2
Social Survey: Family Welfare--Private Agencies: Preliminary Tallies: Block Tabulations, Intensive Area W. of Broad St. (agencies 1-90), 1935 data, compiled, December 1936-April 1937.
Box A-20 Folder 3
Social Survey: Family Welfare--Private Agencies: Preliminary Tallies: Block Tabulations, Intensive Area W. of Broad St. (agencies 1-90), [1935 data?], compiled, December 1936-April 1937.
Box A-20 Folder 4
Social Survey: Family Welfare--Private Agencies: Preliminary Tallies (Health Services): Block Tabulations, Intensive Area E. of Broad St. & W. of Broad St., 1935, data tabulated, June 1937.
Box A-20 Folder 5
Social Survey: Family Welfare--Private Agencies: Block Tabulations, Intensive Area E. & W. of Broad St., 1935, “duplicates,” tabulated, June 1937.
Box A-20 Folder 6
Private Agencies: Society for Preventing Cruelty to Children (SPCC) and Children’s Bureau of Philadelphia, 1935 data, tabulated, September 1936.
Box A-20 Folder 7
Private Agencies: College Settlement, East Intensive Area, 1935, tabulated [Original File Code #2], September 1936.
Box A-20 Folder 8
Private Agencies: Neighborhood Center, 428 Bainbridge, East Intensive Area, 1935 [tabulated 1936?] [#3], 1936?.
Box A-20 Folder 9
Private Agencies: Graphic Sketch Club, East Intensive Area, 1935, tabulated [#4], September 1969.
Box A-20 Folder 10
Private Agencies: Visiting Nurses Society, E. & W. Intensive Area, 1935, tabulated [#5], September-October 1936.
Box A-20 Folder 11
Private Agencies: Beth-Eden House, 805 New Market St., East Intensive Area, 1935, tabulated [#6], 1936.
Box A-20 Folder 12
Private Agencies: Old Age Pension, E. & W. Intensive Area, 1935, tabulated [#7], April 1937.
Box A-20 Folder 13
Private Agencies: Sheltering Arms, E. & W. Intensive Area, 1935, tabulated [#8], October 1936.
Box A-20 Folder 14
Private Agencies: University House, E. & W. Intensive Area, 1935, tabulated [#9], October 1936, January 1937.
Box A-20 Folder 15
Private Agencies: Big Brothers Association, E. & W. Intensive Area, 1935, tabulated [#10], October 1936.
Box A-20 Folder 16
Private Agencies: Settlement Music School, 416 Queen St., E. & W. Intensive Area, 1935, tabulated [#11], October 1936.
Box A-20 Folder 17
Private Agencies: Jewish Welfare Association, E. & W. Intensive Area, 1935, tabulated [#12], October 1936.
Box A-20 Folder 18
Private Agencies: Catholic Children’s Bureau, E. & W. Intensive Area, 1935, tabulated in [#13], October 1936.
Box A-20 Folder 19
Private Agencies: Blind Pension, E. & W. Intensive Area, 1935, tabulated in [#14], October 1936.
Box A-20 Folder 20
Private Agencies: Mothers Assistance Fund, E. & W. Intensive Area, 1935, tabulated [#15], October 1936.
Box A-20 Folder 21
Private Agencies: Red Cross, E. & W. Intensive Area, 1935, tabulated [#16], October 1936.
Box A-20 Folder 22
Private Agencies: Jewish Children’s Bureau, E. & W. Intensive Area, 1935, [tabulated] [#17], 1936?.
Box A-20 Folder 23
Private Agencies: Union Benevolent Association, E. & W. Intensive Area, 1935, tabulated [#18], October 1936.
Box A-20 Folder 24
Private Agencies: House of Industry, 719 Catherine St., E. Intensive Area, 1935, tabulated 1936, [#19], January 1937.
Box A-20 Folder 25
Private Agencies: [?] Place Neighborhood House, E. Intensive Area, 1935, tabulated [#20], October 1936.
Box A-20 Folder 26
Private Agencies: Madonna House, E. of Broad St., 1935, tabulated [#21], October 1936; January 1937.
Box A-20 Folder 27
Private Agencies: Western Community House, E. & W. of Broad St., 1935, tabulated [#28], October 1936.
Box A-20 Folder 28
Private Agencies: Women’s Union Day Nursery, Hope Day Nursery, St. Nicholas Day Nursery, San Cristoforo Day Nursery, E. & W. of Broad St., 1935, tabulated [#23-25], October 1936.
Box A-20 Folder 29
Private Agencies: Joy Settlement Day Nursery, E. & W. of Broad St., 1935, tabulated [#26], October 1936.
Box A-20 Folder 30
Private Agencies: Friends Neighborhood Guild, E. & W. of Broad St., 1935, tabulated [#27], October 1936; January 1937.
Box A-20 Folder 31
Private Agencies: 5th St. Community Centre, E. of Broad St., 1935, tabulated [#28], October 1936.
Box A-20 Folder 32
Private Agencies: Mothers Soup Association, E. of Broad St., 1935, tabulated [#29], October 1936.
Box A-20 Folder 33
Private Agencies: Salvation Army, E. & W. of Broad St., 1935, tabulated [#31], October-November 1936.
Box A-20 Folder 34
Private Agencies: Salvation Army, Block Tabulations (preliminary), January 1937.
Box A-20 Folder 35
Private Agencies: Protestant Episcopal City Mission, E. & W. of Broad St., 1935, tabulated [#32], October 1936.
Box A-20 Folder 36
Private Agencies: Bureau for Colored Children, E. & W. of Broad St., 1935, tabulated [#33], October 1936.
Box A-20 Folder 37
Private Agencies: Starr Centre, 725 Lombard St., E. of Broad St., 1935 [tabulated] [#34], October 1936?.
Box A-20 Folder 38
Private Agencies: Starr Centre, Block Tabulations (preliminary), January 1937.
Box A-20 Folder 39
Private Agencies: Bedford Centre, E. of Broad St., 1935, tabulated [#35], November 1936.
Box A-20 Folder 40
Private Agencies: Willing Day Nursery, E. & W. of Broad St., 1935, tabulated [#36], November 1936.
Box A-20 Folder 41
Private Agencies: Moyamensing Soup Society, E. & W. of Broad St., 1935, tabulated [#37], November 1936.
Box A-20 Folder 42
Private Agencies: Methodist Settlement, E. & W. of Broad St., 1935, tabulated [#38], November 1936.
Box A-20 Folder 43
Private Agencies: Jane Kent Day Nursery, W. of Broad St., 1935, tabulated [#39], November 1936.
Box A-20 Folder 44
Private Agencies: St. Michael’s and All Angels, E. & W. of Broad St., 1935, tabulated [#40], November 1936.
Box A-20 Folder 45
Private Agencies: House of the Good Shepherd; Catholic Imm. [Immigrant or Immigration?] Society; St. Joseph’s House for Homeless Industrious Boys; St. Edmond’s Home for Crippled Children, St. John’s Day Nursery, Cathedral Day Nursery; E. & W. of Broad St., 1935; tabulated [#41a-e], November-December 1936.
Box A-20 Folder 46
Private Agencies: Martin Luther Neighborhood House; Lutheran Settlement; E. of Broad St., 1935, tabulated [#42], November 1936.
Box A-20 Folder 47
Private Agencies: Philadelphia Association for Protection of Colored Women, E. & W. of Broad St., 1935, tabulated [#43], November 1936.
Box A-20 Folder 48
Private Agencies: Society of St. Vincent de Paul, E. & W. of Broad St., 1935, tabulated [#44], December 1936.
Box A-20 Folder 49
Private Agencies: First Baptist Settlement, E. & W. of Broad St., 1935, tabulated [#45], November 1935.
Box A-20 Folder 50
Private Agencies: Philadelphia Branch--Shut In Society, E. & W. of Broad St., 1935, tabulated [#46], November 1935.
Box A-20 Folder 51
Private Agencies: Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (H.I.A.S), E. & W. of Broad St., 1935, tabulated [#47], December 1936.
Box A-20 Folder 52
Private Agencies: Bethel Christian Centre, E. of Broad St., 1935, tabulated [#48], December 1936.
Box A-20 Folder 53
Private Agencies: Galilee Mission, E. & W. of Broad St., 1935 tabulated [#49], 1936?.
Box A-20 Folder 54
Private Agencies: Armstrong Association, E. & W. of Broad St., 1935, tabulated [#53], December 1936.
Box A-20 Folder 55
Private Agencies: Emergency Aid, E. & W. of Broad St., 1935, tabulated [#56], December 1936.
Box A-20 Folder 56
Private Agencies: Austrian American Relief Society; Baptist Orphanage; Church Home for Children; Elliott House; House of the Holy child; Presbyterian Orphanage; Southern Home for Colored Children, E. & W. of Broad St., 1935, tabulated [#57], December 1936-February 1937.
Box A-20 Folder 57
Private Agencies: Crime Prevention--Neighborhood Club, etc., E. & W. of Broad St., 1935 tabulated [#58], 1936?.
Box A-20 Folder 58
Private Agencies: Temple Service Centre, E. & W. of Broad St., 1935, tabulated [#60], January 1937.
Box A-20 Folder 59
Private Agencies: Ferry Road [Gray’s Ferry] Play House, E. & W. of Broad St., 1935, tabulated [#61], January 1937.
Box A-20 Folder 60
Private Agencies: Pennsylvania Prison Society, 311 S. Juniper St., E. & W. of Broad St., 1935 tabulated [#62], 1936?.
Box A-20 Folder 61
Private Agencies: St. Peter Claver School, E. & W. of Broad St., 1935, tabulated [#63], January 1937.
Box A-20 Folder 62
Private Agencies: Sisters of the Atonement, E. & W. of Broad St., 1935, tabulated [#64], January 1937.
Box A-20 Folder 63
Private Agencies: Helping Hand Rescue-Mission, 141 Fairmount, E. & W. of Broad St., 1935 tabulated [#65], 1936?.
Box A-20 Folder 64
Private Agencies: Church Mission of Help, E. & W. of Broad St., 1935, tabulated [#66], January 1937.
Box A-20 Folder 65
Private Agencies: Children’s Dental Clinic (Philadelphia Mouth Hygiene Association), E. & W. of Broad St., tabulated [#67], January 1937.
Box A-20 Folder 66
Private Agencies: YMHA, E. & W. of Broad St., 1935 tabulated [#68], 1936?.
Box A-20 Folder 67
Private Agencies: Family Society, E. & W. of Broad St., 1935, tabulated [#69], January 1937.
Box A-20 Folder 68
Private Agencies: Boy Scouts, E. & W. of Broad St., 1935, tabulated [#70], January 1937.
Box A-20 Folder 69
Private Agencies: 8th St. Wayside Mission, E. & W. of Broad St., 1935 tabulated [#71], 1937?.
Box A-20 Folder 70
Private Agencies: Philadelphia Heart Association, E. & W. of Broad St., 1935, tabulated [#72], January 1937.
Box A-20 Folder 71
Private Agencies: Salvation Army; Ivy House; E. & W. of Broad St., 1935, tabulated [#73-74], November 1936.
Box A-20 Folder 72
Private Agencies: Orphan Society of Philadelphia, E. & W. of Broad St., 1935, tabulated [#75], January 1937.
Box A-20 Folder 73
Private Agencies: Burd School for Girls, E. & W. of Broad St., 1935, tabulated [#76], January 1937.
Box A-20 Folder 74
Private Agencies: St. Anthony, St. Vincent de Paul, E. & W. of Broad St., 1935, tabulated [#77], January 1937.
Box A-20 Folder 75
Private Agencies: Bethesda School, E. & W. of Broad St., 1935, tabulated [#78], January 1937.
Box A-20 Folder 76
Private Agencies: Philadelphia School of Occupational Therapy, 419 S. 19th St., E. & W. of Broad St., 1935 tabulated [#79], 1937?.
Box A-20 Folder 77
Private Agencies: Home for Incurables, E. & W. of Broad St., 1935, tabulated [#80], January 1937.
Box A-20 Folder 78
Private Agencies: Goodwill Industries, E. & W. of Broad St., 1935, tabulated [#81], January 1937.
Box A-20 Folder 79
Private Agencies: National Council of Jewish Women, E. & W. of Broad St., 1935 tabulated [#82], 1937?.
Box A-20 Folder 80
Private Agencies: Willow Crest Convalescence Home, E. & W. of Broad St., 1935, tabulated [#83], January 1937.
Box A-20 Folder 81
Private Agencies: Lutheran Bureau, E. & W. of Broad St., 1935, tabulated [#84], February 1937.
Box A-20 Folder 82
Private Agencies: Girl Scouts of America, E. & W. of Broad St., 1935, tabulated [#85], February 1937.
Box A-20 Folder 83
Private Agencies: St. Anthony Day Nursery, E. & W. of Broad St., 1935, tabulated [#86], February 1937.
Box A-20 Folder 84
Private Agencies: Children’s Country Week, E. & W. of Broad St., 1935 and 1936, tabulated [#87], February 1937.
Box A-20 Folder 85
Private Agencies: St. Vincent de Paul Society, E. & W. of Broad St., 1935 tabulated [#89], 1936?.
Box A-20 Folder 86
Private Agencies: Lutheran Home for Aged, E. & W. of Broad St., 1935, tabulated [#90], March 1937.
Box A-20 Folder 87
Social Survey--Reports: “Social Survey Report: Philadelphia City Planning Commission Survey Area: Boundaries of which are Broad St. to Delaware Ave., Girard Ave. to Washington Ave.,” by Ritter. Typed ms., 14 pp. + tables, March 1, 1935.
Box A-21 Folder 1
Social Survey--Reports: “The Philadelphia City Planning Commission Social Survey: History of Investigation--East of Broad,” Typed ms., 9 pp. and appendices, March 1936.
Box A-21 Folder 2
Social Survey--Reports: Report on Collection and Treatment of Data. Typed ms., 10 pp. and appendices. Original and carbon copy, July 1936.
Box A-21 Folder 3
Social Survey--Reports: Selection of Control Area--tables, 1936.
Box A-21 Folder 4
Social Survey--Reports: “Street List in the Area.” Includes streets in E. and W. Intensive areas which are located in Central Intensive Area. Typed ms., 12 pp, circa 1936.
Box A-21 Folder 5
Social Survey--Reports: “Report--Cost of Crime: Philadelphia City Planning Commission,” by H. G. Bishop. Typed ms., 25 pp., and manuscript draft, July 1935.
Box A-21 Folder 6
Social Survey--Reports: “Vital Statistics” [of Intensive Area] by H. G. Bishop. Typed ms., 6 pp. + tables, and manuscript draft, July 1935.
Box A-21 Folder 7
Social Survey--Reports: “The Philadelphia City Planning Commission--Report of the Social Survey” by Weisheit and copy of Ritter report labeled “superseded", 1936?.
Box A-21 Folder 8
Social Survey--Block Tabulations, Intensive Area, E. & W. of Broad St., tabulated 1935-1936: Arrests--Residence, 1933.
Box A-21 Folder 9
Social Survey--Block Tabulations, Intensive Area, E. & W. of Broad St., tabulated 1935-1936: Arrests--Place Arrested, 1933.
Box A-21 Folder 10
Social Survey--Block Tabulations, Intensive Area, E. & W. of Broad St., tabulated 1935-1936: Arrests--Place Arrested, 1933.
Box A-21 Folder 11
Social Survey--Block Tabulations, Intensive Area, E. & W. of Broad St., tabulated 1935-1936: Juvenile Delinquency, 1933.
Box A-21 Folder 12
Social Survey--Block Tabulations, Intensive Area, E. & W. of Broad St., tabulated 1935-1936: Adult Delinquency--Major Crimes, 1933.
Box A-21 Folder 13
Social Survey--Block Tabulations, Intensive Area, E. & W. of Broad St., tabulated 1935-1936: Society for Preventing Cruelty to Children, 1932.
Box A-21 Folder 14
Social Survey--Block Tabulations, Intensive Area, E. & W. of Broad St., tabulated 1935-1936: Murder--1932, 1932; 1935-1936.
Box A-21 Folder 15
Social Survey--Block Tabulations, Intensive Area, E. & W. of Broad St., tabulated 1935-1936: Truancy--1932-33 School Year, 1935-1936.
Box A-21 Folder 16
Social Survey--Block Tabulations, Intensive Area, E. & W. of Broad St., tabulated 1935-1936: Pneumonia and Pneumonia Fatal/Outside Agencies, 1933.
Box A-21 Folder 17
Social Survey--Block Tabulations, Intensive Area, E. & W. of Broad St., tabulated 1935-1936: Hospital Admissions, 1932.
Box A-21 Folder 18
Social Survey--Block Tabulations, Intensive Area, E. & W. of Broad St., tabulated 1935-1936: Mental Diseases, 1930, 1931, 1932, 1933, 1935-1936.
Box A-21 Folder 19
Social Survey--Block Tabulations, Intensive Area, E. & W. of Broad St., tabulated 1935-1936: Relief, 1932, 1935-1936.
Box A-21 Folder 20
Social Survey--Block Tabulations, Intensive Area, E. & W. of Broad St., tabulated 1935-1936: Still Births, 1932, 1935-1936.
Box A-21 Folder 21
Social Survey--Block Tabulations, Intensive Area, E. & W. of Broad St., tabulated 1935-1936: Living Births, 1932, 1935-1936.
Box A-21 Folder 22
Social Survey--Block Tabulations, Intensive Area, E. & W. of Broad St., tabulated 1935-1936: Communicable Diseases excluding pneumonia and pneumonia fatal, 1933, 1935-1936.
Box A-21 Folder 23
Social Survey--Block Tabulations, Intensive Area, E. & W. of Broad St., tabulated 1935-1936: Mental Diseases--Byberry, 1932, 1935-1936.
Box A-21 Folder 24
Social Survey--Block Tabulations, Intensive Area, E. & W. of Broad St., tabulated 1935-1936: Deaths, 1932, 1935-1936.
Box A-21 Folder 25
Social Survey--Block Tabulations, Intensive Area, E. & W. of Broad St., tabulated 1935-1936: Tuberculosis, 1932, 1935-1936.
Box A-21 Folder 26
Social Survey--Block Tabulations, Intensive Area, E. & W. of Broad St., tabulated 1935-1936: Tuberculosis Deaths, 1932, 1935-1936.
Box A-21 Folder 27
Social Survey--Block Tabulations, Intensive Area, E. & W. of Broad St., tabulated 1935-1936: Tuberculosis Deaths, 1930, 1931, 1932, 1933, 1935-1936.
Box A-21 Folder 28
Social Survey--Block Tabulations, Intensive Area, E. & W. of Broad St., tabulated 1935-1936: Infant Mortality, excluding Still Births, 1932, 1935-1936.
Box A-21 Folder 29
Social Survey--Block Tabulations, Intensive Area, E. & W. of Broad St., tabulated 1935-1936: Housing and Sanitation Complaints, 1932, 1935-1936.
Box A-21 Folder 30
Social Survey--Block Tabulations, Intensive Area, E. & W. of Broad St., tabulated 1935-1936: Traffic Accidents--Pedestrian Child, 1932, 1935-1936.
Box A-21 Folder 31
Social Survey--Block Tabulations, Intensive Area, E. & W. of Broad St., tabulated 1935-1936: Marriages, 1932, 1935-1936.
Box A-21 Folder 32
Social Survey--Block Tabulations, Intensive Area, E. & W. of Broad St., tabulated 1935-1936: Building Fires, 1933, 1935-1936.
Box A-21 Folder 33
Social Survey--Preliminary Tallies East of Broad St., tabulated Mar.-Nov. 1936: Truancy with data on race, 1932, March-November 1936.
Box A-21 Folder 34
Social Survey--Preliminary Tallies East of Broad St., tabulated Mar.-Nov. 1936: Arrests, 1933, March-November 1936.
Box A-21 Folder 35
Social Survey--Preliminary Tallies East of Broad St., tabulated Mar.-Nov. 1936: Communicable Diseases including pneumonia and pneumonia fatal, 1933, March-November 1936.
Box A-21 Folder 36
Social Survey--Preliminary Tallies East of Broad St., tabulated Mar.-Nov. 1936: Hospital Admissions, 1932, with separate total for Philadelphia General Hospital, 1932, March-November 1936.
Box A-21 Folder 37
Social Survey--Preliminary Tallies East of Broad St., tabulated Mar.-Nov. 1936: Tuberculosis Cases, March-November 1936.
Box A-21 Folder 38
Social Survey--Preliminary Tallies East of Broad St., tabulated Mar.-Nov. 1936: Relief, 1932-1933, March-November 1936.
Box A-21 Folder 39
Social Survey--Preliminary Tallies East of Broad St., tabulated Mar.-Nov. 1936: Births, 1932, March-November 1936.
Box A-21 Folder 40
Social Survey--Preliminary Tallies East of Broad St., tabulated Mar.-Nov. 1936: Infant Mortality, 1932, March-November 1936.
Box A-21 Folder 41
Social Survey--Preliminary Tallies East of Broad St., tabulated Mar.-Nov. 1936: Deaths, March-November 1936.
Box A-21 Folder 42
Social Survey--Preliminary Tallies East of Broad St., tabulated Mar.-Nov. 1936: Sanitation Complaints, Housing Complaints, Housing Violations, 1932, March-November 1936.
Box A-21 Folder 43
Social Survey--Preliminary Tallies East of Broad St., tabulated Mar.-Nov. 1936: Marriages and Marriages with data on race, March-November 1936.
Box A-21 Folder 44
Social Survey--Preliminary Tallies East of Broad St., tabulated Mar.-Nov. 1936: Hospital Admissions, 1932; separate tally sheet for Philadelphia General Hospital, 1932, March-November 1936.
Box A-21 Folder 45
Social Survey--Preliminary Tallies West of Broad St., tabulated Mar.-Nov. 1936: Arrests, 1933, March-November 1936.
Box A-21 Folder 46
Social Survey--Preliminary Tallies West of Broad St., tabulated Mar.-Nov. 1936: Communicable Diseases, 1933, March-November 1936.
Box A-21 Folder 47
Social Survey--Preliminary Tallies West of Broad St., tabulated Mar.-Nov. 1936: Hospital Admissions, 1932, with separate tally for Philadelphia General Hospital, 1932, March-November 1936.
Box A-21 Folder 48
Social Survey--Preliminary Tallies West of Broad St., tabulated Mar.-Nov. 1936: Tuberculosis Cases, March-November 1936.
Box A-21 Folder 49
Social Survey--Preliminary Tallies West of Broad St., tabulated Mar.-Nov. 1936: Relief: Philadelphia Relief Board and 4 private agencies (Union Benevolent Society, Jewish Welfare, Family Society, and Mothers Assistance Fund), 1932-1933, March-November 1936.
Box A-21 Folder 50
Social Survey--Preliminary Tallies West of Broad St., tabulated Mar.-Nov. 1936: Births, 1932, March-November 1936.
Box A-21 Folder 51
Social Survey--Preliminary Tallies West of Broad St., tabulated Mar.-Nov. 1936: Deaths, 1932, March-November 1936.
Box A-21 Folder 52
Social Survey--Preliminary Tallies West of Broad St., tabulated Mar.-Nov. 1936: Tuberculosis deaths, 1930, 1933, March-November 1936.
Box A-21 Folder 53
Social Survey--Preliminary Tallies West of Broad St., tabulated Mar.-Nov. 1936: Infant mortality, 1932, March-November 1936.
Box A-21 Folder 54
Social Survey--Preliminary Tallies West of Broad St., tabulated Mar.-Nov. 1936: Sanitation and Housing Complaints; Housing Violations, 1932, March-November 1936.
Box A-21 Folder 55
Social Survey--Preliminary Tallies West of Broad St., tabulated Mar.-Nov. 1936: Marriages and Marriages with data on race, undated, March-November 1936.
Box A-21 Folder 56
Social Survey--Preliminary Tallies West of Broad St., tabulated Mar.-Nov. 1936: Juvenile Delinquency, Boys, Girls, with data on race, undated, March-November 1936.
Box A-21 Folder 57
Social Survey--Final Block Tabulations: East Intensive Area data, 1932-1933, tabulated, 1935.
Box A-21 Folder 58
Social Survey--Final Block Tabulations: “Ritter Tallies and Duplicates of Final Block Tabulations” of data for 1932-1933, E. & W. Intensive Area, tabulated, 1936.
Box A-21 Folder 59
Social Survey--Adult Delinquency: Arrests--Residence, E. & W. of Broad St., 1933, tabulated, January-February 1936.
Box A-21 Folder 60
Social Survey--Adult Delinquency: Arrests--Where Arrested, E. & W. of Broad St., 1933, tabulated, February-March 1936.
Box A-21 Folder 61
Social Survey--Adult Delinquency: Arrests--Warrant Cases, E. & W. of Broad St., 1933, tabulated, August 1936.
Box A-21 Folder 62
Social Survey--Adult Delinquency: Arrests--Residence, E. of Broad St., 1933, tabulated, May 1936.
Box A-21 Folder 63
Social Survey--Adult Delinquency: Arrests--Residence, E. of Broad St., 1933, tabulated, May 1936.
Box A-21 Folder 64
Social Survey--Adult Delinquency: Arrests--Residence, W. of Broad St., 1933, tabulated, June 1936.
Box A-21 Folder 65
Social Survey--Adult Delinquency: Arrests--Residence, W. of Broad St., 1933, tabulated, June 1936.
Box A-21 Folder 66
Social Survey--Adult Delinquency: Arrests--Residence, E. of Broad St., 1933, all outside district, tabulated, May-June 1936.
Box A-21 Folder 67
Social Survey--Adult Delinquency: Arrests--Residence, W. of Broad St., 1933, tabulated, June 1936.
Box A-21 Folder 68
Social Survey--Adult Delinquency: Arrests--Where Arrested, E. of Broad St., Districts 1,3,6,7, tabulated, June 1936.
Box A-21 Folder 69
Social Survey--Adult Delinquency: Arrests--Where Arrested, E. of Broad St., Districts 8, 10, 12, 19, 33, tabulated, July 1936.
Box A-21 Folder 70
Social Survey--Adult Delinquency: Register of Arrests, 19th District, 1933, compiled, June 1934.
Box A-21 Folder 71
Social Survey--Adult Delinquency: Arrests--Where Arrested, W. of Broad St., 1933, compiled, July 1936.
Box A-21 Folder 72
Social Survey--Adult Delinquency: Murder and Major Crimes, 1933, E. of Broad St., compiled, December 1934.
Box A-21 Folder 73
Social Survey--Adult Delinquency: Adult Delinquency in East Intensive Area, 1932, tabulated, 1934-1935.
Box A-21 Folder 74
Social Survey--Adult Delinquency: Adult Delinquency, data for area W. of Broad St., 1932, compiled, 1934.
Box A-21 Folder 75
Social Survey--Adult Delinquency (Code II-6): Mistreatment of Children--List of Total Complaints made to Society to Protect Children from Cruelty in 1933, 1933.
Box A-21 Folder 76
Social Survey--Adult Delinquency (Code II-6): Mistreatment of Children--Data received from Society to Protect Children from Cruelty and the Criminal Justice Association for 1932, 1933 (some duplicates), compiled, 1934.
Box A-21 Folder 77
Social Survey--Juvenile Delinquency: Data from Juvenile Division of Municipal Court and School Districts 1932-33, compiled, 1934.
Box A-21 Folder 78
Social Survey--Juvenile Delinquency: Juvenile Population/School Block Census 1932-33, E. of Broad St. compiled, 1934?.
Box A-21 Folder 79
Social Survey--Juvenile Delinquency: Data collected, 1934.
Box A-21 Folder 80