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Thomas G. Kessinger presidential papers
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Overview and metadata sections
Tom G. Kessinger became President of Haverford College in July 1988. A 1965 graduate of Haverford, Kessinger had taken a two-year leave from the College to enter the Peace Corps where he served in rural India from 1961 to 1963. He got his PhD from the University of Chicago in 1972 and taught history and South Asian Studies at the University of Virginia and University of Pennsylvania. In 1977 he joined the Ford Foundation where he eventually headed its New Delhi office. Kessinger left the Ford Foundation to become Haverford's 11th President in 1988. At his departure, it was noted that he had overseen a successful capital campaign, raising $5 million above the $75 million goal, the renovation and expansion of some of the older buildings, construction of the Whitehead Campus Center, and technological advances (and the naming of the College mascot). Kessinger left Haverford in June 1996 to become the General Manager of the Aga Khan Trust for Culture. Kessinger died in 2014.
The records for Tom G. Kessinger's presidency were maintained by his office staff. The main series of memoranda, correspondence, and other material is organized in three periods, 1988-1989, 1989-1990, and 1990-1995, and alphabetically within each period. Other series include Chronological, Travel, Budget, and Extramural files. There are some large gaps of missing records: there are no alphabetical files after "Parents" for 1989-1990; the 1990-1995 series does not include much material on the 1994-1995 academic year; and there are no alphabetical files for the academic year 1995-1996. There are no significant subjects that stand out in Kessinger's papers. His tenure was marked by the renovation and expansion of some of the older buildings, the construction of the Whitehead Campus Center, and technological advances. While there is evidence to be found on these accomplishments, there is no major source of information on them. Perhaps some of the most telling files are those on Foundations, where funding applications and reports indicate some of the programs being pursued. At the time he was appointed it was anticipated that Kessinger's international experience might bring a broader perspective to campus (Haverford, Winter 1988, p. 2), and some of the records reflect this aspect of his administration. There is almost nothing on the successful $80 million capital campaign. Perhaps the somewhat moderate nature of the material can be explained by what a student characterized as Kessinger's "quiet, stoic leadership" (Bi-College News, February 3, 1996, p. 11).
Transferred from President's Office.
For the most part, the order in which the files were maintained in the President's office was retained. During transfer some of the original order was not maintained, and the processor attempted to recreate what the order had been.
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- Haverford College Quaker & Special Collections
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Collection Inventory
1 foldersMiscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others.
The Academic Council elects faculty members appoint faculty representatives on standing and ad hoc and other committees. The Council makes recommendations to President on faculty appointments, reappointments, promotions, and tenure; serves as advisory capacity on other matters having College-wide academic implications which are referred to it.
Physical Description1 foldersDocument on Senior Faculty Evaluations procedures, with evaluation of current policy by faculty members, Jerry's (Gollub) proposed changes 8/24/88, and comments on that proposal by faculty members. Also two meeting minutes and material on Valentin Mudimbe appointment.
The Administrative Advisory Committee is a Faculty Standing Committee. It offers advice to the President, the Vice President for Finance and Administration and the Vice President for Institutional Advancement on all College business matters where faculty concern is strong, including: long term planning; annual budget preview and review; review of general salary, fringe benefit, and housing policies for the faculty; review of physical plans for the campus; review of the College's development priorities and plans.
Physical Description1 foldersMinutes.
1 foldersSuggestions for agenda items for annual retreat.
1 foldersMemoranda and correspondence on existing and proposed federal and state assistance programs and other issues.
1 foldersMemoranda and correspondence with applicants and others.
1 foldersSmall file of memoranda (see also EEO: Grievance).
1 foldersPolicy required for federal subcontractors, 1987-1988 and updated 1988-1989 copies.
1 foldersPrimarily articles on AIDS, with some other memoranda.
1 foldersNotices of local alumni club receptions to meet Kessinger, Alumni/ae Association "Milestones," 1987-88, Plans, 1988-90, summary of search for Alumni Director and other memoranda and correspondence.
1 foldersResponse to survey for National Presidents [of colleges and universities] Study and some correspondence.
1 foldersSolicitation letter and memoranda.
2 foldersClippings on NCAA Women's Lacrosse Championship held at Haverford, May 1988, and other clippings and memoranda from Athletic Director Greg Kinnerstein (Haverford '63) on the athletic program, alumni, and other subjects.
1 foldersMiscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others, including copy of Earlham College Director of Peace and Global Studies Anthony Bing Collection address "Palestinian Voices," and recommendations for campus security with responses.
1 foldersCorrespondence and documents on the International Academy for Scholarship and the Arts.
1 foldersMemoranda on changes to medical insurance and other employee benefits.
1 foldersMemoranda, primarily background material on departmental issues.
1 foldersCorrespondence and memoranda with President Mary Patterson McPherson and others on academic and other issues of mutual concern, including evaluation of Growth and Structure of Cities program.
1 foldersPlans for Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools review and final evaluation report.
1 foldersMemoranda to trustees, with some for Kessinger only.
1 foldersFiscal Year budget and adjustments.
1 foldersMiscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others, including Chinese [Language] (Haverford and Bryn Mawr) Visiting committee report and response, and Classics Department background material, 1982 report and self-study, n.d.
1 foldersDocuments preparatory to study of Haverford's capacity to conduct a capital and endowment fund raising campaign, including paper on funding needs.
1 foldersProposal for computer equipment purchase for Bryn Mawr/Haverford Career Development Office (denied), and other memoranda.
1 foldersBackground material including Visiting Committee reports, 1977, 1986 (with response), and self-study information, 1987.
1 foldersMemoranda on search for tenure track faculty position, with resume of Dr. Julio C. de Paula.
1 foldersPartial draft of Kessinger's First Collection address, September 1988, reviewing new faculty, programs, with various background materials, including 1987 First Collection address, and Charges to Ad Hoc Search Committees for 1988.
1 foldersClippings and memoranda on press coverage.
Commission for Independent Colleges and Universities of the Pennsylvania Association of Colleges and Universities, founded 1976, as a collective effort to develop reliable financial data to communicate to public policy makers and to provide institutions with peer group indicators to assist in institutional planning.
Physical Description1 foldersSmall file on DICU membership matters.
Established in 1981 as successor to Committee on Faculty Appointments, and charged to encourage diversity in the faculty through hiring, the educational program, and quality of life.
Physical Description1 foldersReference document, Joint Bryn Mawr College-Haverford College Diversity Review Committee report , 1983.
1 foldersCorrespondence on state grants and other programs.
Originally named the Twelve College Group, the Commonwealth Partnership was founded 1983 by academic deans of twelve liberal arts colleges and universities in Pennsylvania to improve the education of college-bound students.
Physical Description1 foldersCorrespondence on programs, with draft of Biology Initiative and report on annual meeting.
1 foldersReports on Haverford preparation for word processing conversion in Faculty Secretary offices, evaluate next generation of personal computers, and means for generating further academic computer use at the College, 1988, and on Academic Computing Status by the Consortium of Liberal Arts Colleges, 1987-88, and other memoranda; also includes Visiting Committee Report, 1986.
1 foldersMemoranda on summer Hokkaido International Foundation Summer Language Program and other possible conferences to be held at Haverford.
The First year Experience program includes a mandatory five-day orientation immediately preceding the fall semester. It is designed to introduce all first-year students to college life at Haverford and includes several activities: get to know your Customs group; meet with your academic advisor; attend talks lead by various students, faculty, staff, and administrators that will orient you to the services and resources offered on-campus; and, become familiar with the system of student self-governance and the academic and social honor code.
Physical Description1 foldersMemoranda on arrangements for Customs Week.
1 foldersMiscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others.
1 foldersCopies of memoranda and correspondence from the Dean's Office on a wide variety of subjects relating to students.
3 foldersExit interview summary report on environment for women, diversity and pluralism, and commitment to community service, as well as office structure and other issues, with arrangements for committee visit and supporting material.
1 foldersDeferred Giving Plan, 1988/89, including how gifts will be raised, the volunteer structure, how goals will be set, and new programs to be considered for following year; also Deferred Gifts Committee meeting packet and minutes, June 1989.
2 foldersMemoranda on potential alumni and other donors and notification of corporate employee matching donations.
1 foldersMemoranda on student credits for president's events and difficulties in closing out Daka account for managing the Dining Center.
1 foldersMemoranda on enforcing leash policy.
1 foldersMiscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others, including Endowed Funds report FY1988.
1 foldersBackground material including Bryn Mawr and Haverford Economics Departments report,1981, and self-study response, 1987.
The Educational Policy Committee is a Faculty Standing Committee. It oversees educational policy in general; and oversees the curriculum in particular, including the institution of new course, dropping of old courses, or major changes in courses and curricular requirements.
Physical Description1 foldersMemoranda on approval of new courses.
1 foldersBackground material including Visiting Committee report, 1978, Joint Bryn Mawr College/Haverford College Visiting Committee report, 1984, and update report, 1987.
1 foldersMiscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others.
1 foldersLists of faculty and other miscellaneous memoranda.
1 foldersMinutes.
1 foldersBackground material includingVisiting Committee report, 1985, and self-study memorandum, 1987.
1 foldersSmall file of memoranda on priorities and background on several foundations.
4 foldersCorrespondence, memoranda and information on foundations, including proposals to: Booth Ferris for Founders Hall ($150k, considered); $300k Culpepper w/ Bryn Mawr for library automation ($550k, granted); MacArthur for Enhance Studies in Peace and International Studies w/ Bryn Mawr and Swarthmore ($60.5k, granted); $10k Shell for expanding student research program in the sciences (10k); Surdna for academic computing and scientific equipment ($300k, granted $200k); Tinker for Latin America symposia (15k, not granted); also notices of small grants for scholarships and employee matching contributions.
1 foldersCorrespondence on proposal to establish an endowed financial aid fund for minority students from metropolitan New York (denied).
4 foldersMemoranda, correspondence, financial reports, and other information on grant from Louis Calder Foundation for financial aid and a President's discretionary fund.
1 foldersCorrespondence and memoranda on Charles A. Dana Foundation's new directions and joint Swarthmore and Haverford proposal for Innovation in Mathematics and Science Education, particularly for minority majors ($40k, granted).
1 foldersMemoranda on grant to incorporate linguistics into curriculum ($100k).
1 foldersMemoranda on allocation of Presidential Discretionary Fund ($60k/ three years).
1 foldersCorrespondence and memoranda on Howard Hughes Medical Institute Undergraduate Biological Sciences Education initiative, Haverford's proposal for equipment, faculty development, student scholars program, and curriculum development ($$1,877,000, granted $1,200,000).
1 foldersInformation and memoranda on possibility of submitting a grant proposal to the Japan Foundation.
1 foldersMemoranda on Bryn Mawr proposal to support library automation project with Haverford and Swarthmore ($750k, granted $450k)
1 foldersMemoranda and correspondence on grant application for physics and astronomy projects with Bryn Mawr ($110k, denied).
1 foldersCorrespondence and memoranda on proposal to establish a five-year Henry Luce Professorship in Women and World Development (denied).
2 foldersReports on Mellon/Hewlett Presidential Discretionary Fund and Fresh Combinations Grant; proposal to Andrew W. Mellon Foundation for Japanese Studies Program ($235k, granted $225k); response to Mellon request to describe most pressing educational concerns.
1 foldersMemoranda on participation in Mount Sinai's School of Medicine's Humanities and Medicine Program to Enhance Liberal Arts Education in the Preparation for Medical School.
1 foldersMemoranda and correspondence on $250k Challenge ($1m) Grant for comparative literature professorship endowment and library acquisitions.
5 foldersProgram proposals, applications, memoranda, correspondence on consortial project (University of Pennsylvania, Princeton, Bryn Mawr, Swarthmore, Lafayette, Bucknell, Vassar, Muhlenberg and Franklin and Marshall) for collaborative laboratory development projects, summer research program, biology (eliminated) and neuroscience postdoctoral internship program, research collaborations, resource directories ($2.5, granted $1.8m).
2 foldersMemoranda on applications for: renovating and equipping Founders Hall ($750k, granted $600k); program for minority students to expand Minority Science Scholars Program and develop Minority Humanities and Social Science Program ($180k), including earlier rejected proposal to consolidate and strengthen current programs and provide a continuum of services from kindergarten through college; also final report on 1984 grant for social and natural sciences faculty development and foreign language laboratory renovation and equipment .
1 foldersBackground material including Visiting Committee report and self-study memorandum, 1987.
1 foldersMiscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others.
1 foldersCorrespondence and memoranda with Philosophy Professor on departmental and salary issues, including copies of a publication and a lengthy essay on the evolution of the co-development of his research and teaching.
1 foldersBackground material including self-study memorandum, 1987.
1 foldersMiscellaneous memoranda and notices on program, bequest, and facilities.
Resolution of grievances with respect to discrimination and harassment are first mediated through the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Officers; if the matter is not resolved through EEO, the President may form a panel to investigate. The panel of 20 is chosen by the four groups of the community (students, faculty, administration, Staff Association), with three additional members, one to serve as chair, appointed by the President. Resolution of grievances with respect to discrimination and harassment are first mediated through the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Officers; if the matter is not resolved through EEO, the President may form a panel to investigate. The panel of 20 is chosen by the four groups of the community (students, faculty, administration, Staff Association), with three additional members, one to serve as chair, appointed by the President.
Physical Description1 foldersMemoranda on student grievance procedures for discrimination or harassment.
1 foldersMiscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others.
1 foldersInvitation, 1989, to small group of alumni and friends to learn more about life at the College, with program and list of invitees, and 1988 program and attendees.
1 foldersAnnual Report.
1 foldersMiscellaneous memoranda and correspondence, with background material including Joint Bryn-Mawr College-Haverford College Visiting Committee report, 1981 and self-study memorandum, 1987; also 1988 Social Science Colloquium paper by Sue Stuard on medieval dowry.
1 foldersMiscellaneous memoranda on Code ratification and possible changes.
1 foldersMemoranda on survey of opinion toward Council and reports on proceedings on cases brought to Council.
Although this case was conducted under the administration of Acting President Payne, it was retained for Kessinger files, possibly in case there were future repercussions.
Physical Description1 foldersMemoranda and reports on case of gay harassment brought by coalition of minority groups.
1 foldersMemoranda, service orders, bills for work and furnishing president's residence and on use of building for guest accommodations.
1 foldersSmall file of miscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others.
4 foldersCorrespondence, memoranda, Inauguration Committee minutes on Kessinger inaugural guests, program, speech, and other arrangements.
1 foldersWeiss, Peck & Greer monthly account summaries.
1 foldersResponses declining invitations to receptions and other events.
1 foldersSmall file of miscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others.
1 foldersSmall file of miscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others.
1 foldersMemoranda and correspondence on proposed bequest to Haverford and Bryn Mawr for literature scholarships.
1 foldersMiscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others.
1 foldersSmall file of memoranda on workshops and other topics.
1 foldersNewsletters and memoranda on choosing a tri-college (Haverford, Bryn Mawr, Swarthmore) automation system.
1 foldersMemoranda on various subjects, including Bowdoin Library Survey, 1986-1987, on holdings, staffing, finances, and other data from 58 colleges and universities and a report on Philadelphia Yearly Meeting archives project with Swarthmore.
1 foldersMiscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others.
1 foldersMiscellaneous memoranda and correspondence, with background material including Haverford and Bryn Mawr Colleges Visiting Committee report, 1987 and self-study memorandum, 1987.
2 foldersHaverford's Annual Institutional Data Summary for Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools.
2 foldersMemoranda and reports on programs for minority students, with background documents from Office of Minority Affairs from 1978 to 1988.
1 foldersNotices and memoranda on performances and other topics, including Haverford and Bryn Mawr Colleges Visiting Committee report, 1981.
1 foldersMiscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others.
1 foldersThree issues of "Founders Bell" College faculty and staff weekly newsletter.
1 foldersCorrespondence with and memoranda on dismissed library employee.
1 foldersMiscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others.
1 foldersArrangements for Oberlin College trustees and other topics.
1 foldersParents Day program, annual letter to parents with replies to responses.
1 foldersMemoranda and correspondence on membership and other subjects, including support of Bryn Mawr application for Collaborative Efforts in Community Service grant.
1 foldersJob opening descriptions.
1 foldersMemoranda and reports o Community Service Task Force.
1 foldersMeeting minutes and memoranda.
1 foldersMemoranda on departmental problems, with background material including Bryn Mawr College and Haverford College Review Committee report, 1984, and self-study, 1987; also some material on the Greater Philadelphia Philosophy Consortium.
1 foldersMemoranda on buildings and grounds work and correspondence on EPA suit for violation of PCB regulations.
1 foldersMemoranda on interviews and meetings conducted by Wallace Roberts & Todd for Master Plan.
1 foldersBackground material including Bryn Mawr College-Haverford College Visiting Committee report, 1980, and self-study, 1987.
1 foldersCharge to Long Range Planning Committee and memoranda on future of academic computing.
1 foldersSelf-study, 1987, and memorandum on possibility of visiting professor.
1 foldersBackground material, including report on Departments of Psychology and of Human Development at Bryn Mawr and Haverford, 1987, self-study report, 1987, a brief history of the Department and its relations with Bryn Mawr, 1987, proposed curriculum changes, 1988, and memorandum on difficulty with Bryn Mawr's department, 1988.
1 foldersSmall file of memoranda on College Catalog and other publications.
1 foldersMiscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others.
1 foldersCorrespondence and notices from Quaker organizations and notes on Quaker activities at Haverford.
1 foldersBryn Mawr and Haverford Colleges Course Guides, 1988-1989 and Semester One 1989-1990, and memoranda and statistical reports.
1 foldersVisiting Committee report.
2 foldersMemoranda, 1985, on background and decision whether to renovate or demolish, and subsequent memoranda and minutes on renovation plans and a labor dispute.
4 foldersMemoranda and reports on programming, designing, fundraising and logistics with some drawings.
1 foldersMiscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others.
1 foldersMemoranda and correspondence on the College and University Security Information Act and campus safety concerns.
1 foldersLetter to parents/guardians on campus security and responses to letter.
5 foldersLists, instructions for Class of 1989 and Class of 1988 interviews; report and some responses for Classes 1988; report for Class of 1987.
1 foldersBackground material, Visiting Committee report.
1 foldersLetters on prohibited and allowed companies for portfolio according to South African operations and summary of College divestment program.
1 foldersSmall file of memoranda on financial support for students from South Africa.
5 foldersCorrespondence and memoranda on participation in American Collegiate Consortium for East/West Cultural and Academic Exchange program with the Soviet Union; also check requests supporting two exchange students and packet of material (Haverford 1987-1988 Catalog and brochures) sent to East/West Exchange contact person at Middlebury.
1 foldersBackground material, including Modern Foreign Languages Departments Visiting Committee report, 1980, and self-study memorandum, 1987.
2 foldersCorrespondence with students and former students on a variety of subjects.
1 foldersPhotographs of Class of 1992 and miscellaneous memoranda.
1 foldersHousing book for first and second semesters and miscellaneous memoranda.
The Students' Association is made up of all students enrolled at Haverford College and all Bryn Mawr College students living on the Haverford campus. The Association has responsibility for nearly all aspects of student conduct and of student organizations on the campus. The Students' Association in turn delegates authority to the Students' Council and to the Honor Council to carry on its executive, legislative, and judicial functions.
Plenary is a gathering of the student body in the Fall and Spring to discuss issues on campus, as well as the Alcohol Policy (ratified in the Fall) and the Honor Code (ratified in the Spring). Students present resolutions for question and answer, discussion, and voting. Resolutions passed by the Students' Association are viewed as the will of the body, and Students' Council is then tasked with the carrying out and upholding of any changes or initiatives.
Physical Description1 foldersMemoranda on Spring Plenary and other subjects.
1 foldersMiscellaneous memoranda.
1 foldersCheck requests.
1 foldersResponse to Pennsylvania House Resolution 186 Survey on college costs.
3 foldersResponses to and reports of annual and special surveys on students, faculty compensation, and other subjects.
1 foldersMemoranda on Consortium for a Strong Minority Presence at Liberal Arts Colleges.
1 foldersSmall file of miscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others.
1 foldersMemoranda and correspondence on visits with alumni, funders, and others.
1 foldersSmall file of miscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others.
1 foldersSmall file of miscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others.
1 foldersMiscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others, including an extensive description about the Field House features and administration.
1 foldersCorrespondence on fellowships for independent foreign research and travel for recent college graduates.
1 foldersSmall file of memoranda and notices on Women's Center programs and other material.
1 foldersCopies of memoranda from V. P. for Finance and Administration to other administrators on equipment purchases, employee policies, buildings and grounds, and a wide variety of other topics.
1 foldersSmall file of miscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others.
1 foldersSmall file of miscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others.
2 foldersMiscellaneous memoranda on computing needs, with background material including strategic planning, 1985, and Academic Computing Visiting Committee report, 1986.
The Administrative Advisory Committee is a Faculty Standing Committee. It offers advice to the President, the Vice President for Finance and Administration and the Vice President for Institutional Advancement on all College business matters where faculty concern is strong, including: long term planning; annual budget preview and review; review of general salary, fringe benefit, and housing policies for the faculty; review of physical plans for the campus; review of the College's development priorities and plans.
Physical Description1 foldersMeeting minutes and memoranda on budget and related issues.
1 foldersResponses to letters recommending students for admission and other memoranda.
2 foldersAlumni Association notices of events, Alumni Relations Reunion Handbook, and other correspondence and memoranda.
1 foldersSmall file of memoranda on reunion gifts and other annual giving activities.
1 foldersCampus Arboretum Association Newsletter and other notices and memoranda.
1 foldersMiscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others.
1 foldersMemoranda on maternity and other employee benefits.
2 foldersMemoranda of Mary Patterson McPherson and others including: follow-up review of the Bryn Mawr and Haverford Chinese Language Program; campus recruiting and free speech; Equal Opportunity Policy.
1 foldersSmall file of miscellaneous memoranda.
1 foldersMiscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others.
1 foldersMemoranda, with case statement for "Campaign for the 90's," on staffing and prospective donors.
1 foldersBryn Mawr-Haverford office newsletters and grant application for analysis of computer systems.
2 foldersNews releases on weekly calendar of events, exhibits, performances, lectures, sports; clippings, including a report that Sylvester Stallone's mother taught astrology at Haverford for 25 years.
1 foldersMeeting minutes, transcript of Kessinger remarks, and other preparations.
1 foldersSmall file with institutional student financial aid report data sheet and miscellaneous memoranda.
2 foldersAlmost entirely on establishing committee members and meeting dates, but also includes memoranda on review of 1987/1988 actions and revision of Haverford's Diversity Requirement, 1990.
1 foldersCorrespondence on Higher Education Institutional Equipment Grant other Commonwealth programs.
1 folders, 1989-1990: Report on 1988-1989 activities and newsletters.
1 folders1989 summer schedule, arrangements for Japanese scholars and journalists, memoranda and clippings on KISS 100 tennis tournament, and plans for summer 1990.
1 foldersMiscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others, including lengthy response to a parent's concerns about drugs, co-ed dormitory bathrooms, honor code, and campus security.
1 foldersMemoranda on a wide variety of subjects relating to student academic, extracurricular, and social activities.
1 foldersMemoranda and other documents on deferred giving, annuity program, and estate planning.
2 foldersMemoranda and correspondence on visits with potential donors.
1 foldersSmall file of memoranda on services and service structure.
1 foldersMemoranda on problems with regulations for resident and non-resident dogs on campus.
1 foldersSmall file of miscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others.
1 foldersMemoranda and other material on review of department (Visiting Committee report not included) and search for assistant professors.
The Educational Policy Committee is a Faculty Standing Committee. It oversees educational policy in general; and oversees the curriculum in particular, including the institution of new course, dropping of old courses, or major changes in courses and curricular requirements.
Physical Description1 foldersSmall file of memoranda on tenure line searches, diversity requirement and other issues.
1 foldersSmall file of miscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others.
1 foldersLists of Faculty committees and administrative assignments and other miscellaneous memoranda.
1 foldersMinutes.
1 foldersReference file on statistics on tenured, minority, and women faculty, and other information.
1 foldersPartial list of foundation/corporate support, 1983-1989, and notices and cancelled checks for contributions, 1989/1990.
5 foldersCorrespondence, memoranda and information on foundations, including proposals to: Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education for Political Science Department conference courses ($200k); Ford Foundation for establishing "Social Justice Requirement" on prejudice and discrimination (100k); Hewlett Foundation to support introduction of international policy studies into the curriculum (75k, granted); Knight Foundation for faculty salaries to achieve greater diversity, strengthen cooperation with Bryn Mawr, and maintain strength in face of retirements and departures ($250k, matching, not granted); William Penn Foundation for Summer Enrichment Program in Mathematics and Science (2 grants @110k, reports); W. W. Smith for scholarship prize (10k) and financial aid ($30k); Starr Foundation scholarship endowment (200k).
1 foldersDana Faculty Fellows program reports, 1989, 1990.
1 foldersProposal for establishing "Social Justice Requirement" on prejudice and discrimination (100k).
1 foldersReport on Japanese language and culture program; proposal for "new presidents discretionary funds" ($250k requested, $200k granted, matching).
1 foldersNotice of payments and memorandum on benefits of science program grants to Haverford.
1 foldersLetter on and resumes of assistant professor appointments.
1 foldersMiscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others, including lengthy reports by Philosophy professor Ashok Gangadean on departmental program, his teaching and publications.
Resolution of grievances with respect to discrimination and harassment are first mediated through the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Officers; if the matter is not resolved through EEO, the President may form a panel to investigate. The panel of 20 is chosen by the four groups of the community (students, faculty, administration, Staff Association), with three additional members, one to serve as chair, appointed by the President.
Physical Description1 foldersMemoranda on revisions to policy, selection of EEO Officers and presidential panel, with Sexual Harassment Task Force report. (see Affirmative Action; EEO)
1 foldersMiscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others.
1 foldersCorrespondence on two cases of Honor Code violations.
1 foldersSmall file of miscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others.
1 foldersWeiss Peck & Greer account summaries for Haverford, June, July 1989, and other miscellaneous material.
1 foldersResponses declining invitations to receptions and other events.
1 foldersSmall file of miscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others.
1 foldersSmall file of miscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others, including alumni wife's plans for endowment gift.
1 foldersSmall file of miscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others, including follow-up review of Bryn Mawr and Haverford Chinese Language Program.
1 foldersMemoranda on Tri-College automated library system contract and other subjects and project newsletter.
1 foldersMemoranda on a variety of topics, including proposal for a new Biology Library.
1 foldersMiscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others, including Chemistry Professor Colin MacKay teaching award nomination.
1 foldersSurvey response on evaluating the Commission on Higher Education of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools.
1 foldersOffice of Multicultural Affairs newsletter and other memoranda and notices.
1 foldersMemoranda on Charleston String Quartet visits and other subjects.
1 foldersMiscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others.
1 foldersResponses to inquiries to inquiries about administrative and academic positions.
1 foldersMiscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others.
1 foldersMiscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others.
1 foldersCombined file on Parents Day, Handbook, and Letter.
0 itemsMemorandum on Master Plan preliminary recommendations.
1 foldersMiscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others, including information on ALANA (African American, Latina/o, Asian American, Native American Alliance of Bryn Mawr, Haverford & Swarthmore Colleges).
1 foldersMemoranda on faculty handbook revisions, senior faculty evaluations, and other subjects.
1 foldersMinutes (incomplete) on all aspects of budget planning.
1 foldersMemorandum on concerns, with report on requirements for administrative computing, 1983, and telephone systems survey, 1987.
2 foldersPennsylvania Association of Colleges and Universities Commission for Independent Colleges and Universities financial aid reports (including Haverford statistics), financial aid audit, memoranda and correspondence on Higher Education Act reauthorization and other subjects.
1 foldersCorrespondence on offensive letters from Admissions Office and other subjects.
1 foldersReport with individual committee comments, with background material.
1 foldersAffirmative Action data on faculty searches for 1989-90, with some additional memoranda. (see EEO; Grievance)
7 foldersNotices of regional events and sports reunions and class letters.
1 foldersPrograms.
2 foldersCorrespondence with ACE Fellows in academic leadership on visiting Haverford and on other ACE programs.
1 foldersPaperwork for year-long mentorship program in higher education leadership development, with letters of recommendation for administrative positions.
1 foldersCorrespondence as Blood Donor Campaign Team member to encourage colleges and universities participation.
1 foldersADA Barrier Removal Plan, 1992, and Disabilities Advisory Committee minutes on Magill Library and barrier removal, 1994.
1 foldersSmall file of memoranda on annual appeal to donors.
1 foldersBrochures, dedication programs, and other information.
2 foldersMemoranda relating to sports program, schedules, facilities, staff, and policies including a packet of clippings on "gender equityā¦the big buzz-word and preoccupation of the college athletic world this summer," 1992.
Established in Spring 1992 with the purpose "to provide for athletic competition among institutions that share similar academic aspirations and are committed to the importance of the total educational experience for students engaged in sportsā¦[comprised] of independent institutions whose student bodies are academically selective and whose missions and curricula are predominantly in the tradition of liberal education." Expanded from Centennial Football Conference (Dickinson, Franklin and Marshall, Gettysburg, Johns Hopkins, Muhlenberg, Swarthmore, Ursinus, Western Maryland) to all-sport (adding Haverford, Bryn Mawr, and Washington College), Spring 1992. Haverford previously belonged to Middle Atlantic States Collegiate Athletic Conference (MAC).
Physical Description4 foldersConstitution and By-Laws, drafts and final, and memoranda on establishing conference and early issues.
Haverford withdrew from MAC in 1992 to become part of Centennial Conference.
Physical Description1 foldersMemoranda on recommendations for major reorganization of Middle Atlantic States Collegiate Athletic Conference.
1 foldersArrangements for Middle Atlantic States Collegiate Athletic Conference meeting held at Haverford.
Miscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others.
1 foldersMemoranda on benefits for domestic partners and other subjects.
1 foldersAdded comments of Visiting Committee members on their preliminary report (not in file), and other memoranda.
1 foldersCorrespondence on column criticizing Haverford bookstore for censorship of conservative publications.
7 foldersDocuments on bond issue for almost $2 million to finance construction of campus center, renovation of science facilities in Sharpless Hall, and renovation and landscaping of Haverford Park apartments.
Correspondence and information on soliciting support for reception, September 1992.
1 foldersMiscellaneous memoranda, correspondence, and documents, including Bryn Mawr Parking Study. Academic Planning and Correspondence files merged into General file.
1 foldersMemoranda on cross registration, teacher education program, and other shared projects.
3 foldersCourse registration figures and other statistics, with memoranda, 1991, on determining reimbursements for imbalance.
1 foldersMemoranda on imbursements for courses and other joint programs.
1 foldersMemoranda on joint program.
Bryn Mawr/Haverford Two College Committee on Academic Cooperation provides a vehicle for faculty and administration to examine and monitor existing and new areas of academic cooperation between the two colleges.
Physical Description1 foldersAppointments to committee and other memoranda.ā
1 foldersProjected budgets, budget summaries, additional allocations, and President's Office budgets, and other memoranda.
1 foldersHaverford College Accounting and Business Policies and Procedures Manual, 1990, and miscellaneous memoranda.
1 foldersMiscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others, including a report on initiation of Bi-College major in Comparative Literature.
1 foldersHaverford academic calendar 1990/91; Haverford/Bryn Mawr academic calendar 1989/90-1992/93.
3 foldersFeasibility study, case statement drafts, correspondence and memoranda on prospective donors and other subjects for "A Critical Balance: The Campaign for Haverford," a five-year, $75 million campaign.
1 foldersMemoranda and meeting minutes on planning for the Campus Center, including space allocation, architect selection, design, program for dedication on Whitehead Campus Center.
1 foldersLetter of agreement for funding for exhibition gallery, memoranda on arrangements for inaugural Rodin travelling exhibit, and review of Gallery Committee activities.
1 foldersPost-Baccalaureate Surveys for Classes of 1987, 1988, 1989, 1992, and miscellaneous memoranda.
Collection: One of the oldest traditions of Haverford, began as a compulsory meeting of the student body. Evolved into a student run lecture series that focused on bringing distinguished members of the broader community to campus who would spark conversation, debate, and introduce new ideas into the community. Today, Collections does this not just through speakers, but also performances, debates, discussions, exhibitions, workshops, and other thought-provoking and engaging experiences. Collection Committee considers applications for funding.
Physical Description1 foldersMemoranda on arrangements for Collections, with some addresses and correspondence on poor turnout for talk on war on drugs.
1 foldersPress releases and clippings, with Report on the Offices of College Relations and Publications, 1992.
2 foldersCommencement Committee minutes, including some addresses .
3 foldersCorrespondence, reports, and other documents . Kessinger served on the Institutional Affairs Committee and as Secretary/Treasurer.
1 foldersCorrespondence and notices on Institutional Equipment grants and other Commonwealth educational assistance programs.
1 foldersSurvey Questionnaires and Affidavits, and notifications of payments.
1 foldersCorrespondence on Haverford Township redistricting.
Commonwealth Partnership (formerly Twelve College Group): Originally named the Twelve College Group, the Commonwealth Partnership was founded 1983 by academic deans of twelve liberal arts colleges and universities in Pennsylvania to improve the education of college-bound students.
Physical Description1 foldersCorrespondence on "What We Expect: A Statement on Preparing for College," reconsideration of Partnership mission, and other subjects.
1 foldersMemoranda on advice to students on buying computers, instituting electronic Course Guide, and other subjects.
2 foldersMemoranda and background reports on Academic, Administrative, and Library computing, with Visiting Committee draft report, Haverford staff responses, final report, and subsequent planning minutes.
1 foldersArrangements for honorary degrees to members of bi-college community who have made contributions to Haverford life.
The First year Experience program includes a mandatory five-day orientation immediately preceding the fall semester. It is designed to introduce all first-year students to college life at Haverford and includes several activities: get to know your Customs group; meet with your academic advisor; attend talks lead by various students, faculty, staff, and administrators that will orient you to the services and resources offered on-campus; and, become familiar with the system of student self-governance and the academic and social honor code.
Physical Description1 foldersSchedules and other plans for Customs Week.
1 foldersMiscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others, including invitations to Dalai Lama to visit (declined), and application to fund a collaboration with Painted Bride Art Center for multicultural performances and presentations.
1 foldersMemoranda on miscellaneous topics.
1 foldersMemoranda on possible gift of Saratoga Springs property and other subjects.
1 foldersArrangements for Desjardins Memorial Colloquium in Cross-Cultural Studies.
1 foldersInformation on community loan fund for community based organizations in the region.
1 foldersMemoranda on visits to prospective donors and other subjects, with Institutional Advancement Planning report.
1 foldersMemoranda on relocation and furnishings for Distinguished Visitors office and other issues.
1 foldersCorrespondence on unleashed dogs of campus visitors.
1 foldersSmall file of miscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others .
1 foldersSmall file of memoranda including report on trip to Japan to visit study abroad programs and meet alumni.
1 foldersSmall file of miscellaneous memoranda.
1 foldersMemoranda on search for departmental faculty, including rankings of Economics PhD. programs and journals..
1 foldersCorrespondence on programs conducted for college presidents.
The Educational Policy Committee is a Faculty Standing Committee. It oversees educational policy in general; and oversees the curriculum in particular, including the institution of new course, dropping of old courses, or major changes in courses and curricular requirements.
Physical Description1 foldersMemoranda on new courses, faculty positions, and other academic policies.
1 foldersMiscellaneous information on Haverford/Bryn Mawrstudent community service program.
1 foldersSmall file of memoranda on T. Wister Brown Professorship.
1 foldersMiscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others.
1 foldersLists of faculty, their spouses and children.
1 foldersMemoranda on health and other benefits and other miscellaneous matters, with 1987 faculty handbook as reference.
1 foldersMemoranda on maintenance, financing, and other issues.
1 foldersAgenda and minutes, including reports from the President, the Provost, and faculty committees (incomplete).
2 foldersPrimarily material relating to establishing an early retirement policy in 1986, with two later documents.
1 foldersReports of faculty, including professional Information, number of students taught, teaching/research interests.
2 foldersMemoranda on standards for professorships, long range allocation of tenure track positions, proposals for evaluations of teaching outside of tenure considerations, and confidentiality of files.
1 foldersPrograms.
1 foldersCorrespondence on departmental problems.
1 foldersCorrespondence and memoranda with alumni on reintroducing football .
5 foldersCorrespondence with foundations for grants from: Annenberg for Capital Campaign in honor of John Whitehead ($1m,); Culpepper for development of new language lab (150k, application), Hearst for minority student scholarship endowment ($100k, $35k granted with intent to continue to $100k); Hewlett for tri-college program in multidisciplinary international policy studies ($300kāproposal and 1st year report); Knight for Inquiry Based Science and Math in the Middle School with School District of Philadelphia ($230k, proposal) ; Starr for international student scholarship ($200k); William Penn for Summer Enrichment Program in Mathematics and Science (report); Zimmer for Imaging in Modern Science ($200k) and Computer-Based Research in the Physical Sciences ($200k); with corporate matching contributions and draft statements for establishing Haverford Foundation to support student service projects.
1 foldersLetters acknowledging reports on Charles A. Dana Foundation grants for scholarships, improvements to teaching calculus, faculty fellows, improvements in teaching mathematics to minority students.
1 foldersCorrespondence on grant to create or strengthen ten courses on prejudice and discrimination under a new core requirement in Social Justice ($100k), with evaluation of project.
1 foldersCorrespondence requesting grant for Sharpless Hall renovation for biology facilities ($475k), revised ($275k) from W. M. Keck Foundation.
2 foldersApplication proposals Henry Luce Foundation, Inc., to appoint Luce woman scholars in Mathematics Department ($466k, denied, and $386k, no record of reply), with review of Haverford's interest in funding for women in science and engineering; joint Haverford/Bryn Mawr application to appoint Luce Professorship in Intransigent Conflict (no amount indicated, denied); Professorship in the Humanities ($645k-$735k, denied).
1 foldersCorrespondence and proposals to Pew Charitable Trusts for: renovating and equipping Founders Hall instructional spaces ($600k); Minority Scholars Program in the Sciences and the Humanities and Social Sciences, with reports ($181k); expanding and upgrading science facilities ($1.9m, resubmitted for $525k, $500k granted).
1 foldersCorrespondence on payments and changes to grant under Pew Science Program in Undergraduate Education, Mid-Atlantic Cluster.
1 foldersCorrespondence and proposals to Surdna Foundation, Inc., for support of Community Service Program ($350k, denied) and Community Service and Community Revitalization ($350k, denied).
1 foldersCorrespondence on fellowships from The Thomas J. Watson Foundation for independent foreign research and travel for recent college graduates.
1 foldersMemoranda on arrangements for President's Fall dinner for entering class.
3 foldersArrangements for annual conference at Haverford, 1995, and memoranda, correspondence, and publications on other matters, including compilation of survey report "Partnerships Between Quaker Colleges and Their Quaker Constituencies," 1993. Earlier correspondence and memoranda, 1981-1986, are also in the file as background information.
1 foldersMemoranda and correspondence on establishing Haverford as project host and providing funding.
1 foldersCorrespondence and memoranda on contributions to Friends Council, with 1982-1985 file for background information.
1 foldersMiscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others.
1 foldersCorrespondence and meeting minute on establishing the Greater Philadelphia Human Studies Consortium.
1 foldersTranscript of Presidential Panel proceedings and memoranda on staff sexual harassment charges. CONFIDENTIAL
Resolution of grievances with respect to discrimination and harassment are first mediated through the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Officers; if the matter is not resolved through EEO, the President may form a panel to investigate. The panel of 20 is chosen by the four groups of the community (students, faculty, administration, Staff Association), with three additional members, one to serve as chair, appointed by the President.
Physical Description1 foldersRevision to student harassment procedures and memoranda on election and appointment to Presidential Panel.
1 foldersMiscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others.
1 foldersAnnual Reports and other miscellaneous material.
1 foldersArrangements for annual staff party.
1 foldersPrograms and other arrangements for annual Fall event, including notes on reminiscences on college traditions.
The Honor Code is based on the belief that students can successfully take the responsibility of establishing and maintaining standards in social and academic life. In the academic area the Honor System stipulates that one should distinguish clearly between original work and material from any other source. In the social realm, it is expected that a concern for others will be shown and that problems, should they occur, will be dealt with in a spirit of mutual respect. Students commit themselves to the Honor Pledge which requires them to fulfill three responsibilities: (1) to govern their own conduct according to the principles which have been adopted by the Students' Association; (2) to report themselves in case of a breach of the Honor System; (3) to ask an offender of the Honor system to report to the Honor Council or report the matter themselves.
Physical Description2 foldersMemoranda on revisions, ratification, brochures, and papers on a case brought to Honor Council.
Honor Council administers all aspects of the Honor System and is responsible for interpreting specific matters pertaining to the Honor system.
Physical Description2 foldersTrial abstracts, primarily for academic cases, with some annual reports and other memoranda.
1 foldersMiscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others.
1 foldersCorrespondence of organization that provided fellowships to artists and scholars from repressive governments.
1 foldersResponses declining invitations to seminars and other events.
1 foldersMiscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others.
1 foldersMiscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others.
1 foldersMiscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others.
1 foldersMemoranda on starting technology-based language instruction.
1 foldersMemoranda and newsletters on automation and other subjects.
1 foldersMemoranda and correspondence on appointment.
1 foldersMiscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others.
1 foldersPeriodic Review Report on 1988 recommendations.
1 foldersCommittee minutes, newsletters, and Homecoming weekend program.
1 foldersMiscellaneous memoranda, including Haverford/Bryn Mawr Chamber Singers 1990 Summer Tour report.
1 foldersSmall file of miscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others.
1 foldersCorrespondence primarily on dropping membership.
1 foldersMemoranda on gender equity and other subjects.
1 foldersSample of inquiries for academic and administrative positions and responses.
1 foldersCorrespondence with former employee's request to use library.
1 foldersMiscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others, including report on Project Explore summer '90, a residential academic camp for area high school students.
2 foldersArrangements of Peace Studies Programs at Haverford, Bryn Mawr, Swarthmore for Spring research trips to explore community problems in the United States and abroad.
2 foldersCorrespondence on meetings, Constitutional amendments, Committee on Academic Issues (Kessinger was a member), and other subjects.
1 foldersJob postings and memoranda on employee benefits and other subjects.
2 foldersMemoranda on buildings and grounds improvements.
1 foldersDrafts of memorandum and other information on lead paint in faculty housing.
1 foldersPrograms and arrangements for symposia on a variety of topics.
1 volumesBackground material for Visiting Committee review of Bryn Mawr and Haverford program.
1 foldersMemoranda on a variety of subjects.
1 foldersMiscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others.
1 foldersMemoranda on Quaker Collections and its programs and Quakerism at Haverford, including text for pamphlet "The Quaker Heritage of Haverford" by Kessinger, 1990.
1 foldersSmall file of miscellaneous memoranda.
1 foldersMemoranda on three projects, including Roberts Hall alterations from administrative offices to faculty offices feasibility study.
1 foldersMemoranda on renovation of space for audio visual classroom, writing center, music practice rooms, and other activities.
1 foldersMiscellaneous memoranda on two year,$5.8 million project.
1 foldersMemoranda on improvements and leases to Haverford Park Apartments.
1 foldersMemoranda on inviting Quaker Visitors under sponsorship of group established to nurture Quakerism at Haverford.
1 foldersMiscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others.
1 foldersMemoranda on parking regulations, student parking on neighboring streets, burglaries and other crimes committed on campus.
1 foldersSelection of Whitehead Interns in venture capital firms.
1 foldersMemoranda on creating smoke-free buildings.
1 foldersAmerican Collegiate Consortium for East/West Cultural and Academic Exchange Executive Committee meeting reports on student exchange program with the USSR.
1 foldersApplications for funding for projects and programs, congratulations for internships, and correspondence on other subjects.
The Students' Association is made up of all students enrolled at Haverford College and all Bryn Mawr College students living on the Haverford campus. The Association has responsibility for nearly all aspects of student conduct and of student organizations on the campus. The Students' Association in turn delegates authority to the Students' Council and to the Honor Council to carry on its executive, legislative, and judicial functions.
Plenary is a gathering of the student body in the Fall and Spring to discuss issues on campus, as well as the Alcohol Policy (ratified in the Fall) and the Honor Code (ratified in the Spring). Students present resolutions for question and answer, discussion, and voting. Resolutions passed by the Students' Association are viewed as the will of the body, and Students' Council is then tasked with the carrying out and upholding of any changes or initiatives.
Physical Description1 foldersReports and responses to Plenary resolutions, with some Student Council minutes and other memoranda.
1 foldersSmall file of memoranda to student on campus problems and activities, including summary of Senior Exit Interviews, 1995.
1 foldersMemoranda on Haverford College Apartments, problems with Yarnall House, and other subjects.
Letters from students transferring out of Haverford.
1 foldersNotices of students going to and returning from studies abroad and other memoranda.
1 foldersMaterials compiled for Bryn Mawr, Haverford, and Swarthmore to share information, to learn from each other's experience as well as to explore opportunities for improving the quality and range of programs and offerings.
1 foldersResponses to requests for information on academic and administrative issues.
1 foldersCorrespondence on Consortium for a Strong Minority Presence at Liberal Arts Colleges and other subjects.
1 foldersMiscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others.
1 foldersInformation from other colleges on teacher certification programs.
1 foldersSmall file of miscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others, including responses to ranking in U. S. News and World Report, 1990.
1 foldersNotification of compliance with Drug-Free Schools Act and information for government funded programs.
1 foldersSolicitation for annual fundraising campaign.
1 foldersMiscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others.
1 foldersMemoranda on efforts to promote healthy lifestyles.
1 foldersCorrespondence on dispute over liability for broken roof slates.
1 foldersApplications, 1992, Intern reports, 1993, and other memoranda on Whitehead Entrepreneurial Internship supported by Herb Slotnick.
3 containersOutgoing correspondence and memoranda to alumni, faculty, students, parents, and colleagues, chronologically arranged, that duplicates in part the alphabetical series. Because 1989-1990 after "P" and much of the material after 1994 are not found in the alphabetical series, much of this is not duplicate. Also included here is a file on Kessinger's resignation and the prank stealing of Bryn Mawr's "Athena" statue in 1996.
2 foldersItineraries visits to alumni and other trips.
0.5 cartonsA sample of monthly reports on President's office responsibility expenses, including travel and entertainment, office supplies, subscriptions and annual contributions, President's discretionary fund, and other accounts, with bills for month. These are routine and recurring expenses and are of interest only as a glimpse of the office activities.
This series includes material on Kessinger's involvement in organizations and activities that were considered outside of his role as College president, although often his position was a factor in his participation. Many of the organization on which he served as a board or advisory board member reflected his interest in Southeast Asia. There are files on two Bryn Mawr alumnae and Haverford alumni trips he led, as well as on the course he taught.
1 foldersCorrespondence on Kessinger's appointment to the panel but he was never able to attend and resigned within the year.
1 foldersCorrespondence on Kessinger's appointment to the Society board.
1 foldersCorrespondence as Council Chairman of the Nonprofit Sector Research Fund that sought "to expand understanding of nonprofit activities, including philanthropy and its underlying values, by supporting high quality, basic and applied research undertaken by scholars and practitioners;" also newsletters and a conference paper "The Nonprofit Sector and Democracy: Prerequisite, Impediment, or Irrelevance?" by Lester Salamon.
1 foldersSmall file of memoranda relating to meetings of the Advisory Board.
The China Medical Board, initially created by the Rockefeller Foundation to support the Peking Union Medical College, provided financial support for "medical and related health service education and research in Southeast Asia."
Physical Description1 foldersCorrespondence primarily on scheduling for meetings and travel, with some reports on visits to Chinese grantee institutions and Myanmar.
1 foldersKessinger's evaluation on conference sponsored by the Kellogg Foundation.
7 foldersLetters to and from associates from his work in India and other Southeast Asian countries, researchers in Indian studies, and others. Although this is a separate file from his college correspondence, there some material relates to college matters.
The organization "engages mid-career (32-45) professionals from around the world to enhance their leadership skills, broaden their network of contacts, deepen their global perspectives, and unite them in a diverse global community where dialogue, understanding, and collaboration lead to a more prosperous, just, and peaceful world" (Wikipedia).
Physical Description1 foldersCorrespondence, memoranda, minutes, and reports. Kessinger was first associated as an advisor to the Selection Committee for Indonesian fellows; he joined the board in 1992 and became a member of the Executive Committee in 1994.
1 foldersAmerican Express Corporate Account statements.
3 foldersInformation for "Politics and Society in Contemporary India" taught by Kessinger.
1 foldersMailing list.
1 foldersPlans for Bryn Mawr alumnae and Haverford alumni to India, led by Kessinger and his wife.
1 foldersPlans for Bryn Mawr alumnae and Haverford alumni to Indonesia, led by Kessinger and his wife.
1 foldersSmall file of correspondence on meetings of advisory board to certified public accounting company.
1 foldersNotices of Sunday Breakfast Club and other organizations; University Club bills.
1 foldersSmall file of correspondence as member of Advisory Council for the Survey of Japanese Language Instruction.
1 foldersPrimarily personal information forms for nomination to National Advisory Council.
1 foldersSmall file of articles on Kessinger and Who's Who entries.
1 foldersClippings and articles on issues in education.
4 foldersLetters of recommendation for students and colleagues.
1 foldersLetters to Kessinger as Board member, then Advisory Board member.
1 foldersInventory of items shipped from New Delhi to Philadelphia.
0.5 cartonsAppointment books.