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Harry C. Payne presidential papers
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Harry (Hank) C. Payne, who had been Provost, was appointed acting President for 1987-1988, and no initiatives were undertaken during this period. Nevertheless, in the spring of 1988 Haverford underwent the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools accreditation review. In addition to the evaluation report itself, the self-study that included a number of background materials reflect the current state of the College. The Middle States evaluation and the President's Office files mention ongoing concerns with several issues, including diversity, the curriculum, particularly a reassessment of the "Dimension System", and the growing need for attention to campus automation.
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Collection Inventory
1 foldersMiscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others
1 foldersAgenda and memoranda, with some minutes, on committee activities, including the process of choosing recommenders.
1 foldersMinutes discussing all issues relating to budget, current and future, including enrollment, endowment, buildings and grounds, and annual giving.
1 foldersMemoranda on sources for student aid, including Magill-Rhoads Program, United States Department of Education and other government programs, and the report of the Financial Aid Working Group for the Consortium of Liberal Arts Colleges.
1 foldersMemoranda, statistics, historical review from 1963, and letters from applicants and/parents/friends.
2 foldersMemoranda, including student concerns that future admissions be more concerned with diversity; with Search Committee evaluations of candidates.
8 foldersPlan, with drafts, Haverford Utilization Analysis, and government regulations and other reference documents.
1 foldersPolicy statements of other organizations on AIDS.
2 foldersMemoranda, correspondence on, use of Haverford funds for purchase of alcoholic beverages for student gatherings, bi-college Alcohol Policy Review Committee deliberations, legal opinions, background information, and Bryn Mawr and Haverford policy drafts and final policy statement.
2 foldersMemoranda, correspondence on the Alumni Association (William G. Kaye '54, President) meetings and activities, including Constitution revision and Alumni Weekend.
1 foldersStatistics and other memoranda.
1 foldersThe Campus Arboretum Association grant application for Pinetum restoration, newsletters and memoranda.
1 foldersMeeting notices, reports, dues notices.
1 foldersMemoranda reports, and correspondence of Athletic Director Greg Kannerstein on a wide variety of issues, including: coaching staff evaluations and appointments and establishing an Appointment Policy; Committee report on Athletics and Physical Education; an invitational Athletics Director's Conference for Division III colleges sponsored by Haverford.
1 foldersMemoranda on NCAA policies affecting Division III schools; also some references to Haverford hosting women's lacrosse national championships.
1 foldersMiscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others.
1 foldersFlexible Benefits Committee minutes and plan.
1 foldersMemoranda on faculty, equipment, and facility needs; also a proposal for an Undergraduate Biological Sciences Education Initiative.
1 foldersLetters to and from Bryn Mawr administrators on a variety of subjects.
1 foldersMemoranda, reports, and other documents on academic, financial, and other concerns.
1 foldersSmall file of memoranda on joint Board council, including suggestion that it be eliminated.
1 foldersSmall file of memoranda, includes 1977 plan for Two College Cooperation.
1 foldersOperating budget for President's Office and budget request for 1988-1989
1 foldersProjections for FY 1987-1988 and miscellaneous memoranda.
1 foldersMemoranda on restricted funds, legal matters, and other subjects.
1 foldersMiscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others.
1 foldersCollege calendar and memoranda for Payne calendar.
1 foldersSmall file with Class of 1987 activities (employment, graduate school, etc.) and other memoranda.
1 foldersSmall file of memoranda on revisions to academic catalog.
1 foldersReport of the Review Committee, Department of Chemistry, Bryn Mawr College, with section on cooperation with Haverford, memoranda on appointment of assistant professor and other subjects.
1 foldersFirst Collection address and a small file of memoranda on "energizing the Collection process."
2 foldersNews releases, including weekly calendar of events and clippings.
1 foldersCommencement Committee minutes and other arrangements for 1988 Commencement, with transcripts of remarks, program, and other information.
2 foldersMemoranda on Committee deliberations, with testimonials on racial, sexual, and gender harassment and Payne's summary of the year's activities.
1 foldersNotices of Commonwealth programs of interest to Haverford. Other routine communications discarded.
1 foldersAcademic Computer Center Newsletter and memoranda on computing program including: facilities, personnel, hardware, and software needs; proposal for support of Computer Science area of Concentration (granted); and 5 year plan development.
Material Specific DetailsLetter to incoming freshmen advising that microcomputers are not necessary, but useful: "It is clear that word processing is the most popular application on a microcomputer."
1 foldersProposal for Computer Science concentration, teaching load/staffing calculation, laboratory needs, with background information.
1 foldersMemoranda on capital spending questions, faculty secretaries micro-computers, and other subjects, with Consortium of Liberal Arts Colleges Status Report on Academic Computing.
1 foldersMemoranda on 1987 summer activities held on Haverford campus, hiring a Director of Conferences and Facilities Rentals, and plans for 1988 summer activities.
1 foldersIncludes complaints about Robert Klein at Haverford College program.
1 foldersDrafts of and final Report for Middle States Accreditation.
1 foldersMemoranda and schedules for Customs Week, 1987.
1 foldersMiscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others.
2 foldersMemoranda from Dean Freddye Hill on security, facilities, and other student problems and activities, including: Academic Regulations; goals and assignments for Deans; end of 1986-1987 year report; Summary of Data on Entering Freshmen for Fall 1987.
4 foldersMemoranda primarily of G. Holger Hansen, V.P. Institutional Advancement, on alumni donors and prospective donors.
1 foldersMemoranda on dining services problems, review of services, and move to Bi-College service with Bryn Mawr.
1 foldersSmall file of miscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others.
1 foldersNew course proposals, and memoranda on No Numerical Grade option, revising the dimension system distribution requirements, and other subjects.
1 foldersFinancial reports.
1 foldersSmall file of memoranda including draft proposal for two-college Comparative Literature program and major.
1 foldersSmall file of miscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others.
1 foldersMemoranda on life insurance, retirement and other benefits.
1 foldersMemoranda on mortgage policy changes and other housing issues.
1 foldersAgenda and minutes, with reports from, Acting President, Acting Provost, Educational Policy Committee often on dimension distribution requirements, Presidential Search Committee, Academic Council, and other committees.
1 foldersMemoranda on a wide variety of faculty subjects.
1 foldersMemoranda on outfitting new Marshall Fine Arts Center, air circulation problems.
3 foldersCorrespondence and memoranda (A-Z) with funders and potential funders, including: Camille & Henry Dreyfuss Foundation proposal for Chemistry in Liberal Arts Colleges; William Penn Foundation Summer Enrichment Program in Mathematics and Science for high school students final report for 1987 and proposal for 1988 (granted, $106,000).
1 foldersMemoranda on formation of two-college (with Bryn Mawr) French Department and other subjects.
1 foldersSearch Committee minutes and memoranda on search for 16th-17th C. French literature position.
1 foldersMiscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others.
1 foldersMemoranda on various departmental issues, including curricular and staffing plans and a summer work program.
1 foldersNotices and memoranda on Gest lectures and other matters.
1 foldersStudent Grievance Procedures with respect to discrimination or harassment and memoranda relating to policies and procedures.
1 foldersMiscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others.
1 foldersSmall file with Haverford Honor Code brochure, clippings, and memoranda.
1 foldersMemoranda including: Spring 1987 report; abstracts of trials; Council minutes; documents on trial and appeal on case of violation of social honor code.
1 foldersBills and memoranda on furnishing former President's house, and information on accommodations.
1 foldersMemoranda on difficulties with housekeeper.
1 foldersSmall file of miscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others.
1 foldersRoutine advisory notices and memoranda.
1 foldersResponses to civic, academic, and business events.
1 foldersSmall file of miscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others.
1 foldersSmall file of miscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others.
1 foldersMiscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others.
1 foldersMemoranda on French and Spanish summer "workshops" for students, funding and housing issues.
1 foldersGrant proposal for Japanese language program and memoranda on hiring an instructor and faculty to build the program.
1 foldersMemoranda on facilities and staffing.
1 foldersMemoranda on Chinese language courses and other subjects.
4 foldersMemoranda, newsletter, and Three-College Library Automation Steering Committee minutes on consortium agreement, funding and budget, problems with retrospective conversion, vendors, and other issues.
1 foldersMemoranda on budget, staffing, and other issues.
1 foldersMiscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others.
1 foldersVisiting Committee report on Mathematics at Haverford and Bryn Mawr Colleges, departmental response, and memoranda on curriculum changes, cooperation with Bryn Mawr, a Collaborative Calculus Rejuvenation Project, and the impact of computer science on mathematics.
1 foldersMemoranda on developing a scholars program for minority students, the Asian American Poetry Festival and a variety of other issues.
1 foldersMemoranda on space for the a capella groups, the choral music program, and other subjects.
1 foldersMiscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others, including efforts to comply with National Institute of Health regulations for biology laboratory animals.
1 foldersNotices on surveys and other NAICU activities of interest to Haverford.
1 foldersCorrespondence on grants to Haverford and other matters.
2 foldersIssues of "Founders Bell" weekly newsletter for Haverford College faculty and staff, with memoranda on its start-up. The newsletter included a calendar of events at Haverford and Bryn Mawr, announcements and notices of general interest, descriptions of professional and other activities of employees, and a sports calendar and results for Haverford teams.
1 foldersSmall file of miscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others.
1 foldersCorrespondence on reports of interest to Haverford.
1 foldersMiscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others.
1 foldersDrafts for annual letter.
1 foldersResume, First Collection speech with draft, Valedictory.
1 foldersBills for travel, publications, etc.
1 foldersMemoranda and correspondence on speakers and other program activities.
1 foldersMemoranda on staff recognition and other matters.
1 foldersMemoranda and correspondence on Edmund Stinnes Trust Fund for a program in peace and international studies; also noting the death of Marga Stinnes.
1 foldersMemoranda on faculty positions and Assistant Professor search.
1 foldersMemoranda on work and repairs to buildings and grounds.
1 foldersMemoranda on long range planning.
1 foldersSuggestions of equipment, systems and physical plant needs for the next 10 years.
1 foldersBrochures and miscellaneous memoranda.
1 foldersMemoranda and budget reports for projects supported by discretionary fund (previously supported by Calder Foundation).
1 foldersMemoranda and budget reports for projects supported by discretionary fund.
1 foldersMemoranda on a variety of faculty issues, including research funding, courses, appointment of Provost for following year(s), and Chinese program.
1 foldersMemoranda and reports on curriculum changes.
1 foldersMiscellaneous memoranda on college publications.
1 foldersDrafts of statement on Quakerism at Haverford by Interim Planning Committee, the Corporation of Haverford College.
1 foldersMiscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others.
1 foldersStatistics for enrollment and class registration, including analysis of registrations, 1984-1987.
2 foldersMiscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others, including summary report of Class of 1987 exit interviews.
1 foldersMemoranda and correspondence on crime, personnel, and parking.
1 foldersMemoranda and correspondence with report on fire safety, lighting, safewalk and Haverford Park Apartments, dorm security, including background information solicited from other colleges.
1 foldersMemoranda on evaluation of summer program for children.
1 foldersLetters on companies to be restored to investment portfolio because of withdrawal from South Africa.
1 foldersLetters on consortium response to Leon Sullivan's position on South Africa.
1 foldersMeeting minutes and Staff Handbook (1985).
1 foldersSmall file on awards to Haverford students.
1 foldersMiscellaneous memoranda , student directory, Students' Guide (1985-1986), and publications.
1 foldersDorm distribution reports, campus student directory, and miscellaneous memoranda.
1 foldersMeeting minutes and memoranda on plenary session, including revision to the Honor Code.
1 foldersEvaluations of programs in England, France, Africa, Italy, Canada, new study abroad policy, statistics, and other information.
1 foldersSmall file of bills for periodical subscriptions.
1 foldersReports on recruitment and retention of minority students at liberal arts colleges, sponsored by a consortium coordinated by Swarthmore College, and Haverford's response.
1 foldersSmall file of miscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others.
1 foldersMinutes on student telephone systems (especially with respect to access to library automated card catalog) and other issues.
1 foldersNotices of meetings and on Foreign Language Institute program.
1 foldersSmall file of miscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others.
1 foldersMiscellaneous correspondence with colleagues, faculty, and others, including Sydney Waldman proposal for research on how nuclear weapons affect foreign relations.
1 foldersMemoranda on funding for Haverford-Bryn Mawr student station.
1 foldersMemoranda on programs and curriculum in women's studies, with forst issue of women's magazine "The Other Side of Silence."
2 foldersMemoranda from Vice President for Finance and Administration on a wide variety of subjects, including facilities problems, Founders Hall renovations, office equipment, personnel, rental policies, and parking.
0.5 cartonsOutgoing correspondence and memoranda to alumni, faculty, students, parents, and colleagues, chronologically arranged, that duplicates in part, but not entirely, the alphabetical files. Includes communications on potential donors; Safety and Security Task Force; faculty meeting remarks; sheduling for Middle States evaluation, with one letter outlining special concerns and issues that might affect evaluation team visit; and diversity issues.
12 foldersMonthly reports on President's office responsibility expenses, with bills for month.
2 itemsAppointment calendars.
Box 7: Self-study narrative and appendices; self-study drafts. Box 8: Steering Committee memoranda; evaluation report and Haverford response; general memoranda and correspondence; background information including material gathered for Robert Stevens' Nine-Year Report and Educational Affairs Committee (Faculty self-study) notebook. Box 9: 1974 Middle States Evaluation and Case Study with background material including reports on Expansion and Co-education, President Coleman performance, and Relations with Bryn Mawr; 1979 review with report and response to "blistering attack on financial resource management" in 1974 evaluation; 1984/85 Evaluation correspondence and memoranda, background (for reports to evaluation committee see Stevens 1984/85 Middle States).
Physical Description3 cartonsThis extensive file includes the self-study report prepared for the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools accreditation. It provided information on the current status of every aspect of the college's operations, and with review of the history of each: Governance, Faculty, Library, Academic Computer Center, Student Life Services, Admissions, Financial Aid, Athletics, Finance and Administration, Capital Planning, and Institutional Advancement. It concluded that the biggest problem was undercapitalization with the greatest need for physical plant improvements. A substantial amount of background information was gathered, including files relating to previous earlier evaluations, and particularly Robert Stevens files for the 1984/1985 evaluation (see Scope and Content note). In addition to the self-study report and the background material there are: Steering Committee memoranda; general correspondence and memoranda; self-study drafts and reports.