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The New York Colored Mission records
Held at: Haverford College Quaker & Special Collections [Contact Us]370 Lancaster Ave, Haverford, PA 19041
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Overview and metadata sections
According to an article of its constitution, the objectives of the New York Colored Mission were the "religious, moral, and social elevation of the colored people." Programs to this end were classes in cooking, sewing, carpentry, and bible instruction. The Mission also had a lodging house, employment agency, and district nurse. Its Fresh Air program gave black women and children a chance to spend some time in the country.
The New York Colored Mission was under the care of the Society of Friends from its inception in 1865. It was incorporated by the state of New York in 1871. Its objectives were "to conduct in the city of New York Sabbath schools for religious instruction, social religious meetings, an evening school for adults, a sewing school, a mother's meeting, an employment office, a free reading room, and a temperance society, also to employ missionaries to aid the society in promoting the foregoing." It also provided housing for some women. It was located on both 130th and 131st Streets in New York City until 1941, when it was reduced to three houses on 131st St. It was affiliated with the Protestant Welfare Federation.
Originally named the African Sunday School Association, the Mission was later renamed the New York Colored Mission. The governing arm of the Mission consisted of a Board of Managers and a Board of Trustees. While the managers, appointed by the trustees, carried on the work of the Mission, their actions were subject to approval by the Trustees. The goal of the New York Colored Mission was not to promote equality for Black people, but instead to provide job and health training
Two of the Mission's leaders were Joshua L. Barton, 1849-1926, and Levi Hollingsworth Wood, 1873-1956. Barton, a doctor, was elected to the Board of Managers in 1883; he served as secretary and president of the Board of Trustees until his death in 1926. Wood, a lawyer, was elected secretary of the Board of Trustees in 1898, a position he held till his death in 1956. He was also active in other social work, and was chairman of the Board of the National Urban League.
The New York Colored Mission was closed in 1966. Assets of the Mission were turned over to New York Monthly Meeting.
The records of a Quaker organization ("New York Colored Mission") from the mid-19th to mid-20th centuries, with social and training offerings in New York, particularly to the African American community, and based on the principle of obtaining jobs and decent housing for African Americans. Many of the materials in the collection document financial information related to the Mission rather than information about individuals using the Missions's services.
Accounts includes information about the financial resources of the Mission, while records includes donations and other information related to the Fresh Air fund, which sent women and children to the country. Correspondence often focuses on financial information, partnerships with other organizations, and administrative issues. Minutes detail the administrative decisions of the Managers and Trustees. Miscellaneous materials include reports, including information on job placement, and foundational documents.
The addition to the collection includes certificates or incorporation and by-laws, further financial information and accounts, correspondence, often related to building issues, annual reports for the Mission, and photographs of Sunday School.
Original processing information unknown.
Separated material: Printed pamphlets and booklets published by The New York Colored Mission to PG & QC
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- Haverford College Quaker & Special Collections
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The collection is open for research use.
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Standard Federal Copyright Laws Apply (U.S. Title 17).
Collection Inventory
Includes: a. correspondence with agencies concerning aid to Fresh Air program b. report of the "Central Bureau of Fresh Air work for the Colored People," 1910. [re application form for potential Fresh Air outings participants; report on fresh air homes]
Contains 50 items, majority from 1909
Includes: 1. Buselle, Samuel Marshall to Levi Hollingsworth Wood. November 13, 1906 [announcement of Wood's election as chairman of social education committee]. 2. Collins, Stephen (attorney and treasurer of N.Y.C.M.) to "Dear Sirs". November 20, 1906. [reports amount in treasury of N.Y.C.M. & other financial matters, including possible property purchase]. 3. Gerow, Augusta to Mrs. [Mary S.] Kimber. November 28, 1906 [case history of one girl and what is being done for her]. 4. Kimber, Mary S. to Levi Hollingsworth Wood. November 30, 1906 [asks what to do for a specific case]. 5. Collins, Stephen W. to Levi Hollingsworth Wood. 2-9-[190]7, [Suggests new location for N.Y.C.M.]. 6. Kennedy, Gilbert F. to Levi Hollingsworth Wood. June 8, 1907 [concerns property for potential purchase by N.Y.C.M.]. 7. Traver, Frank to Levi Hollingsworth Wood. October 19, 1907 [Gives option to N.Y.C.M. on his farm]. 8. Ferris, William T. to Levi Hollingsworth Wood. November 12/07 [treasury report of N.Y.C.M.]. 9. Wald, Lillian (Henry Street Settlement House) to Dept. of Education. April 17, 1908 [Supports request of N.Y.C.M. to establish a kindergarten in their building]. 10. Forster, Dorothy to Levi Hollingsworth Wood. June 11, 1908 [concerns Fresh Air Fund — plans for sending people connected with N.Y.C.M. into the country].
Includes: 11. Talliafero and Fyfe to Levi Hollingsworth Wood. January 17, 1909 [note from two boys hoping to be placed in jobs]. 12. Kimber, Mary S to Levi Hollingsworth Wood. April 30, 1909 [says there are many Fresh Air Homes for women and children and related matters; encloses list ofcooperating agencies]. 13. Collins(?) Stephen to Levi H. Wood. June 8, 1909 [gives statement of N.Y.C.M. finances and suggests possible investments].
Includes: 14. Wald, Lillian to Caroline Wood. January 20, 1910. [accepts check to be used for district nurse.] 15. Talison (?), Anna to "my dear cousin". May 19, 1910 [tells of various charities to which Friends donate money]. 16. Jackson, William E. to Levi Hollingsworth Wood. October 27, 1910 [accepts invitation to be on debating society of N.Y.C.M. — which later became Young Men's Social and Literary Club]. 17. Whitney, J. Eugene to Levi H. Wood. November 18, 1910 [regrets that his organization which gives free classes in manual training and domestic economics cannot afford to help N.Y.C.M. with a physical training class]. 18. Barton, Joshua L. to Levi H. Wood. December 14, 1910 [reports work being accomplished in the Mission office, primarily by Mary Shober Kimber].
Includes: 19. Milne, George to Dr. J[oshua] L. Barton. June 27, 1917 ff. (4 items) [concerns the sale of N.Y.C.M. property]
Includes: 20. Collins, Stephen W. to the Trustees of the N.Y.C.M. March 28,1945. [gives information concerning available building]. 21. Helmsley, Ella to Levi Hollingsworth Wood. November 16,1948 [cites causes why N.Y.C.M. is not prospering]. 22. Forster, Dorothy to Levi H. Wood. n.d. [discusses setting up of cooking classes and evening classes]. 23. Buffum, Katherine (artist used by N.Y.C.M.) to Levi H. Wood. n.d.[has never been in a carpenter's shop, so her drawing may be lacking].
Annual meetings of the Board of Trustees of N.Y.C.M.
Annual meetings of the Board of Trustees of N.Y.C.M., includes a rough and final copy of minutes dealing with appointments of trustees; notices of meetings; account sheets presented by the treasurer
Regular and special meetings of the Board of Trustees
Regular and special meetings of the Board of Trustees
Regular and special meetings of the Board of Trustees
Regular and special meetings of the Board of Trustees, includes rough and final copy of minutes dealing with investment and property actions, treasurers reports, repairs to physical plant etc. Wrapped and standing on shelf: Board of Managers' minutes, 1865-1876; Board of Managers' and Executive Committee minutes, 1876-1887; Managers', Trustees' and Members' minutes, 1886-1914; Board of Trustees' minutes, 1877-1907.
Includes: -Annual Report of the Board of Managers, 1906 -Report by Levi Hollingsworth Wood titled "LincolnWards, Our Negro Problem in New York"
A notebook with information of placements by the Mission's Employment Agency
Includes portion of N.Y.C.M.constitution
Last will and testament of Sarah Gosmez, a former pupil of N.Y.C.M, in which she donated all of her effects not used to pay debt or funeral services to the N. Y. C. M.
Pamphlet on history of N.Y.C.M. & other small printed pieces; blueprint for building at 30th Street
Correspondence of the Young Men's Social and Literary Club, a function of the N.Y.C.M
Miscellaneous images, three in an envelope labelled "NYCM" Fresh Air Pictures
Paper entitled "The Historical Significance of the New York Colored Mission" by John Shakespeare
12 lantern slides
Includes: -Certificates of Incorporation, 1871; Document recording the sale of plot in Green-Wood Cemetery to The New York Colored Mission, 1875; Copy of 1875 law allowing change of the number of trustees; Document indicating increase to 30 and listing of the trustees, 1877; Copy of a minute allowing Stephen W. Collins, Secretary of the Board of Managers, to open graves in the Green-Wood Cemetery, 1889; By-laws of The New York Colored Mission; Document listing of the trustees, 1895; Resolution to change the day of meeting, 1905; Copy of article 7 of the by-law, 1924; Corporate resolutions, 1941; Report of General Inspection by Department of Social Welfare, 1942; Correspondence re amendment of charter, 1944; Corporate Resolutions, 1950; Certificate of Report of Existence, 1951.
Topics include: Licensing; By-laws, including by-laws from 1905; Listing of the Mission in Social Agencies directory; Liability of managers if building does not meet code; Securing more space in Green-Wood cemetery; Distribution of money from Protestant Welfare Agencies; Qualification of teachers in the Mission nursery
Records include: Building fund, building additions, building improvements, 1900-1902, 1923; 1941 list of funds; 1926 & 1928 tax information and tax exemptions; Mortgage and real estate donations to Mission, including as legatee insurance, including war damage policy, 1943; Investments, disbursements,and correspondence regarding the records.
Account book which includes names of donors and other income, funds and expenses
Includes fiscal reports from 1944-1964, not every date in range is represented
Audit reports from 1937-78, not every date in range is present
The Mission's income tax returns and other related documents
Bound volume with manuscript and typed entries. Also includes: Four typed reports of the Superintendent of NYCM, 1913; A draft of minutes of a Board meeting in 1913 with a typed resolution appended which are laid in the volume.
Loose sheets of paper with handwritten or typed minutes for the Board of Managers
Includes: reports on the Sunday School, day nursery, day camp, employment center,donations, sewing classes and other activities.
Includes: reports on the Sunday School, day nursery, day camp, employment center,donations, sewing classes and other activities.
4 black and white photographs of Sunday School groups leaving The New York Colored Mission building