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Hartshorne Family papers
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Overview and metadata sections
Collection consists largely of material collected by immediate family of Henry Hartshorne, and by Hartshorne himself. Hartshorne, 1823-1897, was the son of Dr. Joseph Hartshorne and Anna Bonsall Hartshorne, and was a physician. A graduate of Haverford College, he subsequently taught at Haverford, the University of Pennsylvania, Women's Medical College, was editor of the Friends' Review and active in Friends work in Philadelphia. He was a member of The American Philosophical Society, The Athenaeum, University Archaeological Association and other learned and civic organizations. His wife was Mary Elizabeth Brown, 1823-1887.
Papers include correspondence of thirty-two members and relatives of the Hartshorne family. Of special interest are the medical notes, articles, and correspondence, 1819-1845, of Joseph Hartshorne, M.D. These are noteworthy because of his many innovations in surgery, such as the use of animal ligatures, plus his detailed descriptions of treatments for various ailments; also, the correspondence of Anna C. Hartshorne covering her missionary work in Japan, and Henry Hartshorne's "Letters from Japan, " printed in the Friends Review, l893-1894, plus sermons, etc., given by him while in Japan with Anna, 1893-1897. The bulk of the Collection consists of the correspondence, medical papers, literary works, etc., of Henry Hartshorne, M.D., son of Joseph and father of Anna. Papers also include genealogical material on the Bonsall, Hartshorne, Saunders, Yarnall, and Cope families as well as photographs.
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- Haverford College Quaker & Special Collections
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The collection is open for research use.
- Use Restrictions
Standard Federal Copyright Laws Apply (U.S. Title 17).
Collection Inventory
11 items covering the Bonsall, Hartshorne, Saunders, Yarnall, and Cope families.
Bonsall, Charles ([maternal] uncle of Henry Hartshorne)
Letter to Henry. Cincinnati, April 4, 1879. [Writes of death of Anna B. Hartshorne, Henry's mother]
[Brown?] Anna (sister of Mary Elizabeth Brown Hartshorne)
8 items, ca. 1854.
H 3 questionable letters, signed Lizzie [n.d.], plus letters to her, from Mary Waln Wistar, East Whiteland, 1844 1845. 14 items [letters from school]
Letters to Mary E. (Brown) Hartshorne and Henry Hartshorne. St. Augustine [Fla.] 18521854. 5 items. [In Florida for his health]
Letter to him. Awbury, Jan. 24, 1884
Cope, Francis. Letters, 1881 and 1885. 2 items
Hartshorne, Albert, Secretary of Royal Archaeological Society of Great Britain and Ireland.
[London] April 12, 1882. 2 items. [Letters of introduction for brother-in-law]
Letters, 1836-1877. 25 items.
[16 letters, 1836-1843, to son Henry; one to Mary E. Brown, later wife of Henry, March 5, 1848; 8 to her sister, from Charley Forest, 1863-1877] now in box 1a.
Hartshorne, Anna C[ope], daughter of Henry. Letters from, 1889-1891.
20 items, 13 of which concern her trip to Europe, 1891.
Hartshorne, Anna C[ope]
Letters to and about, 1882-1957. [24 letters to, covering studies at Bryn Mawr, missionary work in Japan, condolences at death of father, Henry, 1882-1897; 7 items, including photographs of memorial service for Anna C. Hartshorne, Tsuda College, Japan, Nov. 3, 1957, sent to Mrs. Richard Jenney (Clementina Hartshorne Jenney) by Anna ,Cope Evans, Phila., 1958]
- To mother. May-September, 1882. [Letters written on her trip to Europe]. Ca. 50 items. - Letters to, from Doi[?], ; Hartshorne, Virginia; Kintaro, Oshima; Tokito, Seiji et al. Ca. 10 items.
Including of Anna Hartshorne, Charles Hartshorne, and Henry Hartshorne, and commonplace items. Ca. 1839-82. Ca. 20 items
Mostly of Anna Cope Hartshorne. Ca. 20 items.
Hartshorne, A E (Anna Elizabeth [Stabler], wife of Henry's brother Isaac?)
Leawood [Md.], July 21, 1880. [Inquires about school for disabled children] Hartshorne, Caroline Cope (Yarnall)
Letters to son, Edward Y. Hartshorne, 18791886. 27 items. [Include account of trip to Europe, 1882]
Also filed here: Minute of disownment from Friends, 1864.
Caroline Hartshorne to mother Anna Hartshorne, 1863. Re: decision to leave Society of Friends
Hartshorne, Charles (brother of Henry).
Letters from. 12 items, 1839-1897; plus letters to. 6 items and one obituary, 1861-1908. Hartshorne, Charles H .
Holdenby, Northampton, 1859-1861.4 items.
Hartshorne, Charles R (nephew of Henry) 4 items, Brighton, Md.,1886.
Hartshorne, Edward (brother of Henry)
10 items. [9 letters from, Phila., ca. 1852-1884, family and medical matters; letter of April 8, 1882, tells of a "blackballing" of female candidate for membership in the Philadelphia County Medical Society. Also filed here: obituary notice, June 23, 1885]
Hartshorne, Edward Y[arnall] (?)
16 items [8 letters from, 1883-1897, including one enclosing clippings about Henry Hartshorne's death; plus letter to, Nov. 2, 1908, from James Aylward Develin, Mortgage Trust Co. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, expressing sympathy at death of his father, Charles Hartshorne; to EYH from w. Penn Shipley, 1887
[British relative] 4 items, 1864-1868.
Hartshorne, Francis C[ope], nephew of Henry.
Letter to Henry H., Merion, Nov. 26 [ca. 1888] [Wants advice in choosing career]
Hartshorne, Isaac (brother of Henry) 11 items (letters), 1836-1888.
Hartshorne, Jane (sister of Henry) 16 items, 1836-1839 and [n.d.]
- Letter to Joseph Hartshorne from Dr. F. A. Van Dyke, Abington, Feb. 6, 1819. [Praises Hartshorne for first use of animal ligatures in surgery] - Case notes and correspondence, concerning treatment of tetanus. 4 items, ca. 1819-1824. - Letter from Joseph Hartshorne, Phila., May 16, 1820, to Dr. Jackson of Northumberland, concerning treatment of spinal curvature. - Letter from John A. Elkinton, Haddonfield, Feb. 18, 1823, to Joseph Hartshorne, concerning use of nux vomica in prescriptions. - Letter from H. McMurtrie, Phila., Oct. 8, 1824, to J.H., requesting permission to use illustration of his apparatus for treating leg fractures, in a forthcoming medical book. - Extract from the Western Quarterly Reporter, describing J.H.'s fracture apparatus. - Correspondence with Dr. A. Hays, of Carlisle, about one of Dr. Hays's patients. 2 items, Nov. 1416, 1825. [J.H.'s letter of` Nov. 16 speaks of dangers of using patent medicines] - Letter from J.H. to Edward De Krafft, of Washington. Phila., Sept. 10, 1826. [Discusses Mr. De K.'s case, but declines to prescribe without seeing him] - Letter from Jos. H. to Dr. S. L. Howell, Phila., April 11, 1827, discussing treatment of menstrual cramps. - Letter to Jos. H. from Dr. Dudley Atkins of Newburyport, Oct. 7, 1827, asking advice about treatment of a growth on end of child's spine. - Letter (copy) from Jos. H. to Dr. Arnault, Feb. 26, 1828, discussing treatment of child with possible heart disease, suggests many remedies, in case it is not heart disease, but hepatitis, or something else. - Notes and correspondence with Dr. Thomas Cocke, of New York, 4 mo., 1828, concerning a Mrs. C. Laing (Lane) of New York, patient of Dr. Cocke's, who consulted Dr. H. while in Phila. and continued treatment under Dr. Cocke after return home, eventually developing erysipilas. 4 items. - Notes of treatment for diabetes, recommended for Hugh Kennedy of Hagerstown, Md., May 28, 1829. 1 item. - Notes and correspondence on treatment of cholera. 6 items, ca. l832-1849. - Notes and correspondence on use of iodine in medicines. 4 items, ca. 1841-1844. - Letter from Jos. H., Phila., Nov. 11, 1845, to J. N. Shotwell, discussing treatment of his daughter for consumption and enclosing three prescriptions. 2 items.
- Prescriptions. 3 items, 1822-1823. - Medical paper, on inflammation, etc. - Medical paper about various experiments on nature of life, nervous impulses, etc., plus notes on discussion of LeGallois' experiments. 2 items [n.d.] - Medical notes, reports, observations, etc. 9 items. [Include notes on revaccination]
2 items: Memorial to Ann Leaver, died, 1777; also, letter from Jos. H. to cousin, Joseph H. Coates, Alexandria, [Va.], discussing future of Jos.'s son William.Phila., Jan. 15, 1837.
Letters to uncle, Henry, Pottstown, 9mo. 30, 1886, and Phila., Jan. 6, 1888. 2 items.
Hartshorne, Mary Bonsall (sister of Henry) 2 items.
Letter to aunt, Jane M. Plummer, Mt. Pleasant, Ohio. Phila.,9mo. 6, 1829. [Informs her of birth of brother, Charles Hartshorne]
Letter (in French) to brother [Henry] Phila., Dec. 31, 1833.
Hartshorne, Mary Elizabeth (Brown), wife of Henry.
Letters from her, to various members of family. 53 items, ca. 1856-1886. [Include two from trip abroad, 1859; some undated ones, to daughters, in middle]
Letter to her, from Gulielma and Edward W. Howland. Paris, 6mo. 13, 1859.
Hartshorne, Virginia (adopted daughter of Henry and Mary Brown)
-Note to her, signed E.A. M. G. [n.p., n.d.]
-Letters from her, one [n.d.] to "Aunt E." from abroad; remainder, to sister Anna 1882-1895. 8 items.
- Correspondence (copies) with George Washington. 3 items, 1797. [Concerns Washington's subscription to the building of a bridge in Alexandria] - 2 letters to Samuel Coates, 1793. Added, 1972. [Yellow Fever] - Letter to Henry (in French), Alexandria, Feb. 11, 1836.
Letters to Henry, 1878-1895. 4 items. W. D. Hartshorne's letter from Brighton, Md., Sept. 11, 1878, has P.S., saying he has a working telephone line between home and store; also he has thought of two possible ways to transmit a picture by wire and is thinking of writing to Edison.
Jan 22, 1877. 1 letter
Scofield, Jane (Hartshorne), sister of Henry, and William, her husband
Letters from Jane to brother Henry: 3 from Charley Forest (Quaker compund in Montgomery County, Maryland, April 14-Sept. 10, 1880; one [n.p.] Feb. 7, 1885. Letter from Jane to sister-in-law, Mary (Brown) Hartshorne. Charley Forest, Nov. 23, 1886. Letters from William Scofield to Henry.Sandy Spring, Md., 7mo. 19, 1879 Sept. 6, 1881. 3 items.
Stewardson, Thomas, cousin of Mary (Brown) Hartshorne. Letters, mainly to Mary H., concerning business matters. 18 items, [n.d.] and ca. 1882-1890.
Yarnall, Caroline Rachel (Cope), 1802-1881. Letter to daughter, Caroline Cope (Yarnall) Hartshorne. Charley Forest (Montgomery county, Maryland), May. 27, 1877. [Has covering letter from Jane H. Scofield on back]
- To father, Dr. Joseph Hartshorne (in Latin). Haverford, Aug. 5, 1836. - 1848-1850, to wife, Mary Elizabeth (Brown), 1823-1887. [Two written before marriage; one shortly after] - To mother (Anna Bonsall). Matlock Bath, Derbyshire, July 8, 1859. - To a Unitarian friend. [n.p.] Oct. 3, 1864. [Religious discussion] - To A. Shipley [n.p.] 12mo. 7, 1866. [About baptism] - To Dental College. [n.p.] 5mo. 12, 1867. [Accepts lectureship] - Memorandum of verbal agreement with Board of Managers, Haverford College, 7mo., 1867. [Terms of his appointment to faculty] - Letters to Henry T. Coates, James Whitall, James E. Rhoads, and others connected with Haverford College, concerning the state and needs of the College and his dismissal from its faculty; also, memo to self, [ca. 1870] citing his versatility and many achievements. 9 items, Dec. 21, 1865 7mo. 13, 1871. - To Francis Cope. Edge Grove (Quaker outpost in Loudon County, Virginia 3mo. 26, 1872. [Speaks of his own reaction to dismissal from Haverford.] - To wife. Lynn, 11mo. 20, 1873. - To James E. Rhoads (extract) [n.p.] 2mo., 1874. - To William L. Edwards. Phila., 8mo. 4, 1874. [Concerns his position re plain dress, for which he had been admonished in Quarterly Meeting] - To George J. Scattergood. Haverford College, 8mo. 27, 1874. [Also concerns plain dress] - To Joseph Walton. Haverford College, 9mo. 15, 1874. - To Luke Woodward (copy) Phila., 10mo. 8, 1874. - To Prof. J. H. Dillingham (copy) Haverford College, 12mo. 29, 1874. [Concerns salary at Haverford]
- To "Dear Frank," [Francis Cope] Haverford College, 1mo. 31, 1875. [Summarizes financial affairs] - To Emmor Haines. Phila., 3mo. 24, 1875. [Concerns editorial policy of Friends Review.] - To Samuel Alsop. Haverford, 6mo. 1, 1875. [Concerns salary at Haverford] - To Edward L. Scull (copy) Haverford, 6mo. 3, 1875. [Concerns plans for new building at Haverford] - To Thomas Chase (copy) Haverford College, 8mo. 21, 1875. [Concerns teaching schedule for his physiology and hygiene courses at Haverford] - To David B. Updegraff (copy) Haverford College, 10mo. 9, 1875. [Criticizes Meeting led by Updegraff in Richmond, Ind., which H.H. attended.] - To Augustine Jones (copy) Haverford College, 10mo. 17, 1875. [Concerns H.H.'s views on prophetic doctrine] - To F. C. Stanley. Phila. 10mo. 18, 1875. [Concerns effect on Western Meetings of article in Friends Review] - To David B. Updegraff. Haverford College, 11mo. 1875. - To Dr. Charles Evans. Haverford College, 12mo. 5, 1875. [Discusses editorial remarks in the Friend.] - To David B. Updegraff (copy) Phila., 1mo. 17, 1876. - To Charles Yarnall (copy) [Phila.] 1mo. 18, 1876. - To David B. Updegraff. Haverford College, 1mo. 18, 1876. [Concerns meaning of term, "Sanctification"] - To David B. Updegraff. [n.p.] 2mo. 6, 1876. - To Thomas Kimber. Haverford College, 2mo. 20, 1876. [Urges care and moderation in Gospel labor] - To William H. Ladd. Phila., 2mo. 21, 1876. [Defends article by Edward D. Cope, in Friends Review, on "Conversion of Early Friends"] - To Samuel Emlen. Haverford College, 5mo. 8, 1876. [Discusses doctrine of Sanctification] - To Thomas W. Ladd (copy) Haverford College, 5mo. 15, 1976. [Concerns attitude of Friends Review on question of Yearly Meeting adopting Queries for Ministers and Elders] - To Charles Rhoads. Haverford College, 5mo. 20, 1876. [Concerns remarks at Yearly Meeting and attitude of Phila. Yearly Meeting generally; defends own position in giving up plain dress; pleads for greater tolerance among friends for each other's differing views] - Memo of sentence in letter to R. B. Howland, 7mo. 1876. [Suggests self as President and Prof. of Moral and Mental Philosophy and Social Science at Howland School, Union Springs, N.Y.] - To Thomas Kimber, Jr. (copy) Phila. 7mo. 18, 1876. [Answers criticisms of Friends Review] - To Robert B. Howland (rough draft) Phila., 8mo. 16, 1876. [Retracts letter written at Catskill, concerning possible job as head of Howland School, and eagerly accepts same, subject to R. B. H.'s confirmation] - To Robert B. Howland. Haverford College, 8mo. 21, 1876. [Speaks of salary expected and date when could arrive] - To Robert B. Howland. Haverford College, 4mo. 21, 1876. [Making plans for move to Union Springs] - To George Howland, Jr. Howland School, Union Springs, 12mo. 1, 1876 [Tells of financial plight of School; asks help] - To George Howland, Jr. (copy) Union Springs, 2mo. 4, 1877. [Pleads for keeping School open another year, to see how it goes] - To George Howland, Jr. (rough draft) [Union Springs] 2mo. 5, 1877. [Advocates reduced fees, as a way of attracting scholars; urges continuation of School for another year; suggests advertising] - To George Howland, Jr. (copy) Union Springs, 2mo. 11, 1877. [About School budget, continuance, etc.] - To Dr. S. Weir Mitchell. Phila., 5mo. 15, 1877. [Concerns appointment to professorship at Pennsylvania Medical College; also, Mitchell's answer] 3 items. - To James E. Rhoads. Union Springs, N.Y., 3mo. 14, 1878. Also filed here, James Rhoads's reply. Germantown, Phila., 3mo. 9, 1878. [Concern Society of Friends and its ails] - To graduating scholars (copy) Howland School, 6mo. 24, 1878. [Thanks them for gift; expresses sadness at parting] - To Dr. J. E. Richardson. Germantown, Phila., 11mo. 7, 1878. [Argues that yellow fever is not contagious] - To Board of Trustees, Jefferson Medical College. Phila., 2mo. 5, 1879. [Applies for place on faculty. Also filed here, two additional letters, to Prof. J. Da Costa and Dr. E. Wallace, Germantown, 2mo. 13, 1879, asking their support.] - To Dr. W. W. Keen. Germantown, Phila., 2mo. 10, 1879 2mo. 17, 1879. 2 items. - To Prof. S. D. Gross. Germantown, Phila., 3mo. 16, 1879. [Concerns vacancy on faculty at Jefferson Medical College] - To W. C. Baker. Germantown, Phila., 3mo. 18, 1879. [Discusses malaria and ways to combat it in swampy ground] - To Prof. J. A. Meigs. Germantown, 3mo. 23, 1879. [Concerns vacancy on faculty at Jefferson Medical College] - To Samuel R. Shipley. Germantown, 4mo. 5, 1879. [Concerns possible job as medical examiner for the Provident Life and Trust Co.] - To Dr. James E. Rhoads. [n.p.] 4mo. 9, 1879. [Concerns controversial opinions of David B. Updegraff] - To editors of the Christian Union. [ca. 1879] [Also on Updegraff's opinions] - To Hannah Whitall Smith. [Germantown] 6mo., 1879. [Concerns raise in tuition of school he runs] - To Lloyd _____ [Germantown] 6mo., 1879. [Also re tuition] - To Dr. W. S. Forbes. [Germantown] 6mo. 7, 1879. [Agrees with Harvey's theory of circulation of blood] - To Dr. J. M. Da Costa. [Germantown] 11mo. 13, 1879. [Offers self to fill vacancy on faculty of Jefferson Medical College] - To W. W. Knox (copy) Germantown, Phila., 7mo. 12, 1879. [Declines to keep his daughter as pupil]
- To Dr. James E. Rhoads. Germantown, 2mo. 26, 1880. [Advocates free discussion of religious questions among Friends] - To Surgeon J. S. Billings, U.S.A. Germantown, 3mo. 1, 1880. [Concerns hygiene precautions at U.S. ports] - To Frank _____ [Germantown] 3mo. 16, 1880. [Concerns distribution of family property] [Francis Cope] - To Dr. J. C. LeHardy. Germantown, 3mo. 17, 1880. [Discusses quarantine regulations] - To Frank [Francis Cope] [Germantown] 3mo. 20, 1880. [Discusses distribution of family property] - To Surgeon J. S. Billings, U.S.A. [Germantown] 4mo. 3, 1880. [Discusses Bill to increase efficiency of National Board of Health (quarantine)] - To Frank [Francis Cope] [Germantown] 4mo. 5, 1880. [Concerns distribution of family property] - To Henry C. Lea's Son & Co. Germantown, 4mo. 24, 1880. - To Frank [Francis Cope] [Germantown] 5mo. 9, 1880. - To J. M. Gummey & Sons. Germantown 6mo. 9, 1880. - To M. M. White. Germantown, 6mo. 10, 1880. [Says giving up his school] - Memo re engaging rooms for family, at Jamestown, R.I. 6mo. 14, 1880. - Letter to Joel Bean. Germantown, 6mo. 15, 1880. [Theological discussion] - To Mrs. H. W. Anthony [Sarah B.D Downs] (copy) Germantown, Phila., 6mo. 19, 1880. [Cancels reservation for rooms at seashore] - To Mrs. I. O. Morgan. Germantown, 6mo. 22, 1880. - To Mary (wife) Lake Minnewaska, New Paltz, N.Y., 7mo. 9, 1880. - To Potter & Seymour. Germantown, 7mo. 10, 1880. [Real estate deal] - To J. M. Gummey & Sons. Old Orchard, Me., 7mo. 24, 1880. [Real estate] - To Thomas Kimber. Germantown, Phila., 8mo. 24, 1880. [Discusses Thomas Kimber's pamphlet, theological questions] - To editor of Public Ledger. Germantown, Phila., 8mo. 25, 1880. [Concerns Dr. H. C. Wood's ideas on vivisection, etc.] - To James Whitall. [Germantown] 9mo. 16, 1880. [Thanks him for supporting his school] - To Philip C. Garrett. Germantown, 11mo. 16, 1880. [Says he would accept presidency of Bryn Mawr, if it were offered him] - Benjamin R. Shoemaker. Germantown, 11mo. 20, 1880. - To De Haven & Townsend. Germantown, 1mo. 8, 1881. [Stock purchase] - To editor of The Nation. Germantown, Phila., 1mo. 23, 1881. [Defends Henry C. Lea and Himself against charge of plagiarism] - To J. M. Gummey & Sons. Germantown, 5mo. 9, 1881. - To Dr. G. W. C. James. Germantown, Phila., 5mo. 11, 1881. [Report on his examination of one of Dr. J.'s patients] - To Dr. F. A. Castle. Germantown, 5mo. 14, 1881. [Discussion of naphthas] - To J. M. Gummey & Sons. Germantown, 6mo. 7, 1881. - To Dr. Gerhard. Germantown, Phila., 8mo. 7, 1881. [Suggests modification in treatment of Charles and Edward Hartshorne] - To H. C. Lea's Son & Co. Germantown, Phila., 9mo. 19, 1881. [Concerns contract for publishing his book on home medicine] - To Philip C. Garrett. Germantown, Phila., 10mo. 6, 1881. [Offers self as interim president for Bryn Mawr; discusses Garfield's assassination] - To Philip C. Garrett. Germantown, 10mo. 9, 1881. - To James Whitall. [Germantown, 10mo. 24, 1881. [Repeats offer made to P. C. Garrett, of self for president of Bryn Mawr] - To B. C. Lea's Son & Co. Germantown, 11mo. 10, 1881. [Concerns payment for a proposed book] - To Dr. James E. Rhoads (extract) Germantown, 11mo. 20, 1881. [Concerns their division of duties as coeditors of Friends Review] - To Sarah W. Rhoads Germantown, 12mo. 11, 1881. - To William C. Lawton. Germantown, Phila., 3mo. 28, 1882. [Concerns religious belief] - To Dr. Patterson. Germantown, 5mo. 22, 1882. [Concerns treatment of T. S. Brown, alcoholic relative of H. H.] - To Tom (T. S. Brown, relative) Germantown, 5mo. 25, 1882. - To Frank (Francis Cope) [Germantown] 5mo. 28, 1882. [Answers charge of meddling in treatment of T. S. Brown] - To Dr. J. K. Patterson. Germantown, 5mo. 30, 1882. [Further discussion of T. S. Brown and use of alcohol generally] - To Dr. White. Germantown, 7mo. 23, 1882. - To John Greenleaf Whittier. Germantown, Phila., 9mo. 1, 1882. [Apologizes for doubting his religious soundness and continues to differ on value of creeds] (manuscript and 2 typescript copies) 3 items. - To John G. Whittier (copy) Germantown, Phila., 9mo. 8, 1882. [Continues to differ about value of "creeds"; apologizes again for any injustice, (manuscript and 2 typescript copies) 3 items.
-Also filed here: Letter (carbon copy) from Edward D. Snyder to Frederick B. Tolles, ed. Bulletin of Friends Historical Assoc., Swarthmore College. [Haverford, Pa.] Mar. 1, 1960. [Tells of letters of Whittier and Hartshorne, concerning Whittier's religious doctrine, recently acquired by Haverford College. Offers article on them for Bulletin.]
-Article, "Whittier and the Unitarians," also here. - To Chief Commissioner Baldwin, Dept. of Highways. Germantown, 9mo. 19, 1882.[Complaint about garbage collection] - To David B. Updegraff. Germantown, 9mo. 26, 1882.[Answers complaint about comments in Friends Review; urges him to change position] - To Charles Hartshorne. Phila., 10mo. 1, 1882.[Note, receipted, for Anna C. Hartshorne's traveling expenses] - To John St. C. Brookes. Germantown, 10mo. 613, 1882. 3 items.[Concern possible law suit about an inheritance] - To Prof. R. C. Kedzie, M.D., Pres. American Public Health Assoc., Phila., 10mo. 15, 1882. [Urges efforts to get a yellow fever quarantine lifted] - To [Luke Woodward] [Germantown] 11mo. 16, 1882. - To David B. Updegraff. Germantown, 11mo. 17, 1882. [Discusses their differences]
- To W. H. Garrigues. Germantown, 4mo. 9, 1883. [Concerns discussion of alcohol in elementary Lessons] - To James Whitall. Germantown, 5mo. 7, 1883. [Concerns financial arrangements for H. H., as editor of Friends Review - To Cyrus W. Harvey, ed. of the Western Friend. Phila., 6mo., 3, 1883. [Displeased at calling David B. Updegraff and Dougan Clark "liars"] - To James Whitall. Germantown, 6mo. 10, 1883. [Discusses financial and other arrangements of Friends Review] - To Dr. Richard Randolph. Germantown, 9m. 2, 1883. [Declines to publish letter with Hicksite leanings] - To Mr. Carson. Germantown, 9mo. 3, 1883. [Discusses settling of Miss Stewardson's will, of which his wife is a legatee] - To Dr. Dougan Clark. Germantown, 9mo. 8, 1883. [Discusses differences of doctrine] - To Dr. Dougan Clark. Germantown, 9mo. 12, 1883. [Discusses differences of doctrine] - To William H. Ladd. Phila., 12mo. 26, 1883. [Condolences on loss of son] - To D. Scull, Jr. (postscript to a letter) [n.p.] 12mo. 20, 1883. [Discusses financial arrangements about publishing] - To John Henry Douglas. Phila., 12mo. 20, 1883. [Discusses doctrine of Sanctification] - To A. M. Purdy. Phila., 12mo. 28, 1883. [Answers criticism] - To J. Henry Douglas. Germantown, 1mo. 4, 1884. [Discusses baptism] - To W. H. S. Wood. Germantown, 1mo. 10, 1884. [Explains policy of Friends Review in regard to D. B. Updegraff, Luke Woodard, et al] - To Charles L. Gummey. [Germantown] 2mo. 2, 1884. [Real estate] - To John Henry Douglas. Phila., 3mo. 9, 1884. [Discusses doctrine of Salvation] - To Dr. James E. Rhoads. Phila., 3mo. 17, 1884. [Concerns Bryn Mawr and possible appointment for H. H.] - To [Dr. James E. Rhoads] Germantown, 3mo. 25, 1884. [Concerns James Rhoads's resignation as editor of Friends Review, and his own desire to leave it] - To John Henry Douglas. Phila., 4mo. 26, 1884. [Concerns points of doctrine on which they differ] - To John Henry Douglas. Phila., 5mo. 19, 1884. [Placating letter] - To Samuel Emlen. Germantown, 5mo. 20, 1884. [Discusses salvation] - To H. C. Lea's Son & Co. Germantown, 6mo. 14, 1884. [Discusses publication of medical book] - To Messrs. Harper & Brothers. Germantown, 8mo. 1884. [Discusses publication of medical text book] - To Messrs. Harper & Brothers. Germantown, 8mo. 29, 1884. - To Rachel H. Hopkins. Phila., 9mo. 14, 1884. [Discusses state of spiritual things among Friends] - To Dr. I. M. Hays, ed. the Medical News. Germantown, 9mo. 15, 1884. [Demands apology in Medical News for remarks concerning his own paper on "the Cholera Conference at Berlin"] - To Dr. James E. Rhoads. Germantown, 10mo. 19, 1884. [Withdraws application for place on Bryn Mawr faculty; criticizes the announced curriculum] - To Samuel P. Godwin, C. J. Gibbons, et al. Germantown, 11mo. 21, 1884. [Gives views on Prohibition] - To Contributors of the Friends Review. Phila., 11mo. 25, 1884. [Report on the state of the paper] - To William L. Bailey. Phila., 1mo. 10, 1885. [Discusses differences of opinion] - To Marcus Mote. Phila., 1mo. 23, 1885. - To William L. Bailey. Phila., 1mo. 23, 1885. - To Luke Woodard. Phila., 1mo. 26 2mo. 8, 1885. 2 items. [Discusses theological differences] - To Dr. James E. Rhoads. Germantown, 2mo. 18, 1885. [expresses displeasure at small number of active Friends on newly formed Bryn Mawr faculty] - To Dr. James E. Rhoads. Germantown, 2mo. 21, 1885. [Says if Bryn Mawr is not to be a true Quaker College, it should never have been started] - To Thomas Kimber. Germantown, 3mo. 1, 1885. [Discusses state of Society of Friends] - To John T. Dorland. Phila., 3mo. 6, 1885. [Discusses differences of opinion] - To Thomas Clark. Phila., 3mo. 16, 1885. [Discusses D. B. Updegraff; says he should either recant or resign] - To Dr. James E. Rhoads. Phila., 4mo. 3, 1885. [Criticizes Bryn Mawr curriculum] - To Van Antwerp, Bragg & Co. Germantown, 6mo. 4, 1885. [Offers his textbook on Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene, for publication] - To same. 6mo. 12, 1885. [Further describes textbook] - To Barnabas C. Hobbs. Phila., 7mo. 7, 1885. [Theological discussion] - To D. Appleton & Co. Germantown, 8mo. 12, 1885. [Describes his text book] - To Samuel Morris. Germantown, 8mo. 27, 1885. [Requests use of Friends' School House for FirstDay School and Bible Class] - To editors of Christian Witness and Advocate. Phila., 9mo. 10, 1885. [Gives corrections of misstatements in their article on "The Quakers"] - To Dr. William Osler. Germantown, 10mo. 3, 1885. [Takes issue with Osler's criticism of his article, discussing the germ theory] - To Benjamin Nicholson. Phila., 10mo. 5, 1885. [Upholds Bible Schools; deplores overly traditional elements in Phila. Yearly Mtg.] - To Oliver Owen. Germantown, 10mo. 7, 1885. [Discusses differences between Quakerism and Episcopalianism] - To David B. Updegraff. Phila., 10mo. 16, 1885. [Discourages idea of debate in the Friends Review; says D. B. U. does not belong in the Society of Friends] - To Samuel Morris. Germantown, 10mo. 16, 1885. [Thanks him for considering the idea of using Friends' School House for Bible classes; idea not accepted, as yet] - To D. C. Heath Co. Germantown, 10mo. 22 11mo. 10, 1885. 3 items. [Discusses possible revisions of his textbook] - To Joseph Rhoads. Phila., 11mo. 17, 1885. [Thanks for praise of Friends Review; comments on state of affairs in Ohio Yearly Mtg.] - Memo of note sent to D. C. Heath Co., enclosing note from Lea Bros. about use of their illustrations, plus extract from Lea Bros. note. 3 items, 11mo. 18, 1885. - To D. C Heath & Co. Germantown, 11mo. 30, 1885. [Concerns publication of his book] - To Frank [Francis Cope, brotherinlaw] [n.p.] 1mo. 4, 1886. [Thanks him for poem, New Year's greeting, praising H. H.] - To Mr. Williams (copy) Germantown, 1mo. 6, 1886. [Thanks him for good review of his book; sends him an earlier one, the "Curse of Coquetry"] - To Joseph Walton. Germantown, Phila., 1mo. 22, 1886. - To A. M. Purdy. Phila., 1mo. 30, 1886. [Declines to be influenced by him, even though he is a subscriber to the Friends Review] - To John Y. Hoover. Phila., 3mo. 2, 1886. [Discusses doctrine of Sanctification] - To O[liver] W[endell] Holmes. Germantown, Phila., 2mo. 8, 1886. [Sends him a book of H. H.'s poems for criticism] - To same. 2mo. 11, 1886. [Thanks him for on comments on poems] - To W. V McKean [Phila. Ledger] Germantown, 2mo. 21, 1886. [Advocates shorter hours for teachers and scholars] - To A. M. Purdy. Phila., 2mo. 3, 1886. [Acknowledges cancellation of his subscription to Friends Review; says they will publish an article of his, just received, very soon] - To Dr. Charles H. Thomas. Germantown, 3mo. 15, 1886. [Advises him on how to forward a cause in which he is opposed by several determined men] - To Sophia R. Haines. Germantown, 3mo. 29, 1886. - To George J. Scattergood. Germantown, Phila., 4mo. 4, 1886. [Defends women Friends' missionary work] - To D. C. Heath & Co. Germantown, Phila., 4mo. 15, 1886. - To the Independent. Germantown, Phila., 4mo. 15, 1886. - To Samuel Emlen. Germantown, Phila., 4mo. 19, 1886. [expresses displeaure at spiritual state of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting] - To same. 4mo. 25, 1886. [Says Phila. Yearly Meeting is so bound up in tradition, it must change or die] - To D. C. Heath & Co. Germantown, Phila., 4mo. 26, 1886. - To U. L. Pearson. Phila., 4mo. 27, 1886. [Discusses importance of training for the ministry] - To D. C. Heath & Co. Germantown, 5mo. 6, 1886. [Concerns publication of book] - To Luke Woodard. Phila., 5mo. 817, 1886. [Concerning baptism] 2 items. - To Mr. Cohn. Germantown, 5mo. 19, 1886. - To William L. Pearson. Phila., 5mo. 20, 1886. [Discusses requirements for Friends' ministers] - To D. C. Heath & Co. Germantown, 5mo. 23, 1886. [Disagrees with examiner of his book] - To Luke Woodard. Phila., 5mo. 23, 1886. [More about baptism] - To Adam Spencer. Phila., 5mo. 27, 1886. [Answers complaint against his editorial opinions on western controversy] - To Charles Rhoads. Phila., 7mo. 15, 1886. [Concerns property dispute between Philadelphia Yearly Meeting and North Carolina Y.M.; also, Ohio Separation of 1854] - To Dr. James E. Rhoads. Germantown, 7mo. 19, 1886. [Discusses passage in letter from James Rhoads to Friends Review; asks for clarification of it] - To Adam Spencer. Phila., 7mo. 24, 1886. [Further discussion on conflict between Western Meetings] - To Charles Rhoads. Phila., 7mo. 27, 1886. [Concerns Phila. Y. M. recognition of one Western body, after Ohio Separation, 1854, and subsequent suspension of recognition] - To Cyrus Sing. Phila., 7mo. 28, 1886. [Concerns property division between two factions of Canada Yearly Meeting] - To Adam Spencer. Phila., 8mo. 19, 1886. [Tells of efforts to help settle property dispute between two halves of [Ohio] Yearly Meeting; mentions David B Updegraff] - To M. F. Bonzano. Germantown, 8mo. 23, 1886. [Complains about cutting of grass on railroad embankment behind his home] - To Joseph F. Edwards, M.D. Germantown, 9mo. 10, 1886. - To John Butler. Germantown, 9mo. 14, 1886. [Asks information on reorganization of Ohio Yearly Meeting] - To Thomas Kimber. Germantown, 9mo. 15, 1886. [Discusses H. H.'s editorial comments on upheavals in Ohio, Indiana, and Western Yearly Meetings] - To William Tallack. Phila., 9mo. 24, 1886. [Defends American prison system, as demonstrated by the Eastern Penitentiary in Phila.] - To Thomas Kimber. Germantown, 9mo. 28, 1886. [wants a conference of Yearly Meetings to settle differences] - To Oliver White (copy) Phila., 10mo. 11, 1886. - To Mary (wife) Lake Mohonk, N.Y., 10mo. 13, 1886. - To E. J. Scott. Phila., 10mo. 24, 1886. [Discusses differences between Friends Review and Christian Worker] - To D. B. Updegraff. Phila., 10mo. 28, 1886. [Deplores his departure from Friends' beliefs and attempt to lead Friends after him] - To Dr. J. J. Reese. Germantown, 11mo. 16, 1886. [Discourages idea of H. H. resuming a teaching job at University of Pennsylvania] - To Dr. S. Weir Mitchell. Germantown, 11mo. 24, 1886. [Applies for job at UPenn, which he had already held, 1866-76] - Memo, 2mo. 5, 1887. Records various activities that keep him busy: lecturing, teaching, editing, correspondence, etc. - Letter to John Henry Douglas. Germantown, Phila., 2mo. 12, 1887. [Discusses paid ministry among Friends, as proposed in Iowa Yearly Meeting] - To A. Lovell & Co. Germantown, Phila., 2mo. 18, 1887. [Concerns publication of his book on physiology and Hygiene] - To Dr. Charles H. Thomas. Germantown, 3mo. 9, 1887. [Discusses patient of Dr. Thomas, who has morphine addiction] - To Isaac Sharpless. Germantown, 4mo. 6, 1887 5mo. 16, 1887. [Discusses qualifications for professorship at Haverford] 2 items. - To Luke Woodard. Germantown, Phila., 6mo. 5, 1887. [Differs with him about J. Rendel Harris's views, doctrine of instant sanctification, and singing in meetings for worship] - To Mr. Bonzano. Germantown, 6mo. 9, 1887. [Complains of cutting of grass on railroad embankment behind his home] - To Jonathan De Voll. Phila., 6mo. 15, 1887. [Wants permission to cut remarks about "instantaneous sanctification" from his article, before publishing in Friends Review] - To Luke Woodard. Phila., 6mo. 15, 1887. [Disagrees with him on Rendel Harris, sanctification, etc.] - To Joseph Potts. [n.p.] 6mo. 23, 1887. [Discusses idea of calling or appointing pastors for Friends' Meetings] - To Jonathan De Voll. [n.p.] 6mo. 25, 1887. [Thanks him for allowing cut in his manuscript; continues discussion of sanctification] - To daughter, Anna. Wingohocking, 7mo. 20, 1887. - To John Butler. Phila., 7mo. 21, 1887. [Speaks of need to settle conflict in Ohio Yearly Meeting] - To Oliver White. Phila., 7mo. 21, 1887. [Wants to hire him to report on Ohio Y.M. for Friends Review] - To David H. Lane. Phila., 8mo. 2, 1887. [Speaks against instantaneous sanctification] - To A. Lovell. Dimock, Susquehanna Co., Pa., 8mo. 22, 1887. - To J. S. Sewell. Phila., 8mo. 28, 1887. [Explains seriousness of conflict in American Quakerism, especially in Western States] - To Calvin H. Wasson. Phila., 8mo. 29, 1887. - To Isaac Sharpless (copy of concluding part) [n.p.] 9mo. 14, 1887. [Wants to withdraw from appointment to Haverford faculty, because he has just learned that it is for one year only] - To Isaac Sharpless. Germantown, 9mo. 16, 1887. [Confirms wish to withdraw; offers to lecture twice a week] - To Howard Comfort, secy. Bd. of Mgrs. Haverford College. Germantown, 9mo. 17, 1887. [Explains position in withdrawing from appointment] - To George A. Milne. Germantown, Phila., 10mo. 2, 1887. - To editor of Public Ledger. Germantown, 10mo. 11, 1887. [Contradicts paper's position on cholera quarantine, in New York; says cholera is not personally contagious] - To Joseph Hill. Phila., 10mo. 14, 1887. [Concerns instant sanctification] - To Mr. Foulke. [n.p.] 10mo. 16, 1887. [Wants to give up presidency of Science and Art Club, because of recent "domestic affliction"] - To Joseph Hill. Phila., 10mo. 30, 1887. [Discusses instant sanctification] - To Cyrus W. Harvey, ed. of Western Friend. Phila., 10mo. 31, 1887. [Denies remarks attributed to him by Western Friend] - To Dr. G. C. Harlan. Germantown, 12mo. 2, 1887. - To Cyrus W. Harvey, ed. of Western Fiend. Phila., 12mo. 2, 1887. [Demands correction, in Western Friend, of misquoted letter]
- To Bishop A. C. Coxe. Phila., 2mo. 3, 1888. - To Dr. William Osler. Germantown, 2mo. 3, 1888. - To John W. Barr. Germantown, 2mo. 8, 1888. [Accepts invitation to Temperance Party conference and reception] - To H. R. Billings. Wingohocking, Germantown, Phila., 2mo. 10, 1888. - To Mr. Cohn. Germantown, 2mo. 17, 1888. - To Lloyd J. Caldwell. Phila., 2mo. 25, 1888. [Sends statistics on friends in America] - Martha H. Garrett. Germantown, 2mo. 25, 1888. - To W. Rutter & Co. Germantown, 3mo. 19, 1888. - To Richard M. Jones (of William Penn Charter School) Germantown, 4mo. 7, 1888. [Makes suggestions for scientific part of curriculum] - To Mary Snowden Thomas. Germantown, Phila., 4mo. 21, 1888. - To Isaac Sharpless. Germantown, 6mo. 1619, 1888. [Justifies criticisms of Haverford as efforts to help] 2 items. - To Jonathan B. Hodgkin. Phila., 7mo. 11, 1888. - To George A. Milne. Phila., 7mo. 11, 1888. - To Samuel B. Huey. Germantown, 7mo. 17, 1888. [Concerns qualifications for possible principalship of Central High School] - To Biddle Hardware Co. Phila., 7mo. 27, 1888. [Recommends Philip Dymond for employment] - Jonathan B. Hodgkin. Phila., 8mo. 7, 1888. [Discusses redemption, etc.] - To editor of The Nation. Germantown, Phila., 8mo. 8, 1888. - To Samuel B. Huey. Germantown, 8mo. 15, 1888. [Withdraws tentatively as candidate for Presidency of Central High School] - To Anna. Wingohocking. 9. 8. 88. - To Joseph Dickinson. Phila., 9mo. 11, 1888. - To Lea Brothers & Co. Germantown, 9mo. 18, 1888. - To George A. Milne. Phila., 9mo. 18, 1888. - To Samuel B. Huey. Germantown, 10mo. 2, 1888. [Withdraws absolutely as candidate for Pres. of Central High School] - To Samuel B. Huey. Germantown, 10mo. 8, 1888. [Makes recommendations about curriculum of High School: No electives to be allowed, and no altering of the High School to make it preparatory for the University; University, as lesser body, should adapt to High School. "Such are the clear 'indications' of the education of the future".] - To John Henry Douglas. Phila., 11mo. 1, 1888. [Discusses differences of opinion on hired clergy] - To Margaret W. Haines. Germantown, 11mo. 16, 1888. [Discusses second coming of Christ] - To John Henry Douglas. Phila., 11mo. 17, 1888. [Discusses adoption of the pastorale plan by Iowa Yearly Meeting] - To Charles W. Moulton. Germantown, Phila., 11mo. 25, 1888. - To J. H. Pretlow. Phila., 11mo. 25, 1888. [Asks him to reconsider dropping subscription to Friends Review because it ran one political advertisement] - To William Edgerton. Phila., 11mo. 26, 1888. [Apologizes for running political advertisement; reaffirms Review's temperance stand] - To John B. Wood. Germantown, 11mo. 27, 1888. [Resigns from executive committee of C. A. & P. Society; not enough active members to carry out plans for peace work] - To C. A. Snow. Phila., 2mo. 15, 1889. - To Joseph A. Schaeffer. [Germantown?] 5mo. 31, 1889. [Complains of being overcharged for painting job] - To Mrs. Stephens, Germantown, 6mo. 12, 1889. [Thanks for unexpected fee, which he will give to charity] - To M. F. Bonzano. Germantown, 6mo. 20, 1869. [Complains of negligence on part of railroad] - Memo about J. E. Rhoads's article, "Why I am a Quaker." 6mo. 24, 1889. - Letter to James Whitall (copy) Germantown. 6mo. 27, 1889. [Discusses finances of Friends Review] - To John Wanamaker (copy) Germantown, 8mo. 6, 1889. - To Henry Stanley Newman. Germantown, 9mo. 4, 1989. [Discusses tendency away from oldtime Quakerism and need to hold on to it] - To James J. Pletcher & Bro. [Germantown?] 9mo. 12, 1889. [Complaint about butcher's bill] - To daughter, Anna Cope Hartshorne. Mohonk House, 9mo. 16, 1889, and 9mo. 20, 1889. (2 280. To Prof. F. E. White. Germantown, 9mo. 29, 1889. [Argues about atheism] - To Mr. Dodd. Germantown, 11mo. 1, 1889. [Offers his book, "Bertram the Prince (a legend in verse)" for possible publication] - To Thomas D. Hubbard. Phila., 11mo. 24, 1889. [Mentions opposition to paid pastorates of Friends Meetings] - To Dr. R. H. Thomas. Germantown, 1mo. 25, 1890. [Discusses future of Friends Review, now in shaky financial condition] - To United Portrait Co. Germantown, Phila., 2mo. 15, 1890. - To William P. Pinkham. Phila., 2mo. 28, 1890. [Differs on question of paid pastorates] - To United Portrait Co. (copy) Germantown, 2mo. 28, 1890. - To Dr. R. H. Thomas. Germantown, 3mo. 7, 1890. [Wishes Dr. Thomas could come to live in Phila. and edit Friends Review] - To John C. Winston. Germantown, 3mo. 7, 1890. - To William P. Pinkham. Phila., 3mo. 10, 1890. [Differs strongly on paid pastorates] - To editors of the Haverfordian. Phila., 3mo. 14, 1890. [Answers criticism of his criticism of a work by J. Rendel Harris] - To Allen Terrell. Phila., 3mo. 17, 1890. [Speaks against paid pastorates] - To [ ] Phila., 3mo. 25, 1890. [Lists possible courses of action, for disposing of Friends Review; would like to see it transferred to Baltimore and edited by Dr. R. H. Thomas] - To Charles H. Atkins. Phila., 4mo. 6, 1890. [Against paid pastorates] - To Dr. R. H. Thomas. Phila., 4mo. 13, 1890. [Says Friends Review will have new publisher (John C. Winston), but will not change editor until later on] - To Newton A. Trueblood. Phila., 4mo. 26, 1890. - To David Hunt. Phila., 5mo. 7, 1890. - To C. Jahn (copy) [n.p.] 5mo. 10, 1890. [Complains about unnecessary plumbing] - To Albert K. Smiley. Germantown, 5mo. 25, 1890. [Accepts invitation to first Mohonk Negro Conference; suggests Negro College president as Conf. member] - To Dr. James E. Rhoads (extract) [n.p.] 6mo. 21, 1890. [Speaks of serious crisis in Society of Friends over paid ministry] - To T. Wistar Brown. Phila., 6mo. 30, 1890. [Tells of improved financial status of Friends Review] - To Dr. J. T. Edwards. Germantown, 7mo. 4, 1890. - To T. Wistar Brown, Phila., 7mo. 9, l890. - To R. W. George. Germantown, 7mo. 14, 1890. - To David Scull. Germantown, 7mo. 14, 1890. [Speaks of financial condition of Friends Review and of Friends' Japan Mission] - To [Reading Railroad Express Co.] Germantown, 7mo. 16, 1890. - To Dr. O[liver] W[endell] Holmes. Germantown, 7mo. 25, 1890. [Thanks him for note, praising narrative poem, "Bertram the Prince"] - To American Pr.(?) House. Phila., 7mo. 24, 1890. [Complains of mistakes in mailing Friends Review] - To Rockwood Brothers & Co. Germantown, 9mo. 23, 1890. - To Poet Lore Co. Germantown, 10mo. 17, 1890. - To daughters. Oak Bank, Germantown, 8mo. 7, 13, and 27, 1891. 3 items. - Statement of religious faith. [n.p.] 9mo.26, 1892.
-Also filed here, letter requesting the statement, from the Rev. Stephen Abbott Northrop, Fort Wayne, Ind., Sept. 24, 1892. - Letter to George M. Warner. Germantown, 1mo. 8, 1893. [Encourages him in his ministry] - To Walter B. Smith (copy) Germantown, Phila., 1mo. 23, 1893 [Religious discussion] - To Harrison S. Morris. Oak Bank, Germantown, 2mo. 1, 1893. [Declines invitation to join Pegasus Club] - To Martha H. Garrett. Germantown, 2mo. 8, 1893. [Discusses idea of appointing her coeditor of Friends Review, with view to his eventual retirement] - To Samuel Morris. Germantown, 1mo. 20, 1895. - To Joshua L. Baily. Germantown, 4mo 28, 1895. - To Miles White, Jr. Phila., 11mo. 11, 1892. [Concerns fund for free distribution of Review to those who cannot afford it] - To Charles E. Connolly. Germantown, July 15, 1895. - To Mr. Fisher. Germantown, 5mo. 13, 1895. - To J. T. Jackson. Germantown, 6mo. 15, 1895. - To John C. Winston. Phila., 8mo. 21, 1895. [Concerns printing and sale of a lecture on Quakerism, in pamphlet form] - To Mr. Eadline. Germantown, 9mo. 3, 1895. - To James S. Leuba. Hakodate, Japan, 9mo. 3, 1896. [Discusses J. H. Leuba's thesis on conversion] - To Mr. Yokoi. Tokyo, 1mo. 18, 1897. [Questions statement on Christianity in an article by Mr. Y.]
Letters from Japan, 1893-1894. 23 items. Mostly printed, clipped from Friends Review.
- 2 carbon copies of typed transcript (One with pictures, fastened together as a book)
- 3 notices of lectures by H.H.
9 items
Prose pieces by Henry Hartshorne, manuscript. 13 items. (Include Journal of trip to Niagara Falls and Catskill Mountains, July, 1840)
45 items
Legal and financial papers, including bank book, while in Japan. 14 items.
by H. Hartshorne, 21 items
Poem, holograph
Petition for establishment of Haverford School (later College), 1830 [manuscript, addressed to Dr. Joseph Hartshorne, father of Henry]
13 items in 2 packages
40 items
19 items
Obituary notice of Henry Hartshorne, A.M., M.D., LL.D., by J. Cheston Morris, M. D.(Pamphlet, 12 p., read before the American Philosophical Society, Oct. 19, 1900)
- Dated, 10 items, 1840-1869. - Undated, 10 items.
18 items, including papers relating to H.H.'s service as a surgeon during the Civil War, chiefly at Gettysburg, 1863.
118 items, chronologically arranged, including material on Howland School, 1875-78, Friends Review, etc. [ca. l843] 1894.
Mostly by H. H. (largely while in Japan, some in Japanese) 37 items.
13 items, 1854-1859.
25 items, 1859-1867
36 items, ca. 1857-1893
11 items
36 items, 1861-91
Papers re Medical Books by H. H.: Memoranda Medica, Essentials of Practice, Conspectus..., Household Manual, etc. 54 items, 1860-95.
Public Health: Water, sanitation, quarantine, infant mortality, etc. 34 items, 1871-1893.
Medical Writings, correspondence, etc., re: Glycerine, Cholera, Pneumonia, Yellow fever, etc. 71 items, 1857-1895.
Girls' High School (H. H. on faculty) 20 items, 1864-1867.
Medical correspondence: Requests for lectures, books, reviews, etc., expressions of appreciation. 65 items, ca. 1847-1896.
- Allinson, Francis G. Baltimore [n.d.] Re: Bertram the Prince. - Allinson, Rebecca. Burlington, 2mo. 19 [n.d.] and 11mo. 5, 1878,[Wants to send her daughter Gertrude to H. H.'s school] - Alsop, David G. Haverford College, Pa. 11mo. 26, 1888, and 12mo. 14, 1889, [Asks him to give review of year, for Lyceum program] 2 items. - Alsop, William S , M.D. Fredericksburg, Va., March 10, 1880, and Sept. 3, 1881. [Urges him to publish a 5th. edition of The Essentials of Practice of Medicine] 2 items. - Ames, Azel, Jr., secretary. American Public Health Assoc. Boston, Jan. 18, 1881. [Concerns agenda for next meeting of Assoc.] - Applegarth, A[lbert] C. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md., Feb. 25, Nov. 17, 1888, and [n.d.] 3 items. - Appleton, D. & Co. New York, Aug. 1114, 1885. 2 items. - Atkinson, J G , M.D. Oak Hill, St. James, Charlotte Cty., New Brunswick, Canada, Jan. 224, 1882. 2 items. [Asks and receives his help in settling argument about human brain] - Auroux, Dr. (in French) Paris, June 10, 1871, [Concerns order from H. H. for materials on anatomy, to use at Haverford College] - Austin, Samuel. Providence, 8mo. 18, 1882. [Tells of withdrawal of financial support of Friends Review by the Trustees of 0. Brown's Benevolent Fund; says several individual Friends also dropping subscriptions] - Baily, Albert L. Philadelphia, Mar. 27, 1895. [Thanks for poem] - Baily, Joshua L. [Philadelphia] 12mo. 6, 1875. [Positively reviews an editorial in Friends Review; wants to pay to have enough copies printed for all Friends in Phila.] - Bailey, William L. Thorndale, Pa., 12mo. 20, 1884 1mo. 19, 1885. 2 items. [Takes issue with doctrine in Friends Review] - Baird, Charles W. [to Edward L. Scull. Phila.] Rye, N.Y., Nov. 11, 1880. - Baker, W. C., Phila. College of Pharmacy. Phila., March 17, 1879.[Asks advice about healthfulness of using swamp earth to make top soil] - Balderston, M[arcellus?] Phila., 5mo. 14 [n.d.] - Barton, George A. Boston, 8mo. 25, 1890, and 7mo. 11, 1896. [1896 letter gives lengthy analysis of ideas in H. H.'s lecture, "Christianity and Problems of Modern Thought."] - Bean, Joel. 6 items, West Branch, Iowa, and elsewhere, 1874-1889. [Letter of 7mo. 25, 1874, positively reviews editorials in Friends Review; letter of 6mo. 16, 1880, discusses points where their theological ideas differ (mainly on salvation)] - Beck, Mary G. Brighton, Eng., 7mo. 25, 1887 10mo. 12, 1889. 2 items. - Bettle, Henry. Phila., 10mo. 29, 1883. - Billings, [John Shaw], president American Public Health Assoc. Washington, Dec. 20, 1879 March 4, 1880. 4 items. [Discusses sanitary legislation before U.S. Congress] - Blakiston, P[resley] Phila., March 11, 1880. - Bodley, Rachel L., Dean, Women's Medical College of Pa. Phila., Sept. 7, 1881. - Bower, E R , Lincoln University, Chester Co., Pa., Sept. 23, 1872. [Notifies of appointment to faculty] - Braithwaite, Anna. Kendal, 7mo. 1025, 1859. 2 items. - Braithwaite, J[oseph] B[evan] [London?] 1885-1895. 4 items. - Brookes, John St. C. Washington, D.C., Oct. 5 Nov. 14, 1882. 2 items [Asks and gets power of attorney to act for H. H. in French spoliation claim] - Brown, T[homas] W[istar] Phila., 12mo. 28, 1885 7mo. 1, 1890. 5 items. [Discusses financial condition of Friends Review] - Brown, Edward. [n.p.] 7mo. 25, 1847. - Budge, Frances Anne. Truro, Cornwall, 3mo. 31 4mo. 11, 1875. 2 items. - Budge, Jane. London, Exeter, and Plymouth, Jan. 26, 1884 6mo. 12, 1895 10 items. [Speaks of Wm. Edward Forster; thanks for poem and pamphlet sent her; discusses increase of ritualism in religious bodies] - Burk, Jesse G., secy. U. of Pennsylvania [Phila.] Oct. 8, 1884. - Bullock, John. Phila., 5mo. 6, 1878. [Asks for educational news from Howland School, and articles for publication in a Quaker educational journal]
Full list of letters A-B is in previous "Letters to, A-B"
- Cadbury, Rebecca W. West Whiteland Post Office, Chester Co., Pa. [n.d.] [Written to H. H. in Japan] - Cadbury, Richard. Phila., 12mo. 11, 1881 9mo. 3, 1890. [Discusses future of Friends Review] - Cadbury, Sarah. [n.p.] 1mo. 20, 1885. - Carlisle, Irwin C., M.D. Glenville, Ohio, Dec. 25, 1886. [Asks about new edition of Medical Conspectus] - Carson, Hampton L. Phila., Sept. 5, 1883. - Cartland, Gertrude. Newburyport [Mass.] 2mo. 24, 1891. [Recommends article by Charles Brady, in Friends' Examiner, on the Pastoral question, for republication in Friends Review]
-Also, 2 items, 1886. - Cartland, Joseph. Newburyport, Mass., 8mo. 24, 1882. [Explains reasons for not renewing subscription to Friends Review] - Castle, Dr. F. A. (of Wm. Wood & Co., publishers) New York, Nov. 8, 1879 March 13, 1880. 2 items. [Concern publication of book] - The Century Magazine. New York, 7mo. 9, 1886. [Rejection slip] - Chappell, D. Aoyama, Japan (Tokyo) April 2, 1896. [Discusses Pacifism] - Chase, Pliny E. Haverford College, 9mo. 24, 1886. - Chase, Thomas. Haverford College, Pa., 6mo. 25, 1881, + Providence, 12/26/89 [positively reviews article in Friends Review, on Early Church] - Clark, D[ugan] Cleveland, 9mo. 10, 1883. [Defends his own position and views on Quaker doctrines paid ministry, etc.] - [Clark?] Thomas. Grafton, Ontario, 3mo. 12, 1885. [Concerns David B. Updegraff; quotes from him, repudiating doctrine of inner light] - Clendinen, A. [M.D.?] Fort Lee, N.J., Feb. 26 March 30, 1879. [Asks information on control of yellow fever, to include in Report for annual meeting of N.J. State Medical Society] 2 items. - Coates, Harper H. Tokyo, Dec. 16, 1893. [Asks what subject he will speak on at Tabernacle service, Dec. 24] - Coates, Isaac T., M.D. Pueblo, Calif., Oct. 8, 1879. [Asks H.H. to put lots of prescriptions in his new edition of Reynold's System of Medicine, and to bring out a new edition of his own Essentials of Medicine] - Cohn, C. L., Pennsylvania Germicide Co. Phila., May 6, 1886. [Invites him to speak at Sanitary Convention, on chemical purifying of house drains] Also, New York, May 21, 1886. 2 items. - Comfort, Howard. Phila., 2mo. 18, 1887 5mo. 22. 1890. 5 items. - Comstock, Elizabeth. Union Springs, N.Y., 7mo. 15 28, 1889. 2 items. [Discusses his book, The Household Physician, and her asthma] - Cope, Alexis T. Haverford College, June 8, 1868 Overbrook, July 14 1868. [Requests, and thanks for, farewell address to Class of 1868] 2 items. - Cope, Edward D. Haddonfield, 12mo. 22, 1873. [Concerns Creation and Evolution] - Cope, Francis R. Phila., ca. 1864-1887. 15 items. [Letter of 12mo. 13, 1869, discusses religious life at Haverford; letter in 1882 discusses alcoholism of Thomas [Brown]; file here includes one penciled draft of a reply from H.H., dated 11mo. 14, 1869] - Cope, Thomas P[im], Jr. Germantown, 10mo. 1 12mo. 15, 1888. 3 items. - Cowger, E. F., M.D. Riverton, Iowa, Jan. 26 Feb. 18, 1884. [Discusses scarlet fever] - Da Costa, I. M., M.D. [Phila.] Nov. 13. [Concerns appointment of successor to deceased physiology professor at U. of Penna. Med. School] - Dillingham, John H. Phila., 4mo. 24, 1886 1mo. 28, 1893. 4 items. - Doane, William Croswell. Burlington, Feb. 7, 1862. [Discusses evolution] - Dodd, William. New York, Dec. 23, 1889 (with enclosure) [Rejection slip for "Bertram the Prince"] - Dorland, John T., Jr. Brooklyn, 3mo. 8, 1885. [Speaks of D. B. Updegraff; urges Friends Review to take moderate position, to help unify, rather than divide Eastern and Western Meetings] - Douglas, J. H., gen. supt. Iowa Yearly Meeting. Des Moines, Iowa, 2mo.10, 1887 11mo. 12, 1888. 3 items. [Defends Iowa Yearly Meeting pastoral system against remarks of Friends Review] - Douglas, J. H. Wilmington, Ohio, 5mo. 5, 1884. [Defends himself, and his work as a Friends' minister, also David [Dougan?] Clark and D. B. Updegraff] - Du Bois, Patterson, ed. The Sunday School Times. Phila., June 20, 1895 March 7, 1896. 3 items. [Requests and accepts articles on Japan for the paper] - Dulles, Charles W. [Phila] March 31, 1884. [Inquires about his advocacy of use of chloroform in treating hydrophobia] - Dymond, Charles William. Bath. Eng., 6mo. 27, 1890. - Dymond, J. I. Ilkley [Eng.] 3mo. 31 5mo. 11, 1885. 2 items. [Discusses pamphlet, "A Reasonable Faith," (written by D.B. Updegraff, et al?) and the Society's reaction to it]
Full list of letters C-D is in previous "Letters to, C-D"
- Eddy, George H. Glens Falls, N.Y., 9mo. 21, 1891 1mo. 30, 1893. 3 items, including copy of answer from H.H., 8mo. 12, 1892. [Disagreement over article submitted to Friends Review by Eddy, and other matters] - Emlen, Samuel. Germantown, 5mo. 7, 1876 4mo. 23, [1886] 6 items, 1 encl. [Discuss theological matters, state of Phila. Yearly Meeting, etc.] - Elkinton, Joseph S. Phila., 2mo. 28 7mo. 3, 1895. 2 items. - Emmott, Elizabeth B[raithwaite] Nantucket, Mass., July 812, 1895. 2 items. - Fenn, C. M., M.D. San Diego, Jan. 24, 1880. - Forbes, Sam. Harrisburg, Mar. 5, 1867. [Concern Anatomy Bill they hope to pass in Legislature] - Forsythe, D. H. Germantown, 11mo. 21 26, 1887. 2 items. - Foulke, W. P[arker] Haddonfiled, Nov. 7, 1858. - Fox, Samuel T. Phila., March 28, 1884. - Fraley F , pres. Amer. Philosophical Society Phila., Jan. 5, 1895. - French, Anna. Cleveland, Ohio, 12mo. 13, 1892. [Asks advice on choosing an edition of the Bible] - Garrett, Isaac P., member Penna. House of Representatives. Harrisburg, Pa., 2mo. 12, 1889. - Garrett, John B. Phila, and Rosemont, Pa., 1876-1890. 12 items.[Letter of 7mo. 24, 1883, comments on H.H.'s Richmond address,"The Question of Today...;" discusses doctrinal differences between Friends and other religious bodies; urges tolerance of other people's beliefs] - Garrett, Martha H. [Germantown] 8mo. 11, 1882 8mo. 28, 1885. 3 items. - Garrett, Philip C. Germantown, Phila., and Riverside, Cal., 1880 1893. 8 items. [Letter of 11mo. 16, 1880, dodges H.H.'s question about a place on the Bryn Mawr faculty or as its president] - Garrigues, John H. Phila., 9mo. 25, 1882 4mo. 11, 1883. 2 items. - Garrison, W[illiam] L[loyd] New York, Aug. 19, 1889. - Garst, Laura de Lany, et al. [n.p., n.d.] [Invitation to speak at Sunday School] - Gates, Merrill E. New Brunswick, N.J., and Amherst, Mass., Mar. 24, 1889 Jan. 23, 1893. [Expresses appreciation of his poetry; regrets that his resolutions could not be made use of, in platform of (Mohonk?) Conference] - Gerhard, George S., M.D. Ardmore, Aug. 8 [1881] [Replies to H.H.'s suggestions about treatment of Edward and Charles Hartshorne] - Gifford, Seth K. Haverford College, Pa., 3mo. 15, 1889. [Thanks him for Alumni poem] - Gill, Theodore, secy. Section B, Amer. Assoc. for the Advancement of Science. Troy, N.Y., Aug., 1870. - Girard College. [Phila.] Feb. 7 Mar. 10, 1871. 2 items. [Offers him chairmanship of Dept. of Natural History; confirms appointment] - Goddard, Henry H. Damascus, Ohio, Oct. 9, 1890. - Gray, Dr. E. W., ed. The Herald of Health. Bloomington, Ill., Dec. 1-10, 1880. 2 items. [Concern heating and ventilation. H.H. had idea of steam pipes in walls and floors] - Greene, Charles W. New York, June 8, 1874. [Wants to arrange an LL.D. from Haverford for Dr. Krauth of Phila.] - Greene, Dr. D.C. Ichigaya, Nakano Cho, Japan, Mar. 19, 1896. - Grellet, Rachel (daughter of Stephen) Burlington, N.J., 11mo. 517, 1888. 2 items. - Gummere, Francis B. Haverford College, 1889-1895. 5 items. 100. Gummey, J. M. & Sons, real estate brokers. Phila., July 9, 1880 - June 29, 1882. 4 items. [Concern terms for renting house] - Gurney, E[liza] P. West Hill, 9mo. 25, 1878.
- Haight, John B., M.D. Cincinnati, Ohio, April 17, 1883. [Concerns hydrophobia] - Haines, M. W. Cheltenham, 6mo. 19, 1878. [Concerns Howland School; suggests merger with Bryn Mawr, when Bryn Mawr opens] Also, letter, Cheltenham, Pa., 1mo. 30, 1895. - Haines, Reuben. Germantown, Oct. 10, 1889, and Phila., Oct. 18, 1889. 2 items. [Discusses filtering of Germantown water] - Hamilton, George, M.D. [n.p.] June 26, 1875. - Hamilton, W., of Franklin Institute. Phila., June 30, 1858. [Receipt for membership fee] - Harlow, Lewis D. M.D. Chattanooga, Tenn., and Phila., 1863-1880. 4 items. [Tells of work as surgeon in Civil War; asks extension of payment on bill owed to H.H.; requests medical consultation] - Harper Brothers, publishers. New York, Aug. 26, 1884 Jan. 19, 1885. 3 items. [Re ms. of H.H.'s book on Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene] - Harris, Helen B. Haverford, Pa., 1mo. 23 10mo. 23, 1888, Brumana, Syria. 4 items. [Describes situation in Syria, 10mo., 1888] - Harris, J. Rendel. Farmington, N. Y., Mar. 14, 1882 [n.p.] 8mo. 12, 1890. [1882 letter discusses baptism] - Hayden, F. V. Julesburg, Colo., Oct. 10, 1867. [Describes life and conditions on Western frontier] - Hays, J. Minis, ed. The Medical News (later The Amer. Journal of the Medical Sciences) Phila., 1881-1890. 10 items. - Heath, D. C. & Co., publishers. Boston, 9mo. 21, 1885 Dec. 27,1886. 12 items (including 1 enclosure) [Concern manuscript of his book on Physiology and Hygiene, which they rejected] - Henley, James. Glen Elder, Kansas, 1mo. 12 2mo. 19, 1893. 3 items including copy of an answer by H.H., Phila., 1mo. 20, 1893. [Discuss unhealthy state of Society of Friends, both in Phila. and the West, and what can be done about it] - Hicks, J. L., M.D. Flushing, March 4, 1884. [Discusses treatment of hernia] - Hilles, Samuel Eli. Cincinnati, 1888-1893. 3 items. - Hobbs, B. C. Bloomingdale [Ind.] 1876-1888. 5 items. [Discusses doctrine of the Second Coming of Christ, paid pastorates for Quaker Meetings, etc.] - Hobbs, Lewis Lyndon. New Garden and Guilford College, N.C., 1883-1892. 5 items. [1889 letters refer to H.H.'s commencement speech at Guilford] - Hobbs, Mary Mendenhall. New Garden, N.C., 11mo. 20, 1886. [Thanks H.H. for copy of his Household Manual of Medicine] - Hodgkin, J. B. Darlington, 1888-1895. 3 items. [Discusses theological matters, especially in relation to the "Richmond Declaration of a Reasonable Faith"] - Hole, Israel C. Damascus, O., and Mt. Pleasant, O., 9mo. 27, 1886 8mo. 31, 1887. 3 items. [Discusses need for conference of all Yearly Meetings; imminent rupture in Western Yearly Meeting] - Holmes, Oliver Wendell. Boston, Feb. 10, 1886, and Beverly Farms, Mass., July 22, 1890. [Lukewarm comments on H.H.'s poetry] - Hoover, Olive M. West Branch, Iowa, Feb., 1891. [Discusses resurrection of the body] - Hopkins, R. H. Waynesville, 9mo. 30, 1884. - Houghton Mifflin & Co. Boston, July 12, 1887 June 16, 1890. 2 items. [Request information, 1887, on an article about Whittier poem which has appeared earlier in Friends Review; 1890, letter to [Merrill] Gates from H.O. Houghton, about H.H.'s resolution offered, but not used, at Lake Mohonk Conference] - Houston, Edwin J. Phila., Mar. 5, 1879. - Howland, Robert B. Union Springs, N.Y., and Paris, France, 3mo. 6, 1876, ca. Jan., 1877. 9 items. [Concern the Howland School and H.H.'s connection with it] - Hoxie, H[enry] N[ewell] Haverford College, Pa., 4mo. 25 5mo. 2, 1889. 2 items. [Concerns H.N. Hoxie's admission to the Contemporary Club of Phila.] - Hull, Isaac H. Phila., May 10, 1884. [Scholarly discussion of Bible, meaning of words, dates of editions, etc.] - Hunt, William. [Phila.] Feb. 19, 1883. [Invitation to respond to a toast at Pa. Hospital dinner; note at bottom, from Edward Hartshorne, urges him to accept]
Full list of letters H in previous "Letters to, H"
- Ibuka, K. Shiba Ku [?] June 30, 1896. - Ito, H. Sapporo, 1mo. 25, 1895. - James, G. W. C., M.D. Orbisonia, Pa., 5mo. 10, 1881. [Asks advice about a T.B. patient] - Janes, E. H., secy. Amer. Publ. Health Assoc. New York, Dec. 15, 1879. - Janes, John E., M.D. Newark, N.J., Feb. 22, 1883. [Asks advice on treating a niece with exophthalmic goiter] - Jay, Eli. Richmond, Ind., 2mo. 27, 1886. - Jenkins, Howard M., ed. The American. Phila., 1882-1886. 6 items. [Concern his articles and reviews, published by the American] - Jones, Augustine. Providence, R. I., 10mo. 13, 1886. - Jones, Joseph. Chicago, 1mo. 4, 1885 3mo. 31, 1887. 3 items. - Jones, Richard. Phila., 4mo. 9, 1888 6mo. 4, 1889. 3 items. [Concern William Penn Charter School] - Keen, W. W., M.D. Phila., 1897-1881. 5 items. [Discuss msanuscript, drainage, toilets, etc.] - Kimber, Mary S., 1876-1890. 3 items. [From New York, Glen Falls, etc.] - Kimber, Thomas. Mainly from Richmond Hill, L.I., N.Y., 1876-1890. 32 items. [Discusses religious matters] - Kimber, Thomas, Jr. Burlington and Rochester, 1896-1898. 3 items. - King, Francis T. Baltimore, New York, and Blue Ridge Summit, Pa., 1874-1890. 18 items. [Mainly concern founding of Friends' College in North Carolina] - King, Pen. [n.p., n.d.] [Asks H.H.'s views on what a liberally educated man should study]
Full list of Letters I-K in previous "Letters to, I-K"
- Ladd, Thomas [Wood?]. New York and Toronto, 6mo. 10 & 26, 1876. 2 items. [Complains of Review's editorial treatment of his Representative Meeting's action] - Ladd, William H. Richmond, Ind., Brooklyn, N.Y., Cadiz, Ohio, 1847-1887. 7 items. [Discusses Friends' views on Trinity, proposed Friends' catechism, etc.] - [Lang?] D. M. [n.p.] Oct. 2. [Note of appreciation for H.H.'s care after death of patient] - Lawrence, Charles W. New York, 8mo. 26, 1895. - Lawton, William Cranston. Rome, Mar. 13, 1882 Bryn Mawr, Pa., Nov.13, 1892. (2) - Lea, Henry C., publisher (later Henry C. Lea's Son & Co., Lea Brothers & Co.) Phila., 18731895. 36 items. [Concern publishing of his books, etc.] - Leeds, Josiah W. Phila. and Seal P.O., Pa., 1875-1890. 5 items. - Le Hardy, J.C., M.D. Savannah, Ga., March 9, 1880. [Concerns new law before Congress re Natl. Board of Health; attempting to organize nationwide movement to make Bd. more effective, but not political] - Leidy, Joseph. Beach Haven, N.J., July 1, 1890. - Leland, Charles G. New York, Aug. 1, 1860 Boston, Dec. 23, 1861. 2 items. - Lesley, J. P., American Philosophical Soc. Phila., Jan. 23, 1880. [Asks him to deliver address on Dr. Wood's death] - Levick, James J. Phila., 3mo. 12, 1889. [Thanks him for Reunion poem, "Haverford, 1839-1889"] - Lewis, Enoch Edward. Phila., June 10, 1879. - Lindley, [Cyrus] Whittier, Cal., 5mo. 19, 1890. [Thanks him for financial help. Haverford alumnus, down on his luck] - Lippincott's Magazine. Phila., April 4, 1884. [Rejection slip] - Longstreth, Charles A. Phila., 7mo. 2, 1890. - Longstreth, Edward R. Phila., 4mo. 11, 1895. - Longstreth [Roberts], Lucy B. (later married to Charles Roberts) Phila., 12mo,. 18, 1888 - 11mo. 15, 1890. 4 items. - Longstreth, William M. Phila., 2mo. 20, 1886 11mo. 17, 1887. 6 items. [Concern speaking engagement at Y.M.C.A., and visit of J. B. Braithwaite to Germantown Meeting] - Lyster, Henry F., M.D., of Detroit, and H.O. Hitchcock, M.D , Kalamazoo. Detroit, Dec. 15, 1879. [Invitation to Sanitary Convention, sponsored by Michigan Bd. of Health]
- McKendrick, Prof. J. G., of University of Glasgow. [n.p., n.d.] [Calling card, with message of thanks and farewell.] - McKennan, Thomas. Washington, Pa., Sept. 8, 1884. [Positively reviews article by H.H.] - Manson, O. F., M.D. Richmond, Va., Sept. 20, 1884. [Discusses puerperal (postpartum) fever] - Marvin, J. B. Louisville, Ky., Aug. 10, 1880. [Discusses plumbing and drainage] - Mears, J. Ewing. Phila., Dec. 13, 1883. - Meekly, T. W., M.D. Jersey Shore; Lycoming Co., Pa., Mar. 7, 1883. [Former Patient of H.H. wants affidavit about treatment while in military Service] - Mendenhall, George. Cincinnati, Nov. 12, 1864. [Concerns his article on Heart Disease in the Army; " further remarks on number and treatment of such cases in Military Hospitals in Washington] - Mendenhall, Nereus. Haverford College, Pa., and Guilford, N.C., 1876-1890. 8 items. [Discusses theological matters, etc., illness of grandson, religious state of Society of Friends] - Middleditch, A., M.D. Waterloo, Iowa, Sept. 14, 1880. [Asks questions about proper sewage disposal] - Miles, Henry. Monkton, Vt., 10mo. 21, 1872. [Concerns Friends Review article, "Priesthood of all Christians"] - Milhous, T. Concord, 3mo. 16 [n.d.] - Miller, H. S. Hongo. Tokyo, Oct. 17 Nov. 20, 1893. [Second one addressed to Miss Haines; both concern invitations for H.H. to speak] - Milne, George A. Phila., 9mo. 25, 1887 10mo. 17, 1888. 6 items [Discuss theological and other matters] - Mitchell, S. Weir, M.D. Phila., Jan. 21, 1890 [n.d.] 6 items. - Mizuno, T. Tokyo, June 6, 1894 Oct. 29, 1896. [Invites to lecture to Japanese young people, interested in Friends] 2 items. - Morgan, I. 0. [Pittsburgh, Pa.] June 24 29, 1880. 2 items. [Concern renting of house] - Morris, Samuel. Olney, Phila., 1885-1895. 2 items. [1885, says Preparative Meeting own school building and would have to give consent for its use for First Day School and Bible classes; says not all members would approve. 1895, discusses his own testimony at First Meeting, which H.H. has sent him a criticism of] - Morris, T. G., M.D. Liverpool, Pa., Feb. 10, 1882. [Medical question re treatment of dyspepsia] - Morton, Thomas G., M.D. Phila., Feb. 19. [Asks him to respond to toast at dinner, in place of brother, Edward H.] - Mote, Marcus. Richmond, Ind., 1885-1889. 9 items. [Letter 1mo. 21, 1885, concerns Friend, "C.F.C." [Charles Fisher Coffin], whose bank, the Richmond Natl., has folded under questionable circumstances; describes stormy sessions in Indiana Yearly Meeting , etc.] - Murray, Augustus T. Earlham, 9mo. 10, 1889. - Murray, R[obert] L[indley] (Both Sr. and Jr.) New York, 1846, [discusses ideas for reunion of Haverford class of 1842 . 1886, son sends tribute to father's memory, for publication in Review] (3) - Nebinger, A. Phila., Nov. 12, 1880. [Asks if he would like to become candidate for presidency of [Central] High School] - Newman, H[enry] 1816-1908. Leominster, 7mo. 28, 1859. - Newman, H[enry] S[tanley] Leominster [Eng.], Richmond, Ind., and Toronto, Can., 3mo. 13, 1876 9mo. 19, 1888. 5 items. [Discuss publication of his works; state of affairs in Indiana Y.M., etc.] - Nicholson, Timothy. Richmond, Ind., 1883 1888. 11 items. [Discusses Friends' contentions over various points of doctrine] - Nicholson, William. Lawrence, Kan., 9mo. 10, 1887. [Urges H.H. and Dr. J. E. Rhoads to accept invitation to attend Conference of Western Yearly Meetings at Richmond, Ind., in spite of possible opposition when they get there] - Nitobe, Inazo. Sapporo, 7mo. 3, 1884. [Note of welcome to Hokkaido and Sapporo] - Norris, Isaac, M.D., secy. Franklin Inst. Phila., 7mo. 13, 1880. [Asks him to give a course of four lectures on sanitary science at the Institute] - Osler, William, M.D. Phila., 1mo. 21 4mo. 14, 1888. 2 items. - Owen, Oliver. Clinton, N.Y., 1885 - 1889. 5 items. [Letters about Friends' controversies over the ordinances (sacraments, etc.) from one who is no longer a Friend]
- Palmer, T. Chalkley, pres. Delaware County Inst. of Science. Media, Pa., 2mo. 16, 1895. 2 items. [Asks him to lecture on Japan] - Patterson, John Kinnier, M.D. Phila., 5mo. 28, 1882. [Discusses dipsomania (alcoholism) of [Thomas] Brown; describes his treatment] - Pearson, W. L. Raysville, Ind., Columbus, OH., Minneapolis, Minn., etc. 1886-1889. 7 items. [Discusses articles Pearson. was writing for Friends Review; controversies in Western Yearly Meetings about ordinances; offers sympathy on death of Mary B. Hartshorne; other] - Peirce, C. N. , secy. of Corporation, Woman's Medical College. Phila. April 29, 1872. [Appoints H.H. to an additional chair on faculty] - Pepper, Dr. William Phila., March 6, 1886 - April 17, 1888. 2 items. Also, 1882 1887. 7 items. [Concern publication of H.H.'s works and conferring of LL.D. degree on him by U. of Pennsylvania] - Petrie, Hon. Secy. Victoria Institute, of Philosophical Soc. of Great Britain. London, March , 1897. 3 items. [Concerns his joining the Society] - Pinkham, William P. Spiceland, Ind. Lynn, Mass., 1887 - 1890. 5 items [Discusses editorials in Friends Review; Friends controversies; defends self as pastor, supported by Lynn, Mass., Meeting] - Physicians College of Phila., James H. Hutchinson, Hon. Librarian. Phila., Nov. 29, 1886. [Thanks for gift to College of Japanese translation of one of his books] - Potts, Joseph. Maryville, Tenn., June 19, 1887. [Discusses Friends Review article on "supported ministry"] - Prohibitionists. Phila., Mar. 17, 1886. [Invitation to meeting] - Pumphrey, C. M. Leominster Charlbury, Oxon., 2mo. 4, 1888 - 11mo. 25, 1889. 4 items. - Randolph, Richard. Atlantic City; Phila., 1886-1890. 6 items. [Discusses doctrinal matters, etc.] - Reed, William. Paris, April 14, 1859. - Reese, John J., M.D. [Phila.] 1868-1886. 8 items. [Concern various appointments to places on U. of Penna. Faculty of Medicine; finally says Faculty has voted to offer H.H. the chair of Hygiene; later canceled by Board of Trustees] - Rhoads, Charles. Fragment, [5mo., 1876] plus Haddonfield, N.J. and Phila., 7mo. 1426, 1886. 3 items. [Takes issue with Friends Review's attitude on controversy between Phila. Yearly Meeting and No. Carolina Y.M. over possession of the Charleston Fund; also, with Friends Review's recognition of a group in Ohio, led by Hoyle, as Ohio Y.M., instead of the one Phila. Y.M. recognized] - Rhoads, Edward G. Phila., 3mo. 7, 1887. [Discusses treatment of pneumonia at Pennsylvania Hospital] - Rhoads, James E., Co-editor of Friends Review with H.H., then Pres. of Bryn Mawr College. Germantown, Bryn Mawr, etc., 1868-1894. ca. 53 items. [Letter from Aiken, S.C., 4mo. 7, 1871, discusses students and teaching problems at Haverford and H.H.'s lack of success there; Letters of 1884 and 1892 concern state of affairs in Soc. of Friends, what Friends Review's attitude should be, etc. Letter of 2mo. 20, 1885, explains procedure adopted by Trustees of Bryn Mawr in choosing its faculty, says Haverford "seriously below the standard of the better New England colleges";
-letter from Bryn Mawr, 4mo. 16, 1888, discusses treatment of pneumonia] - Rhoads, Joseph. Marple, Delaware Co., Pa., 11mo. 15, 1885. [Praises Friends Review's stand on the Ordinances, etc.] - Richardson, Jane M., of Gilford, Ireland. London, 5mo. 17 [n.d.] [Praises Friends Review's reaction to A Reasonable Faith, book giving viewpoint of D. B. Updegraff et al]
- Sabatier, Paul. Paris, May 5 June 8, 1884. 2 items. - Sanford, Myron R. Haverford College, Pa., 1mo. 27, 1887. - Scattergood, George J. Phila., 2mo. 10 3mo. 30, 1886. 3 items. [Asks H.H. either to adopt plain dress or resign from Committee in charge of Friends' Select Schools] - Scattergood, J. Henry. Haverford, Pa., 5mo. 21, 1895. - Scull, David. Phila., Overbrook, Pa., Lake Mohonk, N.Y., 1886-1890. 18 items. [Mainly concern fund raising for Friends Review] - Scull, Edward S. Phila., 10mo. 30, 1880 - 12mo. 12, 1881. 3 items. [Concern Bible reading] - Seebohm, Benjamin. Bradford [Eng.] 6mo. 25, 1859. - Sewell, J. S. Belgrave, W. Leicester, [Eng.] 1mo. 18, 1887 - 11mo. 15, 1888. 3 items. - Sharpless, Isaac. Haverford College, Pa., Moscow. 1880-1895. 11 items. [Concern H.H.'s possible connection with Haverford, his criticism of it in Friends Review, etc.] - Sheppard, Margaret. [Phila.] 12mo. 12, 1892. [Concerns state of Society of Friends, especially in relation to Indiana Conference and its results] - Shipley, Murray. Cincinnati, 2mo. 2, 1869 - 11mo. 1892. 2 items, plus one enclosure. [Discusses need for religious education in Friend's schools and colleges, and increase of organized worship in Western Meetings] - Shipley, Samuel R. Phila., 2mo. 27, 1879. - Shipley, Walter Penn. Phila. , May 10, 1895. - Shoemaker, Benjamin H. Phila., 7mo. 2, 1879. [Commends him on school] - Shoemaker, Joseph M. & Co., brokers. Phila., 1883-1886. [Notices of stock purchases] - Smiley, Albert Keith. Mohonk Lake, N.Y, .July 18, 1887 - Sept. 23, 1890. 4 items. [Invitations to Conferences and thanks for Bertram the Prince] - Smith, Daniel B. [Phila.] 1848-1890. 3 items. [1890 letter discusses paid pastorates] - Smith, Hannah W. Germantown, 1mo. 16, 1885. - Smith, Lloyd P. Phila., 1837 1867. 3 items. [1859 letter discusses use of the ballot in American elections, and compares suffrage, etc. in America and Great Britain; 1867 letter requests articles to be published in Lippincott's Magazine] - Spencer, Adam. Springford, 8mo. 11 - 2mo. 3, 1887. 6 items. [Discusses Meeting conflicts] - Stedman, Edmund C. New York, Jan. 28, 1893. - Stille, Dr. [Phila.] April 15, 1888. - Stuart, J. H. Minneapolis, Minn., 4mo. 8, 1888. [Appreciates attitude of Friends Review on Friends' teachings]
Full list of letters S in previous "Letters to, -S"
- T , J . Phila., 3mo. 17, [n.d.] [Describes efforts on H.H.'s behalf, to get him an academic appointment] - Taber, Augustus. New York, West Chester, Glens Falls, 1887-1892. 8 items. [Letters of July 4, 1892, and n.d. discuss Friends' work involving African Americans and Native Americans] - Taber, Charles. New Bedford, 18401851. 15 items. [Letter of 7mo., 1841, reminisces and comments on his years at Haverford] - Taber, David S. New York, 2mo. 9, 1895. - Tatham, Benjamin. New York, 3mo. 18, 1884 - 1mo. 13, 1885. 6 items. [First four letters addressed to James E. Rhoads, fifth one to H.H., as editors of Friends Review; concern controversy within Society of' Friends; letter of 1mo. 13, 1885, speaks of difficulty of recognizing ministers traveling with Minutes from Ohio, who may preach water baptism, if allowed to speak] - Tatlock, William. London, 2mo. 8 - 4mo. 10, 1889. 3 items. [Letter of 4mo. 10, 1889, contains observations and criticisms of American institutions] - Taylor, George W. Kaolin, Pa., 1876-1889. 5 items. [Criticizes the role of the Friend in past Quaker conflicts; discusses the Friends Review, apparent ambitions of the Roman Catholic Church, etc.] - Taylor, [J?] Madison. Point Pleasant, [N.J.] Sept. 6 [n.d.] - Thomas, Allen C. Haverford College, Pa., Woonsocket, R.I., 1887-1890. 8 items. [Discusses David B. Updegraff's views, editorial and publishing problems of Friends Review, etc.] - Thomas, Anna B. Baltimore, 1mo. 8, 1886 - 12mo. 3, 1888. 4 items. - Thomas, J. Phila., Dec. 27, 1889. - Thomas, James Carey. Baltimore, 9mo. 8, 1882. - Thomas, J. J. Union Springs, N.Y., 1876-1880. 3 items. [Discusses controversies in Soc. of Friends] - Thomas, M. Carey, pres. Bryn Mawr College. Bryn Mawr, Pa., Mar. 29 - April 19, 1895, 4 items. - Thomas, Mary Snowden, (and Anna B. Thomas) Baltimore, 1mo. 17 - 7mo. 24, 1885. 2 items. - Thomas, Mary W. Baltimore, 9mo. 28, 1882. - Thomas, Richard Henry, M.D. Fall River, Mass., Baltimore, Md., Newport, R.I., Brighton, Md., 1884-1893. 27 items. [Discusses articles written for Friends Review; possibility of moving Friends Review to Baltimore and having him take it over; action (1890) of New York Yearly Meeting regarding pastors; George Braithwaite's thoughts (1893) about H.H.'s going to Japan and the state of Christianity there, etc.] - Thomas, R. P., M.D. [Phila.] July 2, 1862. [Notifies H.H. of meeting of Board of Attending Surgeons of Military Dept. of Episcopal Hospital] - Thompson, Charles. London, 5mo. 25, 1887. - Thompson, Slason, ed. Chicago Daily News. May 8, 1886. - Thorne, Chauncey B. Skaneateles, N.Y., 9mo. 19, 1878. [Offers H.H. position of "Elder" of Scipio (New York) Monthly Meeting, even though he is no longer in New York State; H.H.'s reply and acceptance, also filed here, Germantown, Phila., 9mo. 22, 1878] - Turner, Eliza S. Phila., Oct. 24, 1880. [Concerns cooking school; asks his help; note on back from Edward Hartshorne, urging his cooperation]
Full list of letters T in previous "Letters to, -T"
- Updegraff, D[avid] B. Mt. Pleasant, Ohio, 9mo. 21, 1882 - [n.p.] 10mo. 26, 1886. [Hostile letters; 1882 letter addressed to J. E. Rhoads and indirectly to H.H.] - Van Antwerp, Bragg & Co., publishers. Cincinnati, June 6 - July 7, 1885. [Decline to publish his High School Physiology; already have a book in this field] 2 items. - Walker, James B., M.D. Phila., Nov. 12, 1881. [Thanks for copy of Essentials of Practical Medicine] - Walton, Joseph. Moorestown, N.J., 1874-1886. 2 items. [Concern Quaker controversies] - Warner, Redwood F. [Germantown] 1885 - 1893. 2 items. - Watanabe, M. [Phila.] April 6, 1896. - Wells, J. Hunt, M.D. Seoul, Korea, Aug. 21, 1896. [Tells of treating cholera epidemic; describes method] - Welsh, Herbert, secy. Indian Rights Assoc. Phila., Seal Harbor, Me., etc., 1888-1895. 10 items. - Welsh, John. [Phila.] March 18, 1884. [Concerns making an overhead railroad crossing at Wingohocking Station (Germantown)] - Western Yearly Meeting. note signed, T. W. L. [Thomas Wood Ladd?], 1875, with clipping, mentioning H.H.'s attendance. [Note urged him to speak, concerning Mexico] - Westlake, W. C. [English Friend] Southampton, Eng., 1mo. 28 - 4mo. 24, 1868. [Accepts H.H.'s article for the Friends' Examiner; discusses progress of the paper] - Whitall, James. Phila., 1878-1889. 3 items. - Whitall, Mary C. [n.p.] 4mo. 13, 1883 [n.d.] 2 items. [Concern meeting of "Women's Foreign Missionary Association of Friends of Philadelphia"] - Whitney, John R. Phila., Nov. 9, 1880. (Addressed to Edward S. Scull) - Whittier, John Greenleaf. Amesbury, Mass., Danvers, Mass., 1882-1886. 4 items (plus 3 typed transcripts) 2 letters of 1882 concern H.H.'s remarks about Whittier's religious soundness, his attitude toward creeds, etc.; letter of 1mo. 17, 1885, concerns subscription to Friends Review] - Willits, Mary. [Germantown] 5mo. 31, 1886. [Discusses H.H.'s theories about pneumonia] - Wing, Asa S. Phila., 7mo. 20, 1896. [Thanks H.H. for his paper, "Christianity and Problems of Modern Thought."] - Wise, P. H., M.D., and others. Ogdensburg, N.Y., Aug., 1895. 10 items. [Copies of testimonials to H.H.'s book, Household Manual of Medicine] - Wister, Owen T., M.D. Phila., Feb. 12, 1888. [Asks to see copy of his paper on pneumonia] - Wood, Charles. Paris, 4mo. 24, 1895. - Wood, James. [n.p.] 4mo. 18, 1886 Mt. Kisco, N.Y., 3mo. 16, 1889. 2 items. - Wood, Richard. Phila. 10mo. 12, 1880. [Concerns uncle, Dr. George B. Wood] - Wood, William & Co., publishers. New York, 1873-1882. 4 items. [1873 letter invites him to do book on Hygiene] - Woodward, J. J., M.D., Surgeon General U.S. Washington, Dec. 22-27, 1879. 2 items. - Worden, A. L., M.D. Dunlap, Iowa, March 16, 1881. [Asks advice on buying an Atlas of Skin Diseases] - Worthington, Jr. [J?] H. Asylum [Phila.] 6mo. 6, 1844. - Wright, B. H. Colerain, 12mo. 8, 1844. [Reminisces about old days at Haverford; inquires for mutual friends and relations] - Wright, B.H., and Ladd, W. H. Mt. Pleasant, Ohio, 10mo. 20, 1843. [Introduces Isaac R. Worrell and Jonathan T. Updegraff] - Wurts, Charles Stewart. [Phila.] March 10, 1879. - Yamada, F. Kanda, Oct. 17, 1893. [Letter of introduction for Rev.Mr. Ishikawa, addressed to Rev. Mr. Cosand, and asking him to introduce Mr. Ishikawa to H.H., whom he wants to invite to lecture] - Yarnall, Charles [n.p.] and Phila., ca. 1874-75. [1875 letter discusses gradual metamorphosis of Western Friends' Meetings] 3 items. - Yarnall, F. C. Overbrook, June 15, 1874. [Theological discussion] - Yokoi, J. S. New London, N.H., Sept. 3, 1895. [Cannot get to Northfield; hopes to see him in Japan] - Yokoi, [Tokudo?] Oji [Japan] Jan. 23, 1897. [Says, with Buddhism so strong in Japan, not yet time to try to introduce Christianity in schools] - Yoshida, H. Tokio, [ca. 1894] Letter of farewell. - Young, Charles. Germantown, Mar. 20, 1884.
[ ], Brooklyn, N.Y., 12mo. 14, 1886, + Haddonfield, N.J., 1876.
- Hartshorne, Caroline Cope (Yarnall), wife of Charles Hartshorne:
-Autograph album - 45 items (pamphlets) - Photos of Japan: 8 photographs: 5 of Medical Society of Hokkaido, 1894, including Henry Hartshorne, and 3 including Anna Cope Hartshorne