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Associated Executive Committee of Friends on Indian Affairs
Held at: Haverford College Quaker & Special Collections [Contact Us]370 Lancaster Ave, Haverford, PA 19041
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Overview and metadata sections
The Associated Executive Committee of Friends on Indian Affairs originated in 1869 in answer to President Grant's Peace Policy, officially giving management of the Native Americans in the Central Superintendency (Kansas and the "Indian Territory") to the Orthodox branch of the Society of Friends. The election of President Hayes ended the essentially friendly relationship between the Quakers and the administration as it became evident that some officials distrusted the work of Friends. As a result, Friends withdrew from government sponsored work in 1879 and directed their efforts towards missionary work and the establishment of Meetings among Native Americans. Edward M. Wistar was chairman of the Committee from 1895-1919.
The Associated Executive Committee of Friends on Indian Affairs originated in 1869 in answer to President Grant's Peace Policy, officially giving management of Native Americans in the Central Superintendency (Kansas and the "Indian Territory") to the Orthodox branch of the Society of Friends. These are primarily letters, reports and some miscellaneous manuscripts chiefly addressed to the chairman of the committee, Edward M. Wistar; articles, plans, maps and statistics related to the committee's work. Most of the material deals with the work of Friends in running mission stations in Oklahoma to the Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma (Bah Kho-je), the Modoc Nation, the Kickapoo Tribe of Oklahoma, the Otoe-Missouria Tribe of Indians, the Shawnee Tribe, the Osage Nation (Wahzhazhe) and other Native American peoples.
Letters, reports, articles, plans, maps, statistics, minutes, invoices, receipts, accounts and misc. material related to Friends and Native Americans.
Bulk of the collection consists of records (1876-1929) of the Associated Executive Committee of Friends on Indian Affairs. These are primarily letters, reports and some misc. mss., chiefly addressed to the chairman of the committee, Edward M. Wistar; articles, plans, maps and statistics related to the committee's work; also biographical material on Thomas Wistar. Most of the material deals with the work of Friends in running mission stations in Oklahoma to the Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma (Bah Kho-je), the Modoc Nation, the Kickapoo Tribe of Oklahoma, the Otoe-Missouria Tribe of Indians, the Shawnee Tribe, the Osage Nation (Wahzhazhe) and other Native American peoples. Letters from superintendents and missionaries in the field describe the difficulties and experiences of Friends in their work. There are also letters from the U.S. Commissioner of Indian Affairs and organizations concerned with the welfare of Native Americans (Home Missions Council, Indian Rights Association, Y.M.C.A.); also letters from Kansas Yearly Meeting and Five Years Meeting. Topics discussed include attempts to Christianize Native Americans , improve living conditions, Native American education, Chilocco Indian School, use of peyote and alcohol, disease, Native American dances, conflicts with other religious denominations (in particular, Baptists), difficulties in finding suitable missionaries, protection of Native Americans from schemes and abuses (in particular, Martin J. Bentley's attempts to defraud the members of the Kickapoo Tribe). Correspondents include Samuel M. Brosius, Clark Brown, George N. Hartley, William P. Haworth, Allen Jay, William A. Jones, Rayner W. Kelsey, Rachel Kirk, Francis E. Leupp, John Nicholson, Walter Smedley, Matthew K. Sniffen, Jonathan M. Steere, Elizabeth Test, Robert G. Valentine, Herbert Welsh, Carolena M. Wood and others.
Also includes 2 folders (1758-1807) of letters, minutes, invoices, receipts, accounts and misc. papers dealing with Friends' earlier relations with Native Americans. Includes minutes and letters (1758-1759) of the Friendly Association for Regaining and Preserving Peace with the Indians by Pacific Measures related to Israel Pemberton's purchase of goods to accompany General Forbes; letters, accounts and misc. mss. (1791-1807) related to Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Indian Committee's work with Native Americans at New Stockbridge and Oneida; accounts of money received from Friends for the Native Americans (1796-1797); letters and manuscripts related to education of Native American children in homes of Friends (1796-1797); letters to Gaiänt'wakê (Cornplanter) and other Seneca chiefs, the Wyandotte Nation, the Delaware Nation (Lenape), and other Native American peoples; minutes of a meeting of the "Committee for the gradual civilization of the Indian natives" (1804).
Letters in boxes 2-7 are arranged chronologically, a list of correspondents is given for each folder (names have been listed alphabetically). Almost all of the letters are addressed to Edward M. Wistar, the few letters that are not are listed separately at the end of each folder description. A list of topics discussed in the letters is included as an aid to research, this list is not exhaustive and is intended as a guide to what may be found in each folder.
Box 1 - Misc. printed material; Letters, invoices, etc., 1758-1807; Thos. Wistar bio.; Plans, maps, statistics, etc., 1894-1916 Box 2 - Letters, 1892-1899 Box 3 - Letters, 1900-1904 Box 4 - Letters, 1905-1907 Box 5 - Letters, 1908-1910 Box 6 - Letters, 1911-1913 Box 7 - Letters, 1914-1927 Box 8 - Reports, 1894-1929
Presented by Edward M. Wistar, 1930
Original processing information unknown.
- Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends Library
- United States. Office of Indian Affairs. Central Superintendency
- Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends (Orthodox : 1827-1955). Indian Committee (1827-1948)
- Publisher
- Haverford College Quaker & Special Collections
- Finding Aid Author
- Diane Rofini and Diana Franzusoff Peterson
- Access Restrictions
This collection is open for research use.
- Use Restrictions
Standard Federal Copyright Laws Apply (U.S. Title 17).
Collection Inventory
(ca. 18 items) Arranged chronologically, includes: "The Indian Service" by F.E.L. [Francis E. Leupp?], Evening Post article (1900) [reprint]; "Trachoma. Management and treatment among Indians." [ca. 1911]; "Rules of Procedure, Five Civilized Tribes." (in probate matters, 1914) House of Representatives, Doc. No. 758; "Indian Missions, progress and promise in Christian work among American Indians." (reprint from 15th annual report of Home Missions Council..., 1921) [2 copies]; "Wills." regulations governing the approval of wills of allotted Native Americans under the act of Congress approved June 25, 1910.; "To the Christian Indians and to the Christian Friends of the Indians of the United States" an open letter from conference in N.Y. City, 1911 of organizations working on behalf of Native Americans re: liquor, peyote, dances, marriage, tuberculosis, missionary work; Minute adopted by Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends ... [1911] - program from the official conference for the consideration of the relations of indigenous nations in New York and the State and Federal governments (Syracuse, N.Y., 1919); H.R. 16743 re: Quapaw Agency. 1909; Letter of Hon. Joseph H. Choate, relating to proposed legislation on the administration of Native American affairs, 1916; "The Alaska situation." 1914.; "The Indian Scout." vol. II, no. 7, March, 1916 (published by the United States Indian School, at Shawnee, Oklahoma); "A statement." the Indian Aid Association of Friends of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting now confines its efforts to the support and management of the Indian School at Skiatook, Indian Territory. 1894 [2 copies]
(ca. 30 items: letters, ms. copies of letters, minutes of meetings, invoices, accounts related to Friends dealings with Native Americans) Arranged chronologically, includes: misc. accounts re: goods for Native Americans; "Message to the Indians at [Kuskuskie] sent from Easton by Pisquetomen and Hickman" re: trading stores set up in Shamokin and Mahoning, n.d.; ms. inscribed "Cherokee's message to the Mingoes, June 1758"; 1758 invoice of goods purchased by Israel Pemberton (to accompany General Forbes) to be used in an attempt to regain friendship with Native Americans in Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia [2 ms. copies]; 1758 Friendly Association for Regaining and Preserving Peace with the Indians by Pacific Measures minutes and letters to Israel Pemberton (Dec. 1758 letter critical of IP's plan to dispose of goods not deemed necessary by General Forbes); Letter to Israel Pemberton from Samuel Lightfoot, Jr., 12 mo. 16, 1758 re: Lightfoot's thoughts re: concern for Native Americans; [ms. copy] of letter to Governor Sharpe from Israel Pemberton, Dec. 16, 1758 re: General Forbes expedition; [ms. copy in hand of I.P.] letter to [Israel Pemberton] from I. Ridout, Dec. 20, 1758 re: reply from Gov. Sharpe; minute "At an occasional meeting of the trustees and treasurer of the Friendly Association [etc.] at Alexander Seaton's the 25th 12 month 1758. Present, William Callender, Jeremiah Warden, William Fisher, Richard Wistar, Thomas Say, Jacob Shoemaker Jr., Peter Worrall, Jacob Lewis, John Reynell, James Pemberton, Jos. Morris, Joseph Richardson, Owen Jones, and Abel James" re: the fate of goods not needed by General Forbes; minute "At a meeting at the house of Jacob Boehm in Conestoga township, Lancaster County the 26th, 12 mo., 1758. Present, Benjamin Hersey, John Johns, Jacob Boehm, [Wolle Rhodes], Benjamin Bowma, Henry Landis, John Shank, John Hare, Jacob Moyer, Michael Shank, John Stayman, Henry Hare, John Graft, Michael Grafft, Martin Boehm, Henry Shank, John Hare Senr., Jacob Graft" re: sending gifts to Native Americans; 1759 letter of IP to trustees of the Friendly Association in answer to theirs of Dec. 1758; [ms. copy] letter to Samuel Lightfoot from G. Clark, 1 mo. 8, 1759 re: goods for Native Americans; Letter to [Nicholas?] Waln from Samson Occum, New Stockbridge, Dec. 25, 1791; Letter to William Savery from Hendrick [Aupaumet], New Stockbridge, Dec. 23, 1795 re: situation there; invoice of goods for the Muscogee Nation (1796); message from Gaiänt'wakê (Cornplanter) in reply to an offer from the Quakers to teach in the Seneca Nation (1796); "Some account of the proceedings of friends for the improvement of the Oneida, Stockbridge and Tuscorora Indians" re: Friends at Oneida, 1796; report of a committee for promoting the civil wellbeing and religious improvement of the Indian Native to the [] Yearly Meeting, 1796; Letter to "our Indian brethern of the Six Nations" from Henry Drinker, Thomas Harrison, John Elliott, Thomas Wistar, Joseph Sloan, John Biddle, 5 mo. 20, 1796 re: Friends coming to help Native Americans; Letter to Thomas Wistar from Enoch Walker, Oneida, 7 mo., 16, 1796 re: work among Native Americans there; "A translated copy of a letter from Major Marconny to Wm. Savery, David Sands and Company" Berlin, Oct. 22, 1796; "Copy of a letter from Martha Routh to the Cherokee and Creek [Muscogee] Nations of Indians" 12 mo. 21, 1796; accounts of money received from Friends for the Indians (1796-7)
(ca. 43 items: letters, ms. copies of letters, receipts, minutes of meetings, accounts) Arranged chronologically, includes: memorandum of what the Tuscarora people say concerning the place they lived in, n.d. [were never paid for their land]; ms. copy of a letter to the Delaware Nation (Lenape), n.d. ms. copy of letter to Gaiänt'wakê (Cornplanter) and other Seneca chiefs, n.d. minute of a conference with the Muscogee Nation and other Native Americans, n.d. draft of a letter to [] from the [committee] n.d. ms. "copy of what was given to the Friends at Baltimore" re: meeting with the Delaware Nation (Lenape); [memo. of var. Native Americans under care of Baltimore Yearly Meeting and those worthy of notice from Philadelphia Y.M.]; [memo. of route to Genesegaughton]; fragment of a proposal to take Native American girls into homes to teach them "the useful ways of the white people" and list of Friends willing to host and their relative circumstances; ms. draft [?] of a letter to "Brothers of the Tuscarora Nation" signed by Henry Drinker on behalf of himself and [lists names] re: treaty of 1744 with the Tuscarora Nation; receipts for Native American blankets, 1796, and saddle bags, 1801; ms. copy of a letter to the Stockbridge-Munsee Band of Mohican Indians re: taking three of their daughters into Friends' homes to be taught until age 18 (1797) [addressed to "Joseph Shauquethqueat, Hendrick Aupaumut and all others of the Stockbridge Nation"]; copy of the speech left by the Friends of Maryland for the Wyandot Indians, 1797 "To the chiefs of the Wyandots, Shawnees and Delaware Indians"; ms. copy of a letter from indigenous women at Oneida to the women Friends [Hannah Eddy, Martha Titus, Elizabeth Seaman] at New York, 1797; letters addressed to Thomas Wistar: letter from Jacob Taylor, Oneida, 6 mo. 9, 1797; letter from Halliday Jackson, [Genesingughta], 1798; letter from John Elliot, n.d.; letter to Henry Simmons, N. Stockbridge, from Elizabeth Josep, 11 mo. 8, 1797 re: her daughter going to live with Friends; account of Women Friends of Chester Quarterly Meeting, 1798-1803, for leggings, etc. presumably for Native Americans; [memo. of some Native American names] Wyandot 1 mo. 27, 1798; ms. draft of a letter to Edm[un]d Prior and Thomas Eddy, 5 mo. 15, 1798; [memo. of certificate of Hannah Jackson to work with the Oneida, 1800]; "extracts of letters from and to the Indian natives accompanying report to the Yearly Meeting, 1801" [Stockbridge-Munsee Band of Mohican Indians]; observations on the Oneida, with regard to civilization and improvement, 1801; letter to Henry Drinker (1801) from H. Dearborn, War Dept.; account of Indian Committee with Joseph Clark, 1802, for sundry goods provided for Solomon Quackmut and wife, Stockbridge-Munsee Band of Mohican Indians; list of items for [Taunswantee?] Native Americans, 1803; minutes of a meeting of the "Committee for the gradual civilization of the Indian natives 3 mo. 15, 1804"; letter to Jacob Taylor, from David Bacon, Thomas Stewardson, Jno. Shoemaker, jr., 1 mo. 7, 1805; ms. draft of a letter to Jacob Taylor, Benjamin Cope, Joel Swayne, Rachel Cope and Hannah Jackson from Hy. Drinker, T. Wistar, T. Stewardson, 1806; [memo. on state of the Indian Fund, 1807]; letter to Benjamin Cope, Jacob Taylor, Joel Swaine, Stephen Twining and Hannah Jackson from the committee, Jonathan Evans, Thomas Stewardson, Thomas Wistar, John Shoemaker, Isaac Bomall, 9 mo. 18, 1807; ms. draft of letter from the committee, 12 mo. 18, 1807
typed transcript of article which appeared in the Phila. Bulletin, Feb. 1876 titled "Thomas Wistar, Late Indian Commissioner"; biographical sketch of Thomas Wistar by [Edward M. Wistar] [holograph ms.]
(ca. 29 items; note: this material relates directly to work of Associated Executive Committee of Friends on Indian Affairs) includes: map of Hominy showing Native American camps in relation to Daniel and Hattie Williams' house; statistical reports of work with Native Americans, 1894, 1895, 1900; plan of Tecumseh property; plan of Friends buildings at Skiatook; misc. mss. that appear to have become separated from their proper place in the Assoc. Ex. Comm. records folders (fragments of letters, receipts, bills, etc.); Scanned Image "Statistical Report Friends' Indian Mission Work in Indian Territory for the Year Ending Fifth Month 31, 1894" (approximately 312K).
(ca. 37 items: letters, ms. copies)
Letters addressed to Edward M. Wistar. Correspondents include: Oliver H. Bales; Rachel Kirk; John D. Miles; James E. Rhoads; Charles S. Taylor; John M. Watson and his daughter Eva Watson (also her monthly reports from Skiatook School, Indian Territory).
Topics discussed include: Skiatook School (run by John M. Watson and family); White's Indiana Manual Labor Institute; Mission to the Kickapoo Tribe of Oklahoma; finances of the missions and government spending to aid the missions also letters addressed to: Oliver H. Bales, from: James E. Rhoads re: White's Indiana Manual Labor Institute, Indian Training School (ms. copy); D.M. Browning (Commissioner of Indian Affairs); from: Oliver H. Bales re: White's Institute; Charles W. Kirk (Supt. Friends Indian Mission, Tecumseh, Oklahoma); from: D.M. Browning (typed copy, Commissioner of Indian Affairs); T.J. Morgan (Dept. of the Interior, Office of Indian Affairs) John Nicholson, from: Elizabeth Test (Mission to the Kickapoo Tribe of Oklahoma) Prof. C.C. Painter, from: Elizabeth Test (Choctaw City, Ok. Ty., ms. copy) James E. Rhoads, from: Rachel Kirk; Rev. M.E. Strieby (American Missionary Association); extract of letter from Charles F. Coffin re: Skiatook School (letters, ms. copies)
(ca. 59 items) Letters addressed to Edward M. Wistar. Correspondents include: Oliver H. Bales re: White's Indiana Manual Labor Institute; Myra E. Frye; Hetty B. Garrett; Annie Garrigues; George N. Hartley; Rachel Kirk; John Nicholson on committee business; Charles Rhoads; Jonathan M. Steere; Elizabeth Test (letters penned by Rachel Kirk); John Watson and his daughter Eva Watson (also her monthly reports of Skiatook School); Herbert Welsh (Indian Rights Association)
Topics discussed include: the members of the Navajo Nation starving in Arizona; annual meeting of the [Assoc. Ex. Com.]; conditions at Wyandotte, Oklahoma mission; Skiatook School; the Kickapoo people and Elizabeth Test's work among them; death of Dr. James Rhoads; death of Charles C. Painter; charges against J.D.M. [John D. Miles?]; general news of missions and the people in the field (especially in the letters of John Nicholson and George N. Hartley); situation of Rachel Kirk now that her husband has died; precarious financial situation of White's Institute also letters addressed to: Hetty B. Garrett, from: Allen Jay (Pasadena, Ca.); John Nicholson George N. Hartley, from: William L. George (Wyandotte, Oklahoma) re: conditions at Wyandotte mission; John Nicholson (letter, letterpress book pages) James E. Rhoads, from: Rachel Kirk (typed copy) Jonathan M. Steere, from: G.N. Hartley (postal card) Herbert Welsh, Indian Rights Association from: Constant Williams marked "private and confidential" re: emergency caused by lack of food for the Navajo Nation
(ca. 78 items: letters) Letters addressed to Edward M. Wistar. Correspondents include: John B. Bishop; Oliver H. Bales (White's Institute); Robert M. Ferris; Alice C. Fletcher; Myra E. Frye; George N. Hartley; L. Ella Hartley; Robert W. Hodson; John [] Kimber (cousin of EMW); Rachel Kirk; Francis E. Leupp (agent, Washington Agency of the Indian Rights Association); John Nicholson (Chairman of the Committee on Religious Interests) on committee business; Elizabeth Test (on the mission to the Kickapoo Tribe); Eva Watson (Skiatook School); James Whitall; E. Whittlesey (Board of Indian Commissioners)
Topics discussed include: committee business; proposed resignation of Robert W. and Lemma J. Hodson (from Miami, Oklahoma); proposed resignation of Amos and Charity Davis; E.C. Cook taking charge at mission to the Modoc Nation; question of whether [SoF?] should have title to lands improved by Friends' work; perceived "shortcomings" of people in the field and whether they should be retained; duties of workers in the field; conditions at the various missions and schools (especially in the letters of John Nicholson and George N. Hartley); situation of the Kickapoo people; illegal leasing of their land by whites and refusal of the Kickapoo people to go to their "allotments"; need of educating the Kickapoo people for their own protection in a changing world; Skiatook School also letter addressed to: Herbert Welsh, from: Francis F. Leupp (typed copy) re: situation in Durango
(ca. 25 items: letters) Letters addressed to Edward M. Wistar. Correspondents include: D.M. Browning; Benjamin Butler; B.D. Caldwell (Western Passenger Association in re: to G.N. Hartley, Rachel Kirk); George N. Hartley; W.A. Jones (Office of Indian Affairs); W.A. Mills (at White's Institute); John Nicholson; E. Whittlesey (Board of Indian Commissioners); Elizabeth Test; Eva Watson (Friends School, Hillside, I.T.) topics discussed include: work of the Catholics (G.N. Hartley doesn't trust them); purchase of Native American land; Elizabeth Test, Field Matron among the Kickapoo Tribe; Skiatook School; White's Institute (now under direction of W.A. Mills); mention in letter of John Nicholson (1 mo. 20, 1896) that Clara Barton and the Red Cross are leaving N.Y. soon [to go to Armenia?]; C.E. Roberts' situation at Tecumseh; financial matters; situation of the Kickapoo people, who have moved to their allotments but fear losing their land through the actions of unscrupulous whites; Friends School, Hillside, I.T. [Skiatook?]; bad situation at Lincoln School (letter of W.H. Jones) also letters addressed to: Hetty B. Garrett, from: Asa [I.] Wing (sends her box of letters, etc. relating to Native American affairs John Nicholson, from: G.N. Hartley re: barn needed by J.F. [Mardock], includes plan of barn
(ca. 57 items: letters) Letters addressed to Edward M. Wistar. Correspondents include: Cyrus Beede; S.M. Brosius (Agent, Indian Rights Association); E.C. and A.D. Cook; Henry L. Dawes (Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes); Myra E. Frye; John B. Garrett; George N. Hartley; Thomas Harvey; Abbie C. Haworth; John Nicholson; Fred L. Ryon; Mary H. Shed; Jonathan M. Steere; Elizabeth Test; Eva Watson (Skiatook School reports); John M. Watson; Herbert Welsh; Francis A. White
Topics discussed include: in general, the different missions and the people stationed at each one (especially in John Nicholson's and George N. Hartley's letters); Skiatook School (Eva Watson writes that she has been there eleven years); Chippewa of Minnesota (Anishinaabe) [Minnesota Chippewa Tribe?] and lumber rights; Martin J. Bentley (Assistant-Special Indian Agent) case and Senator Quay, Commissioner [Jones] biased in favor of Bentley due to relationship with W.S. Fields; Elizabeth Test writes that Bentley is out to get the Kickapoo Tribe's land; Five Civilized Tribes Commission and proposed Cherokee Treaty which would give [all schools?] Skiatook School only four acres; smallpox among the Muscogee Nation (letters of G.N. Hartley, 2.20.1899, 3.3.1899); visit of Chippewa (Anishinaabe) people to Washington, D.C.; committee business; expenses of those in the field (who pays for what); John Nicholson letter (3.16.1899) inquires whether Wistar is familiar with inhumane treatment of convicts in Georgia under the "leasing out" system; Shawnee Mission, Tecumseh, Ok. Ter. (religious success) in letter of Fred L. Ryon (4 mo. 3, 1899); Wapameepto (Big Jim) band of Absentee Shawnee; arranging the meeting of Executive Committee of Friends on Indian Affairs held at Baltimore, 5th mo., 1899 (program, speakers, problem of delegates not attending, etc.) also letters addressed to: Hetty B. Garrett, from: John Nicholson re: committee business Charles Rhoads, from: A.C. [Tonner], Office of Indian Affairs re: timber on land of the Chippewa of Minnesota (Anishinaabe) [Minnesota Chippewa Tribe?] Jonathan M. Steere, from: E.C. Cook re: "Uncle George"
Letters addressed to Edward M. Wistar. Correspondents include: Samuel M. Brosius; T. Wistar Brown; R.S. Burnett; H.L. Dawes; Samuel Dickson (lawyer); William L. and Lucinda S. George; George N. Hartley; Allen Jay (per Mahalah Jay); W.A. Jones (Commissioner, Office of Indian Affairs); Lewis W. McFarland; John Nicholson; D.A. Outland; Lee Patrick (U.S. Indian Service); Charles Rhoads; William Small; Jonathan M. Steere; Elizabeth Test; Miles White, Jr.; Walter F. Willcox (Dept. of Interior, Census Office); Carolena M. Wood (Board of Home and Foreign Missions of New York Yearly Meeting of Friends)
Topics discussed include: general discussion of the various missions and the people in the field, especially in the letters of John Nicholson and George N. Hartley; suitability of Nathan Perry and Mary Perry for missionary work; qualifications of missionaries and lack thereof, finding suitable people for the various positions; finances of various missions (Skiatook School and Eva Watson); Elizabeth Test discusses conversation with Martin J. Bentley (she doesn't trust him re: Kickapoo Tribe's land); Lewis W. McFarland discusses sales of liquor to Native Americans (Dec. 18, 1899); John D. Miles and charges against him; investigation by the Dept. of Interior of matters at the Sac and Fox Agency, also the Kickapoo of Mexico; the Kickapoo Tribe and investigation of Martin J. Bentley; conflict between Bentley and Lee Patrick alluded to in letter of S.M. Brosius (Oct. 16, 1899); Skiatook School and Eva Watson; mention of Rufus M. Jones and discussion whether to publish articles on work with Native Americans; Fred L. Ryon wishes to visit all the Govt. Indian Schools in the west; R.S. Burnett's monthly report for the Seneca–Cayuga Nation, Oklahoma, for 10 mo., 1899 also letters addressed to: William and Lucinda George, from: Alfaretta Mitchell re: endorsements of the Georges as missionaries to the Ottawa Tribe of Oklahoma George N. and L. Ella Hartley from: William L. George; John D. Miles (Antlers, I.T.) re: plan for educating Native American orphans Jonathan M. Steere, from: L. Ella Hartley re: George N. Hartley accompanying the McFarlands to their new position among the Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma (Bah Kho-je)
(ca. 80 items: letters, postcard, telegrams) Letters addressed to Edward M. Wistar. Correspondents include: Samuel M. Brosius; Hetty B. Garrett; George N. Hartley; L. Ella Hartley; Abigail C. Haworth; Allen Jay; W.A. Jones (Commissioner, Office of Indian Affairs); Franklin Meredith; John Nicholson; D.A. and R.M. Outland; Eva Watson; John M. Watson; Francis A. White; Carolena M. Wood
Topics discussed include: in general, the situation of the various missions and the people running them (especially in the letters of John Nicholson and George N. Hartley); finding suitable people to fill positions at the missions; Martin J. Bentley investigation (from letters and telegrams of Samuel M. Brosius). Commissioner unhappy with Special Agent Taggart's investigation into Lee Patrick as it was favorable to Patrick and Patrick was against Bentley. Bentley and members of the Kickapoo Tribe in Washington in attempt to have Patrick removed as agent. Inspector Zevely going to Oklahoma to investigate Patrick and Bentley, Brosius urges Wistar to go out himself. Zevely works for the "Secretary" [of the Interior?] and not for the Commissioner; Skiatook School; financial matters, funding; smallpox reappears; policy of whether executive committee should purchase land; Edward M. Wistar might head west; situation of D.A. and R.M. Outland, missionaries to the Otoe-Missouria Tribe of Indians, Oklahoma; Scanned Image S.M. Brosius of the Indian Rights Association, to "Mr. Wistar", May 22, 1900 , presenting a status report of various tribes: Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma (Bah Kho-je), Osage (Wahzhazhe) Nation, Pueblo peoples, Shoshone people, Stockbridge-Munsee band of Mohican Indians, and Pima peoples. (approximately 390K).
(ca. 71 items: letters) Letters addressed to Edward M. Wistar. Correspondents include: Lodi and Anna Bonser [Benson?]; Josiah Butler and Eusebia S. Couch (Friends Evangelistic, Pastoral and Church Extension work of Kansas Yearly Meeting); George N. Hartley; L. Ella Hartley; Abigail C. Haworth; George D. Hilyard; Allen Jay; W.A. Jones; Mary S. Kimber; Daniel W. Lawrence (Superintendent of Friends' School at Hillside, I.T.); George H. Lee; John Nicholson; D.A. and R.M. Outland; Elizabeth Test; Eva Watson; John M. Watson; Carolena M. Wood
Topics discussed include: in general, the situation at the various missions and the people running them (especially in the letters of George N. Hartley); report of work done among the Kickapoo people by Elizabeth Test (May 1901); suggestions for change in the eastern stations of mission work in a letter of Abigail C. Haworth to the Assoc. Exec. Comm. (directed to their annual meeting of 1901); Skiatook School [Hillside, Oklahoma], reports from Eva Watson (principal), including criticism of her selling a horse; Martin J. Bentley and the Kickapoo Tribe (the Kickapoo think they will be moved to Mexico). Commissioner Jones writes that they have been so far unable to pin anything on Bentley; missions and Kansas Yearly Meeting (unwillingness to have them turned over to Kansas Yearly Mtg., 1903) also letters addressed to: Carolena M. Wood, from: M.L. Chase re: suitability of the Woodwards to fill in for the Hartleys during their absence and engage in missionary work John Nicholson, from: Franklin and Mary Moon Meredith re: their work at Wyandotte, Oklahoma Mission George N. Hartley, from: John M. Watson
(ca. 57 items: letters) Letters addressed to Edward M. Wistar. Correspondents include: Dr. H.H. Atkinson; Lodi and Anna Bonser; Eliza H. Carey (Friends Evangelistic, Pastoral and Church Extension work of Kansas Yearly Meeting); J. Edward and Louisa Hartance; George N. Hartley; L. Ella Hartley; William P. Haworth (mission to the Otoe-Missouria Tribe of Indians, Oklahoma); Thomas and Elizabeth [Hayden]; Rachel Kirk; Daniel W. Lawrence; Josiah W. Leeds; Franklin Meredith; John Nicholson; Anna M. Ray; Matthew K. Sniffen (Indian Rights Association); Elizabeth Test; Frank A. Thackery; Anna F. [Tuber] (San Jose, Ca.)
Topics discussed include: in general, news of the various missions and the people in the field (especially in the letters of the Hartleys and of John Nicholson); Martin J. Bentley and his relationship with the Kickapoo Tribe, ongoing investigation into Bentley's alleged attempts to steal land from the Kickapoo Tribe (see letter of Jan. 14, 1904 to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs from Absentee Shawnee Agency, Shawnee, Okla., for details of scheme of Bentley and Fields); reluctance of Kansas Yearly Meeting to assume responsibility for Indian meetings once they cease to be Indian missions under the authority of the Assoc. Exec. Comm. on Indian Affairs, transfer of Modoc meeting to Kansas Yearly Mtg.; proposed visit of Edward Wistar to the west; Friends' School, Hillside, Oklahoma [Skiatook School]; expected resignation of George N. and L. Ella Hartley from their position and finding replacements for them
(ca. 133 items: letters) Letters addressed to Edward M. Wistar. correspondents include: Albert Benson; Lodi and Anna Bonser; Samuel M. Brosius; Benjamin S. Coppock; George A. Dary; Myra E. Frye; T.M. Griffiths; George N. Hartley; L. Ella Hartley; J. Edward Hart[suck]; Ellworth Haworth; William P. and Abigail C. Haworth; Thomas [] Elizabeth Ho[y]den; William A. Jones; Rachel Kirk; Daniel W. Lawrence; Lina B. Lunt; J. Walter Malone; Franklin and Mary Moon Meredith; John Nicholson; D.A. Outland; Morton C. Pearson (Church Federation of Indianapolis, Office of executive secretary, Y.M.C.A.); J. Snowdon Rhoads; Matthew K. Sniffen; A.C. Tanner; Elizabeth Test; Frank A. Thackery
Topics discussed include: general news of the missions and the people running them, especially in the letters of George N. Hartley, John Nicholson and the Haworths; prohibition in Indian Territory; suitability of William P. and Abigail Haworth or Franklin and Mary Moon Meredith to replace the Hartleys as Superintendents; Lodi and Anna Bonser resigning their post, D.A. Outland discouraged and also wishes to resign; financial matters; Haworths appointed as successors to the Hartleys as Superintendents; the Merediths leaving the Wyandotte, Oklahoma mission; dismissal of W.H. Spray as agent for the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians; situation of the Kickapoo people; Seneca mission [Seneca, MO?](the Bonsers); J.E. and Laura Hartsuck successors to the Merediths at Wyandotte, Oklahoma mission; desire to acquire lands for the mission at Shawnee, Oklahoma Ter. also letters addressed to: George N. Hartley, from: William A. Henley re: lease Henley made to the mission Matthew K. Sniffen, from: William A. Jones re: W.H. Spray; Commissioner W.A. Jones (typed copy) re: Jones' resignation as Indian Commissioner and his thanks to the Indian Rights Association and S.M. Brosius Jonathan M. Steere, from: Edward M. Wistar re: Shawnee and Kickapoo Tribe allotment James Whitall from: George A. Dary re: legacy of Lydia Marie Child
(ca. 72 items: letters) Letters addressed to Edward M. Wistar. Box 4 (Text) correspondents include: Samuel M. Brosius; Alice C. Fletcher; Hetty B. Garrett; Merrill E. Gates; William L. and Lucinda S. George; Abigail Hadley; George N. Hartley; L. Ella Hartley; J. Edward and Laura Hartsuck; William P. Haworth; J.H. Kennedy; Rachel Kirk; Daniel W. Lawrence; Francis E. Leupp; F.G. Mitchell (Mission to the Navajo Nation); John Nicholson; D.A. Outland; Margaret P. Rhoads; Matthew K. Sniffen; Elizabeth Test; Frank A. Thackery; Harvey Wallace; Francis A. White
Topics discussed include: in general, news of the various missions and the people in the field, especially in the letters of John Nicholson and William P. Haworth; finding suitable people to fill vacancies at missions (Modoc Nation mission, Seneca, Mo.); inquiry into securing fee simple title to the mission land among the Absentee Shawnee Tribe of Indians and the Kickapoo Tribe of Oklahoma, Oklahoma Terr.; the Kickapoo Tribe and selling their land; Brosius reports that Bentley, who is in Washington, should have no influence with new Indian Commissioner Leupp, Leupp writes to Wistar that he is familiar with Bentley; hearing before the Senate to urge the enactment of appropriate legislation to prohibit the further expenditure of trust funds for sectarian contract schools, also statement of S.M. Brosius to the committee; The Otoe–Missouria Tribe of Indians, Otoe, Oklahoma (D.A. Outland letters); Harvey L. and Elizabeth Wallace assigned to mission to the Modoc Nation; Friends Skiatook School, Hillside, Ind. Terr.; Elizabeth Test pleads for something to be done to stop Bentley's schemes to get the Kickapoo Tribe's land (he allegedly paid a Native American $8,000 for land that he then sold for $41,000); resignation of William L. and Lucinda S. George from their work at mission to the Ottawa Tribe of Oklahoma also letters addressed to: William P. Haworth, from: Frank A. Thackery re: building project at Shawnee, Okla. John Nicholson, from: Harvey Wallace who wants to work with Native Americans Herbert Welsh, from: A.J. Bard (typed copy) full of accusations against Samuel M. Brosius (bribery, schemes to defraud Native Americans, illegitimate children)
(ca. 102 items: letters) Letters addressed to Edward M. Wistar. correspondents include: Charles C. Binney; Samuel M. Brosius; R. Stevenson [Stephenson] and Julia Burnett; Henry K. Cooper; Wilson Cornelius (an Oneida, Oneida Settlement, Seymour, Wis.); Myra E. Frye; Merrill E. Gates; J. Addison Griffitts; Thomas M. Griffitts; Abigail J. Hadley; George N. Hartley; William P. Haworth; Thomas and Elizabeth Hayden (mission to the Modoc Nation, [Seneca, Mo.]); Allen Jay; Rachel Kirk; Charles F. Larrabee (Acting Commissioner); Daniel W. Lawrence; John Nicholson; D. Amos Outland; Frank A. Thackery; D.A. and H.E. Williams
Topics discussed include: in general, news of missions and the people working at them, especially in the letters of William P. Haworth and John Nicholson; situation at Hillside (friction there, criticism in letter of A.J. Hadley, finding someone to handle the religious instruction of Native Americans); finding suitable people to work at the missions, vacancies at Otoe-Missouria Tribe mission and Hillside mission; R. Stevenson and Julia Burnett wish to work at mission to the Absentee Shawnee Tribe, Rachel Kirk has reservations about their suitability; Otoe-Missouria Tribe of Indians, Otoe, Oklahoma (letters of D.A. Outland); Wilson Cornelius, an Oneida, writes asking for help in purchasing land in Minnesota; D.A. and H.E. Williams appointed to mission to the Otoe-Missouria Tribe of Indians; Bentley in Washington to defend himself, evidence submitted to the Secretary [of the Interior?] with recommendations (Brosius letter); doctrinal controversy at mission to the Modoc Nation; Scanned Image D. W. Lawrence to E. M. Wistar, August 1, 1905, concerning the opening of the Friends Ski-a-took School, the status of teachers and the physical plant. "...there are many [Native Americans] who feel too poor to send their children so far away to school." Page 1 | Page 2 (approximately 98K each). also letter addressed to: John Nicholson from: Daniel A. Williams (postcard) re: mission to the Otoe-Missouria Tribe of Indians
Letters addressed to Edward M. Wistar. correspondents include: W.R. Andrews (secretary to Boise Penrose); Mary S. Allen (Friends Library, Phila.); Samuel M. Brosius; Francis H. Brown; R. Stevenson and Julia Burnett; Maria M. Cox; John B. Garrett; Merrill E. Gates; Fred. D. Gleason (Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute); George N. and L. Ella Hartley; William P. Haworth; Allen Jay; Mahalah Jay; Rachel Kirk; P.C. Knox; Daniel W. Lawrence; Lina B. Lunt; F.A. McKenzie (Ohio State U.); John Nicholson; Matthew K. Sniffen; Elizabeth Test; Frank A. Thackery; Harvey Wallace; Francis A. White; D.A. Williams (Otoe, Ind. Terr.)
Topics discussed include: in general, news of the various missions and the people running them, especially in the letters of John Nicholson and William P. Haworth; annual report of the Board of Indian Commissioners; Friends Skiatook School, Daniel W. Lawrence's resignation, search for successor; finding suitable people for vacancies at the missions at Hillside and to the Ottawa Tribe of Oklahoma; situation at mission to the Otoe-Missouria Tribe (D.A. Williams letter); title to the mission land near Shawnee; more on Bentley and the Kickapoo people; the Kickapoo people in Mexico prevented from returning to U.S. by police who throw them in jail (Brosius letters, Elizabeth Test letter); account of Tecumseh Church fund; situation at mission to the Absentee Shawnee Tribe, Mardock, Oklahoma (letter of R.S and Julia Burnett) also letters addressed to: Mahalah Jay, from: Belle M. Brain re: information on Friends' work with Native Americans Jonathan M. Steere, from: Mary S. Allen re: obtaining current reports
(ca. 72 items: letters) Letters addressed to Edward M. Wistar. correspondents include: Irvin C. Dickinson (Friends Indian Mission and Day School, Hillside, Ind. Terr.); Myra E. Frye; William P. Haworth; John Howard; Daniel W. Lawrence; Piety E. Lawrence; John Nicholson; Mary F. Park; John M. Ratcliff; Walter Smedley; Elizabeth Test; Miles White, Jr.; Delia L. Williams (Women's Home Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Delaware, Ohio)
Topics discussed include: in general, news of the various missions and the people running them, especially in the letters of John Nicholson and William P. Haworth; filling vacancies at Hillside, Ottawa Tribe of Oklahoma, and Modoc Nation missions; difficulties at Hillside, possible closure of boarding school; land held by missionaries; interest in and future of the Assoc. Ex. Comm., does it have one? (letter of John Nicholson, 8 mo. 9, 1906); Daniel W. Lawrence leaves Hillside, Irvin C. and Ethel L. Dickinson take over at Hillside; John Nicholson writes (9.7.1906) that western Friends lack a religious concern for any special service and are more interested in external considerations; Elizabeth Test writes that Bentley's schemes have been defeated re: the Kickapoo people; Omar and Miriam Mendenhall going to mission to the Ottawa Tribe of Oklahoma; possible conflict between Friends workers and Methodist Episcopal Church Missionary Society (see letter of Delia L. Williams, Nov. 21, 1906) also letters addressed to: John Nicholson, from: Abigail J. Hadley re: starting a mission among the Cherokee William P. Haworth, from: Allen C. Johnson; Emory Pearson re: vacancy at Hillside; Omar and Miriam C. Mendenhall at mission to the Ottawa Tribe of Oklahoma
(ca. 76 items: letters) Letters are addressed to Edward M. Wistar. correspondents include: Charles Anderson; Samuel M. Brosius; Francis H. Brown; Nathan Brown; R.S. Burnett; P.H. Cathey; John W. Clark (National Indian Assoc.); Abner Coppock; Irvin C. and Ethel L. Dickinson; John M. Doan; J.A. Dunbar; T.C. Dunbar; J.H. Furnas; Merrill E. Gates; J.E. and Laura Hartsuck; William P. Haworth; George D. Hilyard; Allen Jay; David P. Johnson; William W. Johnson; Rachel Kirk; Charles F. Larrabee; Francis E. Leupp; John Nicholson; James S. Sloat; Francis A. White; D.A. Williams; Egerton R. Young
Topics discussed include: in general, news of the various missions and the people stationed at them, especially in the letters of John Nicholson and William P. Haworth; obtaining patents in fee for land among the Absentee Shawnee Tribe, Kickapoo Tribe, and Otoe-Missouria Tribe, Oklahoma, occupied for religious purposes by the Assoc. Ex. Com. of Friends on Indian Affairs (see letter from Leupp, 1.9.1907, and others); vacancy at mission to the Modoc Nation to be filled by Mahlon E. and Nellie A. Davis; Bentley and the Kickapoo people; Bentley is launching an investigation (with the help of Senator Teller) to try and show that it is the Indian Office in Washington that is wronging the Kickapoo people and not himself, Brosius wants to line up witnesses (E. Test, Haworths, etc., see S.M.B.'s letters of 2.15.1907, 4.10.1907, 4.15.1907); conditions at Skiatook School, Hillside, Ind. Terr.; serious problems at mission to the Absentee Shawnee Tribe, R. Stevenson Burnett bought a stock of store goods to sell and put his brother John in charge of it, John allegedly made "improper proposals" to Julia Burnett, R.S. and Julia both claim that John secretly drugged Julia and R.S. allegedly tried to kill his brother (see letter of Haworth, 6.1.1907); also letters of support and nonsupport for R.S. Burnett from residents there also letters addressed to: George N. Hartley, from: Samuel M. Brosius (typed copy) re: Haworth testifying against Bentley William P. Haworth, from: M.E. Davis at mission to the Modoc Nation Francis E. Leupp, from: Samuel M. Brosius (typed copy) re: Native Americans and management of their land "the sisters at Kickapoo mission," from: T.C. Dunbar re: Burnett situation
(ca. 60 items: letters) Letters addressed to Edward M. Wistar. correspondents include: Charles C. Binney; R.S. Burnett; James Clark; Ethel Dickinson; I.C. and E.L. Dickinson; J.A. Dunbar; Merrill E. Gates; Isaac T. Gibson; W. Jasper Hadley; Rachel Hale; George N. Hartley; J. Edward and Laura Hartsuck; Abigail C. Haworth; William P. Haworth; John Higgins; Elizabeth A. Hill; J.J. Hill; Ella Holstein; Allen Jay; Rachel Kirk; Francis E. Leupp; John Nicholson; overseers and elders of mission to the Absentee Shawnee Tribe; H.C. Phillips; Walter and Jessie Ratcliff; Marion E. and Mary J. Reisinger; Walter Smedley
Topics discussed include: in general, news of the various missions and the people running them, especially in the letters of William P. Haworth; repairs at the various missions and expenses thereof; the situation at mission to the Absentee Shawnee Tribe, Wistar receiving letters in support and otherwise re: retention of R.S. Burnett; letters from Burnett defending himself; letter of resignation of Burnett; suggestions for a replacement for the Burnetts at mission to the Absentee Shawnee Tribe; eventually replaced by John J. and Elizabeth A. Hill; situation at mission to the Otoe-Missouria Tribe; conflict between D.A. Outland and D.A. Williams (see letter of Abigail Haworth, 9.25.1907); situation at Hillside; investigation at Crow Agency, disagreement between Wistar and Leupp (over sheep?); possibility of starting a Friends school and mission near the Osage (Wahzhazhe) Nation (see Isaac T. Gibson's letters) also letters addressed to: Abigail Haworth, from: J.J. Hill, Allen Jay, from: Isaac T. Gibson, Francis E. Leupp, from: Edward M. Wistar (2 typed copies of 2 letters), Matthew [K. Sniffen], from: Herbert Welsh (typed copy 11.21.1907) re: J. Lewis Dalby and Samuel M. Brosius, investigation on the land of the Crow Tribe of Montana (Apsáalooke), friction between Washington authorities and the Indian Rights Association
(ca. 65 items: letters, telegram) Letters addressed to Edward M. Wistar. Box 5 (Text) correspondents include: Samuel M. Brosius; R.S. Burnett; Charles Curtis; Irvin C. and Ethel L. Dickinson; John M. Doan; Davis H. Forsythe; Myra E. Frye; Merrill E. Gates; Isaac T. Gibson; J.J. and E.A. Hill; Abigail C. Haworth; William P. Haworth; John B. Garrett; Rachel Kirk; Charles F. Larrabee; Francis E. Leupp; Harvey Matlack; Edward W. Nicholson; John Nicholson; John Printup; Walter and Jessie Ratcliff; Thomas Ryan; Frank A. Thackery; John C. Thomas; Edward B. Vreeland; Herbert Welsh; Francis A. White
Topics discussed include: in general, news of the various missions and the people running them, especially in the letters of William P. Haworth; severe (final) illness of John Nicholson; transferring efforts from Hillside to another more pioneer station; conference between representatives of the various mission boards which work among Native Americans; Haworth's visit to Hillside (Skiatook, Cherokee Nation) and the Osage (Wahzhazhe) Nation; smallpox at mission to the Absentee Shawnee Tribe; Isaac T. Gibson's visit to Hominy; R.S. Burnett troublesome to W.P. Haworth; Kansas Yearly Meeting and assumption of responsibility for additional meetings; recommendations of missionary secretaries to board of Indian Commissioners (on alcohol, mescal, dancing, etc.); Martin J. Bentley and the Kickapoo people; Thackery writes (3.3.1908) that the "case represents one of the greatest frauds that has ever been attempted" and thinks "(contrary to the Senate Committee which investigated the case) that Martin J. Bentley is the worst man connected with the whole transaction... he has been assisted in the work by men of influence in the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs"; tuberculosis among Native Americans (see Leupp's letter, 3.18.1908); letter (3.31.1908) from John Printup, a Tonawanda Seneca, inquiring about citizenship for Native Americans; relationship of the Indian Rights Association to the government re: criticism of Washington, strong support for Brosius (see Gates' letter of 4.27.1908); land reserved for Friends at missions and legislation; discussion of Friends (an "honor roll") prominent for work with Native Americans also includes letters to: D.H. Forsythe, from: Edward M. Wistar re: his grandfather's work with Native Americans William P. Haworth, from: Isaac T. Gibson re: visit to Harmony [Hominy?] Walter Smedley, from: William P. Haworth John Nicholson, from: John M. and Rachel Ratcliff re: Bible to be presented to the Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma (Bah Kho-Je)
(ca. 54 items: letters) Letters addressed to Edward M. Wistar. correspondents include: Abigail C. Haworth; William P. Haworth; Allen Jay; Rachel Kirk; H.H.B. Meyer; Thomas Ryan; Walter Smedley; Herbert Welsh; Ret Willard; D.A. and H.E. Williams
Topics discussed include: in general, news of the various missions and the people running them, especially in the letters of William P. Haworth; Wistar sailing for England (for 2 or 3 mo.) and all matters relative to Native Americans from Haworths be sent to Walter Smedley; Hartsucks withdrawing from Wyandotte, Oklahoma mission, to be replaced by the Georges; request for land near Hominy for Friends Indian Mission; sale at Hillside, the Dickinsons withdrawing, Kansas Yearly Mtg taking over meeting there; D.A. and Hattie E. Williams to go to new mission to the Osage (Wahzhazhe) Nation; mission to the Absentee Shawnee Tribe (letter of Rachel Kirk, 9.14.1908); establishing a mission at Hominy, Osage (Wahzhazhe) Nation Reservation, Oklahoma; Charles S. and Eunice A. Hunt to work at mission to the Otoe-Missouria Tribe of Indians; newspaper clipping re: abuse at the Crow Tribe of Montana (Apsáalooke) Reservation (letter of Herbert Welsh printed in paper); John R. and Louisa B. Cook to take charge of mission to Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma (Bah Kho-Je) (near Perkins, Okla.) also letters addressed to: William P. Haworth, from: Ira G. Carter re: expresses desire to take up work at a mission; J.R. and L.B. Cook re: taking Ratcliff's place at mission; Charles S. Hunt at mission to the Otoe-Missouria Tribe; Walter Smedley; probably Walter Smedley [in place of Wistar] members of the committee, from: Edward M. Wistar re: the Association's diminished responsibility for Modoc Nation mission, Ottawa Tribe, Hillside missions because of Kansas Yearly Mtg. and opening up mission with the Osage (Wahzhazhe) Nation at Hominy, Oklahoma Labon Miles, from: [Walter Smedley?] re: interest in mission to the Osage Nation (Wahzhazhe) Walter Smedley, from: L. Clarkson Hinshaw (Kansas Yearly Mtg.); William P. Haworth
(ca. 50 items: letters) Letters addressed to Edward M. Wistar. correspondents include: Samuel M. Brosius; Ira G. Carter; John R. and Louisa B. Cook; M. Friedman; Myra E. Frye; William P. Haworth; Charles S. and Eunice A. Hunt; Allen Jay; Charles J. Kappler and Charles H. Merillat (attorneys for the Osage (Wahzhazhe) Nation ); F.A. McKenzie; [H.B. Peaii]; Walter B. and Jessie M. Ratcliff; Charles J. Rhoads; Matthew K. Sniffen; Walter Smedley; Jonathan M. Steere; J. Brownlee Voorhees
Topics discussed include: in general, news of the various missions and the people running them, especially in the letters of William P. Haworth; finding ministers to work at mission to the Absentee Shawnee Tribe (Ira G. Carter, A.F. Bolland); mission to the Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma (Bah Kho-Je), where the Cooks are working; legislation in Congress affecting Native Americans and religious missions (land related), Native Americans and statehood bill, the Navajo Nation and public land, list of legislation related to Native Americans (bills in Senate and House); selling land at Tecumseh; mission to the Modoc Nation, where the Ratcliffs are working; finances of missions also letters addressed to: Hon. Edward L. Hamilton, from: Samuel M. Brosius re: legislation and from Hamilton to Brosius (typed copies) William P. Haworth, from: Frank A. Thackery; Anthony F. and Sarah R. Bolland re: taking on mission work at mission to the Absentee Shawnee Tribe; A.W. Hurley re: Hominy mission Hon. John H. Stephens, from: Samuel M. Brosius re: legislation Herbert Welsh, from: Lucretia T. Ross re: a Major W.A. Mercer (who was superintendent at Carlisle Indian School); she encloses copies of depositions to support a case against him, which were shown to Leupp
(ca. 72 items: letters) Letters addressed to Edward M. Wistar. correspondents include: S.M. Abbott; Edgar A. Allen; Harlan P. Beach; Samuel M. Brosius; T. Wistar Brown; Ira G. Carter; J.R. Cook; J.H. [Dotch]; Myra E. Frye; Earle J. Harold; C.S. Hauke; William P. Haworth; Charles S. Hunt; Elsie E. Hunt; Allen Jay; M.S. Kimber; J.L. Kinsey; Rachel Kirk; O. and M.C. Mendenhall; Thomas C. Moffett (Presbyterian Church, Dept. of Indian Missions); Mrs. M.F. Mosby; Morton C. Pearson; W.B. and Jessie M. Ratcliff; Thomas Ryan; Walter Smedley; Jonathan M. Steere; Elizabeth Test; Robert G. Valentine; Harvey and Lizzie Wallace; Welsh Bros.; Miles White; D.A. and H.C. Williams
Topics discussed include: in general, news of the various missions and the people running them, especially in the letters of William P. Haworth; selling the Tecumseh land; legislation in Congress affecting Native Americans; situation at Hominy (4.18.1909 letter of D.A. Williams tells of gambling); situation at Miami, Okla. (Mendenhalls are there and wish to leave); Kimber writing on Friends and Native Americans; land on various Native American reservations occupied by the Society of Friends; Osage (Wahzhazhe) Nation rejects Society of Friends application for a lease of land at Hominy, Okla. (see letter of 7.12.1909); donation of money to Committee by T. Wistar Brown; situation at mission to the Modoc Nation (run by the Ratcliffs); trouble at mission tothe Absentee Shawnee Tribe (see Haworth's letter, 8.20.1909, Bollands are overbearing and heady); Kansas Yearly Mtg. responsible for Hillside meeting; Ira G. and Oneida B. Carter going to work at mission to the Ottawa Tribe also letters addressed to: Mrs. M.F. Mosby, from: William P. Haworth re: Hillside Samuel M. Brosius, from: D.C. McCurtain (attorney, Choctaw Nation) re: abolishing tribal relationships and legal ramifications (Lake Mohonk Conference favors, McCurtain doesn't)
(ca. 61 items: letters, newspaper clipping, receipt, reprint) Letters addressed to Edward M. Wistar. correspondents include: F.H. Abbott; Samuel M. Brosius; James Carey; Fred W. Carpenter; Ira C. Deaver; Charles H. Fahs; John J. Fitzgerald; Davis H. Forsythe; C.F. Hauke; Abigail C. Haworth; William P. Haworth; George D. Hilyard; Charles S. Hood; A. Edwin Keigwin (Ursinus College); Rachel Kirk; Thomas C. Moffett; Morton C. Pearson; R.H. Pratt; Walter Smedley; Frank A. Thackery; Robert G. Valentine; Irving P. Wanger; Daniel and Hattie Williams
Topics discussed include: in general, news of the various missions and the people running them, especially in the letters of William P. Haworth; lists of bills in Congress related to Native Americans (letters of Brosius); Bentley and company trying to defraud the Kickapoo Tribe of their land (see letters of Thackery and Brosius); difficulty in finding suitable people to work at the missions, Grey Horse mission starting up; trouble at mission to the Modoc Nation, Philander and Carrie Blackledge going to take mission; continuing troubles at mission to the Absentee Shawnee Tribe; requests for patent in fee to lands used by Society of Friends on the reservations; cooperative efforts to determine which Native American peoples do not have missionaries and to reach them (see letter of 3.10.1910 of Thomas Moffett); Davis Forsythe writes re: Kimber papers; newspaper clipping on La Follette, title to Wisconsin land and Stearns Lumber Co. (5.30.1910); reprint of letter written by Brosius to newspaper re: rights of Native Americans (5.17.1910) also letters addressed to: William P. Haworth, from: C.S. and E.A. Hunt re: Otoe-Missouria Tribe mission; J.G. and O.P. Carter re: news at Miami mission Walter Smedley, from: D.A. and H.E. Williams re: situation at Hominy mission Herbert Welsh, from: R.G. Valentine re: investigation at Crow Tribe of Montana (Apsáalooke) Reservation (typed copy)
(ca. 66 items: letters) Letters addressed to Edward M. Wistar. correspondents include: Philander and Caroline M. Blackledge; C.W. Brooks; T. Wistar Brown; Charles H. Fahs; Davis H. Forsythe; John Francis; George N. Hartley; C.F. Hauke; Abigail C. Haworth; William P. Haworth; Henry S. Haskins; Charles S. and Eunice A. Hunt; William R. Layne; Clyde W. Likes; J.F. Love; F.A. McKenzie; Mary N. Miller; Charles C. Moffett; Warren K. Moorhead; Walter Smedley; Jonathan M. Steere; Robert G. Valentine; Daniel A. and Hattie Williams
Topics discussed include: in general, news of the various missions and the people running them, especially in the letters of William P. Haworth; Clyde W. Likes withdraws from Hillside, quarreling neighbors the reason given by Likes; patents on land held by Society of Friends at the various missions; continuing trouble at mission to the Absentee Shawnee Tribe, the Bollands prove unsatisfactory and are asked to resign; prospective changes in personnel at several missions (to the Absentee Shawnee Tribe and to Ottawa Tribe); news of Hominy mission (letters of Daniel Williams); news at Otoe-Missouria Tribe mission (letters of C.S. Hunt); request from W.K. Moorhead for Friends to do something to save the White Earth Band of Ojibwe at White Earth reservation in Minn., suffering from disease; cooperation between the various religious groups working with Native Americans; news at Modoc Nation mission (letter of Philander and Caroline Blackledge), "Apostolic Holiness" people there; Ira G. and Oneida B. Carter resign from mission to the Ottawa Tribe, Okla.; Charles and Mattie [Wooten] doing good work at mission to the Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma (Bah Kho-je); Baptists working among the Osage (Wahzhazhe) (J.F. Love, Home Mission Council of the Southern Baptist Convention); Cyrus and Amy Hawkins to go to mission to the Ottawa Tribe; Henry and Collie Marshall to go to mission to the Absentee Shawnee Tribe; donation to the Indian Aid Committee from T. Wistar Brown; Forsythe writes about proposed book "Friends and the Indians"; George N. Hartley taking Allen Jay's place on Indian Committee also letters addressed to: Commissioner of Indian Affairs, from: Ralph P. Stanion re: mission lands for Friends Society (typed copy) Secretary of the Interior, from: F.H. Abbott re: patents in fee for mission lands on Modoc Nation and Wyandotte Nation Reservations, Oklahoma William P. Haworth, from: Cyrus H. and Amy B. Hawkins re: mission to the Ottawa Tribe; H.L. Wallace re: schoolhouse at [mission to the Modoc Nation, Seneca, Mo.] (2 letters); Anthony H. and S.R. Bolland re: their letter of resignation from mission to the Absentee Shawnee Tribe; D.A. Williams re: Hominy mission Matthew K. Sniffen, from: Samuel M. Brosius re: the Fort Yuma Quechan (Kwatsáan) Indian Tribe and land claims during Commissioner Leupp's tenure (typed copy) "Cousin Beulah," from: E.M. Wistar re: thanks her for sending photograph of his grandfather J.F. Love, from: Chairman Indian Committee [Thomas C. Moffett] re: introduces Wistar to him
(ca. 39 items: letters) Letters addressed to Edward M. Wistar. Box 6 (Text) correspondents include: Samuel P. Brosius; Mary K. Carey; Elaine Goodale Eastman; Myra E. Frye; Carl E. Grammer (pres. Indian Rights Assoc.); Cyrus H. and Amy B. Hawkins; Abigail C. Haworth; William P. Haworth; Charles S. Hunt; Morton C. Pearson; John M. [Redfalk] (secretary, Interior Dept.); Walter Smedley; Frank A. Thackery; Robert G. Valentine; J. Brownlee Voorhees; Harvey L. and Lizzie Wallace; Miles White
Topics discussed include: in general, news of the various missions, especially in the letters of William P. Haworth; Society of Friends and land used by the missions on the various reservations; situation at mission to the Ottawa Tribe, Miami, Oklahoma in letters of Cyrus Hawkins (they are discouraged); news of mission to the Otoe-Missouria Tribe of Oklahoma in letters of Charles S. Hunt; confidence in Carl E. Grammer as president of IRA; Home Missions Council asks Associated Executive Committee to join them as members; AEC doesn't wish to participate in HMC's move to have a legal representative in Washington, suggests that IRA be the representative of Protestant interests in Washington; trying to sell Tecumseh land; drought in west, little water in Shawnee (home of Haworths); Bentley case continues - Grimes, Chapman and Brown in federal jail at Guthrie, Oklahoma (see Thackery letter of 2.11.1911); request from Elaine Goodman Eastman for info. on Native Americans and Quakers; lists of bills in Congress affecting Native Americans (Brosius letters); letter from Valentine to the missionary boards re: position on mission schools and religious exercises; proposed resignation of Charles S. and Eunice Hunt from the mission to the Otoe-Missouria Tribe of Oklahoma; resignation of Cyrus H. and Amy B. Hawkins from mission to the Ottawa Tribe, Miami, Oklahoma also letters addressed to: Elaine Goodale Eastman, from: [Walter Smedley?] re: Native Americans and Quakers (typed copy) Pliny Fry, from: [Walter Smedley?] re: his letter to Hatty Garrett re: publishing monthly reports in the "American Friend" Hetty B. Garrett, from: Pliny Fry re: getting the monthly reports on work with Native Americans before a wider audience of Friends; Albert J. Brown re: Wilmington Yearly Meeting (Ohio) ending contributions to Assoc. Exec. Com. on Indian Affairs Abigail C. Haworth, from: Amy B. Hawkins re: moving expenses to Miami William P. Haworth, from: Ira C. Deaver re: patent in fee for land, authorization from the Ottawa Tribe for same; [Walter Smedley?] re: expenses, Hillside (typed copy) Walter Smedley, from: William P. Haworth re: Hillside property; Elaine Goodale Eastman re: info. on Friends and Native Americans; William P. Haworth re: mission to the Osage (Wahzhazhe) Nation,Hillside property (3 letters); Myra E. Frye re: expenses for Lina Lunt
(ca. 87 items: letters) Letters addressed to Edward M. Wistar. correspondents include: F.H. Abbott; T. Wistar Brown; Edward F. Child; Isaiah Douglas; Walter T. Everett; Myra E. Frye; George N. Hartley; Abigail C. Haworth; John P. and N. May Haworth; William P. Haworth; Home Mission Council; Rayner W. Kelsey; Rachel Kirk; Rosa B. LaFlesche (American Indian Assoc.); Lina Lunt; Joseph E. McAfee; F.A. McKenzie; Henry and Callie Marshall; Daniel C. Maxfield; Thomas C. Moffett; Walter Smedley; Jonathan M. Steere; Stella Symons; Elizabeth Test; Daniel A. and Hattie E. Williams
Topics discussed include: in general, news of the various missions and the people running them, especially in the letters of William P. Haworth; money for work with Native Americans, possible that there may be less due to growing interest in foreign missions; resignation of the Hunts from mission to the Otoe-Missouria Tribe of Oklahoma and replaced with John Lewis Mayo and Sarah N. Mayo; Rayner Kelsey discussed his proposed book on Friends and the Indians; John P. and May Haworth now at Hillside and work there (son of Wm. and Abigail Haworth); summary of the annual meeting of the Home Mission Council for 1911; land occupied by the missions at the various reservations and attempts to get patents on land; Henry and Callie Marshall wish to resign from mission to the Absentee Shawnee Tribe, Clyde Likes or Austin Hatcher as possible replacements; Associated Exec. Com. joins the American Indian Assoc.; sale of land at Hillside to Mr. Abbott; Elizabeth Test resigns as Field Matron with the Kickapoo Tribe of Oklahoma but will continue religious work on her own; Isaiah Douglas interested in farm at mission to the Kickapoo Tribe (see evaluation of him and family in letter of Elizabeth Test, 10.11.1911); in this folder "The need of Indian Public Opinion" by Robert G. Valentine, an address delivered at the first annual conf. of the Society of American Indians, 1911; news of Hominy mission in letter of Daniel A. and Hattie Williams; Clyde Likes to go to mission to the Ottawa Tribe; Austin and Irene Hatcher to go to mission to the Absentee Shawnee Tribe (Norman, Okla.) also letters addressed to: S.M. Abbott, from: William P. Haworth re: barn at Hillside William P. Haworth, from: S.M. Abbott re: disagreement over ownership of barn at Hillside, includes drawing of plot of land (2 letters); Thomas Ryan re: sale of mission land at Skiatook at public sale; Biddison & Campbell (lawyers) re: who owns barn at Hillside; [] Fink re: request that William George be returned to the mission at Miami; Rachel Kirk re: Austin Hatcher for mission to the Absentee Shawnee Tribe; Louise (W.P.H. adds that author of letter is a Shawnee girl); C.W. Likes re: doesn't wish to go to mission to the Absentee Shawnee Tribe; Henry and Callie Marshall re: don't wish to stay another year, submits resignation (2 letters); J.L. Mayo re: mission to the Otoe-Missouria Tribe of Oklahoma Rayner W. Kelsey, from: W.[J.] Elkinton re: Native American records presented by his father to the committee Ben Phillips, from: William P. Haworth re: rent unpaid at Hillside Walter Smedley, from: Elaine G. Eastman re: her book on Native American education; Edward M. Wistar re: state of Friends' work with Native Americans (written while in Japan, 12.9.1911); [WS and] Jonathan M. Steere from Edward M. Wistar; E.M. Wistar re: various people for the missions
(ca. 51 items: letters) Letters addressed to Edward M. Wistar. correspondents include: Philander and Caroline M. Blackledge; Samuel M. Brosius; Florence L. Cummings; Ira C. Deaver; Robert D. Hall; George N. Hartley; C.F. Hauke; William P. Haworth; Joseph E. McAfee; F.A. McKenzie; Neil McMillan; J.J. Mills; Warren K. Moorhead; Morton C. Pearson; H.C. Phillips; Walter Smedley; Charles Stelzle; Charles L. Thompson; Robert G. Valentine; J. Brownlee Voorhees; Charles L. White
Topics discussed include: in general, news of the various missions and the people running them, especially in the letters of William P. Haworth; continuing disagreement with Mr. Abbott re: the barn at Hillside and attempts by the committee to prove that they are entitled to the land there even though it has been sold out from under them; Clyde Likes going to mission to the Ottawa Tribe; discussion between Valentine and Moorhead re: emphasis of federal Native American policy, White Earth scandal and whether Moorhead would go public with the information; Chilocco Indian School and letters from various representatives of the Y.M.C.A.; Lake Mohonk Conferences and some proposed changes put forth by H.C. Phillips in answer to criticism of the current format and value; letters from Home Missions Council news of mission [to the Modoc Nation?], Seneca, Mo. from the Blackledges also letters addressed to: John [Haworth], from: William P. Haworth re: Hillside William P. Haworth, from: S.M. Abbott re: barn in dispute at Hillside; Edward M. Wistar re: Hillside allotment Matthew K. Sniffen, from: W.R. Johnson re: situation of Native Americans in Arizona now that it has become a state
(ca. 106 items: letters) Letters addressed to Edward M. Wistar. correspondents include: F.H. Abbott; Philander Blackledge; Samuel M. Brosius; Ivey C. Clark; Isaiah Douglas; Robert W. Douglas; William B. Evans; Myra E. Frye; Hetty B. Garrett; William L. and L.S. George; Robert D. Hall; George N. Hartley; Henry S. Haskins; Austin Hatcher; Abigail Haworth; William P. Haworth; Hubert C. Herring; Allen D. Hole; Rayner W. Kelsey; Rachel Kirk; Edgar B. Meritt; Authur C. Parker; H.C. Phillips; Thomas Ryan; Walter Smedley; Ralph P. Stanion; Jonathan M. Steere; Charles Stelzle; Charles L. Thompson; George D. Weeks; Charles L. White; Miles White; Daniel A. and Hattie A. Williams; James Wood; Charles N. and Mattie Wooten; J.G. Wright
Topics discussed include: in general, news of the various missions and the people running them, especially in the letters of William P. Haworth; ruling on the wearing of sectarian clothing in Government Schools for Native Americans; getting title to the disputed land at Skiatook mission, (Hillside property) and patents for land at other missions as well; letters from various representatives of the Y.M.C.A. re: schools for Native Americans; news of mission [to the Iowa Tribe (Bah Kho-Je)] (Perkins, Okla.) from Charles Wooten; Georges living in and leaving Wyandotte, Okla.; possibility of transferring work with Native Americans to care of Five Years Meeting; news of mission to the Absentee Shawnee Tribe from Austin Hatcher, Native Americans hungry; possible decrease in financial support for work with Native Americans from New England Yearly Mtg. and other meetings; letters from Home Mission Council re: Home Mission Week; Philander Blackledge wishes to resign work at Seneca, Mo.; Edgar Meritt thanks Wistar for endorsement of him to be Commissioner of Indian Affairs and feels confident that he will be named successor to Valentine; John Haworth now at Wyandotte mission, the Giffords now at Hillside mission, Philander and Carrie Blackledge resigned work mission to the Modoc Nation; Rayner W. Kelsey at work on his book "Friends and the Indians"; Ivey C. Clark interested in mission work, will be sent to mission to the Modoc Nation; Skiatook mission land conveyed to Assoc. Ex. Com. by govt.; illness and death of John P. Haworth also letters addressed to: []from: E.M. Wistar (circular letter) Samuel M. Brosius, from: F.H. Abbott re: patent in fee for Ottawa Tribal land used by mission (2 letters) Mary King Carey, from: [Matthew K. Sniffen?] re: Seminole people Horace B. Durant, from: Thomas Ryan re: Hillside property (typed copy) Hetty B. Garrett, from: Wm. J. Harrison re: can`t attend meeting of Ex. Com. William P. Haworth, from: Horace B. Durant re: Hillside property; [] re: Hillside property (typed copy); J.A. Griffitts re: going to Skiatook; Ivey C. Clark re: his expenses in getting to Seneca; F.H. Abbott re: Hillside land; J.G. Wright re: Hillside land; J.L. Mayo re: expenses at mission (Red Rock, Okla.); Charles and Florence B. Gifford re: wants a minister for Hillside; Isaac and Laura Fra[zier] re: work at a mission Walter Smedley, from: George N. Hartley re: talking to various Yearly Meetings and decreasing funding for work with Native Americans Jonathan M. Steere, from: Mary A. Gove re: lessening of funds from New England Yearly Mtg for work with Native Americans and concerns about the work with the Kickapoo Tribe which they are supporting (typed copy); William P. Haworth re: financial
(ca. 67 items: letters) Letters addressed to Edward M. Wistar. correspondents include: Roxana Abbott; S.M. Abbott; Joshua L. Bailey; Sherman Coolidge; Isaac and Laura M. Frazier; M. Friedman; J.A. Griffitts; Robert D. Hall; Abigail C. Haworth; George N. Hartley; C.F. Hauke; N. May Haworth; William P. Haworth; Hubert C. Herring; L. Clarkson Hinshaw; George Innes; Rayner W. Kelsey; J.E. McAfee; Charles S. MacFarland; Thomas C. Moffett; W.K. Moorhead; S.C. Nicholson; Harvey C. Olin; Eugenia H. Parker; Jonathan M. Steere; Cornelia Taber; Elizabeth Test; Robert G. Valentine; Herbert Welsh; Charles L. White; Miles White; Carolena M. Wood
Topics discussed include: in general, news of the various missions and the people running them, especially in the letters of William P. Haworth; vacancy at Wyandotte mission, Isaac and Laura Frazier taking that place; letters from the Home Mission Council; Rayner W. Kelsey working on his book "Friends and the Indians"; letters from representatives of the Y.M.C.A. re: Chilocco Indian School; William P. and Abigail C. Haworth resigning from their positions as superintendents; M. Friedman wishes to be appointed Commissioner of Indian Affairs; possible successors for the Haworths; Kate Barnard (of Okla. Dept. of Charities and Corrections) is interested in the Skiatook property as a possible farm for the after-care of incarcerated people; requests for help from Assoc. Ex. Com. for Native Americans in California (letter of Cornelia Taber, 4.2.1913); letters from the United Missionary Campaign; letters from the Society of American Indians; sale of Hillside property to S.A. Abbott also letters addressed to: Hetty B. Garrett, from: William Demerest re: Home Mission Council; Pliny Fry re: can't attend meeting of Assoc. Ex. Com. William P. Haworth, from: Ivey C. Clark re: wants moving expenses paid by committee; Kate Barnard re: Skiatook property Secretary of the Interior, from: Lewis C. Lavlin re: patents in fee for Friends Mission Society (typed copy) Walter Smedley, from: E.M. Wistar
(ca. 65 items: letters) Letters addressed to Edward M. Wistar. correspondents include: S.M. Abbott; Ivey C. Clark; Henry Roe Cloud; William C. Cowperthwaite; Ira C. Deaver; Pliny Fry; Myra E. Frye; Hattie E. Hadley; Robert D. Hall; George N. Hartley; C.F. Hauke; William P. Haworth; George D. Hilyard; Eber S. Hobson; Rachel Kirk; Charles MacFarland; J.J. Mills; Thomas C. Moffett; George H. Moore; Arthur C. Parker; Walter Smedley; Lewis E. Stout; Elizabeth Test; Harvey L. Wallace; Amos Walton; Charles R. Watson; Miles White; Carolena W. Wood; Charles L. Wooten
Topics discussed include: in general, news of the various missions and the people working there, especially in the letters of William P. Haworth; Lewis E. Stout declines job as Haworth's successor; letters from Home Mission Council re: unevangelized Native Americans; letters from United Missionary Campaign; letters from the Society of American Indians; patents on mission land on the Seneca-Cayuga Nation land, Okla.; Abbott writes (7.8.1913) that the Mormans are ready to move into Hillside when the Com. sells the meeting house property there; news of mission [Seneca] from Harvey L. Wallace; Rayner W. Kelsey touring the various missions; questions of continuing support of the various missions and whether they should be supported by their communities (see letter of 7.20.1913 of William P. Haworth); decrease in interest in work with Native Americans and an increase in foreign missionary work (see letter of 8.27.1913 from George Hilyard); news of mission [to the Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma (Bah Kho-Je)], Perkins, Okla. from Charles L. Wooten; J.J. Mills preparing work explaining work of the Five Years Meeting; some of the Iowa Tribe (Bah Kho-Je) going to Washington and Philadelphia and visiting Kelsey and Wistar; the Haworths consent to stay on as Superintendents awhile longer also letters addressed to: Ivey C. and Hannah I. Clark, from: [Walter Smedley] re: finances George N. Hartley, from: Eber S. Hobson re: entering work with Native Americans William P. Hartley, from: [Walter Smedley] re: Ivey C. Clark taking on work with the Ottawa Tribe as well as work with the Modoc Nation William P. Haworth, from: Clyde Likes re: Miami hiring their own pastor; C.W. Likes Eber S. Hobson, from: [Walter Smedley?] re: his interest in work with Native Americans Eroll D. Peckham, from: [Walter Smedley?] re: his interest in work with Native Americans Walter [Smedley], from: Jonathan M. Steere re: Ottawa Friends (2 letters); William P. Hartley re: unsuitability of Walter Ratcliff and family for work with Native Americans, Ivey C. Clark at Modoc Nation mission and Shawnee Bend (Ottawa Tribe), "Otoe Indian Friend's Church" believed by Haworth to be the first strictly Native American Friends meeting to have been organized in this field (4 letters); Carolena M. Wood re: a successor for the Haworths; Eroll D. Peckham re: not interested in work with Native Americans; Eber S. Hobson re: interested in work with Native Americans Jonathan Steere, from: Hattie E. Hadley re: asking him to forward letter to Wistar
(ca. 64 items: letters) Letters addressed to Edward M. Wistar. Correspondents include: F.H. Abbott; Joshua L. Baily; Martha E. Barber; Samuel M. Brosius; Isaac and Laura Frazier; Mary H. Freeman; Carl E. Grammer; Robert D. Hall; George N. Hartley; Abigail C. Haworth; William P. Haworth; Allen D. Hole; Rayner W. Kelsey; Rachel Kirk; John L. Mayo; Thomas C. Moffett; Warren K. Moorhead; H.C. Olin; M.C. Scattergood; Cato Sells; Walter Smedley; Matthew K. Sniffen; Elizabeth Test; H.L. Wallace; Herbert Welsh; John W. Wood; Charles L. and Martha Wooten
Topics discussed include: in general, news of the various missions and the people running them, especially in the letters of William P. Haworth; letters from representatives of the Y.M.C.A. re: education of Native Americans; political atmosphere in Washington, Moorhead writes (2.16.1914) that there is a move to get rid of those who support Native American rights; new meeting house built at mission to the Kickapoo Tribe of Oklahoma; letters from Home Missions Council; news of Wyandotte mission from Isaac and Laura Frazier; circular letters from Cato Sells re: Native Americans and stopping the liquor traffic, Native Americans and farming; minutes of the Committee on Indian Work of the Home Missions Council, 1914; news of Iowa Tribe (Bah Kho-je) mission (Perkins, Okla.) from Charles and Martha Wooten; Bentley, W.S. Fields and scheme to defraud the Kickapoo people before Congress (see Elizabeth Test letter, 4.8.1914; Brosius, 5.1.1914); concern that missionaries not given enough financial support (M.E. Barber writes 4.24.1914, "People who would work here for $400 are not the kind who would do any good ..."); news of mission to the Otoe-Missouria Tribe from John L. Mayo, Red Rock, Okla.; situation of the Iowa Tribe (Bah Kho-je) (letter of Rachel Kirk, 6.17.1914) also letters addressed to: Joshua L. Baily, from: Ivey C. Clark re: thinks he can make money operating thrashing machine Pliny Fry, from: S.E. Nicholson re: publication of Native American reports in the American Friend George N. Hartley, from: Charles C. Haworth re: work at Shawnee Rayner W. Kelsey, from: Charles L. Wooten re: visit of Native Americans (Chief Dave Tohee of the Iowa Tribe (Bah Kho-je)) to Washington and they wish to meet with Wistar Marriott [C. Morris?], from: Charles J. Rhoads re: contributions to Indian Aid Society Hon. J.T. Robinson (Senate), from: Edward M. Wistar re: the Kickapoo people and Martin J. Bentley (Wistar first became aware of Bentley 17 years ago) (typed copy, signed) [Cato] Sells, from: Joseph H. Choate re: "curse of whiskey" (typed copy) Jonathan M. Steere, from: Pliny Fry re: publication of Native American reports in the American Friend; George N. Hartley re: Hartley's tour of the missions
(ca. 118 items: letters) Letters addressed to Edward M. Wistar. correspondents include: F.A. Abbott; W.F. Bradway; Samuel M. Brosius; Clark and Elma T. Brown; T. Wistar Brown; Pliny Fry; John H. Furnas; Howard B. Grace; A.J. Hadley; S.M. Hadley; George N. Hartley; Austin Hatcher; Abigail C. Haworth; Charles C. Haworth; William P. Haworth; George D. Hilyard; Allen D. Hole; Rayner W. Kelsey; Rachel Kirk; Charles S. Macfarland; John L. Mayo; Lucy Logan; Lina B. Lunt; Thomas C. Moffett; Margaret L. Moody; Arthur C. Parker; Morton C. Pearson; H.C. Phillips; J. Farland Randolph; John M. Ratcliff; Walter B. Ratcliff; Cato Sells; Jonathan M. Steere; Anna Doan Stephens; Elwood Tatum; Elizabeth Test; Harvey L. Wallace; Miles White; Daniel and Hattie Williams; Carolena M. Wood; Charles Wooten
Topics discussed include: in general, news of the various missions and the people running them, especially in the letters of William P. Haworth and his successor, Clark Brown; Charles C. Haworth not interested in replacing his father as Superintendent; news of mission at Hominy from Daniel A. Williams; financial situation of the Assoc. Exec. Com., lack of adequate funding, whether to close the mission to the Iowa Tribe (Bah Kho-je); finding replacements for William P. and Abigail C. Haworth as Superintendents; news of [Seneca] mission from Harvey Wallace; discussion of Clark Brown as successor to William Haworth, and thoughts pro and con in regard to him; news of mission to the Absentee Shawnee Tribe, Norman, Okla. from Austin Hatcher, he feels he should resign as sees little progress in the three years he has been there; Walter Ratcliff wants to work at mission to the Iowa Tribe (Bah Kho-je); financial contribution to Committee from T. Wistar Brown; list of missionary boards working with Native Americans; news of mission to the Otoe-Missouria Tribe from John L. Mayo, writes that some Native Americans are giving up use of peyote; Clark Brown appointed as Superintendent to succeed Haworth; news of mission to the Iowa Tribe (Bah Kho-je) from Charles Wooten, writes that the Native Americans like them but not the Friends doctrine, Native Americans following Robert Small and Church of God people; John L. Mayo and a Baptist minister engaged in a water baptism (see letters of Haworth, 9.18.1914 and Mayo, 9.25.1914); Native American dances (Haworth, 9.18.1914); letters from the Home Missions Council; Native American legislation re: Ogden Land Company and Native American reservations in New York; resignation of John L. and S.N. Mayo from work at mission to the Otoe-Missouria Tribe; Baptist minister, Mr. Crane, visits Shawnee [at Hillside?], possible conflict; George N. Hartley visiting the various missions and reports to Wistar his findings; Lina B. Lunt has tuberculosis (at mission to the Kickapoo Tribe); religious exhibit at Panama-Pacific Exposition (in letters from Five Years Meeting); text of a speech [?] of Wistar's (incomplete, apparently given at a conference in June of 1914, typed version of same in box 8, folder of misc. reports) also letters addressed to: George N. Hartley, from: Clark Brown re: new well, cistern (2 letters); John L. Mayo re: conflict with Baptist preacher and Native Americans; Fred L. Ryon re: inquiring about the position of Superintendent; George H. Moore re: Clark Brown Clarkson and Emma Brown, from: Ivey and Hannah Clark re: wants permission to visit sick relatives; E.M. Wistar re: position of Superintendent Cato Sells, from: Gabe E. Parker re: Parker's opinion of Sells Jonathan M. Steere, from: David M. Edwards re: recommendation of Clark Brown William P. and A.C. Haworth, from: Charles Wooten re: Wootens' work with the Iowa Tribe (Bah Kho-je); Clark Brown re: Superintendent position; Jessie Ratcliff re: Ratcliffs' want to take up work at mission to the Iowa Tribe (Bah Kho-je)
(ca. 58 items: letters) Letters addressed to Edward M. Wistar. Correspondents include: F.A. Abbott; S.J. Allen; Harry Bock (Baptist minister); Samuel M. Brosius; Clark Brown; Ira C. Deaver; Samuel A. Eliot; Pliny Fry; Myra E. Frye; George N. Hartley; William P. Haworth; Mary I. Hollowell; Rayner W. Kelsey; Rachel Kirk; Hannah H.B. Lloyd; Thomas C. Moffett; [Eugenid] H. Parker; M.C. Pearson; Wm. H. Pile's Sons; W.B. and Jessie M. Ratcliff; Fred B. Smith; Matthew K. Sniffen; Jonathan M. Steere; Elizabeth Test; Frank A. Thackery; George Vaux, Jr.; [Annie?] Walton; Daniel A. Williams
Topics discussed include: in general, news of the various missions and the people running them, especially in the letters of Clark Brown; typed copy of "Report of the Committee on Indian Missions presented at the annual meeting of the Home Missions Council, January 12, 1915"; Elizabeth Test takes up position as Field Matron; Native American matters before Congress (Brosius letters); letters from Home Missions Council; Bethany Church land in Delaware Co., Okla.; potential conflicts with the Southern Baptist and the Catholic missionaries; Lina B. Lunt resigns position at missioon to the Kickapoo Tribe; Osage (Wahzhazhe) Nation Reservation, sub-leasing of land [to oil interests?]; Charles and Mattie Wooten to go to mission to the Kickapoo Tribe; news of Hominy mission from Daniel A. Williams; situation with the Iowa Tribe (Bah Kho-je) (they are using "peota" and water baptism, Clark Brown suggests that Friends withdraw from that mission); Ratcliffs wish to be considered for vacancy at mission to the Iowa Tribe (Bah Kho-je); Rachel Kirk leaving mission to the Kickapoo Tribe, Elizabeth Test allowed to stay with Committee support; long letter from Harry Bock on his disagreement with John L. Mayo re: Otoe-Missouria Tribe, peyote, baptism and interference with Mayo's work and suggestion from Mayo that Bock take over the mission from Friends also letters addressed to: Rev. Harry Bock (Missionary to the Pawnee Nation of Oklahoma (Chatiks-si-chatiks)), from: J.L. and S.N. Mayo re: Bock's alleged interference with Otoe-Missouria people at Mayos' mission Clark Brown, from: Walter Smedley re: mission business [ ] Mayo from: Rev. Harry Bock re: his reply to Mayo's charges Walter [Smedley], from: Jonathan M. Steere re: Asso. Ex. Com. business Wm. Smedley and J.M. Steere, from: E.M. Wistar re: selling mission to the Iowa Tribe (Bah Kho-je) Matthew K. Sniffen, from: Samuel M. Brosius re: J. George Wright, the newly appointed Supt. of the Osage (Wahzhazhe) Nation and past troubles at Osage (Wahzhazhe) Nation Reservation, Okla. (typed copy) John Springer, from: Clark Brown re: Springer wishes to purchase mission property
(ca. 64 items: letters) Letters addressed to Edward M. Wistar. Correspondents include: S.J. Allen; Harlan P. Beach; Clark Brown; Esther Cook; Morris W. Ehnes; Charles H. Fahs; Myra E. Frye; George N. Hartley; Frank and Allie Hatcher; C.F. Hauke; C.W. Kenworthy; Rachel Kirk; Joseph E. McAfee; J.J. Mills; Thomas C. Moffett; Arthur C. Parker; R.H. Pratt; G.B. St. John; Jonathan M. Steere; M.F. Swafford; M.M. Welch
Topics discussed include: in general, news of the various missions and the people running them, especially in the letters of Clark Brown; selling Modoc Nation mission property; Kansas Yearly Meeting not in favor of a transfer of Modoc Nation and Ottawa Tribe mission stations to them; John L. Mayo resigning position at mission to the Otoe-Missouria Tribe, Frank and Allie Hatcher to take Otoe-Missouria Tribe mission; Otoe-Missouria Tribe (Harry Bock and Baptists wishing to take over the mission); Exhibit of National Religious Forces at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition; letters from the Home Missions Council; Lina Lunt's return to mission to the Kickapoo Tribe and possible problems resulting from same also letters addressed to: S.J. Allen, from: Board of Indian Commissioners re: info. on Comm. on Friends on Indian Affairs' work Rev. Harry Bock, from: [Clark Brown] re: Otoe-Missouria people Clark Brown, from: L.C. Hinshaw (Kansas Yearly Mtg.); Rev. Harry Bock re: mission to the Otoe-Missouria Tribe; H.L. Jones re: opening at mission (3 letters); D.A. and Hattie E. Williams re: request for more financial support; G. Lee Phelps re: possibility of purchasing mission to the Modoc Nation property for Baptist Church; Philander and Carrie Blackledge re: buying Friends church at mission to the Modoc Nation; Charles L. Wooten re: selling Iowa Tribe (Bah Kho-je) mission property; M.H. Lowrey re: dispute over selling mission to the Iowa Tribe (Bah Kho-je) George N. Hartley, from: Philander and Carrie M. Blackledge re: buying mission to the Modoc Nation John L. Mayo, from: Clark Brown re: Baptists (typed copy) Joseph J. Mills, from: E.M. Wistar re: mission statistics Mr. St. John, from: William T. Demerest re: Panama-Pacific Exposition Jonathan M. Steere, from: Rayner W. Kelsey re: possible candidate for work with Native Americans
(ca. 70 items: letters) Letters addressed to Edward M. Wistar. Correspondents include: Clark Brown; Henry Roe Cloud; Isaac Frazier; John B. Garrett; C.M. Griffiths; A.D. Hall; George N. Hartley; Austin Hatcher; William P. Haworth; Thomas E. Jones; E.B. Meritt; Thomas C. Moffett; S.E. Nicholson; Arthur C. Parker; Ernest Thompson Seton; Matthew K. Sniffen; Jonathan M. Steere; Harvey and Lizzie Wallace; Charles and Martha Wooten
Topics discussed include: in general, news of the various missions and the people running them, especially in the letters of Clark Brown and the missionaries themselves; selling property (Modoc Nation mission); news of [Seneca] mission from Harvey Wallace; news of mission to the Kickapoo Tribe from Charles Wooten (Christmas dinner and tree); letters from Home Missions Council; letters from Five Years Meeting; cemetery at Shawnee mission; letters from The American Friend (S.E. Nicholson); letters from Y.M.C.A. (re: Native American education); E.T. Seton looking for Hadley Indian Sign Prints, Ingonompashi; publishing accounts of work with Native Americans in the American Friend so as to increase support for it from the Yearly Meetings; visit of Charles H. Burke (former congressman) of S. Dakota to Washington to assist opposition to Hastings, Johnson and Lane bills; dispute with the Southern Baptists over missionary work with Native Americans (see letter of John B. Garrett, 5.23.1916) also letters addressed to: Clark Brown from: Thomas R. Welch re: mission to the Modoc Nation property; D.A. Williams re: situation at Hominy mission and the Osage (Wahzhazhe) people (3 letters); Charles L. Wooten re: mission to the Kickapoo Tribe and Lina Lunt's return (2 letters); Robert Small re: buying mission property; Horace J. Johnson re: buying mission property (2 letters); George A. Hoyo re: success of the Hatchers; the Fraziers re: mission work; H.L. Wallace re: wishes to go to the Wyandotte mission if the Fraziers leave; Walter Smedley re: selling property (ms. copy) George N. Hartley, from: Thomas E. Jones re: travels R.E. Irvin, from: [Clark Brown] re: buying mission property Robert Small, from: Clark Brown re: buying mission property Matthew K. Sniffen, from: Samuel M. Brosius re: the Seneca people and fishing rights (typed copy) Jonathan M. Steere, from: Clark Brown re: mission to the Modoc Nation property; E.M. Wistar re: American Friend and including articles about work with Native Americans J.M. Steere, R.W. Kelsey, W. Smedley, from: E.M. Wistar re: their comments on enclosed [?]
(ca. 80 items: letters) Letters addressed to Edward M. Wistar. Correspondents include: Samuel M. Brosius; Clark Brown; Isaac and Laura Frazier; Myra E. Frye; John B. Garrett; [Canon] S. Gould (Foreign Missions Conference of North America); Clarabel B. Harrison; George N. Hartley; William P. Haworth; Rayner W. Kelsey; Rachel Kirk; Omar and Miriam C. Mendenhall; J.J. Mills; Thomas C. Moffett; Arthur C. Parker; D.L. Person (Missionary Review of the World); Florence Trueblood Steere; Jonathan M. Steere; Elizabeth Test; Daniel A. Williams
Topics discussed include: in general, news of the various missions and the people running them, especially in the letters of Clark Brown and the missionaries themselves; Iowa Tribe (Bah Kho-je) mission property (for sale); Wm. P. Haworth no longer wants to buy mission to the Ottawa Tribe; news of Hominy mission from Daniel A. Williams (tells of a forced marriage, see letter of 7.13.1916); Rayner Kelsey working on his book "Friends and the Indians"; situation of the Osage (Wahzhazhe) Nation, their wealth and gambling (see letter of Clark Brown, 7.24.1916; Brosius, 7.21.1916); Lina Lunt back at the mission to the Kickapoo Tribe and resulting problems; Lina leaves, Rachel Kirk wishes to return to look after Elizabeth Test who can't be left alone; letters from Five Years Meeting (J.J. Mills); names of Friends prominent in work with Native Americans; information on the Monthly Meetings at the various missions (see Brown letter of 9.29.1916); Omar and Miriam C. Mendenhall going to work Wyandotte mission also letters addressed to: Clark Brown, from: the Fraziers re: leaving work at Wyandotte mission; Wm.P. Haworth re: Ottawa Tribe mission property; Frank and Allie Hatcher re: mission to the Otoe-Missouria Tribe (2 letters); C.M. Griffiths re: Ottawa Tribe mission property; Ray J. Miller re: wishes to buy mission near Perkins (3 letters) Horace J. Johnson, from: [C.B.] re: mission property sale Rayner Kelsey, from: Emeline H. Tuttle re: in answer to his questions about Asa and Emeline Tuttle's work with the Modoc Nation Roy J. Miller, from: [C.B.] re: buying mission property
(ca. 40 items: letters) Letters addressed to Edward M. Wistar. Correspondents include: 1917 - Clark Brown; James S. Davenport; Mary H. Freeman; Carl E. Grammer; George N. Hartley; Frank and Allie Hatcher; Rayner W. Kelsey; Thomas C. Moffett; Charles J. Rhoads; Ira Scott; Cato Sells; Jonathan M. Steere; Francis R. Taylor; Herbert Welsh; Carolena W. Wood; Charles L. Wooten 1919 - Erl A. Bates (Onondaga Indian Welfare Society) 1921 - Elmer E. Higley (Methodist Episcopal Church) 1922 - Phebe Anna Mendenhall (addressed to Mary Wistar) 1923 - Erl A. Bates 1926 - Erl A. Bates; John B. Hogue; Rayner W. Kelsey 1927 - Ruthanna M. Simms topics discussed include: 1917 Rayner W. Kelsey's book "Friends and the Indians" to be published Kickapoo people's burial custom of using a hollowed-out tree trunk news of mission to the Otoe-Missouria Tribe from Frank and Allie Hatcher exchange of dates customarily used by the Philadelphia Indian Aid Association and the Philadelphia Peace Association of Friends news of mission to the Kickapoo Tribe from Charles L. Wooten fitness of R.C. Allen to continue as National Attorney for the Creek Indians of Oklahoma Lina B. Lunt back at mission to the Kickapoo Tribe, suffering from tuberculosis letters from Home Missions Council circular letters from Cato Sells re: increased need for food production on Native American land due to U.S. entry into WWI; diplomas to be given to graduating Native American students (related to their being deemed "competent" to handle their own affairs) Seminole Indian Reservation bill signed by Gov. Catts of Florida 1919 conference under the auspices of the Onondaga Indian Welfare Society, etc. for the welfare of New York Native Americans 1921 Tunesassa 1922 Phebe Anna Mendenhall writes to Mary Wistar re: how helpful her husband was during his visit to "Wolf-Run House," Lycoming Co., Pa. 1923 New York Native Americans [Tunesassa School?] 1926 Tunesassa School [problem with what is to become of it?] 1927 lax law enforcement in Oklahoma, news of some missions in letter from Associated Executive Committee of Friends on Indian Affairs (Walter Smedley now chairman) also letters addressed to:Rayner W. Kelsey: from: J. Passmore Elkinton (copy of letter) John B. Hogue from: Erl A. Bates (copy of letter)
Associated Executive Committee of Friends on Indian Affairs (and Indian Aid Association) Annual Reports, 1894-1927 (ca. 17 items) includes: 1894 "The Twenty-fourth annual report. To the Indian Aid Association of Friends of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting." [11 p., typescript] 1895 "The Twenty-fifth annual report to the Indian Aid Association of Friends of Philadelphia." [10 p., typescript] 1907 "The Associated Executive Committee of Friends on Indian Affairs, a statement of information to the Five Years Meeting to be held at Richmond, Indiana in tenth month 1907." [5 p., typescript] 1908 "The Associated Executive Committee of Friends on Indian Affairs to [the] conference with Board of Indian Commissioners, Washington, D.C., Feby 1908." [3 p., typescript] 1909 "The Associated Executive Committee of Friends on Indian Affairs." (to the United States Board of Indian Commissioners) [2 p., typescript] - this gives list of missions, missionaries stationed there and P.O. address for each one 1910 "Report of the Executive Committee to the 41st annual meeting of the Indian Aid Association of Friends of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting." [8 p., typescript] 1912 "The Associated Executive Committee of Friends on Indian Affairs. 1869-1912. To the Five Years Meeting." [9 p., typescript]; "Extract from minutes of special meeting of the Indian Aid Association held 4 mo. 30, 1912." [holograph ms., 1 l.] 1913 "Philadelphia Indian Aid Association of the Society of Friends, 44th annual meeting, April 24, 1913." [33 p., typescript]; "Report to the 44th annual meeting of the Indian Aid Association of Friends of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting." [5 p., typescript] 1914 "45th annual meeting of the Philadelphia Indian Aid Association." [holograph ms., 4 p.] 1917 "Associated Executive Committee of Friends on Indian Affairs, 1869-1917, to the Five Years Meeting, 1917." [11 p., typescript]; "To the Associated Indian Committee." [holograph ms. of speech by E.M. Wistar, 5 p.] 1918 "To the 49th annual meeting of the Indian Aid Association of Friends of Philadelphia." [5 p., typescript] 1919 "To the Fiftieth annual meeting of the Indian Aid Association of Friends of Philadelphia." [2 p., typescript] 1920 "To the 51st annual meeting of the Philadelphia Indian Aid Association." [2 p., typescript] 1927 "Minutes of the annual meeting of the Associated Committee of Friends on Indian Affairs held at Richmond, Indiana, 10th month 17 and 18, 1927." [5 p., typescript]
Associated Executive Committee of Friends on Indian Affairs (and Indian Aid Association), Miscellaneous reports, 1898-1929 (ca. 23 items) includes: undated "The Denver Platform of The Society of American Indians" [2 p.] typescript; "Indian wars and local disturbances in the United States, 1782-1898" from Office of Indian Affairs, Dept. of the Interior, 4 p. typescript 1898 group of papers labeled on back by [Wistar] "Regarding Martin J. Bentley as Special Agent?" [30 p.]; includes sworn depositions [copies] from various Native Americans re: their conversations and contact with Bentley; includes typed copy of letter to Commissioner of Indian Affairs from the Kickapoo people; typed copy of report giving details of contract entered into between Wapameepto (Big Jim)'s band of Absentee Shawnees and W.S. Field (he to act as their attorney) [8 p.] 1900 copy [1900] of "transcript prepared by the Clerk of Jay County, Indiana, of the proceedings [1891-2] in the sale of real estate belonging to the estate of James K. Riffle." [19 p.] 1902 "Friends' Associated work for Indians. An epitome and glance at present conditions." [9 p., typescript] 1907 Paper on work with Native Americans [and] Friends. Mohonk Conference, Oct. 1907. [given by E.M. Wistar] [6 p., typescript] 1908 [committee (?) report on the situation of the Kickapoo people (given before Congress?)] [37 p., typescript]; gives historical background on the Kickapoo people and goes into great detail re: schemes of Martin J. Bentley and Walter S. Fields to defraud the Kickapoo people of their land 1910 "Address of Gen. R.H. Pratt, before the Yearly meeting of the Orthodox Friends at Twelfth Street Meeting House, Philadelphia, Penna., Thursday, evening, April 21, 1910." [24 p., typescript] 1913 letter to the editor of the American Friend (a report on the 44th annual meeting) [3 p., typescript and holograph]; "Treasurer's report, Associated Executive Committee of Friends on Indian Affairs. 1912-1913." [2 p., typescript] 1914 speech given by Wistar at annual meeting of Indian Committee? (ms. version of same speech in folder of June 1914 letters) [3 p., typescript] 1915 report on the Ogden Land Company (and Native Americans in New York) [4 p., typescript] 1916 "Control of the New York Indians" [1 p., typescript]; "I.R.A. office report, April 6th to May 3rd, 1916" [3 p., typescript]; "Report of the Washington Agency of the Indian Rights Association, February 25, 1916." [8 p., typescript]; "Washington Agency Indian Rights Association Report, April 1, 1916." [7 p., typescript]; "Report of the Washington Agency, April 29, 1916." [7 p., typescript] 1918 "To the Associated Indian Committee." [7 p., holograph ms.] 1919 "Proceedings of the Council of the Absentee Shawnee and Kickapoo Indians. Held at the School Buil[d]ing of the Shawnee Indian School, on Monday, November 17, 1919, ..." also "Petition for resumption of the Shawnee Indian School," "Reopening of the Shawnee Indian School," "Shawnee Indian School"; "To the Associated Indian Committee:" [Wistar's last address to them as chairman of the committee, Phila., 14th 4th mo. 1919] [6 p., typescript]; "Indian School Report." [26 p., typescript]; consists of 1 p. reports on Indian Schools prepared by Edith M. Dabb, Ethel Cutler and G.E.E. Lindquist; "Mission report - Indian Reservations and Schools" consists of copies of reports from Friends' missions, forms prepared by [Y.W.C.A.?] [6 p., typescript] 1926 material related to Tunesassa School - "Report on alternative plan of work at Tunesassa," "Proposed plan of work at Tunesassa" [typescript] 1929 "October, 1929 - Mohonk - Education as a missionary project" [typed text of a paper given by Wistar at Mohonk Conference? 4 p.] Folder 3 Associated Executive Committee of Friends on Indian Affairs, Monthly reports from the different mission stations, 1913-1919 (ca. 60 items) These reports are typed compilations/summaries of the work at the various missions. Each report gives some news about each mission from the missionaries stationed there plus some statistical information related to meetings, Bible school classes, funerals and marriages, etc. 1913 monthly reports, includes reports for March - December 1913 [for example, the missionaries for March are as follows: W.P. and A.C. Haworth at Shawnee, Okla.; Ivey C. and Hannah I. Clark at mission to the Modoc Nation; Charles L. and Martha Wooten at mission to the Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma (Bah Kho-je); J.L. and S.N. Mayo at mission to the Otoe-Missouria Tribe of Oklahoma; Elizabeth Test and Lina B. Lunt at mission to the Kickapoo Tribe of Oklahoma; Austin and Irene Hatcher at mission to the Absentee Shawnee Tribe; D.A. and Hattie E. Williams at mission to the Osage (Wahzhazhe) Nation. December's report also has: Harvey and Elizabeth Wallace at Seneca; Isaac and Laura M. Frazier at Wyandotte; Ivey C. and Hannah Clark at mission to the Ottawa Tribe and Modoc Nation] 1914 monthly reports, includes reports for January - December [note: November has Clark Brown at Shawnee] 1915 monthly reports, includes reports for January - December [note: November has Frank and Allie Hatcher at mission to the Otoe-Missouria Tribe; May has the Wootens at mission to the Kickapoo Tribe] 1916 monthly reports, includes reports for February - December 1917 monthly reports, includes reports for January, March - October [note: [February] has Omar and Miriam C. Mendenhall at Wyandotte mission; July has J.F. and Mary E. Mardock and Lina B. Lunt at mission to the Iowa Tribe (Bah Kho-je)] 1918 monthly reports, includes reports for January - March, June 1919 monthly reports, includes reports for June - October [note: October has Ivey and Hannah Clark at mission to the Absentee Shawnee Tribe; June has W.O. and Adah Magner at mission to the Osage (Wahzhazhe) Nation] also: June [probably 1927] and November reports with no year given